Adventrues of Tami Halloween Story
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I'm not sure when it first started occurring to me that Lisa hated the thought of me being happy without her. I suspect that I'd always known that, at a subconscious level. After that confrontation outside my lecture hall, I kept seeing her around campus, much more than I had previously.
I was enjoying all my classes. I was now a Business major, trying for a minor in Psychology. I started talking to a lot of girls in my Psych class. There weren't as many girls in my business classes, and the ones who were there, weren't as nice looking or quite as friendly as the Psych major girls.
I started dating a cute little filipina girl named Gigi Cantu. She was a year older than me, and also a year ahead of me in her studies. She was an education major, but needed to take some Psychology classes for her teaching credential. Her family lived in California, somewhere close to Los Angeles.
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we had Psych 101 together, in this really big lecture hall. It was an eight o'clock morning class. Neither of us had another class, on those three days, until one in the afternoon. The first three times, we got together at the student union, just talking and having coffee, getting to know each other.
The fourth time we were together, Gigi invited me to walk with her to her dorm room, so she could get some things she said she needed for her afternoon classes. That was the first time we made out together. Three hours of kissing and playing with each other. She jacked me off, twice, and I fingered her to several climaxes. Gigi was very small, about five feet one, and she was also very slender, weighing only ninety three pounds.
After that first make out session, we started spending every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in her dorm room. Gigi's blow jobs were nearly as good as Lana's, which was a very pleasant surprise. The biggest surprise for me though was the first time we actually fucked each other. Gigi's pussy did that same fluttering thing that Lisa's always did, whenever she got really excited. I loved the way that felt on my dick, just like a massage.
Gigi made a lot of noise when she was cumming too, just like Lisa had always done when we fucked at her house. The difference was in how Gigi didn't even try to keep quiet in her dorm room. She told me she didn't care what any of the other people thought about the noises she was making. If it felt really good, she was going to express it. I really loved that about her.
I stopped seeing Lana and Pepper, telling them that I'd found another girl that I was really starting to care about. They both took it well. The relationship we'd enjoyed had been almost completely a sexual one.
Gigi went back to her home for Winter Break. I really missed her for those two weeks. Right before she left, she asked me not to call her. When I asked her why I couldn't, she finally told me about her boyfriend back home. She called me, several times while she was back in Los Angeles. She had told me that she was planning on breaking up with her boyfriend, but felt she needed to do it in person. I agreed with her. Something like that needed to be done face to face.
When she got back, she admitted that she hadn't broken up with him. We had this long session where she kept crying, and trying to explain to me that she loved both him and me. I was disappointed, but I understood what she said she was feeling too. I still loved Lisa, and I was fairly certain that I always would. Gigi and I didn't have sex that first time back, when she told me she hadn't ended things with her boyfriend. We didn't really make out, although I did hold and hug her while she attempted to explain things to me.
For the remainder of the school year, Gigi and I had a nine hour a week relationship. From nine thirty to twelve thirty, three times a week, we'd go up to her dorm room and fuck ourselves silly for three hours. I didn't see her on Tuesday's or Thursday's, and I was always back home on the weekends.
Gigi never answered her phone when it rang while we were together. I kept mine turned off during those times.
When Gigi got back to school for her senior year, she was engaged to be married. I hadn't gotten a single phone call from her all through the Summer. I had dated a little bit during the Summer, hooking up a few times with Lana, Pepper, and Paula. I'd fucked Lana and Paula together a few times, but Paula wouldn't do anything with Lana while I was there with them. Pepper and Lana had no qualms about fucking each other in my presence.
I did spend three days in a row over at Lisa's house that Summer too. The sex was just as great as it had always been, until she decided we needed to talk, just before I was ready to leave on the third day.
"Are you planning to keep dating that Asian girl when school starts up again?" This came out of nowhere. We hadn't even mentioned Gigi before this.
"I don't know. She has a pretty serious boyfriend back home. Mostly, when we do get together, all we do is fuck. When she left, we hadn't made any plans, so I'm not sure what will happen when she gets back here."
"If you want to be with me, you'll have to stop being with her."
"I won't know what she wants, not until after she gets back here. We don't keep in touch during the Summer."
"You can still choose, Dave. Me, or her?"
I just smiled at her, not saying anything as I walked over to her front door and let myself out. This was pretty typical of Lisa, giving me an ultimatum like this.
I had been trying to make a sexual comparison between Lisa and Gigi. I'd given Gigi a definite edge in giving blow jobs, but still felt that Lisa was just a tiny bit better at fucking, when she had enough privacy to be completely uninhibited. Gigi was much better at dorm room fucking though. When it came down to emotional feelings though, Lisa was still the hands down winner.
