Mistis Adventures Part 141
- 2 years ago
- 32
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February 7, 2018
Dear Ms. Diary,
Like two Wednesdays ago, Jim would be arriving this evening. He and Meka would spend the night at the W, because, although the J remodel is nearly complete, important bits of it are not. Meka threw herself into lifting to keep her mind from dropping her into unfocused excitement. She was a madwoman on the machines. Also like two Wednesdays ago, Meka had invited the whole group, this time, including Brett, to dine with them tonight, again in skimpy clothing.
On the relatively short ride to the compound, Brit gushed, “I still find it amazing that I like all the exercise and exertion you girls have been making me do. I don’t know why, but I really like the weight work. I don’t want to be an Olympic weight-lifter, but I so much love my body, now. I love you all for coercing me into it.”
Meka responded, “You are looking very yummy, now. Don’t you think so, Brett?”
He did not blush. Neither did he hem nor haw, just answered, “Brit is looking very yummy.”
Brit called up from the back row and asked Kim to, “Kiss his cheek for me.”
Kim grinned back at her, then very ostentatiously kissed his cheek in a loud and very smoochy way.
Brett responded with, “Is it aspirin you’re supposed to give guys having heart attacks? If so, does anyone have a couple with them? I’ve just been kissed by one of the three prettiest girls in school, and I’m not sure my heart can take it.”
She did it to him again, smiled at the smile he gave her, then moderated her mien.
“Brett, all funning aside, you need to know this. The past four or five days have been difficult for me, but in a really good way. I’ve finally figured out a lot of things about me, but also about exactly why and where the freshman girls are taking us. I’m much more comfortable now ... with all things group. I’m also more comfortable with ... the compound and everyone in it. Celeste told me what she said to you in bed recently, and I’m making the same declaration here and now, right after I just gave you two sloppy kisses. When ... not ‘if,’ but ‘when’ these girls marry you, I will be with them. I will be one of your many wives. You and I will make love a lot, have sex a lot, perhaps even fuck occasionally. If you haven’t already, you better begin loading up on multivitamins and fluids, because when the chains come off and, of course, once we figure out how to deal with avoiding pregnancy, you’re going to be one very busy boy. Also, I want you to learn and learn quickly how to please us, because I’ve never had even a good lover, much less a great one.” She toned down the intensity of her voice, but not its volume when she added, “We all think you have the makings of a superb lover and I’m starting to look forward to helping these girls teach you all about us.”
Emphatic and heartfelt exclamations of “Oh, goddess” came in stereo from Brett and Lana, after which there was much laughing.
At the W, we ran all us girls through quick showers without the usual buddy-wash system. Brett showered downstairs and then stayed down there to do homework, although occasional laughter percolating through the floor suggested that he was also interacting with the parents. Celeste joined us girls naked in the old GL bedroom, while Liya whipped up not-quite-minuscule tube tops for Lana, Brit, Cera, Celeste, Meka, and Kim. Despite that we would not be wearing tubes tonight, Liya decided to grab this time to get the promised tubes made.
Kim, obviously, had at least some of her groove back, as she seemed so much happier, so much more involved with us, and, as Meka had mentioned last night, she was funny. She has also become obviously more comfortable with the sexual aspect of the group; many of her witticisms were sex-based.
Brit remarked, “I know you said this in the Sprinter, but seeing you here, today, like this, I would not have needed to hear your words there. You’re almost a different person.”
“She is, isn’t she,” Meka commented. “Subtract the sexy jokes, and this was how she was when we first met. In fact, the reason we were a fivesome, is because the other four of us so liked being around her, because she always made us laugh. I’m so happy to see this Kim, again. Although I hadn’t realized this until recently, I really missed this Kim.”
“If you’re not careful, Meka, I’m going to break our agreement about not getting intimate with each other, and that response could happen in seconds.” More quietly, but more intently, she finished with, “But thanks. I think I missed this Kim, too. I ... I...”
