QuadrupletsChapter 6: The Quads And Their Surprise Birthday Present, The Attack And Recovery free porn video

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It is now Saturday, my parents left first thing this morning and I am alone with no one to talk to except my thoughts. I have been pacing our home for awhile and decided to do some research and learn more about dominate / submissive lifestyles.

What I found out was quite interesting, I discovered my mother had explained it pretty good. Except, her explanation was at an entry level of the lifestyle.

There was so much more than I expected and decided to play it by ear and would learn as it went forward. If I just follow my mother’s explanation I should do alright and not mess things up to bad.

The only thing mom didn’t mention was that you needed to have realistic expectations when entering the lifestyle and to let the relationship evolve.

I was asked to arrive at 5:00 that evening for dinner. I was standing around the corner from their condo ten minutes before 5:00. This was one party I wasn’t going to be late or early for. I have already established my dominance over the last two years. Now I needed to see if I had the personality to actually pull it off.

My mother’s last bit of advice was to follow my instincts and everything would work out.

At one minute to 5:00 I started walking to their condo. I knocked on their door as my watch turned to 5:00. I heard four voices say come in Jerome in unison.

I opened the door and stepped inside, my mouth fell open. In front of me, kneeling in position, looking at the floor in front of them, were the four quads, naked as the day they were born. A banner above their heads said “For Jerome Butler Jr., we are yours to command. FOREVER.

All I could think of doing was to run back to my home and hide. I said, please don’t move one muscle, I will be right back. I ran back to our home and my bedroom. Thinking, I can’t ask for something they don’t have on.

I grabbed four collars and ran back to their condo. I composed myself as I entered their condo, stood in front of them and asked them to look up at me. In unison, they did as I requested. Looking from one set of eyes to the next, I asked them if they understood exactly what their sign meant.

Each one said they did.

I asked if they really meant what was on the sign.

They all said that they did.

I said that I have something for each of you after we talk. I have learned a few things over the past couple days about my parents.

Looking at them I asked where are your parents? They said that they are with your parents, Master.

I asked them to stand and to prepare our dinner.

They replied it is ready, Master. I said then let’s eat.

All replied, yes Master.

They sat me at the head of the table with two place settings on each side of me. They had prepared my favorite Chinese meal, Spicy Mongolian Beef over rice.

As everyone sat down I asked if their parents were swingers.

With wide eyed expressions they replied yes Master.

I replied that I know where they are. Exactly and which room they are in.

Inhaled gasps could be heard around the table.

I started with I will be blunt.

They replied with yes Master.

My parents own a resort on the outskirts of town that caters to a very wealthy clientele from around the world. The resort also caters to their more liberal leanings as it is a swingers resort with 5,000 memberships.

I looked around the table and saw nothing but open mouths.

I couldn’t help it, I laughed.

I asked, ladies, do you have any questions?

All they could do is shake their heads, mouths still open.

Do either of you have a guess regarding who the manager of said resort is?

The only one who dared a guess was Mai, she said our parents.

I smiled and said no, but good guess.

I told them that I was, or was going to be when we finished our master’s programs.

Instantly four smiles; then they said really Master.

I told them yes, really. Again, I asked, any questions.

Ming asked if I was a swinger.

I smiled at her and said not yet, I am still a virgin.

More gasps, then Jade said, so are we. But Master, please, can we fix that tonight. We are all prepared and on birth control, for you, our new Master.

Now it was time for my mouth to hang open. Coming to grips with what they were offering me, I asked how it was decided who would be first.

Liu said, we decided to go oldest to youngest, Master. Liu, how long have you four been thinking of this night. Liu said, two years, four months, and 22 days.

I shook my head and said, that fateful day.

Liu continued saying we decided that on your 18th birthday, we would be your presents, Master. You are the first and only person who treated us with respect and friendship, and then to top it off, you protected us. We have been yours ever since, Master.

I told them that as manager of the swingers resort, I was expected to sometimes participate.

Jade was actually bouncing in her seat, asking if I would take them with me, please Master.

I looked around the table and asked, do you all agree with Jade.

As one, yes Master.

I said to them, please be patient with me here. If I was to visit the resort for a swinger orgy, you would want to go with me?

