DóchasChapter 28 free porn video

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A chime sounded in the dining room then Ann said, "Before we begin, we want to thank everyone for their help last night and today with the cleanup. The second item is, all of us are very happy to hear that many of you intend to stay. Let's eat." Everyone was quickly through the buffet and the room became very quiet as they ate.

The composition of guests at the tables was more mixed than at the previous two meals. Sarah, Rusty and Judy looked at one another. "It is nice to see the way they are mixing with one another," said Judy. "It is not what I would have expected due to their backgrounds or experience with others."

"We agree, but maybe this is a common bond, which is drawing them together."

"I would agree with your observation," said Aoife. The rest of the spouses in Sarah's clan expressed their agreement with her. "But, that is not all there is to it. A part of it may also be that some are still seeking a group they feel really comfortable with. It's not that they are uncomfortable, or feel unwanted with the group they are currently with, but they now wish to see if it is best for them."

"Very good analysis," said Jill and Janet. "Another aspect is that they may see a potential for them to live with all those they deeply love, where before they had to choose. Once a choice was made, it wasn't easily undone. This adds to the feeling of being able to expand their friendships in ways that weren't possible before."

"The part of relationships that always frightened me," said Judy, "was the sudden possessiveness one partner of a couple came to feel for the other after a commitment was made. While in medical school, I saw many lovely people change into less than nice people once they committed to the one they thought was their life partner. Many could not do anything unless they did it together, down to the tiniest thing. Some of their choices in partners were not well based or thought out."

"Yes, I've seen quite a few like that as well," said Terry.

"It was almost as though once they became a couple all of their insecurities multiplied; perhaps they fed off each other."

"We noticed that in Earth society," said Betsy. "We don't think it occurs very often in ours because of the bonding and mind-link. Our records show that both of these are much stronger in a ship's crew than those residing on our home world, but none of us have lived on our home world, so all we know is what is in the records."

"Wow," said Aoife, "so you've never seen your home world or been there?"

"Not quite, we have all been there mentally and seen it in holographics, but never physically. It has not been possible to even consider it since the accident."

"Why is that?" asked Joyce.

"Two reasons. One is the distance. But the biggest is that since the accident we are not sure where it is relative to here. To get there now, we would need something like a beacon to follow. There is a good possibility that our home world is in a different time line. This is based on the fact that star maps we see now don't match our records. Another possibility is that we could be from a galaxy faraway from here. Our navigation is based on two things, stellar maps and a sense of where to go. I think you might call it a 'sense of direction'."

Several of the diners had followed their open telepathic conversation. They found it a bit shocking that you could converse without speaking vocally. At the same time, it was exciting as everyone in the link shared, saw and understood the thoughts without having to shout.

While they ate, several wondered about their declaration earlier. Each carefully examined their feelings then and now. When they made the declaration, it felt like the best thing they had ever done. The feeling was still with them, even now as they analyzed it. All soon decided that they had not been manipulated into making it. Their decision had clearly been theirs. Many realized that it was one they had made shortly after arriving. Their hesitation was in not wanting to be the first and to see if it continued to feel like the right choice. For a few, the analysis resolved any lingering concerns of overlooking some aspect. All of them felt more relaxed than they had in a long time.

Sarah's Clan hurried through their meal. When they finished eating they took their dishes to the kitchen and cleaned off their table. As they went to stand at the front of the room it became very quiet. Once there, Sarah's Clan said in unison, "Please continue to eat while we share with you what we've learned today, as well as touching on some related topics.

"This won't be quite what we had in mind for tonight when we were at breakfast. First we would like to introduce a new member of the ship's command staff. Aoife, would you stand up." She stood, smiling with a slight glow around her.

"Even though she is a part of the ship's command staff and will be on the bridge, that doesn't mean she is a member of our clan. Our bond with her will be similar to the bond between twins. We understand that she will not be the only one to fill this role." While they were talking, both Maureen and Siobhan had been looking around as though they were looking for something.

"The primary reason we are starting before everyone has finished eating is that we have some bad news to share with you. It has some scary implications. As we noted this morning, our drones have been unable to find three of the groups that we invited to visit us. Two of the groups were to be in the next group visit and the other was in the last. We have been unable to find any trace of them. It is as if they never existed, however we do have pictures of all of them so we know we are not imagining them. We do not believe any of you know them, but their pictures are available on the network if you wish to see them.