She clenched her jaws tightly, obviously to keep from crying. Lana wrapped her up, then planted a loud, smoochy kiss on her cheek, and the room erupted in laughter.
When the laughter subsided, Kim, still in Lana’s arms said, “I’m going to say it, again, Lana, but I mean it even more, now. You are a wonderful addition to ... us. See, I’m learning. It’s ‘us,’ not ‘you.’ I am part of this. I now understand why I’m part of this. I revel in being part of this. Thanks, everyone for helping me turn my life around. I’m not sure – exactly – where we’re going, but wherever that is, it’s got to be much more enjoyable than where I had been going, and that’s partly because each one of you is much prettier – both in appearance and in your person – than the person with whom I was spending way too much unprofitable time. Thanks.”
Celeste pulled Kim out of Lana’s arms, wrapped her in her own arms, and kissed the daylights out of her.
After more than a minute, Celeste leaned back and quietly said, “You are so much sexier now, happy, than you were when I met you. You’re always pretty, one of the prettiest girls I know. However, when you’re happy like this, you become beautiful. God, I wish I could make love with you right now.”
Kim was surprised by that, but Lana responded, “You, Celeste, and every other girl in this room. I wish we could Go5 gangbang her right now.”
Kim was dumbfounded, staring at Lana, until she turned her head to look when Meka began talking.
“Celeste is right. You’re prettier now than you were a few days ago, and I...” She abruptly stopped speaking and got an odd, confused expression on her face, which cleared in a few seconds, then said, “It’s a good thing that bed is so big,” throwing an obvious glance at what was Gracey’s and Liya’s king.
Kim now looked confused. Meka nodded at Celeste, who returned the nod. Meka then stepped past her, leaned over, picked Kim’s legs off the floor while Celeste held her torso, and the two carried Kim to the bed, dropping her onto it. Kim looked concerned, but not overly so. Celeste followed Kim onto the bed, immediately put her torso on Kim’s and kissed her passionately. Kim got out what sounded like a garbled “oh, god,” then kissed Celeste back. Meka spread Kim’s legs and was about to dive in, but obviously changed her mind and called for Heather.
Heather nearly leapt the whole distance to the bed, quickly getting her face between the legs Meka was holding open. The rest of us piled in where and as we could and sent Kim up and over twice in much less than ten minutes, the second one being something of a screamer. Not nearly as loud as some of Heather’s, but it was far from quiet.
While Kim was in la-la land, I thought back, remembering. I know I got my mouth on her right nipple once before I gave it up to one of the others. I recalled running my right hand along her belly and, later, up and down her right leg. We shifted around so often, a lot of that was a blur, although I recall Meka watching with hungry eyes, but not taking part. Heather stayed between her legs and was the primary cause of, at least, that second orgasm.
I heard Carol on the stairs, so watched the doorway. Carol spoke low when she saw my eyes waiting for her.
“Ah. Are you going to change the name of that from Go5 gangbang, or are you sticking with it?”
“I’ve been pondering that. I think we need to make the term less obvious. I’ve been considering G5GB.”
“That sounds reasonable, and Sandy and Charlie would understand it right away.”
She looked at our subject, her eyes closed, arms akimbo, legs still spread and showing off a wet, red pussy, then passed a smirk to me. She looked around at Kim’s attackers, then smiled.
“Lana,” she said. When Lana turned to face her, Carol continued with, “You’re very pretty in clothes, but simply stunning naked. From behind, the reddish-blonde hair hanging halfway down your back creates an interesting juxtaposition with that lovely ass. From in front, your eyes capture attention, but the rest of you is worth the effort for the observer to wrench her or his eyes from yours.”
“You like girls?”
“What’s not to like about them? Look around you. There’s so much variety, so much wonderful variety in attractive and sexy girls. Besides, I married a girl, and that girl looks much like her lovely daughter, who looks surprisingly similar to our college-student, pizza-delivering friend, who takes those great looks and kicks them up to 11.”
