TimeChapter 27 free porn video

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I was up to almost three in the morning with the engineers. The atmosphere at 'Fish 'n' Chips Works' was contagious, to say the least. I had clean clothes and got up after a few hours' sleep and went to grade nine classes once more.

There was one more chuckle before I got to court. We had a surprise electronics quiz that dealt with current through a series of resistors.

Before the court started Derrick said, "Look at the faces of the lawyers."

"They don't look so sure of themselves today."

"Well, I made a few phone calls to your friends and they made a few more. I am afraid our opponents either had a sleepless night, or they took their phones off the hook."

"I guess that could do it."

"Oh, there is more. The lawyers do mostly what they are told, so the calls went to the city councillors and the school board."

The courtroom started to fill up much more than the few that occasionally came to see the case. Soon there was only standing room in the back. I went up to the people whom I knew or didn't know and thanked them for coming to see some justice done. Before the magistrate came out I warned them, "The wheels of justice were not very fast."

The magistrate had to settle the courtroom a few times when it looked like the board lawyers were being unfair to me or my cause. The last time it was loud enough that they were warned of expulsion. Mr Caversham, I saw, was very busy writing down what he saw and heard. He even gave me a big smile to show his support.

I guess for spite, I had to stay the entire day through all the things lawyers do to spend enough time to milk their clients for the most money. I went back to school a bit exhausted and stopped in on my girls. Natalie said, "You have to go to see Mr Ross. He has a test for you to do."

There were people around, so I just squeezed her hand and said, "Thanks."

Mr Ross did have a test and it took me only a few minutes to complete it. When I handed it in he looked at his watch, took a breath and said, "Thanks, Alex. If all my students were this smart I would be out of a job."

"Not at all. There are still lots to learn. I have not seen any data yet, so what I am going to say cannot be proven."

"Go ahead."

"If we made a graph of what was discovered each year since records started, I believe you would see a logarithmic progression. Recently, you might find out that it takes five short years to double all of man's previous knowledge. This is not going to stop. In a few years, man's knowledge will double in just a few months. This is where a teacher that is on top of current knowledge can really make a difference. This happens mostly in colleges and universities but there are many benefits to even a high school."

"Math doesn't change much, Alex."

"You are right about the subject but not necessarily in how it is taught. Anything new found in math is too difficult for high school students to understand. Every facet of the school and education will change and not just Science and Electronics. They can be improved with recent developments."

"What is new now?"

"A new transistor was made today that far supercedes any attempt by any lab before. It will change everybody's lives and the only way to deal with this juggernaut is to ride the crest of the wave it will produce."

"I haven't heard anything about this. Tell me more."

"It happened this morning, around one thirty I think."

Mr Ross thought for a second and smiled, "Another of your inventions?"

"Of course. It will affect your job, though. This is the first step in making a computer that others have started. Mine, however, won't need a roomful of expensive equipment and a horrendous amount of electricity. Mine could be powered by the sun and be many times more powerful. And what's more, it can be held in the palm of your hand."

"That is simply too amazing to really comprehend. Your imagination has a way of coming true. You wouldn't be talking to me if you didn't have some plan. What is it?"

"The transistors will be put together to form logic circuits. At first, they will be mounted on small phenol boards. I have some engineers but I want a representative from education to help when it comes online."


"A term for being powered up and then presented to the public. I want our school board to be in the forefront of technological change. To do this I need personnel that will not only embrace the change but help to get it firmly started. You will go into the history books, Mr Ross, if you are that person."

"It looks like you already found your place in the books."

"Hardly. That was only a footnote at best. If I hurry I can be the first person into space, then the first to set foot on the moon."

Helen came with me to Fish 'n' Chips and I showed her the transistors. To her they were black globs of epoxy with some small wires. We were both hustled off to another table where I looked through a microscope. I traced out the circuit and said, "Good work; I was hoping you guys would carry on. Who made this one?"

A tall thin electrical engineer behind the man I was speaking to was pulled forward. "I did, sir," he stammered.

His name was Josh Appleton, so I said, "The circuit has never been named, yet, so I think it should be called the Appleton Pair. More of these can be cascaded and it may be we can get everyone's name here on the circuits." I got a few smiles and even some nods of agreement.

