Survivors Survive This
- 3 years ago
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Hi folks, This one is partially true and partially fiction. The guy who wrecked his Mustang and went into a depression about it is absolutely true. I met him at this year's dream cruise. Coming to Mustang Alley and seeing all of the ponies was part of his therapy. I did let him know that I'd be taking a lot of liberties with his story. But there were some things that were too great to leave out. One of thse is his real life, uber supportive, uber beautiful wife Saraya. I had to throw her into the mix. The rest of it is pure fiction. I'd also like to thank Barney-R for coralling my grammatical and spelling wildness. Maybe someday, I'll leave it alone when he changes all of my buts to howevers. And by now most f you know that I've never met a comma I didn't like. Enjoy, and drop me a line complaining about it if you don't like it. Readers, start your Engines. SS06
My name is Vee. Okay, that's not actually my name; it's just what most of my friends call me. My actual name is Irving Raymond Dallbinger. As I was growing up my parents called me Irvy. My friends shortened it to Vee. I liked it. Vee sounds a lot tougher than Irvy. And it's less nerdy than Irv.
As I sit here my life flashes in front of my eyes. My right foot spikes downwards revving my car's engine. Seven hundred horsepower responds and an absolutely hellish sound erupts from the three inch tips of the Gibson Performance side exhaust system I recently had installed on the car.
I look to my left and stare into the most beautiful brown eyes on the planet. The woman the eyes are attached to, smiles at me. Why shouldn't she smile? She has nothing to lose.
On the other hand, this race means everything to me.
Race. It's a funny word. It's something we're born doing. Five year old kids get together on the playground, look at each other and ask... "Wanna race?"
In its most basic form the word refers to a contest in which two or more competitors endeavor to discover which of them is the fastest. We can race on foot. We can race bicycles. We can race cars. Shit, we can race almost any mode of transportation.
In this case we're racing cars. It's something I used to do regularly. But I haven't raced in a little over two years. That last race cost me almost everything.
A tapping sound drew my attention. I looked across and saw her smiling at me. Her extremely white teeth contrasted against flawless caramel skin. "This ain't no ten second race," she smirked. "We're doing a lap of the entire park. If losing is too humiliating for you, you can just keep going when the race is over. But I hope you're man enough to at least come and congratulate me." I just nodded my head at her.
She revved her engine a couple of times and then started flipping switches. I realized then that she was setting her launch controls. Her engine revved up to its launch rpms and she looked over at me.
"No launch control?" she asked. Her expression, with one eyebrow raised was even sexier.
"Don't need em," I said. "My car's an automatic."
Her laughter was musical.
"I thought that real men drive Manual transmissions," she said.
"Real men drive whatever's faster and less complicated," I said. "I can't wait to see how manly you are on your back with me between your legs."
Her eyes seemed to light up when I said that. For the second time since I met her I was confused. It almost seemed as if she was on my side.
A man wearing a business suit walked out in front of us and between us. He snatched the handkerchief from his pocket and raised it in one hand. "When the handkerchief drops" you guys haul ass," he said.
Time stood still as his arm slowly rose above his head. He looked at both of us in turn to make sure that we were ready.
This was so different from my last race. This was semi organized, although still illegal as hell. That last race had been utter chaos. It had been an unplanned thing that just happened. I mean when I left the house that morning, I didn't consciously think, 'Okay, today I think I'll fuck my car up and risk dying. I just wanna ruin my God damned life, and I think today is that day!'
What happened was I was on my way to work and as I was cruising down the freeway, minding my own business, there was this Challenger. And you guys know that all of those guys who drive Challengers have something to prove. And this guy was showing his ass, so I had to edumacate him.
When I heard his tires chirp, my reflexes kicked in. My foot stabbed the gas pedal and the torque of my acceleration snapped my head back. I love that feeeling. (Yep, I intended to use three E's. Driving that fast is a feeeling.) I caught up to him in less than a second and rocketed by. He tried to keep up, but once I got past a hundred miles an hour, he backed off. Truthfully, I don't think it was any lack of speed in his car. I think he was a bit skeered, as they say in Ohio.
I took the off ramp and left the freeway, feeling good about once again defending the brand. Another victory for the valiant Mustangs over the tyranny of the Italian owned Chrysler Empire.
I was driving down Woodward Avenue, headed for my office, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a biker on a crotch rocket. 'What the fuck, ' I thought. It was a no lose situation. He was on a bike. Everyone would expect him to have faster acceleration. But I have those race car driver reflexes. We were stopped at a traffic light. He looked across at me and smiled. He revved his engine and I could tell he thought he would have me for lunch. He revved his engine again, but in mid rev, just as he was backing off, the light changed.
My foot hit the gas like lightning striking the earth. My pony car's forward leap caught him flat-footed and I was gone. The bike was far lighter, but I was pretty sure he couldn't match my top end speed. The problem was getting there. His acceleration was epic, but I had a big lead. As my speedo circled towards 100 he was gaining ground far faster than we were eating it up.
Unfortunately, we were running out of real estate. As we hit the end of the block and the next stop light, I still held a small lead. The light was red and I hit the brakes, but just as I hit the brakes and my six piston Brembo brakes began to clamp and slow me down the light changed to green.
He had nearly stopped, but I still had the momentum going for me. I hit the gas again and leaped forward through the light. A quick glance to the side confused me. He was looking at me and wasn't trying to get ahead of me.
Again my reflexes kicked in. But no matter how fast I was, it didn't mean shit. Life is full of all kinds of things that only matter in certain situations. They say that before you die your life flashes in front of your eyes. Mine didn't. I had perfectly clear vision and way above normal reaction time. The problem was that there simply wasn't enough time.
