OceaniaChapter 15 free porn video

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As they sat in the crowded bistro, Greg discussed his childhood but Valerie felt disinclined to relate the fictional upbringing constructed to support her cover. She tried to imagine him as a young boy, living under the shadow of a generation of cops and following his destiny at the earliest opportunity. She found herself developing a healthy respect for the man. He'd avoided the familiar trap of corruption and surrounded himself with similarly like-minded people.

They both forswore alcohol, instead requesting a jug of water to accompany the meal. When the time came to leave, he offered up her jacket and escorted her to the car for the short journey back to her apartment.

"Do you want to come in?" she asked as he walked her to the door.

Greg nodded, following her inside and seating himself on the sofa whilst she prepared coffee. She knelt on the floor at his feet and looked so appealing that he couldn't resist reaching out and stroking his fingers against her upturned cheek. Instead of rebuffing him, she smiled and relished the contact. Turning her head slightly, she pressed her lips against his open palm. Greg's heart soared as he pulled her up beside him and placed his lips upon hers, kissing her passionately and seeking the sanctuary of her mouth with his valiant tongue. Valerie experienced a rush of raw emotion as her body welcomed his embrace, acknowledging her feelings and accepting where things were inevitably headed.

When his hand alighted on her bosom, she pressed herself firmly against it, signalling her desire for him to continue. Greg stood, pulling her up beside him then loosened each button on her blouse. He spread the garment apart and caressed the smooth, unblemished flesh of her neck and shoulders.

Flicking open the catch of her bra, Valerie guided his hands to her freed breasts, feeling her sensitive nipples press against his warm skin. She closed her eyes to savour the sheer sensuality of the contact.

"Let's go into the bedroom," she whispered urgently.

They undressed frantically as their desire drove them, falling upon one another in eagerness to satisfy their escalating passion. He sought entrance into her warmth and heard her gasp as he slid inside. Moving together, they held each other tightly as they tossed on a turbulent sea of sensation.

Valerie felt completely lost as she shared herself for the first time. The quantity and complexity of her sensory stimuli flooded her brain, leaving little capacity for coherent thought. As it reached its climax, she moaned as its intensity overwhelmed her entirely.

Afterwards, she lay with her head against Greg's chest, listening to the regular beating of his heart. She replayed everything back from her Datacore, enjoying the thrill over and over, never ceasing to tire of it. A solid thump of the front door closing disturbed her reverie. Seconds later, Emily stood framed in the doorway.

"You'll never believe what Janus ... Oh," she exclaimed then stopped as she perceived the two naked figures stretched out upon the bed.

"Sorry," she whispered, retreating rapidly and affording them their privacy.

"Huh?" Greg mumbled, barely awake.

"Just my room-mate returning home," Valerie reassured him.

"Hey," he greeted, admiring her beauty, "you okay?"

"Never better."

He rolled her slowly onto her back and ran his hand along her entire length, exploring her tenderly.

"You're lovely," he whispered, "absolutely lovely."

"I'll bet you say that to all the girls," she teased.

"Not often enough to be honest with you. It's been quite a while since the last time. Thank you for tonight."

"I enjoyed it too," she replied truthfully, realizing immediately the understatement of her words.

"I'm glad," he sighed. "I didn't want you to think I came up here with the intention..."

She placed her finger against his lips.

"I invited you in."

"In that case, would you like to... ?"

"Yes." She smiled invitingly.

The second time was more controlled and leisurely. The feeling of his hardness sliding within her was indescribably good and explained why Claire had indulged so readily over the years. As she neared climax, she spun up and experienced every tiny sensation with supreme clarity, unable to fathom how so simple an activity could produce such incredible rapture.

At some point, Greg eased the covers over them and they slept.

The morning sun had made the bedroom unbearably hot. Jerking awake, Greg sat up and groaned as he caught sight of the time on the bedside clock. He was going to be very late for work. Unconcerned, Valerie stoked her hand down the full length of his spine, relishing the rugged texture of his skin.

"I'm late," he told her. "I need to get to work."

"So," she simpered. "If you're going to be late, you might as well be really late."