Lana stared at Carol in her belly shirt and short skirt, then asked, “May I hug you?”
“I’d love a hug from you anytime, but particularly when you’re in that state.”
Lana stepped over to Carol and insinuated her form into full contact with Carol’s. They hugged for 15 seconds or so, then separated.
Lana looked into Carol’s eyes and said, “I may need to hug you more often.”
“I’d welcome such anytime.”
Less than a minute later, Kim loudly said, “I, Kim Shadoan, being of more-sound mind than in recent years and incredibly sound of body after that incredible orgasm, do hereby give this group of girls and women permission to Go5 gangbang me any fucking time you get the urge. Holy hell, that was spectacular.”
With everyone in the kitchen, Dad said, “I hope no one takes this poorly, but I like the new shirts.”
Rhee responded, “Thanks, but I’d rather wear what you’re wearing on your torso.”
There was much laughing, as Dad’s torso was bare.
We returned to working on dinner, which was potstickers, some leftover shrimp ceviche, and diverse salad.
Kim was one of the crew working on the salad, and she exclaimed, “I’ve never seen a salad with so many ... ingredients! Really! There are five types of lettuce, spinach, cauliflower, snow peas, red cabbage, carrot, celery, and apple. Oh, yeah, and sunflower seeds. That’s... [she quickly counted] 13 ingredients!”
Sandy replied, “We think there’s no such thing as ‘too many.’ Well, there probably ‘is’ an upper limit, but I think we’ve not approached it.”
I was still working on potsticker fillings. As Cera says – holy moly, we were making a lot of them. Kim sidled up to me and whispered, “I can’t believe how much fun I’m having helping make dinner. It’s always been something I had to do, not something that was enjoyable.”
I whispered back, “We’ve always done it this way, even when it was just the three of us, but it’s gotten more and more fun as we’ve added chefs ... or cooks ... or ... whatever. Part of why it’s gotten more fun is, unlike the saying, adding cooks means that no one must work very long at it. And you’ve heard the chatter, the jokes, the fun while a bunch of people get done what some might consider to be boring prep work and cooking tasks. That adds to the camaraderie, which builds closer relationships, which builds stronger feelings for the other members ... of the team, which helps make for even more camaraderie, which...” I looked at Kim and finished with, “I don’t know if Mom, Sandy-Mom ... began this with that in mind, but once the Go5 was resident here and we did this all the time, I realized why I had come to like cooking even more than I had when I was younger when there were only three, at most, four of us. It’s why we do so many of the mundane tasks of ... housekeeping as a group on a planned day.”
She stared at me for at least ten seconds, shook her head, then said, “I’m in, Beth. I’m so very completely in. I was before that explanation, but every time you explain another facet of how ... we’re living, the whole thing makes more sense.” She shook her head again as tears made appearances in her eyes, and added, “If, somehow, the world were a little different and you girls had been in our grade, our group, the past few years would have been so much more enjoyable. I know that it’s useless to wish for something that could not have been, but you’d have saved me from myself. Rather, you’d have made it so I could have been strong enough to be myself, and my first two lovers might have been Meka and Jim rather than two losers.”
Kim glanced around the kitchen, took in the bustle, the smiles, then very quietly said, “I think I’m coming to love you, perhaps falling in love with you. Whether that’s true or not, I don’t know. What I’m not at all uncertain about is that I... want you so much, nearly as much as I want Meka. I want to make love with you ... frequently. I’m getting ... wet standing here, listening to you, looking at you, imagining taking you here, right now, with our family and friends around us.”
She looked into me for a few seconds, leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips, then leaned back. A smirk crawled onto her face.
“I wonder what Brett would think watching that.”
Sandy and Jim arrived around 5:30, dinner mostly ready; we were still cooking potstickers. Meka walked into his arms carrying something that, once their long greeting ended, was obviously his apparel for the evening. He disappeared into the bathroom, returning wearing, presumably, the same thong and trunk he’d worn last time.
I could feel someone coming up behind me, much like Kim often did.
