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The phone must have rang about five times till my wife Kathy finally picked it up. I was busy finishing up the painting of the spare room and really couldn't hear who she was talking too. I climbed back down the ladder when she came into the room. "I think I rented out the room." she said all smiles. "That's great." I smiled back as I put the paintbrush down. We had been trying to rent out the room all summer and were getting a little worried since the start of school was fast approaching. We always have rented it out to the collage students, but for some reason this year we just didn't get the calls like before. "Who did you get to rent it and when do they move in?" "His name is Trevor and he said he will be by this weekend." She said looking at me for some sort of reaction. We had always agreed to rent it to just girls. Not that I have any problem with guys renting it, it's just that I always figured girls would maybe have a better respect for our house than guys. I looked at Kathy. "You think it's okay to rent it to him? What's he like? Does he have any references?" "What can we do Brad? We need to rent the room out and he's our last chance." I knew she was right. I hadn't been working for the last year since the company I worked for had their major cutbacks. Kathy had a good job with no chance of layoffs. I basically just took care of the house duties. I stilled hope for one day to get back to work, but till then the little extra money we brought in from renting the room helped. "I guess it will be alright." I said smugly folding up the ladder and cleaning up a bit. "Brad, don't sulk around, I'm sure it's going to be just fine. He sounds like a respectable young man. He's going to collage on a football scholarship and has good grades." I thought to myself, how bad could it really be having a guy in here. I never really talked with the students that much anyways and they were always busy doing their own thing. The next few weeks I spent my time getting things ready, not only for the fall season, but for Trevor coming at the end of the month. He had phoned Kathy during that time and asked if we had any space for his weight lifting equipment. Kathy being the way she is, assured him we had plenty of room in the basement. This of course just made me have to clean up there as well. I never had to do so much just to accommodate one person. I was starting to dislike him without even knowing him. It was a mid day when Trevor showed up at the house. I was watching TV when Kathy called up to me to come greet him. I grudgingly got up from the couch and made my way up the stairs from the basement. That was the first time I saw him. He was huge and black. Trevor stood at least 6.2 and was solid muscle. As I walked towards him to shake his hand I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by his size since I stand only 5.7 and not really that great of shape. Not that I'm fat or anything just that I never could bulk myself up like most guys. I was often teased while I was growing up about my slight appearance. Kathy on the other hand was beautiful for a 34 year old. She had always kept herself in great shape. I myself am 28 years old. Kathy spoke first as we all stood at the front of the door. "Trevor, this is my husband Brad, and I'm Kathy. Did you have any problem finding the place?" "No, not at all." Trevor said as he reached out and shook Kathy's hand then mine. I could have sworn he squeezed my hand a little stronger than most handshakes. I looked up at him and with a slight smile, acted as if I never even noticed. "If you could show me my room, I will take my things there and start unpacking." Trevor said almost acting as coy with his size. Kathy straight away volunteered my services to help him take the things from his car to his room. "Brad, help Trevor get settled, I have a few errands to do today so I won't be back for a few hours. You guys get yourself acquainted and I will be back later." She turned and walked towards our bedroom and I followed right behind. "You never told me he was black Kathy, I mean..." I was trying to find some excuse to have her dislike him. I wanted her to change her mind about renting to him even though I knew deep down it was too late. Kathy looked at me and whispered loudly and firmly. "Don't you ruin this Bradley. He's a good kid, it doesn't matter what color he is and he's here to stay the school year so you better just get used to it." How I hated when she called me Bradley. And she knew it too, made me feel like a little kid being scolded. I was all set to say something but she cut me off. "Now get out there and help him unpack and be nice to him or else," Kathy said as she picked up her keys and walked out of the bedroom and towards the front door. Following Kathy, Trevor was outside taking his things out of his car. I walked with Kathy to her car and held her door for her as she got in. Loudly so that Trevor could hear, I leaned down to Kathy and told her to drive safe and went for a good-bye kiss. She just turned her head and started to back her car out of the driveway. I stood up and waved bye to Kathy knowing she wasn't even paying me any attention. I noticed that Trevor seen the same thing. As I walked towards Trevor, he was all smiles. "Guess she was in a hurry." "Yeah I guess." What else could I say? I felt almost ashamed about what he had witnessed as I reached out and took a suitcase from his trunk. "Well, don't worry about it; most women are domineering towards small men." He smiled again. Did he just make a cut at me? What was that I just heard? Who did he think he was I thought as I lugged his suitcase up to his room. "Just put the suitcase down near the bed," he said as he opened his drawers to put his things away. "There's some bags in the backseat, just bring them up here and I think that will be it for a while." "Yeah, okay." I said without any enthusiasm Why the hell am I getting his things for him? I'm sure Kathy didn't want me to do all of this for him or did she? I mean, I hope he wasn't getting the wrong impression with me since he witness the little scene I had with Kathy. I am still the man of the house. I was getting myself pissed off as I grabbed the bags from the back seat and hulled them up to his room. "Just put them over there Bradley." Trevor said as he held his hand over the receiver of the phone. "You can go about your business; I will call you if I need anything else." He went back to talking to whoever it was on the phone. I just looked at him. I sure he could see the hate in my eyes. I dropped his bags on the floor and walked out of his room I was so mad. I knew the minute I seen him I didn't like him. What a self centerpiece of shit he is. "Oh Bradley..." Trevor called to me in a sarcastically voice. I stopped and turned back to him. "What is it Trevor? And you can call me Brad." "Could you please shut my door Bradley?" I took the few steps back to his room and grabbed the doorknob and shut his door fuming mad. How dare he call me Bradley right after I asked him not to. God I hated this stupid jock. Walking back to the basement I started to watch TV again. I could hear him upstairs in his room unpacking. It was a few hours later that I woke up to find Kathy standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. "And so, when do you think you're going to get supper ready? I told you many times before, when we get guests in our house we must keep on a regular time schedule for supper." I scrabbled in an upright position on the couch, looking up at her. "I'm sorry Kathy, I must have forgotten completely about it." I remembered when we talked about the chores that would have to be done on a steady basis. Seeing that I wasn't working it was only reasonable that I kept the house in shape and do the cooking and cleaning. I didn't really mind it; I had a system where I could have the house done in a couple hours giving me most of the day to myself. And cooking was fun and simple as well. I quickly stood up and brushed by her to get dinner ready. 'I'll have something whipped up in no time." "Let's not have this happen again Bradley." she warned. As I sped off to the kitchen, all I could think of is Trevor listening to Kathy scolding me through the paper- thin walls and ceilings of the house. A half hour later I had a nice stir fry ready. It wasn't the best but considering the time I had, it did look pretty good though. I had set the table and was about to call out to everyone that dinner was ready when Trevor walked into the kitchen. "So she cooks too." "What did you say Trevor?" I asked almost daring him to say it again. "I said, so he cooks too." He smiled. I knew he was lying but I still worked up a smile. "Yes I cook as well." "Smells great, when is it going to be ready?" Finally, something came out of his mouth that wasn't insulting. Was it just me? Is it just the fact that I just didn't want him living here that made me think he is saying all of those things? Maybe... "Take a seat Trevor. It's all done, I'll bring you out your plate and could you call for Kathy that dinner is ready?" "Not a problem Brad." Trevor said as he walked out of the kitchen. It took me a few minutes to get everything ready before I brought it out to the dining room. Holding Trevor's dinner in one hand and Kathy's in the other. My mouth dropped open. Trevor was sitting in my seat. The one at the end of the table. Kathy was just sitting there chatting it up with him. I could tell she was a little smitten with him. It showed. "Um... Trevor, that's my seat, yours is over here." I said as I placed his plate down at the empty spot. They both looked up at me at the same time. "What's the difference?" Trevor innocently asked. "Well it's because..." my voice trailed off. I couldn't think of a reason besides the fact that I always sat there. But is that a real reason? I felt a little ashamed for saying anything now. Kathy just looked at me like I was some sort of a fool. "Your right Trevor, no problem. I'll just sit over here." I picked up his dish again and place it in front of him. I walked back to the kitchen and came back out with my dinner. "Is everything okay?" I asked as I sat down. They were both talking away and I doubt they even noticed me coming back in the room. Sitting there eating away I felt so alienated in their conversation. Every so often I would say something and they would both look as if what I had to say wasn't worthy of a response. Didn't count at all. I was finished first, probably because I wasn't that hungry. I lost my appetite listening to those two. Kathy was acting like a schoolgirl around Trevor and he was just taking it all in. That bastard. I picked up my plate and took it in the kitchen. I came back in the room. "Before you sit down Brad. Could you please take our plates away and bring us a coffee?" Kathy asked nicely. That was it. I walked around the table and picked up the dishes and took them into the kitchen, softly slamming them down. I came back out and as I stormed pass them I told them to get the coffee themselves and went to my bedroom and slammed the door shut. I could hear Kathy being all apologetic to Trevor. Telling him how I haven't been feeling well for the last few days. I was just sitting on the edge of the bed when Kathy came in. She gave me a look that made me cringe. "What was that all about Bradley? You have made Trevor feel very uncomfortable and unwelcome here. I want you to go and apologize to him right now. He hasn't done anything wrong. It's just you with your little childish attitude." I looked innocently up at Kathy. I wanted to say something, anything but I couldn't. I held my head low as I stood up and went to Trevor's room. I knocked on his door lightly. "Trevor may I come in? I need to say something to you." There was no answer. I knocked again, this time a little louder. "Trevor? May I come in for a moment?" "Come in Bradley." Trevor said sounding a little out of breath. Opening the door, I peeked in a little first, before I completely opened the door. Trevor was standing with his shirt off and in his boxer briefs doing some arm exercises with his weights. His body glistened by his sweat as I sheepishly shut the door. "What do you want to talk about Bradley?" Trevor said not missing a beat with his weights. Looking up at him exercising I couldn't help but notice the body on this man. He was so perfect in everyway. My eyes traveled up and down his body even though I tried not too. The outline of his cock was huge. "Like what you see Bradley?" My mouth went dry. I