Fun House RevengeChapter 2 Revenge On The Queen Her Minions
- 2 years ago
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Sally was serving in her father's ladies clothes shop when she looked up and was surprised to see Mrs. Brown come into the shop. She wasn't surprised that she came in to look for clothes. The surprise was linked to the memory of Mrs. Brown watching as she was first spanked and then caned by Mrs. Jones, the Headmistress at her school.
Sally was now nineteen-years-old and had left school a few months after the incident. She still remembered it vividly though and had often hoped she would somehow get her revenge. Still, it was two years ago and she had calmed down a lot since then.
Sally enjoyed managing the shop and was always helpful. She dressed the part and today was in a sleeveless white top and summery pink skirt that was not too short so suited both the teenagers who shopped there as well as the grandma brigade.
So with a smile Sally went up to Mrs. Brown and asked, "Can I help you, madam?"
Mrs. Brown didn't seem to recognise Sally and in an offhand tone replied, "Yes please. I am looking for a bra."
Sally remained helpful and after showing Mrs. Brown the selection she walked her to the changing room leaving five bras for her to try on.
Five minutes later Mrs. Brown handed back the five bras saying none fitted. Sally took them and started to put them back on the rack and didn't notice Mrs. Brown looking at more bras before leaving the shop.
As Sally was replacing the bras she was sure something wasn't quite right. She looked at the various hooks and knew there should be six bras on each hook. She saw one rack had only five bras. That rack had the same bras that Mrs. Brown had tried on but in a different colour.
It was one-thirty and Sally closed the shop as she always did to have her lunch. What she also did as she was intrigued was to review the cctv in the shop. She was amazed to find that just as she had suspected Mrs. Brown had taken the missing bra. She put it in her bag and walked out of the shop as Sally was putting the bras she had tried on back on their hooks. It had been a ruse to divert her attention whilst she stole the bra.
Sally knew where Mrs. Brown lived. She had checked it two years earlier and quickly checked again and it was confirmed she was still living there. She also checked and discovered that the Mayor was away for two nights.
So when later on Sally closed the shop for the day she made her way to Mrs. Brown's house. She rang the doorbell and saw the surprise on Mrs. Brown's face when she opened the door.
Sally asked directly, "May I come in please, Mrs. Brown?"
Mrs. Brown was taken aback and stuttered a reply, "Who, erm, are you?"
Sally replied firmly, "I am the manager of the shop and want to talk to you about the bra."
Mrs. Brown looked shocked which was what Sally expected.
Sally saw Mrs. Brown looking out towards the street and said firmly and in a loud voice, "We can discuss it here on the doorstep or inside."
Mrs. Brown stepped back and Sally walked into the house.
"Where is the dining room please?" Sally demanded and when a confused looking Mrs. Brown pointed to the back of the house Sally walked that way, found the dining room, and walked in. She turned as Mrs. Brown followed her in and got straight to the point. "I need you to look at the film on my phone."
Mrs. Brown watched as Sally took out her phone but was blushing and suspected that she knew what was on the film. She blurted out, "I am sorry I took the bra. I don't know why I did it. Please, I will pay you for it and give you some more for yourself. Please."
Sally didn't expect a bribe. "I don't need your bribe, Mrs. Brown. I have come for a completely different reason."
Mrs. Brown looked confused.
Sally reminded her, "I am the schoolgirl who you watched being spanked and caned by Mrs. Jones."
Mrs. Brown gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh dear. I thought you looked familiar." However, now she knew who Sally was it seemed to calm Mrs. Brown down. She repeated, "Look, sweetie, I'll pay for the bra. If you don't want any extra, then that is your choice."
Sally replied directly. "That is not my only choice, Mrs. Brown. I have yet to decide if I am going to go to the police."
That really shook Mrs. Brown. She gasped and in a shocked voice said, " Of you do my husband's career will be over. You mustn't." After a moment she added, "Please."
Sally scoffed. "I have an alternative suggestion."
Mrs. Brown looked hopeful. "Yes, anything. Just tell me."
I saw you rub your own bottom as you walked out of the school. I think you got spanked and caned as well by Mrs. Jones? Is that correct?"
Mrs. Brown looked shocked again. "Yes. That is correct."
Sally wasn't sure but since the incident, she had wondered if that might have been the case so took a chance. Now she knew the answer she continued. "You have been caned since as well?"
Mrs. Brown blushed. "Yes."
Sally pressed, "So you have a cane here at the house?"
Mrs. Brown swallowed hard. "Yes, I do."