Thought moves at the speed of light. But waiting for physical action and mechanical movement is painfully slower.
Remember my ridiculous, six piston Brembo brakes I spoke about earlier? Why are they ridiculous? Because my front brakes cost over three thousand dollars. You can buy a used older model Mustang v6 for that. When you throw in another nineteen hundred for my rear brakes you begin to see the issue. No one who isn't totally obsessed with cars would ever pay that.
But I'm not alone. I've seen the same brakes on several Camaros and a few Challengers. They're standard issue on the higher end Corvettes too. And truthfully, they're usually worth it. My brakes can slow me down from sixty miles an hour to zero in only ninety three feet.
The problem I had that day was that I was moving a lot faster than sixty and the wall that appeared in front of me was a lot closer than ninety feet.
I watched with endless and painful slowness as it happened.
He was bored. He'd been on the job for too many years and had been driving for too many hours straight. He was doing a double shift that morning and had simply become complacent.
He always drove through the yellow in this spot. He was making the U-turn in front of the old State Fair grounds. It didn't really matter, if he went through the red light. Who the hell would ever hit a bus? This time of the morning there were very few cars on the road. And he had very few passengers. He had also had a few drinks between the end of the midnight shift and the beginning of the morning shift. His reflexes weren't quite as sharp as they should have been.
I later found out that he never even saw me. His first realization that I was there was my Mustangs thirty four hundred pounds slamming into the side of his bus so hard that it nearly tipped over.
I can remember it in infinite detail. I remember the hellish shriek of tortured tires. My expensive, super sticky, performance, directional radials crying out in protest. The aforementioned brakes clamping down so the car was simply sliding towards the bus.
Emotionally, I felt it as my front bumper deformed on contact with the bus. It was funny. The price of a replacement front bumper went through my mind even as that one was ruined. My custom grills were next. I could feel it as the aluminum billet grills bent and snapped. My chin spoiler was ripped from the bumper as the radiator was pushed into and through the serpentine belt. The engine mounts were designed to break loose under extreme pressure.
It helps to form the crumple zone in the front end. That crumple zone deforms and absorbs most of the force of the impact. My front windshield cracked and shattered, but not a single piece of glass broke free. I was thinking of the Mustang emblem imbedded in that windshield and whether or not the insurance company would spring to replace it, or would they try to give me some regular shitty windshield that just fit.
I was sure that I would have to pay for the tinting myself. And then the air bag blew. Strangely enough, that was when I got pissed. I knew that the airbag going off meant major repairs. I would be without my car for a month at least. That meant that I would probably miss the Dream Cruise.
The weird part of it was that I never lost consciousness. I shook my head and opened my seat belt. I had to force the door open. Then I got out and looked at my car. I knew it was going to be expensive. I knew I was going to need an awesome mechanic.
The light on my side was still green. One of the drivers in the other lanes came over to me. "He ran the red light!" he yelled, pointing at the bus driver. The bus had gone up onto the grass that bordered the road. He got out of the bus looking bewildered.
The guy on the bike took off then. He wasn't actually involved in the accident. I could see his smirk through his helmet.
The police were there almost instantly. There is a police station less than a mile away. One of the officers came to me; the other went to the bus driver. My witness quickly spoke up. "The bus ran the red light," he said again.
An ambulance pulled up. They put me in the back and started checking me over. I told them I was fine, but they insisted in taking me to the hospital anyway. While I was in the back of the ambulance, I called my wife, Wendy.
She got to the hospital less than twenty minutes after I did. She was frantic. I was fine. She checked me out, looking at every part of my body. It was as if she thought she could see things that the X-Rays and the MRI couldn't.
She hugged me, and then recoiled as she realized that her hug might have hurt me. She asked me millions of questions and never waited for me to answer. I was numb. Not physically, but emotionally.
I was given a clean bill of health and told that I would probably become very sore over the next few days. It didn't happen. Basically the fact that I ran and lifted weights, keeping myself in excellent physical condition, allowed me to walk away from the accident without a scratch. Hoo-fuckin' rah!"
I couldn't believe it was happening. My greatest nightmare was actually happening. I had planned to work on both the flower beds in the front of our yard and my tan. My idea was to get a very early start so I could weed the flower beds before the sun was at its full intensity. There was no sense wasting any sunshine. After all this is Michigan. Summer is only about six weeks long. At least that's the way it seems.
But before I could even get my tools out, I got a phone call. I figured it was one of my friends so I answered, and less than five minutes later, I was in my Jeep and heading for the hospital.
Vee was my life. He had to be okay. There were tears streaming down my cheeks as I flew into the hospital's parking lot. I pulled right up in front of the hospital and got out of my car. A guard started yelling at me.
"It's my husband," I cried. Maybe it was something in my expression ... Maybe it was the fact that I was wearing shorts that a stripper wouldn't wear and my bra-less boobs were fighting for attention under the thin t-shirt I wore, but whatever it was, he softened his stance.
"Ma'am, I hope your husband is fine," he said. "I really do. But you can't leave your car here. They'll tow it away."
I went back to the car. The keys were still in it. I turned to look at him. It just seemed like someone was putting obstacles in my way to keep me from getting to Vee.
"Wow," he said. "You really were in a hurry. Okay, Ma'am. I'll take it from here. Your car will be in Valet parking. The Valet guy will have your keys. And here..." He reached into to his pocket. "This ticket will make it so you don't have to pay for the Valet service, or for parking. I really hope your husband is okay." I was surprised at his compassion, but I had no time to thank him. So I just nodded and took off for the door to the emergency room.
