Janet s First Squirt
- 3 years ago
- 52
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It was nearly midnight when Ray unlocked the door to Jan's apartment. He eased it open until he could slip inside without letting in very much light from the hall. Pausing, he looked around the barely lit room. He quickly determined that the layout was very similar to Alena's condo, so he started toward the bedrooms. Entering the hall he could see that both bedroom doors were open. Inside the first bedroom, he saw someone on the bed. After taking out a syringe containing a drug, he slipped into the room, moving next to the bed. He then realized that he should have checked the other bedroom, but decided he could silence this person by holding their head against the pillow while the drug took effect. As he moved, he felt something behind him, just before the room went dark.
Ray woke to find himself hogtied on the floor. His shirt was pulled back over his arms and his pants were around his ankles. His mouth was filled with cloth. He looked up to see Jan holding the three syringes he had brought in her hand. Taking one of the syringes, Jan slowly brought it down to his hip and slowly pushed the needle in. After injecting the contents, she rubbed the area, spreading the drug out to speed its absorption.
"Ray, how long before it takes effect?" Ray's eyes widened in surprise at hearing his name. "Answer my question, wimp!"
"Thirty minutes," muttered Ray through his muffled mouth.
Jan reached down and pulled the rag out of his mouth. "Keep your voice down and answer my question."
"Thirty minutes."
"Bull shit." Jan stared at Ray watching his face as he squirmed. After a few moments, she put a foot on his knee and said, "Lay still or I will break your knee with a swift kick."
"You won't get away with this. My friends are waiting outside for my signal to come in."
"Friends? You have friends? Why would your friends be interested in me?"
"They want a cop to perform in their live sex shows as a victim. I told them they could have you if they got me the drugs."
"So, you wanted me, as well as Alena?"
"Yes. After some conditioning and training the bitch will think of nothing else except working in live sex shows. It will be a pleasure to watch the kids learn about sex from their mother's performances, while they serve as a guest's companion."
"You are a sick bastard. What did you say the signal was?"
"Fuck you."
Jan reached down to grab his testicles in her hand and began to squeeze. "Now answer my question, wimp!"
It only took a couple of moments before he said, "Flash the porch light twice."
"Good." Jan gave his testicles a final hard squeeze before shoving the rag back into his mouth. She then went to the front door. After looking out the peep hole, she flashed the front light and stepped behind the door. A few minutes later, the door opened. Two men slowly entered the living room. Once both were inside, Cass tripped the second man causing him to fall, hitting his head hard on a table as he fell to the floor. Jan knocked the first man out before he could say a word, and then quickly cuffed both of them thinking, "That was handy." She pulled their pants down and tied their ankles together with their belts. Getting two coat hangers, she secured the belts around their ankles to their cuffs. She turned the light on and was surprised by who she saw. She thought, "I'm going to have to get this place fumigated now."
Jan went into her room to get her phone book. After looking through it for a few moments she reached for the phone, and then hesitated. She muttered to herself, "This is the only solution." She picked up the phone and dialed the number. After speaking with the person on the other end for a few moments she hung up. Realizing that she didn't want anyone to recognize her, she pulled a stocking over her head before picking up several other old, dirty stockings and returning to the living room. She gave the last two men injections from the syringes Ray had brought, and then, after stuffing the stocking's panties into their mouths, tied the stocking over their eyes and mouths,. She tied another stocking over Ray's eyes and mouth. She went into the kitchen for a knife. Returning to the living room she began cutting the clothes off each man. She replaced the belt around their ankles with wire from a coat hanger. When she had finished, she looked at them and snapped her fingers. She went into the kitchen again, this time returning with some cotton balls and a shortening can. She dabbed a cotton ball into the shortening until it was saturated, then, after rolling it into a small ball, stuffed it in one of their ears. Once she had filled each ear with a ball of greased cotton, she gathered up the rags they once wore and took them into the kitchen.
She waited in the living room to keep an eye on the three as they struggled to get free. Cass also waited, still cloaked, to make sure that Jan didn't have any problems. Nearly two hours passed before there was a quiet tap on the door. As Jan walked to it, there were two more taps. After checking the peep hole, she opened the door, letting in three women. Each hugged Jan before going over to look at the three men.
"Their ears are plugged so we can talk softly, or we can go into the other room."
"Let's go into the other room, but stand so we can see them."
Once they were in the kitchen, one of the visitors softly said, "Jan, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes. The two closest to the door deserve any punishment, even more than the other one. The police suspect that they are trafficking women but don't have any evidence. Every woman they have been involved with has left town shortly after they broke up. When family members came looking for the women, they couldn't find any trace of them, so, draw your own conclusions. Maybe they will talk for you. I am certain the other one was going to trap a single widowed mother into working in a sex show, and sell her three children to pedophiles."
"What should we do with the money we get for them?"
"It is yours to keep, as long as you deliver them to the most severe mistresses you can find."
With that, trunks were brought inside. Each trunk was laid on its side and one of the men rolled into it so they faced the padded bottom. The trunk was then turned upright and pads placed on all sides before cuffs were fastened to their ankles and wrists. A chain from the cuffs passed through a hole in the top pad and was fastened to a cross bar. The lid was closed and locked. The four women carried the trunks out to the van at the curb. Cass quietly monitored the area to ensure that no-one saw the events taking place.
Once the last trunk was in the van, each woman gave Jan a hug. One woman looked at Jan and said, "Jan you are a wonderful person, I wish we fit together better than we did. Stay in touch. Don't worry about these three as they will not come back to haunt you or your friend."
