A Well Lived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 16 A Visit to Chicago
- 2 years ago
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December 28th, 1984, Chicago, Illinois
Traffic was light until we got very close to Chicago, but even then, there was no real delay. I pulled up in front of my house at about 7:45am and the four of us got out and went inside. Jennifer and I used the bathroom, and she changed into a skirt and blouse, and we were back in Stephanie’s Nova by 8:00am. Forty-five minutes later, the two of us were sitting in the lobby at Nuvatec waiting for Scott Bannerman. He came out five minutes later.
“Steve, how are things?” he asked.
“Have you spoken to Doctor Bauer about Wen?” I asked.
“Yes. I saw the news article and called him. I tried to call you but I haven’t been able to get in touch with you. Were you at your parents’ house?”
“No. Indianapolis. My best friend was in a horrible car accident and nearly died. I’ve pretty much been at the hospital with her parents since Christmas Eve.”
“Is she doing OK?” he asked.
“After three surgeries, with one to go, I think she’ll make it. She’s really banged up, but the trauma surgeon who worked on her is a hero,” I said quickly, then realized I hadn’t introduced Jennifer! “I’m sorry, Scott, this is Jennifer Block, Jennifer, this is Scott Bannerman, my professor and boss.”
Jennifer smiled brightly for the first time since she’d walked into the hospital yesterday afternoon.
“Hello, Mr. Bannerman!” she said, holding out her hand. “Thank you for inviting me to interview at Nuvatec.”
“Hi, Jennifer,” he replied smiling. “I’m pleased to finally meet you. Steve has spoken highly of you.”
“I’m sure he exaggerates a bit,” she answered calmly.
I smiled as I realized that the interview process had already started as they sized each other up.
Scott continued, “We have four people for you to see this morning. Do you want coffee or need to use the ladies’ room?”
“No, I’m fine for now, thank you,” she said.
“Steve, if you don’t mind, there’s an update for the UNIX computers that needs to be applied. We aren’t running anything important now so if you want to do that while we talk to Jennifer, I’d appreciate it.”
“I’m on it!” I said, and headed to the server room.
I finished the upgrade in about an hour and did some testing to make sure that everything was OK and that the database software was running properly. When I finished, I stopped into Scott’s office to let him know. He asked me to sit down.
“She’s damned smart, Steve. I mean that. She seems a bit on edge, though. More so than just an interview should cause.”
“She had a bad break-up a couple of days ago. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her about it in detail because of my friend’s accident, but I suspect that’s what’s bothering her.”
“That makes sense and would explain why she seems a bit tense. She hides it well, but I could tell. I like her. We’ll see what everyone else has to say,” he nodded. “Would you like to discuss your grades and those of your team?”
“Sure, why not,” I smiled.
“You should smile and you should be happy. With a couple of exceptions, Len being the primary one, everyone got an A. It won’t show on the grade cards, but I’m sure that you won’t be surprised that Julia scored more points than you did overall.”
I chuckled, “No surprise. Without her, I wouldn’t have had an A.”
“Steve, one of the most important things you can learn as a manager is to assign the right people to the task. There will always be someone better than you at whatever it is. Your job, as manager or owner, is to find that person and convince them to come work for you. And, believe it or not, that includes programming. Tell me, who do you know that’s better than you are?”
“Nobody now, but when Penny O’Neil, my next door neighbor, finishes at IIT, she’ll be better. I already encouraged Doctor Bauer to allocate a CS scholarship for her.”
“What is it with you and females in technology?” he chuckled. “Julia, Penny, Wen, Charlie, and now, Jennifer. You’re pushing them all hard in fields where there aren’t too many women.”
“And why is that? Honestly, I don’t think having testicles is an advantage for programming. In fact, they create huge distractions!”
Scott laughed, “I wasn’t implying that at all, which I’m sure you know. It’s just rare to see young women in technology fields, and yet, you seem to accumulate them around you.”
“Maybe because I don’t give a damn about them being female when it comes to anything other than sex!”
“If you tell me that Jennifer is a girlfriend of yours, or was, I might just have to kill you!” he grinned.
“I love her dearly, but there are serious complications. We’ve dated off and on. Sadly, I don’t think we’ll end up together. But we’re getting off topic. What about Charlie’s grade?”
“Based purely on classwork and her presentation, she earned an A. So that’s the grade she’ll receive. She’s going to fail her math class, which I’m sure you know.”
“What happened with Callie’s testimony?” I asked.
“She tried to claim that Bart raped her and you tried to seduce her, but the statement from Miss Blanchard and the letter that Miss Clarke wrote made those claims difficult to support.”