"Six other groups are being watched. The information we've acquired today indicates that several gangs are planning to enslave these six groups either this evening or tomorrow. To counter this, earlier this afternoon we asked all six if we could visit them this evening. They have all accepted our request. Since the only contact with them has been Nancy and Julia, we've asked several of you to assist with these visits, they will be leaving for those visits in a few moments.

"We've used one person's name in each candidate group as an identifier. So the groups we will be visiting tonight are Shannon's, Leann's, Muireann's, Sabrina's, Gillian's, and Carmen's. While those representing us are making these visits, we will be unavailable.

"We don't want to take the time now to go into all the details of what we know and how we are responding, they are available to you on our network. If you want to watch, there will be a video feed in the lounge.

"To ease your curiosity some," they paused while many of those in the room chuckled, "our representatives are going to ask the groups to move their visit up, and hopefully they can come tonight. This is going to make us a little more crowded than we intended.

"In our planning this afternoon, we recognized a need to activate more androids, who we usually refer to as bots. The crew on the ship can use some assistance. Just tell Donna, or go to the area where the shuttles have been landing if you are willing to help.

"Again, we apologize for not anticipating these issues which are now affecting your vacation."

Conan stood and Sarah's Clan nodded to him. "Speaking for myself and a few of our group, we appreciate the apology. However, I don't see how you could have anticipated this. In assisting you, it does provide us with an opportunity to really get to know you and learn more about what lies ahead. If I wasn't going with Siobhan to Shannon's, I would be heading to the ship to help where I can. So thank you for the opportunity to be here."

"Here, here," responded many.

"Any questions?"

"Who all is going?"

"Would those making the visits stand please?" said Sarah's Clan. They then identified which group each was visiting. "To back them up, each of them will be accompanied by 4 security bots. We will be actively monitoring them while the visit is taking place. There will also be four security teams less than a minute away to assist them if necessary."

"Any more?"

After pausing for a moment Sarah's Clan said, "Before we leave to get this started, we wanted to note that after breakfast in the morning there will be a meeting. A prime topic will be arranging visits to all the other people we planned on extending an invitation to. Considering what has happened we believe we should make them aware of the fact that some of those we've invited have disappeared. We would also like to schedule them to visit here immediately, which may create complications for them. Some concerns were expressed about giving them this information, as it appears to be pushing them in our direction. However, we felt that to give them the best chance of remaining safe this was something we had to do. Even if they all come, we will still be at less than the resorts capacity." They paused then said, "If there aren't any more questions, we need to get ready. Have a relaxing evening and see you at breakfast."

After Sarah's Clan and those taking part in the visits left the dining room, it was a few minutes before conversation resumed.

Jane said, "Donna, if we go to the ship will we be able to monitor those going on the visits?"


"I wonder if everyone realizes that?"

"Some of them probably heard us but you can tell them."

"Okay..." After a moment Jane stood up then blushed as the room quieted down, taking a deep breath she said, "I asked Donna if we could monitor the activity tonight from the ship. She said yes."

She smiled when she heard several say, "Good, deal."

In the conference room Sarah said, "Are all of you ready?"

Everyone nodded affirmatively.

Alice said, "Bob and Stan wanted to come with us. We reminded them that their talents were needed here."

"They are," responded Sarah. "We're going to be stretched very thinly. Does anyone have any questions before we head out?"

When no one responded Sally said, "Well then let's do it."

As they headed out Maureen and Siobhan said, "We don't think Conan and Brandan have picked up on their telepathic ability yet."

Sally placed a hand on Conan and Brandan's shoulder, and said "They are not alone as there are quite a few here who haven't come to terms with that possibility.

"Have you ever thought you heard voices, Conan? It is okay to say yes." Conan had a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, I think I hear voices sometimes. Just now I thought I heard Sally. It was very strange. Let see if I can verbalize this. I thought I heard her say that she felt some of us had not come to terms with the possibility that we were telepathic. But, I didn't see her speak."

"Conan, you heard the thought I sent to all of us. Yes, it was spoken in a sense but not expressed verbally."

"So the times I thought I was hearing something, I was sensing the thoughts of someone?"

"Yes quite likely. Brandan, you heard them as well didn't you?" He nodded a bit sheepishly. "Ah, you have been listening for quite a while. Were you afraid to say something?"

"Yes, I was apprehensive about it. I really looked at it as anticipating what was going to be said. In most of my classes, I knew what the conversation would cover before the words were spoken. Sometimes I even responded verbally to unasked questions. Now, that can be very embarrassing."

