ComrieChapter 66 free porn video

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It was nearly midnight when Ray unlocked the door to Jan's apartment. He eased it open until he could slip inside without letting in very much light from the hall. Pausing, he looked around the barely lit room. He quickly determined that the layout was very similar to Alena's condo, so he started toward the bedrooms. Entering the hall he could see that both bedroom doors were open. Inside the first bedroom, he saw someone on the bed. After taking out a syringe containing a drug, he slipped into the room, moving next to the bed. He then realized that he should have checked the other bedroom, but decided he could silence this person by holding their head against the pillow while the drug took effect. As he moved, he felt something behind him, just before the room went dark.

Ray woke to find himself hogtied on the floor. His shirt was pulled back over his arms and his pants were around his ankles. His mouth was filled with cloth. He looked up to see Jan holding the three syringes he had brought in her hand. Taking one of the syringes, Jan slowly brought it down to his hip and slowly pushed the needle in. After injecting the contents, she rubbed the area, spreading the drug out to speed its absorption.

"Ray, how long before it takes effect?" Ray's eyes widened in surprise at hearing his name. "Answer my question, wimp!"

"Thirty minutes," muttered Ray through his muffled mouth.

Jan reached down and pulled the rag out of his mouth. "Keep your voice down and answer my question."

"Thirty minutes."

"Bull shit." Jan stared at Ray watching his face as he squirmed. After a few moments, she put a foot on his knee and said, "Lay still or I will break your knee with a swift kick."

"You won't get away with this. My friends are waiting outside for my signal to come in."

"Friends? You have friends? Why would your friends be interested in me?"

"They want a cop to perform in their live sex shows as a victim. I told them they could have you if they got me the drugs."

"So, you wanted me, as well as Alena?"

"Yes. After some conditioning and training the bitch will think of nothing else except working in live sex shows. It will be a pleasure to watch the kids learn about sex from their mother's performances, while they serve as a guest's companion."

"You are a sick bastard. What did you say the signal was?"

"Fuck you."

Jan reached down to grab his testicles in her hand and began to squeeze. "Now answer my question, wimp!"

It only took a couple of moments before he said, "Flash the porch light twice."

"Good." Jan gave his testicles a final hard squeeze before shoving the rag back into his mouth. She then went to the front door. After looking out the peep hole, she flashed the front light and stepped behind the door. A few minutes later, the door opened. Two men slowly entered the living room. Once both were inside, Cass tripped the second man causing him to fall, hitting his head hard on a table as he fell to the floor. Jan knocked the first man out before he could say a word, and then quickly cuffed both of them thinking, "That was handy." She pulled their pants down and tied their ankles together with their belts. Getting two coat hangers, she secured the belts around their ankles to their cuffs. She turned the light on and was surprised by who she saw. She thought, "I'm going to have to get this place fumigated now."

Jan went into her room to get her phone book. After looking through it for a few moments she reached for the phone, and then hesitated. She muttered to herself, "This is the only solution." She picked up the phone and dialed the number. After speaking with the person on the other end for a few moments she hung up. Realizing that she didn't want anyone to recognize her, she pulled a stocking over her head before picking up several other old, dirty stockings and returning to the living room. She gave the last two men injections from the syringes Ray had brought, and then, after stuffing the stocking's panties into their mouths, tied the stocking over their eyes and mouths,. She tied another stocking over Ray's eyes and mouth. She went into the kitchen for a knife. Returning to the living room she began cutting the clothes off each man. She replaced the belt around their ankles with wire from a coat hanger. When she had finished, she looked at them and snapped her fingers. She went into the kitchen again, this time returning with some cotton balls and a shortening can. She dabbed a cotton ball into the shortening until it was saturated, then, after rolling it into a small ball, stuffed it in one of their ears. Once she had filled each ear with a ball of greased cotton, she gathered up the rags they once wore and took them into the kitchen.

She waited in the living room to keep an eye on the three as they struggled to get free. Cass also waited, still cloaked, to make sure that Jan didn't have any problems. Nearly two hours passed before there was a quiet tap on the door. As Jan walked to it, there were two more taps. After checking the peep hole, she opened the door, letting in three women. Each hugged Jan before going over to look at the three men.

"Their ears are plugged so we can talk softly, or we can go into the other room."

"Let's go into the other room, but stand so we can see them."

Once they were in the kitchen, one of the visitors softly said, "Jan, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes. The two closest to the door deserve any punishment, even more than the other one. The police suspect that they are trafficking women but don't have any evidence. Every woman they have been involved with has left town shortly after they broke up. When family members came looking for the women, they couldn't find any trace of them, so, draw your own conclusions. Maybe they will talk for you. I am certain the other one was going to trap a single widowed mother into working in a sex show, and sell her three children to pedophiles."

"What should we do with the money we get for them?"

"It is yours to keep, as long as you deliver them to the most severe mistresses you can find."


With that, trunks were brought inside. Each trunk was laid on its side and one of the men rolled into it so they faced the padded bottom. The trunk was then turned upright and pads placed on all sides before cuffs were fastened to their ankles and wrists. A chain from the cuffs passed through a hole in the top pad and was fastened to a cross bar. The lid was closed and locked. The four women carried the trunks out to the van at the curb. Cass quietly monitored the area to ensure that no-one saw the events taking place.

Once the last trunk was in the van, each woman gave Jan a hug. One woman looked at Jan and said, "Jan you are a wonderful person, I wish we fit together better than we did. Stay in touch. Don't worry about these three as they will not come back to haunt you or your friend."

"Thanks. You are very dear to me, and I also wish we had fit together better."

Jan watched as the van pulled away, before returning to her condo.

