Vor Einem Fremden indian porn

4 years ago
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Als Sklave bei einem schwulen Paar

Schon seit langem träumte ich davon, einmal als Sklave dienen zu dürfen. Am liebsten wäre es mir bei einem älteren Pärchen (w+m) oder einem Freundespaar unter zu kommen. Auch ein einzelner Herr wäre denkbar, um auch meine ausgeprägten Bi Fantasien ausleben zu können.Ich las sehr oft Kontaktinserate, oder gab selber welche auf. Allerdings kam es nie zu einem Treffen, da es in den meisten Fällen an Seriosität und Tabus mangelte. Da ich sehr auf Diskretion und Sauberkeit bedacht bin, und auch...

2 years ago
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Vor der K ste des Jemen

Ralf und Torsten sahen keiner rosigen Zukunft entgegen. Anfangs war alles anders gewesen. Den beiden hatte ein Fitnessstudio in Bochum gehört das zwar nicht wirklich Gewinn abgeworfen hatte aber genug zum Überleben erwirtschaftet hatte. Durch zu viel Fernsehkonsum und den Scheidungen von ihren Ehefrauen animiert hatten sich die beiden Mitvierziger dann eines Abends entschieden alles zu verkaufen und ein neues Leben als "Auswanderer" zu beginnen. Viel war nicht übriggeblieben, nachdem die Banken...

2 years ago
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Polizistin von einem Vergewaltiger und M rder

Ich bin Ina Zimmermann, eine 1,76 große, blonde, gut gebaute Oberkommissarin, 43 Jahre alt. Ein Kollege war ans BKA abgestellt, mein Chef und ein weiterer Kollege hatten scheinbar ein Geheimnis und arbeiteten an einem wohl lange zurück liegenden Fall. So kümmerten sich eine Praktikantin und ich uns um den brutalen Mord, nach einer Vergewaltigung, an einem Zimmermädchen. Bald stellte ich eine Verbindung zu einem brutalen Waffenhändler her, der in dem Hotel abgestiegen war, in dem das...

3 years ago
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Zu Besuch bei einem Cuckold Paar

Ich bin heute zu euch, einem Cuckold-Paar eingeladen, selbstbewusst betrete ich eure Wohnung. Deine Frau hat mich eingeladen und sich für mich schick gemacht. Du hast zuerst gehofft, dass sie sich für dich zurecht macht... Als ich vor der Tür stehe, beginnst du zu ahnen, was passiert. Du kommst auf mich zu, aber ich ignoriere dich völlig. Dann greife ich deiner Frau in die Haare, ziehe sie zu einem leidenschaftlichen Kuss heran und begrapsche ihre Brust und ihren Arsch vor deinen Augen. Du bist...

2 years ago
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Ein Nichts von einem Dreieck

Linda mag Sven wirklich gerne. Sie ist schon lange völlig verliebt in ihn. Und sie würde alles für ihn tun. – Sven mag Linda auch. Er ist auch ziemlich verliebt in sie. Aber im Grunde ist er vor allem auf eins aus: Er will ficken. Er ist einfach geil darauf. Und wenn da nicht seine Erziehung und sein Gewissen wären, er würde noch viel mehr seine promiske Ader ausleben. Nur ist das eben so eine Sache. – Aber wenn er schon nicht wild rumficken darf, will er es wenigstens schmutzig und versaut....

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10 an einem Tag

Es waren Semesterferien. Julia lag daher noch wohlig im Bett obwohl es schon fast Mittag war. Vergangene Nacht war es spät geworden. Eigentlich hatte sie nicht allein nach Hause gehen wollen, aber der Typ mit dem sie die ganze Zeit geflirtet hatte, war irgendwann mit ihrer besten Freundin abgezogen. Dieses gemeine Luder! Aber was solls. Sie hatte ihrer Freundin auch schon die Männer ausgespannt. Julia streichelte sich langsam über ihre großen vollen Brüste, knetete sie ein bisschen, während sie...

2 years ago
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Meine ersten Erfahrungen mit einem Mann

Es fing alles so an, dass ich immer schon gerne Pornos geguckt habe und dabei viel mir auf, dass fast in jedem Porno immer der Schwanz ganz groß dabei ist. Ich fand es immer geil diese dicken Dinger anzugucken. Besonder wenn eine Frau anal genommen wurde oder mit den Füßen einen Pimmel gewixxt hat. Also hab ich aus Spaß im Suff einfach mal eine Anzeige geschaltet, dass ich einen ältern Herrn suche der mir sein Ding zeigt usw. Daraufhin meldete sich Tobi. Tobi beschrieb sich als normalo Mitte 50...

4 years ago
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Webcamsex mit einem Sch uuml ler

Ich kontrolliere gerade die Posteingänge in meinem Profil -laber, laber, du siehst geil aus, du hast tolle Beine, was hast du heute an-, da leuchtet mir eine Anfrage "Habe Cam-Interesse, zahle auch gut dafür" entgegen.Na endlich, denke ich, ein wenig Geld nebenbei wäre in diesem Monat mit den vielen Rechnungen gut.Ich beantworte die Anfrage mit "Hi, du hast in meinem Profil gelesen, dass ich 30 J. jung bin und reine Amateurin? Was siehst du gern vor der Cam und willst du dich auch zeigen?"Ich...

3 years ago
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Treffen mit einem User oder mein neuer Herr

Eine kleine Vorgeschichte, ich bin eine devote verheiratete Frau (deren Mann von nichts weiß) habe mich hier eigentlich angemeldet da ich dominante Frauen oder Paare suchte. Wie Frauen mir hier sicher bestätigen können gibt es leider (für mich zum Glück) Herren die Profile nicht bzw zwar lesen aber es trotzdem versuchen.So kam es das mich ein User hier ziemlich heftig und derb anschrieb. Es fielen Sätze wie ,,Dir fetten Sau muss man einen Knochen um den Hals binden damit wenigsten Hunde mit dir...