“Elyse wrote a letter?” I asked, pleasantly surprised.
“Unsolicited. She described everything that happened, including the fact that she pushed you to go after Callie. She had a private meeting with Dean Stauffer to explain that, so I don’t know what she said, but he came away convinced that Callie was lying.”
I knew what Elyse had told Dean Stauffer, or at least had a very good idea of what she’d said.
“Did Callie give up the names of the people who stole the tests?” I asked.
“No. I think when she comes before the disciplinary committee and they recommend expulsion and loss of all credit, she’ll change her tune. But I’m not sure that will save her given that Dean Stauffer has made it clear that he’s going to impose the maximum penalty allowed by the committee. She needed to confess at the hearing to avoid that.”
“And Charlie?” I asked.
“They won’t expel her now that she’s confessed and given evidence. It’s my opinion that they will recommend suspension unless you can talk them out of it. You need to convince four members, not all seven. So don’t try to play to all of them.”
I nodded, “I’ll talk to a friend of mine who’s a law student and see if I can get some advice on juries from one of her professors.”
He laughed, “That fits your style. Just don’t overdo it. Tell them why you trusted her to make the presentation and the work she did on your team. Tell them how good she is. That she admitted her mistake, confessed, and gave evidence that would lead to one of the ringleaders. And don’t get into verbal sparring matches. Even if you win, you’ll lose. Remember that. If you make a member look foolish or wrong, you will lose their vote. Then you’ll need four out of six, and they might get sympathy from the other members because they are colleagues.”
“Got it. So who didn’t earn an A besides Len?” I asked.
“Bill Paulsen and Todd Olson received B’s. That’s what your evaluation said they had earned and I agreed.”
“Cool. I’m curious, why didn’t you give Julia an A+ on her grade and me an A?”
“Because you both did A+ work. Remember what I said - selecting the right team members and having people who are good at specific things do those things is a sign of a good manager. You did a better job than Dave at that, BUT, he also managed his team much more closely. He’s more cut out for that.”
I smiled, “Which is why in my long-term business plan I’ll work for him as a programmer, and we’ll both work for Julia.”
Scott laughed hard, “Now I know why all your friends love you so much. Keep it up. And please let me have some graduates to hire eventually!”
“Are you going to take Wen as an intern for next fall?”
“Probably. I’m interested in other recommendations, though as I said, Charlie can’t be part of the program.”
“I think Terry Parker on Dave’s team is probably the next best candidate. He’ll be a Senior.”
Scott nodded, “A good choice. I’ll talk to him. Doctor Bauer has a few ideas and I have a couple as well. Ah, here’s Jennifer. Can I take the two of you to lunch?”
I checked my watch.
“As much as I’d like to, I have a ton of stuff to do because we’re going back to Indianapolis tonight so I can be with my friend. I hope you don’t mind.”
He nodded, “Go take care of your friend. That’s more important. Jennifer, thanks for coming. We’ll be in touch soon.”
We both shook hands with Scott and I walked Jennifer out to my sister’s car. Once we were safely away from the office, I asked how it went.
“Good, I think,” she said. “I was asked a lot of EE questions by Hank Fredricks and Mr. Bannerman asked me a lot of more general technology questions. Phil Lach and I just talked for twenty minutes, which seemed a bit strange. And then Dan Weaver and I talked about video games and how they worked for about thirty minutes.”
“Interesting,” I said, putting the car in reverse and backing out of the parking spot. “Scott seemed positive, though he noted that you were a bit tense. I told him you’d had a bad break-up.”
She nodded.
“You know we have to talk about that, Jen. We’re going to do that tomorrow. And I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”
She sighed but didn’t say anything.
We were back at the house just before noon and Stephanie prepared lunch while I checked my messages. There were a couple from the police, one from Wen, one from my dad, one from Karin, and several from friends concerned about Bethany. There was no way I was going to be able to return all those calls immediately, but I did have some that were a priority.
My first call was to the hospital to check on Wen. She said she was going to be released late that afternoon and encouraged me to come before 3:00pm. I made a note of that and told her most likely I’d come down right after lunch. My second call was to the police who confirmed I could pick up my car from the evidence impound lot. When I hung up, I called the dealer and talked to the service department. They took down the information, including the name and number of my insurance adjustor and said to drop the car off at any time. Finally, I called Sensei Jim and let him know that I was going to be away from Saturday classes for some time, though I’d do my best to come on Monday and Wednesdays. He wasn’t happy, but he said he understood.
By then, Stephanie had lunch on the table and we sat down. She told me that she’d done some laundry and gone through my mail. She’d sorted the piles and they were on my desk. She also hinted that she and Ed had taken some time out to enjoy their time alone, and I just nodded and smiled.