Sally kept a firm look on her face as she said, "So here is my alternative to going to the police. You are a thief and need to be disciplined. So my option is to give you a bare bottom spanking just as you saw Mrs. Jones give me. Then I will give you six strokes of the cane. It will all be on your bare bottom.” Sally gave Mrs. Brown a few moments to consider the alternative.
Mrs. Brown nodded her head in agreement but looked close to tears already.
"Does Mrs. Jones still cane you or is it your husband?" Sally was intrigued now she had established the fact that Mrs. Brown was disciplined again..
Mrs. Brown replied, "Not my husband or any man. Just women. Mrs. Jones sometimes but also I submit to strong willed women in authority." After a moment Mrs. Brown added contritely, "Ladies like you, in fact."
Sally kept a straight face but was wondering why Mrs. Brown would want to be caned as it hurt so much and invariably ended in the person being caned crying. Maybe she would find out.
Sally said firmly, "So I will spank you now. First though go and bring me the cane."
Mrs. Brown went upstairs and a few moments later came back holding a hook ended cane and handed it to Sally.
Sally asked, “Mr. Brown doesn’t know you have this?”
Mrs. Brown blushed as she replied, "No as it is deep inside my cupboard and he never goes there." After a moment she asked in a worried tone, "You won't tell him will you?"
Sally replied, " No I will not tell him. You needn't worry about that," adding with a sting, "So long as you follow my instructions and take your whole punishment from me."
Mrs. Brown was quick to reply, "Oh I will for sure."
Sally continued, "I think you need to show me the respect I deserve. While I discipline you, you will address me as Miss. Sally. I will call you Angie which is a shortened version of your first name. I know in public you are called Angela but that is still too formal."
Mrs. Brown replied, "Yes, Miss. Sally."
Sally was now enjoying herself and was looking forward to getting her revenge. Mind you she knew that even if Mrs. Brown hadn't watched her being spanked and caned two years ago she certainly deserved to be spanked and caned now for stealing. It was bound to be a more severe punishment than she would get from a court, but of course this way her husband wouldn’t get to hear about it and get to keep his job.
Sally lied as she said, "I always spank a person when they are naked so get undressed, Angie."
Sally had never spanked anyone but Mrs. Brown wouldn't know that. So Sally smiled as Mrs. Brown undid her blouse and slid it down her arms, folded it, and put it on the dining table. Her bra followed and then so did her skirt and knickers. In just a minute she was naked and stood looking at Sally.
"Put your hands on your head, Angie and think about what you did," Sally ordered.
Sally glared at Mrs. Brown as she stood with her hands on her head and fully naked. Although looking cross she was smiling to herself as she thought that Mrs. Brown didn't look too bad for a woman in her fifties. She had full albeit slightly drooping breasts and bingo wings but her tummy wasn't too flabby and her legs were slim. If she were thirty years younger she would probably fancy her in fact. Maybe she still did, Sally pondered.
Sally turned a chair in to the room pulled her skirt right up to the tops of her thighs and sat down. She wanted Mrs. Brown to lie across her bare thighs. "Get across my lap," she ordered.
Mrs. Brown looked down at Sally's bare thighs and bit her lip as she eased herself down. She was very happy to go across Sally's bare thighs rather than her skirt. She was turned on by being punished by a strong-willed dominant woman and saw Sally as exactly that type. She might be so much younger than herself but that wasn't of any concern. She was attractive and determined so even better than just strong-willed.
Mrs. Brown recalled that it was what she had liked about Mrs. Jones. A woman who knew her own mind and was in a position of authority. She was also very experienced at disciplining people. Well, the schoolgirls mainly of course but Mrs. Brown acknowledged that she certainly had disciplined her very well. Several times in fact. She had not ever thought about Mrs. Jones's age but only her attitude. So she thought the same way about Sally. Well, Miss. Sally to her for now at least.
Once she had lowered her whole weight across Miss. Sally's lap she looked at the back of her legs. She loved to do so as it emphasised how she had accepted the authority of the woman who was going to spank her and she had easily acceded control to Miss. Sally. As she looked at the backs of her legs she felt her palm rubbing her bottom in huge circles. It was what she loved just prior to the spanking.
Sally looked down at Angie's bare bottom as she rubbed in circles. She was a bit nervous now as she was faced with giving her first ever spanking. She had seen countless spankings given by teachers at the front of the class, though. So she supposed she knew pretty much the technique. She just had to make sure she spanked hard enough. So she raised her hand and brought her open palm down smartly on to Angie's bare bottom cheek. She heard the quiet gasp and supposed it was an okay spank. So she gave a harder spank to the other bottom cheek and got a slightly louder gasp from Mrs. Brown.
