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Remorse: (n) A feeling of regret for sins or misdeeds;compunction, contrition, penitence, repentance.

Warning; contains strong language

We had been walking slowly, her arm in mine, both of us maybe lost in ourthoughts when I suddenly came out of my own head and realised where I was.I turned as best I could, looked at her, at her almost serene, smiling faceand said,

"Amy, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I was away somewhere again…" shelooked at me indulgently and then she leaned forward and kissed me on the leftcheek, the nearest one to her, the good one and then she touched my face,

"D'you want to sit down? You look tired, so tired…" I did my bestto smile even though my whole face seemed to rebel against it.

"Do you mind?" She shook her head and there was no judgement in her expression.For the first time I looked around me properly. It was a crisp night, our breathwas turning to steam as soon as it left our mouths, there was a full moon andthe traffic noise was minimal.

The place where we were seemed calm somehow and very peaceful, it was threein the morning but even so, there was a serenity here that it would be hardto find, say in the middle of London, and I needed serenity right then.

"Where are we?"

Amy touched my hand.

"We're in Strawberry Fields." She said sparely. If my mind was wandering,as it had been previously, then it suddenly came into focus. I turned to lookat her and felt the pain for doing it less than carefully.

"Strawberry Fields?"

When he was young John Lennon and his mates used to go to fetes and gardenparties at the Salvation Army children's home in Strawberry Fields and quitea while later he wrote a song about it, THE song about it.

But Strawberry Fields was in Liverpool.

I looked at her uncomprehending, " But…" she just grinned at me,maybe pleased that she was able, at last, to divert my attention somewhereelse.

It was a tranquil glade. There were trees; there was a small incline. Therewere bushes and flowers, even at this time of year and there was a mosaic justto my left, a simple black and white mosaic with a candle and a single roseon it that spelt out just one word: IMAGINE.

It was an oasis.

A tiny piece of calm and solitude.

So calm it overwhelmed me.

So calm I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and for the first timesince we had landed in New York, for the first time in my recent adult life,I started to cry. I started to cry and I couldn't stop and Amy held me.

She held me close to her and put her arms around me and held me like shewas never going to let me go.


People have lived through worse, much, much, worse.

They have seen friends and family die, had them literally slaughtered infront of them and that, in this sometimes-horrible world, is often just forstarters but right then, in that blood spattered cargo hold that literallystank of death, I really could not imagine any worse horrors.

Juliet, someone who I had known for less than four hours, lay dead, her bodystill oozing blood, her head kicked in by a frightened horse who, impaled onthe steel remains of the pen that should have kept him safe on the journeyto New York, also lay dead and blood spattered.

Killed by a bolt through his brain.

A bolt that I had fired.

A man who I had never known lay a few inches away from me, also dead. Absolutelystone cold dead for reasons that I could not even begin to imagine and Val,another innocent in this, lay in my arms barely conscious, her lifeblood probablyleaking into her abdominal cavity even as I spoke to her.

And I spoke to her continually in an attempt to keep her conscious. Val wasmy only hope, my only grip on life and reason right then and I had to keepher alive. She was the only control I had in a world that had turned somersaults.

I knew that something had been going on outside but I didn't know what.

I knew, or rather I guessed, that something had been played out outside theaeroplane that could have and might still, mean life or death for both me andVal and the rest of the crew but for the last fifteen minutes or so thingshad been quiet.

We had been flying a relatively straight course without the violent rollercoasterlike twists and turns and dives and climbs that we had experienced earlier.

I felt some relief for that but I also felt terribly alone.

At least I did until I heard footsteps on the spiral staircase.

I called out.

"Who is it?" I was concerned. I didn't want the cabin crew to see this carnage,this slaughterhouse that I was in, that I was partially responsible for. Iwas relieved to hear a South African accent.

"It's me, Mike. Why? …" He walked down the staircase, I've probablynever been so glad to see someone in my entire life, and he stopped dead. "…whatthe fuck?"

Seconds later he was on his knees beside Val and me.


"How do you feel?" I looked into Amy's calm brown eyes and nodded.

"Better. But I AM sorry, Amy. I am so, so, sorry." I looked down at my shoesand realised that there was blood still on them.

