OVERBOARD!Chapter 49: Cruisin’. free porn video

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I have no idea what time we finally went to sleep and I really don't care. We slept in and showered before we were ready to face the world. It was after noon before we ventured out of the room looking for something or somewhere to eat. There was a casual restaurant off the Promenade Deck where we could have our usual fruit and cheese.

The selection was wider and different but it was still fruit and cheese and something we were both used to and comfortable with. They also had a selection of coffees but for me that wasn't as important as the coffee being fresh and not burned. I could taste the differences for the most part, but they really didn't do anything for me. As long as it was fresh and hot, I was happy.

"Rob, the only thing I know about OUR honeymoon is that we flew up to Alaska and boarded a ship. Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"You and your mom planned the wedding, so I planned our honeymoon. Do you have any complaints?"

"No, not yet, but we've only had one night on here. I don't even know how long the cruise is. Where are we going to end up? Are we doing anything special while we're on the ship? Special beyond the cruise itself I mean. When did you put this all together? How much is this all costing?"

"Let me start with that last question first; it cost as much as it cost and how much it cost is immaterial. I put this together in my hotel rooms in Hawaii. The hotel computer systems there didn't need much work and I had some free time. I was able to do almost all of it on-line and only had to make one phone call once I got home. We'll be on board twelve nights in total and we're going to finish up in Vancouver. We're supposed to fly home on the Saturday before you have to go back to work. Does that all meet with your approval?" I said with a bit of sarcasm.

"It doesn't matter if I approve or not, you've already shanghaied me and brought me aboard. Do we stay on the ship the whole time?"

"You weren't shanghaied; you came aboard under your own power. I was with you, to be sure, but you came aboard under your own power. I didn't ply you with drinks or drugs before we came up the brow and as I remember, they're a required part of the whole shanghai thing, along with a knock on the head. Do you have any bumps up on top?"

"Okay, so you didn't shanghai me. You didn't answer me about whether or not we're staying on the ship."

"We can if you'd like but we have port stops in several locations: Fairbanks, Denali, Juneau, Skagway and Anchorage. We'll also be at the Hubbard Glacier. I don't remember the sequence of when we're where and there is probably one or two that I missed, but that's our itinerary in a nutshell."

"It sounds wonderful. Are these overnight stops?"

"One or two are but the rest are all day stops with the evenings and nights on board and underway. That's one of the main reasons the ship has some extensive night life with shows, dancing, movies and all the rest of the entertainment. I don't think we'll be bored."

"It sounds busy."

"It can be or we can sit around and not do anything if we prefer. I, myself, would like to see the glacier. I hear it's fantastic and awe inspiring, a whole mountain of ice."

"I don't know much about any of those places, do you?"

"No, I don't either, but the stewards' office has brochures for every port stop. We can stop by and pick them up before we go back to our cabin."

We stayed in the café talking about the cruise for a little while longer and then left to take a walk around the deck. We were arm in arm as we took our stroll around the outer walkways. Other than when we were on the sailboat we didn't usually have this type of relaxed time with each other. We weren't really going anywhere; we were just enjoying ourselves and looking at what was around us both on the ship and on the water.

We had been walking for a while when Kay asked, "Do you think the shops are open yet?"

"I would think so. We can walk through the Promenade Deck and look."

We changed our direction and headed that way. When we got there, the shops were open, so we went in. The shops were a lot bigger than the store fronts indicated. They weren't very wide but they were very deep and had a lot of merchandise in them.

"Rob, these are high end, designer label dresses and things. Do you think they're real or knock offs?"

"I'm pretty sure they're the real deal. A cruise line wouldn't want to be tagged as having imitation clothing and goods."

"They're so expensive, though. Who can afford to buy anything in here?"

"Anyone who has a cabin on the upper decks can afford them and probably has some already in the luggage they brought aboard. We can afford them for you."

"Why would anyone need clothes like these on board ship?"

"They'd only be down here for something they either forgot or was damaged somehow. There are formal dances on Wednesday evenings and the evening meal at the Captain's table is always formal. Speaking of the Captain's table, when would you like to eat with him?"

"If it's really formal, I'll have to come back here to pick up some things."

"SOME things?"

"Okay, okay, I'll have to buy everything, a whole new outfit, from the skin out. I'd beat you up about not warning me so I could bring things for it with me but I don't OWN anything that would be formal enough."