She threw off the bedclothes and lay back invitingly, exposing her nakedness to his gaze. Greg could not find the resolve to refuse her. He slipped inside her once more and commenced a regular stroke that soon had them both gasping in sheer delight. She crested quickly and her writhing motion almost unseated him.

"Lie on your back," she requested, longing to experiment. Straddling his legs, she cradled his erection within her grasp, gently teasing his engorged manhood between her fingers. Lowering her mouth to his cock, his groans of approval filled her with pride that she could please him so readily. Her lips wrapped around his girth and she tasted herself for the first time, finding it far from disagreeable. The flared head pressed against the back of her throat and she felt confident that she could take it all with ease. Pushing down, her muscles relaxed and admitted him.

"Valerie," Greg gasped as he glanced downwards, watching as his whole length passed between her pursed lips and engaged the tight annulus. He closed his eyes to appreciate the delicious confinement and listen to the slick sounds as she engulfed him repeatedly.

With her nose nestled amongst his wiry pubic hair, Valerie was in ecstasy. The movement of his engorged flesh sent intense sensations directly to her Quantum. She knew this was a distinctly designed behaviour but couldn't deny herself the intoxicating pleasure that it provided. She only withdrew when she discerned his emission was imminent, capturing the pulses of viscous sperm as they gathered upon her tongue. The taste was both spicy and salty. She took several seconds to become accustomed to the richness then relish its succulent flavour. She gulped it down rapaciously then licked and sucked as she tried to coax more from the source.

Greg sighed happily. After weeks of apparent aloofness, the events of the last few hours had restored his faith in humanity. He fervently hoped this could be the start of an enduring relationship. A further glance at the clock presented a dilemma but he was too conscientious to consider phoning in sick. He rose from the bed and by the time he'd showered and dressed, it was almost lunchtime.

It was uncharacteristic of the Lieutenant to arrive late during a big case and Sands was concerned. He'd received a disturbing communication from the airport about how a serious breach of their firewall had allowed a hacker to access their main servers. The loss of all flight records for several hours either side of the unidentified incursion into New Arizona airspace seemed the only casualty however.

The report detailed how an administrator user called Natalie05 had blatantly erased the logs without any attempt to cover up the actions. All attempts to backtrack the intrusion were frustrated by the number of anonymous proxies employed. The high probability was that the traffic originated from somewhere in southern Caliban but the evidence was tentative at best. Incredibly, the timing of the attack was within an hour of them discussing it. Sands kicked himself for not requesting the data earlier when it would most likely have still been available.

Greg finally arrived, sneaking stealthily into the office with Valerie lagging a discreet distance behind. They'd obviously arrived together and Sands wondered what to read into it. He took his report straight over to him, noticing Greg's disappointment as the possible identification of their adversary was snatched from their grasp. However, the greatest revelation was the unfathomable look on Valerie's face and the way her hand rested casually on Greg's shoulder.

The decision to have the logs destroyed fuelled Valerie's shame at impeding Greg's investigation. Despite having been the right decision to make, it pained her that her actions had caused him anguish. She questioned how in the light of last night she'd respond in the event of future contention. Stroking her fingers through his hair, she attempted to ease his obvious agitation.

Averting his eyes from the overt display of affection, Sands realized the truth of the situation immediately. He felt glad that Greg could find some measure of happiness in his lonely existence. However, it didn't stop him from teasing once Valerie finally left the office.

"So I see you and Valerie finally got it together?"

"Is it that obvious?" he replied after a pause.

"You crept in here like a naughty schoolboy and she was virtually fawning all over you the entire time."

"It wasn't very subtle was it," Greg admitted.

"Not to mention the fact that I've just lost fifty dollars."

Greg laughed but could only feel great satisfaction at the outcome of the previous evening. It was almost beyond his wildest dreams. His reminiscences caused him to miss what Sands was saying and he had to ask him to repeat it.

"What I said lover boy, was that I'm in touch with my contact at Syntel," Sands replied. "I've told him to find out what he can about Syntel's military activities, specifically anything about the SYLF project."

"Is there any chance your communications could be discovered?"

"I've used a fairly unique cipher, one that I'm convinced will escape detection."

"If they get wind that we're fishing around, I bet they'll close up tighter than a clam."