I felt so embarrassed.

It's bad enough crying but doing it in FRONT of someone?

She already had a hand inside my jacket. She was rubbing my back or ratherthe gauze that covered my back and it felt soothing, my jangled nerves andmy rigid muscles were already starting to relax a little.

"Hey!" she said quietly but emphatically, "Lighten up!" she put both handson my cheeks and held my face level with hers. "You've been through a lot,you need to let go." I wanted to look away but I couldn't.

"I'm just a coward Amy… I was so scared on that plane… a fuckinguseless coward who…" her eyes were angry, her voice little more thana whisper,

"Enough with the self pity, Okay? You're not a coward. You're an ordinaryguy who's been very, very, brave. You did what you had to do. The horse, CarltonPrince, he was suffering, Val was DYING. He's dead. He's dead because you putthe poor thing out of his misery and she's alive because you wouldn't let hergo. Because you kept her conscious. Because you gave her something to livefor. The paramedics said that. The doctor said that. Now, they're not justsaying it to make you happy, so believe it! Be-lieve-it! Understand?" I noddedalmost sulkily because I still couldn't believe that I'd allowed myself tocry in her presence but those soft brown eyes seemed hypnotic somehow. Shetook a breath, a deep one, " And for Chrissake stop apologising!" and thenshe kissed me.


But I couldn't save Tom Roberts

I sat there holding Val and trying to keep her with me whilst he convulsedand fought for his breath and died. It was over very quickly but I still watchedhim die, unable to do a thing about it.

Mike checked him out of course and when he was bending over the body I askedhim if he could smell anything. He sniffed and then he sniffed again and hewrinkled his nose and looked at me.

"Yeah. What's that stuff they put on cakes ...marzipan… but stronger?" Inodded but it wasn't marzipan as such, although it had a similar smell.

When I was younger, much, much younger, I read a lot of books, mainly detectivenovels. Conan Doyle, of course, Leslie Charteris, Ed McBain, Raymond Chandlerand Agatha Christie.

The one thing Agatha Christie loved was a bottle of poison and any one whoreads her novels knows that one particular poison has a very distinctive smell – thesmell of bitter almonds. In large enough doses it causes breathing difficulties,convulsions and ultimately, death.

I was no pathologist but I was pretty certain that Tom Roberts had died ofcyanide poisoning.


We found a rocky outcrop and sat on it or rather I sat on it and Amy perchedon my knee after asking if I could stand it, which I could. For a while wejust necked like teens and slowly my body began to relax.

It had been a long night.

Satisfied that everything was as well as could be expected under the circumstancesand after patching me up as best he could with the First Aid Kit, Mike hadreturned to the flight deck promising to alert New York and have an ambulanceand a crash team standing by for Val. He had wanted me to go upstairs but wecouldn't move Val and I wasn't prepared to leave her, so we both stayed wherewe were.

After about ten minutes I heard footsteps on the stairs once again. Mikehad promised to make the hold off limits to the rest of the crew but a broadAustralian voice said,

"S'okay mate, I'm the captain, Steve Burton, how ya doin'? I normally liketo meet the passengers but I don't normally have to make house calls!" he judgedmy mood correctly and I grinned at him as best I could. He bought thermal blanketsfor me and for Val and he had a bottle in his hand. By now delayed shock meantthat I was shaking like a leaf and I recognised the bottle as the brandy thatMike had left on the table earlier. He poured some into a plastic cup and puta hand on my shoulder.

"I wouldn't normally suggest this," he said quietly, "but I don't think youcan come to much more harm, do you?" and he grinned like a schoolboy. I tippedit down in one go, felt the stuff warming my insides, felt the shaking stopand my whole body snap into some kind of order.

Mike had told me most of what had gone on before; Steve filled me in on therest. Radio contact had now been restored. New York had declared an emergencysituation and we were being escorted by three F16 fighters. He didn't knowwhy, none of us did until we landed and he asked me about Tom Roberts.

When Mike had told him what I thought had happened he had checked Tom's bagand the tablets that he had taken for his headache earlier on.

Every one of them had the same smell of bitter almonds.

