Ivory Tower free porn video

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"Toasters kill more people than sharks."

This was my sister-in-law Beth talking. I saw my wife roll her eyes at Beth's' statement.

"No really it's true! I read on the internet that last year over 150 people died in toaster related accidents. The same year, only 3 people were killed in shark attacks."

In the Army, there is nothing more dangerous than a newly minted 2nd lieutenant with a map and a compass. In civilian life, people with a high speed internet connection and time on their hands, pose the greatest threat to society today. Sometimes a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Beth, my brother's wife, lived next door. She was in our kitchen trying to corral my young, grade school age kids, along with her children to eat breakfast before school. As most parents know, the morning school routine is like herding cats. The kindergarten kids were dressed in those stupid "Too Ugly To Die" oversized tee shirts that were all the rage. My wife had got a bunch of them from an Eastern European anesthesiologist lady she worked with at the hospital.

Now, both my wife and I love our sister in law, Beth. She is a good wife to my younger brother William; the two of them are made for each other. As different as my brother, William and I are, our wives are just as varied.

I managed to squeak by in school. Mostly enjoying the sports side of high school, playing football, wrestling, even boxing a bit. I was not really very good due to my short size. But my fireplug like build, along with a stubborn streak, inherited from southern Greek parents, served me well. Meanwhile my younger brother William excelled in school. William was the National Honor Society, chess club and merit scholarships galore. I joined the merchant marine the day after I graduated, did a few years, and saved some cash. Now, I run a small contracting business. Mostly in home and home improvement construction. William did the whole professor thing. He got his doctoral on the writings of poet Basil Buntings. William teaches at the local university, and he seems to be well respected by his peers.

I met my wife in the emergency room, during a visit for a construction related accident. My wife is a no nonsense type of lady, with a sarcastic sense of humor, plus a real world view of life. My brother, William's wife Beth, was a daycare assistant. Beth is the most pleasant female. It is a real bonus having them live next to us. I know she wants the best for my brother William and their two children. However, let us just say that Beth is a little on the naïve side, living a bit in the Ivory Tower.

Today Beth was spouting some information about how dangerous toasters are.

I poured myself some coffee. "Beth, if toasters are more dangerous than sharks, then logically a shark with a toaster is the worse menace on the planet."

Beth put a plate of bacon in front of my son and gave me a look. My young son took a bite of the bacon then spit it out. "Yeech Aunt Beth! This bacon tastes bad!"

Beth patted my son on his head. "It's Tofu Bacon. Contains none of that nasty chemical filled meat. Meat is the cause in one out of every ten deaths."

Naturally, I could not resist the obvious comeback. "If meat is responsible for 1 in 10 deaths, does that means tofu, fruits and vegetables are responsible for the other nine deaths?"

My wife reached over to my sons plate, then stuffed a piece of the tofu bacon in her mouth. She made a face before swallowing. "Beth, It is easier to change a man's religion then his diet."

Beth just sighed, than clapped her hands. "OK, Kids, time for school. Everybody into the Prius."

I picked up my smallest son and his cousin in a bear hug. "You sit and visit Beth. I'll take the kids to school."

Beth waved her hand. "No, It's OK Ron. I do not want you wasting gas in that big truck of yours. The children can fit into the Prius."

I lifted the giggling boys over my shoulder, onto my back. "Beth I am running on my own homemade Bio-diesel, so no worries." I threw both boys into the air before catching them. "How about we let the boys decide?"

I put the kids down, kneeling in front of them. "What do you say MEN? You wanna ride in Aunt Beth's hybrid, spewing kittens and butterflies out the tail pipe?" I then lowered my voice several octaves to a growling baritone. "Or do you want to cruise in Uncle Ron's MANLY, Testosterone dripping, Smoke belching, Tire squealing, Hulking, Powerful Ford F250 Pickup Truck, with extended cab, Powerstroke engine, and enough torque to pull a house down the street!"