A nurse told me that I couldn't come in through the door I used. I looked through her and walked up to the desk. I asked for Vee and another nurse, seeing the look on my face looked through the records. "You are?" she asked, before telling me anything.
"Wendy Dallbinger," I said desperately. "He's my husband ... I mean I'm his wife. Is he okay? What happened to him? Can I see him now? Oh God! ... I left my purse in the car. I don't have our health cards or anything else on me. Can I see him before I try to find the car and get all of that stuff?" My voice was getting louder and more frantic by the second.
"Please let her come in here, before she passes out," said a voice from just beyond the partition that separated the desk from the triage cubicles. I recognized the voice as Vee's.
"Vee!" I screamed joyfully. I bolted past the partition to find him sitting up on a small cot-like bed in the third of four cubicles.
I looked over his face and exposed body areas for cuts or bruises. Then I felt his arms and legs. "Are you okay?" I shrieked.
"My car is wrecked," he said sullenly. I had no time for that silliness.
"Fuck that car!" I hissed. "I'm worried about you. We'll get it fixed!"
"It's really bad," he said. "The whole front end is crushed. I'm not sure there's frame damage, but I think they're gonna have to weld in new engine mounts at least. But this could be a good time to add sub-frame connectors. They'll give me better handing and more frame rigidity.
"Will you stop talking about that God Damned car and tell me about you, Vee?" I said. He shrugged his shoulders and twisted his head from side to side.
"I'm fine," he said, matter of factly. "The car protected me."
"As much time and money as you out into that thing, it should have," I said. A nurse came in and offered him pain pills.
"I'm not in any pain," he told her.
"The doctor thinks you should take them," she said. "Right now you may still be in shock. Later today or tomorrow, you may begin to feel pain or soreness ... As a delayed reaction from the accident."
"I don't really take pills," said Vee.
"Well, I'll give you a prescription of..." she began.
"He won't take them," I told her.
"Okay, you're supposed to take it easy for the next seventy two hours," she began. "And if anything changes. If you feel pain or soreness or any type of headache ... Come back in immediately."
There were several clues that should have told me that things were not well, but I was so glad that Vee wasn't hurt that I managed to miss them all. The first of those clues came that very same day. While on the hospital, Vee had called our insurance company to report the accident. We needed a police report and we also needed to meet the insurance agent to inspect the car.
Vee asked me to handle it. I thought that he was just tired or beginning to feel the after affects of the accident, but I was wrong.
I met the insurance agent at the shop they had towed the car to. We looked the car over and he declared the car a total loss. It would cost far more than the car was worth to repair it. I knew that would be tough for Vee to take. Another bitter pill for him to swallow would be the fact that the insurance company wouldn't be basing our settlement on the custom parts that Vee had added to the car. They would only be giving us the base value of his model. I was sure that Vee would shit a brick over that news. It was going to be a big shock to him that his precious car was worth far less to the insurance company than it was to him or any of the guys who'd offered to buy it from him over the years.
The only shock came when I told him about it, only I was the one who was shocked.
"Vee, Honey, they totaled your car," I said.
"I figured as much," he said flatly.
"The insurance company, because of depreciation, the age of the car, and the number of miles on it, is only giving us twenty grand," I said. I was prepared for anger. I was even prepared for outright shock.
"Okay," he said with about as much interest as if I'd told him that the pizza guy was late. Over the next few days things returned to normal, or so I thought. There were a few things that were different about Vee, but I chalked them up to the accident. For one thing I had to tell him that he should go out and do his run.
That was kind of weird because Vee is hyper competitive. Normally he's the one explaining to me that if he doesn't train well, he doesn't do well in the almost endless string of 5K and 10K races he does. He also runs in the marathon that a local newspaper hosts every fall.
So after I urged him to get back to training, he did go back out and run. But instead of running with his friends, he ran alone. That got my attention, but it took a weird incident for it to come out.
One of Vee's running buddies and best friend, Al Martin just happened to run into me at the grocery store.
"Hey Wendy, what happened to your hubby?" he asked. "Or did he just know that it was my year?"
I had no idea what he was talking about.
"Yeah it would have been better if he'd been there," he continued. "Since he's won it for the last four years. But I would have won even if he was there. Still it would have been nice to have won by beating him."
"Beating him at what?" I asked as I sorted through the tomatoes.
"You know?" he said. "The race in the park we run in. Every year they have that 5K. I won it yesterday."
"How many years have you run in it?" I asked.
"For about five years," he said proudly.
"So last year when he had the flu and ran with a fever and the chills, he beat you Huh?" I asked.
"Yeah I guess," he said. His tone was a lot less exuberant.
"And three years ago, when he limped home with the ankle sprain, he still beat you then too right?" I asked.
"Yeah but I was closing on him and..." he stopped talking when he saw the dubious expression on my face.
"Vee ran faster this year in the earlier races this season didn't he?" I asked as if I didn't know.
"Well, yeah ... I guess," he said.
"So what makes you think that you could have won if he'd been there?" I asked. "You should just be glad that you won and shut up. Actually you should start training now," I said.
"Why," he asked. "The race is over."
"There are other races this year," I reminded him. "And of course there's this same race next year. I'm sure you've told other people about your victory, right?"
"A few," he said. "Why?"
"When I get home and tell him about what you told me, he'll probably be really fired up to embarrass you the next time you guys run against each other. Especially with that crack you made about how you would have won even if he'd been there," I said. "It's going to be really embarrassing for you at this race next year."