“Goddess! We have three gorgeous guys wearing nearly nothing. All the ... women are exhibiting their bellies and various amounts of underboob. We’re wearing short skirts and are commando. It seems it would take very little spark to get a massive orgy going.”
Lana finally turned from looking over the kitchen’s occupants to look in my eyes. I looked into those incredible electric-green eyes for a few seconds.
“You know, don’t you, that, while we’re not trying to get to that orgy, specifically, we’re trying to get to a place where that orgy could happen with no concern.”
She nodded, saying, “I figured that out early on. The light came on in my head when I was lying in bed at home on one side of the wall that separated Brett and me at night. I was, of course, naked because ... you know, Brett was on the other side of the wall. I absolutely abused my pussy. I had so many orgasms, and Brett must have heard at least a couple. I couldn’t help myself. I’d been ... trying for years to imagine what I most wanted, sexually. When I figured ... this out, I knew immediately that it was what my mind had been trying to find. I wasn’t able to get there, because I hadn’t included the family aspect of your plan. I’ve been dedicated to making that dream happen ever since.”
I smiled at her, then asked, “Are you going to be a bad girl?”
She smirked at me and replied, “Mayyyy-be,” with her voice and inflection rising on the second syllable.
Dinner with the 16 of us spread around the dining-room table was great. We had sprinkled the three gorgeous guys around the table first, then the females had taken seats once we had filled our plates in the kitchen.
Before anyone dug in, Jim raised his glass, saying, “To this incredible family, who has made my life and, much more importantly, my Meka’s life much better.”
Surprisingly, almost everyone else came back with, “Our family.”
Post-dinner clean-up went rapidly, and we retired to the living room. Perhaps a half-hour into the socializing with numerous conversations merging, changing, and dividing, with the adults being more stationary than the girls and Brett, Lana wound up in conversation with Meka, Jim, and Rhee, Meka and Jim sitting in the couch on the west wall with no space between them. I had returned from the upstairs bathroom and was passing the Monstrosity, noted Brett kibitzing that conversation, when I caught the end of something Lana said before she turned around.
“ ... you being here. Meka’s much happier when you’re here... [the rest was spoken during a widespread conversational hole in the room] and because I’ve been looking forward to doing this.”
She turned 180 degrees, reached back, flipped the back of her skirt up, then began stepping over to the downstairs bathroom. I immediately looked at Brett to see his expression change from one of surprise to shaking his head slowly, a slight smile on his face.
Carol said loudly into the silence, “Why don’t you do that for all the guys?”
Over her shoulder, Lana replied, “Jim saw my butt last time, and that was truly an accident. If he’s already seen it, what does it matter if he sees it again? Neither Charlie nor Brett have seen it. At least, I think neither has seen my bare butt,” after which she took three more steps and entered the bathroom.
Sandy said, “She told you, Carol!”
“I guess so.”
There was much chuckling.
Later, I was sitting in the place Meka had been sitting when Lana had shot Jim the moon. Meka had vacated that spot for Jim’s lap, and I was leaning a bit into Jim. She was sitting along his left leg, though facing slightly toward his right, and lounging against his chest, her head to the left of him. She was not being discreet about giving him little kisses or lingering touches. That may have been the impetus for Sandy to park herself across Dad’s lap. Liya, Brett, and Cera were scrunched into the north love seat.
While I was chatting quietly with Jim about Meka as a little girl, Kim approached us by crossing in front of the south love seat in which Carol and Brit sat discussing something quietly. Kim turned 180 degrees, leaned over slightly, held the front of her skirt against her legs and plopped into my lap, her bare butt on my bare left leg sending a jolt to my pussy.
“You did that on purpose, you hussy.”
“What did I do,” Kim asked innocently of Meka.
“You purposefully shot my dad the moon!”
That got everyone’s attention.
“I didn’t. You, lounging so obscenely on your daddy’s lap, probably haven’t figured out that if you sit your butt on the back of these skirts, it raises the front. I did what I did so I didn’t give Charlie a beaver shot.”