"Truck! Truck! Truck!" The kids chanted, jumping up and down.

"I want Testrone too!" My youngest son piped in.

I put my arms around all the now giggling children. "Sorry Beth, the masses have spoken."

Both my wife and Beth were smiling as I corralled the children out the door, wrangling various cartoon themed backpacks as we left.

After dropping the kids off at school, I headed home. Today was "paperwork" day, to be spent doing invoices, orders, payroll, etc., so I would be working from my home office over the garage. I was headed into the kitchen from the garage when I heard my wife's voice.

"Oh Beth, I could never do that to Ron."

Now I know it is not polite to listen in on private conversations. But Hell, it was my house. Silently I moved closer to the door in time to catch Beth speaking.

"They would not print it in Cosmo if it were not true. Its tricks to really fire up your bedroom time."

I heard my wife reply. "Beth, I do not need any tricks in the bedroom. I have a vagina."

"Yea sure ... but don't you want to get Ron all excited?

My wife answered. "Ron is a guy. To get a guy excited, all you need to do is take off your socks."

Beth would not let it go. "OK ... um, but this is how to make Ron scream in passion?"

My wife snorted before speaking. "I sure as hell do not want my guy screaming in passion or any other time. The only time my man should scream in the bedroom, is if a stray bullet comes through the window and hits him the ass while we are screwing."

Beth continued. "Well, at least you should know what words to say to Ron that really will give him great sex."

At that point, I walked in the door. Both Beth and my wife looked up. Giving them a look, I held up my hand in a closed fist. "Beth, let me tell you 'the guys' requirements for great sex." I lifted one finger. "Number one. Have a Vagina."

I rose up my second finger. "Number two. Do not block the Vagina."

I added a third finger. "Number three. No talk, Shhhhhhhhhhh..."

My wife just grinned, but Beth said. "Ron, all men are not like that. Take your brother, William for example..."

"Beth, you want me to take an example from a guy who let his wife put diesel fuel in their gas powered Prius Hybrid?"

Beth looked embarrassed for a moment, as I recalled having to tow them home. Then the hassle of draining the tank, and getting the Prius operational again. "Ron that was not our fault. The diesel pump was colored green. We both thought it meant the fuel was environmentally friendly."

I shook my head. "Beth, how the hell did you even get that large diesel nozzle to fit into the Prius filler spout?"

Now it was Beth's turn to grin. "Ron, women are experts at making big things fit into small openings. We ladies are just more aware of our bodies. For example women can have orgasms just from exercising."

I shrugged. "Big Deal. Men can have orgasms just by watching women exercise."

"Oh stop it Ron," Beth said. "But I am glad you are here. I cannot decide what to get William for his birthday. The cooking set he has had his eye on, or the sweater vest we saw at the University store."

"Nah Beth, forget that junk." I said. "Let me tell you what William REALLY wants."

Beth leaned forward "What? Tell me Ron, please."

"It's a well known secret Beth. The best gift you can give William..." I paused for dramatic effect. "ORAL, a nice Blow Job!"

Beth blushed as I continued. "It's always in style, it's just our size, we can never have enough, we'll never get bored with it, It always fits, we can always have another, It's just what we wanted, it's never too late for one, they are perfect for any occasion, and they go with everything. Basically the perfect gift!

My wife stifled a yawn. "OK you two break it up." She put some dishes from the table in the sink. "I'm beat from the ER night shift." She pointed at me. "You Ron, go do your paperwork. And you Ms. Cosmo Sex adviser. "She pointed at Beth. "Go bake some erotic cookies or something for your hubby William."

It was one of those wonderful Friday nights all married men long for. My wife was working the overnight shift at the Hospital. The kids were away at some Cub Scout sleepover thing, so I had the whole house to myself, plus my favorite sports team was playing on TV. Could life get any better?