Sally proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks and saw both cheeks turn a deeper and deeper shade of red, just as the bottoms had done that she watched being spanked. So she was happy enough that she was spanking in the right way.
Whilst she saw Angie's bottom was getting redder as she landed spank after spank Sally wasn't so happy with the lack of loud gasps Angie made. So she landed harder and harder spanks until she saw Angie start to squirm around on her lap. That encouraged her to spank even harder and then the gasps and cries started in earnest. She could tell Angie was getting less and less comfortable.
Angie had found the first spanks too easy to cope with. She was even disappointed as she liked to be spanked rather harder. She supposed she didn't usually enjoy the spanking itself so much but it was the stinging pain that sent her soaring towards an orgasm afterwards. She never quite worked out why but she knew normal sex with her husband never gave her the orgasms she craved. He would get a real high but he thought too much about himself when having sex just as he did when at work. She, on the other hand, craved lovemaking. To her being spanked was that show of love she craved.
The spanks were now getting rather harder Angie realised. That was good and she found herself squirming around on Miss. Sally's lap and then letting out louder and louder gasps. It was getting more painful for sure but also more like what she wanted from a spanking.
Sally saw Angie's bottom was now a delightful red colour and still she kept on spanking. She was actually enjoying it much more than she had expected. She wasn't sure if it was a control thing or just that she was getting her revenge. Whatever it was she rather felt she was getting aroused by having a naked woman across her lap whilst spanking her bottom and legs.
That was when Sally was jolted into remembering she still had to spank Angie's legs. She had only spanked her bottom so far. She focussed on the legs and spanked them really hard and realised the reaction she got from Angie was almost immediate. The cries got louder and the kicks more prominent and even the squirming more pronounced. So Sally kept on spanking the back of each leg time and again.
Angie was now struggling as she always did when her legs were spanked. She had sometimes just had her legs smacked and had cried by the end with the intense stinging. Angie found it strange in a way. She loved being across a woman's lap because the feeling of submission helped get her aroused. On the other hand, standing as a woman rubbed her bare legs before smacking them really hard was also an erotic feeling. Of course, neither was as erotic as the cane. That was because when she bent over and parted her legs she was being totally submissive whilst at the same time the cane stung far more than a woman's hand could. It was the cane for her after a spanking that made it for her.
As though reading her mind Sally was happy with the redness of Angie's red bottom cheeks and legs and ordered, "Get up Angie. I will now cane you."
Angie eased herself up from Sally's lap. Her bottom and legs were nicely stinging as she stood up straight. She wanted to rub but knew Mrs. Jones never allowed rubbing in her Study and reckoned Sally would know that. So she clasped her hands in front of her to stop herself.
Sally saw Angie cover her pussy and felt that was wrong. "Put your hands on your head, Angie."
As Angie obeyed Sally again savoured her full breasts and now saw her pussy hair mound and thought it was glistening. She was so sure about that which meant Angie was really turned on by being spanked. She looked again at Angie's breasts and saw her nipples were taut. Again that told her how aroused Angie was. Sally didn't know if she should be annoyed or not but reconciled that by thinking that if Angie hadn't felt that way then she most likely wouldn't have watched her being disciplined and they wouldn't be here today. If that were the case then she would not have discovered her own liking for disciplining someone, Sally told herself.
Sally would work it out later. "Bend over, Angie" Sally ordered as she picked up the cane.
Angie turned and bent down and grabbed hold of the seat of the chair. She parted her legs and dropped her tummy knowing that was the best way to present her bottom for a caning. She realised that she may have to lead Miss. Sally to an extent as it was unlikely she would ever have caned anyone herself. Not if she worked in a shop. So she presented her bottom as though she were being caned by one of the more experience dominatrix’s that she had contact with from time to time.
Sally saw that Angie's bottom was very nicely presented. Her bottom cheeks were nicely stretched and pointing upwards. She also saw Angie's pussy hair and could just see her stretched pussy lips. What a turn on, she thought to herself.
Sally positioned herself swishing the cane to get a feel for it. This she knew would be much more difficult as she had never seen anyone being caned before. She knew what the red wheals should look like but that wouldn't help the early strokes. However, she took a deep breath, tapped the cane twice on Angie's bare bottom, pulled her arm back, and as though just swishing the cane brought it down across Angie's bottom.
Angie cried out. It was a very hard stroke and she had not expected that intensity. As the pain cascaded around her bottom she wondered if Miss. Sally had, in fact, caned anyone before.
