- 1 year ago
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I have no idea what time we finally went to sleep and I really don't care. We slept in and showered before we were ready to face the world. It was after noon before we ventured out of the room looking for something or somewhere to eat. There was a casual restaurant off the Promenade Deck where we could have our usual fruit and cheese.
The selection was wider and different but it was still fruit and cheese and something we were both used to and comfortable with. They also had a selection of coffees but for me that wasn't as important as the coffee being fresh and not burned. I could taste the differences for the most part, but they really didn't do anything for me. As long as it was fresh and hot, I was happy.
"Rob, the only thing I know about OUR honeymoon is that we flew up to Alaska and boarded a ship. Are you going to tell me where we're going?"
"You and your mom planned the wedding, so I planned our honeymoon. Do you have any complaints?"
"No, not yet, but we've only had one night on here. I don't even know how long the cruise is. Where are we going to end up? Are we doing anything special while we're on the ship? Special beyond the cruise itself I mean. When did you put this all together? How much is this all costing?"
"Let me start with that last question first; it cost as much as it cost and how much it cost is immaterial. I put this together in my hotel rooms in Hawaii. The hotel computer systems there didn't need much work and I had some free time. I was able to do almost all of it on-line and only had to make one phone call once I got home. We'll be on board twelve nights in total and we're going to finish up in Vancouver. We're supposed to fly home on the Saturday before you have to go back to work. Does that all meet with your approval?" I said with a bit of sarcasm.
"It doesn't matter if I approve or not, you've already shanghaied me and brought me aboard. Do we stay on the ship the whole time?"
"You weren't shanghaied; you came aboard under your own power. I was with you, to be sure, but you came aboard under your own power. I didn't ply you with drinks or drugs before we came up the brow and as I remember, they're a required part of the whole shanghai thing, along with a knock on the head. Do you have any bumps up on top?"
"Okay, so you didn't shanghai me. You didn't answer me about whether or not we're staying on the ship."
"We can if you'd like but we have port stops in several locations: Fairbanks, Denali, Juneau, Skagway and Anchorage. We'll also be at the Hubbard Glacier. I don't remember the sequence of when we're where and there is probably one or two that I missed, but that's our itinerary in a nutshell."
"It sounds wonderful. Are these overnight stops?"
"One or two are but the rest are all day stops with the evenings and nights on board and underway. That's one of the main reasons the ship has some extensive night life with shows, dancing, movies and all the rest of the entertainment. I don't think we'll be bored."
"It sounds busy."
"It can be or we can sit around and not do anything if we prefer. I, myself, would like to see the glacier. I hear it's fantastic and awe inspiring, a whole mountain of ice."
"I don't know much about any of those places, do you?"
"No, I don't either, but the stewards' office has brochures for every port stop. We can stop by and pick them up before we go back to our cabin."
We stayed in the café talking about the cruise for a little while longer and then left to take a walk around the deck. We were arm in arm as we took our stroll around the outer walkways. Other than when we were on the sailboat we didn't usually have this type of relaxed time with each other. We weren't really going anywhere; we were just enjoying ourselves and looking at what was around us both on the ship and on the water.
We had been walking for a while when Kay asked, "Do you think the shops are open yet?"
"I would think so. We can walk through the Promenade Deck and look."
We changed our direction and headed that way. When we got there, the shops were open, so we went in. The shops were a lot bigger than the store fronts indicated. They weren't very wide but they were very deep and had a lot of merchandise in them.
"Rob, these are high end, designer label dresses and things. Do you think they're real or knock offs?"
"I'm pretty sure they're the real deal. A cruise line wouldn't want to be tagged as having imitation clothing and goods."
"They're so expensive, though. Who can afford to buy anything in here?"
"Anyone who has a cabin on the upper decks can afford them and probably has some already in the luggage they brought aboard. We can afford them for you."
"Why would anyone need clothes like these on board ship?"
"They'd only be down here for something they either forgot or was damaged somehow. There are formal dances on Wednesday evenings and the evening meal at the Captain's table is always formal. Speaking of the Captain's table, when would you like to eat with him?"
