SurvivorChapter 03 free porn video

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A week after José and his men cross the river Pat and Erin drive out to collect the mail. Pat is slumped in the passenger seat like usual, so he can’t be seen when they drive out to the front gate. Then they drive to the eastern fence to do some practice hiding in the terrain there due to it being slightly different to what they’ve being using nearer the house.

The man Carlos has watching the front gate reports Erin checking the mail and then driving along inside the fence while heading south. He says, “She’s driving slow and looks at the fence a lot. I think she’s checking the fence. So she’ll probably check the southern fence too.” This is the first time in a week Erin has been away from the suspected house area on her own, or so it seems to the watchers, so José organises his men and they start to jog in a south-east direction to go meet her down near the southern fence.

After checking the few hundred yards of fence Sarge asked her to check Erin speeds up and goes to the area chosen for today’s training. The scrub here is of a slightly different type and colour to what’s near the house, so the way to stay concealed in it takes a bit more work since the BDUs don’t fully match it. On the drive Erin goes over the instructions on how to hide again, and when they arrive in the area she demonstrates how to hide in real life. After Pat shows her he understands the principles and he can hide near the truck he goes further west to hide while Erin stands by the truck looking east. At the end of the two minute wait she turns around and starts looking for Pat. His job is to hide and to call to her once she’s passed where he’s in hiding without her finding him.

Pat finds a nice spot to hide: it’s two low bushes together with a three foot high rock behind them on the slope of a slight rise. He takes care to push the two foot high bushes aside when he moves between them to sit down with his back to the rock then he lets the bushes close the gap he just made. He squats down to watch the area in front of him and to his sides. Although the BDUs he’s wearing are a slightly different shade to the bushes here it’s close enough he’s well hidden in this position and he doesn’t stand out. Being behind so much foliage helps in this regards.

Erin is very carefully checking out everything about her when she slowly moves west while searching for Pat.

A few minutes after taking up his position Pat sees Erin a little off to his right as she’s a bit south of him moving west while searching for him. Pat makes the mistake of concentrating on the known searcher, Erin, so he’s not aware of any others until a group of three men come into the side of his vision on his left when he’s about to stand to call to Erin. On seeing the men he stays still and waits until they move on a little more. Then he looks all around him a lot more before he moves out of his hiding place to follow the men. When he moves around the rock he stops to sneak a peek around it to check if anyone is in the area he couldn’t see before.

Erin knows Pat will let her know when she passes him so she’s not as diligent at checking her rear as she should be. However, she does see the three men hiding in the scrub to her right soon after she passes a small knoll. She starts to turn to check out behind her when a man with a Mexican accent says, from behind her, “Keep your hands in sight and we won’t shoot you.” Keeping her hands still she turns her head to see three men on the side of the knoll pointing rifles at her, and just behind them she sees Pat moving into position to attack them.

Pat sees the three men who passed him only a few yards away with rifles pointing at Erin and another three men about twenty yards away to his right. He draws both of his Defender Pistols: the forty-five calibre with his right hand and the four-ten shot with his left hand, he slips the safeties off as he does. With six of them he knows he can’t give them any warning and he prepares to fire while he moves up behind the three near him. All of the men are watching Erin so Pat knows he has a few seconds of surprise and he has to make the most of it or Erin will be killed.

Angry these men want to hurt a member of his new family Pat isn’t thinking about what he’s about to do, as he’s only thinking about how he’s going to do it. Both of the groups of men are in a triangle formation with one man in the lead and the other two at a forty-five degree angle back from being beside him with one on each side. After three quick steps from the rocks Pat has his left hand gun almost in the arse of the right hand man and the leader is lined up in front of the blast. The four-ten will disable both of them by taking out the balls of the first and the right thigh of the second.

Pat takes a breath, lets it slightly out, and he pulls the trigger on the gun in his left hand just before confirming the aim of the gun in his right hand is on the leader of the group to the right. He’s aiming for the man’s chest. The first gun fires and it’s immediately followed by the man screaming while he drops to the ground as the leader of this group also screams while he falls to his right when his right thigh is ripped apart. On the heels of the first shot, close enough to be almost one long shot, Pat fires the gun in his right hand and the leader of the second group is hit in the chest. While Pat moves both hands to get new targets the three men still standing start to turn toward him, so Erin draws her 9 mm pistol while she drops to the ground. Pat fires the left hand Defender and the third man in this group near him loses half of his head. Pat’s right hand gun fires again and the man closest to Pat is knocked down by the bullet hitting his chest when he’s shot while taking a half-step toward Pat as part of bringing his rifle to bear on Pat. The rifle fires while he’s falling backwards, and the bullet flies off into the unknown.

When Pat fires his first shot Erin throws herself to her left while she draws her pistol, before she hits the ground she takes aim at the man on the left hand side of the group to her right and fires. The man drops at the same time as Pat’s second target in this group. She rolls over and gets up. The three to the right are clearly dead, so is one of the group near Pat, but the other two are lying on the ground screaming. There’s no reason to take any chances with them so she waves Pat aside, takes aim, and puts a finishing round into the chest of each of them. Six up and six down for a clean sweep, as long as there are no more. The numbers match the new group so she thinks that’s it, for this time. She looks up at Pat, and smiles on seeing him leaning on the rock while he throws up, a very common reaction to a person’s first real combat firefight.

Erin walks toward Pat, and smiles when she sees him reloading his guns while still leaning on the rock for support. She gets out her phone to call Sarge and tell him where they are as well as what happened. When she reaches Pat she asks, “First time you killed someone?”

Pat grimaces and looks at her as he says, “The first time I’ve ever hurt someone or something, let alone kill them. But I wasn’t going to let them hurt a member of my new family while I could do anything about it. Weeks ago I decided if I had to look at another dead person I’d do my best to make sure it was the attackers and not my family. I’ve seen way too many dead family members!” She frowns at him, and he asks, “Didn’t Sarge tell you what happened to my family?”

