Cousin ki sasural me sabko choda
- 4 years ago
- 23
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It was nearly midnight when Ray unlocked the door to Jan's apartment. He eased it open until he could slip inside without letting in very much light from the hall. Pausing, he looked around the barely lit room. He quickly determined that the layout was very similar to Alena's condo, so he started toward the bedrooms. Entering the hall he could see that both bedroom doors were open. Inside the first bedroom, he saw someone on the bed. After taking out a syringe containing a drug, he slipped into the room, moving next to the bed. He then realized that he should have checked the other bedroom, but decided he could silence this person by holding their head against the pillow while the drug took effect. As he moved, he felt something behind him, just before the room went dark.
Ray woke to find himself hogtied on the floor. His shirt was pulled back over his arms and his pants were around his ankles. His mouth was filled with cloth. He looked up to see Jan holding the three syringes he had brought in her hand. Taking one of the syringes, Jan slowly brought it down to his hip and slowly pushed the needle in. After injecting the contents, she rubbed the area, spreading the drug out to speed its absorption.
"Ray, how long before it takes effect?" Ray's eyes widened in surprise at hearing his name. "Answer my question, wimp!"
"Thirty minutes," muttered Ray through his muffled mouth.
Jan reached down and pulled the rag out of his mouth. "Keep your voice down and answer my question."
"Thirty minutes."
"Bull shit." Jan stared at Ray watching his face as he squirmed. After a few moments, she put a foot on his knee and said, "Lay still or I will break your knee with a swift kick."
"You won't get away with this. My friends are waiting outside for my signal to come in."
"Friends? You have friends? Why would your friends be interested in me?"
"They want a cop to perform in their live sex shows as a victim. I told them they could have you if they got me the drugs."
"So, you wanted me, as well as Alena?"
"Yes. After some conditioning and training the bitch will think of nothing else except working in live sex shows. It will be a pleasure to watch the kids learn about sex from their mother's performances, while they serve as a guest's companion."
"You are a sick bastard. What did you say the signal was?"
"Fuck you."
Jan reached down to grab his testicles in her hand and began to squeeze. "Now answer my question, wimp!"
It only took a couple of moments before he said, "Flash the porch light twice."
"Good." Jan gave his testicles a final hard squeeze before shoving the rag back into his mouth. She then went to the front door. After looking out the peep hole, she flashed the front light and stepped behind the door. A few minutes later, the door opened. Two men slowly entered the living room. Once both were inside, Cass tripped the second man causing him to fall, hitting his head hard on a table as he fell to the floor. Jan knocked the first man out before he could say a word, and then quickly cuffed both of them thinking, "That was handy." She pulled their pants down and tied their ankles together with their belts. Getting two coat hangers, she secured the belts around their ankles to their cuffs. She turned the light on and was surprised by who she saw. She thought, "I'm going to have to get this place fumigated now."
Jan went into her room to get her phone book. After looking through it for a few moments she reached for the phone, and then hesitated. She muttered to herself, "This is the only solution." She picked up the phone and dialed the number. After speaking with the person on the other end for a few moments she hung up. Realizing that she didn't want anyone to recognize her, she pulled a stocking over her head before picking up several other old, dirty stockings and returning to the living room. She gave the last two men injections from the syringes Ray had brought, and then, after stuffing the stocking's panties into their mouths, tied the stocking over their eyes and mouths,. She tied another stocking over Ray's eyes and mouth. She went into the kitchen for a knife. Returning to the living room she began cutting the clothes off each man. She replaced the belt around their ankles with wire from a coat hanger. When she had finished, she looked at them and snapped her fingers. She went into the kitchen again, this time returning with some cotton balls and a shortening can. She dabbed a cotton ball into the shortening until it was saturated, then, after rolling it into a small ball, stuffed it in one of their ears. Once she had filled each ear with a ball of greased cotton, she gathered up the rags they once wore and took them into the kitchen.
She waited in the living room to keep an eye on the three as they struggled to get free. Cass also waited, still cloaked, to make sure that Jan didn't have any problems. Nearly two hours passed before there was a quiet tap on the door. As Jan walked to it, there were two more taps. After checking the peep hole, she opened the door, letting in three women. Each hugged Jan before going over to look at the three men.
"Their ears are plugged so we can talk softly, or we can go into the other room."
"Let's go into the other room, but stand so we can see them."
Once they were in the kitchen, one of the visitors softly said, "Jan, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes. The two closest to the door deserve any punishment, even more than the other one. The police suspect that they are trafficking women but don't have any evidence. Every woman they have been involved with has left town shortly after they broke up. When family members came looking for the women, they couldn't find any trace of them, so, draw your own conclusions. Maybe they will talk for you. I am certain the other one was going to trap a single widowed mother into working in a sex show, and sell her three children to pedophiles."
"What should we do with the money we get for them?"
"It is yours to keep, as long as you deliver them to the most severe mistresses you can find."
With that, trunks were brought inside. Each trunk was laid on its side and one of the men rolled into it so they faced the padded bottom. The trunk was then turned upright and pads placed on all sides before cuffs were fastened to their ankles and wrists. A chain from the cuffs passed through a hole in the top pad and was fastened to a cross bar. The lid was closed and locked. The four women carried the trunks out to the van at the curb. Cass quietly monitored the area to ensure that no-one saw the events taking place.