We rode our bikes toward home and we found Aron waiting for us. He just smiled and pulled in behind us. When we got home I had to have a shower and when I came down a snack was waiting to tide me over till supper.

I chatted with Helen and Aron about their school. They were quiet about mine because I had simply spent too many hours away from school to pass. This didn't stop me asking Aron questions in general and ones I thought he would get on the tests and ones that he had not got right before.

Helen answered her questions while stirring some soup. She asked me in turn, about the party at the end of school.

"I have all the permits. The food is catered. Mario is going to set up a portable pizzeria with Izzy. Rita has some posters printed to notify everybody. Derrick has made up some bursary forms and I have to just get the cash or checks to pay the school and students. The other students have been paid on a weekly basis. Did I forget anything?"

"You should have one of those kitchen units on display for those who have not seen them. I heard you called them the kitchen of the future."

"We need one more thing for the kitchen of the future."

"What is that?"

"There is a microwave oven out now that is very expensive. It is six feet tall, needs a water supply to cool the tube and uses a fantastic amount of power."

"Are you going to make a better one?"

"Sure but there is basically only the tube to change and two simple parts to make."

That night I drew up the plans for the metal-jacketed tube. I could still use cutting edge technology of 2004 because of the satellites I put up. There was a bit of a problem getting them tuned to the right wavelength and keeping them there in temperatures close to absolute zero. This tube would actually be very simple and not cost the taxpayers of any country a penny.


It was raining when we went to school the next day and it well suited my mood. Aron went his way with a parting wave and Helen pedalled fast and through the puddles to the Fish 'n' Chips. The engineers were at work and I found out that they never quit. Some would go off to sleep for a while and then get up wondering what they had missed. There was something wrong with these people but I couldn't fault them because I was an engineer, too.

When we pulled in, the work stopped and most came close to see what I was going to say. In a moment the sleeping ones got up too rubbing their eyes.

"Good morning gentlemen. Since it appears that you don't want to go to your rooms, may I suggest that you phone Mario's or the hotel and get them to deliver breakfast on a regular basis. Go buy a large refrigerator and a hot plate, then go to a restaurant supply and buy a coffee urn. Send the bills to Helen MacNeil.

"Now, for why I came here." I brought out a sheaf of papers and had to push through the group to get to a table to display them. "This is the circuit for a much smaller, cheaper and more efficient microwave oven. The basic circuit is simple but we are going to develop two devices for it to function. First we need a very heavy high voltage diode that is capable of voltage doubling with a capacitor to get 5000 volts. The notes say how to make this. The second device is going to give you troubles but it is basically a transistor that will act as a switch. This switch will continue to conduct even when the polarity changes. I was going to call it a triac for its three parts. You can decide among yourselves who will get the final name."

"The Klystron is now used but I want a Magnetron system for microwave production. It is very different and here are its properties. See if you can make one for me. We only have 25-cycle power here, so buy a portable generator that will give 60. They are rare, so you might have to look far and wide and end up buying one from the United States. Don't even look in New York State, because they are running 25 cycles like us.

"Now, the tube has a lot of minor changes and it is not patented yet. Keep this a secret like the rest. Now for the dangers. Microwaves are non-ionizing energy but they will still cook you. If any of you play the fool, I will fire your ass out the door no matter how good you are. You heard me talk about safety and I am not kidding. The voltage is high enough to kill, too.

"Now to another heating source. Ontario Hydro is converting almost everything to sixty hertz. Find a few small commercial radio transmitters that we can still use with twenty five hertz. We will not be converting this part of the province for a few years yet. Ten kilowatts should be enough. I am going to use it to melt the silicon billets that we are making. This should remove almost all the minor impurities.

They had stopped asking how I knew things and it seemed that they accepted me as someone like their professor. This was reinforced when I had to teach them new equations the day before to mathematically explain what was just happening now.

They didn't read the text but pointed out some enlarged drawings and I had to explain what I wanted.

Helen called me and I saw that she was excluded from the group. These were engineers and some even needed to be told when to bathe. It was getting late and I closed the raincoat and we pedalled off to school.