“Oh, a likely story.”
“Well, I did it mostly to avoid giving Charlie a beaver shot.”
“You’re admitting that you did that at least partly in order to flash your butt at my dad.”
“I might have done,” Kim replied, then looked over her shoulder at Meka and stuck her tongue out. “Did you like it, Jim?”
“What do you think there is about your butt I wouldn’t like seeing?”
I could just see Brett and Liya through a gap behind Kim. Liya was grinning and Brett was slowly shaking his head, that same slight smile on his face. The angle suggested that he should have seen at least a bit of Kim’s ass.
Kim’s face went a bit pink, but riposted, “Hopefully, nothing.”
“Then, your hopes have been realized.”
Kim replied in a quieter, more-serious voice, “Thanks, Jim.”
“No, thank you,” Jim whispered.
With a bit of a purr, Kim curled up a bit more into my lap, laying her head on my left shoulder, and skootching her butt, covered by the skirt, backward until it lightly contacted Meka’s right leg. Watching that, I suddenly realized that Dad and Sandy could probably see up Meka’s skirt, if she did not have her legs together.
A bit later, Jim asked, “Where did you ladies find those shirts?”
Sandy stepped on all the other responses by loudly responding, “At our favorite apparel store, Armoire d’Amour.”
“Ah. I’ve heard of that, but that was before I went into, as Meka calls it, that fucking place.”
“They have a wide variety of stuff. It’s where the alt sex crowd shops when they don’t shop online, but it carries a wide array of ... typical clothing and sexy or revealing clothing for more ... mainline tastes. Yes, they have very revealing stuff like these shirts, but the low-rise jeans we bought there to wear with these shirts in public are not at all out of the ordinary; one can find their like most places.”
“But those shirts look somewhat outrageous.”
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InterracialAfter a brief lull Rob spoke up as if thinking aloud, "What would be created if the seven human brains that form the base network for a Tonto were the brains and minds of young men attending a terrorist Madras in a radical Islamic state? Or what if he should spring from the brain/minds of an Earth First terrorist cell? I can't even begin to wrap my thoughts around the evil that could result if a Tonto type organization's goals were bent on destruction." Tonto responded, "Now you begin...
Knowing my Daddy's birthday was just around the corner, I started thinking about what his sweet, little Baby Girl could do to make his special day an occasion that he would never forget.Daddy means the world to me, and I am pretty sure he knows just how much I love being in his arms. When I am with my Daddy, I feel safe, loved, cared for, and special. The way Daddy looks into my eyes just makes me melt. When Daddy holds me, I feel as if I am protected and shielded from any of the petty problems...
Sylvia Jennings thought that George was utterly transparent. Intelligent, yes, but she could read all his thoughts from his actions. She soaped herself slowly under the shower and thought about him. For all his talk about ‘celebration’, for example, he wanted morning sex. He thought that spoiling her the night before would get her in the mood this morning. And, of course, he was right. Not that getting her in the mood took as much effort as he put into it. She enjoyed the sex, and she didn’t...
Hi everyone, My name is Suresh (Pet name). I love sex ;) ladies can call me anytime for temporary relationships. I am from Chennai I love every girls and ladies they too loves me a lot is my mail ID. I am 5.8 Tall and 65 Kg weight slim and athletic body type and I have 7” long tool with sufficient thickness and hardness to satisfy all type of ladies. Today I am going to share my sex story and experience with my sweet darling Merlin (Name changed for story). She is from Kerala working as a...
This is a very mild story with very little explicit sex... but it is very magical. It has Leprechauns, Succubi, and a interesting trip through my very weird imagination. I thought this was going to be my Celtic Halloween story since the pixies gave me this one. Because of the pixie’s actions, I can’t really say that I created this one. I lived it through in my mind and am telling you what went on. It isn’t as Irish as I normally write for my Celtic Halloween story, and evidently the pixies...