2 years ago
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Von einem perversen Arzt benutzt und zum Sklaven

Vor einiger Zeit erhielt ich von einen geilen Kerl eine Anfrage zu einem Date.Er schrieb mir, das er ein aktiver Kerl sei und mein Profil sehr geil findet. Er würde mich gerne zu sich einladen würde, wo er mir dann mit Dildos und seinen Fäusten gerne mein Loch dehnen und fisten würde.Mir gefiel diese Einladung, da ich sehr gerne passiv bin und mir gerne mein Loch bearbeiten lasse.Also verabredeten wir uns für den Abend um 19 Uhr. Ich sollte aber pünktlich um 19 Uhr, mit gespültem Loch, bei ihm...

2 years ago
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Vor dem Nichts

Die glänzende Eisenstange surrte, als David sie aus der angenähten Befestigung seines Wanderrucksacks zog. Langsam ging die Sonne unter über den leeren Bauwerken der Stadt. Er rollte seinen Schlafsack aus und ließ sich auf dem Dach des gewaltigen Miethauses nieder. Die sommerlich warme Nacht erlaubte es ihm, draußen zu schlafen, um das Geschehen in den Straßen zu beobachten. Und möglicherweise liebte er es auch einfach, in die Sterne zu schauen und den Wind auf der Haut zu spüren. Es verirrten...

3 years ago
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Aus meinem K uuml chenfenster sah ich wie mein eigener

Hallo, mein Name ist Monika, ich Lebe mit meinem heute zwanzigjährigen Sohn Sven in einem kleinen Haus in Düsseldorf. Mit ihm fing alles an, als er Sechzehnjahre alt gewesen war.Ich bin heute Vierundvierzigjahre alt und seit Siebzehnjahren eine alleinerziehende Mutter.Mein Sohn Sven hang schon immer sehr viel mit seinem Freund Benny rum, an Mädchen dachte er fast nie.Das mein Sohn mal Schwul sein könnte, daran hätte ich nie gedacht.Doch vor vier Jahren, sah ich wie mein eigener Sohn den langen...

2 years ago
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The phone must have rang about five times till my wife Kathy finally picked it up. I was busy finishing up the painting of the spare room and really couldn't hear who she was talking too. I climbed back down the ladder when she came into the room. "I think I rented out the room." she said all smiles. "That's great." I smiled back as I put the paintbrush down. We had been trying to rent out the room all summer and were getting a little worried since the start of school was...

3 years ago
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Trevor Part 2

Trevor shut the door quietly and turned me around. I looked up at him and he just smiled a he put his hands on my waist. "Everything is all right now Nancy, you're very special to me. You deserve to have me now." I didn't know what to say as he lean down and kissed me softly. My knees went weak as I returned his kiss, lightly running my tongue along the outside of his lips. My hands fell to his belt buckle and I expertly undid them. Our kisses became hotter as I unsnapped his pants...

3 years ago
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Trevor s Transformation Chapter Four

As we pulled into my driveway that Thursday evening, I repeated to Trevor the plans for tomorrow. “Be here on time. I have a truck load of the arborvitaes showing up tomorrow morning at 8:30. These guys are always on time, so I need your help unloading and planting the 18 trees. If we get going right away, we can finish early tomorrow. I have plans for the weekend, and the client has to have his landscaping done for a party Saturday afternoon. They’re paying top dollar for this job, so we...

2 years ago
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Trevor s Transformation

Trevor’s TransformationChapter One, Introduction. There are a few things in life that I can say I am passionate about. One of them is landscape design, which has become my career. The other, we’ll discuss later. So it should come as no surprise that keeping my yard beautiful is a priority and passion of mine. While I do not live in an expensive house in the most expensive part of town, I do have a nice house in an established neighborhood, and suffice it to say, the best looking yard on my...

2 years ago
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Survivor II Alternate story of Amber

Amber Brkich is the 22-year-old administrative assistant from Pennsylvania. She was one of the most attractive women to compete in this second Survivor challenge. Her weight had dropped to 100 pounds since being dumped in the Australian Outback, but this didn't hurt her figure in the least. In fact, it made her even more attractive, with her light-brown hair cascading over her slender shoulders. She had gotten into the Survivor game in hopes of winning the grand prize of one million...

2 years ago
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Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteilt

Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteielt.Es war schon Abend und Männe immer noch nicht zu Hause, ein kurzes Telefonat bestättigte meine Vermutung das er mal wieder in der Eckkneipe sahs und Karten spielte.Nur mit Turnschuhen, Leggins und T-Shirt bekleidet ging ich schnell rüber um Ihn zu holen.Er sahs mit 2 Typen am Ecktisch spielte 17+4 und auf dem Tisch lag eine ziemliche Menge Geld.Er fragte mich nur ob ich etwas Geld dabei hätte,da er den Einsatz nicht mehr bringen könnte, aber gerne weiterspielen...

2 years ago
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Sag es nicht meinem alten Herrn

Peter ist vom Beruf Altenpfleger und ist bei einem privaten ambulanten Pflegedienst tätig.Mit seinen 55 Jahren sieht er noch gut aus. Das dunkelblonde Jahr ist immer noch voll, keine Geheimratsecken, keine grauen Strähnen. Der kleine Bauch steht ihm eigentlich sehr, wenn Peter auch etwas anderes manchmal darüber denkt, wenn er sich nackt im Spiegel sieht. Wenn er sich aber genauer im Spiegel betrachtet, so denkt er immer, dass er für sein Alter doch noch recht gut aussieht. Die paar Falten die...