“No. We were only told you’re now an orphan.”

“Rich rectum in a fast sports car lost it and hit our van head on. I was asleep and slumped down in the seat so I managed to live through it. But it woke me and I could see my parents, my baby sister, my aunt, my uncle, and my cousin were all dead. None of them looked pretty. I had a broken arm and a broken leg. Not a nice event.”

“Damn! Well, you did good in taking them out the way you did. You also did good in hiding, because I never saw you. Neither did they as they had to walk by you to get between us.” Pat nods to her and he turns to look out the other way so he doesn’t have to look at the dead.

A few minutes later Sarge arrives with a pickup. Pat is given the task of collecting their weapons and ammunition as well as checking their pockets for information and valuables. Erin and Sarge load the dead into body-bags when Pat is finished with them, then they toss the dead into the bed of the pickup. A short drive back to get the other pickup then Sarge drives to where they’ve observed the Mexicans crossing the river while Erin and Pat drive back to the house.

Walking into the house Erin says, “Clean your guns. The others are out collecting the watchers. Sarge wants them to take the dead back across the river to return them to their boss. They’ll be back once all of the dead are back on the other side of the river.”

Pat nods to her and asks, “I know the police won’t be able to get anything from the four-ten shots, but what about the pistol rounds?”

Erin says, “You know we have one type of bullet for practice and we have another we load with after practice.” Pat nods yes, “For combat we load with frangible rounds very much like the hollow points for your twenty-two. They hit and break up. Thus more of the impact force goes into the target as they don’t pass through most targets and they don’t ricochet. I’ll have to start teaching you how to use the Beretta M Nine A One soon. What do you want for dinner tonight?”

Pat grins as he says, “Let’s make Sarge barbecue some steaks!”

“He did say you can have anything you want for dinner. We’ll get it ready after we finish cleaning the guns.” Some minutes later the two of them are taking the barbecue grill outside. They have it hot and ready for the meat by the time the rest return.

Sarge gets out of the pickup, sees the grill, and laughs. They can all cook a good barbecue, but Pat says his tastes better, so Sarge knows he’s cooking tonight despite it being Erin’s turn. Moving to the grill he says, “Pat, from now on you take your rifle with you everywhere you go on the ranch, along with a full ammo load. Got it?” Pat nods yes. “When we go into town you put it in the rifle rack and the combat harness goes in the box behind the seat.” He turns to the others, “The same goes for all of you.” They all nod agreement to go around better armed because they now expect whoever is behind this will to want to retaliate for today’s event and the loss of their men.

Señor Santiago is not happy to learn six of his best soldiers are dead, and he takes his anger out on Carlos. After Carlos leaves Señor Santiago makes arrangements with his second in command to launch a major assault on the ranch in a couple of weeks’ time, along with the shipment.

Carlos is happy to be demoted as it means he can go back to working as a farmer instead of being involved in the things he doesn’t like doing, but he has to do them because his Patrón ordered it.

During that night and the next day Sarge and Erin spend a lot of time with Pat talking over the shooting. Pat isn’t happy about killing the men, but he accepts it had to be done to save Erin, so he sees it as the fault of the men for putting him in the situation of having to do so.

After their talks Erin gets Sarge by himself and asks, “Sarge, I can see Pat is a little disturbed by the shooting, but why isn’t he a lot more shook up by it? I would’ve expected someone as young as he is to be extremely disturbed by the shooting.”

Sarge replies, “He’s grown up on Army bases talking with lots of people who are prepared to go to war to protect their country, family, and friends. It’s natural he’d pick up a lot of that attitude. Also, kids are naturally self-centred and less caring of strangers than the people they know. Part of raising kids is to civilise them by teaching them to care for others outside of their own circle. In the environment Pat grew up in with his parents the caring for strangers wouldn’t have been stressed to him as much as it would be for many other kids while the protection aspect would’ve been more heavily emphasised. The result is he doesn’t like shooting people or killing them, but he can if he has to when protecting someone. He does what he feels he has to do. I’m surprised you don’t know most of this stuff from your medical training or your training for chief.”

“I thought you knew! I never did the course for chief, it was a bump in rank while I was recovering from being blown up and just before being discharged. So I never got a chance to do the course. My medical training was more on treatment than understanding, and what little there was given on the psych stuff was how to deal with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in adult combat troops. Anyway, I don’t think those who put the training courses together expected us to be involved with kids at any time.” Sarge nods his understanding because a large part of what he said to her came from the books on parenting he read.

They both decide to keep an eye on Pat and to help him with having to be involved in a shooting while they wonder if there’ll be more such events in their future that’ll involve Pat.

Second Attack

Señor Santiago decides to send a large force to the ranch when they have the shipment ready to go across the border and travel on to San Antonio so the people in Texas will have it to sell. A large force will protect the goods while also dealing with any of the ranchers who get in his way. Since they rarely leave the ranch he hopes to repay them for the recent insult at the same time.

The Wednesday of the first week in August is when the shipment is ready to go. However, Señor Santiago has a meeting to attend in Mexico City so the transfer is being handled by his two sons with one on each side of the river. The crossing is set for mid-morning Thursday because they think the Border Patrol won’t be expecting activity in the area then.

After breakfast Gunny and Erin head into Rosita to arrange for Pat’s formal exams to enable him to attend the 5th Grade. Sarge and Bubba are going to Eagle Pass to collect some special electronic equipment they’ve ordered and Q has it ready for them to collect. They’ll also get more food supplies while in town. Hard Ball will stay at the house cleaning while Digger gives Pat some training as part of a patrol of the ranch to the river and along part of it.

