Using My Computer
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
November 20, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
Tonight was the first of three nights that Dad will be taking part in some large math meeting at the university, so the seven of us were eating dinner without him.
“Sandy,” Carol said, “I’ve been thinking about our planned shopping trip with the girls on Wednesday. I think we should just drop them off and pick them up when they’re done.”
“But how would they pay for ... Oh, you probably thought of this. We drop an infusion of cash into the accounts of one or more of our daughters’ accounts and they can just use their card or cards.” Mom looked around the table briefly, then back at Carol, and added, “I can do that at the bank tomorrow and set it up so that they won’t have any trouble paying for the clothes, even if it winds up being a lot of money.”
“Yes. That was my thought.” Carol turned to us and asked, “Would you girls be comfortable with that?”
Rhee piped up immediately with, “Sure, Mom. We can do that. I know we don’t want anyone getting any odd ideas about Dad and us, and this will certainly help in that endeavor.”
She looked around among the Go5, getting nods, then she furrowed her brow in obvious thought.
“It might be best if we each paid for our own clothes. Sandy, you can put some of that money in Gracey’s and Liya’s accounts, right? Doesn’t that come with the ... power of attorney or whatever you have that allows you and Dad to act in Gracey’s and Liya’s steads?”
Mom nodded, saying, “Yes, and your idea has merit ... a lot of it. I’ll move some money into each of your accounts. I’ll be generous with that in order to cover the bases. I think you’d slightly ruin the effect of this ... maskirovka if one or more of your cards were declined. It would work best if it appeared that you were carefree rich girls.”
“That’s what I was thinking,” answered Rhee.
“In fact, I think I’ll set up some subsidiary accounts for you five specifically for this sort of thing. That way, you won’t have to balance your regular accounts, since we Moms are paying for the clothes. Yes. That’s the ticket. These accounts are solely for sexy clothes and other similar sorts of stuff.”
Liya stood, walked around the table to Sandy, induced Sandy to turn her chair 90 degrees, then straddled Mom’s lap and hugged her tightly for 20 seconds or so, then leaned back. She looked into Mom’s eyes, then slowly moved her face forward and kissed Sandy while subtly rubbing her breasts on Mom’s.
When she pulled back again, Liya said, “You really, really want Celeste in the family, don’t you?”
Mom looked at her, then answered, “Yes, I do. She is so gorgeous and so sexy, and I would really love to watch Charlie make love with her.”
“A few months ago, I would have objected strenuously to the plan you just outlined regarding our bank accounts and clothes and...” She turned her head toward Carol and asked, “Are you on board?” When Carol nodded at her, she turned back to Sandy, saying, “We, individually and collectively, have come to agree with you and in a discussion we had last night, we decided to support your efforts. However, we have something of a demand.”
Liya looked at Sandy, then at Carol, who gave a “let’s-hear-it” nod.
“If we’re adding Celeste and, presumably, Meka at some point in the future, the ratio of Charlie to us gets skinny. While Dad has to agree because we don’t want anything like a slave situation, we think that any one of the seven of us, or the eight of us, or the nine of us need to be able to initiate sex with Dad whenever we want, else any one of us might find herself somewhat on the outside looking in. We think there should still be occasional ‘Anything Goes’ days for Dad, but most of the time, we women need to be a bit more in control of this than Dad.”
When Carol started to respond, Liya held up her hand, then said, “We girls still have our school rule in effect, and we also will continue having sex, making love with each other, so we won’t be hogging him. We’re not sure, but we think that Dad will be fine with responding to ... advances from his wives and girlfriends, rather than initiating a lot. Even though we really like it when he’s spontaneous and initiates loving, we all know how cautious he is in that vein, but how receptive he is to any of us. You know him best. Would that work?”
Sandy immediately pulled Liya in tightly and kissed her hard; Liya kissed her back hard. When Sandy pulled back, she looked at Carol and elevated her eyebrows in question.
Carol responded, “That’s precisely where my thinking has been of late, and for the same reasons. Also, we now have a few months of data concerning you girls’ access to him, and those data show that my sister-wife and I are not getting less sex, less loving, but a bit more, even, than before we removed restrictions. He is nearly always interested. He’s had some days off since the two days off after hitting 100 days straight, but we have no complaints. I have also come to be very much interested in Celeste for the same reasons that Sandy is: She’s simply fucking gorgeous and sexy. While I don’t have quite the need to watch Charlie with her that Sandy has, I would not at all mind watching the two of them together with some sort of frequency. And I would certainly love to make love with Celeste and her wonderful mind and very sexy body. To reiterate the point, I agree with your supposition that Charlie would be quite fine with simply reacting, taking most or all opportunities that come his way with any or all of his wives and girlfriends.”
