Recovery of a Hero Ch 07
- 3 years ago
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When we went to the liquor store after buying the watches, Sally helped me out of the car and pushed me up to the door. I went inside and asked the cashier about champagne and she showed me the various types.
I selected a bottle of one of the better French brands and bought it.
When I got back out the door I didn't see Sally. I looked around but she wasn't in site but I heard voices from the alley next to the store so I went to see if she was there talking to somebody.
When I got the the entrance, I saw the man threatening her with the knife.
Feeling a sudden chill, I stood up as the man was saying that her whole family was a problem and that she was going to regret not drowning in the pool.
At that point, I said, "I would recommend you reconsider. I don't think you'll like what will happen if you don't."
We did the threat counter threat routine with the apparent leader pulling out a gun and threatening me with it. I laughed at him and said that there was a cop car just down the block.
I'm not sure, but I think that's when the other three charged me. They weren't any good, but since it was Sally in danger I didn't play. I broke the first one's neck and hit the second one in the chest as hard as I could. I felt his breast bone break and collapse inward dropping him too. The third got his throat crushed when I hit him there."
Three down now. I looked at the fourth as he pointed the gun at me and fired. Glad I had a vest on, I thought, as I collapsed to my knees. He looked at Sally then, so I grabbed a knife off the ground and threw it at him. I didn't expect to hit him but got lucky. He took it in the throat and dropped.
I spat on the ground to see if there was any blood. Luckily there wasn't. By the pain, I suspected two or three broken ribs but no punctured lung.
I remember saying, "Idiots." Things went black for a bit after that. Pain does that to you sometimes when you have a hard time breathing.
I woke up to Sally turning me over, so I figured I hadn't been out more than a few seconds. I let her roll me and opened my eyes. She was crying which would be expected, I guess.
I told her to call George right away and tell him what happened. She did this. When she was done, I said, "Phone."
She held it to where I could talk and I warned George as best as I could that Erica and Janice were in danger too.
I don't remember much after that but I do recall Erica and Reach showing up. I think I warned him that the girls needed to be protected, but I'm not sure.
My next clear memory was being in an x ray room with Reach. I told him to call the boss. I had an idea, but I new that the girls wouldn't like it. I had to fake my death. If I was dead, nobody would be watching for me.
We got that cleared with Reach's people and the doctor did the x rays. He told me that I had a bad bruise but no broken bones. That would be a big help for what was coming.
Reach got the doctor into the plan and when they took me back to the treatment room, he gave me a shot. He told me that I would look like I was dead but the effect wouldn't last more than a few minutes at most.
I had him give me the shot and tell the girls that I was dying. That was the hardest thing I have ever done. When they came into the room I greeted them then passed out.
I woke up with Janny standing there. She looked mad enough to eat nails and spit bullets, but she didn't say any thing.
I whispered to her, "I don't like it either, but the punks that went after Sally said that they were after all of you. If I'm dead they won't watch for me."
She said, "I hope it's worth it. There are four heart broken girls in that waiting room crying their eyes out because they think their Uncle Dar is dead. I don't care what your reason is for this but I won't tell. Just be right or I'll never forgive you for what you did to my sisters or your daughters."
"I intend to get the person behind the death of your parents and the tries on Sally. I never new your folks, but for what they tried to do to Sally, I will get them."
She just nodded her head then hugged me. After that, she left the room.
Reach came in and saw I was awake. He walked over to me and said, "I hope you know what your doing. Janice knows, but the rest believed it so it looks like it worked for now."
I nodded and asked, "Did you get the word to the rest of my old team?"
"The office is handling it," he said. "I need to know what your going to want and we need to set up some kind of communication."
"I'll get my own gear," I said. "Plausible denyability that way."
Reach agreed and I asked him to look after the girls for me.
He said, "Already taken care of. They'll have round the clock surveillance from both my people and the FBI."
"Make sure of that," I said. "I won't be very understanding of any accidents or foul ups with their safety."
"Don't worry," he said. I'll make sure that the guards know that they don't want to make a mistake."
"Make sure they understand that if the girls get hurt, they better be dead," I said. "If they aren't, they will be. I will get the ones responsible for the attacks on Sally and her parents. If they get hurt, I won't care much about me so remember. NO SLIPS OR FOUL UPS."
Reach stared at me for a moment and then said, "I read your files. I was given the whole thing, I think and I guarantee that I'll do my best. If nothing else, I like to sleep at times and I like to wake up after."