Sarah said, "We don't have time now to help you activate it or show you how to manage it. Be sure to see Betsy, Connie or us when you get back and we will help you. Actually, Maureen and Siobhan are doing quite well with their ability."

"Why are you still talking if you can mind-link?" asked Conan.

"Well it is like two levels of communication. We think you will see that, once you become more familiar with using it. The other is that not everyone has the same level of ability, so it would be rude to exclude them."

"Okay, I can see that," replied both Conan and Brandan.

"For a while, you will find the connection stronger if you are touching the person with whom you wish to telepathically share thoughts," said Judy. "For your outing tonight, we suggest you listen to it when you can hear it, but be cautious in reacting to anything that comes through the link."

When they reached the shuttles, Sarah gave her spouses a kiss before boarding the one carrying the group going to Shannon's. Once on board Sarah said, "I'll be on the flight deck. Please acknowledge hearing me. Siobhan."

"Yes," replied Siobhan.


"Yes," replied Conan.

"Hon," said Siobhan, "Did you notice the question felt different?" He nodded. "When it feels that way just think the answer or say it to yourself."

"This is going to take some getting used to."

"It does."



"Okay. Bots each in turn say hello to Zoe, Siobhan and Conan."

After each had telepathically spoken Sarah said, "Now, Conan, Zoe and Siobhan when you want to address one of them think of the object you just saw and direct your thought to it. Try it. We are about five minutes from arriving at Shannon's."

Sarah had the shuttle land in Shannon's front yard. When the door opened, the four cloaked bots exited first. Siobhan and Conan followed them out on to the sidewalk. They looked around and then turned toward the house. Continuing to look around as they walked toward the house they didn't see a soul. They could sense the two bots walking behind them.

Sarah said, "We've moved to hover just over the house. The backyard is clear. The watchers don't appear to have noticed your arrival."

They stepped up on the porch, then as Conan started to knock, the door opened, startling them. Standing there was a young man and woman who were slightly taller than either of them and exceptionally good looking. She had long hair and reminded Siobhan of Sally.

They stood and looked at each other for a moment, before the woman said, "Hurry, come inside, we have been expecting your arrival."

"Thank you for agreeing to us coming on such short notice," replied Siobhan as they entered the house. "I am Siobhan. This is Zoe and Conan."

"Hi, I'm Shannon and this is Danny. The timing of your request worked out really well. We had already planned on getting together here this evening. Those people watching us really have us on edge."

"How long have those people been monitoring you?" asked Zoe.

"It has been going on for a week now. Their presence has really made us uneasy. Today, at times there were four people out there. When several of us went shopping, they followed us. They were not very good at it."

"Maybe they want you to know you're being watched. Do you have any idea why they are watching you?"

"None. It's just every time I see them I have a sense of foreboding."

"Have you called the police about it?" asked Zoe.

"Yes, the police said unless the people bothered someone there wasn't anything they could do. They did say that they would keep a closer eye on the area. We have seen patrol cars more frequently since then."

"I hope our visit hasn't upset what you had planned for this evening," said Siobhan.

Shannon hesitated and then said, "Not really. As unbelievable as this sounds, we were going to discuss Nancy's offer. We were considering asking if we could move up the visit. Deciding on our future has become more complex since Nancy and Julia were here. As a group, we don't want to split up, although some of us have just graduated. The job offers they have received have not been very good." As they talked, they moved into the living room.

Shannon turned to the group and said, "This is Siobhan and Conan. This is the couple Nancy asked us to meet with this evening."

A loud woman's voice came from the back of the group, "Shannon, who did you let in this time? Our group needs to talk about our future tonight." Shannon blushed. Danny frowned. Conan tensed as he felt the voice getting closer. "We need to be especially cautious now with those creeps out there watching the house." When the woman saw them she stopped talking, her mouth hung open as she stared at them and her face turned white. Two women in the group stepped up and hugged her. Her mouth opened and closed several times before any more words were heard. "You really are here. I am so sorry for raving like an idiot."

"Note this date," someone called out, "Lydia admitted she could be an idiot." The comment brought chuckles from everyone. Lydia blushed.

A woman entered with a tray of refreshments. Shannon introduced Siobhan, Zoe and Conan to each person in the room. They chatted and sipped the drinks for a while as they became more comfortable with each other.

Siobhan sensing it was time, stood up, bringing the conversations to a stop. "We came this evening to review the opportunity that Nancy and Julia offered you several weeks ago. It is the opportunity to join the crew of a space ship. As she indicated, it doesn't matter whether you've finished college or not. We are here to offer you the chance to go for the introductory visit as soon as you are ready.