"He's going to come back to me with what he can find out later in the week. I'll no doubt have to find some extra incentive to throw his way."

"Let's see what he's offering first."

"One last thing," Sands added. "I've had the lab checking out the wrecked SUV from the drainage canal. We managed to extract the contents of the Datacore and get a summary of its movements over the past few weeks. It made daily commutes to a local high school until the day before the crash when it forayed into the National Park. It then visited a residential district near the Belmont before finally returning to the apartment block.

"Send somebody to the school."

"Already done. Hastings should be back soon with the details. We think the long trip was to a popular camping ground and I've requested local law enforcement to go up and check it out. The riverside residential complex comprises over two hundred units and it will take a while to go door to door, even if we had the necessary manpower."

"Just do the best you can," Greg praised.

Wishing to spare Valerie the embarrassment of explaining why she'd deemed it necessary to sleep with the detective, Emily had left the apartment early that morning. Whilst she'd always known that Companion code was linked in with her own, she had deep concerns about the effects it had on her persona. Companions had very specific programming, making their primary goal the happiness and satisfaction of their assigned client. She didn't see the necessity of resorting to the crude exploitation of her body when intellect alone should suffice to achieve her objectives.

Nevertheless, following the initial success with her assignment, instinct told her to make certain adjustments to her appearance to increase the chances of attracting Janus's attention. She decided to go shopping.

The local shopping centre was teeming with women and teenagers, brainwashed by tank commercials into slavishly following the ever-changing trends in fashion. Discarding perfectly serviceable garments, they purchased overpriced goods designed purely to boost the profits of the corporations who then outsourced the manufacture to overseas sweatshops.

The previous evening, Janus had moralized about the exploitation of poorer economies to provide a supply of cheap produce. Exorbitant import duties and excessive profits made both the government and corporations recipients of vast wealth at the expense of the consumer. This further fuelled the black market demand that funded criminal enterprise.

It all went around and around in circles, Janus had theorized, a cesspool of corruption and greed. Emily had nodded in agreement, thinking it was the right thing to do, but a part of her appreciated the candour of his arguments.

With some difficulty, she selected what she believed were ethically produced items; either manufactured locally or of a good quality. Syntel would ultimately pick up the bill for her extravagance and it amused her that she could direct their profits to support worthy businesses.

Elysian leather goods included several pairs of shoes to replace the basic pair that the Facility provided and a couple of handbags and shoulder bags of sturdy construction and aesthetic design. She bought comfortable underwear and linen blouses that would not cause her to swelter in the high sun as did her imported, synthetic garments. A selection of skirts and lightweight tailored trousers completed her new wardrobe. After she produced her corporate credit card and paid the phenomenal total, she sat outside a trendy bistro eating a huge plate of pasta and imagined the look of fury on Henderson's face when he received the monthly credit statement.

Simmonds reviewed Henderson's status report, summarizing the current ongoing projects within the Operations Division; a team tasked to further the corporation's interests by the use of espionage, intelligence gathering and subversion.

"So Valerie has pulled you guys out of the shit once again?"

"We were so busy in the aftermath of the raid that nobody thought about the possibility of the helicopter being tracked."

"Well it's a good job Natalie managed to erase the evidence before the chopper was traced right back to our own doorstep."

Henderson decided not to argue any further on the matter, concentrating instead on the staged deployment of the Hybrids.

"We've attached Elisabeth, Helen and Vanessa to mobile units," he announced. "This way if we receive a location on the rogue Hybrid then we'll have plenty of resources to call upon without having to drag Valerie off assignment. Natalie's continuing to assist with recon analysis for the time being and available when we need to call on her hacking expertise."

"What about Emily?" Simmonds asked derisively.

"We thought long and hard and decided to insert her into an emerging extremist group. We suspect them of carrying out low level sabotage on our surveillance infrastructure."

"Are they dangerous?"

"Some of their members have quite interesting pasts but the leader is a 'save the planet' type from the university that goes by the name of Janus."

"I take it that's not his real name?"

"Janus is apparently some mythical figure from the past. His real name is John Silverman."

"What are your plans for her?"

"Get her close to Janus and find out the names of everyone associated with the group. When we get those, we'll see if we can persuade her to be a good girl and eliminate the main players."