There was no time to go around and say good morning and I went right to class. Today was special, for the finals were upon us. It looked like the teachers and possibly Mr Corfu, were helping, for I could finish my History test and I had time to do the Geography and English comp, all before I had to go to court.

During lunch Mr Corfu sat in the mostly dry park with Derrick and me while watching me complete Electricity, English Lit, Draughting, Science and Machine Shop while eating. French and Math would be waiting for me when the court was let out. This was very quick and I was glad in a way that it happened this way. Perhaps next year I could do it the same way and save me a lot of time.

Mr Macmillian seemed to have a gloat at what he had done but in truth now there was nothing further he could do.

Bookmark October 30, 2005

Derrick drove me to school and I thanked him for all his help. One part was finished in my life and even if I had to repeat it, this year was almost over.

Math and French didn't take long, even if there were a few essay questions about how a certain process worked. I thanked Mr Corfu for his help and he said, "You are very welcome Alex. The board may give me some words but they can't stop me from giving you the tests." I felt really close to the man and since he was close I hugged him. He had shown a lot of compassion and at some risk to his job.

School was officially over for me. The rest of the week was devoted to tests. It felt good that nobody even asked me to keep the tests secret to make the exams fair. For good or bad, it felt good to get away from school.

On impulse I went to see the motor home. It was now open and smelled of glue. The paneling was all in and done very well. Cabinets had been installed and all had a special catch to keep them closed when the home was moving along the road. The engine and air conditioner were in place but there was no furniture, not even the driver's chair.

The vehicle seemed to be alive in some fashion and this made me happy. With a wave I left the men to their jobs and went home.

On the way I thought again of what was ahead of me. Oil was going to make me fabulously rich. Games would make millions but that was only pocket change. Medicine would make billions but electronics would make me many more billions. Electronics led to weapons systems that could make me a goodly amount of change. Retailing would only give me ten to fifteen billion a year in the old inflated money. Most of the other businesses would be run at a very low margin so that they could simply be afforded by most of humanity.

I stayed home just long enough to eat, shower and dress. With thirteen men working hard, it was imperative that I work with them. Some of the reason was to bond with a research team that would have to carry on when I was working elsewhere. Part of this, I had to admit, was working with a group of inquisitive and young minds even if they appeared older than me.

I could now work full time or until I had to work on another project. Things did look better.

Wednesday Thursday and Friday

Heavy-duty diodes were our goal and by Wednesday we had made some success but the units kept burning out under a fraction of the voltage and current I wanted to subject them to. I found some paper used for a tablecloth and wrote with a black marker. This was good in a way because I had a written record of what I had said. It could be unrolled later and checked. This reminded me of scrolls used by Greeks and Romans but we used ours sideways, usually.

Food was shipped in and the group changed a bit from time to time. I had a few hours' sleep and was awoken. Our diode now worked, or at least it did for over a minute. There was a metal heat sink that had to be enlarged because the purity of materials was still poor. This in turn made for more resistance and thus more of a voltage drop. Some had shorted out and some had even burst into flame. The heat in many cases had cracked the underlying material.

The men all congratulated each other and since it was four in the morning I told them all to get some sleep. The project looked interesting, too but luckily common sense prevailed and I went to sleep too.

Friday, around eight PM, Laura and Natalie came in to check on me. Natalie was blunt and said, "You guys stink. What have you been doing?"

I looked up at the beautiful ladies and didn't know just what to say. We had worked till we had to sleep and then got up after getting the minimum necessary. I looked around and saw food in various stages of decomposition on the workbenches and the men looked like shit. They all needed a shave and I felt my own chin self-consciously.

Natalie was tapping her foot on the cement floor and then had to move it, for there was some food under her shoe. "You guys are all pigs." She looked at Laura and said, "Call Mike Stoner and see if he will drive these... boys to their hotel to get cleaned. We may have to burn their clothes."

The men left to use the single washroom to clean up and I didn't even try to get close to give the girls a hug or a kiss. "We did get some interesting things done," I said. "The boys and I were working hard to make your life easy."

"Not if women have to clean up after you. Speaking of cleaning up: is there a fire hose around here?"