Leroy, my neighbor, was sitting in an easy chair as we enjoyed the game. We were having a fun time, alternating between praising and cursing the referee's calls. You see, Leroy was an odd guy. He was queer as a three dollar bill and the first openly gay man I knew well. However, Leroy did not at all fit the stereotype of a "flaming homosexual". Leroy worked as a fireman, and was the blackest black man I had ever seen. Damn guy was also the biggest guy I ever met. Standing at 6 foot 10 inches tall, he tipped the scales at over 250 pounds, and none of that was fat. Leroy and I had bonded over our shared love of Ford Powerstroke Diesel trucks, and devotion to the local sports team.

"You know Leroy," I said, as I handed him another beer. "You gay guys may be onto something."

There was a pause as we both protested an obvious foul made by the opposing team.

I opened my beer before continuing. "I kinda envy your lifestyle Leroy. Refrigerator full of beer, you can leave the toilet seat up, and the TV is always tuned to ESPN. Hell, if it wasn't for the sex with guys part, I'd be gay."

Leroy smiled before stuffing a massive handful of chips into his mouth. "Hell, Ron you could never be gay."

I shrugged as the TV spouted out some commercial. "What do you mean Leroy? I could too be gay. There has to be a website or something I could go to. How tough could it be?"

Leroy shook his head before setting his face in a solemn pose. Then in a deep Darth Vader like voice Leroy intoned. "Ah you poor heterosexual bastard, you will never understand the ways of my people." He spread his hands. "God so loved us the Gay, he made many, many of us."

"Damn, Leroy I always thought there were so many gays so you guys could redecorate the earth."

We both chuckled and then the house phone started to ring. I was going to ignore the phone. Most people who call me use my cell phone. We still had the land line house phone mainly as a back-up. Infrequent power outages too often killed our cell service. However, it might be one of the kid's camp minders, so I picked up the handset.

Before I could even say "Hello", a sorrowful wailing and crying filled my ear.

It sounded like Beth, my sister in law, but it was hard to tell through all the wailing and crying. "Ron, you gotta help me! I am under arrest!" was all I heard before more pitiful crying erupted again.

"Beth? Beth? Is that you? "I said, interrupting the wailing coming out of the earpiece. "You gotta calm down, I cannot understand a word you are saying. It sound like you said you were under arrest. Take a deep breath and slow way down."

The sniffling slowed down for a second, than Beth's voice started again. Unsteady, but at least I could understand it. "Ron, I am under arrest at Metro lock up! It is a big mistake, they think I am a hooker! They are going to charge me with prostitution! " Beth broke into what sounded like tears again.

"Prostitution!" I repeated into the phone. Leroy's ears perked up, he scrambled to grab the remote control, and muted the blaring TV set.

"Beth calm down. Where is William at?"

Beth sniffled. "I don't know where he is! William is not answering his phone. Ron you gotta come bail me out! I swear it is all a BIG mistake! They are going to cut off my call! PLEASE Ron! PLEASE! HURRY!"

The line went dead, I stared dumbfounded at the handset. After a moment I explained the situation to Leroy as best I could. Leroy whipped out his cell phone and started scrolling thru phone numbers.

"Listen Ron, one of the guys on my team from the gay softball league is an officer down at Metro lock up. Let me reach out to him, maybe he can help."

"You guys have your own softball league?"

Leroy did not look up as he punched in some number to his phone. "Yes Ron, us gay guys have our own league. What? You think we spend all our free time having sex?"

I looked at Leroy sheepishly. "Umm sort of ... I mean I know you guys have that gay parade every year ... but..."

Leroy waved his hand at me to hush up and started speaking into his phone.

After a few minutes Leroy ended his call. "OK Ron, we caught a break. My buddy knows the staff on duty today. He is going to have Beth taken to a private area and set aside the paperwork until we get down there. Let's go, I'll drive." We both stood up, as Leroy pulled car keys out of his pocket. "Beth selling her ass?" He shook his head. "Must be some kinda fuck up. Her and that brother of yours is good people. That lady got a heart of gold. Remember when I first moved in and Beth brought me something to welcome me to the neighborhood?"