After lunch I went to my office and called Anala. She wasn’t home and didn’t have her machine on to take a message so there wasn’t much I could do about that. I made a call to Melanie and Pete to update them, and Melanie said that they would try to visit Bethany over the weekend. Next I placed a call to Sofia. I apologized for not calling on Christmas but she said that it was completely understandable. I told her everything I could about Bethany and she said that she hoped everything would go well with Bethany’s recovery. I confirmed her return flight information and told her that I’d call her if anything changed. My next call was to Karin.
“You do NOT need to apologize for being with Bethany when she needed you. In fact, if you hadn’t done that, I’d be terribly disappointed in you! Having your sister call me to let me know what was going on was very thoughtful, too. I appreciated your gift. Did you get mine?”
“I suspect that it’s with the next-door neighbor. I haven’t gone over there yet, but the packages aren’t here, so I suspect they either took them in or the post office delivered them there. They do that when nobody is home here. Wait, I see a notice in my pile of mail that it was left next door. I’m sure it’s wonderful.”
“How are you holding up?” Karin asked. “You seem to be dealing with quite a few difficult situations right now.”
“It’s worse than you know. Jennifer and her girlfriend broke up. She’s here, and there’s something really bothering her. Hopefully I can manage both crises at the same time.”
“Who’s there supporting you? Those two girls, Bethany and Jennifer, were your main support team.”
“My sister, of course, plus Kara. And if I need Jackie or Anala, I’ll call them. And I know I can call you if I need advice. Yours has always been good.”
“This is probably a bad time to ask, but what are you thinking?” she asked. “Nothing has changed then?”
“No. Nothing has changed. I can’t even really think about it because of everything else that’s going on. Between Bethany, Jennifer, the cheating scandal I told you about, school, and starting my business, I’m swamped with things I have to think about. I haven’t forgotten you, Karin Andersson.”
“Nor I you, Steve Adams. Just remember, you don’t have forever to decide what you want.”
“I know,” I said. “Let’s talk in a few weeks. Heart to heart. I know it’s soon, but if we keep pretending that the elephant isn’t in the room, we’ll get nowhere.”
“The ball’s been in your court since last summer,” she said.
“I know. I promise we’ll talk towards the end of January.”
We said our goodbyes and hung up. I pulled out the note that I had with the psychology department head’s name and number and dialed Madison. I reached a secretary who was horrified when I told her about Bethany, and took down all the information. She said she would call Doctor Krieg immediately and if she could reach him, have him call me back right away. If she couldn’t reach him, she’d call me back to let me know. I thanked her and turned on my computer to write in my journal while I waited.
I wrote some random thoughts, knowing I probably didn’t have time to expand on them, but making sure I had prompts for filling out the journal entries when I had some time. About five minutes later, the phone rang.
“Mr. Adams? This is Doctor Krieg from the University of Wisconsin.”
“Hi Doctor Krieg, I assume your assistant filled you in?”
“She did. What hospital is Bethany in?” he asked.
“University Hospital in Indianapolis,” I said.
“At a minimum, I’ll send her some flowers. I may drive down to see her. How can I help you?”
“I was wondering if there was a way she would be able to graduate in May with her class. I believe she has enough credits, but just needs to finish her Senior project. I believe that’s her paper on incest and sexual abuse.”
“You’re remarkably well-informed. You must be the young man she’s talked about. I believe what you say is accurate. Yes, I’m sure we can work something out. After the new year, she should call my assistant and we’ll make whatever accommodations we can.”
“Thanks, Doctor Krieg,” I said.
‘Young man she’s talked about’? I had a momentary shudder wondering just what had Bethany revealed about me, but then I calmed myself. Bethany would never have said anything that would have compromised me or Stephanie. If anything, she would have mentioned me as her friend from Milford, now in Chicago, who had helped her with some of the research, not that I was the exception that proved the rule.
We said ‘goodbye’ and I hung up, then let the others know that I needed to go next door and get my package, as well as see Penny. I put on my coat and walked next door and rang the bell. Penny opened it and almost bowled me off the porch when she flung herself into my arms. I hugged her tightly, but didn’t kiss her because I saw Alice coming into the foyer.
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August 1981, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, I made my usual call to Karin. I described everything in the apartment and all the things I’d done during the week, including the reception. Both of us would start school in a week and we were both looking forward to it. When we finished talking, I went out for my run, showered, and ate breakfast. I made some tea, started a load of laundry, and then turned on the stereo. I put on an REO Speedwagon album and then relaxed on the couch with the...