"Oh Wendy! I was just talking shit," he said. "I just wanted to get him fired up enough to come back and run with us. He hasn't been in the park to run for the last couple of weeks. We miss him. I Uhm gotta go!"
That started me wondering about what was going on. Another thing that had confused me was when the check came from the insurance company. I asked him when he would be going down to the Ford dealership.
"Why?" he asked.
"Don't you want a new Mustang?" I asked.
"Not really," he said without a lot of enthusiasm. There was definitely something wrong.
"Why not, Honey?" I asked. It felt like he'd just told me that he didn't need to breathe anymore. Vee had been Mustang crazy ever since I'd known him. Something was wrong.
"I've got my Jeep," he said. "You've got yours. We're fine."
"But ... Huh?" I asked. I had no idea what was going on.
"I think I've grown out of the whole fast car thing," he said. "I want to concentrate on some other parts of our life, okay?"
"Sure, Honey," I said. "I was just asking." My mind was working overtime. I was trying to figure out who the hell I was talking to.
The man in front of me looked like my Husband Vee. But he didn't sound like Vee, or act like him.
Vee was hyper-active. He was always running or doing some kind of workout on our home gym. And that fucking car. He spent almost as much time working on or polishing or driving that thing as he spent with me. There were times when I was jealous of it. But now he had the chance to buy another one and he just didn't seem to care.
Then there was another thing. Our sex life had kind of dried up lately. At first I was pretty sure that he was sore from the accident. But after a couple of weeks, it was strange. I was used to having to tell Vee that I needed a night off occasionally. I guess I should have been glad to have the break, but there was something strange going on.
I've always been a woman who needed a lot of sex and Vee and I seemed to be perfectly matched. But at that point I felt like I was living in the twilight zone.
Six weeks after the accident, everything changed. My boss, Frank, had fallen down a flight of stairs and would be in traction for two to three weeks. He would then be put into a regular cast for another four to six weeks while his broken femur set. Because I was so awesome at my job, he picked me to take over for him.
It surprised a bunch of people. I mean I'm a great engineer, if I say so myself. But I'm not so sure I'm the management type. In fact for the past few weeks, I hadn't been managing to leave my office. I had completed project after project with barely a word to anyone.
My boss did have an Assistant, Darwin Charles, who I was sure would do a better job than I could. But he had no technical knowledge at all. He was only a manager. My first assignment was to fly to Chicago to attend a conference of several companies that were clients of ours. My job would be to discuss the progress we'd made on several of our ongoing projects. It was something a management type couldn't handle.
My boss had been scheduled to go but the fall prevented that. I had to get there as quickly as possible. I had barely enough time to rush home and head to the airport. My flight was scheduled to take off two hours from then.
I drove home. For the first time since ... For the first time in a few weeks I was excited about something. Actually it had been the first time I felt any sort of emotion. I ran into the house, wondering where the hell, Wendy was. I checked the kitchen and found no sign of her. I decided I'd call her on my way to the airport if she didn't come in while I packed.
I ran up the stairs to our bedroom. I guess the thick carpet on the stairs softened my footfalls. But then again it could have been the fact that they were really busy concentrating on what they were doing.
My wife Wendy is a blond. Her hair is kept about collar length. She's short and built really well. She has large boobs that I love to suck on. She also has a big round butt that I love to slap while I fuck her doggy style.
The guy fucking her wasn't currently enjoying that. He had her on her back. He had her legs straddled wide open with her feet pushed back near her head. Wendy is really flexible.
Her big boobs wobbled forward and back, almost hitting her in the face and then moving forward onto her tummy with each stroke. The unusual thing was that the guy was sawing his dick in and out of her ass. It was a very unusual position for anal.
As my shock dissipated, my ears began to work again.
"Come on Rick," she whined. "Hurry up. You've been begging for my ass for the longest time, so go ahead and do it. This is the only time you're getting my ass."
Rick grunted and wheezed like he was trying to sprint a mile uphill. Sweat beads dripped down his forehead from the exertion. It dropped down on his chest and back. A few stray drops fell onto Wendy.
"Why not?" he grunted between thrusts. "It's not like no one has been in it before me. And it's so fucking tight. I mean your pussy is good, but I'm loving this ass, baby."
"Because of a promise I made that I've already broken," she spat. "When I got married, I wasn't a virgin ... Not that anyone is these days. But on our wedding night, I gave Vee my ass and I promised him that no one else would ever have it. So this is a one-time thing."
"I don't think I'm EVER going to use it again," I said, stepping into the room. "So you may as well let him have it."
Wendy screamed and tried to push the guy away from her. He was on the edge of the foot of the bed and when she pushed him. His rapidly shrinking dick came out of her ass with a popping sound. Both of them registered expressions of pain at the quick disengagement. He got the worst if it though. He lost his balance and fell backwards off of the bed, hitting his head on the floor painfully.
As he fell I recognized him. He was Rick Peters. His wife, Janice Peters, was one of Wendy's friends.
I looked at Wendy and she was too shocked to say or do anything.
"Are you okay, Rick?" I asked. He looked as if he was dazed by the blow to his head.
"I ... I ... I think so," he said shakily. Rick was about my size, although thicker and less in shape.
"Don't try to get up," I said.
"Really ... I'm okay," he said.
My fist slammed into his eye, snapping his head back. His arms went out from under him and he fell back to the floor. "I don't give a fuck how you are," l spat. "It's just easier to beat the shot out of you while you're on your back."