Always in unison, with smiles this time, yes Master.

I then asked, as full participants, I received a new answer, please Master.

I asked them to please clean up and meet me in the living room. I sat in the chair their father always sits in, mostly because of the open space in front of the chair. I could hear, but not understand, chatter coming from the kitchen.

Then it got quiet and all four came into the living room in alphabetical order, the order they were born in.

They kneeled in front of me; from my left to right were Jade, Liu, Mai, and Ming.

I stood and picked up my jacket from the chair next to me and pulled the four boxes out of my pocket. I stood in front of Jade and asked her to stand.

When she was standing, I opened the box and asked her to read what was written on the collar.

She smiled and read Property of Jerome Butler Jr.

I looked at her and asked Jade do you understand what that means.

Bouncing on her toes Jade said yes Master, it means that you own me and can do to me or ask me to do anything and I would be expected to do it Master. Continuing Jade said that you only offer me that collar, it is my choice to allow you to lock it around my neck, symbolizing that I am giving myself to you for your pleasure Master.

Do you agree that you are making your choice to give yourself to me?

She replied, yes Master. I am all yours Master.

I told her, this collar locks around your neck; the only way to remove it is for you to cut it off or for me to use my master key and remove it.

Jade replied that collar will never come off my neck without a fight and with me not breathing. I am yours Master.

With that I placed and locked the collar around Jade’s neck and locked it in place. I pulled her into an embrace that it felt perfect as I kissed her forehead.

I moved down the line to Liu, then Mai, and finally Ming performing the same ritual with each and receiving the same results. I stepped back and sighed, I now had four wives, as I didn’t know what else to call them. They would never be my slaves.

As we were preparing to consummate our oaths, my phone rang and without thinking I picked it up. I was shocked to hear Chloe yelling from the other end of the line. Putting her on speaker, I asked her to calm down and tell me what was going on.

My girls gathered around the phone after hearing the panic on the other end of the phone. After a couple of breaths, Chloe said that Vera filed for divorce from her husband yesterday. He received the papers today and he is very upset. He is drunk and at their house threatening to kill them all.

According to Maya, he is being very abusive and has hit Vera a couple times. Looking around the room and seeing the look of concern on my ladies, I told Chloe to text me their address and I would take care of it as I disconnected.

I looked at my girls and asked them to get dressed and as I saw their tight asses running down the hall, I heard yes Master.

Within 30 minutes we were in front of their house and knew we were in the right place as we heard Vera’s husband screaming obscenities from the street.

I looked at my girls and said I’ll handle him; you take care of the ladies.

They said, yes Master.

I ran to the door and calmly walked in and didn’t like what I saw. Vera was laying the floor, unconscious. Mindy, was lying on the sofa with a bloody nose. And a leg from behind a chair unmoving, presumably Maya’s as she appeared to be also unconscious.

I walked up to the man as he yelled, who the fuck are you. I looked him in the eye and told him to leave. He said this is my fucking house and I’ll do whatever I want. Still calm, but ready, I said you have hurt my girls for the last time.

I noticed Jade on her phone, probably calling for an ambulance. I looked him in the eyes and said they became mine when they started working for me.

I told him, you have no claim on them as they are mine. Yes, I am baiting him.

He took his best shot at me as I stepped around him, he missed. He turned and tried to hit me again, this one I blocked as I heard sirens in the distance. He was so out of it with anger, he couldn’t hear them.

He then came in with what he thought was his kill shot.

I intercepted his roundhouse by stepping into his body, grabbing his arm, pulling him over my body and throwing him hard onto the floor. He hit hard, but the booze protected him and he started to get up and I pushed him over and placed my foot on his shoulder. Then he just passed out.

The police arrived a few minutes later, with guns drawn and asked who I was. The explanation started as the ambulance arrived.

Vera and Maya were prepared to be taken to the hospital and Mindy was treated for her bloody nose, and then confirmed everything I said.

As her mother and sister were taken out on stretchers she broke down in tears.

My girls surrounded her in comfort.

The husband was taken out of the house in handcuffs, taken to the station to be booked on a domestic violence charge and sleep it off.

Mindy came to me and I held her as she squeezed the breath out of me, still sobbing. I called Ming over and asked her to take care of Mindy, all four surrounded her. I stepped outside and called Chloe.