I ignored her comment and picked up a cardboard box and started throwing old food into it. We probably would have died if there had not been a refrigerator delivered as a result from a single phone call. I found a broom and started to clean up the things on the floor. There were a lot of fried diodes and transistors. The triacs were an elusive quality. The boys were amazed when one finally worked but it soon burnt out. This wouldn't happen in a good lab because they would try to discover as much information as they could before it finally gave up its existence. I knew they would work hard to make these poor specimens function to the best they could.

We worked right up till Mike honked his horn outside. We grew a few more crystals and turned off the heat to the machines and let them cool for the first time in days.

I locked up the place and Natalie would not allow me into her car so I had to ride with the rest of the cattle in the back of the open stake truck. It looked like a bunch of farm labourers coming back from picking fruit. I used an empty room at the hotel. It was not as nice as the Clarkson but that was to be understood. The water was hot, though and the towels clean. This was enough for now.

Natalie herded me into her car and the three of us went to her apartment. Helen and the rest were there and turned up their noses at my condition. The 'Works' was hot and the clothes must stink from my sweat. I had to take another bath with Linda, which I accepted with as much decorum as I could portray. When I got out, the girls were all naked and the bed was turned down.

Laura said, "You have duties. You wanted me for your wife and we have had to do without for too long."

I took a still-damp Linda to bed first, because she had just worked hard to get me clean and hard. At eleven I had a short rest, then, with a bit of food and drink, I did it all again.


I woke up alone Saturday and looked at the clock. I was surprised because it was ten thirty and the party would be starting soon. I had a bad headache and stumbled to the bathroom. On the way I found my good clothes on a chair. The drying process had just begun when I heard the door open and a lot of female voices speaking from the other room.

The girls saw me and unceremoniously started to dress me as if I was a child. I was a little upset at this but let the girls have their fun. This changed when certain parts of my anatomy were kissed just before my pants were pulled up.

My hair was combed and they even put some Brylcreem in it, because they thought it looked good that way. I had to look in the mirror and would live with the results even if it wasn't me. Even Elvis had his hair done similar, I thought as I went out onto the street with the girls.

We went in two cars to the park and I found it packed. I think the entire city was there for this event. People whom I'd never seen before shook my hand. Mothers introduced me to their daughters and old men supporting themselves on canes patted me on the back.

We circulated like a pack till we picked up Rita and her girls; then we circulated even more. I felt like a head of state with his bodyguards hovering around to make sure I remained safe. That reminded me that Kevlar had not been invented yet and I smiled at the prospects even though I knew next to nothing about this.

Rita dragged the group over to a large temporary structure. The wind was just right now and I could smell the hot, fresh pizza and I was instantly hungry. Rita shamelessly pushed her way through the throng and into the large area with the staff. Not all the girls could fit.

Rita said, "Look at what daddy and Izzy did. Isn't it great?"

The shelter must have been sixty feet square and had four large ovens. Large wood tables had all the fixings and there was even two large power mixers making new dough. There must have been twenty people working there and they did nothing but cut pizza up and serve it on a paper plate with a paper napkin.

I could hear the children being told to put the plate in the garbage after. More comments were made for more slices but the rule seemed to be one piece per customer, at least till they came back again.

"The operation looks very professional," I told Rita. "Did you have a hand in the planning of this?" Her eyes sparkled so I knew I had said the right thing. I was given a piece of pizza and it was stolen after only one bite. This was ok, because it was stolen from Helen after one bite, too.

I complimented Mario and he hugged his daughter and he said how it was all her doing. Rita was glowing like one of the overheated parts we had been working on. He intercepted a tray of pizza. Soon all my girls had their own piece and I had the chance to eat one myself.

Josh Appleton was at the head of one line and from the sauce on his chin I saw that he had been here before. Behind and beside him were the rest of the engineers. When he saw us he waved but the noise was a bit too loud to hear adequately.

Laura whispered, "I invited them. You kept them caged all that time."

I whispered back, "You did very well Mrs Kramer." Laura just melted against my side and I held her hand and steadied her body.

Derrick found me a half-hour later and said loudly, "They are ready for you to do the presentations."