Gigi and I had spent an hour in the Student Union, discussing her engagement, as well as her plans for after she graduated. She told me that she planned to go back home, after graduation, and marry her long time love. I'm almost positive that she hadn't expected me to take this news as well as I must have seemed to be doing. I told her I thought she was making the right decision.
Even though we barely had two hours left for ourselves that day, once we got to her dorm room, the sex was once again incredible for both of us. Gigi came so hard that she started crying. She told me, after, that she was so worried that I'd hear her decision, then decide not to fuck her anymore.
If anything, her plan to go ahead and marry her boyfriend, after graduation, had improved our relationship. With Gigi, I had no guilt that all we had was a sexual attraction. That was all she had ever wanted from me. She used me for her sexual relief. I kept her sexually satisfied, without taking up too much of her free time.
I did keep dating Lana and Paula on the weekends. Both had finished up at the Community College, had gotten jobs at the end of Summer, and moved into a small two bedroom apartment together.
Gigi was only interested in what I did on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from nine thirty to twelve thirty. Aside from those times, she had no interest in whatever I might do. I know all this, because I specifically asked her about it.
It was refreshing for me to be in a relationship where we each knew exactly what the other wanted, and where both people were in full agreement. I was satisfied, and Gigi was as well.
I enjoyed a hassle free school year. My best year in almost forever. I met Gigi's fiance, when he flew out to attend her graduation. When Gigi introduced us, in the Student Union, it was as a classmate that had taken some psychology classes with her. The two of them looked very good together. Gigi and I had said our real goodbye several days before her graduation. We'd had a five hour marathon, from eight in the morning until just after one o'clock. I hadn't had any classes at all that day, but I did want to come for my final date with Gigi.
"I'm really going to miss this, Dave. You really bring out the best in me, whenever we're together in bed. These last two years have been incredible. I'll never forget you."
"I'll miss you as well. Being with you has finally made it possible for me to imagine a happy life without this other girl I used to date."
"Lisa, right?"
"Right. Even after all these years, she still has some kind of hold on me. When I'm with you though, I can forget about her. I hope you being gone won't bring back the same problems again."
"It won't, if you don't allow it to. I'll always remember you, but I won't let any of those memories spoil things for me and Phillip. You control what happens, Dave, not her."
I didn't spend any time with Lisa that Summer. She was right in the middle of this big romance with some guy she'd met at a party up at State. He was an older fraternity brother of the guy who'd hosted the party. He had already graduated, the year before, and had a good job working at his father's company.
Paula had filled me in with all the details about Lisa's romance, but I didn't feel very jealous. I did spend the Summer enjoying a fairly active sex life. I hooked up a few times with Barbara Allen. She'd added a few pounds over the past three years, and had expanded on her sexual repertoire. She gave much better head, and had added some lively movement inside her pussy. She told me she'd been doing her Kegel exercises for the past three years.
By having frequent sex with four different women, I'd managed to keep my mind off of Gigi and Lisa. I probably spent most of my time with Lana and Pepper. Them having their own apartment made things much more convenient. I went over to Paula's house, during the day, a couple times a week, when her parents were working. Paula still had the same boyfriend, Jim, at Northwestern, but the sex hadn't improved much, if at all.
"Are you going to keep fucking other guys after you two get married?"
"I don't fuck other guys, just you, Dave." She told me.
"I find that pretty hard to believe, Paula. You have to be getting a good fucking from someone back at school?" She just laughed, not even bothering to deny it.
"I might have done a little dating, but never with anyone I could ever get serious about. I've even told Jim that I go out to parties with my girl friends at school. He knows I've danced with other guys. He never asked me if I ever made out with them."
"As a good friend, Paula, I have to warn you that marrying Jim will turn out badly for both of you. You can't be married to one guy and still fuck other people. It just won't work."
"You let me worry about that. I don't try to tell you who you can't do things with. Jim loves me, and I love him. Me doing this with you doesn't take anything away from him. You and I just fuck. Jim makes love to me. I need both. Fucking you doesn't make me love him any less."
"Maybe not, but it does make you respect him less. I know you get frustrated because he doesn't do much for you in bed. I understand. All I'm saying, is that marrying him, when you know you'll need more than he can ever give you, is wrong."
Paula and I couldn't agree about this. As a result, I pretty much stopped going over to see her. In August, when Jim was supposed to come for his usual two week visit, before they headed back to Northwestern, he called her instead, and broke up with her over the phone.