Sally saw the red wheal appear so quickly and loved the sight. She pulled her arm back and brought the cane down again and landed it below the first stroke. The wheal appeared again. She was now so excited as she saw the gap between the two wheals and reckoned she would aim for that gap. She pulled her arm back and brought the cane down just as hard again and almost got between the two other strokes. She saw the wheal appear but it merged with the second stroke. Sally was then conscious of the loud cry Angie made and hesitated to see if she was okay.
Angie cried out when the second stroke landed and even louder with the third stroke. The strokes had such a small gap between each one she had no time to recover and the pain intensified quickly. She was so thankful of the gap after the third stroke and realised she was getting aroused as he waited.
Sally looked at the side of Angie's face for signs of undue stress. She didn't see any. Sure it was a loud cry but then it was the cane and she supposed that she had also cried out when Mrs. Jones had caned her. Anyway, Angie stayed in position and so it was fair to assume she was coping. So she pulled her arm back and brought the cane down again aiming for just below the first three strokes. It landed exactly there and as she heard the loud grunt she watched the beautiful red wheal appear on Angie's gorgeous bottom.
Sally took aim again but this time landed the cane rather lower than she had aimed for. She would have to get a better aim she told herself. So she focussed and pulled her arm back for the last stroke and landed it exactly where she wanted to telling herself that when she focussed properly it landed where she wanted it to. That was a good lesson for next time. There would be a next time, she told herself.
Angie cried out with the fourth stroke and when the fifth stroke landed she felt the tears well up in her eyes. The sixth stroke opened the floodgates and she cried properly.
Sally heard the real crying sobs and saw the tears running down Angie's face. She was again concerned and to appease her rubbed her bottom a few times. It seemed to calm Angie down and so she rubbed the backs of her legs. As she did she felt Angie part her legs and raise her bottom cheeks. Did she want some more spanks Sally asked herself? She looked at Angie's bottom saw that her hair mound was still glistening. Could it really be that she was aroused, she wondered. To test it she ran her fingers up and down Angie's inner thighs and Angie raised her bottom cheeks again. It confirmed to Sally just what Angie wanted. She wanted her pussy lips rubbed. She wanted finger sex.
To test her theory Sally demanded, "If you want finger sex you must first have three more strokes of the cane. Do you want that Angie!"
It took a few moments for Angie to get her mind set straight but she knew she wanted finger sex, now it was offered. All the other ladies were closer to her own age and were happy to go to bed and even spend the night after disciplining her. She could hardly do that with Miss. Sally. She wasn't even twenty-years-old yet. Finger sex was different, though. She could do that. "Yes please, Miss. Sally," she replied sticking out her bottom again.
Sally shook her head in disbelief. Was finger sex worth three strokes of the cane she asked herself? Well, she wasn't going to question Angie as she was more than happy to give her three more strokes. She even regretted not saying six strokes.
She pulled her arm back and deciding once again to go below the other strokes Sally brought the cane down and was elated when it once again landed where she had aimed for. The red wheal appeared again and Sally realised it wasn't just Angie getting aroused. She was as well. As she pulled her arm back and brought the cane down again she realised she was thinking more about masturbating than the stroke she was giving Angie. When the red wheal appeared she saw it had cross-crossed three of the previous strokes and judging from the shriek Angie gave she supposed it really did sting.
Angie cried out with what was such a hard stroke. Mind you, she knew she had asked for it in return for finger sex so supposed it was worth it. She also reckoned the stinging would last well into tonight and when she was alone in bed she would run her fingers along the wheals as she had done before and got better and better orgasms.
Sally focussed again for the last stroke. She was not too sure where to land it but settled on the middle of Angie's bottom even though she would again criss-cross several of the other strokes. However, Angie had stayed down and even stretched her bottom out again so she can't be finding it too bad. So as the final stroke landed Sally focused on the loudness of Angie's reaction and it was very loud. Not just that but the tears were still flowing down her face.
Angie forced herself to keep a grip on the chair. She didn't want to stand up and risk Miss. Sally saying she had failed to earn the finger sex. She stayed bent over and cried and waited.
Sally was delighted at the sight of Angie's bottom. It was covered in red wheals and reckoned Angie would find it very hard to sit down for ages. So she rubbed her bottom and edged towards the backs of her legs and then up and down the inner thighs. As she did she could hear Angie calming down and letting out more and more gentle erotic sighs and gasps.
Angie knew the extra strokes would be worth it as Miss Sally rubbed her so tenderly getting closer and closer to her pussy lips. As she did she parted her legs so her pussy lips were stretched apart even more. When Miss Sally ran her fingers along her pussy lips she gasped more loudly and as Miss. Sally edged her fingers inside her pussy she knew she was so close to cumming.