"I knew that when I booked the cruise. I expected you to have to visit the shops. I think you'll look stunning when you're all done up but, I don't think it could compare to what you looked like when I first saw you standing in your wedding gown framed by the doors to the barn. You were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen or ever expect to see."

"That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I don't know what to say."

"There's nothing to say. I love you and I married you because I love you. I wouldn't care if we stayed in our cabin this whole trip or if we had dinner every night at the Captain's table. You'd be the most gorgeous woman there and would draw the same amount of attention no matter if you wore the fanciest gown in here or your birthday suit."

"Rob, can we return to our cabin, right now?" She raised an eyebrow and smiled at me.

I looked at her quizzically in wonder for a moment, and then I got it. "I see no reason we can't." I was smiling now, too.

We returned to our cabin in a lot less time than it took to get to the Promenade Deck. It had been serviced while we were out walking around. I stepped up behind her at the foot of the bed and wrapped her up in my arms. I started kissing her neck and she turned to face me, putting her arms around my neck. We kissed and this was no simple meeting of the lips; when our tongues met, they danced and dueled. We held our embrace and after a few moments, she leaned back to look up into my eyes.

"I think you forgot something," she said.

"Eh, what's that?"

"Isn't there a sign you want to put on the other side of the door?"

"Umm, that's probably a good idea." I broke our embrace and went back to the door to put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign out again and made sure the door was locked before I moved back into the cabin. I turned the cabin phone off and when I looked back, Kay was just finishing getting undressed.

"It seems to me you're a bit overdressed," she said.

I didn't waste any time catching up to her while she turned down the bed. She moved into the middle of the bed as I shucked the last of my clothes. I joined her and we were on our knees kissing when I tugged her sideways and we toppled over together, in each other's arms.

"Rob, I can't compete with you. I don't bring..."

I interrupted her, "Stop, stop, right there. We've had this conversation before, or one like it. You bring you to our relationship and I bring me. We aren't equal but very little in life is equal or fair. I'm happy with what you bring to our relationship, the question is, are you satisfied with what I bring to the relationship."

"Of course I am. It's you I'm worried about; I don't want you to think you're being cheated. I'm afraid you're going to wake up and think that and then run. I don't ever want to lose you, you're too important to me. It's not the money either. I've learned so very much from you and grown so much being with you. I'd be lost if you left me for ANY reason."

I pushed her onto her back and started kissing her stomach. I punctuated what I said with a kiss between each of my words as I spoke. "You – don't – have – to – worry – about – me – ever – EVER – leaving – you. If – you – get – tired – of – me – you're – going – to – have – to – drive – me – off – with – a – stick." I had been roving all over her belly and ended up working my way up to her breasts. After I said the last of my little speech I latched onto a nipple and sucked it into my mouth.

"Oh, I love what you do to me. That feels soooo good."

I continued to pay oral attention to her breasts, shifting from one to the other and then moving down again, stopping at her belly button, so it wouldn't feel neglected. I started to go lower but she stopped me by pulling on my shoulders.

When I looked up she said, "My turn."

I responded, "But I wasn't done."

"That doesn't matter. I'm the one that wanted this and I want to have my way, please?"

"I was having fun."

"I'll let you have fun later. It's my turn, right now."

I gave up my fight and moved up even with her. We didn't stay even though because she was kissing me, starting at my lips and then moving down my neck to my chest where she once again smothered my chest with kisses. She nipped my nipple and I jumped. "Hey, now."

"You do that to me all the time."

"You're the one that said you didn't want any visible marks."

"I DON'T want visible marks, ON ME. You can have marks, I can't."

"That doesn't seem fair."

"Didn't you say 'little in life is fair' just a bit ago?"

"Don't go confusing the issue by quoting me. You're not allowed to use my own words against me."

She blew a raspberry at me then went back to giving me kisses and love bites. She covered my chest and stomach. She continued moving down and when she got to my member she kissed it right on the tip before giving it lots of little kisses moving down one side, across the top and then up the other, ending with a kiss right on the tip again. She looked up into my eyes for a minute and then looked down again as she pursed her lips to suck me all the way into her mouth. She knew how much that affected me.

"Unh!" exploded from me. "Mmmm, that's good, so good. It's always, so good."

She sucked and bobbed her head, drawing me into her mouth and then pulling back before doing it again and again and again. She kept doing it, at a slow and steady pace. She ignored my hints to speed up. She looked up at me and even though her mouth was full and occupied she managed to smile at me. She was laughing with her eyes as she enjoyed torturing me, she always did.