I just nodded and followed him to a makeshift platform. When I climbed up the steps some girls from my school clapped their hands and called, "Alex."

The microphone was now live and I started to talk but just inanities so that people would have a chance to stop and listen if they wanted to. Traffic around Mario's did not lessen but I did start into the reason for this party.

From memory I called teachers and students to come forward. The stage was small so they had to come up in turn so I could thank each for what they had done. It was an odd feeling to give some papers to a teacher or even Mr Corfu when in grade thirteen they would be doing the reverse to me.

Same as Time
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The story of Dan Jane Ch1

Dan and Jane have been married for 10 years. Dan is 46 and it’s fair to say that he is punching. Jane is 32 and if honest she was attracted to Dan because of his money and the life that he could offer her. She was fit when they met and she’s as fit, sexy and attractive now. Jane has shoulder length blonde bobbed hair, is a size 8 with natural, firm 36dd tits. Dan keeps himself in shape for his age, his wealth enables him to eat well, go to the gym often and have a personal trainer, he’s...

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B Grade

It all started when I got this report from that fancy school Julia sends my kid Rico to, like he suddenly gets a B for English of all things, and there's some dumb comment that if he did his homework then he might get an A. Now, I don't pay some dumb ass teacher for crap like that, do I? Its disrespectful and for a legit businessman like myself with entirely legit enterprises in the entertainment and security businesses on the East Coast and in Sicily, it causes embarrassment and a...

2 years ago
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Just Flashing

Behind The Bamboo Curtain "Mike, Mike - check out what's behind door number one." I was helping my neighbor Rick install a skylight. I turned and followed the direction of his gaze over the peak of the garage roof. Less than twenty feet away, framed by the French doors of the guest bedroom was a pair of legs - beautiful legs. Rick's sister-in-law Gwen was visiting and I certainly had no objections to seeing her in all her glory. The only problem was a matchstick sunshade hanging down...

2 years ago
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Not every Monday sucks

Cheryl and I have shared many fantasies with each other during our Monday morning coffee dates. Some of them have even come true. This one particular Monday I was feeling a bit more raunchy than usual the weekend was crap so I made some last minute calls to arrange for some additional relief. Cheryl arrived and could tell that something was up but I gave no answer to her question I just led her to the kitchen for our coffee and some small talk. After a short while the doorbell rang and I told...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 315

Say thanks to the GuardianKnight ‎for this group: A new batch for you. You may need to add a little whitespace since I don’t submit things here I am not sure if you need more separation that this: Q. Why did the carpenter’s wife leave him? A. Because he was screwing around when he should have been nailing her. Q. If a bluebird has blue babies and a redbird has red babies, what kind of bird has no babies? A. A swallow. Q. Did you hear about the woodworker who fell into a vat of...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Lexi Luna Frat Bro Schooled By StepMom

Van used to be such a sweet step son until he moved away from home and joined a frat. When he returns home for a visit, he thinks he can continue his misogynistic behavior. Lexi reminds him that this is not his frat house. And she is not his mom. She is his fucking step mom. She makes Van do chores the rest of the weekend while she holds onto his phone as collateral. When the weekend comes to a close, and he needs his phone bag, Lexi charges him with one last task. Any training on respecting...

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A young girl seduces her friends brother

I sat by the table, looking at him as he walked towards the kitchen. I held my breath and felt butterflies emerge in my stomach, he was so cute, so desirable. His eyes flickered toward mine and I giggled, looking down at the table and putting my hand over my mouth. When I looked up he was already gone and standing in the kitchen. His sister was sitting next to me, laughing at my reaction to seeing him. “Did he notice me?” I whispered, trying to see if I could see him in the kitchen. “I don’t...

2 years ago
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An English House Party Ch 04

‘Where is she off to?’ Nora voiced, just as their host started after Penelope. The Viscount waved at them dismissively. ‘They’re childhood friends. They used to challenge each other to races all the time. Now you mentioned…’ ‘They are a handsome pair.’ The Earl commented to Emma. Their horses were several yards away from the Viscount and Nora Ferguson’s. ‘Jason and your sister, I mean.’ ‘Do you think so? ‘I understand you grew up together.’ The memories were fond ones, and it brought a...