He was now quite sure that Tom had been responsible for the radio problemthey had had earlier and maybe more besides and he was also pretty sure thatsomeone had wanted him dead because of it.


Despite myself, despite the fact that I was sitting on a rock in CentralPark at three AM in the morning, despite the fact that my back was coveredin minor lacerations from a small anti personnel bomb, despite the fact thatthe left side of my face was gashed and bruised after being kicked by a horse,despite all that, Amy's constant kissing, the warm sensuousness of her tonedbody and the gentle way that she touched and stroked me was making me horny.

We had come here partly because it was on the way to Amy's and partly becauseI was too wired to sleep. She was pretty pent up too after waiting for me fornearly five hours at the airport and she dragged me out of the cab and intothe park.

We had walked and talked.

Or rather, she had talked and I had occasionally escaped from the turmoilin my head to reply.

We had stopped at the point were the horse drawn carriages pick up for toursround the park and she had looked at me,

"Guess it's not a good time for horse rides huh?" It made me laugh, it mademe put my arms around her and hug her. I was like a clingy child. I didn'twant to let go and eventually we carried on arm in arm.

The rock I was on seemed to be the most comfortable in the world. I stilldidn't want to let go of Amy and she seemed in no hurry either. She also seemedquite happy kissing. When I came up for air again, I finally asked her,

"Why Strawberry Fields?" she gave me a look. The sort of look that Sheilaused to give me when she thought I was being particularly stupid. I think it'sa look that most women carry in their armoury but only Sheila would actuallyTELL you how utterly crass she thought you were being as well.

" Before he died, John Lennon lived in the Dakota on West Seventy SecondStreet, which is just across the way from here, he and Yoko used to come here,it was their favourite place, so the year after he died they renamed it StrawberryFields. That mosaic we saw? That was specially made in Pompeii. A gift fromthe people of Naples." She leaned forward a little and kissed me on the nose "It'sa garden of Peace because that's all Lennon wanted and that can't be a badthing can it?" I shook my head silently and wondered if that all might seema little naïve after 911 and what John Lennon himself might think aboutit all.

One single word came into my mind.


But then it often does.

I turned suddenly.

There was a noise off to my right.

At least I thought there was but Amy didn't seem to hear it.

"Might have been a squirrel or a fox or something bigger." I shivered. Howmuch bigger? Did Brown Bears roam Central Park looking for picernic baskets?She punched me playfully on the arm but I also noticed that she surreptitiouslyslipped a hand into her shoulder bag just afterwards.


Steve Burton only mentioned it much later but both he and Mike were bothconcerned about our fuel usage up to the time the first tyre struck the tarmacand skidded at LaGuardia airport where we had been diverted because it tookless traffic than JFK and was therefore safer at that time.

From the moment we came to a halt the world went mad.

As soon as the doors opened I saw not paramedics but men in space suits carryingwhat had to be Geiger counters because of the noises they made. I could heardogs barking outside and I could also see that we were a long, long way fromthe main airport buildings.

Eventually the space suits left and were followed by regular Police Officerswith dogs. Cocker Spaniels who sniffed and licked and generally put their playfulnoses everywhere and it was only when they left that the paramedics were allowedon board, followed by a man in a suit who said he was from the British Embassy,asked how I was doing and took immediate charge of Val saying that there wouldbe no problem with hospital treatment or Medicare and asked me to get in touchin the next few days.

The paramedics looked at my face and the gash on my eyebrow, taped that andsuggested that I might have a concussion. They wanted me to go to hospital.They still wanted me to go to hospital as they took me off the plane and intothe arms of Amy who had been getting distraught and wasn't exactly appeasedby the look of me as I was helped on to the tarmac.

She took charge.

She told the paramedics she was a nurse and showed them her accreditationand she promised to have me checked out at the Walk In Medical Facility atthe airport, which was exactly that.

I was taken in and x-rayed and declared as well as could be expected underthe circumstances in less than thirty minutes and when I tried to tell Amythat if I had gone into a British hospital at that time of night I would probablystill have been there the following day she just didn't believe me and neitherdid the Yellow Cab driver whose vehicle we were in at the time and who, unlikeBlack Cab drivers in London, didn't seem to have an opinion on everything inthe whole wide world.