I tried to coax her around to where I could pay some attention to her fun areas but she refused to move.

"I want to play, too," I said.

"Unh, uh, this is my time to play and I know what you like."

"You do, but why can't I play, too, so we can both have fun?"

"Because I'm thanking you for all you've done in arranging this cruise."

"You don't have to thank me. It's just as much for me as it is for you."

"That may be but I'm going to be buying one heck of an outfit for dinner with the Captain and I want you to know how much I'm going to appreciate it, even before I get it. I don't know that I'll ever get another formal gown or even have a reason to wear one. You are spending a fortune on me."

"It's not a fortune and it's not just you, I'm here, too. We're both going to enjoy the cruise."

"But I'm the one who's going to get a gown."

"You may be the one getting the gown but I assure you I will be enjoying it, just by seeing you in it."

During this back and forth she had crawled up the bed, so that we were face to face again. She swung her leg over me and got on top.

"Ahhh! I so wish I could stay right here, all the time." She leaned forward to place her hands on my chest then started rocking her hips, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. About every third or fourth time she'd stop to grind her hips in a circle or two. When she did I'd hear her go, "Mmmm," and then start her rocking again.

I reached up with both hands and played with the pair of toys in front of me, tickling, teasing, pinching, twisting and pulling. After doing that for a minute or two, I got hungry. I raised my head and sucked in a nipple to play with it that way. I sucked it in, then swirled my tongue around it. I knew that added to her pleasure. She was moving faster and faster. I decided it was time to break her concentration, so I pulled my mouth away and then reached under her arms to tickle her ribs on both sides. I knew there'd be consequences.

She shrieked and pulled away from me. It completely broke her rhythm. She balled up her fists and started beating on my chest. "You beast! You brute! You Neanderthal! Why'd you do that?"

I reached up and grabbed her wrists to stop the beating I was getting. "I did it for the fun of it!" I rolled us over without breaking our connection, so that she ended up under me with her legs to either side. I had her arms pinned over her head and was in her saddle. I brought my face down to kiss her and she tried to bite my lip but I realized what she was about to do and pulled back out of range. She snapped her teeth together trying to bite me. "Unh, uh, little girl, naughty, naughty." I ground my pelvis on hers.

"I was getting close before you took it away from me, that was mean."

"I didn't take it away so much as I'm just holding it back from you. You'll get it, eventually." I ground my pelvis on her again. "If you behave yourself I'll give it to you. Don't you know that?"

"But I want it now," she whined.

"Are you going to behave like a good little girl?" I was using a very condescending voice, intentionally. It was a fun game.

"I'll behave." She pouted.

"If I let go of your hands you won't beat on me anymore?"

"Okay, I won't beat on you anymore."

"And you won't try to bite me anymore?"

"I won't bite you but you're taking away all my fun."

"There're other ways to have fun."

"What ways?"

"We can play Parcheesi or Clue or some other board game." I was slowly moving in and out. If Kay were a pot on the stove she would be at a light simmer. I planned on keeping her that way for a while.

"That's not as much fun as what we were doing." She struggled to pull her arms free.

"Do you mean when you were beating on me?" I ground my pelvis on hers.

"I was only beating on you because you tickled me."

"A little tickle rates a beating?"

"No, the beating was for stopping me from what I was doing, and it wasn't a little tickle."

"I didn't stop you. You stopped on your own. I just tickled you a little." I was moving a little faster.

She was starting to breathe heavier and faster. "I couldn't keep doing what I was doing with you tickling me and you knew that when you tickled me, meanie."

"Would you like me to let you get back to what you were doing?" I was stroking deeper and harder, turning up the heat.

"Maybe, but not necessarily, if you're going to keep doing that." Her hips were twitching and pushing up to meet my downward movements.

"I'm not hurting you, am I? If I am I can slow down or maybe not push as hard as I am."

"You're not hurting me but you are driving me crazy, you beast."

"Are you in a hurry, or something? Do you have somewhere you need to go? Should I stop and get up, so you can get off the bed?"

"Don't you dare!"

I continued the long deep strokes but I didn't speed up. "I don't dare what? I'm getting conflicting messages here, Kay." I ground my pelvis against her, driving myself as deep as I could and squeezing her pleasure center between us.