tried to say something but couldn't. "So what is it you want to talk about Bradley?" He was smiling a devilish look. He knew I was locked in somewhat of a trance with him standing there. "I... I... just want to..." He cut me off. "Grab me that towel and bring it over for me will you Bradley?" I reached over and picked up the towel that was lying over the back of the chair and brought it over to him. He had me stand there for a minute waiting for him to finish before he sat his weights down and took the towel from me. "So what is it Bradley? What is it you want to talk about?" Trevor said as he wiped the sweat from his body. "I just want to tell you that I am sorry for the way I have treated you here today." My eyes couldn't help but wander over Trevor's bulge. "It is really out of character for me to treat anyone that way. I should have not taken it out on you and I hope you forget about it." I said choking on my words. Trevor walked up close to me. His body odor was so masculine. It was intoxicating to me. "Okay Bradley, between you and me, I will forget what happened today and tomorrow we will start anew." I broke a slight smile and said thanks as I turned to leave his room. "By the way Bradley, the dinner was great." I stopped and turned and told him thanks. Walking away I really started to think that Trevor was maybe an alright type of guy. Making my way to the bedroom, Kathy was getting ready for bed. "Did you apologize to Trevor, Bradley?" Kathy said as she pulled back the covers of the bed. "Yes I did Kathy." I told her right back, annoyed with the fact she called me Bradley again. She knew I hated that, made me feel so adolescent. She just crawled into the bed and turned her light off. I walked to my side of the bed and slid in. I reached over to touch her but she pulled away. "Kathy, don't be that way." I said softly. Silence is what eventually put me asleep. I couldn't believe she was giving me the silent treatment. In all of our six years of marriage, I never felt the tension between us like it had been for the last few weeks. *** Few weeks had passed since I apologized to Trevor for being rude to him. Kathy has been fairly busy at work so she's been pretty stressed out. I have told her to slow down and maybe take a few days off but she just snaps at me and tells me to mind my own business. It was getting to a point where I just didn't want to say anything for fear of getting yelled at. It was late afternoon that I was carrying a load of towels to the linen closet down the hall outside the bathroom. I could hear Trevor having a shower. As I put the towels in the closet, Trevor shut the water off. He must have heard me shutting the door of the closet. "Brad is that you?" He called out. "Yeah Trevor, just putting some towels away." "Would you mind bringing me a fresh one in Brad?" "Sure." I said. Trevor and I had been avoiding each other since that day. I figured this was a good way of us breaking the ice and maybe help relieve some of the tension in the house. I opened the bathroom door and walked in. Trevor was still behind the shower curtains so I just put the bath towel on the vanity. Just then he pulled open the curtain. He was smiling at me in all his glory. I just froze looking at him. He was holding the curtain rod with both hands and leaning out a bit. It was like he was posing for me. I instantly blushed as I turned my eyes away. "Don't be that way Brad." he said softly. I turned back and looked at him. He could easily see that I was uneasy with the situation. I never ever had any interest in men. "Take a look Brad; see what a real man should look like." My eyes trailed slowly away from his, as I marveled at the perfection of this young black jock. I hesitantly focused at his cock, which dangled beautifully between his legs. "Go ahead and touch it Bradley. You know you want too," Trevor said teasingly and somewhat commanding. My steps towards him were in slow motion, till I was right in front of him. My hand slowly reached out towards his cock. "That's it Bradley, touch my cock, slide your fingers along its length, tell me what you think." It was like I was hypnotized the way fingers touched his cock. It felt so strange to be touching a man's cock. My stomach was doing summersaults as I looked up at Trevor. "Lift up my cock in your hands Bradley, feel the weight." I did as he told me too. I held his cock in my palm and lifted up on it. I felt it move in my hand, it was getting harder. I automatically started to softly rub my palm against the underside of his cock. His eyes were locked onto mine. "So what do you think Bradley?" Trevor said casually. I took my eyes off of his and pulled my hand away. "I... I'm... sorry... I mean... I... I..." "Don't worry Bradley, this will be our little secret, I won't tell anyone, let alone Kathy that you were playing with my cock. I know you probably just wanted to compare it to yours. You always wanted to know the size of my cock didn't you Bradley? Probably makes your cock look tiny compared to mine." I backed out of the bathroom; I didn't know what to say. I heard Trevor laughing as I ran down the hall to my bedroom. I headed right in our ensuite bathroom and started to wash my hands. I looked up in the mirror at myself. I was white as a ghost as I couldn't believe what I just did. I just held another mans cock. I was sick in my stomach. I couldn't even remember getting dinner ready. My mind was in a complete fog as I carried the dinner into the dining room. I had become accustomed to the fact that Trevor now sat at the head of the table. I didn't even care anymore as I sat down at my place. Kathy and Trevor where again deep in conversation about everything and anything. I was just sitting there stirring at my food on my plate. All I could think about was Trevor's cock. "So what's new with you Brad?" Kathy asked being more polite than really caring. I was sort of startled by the question. I looked over at Trevor who was looking at me, and then I looked at Kathy. "Um, nothing much, just the same old thing." I didn't sound convincing. "You seem distant Bradley, are you sure nothing happened today? I mean did you find any new ways of cooking or doing the laundry? You would think you would have lots to talk about." She was laughing as she continued to mock me. "The way your butt is getting, I would think that maybe your sitting watching soaps all day." I felt so low at the table sitting there. Trevor just sat there looking at me. I know I was getting a little out of shape but my ass was definitely not getting big, well not that much anyways. Trevor finally spoke up. "Speaking of laundry, I was thinking, if it weren't too much trouble would you mind if Brad could do my dirty clothes once a week? I would pay extra every month." Why was he asking Kathy? I guess maybe he thought he would run it through her first, since she did manage the money and the renting of the place. But I still felt or at least wanted to have some say in the household matters. "Oh of course he can Trevor and don't worry about the extra money. Bradley won't mind at all, would you Bradley?" Kathy said almost daring me to say no. "Not a problem Trevor." I couldn't even look at him. It was just a few hours ago that I was holding his cock and now I have to do his laundry. I was losing ground here and I didn't know how to stop it. "Thanks Brad, I have a clothes hamper in my room, you can do it tomorrow." Trevor said as he stood up from the table. "Oh and another thing Brad, would you mind coming out to the garage and spot me while I do some weights?" I swallowed hard; I didn't want to be near him at all. I was searching for something to say. "I would but I really have to get this table cleared away and do the dishes. Maybe some other time." I figured that would do it. "Oh go ahead Brad; you can finish up here after helping Trevor. The dishes aren't going anywhere, and as for me, I'm going to turn in. I have to get up early tomorrow and get to the office." I was beaten. I got up slowly from the table and walked towards the door that led out to the garage. Trevor was walking right behind me. I felt uncomfortable having him that close behind. As I opened the door of the garage he leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I think she picks on you way too much." I didn't say a word and stood in the middle of the garage. "So what do you want me to do Trevor? I never spotted anyone before." I said as I stood there not making eye contact with him. Trevor walked right up to me. "Brad, look at me," I didn't want too. I didn't even want to be with him here. Trevor tilted my chin up with his finger. I was so nervous as he looked at me. "Brad, it's not fair that she treats you this way, you deserve better than that. She doesn't appreciate anything you do around the house... You work hard to keep this house looking the way it does." He looked so sincere as he looked deep in my eyes. Finally I had met someone that realized the work I do around the house. Trevor was right, Kathy should treat me better. "It's not so bad Trevor." I said quietly. "Kathy doesn't mean anything bad about it. It's just she has been so busy at work and the stress of making money to take care of us." "That's not your fault Brad. You're a person that has feelings. She should have been complimenting you. Telling what a wonderful job you are doing. I know I would tell you. I would treat you a lot better than she would." Trevor said compassionately. Just then Trevor leaned down and kissed me softly. What was going on? I just stood there as he kissed me. I didn't feel rage or anything. I was numb. He pulled me close to him and kissed me a little harder. I finally pushed him away lightly. "I... I..." "Shhhhhh, don't speak Bradley." He said as he took my hand and placed it on his bulge. "You need me Bradley; you need me to take care of you. You need to have someone truly love you. I can do that for you Bradley." Trevor leaned down again and kissed me. This time I returned the kiss. Trevor smiled at me as he broke the kiss away. "You have such pretty eyes Bradley. Very pretty eyes." Trevor said as he kissed each eyelid so softly and caringly. "I have to go Trevor." pulling back from him. "I need to get those dishes put away." As I made my way back to the dining room to gather up the dishes my mind felt like it was going to explode. What were these feelings I was having? I never had anyone tell me the things that Trevor told me. He was so understanding, far more than Kathy has ever been. He really cared about me. Kathy was sound asleep by the time I finally made it to bed. As I lay next to her I felt so empty, I wanted to wake her up, I wanted to tell her that I loved her, that I needed her. I loved her so much. I moved close to her so that my body pressed against her. I draped my arm around her and cuddled up close to her. I kissed her shoulder. "Stop that Brad, I'm too tired, go to sleep." Kathy sleepily said. Rejected again, I lay back down on my back and stared up at the ceiling. Trevor's image was dancing in front of me as I slowly drifted to sleep. *** The next morning I awoke to find Kathy doing the finishing touches to her make-up in front of her dresser. "What time do you think you will be home tonight Kathy?" "What difference does it make Brad?" I didn't even know the answer to that one. I just watched as she grabbed her purse and took her keys out. "Do you have something planned tonight? Something special? Should I look forward to coming home to you tonight Bradley?" How can Kathy be so cruel to me? Trevor was so right, I don't deserve this. "Just thought we could have some time together Kathy, you know, like it use to be." I weakly said. She just looked at me, "I got to go; I'm running late as it is." After showering and having a bite to eat, I started in on the laundry. I was holding onto a laundry basket as I went room to room gathering up dirty clothes. I came to Trevor's room and knocked lightly. I knew he usually left for school for football practice every morning but I wanted to make sure. I peeked in and then walked right in his room. Most of his clothes where in the hamper but a few things were laying around. I had to smile, just like a collage student. I picked up a sock here and t-shirt there. I bent over to straighten out his covers on his bed when I seen his briefs. I hesitated for a second then picked them up. For some reason I held them up in front of me. The pouch of the underwear was a little stretched; thoughts of his big cock entered my mind. Why I did what I did I still don't know but I put his underwear to my nose