Mindy sobbed as she asked where I was going.

They told her I needed to call Chloe back and let her know what was going on. Chloe was relieved that it was over, but very concerned that Vera and Maya were being taken to the hospital.

She asked which one and I told her then returned into the house.

Mindy was sitting on the sofa between Ming and Jade, rocking forward and backward saying, I want one, I want one, I want one, then she saw me walking in. She smiled a teary smile, ran into my arms and said I want one of those necklaces.

I told her that she hadn’t earned one.

She just said I’ll do whatever I have to do to get one. But I want to be owned by you, no one else.

I told her we could talk in the morning. I asked her if she would come with us and get some rest.

She replied, I’ll go anywhere, as long as you are there, I’ll go.

We all crawled into my SUV and drove to the condo. We went up to the girl’s condo where I asked them to take care of Mindy as I was going to the hospital to check on Vera and Maya.

I knelt in front of Mindy and told her that my girls would take care of her and I would let her know whatever I can find out.

She said OK, but please hurry back I feel so safe with you here.

I told her that I trained my girls to protect themselves and together they could kick my ass. I trust them to protect you from any harm. Please listen to them and do as they ask. I’ll call as soon as I hear anything.

I was surprised to see all four managers at the hospital when I arrived. They rushed to me as soon as I walked in saying, nobody would talk to us. Please find out what is going on. I told them I would do what I could.

As I walked up to the main desk, I heard someone say I know you. I turned and a lady I recognized as the one who disrobed my father the other night walked up to me in doctors clothing.

She smiled and asked what are you doing here?

I told her what had happened and that the two ladies who were transported to this hospital are my friends.

She asked me to wait a minute and walked away.

As she returned, I noticed a concerned look in her eyes. She asked me to follow her and led me to a private office. She told me that the mother was going to be ok. She has a broken nose and a concussion. She was going to be ok, but would be kept overnight for observation.

I told her that her name was Vera. She said thank you.

I then asked what kind of shape Maya was in and told her they were mother and daughter.

She said that Maya was a mess; she probably put up quite a fight. Then she told me that Maya had a broken arm, three maybe four broken ribs and a possible skull fracture. She continued saying that she would be in the hospital for at least a week.

I told her that I would sign anything saying that I would take financial responsibility for her care. She has to have the best.

The doctor told me that her name was Eva and she would have their admin come in and take care of the paperwork. She asked me what relation I was to these women.

I told her that Maya worked for me and that I only met her yesterday. She looked at me and I mean really looked then said, you met her yesterday and came to her and her mother’s rescue in the middle of the night.

I told her yes, anyone who works for me is my family and no one messes with my family unless they can get by me.

She was thoughtful for a minute, and then said, are you that guy who took out a few football players a couple years ago.

I nodded my head and said yes, they were harassing the only friends I had at the time.

Eva said you know that they brought them here? They were pretty messed up, where did you learn to take care of yourself.

I laughed and told her my mother taught me how to take care of myself.

She shook her head and said that little 5’2” Asian my husband disrobed Thursday night.

I told her the one and only. She holds high level black belts in at least four different disciplines.

She laughed and said to me, I’ll tell my husband to be careful. She asked how about your father?

I told her he couldn’t hurt a fly. He hates violence, can’t even go to the movies with me.

She asked me how she could get hold of me for any updates and I told her I would be in the waiting room until I see them both.

She told me that she would let me know what was going on as soon as she could. On the way out she told me that her daughters can’t wait to get their hands on you.

I just laughed and told her to tell them to get in line as I walked out to the waiting room.

I was immediately attacked by my managers requesting what I learned.

I told them exactly what I found out and they asked where I was going, I told them I wasn’t going anywhere until I know both of them are safe.

A couple hours later they let me in to see Vera and she asked how Mindy was and I told her safe and with four of my best friends. She was in a tight security condo building, no one gets in without authorization. She will be well taken care of.

She then started to cry, saying she was so sorry for ever doubting me. Thank you for coming to our rescue. I asked her if she heard anything about Maya.

That lady doctor told me that she must have put up one hell of a fight because she was pretty beat up.