"Do you think she will oblige?" Simmonds asked.

"We can invoke the command overrides to force the issue if necessary."

"If she doesn't succeed at this operation then I don't think we'll have any further use for her," Simmonds stated. Had it been left to him, the errant Hybrid would have been reformatted long ago. "What news on the rogue unit?"

"Satellite imagery has failed to locate the missing vehicle. It looks like we've driven her deep underground. Short term, I'm not very hopeful."

Simmonds shook his head, regretting not terminating her when he had the opportunity, months previously. For four years, this unit had been the one thorn in his side and it showed no signs of stopping.

Valerie spent the day flitting in and out of Bennett's office, partly to offer advice but mainly to be in his close proximity. Her mind kept thinking back to the previous night and how she'd enjoyed every moment of what had transpired. She realized the danger of becoming too emotionally involved but decided against calling a halt just yet. Claire had shown her the depths to which she'd explored her sexuality and Valerie felt assured that she could remain subjective no matter what happened.

Feeling flushed, she disappeared to the washroom and rinsed her face with cold water. She didn't hear the door open and close or the bolt slide across. The first she became aware of Janice's presence was when two slender arms reached around her waist and hot breath played over her neck.

"So how was the stud?" Janice whispered as her hands reached up to caress her breasts through the thin blouse. "I'll bet he fucked you bow-legged last night."

Valerie tried vainly to disengage but the woman's nimble fingers had already popped several buttons and flipped up the material of her bra to bare her breasts.

"Janice, stop please," Valerie complained. "Ow."

The Infiltrators fingers pinched her turgid nipples that Greg had sucked for an eternity as they drifted off to sleep, leaving them unbearably sensitive.

"Would you prefer this," the woman teased as her hand crept downwards and insinuated itself deep into her panties. Before she could protest, Janice began to stimulate her womanhood.

"No," Valerie begged.

"Don't fight it. You know you want it," the machine hissed as she continued to tease her exposed sex.

Valerie tried futilely to push the woman away but her body refused to obey her commands. Janice's fingers stroked insistently then penetrated her to the second knuckle.

"Stop," Valerie sighed as her hands gripped the edge of the washbasin for support. Her crotch pushed against the invading digits, unconsciously deepening the contact.

"That's it Valerie. Let go," Janice cooed as her fingers flashed within Valerie's slick channel. Despite herself, what little control she had slipped away and she climaxed powerfully.

"Shit. I can't believe I let you do that," Valerie declared, her orgasm leaving her weak and defenceless.

"I've been dreaming about fucking you," Janice informed her lustily. "I'll give you my address. If you ever get tired of Greg or fancy a little change, don't hesitate to drop in on me."

"We mustn't do this again," Valerie moaned as she repositioned her bra and refastened the buttons of her blouse.

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When I Became A Woman Chap 5 Kissing And Such

It was a little more than two weeks later, after supper when they were watching “America’s Got Talent”. Cassy sat between her parents on the couch – her favorite spot. Daddy’s hand relaxed on her thigh, her head resting against Mommy’s breast since her mother’s arm lay around her shoulder. They watched an act of a couple on a hoop in the air, doing tricks together and mostly just kissing. They didn’t get votes to pass on to Las Vegas. The 13-year-old looked at her mother suddenly and...

2 years ago
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Neighborhood Mom

Barbara looked out the kitchen window and smiled. Bradley Junior and his best friend Joey took turns jumping their skateboards over a plastic milk case. Both eleven year olds had the bruises and bumps of dedicated skateboarders. She smiled and looked up at the clock over the window. The minute hand touched the four on the clock face and the phone rang. “Hello?” “Barbara, this is Linda.” “Yes I know.” “What? How could you know? Are you psychic?” “No, not quite. However it is...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Elsa Jean Paige Owens My Sexy Roommate Episode 3

Paige (Paige Owens) joins Elsa (Elsa Jean) and her boyfriend (Michael Vegas) as they’re relaxing on the sofa. Paige is a bit embarrassed about the previous night but Elsa and Michael are anything but offended and suggest that Paige join them for a threesome. Paige needs little convincing and the fun begins. It’s obvious that Elsa and Paige share a passion for jerking and sucking Michael’s cock. This delicious sexcapade has plenty of yummy pussy munching, hungry cock gobbling and serious...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Emotions 3

I had to stop talking to Dom. It was difficult but necessary. He could make me do things and I knew I shouldn’t send him any more pictures of my red ass after spanking it for him. It didn’t matter as other men continued to message me on the board. Some were not worth replying to but others peaked my interest. I named my favorite “The Player”. He was different than Dom. He seemed to like me more. But he is so rational! So logical. His first few messages sounded a familiar tone:...