Despite the situation I laughed at the memory. "If I recall Leroy, Beth brought you fried chicken, watermelon and a big bottle of grape soda."

Leroy smiled at me as we headed to the door. 'Yea Ron, but Beth did not do it in mean way. She may be clueless, but that girl does not have a mean bone in her body."

I turned off the house lights. "I know Leroy. Beth never really knew any black people growing up. When you moved in, she went on the internet to find out what to bring you."

Leroy nodded as we got into his car. "That's what I mean Ron. They just don't make people like Beth anymore. Come on lets go rescue my favorite white lady, and get this thing straightened out."

Even with Leroy's connections, it still took us several hours to spring Beth from jail. Now driving home, Beth was in the back seat and she had calmed down a bit. Both Leroy and I were trying to keep a straight face as Beth told her story for the fourth time.

"It was just role playing." Beth said while trying to fix her mascara, which with all her crying had given her the appearance of a raccoon. "Cosmo said all couples should feel free to let their partner share in each others fantasy."

Leroy kept his eyes on the dark road and shook his head. "You hetro white folks got waayyyy to much time on your hands."

I glanced at Beth through the rear view mirror, a passing streetlamp illuminated her enough to show her embarrassment. Beth was wrapped in Leroy's old jersey from the trunk of his car. The jersey was so large, Beth was swimming in it. With her small frame, Beth could have used the jersey as a blanket. The jersey was needed, because when Beth was arrested she had on only a thigh length trench coat.

"Damn Cosmo is turning all you women into sluts." I muttered.

Beth spoke as she was dialing her cell phone. "Darn it Ron! It was not my fault. That police officer got it all wrong."

"Sure Beth, you show up at a well known, pick up-slash-hooker bar, dressed only in a trench coat. Than invite an undercover police officer to come out to your car in the parking lot to join you in the back seat. Gee what could possibly go wrong?"

Leroy chimed in. "Don't forget she charged him $20."

Beth's voice took on a whining tone. "I told you that's not what happened! William and I were supposed to meet at that bar. I accidentally locked my keys and purse in the car. I was trying to get the bartender to let me use the phone. That is when that that guy, who I did not know was a police officer, asked me what I needed. He took it the wrong way when I said I needed to get something in the back of my seat. I meant where my purse and cellphone where in the car, NOT what he was thinking."

Looking at Leroy, I could see we were both loosing the battle to hold in our giggles. "Ah Beth, what about the $20 you were going to charge him?"

Beth was getting frustrated. "Stop it you two! I did not charge that man $20 for sex! He asked how much? I thought he wanted money to get the door to my car unlocked. I said $20 because that was what I tipped the AAA road service guy last time this happened."

I started laughing so hard, tears were coming from my eyes, but Leroy had better control. "I understand Beth. Things like that must happen all the time. No doubt the main reason innocent people end up in prison." Then he began laughing. I do not know how Leroy kept the car on the road.

"That's not funny!" Beth insisted. "The whole thing was horrible! Like I was trapped in some awful movie!"

"Too bad it was not 'The Wizard of OZ'," I said, wiping the tears from my face. "You could have asked the wizard to give you a brain, like the scarecrow."

Beth tried to ignore our teasing by concentrating on her cell phone. "Why isn't William answering his phone!" Beth said as she snapped shut her cell. "I am going to kill that husband of mine!"

Leroy dropped us off in front of Beth's house. We had no sooner walked to the front door when a tow truck pulled up. My brother, William's Prius was on the flatbed with two flat tires on the driver's side, plus what looked like some minor front bumper damage. William then exited the passenger side of the tow truck. William's face looked haggard, but it was not my brother's face I was looking at. You see, my brother William was fully dressed up in a sailor suit, complete with bell bottoms. As the closest Beth and William had ever been to a ship was the inflatable chairs in their swimming pool, I did not know if I should laugh or cry.