2 years ago
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Trevor s Transformation Chapter 5

Trevor and I continued hooking up in my basement for sub and master encounters several more times that summer. The times we spent together were awesome, and to see him embrace the role of a complete sub was something I’d never envisioned. We had even taken our master/sub relationship out of my basement, as he spent the majority of the summer working for me doing landscaping work and some light remodeling projects. In fact, I actually began to enjoy having him around, knowing that the sexual...

3 years ago
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Trevor s Transformation Chapter Two

Chapter Two.Turns out that Trevor had indeed done time in jail for several misdemeanor actions, none of which were very serious, but nonetheless he must have pissed off one of the juvenile judges, because he did two one month stays just prior to his 16th birthday, and one week stay prior to turning 18. This k** obviously had some serious anger issues, which I’m sure was brought on after his father walked out on him, his brother and his mother. Thankfully, his brother Connor was the complete...

4 years ago
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Trevor s Hot Night at Home

Hi," I say in a sultry throaty voice, from the couch in the living room. You come closer into the living room, lean over the couch, and kiss me on the lips, teasing me with your tongue, while your hands slip down my almost see through shirt, to caress my bra-less breasts. My nipples harden for you, as you rub your rough palms over the sensitive tips. I break away from your kiss to moan, "Oh, yes, Trevor." in a breathy voice. I am panting gasping breaths, as you nibble behind my earlobe and...

3 years ago
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Survivors Survive This

This is a fantasy version of the show "Survivor" that is currently the rage of the concept of "Reality Television." All characters and the concept of "Survivor", and all rights, trademarks, and copyrights attendant thereto belong to CBS. This fan fiction is not intended to be an infringement of any type upon those rights. Thus this story minus those elements belonging to CBS and others is copyrighted to us and is to be posted at NO pay-to-read sites. Survivors, Survive This! By...

3 years ago
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gefickt vom freund und seinem onkel

6frankewir waren 18 und schon immer gute freunde. felix und ich haben uns zum ersten mal schwule pornehefte besorgt und sie sofort in seinem zimmer konsumiert.die geilen jungs und kerle habens in allen stellungen gemacht.kleine kurzgeschichten haben die bilder kommentiert. es kam, sie es kommen mußte, unsere jungsschwänze spannten in unseren hosen und wie von selbst zogen wir uns gegenseitig aus.felix nahm sofort meinen harten schwanz in die hand und fing an zu wichsen bis der erste tropfen...

4 years ago
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Survivor II Jerri Is A Real Bitch

Part One When the second edition of the Survivor reality show, Survivor II the Australian Outback, started, the contestants were advised that they would be filmed around the clock, and that the camera crews would not involve themselves in any way, not even if someone got injured. If an injury did occur, they would call homebase and a paramedic team would be dispatched. From the very beginning of the competition, Jerri Manthey was the Survivor everyone loved to hate. As the game progressed,...

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Survivor Thicker Than WaterDay 3

I had gone out in the middle of the night to see what was happening. All the girls looked asleep and there were only a few men around. I decided this was a good time to get some more information and see what the guests think so far. I walked up to one of them and asked his thoughts. I had seen him in other years, but as I am not the most social person, I hadn’t talked to him. I would guess he is in his mid forties and looked in decent shape and had a small accent. He told me he was really...

2 years ago
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Trevor s Ruby Ch 01

Trevor Burbage had arrived in the country from New Zealand just six weeks ago, and found himself a nice apartment, as we call it here in the States. He hoped that his stay in the U.S. would be permanent, in fact, but he naturally worried about whether or not he would get to keep his green card. How many New Zealanders got to stay in America? In any case, he made no fuss when the super promptly informed him that he would have a roommate, and that she would be a woman in her late 20s. That was...

3 years ago
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Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem Freund

Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem FreundNach dem innigen Kuss, ist uns beiden klar, dass wir nun endlich auch unsere Sexualität miteinander teilen. Auch nach 26 Jahren gibt es etwas neues, aufregendes für uns beide. „Du hast doch vorhin gemeint, dass du auf Daniel stehst. Also fangen wir mit ihm an!“ Du schaust mich verwundert an. „Wir haben doch vorhin gerätselt, ob die beiden uns verwechseln würden.“ Ich schlage dir vor, unseren Männern vorerst nichts von unserem heutigen Erlebnis zu...

2 years ago
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Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem Freund

Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem FreundNach dem innigen Kuss, ist uns beiden klar, dass wir nun endlich auch unsere Sexualität miteinander teilen. Auch nach 26 Jahren gibt es etwas neues, aufregendes für uns beide. „Du hast doch vorhin gemeint, dass du auf Daniel stehst. Also fangen wir mit ihm an!“ Du schaust mich verwundert an. „Wir haben doch vorhin gerätselt, ob die beiden uns verwechseln würden.“ Ich schlage dir vor, unseren Männern vorerst nichts von unserem heutigen Erlebnis zu...

5 years ago
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Survivor Exposed

"Welcome viewers....to Survivor: Exposed!" Jenna Hill, the brand new host of this brand new season of Survivor stands on a wooden deck in front of a giant and beautiful island seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The blonde woman's hair flows in the air from the strong winds as the bright sun reflect off her bikini clad body. "To all of you new to the show, the premise is simple. 16 contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from elimination; The contestants are progressively...

4 years ago
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Survivor with Sex

You can feel the wind in your face as you head for the beach of Ascension. Your name is John Doe, you're 24 years old and single. You are about to take part in the 7th season of "Survivor" a hit CBS reality show. The television camera’s are probably going to take a little while to get used to you realize while staring at a man with a huge camera on his shoulder. You've been forbidden to talk to any of the other survivors until the host tells you that you can so you're getting a little anxious....