It was 4 PM the next day when Alena returned to her condo. When she entered the door, she said, "Everything is done. Let's go home!"

"So, the presentation went well?"

"You know it did. I felt all of you with me. That has to be the coolest feeling."

"You might want to say good-bye to Jan before we leave."

"Sure, if she is home. You guys should come with me."

"She is home."

"We're ready to go, right?" said Alena.

"Yes. The mementos you wanted are in the scout ship. It is waiting out back. The law firm has its instructions and all of your accounts have been closed, effective tomorrow."

"Then let's go say good-bye to Jan."

Alena knocked on Jan's door. It was a few moments before Jan opened the door, looking half asleep.

"Gee, I am sorry I woke you up," said Alena.

"No, that is fine. I was up later than usual last night, and fortunately today is a day off. What brings you by?"

"I came to say good-bye, but I also wanted you to meet my other friends, since I understand you met Briana by the mailboxes." With that, Alena introduced the four women with her.

"Come in. Sorry, I should have said that sooner."

"That's alright. We can only stay a moment as we are headed home."

"Alena, you can be frank with her."

"Where are the children?"

"They are on Dóchas. It is our new home."

Jan looked at both Tara and Maeve for a long moment, then at Briana and Cass. "Let's see, if I remember right, the only time I have heard of Dóchas recently has been in the newscasts talking about space ships. So, am I to take it you are joining the group on the space ships. Órarduine, I believe they call themselves."

"You are correct. They are Órarduine," replied Alena, with a broad smile. "In a few weeks, I will also be an Órarduine. Tara and Maeve are two members of my clan."

"Wow, that was quick." Jan's expression showed her concern for her friend.

"Yes. It is very quick, by Earth's standards. There are aspects of our interpersonal interactions that let us be more open with each other. In many cases, this results in our being able to build deep friendships more quickly than is possible between humans."

"I can hear the sincerity in your voice, and see the warmth you have for your friends in your eyes. Alena, I have always admired you, and I wish you the best."

"Jan, let's be honest, you also lusted after me." Jan blushed. "Thank you for that. Although we didn't connect, I really appreciate the thought." Alena drew Jan into a hug, and gave her a very intense kiss. As they separated, Alena said, "Thanks again for everything."

"Can we do that again? I need more practice." Everyone laughed at Jan's remark.

Maeve, Tara, Briana and Cass then each gave Jan a hug and a stirring kiss before they prepared to depart.

"Alena, what is going to happen to your condo?"

"I gave it to an organization that helps military families who need assistance. I hope the neighbors don't mind, as I suspect a family won't stay there for more than a year."

"You can tell the organization they can use me for a local contact."

"I'll do that. Thanks." Alena gave Jan another hug and kiss before they left. The group walked down and around the corner of the building and into the waiting scout ship.

"She is a pretty neat person. It is a shame she lives alone."

"Alena, she will find her special person soon. Her seeing you with Tara and Maeve has given her the idea that she may be too selfish in trying to have an exclusive arrangement with one person."

"Well, I wish the best for her."

Tara and Maeve stood with Alena between them while they looked at Earth become smaller as they headed home.

Sarah's Clan, along with Alena's children, were waiting in the hangar on Dóchas when Alena and the others returned. As soon as Alena stepped out of the shuttle, her children ran up and hugged her.

"Mom," said Kennith, "I am sure glad you are home now."

"I'm glad to be back. Briana, Cass, Tara and Maeve were a lot of help. I don't think I could have done this without them."

"Jan would have been there to help you," replied Kennith. "She really liked you." Alena's daughters, Iris and Marnia, both nodded their heads in agreement.

"We stopped by her place before we left, to say good-bye. She is a very nice person, but we just never connected on the level she desired."

"Mom, when will we start our conversion?" asked Iris.

"Probably in a day or two. We will all do it at the same time."

"Good. Will we be telepathic then?"

"I don't know. You need to ask Judy."

"We will," replied Marnia.

Alena was then greeted by her spouses with hugs and kisses. "Is coming back from a trip always like this?" asked Alena, as she hugged Rusty. Holding Rusty, Alena looked around and saw that the others who had been with her were being welcomed home in the same way.

"Usually when only part of our clan goes somewhere," replied Rusty.

"Does our mind-link always dim when we are separated?"

"Yours probably did because it is still growing," replied Judy. "Once your conversion is completed, you will find your link with us much stronger. During the conversion, you will probably gain some additional psionic attributes, though gain is not really the right word, 'become aware of them' is a better way to phrase it."

"Wow, more stuff to figure out how to it works," replied Alena. "I guess I have a lot to learn."

"Darling, we all do, but much of it will come quickly. Many of the tools and knowledge that we have here are fantastic, but it is taking all of us time to learn the best way to use them."

While they had been talking, Sarah's Clan had walked back to their suite. Alena's spouses had helped carry her boxes of mementos.

"Alena," said Rusty, "it was a pretty neat idea you had, giving your condo to the military dependents support group."

"I'd like to take the credit, but I think it was Maeve who came up with the idea when we were talking about finding an agent to sell it. I was really surprised when they told me it was paid off, so that really made the idea practical. Besides, the support group was a lot of help when we moved the last time, and again after Scott was reported missing in action."

After dinner Marsha said, "Rusty, Sarah, could you meet with GISS and several others at An Clochán tomorrow?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well, I'm not sure how to say this, but Ursula, John and I think GISS should disappear as an entity. You can call our proposal a reorganization, but it is really more than that."

"Based on what the Council of Brothers tried, I think we agree. It was handy to use GISS as a contact point for us initially. Unfortunately that caused some people to think that they were a part of us."