"Unh! Oh gawd! Uncle, I give up. I'll do anything you want but PLEASE move faster or turn us over again so I can move faster."

"There you go again, in a rush. Don't you want to savor these wonderful feelings?" I was trying to maintain the same, slow pace but it was getting to me, too.

Her hips were still coming up in counterpoint to my downward thrusts. "These feelings are wonderful and you always give them to me, but you don't usually drag things out this way. You're torturing me and you're doing it on purpose."

"Haven't you ever heard of the principle of delayed gratification? When you finally attain gratification it's much more intense and pleasurable."

"The rate you're doing things I'll only be gratified once where I would be two or three times if you were going as fast as I want to."

"But I'm an old man and I can't come back again and again as fast as you can. I'm enjoying myself at this speed, drawing out my pleasure."

"And part of that enjoyment is my torture, isn't it?"

"Maybe." I leaned down and proceeded to give her a searingly hot kiss. I released her arms and she brought them up and around my neck in a hug to match the kiss.

After a bit I broke the kiss and said, "Mmmm, if you keep giving me hugs and kisses like those maybe I'll give you what you want."

"I'll give them to you all day long. Hugging and kissing you has really become something I like to do. If you give me what I want I'll give you more of them, lots more."

I decided I'd dragged things out long enough and turned up the heat by moving faster.

"Mmmm, that's what I'm talking about." Kay sped up right along with me. She didn't last more than a minute before she was loudly announcing her pleasure.

I froze, giving her something to squeeze against. As soon as I felt her relaxing I started moving again. She didn't have time to recover. I drove into her again and again, pushing her to another screeching pinnacle. I let her come down a little and while she was recovering hooked her legs so that her knees were at the crook of my arms. I pulled her up until her bottom was clear of the bed and then started moving again, driving almost straight down. I was close and knew I wouldn't be able to last long but I held on. When her breathing told me she was ready, I drove into her and ground my pelvis against hers, doing my best to bring her over the top with me. We both screamed.

I let her legs down and fell to the side. She rolled towards me and dreamily said, "Oh, thank you."

She threw her leg across mine and an arm across my chest. She was half lying on me with her head on my shoulder. I dragged a sheet up across us and we dozed off for a much needed nap.

Chapter 49: Cruisin’. Videos

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Take Me Home Country Road

I was about twenty when I decided I wanted to leave my country in search of a better life abroad. I always knew I wanted to go to America. I'd seen a lot of movies where they showed the country life and how amazing it looked over there. I should probably tell you that I'm a city girl, but I've always had a love for the outdoors.Two weeks later I found myself at the airport, ready to say goodbye to my old life. I made my way through check in and through the gates. For two hours I sat at the gate...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 2

When Amber and Stephanie were alone in their bedroom in the hotel suite, they looked at each other, made goofy faces and laughed out loud. "Ooohhhh!" Stephanie exclaimed. "What did we just do?" "I know!" Amber replied. "That was insane! Can you believe we actually did it?" "No ... way!" "They were like, totally freaked out!" "THEY were freaked out?" Stephanie said. "What about ME?" "You did great, Steph. I didn't think you could pull it off!" "I think we both ......

3 years ago
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Love and Choices

Love and Choices A Tabitha And Kevin Story By Circe Copyright (c) 2006 All rights reserved. Author's note: This story is set in the same universe as the other Tabitha and Kevin tales, but with some new main characters. You should not need to read the other tales to follow this one. Trouble found Melissa Brookwell and Lyle Mansford at a mall coffee shop one fine spring morning in Bardstown, Kentucky, just a few months before their wedding. Melissa had been happily shopping for...

3 years ago
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Microtherapy with Dr Marilyn

With her foot up on the chair for leverage, Marilyn reached up and down her left leg, smoothing her black silky nylon. She pulled her skirt up slightly to readjust her garter and then straightened up. She was ready for her next patient. The leggy raven-haired beauty took pride in her professional appearance. Her hair was braided and rolled into a tight, matronly bun. Her suit, while very tight on her willowy body, did not reveal any of the lushness underneath. Although Marilyn was tall and...

3 years ago
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Our Path to Husband Swapping Part 6

This is the continuation of the story of our couple swap. If you haven’t read our other stories we had just done our 1 st full swap with our friends Stacy and Tom. Sam and I had just gotten in the car after having our first full swap with another couple. Sam’s buddy Tom had just fucked me twice, cumming in me both times. Sam had just done the same with Tom’s wife Stacy, fucking her 2 times. It was quiet in the car as we started to drive home, I didn’t know what to say. I reached over and put...