3 years ago
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Survivor Stories Outback Orgy

For those who care about that sort of thing, this story is set when there were just 8 people left – Jerri, Nick, Rodger, Elisabeth, Amber, Colby, Keith, Tina. This story is essentially a parody because none of the contestants (well, maybe Jerri) would have/probably didn’t acted like this while they were ‘stranded’ for those 42 days. That said, enjoy. * * Standard Disclaimer: You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, not be offended by the contents of...

4 years ago
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Survivor Stories Elisabeth Filarski

Standard Disclaimer: You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, not be offended by the contents of it…blah blah, you know the rest. This story may be distributed freely, for commercial or non-commercial use, but PLEASE leave my email/name on it! That’s all I ask! Finally, CBS please don’t sue me – this is just fiction and I don’t mean to disparage Survivor (or Ms. Filarski’s) name in any way. This was a quickie written when I had a few hours of free...

3 years ago
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Seated on the train, Erich stared out the window at the passing countryside and caught himself thinking back on the changes the past year had brought. He felt older. He was moving further and further away from the past and he knew it. Though he was not yet a man, he could no longer identify with the boy he had once been. Pulling himself back to the present moment, his focus shifted to the person seated across from him. The one friend he had in the world absentmindedly chewed on the nail of his...

2 years ago
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Trevors Dream

Introduction: this is based on a dream my fiance had, and it was just so delicious I had to make it into a story. i wrote from his point of view, adding my own view on things as well. I open the front door after a long day at work, and glance at my watch. You should be home from school by now, I think. I take off my shoes, hang up my jacket, and walk upstairs. As I get near your door, I hear a moan. I think its a little odd, Ive never heard you make that sound. I walk into the doorway and...

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Es war ein kühler grauer Novembernachmittag. Auf dem Weg zu Glorias Haus ging ich die stille Vorstadtstraße entlang, in der ich wohnte. Es war ziemlich windig, ein Windstoß fur unter meinen Rock und ich musste nach unten greifen, um ihn festzuhalten. Mein Ruf als anständige und gesittet Frau war nicht wirklich in Gefahr, aber der Rock war erheblich kürzer als die, die ich für gewöhnlich trug. Gloria hatte mich gebeten, ihr bei einer Party zu helfen, die sie für Davids Chef veranstaltete. Er...

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Elena hatte ein großes Problem. In zwei Monaten waren die Abiturprüfungen und besonders in Mathe und Chemie hatte sie wenig Aussichten, die Prüfungen zu bestehen. Wenn sie nur irgendwie an die Fragen des Zentralabiturs herankommen könnte. Sie war ein wirklich bildhübsches Mädchen und wusste auch um ihre erotische Ausstrahlung. Sie hatte schon öfter ihre Reize eingesetzt, um zu bekommen was sie wollte. Von ihrer russischen Mutter hatte sie die langen schlanken Beine und eine blonde Mähne geerbt...

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VORSTELLUNGSGESPR Auml CH der perversen ART Teil02

VORSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCH der perversen ART! Teil02mit Samra - Babysitterin, 18J. jung.… mein Schwanz ist aber so was von hart, der muss weg —— ich rufe aus dem Fenster runter: „hi Samra, bin in 5min unten!“ Sie: „OK“ Ich entschliesse mich kurzer Hand mich um zu ziehen um meine Schwanz-Beule zu "zähmen". also ziehe ich statt der weiten Boxershort eine enge an,mit Schlitz und 2 Knöpfen vorne dran und wieder die Baggy darüber. Oh mann bin ich vielleicht aufgeregt und geil, dass ich es kaum aushalte …...

3 years ago
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Trevors bootcamp visit

one of my buddies that has had sex with my wife has a son that called asking me to entertain him and his buddy at the all nude strip club in Canada.They just got out of bootcamp and wanted to see a strip club for the first time. he remembered that I often went there with his step dad and he wanted to experience it himself.Trevor and ricky were fresh out of high school and were really naïve to life other than a couple of girlfriends.I took them to Windsor and we had a good time. Trevor was real...

4 years ago
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Seated on the train, Erich stared out the window at the passing countryside and caught himself thinking back on the changes the past year had brought. He felt older. He was moving further and further away from the past and he knew it. Though he was not yet a man, he could no longer identify with the boy he had once been. Pulling himself back to the present moment, his focus shifted to the person seated across from him. The one friend he had in the world absentmindedly chewed on the nail of his...

Gay Male
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Survivor s Pledge


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favoritepet s tale

1favoritepet’s tale        She comes home from work unlocks the door and steps inside.  She does not see her Master so she makes her way to the bedroom where she changes into the house clothes that He has laid out on His bed.  It is a simple outfit, the color matches her skin tone, it slips over the head, has no sleeves or neck only a thin elastic band to hold it to her body.  The top is connected by a single thin strand from the cleavage to the waist with a very short rippled skirt.  The...

2 years ago
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Vornkova s Prison

Vornkova's Prison Part two of the Russian Bondage School of Gymnastics May 1, 1975 Khabarovsk , Russia Svetlana Ivanova and Tatyana Khorkina stood in the district attorney's officein cuffs with their hands behind their backs. A few days ago the corpse ofKatya Vornkova turned up in the Amur River . The dead body was found in themost disturbing way. Katya's throat was slashed with what it looked like asharp chicken knife and the only fingerprints found at the scene of the crimebelonged to:...

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Vore Pandemic

The world that you and me are used to, has changed drastically since that day when the new world grew. The new kind of world is inhabited by big, huge and humongous sized animals, plants, monsters, insects, mythical creatures and videogame characters. The government choose your destiny if you are a predator or a prey based on different qualities such as height, weight and muscle mass.

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Survivor s Remorse

Hi folks, This one is partially true and partially fiction. The guy who wrecked his Mustang and went into a depression about it is absolutely true. I met him at this year's dream cruise. Coming to Mustang Alley and seeing all of the ponies was part of his therapy. I did let him know that I'd be taking a lot of liberties with his story. But there were some things that were too great to leave out. One of thse is his real life, uber supportive, uber beautiful wife Saraya. I had to throw her into...