"If it's really formal, I'll have to come back here to pick up some things."
"SOME things?"
"Okay, okay, I'll have to buy everything, a whole new outfit, from the skin out. I'd beat you up about not warning me so I could bring things for it with me but I don't OWN anything that would be formal enough."
"I knew that when I booked the cruise. I expected you to have to visit the shops. I think you'll look stunning when you're all done up but, I don't think it could compare to what you looked like when I first saw you standing in your wedding gown framed by the doors to the barn. You were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen or ever expect to see."
"That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I don't know what to say."
"There's nothing to say. I love you and I married you because I love you. I wouldn't care if we stayed in our cabin this whole trip or if we had dinner every night at the Captain's table. You'd be the most gorgeous woman there and would draw the same amount of attention no matter if you wore the fanciest gown in here or your birthday suit."
"Rob, can we return to our cabin, right now?" She raised an eyebrow and smiled at me.
I looked at her quizzically in wonder for a moment, and then I got it. "I see no reason we can't." I was smiling now, too.
We returned to our cabin in a lot less time than it took to get to the Promenade Deck. It had been serviced while we were out walking around. I stepped up behind her at the foot of the bed and wrapped her up in my arms. I started kissing her neck and she turned to face me, putting her arms around my neck. We kissed and this was no simple meeting of the lips; when our tongues met, they danced and dueled. We held our embrace and after a few moments, she leaned back to look up into my eyes.
"I think you forgot something," she said.
"Eh, what's that?"
"Isn't there a sign you want to put on the other side of the door?"
"Umm, that's probably a good idea." I broke our embrace and went back to the door to put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign out again and made sure the door was locked before I moved back into the cabin. I turned the cabin phone off and when I looked back, Kay was just finishing getting undressed.
"It seems to me you're a bit overdressed," she said.
I didn't waste any time catching up to her while she turned down the bed. She moved into the middle of the bed as I shucked the last of my clothes. I joined her and we were on our knees kissing when I tugged her sideways and we toppled over together, in each other's arms.
"Rob, I can't compete with you. I don't bring..."
I interrupted her, "Stop, stop, right there. We've had this conversation before, or one like it. You bring you to our relationship and I bring me. We aren't equal but very little in life is equal or fair. I'm happy with what you bring to our relationship, the question is, are you satisfied with what I bring to the relationship."
"Of course I am. It's you I'm worried about; I don't want you to think you're being cheated. I'm afraid you're going to wake up and think that and then run. I don't ever want to lose you, you're too important to me. It's not the money either. I've learned so very much from you and grown so much being with you. I'd be lost if you left me for ANY reason."
I pushed her onto her back and started kissing her stomach. I punctuated what I said with a kiss between each of my words as I spoke. "You – don't – have – to – worry – about – me – ever – EVER – leaving – you. If – you – get – tired – of – me – you're – going – to – have – to – drive – me – off – with – a – stick." I had been roving all over her belly and ended up working my way up to her breasts. After I said the last of my little speech I latched onto a nipple and sucked it into my mouth.
"Oh, I love what you do to me. That feels soooo good."
I continued to pay oral attention to her breasts, shifting from one to the other and then moving down again, stopping at her belly button, so it wouldn't feel neglected. I started to go lower but she stopped me by pulling on my shoulders.
When I looked up she said, "My turn."
I responded, "But I wasn't done."
"That doesn't matter. I'm the one that wanted this and I want to have my way, please?"
"I was having fun."
"I'll let you have fun later. It's my turn, right now."
I gave up my fight and moved up even with her. We didn't stay even though because she was kissing me, starting at my lips and then moving down my neck to my chest where she once again smothered my chest with kisses. She nipped my nipple and I jumped. "Hey, now."
"You do that to me all the time."
"You're the one that said you didn't want any visible marks."
"I DON'T want visible marks, ON ME. You can have marks, I can't."
"That doesn't seem fair."
"Didn't you say 'little in life is fair' just a bit ago?"
"Don't go confusing the issue by quoting me. You're not allowed to use my own words against me."