I nodded at him and told him that they had to get me out of here now before any one else figured out that I was less dead than they thought. This wouldn't work if the girls knew I was alive.
Reach left and came back with Janice again and the doctor.
I told her to look in the pocket of the jacket I'd been wearing. She checked it and found the box with the watches in it and I told her that it was from Erica, Sally, and me. I also told her that I loved them all and was sorry for what I was doing but that it was necessary to give me the chance to get the ones who were after her family.
She looked at me and said, "I understand. Just make sure that you don't die for real because we all love you. I know how hard this is for you, but I don't think the girls would be able to go through this twice."
I said, "I wouldn't be putting them through this if I knew a better way. Remember something, though. I ain't easy to stop and I have friends coming that will help me. We're all professionals, and the jokers who started this will find out what it means to have the three survivors of Scratch team Delta after them."
"What's that?" she asked.
I looked at Reach and said, "We were a mixed group put together in an emergency situation. We were all specialists of one type or another although we hadn't worked together before. After that first mission, we were kept busy for almost ten years. Now there's three of us left and we're all a bit old for this. But we're still mean and ornery."
Reach glared at me while I told Janice that, but I thought that she deserved to know. She was going to cover for me even if she didn't like it, so she had the right.
Janice walked over to me and gave me a hug. It hurt where I had that bruise from getting shot but I didn't say anything about it as I hugged her back.
She didn't say another word as she walked out of the room. The doctor and Reach helped me get into a body bag and then I was pushed out to the ambulance. When they had me loaded, someone opened it again so that I could breath.
Reach said, "We're sending you to the lab where my teams coroner works. He's expecting you and knows what we're doing. I had to do that since he's the one who signs the death certificate, but he'll be there alone so don't worry. He'll also have the clippers to give you a shave and there's some clothes waiting for you too. I got shoes too."
"I hope you got the right size," I said.
"Yup, 9 EEE for you," he said. "Steel toed boots like you had in Iraq. I also got you a revolver that's untraceable."
I thanked him and he shut the door. After that, we went to the building where they zipped my back up and wheeled me into an elevator. I could feel it go down but I didn't know how far.
When it stopped, the door opened and they wheeled me out. I heard a voice tell the ambulance crew to leave me there and head on back.
I heard the elevator again, and then someone unzipped the bag.
I saw a large, slightly balding man who held out his hand and helped me sit up.
He said, "My name is Frank. I have your clothes and weapon on my desk, and I have the electric razor for your beard."
I thanked him and slowly got off the gurney. He led me over to a desk with a pile of clothing and a large caliber revolver were piled.
I got dressed and checked the weapon. It was a Ruger .357 magnum with 5 rounds in it. I put the empty cylinder under the hammer and carefully released it.
Frank handed me a shoulder holster for the gun and a box of ammo for it.
Putting the ammo back on the desk with the now holster gun, I picked up the electric trimmer and asked where I could shave.
He led me to a small restroom with a toilet, sink and mirror.
I shaved off my beard for the first time in three years and walked back out to the desk and put on the shoulder holster.
After I had put on the jacket to hide the gun, Frank handed me a wallet and said, "You have a gas card and two credit cards. Your name will be Jerry Winston. You have two hundred in cash, and since this has been approved, the cards will be paid by our department as a legitimate expense."
"I won't need them after tonight," I said. "I have access to plenty of funds that I had set up for emergencies just in case I had to disappear like this. You won't be able to trace me but I will be able to contact Reach if I need to. He'll be my only contact while I get my team set up and we start digging. Tell him not to try to find me cause that'll be bad."
Frank laughed and said, "I think we know that. He showed me your file after he read it and we both know that whatever happens, we don't want to be in the way of you nut cases."
I laughed too and said, "Well thats smart. Just make sure the rest of your people know not to get too close if they find something. I'll pass along anything I find to you and I want the same back. Just remember, though, we do the closing statement in this case. They went after someone who means the world to me and now it's their turn."
"You intend to take them out?" he asked.
"Yes," I said. "I promised a woman who gave me a home when I came back from Iraq pretty badly messed up. Her little sister was the first target, but they want all three of them. I take it real personal that someone attacked a little girl who helped me as much as the sister did. I take it even more personal that they want the other two."
"Ok," Frank said. "I won't argue that after what I heard happened today. I have the entire file from the murders of the parents up to today. We don't have a report on the fight you had yet, but everything from before that is in the file. I also have a lap top for you with wireless capability."
"Is it clean?" I asked.