I dropped to my knees straddling him. That way he couldn't even get his arms up. I started pounding him. He moaned in pain and started trying to shake me off, but he had no leverage since his arms were pinned to his sides.
Within seconds, I had punched him 7 or 8 times and his face was a mass of bruises. Wendy dove at me to knock me off of him. I looked at her with nothing but contempt.
"Rick you really should have started running with me and my friends," I told him. "But even then you wouldn't have been fast enough to get to Janice before I call her."
The look on his face morphed then, from pain and fear of the beating I was giving him, to a different kind of fear.
"You don't have to bring her into this, do you?" he whined.
"Vee, this was my fault," said Wendy. "We need to talk about this. I'm really sorry, Honey. It's not what you think. It was just..."
"Shut the fuck up, Wendy," I yelled at her. My voice was so loud that she winced as if I had hit her. In the eight years that we'd been married I had never yelled at her. I stood up and went to my closet. I pulled out three suits and laid them on the bed. I went out into the hallway and grabbed my suitcase and my carry-on bag as Wendy looked at me in shock.
"Vee ... Where the hell do you think you're going?" she asked, beginning to cry. "I told you we have to talk about this. You can't leave me over this. I think I may have made a mistake and..."
"You THINK... ?" I yelled. I suddenly started laughing. "You THINK you've made a mistake?" I just shook my head.
"Well that's another mistake you made, Wendy," I hissed. "I'm not leaving. You are. I have to go out of town for work. Frank broke his leg and I have to fill in at a conference for him. I'll be gone for a couple of days. By the time I get back, I want you to have every trace of yourself and your shit ... out of my house. I'll start on the divorce when I get back."
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As i sit here, bound yet unbound, the rope abrading my raw flesh, the memory of my Master?s punishments cloud my thoughts with delirium. No matter which way i shift, i cannot escape the cord tucked intimately against me. my thoughts turn to the night He made me his little slave girl. Since that night He has taken me into the darkness with Him, a firm, guiding Hand through the lands of pain in which i now must travel. His step haunts me when i hear it on the stair to the dungeon. What is to...
The winner got all her love and at last I, Eddy Hanson, was invited to her apartment where she, during a dinner at her apartment, told me that I was the winner. It had been a rough game between Elliot Robertson and me before our dream-girl, Linda, made her final choice. Elliot and I came from different clubs and had signed up at the same time to the local soccer team after it had climbed up to the first division. Both of us did well and got some fame as the new soccer stars in our Scandinavian...
When Nicola woke the following morning she was startled to realise that the Emir had tied her hands to the bed post. “Don’t be afraid. I promised I wouldn’t hurt you, didn’t I?” Nicola nodded uneasily. At the same time, however, there was something reassuring in his voice and besides, he had kept his word about not hurting her the previous night. She felt a tingling of excitement run through her body. It made her wonder what the Emir was up to. It wasn’t long before she found out as the...
Tamara stretched as she woke. She hurt – her tummy was tight and moving caused some discomfort. Below, her coochie seemed raw and she reminisced for a moment about how it had managed to get to such a state. ‘My pussy,’ she thought to herself, giggling. ‘It had been a coochie but Calix and I made sure it became a pussy last night.’ It hadn’t lasted all night, like she’d hoped, but had lasted until well into the morning. She really had no idea what time she’d finally passed out, but she was...
Amber Brkich is the 22-year-old administrative assistant from Pennsylvania. She was one of the most attractive women to compete in this second Survivor challenge. Her weight had dropped to 100 pounds since being dumped in the Australian Outback, but this didn't hurt her figure in the least. In fact, it made her even more attractive, with her light-brown hair cascading over her slender shoulders. She had gotten into the Survivor game in hopes of winning the grand prize of one million...
You can feel the wind in your face as you head for the beach of Ascension. Your name is John Doe, you're 24 years old and single. You are about to take part in the 7th season of "Survivor" a hit CBS reality show. The television camera’s are probably going to take a little while to get used to you realize while staring at a man with a huge camera on his shoulder. You've been forbidden to talk to any of the other survivors until the host tells you that you can so you're getting a little anxious....
Part One When the second edition of the Survivor reality show, Survivor II the Australian Outback, started, the contestants were advised that they would be filmed around the clock, and that the camera crews would not involve themselves in any way, not even if someone got injured. If an injury did occur, they would call homebase and a paramedic team would be dispatched. From the very beginning of the competition, Jerri Manthey was the Survivor everyone loved to hate. As the game progressed,...
In light of recent events, I debated on posting this story. The following was complete and in the final stages of editing when tragedy struck our nation. Although not related to any of the recent events, there are elements that may be reminiscent. Unable to decide how to proceed, I finally asked the advice of a pro. I finally decided to post, but this story was written for entertainment only. If you have any doubt you will enjoy it as intended, please stop reading...
I had gone out in the middle of the night to see what was happening. All the girls looked asleep and there were only a few men around. I decided this was a good time to get some more information and see what the guests think so far. I walked up to one of them and asked his thoughts. I had seen him in other years, but as I am not the most social person, I hadn’t talked to him. I would guess he is in his mid forties and looked in decent shape and had a small accent. He told me he was really...
"Welcome Survivor: Exposed!" Jenna Hill, the brand new host of this brand new season of Survivor stands on a wooden deck in front of a giant and beautiful island seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The blonde woman's hair flows in the air from the strong winds as the bright sun reflect off her bikini clad body. "To all of you new to the show, the premise is simple. 16 contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from elimination; The contestants are progressively...