"You agree?"

"Yes. We don't have a problem with it. Why?"

"We were concerned about how you would take it, since you two started the company."

Rusty and Sarah chuckled. "Well, actually, I think it was more than just the two of us. When we started the company, we thought there were only eight of us. This was before we knew much about Dóchas, its people and its history. Our initial purpose was to have a way to do something, since we thought life on the island wouldn't be challenging enough. We set it up so we could do the work we were familiar with, but do virtually everything remotely, as we didn't feel we could go on-site. Between Bob of Nancy's Clan and ourselves, we had enough contacts to find reliable contractors for any on-location work. As you know, events drew us in a very different direction. Aren't some of the staff from Craigly's operation running GISS now?"

"Yes. They think that starting up a new organization with a charter similar to your original one will fill a definite need. They are proposing that they buy up all the remaining GISS contracts, as a way of getting a quick start. They are considering locating their headquarters in the high plains of North America, along the Canadian border. Their prime site considerations are security, communication and reasonably easy access."

"Why that area?"

"They think that by carefully selecting the location they can pick an excellent location for secure storage."

"We had talked about something along those lines at one time, but I am not sure what happened to the idea."

"We are planning on meeting at An Clochán at 0900 local time."

"Okay, we will be there. Terry and Sally may come with us."

"Fine. See you then."

It was during breakfast on Dóchas when Alena said, "Judy, the children were asking when they would be telepathic. I didn't know the answer, so I suggested they talk to you."

"I believe they are already telepathically active. We need to sit down with them and see why they are asking. Our children were telepathic when they were born, and since then their ability has grown as they have grown. My suspicion is that their question was misstated."

"At the time they seemed kind of anxious, so could we talk to them after breakfast?"

"Sure, have them meet us in the medical center."

"Gee, it looks like they've left already. I'm not sure where they went."

"You should be able to tell them telepathically."

"Boy that was dumb. I didn't even think of that."

"Not dumb. Telepathic communication is new resource, so it will take time until you reach for the best means of communicating. I can assure you that we had the same difficulty. Verbal and telepathic communication each have their own advantages. Even though it has been nearly 6 years, we still overlook our abilities at times."

"Kennith. Iris. Marnia. Judy and I would like to meet you in the medical center in half an hour so we can answer your questions about telepathic communication."

"We will be there, mom," replied the three children.

"Interesting," said Judy in response to Alena and her children's exchange. "They responded immediately to your request, so I wonder what their questions are really going to be about." Alena just shrugged.

Alena and Judy were waiting in the medical center when the children arrived. After greeting each other Judy asked, "So how do you guys like life on a space ship?"

"It is great," said Iris, with Kennith and Marnia nodding their agreement.

"It would be even better if Dad was here," added Kennith.

"You miss him?"

"Sure, we all do," replied Marnia. "But if I had to have a substitute dad, he couldn't be any better than Rusty, Adam or Todd." Iris and Kennith indicated they agreed.

"What is so special about those three?" asked Judy, since the specificity of the reply puzzled her.

"I have had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with them. If they are doing something that I can help with, they let me. They treat me like a person, rather than a child. Dad always treated me that way."

"I expect you will find a lot of the men in our family are the same way."

"Oh, we have," responded Iris. "To us though, those three are still different. Maybe saying they are special is a better way to explain it. You can look at my thoughts, if it would help."

"It may," replied Judy. "Can we hold that for a minute, so we can sort out the question you asked your mother about telepathy and species conversion?"

"We may have phrased that wrong, too. We were trying to sort out what happens to us during the species change. We think we understand the physical side, but the information regarding its effect on telepathy is not very clear."

"Let's share this way," said Judy. "Each of you can understand me clearly, just as if I was speaking verbally, right?"

Kennith, Iris and Marnia replied, "Yes. Really, more so."

"Since I am now one of your parents, you realize that I can sense the meaning of your thoughts, but not the details, unless I specifically look. It is a special part of our clan's mind-link." The three nodded. "That is so we have another way to assist you as you grow up. We can share specific memories with you, to help in understanding why you should or shouldn't do something."

"We like that," said Kennith. "We realized that after Mom became a part of your clan. I think that if we had known about it before-hand, we might have been reluctant to consider the conversion, but not now. We understand Mom a lot better now than we did before as there is much less guessing about her intent, or the why of her comments."

"It is nice to feel the love all of you have for us," said Marnia. "Before, we knew Mom loved us, but now we know the intensity of her feelings for us, even when she is irritated with us." Alena blushed a bit, and Iris was quick to hug her.

"I don't think she gets irritated with you very often," replied Judy.

"Not now. Thanks to telepathy, we understand each other better," responded Marnia.

"So telepathy works quite well for the three of you? After your conversion, you will likely find communicating that way a little more natural. I think your question was directed more toward other psionic abilities." The three young adults nodded their heads. "These usually express themselves during the onset of puberty, although some children know what their abilities will be before reaching that stage. So it will probably be at least two of our years before you know what new abilities you may have, and then another two years for them to develop to the point you can use them. The time span may be longer or shorter for each step. Telepathy is the key psionic ability for us, any others are just icing on the cake."

"So, after the conversion, we will look similar to our brothers and sisters?" asked Marnia.

"Yes. Your stature will be similar to theirs. Your feet and ankles will change during the conversion, and you will need to wear special shoes afterward. These will need to be worn all the time for several months as your bodies complete the adaptation to the changes. You will have a mane and tail. Your hair will be somewhat longer than it is now and will then grow to be a similar length to the other children. There will be some improvements to your eyesight and a few other things which we will go over when the conversion is done."

"Why do we need to wear the shoes?" asked Kennith.