I shifted a little wondering if you could get piles from rocks. Amy kissedme.

"You Okay?" she asked. I looked at her and for the first time in a lot ofhours managed a genuine smile.

"Yeah. I feel a lot better. I feel a lot better being with you and it justseems so safe here…"

I didn't see them come out of the bushes I just heard the first thing thetall one said,

"Well, that's prob'ly the wrongest thing YOU ever said, ain't it motherfucker?" helooked at me as if expecting a reply, I said nothing and that seemed to annoyhim. "Now get the fuck up and walk towards me!" he glanced at Amy, "You toobitch!" my guts did a somersault. There were two of them. One was black withdreadlocks, the other white with a gold tooth. They both had knives. Flickknives. One, the black one, was carrying handcuffs.

Amy stood up and I followed, she seemed calm, icy calm. I wasn't.

The white one had all the mouth. The black guy stood quiet.

"Put your hands behind your back!" we were close now, very close, so closeI could smell his breath. Amy stood her ground,

"Why do you want us to do that?" she asked quietly.

It was meant to hurt her and frighten me.

He lashed out with one hand and backhanded her hard across the face.

"Don't talk to me bitch! Don't even look at me! Look at the floor! You'renot fit to talk to me!" I glanced at her. There was blood running from thecorner of her mouth.

I looked back at him.

I was simmering inside.


Everything that had happened over the last few hours, over the last few monthswas being distilled and bought to boiling point. My hands were shaking butit wasn't from fear.

I could feel the colour draining from my cheeks. I didn't want to talk tohim but I did.

"What are you going to do to us?" the white one didn't smile.

"Well, since you ask so nicely, we're gonna handcuff the both of you andwe're gonna rape her while you watch and then we're gonna kill you and maybeher as well." He studied me closely, "Might even rape your fat white arse whileI'm about it."

I'd seen it done hundreds of times in pubs all over London.

It wasn't hard.

I looked at the black guy. The quiet one, perhaps.

Hoping I wasn't misjudging the situation but in reality too far gone tocare, I shouted at him.

"What about you? Yeah you! Cunt! Deaf cunt! I'm talking to you! What yougonna do? Lick some pussy? Kiss it? Make love to it with your tongue?"

I got the reaction I wanted.

He sprang at me spitting and quivering and consumed by anger and in so doinghe put himself between Amy and the white guy with the gold tooth.

She didn't need a second chance.

Already she had the Taser, the stun gun that she had taken out of her bagearlier and dropped into her pocket, in her hand. She touched it to the blackguys neck and pressed the button and as he went down so she went with him.

"Bleed you motherfucker, bleed!"

I turned and just caught the white guy unawares. He struck out with the knifeand caught me on the cheek but the sudden sharp pain just enraged me more.I grabbed his arm, spun him round, kicked him in the back, got him on his kneesand with his arm straight I pulled it back, back against the elbow and thenkicked down hard on it with my foot.

I heard the satisfying snap of breaking bones.

"Gonna rape me now, asshole?" he was in pain. Theoretically he wasn't a threatbut I wasn't taking chances and I had a whole lot of rage burning inside me.

I dragged him up, I grabbed him by the broken arm and I threw him againsta tree head first and I followed him in and I grabbed his head and I hit itand I hit and I hit it against that tree until his face was a bloody mess andthere was blood coming out of his ears and I suddenly realised that someonewas screaming,

"Stop it! Stop it Bill! Stop it!" at me and a single slap to the good sideof my face suddenly bought me back to my senses.

Amy was standing in front of me a little breathless, the Taser still in herhand; the black guy was barely conscious and groaning on the ground. She pointeda finger at me and managed a smile.

"Just don't apologise! Okay? You beat the fucker senseless… no morethan he deserves… now lets get outta here and we'll call the policewhen we're safe …"

I saw him first, short, stocky, he must have been hanging out a fair distanceaway from us, over by some trees but he had a gun and he was raising it evennow.

I grabbed her hand.

"Run Amy, run for fuck's sake!" and we were off, the adrenaline pumping throughboth of us.