She blew a raspberry at me then went back to giving me kisses and love bites. She covered my chest and stomach. She continued moving down and when she got to my member she kissed it right on the tip before giving it lots of little kisses moving down one side, across the top and then up the other, ending with a kiss right on the tip again. She looked up into my eyes for a minute and then looked down again as she pursed her lips to suck me all the way into her mouth. She knew how much that affected me.
"Unh!" exploded from me. "Mmmm, that's good, so good. It's always, so good."
She sucked and bobbed her head, drawing me into her mouth and then pulling back before doing it again and again and again. She kept doing it, at a slow and steady pace. She ignored my hints to speed up. She looked up at me and even though her mouth was full and occupied she managed to smile at me. She was laughing with her eyes as she enjoyed torturing me, she always did.
I tried to coax her around to where I could pay some attention to her fun areas but she refused to move.
"I want to play, too," I said.
"Unh, uh, this is my time to play and I know what you like."
"You do, but why can't I play, too, so we can both have fun?"
"Because I'm thanking you for all you've done in arranging this cruise."
"You don't have to thank me. It's just as much for me as it is for you."
"That may be but I'm going to be buying one heck of an outfit for dinner with the Captain and I want you to know how much I'm going to appreciate it, even before I get it. I don't know that I'll ever get another formal gown or even have a reason to wear one. You are spending a fortune on me."
"It's not a fortune and it's not just you, I'm here, too. We're both going to enjoy the cruise."
"But I'm the one who's going to get a gown."
"You may be the one getting the gown but I assure you I will be enjoying it, just by seeing you in it."
During this back and forth she had crawled up the bed, so that we were face to face again. She swung her leg over me and got on top.
"Ahhh! I so wish I could stay right here, all the time." She leaned forward to place her hands on my chest then started rocking her hips, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. About every third or fourth time she'd stop to grind her hips in a circle or two. When she did I'd hear her go, "Mmmm," and then start her rocking again.
I reached up with both hands and played with the pair of toys in front of me, tickling, teasing, pinching, twisting and pulling. After doing that for a minute or two, I got hungry. I raised my head and sucked in a nipple to play with it that way. I sucked it in, then swirled my tongue around it. I knew that added to her pleasure. She was moving faster and faster. I decided it was time to break her concentration, so I pulled my mouth away and then reached under her arms to tickle her ribs on both sides. I knew there'd be consequences.
She shrieked and pulled away from me. It completely broke her rhythm. She balled up her fists and started beating on my chest. "You beast! You brute! You Neanderthal! Why'd you do that?"
I reached up and grabbed her wrists to stop the beating I was getting. "I did it for the fun of it!" I rolled us over without breaking our connection, so that she ended up under me with her legs to either side. I had her arms pinned over her head and was in her saddle. I brought my face down to kiss her and she tried to bite my lip but I realized what she was about to do and pulled back out of range. She snapped her teeth together trying to bite me. "Unh, uh, little girl, naughty, naughty." I ground my pelvis on hers.
"I was getting close before you took it away from me, that was mean."
"I didn't take it away so much as I'm just holding it back from you. You'll get it, eventually." I ground my pelvis on her again. "If you behave yourself I'll give it to you. Don't you know that?"
"But I want it now," she whined.
"Are you going to behave like a good little girl?" I was using a very condescending voice, intentionally. It was a fun game.
"I'll behave." She pouted.
"If I let go of your hands you won't beat on me anymore?"
"Okay, I won't beat on you anymore."
"And you won't try to bite me anymore?"
"I won't bite you but you're taking away all my fun."
"There're other ways to have fun."
"What ways?"
"We can play Parcheesi or Clue or some other board game." I was slowly moving in and out. If Kay were a pot on the stove she would be at a light simmer. I planned on keeping her that way for a while.
"That's not as much fun as what we were doing." She struggled to pull her arms free.
"Do you mean when you were beating on me?" I ground my pelvis on hers.
"I was only beating on you because you tickled me."
"A little tickle rates a beating?"
"No, the beating was for stopping me from what I was doing, and it wasn't a little tickle."