Seeing one and another, William and Beth ran toward each other. Coming together, they started hugging as if it had been a reunion of years instead of mere hours. As I helped the tow truck driver lower William's Prius into the driveway, I could make out Beth's and William's conversation in between their kisses.

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'It's the bodily maneuvers' Intermediate phase of the Intermediate phase, but it's more refined than mine... ' Zax attentively watched Raroen's movements. 'His strikes are flawless and every thrust releases the Kinetic Force with no difficulty whatsoever... ' The more he reviewed how Raroen moved his body, threw his punches and delivered his kicks, more illusionary manifestations of his own person appeared in his sea of consciousness. Each mimicked a punch, a kick, a movement Raroen...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 68 Ivory Towers

Sally 2091 Sally had a great deal to be satisfied about even though she wasn't the kind of person to take good fortune for granted. She was blessed with relatively affluent parents who loved and cherished her. She was similarly blessed with the intellectual ability to secure a place on a postgraduate course at Oxford, one of England's two greatest universities and one which still ranked moderately highly in the world. She was a talented sportswoman, a girl with an extensive social network...

3 years ago
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No FutureChapter 69 Ivory Towers

Iris 2058 Iris had never lived anywhere other than London before in her life, but now here she was: renting a room in an ancient sprawling house in the suburbs of Oxford. Although she'd had to make new friends, was now earning somewhat less money than she'd used to and had to sleep on a disgusting mattress that should have been replaced years ago, Iris was happier than she'd been for years. The year in which she'd made a living as a prostitute now seemed like nothing more than a...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 70 Ivory Towers

Gabrielle 2040 There was a demonstration going on in Oxford's city centre. Normally, Gabrielle wouldn't be worried by something like that, but the taxi she was in would have to pass through it and she was concerned for the safety of Ajit, her Chief Farm Manager. Would they notice that he was Pakistani? "Relax," said Ghazi who was also accompanying her. "Things might be getting heated over there in the Kashmir, but these guys aren't about to be lynching anyone. Look at them. They're...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 72 Ivory Towers

Alex 2034 It was several weeks since Alex had last travelled outside of London. As always the exorbitant cost was covered by business expenses, although this time there was no flight across the Atlantic or toward the Far East. A train ride north from Paddington to the University City of Oxford, even first class, wasn't quite the work junket that Alex had now got used to. But he hoped there'd be plenty of good quality wine and perhaps a few class lines to compensate him for the...

2 years ago
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Mother of 5 Chained and USED

Mother of 5 Chained and USED!The wife and her hubby are out one evening at a theater performance. She is a 32 year old conservative Catholic mother of five with sandy blond hair, 42 DDD breasts. She is wearing a long black evening dress with sexy thigh hi’s and garter. As the evening draws to a close her hubby got a page, calling him to his office. He kissed her as he dropped her at home and then drove away.As she walks inside the thoughts of how she wanted her hubby that evening transition to...

3 years ago
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Dream On

Normally, I am a science fiction writer. I mostly write about time travel. After experiencing this dream the other night, I had to write everything down. I’m still trying to figure out how to combine time travel and erotic fiction. Maybe someday I’ll figure it out. Please try to forgive the humor in the first part of the story. I add a little humor in my stories and it doesn’t change the outcome. ©2003 Sweeper43™ Productions ***** It all started on a Friday night. You see, I work two jobs and...

2 years ago
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Adulteress Punishment Part 4

Disclaimer: This story is one of my darker ones, with strong non-consent themes. It's also just a fantasy, and the acts in this story I do not condone or support in real life. That's why this is just a fantasy! Now that that's out of the way, I hope you enjoy… ***** Miranda fainted on the bed as Matthew shouted 'No!' and Jake pressed the gun to her pussy and pulled the trigger. But after Jake pulled the trigger, nothing happened. Miranda's bodyguard nearly fainted with relief....

