A Well-Lived Life - Book 10 - The WifeChapter 52: It Comes Down To Trust free porn video

July, 1985, Chicago, Illinois
When I arrived home, Julia asked if I had time for our Monday staff meeting. I went into the NIKA office with her and she went over the status of our projects.
“Cindi?” Julia prompted, when she had finished her status update.
“I met with six different union locals last week and signed up four of them,” Cindi reported. “It’s nothing like the deal Steve had with the other unions, but each of them is $500 plus $100 a year for support and updates. If we have to visit their offices, then they would pay our hourly rate. I gave Elyse checks totaling $2400 on Friday.”
“That’s great!” I declared. “Great job!”
“We also received a call from a place that wants to set up a Novell Network. It’s a law firm and they want to be able to share documents that they create in WordPerfect. They would also want support from us. What do you think?”
“I think we better learn Novell pretty quickly, that’s what I think!” I said. “What do you say, Julia?”
“Dave and I talked about it and we agree. The problem is that we’d need to buy the software, some special cards for our IBM PCs and a computer to act as the server. I suggest that we get the one that runs on 8086 processors instead of the one that runs on the purpose-built Motorola 68000 processor. The one that will run on an IBM PC would cost us a lot less. But it’s still quite a bit of money.
“That said, I think it’s a good investment of our funds, and the money that Cindi is bringing in right now will help cover the costs. And this project would pay handsomely. If we get experience with it, we’re going to have all kinds of opportunities. That’s doubly true because our business plan talks about doing software for law firms. In fact, given this, I’m recommending that we shelve the doctor’s office software temporarily and work on the client- and case-tracking software.”
“That’s what I proposed,” Cindi said. “I mentioned the plans for the software to the managing partner of the law firm and he’s very interested. We might even be able to work out a deal with them to fund some of the development because I told him we planned to work on it in the future and he’d like it sooner. He’s a total computer nerd. He has a computer collection at home similar to Steve’s.”
“Does anyone object?” Julia asked.
“Can we handle both that and the estimation and inventory software?” I asked. “We didn’t have a deadline on the doctor’s office software. This sounds like we might.”
“I think so,” Dave said. “We’ll need to do a design, of course. Cindi, you’ll need to sit down with the managing partner and some other attorneys, and more importantly, secretaries and law clerks, to figure out what they need and how it should work. By the time that’s done, and Julia, Cindi, and I work out the actual design, you’ll be mostly done with the software for Gerald Brown. Penny can finish that up, while you, Julia, and I work on the law office stuff. Cindi basically has no time for programming because she’s the only one bringing in money at the moment!”
Julia laughed, “Well, Steve’s contracts with the unions are pretty big, though they’ll become less important each month. But I agree. Cindi, you’re pretty much full-time marketing, sales, and support. Are you cool with that?”
“Absolutely! I’m the worst programmer in the group, though it’s a pretty damn high bar!”
“I can work more, if you want,” Penny said.
“Elyse, can we afford that?” Julia asked.
“Yes. An extra hour or two a day is fine, but no more than that, Penny. And your mom has to agree. I’ll talk to her if you’re serious.”
“I am! An extra $50.00 a week would be awesome. I already have a nice bank account just from the first month of work!”
“Tell them yes, Cindi,” Julia said. “You, Elyse, and I need to figure out what we’ll charge for all of this. We can do that in the morning. Anything else?”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Great!” Julia said. “Steve, start thinking about another person. If we sign up a couple of law firms, Cindi is going to need a support person to work for her. And remember, we lose Penny once school starts.”
“Right. Most of our fellow graduates have good jobs. What kind of timeframe are we talking about?”
“It depends on how good Cindi is!” Dave chuckled.
“You KNOW how good I am, lover boy!” she laughed. “I can’t say, though. I’m going to start talking to other firms, starting with Jamie’s. I’ll let you know.”
“I’d say Wen or Charlie, but both of them have another year of school. The same is true for Bert. The last thing I want to do is encourage them to drop out. We might have to actually advertise. Penny, when does school start?”
“September 3rd,” she said.
“Then I guess that’s when we need someone. I’ll talk to Doctor Bauer, Doctor Dalton, and Beth Pater. Between them, I should get some good recommendations.”
“OK,” Julia said. “I’ll call Joyce and see if we can have a quick phone call with the board members to approve our new plans. Technically, Steve could approve everything, but he’s said he wants the Board’s advice on stuff like this.”