Once the last trunk was in the van, each woman gave Jan a hug. One woman looked at Jan and said, "Jan you are a wonderful person, I wish we fit together better than we did. Stay in touch. Don't worry about these three as they will not come back to haunt you or your friend."
"Thanks. You are very dear to me, and I also wish we had fit together better."
Jan watched as the van pulled away, before returning to her condo.
It was 4 PM the next day when Alena returned to her condo. When she entered the door, she said, "Everything is done. Let's go home!"
"So, the presentation went well?"
"You know it did. I felt all of you with me. That has to be the coolest feeling."
"You might want to say good-bye to Jan before we leave."
"Sure, if she is home. You guys should come with me."
"She is home."
"We're ready to go, right?" said Alena.
"Yes. The mementos you wanted are in the scout ship. It is waiting out back. The law firm has its instructions and all of your accounts have been closed, effective tomorrow."
"Then let's go say good-bye to Jan."
Alena knocked on Jan's door. It was a few moments before Jan opened the door, looking half asleep.
"Gee, I am sorry I woke you up," said Alena.
"No, that is fine. I was up later than usual last night, and fortunately today is a day off. What brings you by?"
"I came to say good-bye, but I also wanted you to meet my other friends, since I understand you met Briana by the mailboxes." With that, Alena introduced the four women with her.
"Come in. Sorry, I should have said that sooner."
"That's alright. We can only stay a moment as we are headed home."
"Alena, you can be frank with her."
"Where are the children?"
"They are on Dóchas. It is our new home."
Jan looked at both Tara and Maeve for a long moment, then at Briana and Cass. "Let's see, if I remember right, the only time I have heard of Dóchas recently has been in the newscasts talking about space ships. So, am I to take it you are joining the group on the space ships. Órarduine, I believe they call themselves."
"You are correct. They are Órarduine," replied Alena, with a broad smile. "In a few weeks, I will also be an Órarduine. Tara and Maeve are two members of my clan."
"Wow, that was quick." Jan's expression showed her concern for her friend.
"Yes. It is very quick, by Earth's standards. There are aspects of our interpersonal interactions that let us be more open with each other. In many cases, this results in our being able to build deep friendships more quickly than is possible between humans."
"I can hear the sincerity in your voice, and see the warmth you have for your friends in your eyes. Alena, I have always admired you, and I wish you the best."
"Jan, let's be honest, you also lusted after me." Jan blushed. "Thank you for that. Although we didn't connect, I really appreciate the thought." Alena drew Jan into a hug, and gave her a very intense kiss. As they separated, Alena said, "Thanks again for everything."
"Can we do that again? I need more practice." Everyone laughed at Jan's remark.
Maeve, Tara, Briana and Cass then each gave Jan a hug and a stirring kiss before they prepared to depart.
"Alena, what is going to happen to your condo?"
"I gave it to an organization that helps military families who need assistance. I hope the neighbors don't mind, as I suspect a family won't stay there for more than a year."
"You can tell the organization they can use me for a local contact."
"I'll do that. Thanks." Alena gave Jan another hug and kiss before they left. The group walked down and around the corner of the building and into the waiting scout ship.
"She is a pretty neat person. It is a shame she lives alone."
"Alena, she will find her special person soon. Her seeing you with Tara and Maeve has given her the idea that she may be too selfish in trying to have an exclusive arrangement with one person."
"Well, I wish the best for her."
Tara and Maeve stood with Alena between them while they looked at Earth become smaller as they headed home.
Sarah's Clan, along with Alena's children, were waiting in the hangar on Dóchas when Alena and the others returned. As soon as Alena stepped out of the shuttle, her children ran up and hugged her.
"Mom," said Kennith, "I am sure glad you are home now."
"I'm glad to be back. Briana, Cass, Tara and Maeve were a lot of help. I don't think I could have done this without them."
"Jan would have been there to help you," replied Kennith. "She really liked you." Alena's daughters, Iris and Marnia, both nodded their heads in agreement.
"We stopped by her place before we left, to say good-bye. She is a very nice person, but we just never connected on the level she desired."
"Mom, when will we start our conversion?" asked Iris.
"Probably in a day or two. We will all do it at the same time."
"Good. Will we be telepathic then?"
"I don't know. You need to ask Judy."
"We will," replied Marnia.
Alena was then greeted by her spouses with hugs and kisses. "Is coming back from a trip always like this?" asked Alena, as she hugged Rusty. Holding Rusty, Alena looked around and saw that the others who had been with her were being welcomed home in the same way.
"Usually when only part of our clan goes somewhere," replied Rusty.
"Does our mind-link always dim when we are separated?"
"Yours probably did because it is still growing," replied Judy. "Once your conversion is completed, you will find your link with us much stronger. During the conversion, you will probably gain some additional psionic attributes, though gain is not really the right word, 'become aware of them' is a better way to phrase it."
"Wow, more stuff to figure out how to it works," replied Alena. "I guess I have a lot to learn."
"Darling, we all do, but much of it will come quickly. Many of the tools and knowledge that we have here are fantastic, but it is taking all of us time to learn the best way to use them."
While they had been talking, Sarah's Clan had walked back to their suite. Alena's spouses had helped carry her boxes of mementos.
"Alena," said Rusty, "it was a pretty neat idea you had, giving your condo to the military dependents support group."
"I'd like to take the credit, but I think it was Maeve who came up with the idea when we were talking about finding an agent to sell it. I was really surprised when they told me it was paid off, so that really made the idea practical. Besides, the support group was a lot of help when we moved the last time, and again after Scott was reported missing in action."
