The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 23
- 3 years ago
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“So how did your visit John Michael go?” said Nathan.
“Good, I guess,” she said. “That was number four. I feel so bad for him. I know there is nothing we can do to get him out of there, but...”
“Honey, I tried. Short of actually bribing somebody, which would be a crime in itself, there is no way. He killed a cop. There were half a dozen cops in attendance at that special hearing of the parole board. I was able to get that much, the hearing held, but even with Jennifer running point, there was just no way this soon. But, I will have her keep trying. Who knows, maybe down the line,” said Nathan. The woman nodded.
Six more years, she thought; six more fucking years suffering—for me—and I’m stabbing him in the back! She began to sob.
Her man in prison would be out then, maybe, and it was only a maybe. He’d likely be able to get out, Jennifer had said. She was pretty sure she could see to it he only served the minimum; there were no absolute guarantees; there never were, but Jennifer was the best and she’d said it was likely.
Victoria Grimes, she thought of herself that way now, was a rotten double-crossing woman who deserved whatever came her way in the future. She for sure deserved neither her John Michael nor her Nathan; that was the reality.
Victoria Grimes ... no, she was still Victoria Steele, legally; but for all practical intents and purposes she was a Grimes and so was Selena. And that was going to be a huge problem. The now five-year-old girl had no memory of her dad, John Michael Steele, Nathan was her de facto daddy if not her legal one. But that too would change at some point. That point being when she married the man, also likely six years down the road. And all of it, all of the complications, that would be coming her way were of her making; there was no denying the truth of that.
“You look ill, honey. You want me to call the doctor?” said Nathan.
“No, no, I’ll be all right. Just something I ate,” she said. He nodded but looked dubious.
It couldn’t be, she thought. No way. They’d been screwing almost nonstop, or so it seemed since they had gotten together almost five years gone, and nothing had happened. He was too old for something like ... wasn’t he? Nathan Grimes was forty-four.
She pulled her panties down and inserted the stick. She’d likely know shortly. She waited the allotted time. She checked it. Her face paled. Oh my God! She pulled her panties back up and went to the phone that hung on the wall in the kitchen. She made it, the call.
“Yes,” said Victoria Steele-Grimes. The conversation with the person making appointments for Doctor Milton Boze was short. She’d have her confirmation one way or the other in twenty-four hours, well, hopefully.
Dinner had been quiet. She’d been stirring her wine with her finger for a full minute.
“And you’re doing that why?” he said.
“Huh? Oh, just thinking,” she said.
“Thinking?” he said.
“Yes, thinking about how I’m going to tell you something,” she said.
“And that would be about what?” he said.
“Well, mainly that I’m pregnant,” she said. The man was stopped cold in his thought processes.
“Huh?” he said.
“You’re going to be a daddy, well again, I guess,” she said. He was already a daddy to her daughter and she adored him for it. But this would be his actual blood.
“Oh my God!” he exclaimed.
The shower was cold. But it was only twice a week. I scrubbed myself as clean as I possibly could. The others under the line of shower heads with me began toweling off and leaving. Some of them seemed to be in kind of a hurry. Well, the water was cold. Then it was just me and Blue Top. Suddenly I realized what was happening, what was about to happen.
“Don’t be in a hurry, little man. I want to honor you today. I know you’re Mantea’s bitch, but today, I’m going to borrow you, know what I mean,” said Marcus Milford, aka Blue Top. It was a stupid name for a stupid pig, but the stupid pig was 6’6 and like two-sixty at least. I had no chance. I could fight him and ruin his hopes, but I would for damn sure be in the infirmary for a fucking month, and that only if he didn’t actually kill me.
I didn’t say anything. I just looked down.
“Good thinking,” he said. “Do as I say and you’ll be able to walk out of here under your own power.” I swallowed and waited for him to tell me what I had to do.
“Bring that towel over here. You can kneel on that,” he said. I did what he said, reluctantly. We were both naked. I was just hoping that he’d be quick. I didn’t cotton to a prolonged sex-fest. I’d let him do me, and then I’d be the hell outta there. I wondered where the fucking guards were. They were supposed to tour the place after time was up. Time was up, but no guards. Good ‘ole Blue Top must have had some influence.