HistoricalIntroduction: She was under his spell as his dominate ways subjugated her completelt. Sex in public is a powerful aphrodisiac to all tha see it. The Meeting Chapter two: The Seduction I was filled with a nervous excitement all day as I kept remembering Willies words. I showered, shaved my legs and pussy making sure my pussy was soft and slick, even rubbing moisturizer on my mons, which of course had me rubbing my clit cumming my ass off thinking that I may have to renege on my statement that...
The priests found Kaly (or rather Kaly found them) when she was a baby wrapped in a blanket outside the monasteries front door. There was no sight of the person who had banged on the door but there was a note pined to the blanket, but it was written in some ancient language. It took 3 years for the priests to decipher what the note said. The note was a prophecy foretelling that Kaly would be able to wield great power for good and make the world a nicer place to be. However until she was 21...
I am on a business trip on south east asia. I’ve been traveling over uae, arab states, india and now finally to pakistan. I’ve not seen my girlfriend for some time now as i have been traveling for nearly 2 months. I board my flight from dubai to karachi where i am due to visit a customer the following day. I am due to stay at the sheraton that evening and am looking forward to my meeting the following day as this is my last call before heading home to usa. On the flight there are the usuall mix...
I can't believe my fantasy came true! I've wanted to see my wife with a group of black guys since the day we got together and now its happened! I will say I was shocked at first (I thought I had made a mistake in letting her do this), but the shock turned to excitement after she told me all that occured.My wife Cindy is 25 and very sexy, with a 5'8 frame, her weight is 130 with a D cup chest. She has blue eyes and blonde hair.. a real knockout. We've talked about having sex with other people...
Johnny was enjoying an afternoon of reading his favorite comic books, when suddenly he had an idea. Becoming a super hero could be easy. All he needed was the costume and cool power. Remembering that he had a massive cock, he decides to create ‘SUPER COCK!’ the new hero to save all the horny milfs of the world. He quickly got to work creating a costume and having some fun around the house with his super cock out. His stepmom gets home and catches him. He made a mess, and ruined her...
xmoviesforyouI woke up that fateful morning in a daze. I was the perfect son, and I hated it. My parents expected me to be perfect. I was a straight A student, never stepped a toe out of line, and even though I was only 17, I already had a scholarship for a full ride to Princeton. I went to a private school and wore my uniform with false pride. My sister Emma was a different story. Emma was totally rebellious. She wore nothing but black and her everything else was black. Her bed sheets, her clothes, her...
This story is real except for the names. It took place on September 1985. This is my first story ever and I hope you’ll like it. I dry docked my 28 footer in Perama near Athens, packed my clothes and started my journey to Amsterdam to join a nice Dutch woman I met while sailing the Greek islands. It was going to be a long and boring train – ferry – train of about three days until I reach Maud in Amsterdam. I hadn’t have sex in the last two weeks and was quite horny from...
Meg was overwhelmingly pleased with her profitable business of relieving rich folks of their heavy purses and stripping the female travelers of their precious gems. Her father was not quite as enthusiastic despite the financial gains they made in a very short space of time. He had developed some disconcerting habits of late like constantly looking over his shoulder as if expecting the Kings men to be hot on his thieving trail. Meg was more philosophical about the entire business just...
This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...
Chapter 2When Blaze woke up the next morning, Jie Er was waiting for him in the kitchen with a breakfast of eggs and bread. She was wearing a feathered push up and strapless bra, and a pair of low hanging skimpy panties. A silken translucent skirt covered her butt but was open at the front.Blaze wondered if all angels dressed like her or if his angel was just a pervert.“Morning’ dear. Breakfast?” she said with a warm smile.“I have to go to work, little one, but I will try to be back early. I...
NovelsEvery weekend for the past four years, since she had broken up with Alex’s father, Mrs. Glover had started inviting guests over. When Alex was younger he had assumed that these guests were her work friends. Mrs. Glover always wore her best business attire on the weekends. A nice clean skirt and a crisp white blouse. As Alex got older he also started to notice that that clean skirt stopped half way up her thigh and that crisp blouse was skin tight and unbuttoned half way. He also...