I explained to her that I think she was protecting Mindy. It looked like he was just getting started on Mindy when I busted into the house.

She kept saying thank you as the doctor came in and told Vera that her daughter needed to go into surgery as she has a minor puncture in one of her lungs.

Eva looked at me and said the specialist is on his way on one of your fathers helicopters. He was with your parents when I called him. When I told him that you had saved them from further danger, your parents said they were coming with him. She smiled and said that another couple was with them and would arrive at the same time.

I smiled at her and said, remember the four friends I told you about.

She replied yes.

I told her they are their parents. All she said was interesting and walked out.

Vera asked what that was all about and I told her we’d talk another time. Let’s get Maya healed and better. She is all that matters at this time.

Vera looked at me and said that both of her daughters were in love with you, now I know why.

I told her I just met them both yesterday, how could they be in love with me.

Vera said I don’t know, but there is something about you.

I told her to rest and I would see about her room as you are staying overnight for observation. They said something about a concussion. You may be having delusions from your injury, smiling as I told her.

As I stepped into the waiting room, my mother came running in with the man from “The Club”.

He shook my hand, said hello and ran into the emergency room saying he would take care of Maya.

My father walked up and said some 18th birthday party. Then he saw the four managers sitting by the wall. He looked at me and said them too?

I told him that Chloe called me to tell me that Vera filed for divorce yesterday and her husband was drunk and raising hell. I had to go over and see if I could help.

My father asked if he was still alive. I laughed and said he took a swing at me, I stepped inside and flipped him over my back just like in the book and he passed out after hitting the floor hard.

My father just said lucky bastard.

I explained to the quads parents that they were home taking care of Mindy, Maya’s sister. They decided to go home with their daughters and left.

It was about six hours later when my mother woke me from deep sleep. I was lying on the floor with a pillow under my head and a couple blankets over me. I looked up and saw the managers sleeping in chairs beside me.

My mother said they refused to leave you until you woke. I just heard from Eva that Maya is out of surgery and they’ll be taking her up to her room. You need to go home and get some rest.

I told her I wasn’t going anywhere until I know Maya is ok. I have to hear it from her, not Eva.

As I stood I saw Eva come out of the emergency room with her husband, they walked right up to me and both hugged me. They said I saved that girls life. When he went in to see the damage to her lung there was also damage to her heart and they were able to stabilize it quickly enough to stop all the bleeding and had to give her a transfusion. They said if you had gotten to her fifteen minutes later, we probably couldn’t have saved her. You should be proud of yourself.

I asked the doctor to keep it to us; I just did what needed to be done.

Stan shook his head and said the hero’s always say they just did what they had too. Young man, you are a credit to your parents. Thank you for what you did tonight.

I asked what room she was in and they told me she was being transported to ICU, intensive care unit. I went and told my parents that I would be in her room until she woke up and talked to me. I can’t leave her alone until I know she is safe. I told them the managers are in no condition to drive. Could he take them to our home and let them sleep.

My father told me they already told us they aren’t leaving you. He said I don’t know what you did, but you did it right.

I told my father that he my mom told me to be myself. That’s all I did.

I arrived at Maya’s room in the ICU. I was told that in the ICU only family was allowed. But the doctor told us that someone named Jerome was allowed in. This is a little irregular, but are you Jerome.

I answered that I was and I know that I am not allowed to sit with her, but if I sit here, when she wakes up she will see me.

They asked if I was her boyfriend or something like that.

I told them that I was her boss as she worked in my office.

They said that I was only 18, if that.

I answered that they were correct, but I was too tired to tell them the whole story. Then I asked may I sit here until she wakes.

They said that I could, but I would have to make sure I stayed out of the way. I told them I would and they left me alone.

I have no clue how long I was asleep, but a nurse woke me and as put a gown and face mask on me. She said that Maya was awake and asking for Jerome.

They escorted me in and Maya looked so frail. But she smiled around all the tubes when she saw me. I told her that her mother was down a couple floors and would be released in a few hours. I also told her that Mindy was with some friends of mine and safe in a high security building. She could relax and get better.

I told her I have to go home and shower, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.

Maya nodded and tried to blow me a kiss. I kissed my hand through the clear mask and placed my hand on her forehead as I told her to do what they tell her and get well. I smiled and said unless she wanted me come back and give her a spanking.