Jim had found out about some of Paula's extracurricular activities back at school. Friends had called him at home to warn him that she was playing him for a sucker. When he'd finally gotten around to asking her questions, during a phone call, Paula had admitted a few things to him. Not that she'd fucked any other guys, but she did admit to doing some kissing and petting with guys at parties. It was a few days after that phone call that he called her back and broke things off with her.
Paula called me, right after, to tell me that she and Jim had broken up, wanting me to come right over and console her. I refused, citing other plans that I'd already made. Paula kept me on the phone, telling me her theory that she'd started being more flagrant with her fooling around at parties, knowing that word of it would finally get back to Jim.
Even though she insisted that she still loved Jim, she confessed to being a little relieved that he now knew she had been unfaithful. She also told me that she thought that Jim would think about everything and decide that he still loved her enough to tolerate her having other lovers.
I was very skeptical about her thinking. In my own case, I knew I'd tolerated certain things Lisa had done, but only after the fact, when we were back doing things together and she wasn't seeing anyone else. Lisa always told me when she was going to start dating other people. As far as I knew, she'd never just started running around on me, when we were supposed to still be together.
By the time school started back up for my senior year, Lisa's romance with her newest boyfriend had run its course. I knew this, because Lisa came over to my house to tell me the news. Another piece of news was that she had given up her dorm room at school, and was now commuting back and forth, just like I was.
She told me that she wanted us to car pool, to save money, and wear and tear on our cars. We had a pretty severe scheduling conflict though, as I had eight o'clock classes every day, and Lisa's first class was at ten o'clock on MWF, and eleven o'clock on Tue & Thur.
Lisa had one additional piece of good news. Her parents were aware that she was sexually active, and had agreed to her demands that she be allowed to bring her boyfriend home for sex. This had happened sometime during the Summer, but only because Lisa had threatened to move into her boyfriend's apartment, if they had refused to agree to it. She told me that she now had a queen sized bed and mattress in her bedroom.
"So, what do you think, Dave?"
"I'm wondering what your parents reaction was the first time they heard you screaming and carrying on when you were up in your bedroom cumming?"
"I didn't do that. Al and I kept things very quiet on the nights he slept over. We only really let ourselves go over at his place."
"That didn't work too well for us. I never liked doing it quietly. That's what I loved about Gigi. When I fucked her in her dorm room, she let it all go. She didn't care what other people thought. She was all about enjoying the big cum."
"Gigi was that Asian girl's name?" She asked this with her patented frostiest tone of voice.
"Still is, as far as I know."
"You didn't have to bring her name into our conversation, Dave, that was rude."
"You talking about Al sleeping over is okay, but me telling you how much I loved fucking Gigi in her dorm room is rude?"
"You aren't going to accept my olive branch, are you?" She sounded sad as she asked me that.
"I really wish I could, but I just can't. We don't want the same things, and we end up taking out our frustrations on each other. You and I can never work. We both know that. Love isn't enough. Great sex isn't enough. I couldn't give you what you tell me you need. When you leave here today, I'm probably going to be sad for at least a month. I know this, but if I were to try to make things work again, when they didn't, I'd be sad and unhappy for a much longer time."
"I need you in my life, Dave. I have since that first time we were together. I've tried to let you go, but I just can't do it."
"I feel the same way, Lisa. There should be a way to make us work, but I've never come close to finding it. Just fucking, with no talking, is the closest I've been able to come."
I saw very little of Lisa during that senior year. Our schedules just never matched up, and we never seemed to show up at the same parties. We did see each other at the graduation ceremony. We even stood together to allow some of our friends, and our parents, to take our picture together. When I got back home, afterwards, I went up to my bedroom and felt bad for the rest of the day.
Two years after graduation, Lisa married some guy she had met at her work. I got her invitation, but I wasn't able to talk myself into attending. My parents both went though, and told me it was a very nice wedding, and that Lisa and the groom looked happy, and in love.
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Hello all brother and sister,s . thank you so much who you send me mails and like my story true thinking . i really thank you very much . dosto agar dhaka jay to serf hum guys he nuksaan main hain , jitne be hum care kar lay yah kuch be kar lay . hum apni behano ki care be kartay hain or gussa be kartay hain , or wo be hum say piyar be bhohat karte hain or darte be hain . magar sooch to sab ki alag alag hai wo hum hoon yah humare behany hon ,agar koi ache soch rakhay to Es ka be yah matlab nahi...