1 year ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 17 Fourth of July

"Alex, your folks get in this afternoon. Do we need to agree on anything? Clothing, screwing, whatever?" "I've been thinking about it, Saul. I told them they have to accept that we sleep together, and that we don't always have our clothes on. They say they agree to that." "You don't sound all that sure about it," Sigrid said. "I'm not. I really don't see Mom being able to deal with it." "Well, we're going to find out," Heather said. "Let's try to keep some clothes on,...

2 years ago
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Misstress Chelsea is not happy with me

Mistress Chelsea is not happy with me. I have been so bad lately...not replying to her messages, not obeying her commands. I know I am in for some severe punishment and I await my fate.Kneeling in her chamber, nude, as instructed I listen for her footsteps, I strain for sounds of clicking metal, handcuffs that she hasn't used on me in such a long time.I don't hear them. I am surprised when the door suddenlt swings open, I jump and let a small squeal slip past my lips."Shut up, Bitch."Her...

4 years ago
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The Suite hotel

Everyone knows of the controversial new place to stay; the sweet suit hotel. A revolutionary combination of luxury rooms, premium prices, and quality sexual servants. Some know it for their rallies against it; other through their partners, led astray by the allure of having anything, literally anything, they could want. Some knew it for the bankrupcy and debt it had left them in. But all knew it as a place of pure pleasure. And now, you too have secured yourself 72 hours in the Master Suite. A...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Chloe Cherry Alina Lopez My Straight Girlfriend

Chloe Cherry is enjoying an afternoon of watching TV when her roommate Alina Lopez comes home from a jog. Chloe has had the hots for Alina for a while, but she believes her roommate is straight. Nonetheless, the blonde can’t keep her eyes off the object of her affection as she enjoys the brunette’s tight sports bra and form-fitting shorts. Retiring to the bathroom to take a quick shower, Alina strips while making sure to tweak her nipples and squeeze her perky boobs. As the warm...

3 years ago
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Jaq Has Photo Session

Many members will know all about Jaq. Jaq is my wife and a very sexy lady. A few years back, Jaq was asked to do some modelling work for her employer; this was just to show off some of the products that the company had for sale. The company sold many products that are used in the building trade. The idea was to have a member of staff demonstrating the products in a provocative manner, something that Jaq was more than capable of doing.The day of the photo shoot arrived and Jaq certainly looked...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Dad and BekahChapter 2

In the days following the night with my dad we settled into a routine again. I admit I was surprised he didn’t immediately seek me out. I don’t know if he felt guilty or afraid. As for me, I wanted him. In fact as the days passed, I sort of felt like I was falling in love. It sounds ridiculous. I mean a 15 year old in love with her stepdad. He was just the smartest, kindest, and sexiest guy I ever knew. I feared when he found someone to take mom’s place. He showed no signs of heading that...

1 year ago
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Keez Movies! Many porn sites today offer tons of kinky porn videos, that you will be satisfied for life, however, sometimes they offer the same shit over and over again, which is literally when I prefer to search for a new porn website instead. I came across this one site called keezmovies.com, and I am pretty sure if you are not Patrick (aka. living under a rock), you have heard about this site or other sites within their network.Now the first thing that this place told me is that I have to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 70

Day 261: Right before the group departed Dadem’s house, Veronyka took a minute to leave Hal a message before bringing up the rear. A very young Dvergyr, Hotric Oakfall worked as the house doorman slash receptionist slash butler. He promised to pass along Veronyka’s words when Hal returned, and to keep an eye out for any unusual interest in their group. That Dulgan and Thedus had a longstanding relationship was apparent to all, as the two chatted continuously during their hike out of the...