After dinner Marsha said, "Rusty, Sarah, could you meet with GISS and several others at An Clochán tomorrow?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"Well, I'm not sure how to say this, but Ursula, John and I think GISS should disappear as an entity. You can call our proposal a reorganization, but it is really more than that."
"Based on what the Council of Brothers tried, I think we agree. It was handy to use GISS as a contact point for us initially. Unfortunately that caused some people to think that they were a part of us."
"You agree?"
"Yes. We don't have a problem with it. Why?"
"We were concerned about how you would take it, since you two started the company."
Rusty and Sarah chuckled. "Well, actually, I think it was more than just the two of us. When we started the company, we thought there were only eight of us. This was before we knew much about Dóchas, its people and its history. Our initial purpose was to have a way to do something, since we thought life on the island wouldn't be challenging enough. We set it up so we could do the work we were familiar with, but do virtually everything remotely, as we didn't feel we could go on-site. Between Bob of Nancy's Clan and ourselves, we had enough contacts to find reliable contractors for any on-location work. As you know, events drew us in a very different direction. Aren't some of the staff from Craigly's operation running GISS now?"
"Yes. They think that starting up a new organization with a charter similar to your original one will fill a definite need. They are proposing that they buy up all the remaining GISS contracts, as a way of getting a quick start. They are considering locating their headquarters in the high plains of North America, along the Canadian border. Their prime site considerations are security, communication and reasonably easy access."
"Why that area?"
"They think that by carefully selecting the location they can pick an excellent location for secure storage."
"We had talked about something along those lines at one time, but I am not sure what happened to the idea."
"We are planning on meeting at An Clochán at 0900 local time."
"Okay, we will be there. Terry and Sally may come with us."
"Fine. See you then."
It was during breakfast on Dóchas when Alena said, "Judy, the children were asking when they would be telepathic. I didn't know the answer, so I suggested they talk to you."
"I believe they are already telepathically active. We need to sit down with them and see why they are asking. Our children were telepathic when they were born, and since then their ability has grown as they have grown. My suspicion is that their question was misstated."
"At the time they seemed kind of anxious, so could we talk to them after breakfast?"
"Sure, have them meet us in the medical center."
"Gee, it looks like they've left already. I'm not sure where they went."
"You should be able to tell them telepathically."
"Boy that was dumb. I didn't even think of that."
"Not dumb. Telepathic communication is new resource, so it will take time until you reach for the best means of communicating. I can assure you that we had the same difficulty. Verbal and telepathic communication each have their own advantages. Even though it has been nearly 6 years, we still overlook our abilities at times."
"Kennith. Iris. Marnia. Judy and I would like to meet you in the medical center in half an hour so we can answer your questions about telepathic communication."
"We will be there, mom," replied the three children.
"Interesting," said Judy in response to Alena and her children's exchange. "They responded immediately to your request, so I wonder what their questions are really going to be about." Alena just shrugged.
Alena and Judy were waiting in the medical center when the children arrived. After greeting each other Judy asked, "So how do you guys like life on a space ship?"
"It is great," said Iris, with Kennith and Marnia nodding their agreement.
"It would be even better if Dad was here," added Kennith.
"You miss him?"
"Sure, we all do," replied Marnia. "But if I had to have a substitute dad, he couldn't be any better than Rusty, Adam or Todd." Iris and Kennith indicated they agreed.
"What is so special about those three?" asked Judy, since the specificity of the reply puzzled her.
"I have had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with them. If they are doing something that I can help with, they let me. They treat me like a person, rather than a child. Dad always treated me that way."
"I expect you will find a lot of the men in our family are the same way."
"Oh, we have," responded Iris. "To us though, those three are still different. Maybe saying they are special is a better way to explain it. You can look at my thoughts, if it would help."
"It may," replied Judy. "Can we hold that for a minute, so we can sort out the question you asked your mother about telepathy and species conversion?"
"We may have phrased that wrong, too. We were trying to sort out what happens to us during the species change. We think we understand the physical side, but the information regarding its effect on telepathy is not very clear."
"Let's share this way," said Judy. "Each of you can understand me clearly, just as if I was speaking verbally, right?"
Kennith, Iris and Marnia replied, "Yes. Really, more so."
"Since I am now one of your parents, you realize that I can sense the meaning of your thoughts, but not the details, unless I specifically look. It is a special part of our clan's mind-link." The three nodded. "That is so we have another way to assist you as you grow up. We can share specific memories with you, to help in understanding why you should or shouldn't do something."
"We like that," said Kennith. "We realized that after Mom became a part of your clan. I think that if we had known about it before-hand, we might have been reluctant to consider the conversion, but not now. We understand Mom a lot better now than we did before as there is much less guessing about her intent, or the why of her comments."
"It is nice to feel the love all of you have for us," said Marnia. "Before, we knew Mom loved us, but now we know the intensity of her feelings for us, even when she is irritated with us." Alena blushed a bit, and Iris was quick to hug her.
"I don't think she gets irritated with you very often," replied Judy.
"Not now. Thanks to telepathy, we understand each other better," responded Marnia.
"So telepathy works quite well for the three of you? After your conversion, you will likely find communicating that way a little more natural. I think your question was directed more toward other psionic abilities." The three young adults nodded their heads. "These usually express themselves during the onset of puberty, although some children know what their abilities will be before reaching that stage. So it will probably be at least two of our years before you know what new abilities you may have, and then another two years for them to develop to the point you can use them. The time span may be longer or shorter for each step. Telepathy is the key psionic ability for us, any others are just icing on the cake."