TRUE LOVE & INFIDELITY This is a true story. I have changed the names to protect their privacy. I am a seventy year old retired Federal Investigator and in earlier years a Naval Officer. I have been a widower for six years. My name is Bill. This is the story of my two closest friends, Jim and Dot Hanson. Jim is seventy-one and Dot is sixty-nine. They have been married for forty-nine years. Jim and I became close friends when we served together in the Navy...
Love StoriesHello All,I am a big fan of ISS. I wanted to narrate my first sexual experience. This is really a true life story happened in my life and very true experience. I am 38 year old from Madras/Chennai, 5’8″ with athletic body because I was doing weight lifting in my college days. Very fair which is unusual for south Indian which girls loved me but I didn’t had any courage to approach girls or women’s. I always fantasized about married women than a college girl. I always felt married women are more...
A Sequel To True To Life Part One The late afternoon sun covered the large bedroom's far wall as the scarlet haired woman finally stirred. A soft hand reached out from beneath the silk blue sheet, turning the alarm clock on the night table so that she could see it. A pair of sleepy emerald eyes tried to focus on the LED display as they formed 10:47. "Well there goes most of the morning." the thirty-four year old thought as she retreated back under the sheets. As she shifted...
Friday afternoon couldn't have come too soon for the students of Peterson High School. It was the first week of June, and they had less than two weeks to go until graduation. For Michael Rossi and Bobby Williams, it meant that in ten short days they would finish their years at Peterson and move on to bigger and better things. In Bobby's case it was a football scholarship at State, and for Mike Rossi a chance to study Industrial Arts at Brookfield U. "I thought that English Lit class would...
After several minutes, Nadine coiled around my feet before sitting next to me. I felt my mate through our bond. Petra was gathering the guards at the moment, so I knew help would arrive soon. The freed slaves were sitting in a pew across the aisle, and I let them be. I pulled from my musing when Nadine asked, “Shaun, I know you are an Outlander. Your strange weapons and clothes are a dead giveaway.” I just lowered my head in shame while her melodic laugh rang through the hall. “So, where are...
His eyes narrowed and his face grew intense. He pressed his lips against mine and we pushed ourselves against each other, feeling as much flesh as we could. I ran my fingers through his hair and threw my head back as he kissed my neck. The way he grazed my arms gave me goosebumps and the way he kissed me sent me over the edge. This is a true love sex story. Some girlfriends and I decided to go to Mexico over spring break. I remember all of us being at Lucy’s house, deciding on which resort to...
LoveNote : This story is completely fictional! It was traditional in my wifes family to take the train into the city on the friday after thanksgiving to go christmas shopping. My mother-in-law, my wife, her sisters and nieces all looked forward to it. My brother-in-law and nephew generally went hunting leaving me at home alone. But this year was to be different. Sarah, who had just turned 18, decided she wasnt going this year, which started the uproar. If Sarah didnt go, nobody was going. Sarahs...
IncestIt was all over the papers, at least the first few weeks: physicians' daughter disappears without a trace. Police checked every lead, searches were conducted, people interrogated, personal files investigated. Not a trace. No goodbye note, no ransom demands, no body. Nothing. After a month, the media stopped bothering with the story. After two months the police considered the girl lost. Fred and Mary, both doctors at the West Memorial hospital tried everything to find out even a sliver about...
Last night's activities left me wanting more, needless to say getting myself using my favorite toys did not do the intended job. I craved the real thing. I desired ten inches of thick white cock."You're staring," Jacob said as he brought me back to my sad reality."I can't help it," I said, trying to keep my eyes from Kyle's crotch.I was beginning to think that last night was a mistake on my part, who cares that his girlfriend and soon to be wife was in love with him. I wanted what she...
Reluctance"No!" I said for the fourth time as I walked out to my car. "Stephanie!" "Come on," my best friend argued. "It would be fun!" "I am never going back to that horrid place, ever!" I yelled as I slammed the car door. "It wasn't that bad," Stephanie said. "For you, head cheerleader, for me, it was horrible," I said as I put the car in gear and sped out the parking lot. "One year," Stephanie said. "And truth be told, it was your fault!""Yeah, don't remind me," I shook my...
Oral Sex"Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be. Separated as we are, thousands of miles between us, we come together as if willed by destiny."*He slowly opened his eyes to find himself staring up at a crystal clear blue sky and the sound of waves breaking upon the shore. After a moment, he sat up and looked around to discover he was on a golden sandy beach that stretched either side of him as far as the eye could see. Taking a moment to gather himself, he got to his feet and...