1 year ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 31

I have responded to a status and location request from the Joint Chiefs directly. It was not coded for Fleet Pac Command. We have been under the thermocline in the East China Sea for over 9 hours, operating at half speed. This is 170 feet below our normal maximum operating depth, at 970 feet. We are still 10% above our emergency operating depth. Our zigzag course has added quite some distance to our true course, but I think we have finally evaded the Chinese submarine that dogged us coming...

4 years ago
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Falling Apart Together

Tick... Tick... Tick... The clock above the window clicked with each passing second, the only noise punctuating the silence that filled the room. Charlie slouched in her chair, head leaning back against the upholstery. Dr. Amherst simply stared at the young woman across her desk, her unflinching blue eyes waiting for something. Anything. She sighed, the first human-made sound in the passed few minutes. "Charlotte?" The name lingered in the air for a moment before the older woman continued....

3 years ago
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VacationsChapter 5 Poker Games

Ronnie stuck her head into the den early in the morning. “Hey, sleepyhead, you awake yet! Come on, get up! Let’s go jogging!” Sue woke bleary-eyed and stared at her sister. “What?” “Come on. Let’s go jogging. You said you wanted to run this morning. Let’s go!” she ordered. Sue saw that Ronnie was dressed for the part, in a sports bra, jogging shorts, socks, and sneakers. Forgetting briefly that she had just fucked her sister’s husband in the sofa-bed, she grumbled, “Okay, okay, give me a...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 34

Thursday, June 10, 2010 When Havel came by in the morning to pick up Ellen, Jake gave him last-minute instructions and described Harris’s car to him. “With my mother staying away from her gym, the only places where Harris knows to find her are at work and at home. I mostly worry about when she arrives at work and when she leaves. Make sure that he can’t approach you without you seeing him. We figured out how he was keeping my mother from seeing him, and I stopped it. She can help you watch...

3 years ago
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Village Adventure Of An Idiot Wife

Please read the first part,“” to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” would add spice to the current story. It was now a month of the saloon incident, when Neetu asked me to drop her at my in-laws place. She said that she wants to meet her parents for few days. I also find it an excellent idea and we moved to her place next day itself. This time I took a flight for that as my salary was extended and got a bonus recently. I myself wanted to...

1 year ago
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LIBRARY FANTASY SERIES: THE MAKING OF “S,” THE STORY OF “S”THREE“S” GOES TO “THE BAR” By Pornmaster1. ©2011. All rights reserved The four-inch spike heeled pumps complemented her legs nicely, arching her calves, giving them a healthy, strong look. The dew of perspiration dotted her upper lip. She’d given The Story of O, the erotic opus that had brought us together, some serious reading. Apparently, judging by how much she’d read, she’d been early. I looked around; no one was within earshot. I...

3 years ago
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The slender woman

She strikes the match against the box a small flame jumps to life. She looks at the glowing flame, and then lights the white candles that have been placed in the center of the table. She hears the sound of the heavy car pull in to the driveway. She knows her man is home. She once more quickly looks over her shoulder to make sure that everything is just right. She stands there waiting for her man, to come in. he opens the door and the sight before him is a vision of beauty. Her tall slender...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 18

Tracy went into her house and straight to her bedroom. The girls had told her as soon as she was in the house, she had to strip naked, take the clamps off her pussy and attach them to her nipples. Then she was to fish the remainder of the hot dog out of her juicy cunt and put it in her mouth. She had to hold it in her mouth for a full five minutes, savoring her own juices before she could chew it up and swallow it. She did as she was told, and when she got the hot dog out of her pussy, it...

4 years ago
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Wanking pals with wendy

Wanking pals with Wendy Wendy was my latest special babe. She was my slave in love and I was going to share her with my ugly wanking pal Martin. His best asset was his cock and I would make sure that was the first thing she saw of him . I had taught Wendy my kinky ways and if she hadn’t enjoyed it I would have ended it. In fact she had learned to turn the tables on me and she knew I was as willing to take as I was to give. Tonight though she would play the sub, it would be the first time I’d...