"Yes," Frank said. "I just got it today and it isn't even registered yet."
"Make sure you don't have the serial number or anything else," I said. "I'll trust you for now, but I don't want any attempts to trace me until I tell you to."
"The boss already said that," Frank said. "You have a free hand. I'll make sure that you have whatever we find out from the four you took down today when I find out anything. Set up an email and I'll send you the records."
"Send them through the boss," I said. "I still have a password that will work."
"Ok," he said. "I'll pass it through his office Eyes Only."
"Good," I said. "Now all I need is a way out of here so I can get started."
Frank took me to the elevator and and we rode it to the garage. When we got there, he led me to an older model Toyota four by four pickup.
He said, "Reach got this from an auction for a surveillance vehicle a few weeks ago. It has civilian licensing and the title is made out to your knew identity. He said to tell you that you could use it as long as you needed it and then dispose of it as necessary. Don't worry about bringing it back if you can't."
I said, "I don't like Toyota's much, but having a four by pickup could be useful. All right, I need the keys and then we need to talk."
"About?" he asked.
"I need access to a doctor who can handle anything up to minor surgery. If necessary, he should be able to set broken bones and remove bullets in the field. Know anybody like that?"
Frank laughed and said, "I might. I did two tours in Nam when I was a bit younger. I'll need a field surgical kit though. I can get one but it'll take a couple of days. After that, all I need is a victim or two."
"Well I hope you won't ever need it but I'm glad to know that you can. Here's hoping."
"One more thing," Frank said. He handed me a cell phone and said, "The account on this is under the same name as your ID. It has emergency numbers already programed so you can contact Reach, The Sec. Nav.s office or me. Reach is one, the boss is two, and I'm 3. Just use the speed dialer and you'll get one of us."
"Is it secure?" I asked.
"Yes." He said. "It has some goodies built in by the techy squad and when you dial the first three numbers it'll scramble automatically. It will also scramble incoming calls from those three and any you might set up later."
I nodded and said, "I'll need two more in the next day or two. I'll set up a pickup with you or Reach. Nobody else is in from this end. I don't want any extra complications in this."
"Ok, I'll tell Reach when he gets back from the base," Frank said.
I held out my hand to Frank and said, "Thanks. Tell Reach I'll be in touch in a as soon as I go get some things. I just hope he included a permit for the pee shooter."
Frank took my hand and said, "In the wallet. Concealed weapons class three from the Feds. I hope thats good enough."
"Well I Federal Marshals badge might be nice," I laughed.
"I don't think we can do that, but you do have a DOD ID," (Department of Defense) said Frank.
"Good," I said. I let go of his hand and he handed me the keys to the truck. "See you soon, Frank."
"Take care chief," he said.
I got into the truck and started it. It sounded like it had a good sized engine. I hoped it had some power too.
I drove out of the garage and headed to the interstate. I had a long drive ahead of me and I wanted to get as far south as I could before I had to stop.
Although I was tired, I wanted to get away from an area where there were a lot of people who had known me before I grew the beard. I had quite a bit of family around here from my fathers side, so there was a real risk of being recognized.
It was early afternoon when I left, but it took me over three hours to get through the traffic of Seattle. I got off the freeway in Federal way and went to the old truck stop there and got some dinner. This place had been here for years and I'd come here when I was living in Auburn as a kid.
After eating, I went to the truckers motel to get a room with a wake up at 3:00 A.M. The desk clerk didn't bat an eye as he was used to truckers with weird delivery schedules. I signed the registration with my new name and took the key.
I went to my room and went in. I could see that it had been recently cleaned and the bathroom was clean too.
I went back out and locked it then went and got into my truck. I drove out of the parking lot and headed north to go to the mall that was about a mile away. I needed some clothes and that was a quick place to get them.
I got a few changes of clothes and another pair of boots and went back to the motel. Taking in one change of clothes, I went into my room and locked the door. I put a chair under the handle and made sure it would take some work to get through it for safety. That done, I got undressed and took a shower then got some sleep.
Right on time, the phone rang at three. I answered and a female voice said, "Good morning sir This is you requested wakeup call. Have a nice day."
I said thanks and hung up. I got up and put on my new clothes and put the old ones in the shopping bag. I went out and locked the room, throwing the old clothes in the trash.
After checking out, I went back to the restaurant and had breakfast before heading south again.
When I got to the Madigan exit at Fort Lewis, I took it and went to an old restaurant that had been there for over fifty years. I had some time to kill before I went to the post and stirred up some hornets.