"Thanks. You are very dear to me, and I also wish we had fit together better."
Jan watched as the van pulled away, before returning to her condo.
It was 4 PM the next day when Alena returned to her condo. When she entered the door, she said, "Everything is done. Let's go home!"
"So, the presentation went well?"
"You know it did. I felt all of you with me. That has to be the coolest feeling."
"You might want to say good-bye to Jan before we leave."
"Sure, if she is home. You guys should come with me."
"She is home."
"We're ready to go, right?" said Alena.
"Yes. The mementos you wanted are in the scout ship. It is waiting out back. The law firm has its instructions and all of your accounts have been closed, effective tomorrow."
"Then let's go say good-bye to Jan."
Alena knocked on Jan's door. It was a few moments before Jan opened the door, looking half asleep.
"Gee, I am sorry I woke you up," said Alena.
"No, that is fine. I was up later than usual last night, and fortunately today is a day off. What brings you by?"
"I came to say good-bye, but I also wanted you to meet my other friends, since I understand you met Briana by the mailboxes." With that, Alena introduced the four women with her.
"Come in. Sorry, I should have said that sooner."
"That's alright. We can only stay a moment as we are headed home."
"Alena, you can be frank with her."
"Where are the children?"
"They are on Dóchas. It is our new home."
Jan looked at both Tara and Maeve for a long moment, then at Briana and Cass. "Let's see, if I remember right, the only time I have heard of Dóchas recently has been in the newscasts talking about space ships. So, am I to take it you are joining the group on the space ships. Órarduine, I believe they call themselves."
"You are correct. They are Órarduine," replied Alena, with a broad smile. "In a few weeks, I will also be an Órarduine. Tara and Maeve are two members of my clan."
"Wow, that was quick." Jan's expression showed her concern for her friend.
"Yes. It is very quick, by Earth's standards. There are aspects of our interpersonal interactions that let us be more open with each other. In many cases, this results in our being able to build deep friendships more quickly than is possible between humans."
"I can hear the sincerity in your voice, and see the warmth you have for your friends in your eyes. Alena, I have always admired you, and I wish you the best."
"Jan, let's be honest, you also lusted after me." Jan blushed. "Thank you for that. Although we didn't connect, I really appreciate the thought." Alena drew Jan into a hug, and gave her a very intense kiss. As they separated, Alena said, "Thanks again for everything."
"Can we do that again? I need more practice." Everyone laughed at Jan's remark.
Maeve, Tara, Briana and Cass then each gave Jan a hug and a stirring kiss before they prepared to depart.
"Alena, what is going to happen to your condo?"
"I gave it to an organization that helps military families who need assistance. I hope the neighbors don't mind, as I suspect a family won't stay there for more than a year."
"You can tell the organization they can use me for a local contact."
"I'll do that. Thanks." Alena gave Jan another hug and kiss before they left. The group walked down and around the corner of the building and into the waiting scout ship.
"She is a pretty neat person. It is a shame she lives alone."
"Alena, she will find her special person soon. Her seeing you with Tara and Maeve has given her the idea that she may be too selfish in trying to have an exclusive arrangement with one person."
"Well, I wish the best for her."
Tara and Maeve stood with Alena between them while they looked at Earth become smaller as they headed home.
Sarah's Clan, along with Alena's children, were waiting in the hangar on Dóchas when Alena and the others returned. As soon as Alena stepped out of the shuttle, her children ran up and hugged her.
"Mom," said Kennith, "I am sure glad you are home now."
"I'm glad to be back. Briana, Cass, Tara and Maeve were a lot of help. I don't think I could have done this without them."
"Jan would have been there to help you," replied Kennith. "She really liked you." Alena's daughters, Iris and Marnia, both nodded their heads in agreement.
"We stopped by her place before we left, to say good-bye. She is a very nice person, but we just never connected on the level she desired."
"Mom, when will we start our conversion?" asked Iris.
"Probably in a day or two. We will all do it at the same time."
"Good. Will we be telepathic then?"
"I don't know. You need to ask Judy."
"We will," replied Marnia.
Alena was then greeted by her spouses with hugs and kisses. "Is coming back from a trip always like this?" asked Alena, as she hugged Rusty. Holding Rusty, Alena looked around and saw that the others who had been with her were being welcomed home in the same way.
"Usually when only part of our clan goes somewhere," replied Rusty.
"Does our mind-link always dim when we are separated?"
"Yours probably did because it is still growing," replied Judy. "Once your conversion is completed, you will find your link with us much stronger. During the conversion, you will probably gain some additional psionic attributes, though gain is not really the right word, 'become aware of them' is a better way to phrase it."
"Wow, more stuff to figure out how to it works," replied Alena. "I guess I have a lot to learn."
"Darling, we all do, but much of it will come quickly. Many of the tools and knowledge that we have here are fantastic, but it is taking all of us time to learn the best way to use them."
While they had been talking, Sarah's Clan had walked back to their suite. Alena's spouses had helped carry her boxes of mementos.
"Alena," said Rusty, "it was a pretty neat idea you had, giving your condo to the military dependents support group."
"I'd like to take the credit, but I think it was Maeve who came up with the idea when we were talking about finding an agent to sell it. I was really surprised when they told me it was paid off, so that really made the idea practical. Besides, the support group was a lot of help when we moved the last time, and again after Scott was reported missing in action."