“Speaking of that,” interjected Gracey, “what status would Celeste and/or Meka have?”
Carol looked at Sandy, who pointed her chin back at her, so she responded, “Girlfriends. At least for now. I don’t see adding any wives, but I am fully cognizant that my or our opinions on the subject may change. However, if they were to change, we would probably have to reconsider various living arrangements and house footprints, because Charlie should have his wives living with him. And, please, let’s not start down the slippery slope of talking about how we would deal with more wives, as I suspect strongly that there will be no additional wives in anything like the near-term future, if for no other reason than that Charlie would probably object strenuously to such. Let’s simply agree among ourselves as ... his women that we’ll need to discuss with him in the future his future of mostly responding to sexual come-ons rather than initiating love or sex, himself.”
“That is an important point,” Sandy replied, “as, given specific living situations, a very high percentage of the sex Charlie will have with his girlfriends will be public.”
Heather replied, “Yes. We’ve discussed that aspect, too. We’ll still insist that each girlfriend get occasional nights by herself with him, but we’re perfectly fine with most of our sex with him being ... not behind a closed door. In fact, I suspect that, with any girlfriend additions, the amount of public sex in this house will climb dramatically, and that’s probably what Sandy wants, anyway.”
There was much chuckling and Sandy said, “Oh, god, yes.”
Heather continued, “At some point, with one or both bedrooms in the other house occupied, we might want to consider how to get Dad his own room for overnights, but that can wait until we see how any girlfriend additions shake out. Finally, if or when any new girlfriend is added, we need to have the talk with Dad about ... female choice. I don’t want this sprung on him with no input.”
November 21, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
“Did you see how much Sandy put in our new accounts?”
I looked up from my homework to look at Liya in the BRH doorway and replied in the negative.
“Fifteen hundred bucks! At least, that’s what’s in mine!”
I was dumbfounded, jaw slack, eyes wide.
“Wait a minute,” Heather said as she was tapping at her laptop. After a minute, she said, “Holy shit! Same here!”
Rhee chuckled, then said, “Sandy really wants to watch Dad with Celeste!”
Liya asked, “This doesn’t bother you?”
“No, because we don’t have to spend it all. I can see her point. If we find really cool stuff that we might actually wear more than once, but which is pricey, we’re covered. And I suggest that most or all of anything we buy for this ‘competition’ [air quotes] with Celeste be something we would actually wear more than once. Anything else is just wasteful.”
November 22, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written November 24]
The Moms dropped the five of us at the store at which we shopped when the Moms were trying to get Dad involved with the Go5. I would not have thought it possible at that first visit, but I had been looking forward to this trip. We girls had decided that we’d act as if we were dressing for each other hoping to suggest to staff and customers that might see us or overhear us that we were lesbians. Of course, on some level, we are, but we were hoping to defray any possibility of splashing anything onto Dad. Among the five of us, we spent over $2000. Some of it was for “everyday” sexy wear, but most of it would cover us for a couple months of a “competition” with Celeste.
Meka joined us for dinner and Carol asked her if she’d be joining us tomorrow when Celeste was here for her weekly dinner with us.
“Yup. I’m looking forward to it. I missed seeing her last week when I had to study. I like her. She’s fun and seems to fit with this odd second family of mine.” She turned to Sandy, then asked, “Would there be any chance my dad could stay at the other house occasionally under the same conditions as at the hotel?”
I quickly looked at Mom; she had a loving smile on her face.
“Yes, actually. We asked about that when we set up last weekend. The home said that it should not be frequent, but once a month or so, at least while he still has most or all of the faculties that he has now, would be okay. Would you like us to set that up?”
Meka closed her eyes as she lifted her face to the ceiling and inhaled deeply. After a few seconds, she lowered her head, opened her eyes, and nodded.
“Thank you, Sandy. Thanks to all of you. I just cannot say how much I appreciated spending the night with him on Saturday. Being able to spend time with him away from that place once a month would be a dream come true. I know he’s better off there, but it always feels like they stole my dad from me.”