The only thing that was probably keeping us both going right then.

The lake was right in front of us.

She shouted,

"Can you swim?" and I shouted

"No!" just as a single shot reverberated around the park.

Whether she actually DID say,

"Well now's a good time to learn!" was a mater for conjecture as she grabbedmy wrist and half threw, half dragged me into the icy water with her.


© Wallace 2004. The writer maintains the right to be recognised as theauthor of this piece. This is a work of fiction and bears no resemblance toany places, either real or imaginary or any people or characters real or fictitious,living or dead.

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Sex by chat

I was free in home with less work that day whiling away my time in the chat rooms when the above message flashed in the Yahoo Messenger window in my PC Monitor. I noted the message came from a girl or lady named Laxmi. “Hi..” I sent my message back greeting the person. “Is that you Venkat”? Another message came. “That’s right. May I know your ASL (age, sex and location) please?” I wrote back. I was waiting to receive reply to my query when another question came from her: “Good afternoon Mr....

2 years ago
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My first experience

Back when I was a Junior in High School, my mom got married to a nice gentleman named Ryan. Ryan had a very young son and a daughter named Stephanie who was about 3 years older than I was at the time. Stephanie had just gotten married and her and her husband did not have a place to stay so my mom was nice enough to allow them to stay at our house since we had a finished basement. Nice of my mom however we didn’t realize how fucked up this family was. I had to find out the hard way..My step –...

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Bill N HaleyChapter 8

Deena’s turn: They did it! Married. I did it! Left Mom’s and moved in with Dad ‘n’ Haley. Momentous. That’s Dad rubbing off on me. Dad actually has a vocabulary and likes to use it. Exercise it. I get that from him and I get odd looks and little remarks from my contemporaries (another ‘Dad’ word, okay?) and sometimes strange looks from adults, especially my teachers. When Haley picked me up after school, she gave me the news. “Your mom talked with your dad. We’re supposed to go get you...

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eyes wide shut

Lorraine could barely breath as the man's cock thrust deep into her throat. She gagged as he ground his hairy groan against her bruised lips, groaning as he came in huge sticky gushes. It was all she could do to breathe; trying to swallow enough of his sperm to allow her to get some oxygen into her lungs between the thrusts of is big hairy cock.Finally the man was done. Loraine pulled his softening shaft out from between her lips. Vaguely she could hear the nasty 'plopping' sound as his meat...

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I'd been waiting for this moment for several days. When you lead a team of 30 it's often hard to get to speak to one of them alone - especially when there's only two women - and people talk. This morning was busy; the team had a deadline to deliver a part and everyone was focused on their task to make that happen, including Eleanor. I made an excuse to review her paperwork while she worked and waited until no-one was within earshot. "I'm leaving soon Eleanor", I said. She looked at me with a...

Wife Lovers
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 4

On the drive to Samantha's house her erection bothered her. She pulled up her skirt and jacked a couple of times but didn't want to bring herself off with her fingers. In the back of her mind she knew what was going to happen, but in the state she was currently in nothing like that entered her mind. To her, she was just going to visit her friend for the day. Nothing sexual was going to happen. In reality she never remember what had happened that day in Dr. Hawthorne's office. She'd gone...

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Mom and Son

It started one afternoon when my son and I were watching a movie together on the couch. I don't even remember now what we were watching. He came in the room with a bowl of popcorn just like always, and halfway through the movie we were snuggled up together, the bowl now empty. My son and I had always been close, and physical touch was very normal for us. We'd always kissed on the lips to greet each other, and admittedly there were a few nights more recently since he turned 18 when one or both...

4 years ago
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First Time Swap With Wild Couples

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is experience of couples same rooms swap. Now coming to the story this is my experience of doing a same room swap with a married couple. Jaya was my college mate who later turned out to be my sex buddy and we...

2 years ago
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The Rescue Mission

By Submissive Romanticedited by Michael-Leonard Chapter 1 I grew up in the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, Arizona to be more precise. My mother, father, an older brother and me, we lived at what was then the most northern part of Phoenix, in a small house on a very large tract of desert land. My childhood was anything but normal. You see my dad was a drunk, an abusive drunk at that. As soon as my brother turned eighteen, he left the house and joined the Marines. After serving for four years, he...