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Bunco Squad

Once a week, usually on Tuesday night, my mom went out for the evening and my Aunt Bess stayed in the house. Aunt Bess was Mom's little sister, which still put her about twenty years older than I was. My Dad died when I was ten, and my aunt lived with us for a year and a half while Mom got our household affairs in order and got herself a job. After that it was just Mom and me, except on Tuesday nights. I asked Mom what the deal was, and she explained it was called Bunco and was a wives game...

3 years ago
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An Erotic Journey With Mom And Dad

“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever.I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch02

Chapter: February ‘Love (and Lust) is in the Air’ *** Ever get a feeling of intense guilt when you’re not sure exactly what it is that you’re supposed to be guilty of, a sense that an apology is demanded in a situation where you’re dead certain an apology would only make things worse? Oil on water, Jahn thought, gaping at the shrieking girl before him. Woman, he mentally corrected himself. Both of them, however small and slender they were, could not be mistaken for anything other than women....

2 years ago
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Doc and the PornstarChapter 13

Monday night after work at the partnership and Jasmine’s classes we went out to dinner at Joey-D’s. I asked Jasmine, “I forgot to ask last night, but how much did you tell Haley about us?” I intentionally left the question a little vague and open-ended. Jasmine chuckled, “Enough to intrigue her into coming back I hope. I told her that we were both libertines when it came to sex, and that while we loved each other we also had close friends who shared similar viewpoints. I think she understood...

2 years ago
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Mothers and Sons Chapter 1 Date Night Part 1

Several of my closest girlfriends had confessed to me over the years that they were having sex with their sons. I never judged them for that or thought less of them as friends. They told me that Roger and I were going to become lovers too when he got a little older, but I didn't believe them at the time. When it did happen, I decided to start this journal. My girlfriends thought that writing about the love affairs between mothers and sons was a great idea and asked me if I would include their...

4 years ago
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The King in Yellow Chapter Twenty

Katya closed the door of the interrogation room behind her and walked right up to the bars separating her safe zone from where Dmitri sat in his iron manacles and strait-jacket. She unbelted her tunic dress and let it slide from her soft, tanned shoulders to kneel before him - nude but for her high-heeled boots and stockings - her hands clasped behind her and eyes meekly downcast. “You are naked for me” said Dmitri, “but still you have me brought here in chains”. “I am sorry” stammered Katya...

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The Husband

Sally met her hubby when she was young but even though he controlled everything in her life he was good to her and loved her. He loved showing off her sexy body. She was very small with big tits and a great round ass. He always wanted a sexy wife and she was perfect. Many times when they were driving in the car he would tell her to get naked because he wanted drivers to see how sexy his wife was. He wanted her to show off her big boobs for all the truckers who drove by and looked in their car....

2 years ago
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"The kids are staying with friends tonight, so it'll be just you and me tonight!" Patricia offered. "That's great! I've been missing you, my love!" I replied. "What are you doing?" " I'm just lying here on our bed, naked, thinking about you," she expained. "Really? Tell me about your body," I asked excitedly. "Well, I've got my makeup and lipstick on, and I look pretty hot. My tits are nice and round and firm, and I've been playing with my nipples. They're getting...

2 years ago
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Second Date Pussy Boy Creampie

When they say 'you can't go home again' I never realized they meant you could go home but everything will be different. As for me, well after getting out of the service and then bumming around LA for another couple of years with nothing to show for it, I decided to go back to my hometown. The city was the same, old and boring but my old friends had changed. They all had married or moved, hell even my old job had moved as the factory had closed down.I was sitting in my old room looking through...

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daughters coming out

growing up I knew I was not your typical young teenager,I was sort of confused as to my sexuality. I liked boy's and I liked girls,but with girls it was mostly touching.I talked to my Mom about being Bi-Sexual but she was no help,she said I should speak with Dad since he could relate with my feeling's,which i found to be odd.One day while in my room relaxing ,Dad came in and said Mom had spoken to him and he should have a talk with me.I told him about my feeling's and confusion.He said he could...