I was on my knees and he was waving his dick in my face. I took hold of it and began licking and sucking it.
“Go slow, I want to enjoy it, little man. I’ll tell you when to stop. I won’t be cumming in your mouth. I’m saving my load for your woman hole,” he said and laughed. Mantea had done me a few times, I’d had no choice then either, but it had been a while.
I sucked him for what had to be a good five minutes before he stopped me. He had a bar of soap. I wondered where he’d gotten that. Nobody had any of that in our block. He motioned me to assume the position I got down on all fours and spread wide for him. He’d lathered himself up good, but he still had some difficulty sliding his dick into me. I grimaced, but I did my best to not give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry out in pain.
He fucked me for a good while. I felt him stiffen. His cum actually felt hot inside of me; I could feel it. I hated the man for doing this to me. The time would come when he would pay. I didn’t know how he would pay, but he would. There had to be a way. And, no I wouldn’t be complaining to the guards, talk about useless; hell, they’d probably come at me and do me same as he did. I’d been in for five years. I knew the score.
The man had indeed set up a celebration in Selena’s honor, and it was, I was sure, certain to be elaborate. Of course, my tacked-on engagement announcement was an afterthought, and through no fault of Nathan’s, kind of complicated things and that awkwardly. But that was just too damn bad. I’d done it, made my unexpected, and that unexpected even by me, announcement to register my only slightly less than outright anger at Selena’s slighting of me when she greeted the other guy as her daddy and...
I was sitting on a bench in the outdoor patio area of the Taitano Apartments which apartments my wife and I were now calling home. Lower middle class it was, but it did have a few of the luxuries that Henrietta and I appreciated. One of which, again, was our small but nice and tree shaded front porch mini patio. It was new, well it looked, new the Cadillac Coup Deville that pulled up to the curb across from me. A teenager got out, noticed me, and came across the twenty yards of grassy sward...
He was on the patio watching his son shooting baskets across the yard from them. Only seventeen years old and six-one. Basketball was definitely his thing. The two women were sitting across the table from him with their mouths hanging open which had been the case for the past few minutes. The younger of the two females finally spoke. “Really, Dad?” said Selena. Nathan Grimes nodded. “Nathan?” said Victoria. “Yes, really,” he said. “But, it was dicey. It always is when you try to get...
“So, you did go over there then, talked to them?” said Victoria. “Yes, and it was a battle. You were right; they hate us,” said Selena. “In retrospect, I can’t blame them. I guess my words hurt the woman real bad. I didn’t need to do that, say the things I said. It was just selfishness on my part. I see that now. The man has done so much for me and for your dad ... well, I just don’t know what I was thinking,” said Victoria. “Yes, and he is my dad too,” said Selena. “He was really hurt and...
The Grimes mansion was usually busy, but today not so much. The three principals sitting around the glass topped table in the library were somber. Still their somberness was a purposeful state at the least of it. “So, what now,” said Victoria. Her husband shrugged. “Daddy, my other daddy is so bitter that there is almost no dealing with it,” said Selena. “Did he say anything about being dumped by Flo?” he said. “No, just that he understood her doing it. Evidently, she wanted to be with...
Mike drove me downtown, and I did what needed to be done for the final arrangements for my woman. We had a little insurance. She would be cremated, that had been her expressed wish in a conversation about family matters we’d once had. I was in the chapel at the funeral home when it was done. My sobbing was beyond telling. I had never felt so low. I had nobody. I had nothing and nothing was what mattered to me. I did have an ‘82 pickup truck. My part time job would pay—at a bit more than...
2003-2007 I didn’t mind the man, and it was the man not the woman, getting me a job. I wouldn’t be taking anything else from him or them, the job was enough, and as far as I was concerned it squared things with them. Whether they saw things that way or not was immaterial to me. All I really cared about was going to work and being able to count on them, her really, keeping the promise to not harass me. It’s all I needed to be content. “Yes, Mister Steele, we have heard good things about you....
The beds at County General left a bit to be desired, but a least my copay wasn’t killing me, not yet. I will have hit my annual allowable max pretty soon though. I worried about that. I’d been sleeping. I’d forgotten my book—I hated the damn television—so there wasn’t much else to do but sleep. But then, my state of lethargic boredom came to a screeching halt. My eyes fluttered open and she was sitting there in a currently not-in-use wheelchair. “Daddy, can we talk? Please?” said Selena...