After dinner Marsha said, "Rusty, Sarah, could you meet with GISS and several others at An Clochán tomorrow?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"Well, I'm not sure how to say this, but Ursula, John and I think GISS should disappear as an entity. You can call our proposal a reorganization, but it is really more than that."
"Based on what the Council of Brothers tried, I think we agree. It was handy to use GISS as a contact point for us initially. Unfortunately that caused some people to think that they were a part of us."
"You agree?"
"Yes. We don't have a problem with it. Why?"
"We were concerned about how you would take it, since you two started the company."
Rusty and Sarah chuckled. "Well, actually, I think it was more than just the two of us. When we started the company, we thought there were only eight of us. This was before we knew much about Dóchas, its people and its history. Our initial purpose was to have a way to do something, since we thought life on the island wouldn't be challenging enough. We set it up so we could do the work we were familiar with, but do virtually everything remotely, as we didn't feel we could go on-site. Between Bob of Nancy's Clan and ourselves, we had enough contacts to find reliable contractors for any on-location work. As you know, events drew us in a very different direction. Aren't some of the staff from Craigly's operation running GISS now?"
"Yes. They think that starting up a new organization with a charter similar to your original one will fill a definite need. They are proposing that they buy up all the remaining GISS contracts, as a way of getting a quick start. They are considering locating their headquarters in the high plains of North America, along the Canadian border. Their prime site considerations are security, communication and reasonably easy access."
"Why that area?"
"They think that by carefully selecting the location they can pick an excellent location for secure storage."
"We had talked about something along those lines at one time, but I am not sure what happened to the idea."
"We are planning on meeting at An Clochán at 0900 local time."
"Okay, we will be there. Terry and Sally may come with us."
"Fine. See you then."
It was during breakfast on Dóchas when Alena said, "Judy, the children were asking when they would be telepathic. I didn't know the answer, so I suggested they talk to you."
"I believe they are already telepathically active. We need to sit down with them and see why they are asking. Our children were telepathic when they were born, and since then their ability has grown as they have grown. My suspicion is that their question was misstated."
"At the time they seemed kind of anxious, so could we talk to them after breakfast?"
"Sure, have them meet us in the medical center."
"Gee, it looks like they've left already. I'm not sure where they went."
"You should be able to tell them telepathically."
"Boy that was dumb. I didn't even think of that."
"Not dumb. Telepathic communication is new resource, so it will take time until you reach for the best means of communicating. I can assure you that we had the same difficulty. Verbal and telepathic communication each have their own advantages. Even though it has been nearly 6 years, we still overlook our abilities at times."
"Kennith. Iris. Marnia. Judy and I would like to meet you in the medical center in half an hour so we can answer your questions about telepathic communication."
"We will be there, mom," replied the three children.
"Interesting," said Judy in response to Alena and her children's exchange. "They responded immediately to your request, so I wonder what their questions are really going to be about." Alena just shrugged.
Alena and Judy were waiting in the medical center when the children arrived. After greeting each other Judy asked, "So how do you guys like life on a space ship?"
"It is great," said Iris, with Kennith and Marnia nodding their agreement.
"It would be even better if Dad was here," added Kennith.
"You miss him?"
"Sure, we all do," replied Marnia. "But if I had to have a substitute dad, he couldn't be any better than Rusty, Adam or Todd." Iris and Kennith indicated they agreed.
"What is so special about those three?" asked Judy, since the specificity of the reply puzzled her.
"I have had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with them. If they are doing something that I can help with, they let me. They treat me like a person, rather than a child. Dad always treated me that way."
"I expect you will find a lot of the men in our family are the same way."
"Oh, we have," responded Iris. "To us though, those three are still different. Maybe saying they are special is a better way to explain it. You can look at my thoughts, if it would help."
"It may," replied Judy. "Can we hold that for a minute, so we can sort out the question you asked your mother about telepathy and species conversion?"
"We may have phrased that wrong, too. We were trying to sort out what happens to us during the species change. We think we understand the physical side, but the information regarding its effect on telepathy is not very clear."
"Let's share this way," said Judy. "Each of you can understand me clearly, just as if I was speaking verbally, right?"
Kennith, Iris and Marnia replied, "Yes. Really, more so."
"Since I am now one of your parents, you realize that I can sense the meaning of your thoughts, but not the details, unless I specifically look. It is a special part of our clan's mind-link." The three nodded. "That is so we have another way to assist you as you grow up. We can share specific memories with you, to help in understanding why you should or shouldn't do something."
"We like that," said Kennith. "We realized that after Mom became a part of your clan. I think that if we had known about it before-hand, we might have been reluctant to consider the conversion, but not now. We understand Mom a lot better now than we did before as there is much less guessing about her intent, or the why of her comments."
"It is nice to feel the love all of you have for us," said Marnia. "Before, we knew Mom loved us, but now we know the intensity of her feelings for us, even when she is irritated with us." Alena blushed a bit, and Iris was quick to hug her.
"I don't think she gets irritated with you very often," replied Judy.
"Not now. Thanks to telepathy, we understand each other better," responded Marnia.
"So telepathy works quite well for the three of you? After your conversion, you will likely find communicating that way a little more natural. I think your question was directed more toward other psionic abilities." The three young adults nodded their heads. "These usually express themselves during the onset of puberty, although some children know what their abilities will be before reaching that stage. So it will probably be at least two of our years before you know what new abilities you may have, and then another two years for them to develop to the point you can use them. The time span may be longer or shorter for each step. Telepathy is the key psionic ability for us, any others are just icing on the cake."