She tried to laugh and winced in pain. I said now rest and I will be back soon. When I got downstairs my four managers were still there and stood as I approached.

I told them that she was awake and doing as well as expected. I told them we can go home, get cleaned up, and rest.

Chloe told me it was time to get something to eat as it has been over 24 hours since you have eaten. She said in case you haven’t noticed, it is Monday morning. Your parents took our cars home and left you the helicopter. Let’s go, we may be able to arrive before they leave to Hawaii, since they aren’t leaving until they see and talk to you.

Same as Quadruplets
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

3 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

2 years ago
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A Birthday Present for Lisa

As we’ve talked about before Lisa and I have always had a fantasy about her being fucked by a black man and it finally happened in an exciting adventure in the sleeper of a big truck.   After the experience with that black trucker my wife talked about it all the time and how exciting it was for her.   Lisa loved the guy that had sex with her but in all the excitement she forgot to ask his name or anything about him so that made her a little depressed.   Luckily for me I remembered...

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Her Birthday Present

It was finally my birthday, and I felt really excited. Mother said she was going to reward me with something special. She wouldn't say what it was, but said it was for all the hard work I did over the summer. We had a bumper crop that fetched a good price. The stores were full and we had a tidy sum to put into savings. Mother said there was more than enough left over to buy me a special present. I wondered what "special" meant and couldn't wait to find out. It was my fifteenth birthday....

2 years ago
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My birthday present to my husband part 1

I never have any idea of what to get my husband for his birthday, he has everything, until for his last birthday I had a brilliant idea.On birthday morning I gave him two envelopes, one with a birthday card, the other with a hand written note - the note said:"Happy Birthday Darling - my present to you is the promise that I will do whatever you wish on TWO occasions during the next month - absolutely anything, anyplace, but they must take place before the end of the month " - All My Love Shirl...

3 years ago
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A mothers present for her sons birthday

He was having trouble suppressing his pent up lust for his mother, and knew the repercussions that making a move on his mom would have. It could cause permanent damage to their relationship, and despite how he appears, he still deeply cares for his mother on a personal level as well. Despite all of this, he was reaching a point where he couldn’t stop himself any longer. On the other hand, his mother had no idea what was causing this behavior. David has never been a child to cuddle up to his...

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Coreys Birthday Present From His Loving Wife

I use an adult web site to find friends to meet  and I recently received a long letter. It read as follows.  Hello my name is Shari. I live in Dorchester and I am 5'6 130 34c black woman. I am married to a man who is 6'2”, black with a perfect body and he has nine inch cock. I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor. My husband visits your profile on line, at the adult web site a lot, and thinks you are gorgeous. I know you are a full swap couple, which unfortunately, we are not. My man...

Group Sex
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My Birthday Present Part 3

I dove into the pool, naked, to join Jewel and José. The water felt cool and refreshing. I took a quick lap, passing my step-daughter and her brother-in-law as they played grab-ass together. Their laughter was muffled a bit by the water coursing by my ears as I swam the length of the pool. When I touched the far wall I held on to the side and looked back at them. Jewel and José were in the shallow end and Jewel had her arms wrapped around José’s neck. They were locked in a passionate kiss....

2 years ago
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Andreas Birthday

Andrea’s Birthday An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki and Ty Blaze Special Guest Stars Andearl Andrea gasped as she came. “Fuck me with your big Black cock.” she moaned, as her body shuddered. She rammed the big black dildo she had been fucking herself to orgasm with deep into her asshole while she fingered her...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present for Wife

"So?" I asked cryptically when I opened the door. "So?" he mimicked my tone and a sly smirk formed on his lips. "Oh come on. You have to tell me what it is?" I pouted. "It's my birthday. I deserve to know." He stepped through the doorway, closed the door behind him, and then pressed me up against the wall with his lips on mine. I inhaled the woody scent of his cologne as we tasted each other. My pussy quivered in excitement; the heat of arousal brewed between my legs. He...

2 years ago
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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 6 Birthday Presents

I wake up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen I see Eddie flipping bacon on the stove while Toby sets the table. It is so wrong after last evening that I want to scream and throw Eddie out of the apartment but I know I can’t. I am irrationally angry as I go over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. How dare Eddie come over to my personal space and play “happy little family” after what he’s done to me! “Happy birthday Teenster!” Eddie...