The apartment I was staying in is a typical one for the island. Very few people have permanent resonance here and from what I have heard the permanent ones are on the either side of the island. That part of the island is gated off and not available to regular guests. Even as the host of the game, I must still be a regular guest as I am using one of the rental places that was given to me. It gets cleaned after I leave, but it is mine for the time being. The apartment is nice and simple. It...
***this is just fiction and I don’t mean to disparage Survivor or any of the people in the story in any way***“I’m bored,” whined Jerri. “Not only is there nothing to eat, but you can’t get a good nights sleep and all there is to do is fish or play another game of god damned backgammon.The rest of the recently merged Barramundi just tried to ignore her. True, getting rid of Alicia the week before had been a good idea, but now Jerri was just digging herself deeper and deeper into losing out at...
A week after José and his men cross the river Pat and Erin drive out to collect the mail. Pat is slumped in the passenger seat like usual, so he can’t be seen when they drive out to the front gate. Then they drive to the eastern fence to do some practice hiding in the terrain there due to it being slightly different to what they’ve being using nearer the house. The man Carlos has watching the front gate reports Erin checking the mail and then driving along inside the fence while heading...
Day 2 - Morning Have you ever been woken up by the feeling of two mouths on your body? It is a good way to be woken up and today it is one licking my balls and one kissing my butt. I was still pretty groggy as after a night of sex and alcohol. I was wondering what time it was as the whole room smelled like sex. I doubt Leon cared, but somehow it made me feel weird. I looked at the clock and it was 9AM. Leon would be here in an hour. I decided to spend the last hour showering with the two...
You open your eyes, but all you see is grey. After a few seconds, your eyes start stinging and you start coughing. You reach your arms out and feel the solid wall just out of view. After giving it a push, you hear a hissing noise as the door slides up and the smoke begins to clear. You fall out of your pod, onto your knees as your vision becomes blurry. You feel your stomach wretch as you throw up on the floor. It takes you a while before your head stops hurting and you feel well enough to...
"I'm bored," whined Jerri. "Not only is there nothing to eat, but you can't get a good nights sleep and all there is to do is fish or play another game of god damned backgammon. The rest of the recently merged Barramundi just tried to ignore her. True, getting rid of Alicia the week before had been a good idea, but now Jerri was just digging herself deeper and deeper into losing out at Tribal Council. Rodger, the closest person to Jerri, smiled politely at her but rolled his eyes when...
The trip deeper into the property does take them through a few of the lower fences, and Pat is surprised all of the gates are left open. When asked about it Sarge says, “If we leave the gates open it makes moving about easier, but the main reason is it allows the little stock we do have here to wander as they will so we don’t have to move them to new grazing. In short, we’re too lazy to move the stock so we let them move themselves when they wish to.” Pat laughs at the very practical...
On the first Wednesday in September Hard Ball is picking Pat up at school today. Erin and Gunny are in Eagle Pass and they don’t know how long their business will take them. Thus the change in routine. It has no real effect on Pat because all of the pickups look the same and they all know the place where he waits for them to collect him. Hard Ball is a little delayed so Pat is looking around the area while waiting outside the school. He notices four people in a car parked on the other side...
When Pat moves from Grade School to Junior High School he’s a bit surprised by the change in the student culture. However, soon after he starts the 10th Grade in Senior High School the differences in the student culture to his previous schools is a shock to him! In the first few weeks he learns how important the student social standing is to the majority of the students now, and how it can make school easier or a lot harder than it needs to be. The real shock for him is how so many minor...
Most of the contestants were walking away to the bed and showers and Tarza had been brought back to me by the guards. Tarza was a complicated contestant as she had been a referral and I wasn’t 100% sure if it was ok to vote her out so early. I decided to give her one more chance. “Tarza, are you sure you don’t want to fuck our guest?”. I looked directly at Tarza when I asked it. “Hell no” said Tarza. There was no hesitation in her voice or sign on her face that she was unsure about that...
Day 4 - Morning Leon arrived at his usual time, 5 minutes after I woke up. I sighed, I had stopped being surprised about it, I had bigger things to worry about, but it still didn’t sit right with me. “I heard you used your time with #1 well. “, Leon said in his usual calm voice. I knew he was talking about my trip to Yasmin. He knew their names, but disliked using them for some reason. Maybe it created more distance for him. I liked using the names as it felt more personal to me. To each...
The first day of college is organised mayhem, just like it is at every educational facility around the world on the first day of the year. But Pat has no problems because he’s already been all over the campus several times to plan where he’ll park and how he’ll move from class to class, as well as to the other locations he needs to visit, like the cafeterias. He already has all of his text books for those classes with set books, so he only has to wait for the course notes for the two classes...
During the last week before the summer holiday break the Major in command of the college ROTC unit has a meeting with Pat. When Pat is in the office the Major hands him some papers, waves at a chair, and says, “Captain Nolan, those are the forms to attend a two week training course at one of the Army training posts in July. Everyone else in the ROTC unit will be at the course and I want you to sign the papers to attend as well.” Pat reads the papers, checks the dates against his other...
Pat’s class schedule is heavy and very full. However he doesn’t have any classes until after lunch on Wednesday, so he doesn’t need to go to the college until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. He uses the morning to catch up on many other tasks and to relax a bit. One part of this is to have an early lunch in one of the city diners near the college. The place concerned is very busy in the afternoon and very empty in the morning. It started life in the 1950s and it still has the same customer area decor...