Love StoriesBy the cold blue light of the Winter moon, two small figures ran hand in hand into the undergrowth as the snow continued to fall all around them.The girl turned to her best friend and pressed a finger to her lips. Her younger companion nodded and huddled closer as they both stared wide-eyed watching and waiting to see if they had made good their escape.Reaching up, the older girl pushed the stray strands of her long black hair back under her red woolen hat as she tried to control the pounding...
Love StoriesNew writer, 20 years old, and not very confident. Please leave any comments but please leave all feedback positive. (M/F, romance, preg?) True love is a hard thing to describe, you feel it but unless you’re a poet or damn good with your words putting it down, expressing it, sometimes showing it just escapes you. My name is Jesse; I’m 20, strawberry blond hair, 5’10, with broad shoulders and, about 180, average in just about every way. Soft features and a strong urge to take care of those...
My university days had ended my magical sexual education with the wonderful Laura, who is, another story. As my university courses developed, I had set my mind on becoming a journalist. For two years I slaved at those courses that took me towards my goal. Then, out of nowhere, came the idea of switching to teaching.Funny how impulsive decisions, even if wrong, can have long distance positive effects on a life. So why the change? I never knew and would consider it as fate, but something urged...
Love Storiesback in high school i had two girlfriends... at the same time. needless to say it was sweet. unfortunately i missed a lot of classes. the way it worked was that i had my girlfriend who was an extremely pretty short brunette with cute little titties and a tight little bum that kept everything about her soft and clean and beautiful (clearly i sort of regret all this because as could have easily been forscene it had negative consequences for the future of our relationship).but anyway, she...
Introduction: this is my true story hope you enjoy Hi all this is my first story. So Im gona b telling you of the experiences I have had. Well I am 26 now but my experiences started when I was young. So pleas dont b A-Holes and critisise. Some of the story will be fabricated to make the story more intresting but 80% will be all true ill put fabricated portions in (****) so u know whats truth and lies. Im not a great speller so dont be grammer nazis. It anoys everyone when u point out there...
This is a true account of the best fourteen months of my life. It started after Tommy, who is my husband’s best friend since childhood, separated from his wife. Tommy was married for twenty nine years, and after his children were grown and on their own, he and his wife separated and filed for divorce. Well being a true friend my husband opened our house to him. I have to confess I was concerned about how this would affect my life. Hubby and I do enjoy a full and adventurous sex life. I was...
Some people say that the past is the past – let it go. But there are some things in my past that I can’t forget. As soon as they start to get buried my mind brings them back to the front and I remember. It can go one of two ways after that: either I forget, just as quickly, or I start to ponder on all of those ‘what if’s?’These events are over fifteen years ago and my time with a relatively new girlfriend was one of those times that I keep going back to. They were special times and I instantly...
SwingersI read this on another site hot true storyThis story was told to me by a guy I met in my travels in Chicago. He says the story is true and I am relaying it the best I can.It starts out with 4 guys who were season ticket holders for the Bears, and they had never known each other except for seeing each other at the games. Years must of went by when one of them suggested that for away games they meet at a sports bar. That went on for a season or two, then one suggested it would be cheaper to...
Everything written here is true and really happened. None of it is particularly over the top, but I certainly enjoyed it at the time.I started wearing women’s underwear at a very young age. I think I would have been only around 9 or 10 years old. I have no idea why but I developed an obsession with Mum’s panties. She had lots of full brief nylon panties. They were way too big for me, coming almost up to my armpits but I think that was what made them feel so good. I was cocooned in lovely...
A TRUE FRIEND 3This is another story about my friend Barbra once again it's true as are the other stories I have recalled.It was a warm day I was at home on holiday from work for 2 weeks the wife had to work as she could not get the same time off she worked from 10 am to 4 pm 5 days a week. I had done all the jobs in the house that needed my attention even as far as getting things ready for dinner that night. Trouble was it was only just after a 10-30am bit of a boring day k**s at school till 4...
This is a true story, with speculation about what happened at the end. Whilst there is a strong implication towards a banned topic, there is no proof that this is the case.I recently shared a couple of true stories in a secrets thread on a well known website, and found out how cathartic it was, so thought I'd post here and what people think of them. I'll make two posts, one for the first event, and then another for the second part which happened several months after. The second part is probably...
This is a true account of the best fourteen months of my life. It started after Tommy, who is my husband’s best friend since childhood, separated from his wife. Tommy was married for twenty nine years, and after his children were grown and on their own, he and his wife separated and filed for divorce. Well being a true friend my husband opened our house to him. I have to confess I was concerned about how this would affect my life. Hubby and I do enjoy a full and adventurous sex life. I was...