4 years ago
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Watching Jessie part 9 breeding Amy

Watching Jessie (part 9)It was late Sunday night. I wanted to feel Jessie’s pussy on my cock. Tyson and Darin had just left. They had been fucking her for over eight hours almost nonstop. She had taken ten loads of cum. Her pussy was stretched out and overflowing cum. When I got in the bedroom Jessie was lying on the bed almost passed out. She had moved out of the pool of cum she had made on the edge of the bed. Another wet spot was growing from her pussy where she now lay. I stripped quickly...

2 years ago
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Night Time walks

Now I was not gay, in fact the whole idea of being gay made me sick, and it wasnt untill Tom that I changed my mind, Me and Tom spent a lot of time together as we slept in the same tent, and in the night he would often rub up against me in his sleep, he was onyl 12 and he was asleep so I thought nothing of it, but seeing as we were both wearing nothing but underwear I was aware that for a boy his age he was pretty large down there, as I would soon discover. as when I turned over in the...

1 year ago
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A Devilish Fairy Tale

A Devilish Fairy Tale by Paddy57Let me tell you a tail of two little devils called Sparky and Brandy.The Sparky-Devil was not worldly wise and he like all male devils scurried around with massive pair of horns on his head, a little forked tail and a massive erection, ever upward in his mind. He sought one thing - sex. His whole function in life was to make she-devils squeal with pleasure.The Brandy-Devil was a she-devil, and like all she-devils she liked to Brandy poor he-devils. She would...

4 years ago
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His Mom Caught UsChapter 3

I looked hesitantly at Dylan, who had a real fear in his eyes. Kathy took her hand off my balls, and off my chest. She pulled a cushioned footrest in front of the couch. It was then that I was figuring out there was something going on in her mind besides the “wrongness” of this. She didn’t have to grab my swollen balls but she did. She wanted to see this. She was getting turned on. There was some carnal desire in this sexpot that neither her bible nor her upbringing could completely stifle. I...

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BlacksOnBlondes Amber Ivy 07252017

Amber Ivy is a pin-up model, and she loves nothing more than to pose and do little strip-teases for the camera. On his spare time, our director, Billy Watson, likes to take pictures like these. But what happens when the word gets out, and the Black Bulls who make up his gang bang crew catch wind of one of these photo shoots? They crash it, of course! Amber is right in the middle of changing bikinis when they come rollin’ in, and it doesn’t take long before they’re running the...

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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 28 Megan Takes Charge

"Just how trustworthy are you guys?" Megan wasn't asking Mina or DD, she was asking the Coasties. "You're about to confess something," commented the Lieutenant as he rocketed along just feet over the water. "Can I guess?" "You couldn't come close in a year," Megan said, and she was pretty sure she meant it. "What do I get if I get it right the first time?" He chuckled. "What do you want if that happens?" "I want to get to know DD ... a whole lot better. I know you can fix...

2 years ago
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Light of HellfireChapter 13

Baltoh flew through the fiery galaxy of Tenebrous’ personal domain with enough power streaming from his sword to shatter a planet. Spinning like a top, he delivered a flurry of slashes to Tenebrous, but the Demon King blocked them all with his claymore of Hellfire. As Baltoh was about to deliver his hundredth attack in the second, he suddenly disappeared, teleporting and reappearing behind Tenebrous. Before his foe could react, Baltoh kicked him the ribs with catastrophic power, sending him...

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A warm bath of love

Summer is petite and thin, quite tall, with long, long legs, and black, curly hair that messily shakes around her beautiful features, her smile, and amber eyes. She smiles, biting her lover's ear, joyously biting him, moaning, breathing heavy, her breath on her lover's face. She smiles, gripping his short hair in her hand, pumping back and forth, and moaning loudly, with smiles and joy. "I love you, baby," she says, "ahh, ahh, ahh," she moans into his ear, wet with her kisses and biting. She...