My chest was feeling a bit better this morning, but I was still tender so I was taking it easy on the trip. I needed a few things from the Army anyway, so this was a good place for a break.
I sat there drinking coffee until 6:00 A.M. and paid my tab. I went back out to my truck and got in. Starting it, I headed back to the freeway where I saw a young girl about Sally's age hitch hiking. I know it was stupid, but I couldn't help myself. I stopped and she climbed in.
I told her I was going to the post for a couple hours, but if she wanted a ride I could get her as far as Olympia before I headed west.
She said, "Oh I'm not going far. How bout a date for fifty?"
I looked at her and asked, "How old are you?"
She looked scared and said, "I'm fifteen. I need the money though cause my father's out of work and mom don't make enough."
"Ok, how bout this?" I asked. "I'll take you to get something to eat after I do my business at the post and then I'll take you home. You don't have to do anything, just wait in the truck for me while I'm at the post. When we get you home, I'll give you some money to help. You don't have to do anything at all. I have two girls your age."
She started crying then and said, "I'm sorry I lied to you. My dad left us when I was three and my mother is in the hospital. They tried to put me in to a foster home but I ran away. Please don't make me go back."
I pulled out my cell and checked it. It had a camera feature that Sally had shown me how to use with her phone, so I took a picture of the kid.
After that, I hit the speed dial for Reach. He answered it on the first ring. I told him about the kid and then asked her for ID. She gave me a high school ID and I read it off to Reach and asked him to check on it. He said he would and I hung up.
I looked at the girl and said, "If your telling me the truth, I'll help you. If your lying to me I'll take you to the cops. The person I called will tell me in a few minutes if your telling the truth, so make sure that's the story you want."
"I told you the truth, mister," she said.
The next couple of weeks were a bit of a blur for me, but I remember that Sally's friends came over just about every day. They took turns helping me around the house, and they would frequently take me places. All their parents helped with rides and such. I had a lot of fun during that time even if I forgot a lot of what we did. One morning, after Sally had gotten us our breakfasts and taken me outside to eat, George came out and joined us for a bit. Sally asked him if he could stay with me...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Special thanks to Mistress Lynn for her assistance and advice. The day after my birthday excursion started out normally enough. Jenny and Erika had gotten me dressed and Sally's friends helped her. After that, we ate breakfast which Sandra and Shelly made for us. After eating, we went out back where the girls started chatting while I read one of Sally's fathers books. I had been...
I guessed that Uncle Dar really was tired. After Ellen and Nancy pushed him into his room, they came out alone. I called Janny on the intercom to tell her that he was in bed and might need some help, as he didn't seem to be feeling well. She and Erica showed up a few minutes later and went in. Janny came back out right away and told me to call an ambulance. She said, "It's his leg. The infection is back and it's all red and swollen. Send one of the girls to get my bag and call George...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. It turned out to be a week before Uncle Dar could go home. We all stayed until he was better, including Shelly and Sandra. They'd gotten permission from their parents for that somehow. I think the fact that Megan was there helped a bit. She had even cancelled practice while Dar was in the hospital, and then would go get the whole team and bring them in to see him. He loved the...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. We took it easy for the next two days, and then when it was time to get ready to go, Ellen, Nancy and I put on our chosen outfits. When we walked out to where Uncle Dar was waiting with George, Uncle Dar said, "Oh my god. They're not twins, they're triplets." We all three blushed at that comment and then George said, "Yes, they may very well be but you only get two of them, so...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. When I woke up, I remembered the party and what we'd planned for today. Uncle Dar was going to get Ellen and Nancy signed up with my gymnastics instructor and we were going to go car shopping. Uncle Dar wanted a big van so he could take us all at once without having to call Megan for rides and such. We were also going to see if Sandra and Shelly could get into the gymnastics...
{ci]Special thanks to Desert Pirate for his kind assistance. The next day, I got up feeling real excited. This would be my first day back with the Cheerleading squad. I was real excited about it and happy at the same time. I loved working with Megan and the other girls and I had missed it so much. It would also be my first day back for my gymnastics classes, which I'd also missed. I got dressed and went to check on Uncle Dar. He was already up and dressed. Ellen and Nancy were up too and...
After picking up the bus, I drove over to the Commissary and stocked up on some groceries. After we got every thing stored away, I headed off. The next stop being Olympia, I headed for the south gate and got on I-5. It took us about forty five minutes to get to the exit I wanted. I drove to the Department of Motor Vehicles licensing office and got the bus transferred, using the office address for the NCIS office in Everett. That done, I headed for highway 101 and got on it heading west. The...