"They are to give your legs and feet the support they need while they finish their adaptation. Once your conversion is complete, the shoes are optional. So, have I answered your questions about telepathy?"

"Yes," replied all three.

"Now let's go back to Marnia's comment about Rusty, Adam and Todd being special." The three nodded. "I suspect that you see them as special because you feel their intense love for each of you as an individual. There have been other men in your lives, but you never knew the intensity of their feelings for you, except for maybe your father. Each of you is reciprocating their love for you. Knowing you are reciprocating their love is a new sensation to you. The new awareness is because you are telepathically sharing your emotions and know how they feel. Okay?"

"Thank you," said Marnia, as she put her arms around Judy and gave her a kiss on the lips. As she kissed Judy, she gently probed Judy's lips with her tongue. Judy parted her lips to accept Marnia's tongue and they caressed each other's tongue. When they parted, Marnia said, "Did I show you how much I love you?"

"Yes, you did, but I already knew how much you loved me. Caressing each other's tongues during a kiss is something we usually reserve for when we share our love physically. You are still a little young for that kind of sharing."

"I know." After Marnia stepped away from Judy, Kennith hugged and kissed Judy in much the same way Marnia had. He received the same admonishment.

"Judy, I want to kiss and hug you like they did," said Iris, as she hugged Judy and kissed her. "I know I am too young to go further, but perhaps when I am older, we can share the physical side."

"We shall see. Regardless of sharing our love physically, I will always love you, even when I admonish you for an error."

"We know. See you at dinner!" said the three, as they headed for the door to the medical center.

"Wow," said Alena, after the children left. "I didn't realize how much they had grown. You did a great job of handling their questions."

"I think, if you look at your memories, you will find that all of us were responding to their concerns."

"My gosh, it was us. I didn't even realize it."

When Sarah, Sally, Terry and Rusty arrived at the conference room at An Clochán, they found Marsha's and Ursula's Clans waiting for them. They had just finished greeting them when Carla, Aime, and Gabriele arrived, sparking another round of greetings.

Once they had all sat down Rusty asked, "How can we help you?"

Carla, Aime and Gabriele grinned as Carla responded with, "From our perspective, we think we can assist you." Seeing the raised eyebrows, she added, "We owe your family a great deal. If it had not been for our rescue some 3 years ago, our life would have been ... well let's just say a nightmare. We feel we are further indebted due to you providing us with full access to GISS resources. This was especially critical during the time we sought to gain control of our families' holdings. So we would like to facilitate recasting GISS so that it can continue with its mission, which we think is both profitable and a contributor to general stability."

"As far as rescuing you all, we just did what we thought was the right thing to do," responded Rusty. "Rather than feeling indebted to us, we would prefer that you 'pay it forward', which in a sense is what you are proposing."

"Do you really think you can break the link?" asked Sarah.

"We believe so," responded Gabriele, "as not very much has been disclosed about where we were between the last time our acquaintances saw us and when we asserted our claims against the estates. While some know that our personal security staff work for GISS, they aren't exclusively GISS operatives as they've worked for other organizations."

Sarah asked, "How are you going to do this?"

"Well we are thinking about calling the new firm C & M Security Services, providing personal and network security."

"C & M?"

"The letters stand for Creidne and Morrigan, if anyone asks. We need to ask them if it is okay."

"Are you sure you want to leave out Fidelma?"

"Oops..." responded Amie, "we should have included her as well. They are neat people, and not quite like they are portrayed in literature."

"At the risk of diverting us, why do you say that?" asked Terry.

"Well the references to them in literature only acknowledge elements of their character," responded Gabrielle. "This is likely due to the way the information was preserved."

Carla said, "Our plans are to form C F & M Security Services then staff it. Initially the company will focus on providing services for us."

"Once they are operational," said Marsha, "we will send notices to our current customers indicating our closure. C F & M Security Services will be one of those we suggest as a replacement for the services provided by GISS. We will assure them that we will continue to provide services until they've found a suitable replacement."

"Good," replied Sally. "What about staff?"

Both Aime and Ursula started to speak at the same time, Aime said, "We've identified core staff by drawing on contacts our current bodyguards have. They are primarily from Special Ops units of several countries. One criterion we have specified is that we prefer those with a high intuition quotient.

"Currently we are planning on having our headquarters in the US or Canada. Although we haven't selected a site, our intent is to have it in the high plains of Montana, North Dakota or north of there in Canada."

"Why there?" asked Terry.

"Primarily geology. The secure data storage will be underground and similar to what N & R were doing. Ideally we would like the headquarters to be in a town with the actual storage site several miles away. The receiving site would also be at least a mile away from the storage site. We would like to link them underground. That way, knowledge of the ground level access to the storage site could be obscured."

"An interesting approach," replied Rusty, "but since the area will be sparsely populated the underground construction would be well known, and what about the debris."

"That is a big concern," replied Carla. "We are open to suggestions, and we were hoping to find a location where the activity could be obscured."

After checking with the Command Staffs Sarah said, "We may be able to assist with the underground storage and tunnels."

Carla, Aime and Gabrielle all smiled on hearing Sarah's comment and Aime said, "We had hopes."

"Before we make a commitment, we need to see more detail in your plans."

"Thank you," responded Carla. "If you have time now we can show you what we have done so far. We would appreciate suggestions on any aspect."

"Since we are all together, let's do it now," said Rusty. "Before we start, let's talk about telepathy. We know the three of you are telepathic, as are some of the agents. How are you going to handle that long term?"