"Just this evening Conan and I formally joined the crew. I think we were certain we would when we first arrived for our visit. I suspect that like some of you we had a premonition of this opportunity.

"Oh, I should have asked this first, is everyone here?"

"Yes, surprisingly we are all here this evening," replied Shannon. "I think, there are also a few who weren't here when Nancy and Julia were here before."

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Introduction: It was Myras turn now…. Part#2 Before Myra could turn around to investigate the noises in the bushes behind her several sets of large hands took control of her little body. She screamed in surprise. The last thing the girl on the ground mumbled to her was enjoy it. She was carried off away from her. A giant hand controlled her head by grasping the back of her neck. Other large hands grabbed her wrists like vice grips and she was whisked up off the ground when her ankles were...

1 year ago
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Amys Fantasy

She ended up being surprised with how much she liked the bus ride. Free wifi, air conditioning (which was nice for the dead-of-summer trip across state lines) and room for her ample legs to stretch and feel at home. It wasn’t easy being 5’10 and being on a plane for a few hours at a time – something told her Alex knew that. He was always so considerate, even though he liked to play the part of someone who didn’t care what anyone thought. By the time she had thought to face away from outside...

3 years ago
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Craving for Giant Nipples 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

2 years ago
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Crystals QuestionsChapter 4

Crystal opened her mouth just in time to catch Andy's come. She'd been sucking him, hoping he'd hold on long enough, but apparently it was all too much for him. His warm jets of come landed, some in her mouth, some on her face, some on her tits. One shot, two, three, four, and a weak one. She swallowed his offering, scooping and licking up what she could around her mouth. She'd been riding another guy, she couldn't remember his name, but he was from Sales, and watching her mother fuck...

1 year ago
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Not the Job we expected

So me and a few of my friends have all got a part time job at a function club in our town. We're all sixth form college student so are all young 18 year old lads. Anyway, so a couple of times we've been asked to go shirtless for Ladies nights at work as we serve drinks. We're all quite toned and muscly and enjoy going to the gym a lot, so we don't mind showing off what we've got, especially seeing as it gets us plenty tips. A short while ago when a few us were working one of these ladies...

Wife Lovers
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The CompetitionChapter 4 The Secrets Out

The eight members of the swim club met with the eight members of their fan club outside the ladies' change room. Eileen stepped into the hallway to assure them that all the doors had indeed been locked and there were no boys in the pool area. "Let 'em look," advised Rachel. "I'm not afraid." Oh, yes you are, realized Marcia. In fact, you're absolutely terrified and just putting up a front. She'd seen the look often before on newbies. They went into the locker room, locking the door...

3 years ago
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The Erotica Dream

My name was Cassandra Drewe and I was different from the girls my age at school. Unlike them, I was born with a penis. So I was half girl, half boy. When I was in my mother's womb I began to grow a penis so they initally thought I was going to be a boy. It wasn't until I was six or seven my parents noticed my hair was growing long a beautiful chest nut colour that I was looking more like a girl than a boy except for my small penis. They'd called me Mark Drewe when I was born but then changed it...

4 years ago
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Dont mess with magic part 1

"Uh-huh? Uh-huh...yeah, sure.""No, really, Tori, it's true!"Tori held her phone between her ear and shoulder as she shimmied out of her work trousers. "Look, it's all bullshit, okay? Don't get my hopes up so high. I know it's one of your biggest fetishes...what? Scared? Like Hell I am. Sure I'd do it myself. Alright, send me the link and I will, asshat." Tori hung up to the sound of her friend's cheerful laughter. For a week now her best friend Cora had been gushing over some 'secret...

2 years ago
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The Wrong Bus Part 1

I read the rules but this story is one of my favorite fantasies that I could never write better myself. I'm including the writes info as I want to make sure they get credit. I'll post the other parts later. Have fun with this first part. The Wrong Bus (Part 1) By Sissy TrishaHere I was laid over a man's lap wearing nothing but my frilliestpink Rumba panties and a matching pink bra. I had only met the man byaccident on the bus a few hours ago....

1 year ago
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Getting Nailed

Getting Nailed, By J. Birdman This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), cross-dressing (CD), mild bondage, Trangender (TG) and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re- post the story unchanged,...