“Speaking of which, what’s the scoop with the LaserWriter?” I asked.
“I’m going to pick it up tomorrow,” Julia said. “Which brings up another topic. Who’s going to write all this documentation that we’re going to need?”
“We can’t afford to hire another person full time,” Elyse said. “We’re going to have to have you, Steve, or Dave do it for now.”
“I guess it’s on me,” Julia said. “The other two are better programmers than I am. If that’s the last item, I guess we should all get back to work.”
“What about Jorge?” Cindi asked. “He’s an electrical engineer and he might be interested in a few extra bucks.”
“It’s an idea,” Julia said. “Let me think about it and see what Elyse thinks we can afford to pay. Then I’ll talk with him.”
It was already 4:30pm, so I decided I’d wait until Tuesday morning to start working, and went to find Kara to talk to her. She was in the ‘Indian’ room reading, so I went in and sat down with her. She put her book down and smiled.
“Why the smile?” I asked.
“I knew you would come talk to me. She made her play for you?”
“Yes, she did. With some strings attached. Strings that I’m not sure are acceptable.”
“I don’t have a problem with what she proposed,” Kara said.
“I know. But something just doesn’t feel right about it. Just the way she talked about it was different from Bethany, Elyse, or even Jessica.”
“But do you really care about the dalliances?”
“That’s not the issue. It’s the issue with the bed. That puts you in a secondary position, and I don’t know that I’m comfortable with that. And what if she tried to push you out? Even if it was passively or subconsciously, it would create conflict. That concerns me because it’s already going to be tough. And that doesn’t even take into account what Elyse wants between now and her second pregnancy. Or what Jennifer and Josie need.”
“Is Jessica OK with all of that?”
“By the time Jess is done with medical school, her internship, and her residency, Elyse will have had her babies. Jess doesn’t seem to have a problem with me cuddling or stuff with other girls.”
“Or stuff?” Kara smirked.
“She’d tolerate very occasional, to the point of being somewhat rare, dalliances, at least until she’s through her training. Nobody is going to be as liberal as Elyse, and I’ve decided that I don’t want that kind of freedom. You, my wife, and the occasional, and I mean occasional, dalliance just feels right to me.”
“I won’t say whom, but one of the girls suggested you might have a third wife at some point.”
“I don’t know who else would sign on for the insanity!” I chuckled. “The three girls who are competing, if you will, all want the marriage certificate, so it would have to be someone like you. Every other girl who I’ve been with has made it clear that if I marry them, I have to give up all the other girls. So is it theoretically possible? Sure. But it’s not likely. And I’m already at seven kids if you, Elyse, and my wife each have two!”
“How did you leave things with Karin?”
“She told me to think about it, and let her know by the end of July. As one of my future wives, I’m very interested in your opinion.”
Kara smiled, “I like all three girls. They each offer you something different.”
“Do YOU have a preference?” I asked.
“You mean, like which one would I want to be in bed with?” she giggled.
“If that’s how you want to answer it, sure, though that wasn’t exactly what I was referring to.”
“Karin would never be interested in that,” Kara said. “Bethany has done it before, with Kathy and Pam, and I kissed her on your birthday. Jessica seems adventurous, but I don’t know if she’d go for it. So it’s hard to decide between her and Bethany,” Kara smirked. “But seriously, in the short-term, Jessica would be better for me because she wouldn’t be around a lot, and I could more or less have you to myself. But Bethany would never push me away. So again, it’s hard to decide.”
“In other words, you’re as confused as I am!” I grinned.
“You’re not confused, Snuggle Bear. You have a very clear picture of the future. You do need to make a choice, but you aren’t confused like you were back in High School, or when I walked out. You can see clearly. It’s just a matter of selecting your wife. I’m not confused either, but I’m not the one who gets to choose. I’ll accept whichever girl you decide on.”
I smiled, “I love you, Honey.”
“And I love you, Snuggle Bear. Now that she’s gone, we should rent that movie and then the video camera!”
“You are outrageous!” I grinned.
I kissed her and then I went to the kitchen to make dinner. I’d only just started when Bethany came in to help.
“So?” Bethany asked, as she chopped vegetables for the salad.
“What do you want to know?” I asked.
“Oh come on! You know damned well what everyone wants to know.”
“She came to give it a last try,” I said.
“You told her in Sweden that you weren’t going to be monogamous, that you were going to have some kind of group situation, didn’t you?”