"I didn't stop you. You stopped on your own. I just tickled you a little." I was moving a little faster.
She was starting to breathe heavier and faster. "I couldn't keep doing what I was doing with you tickling me and you knew that when you tickled me, meanie."
"Would you like me to let you get back to what you were doing?" I was stroking deeper and harder, turning up the heat.
"Maybe, but not necessarily, if you're going to keep doing that." Her hips were twitching and pushing up to meet my downward movements.
"I'm not hurting you, am I? If I am I can slow down or maybe not push as hard as I am."
"You're not hurting me but you are driving me crazy, you beast."
"Are you in a hurry, or something? Do you have somewhere you need to go? Should I stop and get up, so you can get off the bed?"
"Don't you dare!"
I continued the long deep strokes but I didn't speed up. "I don't dare what? I'm getting conflicting messages here, Kay." I ground my pelvis against her, driving myself as deep as I could and squeezing her pleasure center between us.
"Unh! Oh gawd! Uncle, I give up. I'll do anything you want but PLEASE move faster or turn us over again so I can move faster."
"There you go again, in a rush. Don't you want to savor these wonderful feelings?" I was trying to maintain the same, slow pace but it was getting to me, too.
Her hips were still coming up in counterpoint to my downward thrusts. "These feelings are wonderful and you always give them to me, but you don't usually drag things out this way. You're torturing me and you're doing it on purpose."
"Haven't you ever heard of the principle of delayed gratification? When you finally attain gratification it's much more intense and pleasurable."
"The rate you're doing things I'll only be gratified once where I would be two or three times if you were going as fast as I want to."
"But I'm an old man and I can't come back again and again as fast as you can. I'm enjoying myself at this speed, drawing out my pleasure."
"And part of that enjoyment is my torture, isn't it?"
"Maybe." I leaned down and proceeded to give her a searingly hot kiss. I released her arms and she brought them up and around my neck in a hug to match the kiss.
After a bit I broke the kiss and said, "Mmmm, if you keep giving me hugs and kisses like those maybe I'll give you what you want."
"I'll give them to you all day long. Hugging and kissing you has really become something I like to do. If you give me what I want I'll give you more of them, lots more."
I decided I'd dragged things out long enough and turned up the heat by moving faster.
"Mmmm, that's what I'm talking about." Kay sped up right along with me. She didn't last more than a minute before she was loudly announcing her pleasure.
I froze, giving her something to squeeze against. As soon as I felt her relaxing I started moving again. She didn't have time to recover. I drove into her again and again, pushing her to another screeching pinnacle. I let her come down a little and while she was recovering hooked her legs so that her knees were at the crook of my arms. I pulled her up until her bottom was clear of the bed and then started moving again, driving almost straight down. I was close and knew I wouldn't be able to last long but I held on. When her breathing told me she was ready, I drove into her and ground my pelvis against hers, doing my best to bring her over the top with me. We both screamed.
I let her legs down and fell to the side. She rolled towards me and dreamily said, "Oh, thank you."
She threw her leg across mine and an arm across my chest. She was half lying on me with her head on my shoulder. I dragged a sheet up across us and we dozed off for a much needed nap.
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I came into the kitchen dressed in my usual way, pj bottoms , with no top. My 17 year old daughter was sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. As I walked by, I patted her head and bent over and kissed the top of it. I poured a cup of coffee she had made for me, turned around, shot the breeze for a minute before I left and went into the other room to watch tv. Sunday was the same thing. Nothing new, everything normal as could be. Monday evening, after my wife and I went to bed, she said...
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Kelly was a video game fanatic. She lay on her stomach in her home with a controller in her hand staring up at the screen. She was playing a fat paced monster onslaught type game. Monsters were bum rushing her from every direction and she was taking them out left and right. She was practicing for the tournament, and she had to win. She was up against a lot of boys and she had a lot of money riding on her winning. There was the prize money and then also there was the money she had wagered on...