"So, after the conversion, we will look similar to our brothers and sisters?" asked Marnia.
"Yes. Your stature will be similar to theirs. Your feet and ankles will change during the conversion, and you will need to wear special shoes afterward. These will need to be worn all the time for several months as your bodies complete the adaptation to the changes. You will have a mane and tail. Your hair will be somewhat longer than it is now and will then grow to be a similar length to the other children. There will be some improvements to your eyesight and a few other things which we will go over when the conversion is done."
"Why do we need to wear the shoes?" asked Kennith.
"They are to give your legs and feet the support they need while they finish their adaptation. Once your conversion is complete, the shoes are optional. So, have I answered your questions about telepathy?"
"Yes," replied all three.
"Now let's go back to Marnia's comment about Rusty, Adam and Todd being special." The three nodded. "I suspect that you see them as special because you feel their intense love for each of you as an individual. There have been other men in your lives, but you never knew the intensity of their feelings for you, except for maybe your father. Each of you is reciprocating their love for you. Knowing you are reciprocating their love is a new sensation to you. The new awareness is because you are telepathically sharing your emotions and know how they feel. Okay?"
"Thank you," said Marnia, as she put her arms around Judy and gave her a kiss on the lips. As she kissed Judy, she gently probed Judy's lips with her tongue. Judy parted her lips to accept Marnia's tongue and they caressed each other's tongue. When they parted, Marnia said, "Did I show you how much I love you?"
"Yes, you did, but I already knew how much you loved me. Caressing each other's tongues during a kiss is something we usually reserve for when we share our love physically. You are still a little young for that kind of sharing."
"I know." After Marnia stepped away from Judy, Kennith hugged and kissed Judy in much the same way Marnia had. He received the same admonishment.
"Judy, I want to kiss and hug you like they did," said Iris, as she hugged Judy and kissed her. "I know I am too young to go further, but perhaps when I am older, we can share the physical side."
"We shall see. Regardless of sharing our love physically, I will always love you, even when I admonish you for an error."
"We know. See you at dinner!" said the three, as they headed for the door to the medical center.
"Wow," said Alena, after the children left. "I didn't realize how much they had grown. You did a great job of handling their questions."
"I think, if you look at your memories, you will find that all of us were responding to their concerns."
"My gosh, it was us. I didn't even realize it."
When Sarah, Sally, Terry and Rusty arrived at the conference room at An Clochán, they found Marsha's and Ursula's Clans waiting for them. They had just finished greeting them when Carla, Aime, and Gabriele arrived, sparking another round of greetings.
Once they had all sat down Rusty asked, "How can we help you?"
Carla, Aime and Gabriele grinned as Carla responded with, "From our perspective, we think we can assist you." Seeing the raised eyebrows, she added, "We owe your family a great deal. If it had not been for our rescue some 3 years ago, our life would have been ... well let's just say a nightmare. We feel we are further indebted due to you providing us with full access to GISS resources. This was especially critical during the time we sought to gain control of our families' holdings. So we would like to facilitate recasting GISS so that it can continue with its mission, which we think is both profitable and a contributor to general stability."
"As far as rescuing you all, we just did what we thought was the right thing to do," responded Rusty. "Rather than feeling indebted to us, we would prefer that you 'pay it forward', which in a sense is what you are proposing."
"Do you really think you can break the link?" asked Sarah.
"We believe so," responded Gabriele, "as not very much has been disclosed about where we were between the last time our acquaintances saw us and when we asserted our claims against the estates. While some know that our personal security staff work for GISS, they aren't exclusively GISS operatives as they've worked for other organizations."
Sarah asked, "How are you going to do this?"
"Well we are thinking about calling the new firm C & M Security Services, providing personal and network security."
"C & M?"
"The letters stand for Creidne and Morrigan, if anyone asks. We need to ask them if it is okay."
"Are you sure you want to leave out Fidelma?"
"Oops..." responded Amie, "we should have included her as well. They are neat people, and not quite like they are portrayed in literature."
"At the risk of diverting us, why do you say that?" asked Terry.
"Well the references to them in literature only acknowledge elements of their character," responded Gabrielle. "This is likely due to the way the information was preserved."
Carla said, "Our plans are to form C F & M Security Services then staff it. Initially the company will focus on providing services for us."
"Once they are operational," said Marsha, "we will send notices to our current customers indicating our closure. C F & M Security Services will be one of those we suggest as a replacement for the services provided by GISS. We will assure them that we will continue to provide services until they've found a suitable replacement."
"Good," replied Sally. "What about staff?"
Both Aime and Ursula started to speak at the same time, Aime said, "We've identified core staff by drawing on contacts our current bodyguards have. They are primarily from Special Ops units of several countries. One criterion we have specified is that we prefer those with a high intuition quotient.
"Currently we are planning on having our headquarters in the US or Canada. Although we haven't selected a site, our intent is to have it in the high plains of Montana, North Dakota or north of there in Canada."
"Why there?" asked Terry.
"Primarily geology. The secure data storage will be underground and similar to what N & R were doing. Ideally we would like the headquarters to be in a town with the actual storage site several miles away. The receiving site would also be at least a mile away from the storage site. We would like to link them underground. That way, knowledge of the ground level access to the storage site could be obscured."