Both Pat and Rosa do well in their studies and they get good scores in all of their exams. Rosa has to go home to be involved in the preparations for their wedding so Pat pays for her to fly home a few days after their final exams for the year while business affairs keep Pat in Fayetteville until early June. When he can Pat packs up his Yukon and drives to the ranch to stay in his room until the wedding on the last Saturday of June. On the day of the wedding Rosa is surprised to see her best...
Although she doesn’t know what he does or where he goes Rosa does know Pat goes away to do some work every now and then. He never tells her what it’s about or who he does it for. Since he always wears his BDUs when he leaves and the few places she knows he goes to are military posts she assumes he’s doing some extra work for the Army related to his work with the Maverick Militia. However, while Pat does spend a lot of time on Army posts for the extra work he’s actually employed by the Secret...
My wife and I were invited to go on a weekend getaway to our friend’s lake cabin in upper Minnesota. Our friends Chad and Jenni owned the house and usually invited us along to go with them. We had been to their cabin about 6 times and really enjoyed the relaxing nature of the trip. The house has a small private lake and beach, it is quite a gem, and there isn’t another house for miles. Anna, my wife, had become very good friends with Jenni the past couple of years and they really get along well...
Group SexMrs. Smith had Karl sitting in her office. ‘A senior student presented an unusual but reasonable coaching tune-up request. She is curious about bondage and control. Would you be willing to run her through a demonstration?’ Karl thought about how he would go about it. ‘Yes. I will start here at the senior facility, use the Master facility fantasy suites and return here. When will this session take place?’ Mrs. Smith consulted her calendar and made some calls to arrange the facilities. ‘How...
GOOD INTENTIONS David Phillips married April when they were only just eighteen years old, they would have married earlier, but both sets of parents felt they should wait a few years before committing themselves for life. As always, the young always know better than their parents, so as soon as they reached the age where they didn't need their parent's permission to get hitched, that was exactly what they did. Both their Mothers accepted their dicision, albeit reluctantly, the...
I had been sitting behind one of the cubicles while I was working and listening to the conversation. I stood up just as the movement started towards the meeting room door. “I would suggest not interrupting their meeting. Follow me back to the other meeting room,” I said. When I stood up I could see the camera monitor; in front of the security office were two unmarked Dodge Chargers with blue and red hidden emergency lights flashing. I was angry all over again; this was not what Eric and...
She offered to stay and babysit the laundry load at the out-of-the way laundromat they had found. If her husband told her she was wrong about one more thing... she might need her own hotel room. Relaxing with her phone was more fun than grocery shopping with the k**s anyways.She glanced as a younger man came in. Scruffy, blonde and anxious to get the job done, he opened the first machine and started stuffing it with clothes. A young woman came up to him and a very familiar litany began: "too...
“Here for the party?” Elizabeth asked. Albert ogled her chest. “Yes,” he said. For sure, here was the busty 18 year old exchange student ... if her chest didn’t give her away ... her accent did. Not Cockney but not Cambridge either. London ... pure London. He admired that bust ... but he knew where there was a better one. Even if she was a princess. “We’re going out to the party,” Junior said. And out the door they went. Still light, they went around and checked ID’s. There wasn’t anyone...
James had never had to share a room with another man in his life. He'd never had a brother, he'd lucked out for his first year of college and snagged a single room, and then his whole life had changed. The guards escorted him down the halls, the sound of men stomping their boots and smacking their cell bars following him. James hung his head, his blond hair falling into his face. He was - or had once been - a cute college kid. He was a little nervous, a little bookish, his frame slender and...
Apni chudai ki kahani likhane ja rahaa hoo ummid karta hoo aap sabhi ko pasand aaigi Contact mail id: Bat mere 12 class ke time ki hai, dec ka mahina tha or family wale shadi me mama ji ka yaha glwalior gai the me exam ke karan hamere niche ke quarter (govt. Home) me papa ke friend (co-worker) ke yaha roka tha. Us din jab me school se lot to dekha ke ghar per neelu didi (uncle ki ladki age 21 sal mast fig) ki sahale kavita bathi thi or jab me under pucha to maine pucha didi kaha hai to boli ki...
Disclaimer: If you're not 18 or of legal age in your locality, please move on. Note: Revised a few thoughts that I had left out when typing away on the first run. Added in a few suggestions from the reviewers. Thanks for the assistance! Part 2 is almost done and will be submitted later. TXB ---- Arrival I had been sitting at my cube for a while, checking email, going over trouble tickets... the life of a simple network tech was enjoyable, I liked what I did, had a...
My best friend is a beautiful lady named Allison or Ally for short and we have been tight ever since we met in the 7th grade, we went on our first real date together and when we got married we moved into the same development together. We purchased homes on two different streets but our back yards face each other so we are basically still together. We both have two kids, a boy and girl each and our kids are all in school now, my little girl the youngest at seven and her son the eldest at eleven....
Lesbian‘Troubles when they come, come not single spies, but in battalions.’ Chapter 1. Storm. Margot sat staring sightlessly before the large picture window in the lounge. Big black clouds were rolling in from the sea. The atmosphere was oppressive and the town waited for the storm to break to bring relief to the sweltering populace. Lightening ripped the air with increasing frequency and as the storm grew closer so the accompanying thunder increased in volume and immediacy. As the clouds came...
Somebody told me a joke once. ’What’s the sickest thing in the world? Grandma kisses you and its tongues.’I had been staying at Grandpa’s place, off and on, for a while since graduating in Environmental Studies. Grandma had died many years many years back, and apart from his housekeeper, her husband and the estate manager, I was the only person he saw on a regular basis.Grandpa was very caustic about my degree, and about environmentalists, some of them were giving him a hard time about one or...