Another encounter with my friend had us at our house for a backyard party. We had some friends over and were sitting around the fire outside. We were all drinking and my wife was getting fairly drunk. Later on some people came over from the local tavern and my friend was one of them. He sat down on the other side of the fire and it wasn’t long and before he was sitting beside my wife. The party continued and eventually everyone started going home. There was only myself and a neighbor and his...
My stepmom greeted me in the kitchen and was automatically on my case. She made me feel like a good for nothing idiot. She even accused me of taking advantage of her. In order to help me become more independent, she thought it would be a great idea to teach me how to make breakfast. As she was showing me how to scramble eggs, her titty popped out. It looked way more yummy than what we were about to cook. The eggs were taking so long that stepmom got restless. She had her breasts out and was...
xmoviesforyouMistress gradually loosened her hold on my head and started to run her fingers through my hair. "That was incredible, sissy," she purred. "You were made to give me pleasure, my little sissy pussy licker." "Oh we're going to have so much fun together." Squatting there, gently licking and kissing her pussy lips, I was just giddy with my good fortune. I held Erika's smooth firm ass in one hand and stroked her fine shapely thigh with the other. Pressing my sissy breasts against...
……………………… I got up and went and knelt in front of the wall took a cock in each hand, my heart was pounding so fast now I thought it would explode out of my chest, I leant forward and licked the head of this strangers cock as Jo had done it twitched as I did this, then I licked the head of the cock in my other hand and slowly sank my lips over it and started to suck and then back to the other one to do the same, I moved along to the next two which were both new ones and both softish, I took them...
Anal “You like that, don’t ya Fugs, hey?” asked Eric. “You like a big cock going deep in that sweet tight little puckered up ass?” “You know I do, Babe,” I said between thrusts. “But, do you want to talk or fuck?” “Oh, let’s talk please,” Eric smirked. “How was your day, sweetheart?” “Well asshole, it was going fine… until you opened your mouth. So, stop being a smart ass, shut up and”… BDSM “Take it like the bitch you are,” I said, as I rammed my condom covered rubber opaque cock...
It was a Saturday morning. As usual, I woke up accompanied by a rock hard morning boner and feeling super horny, but no wife in sight to help me get rid of it. It had been a few days since my wife and I had the opportunity to have some alone time. Should I quickly rub one out? Or would we have time today to sneak in a quickie?I just never knew what to do. I decided to wait, it’s always better when you have someone to help release the tension, but I needed to keep busy. I made everyone...
Straight SexGina just wants to get home. Her car is out of gas, her phone isn’t working and she’s miles and miles away from home. When Brick’s plain white van creeps into view she waves hhim over and tells him about her troubling predicament. He agrees to give her a lift to the closest gas station on his route. Who wouldn’t help this innocent looking little Latina? Once they’ve started on their way, she reveals that she’s broke, then has the nerve to asks him for gas...
xmoviesforyouHiThis Moni's next ordeal with Lamont if it can be even called that now, as through my eyes, her husband, I woke up early in our room to some soft wet sounds. In the dim morning light I can see Moni's head moving up and down Lamont's still big but soft cock. I whispered to her "what are you doing". She just looked up at me and lifted up from his cock and smiled at me then proceeded to suck his cock. Pssst I did and she waved a dismissive hand at me. She continued to eagerly suck him. I saw him...
I got back to my apartment around 7:00 am after a long night of drinking. I'd actually stayed at a girl's apartment who was a friend and I had spent the last couple of hours trying to get into her pants to no avail. After I realized I was getting nowhere fast, I took a cab home.I was tired, but my hormones were acting like a 5-hour energy drink and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep without watching some porn first. I searched my usual sites and even started a video or two. As I started to...