3 years ago
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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 9

“Oh my God,” Claire couldn’t believe what she saw in her Luke’s Bedroom. She had seen a lot in the last few weeks. She had been spanked every day and begged her own children to allow her to masturbate. She had the decency to do it in another room away from them. Now, she was walking in on her eldest daughter sucking her son’s cock in his bedroom. Hailey’s legs were splayed apart, revealing her juicy little pussy. Luke finger banged her and played with her tits while she dutifully sucked him...

4 years ago
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Mami Ki Gaand Mari

This is Ahsan From Islamabad I am a regular reader of erotic stories & want to share my real story with u all. I am 5.8” tall with good body aged 32 yrs. Once I am outside my house my mami rang me a call on my Cell and told me to visit her house as mama is injured while coming down from steps. I told my father about this and left for her home which was in some where in Nizamabad village 245kms from my house. I went there on my car with some cloths and money. At 5:00pm in the evening I reached...

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hardcore afternoon at the crowder ave arcade pt 1

out side, a very hot, humid, new orleans summer saturday, inside, where i have been cruising the the video arcade and theater, it is comfortably cool. of course, as the silky texture of my high french cut bikini panties moves against my swelling hot clit, which is tightly cinched down with cock ring and seperator harness, and is tucked snugly back between my legs, i've gotten very hot, even in the loose fitting light shorts and silk hawian shirt i am wearing over my panties, training bra, and...

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Nikki part 11

I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and wring my hands together to stop them from shaking. "Remember," the studio researcher says, placing a calming hand on my hands. "Just stay calm, answer each question you're asked clearly. Everyone out there WILL be on your side. And don't forget to smile!" I nod and take another deep breath, returning the young woman's comforting smile. I take one final second to prepare myself before hearing the words that tell me that preparation time is...

2 years ago
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Getting Some Asian PussyChapter 5

Finally, Tom couldn't hold off any longer. Susie had really learned how to suck cock well and she'd just given him as good a blowjob as he'd ever had. He moaned loudly that she was going to make him shoot off, and as Susie heard that she made sure she didn't miss a single drop of Tom's spurting cum. The first blast shot powerfully from the head of his cock, down into Susie's swallowing throat and it was quickly followed by four more powerful spurts of semen before his orgasm began to...

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My red lips for Barbara

I was so fucking horny that afternoon sitting at my desk.My loving husband had not touched me in two weeks and I really needed a hard cock to satisfy my aching pussy. I had gone to the bathroom, where I had slid my fingers inside my thong to rub my clit and push my fingers into my soaking wet cunt. I loved the feeling as my clit swelled up under my touch and my fingers fucked my dripping cunt. At my own desk I could spread my legs properly and give myself the relief I so desperately craved. I...

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Indian Summer Sequel to My crush turned into my

The next day i woke up early and eager to go to summer school, i couldn't stop thinking about Karithy and her fat ass and her puffy pussy and her D cup tits, with nice big aureola's that are like a rack track for my dick head and tongue to circle around on. I got dressed and was on my way to school, i texted Karithy, and said, "hey sweetness i cant wait to see you today where something i would like to see you in" she responded back, OK i will xoxo. I was walking to the main entrance and saw...

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The niece 5 ndash Shower with mom

In my last installment, I shared a special event that happened while my niece was feeding her baby. This ended with the weirdest sentence she had ever told me. She had mentioned that I might be surprised to what my sister, her mom, might be opened to. 

I left it at that. My sister, as I said, is probably the straightest gal I know. Divorced, she had never remarried, probably dated a few times but I’m sure that was it. Now my sister is nobody’s fantasy. While she’s pretty, she’s bone thin, and...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 23 Finding My Way

January-February 1978 The following Monday, I tried to keep the conversations away from sex and relationships. I was largely successful, though Kellie clearly wanted another date. I was pretty sure Mary was entertained by the situation, though Jennifer was not. I had the feeling that things were worse than I’d thought. I had to talk to someone and I decided I would co-opt the tutoring session again. I was coming to a crossroads. I had no idea if I would turn right or left or go straight....