There were more than a few sniffles and eyes being wiped.
“I’ll put just one stipulation on that,” stated Sandy. “We’d like the two of you to join us for dinner on those nights.”
Meka’s eyes leaked, but there was a crooked smile on her face as she nodded emphatically.
“On a different note, dinner dress on Celeste’s nights has become ... very ... casual, you might say, although not this week, for obvious reasons. We will be spending a bit of time in the hot tub, and you’re more than welcome to join us there, so bring a suit or something.”
November 23, 2017
We all wore at least some clothes we had bought yesterday. Rhee was wearing an apricot midi that was opaque from shoulders to just below her breasts and from about halfway between her belly button and her mons to the hem. The middle portion was a fairly wide mesh exhibiting her trim belly; she wore no undies. Gracey wore a bright yellow, scoop-neck mini with medium gray highlights, and no undies. About the inside upper quarter of each of her breasts were easily visible, with more visible when she leaned over. Liya opted for a silky, pearlescent top somewhat like one that Mom bought her back when. However, this one was a one-shoulder top that tapered from right shoulder and just above the right hip to just a cuff on her left bicep. It covered her left breast with an inch or so to spare both above and below but exposed her belly button and much of her belly. She paired it with one of her old, short, wrap-around skirts, this one a subdued fuchsia (if that’s a thing), over a medium gray, very brief, modal brief. Heather looked delectable in a new, very tight and very short emerald dress. The sleeves were just cuffs on her biceps, so her shoulders were bare. It hugged and highlighted her pretty little titties and her adorably cute butt. Of course, she wore no undies. I went for a tight, nearly midnight blue, backless dress that was supported by a spaghetti strap around my neck. Even though they’re small, the very tops of my breasts were visible, and the hem was only a few inches below my pussy. There was no way I could wear undies with the thing.
When I had donned it, Rhee exclaimed, “Oh, my god! That looks better on you now than it did in the store, and it looked great on you there!” She wrapped me up, ran her hands over my ass, and said, “I want you,” then kissed me aggressively, a kiss I returned with vigor.
Meka returned here after doing her homework at home. She was wearing a loose T that was cropped just above her belly button (no bra) and gym shorts and carrying a bag.
“That’s no fair. I wasn’t told that ‘a bit revealing’ would be part of the apparel. I brought something nice, but it is not at all like your outfits!”
“No prob,” replied Rhee. “You can borrow my T-shirt dress. It should fit you ... mostly. It’ll be a little large in the bust, and short on your legs, but it could work. Come on!”
When the two of them returned, Heather said, “Oh, wow!” She looked Meka up and down, then added, “Yeah, that works, but you need to lose the undies.”
“That’s my bikini bottom ... for the hot tub.”
“Doesn’t matter. If it were a G string, that might be okay, but it’s too heavy and makes the dress clunky. Lose ‘em.”
Meka rolled her eyes but removed the sartorially offensive article.
“That’s much better,” Liya stated. “Yeah, it’s a bit loose up top, but you make it look nearly as good as Rhee does, and it was obviously designed for her bust. Actually, it was designed for a bust a bit smaller than Rhee’s, but her breasts look spectacular in that thing ... and yours look more than just okay in it.” She shook her head while looking at how much leg the dress showed on Meka, then looked up at her face and said, “But your long legs make up for the slightly-too-large top part. In fact, I’d bet most guys would have a hard time looking away from all that leg. Hell, I’m having a hard time looking away from those legs. Damn, Girl. Those are mighty fine. You might want to think about getting a dress or two like that for yourself.”
Meka wrapped her arms around Liya to hold her tightly and whispered, “Thanks.”
A few minutes later, the doorbell rang.
I opened the door and gestured for her to enter, saying, “Happy Thanksgiving, Celeste. Come on in!”
Celeste said, “Happy T-Day to you, too. Oh! I guessed right!” She looked around at the rest of us, then added, “Definitely right. I almost went casual but decided that that wasn’t appropriate for Thanksgiving.” She turned to Meka and said, “I’m glad you’re here. I missed you last week. I hope your studying went well.”
“It did. At least, I did well on the test.”
“Good! The math is the hardest part of my program. At least, I find it the hardest.”
“I’d be more than willing to help you if you need it,” Dad said as he and the Moms walked up.