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Father, so I was told was still in town. Celebrating the sale of the Tyrannos at the Xchange. Greifen caught me right by the gate after the school flier had dropped me by the gate. He still looked sober and miserable but he grinned as he closed the gate. “Looks like even your Father could not find a bad world about you today. Word is they got a very good price for your Tyrannos and from what I heard they are celebrating at Hogun’s Inn. Many clan Chief and Elders are there. They will drink...
??????????? Katie sat there in the eerie silence of the room to recollect everything that had just happened. Ever since she moved into her new house, she had been very aware and cautious of everything around her. Now she didn't know what to be aware of. She heard all of the stories about her place being haunted, but she never really paid attention to them. Mostly because she never really believed in ghosts. Until now. ??????????? Katie? was a fairly pretty girl. She had long dark hair,...
Tonight was the night. The night all seniors waited for, Senior Camp Out. The night where all the seniors in the class of 2007 stayed the night in the parking lot in either tents or trucks. Aerin and I had been friends for a while. After all she was my best friend. She was the first person I had sex with. We made it known that she was my first and that we have sex all the time. I love the taste of a soaking wet vagina on my face. Aerin is a beauty at 5'6" 120 pounds, the bluest eyes I have ever...
Group SexHi, everyone. I’m also just a regular ISS reader like everyone here. Been a fan of this site for about 4 years. The story that I’m about to tell is between me and my hot, sexy aunt. First, let me introduce myself. I’m abhi. I’m 20 years old. Still in college, average height guy, with a good body shape and dick of 5.1″. I know that’s too small, but it satisfies just like everyone else’s. Now about my aunt, she’s 44 now. With a 34D boobs and 90cm panty size. I never really had any interest in...
After my evening with Kathleen and her brother, I wasn't sure what to expect next. While I felt a little overwhelmed by the nature and quantity of her sexual appetites, I was honest enough to realize that I enjoyed myself immensely whenever I participated in one of her adventures and I was eagerly anticipating her next surprise. I called her on Monday of the following week to ask if she were free to go out on a real date with dinner and a concert. When she readily agreed, I was almost...
I wanted to surprise my lover with a full body massage. I got to his home an hour before he was to arrive. I went up to his bedroom and lit a few candles. One of the candles had a vanilla scent, which made the room smell good and inviting. I brought out the massage oil that I picked up from one of those stores exclusively for body lotions and sprays. This oil’s scent was more masculine, and I knew that he would like that. I went back downstairs and started to place the cards at strategic...
“I would love to continue; I am in, what more can happen? Mysterious that I have to accept before you tell me the rules but I trust you, I can’t leave now anyway, not that I want to, but I had a bit too much to drink to drive, so a good excuse” I said. Debra and Bipasha made the rules up and told me, “Well, the game continues and if we lose, we shed a piece of clothing like before, but if you lose, you don’t have any clothing to remove, so you have to fulfil a command from us, if you lose...
This is a story about a wife named Anjali and how she was brutally exploited and abused and used by the members of her society (colony) like the managers, watchmen, milkmen and many other low class people. This story is written by author of Brutal Brother Series Hi, mera naam Anjali h or mai 23 saal ki hu. Mai ek shaddi-shuda housewife hu jo apni pati ke sath Delhi m reheti hu. Meri pati ek sarkari naukari karte h or usme bohat busy bhi rehete h vo mujhe bohat kam time de pate h or hamari sex...
“You know...” Stu started. “This pay could REALLY set us up” Ally looked up at him then back at the blast door, resting her hand on her hip just above her plasma blastsr. “If you say so, I can finally buy that lot back on Piscus 3...” “Kiddo, you’re 17, not 47, spend it upgrading that piece of shit breastplate to protect those nice titties” he jabbed. The breastplate Ally had was indeed very entry level. Stu was fortunate enough to have seduced the teen into giving him her cherry week...
The New Warchief, Part 2 A World of Warcraft story by Himesama Sugi looked around the throne room, the very room where the orc wearing her skin had previously issued orders. It smelled musty and stale compared to when Garrosh had used it, a factor that Garrosh attributed to the Forsaken advisors that Sylvanas kept around her. It didn't bother the disguised and deposed former warchief too much. He had devised plans to retake his throne. Sugi looked around the room at the...