3 years ago
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Truth Serum

I was head hunted straight from university, where I received honours in biochemistry. Government work, I was told, but in reality it was MI5. I worked in their Labs with a living legion, everywhere in the spy world the name of Dr Johnson was revered, even if he's in his late eighties now. For he invented the first ever truth serum. Now in truth, there's no such thing as a 'truth serum' it's an invention of the movies. In real life it's just a simple drug that disorientates the mind. This...

1 year ago
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My Neighbor 99

As I’m writing this, I can’t believe I’m living this story. It all started after my next-door neighbors wife had passed away from cancer at the tender age of 27. She had been dead for about seven months when one morning I walked out to get the paper and my neighbor was sitting on my lawn, roaring drunk in nothing but his under shorts. My husband was away on one of his business trips as usual, so it was left to me to get my neighbor back into his house. I helped him to his and couldn’t help...

2 years ago
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Suck My Tits Daddy

About a year ago my daughter met a guy who was the epitome of scum. She was eighteen, he was twenty-five and the two were about as well suited as oil and water. The one time I met Roger Banks, I remember being thoroughly disgusted; his long, stringy hair held as much oil as the crankcase of his Harley, his face, which was not what anyone would call handsome, was dotted with old acne scars and several blackheads. He was so nasty that I was afraid to shake his hand.I didn't believe at the time,...

3 years ago
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Reform School

Isaac Wiener had been teased because of his name since he was in fifth grade. The kids mispronounced his name purposely to sound like ‘I suck wieners’. But it only got worse when Isaac was 14 years old and his single mom remarried. Her new husband was a man by the name of Jerry Cox who proudly adopted her son and so gave the boy a new surname. Isaac Cox would be in for some brutal teasing in high school. Ninth grade and a different school was just around the corner for Isaac when, one sunny...

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Was fr eine Familie Ein Geburtstag mit Folgen

Mein Name ist Tom und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Als Schwimmer, kann ich auch von mir behaupten, gut gebaut zu sein – durchtrainiert, aber nicht zu viele Muskeln. Ich wohne noch bei meinen Eltern und habe auch leider keine Geschwister. Alles begann, als meine Tante (34 Jahre) und ihre Tochter – meine Cousine – zum Geburtstag meiner Mutter kamen. Tamara machte mich an, seit sie 14/15 war, aber bisher hatte ich keine Möglichkeit, mich an sie heran zu machen. Wie oft habe ich auf dem Bett gelegen und...

2 years ago
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Charlie sisterBoy seduced by Old Fisherman

Hi, Dee. We have similar turn-ons. I was very young, when I opened up a dresser drawer and saw a small pair of white panties laying on top of everything!My Dads work friend and His daughter had just stayed the night. She was My age. It was Her panties! Daddy, His friend and the girl slept in one bed and Sharlee and Me slept together, in another room. The Men tried to keep the girl quiet, but She was Young and Willing to be taught 'special' things when Her Daddy shared Her with each of His...

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The Taking Of Cassidy Lynn

Cassidy was in a foul mood. Everyone at the party could sense it and they were avoiding her as if she was the center of a five-foot quarantine. Stress was ever-present for associate attorneys at Sinclair & Lewis and the others had far too much of their own to be interested in becoming involved in hers.For her part, Cassidy was vaguely aware they were keeping their distance and that was fine with her. She glanced at the clock again, wondering if her obligatory appearance at the Firm’s meet and...

4 years ago
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We could still hear the moans, and the panting on the porn, but neither of us were paying any attention. I was so hot because I had made Jo come over and over. She was glowing, her eyes were bright and oh so blue. She was enjoying the aftershocks that our little vibrating friend was so eager to let her have. I could tell she was aching for my pussy and I was aching to let her have it. She grabs me around my waist and pulls me on top of her, pauses for a few soft wet kisses, and then guides me...

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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 33

I felt much better Saturday morning and the three of us went to my Kung Fu class and my shield training afterwards. I’d gotten a feel for the right way to throw the shield to hit what I was looking at and at the end of class, I thanked them both for helping me. Sifu had rebuked my attempts to pay for the specialized training, instead promising that he wanted only to see me do well in April. After that, we got lunch and I got a call from Zoe. I showed the phone to them and grimaced before...

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sister in law

Invariably most guys who have a sister in law, fantasize about her, I know I have. Everything from attempting to look down her top to sniffing her used underwear especially the crusty crotch on her panties. I even stole a pair of hers once. I kept them for 3 months and almost sucked them clean of her juices replacing it with my own secretions. The highlight was when we were on holiday in a caravan and she drunkenly had to climb over the bed I was in. Just briefly as she stepped over my head a...