"We've talked about it but haven't reached a decision," said Gabrielle. "We use ours primarily as a danger detector, but we have used it to evaluate new employees for critical positions. Those with a high level of danger intuition we believe are telepathic in a sense or degree. It's just not developed into being a communication mode for them. We've used that mode infrequently, as have some operatives. This has been when it was critical and there was no other choice."

"Good. Your approach is the same as I think we would use, although it may be flawed. So let's hear your plans."

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Get to work Suckin Bitch Gangbang Gay

It all started with a phone call, a call that would change my life forever. I had been playing on a web site for about 6 months, writing erotic stories and talking with women that made my cock so hard I thought it make put a hole in my pants. I was a married man, so I knew I shouldn't have been there without my wife's permission. But I felt trapped in a sexless marriage and the web site and my writings were my only outlet from the pressures of every day life and the release I so desperately...

3 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 27

In the first week of the new year, two psychiatrists, speaking for the panel that had been employed to evaluate Greg, came to the Overland mansion to give their report. Brandon, Penelope, Genevieve, and Greg's lead lawyer were in the meeting. After the introductions, the lead doctor took the floor. "We have put Greg through the entire battery of tests and examinations that we described to you beforehand. We can go into as much detail as you would like, but let me summarize. He is...

3 years ago
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SequelChapter 12 Ryan And Ernie

"Did you believe those two fucking women?" "I never heard of anything like that. Also, I never fucked a girl and her grandmother before." "Shit, Ernie, how old do you think she is?" "In her sixties, maybe." "That's fucking OLD." "But nice and wet, Ryan." "Plus great fucking knockers; not a bit of sag in them." "Right; they couldn't hold a pencil under them." "Yeah, that's true. What do you want to do now?" "Is anybody home at your place,...

4 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 64

"Want a job?" "A job?" I turned and looked at Gary. It was Wednesday, the day before our last home meet, and he'd come to watch practice. "Yeah a job. It's this wild concept. You do work, people give you money, the government takes most of it." I wondered if he'd taken lessons from Robbie. "I know what a job is. But..." "Do you want one?" he repeated. "I've got a job. I'm a dishwasher at the Three Blondes. Though between football, gymnastics, and baseball next month, I...

2 years ago
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This is actually happening now.My friend Chris and his wife parted three months ago ,he was in a bad way and took a while to get himself sorted ,we have been calling into make sure he is Ok and he must be as his sense of humour has returned.Chris has always made it plain that he would love to fuck my wife Lorraine, at first I thought he was just fooling around but since he has been on his own he has became more forward, ringing her on her mobile and attempting to meet her,without me, he sent...

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My Appreciation training lesson fantasy

Appreciation training It was a typical Monday night. I was watching the news before heading to bed, my wife Jan was reading in the chair aside mine. The news ended and I turned off the TV and Jan put down her book and we headed for the bedroom. Once there, we tossed off our cloths and turned to each other, embracing and kissing. I sensed that my wife was in a playful mood by the passion of her kissing. "Ya know," she began in a low, sultry voice, nuzzling his neck and ear with her lips,...

1 year ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book TwoChapter 10 Finding the Center

“ ... and that brings me to here.” Dana sat on the edge of the fountain, her chin in her hands. She wondered if she should feel more upset, regaling the others with her tale. Tears were beyond her ability. The strange numbness of her body applied even more so to her eyes. She could no longer feel them, and it was taking effort to remember to blink. “So if I don’t deliver Mike or whatever special treasure the house hides, he will leave me like this.” Naia, Cecilia, and Zel looked at each...

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Camera of Change Parenthood

It was a day of celebration for the Reeds family. Their youngest of two was turning ten. They were notorious for holding big parties where almost every relative would attend, but this year they decided to keep things smaller. The youngest, Hannah, was super excited to finally be turning the age where the double digits begin. So excited that she was prancing around the house and annoying her older brother Ian. Ian was your typical fifteen year old: hormonal, full of energy, and looking...

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Cams Angels Of London

Are you horny as fuck to find all kinds of amazing, stunning camgirls that will make your penis perform backflips in your pants? If so, then you already know that you have so many options available to your ass. Hell, you have probably looked around on my cam section on ThePornDude and wondered which cam site you should try today.Well I have another one for you mother fucker! If you want to throw your digital cash at these amazing creatures and you want to try something new, then I urge you to...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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The Sanguine Chronicles Ch 2

WhenAlina woke the next morning, she was surprised to find that she was well-rested. The dark stranger had not come for her in her dreams and she wondered if what she’d seen in the castle window had in fact been another fantasy. Something conjured up by her overactive imagination and weary mind. She sat up slowly from her perch near the window and stretched her muscles as she glanced around the shack. The greyish blue light of dawn was just beginning to wash into the one-room residence and as...

3 years ago
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How I became a Slut III

How I became a Slut – A housewife turns slut – III Suddenly I was one busy person. I realised with my height of 5’7″, a good body structure with of 32-26-38, I was in demand. People liked me for my looks and for my intelligence. It was as if I had a rebirth after marriage. I was very close to my boss and his wife with whom I had my first lesbian relation. I really was into sex and enjoyed it whole-heartedly. In the meantinime, in my company, Mr. Kappor, my boss, made me his executive secretary...

3 years ago
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Dagmars DiaryChapter 8

As we took our places in the courtroom, Aunt Margie was dressed conservatively in a medium gray two-piece suit and low-heel, sensible black shoes. She looked every bit the piano teacher and church lady we all know and love. Before the proceedings got started, I maneuvered Harley off to the side and asked him a big favor. It was in the big category because it might be construed as shady, if not downright illegal, and Harley is one of the most honest men I know. It took some tall explaining to...