Sally smiled as she edged her fingers past Angie's wet pussy lips and inside finding her clit and knew Angie was about to come. Sally put her hand under her own skirt and felt her own pussy and knew she was damp as well. It wasn't because of the finger sex she was giving, she knew. It was having given the spanking and the caning that had turned her on.
Moments later Angie exploded in orgasm with gasp after gasp after loud gasp. Sally stopped fingering herself as she would do herself later on. Instead, she left her fingers inside Angie for a few moments more knowing she was loving it before easing her fingers back out.
Angie stayed bent over as she savoured the orgasm. It had been far better than she had expected and definitely worth the three extra cane strokes. She even told herself she wanted Sally to cane her again. She didn't suppose she would, though.
"Stand up, Angie," Sally ordered.
Angie stood up and looked longingly at Sally.
Sally assumed the look was a request to let her rub her bottom. "You can rub, Angie," Sally conceded.
Angie was happy enough to be able to rub her bottom and knew she had to leave Miss. Sally in charge. The more she looked at her the more she wanted to go to bed with her, irrespective of her young age. However, she knew better than to ask.
Sally knew she wanted to cane Angie again so she ordered, "I have not finished your punishment yet, Angie." She waited a moment to see the reaction.
"Yes, Miss. Sally," Angie said in a questioning tone which Sally took as her acceptance of further punishment.
Sally continued, "You will come to my shop at 12.30 pm tomorrow. You will bring the bra you stole with you. I will punish you again tomorrow. Understood, Angie?"
Angie felt the flutters return to her pussy with the knowledge she would be seeing Miss Sally again tomorrow. Her bottom would still be stinging but better she agreed rather than suggesting the day after in case Miss. Sally could not do then. She loved Miss. Sally's stern tone of voice and wanted to submit to her again. She wasn't sure what might happen at the shop but she would masturbate for sure tonight, several times probably, and look forward to more punishment tomorrow. She certainly hadn't thought that any of this would happen when she stole the bra but she was now glad it was playing out like this.
Sally was thinking how she would punish Angie tomorrow. Another spanking for sure. She didn't have a cane though so how would she cane her again? She would work out what to do tonight when in bed. She always had brainwaves straight after masturbating and hoped something would flash into her mind after one of the several orgasms she intended having in bed.
Both Sally and Angie were lost in their own thoughts but were very much looking forward to the events that would unfold tomorrow. Both still had very damp pussies to show for today's activities and reckoned on the same tomorrow.
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.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom RevengeChapter 11Copyright© 2015 by DeeBee
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom RevengeChapter 12Copyright© 2015 by DeeBee
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Later that morning, Sally said she wanted to go shopping, I groaned, saying that I would rather not. She sidled up to me saying that we could have a little fun while we were out. I looked inquisitively and she said that she would wear something sexy and we could do a bit of flashing. Now she had my attention, we had done this a few times before and I just loved the reaction it got from other guys. I had readily agreed, so she went and changed and we headed out. She had put on some seamed...
Some time ago my wife, Sally, took up the offer of a couple of girlfriends to join them on a short holiday to Ibiza. The weekend before she went, we were shopping for bits for her to take when she asked my opinion on a skimpy bikini set, consisting of a thong, plunge type cleavage enhancing top and a little matching skirt. I love her showing her gorgeous body off, for a woman in her late forties she is firm and shapely, with gorgeous round tits – all natural, so encouraged her to get it. I...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
'...' thoughts Chapter 3 - The Aftermath I was arrested outside of my apartment. I'd just come back from a little "vacation" I took after my visit with Emily. She told the cops 2 weeks after I left her laying naked beside her house. They got evidence and came for me. The little harlot promised she wouldn't tell, and now, I'm being sent to 8 years in prison for kidnap, assault and rape. My anger started to grow then, planning to keep my promise of getting her because she...
'...' thoughts Chapter 2 - Payback is a Bitch, Ain't it? It's been almost a year since I was fired and my life practically ended. I used to be a well paid psychology professor at the local High school. I was caught blackmailing and fucking one of my students. In a way, she set me up. That little bitch made it worse than it was, I know she was enjoying herself while I was screwing her, then she gets me fired. About six months ago, while I was pondering my worthless existence I...
Originally on my account of the same name on '...' thoughts Chapter 2 - Payback is a Bitch, Ain't it? It's been almost a year since I was fired and my life practically ended. I used to be a well paid psychology professor at the local university. I was caught blackmailing and fucking one of my students. In a way, she set me up. That little bitch made it worse than it was, I know she was enjoying herself while I was screwing her, then she gets me fired. About six...