Gunny and Erin drive due west to drop Digger and Pat in the north west corner of the ranch before they drive up the boundary road to go to their meeting at the school. While looking for movement or tracks on the edge of the river below them the two on patrol walk along the ridge just before the drop down to the river. They don’t walk right on the edge of the ridge, but a bit back from it so they’re amongst the brush.

A couple of hours later they’re approaching one of the points where it’s fairly easy to get down to the river on both sides of it near a spot that’s easy to ford. This is where they’ve seen most of the past illegal crossings being made on the ranch border. They see five armed men on their side of the border at the river ford. So they look at the scrub on the other side to see some trucks there with a lot of men around them.

Digger and Pat glance at each other, move back into the scrub a bit more while they get out the earpiece units for the cell phones and put them into their ears. Digger activates his phone in the voice mode and sends a group voice message saying, “Digger. Crossing Delta. Large force of armed men, some on both sides moving north. Interdicting. Out.” Pat and Digger are moving while checking their rifles for use as he talks and they look for a place for each of them to set up to shoot from.

Pat points at a good spot near the edge of the drop with bushes around it and he touches his chest. Digger looks at it, nods approval, and points at a spot several feet away then touches his chest. Pat nods to show he understands, then they both move to where they’ll fight from. In a moment both are in prone combat positions amongst a group of bushes while both of their positions have a good field of fire of the crossing area.

Five trucks stop at the ranch front gate. A man gets out with large bolt cutters in his hand, he goes to the lock and he cuts it off. He pushes the gates open and the trucks enter. The man climbs into the cab of the lead truck when it stops beside him in the gateway. They drive into the ranch, heading toward the crossing where Pat and Digger are.

At the house Hard Ball receives the message. He calls the Sheriff and the Border Patrol with the information while he secures the house before he grabs his rifle, along with a heavy pack of extra ammunition and more weapons while on his way out the door. He checks the house is secure and hidden before he jogs toward the crossing.

Sarge and Bubba are just leaving Q’s Store when the call comes in, so they jump into the truck and race out of town on their way home. While Bubba drives Sarge checks all of the guns in the truck are ready to use.

In town Gunny tells the school people he’ll call them to reschedule the meeting because they have to leave due to an emergency at home

Digger shouts out, “You’re under arrest for trespassing. Put down your weapons and surrender.” Neither Pat nor Digger expect them to do as told, but it needs to be done for legal reasons as Digger has on a body camera he turned on when he took up his position.

The men beside the river all look up at the ridge to locate who is up there, and so do many men on the other side of the river. The men at the flatbed farm trucks continue to unload the trucks.

For legal reasons Digger doesn’t want to shoot at the men yet, so he changes magazines to one loaded with solid brass jackets, aims at the front tyre of the only pickup there, and he shoots at it to clear his rifle of the frangible round in it. The men take cover. He aims at the fuel tanks of the flatbed trucks and fires. After a few more rounds fuel is spilling out onto the ground under the trucks. The men near the fuel all move away from it. Some of the men see Digger’s rifle flashes and start shooting at him. The five on this side move toward Digger’s position while several more start to cross the river. Digger calls out to Pat, “Take the river.”

Pat doesn’t say a word, he simply aims at the upper chest of the man at the front of the group in the water, takes a small lead, and he fires at where he expects the man to be when the bullet gets there. The man falls at the same moment as the one nearest Digger is shot by him. The group in the water turn and run back to cover because that’s closer to them while the group on this side look for cover around them. Four shots later Digger switches aim to the men on the other side of the river while Pat continues to locate and shoot those he can see in the scrub over there.

They’re several minutes into the fight when Pat sees a group of three men near the pickup truck and one is giving orders to the other two. Knowing taking out the leaders will help them he aims at the leader and he puts a round through his throat. The other two are shocked when their boss starts sprouting blood from his throat.

Hearing vehicles behind him Pat turns around to see five trucks pulling up. He glances at Digger who’s still firing across the river. Ten men get out of the trucks and start shooting at Digger. Pat aims at the one who’s directing them and he puts a round in his forehead, the man falls down. Pat moves target and he works his way from left to right, shooting each man in the chest with a .22 calibre hollow point round. The last of the men from the trucks falls down and this side is quiet.

Pat realises Digger isn’t firing now so he looks over. Part of Digger’s head is missing. Pat is now very angry. He turns back to face the river to see the men on that side are now moving toward the river. He waits a moment for more of them to come into the open. While he waits he changes his magazine. He takes aim at a man on their eastern edge and he fires, shifts target and he fires, again, and again, and again. The men can hear a low snap sound from the rifle but they can’t see a flash so they can’t spot Pat. However, they can see their men falling so they know someone is shooting at them, and they move back to cover again. It’s not long before Pat has to put another magazine in his rifle. He’s now using the scope to scan the brush and he’s firing whenever he can find a target. He spots the third leader, takes aim and shoots him in the eye.

A voice behind Pat says, “They’re done and leaving. Let them go.”

Pat turns to look at Hard Ball and asks, “Got something to set those trucks on fire? The ground around them is soaked with fuel.”

Hard Ball grins, slips off his pack, gets out a tube, extends the tube, takes aim, and fires at the truck furthest from them. The rocket races across the space to hit the truck, causing it to explode and start to burn. It takes two more rocket shots before the fires expand to have all five trucks burning. Hard Ball hands Pat the tubes as he says, “You need to get back to the house before the authorities arrive. Take these and hide them. Did you shoot any on this side?”

“Only those behind us.”

Both take care while moving back. Hard Ball goes to each of the dead men at the trucks and he fires a round into their wounds.

Pat asks, “Why did you do that?”

“To mess up the wound entry and exit points. I don’t want them to know anyone fired a twenty-two here. Now let’s police your combat spot and get you out of here. Also get the handguns and camera off Digger.”