4 years ago
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Daddys Fantasy

I lay here on a hospital bed going over my life, making sure that every decision I ever made was the right one… Not only for me but for my family… I think about my son’s, all adults now but still in need of guidance that only a father can give, and Yulissa my gorgeous baby daughter she’s a beautiful rose in a bed of thorns. Life has been hard for her; she never really fit in with the boys and never really got along with her mother. I try to spend as much time with her as I can, because even...

1 year ago
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Fun with Dianne

Diane was 5'1" tall and only weighed 102 pounds. Her tits were shaped like someone had cut a medium sized navel orange in half and put the two halves on her chest. She had large dark nipples that showed very sexily in the clothes that she wore and got hard as soon as she started to get turned on. Her skin was the color of milk chocolate and she kept her black hair straight and shoulder lenght. She could easily pass for a high school girl rather than the 22 that she was and she...

2 years ago
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Hunger games with a little extra

When the Capitol woman arrived she wore a large ammount of make up and her clothses were very strange. "Hello everyone welcome to the 74th Reaping for The Hunger Games. I am Effie Trincket, I will be drawing the names for the tributes. Naturally ladies first." As I watched her hand swirl around that bowl and then she drew a name. "Primrose Everdeen." I heard a screm then i heard "I volounteer! I volounteer as tribute!" That voice I knew that voice it was Katniss...

4 years ago
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A memorable welcome home

After arriving at the airport, you are pleasantly surprised by my greeting in a short dress, big smile and a long awaited passionate kiss. Holding tightly to each other, we kiss and touch each others' bodies like we've never touched or kissed before. The electricity between our bodies is evident to everyone watching this loving welcome. Reality finally takes over our minds and we proceed to the elevator, still touching each other's hands. The fire between us is stimulating both our minds...

3 years ago
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A Short Love Story Pt II

It was a while since I had seen Emma. We had last made love in the shower at my house after a busy day at the beach. It was Summer, My parents had gone on a cruise with my younger siblings to the Bahamas. I stayed back because I had work bartending that made great money. Regardless, I was home alone. I had to go run by Emma’s house to help her mom move some heavy boxes. I showed up at the house, and Emma came to the door. “Where’s your mom?” I asked. “Went to drop off Uncle David...

4 years ago
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A Brand New ManChapter 38

WTVD AM Radio Station Sommeville, WV 10:05 am Eastern Daylight Time, Thursday, August 6, 1992 “Read this statement aloud. Are we clear? No funny business,” I demanded of the announcers on the local talk radio station. “All citizens must gather at Shoney’s posthaste? There is a town meeting for only those aged fourteen years and above to be conducted there today for the future of our community. Wow, you really leave no stone unturned, do you?” Millicent Halsey, Mildred’s sister, asked me...

2 years ago
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Office Duties Pt 2 Factory Visit

It doesn't matter if you haven't read Part 1 - enjoy!PART 2 – FACTORY VISITFucking Nigel was supposed to have been a one off thing – just a bit of fun to kill time. It was Nigel’s fault we kept going - I was so jealous that Phea was getting regularly fucked at the office and I wasn’t – boo hoo, so sad for me. Problem is – I do enjoy a good cock, especially the ones that cum inside me. It’s not that Nigel stopped fucking Phea, and why would he, she is a very cute little fuck buddy – she was...

1 year ago
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A Visit to the Club


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Harvard University

I was a freshman at Harvard University. No, not that Harvard. Mine was a small liberal arts college in Eastern Oregon, near the Washington border. It's mission was to "Further Education Through Education." Whatever that meant. Truth was, the only people who went there had no place better to be. As for me, I was supposed to go to the actual Harvard or wherever. My grades in high school were perfect, I volunteered at soup kitchens, and I even published a few top selling apps on the Apple store....

Group Sex
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New BeginningChapter 12 Uncomfortable

“Is this the reason you haven’t returned my calls?” Cathy asked, as Roger waded to the steps at the shallow end of the pool, away from Cathy. Roger emerged from the pool and headed for the towel chest. Jessica eased her way to the corner of the pool in the shallow end and squatted down. Roger stayed calm while pulling out a towel and wrapping it around his waist. Taking another towel, he went over to pick up Jessica’s swim suit. Meanwhile, Cathy continued to glare at him and occasionally...