2 years ago
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Chapter 2 Demarcuss Birthday Present I Return Home To My Husband

I awoke Saturday morning, slightly confused. It took me a moment to get my bearings. I opened my eyes trying to figure out where I was, and how I got here. My head was resting on the muscular chest of a large back man. I was in my best friend's bed, naked, with her husband. Okay, I remember. Slowly, it came back to me. I was Demarcus's birthday present last night. My vagina was sore from the abuse it endured at the mercy of this very large and well endowed black man. That's right, at my best...

Wife Lovers
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My Birthday Present

I finished my Saturday morning yard work about twelve-thirty; grass mowed and edged, water-feature cleaned and water added; barbecue scrubbed down for steaks, later; patio hosed off, and the few weeds along the fence-line, pulled. Ruby and Roxy, my two, three-year-old basset hounds, romped on the new-mown lawn. Roxy took off running, Ruby close on her heal, baying for all she was worth. Up the hill they went, around water-feature and back down to swarm around my legs. Roxy ducked under the...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 4 Birthday At Grandpas And Grandmas Farm

August thirty one, year 5784. Last vacation day. After much consideration, Marco and Laylen Zel arrived to the conclusion that it will be better to wait to after the Great Earth's Core Pursuit before enrolling Zax to a post Core School. For the past month they weighed the pros and cons of sending their young boy to a post Core School right after his vacation. It was a dilemma of many parents in Kingdom Earth. The fourth grade was unique. Unlike any other grade, although still legally...

2 years ago
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Birthday Present

Prologue This novel was written four years ago by Vickie Tern and Rhonda Wagram. It began when Vickie posted her story "Girls' Night Out," and Rhonda wrote Vickie suggesting how it might be continued. Rhonda is the author of "Baroness Gloria" and "Fashion's Slave," two superb TG stories. Her ideas stimulated a great deal of creative play as both of us sketched out story lines, assigned each other different chapters, and agreed to over-write each other's drafts. The tasking...

1 year ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

1 year ago
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My birthday present to my husband part 2

About 1 week after my husband took his first birthday present from me, he came home one Saturday afternoon after having been to the football, he had had a few drinks, I could smell it on him, and he grabbed me around the waist lifted me up and said "I know what I want as the second part of my birthday present", "What" I asked. "It will be a surprise" he said, "It is something that you have always wanted to do. "Just redo your makeup, take off all your clothes and lay on the bed - trust me you...

4 years ago
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The Birthday Present

The Birthday PresentShe had been planning her best friend, Lily’s, birthday present for months. Accumulating the necessary equipment she would need to ensure that her present went off with a bang. She knew Lily loved dominating men and she was going to give her one on a plate, to do anything she liked to. Here the final stage of her plan was swinging into action. It was a Friday night and she was out on the town hunting for a suitable candidate.It didn’t take long for her to spy a tall, well...

4 years ago
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Nathans Birthday Present

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. This story takes place ten years after the events of Project Phoenix. It's not a direct continuation, but readers unfamiliar with Project Phoenix, may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. Finally, I'd like to thank for the encouraging comments on my first story. Thanks a lot gals & guys :) Nathan's Birthday Present By...

3 years ago
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My Brother Birthday Present

I married my wife 2 years ago. She is a solicitor, I am a stockbroker. We both come from upper class families and had both had partners before we were married. My brother Karthik was infatuated by Frieda. At just 18 he too lived with us and doted on his bhabi. His eyes would follow her everywhere and rightly so. Frieda was a sexy woman with a model figure. She loved to dress in smart and often sexy clothes. Mother wasn’t too pleased with Frieda’s above knee skirts and fitted blouses, but I told...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Present The Rewrite

"Jan has a serious crush on you," Belinda informed me as we were driving home.She was speaking of the daughter of our best friends. I met them during the end of the CB radio craze that swept the country in the late seventies. We had all just joined a local CB club about a month apart and became friends. We would spend our Friday nights at the club's dinner meetings sharing one table. Afterward, I would spend the remainder night at their house playing cards, watching TV, or just hanging out in...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Birthday Present

I'm Julianne, and about five years ago, I lost my parents in a tragic accident. They both died in a truck accident out on the bypass. It spun out of control, and unfortunately I just had my best friend to go to. I must have cried for about four days straight after their funerals. My best friend Adam was there for me in through thick and thin. He stayed with me every minute I was feeling horrible. He took care of me and worked, as I got to go to college. Now we're both twenty-four, and living in...