TransJeff twirled the ice in his scotch and let out a long sigh. ‘She’s cheating on you,’ the voice in his head said.After all that he had done for her over the past 6 months he just couldn’t believe it. But now, as he thought about it, all the signs had been there. The lack of communication, the persistent mood swings, the excuses not to have sex. All of those things pointed to one excruciating fact: there was someone else. Jeff’s worst fears had now become a reality. He was in Boston on business...
This is the next installment of my Now and Forever series. I’ve received a lot of feedback on the last chapter, mostly from anonymous. I want you all to know that while I enjoy getting feedback of any kind, if you don’t include an email address in your message I can’t get back to you. Also, there has been a few requests for more ‘sex action’ between Alice and Jason. Please remember, they are still minors and I am very limited in what I can include with them due to literotica’s policies. This...
Nathan Turner’s first day at his new school was as to be expected, a rather hectic one. Being fifteen and starting at a new school isn’t easy. You’ve already got a set group of friends. Then you have to say goodbye to them and try and fit into a completely new crowd who usually don’t take well to strangers. It’s like a pack of wolves when a lone wolf makes its way to the grounds. But for Nathan it was even harder. He never exactly fit in too well at his old school. He had worked hard to...
Herzogin Theresia von Böhmen Die 38-jährige Herzogin Theresia von Böhmen befand sich in einer Phase in der sie kurz davor war ihre Contenance zu verlieren, welche sie seit ihrer jüngsten Kindheit auszeichnete. Bis vor wenigen Minuten hatte sie noch mit ihrem Mann Herzog Achim am Frühstückstisch gesessen und eine gepflegte Unterhaltung geführt, als plötzlich drei schäbige völlig verschmutzte jüngere Männer in ihr Esszimmer gestürmt waren und sie mit äußerst vulgärer Wortwahl bedroht...
This is a bit of taboo fiction and my first attempt at a story leave comments pleaseMy sister and I Summer was just starting to arrive and the holidays were here! Me and my sister had nothing to do but go out with our friends and enjoy our life! It was about June time when our encounter happened and it was a warm day and jade had been sunbathing all day in her bikini and I was busy with my dad erecting the swimming pool. I kept glancing over at her in her bikini and she wasn’t ever the best...
“You’ll need to give Scarlet Thursday afternoons off,” Mrs Hunter announced to her husband as she sauntered around the kitchen. Her heels clicked loudly on the tiled floor. Mr Hunter looked up from his paper. He arched an eyebrow. His coffee steamed. “She’s my secretary,” he replied in his deep seductive tone, “I do really need her every afternoon.” Mrs Hunter arched an eyebrow and muttered under her breath, “I’m sure you do.” She raised her tone a little. “On this occasion, husband...
Party time! It’s the end-of-the-summer holiday weekend and Reagan Foxx is throwing a bash at her home for her son and his friends. She’s got food and drinks, and now all she needs is some young, hung dick! Holy record scratch! Yup, Reagan’s a horny MILF who needs cock and needs cock NOW. She never thought she’d actually pull it off, but then the strangest thing happened: Her son calls and tells her he and his pals are all on their way to the lake instead, leaving her in the dust. BUT, her son’s...
xmoviesforyouThis is where Sonja wants to be this weekend. Sun City is the place to be if you are looking for fun in the sun. Sun City offers visitors an incredible combination of services and facilities including quality hotels, golf courses, a water park, wildlife and other excellent entertainment options. Sonja has been dreaming of such a weekend for some time now and with all her spare money in her bag, she is finally here. She wants to stay in one of the four deluxe suites but she has no...
‘So you talked to her?’ Harry asked focusing his gaze at the Assistant District Attorney’s brown eyes. He found it difficult to keep his eyes from wandering when working with Kacie. ‘We’re going to need to let her go,’ she said crossing her legs. ‘She seemed cooperative,’ he replied, sitting down across the table. ‘Yes, I thought we had something there. Everything was just too coincidental. Each victim was a patient of hers, each claimed rape while the men claim innocence… actually saying it...
"Here we are," said Fred, turning the moving van on to Washington Avenue. Amber reached over to grab his arm. "I hope this is a good idea." "Everything will be fine," replied her husband. "This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't need to do this." "Honey, it's alright. Things will work themselves out." "Are they all black?" "As far as I could tell. Quit worrying. It's an older neighborhood. No gangs or drugs. I've checked it all out. The crime rate is low....
I need to tell you about what happened here last week while you were away. You deserve to know and I just hope that you understand. You left me on Monday last week and by the time Wednesday rolled around, my mind started to wonder. I started thinking about you and your tongue and your cock. I put on some lingerie to make myself feel sexy and opened a bottle of pinot. I sat at the computer trying desperately to find myself a story to get off to. I sat there stroking my big black dildo that you...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Melissa Lynn sells real estate. She’s also considered to be a “cougar”…and, let’s not forget, she’s a cheater, too. In fact, she’s about to meet up with her lover, a tall black man with a huge cock, before her open house today. The reason? Not to fuck him…but to leave him. You see, Melissa’s hubby has discovered her infidelities, and Melissa doesn’t want to get a divorce. She loves her life…well, most of her life. Melissa’s...
xmoviesforyouWith the aid of the long vine from up above, we lowered all the hides down the long rock slope a lot faster than I would have thought possible. The three women and five girls were all eager to help and get over to the portal. The place where Sheryl was talking about was right next to where we’d been dumped here originally, and it took us only an hour or so to get there. There were clouds moving in and we hurried to get all of our belongings piled close. We wanted to be able to dive through...