Here we are," said Fred, turning the moving van on to Washington Avenue.Amber reached over to grab his arm. "I hope this is a good idea.""Everything will be fine," replied her husband."This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't need to do this.""Honey, it's alright. Things will work themselves out.""Are they all black?""As far as I could tell. Quit worrying. It's an older neighborhood. No gangs or d**gs. I've checked it all out. The crime rate is low. It's fine. We'll get ourselves...
Dry Dock IV I walked into my second room with a man for the sole purpose of letting him fuck my brains out. It felt a little funny. I knew it was wrong and could remember being a person, who could never understand how two people could enjoy it, but that person died three hours ago and now I just wanted out of my clothes and Jake inside me. One hole or another. Jake grabbed me, pulling me to him and closing his lips over mine in a deep sweet kiss. As our tongues swirled together he...
GREASING THE PISTONS AND LUBING THE RODS...Ross Barker heard unusual noises coming from the engine room. It sounded like the deckhand Marcus was being attacked by a wild bear. Making Ross' hero scream and squeal. The savage bear was growling and grunting like a heavy diesel engine. Pounding its way upstream on a fast-flowing river.The then 16-year-old Ross had just finished 5 years of basic nautical schooling. Learning a trade like his father. But after 5 years of education ashore, he...
On the surface everything seemed perfect. The four men were wearing black robes and chanting. There was a virgin tied down to the center of the circle. Her ankles were tied down to a hook in the cement floor, and her wrists were tied each to another hook in the floor. It was a nice effect. Her belly shirt, naval tattoos and skirt framed the clear glass saucer nicely. In the candle light her largish breasts and thin face were quite pleasing to the eye. Even the symbols on the floor and the...
Where to begin to start off I am married to a 5’3 Latina little chubby with brown eyes and dark long hair that goes to her middle back we here in TX during this time. This story come to when I got home from a deployment, when I left to go overseas her and I talked about should the sexual urge happen I don’t mind if she jumps on it. For me I got no problem with her playing around. Sometimes thought I did not know how much she played around. For the first few months all was well until the ninth...
A Sissy called Jezebel Part LXIII - We get to meet Aunty Eden's pack and the family sees the harem chamber and the incredible indoor pool. "We've organized the closet a little bit, there's some hand me down clothes for everyone, but we'll fuss with that stuff on a future trip." The twins are back up, and we follow mother to the harem chamber. It's down one floor. Mother opens up the huge double doors, and the vaulted chamber is enormous. "Mother how many sissies did your parents...
As I walked into the dimly lit room, I could smell the heat in the air. The note had said, "Room 469, 1:00pm. Wear something easily removed." It had been typed, but when it had been delivered with a dozen white and fuchsia gladiolas, I knew it was from one or the other of them. Maybe both. Also, It didn't say which hotel, so I assumed it would be the one place the 3 of us had rendezvoused several times before. The key attached to the note did not have a tag, and the only marking was the room...
Hello ISS readers, Karthick again narrating my next experience which happened some weeks back with a friend of my colleague, Sathya. About her she is 5 ft 3in, avg., nice shapely boobs & very attractive ass. She was introduced by my colleague while distributing his marriage invitation where i was with him helping on it, she was a old friend of him. Our relation started on his marriage where we both met, as I was the only person she knows it created the opportunity to have a conversation with...
Brilliant Irish Humour At the National Art Gallery in Dublin, Ireland, a husband and wife were staring at a painting that had them completely baffled. The painting depicted three black men totally naked sitting on a park bench. Two of the men had black penises, but the one in the middle had a pink penis. The curator of the gallery realized they were having trouble interpreting the painting, and offered his assessment. He went on for over half an hour, explaining how it depicted the sexual...
MY MOROCCAN LOVER PART 4.Yeah bb. Mohammed said, this is what I like..what I need you to give me. Is this what you are willing to give to me?You promissed to obey me, if you say you love me you love my kind of lust. Farid was still inside me rubbing and drilling my hole with his cock. I felt him deep inside..ritmic and sometimes mean hard hits. He seemed to enjoy this kind of fuck, to show me what his cock could do and to show me he had power over me by mohammeds allowance. i had no choice...