Straight Sex
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Belindas Second Birthday Present

Belinda's Second Birthday Present! ? by; Belinda Brookes. It started two years ago at the age of 58. I thought that I was the classical closet heterosexual TV, but my life has taken on a new dimension and has continued to shock and surprise me. I had 'found' sissy chat rooms a couple of years earlier, in particular Mrs Silk's. I had established my email: [email protected] and I had advertised for pen pals, but made it clear that I would not go beyond that. But then I got an...

1 year ago
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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 10 The birthday present

It had only been two weeks since I left Villiers and escaped the direct control of my parents. And, maybe not all that surprisingly, I could still notice how their views and attitudes influenced my thinking. It would probably take a lot longer for me to become completely free of their grip on me. It was easy to deal with the openly declared opinions of my father because I could tell from my own experiences how wrong they were. My mother's influence was more subtle. Her favourite statement...

4 years ago
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Mums Birthday Present to Me

My name is Mark and my fithteenth birthday is tomorrow. I’m glad tomorrow is Saturday so that I don’t have to attend school and mum will be home. She usually comes home from work to make dinner, does house work and then goes to bed. But tonight, I noticed she had been to the beauty parlor to have her hair done and she put on a dress. Evidently she wanted to look nice when she gave presents to me. I gave her a small gift and she hugged and kissed me to thank me. I think she is a little depressed...

3 years ago
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Mums Birthday Present to Me

My name is Mark and my fithteenth birthday is tomorrow. I’m glad tomorrow is Saturday so that I don’t have to attend school and mum will be home. She usually comes home from work to make dinner, does house work and then goes to bed. But tonight, I noticed she had been to the beauty parlor to have her hair done and she put on a dress. Evidently she wanted to look nice when she gave presents to me. I gave her a small gift and she hugged and kissed me to thank me. I think she is a little depressed...

4 years ago
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Mums Birthday Present to Me

My name is Mark and my fithteenth birthday is tomorrow. I’m glad tomorrow is Saturday so that I don’t have to attend school and mum will be home. She usually comes home from work to make dinner, does house work and then goes to bed. But tonight, I noticed she had been to the beauty parlor to have her hair done and she put on a dress. Evidently she wanted to look nice when she gave presents to me. I gave her a small gift and she hugged and kissed me to thank me. I think she is a little depressed...

2 years ago
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My birthday present

It was Friday and It was the day before my birthday. I arrived home after work. Carol greeted me at the door and said, "Happy Birthday, honey." I smiled and reminded her my birthday wasn't until tomorrow. She smiled but said nothing. Then she lead me to the patio where I saw the most awesome gas grill. "Happy Birthday," she reiterated. " I wanted it delivered when you weren't here so it would be more of a surprise, besides there may be other presents for you tomorrow." I put my arms around...

Love Stories
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A birthday present

Hi, ISS Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at A Birthday Present by Sofia C. Acting Persons: Jagruti (24); Sofia (37) Sofia was a successful woman in her job. She was a head of the Marketing department of a huge company and earned very good money. In her private life things weren’t as great. She had always been a very sexually orientated person and for the last 18 month her sex life had mainly been cut back to masturbation. Today...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Present

My birthday present.It was my birthday in 1979. It was two years after I picked up Chuck at a bar in a restaurant on the bay. And I had to flip with my sister to see who was going to take the empty seat next to him. He had moved in with me about a month ago.I found out that this wonderful unselfish man. The man that would take care of my kids as though they were his. The man that would take me to dinner and dance the night away. And most importantly, he was the dominant man that showed me I was...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Birthday Present

The Birthday Present - By SONIA Author's note: The first part of the idea for this story is based on events with my ex- wife - I used to buy her outfits which she refused to wear but alas the cross dressing part never happened ... if only it had - maybe we would still be married! (email [email protected]) It was my wife, Julie's birthday and in line with what I normally did I had bought her some lovely presents that I knew she really wanted. These were things...