2 years ago
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Liz Comes Back for More

It was two days after the 'massage turned fuck' session that Liz called and asked me to meet her at a hotel bar that afternoon. I thought her request was a little strange, but I wasn't about to turn her down. In the shower, my cock grew hard at the thought of our last get-together and I wanted to jack-off, but not knowing what to expect at our meeting, I held off. I put on a pair of boxers, then changed my mind and decided on just a pair of walking shorts - the kind that as long as I stayed...

1 year ago
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How do you solve a problem mike maria Part one

How do you solve a problem like MariaA parody based on "The sound of Music" The year is 1936 and just above an ancient convent outside Saltsberga pretty young blonde girl is singing on a grassy hill.Maria was an orphan who lived at the convent as a novicewith twelve other young girls of various ages.Maria is a slight girl of five feet in stature and has honeyblonde hair and these are her adventures at the conventand at Captain Von Trapp's mansion where the goodcaptain lives with his six...

2 years ago
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Chelsea is Enrolled in Sissy School

Chelsea is Enrolled in Sissy School By Sissie Maid Cuckold "I think you should send Chelsea to Ms. Stern's Sissy Maid school," said Sylvia. "What is a sissy maid school?" asked Jessica. "It's a school for pansies like Chelsea that teaches them proper maid, sissy and cuckold things." "Are you serious? They really have such things?" "Yes, they most certainly do. There are a lot more women than you might think that have a sissy husband, boyfriend or son and many of them...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Paige Owens It8217s A Perfect Fit Into Paige Owens8217 ASS

Paige Owens needs all of her holes filled in this hot as fuck scene with Mick Blue. Paige has got it all going on, from her luscious long legs, to her perfect round ass, this babe is smoking hot. She dressed like a spacewoman from Mars in her sparkly top and mini-skirt with matching heels as she teases us with all of her stunning curves out by the pool. Paige removes he top so we can get a full on look at her perky tits, then she slides down her panties and starts rubbing her clit. She makes...

4 years ago
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Exposed By Wife To Her Female Cousin

I was in the shower in the en suit bathroom with the radio on a bit loader than usual with the door open as i was home alone, i was facing the wall with the water running over my face so i had my eyes closed, my girlfriend came home eariy from work but....... she brought home her cousin Gemma, they must of heard the load music coming from the bedroom so they investigated and both ending up seeing me turn round naked with my small cock and shrivelled cock in view... my girlfriend laughed as her...

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Claires friend Ana 18

My step-daughter Claire has been friends with Ana for ages. They are both eighteen, but Ana is a year behind Claire academically, so though Claire has gone off to her freshman year of college, Ana is a senior in high school. Pixie-ish and stout at 4'11", she's a handful, short black hair with straight bangs, a black leather motorcycle jacket and calf-height black leather doc marten boots, pale skin with liquid-quick ink-black eyes, a small mouth with poutly little lips, the physical opposite of...

3 years ago
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Sold For SexA Females Fantasy

Introduction: There was this man I had lusted for for such a long time and in my mind I… Sold For Sex: A Females Fantasy Tina was bored with the party, bored with her friends, and frankly, with her life. Her job was at a relative dead end and the men she dated were almost all classified in her own mind as losers or just nobody she could really fall for. She had no difficulty attracting lovers, she was attractive by anyones standards. But when they left her apartment after a night of...

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Best night ever

You remember my girlfriend Laura from my previous story and how I watched her getting fucked by my best mate and totally enjoyed spying on them and wanking my little stick? Well... She knew! I don't think she actually knew at the time, but she figured it out somehow, I guess that's just what girls are like? I never talked to her about that night but there was a difference in the way we were together that changed everything about our relationship and I still can't say if it's for...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 16

The last report was from the finance department, Matt always gave that one himself and he was the one to give Marcy troubles. He began with his report on the overall county being the largest employer using the combined numbers of all county departments and had the largest fleet of vehicles. Then revenues collected to date and projections for the rest of the year. Matt instructed the agencies to begin putting their budget requests for next year together. The agencies needed to prioritize...

1 year ago
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Welcome to the Fish Tank

Marina awakened by degrees. She wasn't aware of her first conscious thought upon waking, for a host of strange sensations vied for her attention: a wonderful feeling of weightlessness, of a warmth that surrounded every inch of her body, and the quite unwelcome feeling of a stuffy nose. She decided to focus on the warmth. It felt so peaceful, just lying on her side, and she luxuriated in it, enjoying the perfect feeling. She opened her eyes finally, feeling somewhat groggy, as though she'd...

2 years ago
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My Two WivesChapter 2

"Gordon, this is your biological father. I was married to him when you were conceived. I had some issues and I asked him for a divorce. This was before I was aware I was pregnant with you. He never knew about you until your father went looking for him a few days ago. I was very immature at the time, so don't blame him for anything. Someday I will tell you all of how it happened. Your dad has found him and it looks like he is here to save you." The testing for a match seemed to take...

4 years ago
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Flames of LifeChapter 05

Saturday morning is busy with the processing of all of the paperwork and signatures. Ernie spends the afternoon working on his book, except for his shower and the changing of his bandages. Another dinner served by Gayatri, and a typical early night. Sunday morning Ernie is up and at the local Uniting Church service to see what it’s like. Lunch at an eatery on his way back to the hotel, and the rest of the day is like Saturday. Monday Morning The documents for the ownership changes and...