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CarnivoreChapter 2

“Now, THAT was an experience. I thought we’d never get away from them, even after you stood by the door, holding the cheese and ammo for so long,” Carol said, as they drove to the barricade and turned left. “You made a hit with them, Carol. You took their pictures and never backed up from their questions. I don’t know how you’ll ever remember their names when you put those on CDs and print them.” “Didn’t you see me hold the camera out to them and have them say their name? I recorded each...

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CarnivoreChapter 3

For close to a minute, the six of them stood staring at the image before them on Carol’s laptop. They were stunned by the appearance of this horrifying, menacing creature. “Mr. Floyd, you’ve lived your whole life up here, have you ever seen anything to compare with this creature?” Dave Hartman asked. “Never ... To be honest, I really thought we’d find a mutant cross between a black bear and a brown bear - or maybe some weird deformed mountain man to be the cause of all this. This THING is...

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CarnivoreChapter 5

“James, tell us what this is all about. There has to be more to it than you just told,” Coop said, as they raced across the open field behind Doolin’s place and cut back on the old road that led over to the campgrounds at the dam. “Coop, the wildlife officer called it in to dispatch and they got me on the radio. They gave me his phone number and I called him. He’s at the scene now and told me to get a boat at the dock and head upriver about two miles just down from the old bridge. He said we...

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CarnivoreChapter 6

They drifted in and out of sleep, jerking awake when they did nod off. It seemed the night took a week to pass, but the eastern sky turned to a gray light and there was a red glow behind the mountain peaks. They could see the rock they were on and they could see the trees on the mountainside across the deep valley. Jerry knew that with light, the animal up there could see too if, in fact, it had stayed the night, waiting for them to make a mistake. The stench was gone and the morning breeze...

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CarnivoreChapter 7

“Tommy?” “Yes.” “Have you ever thought about touching a girl?” “Yeah. I’m touching you now, Kelsie, and you feel good.” “I don’t mean touching my butt through my jeans. I mean touch a girl in her other places.” “Her ‘OTHER’ places?” “Yeah. You ever thought about doing that?” “Yeah, I’ve thought about it. But it wasn’t you, Kelsie. It was just a girl in my mind.” “Think about touching me in my other places now, Tommy. I want you to.” “You mean through your clothes?” “No silly, I want...

4 years ago
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CarnivoreChapter 8

Chester and Daisy Reyland were on their way back up to Mt. Skinner after taking their eleven year old son, Chet, to the doctor to have x-rays taken on his left arm. It was broken, as they suspected, and the doctor placed a cast on his lower arm and wrist. Their old ¾ ton 4X4 Dodge pickup was lumbering and straining to make it up some of the steep grades on Skinner’s Mountain, but they’d made this trip before and Chester knew the old truck would still make it up the mountain this time. Chet...

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CarnivoreChapter 9

None of them had a lot to laugh about in the past two days, but when Doolin walked in the house, his little dog, Willie, was so happy to see him, they all laughed at his antics as he ran and jumped on all the furniture while running through all the rooms. When he’d tired himself out, he ran back to jump in Gina’s lap. The next morning, James had to return to the courthouse in Rockwell Springs, but told them he’d be back before dark. Coop, Carol, and Dave Hartman were going down to see Mr....

1 year ago
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Trevors Camping First

“Hi my names Trevor, and I remember my first time very well; it was incredible!” Let me see it was the summer of 2000, before my senior year in high school and my first year as a counselor at ‘Camp Olympia’, a summer camp I had been attending since I was nine years. The camp was the one thing I looked forward to all year long. There was always something to do and it was incredibly peaceful. It was the one place I could fell positive about myself. Two months before camp I turned 18 so I could no...

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Trevor s Transformation chapter 3

I repeated this process with Trevor three more times that afternoon. His youthful stamina – a virile young man of 19 – was incredible. In the two hours of ass fucking him with the big black dildo and jacking his thick cock, he never once went limp. He was rock hard the entire time, and the puddle of cum on the floor in front of him was more than I’d ever seen from a sub. After his fifth and last orgasm, his weakest, which took nearly a half hour to achieve, his reddened cock finally went...

2 years ago
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Divorcee Cock Sells Discreetly

Hi guys this is my second story in this 2 years , I had to wait this long because I always would like to write real hooks, iss been doing a great service for guys like us by making us quenching our sex thirst, that too for a divorcee guy like me, thanks for iss for this wonderful job , keep doing it iss, my first story was ” heaven after marriage ” , thanks for the guys who reviewed it and I really appreciate your comments,if guys have studied my last story u would be so aware that I was at the...

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In light of recent events, I debated on posting this story. The following was complete and in the final stages of editing when tragedy struck our nation. Although not related to any of the recent events, there are elements that may be reminiscent. Unable to decide how to proceed, I finally asked the advice of a pro. I finally decided to post, but this story was written for entertainment only. If you have any doubt you will enjoy it as intended, please stop reading...

5 years ago
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Survivor Thicker Than WaterDay 1 Morning

The apartment I was staying in is a typical one for the island. Very few people have permanent resonance here and from what I have heard the permanent ones are on the either side of the island. That part of the island is gated off and not available to regular guests. Even as the host of the game, I must still be a regular guest as I am using one of the rental places that was given to me. It gets cleaned after I leave, but it is mine for the time being. The apartment is nice and simple. It...

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Flavored Pops

Flavored Pops by Boredsitting This is a little, weekend story for those who like my style of writing. There isn't much of a plot on purpose - my plots take more planning. I'm trying to go back to the original concept of a token changing a person without their knowledge or permission but loving every minute of it. I'm trying to put together a long, character-driven story called The Student. It's going to be some time. Life and responsibilities seem to get in the way. Sorry if...