Chapter 21: Jordan's Revenge Dee Dee and Cleo raced back through the corridors of the Island. They arrived back in the quarters where the four girls had spent the night together, just after Rhiannon had finished 'gifting' Jordan. What Dee Dee and Cleo saw was a sight they were totally unprepared for. Barocca was lying on the bed, with a terrified look on her face. Surrounding Barocca were five identical copies of Jordan. Each girl was naked, with a raging, two-foot hard-on. Dee Dee...
As Katie walked up the path to Gemma’s house she thought about how they had been reunited just yesterday. Katie had walked in to the bar and looked around to see if she knew anyone and to her surprise saw Gemma, who used to babysit her.Katie was now eighteen-years-old and a Prefect at the local girl’s school. She had come from school and was wearing her sixth form uniform of a short-sleeved white and green check gingham dress. It was summer and she had bare legs. Her blonde hair flowed over her...
SpankingSam was so turned on that he wildly returned my kisses. After a few moments, he paused and asked what just happened. In a coy voice, I asked him if he liked what he saw. He simply smiled as I pushed him down on his back onto the concrete picnic table. I wanted more; I love the feeling of being exposed. I enjoyed being seen. I love the taste of cum, and I LOVE sharing it unwittingly with Sam.We remained on the table kissing with just our shoes on. We were in clear view of any passerby. I was...
Exhibitionism"Fantasy Fest is fun," Chloe said."What?" asked Maggie."It's in Key West, Florida. Thousands of people show up and parade through the streets and party all night. It's illegal to be nude in public, but even a string of beads counts as clothes. Lots of strange people. Homosexuals, bisexuals, straights, old, young, etc. Go with me. You need a break."Plus, I have a hotel room," Chloe added. "It's not easy to find one during Fantasy Fest. It'll be expensive but not if we share a room. We can split...
MILFIt was now 4:45pm. Carlie and I got into our van and waited. At exactly 5:00pm Jim arrived and went into the room. We were very nervous. This was a big undertaking for us. At 5:15pm we watched as Big Louie approach the room with Sally and Sue. As they knocked on the door we turned on our cameras. We didn't want to start the tape until the action got under way. We had two cameras running: one from above the lights and the other from inside the smoke alarm. It was unbelievable the quality of...
It was Monday afternoon and Jim and Mary's car drove into their driveway. Jim got out and unlocked the front door of his house while Mary lifted two bags of groceries from the boot. Jim took one of them from her and they both made their way into the house, Jim electronically locking his car as they went. Dolohov watched them from his van further up the street. They will be some time in the kitchen unpacking their groceries he thought as he emerged from his van and walked towards their drive...
I was your typical highly skilled but too small basketballer. Destined to a coaching role and wishing I’d been blessed with another foot of height so I called make the most of the game I loved best. I had been an assistant and had a couple of fitness and rehabilitation roles but wanted to move on to a senior coaching role. I asked around and looked at the want ads but with no real luck apart from one gig coaching a girl’s college team that was not to appealing to say the least. Not that...
This story takes place where Part Two ended. Thanks for reading.Once inside my house, April stripped in front of me, her clothing dropping to the floor as she made a beeline for my bathroom. “Fresh towels are in the cupboard right inside the door,” I said afterward.She returned about a half hour later and said, “Your turn. By the way do you have anything I can change into? All my clothes are, um, wet. I laughed and went into the bedroom and got her one of my t-shirts. As they always did, my...
The spark of a lighter wakens me. I allow my eyes to only open slightly, letting out a groan. The memories of last night start to flutter my mind. A warm glow pushes through the closed curtains. The ugly furniture is a reminder of where I am. What the hell did I get myself into now, I can’t help but think. The man I’m sharing the bed with speaks deeply. His voice is thick, like a heavy smoker would sound like. “Last night was fun, Doll-face. You’re one hell of a fuck,” he chuckles and smacks...
CheatingWhen people first see me, no one makes eye contact... guys or girls... young or old.The first thing they look at... usually unable to stop staring at is my tits... which come from a long line of big tits (my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother all are skinny (I'm 126 pounds and 5'4") and huge breasted (I'm a 38DD))... part of my Latina heritage.Now although I have a great body with a small waist and a tight ass (I run every morning, and I tan every chance I get), I have a tough time...