Since the women in the house had coordinated, Sandy was wearing a classic little black dress. This one had spaghetti straps and hugged her body tightly. The top showed some decolletage and it extended to mid-thigh. She was obviously bra-less and I could detect no sign of undies. Carol had donned a loose, silky, burnt-orange sleeveless blouse with tails hanging to below the hem of a short, tight, black, pleated skirt. I could not see the shape of her breasts, but I could see them moving around inside the top. Dad opted for a nearly brick button-down with long tails over tight black shorts that extended only halfway down his thighs. The shorts made it obvious he is male.
“I couldn’t do that,” responded Celeste, “use my friendship with one of the math professors. No, that wouldn’t feel right.”
“Good on you, Girl,” exclaimed Gracey. “But we’re all waiting for the unveiling.”
“Oh. Yeah. You know, we need to coordinate at least somewhat so that I’m not wearing something trashily sexy while you five ... or six go for elegantly sexy.”
After dropping her backpack to the floor, removing her duster revealed that she was wearing an unadorned sheath that was on the pink side of fuchsia. The upper slopes of her breasts extended out the top and it ended well above her knees. Well above. She was obviously bra-less but was apparently wearing something like a G string.
“Wow,” Carol exclaimed, “you make that look exquisite! You really are gorgeous!”
Celeste dropped her head a bit but looked up through her eyelashes at Carol and said, “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. It’s now hug time. May I start?”
Carol started the round of hugs with Celeste that took a bit of time because every hug was at least a bit longer than a simple hello hug between friends. There was a little indulging in the feeling, apparently by everyone given the subtle indicators in various faces.
“Gosh, I’m so glad to be here. This has been something of a rough week.” She turned to Meka and added, “I heard it was something of a rough weekend for you girls.”
“Yeah, we lost the regional final, but there were two good aspects of the weekend. We won two regional games, which is two more than any other Central team has managed, and we lost to what I think will be the state champs. Although they were incredibly good, they did not blow us out. In fact, we played them more closely than any other team has this year, so I take a bit of comfort from that. Secondly, because of my new family here, my dad got to see me win two regional games ... in person. That was worth more than everything else to me.”
Celeste hugged Meka again, and said, “I’m very glad for you. I don’t know how you’ve done as well as you have with what’s hanging over your head. I find you impressive.”
There was a hitch in Meka’s voice when she thanked Celeste for her kind words. Celeste held her for a bit longer, then stepped back.
“I’m excited for dinner.”
Sandy replied, “We decided on a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner, so we dove into exoticness. Perhaps we should have warned you, but you did say that you liked experimenting with food.”
“I did and I do, and I’m looking forward to dinner even more, now!”
When we reached the table, Dad said, “We’ve decided, despite the more-elegant-than-usual apparel, that these dinners are going to be more informal, so, please, sit wherever you like. In fact, assigned seating for this ... expanded family is now a thing of the past. I suspect that it will take a while for this change to sink to the bones for most of us. However, the Moms and I consider everyone here adults and friends; this change is overdue.”
We all took seats, and I noted that Celeste managed to snag the seat on Dad’s right. It seems fairly obvious that Sandy is not the only adult woman at the table that wants Celeste and Dad to be a thing.
Rather than turkey and the rest of the usual aspects of Thanksgiving dinner, this was an excursion into relatively simple Thai dishes, with peanut satay, mini shrimp lettuce wraps, and green curry, with mango and sticky rice for dessert. There were a lot of ecstatic tastebud-induced moans through the meal, but none more emphatic than Celeste’s when she first put dessert in her mouth.
“Ohhhh. Wow. That is superb. Thanks, Charlie,” after which she hugged his right side. “I’d heard of this but didn’t imagine that it could be this good!”
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I'm bisexual and I love women but I also love cock! I got it in my head that a TS would be the ultimate partner. I'm not "out" and I know where "the clubs" are but have never been. I assumed my task would be daunting, at best. So the hunt for a TS girlfriend took several months and down many an incorrect path! Which I'll skip and get to the good parts. Not all gay bars are crazy disco, drag queen show having chaos. In fact many located in the "gayborhood" (as its affectionately known) are just...
"Georgie, you fucking little skank, you love my fucking dick so shut the fuck up...enjoy," Frank said. As Ghost rammed his dick back down my throat to his balls, I heard Frank spit, then actually felt it on my asshole. THen I heard, "Hold on Frank...spread her cheeks...," my brother Harry said. I felt my butt cheeks being spread, then I could feel something being pressed against my asshole and slightly enter me. Then lots of laughter from the bikers watching who were recovering for thier...