3 years ago
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Divorcee Mom and Son First episode

========= Divorcee Mom and Son. First episode. ….. guided his penis into his mom’s wet cunt….   I am a divorcee of 33 years and had always enjoyed sex with my Dad since the age of 16 when my parents divorced. I thought I will get some encouragement and feel less guilty reading about the experience with other like minded people.   One of the Lush members Franklin847 encouraged me to write about my incest experiences and also gave me a tip or two as to how to get my 16 year old...

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Divorcee Milf s Erotic Sex With ISS Author

Hi ISS readers and fans of ISS!  I would like to thank my ISS Readers for appreciating . Also, I thank all those women, teen girls, and bhabhis and my other story followers for their valuable comments and encouragement for keeping me going to post my sexual experiences. To those who don’t know me, my name is Hemant, from Bangalore. I am one of the authors of ISS Story Page. The sex experience I am going to share happened around November i.e. last month. Many women email me to express their...

4 years ago
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Divorcee Friend Meena Met Sex Satisfaction After Long Time

Hi friends this is Yash 30 years old guy from Mumbai, i have been reading ISS for past 4 years and my first story i had posted long time back about one of my girlfriends friend Lata. I and Lata had enjoyed a lot in terms of sex, but after some 3 years of relationship we got breakup and we move on. About myself i m 5’10″ tall with averagely dark look, i am not gymnastic/ athletic but average body with little tummy. I was working with one of Indian company as sr. Bde in Mumbai for north zone. In...

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SurvivorsChapter 2 Twilight s Last Gleaming

"I like the look of that one," Samantha said as we stood at the shore-end of one of the docks. The one she nodded toward was a custom Princess Motor Yacht nearly a hundred feet long. It was not the biggest boat in the marina, but it was definitely in the top ten percent. I looked around for a minute as the ladies made appreciative sounds and then decided there was no time like the present. I walked down the quay a little way to look at the boat's name. "Caroline II," I said out loud....

3 years ago
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Survivor The Outback Orgy fiction

***this is just fiction and I don’t mean to disparage Survivor or any of the people in the story in any way***“I’m bored,” whined Jerri. “Not only is there nothing to eat, but you can’t get a good nights sleep and all there is to do is fish or play another game of god damned backgammon.The rest of the recently merged Barramundi just tried to ignore her. True, getting rid of Alicia the week before had been a good idea, but now Jerri was just digging herself deeper and deeper into losing out at...

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Survivor Thicker Than WaterDay 2

Day 2 - Morning Have you ever been woken up by the feeling of two mouths on your body? It is a good way to be woken up and today it is one licking my balls and one kissing my butt. I was still pretty groggy as after a night of sex and alcohol. I was wondering what time it was as the whole room smelled like sex. I doubt Leon cared, but somehow it made me feel weird. I looked at the clock and it was 9AM. Leon would be here in an hour. I decided to spend the last hour showering with the two...

3 years ago
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Trevor Fucks

You’re Trevor Felden, 19 year old dishwasher at the Chili’s in Downtown Cincinnati, and you want to fuck. It’s 10am on a Saturday morning and you are on your bed, phone in one hand, half-hard cock in the other. You’re holding your chubbie at the base, encouraging it, though it’s not yet at its full length. Right now, your mammoth meat is at about 8 inches. When you’re fully hard, the thing exceeds a foot. The last time you fucked was over a week ago. You fucked the Chili’s hostess, Candice, who...

4 years ago
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Divorcee lady s sex with Grandpa Dad Son

I am a 34-year-old divorcee living with my son with whom I started having sex early Summer 2009. My sex life with my Dad is older than my son – we started our incestuous relationship soon after Dad’s divorce – he was about 40 and I was 16 then. He never re-married. I was divorced in 2008 and am scared still of getting into any commitment for another marriage. And I work for my Dad as his secretary and we have sex in the office, after other staff leave. On Friday evenings we have ‘proper sex’...

2 years ago
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Divorcee Mom and Son First episode

I am NOT the author.am simply sharing….. guided his penis into his mom’s wet cunt…. I am a divorcee of 33 years and had always enjoyed sex with my Dad since the age of 16 when my parents divorced. I thought I will get some encouragement and feel less guilty reading about the experience with other like minded people. One of the Lush members Franklin847 encouraged me to write about my i****t experiences and also gave me a tip or two as to how to get my 16 year old son involved. He suggested...

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Divorcee Joan

A few months after I got Divorced I was at my local Swimming Pool were I go several times a week to keep fit. I had swam a few lengths of the pool & decided to have a seat in one of the Jacuzzi pools they have, after relaxing for a time I heard a womans voice saying hi Bob, I looked up & there was Joan, she was a friend of the family, a divorcee in her early sixties. She sat down beside me an we started chatting, she wanted to know how I was since the Divorce, if I had found a girl...

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Trevor s Dream

As I get near your door, I hear a moan. I think it's a little odd, I've never heard you make that sound. I walk into the doorway and freeze. There you are, your white cotton panties around your ankles, your red plaid skirt hitched up around your waist, your white shirt slightly unbuttoned, your red tie astray... You're masturbating. My little princess is sitting there, propped up on her bed with pillows, rubbing her clit furiously. I get nervous, but notice your eyes are tightly closed....

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Trevor s First Time

I’d had a hard-on for the straight boy at the tobacco store for a while. His name tag told me he was Trevor. My guess was he was about twenty-one or two, average height, blond and well built. He only wore t-shirts and low waisted skinny jeans. There was no evidence of any extra poundage around his waist and his nipples were nice and hard under the tight fitting t-shirts. It was obvious the jeans hit him just above his cock, and the bulge there was always alluring, to say the least.Trevor was a...