Chapter 9: The Hero’s Gift This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Special thanks to Mistress Lynn for her assistance and advice. * The next couple of weeks were a bit of a blur for me, but I remember that Sally’s friends came over just about every day. They took turns helping me around the house, and they would frequently take me places. All their parents helped with rides and such. I had a lot of fun during that time...
Chapter 8: The Hero Remembers This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. * I remember that incident in Iraq quite well. It’s one of my clearest memories. 5 of us in a Humvee were going to one of the Iraqi government buildings where I was working on the computer network systems when we were ambushed. As we were driving down the road, an RPG exploded to the right of us. The vehicle was lifted off the ground on that side by...
Chapter 18 A Hero Prepares Special thanks to Desert Pirate for his kind assistance. * When we went to the liquor store after buying the watches, Sally helped me out of the car and pushed me up to the door. I went inside and asked the cashier about champagne and she showed me the various types. I selected a bottle of one of the better French brands and bought it. When I got back out the door I didn’t see Sally. I looked around but she wasn’t in site but I heard voices from the alley next...
Chapter 2 Meeting a Hero This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. After about a month in the Hospital, I was cycled back to the U.S. for rehab therapy and medically retired from the Marines. Flying home again for the first time since my reserve unit was activated, I was glad to exchange my uniforms for civvies again. What a relief to be out of those desert camouflage uniforms at last. I called my wife and told her when...
Chapter 17: A Hero Falls Special thanks to Desert Pirate for his kind assistance. The next morning, I was still a bit stiff and sore. I got up slowly and put my bathrobe on. Going to Uncle Dar’s room, I saw that he was awake so I asked him if he minded me using the tub for a long soak. He looked at me and asked, ‘Bit sore this morning? Bet that teaches you to start a bit slower.’ I glared at him and said, ‘Well at least I did good. Jimmy and Megan were both happy with what I could do.’ ...
After about a month in the Hospital, I was cycled back to the U.S. for rehab therapy and medically retired from the Marines. Flying home again for the first time since my reserve unit was activated, I was glad to exchange my uniforms for civvies again. What a relief to be out of those desert camouflage uniforms at last. I called my wife and told her when my plane would arrive and asked her about Eldarin. She said that he had been transferred to a V.A. hospital on the west coast and was...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. I remember that incident in Iraq quite well. It's one of my clearest memories. Five of us in a Humvee were going to one of the Iraqi government buildings where I was working on the computer network systems when we were ambushed. As we were driving down the road, an RPG exploded to the right of us. The vehicle was lifted off the ground on that side by the shock wave of the blast....
The next morning, I was still a bit stiff and sore. I got up slowly and put my bathrobe on. Going to Uncle Dar's room, I saw that he was awake so I asked him if he minded me using the tub for a long soak. He looked at me and asked, "Bit sore this morning? Bet that teaches you to start a bit slower." I glared at him and said, "Well at least I did good. Jimmy and Megan were both happy with what I could do." "Yes," he said. "But you have to learn moderation. You've been out for a bit...
Chapter 5: Willing to Die This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. * Over the next few weeks, my friends came over almost every day. By now this included Nancy and Ellen. Dar was always happy to see them, and he started teaching us stretching exercises as he got better. He even knew a few I didn’t. One day I got up and went down to help him get his breakfast. He was already up as Janny usually helped him in the morning,...
Chapter 10: The Hero’s New Family This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Special thanks to Mistress Lynn for her assistance and advice. * The day after my birthday excursion started out normally enough. Jenny and Erika had gotten me dressed and Sally’s friends helped her. After that, we ate breakfast which Sandra and Shelly made for us. After eating, we went out back where the girls started chatting while I read one of...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. * I was in Bagdad escorting a civilian computer expert with 3 others from my squad when this story begins. He was a Department of the Navy employee sent to Iraq to assist in setting up computer networks for the new Iraqi government and we were assigned to protect him while he traveled around the city installing computer systems. While we were driving to one of the government...
Chapter 13 The Hero’s Duty This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Special Thanks to Desert Pirate for editing. * We took it easy for the next two days, and then when it was time to get ready to go, Ellen, Nancy and I put on our chosen outfits. When we walked out to where Uncle Dar was waiting with George, Uncle Dar said, ‘Oh my god. They’re not twins, they’re triplets.’ We all three blushed at that comment and then...