and inhaled. I loved his scent, it was so intoxicating. Stuffing his briefs in the basket I was blushing as I hurriedly empty the rest of his clothes in the basket and took them to the laundry room. Sorting out the whites and colors of the clothes, I heard the front door open and shut. I figured it was Trevor getting home from practice. I wasn't sure if he had classes today or not. I set the washing machine and started it when Trevor walked in. "Bradley, will you come to my room? I want to show you something." "Yeah sure, give me a minute, I'll be right there." I started to get that feeling in my stomach again. I was really sure if I wanted to go to his room or not. His door was open but I knocked on it anyways. "Come on in Bradley." Trevor said as he sat at his desk looking at his computer. "What do you want Trevor?" "Come here, I have something on the computer that you might be a little interested in." I walked over to him and peered over his shoulder, looking at his computer screen. "Watch this," he said as he clicked his mouse. Windows media player came up and started to play. At first I didn't recognize the room, till I see me walk in with the laundry basket. My knees went weak, I held onto the back of the chair as I watch myself move about the room picking up the clothes. Then came the briefs and sure enough it showed me putting his underwear to my nose and inhaling. He shut off the player and looked at me. "Sit down Bradley. Were going to have a chat." I couldn't move. My mind was scrabbling. I was trying to think of some sort of excuse why I was holding his underwear to my nose. "I told you to sit down Bradley." Trevor's tone of voice scared me. My voice cracked, "Yes Trevor." Trevor slid his chair back on the wheels and turned and faced me sitting on the edge of his bed. We both stared at each other. I felt so weak, so submissive to him. It was like he held complete control over me at that point. "So?" His eyes dug through me. "I'm sorry Trevor; I didn't know what came over me. I... I..." "I know what you're going through Bradley; you're confused with your feelings. You are also dying with curiosity. You want more but your feel it is so wrong." What was going on I thought to myself? He knew exactly how I was feeling. He was in tune with my feelings. Some of me signed with relief. Trevor stood up and softens his eyes while unbuttoning his shirt. He draped it over the chair and unbuttons his pants and dropped them to the floor. His muscles flexed on his chest while he slowly pulled his briefs down. My mouth went dry as he moved right in front of me. His cock inches away from my face. "Go ahead Bradley, no one will ever know." I didn't move an inch. I couldn't, I just couldn't. "Do it Bradley. It's okay." Trevor edged. I put my hand out and touched his thigh. Fingers lightly touching his skin. "That's it Bradley, you know you want this." I looked up at Trevor and he just gave me a nod with his head. I leaned forward and kissed the tip of his cock. It was such a release inside of me. I kissed it again and again. I stuck my tongue out and licked his cock all over. My hand took hold of it as I opened my mouth and guided his cock pass my lips. In frenzy I took too much, too fast and gagged. Trevor placed a few fingers on my forehead and pushed me away gently. I shamefully was drawn back to his cock, trying to put it back in my mouth. This time he used a little more force and pushed me further away. "That's enough for now Bradley. We have all day. Let's play a game. What I want you too do is go get pretty for me. Put some of your wife's clothes on and do your face up. Make those pretty eyes you have come alive." "What??" I wasn't sure if I heard him. He pulled my head into his cock and rubbed his cock gently across my face. My tongue automatically searched for contact. He pulled my head away. A small groan came across my lips. "That's the only way your going to have that." He said stroking his cock at me. "Go become a lady for me Bradley." He stepped back from me. I had to have him. I needed him more than anything. Emotionally and physically. "Yes Trevor, I'll do it." I got up from the edge of the bed and headed for the door of his bedroom. "And Bradley, shave everywhere on your body. I love my ladies soft and smooth. So I mean everywhere. Understand?" Trevor said. I didn't say anything and just walked out to my room, knowing that I would do anything right now to have his cock again. All of Kathy things were on the vanity in our bathroom. I picked up jar by jar reading as fast as I could. I finally found some hair remover and lathered myself all over. After a while I rinsed off in the shower and watched all my hair go down the drain. I used some of the wife's soap and washed all over. The oils of the soap softened my skin that much more as I stepped out of the shower. I dried myself as fast as I could. Going through Kathy's make-up, I started to apply what I thought was needed. Eye shadow, lipstick and mascara. I couldn't believe the sudden change in my appearance. I was actually starting to look like a girl. After blow drying my fairly long hair, I brushed it back. Banding it into a small ponytail. Heading into the bedroom I opened the closet and rummaged through her clothes. I pulled out a black skirt and red blouse. I remember Kathy wearing the same outfit a few months ago. I laid it on down on the bed as I opened her drawers and pulled out her bra and panties. I took a pair of her red stockings as well. I started to dress in the clothes. The way the stockings felt sliding up my legs was a sensation I never felt before. My cock twitched a little as I pulled up the satin panties. Finishing with the skirt and blouse, I took one final look in the mirror and sprayed a little perfume on my neck. I hoped Trevor would be pleased with me... It felt a little overwhelming walking back to Trevor in Kathy's clothes. I sort of knew I looked okay, but I wanted to have Trevor tell me so... I don't know why... I just did. Trevor was lying on his back on his bed. His arms folded behind his head. His cock resting along his thigh. He looked so handsome as I walked daintily in. Trevor smiled, as he looked me up and down. "Come a little closer, let me have a good look at you." Stepping closer to the bed, it felt a little strange standing there, as he seemed to judge how well I prepared myself for him. "We need to call you something. We need to give you a name. Have any ideas?" I knew I was blushing, I was stuck for words. "How about Nancy, you look like a Nancy and I just love that name." Trevor said as he dropped one of his hands to his cock and rubbed it slowly. My eyes were transfixed to his stroking of his cock. I just nodded in agreement. Trevor slowly got up from the bed and walked to me. He knew I was nervous. "You okay baby?" Trevor said as he held onto my hips, sliding his hands up and down gently. Looking deep into his eyes I could see a gentle loving man. He really cared about me. I felt myself lean up and kissed him on the lips. His hands slid around my back and pulled me to him, his cock pressed against my stomach. He kissed me back hard making me weak in the knees. His tongue pushed into my mouth, which I gently sucked on. "Oh Nancy..." Trevor whispered against my lips. We held each other tightly. I never wanted to let him go. Trevor gave me a few more kisses before breaking it off. Smiling he reached down and lifted me up in his arms and carried me to his bed and gently laid me down. Leaning down he kissed me again. I instinctively reached out and slid my fingers around his cock, stroking its length. "Not yet Nancy, but soon." Trevor whispered. He backed up and crawled on top of the bed between my legs. I could only stare at him as he slid both of his hands up my stocking legs to my panties and pulled them down off of me. Pushing my legs further apart made my skirt ride higher up my thighs. I lightly bit my bottom lip as I watched him lie down on his stomach and push my skirt up around my waist. I looked at him for his reaction. "What a cute little clit you have here Nancy." I could feel his fingers toying with my cock, flicking it a little with his finger. I was hoping my little cock didn't disappoint him like it did Kathy I watched as his head went down. I could feel his breath near my cock as he gently blew and licked all around. As soon as he put me in his mouth I had a complete body rush. I moaned as my hands went to the hair on his head and gently pulled. My head turned back and forth on his pillow as he expertly sucked me. His hands crawled up under my top and pitched and rolled my nipples as he sucked me deep in his mouth. "You like that Nancy? You like your little nipples being pinched?" I just moaned. He continued to pull and rub at my nipples as he went back to sucking me. Kathy never had gone down on me for so long. I was in heaven. I was about to cum when he lifted up and just sat between my legs smiling at me. That beautiful smile of his. He slid his body along side of mine and kissed me again. I put my hand down and started to caress his cock. I shivered feeling his precum leak in my hand. "Do me a favor Nancy?" Trevor asked softly giving me a few more light kisses on my lips. My hand was still caressing his cock as I smiled and kiss him a few times. I felt so alive with him now. I just loved being with him. "Anything Trevor, anything at all." I whispered. "I know this might sound strange Nancy, but I want you to go back outside my room and start over. But this time you come in and seduce me. I always had a fantasy about that." This time he gave me a long slow tender kiss. His lips lingered on my mine. God he was such a great kisser. How could I possibly say no to him? Kissing him one last time I broke away from him and stood up. Trevor smiled again. "Make it realistic Nancy, please?" Trevor said looking like a little boy. Leaning over I gave his cock a little squeeze and smiled seductively at him and walked out of his room shutting the door. Waiting a few seconds I could hear him fidgeting around. I waited till it went quiet and then I knocked on the door. "Come in." Trevor responded. Gently opening the door, I walked in looking straight at him. "Bradley? Is that you?" Trevor asked looking surprised. Why was he calling me Bradley now? I thought to myself as I continued to walk towards him while he stood in the middle of his room. "Hi Trevor, watcha doing." I asked him as I tilted my head a little. "Brad, why are you wearing your wife's clothes? What are you doing? I reached out and held both of his hands in mine and rested my chin on his chest looking up at him. "I wanted to be pretty for you Trevor," I said softly. "But Brad, I'm not that way, I mean, you're a man. And what about Kathy, your wife?" Fluttering my eyes a little, I cupped his bulge through his boxer briefs that he put on while I was outside the bedroom. "Never mind my wife Trevor and you can start calling me Nancy." whispering seductively. I started to kiss his chest, flicking my tongue along his nipples working my way down to his abs. I traced my tongue along to his bellybutton. "Please Brad, don't, please." Trevor said his voice almost cracking. I slipped my fingers inside the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down. I was kneeling looking up at him as his cock sprang out lightly bumping me in the nose. I had a strange desire burning inside of me. I put both hands on his thighs and caught his bobbing cock in my mouth. I twirled my tongue along the head of his cock. I felt him push a little, trying to get it deeper in my mouth. I so much wanted to please him. I let his cock out of my mouth and started to lick up one side of his shaft then the other. One hand dropped and cupped his heavy balls as I took more than half of his cock in my mouth. My eyes glanced up at him as I just held him tight with my lips. Reaching behind him I pulled onto his ass mimicking for him to move back and forth. "But I don't want too Brad. This isn't right." I just pulled on his ass some more. He slowly but steadily started to push his cock in and out of my mouth as I held my head still. I flattened my tongue and wiggled it as he slowly fucked my mouth. Trevor picked up the pace, he was getting into a real good rhythm as I held my mouth tightly around him A few times he hit the back of my throat making my eyes water. His moans and groans told me he was almost ready to cum. Reaching under my skirt I pulled my panties to one side and let my cock pop out. I jerked myself as Trevor was fucking my mouth. Trevor's hips gave a few forceful jerks. He reached