"An interesting approach," replied Rusty, "but since the area will be sparsely populated the underground construction would be well known, and what about the debris."
"That is a big concern," replied Carla. "We are open to suggestions, and we were hoping to find a location where the activity could be obscured."
After checking with the Command Staffs Sarah said, "We may be able to assist with the underground storage and tunnels."
Carla, Aime and Gabrielle all smiled on hearing Sarah's comment and Aime said, "We had hopes."
"Before we make a commitment, we need to see more detail in your plans."
"Thank you," responded Carla. "If you have time now we can show you what we have done so far. We would appreciate suggestions on any aspect."
"Since we are all together, let's do it now," said Rusty. "Before we start, let's talk about telepathy. We know the three of you are telepathic, as are some of the agents. How are you going to handle that long term?"
"We've talked about it but haven't reached a decision," said Gabrielle. "We use ours primarily as a danger detector, but we have used it to evaluate new employees for critical positions. Those with a high level of danger intuition we believe are telepathic in a sense or degree. It's just not developed into being a communication mode for them. We've used that mode infrequently, as have some operatives. This has been when it was critical and there was no other choice."
"Good. Your approach is the same as I think we would use, although it may be flawed. So let's hear your plans."
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SupernaturalThe City Who Cried I am a city. Okay, so I'm not the streets, or the buildings, or the people. But I have the last say in a lot of what happens here - everything from traffic lights to dispatching emergency crews to dealing with garbage are under my control. It hadn't always been the case. I was born human, but badly damaged - so badly, they had little choice but to put me in the "shell" program, a way to hook up a human to mechanical frame called a shell. I went to a special...
Naked, Maggie stood in front of the floor length mirror in her bedroom. "Fifteen years," she said to herself. "Fifteen years ago today I graduated from high school. The class of 1969."She looked critically at herself. She was still slender and was more attractive than she had been in high school with character lines making an ordinary face interesting. Her breasts were small. Her nipples were no longer rosy red tips but were now brownish and wrinkled, the consequence of having given birth to...
CheatingKa-dung! Ka-dung! Ka-dung!"Mm-huh?"Caitlyn groaned as the rude racket wrenched her from her sleep. Lying on her belly, the side of her face mashed up against her pillow, she blinked her bleary eyes. She saw nothing. She dragged her fingers, pulling aside her hair draped across her face then blinked again. No good; pitch dark. To her dismay she confirmed what her internal clock was telling her: it was still the middle of the frigging night.Ka-dung! Ka-dung! Ka-dung!“Whuh the…?" She was too tired...
Straight SexInspired by my horny brain, and Salem Helps Yang Bring Remnant Closer Together! This is my first story here, so I'm getting used to this site's format. Weiss grumbled to herself, glancing at her father’s study after a rather, fruitless, meeting with her father, if a meeting it could be called. “Another day, another loss for the family,” She muttered to herself, passing countless servants moving to and fro down the hall, giving none any of her attention as she made it to her room, and shut the...
we both had small backpacks on. our walking sticks in hand, we managed to circumnavigate the poison ivy that lined the small trail by walking the beach a small distance and rejoining the path a few hundred feet further. the tide was quickly rising so any other hikers, would have to run the poison ivy gauntlet or wade the thigh deep water to follow. "wait, wait, jesus don't forget the food is in my backpack." i called out to kim. she stopped, turned to look at me, laughed and called...
It was a delightful little party at my best friend Hugh's house, with about a dozen of us present all told. His parents were out of the city, and with their gracious permission we were granted access to Mr. Blackbourne's stupendous collection of liquor. The drinks offered pleasing warmth on a harsh winter afternoon. It was still light out and we were hesitant to imbibe too much so early, so we'd gathered some chairs in a circle and were swapping stories. Hugh was detailing his...
The story starts at the age of 18, the girl of the story is baisu. To describe her she has the looks of a doll,cute barbi doll. We both were good friends.So as you you know being a small town boy don’t let u to explore the sex world so easily,every thing was new,the only available source of all my friends circle was rohit(my best buddy) he had some secret source and use to provide us with adult magazines and CD.As most of my us didn’t had cd players,and even if we had we were not allowed to use...
After introducing Ben to Paul, we each had a few sips of our beers before Paul approached me. He pushed me back down onto the picnic table face-up, leaving my ass and legs hanging over the edge. Then he kneeled down, spread my legs, and began licking Ben’s cum off of me. Starting at my ankles, he slowly worked his way up both legs, alternating between them until he got to my ass. I was obviously enjoying the unexpected attention, but Ben seemed to be getting into it just as much as me. Just as...
Gay MaleThe Van 2Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...Mark had been watching the girl for a couple of...
Monday was busy because I needed to get the vehicle registered and insured. I actually had to insure it before registering it. The insurance wasn’t that much since it was through the farm bureau. The state registration was almost as much, but it was a one-time fee with annual renewal. Burt and I moved the stock from Mrs. Snyder’s barnyard to ours. I used her tractor and manure spreader to clean her barn area where the stock had been and spread the manure in the fields. I spread some straw in...
I really enjoyed having anal sex with my stepfather. I never knew having anal sex could be so pleasurable. Recently, I went to a local sex shop in my town and bought myself a vibrating anal plug. I really love the vibrations that I feel in my asshole. Since Larry showed me how to get off with my vibrator, I've been playing with that as well. My fiancé travels a lot and currently is in China for a few months. So I’m able to explore with toys and with people. The only person I’ve had sex with is...