Chapter 6: A Friend’s Loss This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. * Over the next few days, I had a lot of visitors. All of them came by to see how I was doing and to leave cards and such. Erica was right. I would be busy for awhile just answering all the cards and letters I had gotten while I was in the hospital. Even Dar’s Aunt and Uncle came by a couple of times. Finally, I got up the courage to ask Dar why he’d done...
Chapter 15 The Hero’s Gift This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Special thanks to DesertPirate for his assitance. When I woke up, I remembered the party and what we’d planned for today. Uncle Dar was going to get Ellen and Nancy signed up with my gymnastics instructor and we were going to go car shopping. Uncle Dar wanted a big van so he could take us all at once without having to call Megan for rides and such. We...
Chapter 14 Birthday for Two Special thanks to Desert Pirate for his editing. This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. As the days until my birthday went by, Janny made me take it easy. She said that I’d overextended myself too much since Uncle Dar had gotten home. I didn’t argue much. Having Uncle Dar and his daughters around made it easy to sit back for awhile. Having Ellen and Nancy around was a big change for me...
Chapter 19 A Hero’s Homecoming * Special thanks to Desert Pirate for his kind assistance. * After picking up the bus, I drove over to the Commissary and stocked up on some groceries. After we got every thing stored away, I headed off. The next stop being Olympia, I headed for the south gate and got on I-5. It took us about forty five minutes to get to the exit I wanted. I drove to the Department of Motor Vehicles licensing office and got the bus transferred, using the office address for...
Chapter 12 The Hero’s new Family This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. It turned out to be a week before Uncle Dar could go home. We all stayed until he was better, including Shelly and Sandra. They’d gotten permission from their parents for that somehow. I think the fact that Megan was there helped a bit. She had even cancelled practice while Dar was in the hospital, and then would go get the whole team and bring them...
Chapter 4 A Hero’s New Purpose This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. The first couple of weeks with Dar there were hectic. He was always polite and he seemed to be getting better with his periods of talking like a little boy, and he was very fun otherwise. He never argued or complained either. All in all, he was what I would have wanted for a brother if I’d had a real one. Don’t get me wrong, though, because I loved...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Chapter 3: Released From Durance Vile The day that George got home was special to me. He was my oldest sisters husband, but he was also the closest I had to a big brother. When he left, I told him he had to come back because I just couldn’t loose my only brother. I never thought about Janny (I have always called Janice Janny since I was little), my sister, and his wife. When we...
Chapter 16 A Hero’s New Job Special thanks to Desert Pirate for his kind assistance. The next day, I got up feeling real excited. This would be my first day back with the Cheerleading squad. I was real excited about it and happy at the same time. I loved working with Megan and the other girls and I had missed it so much. It would also be my first day back for my gymnastics classes, which I’d also missed. I got dressed and went to check on Uncle Dar. He was already up and dressed. Ellen and...
Chapter 11: The Hero’s New Battle The incorrect copy of this chapter was submitted before. I take full responsibility for the error. This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. * I guessed that Uncle Dar really was tired. After Ellen and Nancy pushed him into his room, they came out alone. I called Janny on the intercom to tell her that he was in bed and might need some help, as he didn’t seem to be feeling well. She and...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. The day that George got home was special to me. He was my oldest sisters husband, but he was also the closest I had to a big brother. When he left, I told him he had to come back because I just couldn't loose my only brother. I never thought about Janny (I have always called Janice Janny since I was little), my sister, and his wife. When we were told that he had been wounded in...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Over the next few weeks, my friends came over almost every day. By now this included Nancy and Ellen. Dar was always happy to see them, and he started teaching us stretching exercises as he got better. He even knew a few I didn't. One day I got up and went down to help him get his breakfast. He was already up as Janny usually helped him in the morning, checking his leg and such to...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Over the next few days, I had a lot of visitors. All of them came by to see how I was doing and to leave cards and such. Erica was right. I would be busy for awhile just answering all the cards and letters I had gotten while I was in the hospital. Even Dar's Aunt and Uncle came by a couple of times. Finally, I got up the courage to ask Dar why he'd done what he did to save me. He...
As the days until my birthday went by, Janny made me take it easy. She said that I'd overextended myself too much since Uncle Dar had gotten home. I didn't argue much. Having Uncle Dar and his daughters around made it easy to sit back for awhile. Having Ellen and Nancy around was a big change for me though. I'd had friends over several times, but they always went home eventually. Ellen and Nancy were home and that took getting used to. I loved them dearly and was grateful for their help...