"So, after the conversion, we will look similar to our brothers and sisters?" asked Marnia.
"Yes. Your stature will be similar to theirs. Your feet and ankles will change during the conversion, and you will need to wear special shoes afterward. These will need to be worn all the time for several months as your bodies complete the adaptation to the changes. You will have a mane and tail. Your hair will be somewhat longer than it is now and will then grow to be a similar length to the other children. There will be some improvements to your eyesight and a few other things which we will go over when the conversion is done."
"Why do we need to wear the shoes?" asked Kennith.
"They are to give your legs and feet the support they need while they finish their adaptation. Once your conversion is complete, the shoes are optional. So, have I answered your questions about telepathy?"
"Yes," replied all three.
"Now let's go back to Marnia's comment about Rusty, Adam and Todd being special." The three nodded. "I suspect that you see them as special because you feel their intense love for each of you as an individual. There have been other men in your lives, but you never knew the intensity of their feelings for you, except for maybe your father. Each of you is reciprocating their love for you. Knowing you are reciprocating their love is a new sensation to you. The new awareness is because you are telepathically sharing your emotions and know how they feel. Okay?"
"Thank you," said Marnia, as she put her arms around Judy and gave her a kiss on the lips. As she kissed Judy, she gently probed Judy's lips with her tongue. Judy parted her lips to accept Marnia's tongue and they caressed each other's tongue. When they parted, Marnia said, "Did I show you how much I love you?"
"Yes, you did, but I already knew how much you loved me. Caressing each other's tongues during a kiss is something we usually reserve for when we share our love physically. You are still a little young for that kind of sharing."
"I know." After Marnia stepped away from Judy, Kennith hugged and kissed Judy in much the same way Marnia had. He received the same admonishment.
"Judy, I want to kiss and hug you like they did," said Iris, as she hugged Judy and kissed her. "I know I am too young to go further, but perhaps when I am older, we can share the physical side."
"We shall see. Regardless of sharing our love physically, I will always love you, even when I admonish you for an error."
"We know. See you at dinner!" said the three, as they headed for the door to the medical center.
"Wow," said Alena, after the children left. "I didn't realize how much they had grown. You did a great job of handling their questions."
"I think, if you look at your memories, you will find that all of us were responding to their concerns."
"My gosh, it was us. I didn't even realize it."
When Sarah, Sally, Terry and Rusty arrived at the conference room at An Clochán, they found Marsha's and Ursula's Clans waiting for them. They had just finished greeting them when Carla, Aime, and Gabriele arrived, sparking another round of greetings.
Once they had all sat down Rusty asked, "How can we help you?"
Carla, Aime and Gabriele grinned as Carla responded with, "From our perspective, we think we can assist you." Seeing the raised eyebrows, she added, "We owe your family a great deal. If it had not been for our rescue some 3 years ago, our life would have been ... well let's just say a nightmare. We feel we are further indebted due to you providing us with full access to GISS resources. This was especially critical during the time we sought to gain control of our families' holdings. So we would like to facilitate recasting GISS so that it can continue with its mission, which we think is both profitable and a contributor to general stability."
"As far as rescuing you all, we just did what we thought was the right thing to do," responded Rusty. "Rather than feeling indebted to us, we would prefer that you 'pay it forward', which in a sense is what you are proposing."
"Do you really think you can break the link?" asked Sarah.
"We believe so," responded Gabriele, "as not very much has been disclosed about where we were between the last time our acquaintances saw us and when we asserted our claims against the estates. While some know that our personal security staff work for GISS, they aren't exclusively GISS operatives as they've worked for other organizations."
Sarah asked, "How are you going to do this?"
"Well we are thinking about calling the new firm C & M Security Services, providing personal and network security."
"C & M?"
"The letters stand for Creidne and Morrigan, if anyone asks. We need to ask them if it is okay."
"Are you sure you want to leave out Fidelma?"
"Oops..." responded Amie, "we should have included her as well. They are neat people, and not quite like they are portrayed in literature."
"At the risk of diverting us, why do you say that?" asked Terry.
"Well the references to them in literature only acknowledge elements of their character," responded Gabrielle. "This is likely due to the way the information was preserved."
Carla said, "Our plans are to form C F & M Security Services then staff it. Initially the company will focus on providing services for us."
"Once they are operational," said Marsha, "we will send notices to our current customers indicating our closure. C F & M Security Services will be one of those we suggest as a replacement for the services provided by GISS. We will assure them that we will continue to provide services until they've found a suitable replacement."
"Good," replied Sally. "What about staff?"
Both Aime and Ursula started to speak at the same time, Aime said, "We've identified core staff by drawing on contacts our current bodyguards have. They are primarily from Special Ops units of several countries. One criterion we have specified is that we prefer those with a high intuition quotient.
"Currently we are planning on having our headquarters in the US or Canada. Although we haven't selected a site, our intent is to have it in the high plains of Montana, North Dakota or north of there in Canada."
"Why there?" asked Terry.
"Primarily geology. The secure data storage will be underground and similar to what N & R were doing. Ideally we would like the headquarters to be in a town with the actual storage site several miles away. The receiving site would also be at least a mile away from the storage site. We would like to link them underground. That way, knowledge of the ground level access to the storage site could be obscured."
"An interesting approach," replied Rusty, "but since the area will be sparsely populated the underground construction would be well known, and what about the debris."
"That is a big concern," replied Carla. "We are open to suggestions, and we were hoping to find a location where the activity could be obscured."