“I did. And she said that she couldn’t accept it. That’s why I was surprised.”
“So she changed her mind?”
“Sort of. She put conditions on it, one of which basically relegates Kara to secondary status. Karin gave me to the end of July to think about it, but honestly I don’t need that long. I can’t do that to Kara.”
“So Karin’s trip was wasted?”
“Well, except for saying goodbye, I’d say so.”
“Well, and amazing sex, I’m sure,” Bethany teased. “I suppose she could be a bit more vigorous than I can!”
“I don’t ever compare, Sweetheart.”
“So when will you tell her?”
“She told me to take my time, and her boyfriend doesn’t come back from his holiday until the end of the month. I guess I don’t want to seem like I didn’t think it through, but I also don’t want to delay a foregone conclusion. It seems a bit rude to tell her when she calls to say that she’s home safely. So next weekend, I think. That really doesn’t hurt her or interfere with her relationship.”
“Boyfriend? A serious one?”
“Serious enough. She’s been seeing the guy for several months at least. I’m guessing they’ll be an actual couple immediately after I tell her. Well, after he comes back from a vacation in Thailand.”
“So that’s it for your Swedish girls, then?”
“Yes, Sweetheart. You outlasted all of them!”
“I don’t think any of them were really a threat, though I was a bit worried when Karin decided to come here. Sofia simply couldn’t give up on her core principle of monogamy.”
“But you did. Why not others?”
“I did for you. I couldn’t do it for anyone else. If we don’t end up together, I’ll be perfectly monogamous with whomever I marry.”
“I have to ask the question - is that what you would rather have?”
“Yes, of course. With you. You know that! But you’ve always made me feel comfortable in stepping outside my boundaries. With Kathy. With Pam; and oh boy with her! With kissing all the girls in the sauna. I spent the last nine years with you basically as your second girlfriend. Is it so hard to see me being OK as the first?”
I smiled, “No, not at all. And by the way, Kara really liked that kiss.”
“She made it clear that she’s available to us if we want her to join us,” Bethany said. “But I know your discomfort because of what happened with her and Joyce.”
“It’s something I’d have to really think about. I’d be somewhat concerned about her reaction to it.”
“And that’s why all of us are open to trying things with you - you’ll protect us, even from ourselves.”
“True, but I didn’t do that with Kara,” I said.
“You did your level best. She broke her own rule by being with Joyce when you weren’t there. There’s not much you could do about that.”
“I could have set clear limits for her since she didn’t know how to do that.”
“No, you couldn’t! That’s what her dad and pastor did and it was a like a straitjacket. If you had done that, then she would never have been able to grow. Yes, it was traumatic, and yes, she was even suicidal, but, in the end, she became her own person, rather than a creature of her dad or her pastor. Or, just as importantly, you.”
“The free spirit,” I said.
“Exactly. Do you want the old Kara back or do you like the new Kara?” she grinned.
“The old Kara was naïve and innocent, and that had certain charms as she discovered things she had no idea existed, but I certainly prefer the new Kara, even if she is a bit overwhelming at times.”
“Does all of that answer your question about me? About why I would accept what you have to offer? And why neither I nor Kara could accept it from anyone else?”
“It does,” I nodded.
We finished making dinner and I called everyone to the dining room to eat. When our meal was finished, I went to my office to write in my journal. I’d let it slip again for a few weeks and I didn’t want to get out of the habit of keeping it. I’d been in the office for about thirty minutes when my sister stuck her head in the door. I invited her in and she shut the door behind her.
“Did you give Karin her walking papers?” Stephanie asked.
“Not yet. But soon enough. She made an offer, but I can’t accept the terms and coditions. How are things with you?”
“Good. I like being able to hang out with Jennifer and Josie in the evenings, and during the day I’ve been exploring the neighborhood. I’ve also hung out with Elyse and Bethany a bit. I really like being here! Did Jennifer tell you she got the results of her pregnancy test?”
“Positive?” I grinned.
“Positive! I’m going to be an aunt! It’s so cool! They gave her some pre-natal vitamins and told her to come back in a couple of months for a checkup, so long as she doesn’t have any issues.”
“Issues? Like what?”
“Bad morning sickness. Spotting. That kind of thing.”
“Spotting?” I asked. “I’m out of my league here, Squirt.”
Stephanie laughed, “Me too. But it means blood spots on her panties or a pad.”
“I guess I’m going to learn a lot about pregnancy!”

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