4 years ago
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5 Min broadcasting myself on ChaturbateCHAT:ENTER - Mrsrchlmrsrchl:hey!chickzdigmeyup:hi!mrsrchl:long time no see!chickzdigmeyup:yea lol!mrsrchl:pm?ENTER PMchickzdigmeyup:okmrsrchl:hey theremrsrchl:how have you been?chickzdigmeyup:hichickzdigmeyup:i've been goodmrsrchl:hope you've been safe and spundmrsrchl:soundmrsrchl:thats goodchickzdigmeyup:yea, nothing too drastic lolmrsrchl:did you have to work from home for a while?chickzdigmeyup:yeahmrsrchl:i had to learn how to use zoomchickzdigmeyup:i...

2 years ago
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Spiritual Equinox

‘Oh, yes! Right there! Fuck yeah, Benny, that’s it. That’s the way I like it. Now, fuck me, fuck me hard!’ A low, throaty growl rolled from the man’s chest, and he held her in an iron-like grip as he began to savagely thrust into her. Kassandra’s body shook with the force of his unleashed fury and she gasped in lewd satisfaction as the last shreds of his self control were consumed in the fire of his lust. Her lean legs wrapped tightly around the young man’s thighs and she eagerly slapped her...

3 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 15

At the wash basin, they washed each other’s face with wet paper towels, then dried. Bill pulled her close and kissed her again. She felt like she was floating on air as he held her and kissed her. She felt weak in her knees and she felt a wild fluttering in her heart. She took a wet paper towel and pressed it to the sides of his head, making his thick, dark, wavy black hair slide back in place. He peed in the urinal with her standing behind him, reaching around to hold his cock as she...

2 years ago
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Davids Story

This story has been written to run parallel with ‘Cathy and Sharon Ch2.’ It doesn’t matter in which order the stories are read but to see the whole picture you should read both. In any case both of them follow the original part of ‘Cathy and Sharon’ and this should be read first. David’s Story David waited at the barrier with a small card in his hand. It simply read ‘ Sharon’. He had been waiting for over two hours for her flight to arrive, departure delays at Adelaide had made it late...

2 years ago
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feeling guilty but what a night

Hello everyone on xhamster readers, writers.Hope your all doing wonderful as you know my nephew/ hubby a least at mind heart and soulis usually the one who writes the stories of his experiences which I have read and I am amazed of what I've learned as I read them but, I don't blame him as I too did the same with him. When he came to visit me. Part of me feels bad because it was wrong..but I couldn't help my self while I was giving him his bath something came over me.. I was urning for sexual...

3 years ago
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Aunt Cathys Gigolo II

I’ve been overwhelmed by the comments on the first chapter of Aunt Cathy’s Gigolo. Since I started writing it over a month ago (college students, and gigolos, have busy schedules). I was sitting in class when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I checked the text and it was from Aunt Cathy. It read, “Have an interesting client here for you. When will you be home?” I texted back I’d be home in forty minutes. When I arrived there was a woman sitting in the livingroom of the house. She stood as I...

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Bettys Secret Fetish

I guess this is what you would call a “Confession” of sorts. Not that I am a Roman Catholic or anything like that. I am a good Church of England girl and I was brought up real strict by my mum who constantly reminded me every school day to wear clean knickers in case I got hit by a truck on the way to school.Knickers!Whenever I start to think about knickers or even bras my mind just goes right into the gutter and all I can imagine is being forced to take them off by nasty men who want to get...

4 years ago
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Fantastic Sex With Horny Colleague

Hi, this is Hrishi from Guwahati. I am working as a manager for an IT company which involves a lot of traveling across northeast India along with a periodic visit to Kolkata. As an Indian, I am average with a height of 5ft 8 ½ inch and 32 years old and living alone. I will appreciate all of your feedback. Please keep me posted at Recently my three stories were published in Indian Sex Stories and I am glad that people loved it. I am taking this opportunity to thank all my readers. I met a few...

2 years ago
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10th GradeChapter 7

I started playing tennis with Brenda the next Wednesday afternoon. I came in early for my golf lesson, then I played eighteen holes with Mrs. Parsons, before having a late lunch by myself, and was out on the tennis court before four o'clock. Mrs. Parsons didn't really encourage me to play tennis with Brenda, but she didn't tell me that I couldn't do it either. It was unusual for her to skip lunch with me, but I assumed she had something else she wanted to do. I didn't really care for...

1 year ago
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Business Trip

I enjoy being with guys but have only had a few opportunities. I travel occasionally on business and was in an extremely horny mode for some man-man action. I generally try to meet guys through an online chat room or posting but the trip was sort of last minute so I had not had the opportunity. I decided that I was going to visit a local gay bar down from my hotel. I had never visited a gay bar before but decided I was going to visit one and see what happened. I spent about 20 minutes in one...

4 years ago
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Taste Of Womanly Juice Part 8211 2

Hey, indian sex stories dot net friends, it’s Rahul, 24 yrs old, fair and athletic. I am working in Kochi Ernakulam. I thank you all for your feedbacks. My email id is So friends, this is a continuation of the first part of this story. I kindly insist you all to go through the first part, in order to enjoy the second. After our first fuck, Sharda aunty and I, we both were hungry for each other’s flesh. Her husband was on official tour as usual, kids on vacation, now this is what we call, a...

1 year ago
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Mia Khalifa

Reddit Mia Khalifa, aka r/MiaKhalifa! In her short pornographic career, Mia Khalifa made some incredible content, and I am sure many of you still drool over her. Well, there is actually a subreddit created just for her naughty content, and it is obviously called r/Miakhalifa/. So, if you ever thought that this babe is hot and you would love to get access to all kinds of pornographic shit featuring this beautiful girl, you are welcome to check out r/Miakhalifa/.I am sure that all of you already...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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High School Days RepostedMy Big 10

Introduction: I went back and cleaned up and revised this story. It is about a small dick high school kid who visualized what his life would be like with a big cock This event occurred during my senior year in high school. My nick name in school was Wiener, for one very good reason. My cock was the largest in school. It hung just over 6 inches soft, and a full 9.5 inches when hard, with a 3 inch diameter. I was not a very big guy about 5 9 tall, about 170 pounds in weight. God just blessed me...