It takes a few minutes to collect all of the spent .22 cases, but it’s fairly easy due to the bushes stopping them from going far. When they’ve got every case they can see Pat sticks them in his pockets, turns, and jogs off through the scrub on a direct path to the house. This takes him away from the path those driving from the gates will take.

Hard Ball studies the situation then he calls in an update to the Sheriff and the Border Patrol. He also updates the other ranch members. Erin and Gunny are back on the ranch so they now change direction to go to the house. Sarge and Bubba continue to lead two Deputy Sheriff’s cars to the crossing.

While going to the house Pat thinks about the fight. At the time it seemed to him to take hours. But it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes because it was all over before Hard Ball could jog down from the house. Hearing a helicopter Pat moves deeper into some bushes and he squats down until well after it passes by after it circles him.

In the Border Patrol helicopter flying to the crossing the tech says, “Got a heat source down there.” The pilot swings back over the spot, then the tech adds, “Forget it, too small to be a man. It’s probably a large animal hiding from us.” The pilot goes back to his original heading.

When they get close enough to the river to have a good view of more than the smoke from the fires the pilot says, “Look at all of the bodies. It must have been a hell of a fight, whoever was fighting who for what.”

Pat reaches the house to find Erin is waiting for him. Gunny is on a patrol of the area around the house. Pat hands over the tubes and camera so Erin takes them away to hide them while Pat moves to the armoury. All of the spent cartridge cases he has are put in a mesh basket and the basket is put in a large tin of cleaning fluid to clean out the gunpowder residue. He sits down at the table to strip and clean his rifle.

Erin walks in, grabs the boxes of .22 long rifle hollow points, Pat’s rifle magazines, checks what’s in each one, and starts to reload the magazines that don’t have a full load. Pat looks up, gives her a weak smile of thanks, and says, “I only used the rifle. The bastards killed Digger.”

“I know,” is her reply. A moment later she adds, “At least he won’t have to worry about a slow death from cancer now.” Pat looks up, and she nods yes to him. He didn’t know Digger had cancer. They finish with the guns. Pat goes to have a thorough shower while Erin puts his clothes through the washing machine. They’re making sure to remove all of the evidence Pat was involved in the fight.

An hour after the fight the Mexican police are very busy cleaning up their side of the river while the Maverick County Sheriff’s Deputies are cleaning up on the US side of the river. The Sheriff goes down to meet an officer of the Mexican police in the middle of the river. After the greetings the Sheriff says, “Up on the ridge we’ve got ten dead Mexican nationals with five more down beside the river. One of the ranch hands is dead up on the ridge as well. It looks like he was fighting off an army. Empty casing all around him. The bullet wounds to all the other dead look like they came from his rifle. What have you got, Pedro?”

The Sheriff’s old friend replies, “There are fifty-six dead on this side, five burnt out trucks with what looks to be a large load of drugs. Most of it is destroyed by the fire, but there’s enough left to identify it. I think your man set fire to their trucks when he found them as there are bullet holes in the fuel tanks. It seems the ranch hand caught and stopped a major drug shipment. The owner won’t be happy to have lost all of those drugs, the trucks, or the men.”

“I don’t know about your side, but all of the dead up on the ridge have good identity documents on them while the ones by the river don’t have any. One of the dead is Juan Santiago. I bet his father won’t be happy to hear the news.”

Pedro smiles as he says, “Juan’s brother Jesus is amongst the dead on this side. I’d say Señor Santiago just suffered a severe loss on many levels. Seventy-one men dead here, with both his sons on the list. Plus the drugs and vehicles. I also heard he lost six men a few weeks back. He will not be a happy man. When you finish with the bodies you best send them back to us for a proper burial by their families.” The two talk on a few other matters they expect to arise from this event before they return to their own sides of the river.

When he gets back to the ridge the Sheriff says, “Sarge, we’ll take all of the guns and the bodies, but we’ve no evidence those trucks were part of this. They’re recently purchased but the ownership transfer hasn’t been done yet. The papers are in their glove boxes. I don’t want to go through all of the paperwork for them if I take them in. So why don’t you just get them out of here and do what you like with them.” Sarge nods to him to agree to do so then the two old friends talk for a while longer.

During the following week Sarge gives the five trucks to local farmers for their use on their farms. They appreciate the new trucks as their old trucks were well overdue for being replaced.

When the news of the gunfight at the river reaches Señor Santiago he’s so angry at the deaths of his sons he orders the twelve soldiers who survived the fight to be executed. His other men are so frightened they immediately carry out the order before anyone can properly debrief the men about the fight. This means the fight survivors never tell anyone there was a second person near the river shooting at them.

Erin and Sarge spend a lot of time helping Pat deal with being part of such a major gunfight at his age. Both are saddened by the way it’s aged Pat so much. He’s lost a lot of his innocence in the last few months due to the death of a lot of people close to him as well as killing people out to kill him and his friends.

The Next Week

Tuesday of the next week Erin and Gunny take Pat to see Dave. At the office Gunny stops to talk with Angela while Erin and Pat talk with Dave. Angela says, “Go straight into the conference room as they’re all in there and ready to go now you’re here.” Pat wonders who the ’they’ are.

When Pat walks into the conference room he sees three people he doesn’t know and Dave. Pat sees Erin smile at a girl in the room who looks to be eighteen or nineteen. Dave coughs and says, “I’m Dave Bannister, Master Sergeant Eric Goldsmith’s lawyer. On my right is Ann Dawson, Eric’s sister, her husband, Robert Dawson, and their daughter, Erica Dawson. On my left is Pat Nolan, a young man Eric has taken under his wing, and Erin Richards a friend of both Pat and Eric who’s here to represent Pat’s grandfather, Master Sergeant Daniel Riley, a very good friend of Eric’s. Dan is busy with an important matter on his ranch.”

Everyone takes a moment to evaluate everyone they don’t know. Pat has heard a lot about the Dawson family, but he’d not seen any photos. He knows Digger liked his niece, but he also knows she can’t say no to either of her parents. Pat wonders why they’re all here.