First Time
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SurvivorsChapter 3 Mists of the Deep

"I'm going with him today," Cassie insisted, as I grabbed the list Samantha had added to after yesterdays shopping spree. Tabitha had tried to insist on riding with me again. "Girls," Samantha started to say as I waved her quiet. "Ladies, you can both come this morning but then you both need to stay here to watch Tommy this afternoon when Samantha and I check out the city for other survivors." "Can't we all go?" Tabitha asked. I shook my head. "Absolutely not. I can't keep an...

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SurvivorsChapter 4 Dread Silence Reposes

The damned storm seemed to be chasing us with malicious intent! It had turned northeast about the time we left Tampa, which limited our options. My storm plot put Mobile Bay inside the 1-2-3 cone ... meaning that we wouldn't be doing much searching around Mobile. I plotted some alternatives, and then asked Samantha to join me in the wheelhouse. Naturally, the girls tagged along. "So, we need a 'plan B'," Samantha said after I explained the options. Getting to the navigable side of the...

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Ivory Tower

"Toasters kill more people than sharks." This was my sister-in-law Beth talking. I saw my wife roll her eyes at Beth's' statement. "No really it's true! I read on the internet that last year over 150 people died in toaster related accidents. The same year, only 3 people were killed in shark attacks." In the Army, there is nothing more dangerous than a newly minted 2nd lieutenant with a map and a compass. In civilian life, people with a high speed internet connection and time on their...

3 years ago
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Favors Small and GreatChapter 10

“Okay, we don’t have a huge amount of time, especially due to the time lost to the need to return so many folks to Earth. They’re gonna want to pick up the kids, of course, so we’ll have to coordinate on that issue, and then there are the medical issues to resolve. And we also need to redesign the pods to our daily needs, plus there’s the supper in the mess. So, come on, let’s get your CAP cards. They’re going to give you shifts to wear, but wearing them will only be used in some cases. Such...

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Favors Small and GreatChapter 11

My household and I barely arrived at the mess when Sergeant Auvray pulled me aside for a second with a very serious look on her face. I gulped, wondering what weird situation had somehow entangled me this time. She stared at me for several seconds before clearing her throat to actually say something. Then she smiled for some reason. “Well, I have good and bad news for you, if you choose to see it that way. It concerns Margret, your pregnant concubine of whom you seem especially fond. I...

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Favors Small and GreatChapter 12

The orientation was interesting enough, as was sitting next to Margret in it, thinking that scant hours ago, she was going to be just a concubine, and this would have been about teaching me how to handle her and the others. Now, it was about teaching me, her, and others like us how to control our conks. I couldn’t help but look at her with a wink and smile, which she returned to me, clearly thinking that she was once set to be a target of these techniques, and now she would get to use them on...

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Favors Small and GreatChapter 16

Lunch was a bit rushed, though I was glad to see that Michelle and Hannah got along well with my other concubines, even as I tried to determine the permanent head concubine in my household. Right now, it was a toss-up between Marian, Miriam, and Michelle, all three names starting with “m”s, of course. Marian had the most direct managerial experience, while Miriam had been a mother for a good while and Michelle had the tough background of a law enforcement agent. I decided that I would work...

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Divorce Theapy

Divorce Therapy The Solicitors office held the whole of the upper floor of an impressiveGeorgian building in the classy part of town: by the time I had reached thetop storey I decided that I really did need to work out more. I found myselfin a swish reception area and seated behind a large desk was a beautiful womanin her mid thirties, typical secretary type with glasses and her hair sweptback neatly in a pony tail. What was unusual, however, was the cut of her blouse;she was exposing a very...

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Divorce a Job at K Mart and the New young Black Manager

Introduction: An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward situations! Divorce, a Job at K-Mart, and the New young Black Manager An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward situations! ...

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Divorce and Future passed

Getting over a divorce is always rough. In terms of emotional stress, they say that it's the equal of actually having your spouse die. I actually think that it's worse. I'm not a psychiatrist or any kind of professional counselor but I'm sure I'm right. Let's compare the two. When your spouse dies, you lose the person that you've lived with, loved and been emotionally attached to for whatever period of time. After a divorce, the exact same parameters are in effect. The difference is,...

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Savory Sweet Sex

Sweet. Blissful. Rich. Smooth. Tantalizing. These are all words that describe a woman’s best friend. Chocolate. I had the best combination of things. My boyfriend was wonderful, a tall drink of water, if you will. Jason stood 6 feet 6 inches tall and had amethyst purple eyes. His short, brush cut carmel brown hair felt great to run my fingers over. His broad chest had slight hair on it. His biceps were my favorite part about him, very sculpted. However, I wouldn’t describe him as totally...

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VortexChapter 8

Everything went according to plan the next morning. Wendy was told to bring the car round to the front door of the hospital and Tim was brought down in a wheelchair. There was no problem when they arrived home. Tim swivelled in his seat, Wendy pulled him to his feet, handed him his crutches and he made his way into the house. She settled him in his chair in the drawing room and made sure everything was within reach before making them each a mug of coffee. "Golly! I'm glad to be home,"...

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VortexChapter 9

Wendy knocked on Tim's bedroom door and walked in. He was sitting on his bed in his underpants looking thoroughly uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, Wendy," he said. "I had such trouble with my trousers that I decided against pyjamas." She smiled brightly. "Don't worry, Mr Richards. I'm not." She collected the ointment from his bathroom and hopped up onto the bed on his left. She ran a warm, soft hand over his shoulder. "Where does it start hurting?" She pressed a little...

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VortexChapter 10

The recording came to an end but neither of them showed any inclination to move. Wendy laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. "What's wrong?" Tim asked softly. "Nothing. Everything's very all right. That was a sigh of bliss." "Ah, a happy suitoress." "Very." There was a long pause. "Um, Tim ... she'd, um, be even, er, happier if you gave her um, a kiss." Very gently Tim kissed her forehead. "That's all I can reach." Wendy wriggled round and straddled his right thigh....