Taboo(Special thanks to Davidhog who let me adapt one of his very old stories into a Chyoa format and bring my own twist and adaptation of his writing.) My name is Mark Talmor and I own auto parts store in a nice little town. I am 45 years old and work had been increasingly picking up and I was realizing that I needed an employee to help me out around the shop. So I went online and posted on a job site that I needed A young worker and I would pay $16 dollars an hour. About a week later I logged on...
I arrived at his house, which was one of the biggest I've seen, and Vern opened the door as I walked up. He greeted me with a friendly hug and I couldn't help but to notice he smelled wonderful. It was a very masculine scent, one that I found to really excite me.He was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top which showed off his barreled, gray haired chest nicely.He gave me a tour of his house and his beautiful secluded pool area. It was already dark so the pool lights were on which made the...
Gorgeous blonde lovers Brill Barbie and Asia Ferrante have scheduled a steamy lesbo session together and can’t keep their hands off each other as they start to strip and kiss passionately. They tease and lick their nipples before the real fun starts as these sex hungry lesbians take turns to munch on each other’s pussies before breaking out a glass dildo to share! They are busy enjoying their sex toy when they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Stay tuned to find out what...
xmoviesforyou“You okay, mister?” The girl regarded me as I lay in the empty parking lot.I was not okay. I had slipped on black ice, twisting my ankle and landing hard on my ass. It was embarrassing—I slipped because I turned to check out the girl’s ass when she walked by.The glare from the high light posts was as cold as the February wind and the ice I lay on.On my hands and knees, I crawled over to clear pavement and stood. The girl grabbed my arm to help.“Oww... oh dammit!” It hurt when I put weight on my...
Straight SexHai dear iss telugu readers here ur madan.. Malli vachchanu, eesari naaku jarigina oka sexperience mee thoo chebuthaanu….aa roju neenu okkanne train loo velthunnanu, 1 st cupe.. Naa lower birth edhuruga oka lady thana hubby and oo 18 yrs ammay tho unnadhi vallu oo pakka unnaaru naa pakka neenokkadineee . Night ayyaka dinner chesi vaallu padukunnaru, kindha aame, madhya hubby, paina ammayi. Travel cheesina 6 hrs loo aame naa vankaa adhoola chudadam neenu observe chesanu, neenu aame personality...
“So. James, have you ever had an older woman before?” asks ultra-MILF Amber Lynn Bach as she rubs her future fuck partner’s thigh. “No? That’s such a shame.” It won’t be a shame for much longer,” says Amber, dressed in a tight, strappy dress and skyscraper heels, her titty mounds threatening to snap the thin straps. She takes his hands in hers and rubs her big boobs with them. He squeezes her knockers and gets to know them. “That’s...
xmoviesforyouThe following morning I found Sheel had remained in bed with me and I made good on my promise to make it up to her for yesterday morning being spent with Roya. After breakfast we continued with target practice. As expected, I was very effective with the spear and atlatl. Unexpected, both girls were not bad with the spears and atlatl from the very start and they improved very quickly. After an hour or so, the girls went back to the bow and arrow practice and I went off to hunt. Once I was...
Avalanche is a earth type world. It was less than one third larger than earth with slightly lower gravity. It even had similar seasons, two months for spring, almost six for summer, one for fall and a bit over three for winter. Winter here was extreme though, it even snowed up to two meters on the equator and twenty to forty meters on the high plains. We were better known for some of the animals. All the animals were a type of mammal or marsupial and had eight legs. Bronto Bison were twice as...
Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily “If I am being honest, I feel guilty about bouncing the bean bag off your face to get it into the bucket. Sorry about that,” I chuckled my apology. Neither mom nor I were ever good at giving or accepting apologies so it felt weird apologizing to her. I think she saw apologies as a sign of weakness, even when someone apologized to her. I also suspect that what few apologies she ever made were just a way to get someone to shut up about something she...
Dieter and his fellow kriegsgefangener waited out the war in semi-comfort in Camp McMillan while fortunes turned against Deutschland. The Soviets launched massive attacks in the summer and fall of 1943, driving the Wehrmacht West. The Allies knocked Italy out of the war about the time Dieter and his friends arrived at Camp McMillan in late September, 1943. Gisela’s brother, Georg, had recovered from his wounds from Stalingrad and now was fighting in Italy. The Wehrmacht was girding for the...
When I was 19 years old now, much to the displeasure of the guys in my school, I never went out with any of them who were my age. The reason was because I was and still am seeing a much older man. Jerry who is now 58 is my next door neighbor and our families were so close that his wife used to baby-sit me when I was little. My relationship with him started after an incident in his pool that I will write about in another story, but essentially he put the moves on me when I wasnt expecting it....
I was so excited and horny while getting ready for my date. I bought sexy sheer black lingerie and black heels just for the occasion. I also got my pedicure done because he loves looking at my sexy size 10 feet with a fresh pink pedicure. As I stepped out of the bathroom, my date called with some lame excuse for canceling our date. I was upset but once I calmed down I realized it meant neither dinner nor sex tonight. So I decided to do something about that an order delivery. This way I can hit...
xmoviesforyou(Nightclub, temptress, missed chance, mutual happiness)MondayI didn't have to get up for work the next day. I'd secured a good job through my industrial placement last year, and would start working in Leeds City centre the following Monday. I had the rest of the week to myself and was glad about it; it gave me time to get my head together and to chill out and relax. I had a lie in and it was 10.30 by the time I got up. I stumbled into the bathroom on my floor and showered, the hot water waking...