After checking with the Command Staffs Sarah said, "We may be able to assist with the underground storage and tunnels."
Carla, Aime and Gabrielle all smiled on hearing Sarah's comment and Aime said, "We had hopes."
"Before we make a commitment, we need to see more detail in your plans."
"Thank you," responded Carla. "If you have time now we can show you what we have done so far. We would appreciate suggestions on any aspect."
"Since we are all together, let's do it now," said Rusty. "Before we start, let's talk about telepathy. We know the three of you are telepathic, as are some of the agents. How are you going to handle that long term?"
"We've talked about it but haven't reached a decision," said Gabrielle. "We use ours primarily as a danger detector, but we have used it to evaluate new employees for critical positions. Those with a high level of danger intuition we believe are telepathic in a sense or degree. It's just not developed into being a communication mode for them. We've used that mode infrequently, as have some operatives. This has been when it was critical and there was no other choice."
"Good. Your approach is the same as I think we would use, although it may be flawed. So let's hear your plans."
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Hey, friends, I’m Aakash, a 19 years old tall and energetic guy, from western suburbs of Mumbai. Today I will narrate my best experience of making love with a mature lady whom I meet at the railway station. I had a lot of experience in having sex but this is no doubt my one of the best experience. Please send your feedback and valuable though to my mail I’d The heroine of the story – Mrs. Anuja(name changed), 36d-32-36 of 5feet 4 inches, aged maybe 34 yrs., milky with short hair till...
Silly Rabbit part six by Vonya Lee 'We had an excellent day together, Chris and I. We cooked, we cleaned, we read 'Vogue' and 'Cosmo' together, we took a nap. He's becoming so very sweet. I love the new Chris. He's acting more and more feminine and less and less masculine all the time. He doesn't do anything remotely mannish anymore. Having to sit to pee is an excellent trainer for boys. Making him sit calmly rather than standing and spraying wildly has...
So that's it ... isn't it? He always wanted me as his wife/lover/mistress. Last night it might have felt official to me, but to Jake, I have been growing into that since the beginning. He was not in a rush before and he's not in a rush now. But I am ... I want to feel him inside of me. Mom will not be home for two more days. I will get his cock inside me tonight. I get a text from mom. She asks how everything is. I text back things are OK. I think she is waiting for me to join her. She...
Title: Wonder Woman takes one for the team Author: slaveboyusa Date: 12/11/2009 Please send comments to: [email protected] Synopsis: Wonder Woman’s car breaks down in the middle of the suburbs. Wonder Woman becomes the prisoner of two boys. They have something nasty in store for her. Wonder Woman was driving through a residential part of town one Saturday afternoon. The weather was warm, so she let down the top of her convertible. The wind was playing with her long...
My Second Husbandbychasvt©My name is Amy. I work at a large company as the assistant to the VP in charge of new product development. I've been married to my husband Jim for 6 years and have two lovely c***dren. Jim and I met in high school and have been an item since. The summer after graduation Jim took me on a weeklong camping trip and forgot to pack condoms. We had been sexually active for the past 4 months and took every opportunity to have sex but never without a condom. The first few...
School was going okay for me. People were spending their time gossiping about the most recent scandals that had happened. My problems were now old news. I was just starting to feel comfortable again. Lisa had started dating Jack Hardesty the week before. He was a senior, more into academics than athletics, a real departure from Lisa's normal type. I hadn't received any new phone calls from her asking me to come over to her house to "study". I wasn't flirting with any of the girls now....
It was a cold winter day. John's school was cancelled all week due to a huge snow storm hitting. It still hasn't stopped. Since there was no school, and nothing else to do, John did what every teenage boy would do, he masturbated. While John was in his own world of sexual fantasy, little did he know his sister, Ashley, was watching him through a crack in the door. After John finally came, he lay there for another minute. Once he sat up and noticed his sister watching him, it was too late. Pure...
IncestCharles had dinner with his mom that night. She cooked him roast chicken with sliced potatoes, beans, and made him mushroom soup. They were dining at the dining hall. "Mom can I go out on Friday night with the guys? The guys are planning to go watch a film at the Theatres," Charles said. "Of course you can hun. So you are all going to go to the cinema huh. I have never been to the cinema here. You ever been there yet?" she asked him. "Well this is my first time. We are going to go...
It had been 4 years since I‘d seen my br0ther. He’d moved overseas for work and his visits back home had coincided with me being away also. Nevertheless we had always been close and he’d been the perfect big br0ther to me while we were growing up, being 6 years older. I was only 16 when he left home and was at University when he moved overseas. He was always protective of me and I always loved being near him and had often fantasized that he would be my protector and lover. He had a great...
The other night was my Christmas night out from where I work, it was a rather fancy dinner dance where every one can get dressed up and have a few drinks and let there hair down, oh and yes try and get that Christmas kiss and a bit more if they are lucky !!!!!!!. I got well dressed up, as soon as I arrived I was bought drinks from the guys that work in the factory area of my company and being polite I didn’t refuse so you can imagine it didn’t take me long to start feeling a little pissed. I...
As she told me her story, I had been constantly licking her spread pussy, tasting what her lover had left inside and involuntarily grinding my hard cock into the sheets below. Once my wife had finisher her adventures, she asked me to roll over and as I did, she obviously saw the puddle of precum that was left behind.“Seriously?” she said, partially laughing, “you didn’t cum yet, did you?”“No” I replied, “Not yet…. ““Well, it would have been okay of you had” she said with a laugh, then added,...