2 years ago
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Embarcadero StationChapter 4

Sarah Anderson lay on top of her grandmother's quilt in her bedroom in her new home. She knew that sleep wouldn't come quickly in these new surroundings and in this new bed. After six months at the Redwood she longed for the tranquility this home offered, but that tranquility couldn't keep her mind from roaring along like a locomotive. Her conversation, confession more like, with her daughter had stirred up all the memories of those years at college when she seemed rudderless without...

3 years ago
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Sexy Nurse Fucked At Hill Station

Hi this is Sathyan from tamilnadu and i am a doctor by profession and here i am going to narrate another story of a nurse , how she enjoyed with me. To start with in our hospital we have lots of gynecology patients. They started to come because our chief’s wife is a gynecologist , she then started to appoint new staff nurses, so few new girls were appointed as staff nurses and in that there were a gang of three malayalie girls who look really very cute and sexy. The three girls names were priya...

2 years ago
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My Mother Nailed 8211 Part I

The weather outside is murky and bleak but I am having fun as I am alone after a long time after a hectic year and I decided to take a break and so Shimla seemed a perfect place to start with and it’s quite a healthy proposition if you’re looking for a peaceful calm and chilly summer and perfect if u want to pen down a story a real story and I have been following sex stories for a long time and hence wanted to share something with all other readers. This story is about my mother Padma an Indian...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Club

The limo stopped in front of a huge mansion. Edward and Bella made theirway to the door and rang the bell. The door opened and they were greeted bya tall maid wearing a maid's uniform which seemed very small for her size.She curtsied and escorted them into an office and asked them to wait,"Please wait here madam and Mistress Rebecca will be right with you." Shecurtsied again and left the room."Bella, I am not having a good feeling about this." Edward's voice wasclose to shivering. He didn't...

4 years ago
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Helping A Widow My BrotherInLaw8217s Wife 8211 Part 2

Hello friends this is Dev again with yet another story with my bro in laws wife. This story is in continuation of my earlier story helping a widow. After our initial sex session I started spending at least a week with Poonam due to work and leisure. At times I use to take her to daman for a short trip to make her productive in work and also to add spice to our lives. The last time she had told me she wants to go to Bali with me, I kind off arranged a plan to take her for a vacation, we had...

4 years ago
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The Sexy GirlNextDoor Part One

As a sweet sixteen-year-old boy, I started my life of having transvestite proclivities. Being sexy for men and making their cocks hard for me became my favorite thing to do for pleasure. I already had a boyfriend, the blonde college boy lifeguard at my community swimming pool. He had seen me wearing some sexy little hot pants and come on to me, one day. The fact that he was handsome and all the girls wanted his cock made me proud to be the girl who was getting to suck him, daily. Every day, I...

1 year ago
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Fantasy in the rain

  Cab Sex   It had been fine when she came out of the office, no need for an umbrella. And now a total down pour, she was drenched and she did not even have a coat on. Time to hail a cab, as the cab pulled up a city gent stepped forward and reached for the handle. Excuse me she said I believe this one is mine, cant we share he asked. For the first time she looked at his face, he had the most striking green eyes. Well why not she found her self-saying. 

1 year ago
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The Adventures Of Kitty continued

After he left Kitty carefully removed her mask and gloves, putting them in the top drawer of her bedside chest to keep them safe. It was only as she turned that the tail swished against her thigh, so with a chuckle and a bite on her lower lip she eased it from her ass. After a quick clean it, too, joined the rest of her kitty outfit in the drawer. Her fingers went up to her collar...no...that could stay on a while longer, she loved the fact she was now an Owned kitty for real. She sprawled...

3 years ago
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Corrupting Emma Watson

Emma Watson. Beautiful, lovely, talented, and divine. So many words can be used to describe the young celebrity it is hard to choose the right one. Not too tall, not too short, not too thin, not too fat, with soft light brown hair spilling down her shoulders, long smooth legs. Perfection. Which is why I have to have her. No matter the cost... ATTENTION: Rape is wrong, immoral, and illegal. Please don't do it! Fantasizing and reading about it is merely the sign of a healthy imagination. 1.3...

4 years ago
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Thats Enough

When you're married, it's okay to have little fantasies about other men; everyone does it, and it's enough to get you through the mundane parts - until it's not.When it wasn't enough, I went about seeking horny men out on erotic websites and having a bit of dirty talk. A little flirt for the old ego. All innocent enough, cheating - yes in some minds, no in others - but nothing physical happens, so what's the harm?The harm comes when the thrill wears off and you begin to seek more. More thrill,...