August 21, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Unbelievable,” I said when I read the headline from the Chicago Tribune. “It says here that Solidarity activist Tadeusz Mazowiecki was nominated to be Prime Minister of Poland.” I hadn’t had a chance to read the paper on Sunday because it hadn’t been delivered before we left for the race track in Michigan. “So now what?” Kara asked. “We’re in totally uncharted territory. Your guess is as good as anyone’s right about now.” “Steve, do you have a minute?”...
June 1977 When I got home, I grabbed a Coke and some chips and went right to my room. I didn’t think I could deal with my parents or Jeff or Stephanie. I just needed to be by myself. That wouldn’t seem odd to anyone, because I often went to my room to read. In addition, I now had the TV I’d received for my birthday. I flipped it on to WXIX Channel 19 and reruns of Gilligan’s Island and Green Acres played in the background while I read. I had to get my mind clear for the final exams that...
July, 1982, Milford, Ohio I woke up early on Friday morning to make breakfast for Kara and her mom before she went to work. Mrs. Blanchard was surprised, but very pleased. After her mom left for work, Kara gave me a fierce kiss. “Thanks for staying in and cooking breakfast for us,” Kara said. “I hope that doesn’t cause you trouble with Stephanie, with you breaking your normal routine.” “Don’t worry about it,” I said, kissing her back. “We got in a bit later than I expected, and she’ll...
July, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I woke up early on the First of July, because my body clock was still set to Swedish time. The flight back had been long but uneventful, and I was happy that the businessman in the seat next to me hadn’t wanted to talk. I read, wrote some longhand journal entries, ate, and generally relaxed while the plane zipped over the Atlantic. I’d come home, taken a sauna, eaten a light meal, and gone straight to bed, not bothering to check messages, look at the mail that...
July, 1983, Chicago, Illinois After Rosie left, I stripped the sheets from my bed, as well as the cover of the duvet, and tossed everything into the washing machine. I lit a lavender candle in the room, and then swept and dusted. I did a quick spot-check of the rest of the house and noticed that the tub in the sauna needed to be cleaned. I scrubbed it, then mopped the sauna floor with a damp sponge mop. I finished cleaning the sauna about the time the washing machine finished, so I moved...
August, 1984, Chicago, Illinois The rest of the week proceeded as expected - class on Wednesday, as well as the usual visit from Penny, work on Thursday, and class on Friday. Kara and I had lunch together at IIT, Sofia practiced her driving and parking, and I hung out with Mark Agnini after class for beers. Staci and I got into a couple of interesting debates about the Old Testament that Mark had to break up to allow others in the class to participate. She was very much of the ‘directly...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
March 25, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “What time do I need to have you home?” “8:00pm will be fine,” Misty replied. “My parents are in Normal visiting my brother at Illinois State. They aren’t supposed to be home before 10:00pm.” Misty and I were in my car on the way to the NIKA apartment which, fortunately, was not being used. With our expansion, it was in more or less regular use, and that meant I didn’t have access to it as often as I would have liked. I was glad there had been a delay in...
I My name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he wasn’t around much. He travelled to Europe regularly and commuted during the week to Manhattan for meetings. When he was home, he was either...
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual or past events and individuals is entirely coincidental. All characters are 18 years of age or over.IMy name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he...
June 1977 Friday ended up being a non-event. The more I thought about it, the more I was sure that there was no way on this earth I could say what happened between Birgit and me was a sin. Calling it a sin would debase it into a meaningless act. I could never do that. And the more I thought about Jennie McGrath, the more sure I was that I couldn’t call what she did for me a sin, either. If the church was right, I was going to hell. And frankly, there was no way that could be true. So I...
January 17, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “What time do you have to leave this morning?” Kara asked as we showered together on Tuesday morning. “About 8:30am,” I said. “I’m driving over to get Jeri, then heading to O’Hare. We have an 11:00am flight. Assuming all goes well, we’ll be in the office by 3:00pm Pacific time. We’ll spend a couple hours going over the software then go to dinner. The demo is tomorrow. Our flight back on Thursday leaves LA at 11:00am, so we’ll be home by 8:00pm, I...
May 14, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Start talking!” Melanie demanded when I sat down in her office about an hour later. “There isn’t much to say. Katya found the information for me when I asked her to look into several things about Brandon Littleton, Kevin Lomax, and John Milton.” “Do you know more about him?” “A LOT more. I don’t think you want to know.” “Probably not, but I’m your criminal defense attorney, and even though San Antonio doesn’t have you involved in this, you know the CPD...
“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...