Dave gives Pat a letter while he says, “Pat, you have to read this first.” Pat takes the letter, opens it, and he reads the letter.

Hi Pat,

Same as Survivor
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Hello Dosto, kaise ho? Mai delhi se aapka Story teller Rajeev dubara aapke samne apni new chudai story leke aaya hu. Aaj mai aapko vo story batane jaa ra hu ki kaise maine 1 couple ke sath threesome kia vo bi stranger sites ke through. Meri pichli 2no story pe aap sbne bhut acha response dia jinke link niche die hai maine. If meri chudai story pasand aaee to muje jarur reply krna Mail Id hai and wechat ID stranger_sex jispe maine apni real lund ki pics laga rakhi hai. Hua aise ki mai daily...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 13

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 13 Paul arrived home and explained about his reformed friendship with Mike and how his parents had influenced his decision making. "Not really surprising to be fair." said Laura. "Homosexuality was illegal many years ago and is still shunned by many religions to this day. Despite much support for it since, the world in general still hates it." "But do people have to agree with other people? We have our independence." said Paul. "You do, but...

1 year ago
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What’s in a name? Well, at, I really don’t have any fucking idea. Sixty-nine is the not-so-secret code for one of my favorite forms of mutual oral sex, but the rest is sheer gibberish to me. It sounds like the autistic kid who keeps killing you in Fortnite, but nah, it’s actually a free video tube full of famous Internet babes and social media sluts with their clothes off. Free is one of my favorite prices, especially when I lost my wallet with my pants somewhere along the bus ride....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Avoidance of leakage dry ejaculation

Avoidance of leakage (dry ejaculation)An interesting and little-known method. The principle is that a moment before ejaculation, you push the urethra down about 2 cm from the anus - somewhere where women have our favorite hole: o) to prevent your own ejection. You experience feelings almost identical to your own ejaculation, just "dry". The advantage is that after such an orgasm, you are able to go on very quickly (someone immediately) to continue the affliction without penis completely falling...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Every thing had been going well. I picked her up at 6:30 and it was now 9:00. She still had that air of mystery and beauty around her that always aroused me. Whenever we hung out, I would always get a stiff hard on. I never think she noticed but she probably did. Her name was Arya. We had just both turned eighteen and we had gone to the movies and to my disappointment nothing happened. I picked her up on June 17 and she had on tight jeans and a loose...

First Time
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Orphan MagusChapter 4

Chloe and I made it to the highway before we spotted Ricardo in a black SUV. Between the two of us, my car was completely shielded from damage or from being knocked over directly, but that didn’t stop Ricardo from trying to stop us by using the other cars on the highway. At one point, we got lucky when one of his own spells backfired and he was stuck in a pileup while we drove on. For a moment, I felt relieved. True, others had tried to kill me, but not with Magic. On top of that, I had no...

3 years ago
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Saving Gina Ch 08

I desperately needed to talk with Kinba. My afternoon monthly review at the hospital shocked me beyond belief. Tooth problems in Albai were horrible and epidemic. Just a touch of fluoride in the water would be inexpensive and prevent the unimaginable pain I was walking around today. Kinba could tell me how we could get the public to go along with this and not think they were being poisoned. When I knocked on Kinba’s door there was no answer. In my enthusiasm, I turned the knob and called her...

2 years ago
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Iam a Cuckold Now Blacken

My current way of life started 3 years ago when I met my future wife. I was teaching 12th grade history when the most stunning girl I had ever seen walked into my class. Her name was Lynn and she had just turned 18. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. She was 5 feet tall and weighed only 90 lbs. Her long blonde hair rested just above her perfect ass and she had just the right amount of curves. Besides being beautiful she was also incredibly sweet and kind which I found unusual...

3 years ago
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Trixie oder die WG german Deutsch

Kapitel 1: KennenlernenEine Woche nach ihrem Geburtstag w?rde Trixie endlich diesen Albtraum hinter sich lassen. Vor einigen Jahren hatte sie sich in Miroslav, einen Serben, verliebt. Dieser war st?ndig in Geldnot gewesen und Trixie hatte deshalb in ihrer Firma, wo sie f?r die Datenverarbeitung zust?ndig gewesen war, Rechnungen manipuliert und so sehr viel Geld unterschlagen. Als das Ganze aufflog verschwand Miroslav nach Serbien und hatte nichts mehr von sich h?ren gelassen. Trixie durfte die Sup...

3 years ago
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Satisfying Princess

Do you want to go up and kiss the girls goodnight Darling?’My wife, a very caring honest woman, was referring to our twin 4 year old daughters, the apples of my eye really. I am 42, good job, very good income. We lived in a large house in Notting Hill. I say ‘lived’ because things have changed. The better for me, yes, but not for my family.It started in a small way, going online to see Youtube videos of mistresses and slaves. Then I joined, a site catering for guys who...

2 years ago
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Staying Close to my Sister Part 4

My sister Elizabeth gave birth to our darling Emily, and my mother gave birth to our beloved twins Jane and Jennifer, all three born mere minutes apart. Sally and Amanda, my aunt and cousin, were both beautifully pregnant and helping with the babies that had already arrived. The prior mothers were already quite experienced, though clearly Elizabeth and Amanda had inherited their motherly instincts. The former lesbians Trisha and Karen had since moved in, glowingly pregnant themselves and...

3 years ago
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A Controlled Life chapter 10

A Controlled Life Chapter Ten "Now then, speaking of cameras my little sissy," Princess Dee continued "right now you only have one and it needs to pull duty for many things at once so we need to add one more little program to your computer," As she said this she opened up Tom's web browser again and typed in splitcam into his Google search. Once she found the page she clicked on the download button and Tom again saw that she had to enter her administrator...