down and grabbed hold of my little ponytail and pulled my face back from his cock. I gasped and held my mouth open like a little bird. Trevor looked down at me with frightful eyes. "I can't Brad, I mean it," He was so close to cumming, I wanted to make him cum so badly. I tugged my head free from his grip and lunged back to his cock, sucking it the best I could. My hand was busily playing with my cock as I took complete control of me sucking him. I wanted him to cum, enough of this playing around. Trevor's head went back as he groaned loudly. I felt his cum hit the back of my throat with much force. I started to cough as it filled my mouth quickly. I started to panic a little not really knowing what to do with it all. He reached down with both of his hands and pulled my mouth over his cock, gyrating his hips as he kept leaking cum in my mouth. I swallowed what I could. What had just happened to me? I just swallowed another man's cum. "I'm sorry Brad." Trevor said as he looked sorrowfully down at me. Why are we still playing this game I thought to myself, hearing him call me Brad again? He pulled my head away from his softening cock. I sat there breathless as I looked up at him. All I could figure was to keep playing out his fantasy. "Nancy, call me Nancy, Trevor." I said. Standing slowly up, I kissed his chest, lapping up the sweat that glistens over his dark skin. My eyes finally made it to his. "That was so beautiful." Trevor said as he held me in his arms. "Thank you very much Nancy." We walked hand and hand to his bed we caressed each other I took off my skirt and top while he laid down in his bed. I crawled under his arm as he laid flat on his back, resting my head on his chest. My fingers ran gently along his skin as he rubbed my soft shoulder. It felt so good to be held. He kissed my forehead and I looked up at him and smiled. I kissed him on his lips tenderly. "You're a special girl Nancy; you're my sweet special girl." Trevor softly told me as he kept running his hands over my arm and shoulder. I just cuddled into him closer, feeling so safe and secure in his arms. We laid there for a while as I continued to explore his body with my fingers. His body was so tight, so strong, and so muscular. My eyes followed my fingers down his body to his cock. I traced a finger around the area of his cock, watching it move slowly in response. His cock started to grow from my touching, I was turning him on and I felt good about it. I finally felt sexual, maybe even sexy, something that I felt I lost in the last few years with Kathy. Did I say few years? I always thought we were happy. Maybe it was not happiness but contentment. Kissing his chest lightly I stood up off of the bed and slid off my panties. Keeping them in my hand I climbed back on the bed. I knelt between his legs and started to drape the satin panties up and down his thighs and over his hardening cock. Trevor placed his hands behind his head and just watched me as I took hold of his cock with my hand inside the panties. Watching his reaction, I started to jerk his big cock up and down. I couldn't believe he was getting hard again that fast. It was something I had always wished for, but once I came, that was it for the day. Something that Kathy always made sure I was completely aware of. His eyes shut as I cupped his balls with my one hand and jerked him faster. His breathing quickened and I could feel his balls tighten in my hand as he started to cum. Squeezing his cock tightly, his cum shot out in jets onto his stomach. I kept moving my hand up and down and with each breath of his another shot came out. My hand lifted on his balls as I slowly finished jerking him. Trevor opened his eyes and smiled at me. I was feeling proud of myself. "Thanks Nancy." Trevor said as his breathing went back to normal. "Anytime Trevor." I blushed hearing myself saying that. I couldn't look at him for that little second so I just started to clean up his cum on his stomach with the panties. Making sure I got all of his cum. I got off of the bed and looked down at Trevor. "I really have to get back to cleaning of the house Trevor, thanks a lot, I had fun." "Fun Nancy? It was just fun for you?" Trevor said hurting with my words. "I didn't mean it like that Trevor, I mean; I just don't think we should do this again. It was a one time thing for me." I said not sounding so convincing playing with the cum soaked panties in my hand. "Put them on Nancy." "Sorry Trevor?" I wasn't too sure what he said. "Put the panties on Nancy; wear them for the rest of the day." Trevor smiled. "Do it for me." Why I couldn't say no to him is mind boggling as I opened the panties up and slid them up my legs. I could feel the wetness as I pulled them up. My balls nestle in a puddle of his cum. It still felt warm. "You look so much better in panties Nancy, you really need to address your femininity. You know you feel at place in women's clothes." He had me so mixed up. I never wanted to dress in woman's clothing before. This was his idea, his fantasy. He was the one that wanted me to dress this way. Trevor walked up to me with my skirt and top in his hand. "You might as well put these back on as well." I reached out and took them from him and put them back on. Trevor just looked at me with much admiration... with much love, so I hoped and wished. As I stood before him completely dressed again he held me once again in his arms. He reached behind me and squeezed my ass cheeks in his powerful hands. "You better get your chores done Nancy." Trevor said as he kissed me. "Plus I have to get back to my studies." Smiling back at him I turned away and started to walk out of his room. "Wait one more thing." I stood still with my hand on his doorknob. Trevor reached up under my skirt and pulled my panties together and tucked it up between my ass cheeks, giving it a little pull up. I felt his cum squish against my balls. "There, that's better." Trevor said giving my ass a stinging playful slap. I blushed as I walked out of his room, moving my hips a little. I liked knowing Trevor liked my butt. After Kathy commenting the way it was getting big, I was having someone that actually liked it. I smiled knowing she was wrong. The rest of the day I kept myself busy. I readily admitted to myself that cleaning the house in a dress was enjoyable. It kept a smile on my face, it reminded me of Trevor. I have never been happier. A few times I would see myself in a reflection of a mirror and I would stop and adjust my clothes. I wanted to look nice in case Trevor was too come out of his room. I was hoping he would. Looking up at the clock, I needed to get dinner ready. Kathy was going to be a little late but probably by not too much. I figured I get things started and then go take a shower and put my regular clothes on. Couldn't ever let Kathy know what I been doing today. Couldn't even imagine what she would do. I cringed at the thought of her knowing I was dressed in her clothes, making out with the student down the hall... What did I just say to myself? This wasn't normal. I was dressing as a woman for the student down the hall. I got a sick feeling inside my stomach. I'm I in trouble? Is this right? What am I thinking? What's the matter with me? Running to my bathroom, I closed the door and started to strip Kathy's clothes off of me. Standing in front of the mirror, I scrubbed and scrubbed to get her make-up off of my face. I was in complete denial, I wanted to go back in time and not do this at all. I wanted to erase this completely out of my life. Stepping in the shower I felt the waterfall over my smooth body. How am I going to explain being hairless to Kathy? Why the hell did I do that? It's Trevor; he tricked me to do this. God I hate him. I was a nervous wreck the rest of the afternoon. It felt like I did something dreadfully wrong. I couldn't concentrate on anything as I stood in front of the stove cooking. Putting everything on warm, I set the table and went to watch TV. A few times I heard Trevor leave and come back in the house. He didn't say a word to me, not that I wanted him too but he could have said something... I mean, he was the one that got me in this mess. I felt hurt inside that he was ignoring me. What did I do? It's not my fault that I can't have a relationship with him, if that's what he's thinking. I just can't continue to do what we did today. He should know that, why is he mad at me? I should be the one that is mad at him. I mean, I am mad at him, I mean, at least I thought I was. Kathy came home tired and cranky again. "Get my dinner and get it now!" Kathy screamed at the top of her lungs. I jumped up from the couch and hurriedly went to the kitchen grabbing her plate and fixed it up for her. By the time I came out with her plate she was already sitting down at the table with Trevor. Trevor had his hand covering hers and consoling her over something. I felt a pang of jealously as I saw the both of them. "Something the matter Kathy?" I asked as I placed the dinner plate in front of her. "I'll take my dinner as well Brad." Trevor interrupted. I abruptly grabbed his plate and went inside the kitchen, by the time I came out with his dinner the conversation had ended. I sat down and looked at Kathy. "What's the matter Hon?" "Nothing Brad, nothing that you should concern yourself with." Looking over at Trevor, he just sort of motioned his head a little meaning for me to just let it go, not to ask her, not to bother her. Maybe he was right; I won't ask Kathy about her day again. She had already told Trevor all about it, so at least it's off of her chest. Trevor was becoming a very good confidant for Kathy. She seemed to always be more relieved when she and Trevor would talk. I smiled at Trevor and mouthed okay. Again Kathy went straight to bed as I started on the dishes in the kitchen. I'm starting to get worried about her. Her job is just so demanding of her. I wish I could help. I wish I could provide her with her needs like a husband should for a wife. I was feeling sorry for myself. Trevor snuck up behind me and held my waist and kissed me on the neck. "What are you doing Trevor?" I whispered as loud as I could so not to wake Kathy. I pushed myself away from him. "Still wearing the panties Nancy?" Trevor said smiling that evil smile of his. "No and I'm not going to be with you anymore either... I just can't do that anymore Trevor... What happened has happened but it's just not what is good for the situation here." I couldn't look at him. Trevor turned me around and held my arms tight in his hands. "What's the matter babe?" "I just can't, leave me alone Trevor." "Are you sure Nancy? You want me to leave you alone?" "Yes Trevor, I love Kathy and I can't see this helping our relationship." I said sincerely. "Okay Brad, that's up to you. You know what you want. I thought we had something here but if you don't think this is right for you then I will never bother you again." I had that empty feeling inside of me again. I felt I just lost my best friend. He's such an understanding young man. So compassionate and caring. My eyes met his, I swore I could see his eyes tearing up but he was too macho to act that hurt. I felt so much for Trevor. I was falling in love. Trevor walked out of the kitchen, maybe out of my life. How could such a person have such an impact on me? *** Weeks have past since that day. Nothing much had really changed around here, nothing that you could really notice. Kathy hasn't really cared about what goes on around here for a while and as for Trevor, we haven't said much more than hello and good-bye. My life had come to a stand still. Everyday was the same. I was washing vegetables in the sink when Trevor walked in and opened the refrigerated to get a drink. You could cut the tension with a knife. Trevor shut the door. "So how have you been Brad?" Trevor asked taking a sip from the milk carton. "Been alright Trevor, just fine." It didn't sound convincing to even me. "You're not happy are you Brad?" Trevor walked over and put both of his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them tenderly as I face away from him. It felt so good to have someone touch me. I needed that so much. Trevor gently turned me around. "You're not happy are you?" I wanted to cry; He pulled me close to him and held me ever so tightly. My arms went around him and held him. Tears fell down my cheek as I looked up at him. Trevor kissed each tear away. I loved him so much. "I missed you so much Nancy, I thought of you every minute of the day." Trevor said as he continued to kiss me. His words made me weak in the knees. I