May 11, 1992, Chicago, Illinois Monday was turning out to be a LONG day. After my run and talk with Gina, and my talk with Elyse, I had a full day at the office scheduled. First was our leadership meeting in the morning, and then I had status meetings with each team. At lunch I’d gone to see Siobhán and explained that I was going to break off the sexual relationship, but that I wanted to remain friends. She was disappointed, but admitted that Thursday would have been the last time, since she...
January 19, 1989, En-Route from LAX to ORD When the engines of the plane started, Jeri reached over and took my hand. She held it while we pushed away from the gate, and taxied for takeoff. Her grip tightened a bit as we hurtled down the runway, but nothing like the death grip she’d had on my arm for the flight out. The plane roared its way into the air and once we leveled out, Jeri’s grip loosened but she didn’t let go of my hand. “How are you doing?” I asked with a touch of...
I My name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he wasn’t around much. He travelled to Europe regularly and commuted during the week to Manhattan for meetings. When he was home, he was either...
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual or past events and individuals is entirely coincidental. All characters are 18 years of age or over.IMy name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he...
October 1981, Chicago, Illinois I went to my room, closed the door and dialed my old number in Milford and Stephanie answered. “Hi, Stephanie!” “Hey, Big Bro! How’s Chicago?” “Pretty good. A lot of stuff is happening. But I have a favor to ask. Well, really, it’s a favor from Ed. I’m coming home this weekend and I was wondering if I could borrow the keys to the apartment.” “You and Kara? On Saturday? I’m sure the answer is yes. Where are you staying?” “I was going to call Mrs. Spencer...
September 1982, Chicago, Illinois The weekend was quiet and besides homework, I worked on the program changes for Frank, called Karin, Tatyana, and Kara, and hung out with my usual study group. Monday was refreshingly normal. On Tuesday morning, I handed Katy my completed intake form. She put it in an envelope and stuck it in her bag. She said she’d let me know soon about the interview. On Tuesday afternoon, after having lunch with Stephie, I made my rounds and then I headed over to Sigma...
October 1982, Chicago, Illinois The drive back to Chicago was as uneventful as usual, and I arrived at the apartment just before 6:00pm. When I arrived, Elyse and Stephie were sitting on the couch and Jackie was sitting on the loveseat. Stephie hopped up as I opened the door and greeted me with a hug and a kiss. “Hi, Peaches!” I said. “Glad you’re home, Yankee!” “Hi, Steve,” Elyse and Jackie both said. “Hey,” I replied. “How was the weekend?” “Well, it was just Kurt with me, Stephie,...
September 4, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “These are really interesting pieces,” I said to Siobhán. Kimmy, Elyse, and I were reviewing the two completed pieces that she’d done as examples of what the series would look like. “You don’t like them?” Siobhán asked pensively. “No, I do! Why would you think I didn’t?” “Usually when someone says ‘interesting’ about abstract art it means they don’t like it.” “Sorry, in this case I meant it. Maybe ‘intriguing’ would have been a better word.” She...
June 29, 1995, Chicago, Illinois On Thursday, I finally had lunch with Melissa again, something I hadn’t been looking forward to. Much like with Cèlia, Melissa and I had passed an inflection point and I was left with sub-optimal paths forward. I’d been struggling with the possible solutions, and all of them had pitfalls. When I walked into Takumi, I had something of a plan. Whether it was good or not would only be known once everything played out. “I spoke to my wives,” I said after we’d...
June 11, 1989, Chicago, Illinois It was just after 3:00am when I kissed Trish goodbye. She’d been an enthusiastic, energetic, and adventurous lover. We’d done just about anything either of us could think of, though her breasts weren’t large enough for a tit-fuck. The last time had been in the shower where we’d ostensibly gone to clean up afterwards, but instead I ended up taking her from behind as she leaned against the wall of the shower. “I think I’ll have you again, Steve Adams,” she...
Ana and I were staying at that Chicago hotel for a couple days.I had a conference to attend and had invited my sweet wife to join me. Ana had been in Chicago before and she loved that windy city.On the second night during dinner at the lobby, we had met a perfect stranger and I had invited him to join us at our table.A while later, I went to the rest room and, when I came back, I found this man sitting closer to my sensual wife.I noticed his hand was below the tablecloth and I guessed he was...
May 1978 The first couple of weeks in May were busy with school, work, and friends. Except for Becky, I didn’t even have any dates. But I was OK with that. Well, almost OK. I wanted to see Anna, but it likely wasn’t going to happen until school was out. I had tutoring sessions with Melanie, but she still wouldn’t talk to me about anything other than Spanish. Barely a hello. I was grateful for the tutoring, but it was maddening seeing my friend this way. I hoped someday she could understand...