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Crotch Lake Day 5

Day 5 ThursdayKen called a camp meeting after breakfast. “Does anyone have any regrets about last night?”I admitted, “At the time, I wasn’t crazy about the idea of the girls holding me down and my wife feeding me your cum.”Karen leaned across the table and gave me a sweet little kiss. “You didn’t seem to mind very much when it was my pussy you were cleaning up.”“Okay, you got me there. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. Now that I’ve experienced the pleasure it gives the ladies, I just...

Wife Lovers
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Business trip leads to affair with colleague

Riya usually maintains some distance among the male colleagues in our office but pretty chill with me as she trusts me. She is medium-built and has normal height with silky hair way beyond her shoulders. [email protected] I will be waiting to hear from the readers. And thank you for the good responses to my previous story.

3 years ago
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Did It Really Happen Part 4

In a matter of weeks, I’d gone from staid English housewife to some kind of insatiable slut. In the hours before David got home from China, I tried to reason with myself. I tried to convince myself that I would turn over a new leaf, I’d be pleased to see him, I’d try to reinvent our sex life, I’d probably try to stay away from meeting with Sheila quite so much. “All with the best of intentions.” I heard myself almost speaking it out loud as my fingers massaged my clit. Silently, I shuddered as...

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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Chapter 1

Even though my son Brandon was nineteen and in his second year of college, he still liked to alternate the years he spent holidays with me and his dad. This year was my year for Thanksgiving, and since my parents were in Sarasota for the winter, Brandon and I were left to fend for ourselves. Or so I thought. “Hey, Mom,” Brandon said to me when he came in for the holidays. “I know we have plans for Turkey Day this year, but Kellie invited me to her dad’s house, and …” I knew this day would...

2 years ago
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15 Minutes is NOT Enough

In 1968 Andy Warhol posited ‘In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.’ Of course neither he nor Marshall McLuhan had ever heard of twitter or Paris Hilton and the sex-tape Kardashian family. As all great geniuses they were simply imagining the post-industrial, post-propaganda world where a simple hand-held digital device would completely democratize media. They imagined a world just like today in which virtually anyone (even those undeserving of legitimate celebrity) can...

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Angel and Domenic

Domenic: Hello, dear. Angel: Hello. Domenic: How r u doing? Angel: I’m good. I’m a bit turned on, tho. Domenic: Oh? Angel: Yeah. Y else would i b here? That made me laugh. This girl was clever. We talked for a few more minutes then roleplayed some hot sex scenes that made me marvel at how intense this girl could be. She loved name calling and rough sex and toys of all kinds. By the time she was ready to finish my cock was harder than it’d ever been in my entire life. We both came at...

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Mandys Milk

ADULT. Not for selling. By Jay Jay1: Accidental Introduction Mandy could not believe she was falling victim to her own devices. Had she never pushed her father into the 21st century, she would not be in the predicament she is today. Mandy was born and raised on the family farm. She had left to go to college and had returned after gaining dual degrees in Computer Technology and Financial Accounting. But in the five years since she had left the fourth generation dairy farm; it had become...

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Extending the FamilyChapter 2 First Punishments

“Well, I guess I have to fuck you now, asshole,” Jaime blurted petulantly, as soon as the door closed. “Hah! Well, as irresistable as that offer may seem, slut,” I said sarcastically, standing. “I just came down Jessica’s lovely throat, so I think I’ll pass. But I should probably remind you who’s in charge here, so how about I spank you, instead.” After the beating they had just endured, I hadn’t actually planned on hitting either of them, but seeing her sudden look of fear and submission,...

1 year ago
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So, the other night I go to the bar with some friends. Just me and the girls, laughing, drinking and dancing. I'm sitting at the bar to have a beer, when I see this good looking black guy making his rounds. I recognize the logo on his shirt as a place a friend of mine used to work at. I ask him to come by me as I ask him if he knew my friend. He said yes and we chatted about her for a few minutes. The music grew louder to please the crowd, which made it hard for us to hear each other. I...

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Young Master Ch 01

It was supposed to be the best day of my life...and maybe it was, but definitely not in the way I planned.My 21st birthday...my first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor...my first day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not very manly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to play with had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about to open the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officially being a man in my...

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