3 years ago
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A mothers present for her sons birthday IV

Feeling his impending release, David wiped the hair that was slightly covering her face to watch as his semen once again filled her mouth. The load wasn’t as big as the previous nights, but Sofia moaned as she began to lap at his dick after she was done swallowing, cleaning up her mess. “Damn, good morning to you to Mom.” he said as he slowly began to get out of bed. “David, I took the day off so I could spend time with you on your birthday today.” said Sofia with a grin on her face. “Mommy’s...

3 years ago
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Birthday Present

Hi I am Rajesh today I want to tell me readers how I presented the most valuable to gift to one of my friends. Her name is Pooja, she works with me in my office. Our friendship is very cool we share everything with each other our hobbies, shopping, movies and even our sexual fantasies, but don’t jump into conclusions as she is not my girl friend that is we don’t have sex. Now Pooja is I must say a good looking girl have quite a good figure like models. Her statistics are 36 28 36 any red-...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Present

Walking along a dead hallway, your heart pounding, your palms tingling, your body expecting, is quite some feeling. I love the surging electricity that floods your mind. All the possibilities flying through you about what might lay beyond that door. Nothing else seems to hold more than a second of interest, nothing holds me like the thrill of what's to come.All around me they buzz on by, the workers, the overnighters, the dull business type drifters. Me I'm alive with all the possibilities,...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Present

The Birthday Present by Mahohokus My birthday! As I blinked my eyes open, I realized that it was my birthday and with a sudden since of elation I realized what day it was. I was so excited that I nearly fell out of bed. After enduring the wrath of my parent's maybe I would finally be forgiven. Maybe my life will get back to normal after the accusations from Jill, my arrest, time in juvenile hall, the trial, and the plea deal my parents had worked out in secret with Jill and her...

3 years ago
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SRU Her Birthday Present

SRU: Her Birthday Present By Busko John left the house to go to the office. He was a bit upset because he didn't know why his wife Laura didn't kiss him goodbye that morning. He arrived at the office and parked his car on the executive spot that belonged to him. After all, it was his company. "Hello Amanda" he said to his secretary. "Hello sir. Happy birthday to your wife." she answered. 'Drat!' he thought. 'That's why she didn't kiss me goodbye!' Being a successful...

1 year ago
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The birthday present

In the dusk of early evening I knocked on the front door and soon Ken answered it.“Good evening Ken. Your parents asked me to keep an eye open for you while they were away, although since your last birthday you are technically a man now, so you should be able to look after yourself! May I come in for a few minutes?”“A coffee? thank you, but I brought a bottle of wine with me, if you could get some glasses. I see the house is nice and tidy, but don’t worry, I’m not making reports for your...

2 years ago
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Moms birthday Present

Ginger finally opened her eyes. Her murky sight along with the buzzing in her head made her feel quite uncomfortable and confused. She didn't know where she was for a second until she saw her husband of 18 years...Scott. She looked to her right and saw the doctor who was holding her hand and checking her pulse. All of a sudden her memory had come back. She had just endured a half hour breast reduction slash implant surgery. She smiled back at her husband and the doctor finished with her right...

3 years ago
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Hazels Special Birthday Present

“Are you serious Mike?” I asked in total disbelief, “you want me to fuck Hazel while you watch?” I was sitting in my neighbour’s front room and he’d just finished telling me that he wanted me to fuck his wife while he watched. “Yes Chris,” he replied, “that’s if you want to of course.” Mike and I had been friends ever since I’d moved in next door to him and his wife a year earlier. For her age, late sixties, his wife Hazel is a very sexy woman and I have to admit that I’ve had more than a few...

2 years ago
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Sashas birthday present0

Cindy sighs. She’d been waiting for the inevitable, and her new boyfriend didn’t disappoint. Being a girl of short stature with relatively modest breasts, there is one particular feature of hers that tends to attract men more than any other. And much to her dismay, it isn’t her love of the arts and sciences, or her glasses that announce such things to the world. It is that which her mother gave her. Which, itself, does not refer to her penchant for emotional honesty, her taste for fantasy...

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