have never felt the love that I felt towards Trevor. "Will you be my girl Nancy?" Trevor asked. "Yes Trevor, I will be your girl for always. I love you." I finally had admitted it to myself and had just told Trevor I loved him. I wanted to just scream I was so happy. My mind was reeling; I wanted to tell someone, anyone that I was in love. I felt like I did when I first met Kathy... Kathy, I had to tell Kathy about Trevor and me. How am I ever going to do that? But I needed to, I wanted to. She would and have to just understand. I let go of Trevor and pulled back from him a little. We just both smiled at each other. We had no words. We had love. "Go to your room Trevor, I will be in later." I softly said. "Don't be long Nancy, I can hardly wait." I gave him a fast kiss on the cheek and went to my room. Again Kathy was in a deep sleep. I was so use to that now. I didn't even care anymore. Tiptoeing, I slowly pulled out her soft blue satin baby doll and a pair of matching nylons out of her dresser. I secretly went into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly. Taking off all of my clothes I took the hair remover back in my hand and rubbed it all over my body. This time I enjoyed the burning feeling knowing that I would be soft, just like Trevor likes his ladies to be. Using the body wash Kathy had sitting in the corner of the shower; I couldn't help but notice how soft my skin became with such a feminine fragrance. He loves my eyes. That's what he always said, I thought to myself as I made my eyelashes thicker and longer with Kathy's mascara. I added just a hint of light gray eye shadow, my eyes came alive. I finished my face off with some blush and high gloss lipstick. I stood back from the vanity. I was very pleased with what I saw. I slid the powered blue nylons up my long smooth legs. The elastic around the tops held them tightly around my thighs. I pulled up her high cut panties. They fit me perfectly as I turned this way and that in front of the mirror. Next came the babydoll. It tingled against me as I put it on. It had beautifully soft spaghetti straps holding it in place. Trevor was in for a real treat tonight. I wanted to have him. I wanted him to love me as much as I loved him. I hope he does already. I quietly opened the bathroom door and peered out. Kathy was sound asleep as I crept out of our bedroom. It was feeling so secretly naughty what Trevor and I were about to do under my wife's nose. I didn't even knock on his door; I just opened it and slipped in, closing it behind me. It was dark in his room except for the tiny monitor light coming from his computer. I could see his outline lying on the bed. I walked seductively to him. I was standing at the edge of his bed when he reached out and ran his hands up and down my covered legs. "Very nice Nancy?" I leaned over and found his lips and kissed him slow and softly. I traced his lips with my tongue, letting it slide ever so tenderly near the entrance of his mouth. My hand sensuously slid over his chest working its way down to his beautiful cock that I had missed for so long. He moaned against my mouth. Trevor pulled me by the waist aggressively on top of him. I loved his urgency to have me. His kisses were hard and forceful as his hands kneaded my ass. "God I love that ass of yours Nancy." he hissed. My hands roamed around his shoulders as I returned his kisses. I locked my legs together and held his cock tightly between my thighs and moved them softly. "Oh Trevor, I missed you so much." Sitting up with my legs straddling him. I reached under and positioned his cock in front of me. Looking down it seemed it was me that had the big black cock. I had to giggle a little as I started to remove my baby doll. I pouted a little, hoping I was looking sexy to Trevor as I slowly took the nightie off of me. I draped it over him, sliding the nightie back and forth over his chest. Trevor loved it as he reached up and pinched both of my nipples in his fingers. I covered his hands as he twisted and pulled gently. Sliding down his legs, his cock slid along my stomach to my neck, leaving a trail of wetness. I pushed his legs apart and nestled in between them. Looking up at him I took his cock in my hand and started to roll my tongue along the head. "What a little slut you are Nancy." Trevor said catching his breath. I was feeling somewhat proud at being called that. It brought a shiver to my body as I continue to lick his cock. "You want to be my little slut Nancy?" Trevor asked teasingly. I didn't answer, I just took his cock and laid it tight against his stomach and licked the entire length of his cock up and down. I moved lower and circled my tongue along his balls, pulling at the sack gently with my lips. I wanted him to know I was the best. I wanted him to love me forever. "Move that sexy ass around for me slut." Trevor commanded. Not taking my mouth form his balls I maneuvered around so that my ass was up near his head. I felt him pull my panties down roughly and start to slap each cheek. "That's it Nancy, take my cock down that lovely throat of yours." I held on his cock so that it was pointing straight up, I lowered my mouth down over his shaft, feeling it stretch my lips apart. I was trying so hard not to cough; I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt it hit the back of my throat. He reached down with his one hand and held my head down there, his cock stuffed in my mouth. I couldn't breath, I struggled a bit but he was way too strong for me. I started to tap at his thighs motioning for him to let me up, but he just kept grinding his cock deeper and deeper in my mouth. Just when I felt I was going to pass out, he pulled my head up by my hair. I gasped for air as saliva dripped down my chin. "Trevor, please stop, let me do it my way," I said trying to catch my breath. Trevor never even heard me as he pushed my head down to his cock again, plunging his cock deep in my mouth. His hips jerked up rapidly while holding my head still. He gave my ass another hard swat and started to work a finger in between my cheeks. I could feel it probing my ass. I moved my hips away from his finger but that only made him try harder to push it in. It must have looked as if I was wiggling for it. "You just love that don't you Nancy slut." Trevor was in a world of his own as he finally pushed his finger deep in my ass. I could only groan with his cock so deep in my mouth. He let go of my head and gripped me around the waist as he continued to fuck my ass with his finger. I had lifted my mouth off of his cock and was trying to catch my breath. "Going to have that ass of yours Nancy, Get yourself turned around." "Trevor, I'm not ready, I don't think I can do it. Please, let me just finish you off with my mouth." I pleaded. "Shut up Nancy and get on all fours." Trevor hissed loudly at me slapping my ass twice as hard as he did before. I yelped and turned around on his bed. Trevor slid from underneath and positioned himself behind me. I felt his cock lay along the crack of my ass. He pushed the small of my back to make me lay my chest to his bed with my butt sticking up. I was clenching the covers of his bed sheets as I felt him spread my cheeks open and spit down on my hole. "You're going to just love this Nancy." The head of his cock was at my asshole. I could feel him pushing slowly against me. "Work your ass a little Nancy, you're going to have to help me get my cock inside of you." "Trevor, I can't do this..." Trevor's hand swatted me about 5 times in a row on my ass. "I don't want you to say no to me Nancy." Trevor was becoming annoyed with me. I didn't want to lose him. I needed him so much, He made my life complete and he knew it. I did as I was told. I started to rock back and forth on my knees. He slid his hands to my waist and started to aim his cock at my opening. "Hold still." Trevor said as he adjusted his cock at the right angle. He pushed in slowly, I pushed back against him. I moaned in his pillow as he sank deeper and deeper in my ass. He would pull out a little every so often and spit down on his cock, then push it right back in. "Trevor, no more... please... I can't take anymore." I pleaded. "Almost there slut." One final push he was inside of me. I felt the sweat from his face drip down on my back as he slowly started to move in and out of me. "Ahhhhh... baby... so tight." I couldn't move, I was afraid to move. I thought he was going to split me wide open. I just held my body still and let him have me the way he wanted me. I just hoped he would be finished soon. His pace quickened, I had his bed sheet tangled in my hands as I he continued to call me his little slut, his little girl, his little whore. Trevor reached under me and grabbed hold of my cock. "Your dripping wet Nancy; you really love my cock in your ass don't you?" I felt ashamed at leaking precum on his hand. I didn't want him to realize that I was turned on by all of this. But I was. Trevor started to bang into my ass harder and faster. It felt like his cock was growing larger inside me. I knew he was close to cumming, I just could feel it, I just knew. "Ready for my cum Nancy?" Trevor didn't want me to answer; he didn't want me to say a thing. I felt his hands grip my waist tight and pull tight into him. His cock felt like it was going to come out of my mouth as he started to cum. "That's it Nancy!" Trevor groaned as he unleashed his cum inside of me. My whole body shuddered as I came with him. I rotated my hips a little, working his cock. I knew he would like that. "Oh Nancy, your a natural." Trevor panted. He pulled out of my ass and flopped down on his bed next to me. I was still in position with my ass in the air. His cum was leaking down my legs as I just moaned. I was so exhausted. Trevor patted my ass tenderly, "You better go now, before you get caught being here." I knew he was right but somehow I felt a little used. I mean he just fucked me and now he was telling me to go. Shouldn't we at least cuddle a bit? Couldn't he just hold me for a while? It was Kathy's fault that I couldn't stay with him. I just wished she wasn't home tonight. I slid out of the bed and put my panties back on. I looked down at Trevor lying there. "Trevor, do you love me?" I whispery asked. Trevor didn't answer, Trevor was fast asleep or was he? Was he just pretending so he wouldn't have to answer? I wished he would say something to me besides "you better go now." It was late in the morning when I finally woke up. My butt was deliciously sore as I lay there thinking. My mind again was racing. I had to tell Kathy but how? How was I going to tell her that I wanted to dress in woman's clothes, let alone tell her Trevor and I were an item. I was going to have to think of something. It was important for me to look pretty for Trevor all the time. I had to have a plan. The first thing would have to be telling Kathy that I wanted to wear her clothes. I had to think of something as I slowly swung my legs out of the bed. All day long while I was doing my chores I was thinking. Whenever I thought I had a good reason to wear her clothes, I would think of her reaction and have to think of another. This wasn't going to be easy, I wish Trevor could give me some insight but I haven't seen him all day. He must be bogged down with his studies and football. I wonder how he feels about me. Does he really love me? I finished up everything I had to do and sat down to relax a bit before I started to get dinner ready. Sitting on the end table was a stack of Kathy's magazines. I always knew they were there but never gave them much interest. But the caption on one of her magazines caught my eye. It said "How to get your man and keep him" and "Make-up hints for that sexy look." There were a few other interesting articles that I wanted to read. I thumbed through the magazine; there were so many little hints on how to apply make-up, exercises to trim certain areas and an ad that caught my eye. It was how to increase your bust naturally. There was a website address. I wonder if Trevor would like me better if I had boobs. I had to laugh a little to myself as I kept looking at the different magazines. Looking up at the clock I figured I better get supper ready, so I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my hands. I was looking in the mirror and a thought came to my mind. I wonder if Kathy would notice if I was to apply just a touch of eye make-up. I bet she wouldn't, she hardly ever looks at me any more but I know that Trevor would just love it. He just loves my eyes. I went back out and picked up the magazine that ha