Hi guys, Ashwini here. I guess you have read my first and second story. The day for which everyone was waiting -the weekend – finally arrived. As I know the whole week, I was horny and enjoyed the exhibition of my body. The day started. I woke up early and saw my roommate still sleeping so I started to play with myself. I was about to have an orgasm but suddenly my roommate woke up so I had to stop and start getting ready for office. But I was totally horny inside and needed a great orgasm. I...
I met my gf at a party. Immediately fell in love with each other. Our relationship was a bit weird and crazy, but it was cool. After some time I started to getting know her fantasies. She was very submissive kind of girl. We started to roleplay and have fun, me as her master and she as my slave. After some time it started to affect our everyday life. She was more and more submissive and i had a lot of ideas to have fun with her. She is very hot girl in her mid 20's, short, blonde with slim...
A short time later I was sitting in the lounge of the house, tears trickling down my face as I sipped at a large glass of brandy I'd been provided with. I was wearing only the security chief's black evening jacket which hung round me like a tent and easily protected my modesty. Cunningham himself and Haga, the man in charge of the domestic staff, were stood on either side of me while a furious Mr Foster, my employee, stalked back and forth across the room like a caged tiger. Being held by...
Eric thinks he’s a sex god now that he’s been getting some, but Donna can’t help but laugh at him. They’re interrupted in their conversation by Kelso and Jackie, who have come to Eric’s room to fuck because it’s Kelso’s favorite bed to shag in. Eric lets them know about his new sex god status, but Kelso and Jackie are inclined to agree with Donna. Jackie claims Kelso is a sex god, then pulls his pants down to blow him as a demonstration of his godly...
xmoviesforyouI woke up the next morning and both girls were still asleep next to me, Ella on my left and Lily on my right. I still couldn’t believe that I was dating, and fucking, Ella. Now that Lily had joined the party, I was in heaven. I wanted to wake up like this every day. I got out of bed and stood at the foot, just watching my two gorgeous girls sleep. I started getting ready for school when I looked at my calendar and noticed the date. It was May 25 th , the prom was this weekend and I still...
Ein Wochenende Erstes Kapitel Es war Freitagnachmittag gegen drei Uhr als Peter, von der Arbeit kommend,das Haus betrat. Ein wenig müde nach einer anstrengenden Arbeitswoche,freute er sich jetzt auf ein paar ruhige Tage zusammen mit seiner Frau. DieKinder waren am Morgen zu den Großeltern gefahren und werden erst Sonntagabendzurück sein. So hatten Charlotte und er das Wochenende mal für sichallein. Sie hatten sich vorgenommen richtig auszuspannen und die Zweisamkeit zu genießen.Er hatte...
Mark There’s bad news and then really bad news that comes your way once in a while. I had two major doses of it on Monday morning. I’d been talked into a late start at work so that we could all have a relaxed breakfast, plus bid goodbye to Troy and Janet, and Dan and Sandy. That was fun and we had a heart warming parting. Their departure went like clockwork and they were out the door before seven a.m. to catch their flight to Atlanta. My first bout of news I didn’t want to hear came from...
Training of a Sissy Whore Part 1Full permission is granted to reproduce this work, provided credit is given to the author.The following is an adult story. If you are not 18, you cannot read it. If you are offended by sexually oriented material, stop now.This is my first attempt at writing a story any comments would be appreciated email.* * * * *I met Bill and Jane through an advert they placed in a contact magazine. The ad read "Dominate professional couple, early forties, seek submissive bi...
said, "Hello?" "Janice" a smooth male voice said. "Good morning." "Hello" said Janice wondering who it was that knew her first name when she did not recognise the voice. The voice on the phone said "unlock your front door so that I can come into your house and then go stand in your front room" the voice continued "In five minutes, no matter what you're doing, you'll stop and be unable to move or speak." With out replying Janice hung up a nutter she thought. As she put the...
Reddit Stacked, aka r/Stacked! If it’s one thing I can always rely on as an absolute fact, it’s the small difference between Ass guys and Boobs guys. It’s probably 55-45, with Ass guys in the lead, but there are enough Boobs guys out there to run a small country - especially on this one particular Subreddit. I mean, everyone’s got an ass, but only girls have boobs - sometimes pretty fat guys do too, but that’s beside the point. Who can deny two gorgeous fleshy obs of infinite jiggliness? Is...
Reddit NSFW List“Get you stupid hands off of me!” Penelope shouts as she is manhandled through the castle. King Gunter allowed her to at least dress so that she is not paraded throughout the walls of the castle before everyone. “I am a student of the East School of Witchery and tell will not be happy with the way you’re treating me.” You mean us... “I will make sure you two are the first on my list,” she threatens. Somehow I doubt that is going to work. “I have powerful friends.” No you don’t. Neither...
He entered the little cafe and immediately saw her. She was turning her back to him like he had asked her, and she was tense. He could see it even from a distance. Her hair was in a braid, a white pashmina on her shoulder, and she wore a blue shirt and jeans, as she had promised.He approached the table without saying a word and he could see she knew he was approaching because her back straightened. He caressed her hair, then her neck, and then with both hands, started to relax her...
Straight SexSo it all started after my mom died. Tragedy has always seemed to run in my family, at least when it came to death. Dad died shortly after I was born, my grandparents on either side were also deceased, and my parents were both only children. Luckily in many ways mom married rich, live very rich, like nine figure rich. I never quite understood how it ended up happening, this filthy rich man falling in love with mom, until after she died. So, my stepdad, I’ll call him Frank, could have easily...