2 years ago
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Bad HeatherChapter 3

The next day, Heather maintained the good girl routine and after dinner Harold thought she deserved a reward, a little positive reinforcement. While she loaded the dishwasher, he retired to the family room, and waited for her. When she appeared in the doorway he sprung the good news. "You know, Heather, I'm proud of you. Really. I don't say it very often but I am. And I think we can return some of your privileges. You can have your phone back, and you can have a friend over." She ran to...

4 years ago
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Hypnotized Part 2

After a few days of watching my new video of my nude sister's tits bounce while she masturbated and fucked me, I got bored. I needed a new adventure. I wanted a really good video that I could view for the whole summer without boredom. I needed someone new for my video. I cranked up the music in my room and lay back on my bed. My dick was flaccid and so were all the ideas I could come up with.Later that same day I learned that our parents were going away for the weekend. Better yet, my sister...

1 year ago
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Sarahs Abenteuer

Die Mittagssonne brannte in den großen Garten. Die Luft stand träge, heiß. Einzig das Wasser des kleinen Pools versprach etwas Kühlung. Nichts regte sich, nicht einmal die kleinsten Blätter der dichten Hecke und der großen Bäume, die den Garten umstanden, rührten sich. Mittag. Sarah war eingeschlafen. Sie hatte ihren Körper auf einem gestreiften Badelaken ausgestreckt. Auf dem Rücken liegend, fühlte sie die Hitze der Sonne auf der Haut. Ihr Körper brannte. Schweißbedeckt erwachte sie und...

1 year ago
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Caleb 29 Consultancy

I had been asleep for about four hours when my phone buzzed. Very few people had my number, and most of those that did were within arm’s reach, sharing our bed. I considered ignoring it, but it buzzed again; somehow, I heard the reality that it wasn’t going to stop buzzing until I answered it. It wasn’t a new psychic superpower. It was just healthy pessimism. I couldn’t reach it over Jules and Amanda, who were between me and the side table where it was sitting on the charge pad. My TK took...

4 years ago
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Back in the 80's I drove a town taxi cab for a small Massachusetts town 15 miles northeast of Boston. My day would take me all over the state and out of state sometimes. On slow days I would stay in town and cart most of the elderly everywhere. Those days were busy, they all get their checks and want to go shopping. This one day I remember oh so well. Her name was Martha and she was a sweet lady. It was a snowy day and I picked her up at the complex she lived at. It was...

3 years ago
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The Girl Stories Mission 2

As the traffickers wanted innocent girls, one of the most important things was to cover her tattoos in a way, which would withstand different conditions. Penny contacted a friend, who was an expert in these matters, and soon, Lilly tattoos were begin covered with a water-proof paint, perfectly matching the color of her skin. She liked how the procedure, combined with a bare pussy, made her look so young, and fragile. But instead of pondering on the innocence that was ripped from her at her...

2 years ago
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Words Made FleshChapter 4

The evening had, thus far, been a tad uncomfortable. Everyone had used the spaghetti in front of them to indulge in silence, for no topic was yet brought forth, and no one wanted to be the first to do so. However, an icebreaker soon came by a most unexpected means. Something small and fuzzy pushed up against Sophia's leg, making her start. She peered over the side of her chair to see a pair of green eyes staring up at her. A small black and white kitten took the eye contact as a sign of...

2 years ago
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Mommys Princess and Pet

All characters in this story are over the age of eighteen. This is a story primarily of incest and cuckolding, the cuckolding aspect will get greater in future chapters. If these two subjects bother or offend you then proceed at your own risk. This is also chapter 6 in the ongoing story of the Calloway and Edwards families. I’m sorry that the chapters take awhile to finish but life goes forward in the real world and there isn’t always time for fantasies. This chapter as others is quite long...

1 year ago
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AssParade Carmela Clutch This Pussy Clutch

Carmela Clutch be sucking and fucking dick. Johnny Love be fucking and busting pussy. It’s a beautiful world. Young guys fucking thick ass milfs and nutting in their mouths. She is so fine, if you ever get to fuck an ass that fat you’re a lucky guy. She sucks cock like a machine and does a bunch of tricks only a seasoned cock handler can handle. This womans ass is hypnotizing and it bounces and jiggles and it’s juicy and can make anyone cum hard. Watch her fuck like a pro and...

4 years ago
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The Hunger appeased For now

THE HUNGERMy body was telling me I needed to start planning dinner. I don't need to eat the way you might. I sustain my life with fluids, but my race always calls it The Hunger.My life-mate and I were the last of our line on this continent. She was destroyed by the Others. No one seems to know why they hate Us. I'm not even sure if the Others know any more. Their attacks on Us have cost me some friends over the years. Of course, it affected me, but those who had been destroyed had not been...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 89

WEDNESDAY NOON — SEPTEMBER 25 ... The bedroom door was open and he walked in unsnapping his belt keepers, intending on hanging his gun belt over a chair until he finished lunch. His world turned and slapped him in the face — hard. The big Sheriff stumbled to a stop, his breath catching in his throat. His wife, Virginia, and her sister, Elizabeth, were lying on their sides, totally nude. But that wasn't all ... each had her face buried in her sister's crotch. He supposed they hadn't...

3 years ago
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A Day at My Aunts

My name is Mike. It all started about a few years ago when I was 18. I went to my Aunt Suzy’s house to spend the day swimming with my cousins, Brian and Lisa. Brian was a year older at 19 and was a sophomore in college. He was about my size at 6’0 and couldn’t be more than 165 lbs. Lisa was my age at 18 and we were both seniors in high school. Lisa was the type of girl that you knew would be hot at an early age. She was about 5’6 and maybe weighed 95 lbs., had gorgeous legs and started to...