4 years ago
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Navi Mumbai Bhabhi Ke Saath Sex

Hello dosto, I am regular reader of this site and reading almost all the stories from last 6 years. Today I am sharing my personal experience that happen just few days ago. Hey this is mohit, I am from navi mumbai kharghar from last one year and I used to visit kamothe everyday to meet my girlfriend. She is teacher and I am used to wait outside the school to meet her. To baa tab kuch yese start hote hai dosto, main roz ke tarah usdin be wait kar raha tha mere girlfriend ke aane ka and waha...

2 years ago
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The Priest Teaches His FlockChapter 7 Communion

"Over her Sally, it is time you drained the evil seed from my sword. Leave all of your clothes off. The sight of you naked body will make it easier to empty my sword." Father John pulled off his pants and shorts and sat down in the large chair. His hand reached down to his cock, stroking it to even greater hardness as he watched her walk over to him, her young breasts bouncing as she walked. She moved towards the chair, Father John motioning her to kneel at the foot of the chair. She...

3 years ago
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Disqualification Round

DISQUALIFICATION ROUND Round, They hang and float Past Manly gazes and womanly ways, Begging To be squeezed, ogled, left alone; They change Their minds or change the minds of men Who see Them and stare, formulating A hundred reasons and a thousand ways For their display. I myself, who love breasts best (after feminine buttocks), Have had to impose limits, Seeking Only breasts that hang and float-- At least for today. Tomorrow I may hunt for breasts Which are shown only...

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OHGIRL Strippers Night Out

I snorted a long line of coke off of Shawn's cock and then he bent me over and fucked me. My pussy was tingling from the residue that was still on him and my mind was spinning as we had just finished smoking something that Shawn said would rock my world. He was trying to make up to me after I had to get my car out of impound again. This was the third time in a month and I told him no more using the vehicle unless I went with him. Of course, I had forgiven him 20 minutes before, when I had...

2 years ago
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Vengeance Synopsis: A former intelligence agent who lost everything in a terrorist attack decides to get revenge. His methods are quite unconventional... [email protected] ********************************************************************** Vengeance "Comfy?" The man on the cot turned his head, startled from a fitful sleep. He started to move, and immediately was restrained by the shackles on one leg and one arm. He glanced up, past the glare of...

1 year ago
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Fucking Asin

It was one busy film shooting day in a remote village in Kerala. The hero of Asin’s movie Mr. X and Asin struggled hard to get the song scene perfect. The close encounters during the filming process kindled an uncontrollable fire of lust deep inside X. The smiling face of Asin turned him on over and over again and his cock became hard as a rock inside his tight jeans. During the break he moved over to her and said, “Asin, I am very horny for you and want to fuck you now” “What?” Asin asked in...

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Our first encounter The Hotel Roomquot

We've had dinner and drinks to get to know more about one another. Talking, laughing sharing with each other as the evening is waning. You get a devilish lil look on your face as you ask if I'd like to continue this in your room. The elavator ride is full of sexual tension and excitement. Looks of desire between us followed by smirks and winks.our eues wandering all overveach others bodies. Wsnting and lusting to taste, touch and feel.....We enter the hotel room, As you turn I grab and hold...

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Miriam And Herbert

Herbert shivers and smiles.” Not as nice as yours. You know i love your tiny butt. How loud it is when i give it a good slap.” She chuckles and they both smile as the waitress returns and gives them each a glass of wine. They sip their drinks and look over their menus, both having to switch from their casual glasses to reading glasses, and order the same thing they always do when they come here. The menus and glasses were all to draw out the night and build the anticipation in both of them for...

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Sex and sympathy

This is an attempt to describe how the tragic death of my brother led in time to the transformation of my sex life. Written down now, that looks cold and callous. In fact, it was anything but; it has been a journey of discovery that has enriched those of us involved and who have reached the point at which we are comfortable with ourselves and each other and with what we do together. To explain how it came about, I need to fill in some background.Miles and I have been together for more than...