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Tuition Sir8217s Wife Turned Ruchi Into A Lesbian

Hello friends how are u all? I’m from Mumbai. I am a great fan of incest and also love satisfying women (age-no-bar). Be it a 20year old Virgin or a 70year old granny. I love to satisfy all women. This is my 1st story on ISS and it’s not my experience but of one of my friend who asked me to write here on her behalf!! Well here I present u an incident from cute sexy Ruchi which happened with her sometime back. Over to Ruchi now! Hello guys and girls I’m Ruchi from Nagpur and I would like to...

1 year ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 21

Kara’s turn: The world NEEDS a pregnant fiddle player. That’s what I told Dear Old Dad when I broke the news to him. “Dad,” I said, “I have a wonderful, successful husband and it is only right that we present you with grandchildren.” I heard a definite sigh over the phone. My dad. I’m trying really hard to conjure (one of Johanna’s words) a vision of business-suited Dad bouncing a grandbaby on his knee. “You make me regret that I didn’t make myself a bigger part of your life, Kara...

3 years ago
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Unsatisfied married woman ko satisfied kiya

Hi I.S.S Readers, I am abhishek from kanpur, I am regular visitor and reader of this website since last one year. I am 21 yrs of age and I am single. This is my first story for my hot readers, And if any of ladies, gals, bhabhi’s or aunties want to have some sex fun with me then freely email me at and I will give you my contact details aur aapki secrecy ka bhi poora dhyan rakhunga…Chalo ab sidhe story pe aata hu,, baat pichhle December ki hai.. Is baar kanpur mein thand pichle 40 years se sab...

1 year ago
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MomSwap Alex Harper Angelica Coralvine Stepping Into Manhood

Tyler and Franco are looking to have a good time after their adult bar mitzvah, so they attempt to find sex workers online. Their idea fails when Angelica confronts Tyler and Franco. Angelica calls Alex immediately so they can talk things out with their stepsons. But Angelica has a plan that may help Tyler and Franco on their journey toward manhood. Alex will fuck Franco, and Angelica will fuck Tyler so that they lose their virginities to someone they trust. However, the fun doesn’t end there,...

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bald pussy

here comes a pivotal point in everyone's life that decides what kind car you drive, your favorite color, the friends you have, the type of job you do, who you marry, your hobbies and/or what you do with your leisure time. I will relate to you why I LOVE bald pussy.I do not, repeat do not like bald pussy because I'm some sort of pervert. if you are not over the age of 20 I am not interested. I may look but that's as far as it goes. I was going on 17 when I met up with a few of my older friends...

4 years ago
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IT WAS FRAUDPart 1 of 6

It seems that I have been working on this story forever. I had more than 120 pages written maybe six months ago when I had a hard drive crash on my laptop. Yes, that’s right—all 120 pages were lost. I liked the story so I went back to the beginning and rewrote the entire thing from memory. Because I usually read and edit my stories between eight to ten times before posting online, this story has literally taken forever. If you’ve read anything of mine before you will know that I...

2 years ago
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Middle of Nowhere

Last year my parents decided they didn’t love each other anymore and got divorced. No one asked me if this was okay, but I guess my opinion did not matter much to them at the time. I figured we would get through it and things would remain halfway normal, except I would have two home’s instead of one, spending half my time at my mothers and the other half of the time at my fathers. I did not know at the time how wrong I was. After the divorce was final, my father accepted a promotion though his...

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EvilAngel Abella Danger AssBlessed Abella8217s Summer Sodomy

Latina lust bucket Abella Danger’s tiny bikini shows off her breathtaking, spectacular ass. Poolside under the sun, she twerks and gets lewd with a popsicle. Mark Wood brings her inside, where passionate mouth kissing and making out give way to intense sexual domination. He slaps her face pink, whacks her tits hard, spanks her bouncy butt and chokes her, all as he fucks her bushy pussy and tight butthole. Abella kneels for ass-to-mouth face fucking and masturbates fiercely as she’s...

4 years ago
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Blank Sex and Murder Chapter 1 and 2

She was being fucked to the hilt. There were no two ways about it. She did seem to like it, which was unusual for this line of work. Watching, I felt more uncomfortable than usual. A lot of guys think this is the dream job. They would be wrong. There are lights. It's hot. People sweat—even I was sweating—and not all people smell good when they sweat. Then there are body fluids. And gasses. People let those out right along with their semen and vaginal releases. It didn't matter. They...

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Vanessa sighed as she approached as she approached the airport showers. What should have been a quick round-trip had turned into one of the longest and most stressful flights of her career. She didn?t know exactly what it was, as a flight attendant she?d had plenty of bad trips before, but something about this one had just worn her out. It probably hadn?t helped that she?d been so done-up when she arrived. She?d had a date the evening before, a very promising guy she?d met at a Starbucks who...

4 years ago
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 41

Thirty-nine months later, Raúl stood next to me at the remodeled, upgraded, and enlarged refinery in Cienfuegos. It’s now twice the size of the Havana refinery. As he and I both reached for the valve wheel, a hush fell over the huge crowd gathered to witness the opening of the refinery. I had to jerk the wheel on the valve slightly to get it to move, but once it began turning, Raul joined me and the crowd began applauding and cheering. Oil from the first “official” tanker to dock here began...