2 years ago
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Jackie and I

Jackie and I By Mel Thompson I had just turned 15 a few weeks ago. My life should be happy, but it's anything but. My brother and his wife were just buried 2 days ago after being killed in a hit and run; and there are no suspects in the crime. Now my mom is having Jackie move in with us. Jackie is my sister-in- laws sister. Jackie has no other family (she lived with my brother and his wife) and my mom, being the sweet person that she is, has legally become Jackie's guardian...

3 years ago
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A Threesome To Remember

I love sex. I love having my pussy licked. I love riding a nice, big dick. I always wanted to fuck a girl and a guy at the same time, and I got that opportunity my freshman year of college. It was spring. My roommate and I were on our way to a frat party downtown. I was wearing a tight red dress with black heels. I’m a curvy girl, five foot six inches with a round ass and 36DD boobs. I have long brown hair, brown almond-shaped eyes, and full lips. Guys always tell me that they’d love to see my...

College Sex
4 years ago
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SummoningChapter 4

"How do I use the ring?" Ornias had been very forthcoming on the subject of the ring's history. Virtually anything I could imagine could be accomplished with a thought, due to the ring's connection to the demons that Solomon had enslaved with it. By siphoning off a bit of their powers, each demon could go about its business while still living up the agreement that had been forged with Alexander the Great on his deathbed. But now, I needed to know the secret, the way to unlock the powers...

2 years ago
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Dominante Bekanntschaft 6 Die Entscheidung

Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Dominate Bekanntschaft 5 : Die PräsentationMontagDie Nacht war schrecklich. Ich hatte die gesamte Nacht einen feuchten Traum nach dem anderen und bin immer wieder wach geworden. Das Verlangen den Druck einfach abzuwichsen war groß. Doch es fühlte sich nicht richtig an und ich untersagte es mir.Ich machte mich zu Arbeit fertig und ging dann auch arbeiten. Ihr Brief ging mir nicht aus dem Kopf und auch das Angebot von Lady Carmen. Als ich von der Arbeit nach Hause kam...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Beach

Drops of water collected around my glass, which had become steamed up with condensation. I took a sip of the ice cold beverage, enjoying the refreshing taste of the aniseed and citrus zing of my Ouzo and lemonade. "Ha! This one's ironic!" I joked to my friend Steph, slamming the magazine I was reading down on the table. "Three letter word for warm. Real tough one that!" I shook my head at the crossword I’d been working on, pushing it to one side and reclining my Lounger back. "Man it's hot,"...

3 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 32

Two thugs, one named Howie, the other Ken, no last names — not yet, anyway, David thought — had been hired to torch the shelter by a man named Glen Brown, but Brown wasn't the initiating party. Someone else had hired Brown, but because a man that Brown referred to as Kevin had hired Brown over the telephone, the trail to the culprit who had initiated the attack against the shelter went cold. Knowing that he'd taken too much time to learn just those few facts, David stopped his...

2 years ago
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Butler No MoreChapter 17

“Pardon?” John did not understand what was sought. “Is it a boneless nub, or a completely functional toe? Is is pre-axial or post-axial? In other words, which side of the foot has the extra digit, assuming it is not one of the more central digits? The big toe side or the opposite side?” “Umm ... I don’t know. Bob Henrison didn’t tell me. I doubt he knows, himself. He might be happy to clarify this for you. Shall I ask him?” “Please do. It will determine what we might be able to do. If...

1 year ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 12 Leliana

If he hadn’t been turning to look at her, Leliana knew, he would not have missed the pack of Blight wolves that suddenly appeared in their path – and he’d never have fallen off his horse. He’d shown himself to be a good horseman, and she was experienced enough to know from his stance that he was probably better than she’d seen so far. But he’d had his mouth open, his eyes wide, and he hadn’t known the wolves were there until he’d been airborne. She thought she’d probably always feel a little...

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Bored in Titans Tower

(Please rate the threads; I want to know what I'm doing well on so I can do more of it, and what I'm doing poorly on so I can improve it.) (This takes place several years after the TV show ended. They still call themselves the Teen Titans, but the youngest of them [Terra] is already 18, and Cyborg is now in his mid-twenties.) Cyborg glanced around his room, bored out of his circuits. There was nothing good on TV, he’d already beaten BB at every video game they owned four times each so far today...

2 years ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 10 Thursday Evening

Botilda met me at the bike racks, and we started for Lagrange Dojo. There was an uncomfortable silence. I didn't want to say anything to set her off, and she ... well, only she knows. Finally, however, she spoke. "I'm trying to be the supportive best friend," she started, "and I'm trying to understand. Really I am." I smiled, nodded, and brushed her hand with mine. I didn't think I should speak yet, because it was clear she wasn't finished. She heaved a huge sigh. "It was easy...

2 years ago
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ReStorr And Then There Were None

ReStorr could reverse the aging process and make you twenty years old again physically. The catch was it only worked on men...and it turned them into women. As time passed, it increasingly started to change society. This is the story of its effect on a group of ex-army buddies.... RESTORR: ...AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by BobH (c) 2015 - 1 - Madison, Wisconsin gets cold in the winter, real cold, with the lakes freezing over, but in spring there...

3 years ago
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Glory Hole

Hi ,before starting my story, let me introduce myself, my name is jan,I belong to a middle class, I am married, having one cute daughter, of the age18 and my wife, salma. My wife salam is very cute having balance figures. our sex partnership is very unique. we have tried each and every style in our sex. I love like dogy style. and she like oral sex. i m the permanent reader of ISS,and I read every new story on this site, but I read incest more interestly ,I do not know why I like this incest....

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One UnfortunateFortunate Erotic Night 8211 Part 3

Hello guys and lovely ladies, This is Zaheera back again. Sorry for the delay in posting the 3rd part. And thanks again for those amazing responses. You can read earlier part from the link given above. For those who don’t know about me or for those who have forgotten me, here is a repeat of my resume. I am Zaheera, 24 years old. I work as a hotel receptionist in Bangalore and live with my brother Aditya (28) who is in IT. You might think I am Muslim because of my name. But the...