When James was 17 years old his Father Trevor Talbot was killed while trying to rob a bank. Apparently Trevor had lost a very large sum of money gambling, to pay his debt he borrowed money from a Russian crime boss who charges very high interest. Trevor did pay his gambling debt but now he owes money to the Russian crime boss, Trevor tried his best to pay back the money but the interest was too high. Trevor never told Helen and James about his gambling debt and that he borrowed the money from...
Wale is a respectable gentleman, married for three years to Gloria, his friend for over a decade.Gloria is a delectable lady, with perfect curves and color... she's in her late twentiesSteph is a thirty-four years old colleague of Wale's and a friend to Gloria!From onset, Gloria has never been able to satisfy Wale sexually, even before marriage, but he decided to put his unrelenting sexual urge secondary and tie the knots with his best friend.I'll take you back to two years before the...
CheatingAuthor’s Note: The final chapters are here. Please comment and let me know what you think! Thank you. *** Chapter 21 A week later, Karen appeared at Ben’s doorstep with a smile on her face. Ben was surprised by her visit, but he invited her in. ‘Where’s River?’ she asked as soon as she took a seat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of her. ‘Elle took him out to get a treat for getting an A for his Math test,’ Ben answered. ‘Oh, she shouldn’t have had to reward him,’ Karen...
The rising sun shining in his eyes awoke Noah from his sleep. It was not a deep sleep, due to his current circumstances, but he at least felt rested. It was his first dawn in this new world. He and Tin were lying on a pile of pine boughs, keeping them off the ground and insulated, and wrapped in the canvas wagon cover, which they were using as both a tarp and a blanket. The freed slave was snuggled up tightly against him, both for warmth, and out of affection. The term “freed slave” fit her...
Rachna was living in Mumbai with her husband. She was a medium-height woman with a milky white complexion. Even at 45, she had maintained a hot figure of 38D/34/40. She was a traditional Indian woman who often wore a saree, making her look hotter. Rachna was married for more than 25 years and had two teenage sons, both studying in college. Her sex life was never good. When she was newly married, her husband used to fuck her once or twice a week which gradually declined over the years. After her...
Virtually Twisted By D.A.W. The following story is set in Morpheus's Twisted Universe. All characters, any locations in the town Clearville, and the town Clearville itself are my own creation. Any resemblance to real life individuals events or locations is purely unintentional. Only Fictionmania, and tgstorytime.com have permission to post this story Before reading this story, I recommend you read Morpheus's three twisted stories: Twisted, Twisted Pink and Hair and Now before...
"Paris!" Sarah shrieked, setting down her drawing pad and embracing Elliot. "Yes of course," said an embarrassed Elliot. Henri looked surprisingly amused when he glanced at him. Henri had been full of surprises lately. Magic happened to Henri, Marjorie magic. The first couple weeks had been as hellish as expected. The first day he met Marjorie, Henri had threatened to leave for Paris and tromped out the studio door. Sophie took care of that, catching him outside her office and...
Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 14 – Sex at the MansionThe ride back to the house was mostly a discussion about the women following me at the tournament tomorrow and Jen’s daughter Kris arriving and, of course, Amy taking Jim’s huge cock. We drank some more wine, but there was only some making out and light fondling. When we pulled up to the front of the mansion, Mike’s SUV was parked next to mine.“Looks like Mike and the twins are home.” Gloria commented....
Rebecca woke first in the cellars and gazed in total satisfaction at the sleeping Jennifer, face down, at her side. She was beautiful with her auburn tresses lying in a great sheath on the pillow. Fondly Rebecca stroked her back feeling the traces of the whip on the velvet skin. Jennifer stirred and murmured in her sleep. Rebecca felt an over powering love for the lovely girl at her side and bent to kiss her softly on the back. Part of her mind was still lost in the enchantment of the afternoon...
It had been three months since I snuck into my best friends dads bedroom and ended up having sex with him. We had continued our affair ever since, sneaking around. I would go over when his wife was at work or stay home from college to have fun with him. I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was always on my mind. I thought about him so much that I stopped enjoying sex with my actual boyfriend and we broke up. It wasn't a tragic loss, he was just a boy. A young and inexperienced boy. My new...
CheatingRed and Cheryl slipped Faye out while we were cleaning up and changing for dinner and drove her to within a block of home -- which got her in the door, as she was not immediately recognized by the paparazzi while walking up the sidewalk. We watched on drone feeds as she skittered up the front walk and through the door ahead of the quickest of the bunch and popped inside. At that point, she got a hug from Roger, who asked, "Well? Did you accomplish anything?" Faye sighed. "Scott wouldn't...
Mann spent a pleasant evening with the Archduke and Archduchess in their private quarters. They were curious about the sword that he wore, since they had never seen a sword burst into flames before. Oh, sure, they had read about the phenomenon in biblical texts, as well as in other stories from bygone eras, but never really thought they were true. Mann danced around the subject, stating it was a parlor trick to intimidate his opponents, and Alexander remarked that he could see that it...
Cathy had lived next door to Tom and Sandra for five years. They were good neighbours and kept to themselves. Both were in their late sixties and, Cathy felt sure, still enjoying the physical side of their long marriage. Tom liked to flirt with her in a gentle way, nothing blatant, just some laughs and the occasional double entendre.Cathy actually enjoyed the attention, having escaped from an abusive marriage; she had no intention of getting into another relationship. But, at the age of...