HI, doston, my self Raaj age 26 year, good looking, handsome, belongs to Delhi shift recentlly in Nagpur. This is my first story on indiansexstories. I am regullar reader of this story, from last 1 year and please donot forget to send your comment and ideas after reading this story. Jyada time waste na kartee huie, story par ata hun this true real incident is aprrox aaj se 6 month phele ka hai, Jab mei Delhi se Nagpur shift hua tha maine ek society ke flaat mein rahta thaa ghar ka kaam karne...
He swivelled over the pool, swinging his legs in the way that a small c***d does on a swing. Then, the hoist's ratchet clicked as it lowered him slowly into the pool. The warm water first wrapped around his ankles, and then slowly crept up his legs, groin and then body, bringing instant warmth to limbs that suffered from poor circulation. "Just another boring hydro session", he thought. A necessity to be endured if his health wasn't to deteriorate any faster than its present rate. The...
The days that followed were uneventful. When they left the village it was still morning, and by the end of the day he had gotten used to walking with the sword dangling at his side. When he untied her hands, so she could help with collecting fruits and berries which were ample in these parts, he found that the strip of cloth he had used had come loose, though it still held to her wrists. He tied it tighter when they went to sleep — he didn’t fear her when he was awake and had an eye on her,...
"I don't know honey, isn't that a little...weird for a boy?" said Andy's dad. "No, Sara said there were two guys in her dance class." "Yeah, but still, I don't think he needs anymore feminine tendincies. He's only 10 and look at his hair." His parents were talking about dance classes for him, because he asked. Andy had seen movies with dance parts, and he longed to wear the type of clothes women wore, and this was the only way he could without getting in trouble. "I think it's...
One of our first products was a fairly sophisticated alarm system I helped design myself. I was extremely proud of this new product. It took advantage of the fact that most burglars do not walk in through the front door. Most burglaries of businesses involved tampering with the either the power going into the building or the alarm itself to disable it. Our new system took this fact into account. The doors of the businesses we installed the system in had special locks. These locks were kept in...
"Do we have enough time left to go up to the penthouse?" Dina asked the others. Janet looked at her watch and answered, "Yes, plenty of time." "And even if we hadn't, I would still have gone up there," Sandra said. "I think this will be a onetime thing, because last year, none of the interns have been allowed in the penthouses." "I know!" Dina said with some suspicion in her voice. "Do you think ... She maybe sent us up there because you two are naked?" "Could be," Sandra...
Hello all sex stories readers.Thanks for your valuable suggestions and comments on my previous stories. Let me introduce myself I am 22 decent,educated,good looking, bisexual disease free guy from mumbai. I like to give massage to women and also open for all fetishes. Now I am here to share my another experience. Some days back I met a bottom guy online who is also from mumbai and we were having regular chats,after some days we clicked and connected each other and decided to meet. We met at...
“No murr...noaurr...” Stan slurred between breaths as his thick tongue slurped the bottom of the canister greedily. He couldn't stop himself from trying to get every morsel still clinging to the inner rim. His stomach churned, he felt so full but, at the same time, still unsated. Every movement made his muscles burn. It felt like his body was converting the food to energy as fast as he could eat it, but not providing any relief for the aching burn that permeated his every pore. Small tears...
Monster SexThe following is compliments of bare2005 NAUGHTY ENGINEERS!! Four girls took lift in a car full of Engineers... Since no place available, they sat on each Boy’s lap... After 5 minutes... Girl 1: Are you an Electronics & Communication Engineer.?? Boy 1: How do you know... ?? Girl 1: Your tower is communicating with my Unreachable Area... Girl 2: Are you an IT Engineer... ?? Boy 2: How do you know... ?? Girl 2: Your Pen drive is trying to connect with my USB port... Girl 3:...
"Mioki!" smiled the swarthy Arab," how nice to see you again." "Mr. Karim," smiled Mioki in what she hoped would be a coy and confident manner. It was difficult to maintain such composure, however, when you are standing completely naked. Mioki had begged Tiana to be allowed to wear something, anything, but her Mistress had been adamant. The Sheik's son had requested a private meeting with the pregnant slave. While Tiana disapproved, she had, at Darius's urging, allowed the meeting to...