3 years ago
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Making My Colleague My Sex Partner

Hi, guys, this is Raja again from Chennai. It’s been a long time since I wrote a story here because I was abroad on a trip. Sorry for the delay. I know there are some pending adventurous (stories). I will complete everything and share with you as soon as possible friends. To know about me more please read my previous stories. Ok coming to the story. It is a bit long to give a clear picture. When I joined the team, this character was on pregnancy leave so I wasn’t able to talk to her or know...

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Paying For Her Husbands Debts

It was raining outside as Ashley examined herself in the mirror, giddy with excitement. The sound of the rain and roar of the thunder had always soothed her. She was 21-years-old with long natural red hair that fell half way down her back. She had piercing blue eyes and light freckles over her nose. She didn’t think anyone would mistake her for a super model as she only stood 5 feet 4 inches tall, but she liked what she saw, and knew she could turn some heads. The extra time she’d been spending...

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Stuck on ChaosChapter 5

Our race to John’s Son’s Cove turned out to be a meander. Nothing like Mother Nature to stick in a Murphy. No matter ... we had to get it done. John’s Son’s Cove had the remainder of what could have been a much more populous time. The harbor had the ghosts of rock quays and wharves. The wreck of former warehouses lined the suspicion of the heyday that must have been a substantial industry. The warehouses along the quays were built from the brick and stone taken from those buildings that used...

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Altered Fates Missing

MISS-ING by Jennifer Adams (c) Jennifer Adams, 1999 Barry couldn't believe he actually held it in his hands, the long sought after Medallion of Zulo. He had read about it several years ago in the library where he was attending high school. As long as he could remember, he had wanted to find out what it was like to be a female. He often daydreamed about what his life would have been like if he had been born a girl instead of a boy and now he held in his hand the means to find out....

4 years ago
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A family Slumber

I had married young, mainly due the fact that I had gotten Janet pregnant. Things seemed to work out fine for about five years until Janet informed me that she was leaving me and our little girl Kelly for some rich guy on the west coast. Twelve years later I still hadn't gotten over it completely. I truly loved Janet and probably would still take her back today. Now at 35, my love life is still pretty lame even though I am considered good looking. I am just not a very good conversationalist. It...

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Wheres My Article

Siobhan’s fingers speedily tapped against the keyboard, her eyes firmly glued to the computer screen in front of her. Now and then she would stop to take brief sips of her skinny latte. Her left knee shook uncontrollably, and her teeth scraped harshly against each other. She was desperate to complete her article which was already two weeks overdue. She had typed her final word, proofread it and was finally done. She leaned back and spun around on her chair in excitement. She quickly wheeled...

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Mr Callahans slut part 1

"And then he continued eating me out with the gusto of a starving man." I snort at Sarah's choice of words, shaking my head at her brazenness. It's the Monday afternoon coffee break at work and, as usual, Sarah the resident slut, tells everybody, whether they want to hear it or not, about her weekend adventures. "Sarah, can you please be a little more discreet. Some of us just want to drink our coffee, not hear about your latest catch," I say trying to get her to take the dirty talk down a...

Office Sex
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My Sweet Sister Sapana 8211 Part II

Hi I am Subot with my story which is still with my little sister Sapana. Here the story continues. We had sex till our parents return back to home. Now my parents were home. I and Sapana have cleaned all the house so that parents will not know what had happened here. As the day passes I always got the beautiful memories with Sapana. I was very upset that I cannot have that sex again. My heart pounds high when I see my lovely sister. Whenever we meet in my room I used to kiss her but I couldn’t...

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Pathfinder The Trio Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...

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The Awakening of Alexis Part 2

After a lot of time, thought, encouragment, and some light pressure on my part, Alexis finally agreed to take things to the next level, sexually. I mean she SAID she agreed, but she was also very hesitant. She sometimes seemed almost angry when I brought the subject up and refused to even talk about it, but gradually I got her to talk more about this and we got into some specifics. A lot of the discussion about what we would do, took place while making love. Stroking and masturbating each...

4 years ago
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Transcendent Sensuality 3

Would there be a next time? Karla smiled to herself. Oh, hell, YES! she thought. There would definitely be a next time. He has led her down this road and she wanted to explore its variations, every twist, turn, rise and expanse to its fullest. She loved Kevin to distraction. They were soul-mates. Sometimes she thought he could read her mind but not in this instance. He didn’t really understand how obsessed she had become. The images and memories flooded her mind. She could feel the delicious,...

Wife Lovers

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