Group SexNOTE - Follows on from How Quiet Can you Be? “Pen? Pen wake up love, we’re here.” I gently shook her and her eyes flickered open. My heart swelled in my chest just looking at her. When we got on the coach in England we’d been best friends. Now we were getting off in the Italian Alps as lovers. I was so glad I hadn’t chosen to fly! Penny looked up at me and smiled. “That was quick,” she said. “It was twenty-six hours.” “No I mean the last bit.” “You slept.” “You didn’t?” She sat forward and...
Love StoriesLauren grinned to herself as she remembered that first weekend. She had been so nervous with Peter, and after they had sixty-nined and then made love on the carpet in front of the fireplace, she had nervously asked him if he would stay the night. Peter had taken her into his arms and held her tightly, whispering that he would stay as long as she wanted. They had spent the night on the floor there, with throw pillows and a comforter, and neither got very much sleep. Saturday, Peter had taken...
Renato has promised to keep his eyes closed for a surprise from Anastasia Brokelyn, and he does as he is asked. When he opens them, he sees his love wearing lingerie that invites him to stare. Her legs are encased in thigh high stockings and made longer by high heels. After putting on a show for Renato with a few flashes of titty and ass, Anastasia crawls over to where Renato is waiting patiently. She pops his dick from his jeans. When it springs free, she settles in to lick away at her salty...
xmoviesforyouI was working late one night at the local grocery store when an older gentleman and his son came through my checkout line. The older man told me that he liked the color of my hair which was a dark plum color. I remember looking at the son and thinking about all the naughty things I could do to him. The best part was he looked to be my age so it was easy to picture. Little did I know that this meeting would soon change my life. 2 weeks later I was working again when the manager asked me to train...
EroticDon't fret my sweet. Endings don't last forever... -Forgotten Lovers -Alarial- It wasn't painful. Not like I expected it would be. When Jon and Cariel had talked about Hell's 'call' I had imagined an uncomfortable and irresistible pull. But there was none of that. It felt more like a question than a pull. I felt a cool presence embrace me, and it seemed to ask me if I would like to go with it. It did not try and trick me. This 'presence' seemed to make it clear that Hell was...
Like last time, a big thank you to SoCalCynic for editing this. Hope you guys enjoy, because I think this is where the fun really starts … as always, comments and votes are all appreciated. * Jill stirred next to Rory, effectively waking up some parts of him before his brain followed. He held his breath as she exhaled a soft sigh and fluttered her eyelashes. Jill rocked her body slightly until she was snuggled even further into his arms, then stilled as her breathing slowed and grew...
This is my first story, so I hope you enjoy! A special thanks to my new hero Naughtyann for all her help with my story. A few years ago I was out with one of my friends on a Friday night and, as we sipped our wine, we started talking about sex. She started telling me about an older guy she had been talking to online. He had been begging her to let him perform oral sex on her, explaining to her that his wife wouldn’t let him and he missed it. His proposal was that he would only go down on her...
I had a free hour yesterday afternoon, and decided to try the adult theater at the late afternoon hour. I didn’t expect much activity at that time of day, figuring all would be at work, or with their wives, or something such as that. I bought a ticket, and proceeded into the theater in the back of the adult store. It always takes time for the eyes to adjust to the dark in this place. Today I took some time to allow for my eyes to do so. As I began to be able to discern features in the light of...
When we were at University we were known as the 3 amigos. An odd bunch of inseparable friends who studied, played and even lived together in our final year of Law. Why odd? Well Brad was tall - really tall. At 6 feet 5 inches he was the captain of the uni rowing crew. Strong, athletic and handsome. Although very confident in lectures and sport he was socially shy, which was totally the opposite of how he looked. Then there was Mary, also tall. At 6 ft 1 she was very athletic as...
[Rubbing oil on a hit black MILF'S Ass] Story by LatishaIt was a hot June day in West Palm Beach Florida when I had decided to mow my overgrown lawn in the middle of the hot day. Little did I know it would lead to one of the sexiest experiences of my life. A little bit about me, my name is Tyler and I just got out of college with my Bachelors and recently purchased a nice suburban home for just me. I am German/Irish 6'1 and have dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. I am decently fit but not...
"My mother knows about you." I rested my head on Kevin's shoulder. His arm was still draped around me. "What does she know?" "She knows that we ran into each other and spent three days holed up fucking like rabbits," I giggled. "You didn't tell her that, did you?" The look on his face was priceless. "Of course not, silly," I snickered. "She read between the lines. Mothers have an intuition, you know." We hadn't left his house. The morning stretched into the afternoon. In...
As I lathered myself up, and soaped my naked body in the shower, I stood there, still not believing I'd just fucked my step-daughter in the living room of my house.But what was more shocking, was the fact that her best friend Kristina, the same age as my step-daughter, watched me take her virginity right there.It was some of the most intense, passionate and powerful sex I'd ever had. The orgasms that I gave my step-daughter were absolutely mind-numbing, and the orgasm I had was one of the most...
TabooSizzling starlet Anastasia Brokelyn is the star of our latest XXX Hands On Hardcore interracial release. Join our curvy assed Spanish señorita as she’s railed and rides Darrell Deeps’ big D outdoors when their business meeting goes off track and the duo finds themselves getting intimately acquainted. It is true that Darrell happened to come upon the brown-eyed sex goddess as she was masturbating her juicy vag, and being a man who likes to make himself of service, he wastes no time...