Group Sex
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Jack and JillChapter 5

"What's the matter, dear? You're hardly touching your food." "I've just got some stuff on my mind. Mom." "I'll bet it has something to do with that girl you met." "Of course it does, Mary. Quit teasing your brother." "Yes, Mom." "So, do you want to talk about it?" "I don't know, Mom." "Would you feel better if it was just the two of us?" "Yeah. But it's not fair to send Mary away." "I know, Dear. But I'm sure there will be lots of times in the next few years...

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Hamara Honeymoon aur ghar par Saas ki chudai

Hello dosto. Mera naam Priya hai aur main Delhi mein rehti hun. Meri age 32 hai aur meri shadi ho chuki hai. Mere pati aur main Gurgaon mein ek hi company mein kaam karte hai. Mere sasur ki death ho chuki hai aur meri saas aur mere husband hamari shadi se pehle akele rehte the. Aapko apni sasural ke baare mein bata deti hun. Mere husband ka naam Gaurav hai. Woh 33 saal ke hai. 6 feet ki height aur taqatwar badan hai unka. Meri saas ka naam Sunita hai. Woh 52 saal ki hai. Height 5 feet 4-inch...

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The Stepsister Part 5

~~Start of Part 5~~ I woke up with a little start as I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was sis, she was sitting next to me on the couch and I could see Amanda sitting behind her in the chair to the side. Amanda had an almost sheepish look on her face and was biting her lower lip. Sis started talking to me, “Do you forgive us for putting you though that earlier?” I was not mad; I was just happy that somehow, I pulled off the whole thing without screwing up everything sis had put so much effort...

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The adventures of Tom Matt pt2

Matt would text Tom on his way home and the two would meet at the grate that lead into the side yard of Tom’s house. Once behind the fence and out of sight of anybody, Tom would drop to his knees and open Matt’s pants. Tom would pull out Matt’s soft used cock and Tom would blow him there in the shadows. Since the first time Tom sucked Matt’s cock after he fucked Sara, Tom loved the new way Matt’s cock would taste. A mixture of his and Sara’s cum covered his dick and Tom would suck it clean....

3 years ago
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Helping A Childless Couple To Conceive

Hello readers, I’m Sarfaraz Khan back with another story of mine. It’s not a fictional one but a real incident where I helped a couple to conceive. About me, I’m a 23 years old male who loves to fuck women from various walks of life. I don’t believe in forcing someone for sex. Rather it should be seductive and slow. Those readers who haven’t read my previous stories are missing out a lot, and I request you to read them and enjoy them. So this story happened recently. I received a mail from a...

4 years ago
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Secret Lives Part 3

Secret Lives - Part 3 By Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Forward Welcome to part 3 of my story about Melissa "Josh" Stevens. If you haven't read the first two parts (chapters 1-12), then you should because what happens here won't make a lot of sense otherwise. This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee...

2 years ago
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Youve Got An Hour

Julie lay back into the car’s seat, closing her eyes and relaxing into the ride home. The night out had been just what she needed after a long week, Jay had done well distracting her from thoughts of work. Their favorite restaurant had again come through with a great meal. They’d had just enough wine, lovely dessert, and stimulating conversation. But though the pleasant hours had repressed her ill mood, she now wanted a good night’s sleep to escape the frustrations the work week had wrought....

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Wifersquos Friend Spanked and Fucked

My wife and her friends regularly go out on Friday nights and as long as my wife behaves, I do not mind. This means not getting drunk, wearing sensible clothes and coming home at a reasonable hour.On the occasion in question, my wife’s friend Alice was going to stay with us as she lived some way away from where they were spending the evening. Alice is fully aware of my house rules and understands that if she is staying with me, then she will have to adhere to them.Off they went at about 7 30...

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My sexy fatty mom

I did not tell the last storys part. As my mom & me were there in the home both had a key there was no probs in opening tre door . As my dad was at dubai me & my mom was there . I saw her naked bath many times even i jarked off in her bra also which my dad got from dubai. She understood but kept quite. At home she use to ware maxi,skirt, slaks tshirts etc. Few days back after our dinner i saw my mothers bed room light was open. I peeped saw she was seating in sofa in front of the mirror & she...