Leprechaun?s Revenge By [email protected] This is an adult story. Charming Leprechauns are not always charming and in this case you need to be over 18 to read about them. This story is in chapters 1-5. It?s posted in chapters to make on-line reading easier. Depending on what on-line site you are using, it may or may not be posted in chapters. This version is the complete story. CHAPTER 1 She looked down at the massive expanse of her cleavage, and watched her large breasts...
Author's Note: Hello again! If you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon! I've also still got my poll for the next story ongoing at be sure to let me know what you want to see! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out and . Thank you so much for reading! Warning: This...
A Mother's Revenge Chapter 2 Chapter 1 written by Kellie Cliffe Chapter 2 written by Hawlk It's only been three weeks but it's seemed like forever. "The all-new Joe" has come back to fuck my daughter every day... Wait a minute... Did I just say MY daughter?! Oh, God no, no... I keep becoming more and more like Charlie's mom, and less like Joe. Maybe it's Maddy's mind control. I have searched the house for some clue as to how Maddy switched us, and have found it: a spell book....
4 September, 1686 Dawn "Something's wrong. I just know it!" Claire said with concern, she knew only something truly grave would have sent Cog looking for them. Hastily getting up she made her way past Nuflo and then hurried toward the front door with anxiety for her sister foremost on her mind. Maria and Pierre looked puzzled. "Cog is the mute shipmate we told you about," Felipe explained then quickly followed after Claire. "Nothing other than something very serious could have taken...
Catherine saw the offer on the local community website. A family said they were going away for three weeks and offered the services of their two maids to anyone who could house and use their services. What really surprised Catherine was that one of the maids, until just last year, had been one of her teachers at sixth form college, the dreaded and hated Miss Dawson. None of the classmates liked her because she used to happily spank any of them for even the slightest misbehaviour.It wasn’t so...
SpankingRevenge By Margaret Jeanette Mary Benbrooks just completed another deal. She just bought Henry's, an up-scale men's store. It complimented her Dorothy's, an up-scale woman clothing store, and Discount Dress, another women's wear store. Since she also owned the most popular diner in town, she felt she was set. That night she told her husband, Greg, about the deal. He was happy for her. He had a small accounting business that just covered the rent of the offices he leased. He...
Sissies Revenge, Drifting By: Malissa Madison Herma was a small galaxy, the royal house was small and at war with the neighboring Vorge Empire. The Vorge had taken over three other galaxies, and now were offering peace to Herma. That peace hinged on the marriage between Prince Dread and the Royal Princess Deanna. But Deanna, born a Hermaphrodite, took offence at the way the Vorge treated the sissies of the surrounding galaxies. Especially when he did so in front of her. She was sent...
Revenge, Inc. Danny Jenkins. a loving wife can be a goose to be plucked By H20wader * * * * * the ravings of a lunatic. Copyright by h20wader my editor is out of town so I to blame for all errors. * * * * * Harold Stasson was always the first in the office. He placed the bagels he had pick up on his way to the office. He liked the calm and the quiet. He had just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Probably Judith, she would want coffee too. The button was...
Kate gently stroked Rick's cock through the thick fabric of his jeans. The movie they were watching had not raised their interest enough not to be interrupted by her groping his package as a sign of lust. Boring or not, rare were the occasions where a movie would keep them from fondling each other after more than twenty minutes.Kate unbuttoned Rick's jeans and freed his growing manhood from its cotton confinement. She laggardly pumped it, clenching her fist around it harder each time. They...
FemdomThe Crazy GirlfriendApril and I broke up when I was twenty. We had been together for 3 years, when I found out she cheated on me. Not with just one guy, but a few different ones. Her sister Aya was the one to tell me. She liked me and didn't want to see me be taken for a sucker. Aya was cool. She was fucking gorgeous and had just turned 18.. I didn't even officially break up with April. I just ghosted her. It drove her fucking nuts! The Crazy Girlfriend's Younger Sister April tried everything...
I know, this is a very fast moving story, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Revenge By Morpheus I stared into my empty shot glass for several minutes, before finally asking the bartender for "Another one" I was sitting in a smoke filled, half empty bar, determined to drink myself senseless. An overweight, balding man sat farther down the bar, looking just as miserable as me. I couldn't help but wondering what his story was, though I honestly didn't give a damn. I was...
I've found out that my wife is cheating on me and so far she and Josh don't know that I know. Josh by the way is – or was – my best friend. I know, I know, it is a cliché, but clichés get to be clichés because they happen so often. I had no idea of how I was going to handle it. The thing was that I couldn't understand why he was fucking my wife. Don't get me wrong here; my wife is definitely a hottie. She is in her mid-thirties and even after three kids she looks hot as hell in a bikini,...