“So, he’s willing to see us, speak with us,” said Victoria. “Not exactly,” said Jennifer. “Yes, he’s is willing, reluctantly willing, to speak with you, that is one of you. But that’s it, just one of you. He does not want to be ganged up on which is what he thinks you’ll do if he opens the door to widely. So anyway, he will talk with one of you but only one.” “What the hell!” said Victoria. “Doesn’t he get it. He saved my husband’s life. There is nothing that we won’t do for him. He just...
“Okay,” said Nathan, “I’ve got Jennifer on it, well, her PI at any rate. She’ll be getting back to me pretty soon. I’m sure of it.” “Okay, and I’ve got some news. Selena came at me after Jack left to go home,” said Victoria. “Oh?” he said. “Yes, she is pressuring me as to what she thinks I’m keeping from her. It’s apparently her belief that John Michael is even worse, not better, than he has so far been portrayed to this point, and she wants the whole truth. I was able to put her off, but...
2013 “You want to what!” said, Nathan Grimes, and he said it loudly. “Dad, the man spent fifteen years in a maximum-security prison. And when he came out he’d lost a wife a daughter and really any chance at a decent life. Yes, you could buy him one, talk about an unacceptable consolation prize. Anyway, after talking to Jack last night; I finally got it. I finally understood the man’s, my dad’s, bitterness. So yes, that’s what I’m asking for, and I know you can do it. I need to know dad. I...
2008 “So, her but not them,” said Nathan. “Yes, sir,” said Adam. “Maybe if we talk to her, she’ll be able to convince him to come to the table later on,” said Victoria. “Yes, I guess that’s a possibility,” said Nathan. “Did your sister say when she would be willing to meet with us?” “Next Sunday,” said Adam. “That’s her day off from work.” “Okay, please tell her that’s fine. Ask her if lunch at the Elegance would be okay. And, do say that her husband would be most welcome, more than...
“Okay Mister, what’ve you got,” said Jennifer Connolly. “Kinda simple,” said Frank Hofschneider. “Her brother’s a crook currently serving time for embezzlement. But, before, actually long before, he got his twenty-year vacation at the state’s expense he screwed over the family taking every cent their parents had saved and thereby indirectly forcing his sister, who had never held a job, to make some, uh, unsavory choices. “The two of them have not spoken in years,” said Frank, “likely never...
1993-96 After my good luck at Christmas, that is seeing my woman again after more than a year and a half; and, having gotten rid of the threat to my anus by Blue Top; I found myself maybe getting a bit more good luck. I’d gotten me a new lawyer, pro bono. Some group who specialized in helping this or that inmate with their parole and rehab and such. The new lawyer? Her name was Jennifer Connolly, J.D. My wife had apparently been writing letters to this and that group looking for help and...
Nathan Grimes was laughing. “So, Gilbert you and this lovely lady are actually going to do it!” he said. “Yes, sir, we are,” said Gilbert Hoskins. “Lana...” The woman next to him smiled and interrupted her intended. “Mister Grimes. Those years ago now, when you arguably changed the direction of my life like no one else ever has, well, I just want to thank you sir,” said Lana Mills. The big man waved her off. “Well, so Gilbert, when might I ask, are you planning to get it done,” said...
“And then it was six months after the death of the big man. GMC was where Flo and I got our meds and treatments per our AIDS. It was also where the cons being helped by the Grimes Org. had been getting theirs as well. The schedules were all different of course, but on any given week day it was more than possible that we’d run into one or another of them. Rare though such meet ups actually were, they did happen. We didn’t socialize with any of them, the cons, but did get and give waves as...
2018 “That was nice,” said Nathan. “Yes,” I said. “Thanks for picking up the tab.” He shrugged. “Not a problem. Yes, you could have done it; you’re rich too, but I needed to do something; and well, it was little enough,” he said. “You and Flo?” “Good. We’re good. We need each other. And yes, we’re doing okay health-wise, well, so far anyway,” I said. “Good, good,” he said. “And you and us?” I knew what he meant: him and Victoria. I shrugged again. “Okay, there are moments...” I...