4 years ago
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Becky and Vicky

“What the hell is going on?” I suddenly heard from over my shoulder. I quickly spun my head around to see Vicky standing beside us with a full view of what was happening. Becky removed my cock from her willing mouth and said “We’re having sex and you are not allowed to tell…. O.K.?” Vicky didn’t say a word she just moved around to the front of the chair, knelt and down to get a closer view of what Becky was doing as Becky once again took my full manhood into her wet warm mouth. After a few...

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The half way point

My girlfriend and I packed our car and headed south for Florida. We'd had enough of those Michigan winters and it was time for some fun in the sun. The only contact my girlfriend and I had with our families was over the phone and the internet. My girlfriend was about to leave the country and do some wildlife biology work for a whole ten days. Meanwhile I had made plans to take off some time at work so I could catch up with my family up in Michigan. Convienently my mother was able to also take...

3 years ago
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My Mother in law

My mother in law Marie moved in with my wife and I a few months ago. She is in her 70's and still a nice looking woman. Short gray hair, big saggy tits, incredible nipples and nice legs for an older woman. We always got along well, but I wasn't sure about her moving in as our k**s are grown and I like my privacy. She wore house dresses with no bra so her tits and hard nipples were always on display. One day she was sleeping on the couch, my wife was at work so I went to my office and started...

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enna watson

Emma Watson: Rudely InterruptedPosted on june 7, 2013 by maddog_1945 Ch. 01Emma Watson looked stunning.She was dressed in a thin; little black dress and matching stiletto heels, her short brown hair was impeccably parted and her makeup flawless.She stood with a champagne glass in hand, enjoying the room full of young attractive celebrities.She was attending one of these “Hot under 25” functions for a famous celeb gossip magazine.They were usually good fun and she got a chance to stay in a...

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Submissive Passion

All of a sudden, I feel his hand twist into my hair and he pulls me off the couch and to my knees. I moan and look up at this man with nothing but lust in my eyes. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, enjoying the gentle pain I caused myself from biting my lip. “If you won’t tell me what you want, Girl, you will take what I give you and you will like it.” He demands, his voice so deep that it reached inside me and caused a stir between my legs. “Yes, Sir” I purr and he tightens his grip on...

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Finishing up with Next Door Neighbor Casey

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... part 12, part 3 of Ethan and Casey"Oh God," Casey groaned. She was practically sobbing when Ethan rubbed the smooth head of his cock across her wet slit. He eased the head past her pussy lips into her tiny opening. She responded with a deep, primal groan. Ethan held her by her hips and slowly pushed his cock into her."Uhn... uhn," she grunted. She was just as tight as the first time. He eased up to give her a moment to catch her breath, then continued."Oh...

4 years ago
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Masturbating With My Classmates One Last Time

Once a week for most of the school year, the boys had been squeezing into our changing rooms for what they called Wank Wednesday.It was exactly what it sounds like. After games class, we'd been watching each other masturbate. It was originally a female-only group, but the boys were allowed in at the suggestion of my friend Tiff, and it turned me on a lot.Fortunately, the teachers always kept their distance so we had some privacy. Unfortunately, we'd reached our very last Wank Wednesday before...

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Treasure worth fucking for

Treasure worth fucking forMy name is Charles Jackson or just Jackson as they called me in the Navy. I was a demolishing diver for the US Navy. I now live in key west Florida with my girl friend Jill Simpson, she is a living Barbie Doll with long jet black hair down to he small of her back and a set of 42 DD knockers to kill for. I had got her interested in scuba diving and we would go diving off the keys just for the fun. One day we came a pond one of the many old ship wrecks and Jill got...

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And sharing a man

Wow! A vision, Megan stood in front of Jon, in his eyes she looked like a goddess. Her blond hair hung down around her shoulders, her skin seemed to shine, perfect, her tiny tattoo standing out like a landmark. Her stockings stood out against her skin, fine, black and real. Stockings this time, not hold ups, the suspenders outlining the curve of her thighs and buttocks some of her finest features, along with her calves straining under the pull of the jet black impossibly high heels. The...

Group Sex

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