My old school was unusual in as much that it was one of the very few in England that had its own sports field and not like the majority had to use the local parks. As an old manor house converted to a boy's only grammar school it had a detailed covenant what required the original buildings on the attached land to be maintained rather than replaced. So the old barn on the sport's field had to be kept in good state of repairs; so it was always used for extra-curricular activities; one of which...
It’s just like a SLEEPOVER!!! Because you know those sleepover pillow fights, which sometimes lead to kissing, is really just pent up passion. It’s pussy juice lip-gloss time with returning top rated Winter Bell & sexy Vanessa Voxxx. These two sex kittens stopped by the ExCoGi hotel room to fulfill both their fantasies of licking another girl’s pussy for the first time on camera, and boy are we glad they did. Now as you will hear, both these coy but sexy things have...
xmoviesforyouNote from Author: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. This story is a relatively long romance story about the blossoming of love between two unlikely characters. There is sex in it but if that’s all you want look in the latter pages. I hope you like the story, I’ve lived vicariously through it while writing it. If you like it or not please let me know. As always this is a work of fiction, any similarity to any persons is purely coincidental and this story is intended for adults, and...
This story is true in a sense it happened to a friend of mine, I knew him through the years growing up he was a perfectly normal red blooded American guy he played football we chased girls. We talked about girls all the time we were definitely girl crazy I remain the same girl crazed guy ive always been but he changed as soon as he met wendy she so beautiful she had dirty blonde hair green eyes she was so smart and funny. They were perfect together they were meant to be everytime i seen him I...
Friday lunchtime I was playing darts in my local pub, just next door to where I worked. I had just been comprehensively outplayed by one of the pub's first team and headed over to my pie and pint. I'd left them on a table which had been empty when I went up to the oche to play. It wasn't now. There were two girls sitting there, Sauvignon Blancs in hand, the remnants of their sandwiches in front of them. I recognised them as two girls who always arrived at work together and worked in the...
TruePoly Anima breezes in, whips things up with her wit and charm and leaves the room stinging with sexual tension. Poly introduces us to her conquests, adjusts her cleavage, gets busy beside the cigarette machine, and snags a phone number – all with out smudging her lippy. After having her itch politely scratched by Mr Rake, Poly is hopeful of something a little more impressive with Mr Flowers. Fortunately, a prelude of laughter, serenade and breakdance leads to record-breaking, deity-praising,...
The train ran over some points waking Chris. He looked around wondering just where he was, glancing up there was a display telling him that the next station was Swindon. So he was heading into the West Country. A ticket inspector was walking through but he seemed to miss Chris completely, it was almost as if he didn't see him. 'I used a hiding spell' Sar'ha's voice said into his mind. "A what?" Chris asked as this didn't rock any memories for him and then he remembered what had...
Mike responded, "Thanks Rob, we are starting to move back now and will close the doors when we are clear. There is a glass port so we can still watch to see if they start coming this way. We don't have a radio right now but I can grab a couple from the storage unit at the end of the north hallway." Rob shot back, "If there is any chance that the outlaws have radios try to get a unit with a secure band to keep them from listening to our conversation. When you get it just click the send...
LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: "Knowing both my Dad and my Mom, it has always surprised me that Mom never saw it coming. She says that she knew Dad was, her words, 'fond and protective.' Dad is as decisive as you can ask, but usually about as subtle as a fire alarm. Somehow, he bought a centuries old wedding band for her. He even ordered her a wedding dress. You should see it. I outgrew it before I turned 16. Let's just say, custom made for her. "Mom never had a...
Hi, I’m Steve, I have been a bi-sexual male from around the age of 20 I guess, and now I’m in my 40’s my sexual preferences haven’t changed. I like the company and sexual relationship of a female but I also like to make a guy cum and I have taken to doing this spontaneously and in public places to enhance the excitement if I get the chance.This is a short story about the time I went on a trip to a neighbouring town 16 miles away from where I live. I usually go to this town two or three times a...