I called the cops and they came. They wasted no time sending another cruiser to fetch my wife. They arrived back at the Rooster in less than an hour. That was expected, and I’d prepped Vicky well enough, so that if she didn’t cave emotionally, we could get away with our ruse. Things went my way. Vic did try to convince them, the cops, that it was all her fault that she had given in to blackmail by the dead officer; and I had come in just as she was about to be taken yet again by the man, saw...
The prison’s rules, limiting almost everything relating to clothes, makeup and or female accessories of any kind had been a tough nut for her; but limitations notwithstanding, she’d still looked absolutely stunning; and the looks she got from the locals at the hotel, well the men, were embarrassing. She paid them no note at all. None of them would ever do for her what her man had done for her, none of them! She smiled recognizing as she did their collective inferiority to her man. A man, an...
2003 Over the next four years, I got exactly zero visits from the bad guys. Yeah, well I wasn’t complaining about that, nosirree! I had decisions to make. I had considered everything the guy, Grimes, had laid on me in that one and only meet up with him, well, if you didn’t count our little set to at that TG-day party he’d hosted. Yeah, I’d considered it all, all he’d laid on me, and the more I considered his propositions the less I liked what I was considering. What was for sure a fact,...
2009-10 “So, you are getting out tomorrow,” said Gilbert Hoskins. “Yes,” said Nathan Grimes. “Were you able to take care of the things we talked about the other day?” “Yes, the man’s prosthesis will be the best money can buy: super light-weight, and easier to attach than the other devices. And, he will not be in the know that you had anything to do with getting it for him. Also, he will have no medical bills for anything ever again. I did have to make sure that he always uses GMC as the...
I answered the door. Two white clad medicos stood there staring at me smiling. The one to my right was wheeling a wheeled case of some sort. “Mister Steele,” said the fellow to my left. “Yes,” I said. “We’re from GMC. Doctor Metcalf sent us. We’re here to help you with your new prosthesis,” he said. He nodded toward the case the other man had been pulling along. “Doctor Metcalf? She sent you here? I thought I was supposed to come there to do this?” I said. “Yes, well, yes, but she heard...
2010-11 It had been six months since the disastrous confrontation at the Elegance. Father and daughter faced each other across the patio table on this warm early spring day. The wedding redo proposed by Henrietta had angered the man’s daughter. She’d wanted to make peace with the Steeles, the both of them, but the conditions proposed by the man’s wife had pretty much ended any such desire as it pertained to the woman. “Dad, do you think my other dad is ever going to come by again? I mean...
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Saturday, November 6, 1976 Dr. Albright came into the room, “Hello Michael, I just stopped in to say hello. I’m sorry to see you here under these circumstances. I just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery. I can’t spend a lot of time, however, as I am on call this weekend, so I’ve got to get started on rounds. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” “Thanks for stopping in doc, I am starting to feel much better. I glad that you’re here. I know I’m in good hands.” I said with a...
Michael Scott was sat at his desk looking out of the third floor window of his office. He could see Portsmouth Guildhall which was a large building built around 1900 or so and unlike the 1960's style of the Civic Offices it was quite gothic looking.It was a medium sized venue for music and theatre but most importantly he could see the large clock on the tower and it was getting close to 4pm and it was Friday. Michael was happy because he could leave behind the very grey and dull world of...
Michael stood at the front door of Aarons house and closed the door behind him, as he stood still for a few seconds he contemplated his future and the implications of what had just happened in there. He saw Yusuf in the car and gave a small half hearted wave as he started to walk towards the car. He felt the discomfort from the chastity device as he walked, he looked back at the house as he opened the car door. "I am really sorry Yusuf, I am still a bit confused and in shock at what has...
“You look great, babe,” Michael told his girlfriend Nicole as she checked herself out in their full length mirror.“Are you sure?” Nicole asked, sounding anxious.“Absolutely,” Michael said as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her gently on the cheek. “We don’t have to do this,” Michael added reassuringly.“I want to, it’s just the first time. I’m always going to be nervous the first time no matter when we do it.” Nicole told Michael.“That’s true; I’m nervous too, if...