500 Times Revenge Caution, there is a brutal revenge section in this story, and for those of you that say it can't happen or it's over the top…I beg to differ. In fact, the punishment I describe was reported in the Phoenix Times back in 2019, and was an actual event. Beginnings We met in our last year at university when I was out with friends. Sara was celebrating her 21st birthday when I met her at a local club in Nashville. I literally bumped into Sara as I walked by her table, knocking her...
Revenge By Julia Chapter 1 Ron was sitting on his bar stool drinking from his glass. He had just finished his shift that he hated. He had lifted those heavy boxes at the warehouse for the past five years. He had a master's degree in accounting and a license but this was all he could do now. He felt that there was something or someone blocking him every time he was up for any sort of raise or promotion. He went up four times already, and each time he was shot down. His promotion was...
As Sam was fucking me in the grass my mind was racing on my next step. How could I help Jessica celebrate her birthday, a birthday she would either enjoy or dread for the rest of her life. It would depend on how Jessica responded when I meet her tomorrow.Sunday morning started as any other normal day. I grabbed one of my new shirts that had an open collar that was wide enough to slip off my shoulders exposing the top of my breast. It was made of thin rayon that felt and looked like silk. When...
ExhibitionismI needed to get going, the moment I was certain that Wallace was done for, but I didn't. I just couldn't. The mental exhaustion and the relief I felt once I'd consigned the Monroe Masher to the deep, and its hungry diners, just dropped me into some sort of mental collapse. Not quite a breakdown, but something like the sort of debilitating mental depression where you don't even have the energy to get out of bed or even press the buttons to change channels on the TV. I was exhausted and I...
While we'd been more or less alone earlier that day, I'd told the Foole a bit of my history ... rather more than was at all sensible or wise. Still, he'd heard my toasts yesterday evening and knew, or thought he knew, where a few of the dots connected. Yeah, like him I'd had a very checkered past too, and done a thing or maybe two that I didn't think I could ever be forgiven for, but a wound you keep tearing open can never heal. I'd taken revenge on Tori's killer. That was good, but...
Harry went from his room and into the Library "Hermione What should we do to the ones who Betrayed us?" Harry asks as he enters. Hermione Looks up from the Huge book in front of her. "Well we can get a Piece out in the paper. We can name all names. And we should contact the twins." She says. Harry Replies," Well I already sent Fumbledore a nice tainted box of Lemon Drops. I surpose we can use this Rita Skeeter for our Mud raking." "Harry what do you mean tainted Lemon Drops?" She...
“You!” I snapped at him, making my cousin back off with the venom in my voice. “Dude ... look ... I don’t want no beef with you! I just ... want Danielle, okay! That’s all this was about! I thought she’d just have a revenge affair for your cheating, not that she’d go nuclear like this! Damn, dude ... I just coveted your wife and wanted her for myself! I even ... lied to her about my sterility. I told her that I couldn’t have any kids. I can and likely made one with her last night. Be mad at...
Three hours later... While at Mr. Natansky’s office to play him the voicemail in case he needed it, he got a phone call that was very noteworthy. “Are you sure? Okay, well, that makes our task a bit easier, in fact. She’s been booked, printed, all of that jazz, eh? That must have been one helluva mess, too. She did what to him? Jesus fucking Christ! Well, he turned on her and her mother bailed him out without knowing it, so I suppose that there’s no honor among kidnappers, either, as well...
The fear that hung heavy over the town of Crescent Valley was reflected in the faces of its citizenry the following morning. On the streets, in the shops and within its several bars, men gathered to recount the terrifying rape of little Annie Purcell in solicitous tones punctuated with vile curses, their anger at Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely for refusing to allow a hunting posse into the hills, an open vent for their concealed inner-panic. Something had to be done and right away! It wasn't...
My specialty at work had been in financing - also international financing. And that is what they wanted me to do, launder their - and Carl's money. There was not any doubt that he had some part in their business, either as a partner or as a financial supporter. Of course they did not trust me in the beginning, and they left their share of traps which they used to test my loyalty. I guessed that they didn't know that I could have done my Doctoral thesis in computer sciences, also. So, I was...
Cold fire was still burning inside me, when late that night I was brought out from my basement dungeon. I silently dressed in the pants given to me, and was brought to the yard. It was surprisingly brightly lit. Carl had left soon after his show, but the guard who had brought Ana was there. And so was 'el jefe', the local big man. So, this was it. The end. No revenge for me. Once again the good guys finish last, while the bad guys will get everything. My grim thoughts were interrupted when...