Wheeling myself out the door, I went back to my bus, and drove to the rest area where I was supposed to meet my partners. They should have been there by now. I knew that they wouldn't worry about me being late, as they knew what I had been doing. This wasn't going to be the best way to meet up with old friends, but I was glad to be seeing them again, anyway. We'd worked together for a long time while in the service. I saw Hawk waiting next to his old camper as I pulled off the freeway...
My Hero By J.L. Williams As I stared at the picture I couldn't help but cry. It had been almost forty years, but seeing his picture in the obituary section of the newspaper brought all the emotion and love flooding back into my heart. I have to tell this story; it truly is about my hero. My name is Michelle Anderson. I am now a woman, but I was born Michael McKinney. I was born a male, but I am now a fully...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...
With attention focused on the small screen, Ryoko absently reached into the box and after a moment of two of groping managed to procure the intended prize. "Quit hogging the crackers!" She hissed in a low voice. Sparing the princess only the smallest of sideways glances. "You know perfectly well you're the one shoveling them into you trap!" Ayeka whispered, fiercely indignant. "Shhhhh!" Ryoko snapped "They'll hear your big mouth!" grimacing while gesturing at the small device...
I walked through the headstones towards Dad's car. It was my car now after that accident. I was walking away from the double funeral for Mark and Carol Arrowstone. It was less than a week ago that I had come home to the cops sitting in my driveway to tell me that Mom and Dad had been in a car accident. The drunk driver that hit them was dead too. Standing next to the car was Mike Larter, Dad's lawyer. He was handling the reading of the will and the distribution of my parent's assets. I knew...
Not a lot of sex. As always, I want to thank my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my story a much better read as well as their suggestions. Chapter 1 I was getting dressed to go to the Fourth of July party. I recently returned home from the service. I was asked to wear my uniform with my latest medals. You see, I was considered a hero in our town. I don’t see myself as a hero, I just did what any soldier would have done in my situation. I’ll try to explain exactly what happened. ...
Down To Earth (A Super-Hero Fantasy) By Dale Ribbons We begin our story with Trent McCoy III. Trent was 30 years old, a multi-millionaire, and head of one of the largest media conglomerates in the world. He was devastatingly handsome, with wavy brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a tall, well-toned physique that looked great in his expensive tailored business suits. One would think that with all this going for him, Trent would have many romantic liaisons. You would be wrong....
Well, I decided to drop part two of this story publicly (you might remember part one being released just after Christmas last year) but as Part three and four are being released different tiers on my Patreon Tomorrow (sunday), I decided it was time to release part two publicly! I changed things a little for this chapter of the story, you won't see much dialogue, but a description of dialogue, and I also switched to first person. I hope you still enjoy it! Disclaimer: This story is my...
Although it was nearly impossible for Mike to believe, Erica was even more responsive in bed than Cat. The young woman came just from being kissed. He had never thought of himself as having much stamina in bed, but she was unconscious before he was even close to coming. At first it worried him a lot, but he got used to her collapsing on the bed unconscious within a minute of two of him entering her. The solution was to include Cat in the bed so that she could warm him up before he turned his...
G.S.P. Chapter 7 What Makes a Hero? Fang moved through the streets in wolf form carefully following the smell that she tracked. The smells of the many humans closeness to her assaulted her from all directions, but she had no problem moving forward. People parted from her presence, startled by her larger than expected size. Possibly there might be trouble if anyone called the police about a large wolf moving freely in the city, but hopefully she had made enough appearances with the super...
My head was spinning. Absolutely spinning, and it wasn't just the glass of champagne. The last month, the last year even, had been a complete blur. From high school swim meets, to a generous college scholarship, to the Olympic trials, to the eight days I spent in the Athletes' Village, to the medal stand (three times), to the media circus back home, to this bathroom in the swankiest hotel in the capitol city of the state I was born in. How could so much happen to one person in so little time?...
LesbianA Hero's death need not always be literally. As the old saying goes, you either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villian. But in doing so a Hero is dead anyways. Gone are the morals and the justice. No longer are they a role model for the youngsters. Often they don't even maintain the same appearance or name. So in essence they are dead regardless. And this is one such story. Our Hero doesn't meet her life's end, but her no beginning as something not quite what she used...
Ok it was like this I needed furniture for my dorm room such as a comfort chair or maybe a futon or something like that. Hell even a better mattress for the bed would be nice. However I am your typical first year college student. I'm broke all the time. So when I was heading home to my parents' house (Just so they could feed me on the weekend) I noticed a sign that said "estate auction today." Well that sign had an arrow pointing down a cross road of the state highway I was on. I thought to...