BisexualHer heart beginning to beat faster with his every step she heard on the porch. His key entering the lock, the door knob turning and the door opening. She lay there eyes covered body wet and naked. "Not a word, she commanded. I have been waiting for you. Now, close the door and show me how much you want me." He doesn't say a word and does as he was told. He closes the door and locked it. As he circle's the couch he admires this beautiful woman before him. Her hair wet and curly as if she...
The occasional rest on the ocean with little friend Margot remembered for a long time! After the beach take a shower, drank a little wine and we lay down on the only big Croat in our room. We both lay on our backs and talked, touching nipples and lips touching lips to each other. Margo liked to tease me, and I hesitated to go on. When the burning desire to cum in any way has become absolutely unbearable .( And in what way ?- sitting comfortably in the bathroom and taking her to ‘float’ your...
Hello friends, me ek baar phir wapas aaya hu ek nayi story le kar apne priya pathako ke liye. Yeh story mujhe meri ek friend ne batayi hai aur woh chahti hai ki mai yeh story aap sab ke saath share karu. Meri friend ka naam archana hai aur ab yeh story app usi ki zubani sunane jaa rahe hai Mera naam archana hai aur yeh story tab ki hai jab mai 20 saal ki thi. Tab mera figure tha 32 – 28 – 26. Meri family mei mere mummy papa aur mera chota bhai bhi saath rehte they. Mere chote bhai ka naam...
The apartment itself was large, a duplex, and was tastefully decorated. Modern abstract paintings hung from the walls, setting off rooms with blacks and slashes of vivid color. The furniture was modern and elegant. It reminded Kim of apartments she had seen in fashion magazines. Cool quiet jazz came from speakers that were all through the apartment, and the lights were on a rheostat that someone was manipulating, lowering the lights just as Kim and Nichole came in with their escorts. A...
Eight years had now flown by since our wedding day. She was about to finish her residency in family medicine, and I had been spending my time managing our various investments. I had finished my education with a Master's degree, as the lure of creating things had begun to outweigh the desire for further education. Jason, on the other hand, was in the throes of finalizing his Doctorate in Robotics. Clara had become 'the next big thing in art and design' and was just about to open her new...
Welcome to the introduction!! This will be one of my main projects so I hope I have supporters and writers joining me in this little adventure :3 This is total creative freedom, and if you want a example of what type of experience I’m looking to make https://chyoa.com/chapter/Introduction.74317 Then you should possibly try and read (and add to) this little story :3 it follows the story of the main character house sitting for his sister but the A.I. running her home, identified him as his sister...
Hello dosto, mera naam Mannu hai. Meri umar 19 saal hai. Main Muradabad ka rehne wala hu. Meri ye kahani mere dadaji aur maa ki chudai ki hai. Ye hai aage ki kahani. Dada ji – Beta, tujhe jo karna hai kar. Magar mujhe bata diya kar. Main – Theek hai dada ji aage se bata ke karunga. Waise ab aapko ye panty mummy ko deni hai. Dada ji – Beta, main teri mummy ko panty dunga. To woh puchegi nahi ki mujhe kaha se mili? Main – Dada ji woh janti hai. Ki ye panty aap aapne lund par ragad rahe the....
"Crocodile Tooth, you owe us nothing for saving you; we consider it our duty to help people who are in trouble. All we ask is a chance to be your friends." "Well, you certainly are our friends, now. Can you show us how to make and use those wonderful weapons you used to kill the slavers?" "We can't do that very easily, but we can show you how to make a weapon almost as good. We call it an atlatl, and it allows you to launch a spear faster and farther than you can by throwing it by...
As we traveled down the long stretch of highway in my convertible, heading to my parents cottage I looked over to my sexy 21 year old bomb shell girlfriend sitting in the passenger side. Amber was very sexy, probably one of the sexiest and smartest women I have ever knew. She was Chinese-Canadian, born here in Canada but her parents moved here about 30 years ago. Amber was 5’4′, 105lbs, long black hair, brown eyes and actually very tanned with B cups and a tight little ass. People would often...