Introduction: I shared my girlfriend with my best friend The First time sharing Dawn So here I am in my bedroom with my best friend and my girlfriend. Were listening to music and just being teenagers. Im not allowed to close my bedroom door whenever shes in here with me. Even though we are all 18 years old now and graduated earlier this summer. I guess thats the security that we wont be naked making my parents early grandparents. Even with the door open I can hear someone coming down the...
In exploring the streets of this clean and pleasant city I walked by an adult products store. I decided to go in because I wanted to compare it to the ones I have visited in the US and in Prague. This store was like the one in Prague I visited – about twice the number of products one would find in the US plus they were displayed much more attractively. The outside of the stores were not nearly as nice as the inside but still better than the sinister looking ones in the States. Some of the...
Hey there readers this is “Ayobitches” writing my first story in which I made up a plan which I had never thought I would do , which was to trap my maami into fucking her. The story goes on how I used to look at my maami and drool over her assets.Beginning with my maami, she is short about 5 feet 3 and has the most gorgeous face I have ever seen. Her boobs are not that big but enough for a guy,I mean any guy can fall for those lovely titties and she has a slim waist and finally the most...
IncestA faint sprinkle of magic? Where did that come from? It wasn’t strong enough to outright force me to do anything, but I was definitely the target and it attempted to influence me to do what Anna said. I had enough power to resist, which I did, but I couldn’t tell from whom the spell originated. Unless someone cast the spell from far, far away, someone in this room was using. I looked at Rawlings, who seemed to want to avoid the current situation. I didn’t want to believe for a second that...
Chapter 2: Excitement and TragedyAt that moment, I was almost as shocked as Angela and Chad. This was the farthest that the vixen, my wife Ashley, had ever pushed our game. Not only was it the farthest, but it was by far the most public. My stomach was tied in a knot. My mind was a swirl of conflicting thoughts of embarrassment and offense, mixed with a tingling surge of adrenaline. I was obviously aroused, as my cock was still at full attention. Keeping my head down, I watched as Ashley...
NovelsTo doston ye kafi pehle ki baat hei, tab mein College mein 1st year mein tha to January ke mahine mein apne cousin ke wahan gaya tha. Wah log village mein rehte hein to mujhe village ke life style ke are mein janne ka mauka mila. Shayad un dino college mein election ka time tha aur mein College polytics se door rehta tha. Mere Cousin log 4-5 brother hein aur wah sab combine family mein rehte hein. Uss samay mere 3 cousin ki marriage ho chuki thi aur 2 kunware the, iss tarah se karib 12-14...
Chapter one - Thoughtful desireI'm not exactly sure when my desire started, all i know is, that it grew stronger. The first time i really knew it was there was when my mother was cleaning the skirting on the stairs and as she kneeled on each step while she cleaned. I couldn't stop watching her 40 something, still perky and firm ass shaking with each stroke of the cloth. Staring, fantasising about how much i lust for it. But, every time i tried to build up the courage to do something about my...
Asia Vargas makes sure that she is ready and smells fresh before meeting with her client, Pavlos. The beautiful hottie works as a masseuse. Her warm hands can release all the tension in any man’s body while her alluring body can make any guy’s cock hard. It doesn’t take long before Pavlos gets turned on by Asia’s sensual massage. They share a deep kiss before giving their session a happy ending. Asia gives her client a sloppy blowjob without any hesitation. Pavlos...
xmoviesforyouSingle Mother by circe ([email protected]) "So, be honest." Zoe and Emma lay on the queen-sized bed, giggling and wiggling their toes. The little girl was already in her pajamas and was lying on her front, holding her head up in her hands as she watched her mother. Their housemate, Zoe, lay next to her, copying her girlish pose and reaching out to tickle the young girl every so often. Mandy stood in front of them in her underwear, holding two dresses in her hands - one was...
Though I would write a little bit about myself and how I became the girl I am today.The first crazy thing that happened to me happened when I was 19. I had a boyfriend majority of high school, we had our fun. But that ended just before I left for college. The first year of college was pretty uneventful. A few random drunken hookups but nothing worth noting.The crazy event happened when I came home for the summer.To set the scene think of a large farmhouse on at least 10 acres. In ground pool in...
This is a story I found online - its not mine but its a fantasy I have..- - - - - - - - - - - - - My name is Jemma and I am proud to admit that I fuck my daddy.It all started two months ago, on my twenty second birthday. I've always, always got very excited on my birthdays. On this birthday, my excitement was doubled, as my daddy was due to come home from the army. He had been away for six months and I'd missed him desperately. We've always been close, and even though I have two sisters, I've...
You knock on the grand double doors of the huge palace. A butler opens the doors,and you walk into the luxurious mansion.A pretty brunette in a short maid dress greets you,and leads you up the winding marble staircase. Another maid(a red head), opens a door of one of the rooms and you walk in. It is a steam room,misty with steam. There is a jacuzzi. In the jacuzzi sits I.I arise,much to your pleasure. I am wearing a tiny white bikini,which barely covers anything. You stare at my generous...