1 year ago
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Snow Bound

The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth.  Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing.  A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers.  Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She...

Love Stories
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The 400 Year WarChapter 8 The French and Indian Wars

1760 The Fall of Montreal The heated battles of the French and Indian Wars were primarily fought in the deep forests and isolated outposts of the exposed English settlers. However, the British eventually brought the fight directly into the heart of the French Colonial Homeland in Canada. The initial assaults on Quebec were fought off but it eventually fell to the English forces in 1759 with much loss of life and property. The key to this success was the prior taking of Fort Niagara by the...

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Now that my cousin and I were orally and anally involved, we were unstoppable. Two young teenage boys who have a way to get off daily and a partner who is more than willing to offer themselves up as a willing partner, the possibilities are endless. We were insatiable with our sex. We had sex anywhere and everywhere. We did it at night in bed, we did it in the bathroom/taking showers, we did it during the day and in themorning. We did it anythime we wanted it, or the other wanted it. We even...

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SRU Spare Key

Permission to post to TSA list, archive, and website. Permission to post to TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictomania site. Personal copies for non commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected]...

2 years ago
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Shemale Semen

I had visited a couple of my favorites on St. Pat’s day, a theater and an arcade. I was able to get 3 or 4 guys to go down on me, but nothing very exciting and not much for me to do in return. I jacked off and went home. But today was a different story. I really needed to take a leak badly and was near another favorite ABS; this one with the cleanest restrooms I’ve even encountered. So I went in that direction, drove up, and entered. There was one customer browsing DVDs along with the clerk...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Abella Danger 12122017

Abella Danger is a Size Queen. Why wouldn’t she be? After three years in Porn Valley, it’s going to take a little more than an average, white wiener to satisfy this young lady. And the word is quickly spreading: there’s a new BBC in town, and he goes by the name Devin King. Mr. King is a true Bull in every sense of the word. He’s packing a girthy, uncut cock that’s nearly 10 inches long and will bring any woman to orgasm. You’re about to witness Abella have...

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The Benefit of a Storm

The Benefit of a Storm by Jena121© A dark and heavy cloud had hovered for days, although patches of sunlight appeared spontaneously through the short breaks. A pile of washing begging for me to attend can wait for now. What the hell it’s Saturday, time for a coffee and read up on what’s news…. I glance at the wall clock, and surprise myself by seeing that the morning is almost over, the dark skies disguising the time. Hell! I’d better get a move on or I won’t get my housework done by this...

4 years ago
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Young Girl Sex ClubChapter 5

Kalola awoke to a sense of well being. The raucous chatter of myna birds had awakened her. From a distance came the sound of a riveting gun, indicating that another high-rise apartment was being erected. These were the sounds of Waikiki, and she smiled with contentment at this proof that she was home. She considered her situation and decided it could easily be worse. It was true that, after paying one month's rent in advance, plus a cleaning deposit and a light and gas deposit, they were...

3 years ago
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Ghanto Ki Zabardast Chudai1

Hi friends Ye ek saachi ghatna hai jo karib 10 saal pehle hui thi. Us waqt mein first year mein that aur meri badi behan sarita final year mein thi. College delhi ka hi tha bas itna hint dunga ke gundagardee mein sabse badnaam college hai. …college mein bade saare gunde they aur un mien se ek jitu bhai sabse bada aur khatarnak banda tha. Jitu ki ek behan thi jo meri class mein padti thi uska naam jyoti that. Jyoti aur mein acche dost the aur aksar ek saath canteen mein chaye pine jaate they. Ek...

2 years ago
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Life and Times of a Pain Whore Chap2

I woke abruptly to Johnny kicking me. "Are you ready for training, whore?" He pushed and prodded me onto my hands and knees and I quickly understood what he wanted and crawled in front of him to the bathroom. He nodded and I lifted the seat of the toilet, then he pushed me with his foot, my head pressed against the rim of the toilet. He stood back looking down at me, "that's it little toilet whore." With his cock thick in his hand, he pointed it down and started to pee, I gagged a...

1 year ago
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My Family Chapter 7

My apologies for the delay. Hope you enjoy.CHAPTER 7 – The Weekend Friday morning Scott woke up with his dick being engulfed by someone’s mouth under the sheets. At first he thought it was his wife Cindy, but when he looked to his left and saw her sleeping beside him, he realized it was his 16 year old daughter, Ashley. The events of last night came rushing back into his head. He and his wife had successfully seduced their daughter and fucked her last night. Not only had they fucked her, they...

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ObsessionChapter 3

In a quiet moment late one Saturday morning at the end of August, Kyle resolved to do everything he could to disrupt anything and everything that might lead to intentional adultery on Peggy's part. He made the decision, after deliberating on the alternatives, because he knew he could never forgive a deliberate, cold-blooded act of deceit of that magnitude. He'd already taken action to throw up a roadblock when she'd been planning on an out of town tryst. He'd kept her from going to a...

2 years ago
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Seducing my strait laced mother

After my two older brothers had left home it became a regular thing to hear my Mum and Dad arguing late at night in their bedroom, though they tried to keep their voices down I could hear my Dad berating Mum for being frigid, and never wanting sex, and if they did it, my Dad said, "It was like making love to a piece of meat."He also complained that she never wanted to go out and socialise and meet his friends.Though I pretended not to have heard anything the next day I could see that Mum was...


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