1 year ago
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Daddys Issues

Intro It was mid-summer. Gina was getting her packing her bags to go on her vacation with a group of her friend. Her mother had already said her goodbyes. Due to her having to work at night. She wouldn't be able to see her off in the morning. Taking her shower Gina was going to go to bed a tad early. Thirty minutes into her sleep she was awakened by a groan. It sounded like a wild bear that was going through their garbage. The groan fit the sound they were close to the forest. Closing...

2 years ago
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Beware the Roasburies Pt 01

Though this is written in the first person it is not autobiographical. All characters and events are fictional, and bear no relation to any person living or dead. It is a long slow story, be warned! I’m sure an editor could cut out a good deal and make it more zingy, but sorry, I like it the way it is. If you get bored you can always stop reading and wander off to something with a little more pace. It is in seven parts, all of which are finished, and as far as possible will be posted on...

1 year ago
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Bianca and the AmnesiacChapter 5

Marco rolled over in bed reaching for the ringing cell phone. He glanced at the watch on the bedside table. Two seventeen in the morning. "Pronto," he snapped into the phone. "Mr. Lucchese, it's Paulo Conti. You told me to call at any time." "Si. What do you have?" Marco asked of his contact in the credit bureau. "We've picked up a credit card charge by Mr. Julian Blackmore." Marco's attention snapped into focus. "Tell me. Where?" Two minutes later he dialled, spoke sharply...

1 year ago
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Tear It UpChapter 6

Everything seemed superficially normal, of course, as we went to pick up the kids, including not only Danielle and Stacey, but also Carl and Caitlyn, Amber's twins by David. We were all dressed up in our Sunday best again, acting as if the adults hadn't just engaged in an orgy and planned for another one when we had the next opportunity. The four little ones were quite eager for some junk food, but then so were us adults, albeit for somewhat different reasons. They were also excited about...

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Our First New HomeChapter 6

When it was time to leave for work I put on another sheer blouse and one of my tiny skirts. I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my purse and headed out to my car. Ann was waiting for me outside. "Sweetheart," she said sweetly, "I have really missed your little bus stories. They turn me on like you wouldn't believe. Why don't you take the bus today?" She paused to enjoy my reaction for a moment and then she walked away. I began my rush to the bus stop at the end of the street. I had the...

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The Birth of a New Sissy 1

If you are offended by male to male sexual encounters or other explicit sexual situations, STOP now! This is your last warning. :-) Birth of a New Sissy - 1 ? by: DarkPrince67 [ [email protected] ] I met Jeff one day at the nearby tennis courts. I could never have imagined what the result of that meeting would be. I suppose I should tell you a bit about me. I'm a happily married 34 year old, about average in most respects, a little spare tire trying to form around the...

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Marriage Coach

By the time they reached ten years of marriage they didn't have much of a marriage left at all. Dave had progressed from jerking off in the bathroom, to internet porn and finally to sleeping with a woman at work. He felt aweful afterwards, but he had little doubt he would do it again. Not long afterwards he came home from work early one afternoon. He let himself in through the front door and stepped into the living room. He froze. His wife was bent over the couch with her pants around her...

4 years ago
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Trapped in the Lift

I had been called into work on a Saturday to assist Rebecca (Bec) with the deployment of some new software into the live environment. We had been working together on the software for months, and our relationship had always been very professional. We joked together but there was nothing more personal between us. You can imagine my surprise on the Saturday morning when I found her very casually dressed - a mid thigh length colourful skirt with a loose fitting white top. Under the top was the...

3 years ago
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Almost Unconsciously

Janet was sitting at the desk in her room doing her math homework. She had been working on it for close to two hours now, and was beginning to think that if she had to factor one more algebraic expression, she was going to bang her head on the wall until it began to bleed. So she picked up her paper and pencil and tossed them onto the floor below her. Then, she grabbed her textbook and dropped it exactly on top of the work she had been doing, with the heavy textbook crinkling the edges of the...

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She was stunning. There was no other way to describe her. Seeing her in that tiny yellow and orange bikini caused my erection to grow painful. Water dribbled down her flawless tanned skin and slim body and over those beautiful small breasts. Her erect nipples poked through the two tiny triangles of material. Standing with her legs apart showed me the outline of her pussy. It all served to make me go weak at the knees. I almost dribbled. “Wow!” I know it was a stupid thing to say, but the only...

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