After two weeks of intensive training, Professor Jackson was ready for his adventure to begin. Rather than training with swords, he had spent his time working with simpler weapons that could be made by hand in even the worst of circumstances. Is it easy to use a club? Everyone knows how to use a baseball bat, or at least they think they do. How well does a club work against a sword? He found out that there were some things that worked and others that didn’t. Professor Jackson did not fare...
Hero By Cassandra Morgan I knew better, dammit. I was smarter than this. From the time I first dragged a pair of panties up my legs, I have been scared to death of being caught, and the fear has made me sharp. I was never one of those transvestites who secretly wants to get caught by his mom or his wife or his co-workers. I always knew it would start a river of trouble flowing. So I knew better. Hell, I dressed before I went home, but not after. It was just for self-protection....
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...
Fire raged in a burning torrent through the bomb blasted school as Ginny Taig rushed to find the exit. The smoke was thick and dark as midnight as she tried to make herself heard over the cries and screams of the children she was trying to lead to safety. ‘This way!’ She shouted through the burning murk. ‘Come this way!’ The children might not have understood the words she used but they followed her voice. In a frightened mob they found her and she ushered them as fast as she could out the...
It was official. My first day at U.A. It had been my dream to come to U.A. Something I had wanted for so long. However... the problem was my quirk. Due to the way that the entrance exams worked, I wouldn't have gotten in to the Hero course under normal circumstances. However I got in through a recommendation... that I obtained by using my power. As such, Class 1-A all the way. I suppose I should explain. My power is called "Trigger Happy". For as long as I am making eye contact with someone, I...
Mind ControlYES! It has finally happened. You have finally received the call that you have been waiting over two years for. For the last two years you have been a super hero in the sprawling metropolis of ‘the city’. You have patrolled the streets stopped crimes, helped people, thwarted super criminals , rescued kittens from trees and you have done it all with your customary boat load of style. It is the hope of every super hero to get the call you just did, you have finally been given the opportunity to...
Don't be a hero Why is my wonderful friend Josie dating a meathead like Brian Bates? Josie wants me to stay out of it, but I can't resist being a hero. ***** Josie was the girl down the road, and had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Apart from being boy and girl, we were extremely similar. I was a bit of an outcast, but I was pretty good at school, especially maths and science type subjects, and I liked to read. I also liked exploring outdoors and riding my...
The door to the warehouse groaned loudly as it was lifted. Light poured in, filling the dark interior. A lone figure stepped inside. *Izuku Midoriya, 15 years old. UA High School student and aspiring hero. Hero name: "Deku" *Quirk: One For All. Passed down from his mentor All-Might, One For All grants Deku immense strength. However, his body can't handle it at full power yet, forcing him to either use it sparingly or limit the intensity. The young man frowned as he glanced around at...
I explained to the various people who wanted to talk to me about the explosion that I had school on Monday and that, with their permission, I would make myself available after classes. That seemed to satisfy them. The Fire Marshall said he would meet me at the school at four o'clock and we could do the interview there. I wasn't so sure that was a great idea, but I was too tired to argue. I just wanted to get all this over with. Fire Marshall Craig Dullins showed up just as he had promised...
Hero Momby PakeldLeon Davidov landed with the rest of the scientists in the Gyrocopter, along with rest of the staff (those who weren't working grave shift). It was another 'perfect' day in the desert of Kazakhstan, in 'Science City #31). Hot, dry, and already too bright, many people had already put on their sunglasses.He was a dutiful Party member, blond and slightly muscular, a little shy, but whip-smart and a good problem solver. He tended to put in a maximum of science and a minimum of...
MY HERO by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1998 Story may be archived for personal use only. May not be re-posted to any site, pay of free without permission. Since this story ?turns' on a promise concerning Halloween, it seemed an appropriate time to submit it. Roger and I have been pals since the 6th grade when he transferred in from Castle Shannon. By his standard, ours was a big town and for some reason, we seemed to hit it off right away. We spent a lot of time together...
Hi friends, this is Shweta with the second part of my story. I’ve got huge responses from readers for my first story and I am very happy about that. First of all I would like to apologize because I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I am writing the second part of my story for all of you. Keep reading my stories and post your suggestions, that would help me narrating you my life. For new readers, I would suggest you to please read first part of this story .. Continues…… I looked at the clock it...