2 years ago
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A Bridge Between WorldsChapter 6

Melody ... Melody... “MELODY!” Mike screamed, scaring himself awake. “Woah, easy there. Take it easy, you’re alright, Mike,” a calming voice said. Rubbing his eyes, Mike tried to gain his bearings. Looking down, he saw that he was lying on a bed, but not the circular one he and Melody had shared in the Palace of the Water Jinn. It felt so familiar, like he was home. Slowly sitting up, he finally noticed the source of the voice, sitting in a chair next to the bed. “J-Jesus? What ... what...

2 years ago
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The Slave PrincessPart 6

While the angry winds conspire; The spider takes no heed Of all their noise and mischief And their empty, sullen words. - The Canticle of Menkeret. A bead of sweat rolls down between my breasts. I catch it and taste its saltiness. It is the salt of me, the salt of my blood, the blood of the Mentrassa. To me; a woman in the bonds of captivity and the sole representative of my people in this accursed land, that blood is a precious thing. Only seldom now does my bondage cause me to...

3 years ago
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My Elder Assistant The Honeymoon Part Two

"Well, the next set of stories that we found a bit exciting were the BDSM listings. We weren't into the hardcore stuff but found the milder forms to be quite exciting," Susan replied."So, what exactly did you find exciting!" Mary practically shouted in her eagerness."Well," Susan started, "I found that I really like being tied up. But, better than that, I loved to be blindfolded. The feeling of giving up control completely, and then not knowing what will happen next is...

4 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 16 Time and Time Again

Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not. Time takes it all, time bears it away, and in the end there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometimes we lose them there again. Stephen King The Cave, Afghanistan Tues., June, 26 9:30 AM (Local), Tues., June 26 05:00:00 (Zulu) The two groups, the Taliban patrol and the fugitive party were equally surprised at this unexpected encounter but the difference was that the former were armed with AK-47 assault...

1 year ago
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Saturday morning is for laundry

On Saturday morning, my sweet wife said it was my turn to do the laundry.So I picked up some big items that would not fit in our washer and went to the laundry place. As I got there, I found another two ladies doing the same.The kind woman who ran the shop came over to me and said she would do it for me. I thanked her, thinking I had at least forty minutes free for me…Upon my return, the lady had dried all the items and they were folded.She sat down next to me and I noticed she was flirting...

4 years ago
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My first time dressing with someone

I was 14 at the time, I had a girlfriend at school. Parents agreed to let me stay over as long as we didn't stay in the same room. She had a sister a couple of years older, I stayed in her room and she stayed with my gf. I'd already been interested in dressing, so when I was left alone for the night I went through her clothes. She was messy so there was used knickers on the floor and stuff. I put together an outfit, wearing a bra, skirt, tight tshirt, black tights, and a thong.When I was...

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GirlFriend wanted to Shared a BBC

Women like to say that men think about sex a lot, but I am beginning to wonder if women talk about sex even more than men. I have learned from many satisfied lovers that when a woman is getting it good, the first thing she wants to do is tell her girlfriends. This can lead to some tricky situations if your woman is possessive, because once other women know you are slinging good dick, they want to get a taste for themselves. I had been fucking Linda, the OC hotwife, steadily for a good month and...

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Cell phone slave 1

Amaya saw the package in her mailbox and fought to rein in her hopes. More than likely it was for her roommate, Helen. She pulled the package out of their tiny dorm mailbox and looked at the address. It was for her! Amaya searched the package for a return address but there wasn’t one. The young college student checked the mailbox for any other mail, especially for her financial aid check that was a month late. There wasn’t any. She didn’t open the package in the lobby although she was...

2 years ago
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In the Year 2525

Ms. Bell was well aware that Suzy and Jeff were not paying as much attention to the class discussion as the rest of the thirteen year-olds she was in charge of. She decided not to notice, after all, it wasn't their fault. All the teachers felt guilty that two of the school's brightest prospects would never achieve their potential. It was the school's fault that they couldn't access The Cloud, so would be sidelined in society for ever. This was one of the lessons that the teacher always...

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Seduction of Roshni

Hi I am Ravi 42 years old and engineer by profession.. I am married with two kids.. We have neighbor who are middle class family and they have daughter of 19 years who is going to college. Her name is Roshni. We have very good family relationship and we used to eat and stay at each others place especially during vacation time when one of our spouse needs to go to her parents house. Roshni is 5.6feet tall and slim and had physic of 34-28-34 and fair complexion. She used to discuss all her...

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RebelChapter 85 Bedwork

Since she seemed such a small, frail, light-boned young woman despite her wild writhing and her almost-continuous moans of pleasure at what I had done with my hands and tongue after stripping her bare, I was extra careful when I mounted her, spread her long legs and got the swollen head of my rigid pintle through her curly fleece and up into her narrow inner lips. She squealed and closed her eyes as I grabbed her round buttocks, lifted her hips, popped my smooth-headed ram forward and sank a...

3 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 34

[Erica & Dozer] Late April She had talked about it with Julia several times. She never knew whether she hoped Julia would talk her out of it or talk her into it. It had been very frustrating when Julia would do neither, only ask probing questions. Finally after six dates with Dozer, the last three ending with very warm kisses, she made her decision. There had never been any question, but Julia had agreed immediately. Dozer had agreed to come over right after school, bring his books,...

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The Slutty Adventures of Carol

Introduction: I am not great at writing stories, but I hope you enjoy mine. I was 12 when this all began, unlike most girls who were staring sixth grade, I was different, in many ways. I had been home schooled most of my life, my mother and father were over-protective of me. For obvious reasons, but I convinced them to let me start the sixth grade. Now, unlike most 12 year old girls, I wasnt worried about puberty, it came at me like a nuclear bomb. My chest size was 36E, I had to wear a...

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MyGF Adora Black Adorable Adora Black

This week we’re joined by Adora Black, she’s brand spanking new to the business and is ready to get her first porno going. She has a juicy ass and perfectly huge tits. We decided to have some fun first and set up a slip and slide for her. Well.. Mostly so we can see her giant tits jiggle as she ran. Eventually, things escalated. She started sucking on my cock and not long after I was stretching her tight 18 year old pussy. We fucked in several different positions until I delivered a huge load...

2 years ago
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Who Says you cant go Home

Part 1, 2 and 3 So this story is 3 parts, and is rather long. It has plenty of sex in it too. One thing that has always amazed me about this site is the amount of bondage and controlling of women you guys seem to like. I can’t write about that because I really don’t have a clue how that works. I mean Carol and I experimented with tying each other up and then teasing, but no hitting, or things like that. Oh, and the beastiality on here too. Sorry that is gross to Kim and...

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His Halloween TrickChapter 7

The next time I woke up, everything seemed a bit different. I looked past the curtains and it seemed like a late afternoon. There were four girls on bed with me, all soundly asleep. Suddenly, I recognized those little guys inside my head trying to get my attention with something like 'took you long enough.' I ignored them, donned my robe, and walked downstairs to get something to eat. I took a quick look to the other bedrooms and surprisingly all the girls - or women - seemed to be asleep....

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MommysGirl Alexis Fawx Riley Reyes Jade Baker Making Mommy Jealous

Jade Baker is about to shower, grinning to herself as she feels herself up and watches the bathroom door. Moments later, her step-mother, Alexis Fawx, accidentally walks straight on in since the door wasn’t locked. Alexis is startled, staring briefly at her step-daughter’s naked body before shielding her eyes. She demands why Jade didn’t lock the door and Jade flirtily responds, while touching herself, that it was in hopes that Alexis WOULD walk in on her. She’s welcome...

3 years ago
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Pretend Prostitute

Yesterday, around seven, Brad rang me to ask whether I’d be able to meet. He wanted role play and gave me instructions on where to meet him to start. Brad and I have been fuck buddies for a long time and I trust him, but he is full of surprises. At 10:45, I left my apartment, wearing a sweater coat wrapped tightly around me, along with black patent stilettos. I walked a few blocks to our designated meeting spot, heavily made up and wearing thick red lipstick. As I got to the spot, I took my...

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Hunger but of what kind

It has been a great cruise and you and your friend got so drunk last night you actually fell asleep in the same bed.(Mainly because you were too drunk to get in the top bunk) When you wake up (with a giant headache) you don't immediately open your eyes, because you like to listen to the sounds of the ocean. When you notice that the sounds are a lot louder than normal, but you just think it's your hangover.

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Out of Afrika Chapter 10

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B******Chapter 10Chloe was in a constant state of excitement caused by all the exhilarating things that were going on in her life. For one, at 18 years old she was regarded as being an Adult which meant there was little that she was legally not allowed to do and that thought alone thrilled her. In truth she was still emotionally immature racked with all the teenage insecurities that are part of growing up. She was constantly aware that unlike many of...

3 years ago
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The Nightmare Inside Chapter 6

Lori had been home from Harriet’s for a few hours. She felt energized and slightly electric, but what had actually happened was a little blurry. Her body could remember quite clearly just how good it felt. ‘Who knew that Harriet could make me cum like that,’ she thought and her hand slid down between her legs.She cupped herself and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her cunny throbbed as she remembered how Harriet’s dripping cunt had felt on hers. “Who have you been doing that with, Harriet?”The...

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Tonys Birthday Party

Your lover, to whom you have given control of your body now, calls and wants us to attend a stag birthday party he is giving for his nephew, Tony. You readily agree.“You’re going to see me used good tonight,” you tell me. “He wants to make sure you are there.”That evening, you have me watch as you groom yourself and get ready to go; trimming your pussy, shaving your legs, trying on different sexy outfits that you think will please him. You decide on a see-through top with no bra, a flimsy short...