I woke up again at 2:30 AM. I’ve been having strange dreams lately that had startled me awake. It was hard for me to get back to sleep, so I slipped out of my bed and padded to the kitchen for a drink of water. As I was standing at the sink in my unlit kitchen, staring out the window above the sink, I noticed the glow of light through the above-ground basement window of my neighbor’s house.I paused to look as I sipped the water. A slight view of the basement was visible through the gap where...
BDSMThe banks on the other side of the open water were lined with alligators and snakes. Their eyes were shining in the bright headlight of the boat. The predawn light made it seem that every eye was watching the airboat approach. Even the channels between the little hammocks were choked with writhing masses of snakes. Except one. "Gee, do you think that's where we're supposed to go?" Sean asked sarcastically. "Probably," Rafe answered drily. "This guy doesn't have a firm handle on...
The Lovers. Bronte Chapter OneI am a twin. I am the girl of us. The woman now, I suppose. We are Bronte and Brevet. That’s the kind of shit one gets when your parents are a full bird colonel in the Marines and an English Lit professor for a mother. How many assholes on this earth have made their play for my pussy opening with: “Wow, what a cool name. Is that French or something.” Any simpleton who doesn’t at least know Charlotte Bronte for an author is automatically put in my “totally...
Hi everyone, I’m lesbian girl-shreya I’m submitting my first story. Apologise for mistakes. Have a good boob shake and a nice pussy lick for all girls and nothing for boys as now I am a pure lesbian. Firstly something abt me . I’m a 19 years old and pure Lesbian girl I hate dicks. I’m a slim girl but having bulks on right places. I’m 5’7″ and 34c-24-36 . I look hot when I wear tight or short cloths having cuts at right places. Abt my sister shivani . I used call her boobie because her boobs...
LesbianAs she rests her arms on her knees, Angelique quietly observes the street that she once spent so many hot summer nights playing on with neighborhood friends. It seemed like only yesterday when all of them would be running through the quiet street, playing simple children's games like Hide and Go Seek, water balloon wars, bicycle tag, etc. Now everyone had grown up and for the most part, apart from each other. Now the street was virtually deserted. She was, as far as she could tell, the...
Pam was halfway out the back door with another carrot when her mother objected. "Pam," the woman complained, "that's the third carrot this afternoon! we need some for supper, you know!" "Just one more," Pam pleaded. "Please, Mom?" Anna Forbes smiled at the excitement sparkling on her young daughter's eyes and couldn't refuse her ardent request. "Well... all right... one more. But tomorrow you go to the store and make sure to buy more!" "Oh, I will!" Pam promised. She...
I’m going to tell u about an incident which happened when I was 18. I was brought up in pathanamthitta district in a family with lot of restrictions. The only information of sex I had was through my friends and a few magazines. After I finished my studies, and was yet to get a college a very sexy incident happened. One day my parents were gone to attend a marriage of a very close relative. On the first day when I was alone my friend rang me and asked me whether I could come to his house. Since...
Rob and April lay in April's bed, lost in their own post-coital thoughts. They had assured one another that this would be a no-strings-attached relationship, and the two of them would be simply friends with benefits. Neither of them wanted to hurt Ines, Rob's wife, nor did they want the drama associated with a busted marriage. April thought she might start feeling guilty later, once the sexual high wore off, because Ines was a friend of hers and would be hurt if she ever found out. Rob didn't...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 1. DiscoveryDave came across his dream website. He couldn't believe it was true, but sure enough, there it was. The url was: selfbondageenforcement dot com, and it had everything Dave had ever dreamed about. Once one signed up, they could download, for a fee, everything needed to put yourself into inescapable bondage. And what made this special, was that the site sold a local transmitter that was installed into your home, and connected to the...
Fighting the goblins was anti-climatic after the fun and games that Corinth and I had gotten up to down by the lake, but it was something that we still needed to do or to be specific, I felt we should do. My mates thought otherwise. The goblins had mounted guards at intervals all around the plateau upon which Arlberg stood. There were two goblins per sentry and one of each team of sentries was mounted on a warg. In total there were twenty-six goblins watching the walls of Arlberg and the...
my aunty betty was to say the least a total hottie.okay she was over 40 something but hey have you seen some of those women.she always had a soft spot for me.i dont know what it was but i always seemed to get on with the more mature ladies.not that i didnt get on with younger girls. this summer i went to stay for a few days.she needed the house painting and as i was off to college she figured i could do with the money and also help her the end it was she who helped me out. i dont know...