2 years ago
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Padosan Bhabhi Ke Sath Chudai

Hello friends mera name Manoj hai. Aj jo story main apko batane ja raha hun woh mere pados mein reh rahi bhabhi ke sath ki hai. Uski umar 32 sal hai aur meri 29. Uska name Hema hai. Figure 28-32-34 aur height 5. 5 feet hogi. Jahan main job karta hun wahan main kiraye ka room lekar rehta hun. Mere room ke bagal mein bhaiya bhabhi rehte hai. Unka 2 sal ka baccha bhi hai. Bhabhi shayad bhai se satisfied nahi rehti. Jab bhi main bahar nikalta room se to bat karne aa jati thi. Ek din main darwaze pe...

3 years ago
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The Developing Chronicles Of Our Affair Part 1

I don't remember the details of how we started talking, but he will. Details never escape him. I do remember the important bits... the magnetic pull, the extraordinary sex, but I'm getting ahead of myself; it wasn't that fast.I was and am happily married to a wonderful friend. He is sweet and kind and caring, but he has a history, and that has had an enormous influence on our sex life, which means we practically don't have one and haven't really for about a decade. I have a high libido,...

1 year ago
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Husbands Panties Lead To A Surprise Panty Butt p

This weekend actually took place about 4 months before Steve's business trip to Las Vegas. It was suggested by someone on Literotica who likes to read about the panty play that my husband and have enjoyed together for almost the last year. This all started with a funny idea and a single pair of panties I bought Steve on a shopping trip together and it has turned into a part of our daily routine (a very good part). Steve was wearing panties everyday of the week at this point. We had shopped for...

4 years ago
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The FavorChapter 37 Camille

I was sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch when Camille dropped her tray next to me. "Mind if I join you?" she asked. "Not at all," I said. "What's up?" "Do you like me?" she asked. "Of course," I said. "Did I do something to make you think that I don't like you?" "No, not at all," she answered. "Do you think I'm pretty?" I wasn't sure where this conversation was going, but I responded truthfully. "Yes, I think that you are very pretty. Why?" "Will you go out...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 69

Thursday morning at 0800 we were standing at the door to Federal Court House. We had a 0815 meeting with all the Feds at this time, before meeting in full court with Black and Bear in attendance. Curtis Warren was with us again for this session. Marty Coeburn informed us that the FBI with DHS was at ‘Pelican Marsh’ - the Black Bear southern training camp in Louisiana - in full force at daybreak. Federal Judge Patton had ordered the full inventory that was carried out by the FBI just seven...

3 years ago
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SissyIndy©I drifted in and out of consciousness over the next hour, periodically snapped back into reality when the dildo assaulting my mouth would pause deep in my throat and eject a fresh deposit of cum into my bowels. Looking up at the television display of my abuse I would normally have been turned on by the sight of this brunette in a pink corset and black stockings leading down to her pink high heels being pounded by this horrid machine from both sides. Knowing that the slut in the video...

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Deviant Artist

I closed my eyes that I might open a portal into the infinite universe of imagination. The emotion I was experiencing fueled the acceleration into my fantasy. And that emotion was extreme eroticism. I need a damn good fuck and all I had was my hand, my penis, and my brain. I was not interested in a quick masturbation. I had all the time in the world, but no place to go. And so I had my ipod plugged in to my ears playing music that put me in the mood. And I lay naked on my bed. Now all I needed...

2 years ago
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Leaving Present

Becci had always struggled with Maths but had chosen to continue her studies due to one teacher in particular. He had helped her through her GCSE’s within his first year of teaching and was now helping her to achieve the grades she needed to head off to university.The quality of teaching had nothing to do with Becci’s new fascination for Maths though, it was more the fact that she had fallen head over heels for Mr Henson. He was only 22 when he first taught Becci and had regularly played rugby,...

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From Sam to Sarah A genrebending story of sexual and personal discovery Chapter 2

The anticipation was eating me alive. My girlfriend, Aubrey, a strikingly sexy, gorgeous, blonde, polyamorous, bombshell grad-student and I had been living together for about three months. She had taken my virginity and was the dominant one in the relationship. She had been fucking another guy, Scott, every other weekend for about two months, and I had finally asked if I could be there in the room next time he fucked her.She sat there, pensively deliberating. Her adorable eyebrows were...

2 years ago
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All for the Love of a GirlChapter 5

“If you wish to be loved, show more of your faults than your virtues.” Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton As I was about to tell Mindy about this chapter of my life, I told her she first had to listen to a song. I had actually gotten up during the night and found the song on the Internet and downloaded it to my mp3 player. As I handed her the player, she started to take the ear buds off so she could hook it up to a set of speakers. I think I surprised both of us with how sharply I yelled...

3 years ago
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When The Cats Away

Hank Menard woke from his doze, coughed and looked around. The first class cabin of the airplane was dark, with only one reading light lit. The flight attendant was sleeping in her seat at the front of the cabin. His wife Veevee noticed he was awake. "Do you think they're all right?" "They're fine," he said. "No doubt Gary's playing chess with his girlfriend Bernie, and Lil is moping. Probably didn't want to answer our phone, forgot to check voicemail and don't know we're coming. Serve them...

4 years ago
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Payback is Hell Part 2

“Time to get up. To show you what a loving wife I am, I’m going to fix us a pot of coffee.” Barry loved coffee in the morning, but Leigh had an ulterior motive. She knew he had to piss and the coffee would only make matters worse for his very stiff dick. She did not let him piss before he went to sleep. She ran the water for a long time. “I’m going to be nice to you since you didn’t escape or piss. I’m going to untie you. But here are the fucking rules. Remember you’re my slave and you...

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