ThreesomesMichael By Stephanie Ann Chavez Michael Warren met Stephanie in a college singing group and immediately found her extremely attractive. With long wavy chestnut hair, she was fair skinned with just a sprinkle of sun kissed freckles across her cheeks. She had a knockout figure with breasts that were neither too small nor too large. In high heels she stood slightly taller than his 5'5" stature, but he didn't mind that at all. She was attracted to the fact that he was masculine...
As soon as he entered the taxi, Michael knew he had to take Riana's advice. The pain from putting weight on his paddled behind was so intense it wouldn't let up overnight. Sitting at his desk tomorrow was not an option. The cab ride was also proving to be a test of his endurance. Every sudden movement took his discomfort to a new level. The muscles of his arms and legs tensed in a vain effort to stay as still as possible. By the time he arrived at his building, the ache in his limbs and the...
FemdomMonday, July 5,1976 Doctor Albright arrived just after breakfast. He had a new bunch of students with him. I guess this made sense, it being a new week. “Michael, the results of your x-rays have come in. Your orthopedist and I have gone over them. It’s simply amazing. There is no evidence of any injuries. All of your bones have completely healed. If I hadn’t seen your earlier sets of images, I would not believe you were ever hurt. We are going to arrange for the casts to be removed....
Michael finally feels what it is like to fuck an older woman like my wife.Michael has been our next door neighbor for the past ten years. He hadgrown into a very handsome young man who had develop a crush on my wife.My wife was nearly thirty years older than him, but that didn’t stop himfrom checking her out. I caught him over the past year a few differenttimes spying on her as she lay out by the pool sunbathing. He would comeout of the house at times shirtless hoping that my wife would get...
Michael has been our next door neighbor for the past ten years. He had grown into a very handsome young man who had develop a crush on my wife. My wife was nearly thirty years older than him, but that didn’t stop him from checking her out. I caught him over the past year a few different times spying on her as she lay out by the pool sunbathing. He would come out of the house at times shirtless hoping that my wife would get a glimpse of his young body. He would do everything possible to get her...
MILFMichael was at work and as was his habit several times a week, he checked the MW4M section of the Craigslist Casual Encounters Personals section. Ever since his wife had died, he never had the desire to even attempt another love connection. He was always on the lookout for couples seeking a BBC to make a connection with. This satisfied his sexual needs with no strings, no romance, just pure primal lust. Since Claire was gone he continued enjoying white women, especially married white women, and...
InterracialMichael has been our next door neighbor for the past ten years. We watched him grow up into a handsome young man. He was a very polite and shy young lad who had develop a crush on my wife. My wife was nearly thirty years older than him but that didn't stop him from checking her out. I caught him over the past year a few different times spying on her as she lay out by the pool sunbathing. He would come out of the house at times shirtless hoping that my wife would get a glimpse of him. He would...
It had been a few weeks since Michael and Nicole enjoyed their yoga session with Randy. The couple had learned a bit through their two threesomes and were curious about exploring more layers of their sexuality. Michael knew he enjoyed watching Nicole with other men, but definitely wanted to participate more physically. Nicole learned that she enjoyed not only being dominated, but humiliated and fucked roughly.The couple had started reaching out to men on the site they met Jeremy, who had...
Straight SexChapter 37 First Public Offering Michael had to stop to see Mr. Foley before he could see his beloved Gabriella. He knew that if he put off his financial problems any longer his worry over them would preoccupy him and ruin his first visit with her. He hated asking Mr. Foley for any portion of the lottery money, but the idea of asking him for a loan eliminated the guilt, a loan that he would pay back with interest. What else was he to do? He had no other alternative. The credit card company...
Michael and Jeri, Part 1 I suppose I shouldn't complain. Here I was, mid-50s, back in a rented room after having my own home for decades. Messy divorce, luckily no kids, but being a jobbing programmer meant that I didn't have proof of a steady income for anything better. I still love my wife even after all this but she decided to go for a swarthy younger man, construction worker with his own small firm, instead of our friendly but passionless union. So I found myself in an admittedly...
Becoming Father Michael Pt 1 Introduction: Michael finds celibate is the last thing a Father is. Genre: Fantasy. Becoming Father Michael is a complete fantasy and any resemblance to anyone, or any location or convent is completely unintentional.=========================================================Becoming Father Michael part 1."Have you thought of becoming a priest Michael?" Father Rafferty said after one mass when I just finished my confession."No father," I said, "I think now I've...