1 year ago
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My New College Fetish Smoking Ch 2

This is the continuation of Ch 1. If you have not read chapter one please do, if you don’t, you will be lost in this chapter. I stormed off to my bedroom after stopping on the porch to steal the pack of Brad’s Newport’s. Once I got in my room I locked the door and lit a cigarette, after about 10 minuets to myself I heard a knock on my bedroom window, it was Brad. I went over to the window and opened it; Brad popped out the screen and came in. I looked at him and said “what are you doing?”, he...

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A Life With Ariel

A Life With Ariel The limousines pulled up to the large gated home at exactly the proper time.Soon, the guests, five men and five women, were filing in through the doorand taking note of the immaculate and well-furnished interior. The greetings were cheerful amongst the old friends. They had not seen eachother in nearly five years and they were all grateful that their host and seenfit to invite them all at the same time. "How the Hell are you guys?" Paul asked them. And then, one byone, he...

3 years ago
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Poolside Fun part 1

Let me tell you a little about myself. I was your average eighteen year old, having just graduated from high school. Average height, average weight, brown hair and green eyes. This helped me get through high school, but it didn't help when it came to girls. It wasn't that I was bad-looking; on the contrary, I had been very popular with many of the opposite gender in high school. It was just that I had never had had a girlfriend, though I did like a number of girls. One in particular, I had...

Straight Sex
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Tim And Abbie 59 Finishing Off The Weekends For The Rest In Attendance Friday Night

Luke and Mary have been together the longest of the four couples, first meeting when six years old when their families moved next door to each other.  All through school, they were inseparable, walking to school together, playing in the afternoon, and in and out of each other’s houses all the time.By secondary school and now sixteen, they were exploring more and more of each other.  It did not take long after they blew out the candles on their sweet sixteen cakes that Mary was blowing some...

4 years ago
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Saving the Little Girl Next DoorChapter 13

When Saturday morning came along, I woke up late before going downstairs. Mom, Dad, and Sherwin were downstairs installing a new DVD player they brought earlier at the mall. The problem was that we didn't have any DVDs to watch. Sherwin told me to go to the video store and get some movies. I put on my clothes and walked downtown to the video store. Not knowing which movie to get, I asked the guy who worked there which movies were good. He told me to get The English Patient since it won so...

1 year ago
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Genetic sexual attraction

About 10 years ago i got into the whole genealogy thing. As everyone usually does, i built myself a family tree and eventually got around to taking the DNA tests. Everyday i would get a recommended list of cousins i could communicate back and forth with. One, in particular caught my eye, jennifer, but i will call her jen for short. She was a few years older, but had the body and face of a 29 yr old despite being over 50. There was something special about her smile that intrigued me to read her...

3 years ago
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Baju Mein Rahati Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello friends. Meri pehli story jo maine bahot pehle likhi thi, uska response kuch khas nahi aaya tha. So main ab dusri real story likhne ja raha hun. Hope ye aapko pasand aaye. If any girls, bhabhi , divorced bhabhi or horny bhabhi want to contact for chat and want real life fun secretly contact me on my email id:  it will be fully secret fun. And if there are any correction or comments or want to share something feel free to contact on my email. Main Surat, Gujarat se hun. Aur ye kahani...

4 years ago
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The Earls ManChapter 2

In the grey, chill, pre-dawn, I surveyed the soggy campsite. Then, I set up my ambush while praying that no more than two or three men came back. I borrowed a page from their book, choosing a tree putting me high enough that the sun would cause them problems when they tried to locate me. Whether they came from the north or the south, they’d have to look into the sun to find me, although my position would be better for an attack against a foe coming from the north, the direction I expected...

3 years ago
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Mother Love Daddy the Cuckhold

James had been tempted to join his mother in the shower but decided against it. He needed to sort out in his mind his plan for the evening, how he intended to deal with his father. He had seen a few videos of men being forced to watch their wives being fucked, the wives tormenting their husbands and ridiculing them, that sort of idea appealed to him, he was confident his mother would go along with it. He was thrilled with the way she had taken to their relationship, he had dreamt of getting to...