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VortexChapter 11

Wendy found choosing an engagement ring rather unnerving. They had to wait in the jeweller's before being served so looked at the rings on display. She was horrified by the prices. She held onto Tim's upper arm with two hands and looked up at him. "They're so expensive," she whispered. "And worth every penny for you, my Wendy." She gulped. At last an assistant greeted them. "Good morning," said Tim. "We're looking for an engagement ring." "Certainly, sir. Have you any...

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VortexChapter 12

The doorbell rang at eight o'clock the following morning. Both were having breakfast. Wendy was dressed but Tim was in his dressing gown. "Who on earth can that be?" asked Tim. Wendy shrugged and went to answer it. A woman in a trouser suit and a cameraman were standing there. "Good morning," said the woman before Wendy could speak. "I'm Pippa Williams from the Herald. I'd like to speak to Mr Richards about the attempted jewel robbery yesterday." "Well, you're much too early,"...

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VortexChapter 13

It was not over yet. At nine the following morning the doorbell rang. A small, smiling, grey-haired man stood there. "Good morning, Miss Waters," he smiled extending his hand. "Victor Tredegar. You, or rather your fiancé, bought an engagement ring from us the day before yesterday. "Yes we did," replied a beaming Wendy. "Please come in Mr Tredegar." She led him to the drawing room where Tim had taken his coffee. He was still in his dressing-gown and was clearly slightly...

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VortexChapter 14

The race meeting at Bath was a success and Starlight, as if she was appreciating the situation, won! Everyone, particularly Tim and the rest of his syndicate who were all there, was thrilled. Wendy was in her seventh heaven. She was reunited with her father and beloved brother. Tim, despite the incident at the jeweller's had discarded his crutches and was merely using a walking stick. His family had welcomed her again, this time with open arms, and she got on well with the other three...

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VortexChapter 2

Wendy Waters was excited. She had been appalled that her son had killed an innocent woman and, she assumed, caused grief to her husband. Even though she had long ago given up trying to influence let alone control Rick he was her flesh and blood. She somehow felt responsible and wanted to do something to help. She had thought long and hard and had eventually come up with the idea of offering her services as housekeeper to Mr Richards. After that she had to overcome her shyness but in the end...

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VortexChapter 3

Wendy was still in an emotional turmoil when Tim dropped her off, elated that she had got the job and could do something in recompense for Rick and dumbstruck at Mr Richards's generosity: a bedroom and her own sitting room, driving lessons and the use of his late wife's car, and a hundred and fifty quid a month. She had never dreamt of living in such comfort. She hugged herself and danced around her flat. She liked Mr Richards too. He was warm and friendly, gentle too she sensed. How he...

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VortexChapter 4

Some weeks later Henrietta dropped round. As usual she was polite but distant to Wendy. It was Tim who made them both a mug of coffee which they took through to the drawing room. After some desultory chit-chat Henrietta asked, "Tim would you come to dinner on Friday evening? Arthur's developed a bee in his bonnet about the decline in sparrows." "There are plenty round here," responded Tim. "House and hedge but I have read that overall they're in decline." "Same with us but, as I...

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VortexChapter 5

Even though Wendy was now driving she and Betty continued to shop together on a Wednesday. They alternated the driving. The Wednesday after Betty's supper party it was Wendy's turn and they had decided to have lunch together in Gloucester that day. They chatted happily about this and that until Betty reached across the table and laid her hand on Wendy's. "I'm sorry I embarrassed you after supper last week," she said gently. Wendy smiled. "I knew you were only teasing," she...

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VortexChapter 6

Wendy did tell Betty though in the car on their next trip to Gloucester and asked whether Henrietta had approached her. "No," replied Betty. "We're not really buddies. It was Jane that brought us together but we don't get on with each other all that well. Nor did my husband and we both reckoned Arthur was a complete stick-in-a-mud." Wendy giggled. "I don't think Mr Richards is a fan either." "Quite right. He isn't. Anyway, that's one off the list of suitoresses." Wendy...

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VortexChapter 7

"Come on, Wendy," said Tim. "Let's go and listen to the CD you gave me. I haven't heard the Dvorak for ages." He did not sit on the sofa which was not a surprise but Wendy was mildly disappointed. She was not that taken with the music either. It did not appeal to her in the same way as the Verdi Requiem had. The Christmas day that had started so well had rather fizzled out. Life returned to normal but the New Year brought bitter weather. The temperature barely rose above freezing...

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Divorce a Job at K Mart and the New young Black Manager

An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward situations! She is a 34yr old divorced woman named Ashley that needs to work in order to make ends meet. Her two children are now living with her ex or his parents. She is alone devastated and insecure from the divorce, has few friends,thinks she is unattractive has no prospects and has...

4 years ago
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Divorced MILF Massaged With Feather In Goa

Hello to all ladies and guys here. I will call myself the ‘masseur’. I am not too comfortable sharing my name in my first experience itself. I am happy to have learnt a bit about the art of massage which helped me pen this. It was a hot humid summer in Goa and I had taken a break from work. I checked into one of the most beautiful secluded parts in south Goa for a weekend getaway away from the noise. Little did I know that the weekend would be one I would remember for ages to come! While...

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Divorced wife After the First Date

***To get caught up, you will need to read the first segment titled: My First Day Divorced and the second segment titled: Divorced wife goes on her first date after divorce. This segment picks up where the last one left off***********The next morning, once I was finally able to get to bed in the very early hours of the morning, I kept hearing my phone ding. But I was ignoring it, mainly because I was tired from being out all night. And two, I knew who it would be. I mean come on, we all know it...

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