4 years ago
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Milwaukee cuckhold vacation

I had a business meeting in Hawaii, whenever possible Judy would go with. While I attended my meetings she would arrange for sightseeing and other "fun things".We had arranged to be there for 12 days. I had business meetings for 5 of those days. Judy was going to arrange her own fun. The fourth day I came home during the day from one of my meetings to change. Of course whenever I came home in the middle of the day I always hoped to catch her in action. Well that day when I got there the do not...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 79

Days passed into weeks, as I healed, regained strength, and searched for what would be my life going forward. The physical limitations were a work in progress. As I focused on building up stamina, I graduated from slow walking around an indoor track to gentle weight-lifting in the gym. From five-pound weights, I slowly worked my way through the dumbbells, until I could curl a twenty pound dumbbell. That was my limit. Anytime I tried for something heavier I began to experience headaches that...

3 years ago
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War Of The Worlds II Part 1

Saturday January 13th 1908 - the day after the warning  I had a routine back then. Since the death of my wife and unborn child during the Martian invasion eleven years previous I had needed structure in my life outside of work.   On a Saturday I started off my day with some manual relief of my morning tumescence prior to getting out of bed. It wasn't the only time I would do so, but I made sure that it was a regular part of my weekends itinerary. Then up for squats and push ups. It's important...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Hottest 3way part 1

I had a day off a few months ago to myself, and I thought I would go for a walk in a popular wooded "pick up" area for guys near my house. I frequent the area anytime I am feeling horny and my wife isn't in the mood or is away for work. I have been bisexual for 20 years now( I am 45 yrs old) and she has no idea. I parked my car in the parking lot and noticed only one SUV in the lot. Not a good sign. It was about 11am on a warm Tuesday, so most guys were at work. I was really hoping to...

2 years ago
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The Bestiality Whore Part 1 The Virgin

My heart was pounding so hard I couldn’t even hear the motor rumbling. The black sedan I had been forced into sped along, swerving through traffic. Whoever my kidnappers were, they were in a hurry. But that’s not what worried me the most. Neither of the abductors seemed to care that I saw their faces. This could mean one of two things. Option one: Their plans didn’t involve anything illegal. Option two: What they had planned for me was so horrific they cared not who or what I saw. As...

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Intoxicated Love Making

Hi, Let me describe myself , i am 5.11ft tall, tough i have a normal body structure, my dick is 9inch.I am right now 18years old and this incident took place 6 months back on my 18th birthday with my cousin sister who is 4 months older than me. Her name is Celia (name changed). She has a good figure and she maintains her posture well. Let me describe her for you. She is 34-28-34. Her ass and boobs are worth dying for. We are for like close friends than brother and sister. She shares everything...

1 year ago
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My New Next Door Neighbour by SBarak1

My New Next Door Neighbour – a story by SBarak1I had been at the beach house for a few days at the start of the season. In the week before Christmas people has been arriving and the little coastal village was filling up fast.I was catching up on a bit of gardening, trying to make the place look presentable when I heard some noise next door. I looked into the next door neighbour’s back yard to see a tall blond women at the back yard patio arranging furniture and putting up an umbrella. It was...

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My Faggot Training PT1

About ten years ago, I ended a pretty serious, 1-year relationship with a woman I had met while working at a bar. She was this classic beauty: elegant, dirty-blonde hair, thin frame, striking facial features, an amazing ass and set of perky, small tits. I was incredibly attracted to her, but we quarreled constantly. The separation was pretty painless, and the break-up was fairly mutual. Our lives were moving in separate directions, and it was obvious to both of us. But the direction in which...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 36

I did some advance work for my plan. I called his house when I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be in. I spoke to Sunny and asked her to tell Jeff I would be by for him around 7:30, maybe a few minutes later. ‘Is everything okay?’ she asked. ‘You sound a little funny.’ ‘No, everything’s great.’ In that moment I learned a key lesson about lying. I had practiced lying all my life and I considered myself quite good at it. Pick the emotion, the stress level, the sincerity you want to portray, feel...

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