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Light and DarkChapter 3

We'd ride out of that valley down to where the fields were green We'd go down to the river And into the river we'd dive The River, Bruce Springsteen Bois de Vincennes, Paris, November 22nd Sophie's pitched scream cut off abruptly as a rifle butt jabbed solidly against her forehead, bringing stars to her vision, and Caerys, started to leap up before she found the cold metal barrel of another gun pressed into her face. Both females secur- one of the two began saying, presumably into a...

2 years ago
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Rent Pe Rehne Wali Bhabhi Ki Massage

Hello everyone, waise to mai roj hi iss par update rehta hu par mai pehli baar apni kahani post kar raha hu, to agar koi galti ho jaye to maaf karna. Ye kahani jan2017 ki hai, jo meri aur same makan me rent pe rehne wali bhabhi ki hai. Meri graduation ke baad mai haridwar ki ek company me job karne laga, or sath mai diploma in yoga bhi join kiya tha. Yoga me hum yog ke sath me body ki points ke baare me bhi sikhte h or body massage bhi. Sorry mai bhabhi ke baare me batana hi bhul gaya, bhabhi...

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Danny Then Uncle Jack

I'll never forget the first time I ever sucked a cock.I was upstairs with my bestfriend Daniel; we were playing Extreme Video on Nintendo and my Uncle Jack was downstairs to make sure we didn't get into trouble. Daniel had flipped the computer to a porno site, waving thru a bunch of them actually and mostly we found young girls in school uniforms, looking like they could be are age, sucking on big cocks that were useually there teachers. We watched intensely as the big cocks filled the computer...

2 years ago
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The MissionChapter 2 A Past new Beginning

Charles Ricksome jerked awake; the after effect of the time slip still had him feeling groggy. Now THAT was a hell of a ride! Traveling through the waves of time was an experience he had dreamed of years ago, when he had been working on his own time slip device. Looking at the flame red haired, slender, emerald eyed beauty lying in his arms, he knew the pain he had endured was well worth it. Giggling, Ally, the ship's AI spoke up, "We have departed the time slip Charles, we should be...

3 years ago
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Mom Hands Me To Her Friend Pooja

Hi readers. This is Rohan again. I am 18 years old. I have already lost my virginity to my maid Sheetal and I continue having sex with her. In this story I am going to tell you about my experiences with Pooja aunty.Sheetal is a 45 year old woman. She is chubby and has dark skin tone. Sheetal has got long black hair. It feels like heaven to hold her hair when she gives blowjobs. She has got large hanging boobs. She always wears saree which feels great to remove from a woman’s body and have sex...

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The neighbor

I live alone. Quite area. Friendly people. I keep to my self for the most par. But this dude next door likes to chit chat. I try to be polite but really I don't care for it. His name is Rick. That's really about all i know.Everything was fine until last night. 10pm my door bell rang. Puzzled as to who would be at my door step so late I went to see. It was the neighbor in question. When i opened the door he wasted no time telling me what he was looking for.R.We need to talk he said. May i come...

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In the Library2

Stretching, I looked through my books and grabbed the ones I thought might help dumping the rest in the waiting trolley. I always thought the trolleys were funny things, instead of risking disarrangement and having people put books away for themselves, we were supposed to throw our unwanted books there and some one would clean up after us. Such is America and Americans. Armed with my nine or ten books, I made my way down stairs to the check out desk. Once downstairs, I didn't see anyone,...

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Milky Adventure Alternate Plot Pt 1 Shreyas Brings His Friend

So it has been a while since Shreyas started feeding milk from me. Though I felt uncomfortable initially since he is older to my feed. But later I started feeling normal about it as it created a bond between ourselves. He started paying more attention to me and started loving me as a mom since this happened. Moreover, it helped me release the pain whenever my baby doesn’t feed completely and there is a lot of milk left in my breasts. So I decided I will allow him to feed on me, whenever he asks...

2 years ago
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The Last Supper with Brandon James

Crackles echoed throughout the somewhat silent living room as I fed the fireplace more wood. It was the middle of winter and freezing to death might have been the more humane way to die other than what I had planned for them. I never knew my mother, but from my father's point of view, she was a beautiful woman with a giving soul. She was always happy even up to the point when she came here to this secluded Cabin and took her life. She took the time to neatly cover the furniture in a plastic...

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bais sa kin

elle sais mettre en valeur dans ses leggings (que je sais savourer quand elle ce baisse pour ramasser quelque chose ...) qu'elle porte tout le temps au travail, elle porte le plus souvent un t-shirt assez moulant un leggings et une chemisier par dessus son haut. C'est une femme assez attirante, souriante et joyeuse de vivre, de ce que je sais a en discuter avec elle, elle était marier avec un homme un peu plus jeune qu'elle avec qu elle a eu 3 enfants, mais la situation c 'est tendue et elle...

4 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 105

Brother You should be putting all your efforts into getting home to Marissa and the rest of your family! That needs to be your focus. I know you want to tell me how you are, but I can survive for a few weeks without a letter from you. I love you to death, but I really want to hear that you are home with your wife and children. They need you far more than I do right now. Think of the babies who might never know their father if you don't return home. And I now know a bit more about how much...

1 year ago
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Helen stretched herself, the light hurting her eyes, her head thumping, overhung! Her red hair in the shaft of sunlight from the bedroom window shone like gold as she glanced at the alarm clock ticking its way towards ten…ten ...shit…it can`t have gone off… she poked hubby Dave in the ribs “you great useless waste of space, you forgot to set the alarm!” she shouted leaping out of the big old bed. Dave grinned, watching her silently as she grabbed underclothes from the chest of drawers… she was...

3 years ago
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Rider Ch 0609

Chapter 6 A Riding Lesson At least I was right about there being no mice in the loft, and even though everything in it was incredibly dusty and only after she was sure I’d checked it thoroughly she insisted on following me up in to the treasure house of memories, memories triggered by the innumerable assorted objects we found there, many of which had been mine. Amongst other things I found an old cowboy hat and as I shook the dust off it I smiled, remembering the Christmas my aunt had given...

2 years ago
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The Death of Love in MorristownChapter 3 The Lunch

We talked late into the night, the next day being Saturday and no need to be up early for any of my new family. I know Con and I were not yet married, but my own family back in Colorado would have welcomed me home from the wars just as warmly as Maeve and Alex did and just as blithely as Sean. I woke the next morning to the smell of fresh bread and jelly, bacon and eggs, orange juice and coffee. I hauled my weary body out of bed, feeling every hour of my extended day yesterday, and sought...

4 years ago
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A Night in the ChateauChapter 8

Those of you who have already enjoyed reading “A Night at the Chateau” will remember that Sarah and Rebecca, the two Personal Assistants to Sir Richard Wakefield, had participated in a frenzied night of orgiastic sex at the Chateau of Count Elion in France (please go and enjoy it - it is all FREE and extremely pornographic!). As a result of their amazing hedonistic efforts throughout a long and thrilling night, the Count had announced that their reward was to be a fortnight holidaying on his...

2 years ago
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Mes fantasmes envers un couple 12 suite

Quelle vue j'avais en étant derrière Marie. Un cul écarté par un plug, une soubrette, à quatre pattes, la tête entre les jambes de sa maitresse qui avait le visage encore un peu couvert de mon sperme et de son maquillage coulant. Rien que ça ferait bander n'importe quel mec et je ne faisais pas exception. "Au lieu de bander devant son cul , punie cette petite pute" me lança Melinda. Levant le paddle, je commençais la punition.Le premier coup fut un coup d'essai car n'ayant jamais utilisé ça, je...

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Our Arrangement Reprise Three

Almira sat next to me at the breakfast bar, totally naked, wearing only her radiant smile.  While holding my toast I slipped my other hand between her thighs and slid it up to her pussy.“Hmm,” she purred between sips of coffee.Her lips were smooth, soft, warm and a little wet.  She put down her coffee and covered my cock with her hand.“Ready to go again?” she asked, smiling at me.“I think you could persuade me!”She had slept with me the previous night.  We'd had sex before we fell asleep,...

Wife Lovers
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Shirley JeanChapter 6

My boss, Beatrice, was not too happy with me when I arrived at quarter after ten that Thursday morning. She was less happy when I told her I was giving my two-weeks' notice, and she dropped into outright depression when the saw the ring on my finger. Her face drew into that tight-lipped frown that a lot of older ladies use; it says: 'I severely disapprove of what you're doing, and I'll do my best to stop you.' Just before lunch, I was called into Mr. Wainwright's office for a...

3 years ago
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Depraved housewife

Introduction: Ive always fantasized about fucking animals-this was a chance encounter that may possibly lead to more. If you are easily offended or grossed out, please do not read. I have to admit, the idea of sex with animals has always been intriguing to me. Just to look at me, youd probably never guess the wild ideas that run through my head. Im a 33 year old married mother of 3 with a college degree and a career in the medical field. I love the idea of piercings and tattoos, and pain really...

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The Godfather Pt I

Mary had often wondered what her godfather's house would look like. It was much grander than she expected. Mary was excited when she entered the mansion that would be her home for the next few months. The warm embrace that Paul, a long-time friend of her parents' and a successful businessman, had given her when she arrived, had been a little longer than strictly necessary. But she did not mind that at all. She had always found Paul with his green eyes and shock of auburn hair fascinating. Now...

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steamy sex with my best mates wife

Having rather foolishly starting an affair with my work mates wife, it soon progressed into a marathon of non stop illicit sex. Every opportunity we got nikki and i were literally at it, we were so desperate for each other that i even left her husband neil at work covering for me, unbeknown to him that i was heading round to his house to fuck his wife! Nikki worked as a barmaid at the local bingo hall and as she worked nights more often than not during her absence neil would be sat at home...

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