EroticThey met, they talked, they kissed softly at first, savoring the sweetness of each other. Drawing closer, their lips met as their tongues dueled, each touching, caressing the others. The warmth of their bodies encompassed each other totally, as their desires grew more passionately. He was intoxicated by her luscious beauty as he whispered tenderly - words of love in her ear. He kissed her lips softly, lovingly while touching her mouth to his. He caressed her cheeks, running his tongue down her...
Oral SexI changed shorts. If this kept up, Tide was going to make us family of the year. Or I was going to have to start wearing rubber underwear. (At that time of my life, the only people who wore rubber underwear were the very young and very old. It was a perfectly innocent thought.) I looked in the mirror above my dresser. I wasn't as red as I'd been in the hallway a few minutes ago. I combed my hair, then eased the door open and looked both ways down the hallway. It was empty, so I quietly...
Cocooned By EF666 Chapter 2 Entire textbooks could be written about the dreams I had that night. One stuck with me for a long time, as I'd never recalled a dream with such clarity before. A group of beautiful women had taken me out to a club and I had to dance with everyone. I didn't understand why I was so popular. Everyone has at one point or another has one of those dreams where they suddenly find themselves thoroughly embarrassed in public wearing only their underwear or...
18 year old Mark was in the school toilets at the urinal he was getting verbal abuse from other boys because he was gay, a teacher came in and all the other boys left, the teacher told Mark to hurry up and left, 16 year old Steve entered Mark got worried Steve was a local thug and school bully who gave Mark no end of hassle, Mark waited for the normal verbal abuse and was surprised when none came and was totally surprised when Steve stood at the urinal unzipped his trousers and pulled his dick...
Jack: Mack was moved in by the time I got home that evening -- which probably wasn't hard, since Michael probably had very little clothing with him and Mack had none at all. My women were all kind of standing around, waiting... "What?" I asked, pretending to be put upon. Frieda hung back, grinning. "I thought you were going to get a couple?" Beth said carefully. "I don't NEED another woman," I replied, "I'm hip deep as it is! This way, maybe you girls won't kill me at some point...
[Madjack1]This story starts when I moved jobs she worked in the offices I moved too, I was to start on a monday morning when I got there I was met by the man who was going to train me, I was shown room & met the people who work there including this women who was name Lou over the next few weeks I got to know her wel, then one day she ask if I would go to lunch at a pub on friday I said yes she would be fifty ten years older than me, well when friday dinnertime came we went to the pub on the...
i stood in front and slightly to the side of nikky waiting for them to make the first move, if they even made one. i mentaly told myself that not everyone is like me they dont always fight, maybe this will just be a verbal thing.i looked at the group and sized them up. they all looked physicaly big especialy the one who seemed to be leading the pack. they kept coming until they where about 5 feet away. i tried to get nikky to back up but she stood firm and stared them down. hey...
I went to work. I pottered for much of the morning, and after lunch I phoned Viv and told her in no uncertain terms that I was thoroughly sick of her meddling in my life and that I did not want to see her in the near future. She began her usual 'only trying to help' and her espousal of Ann as my obvious partner now that Jenny was not on the scene. I hung up. I phoned David, telling him what I said, why I said it, and her response. "O hell!" he exclaimed. "I try to stop her but she...
It was early June and I was moving into my new home. After a long search, I’d found a house that I loved, at the edge of a tiny village in central England, with most houses encircling a well-manicured village green. When beginning my property search, I wanted something which allowed enough privacy to explore my exhibitionist side.However, the sense of community which came from the design of houses around the green and views of the surrounding countryside from the large picture windows, had me...
LesbianI was still dating Gloria when my mother warned me that she is not my type of girl. When I asked her why, she said that Gloria is simply not a wife material because she placed her job ahead of everything else. It didn’t make sense to me then, and I did not hesitate in telling my mother what I thought. “She is a hard working girl who is ready to support her partner mum. What is wrong in that?” Nothing was going to convince me that Gloria was not right for me, and my mother quickly understood...
I met with the men first. To put it bluntly, they were the most important. Our biggest issue with the men was the fact that most came from different villages. While they were all River People, and most were fishermen, a lot of them were suspicious of each other; particularly the men who’d been captured and used as slaves. It meant getting them all to come together as a single group was hard. In fact, I had to meet each major group of men separately first before moving on to the next stage;...
Everyone in this story is of legal age of consent, any similarities to anyone living or dead is definitely intended to make you mind run wild. This story is the work of an overactive mind that is over stimulated by a young woman....How many times am I going to let her catch me looking at her cleavage? I try to be sly, but I have been looking at her so often for so long she knows I love to see her ample bosom. I wonder how she feels about my attention. Sometimes she seems to want to hide, but...
Far in the distance the morning sun reflected searing shafts of silvery light from the vehicle's skin. Rasida blinked into her far seeker against the glare. Barely glancing to the left she uttered the single word, 'dushtu, ' and felt the subtle movement as two riders promptly peeled off. "Why the precaution?" Rada, on her right, asked. "Practice," she grinned back. She took off her black cap and wiped the perspiration from her forehead. Glancing up into the sky she told Rada it was...
“Hi. We're going for lunch. Want to join us?” It was my mother talking. She had just found me leaving her friend Edna's house, she and their other friends Dorothy and Grace having just “happened” to park in Edna's street to walk to the pub.As I left her house this time we had just enjoyed an incredible morning of water sports as part of our programme of taking the self-consciousness out of sex and just doing whatever we wanted, the more taboo the better. What we had nominally been doing was...