This time Joan told me to setup the office with cameras and mics so she can watch how I make things happen with my patients. She always wanted to watch me work back then as I told the stories in so much detail, she almost felt like she was there watching us she told me a few times. Now this way she can review the sessions at her leisure or if she had time she can watch in a one way mirror room that I made sound proof, so no one would know about her being in the room. I was thinking she...
Even the Old Man has to take a vacation sometimes. SRU: The Vacation By Morpheus My name is like, Stu. I'm like tall, totally ripped, have long blonde hair, and I love to Surf. I spend most of my time walking the beach and catching the waves. Snowboardings all right, and I like to do that too, but Surfing is like, my life. When I'm not riding a wave, I like to walk the beach, cruising for babes. Well, one day, here I am walking the beach, being a chick magnet ...
I awoke to a warm wet feeling on my cock, Ruth was washing my prick with a wet towel getting me nice and clean. Once she had my cock washed and throbbing Ruth stuffed my cock deep into her mouth and throat as she settled her cunt over my face. We worked each other over for about 10 minutes during which Ruth climaxed on my face grinding her cunt into my lips and tongue. I pushed her down until she was straddling my cock and rammed my cock up her pussy while I pressed two fingers up her exposed...
Next day I woke up a bit late and my mother in law was about to go to the bath room to take bath. She gave a warm smile and facing me she raised her hands to untie her hair. That gave me an excellent vision of her big breasts, so inviting, I immediately got a hard on. She noticed that as I was not wearing an under wear beneath my dhothi and she smiled again. I got up and grabbed her breasts and removed her blouse. She was wearing a bra and naked breasts danced before my eyes. She removed her...
I WAS STARING into a mirror. No, a darkened window that showed my startled reflection. Only it wasn’t me. The girl that looked back at me was ... just not me. She was pretty. I couldn’t tell the color of her eyes but they looked startled like something had just slapped her. She was wearing a shawl and a dark dress that was buttoned up all the way under her chin. Oh my god! It happened. I’m in a different person. I’m so sorry, Kyle. What do I do now? “Who are you?” My host was panicking. How...
Friday morning was strange. It still seemed strange to haul their things in from the trunk of the Dodge, to hang clothes in real closets, put them in real dressers. They took their time about it, and it still felt nice. Once again, Scooter volunteered to do Crystal's laundry -- a washer and dryer were things the house lacked. After Al picked up Karin and Crystal in the late morning, around lunchtime, Scooter drove the Dodge over to the Burro, got the laundry going, and had a beer and a bar...
Helen was a fifty-year-old woman with lots of insecurities. She divorced her husband after their two daughters left home to go to college. Her ex-husband never complimented her, so she never believed she was even attractive. She was working for a company designing websites. She loved her job; she loved to use her creativity and see the satisfaction in the eyes of her clients when they see the product up and running. She preferred to be assigned to women clients because she could better...
Straight SexDutch was rummaging in the file cabinet searching for a file he knew was in there but couldn't seem to find. "Damn," he said as his phone rang. "Every time I need that damn file it's in a different place, I've got to get more organized." He shoved the file drawer shut and went to answer the phone. "Perry," he said brusquely. "Wouldn't you know it," a female voice said and he knew instantly it was Van Sciver's daughter. "My husband left town this morning, an emergency business...
I had not long turned 18 when i moved into my first council rented flat, before then i had been living at home and dressing up in the confines of my bedroom chatting to guys on web cam , some of them knew i was not a girl, but most of them did not.i am only 5ft 6in tall and weigh just under 10st i guess i have never been what you would call masculine . i had been looking forward to and planning so much for when i moved in and had been out shopping for so much girly stuff for my new life.I had...
Nicolette Eagletown stood naked before the full length mirror in her bedroom observing her own beautiful body. Becky, as everyone called her, would be nineteen in two months. She was only 5’1″ and 100 pounds but it was perfectly formed in a 32C – 18 – 33 body and a lovely face with flowing brown hair, big chocolate eyes and flawless skin. She slipped on a pair of red bikini panties, then, a loose sweat pants tops and bottoms before slipping into cross trainers. She...