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Christine 4 ndash Going all the way

Where were we? Oh yes. Christine just kept on driving after I had made her cum in her car while she was driving me home. But as the other story says, she wanted me to be her slave for a few hours. You might remember Christine. Long legged aunt, who always wear skirts and nylons that just clings to her skin. So I sit back in the Mercedes’ warmed leather seats and I let her take charge. She’s driving, and I turn around a little, ogling her. Her breasts are pointing forward and, since she just...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Rowan 10292018

19 year old redhead Rowan doesn’t go out of her way to watch actual porn, just short clips she sees in her social media streams here and there. Well, she should have done her homework. When her boyfriend (!) found out she’s going to be looking into porn jobs he told her he’d better not see her on “some porn site”, as she tells us. She didn’t recall the name or what that site was about. We can pretty much guess what site he was referring to.Sorry, dude, she...

3 years ago
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Dannys Dilemma

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. Okay! Okay! I know that it is the oldest, most contrived situation imaginable, but it did happen. I wish that I could tell you in some sophisticated or unusual way that I discovered that my wife was cheating on me, but I can't. It happened like an old cliché from a bad story. I work for an auto parts manufacturer. I make brakes. Somebody has to do it and I am one of the lucky ones. From four to midnight everyday, five days a week, for...

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Chanel and Ethan 12

We don’t move for what feels like forever. My mind is going back through all that’s happened since I woke up. This is nuts, did I really just hit her? When my adrenaline subsides, I remember my own injury and touch my face finding more blood.Now I’m feeling it. Ethan finally turns around and faces me. His expression is hard, but he takes my hand. “Come here,” he says, pulling me into the kitchen. I’m still too stunned to stop him, so I follow. He swiftly picks me up and sets me on the island....

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Gym Class

Chapter 1 I sat in class tapping my pencil against my notebook, "stupid algebra," I thought to myself as the teacher droned on and on. God, I couldn't wait to get to my next class, my favorite class, gym. Not, that I was all that athletic, but the gym teacher had caught my eye from the moment I saw him. Mr. N, the name that he preferred to be called, had got my sixteen year old mind reeling with fantasies the first day of the school year. He was tall, well built, with dark hair, but that...

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A New Town and a New Girl

Introduction: A high school boy from San Francisco moves into a small town and meets a girl My name is Phil and I was 15 when my dad got a promotion at work to manage a satellite office of the company he worked for and because of that, we had to move to a new town. Im Chinese and from San Francisco so the move was a bit hard for me. We moved to a small town where it was mainly white people, most of whom have never seen an Asian before. Most of the people at school were either ignorant or just...

2 years ago
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Neighborly Hospitality

Unannounced visitors were not very common, especially in the middle of the day, so when the knock came at the door for Lisa Ingles, she was caught a little off guard. Little did she know that she was about to be introduced to a world of experiences that would shift her reality and alter her life completely. Little did she know that she was about to become an entirely new woman.She opened the door to find herself staring, face to face, with a beautiful black woman who looked more like she...

2 years ago
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Ma Marca Mother and I Part 2

Ms Marca /  Mother and I       Part 2     We went back to the bar just as the band was starting. As we entered the room the two men were up and offering us a place at their table.   Eric and Thomas were regulars to the island. They were by themselves and had come down for a few days to do some fishing and did this twice a year. The place was already jumping when we got our drinks. It was easy for them to tell we were braless, the lace was thin enough to easily see our nipples though. And we...

3 years ago
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Years Between Blow Jobs

Lately I have been thinking about it a lot. It has been years but I keep fantasizing about sucking cock again. I don't remember the first time I thought about it. It's just kind of been there, lurking in the back of my mind, wondering what it would be like. This thought had been happening more and more lately. I'm not sure if it was my desire to try it that was growing, or just the influence of the internet on my mind. I can remember having gay/curious thoughts as far back as my teens. Once...

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