Malachar's CurseChapter 25: Louvre At First Sight free porn video

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006, Paris, France
I awoke slowly, feeling slightly disorientated again. As my eyes focused on my surroundings and saw the sleek modern furniture that adequately filled the room—yet still left it feeling quite spacious—I realized at once that I was in one of Melanie’s guest rooms. I hated wondering where in the Hell I was when I woke up, but it was a side effect of sleeping in so many different spots and not being used to my environment. What I was used to was being covered in soft yet firm woman flesh, and this morning was no exception.
I had my mother’s supple breasts pressed into my side, her head rested upon my right shoulder, her knee upon my far hip, and her smooth shaven pussy was tight to my thigh. I could feel the heat of it, just as I could feel her warm breath as it blew rhythmically across my chest. God, she felt so good on me. I should wake her by slipping into her silken depths. I loved fucking her and looking into her eyes as I jizzed; it hadn’t lost any of its taboo nature yet. I prayed it never would. Knowing that she was the woman who birthed me and was now one of my life partners still made me heady with unbridled lust, and I almost couldn’t wait to see her belly swell with my child. Her sexy body had me salivating like a dingo in a daycare, but with a regretful sigh, I decided to let her sleep. Just because I only needed four hours was no reason to be cruel. I wasn’t a bastard, well, not to my family anyway.
I turned my head looking for Sheila; she wasn’t pressed on me as she usually was, probably out of concern for my wounded shoulder. She had her back to me and was cuddled up tightly with Angie, their limbs entangled, their faces only millimeters apart. My cock, already hard with my typical morning woody and thoughts of my mother, throbbed with excitement at the idea of watching those two having sex together. While I knew that Ang had had plenty of sexual encounters with my Mom, Sheila, and Maria—God, how I missed her—I had never actually seen it because of our tumultuous relationship.
I hadn’t bothered pressing it, so they only entertained her when I was otherwise occupied with my sisters and Stacy, allowing Ang to maintain her privacy. That was going to change soon. As I gazed upon their slumbering forms, noting how Sheila’s nakedness looked oddly sexier due to the fact that Angie was clad in blue silk pajamas, I was determined to add her to the mix the next time we had a threesome. Now that I’d admitted how I truly felt for her, I would need to make an effort to soothe her prickly feelings and win her over once and for good. I definitely wanted her to retain her feistiness, but I also wanted her to accept being in a real relationship with me at the same time. Her aloofness and anger had to stop, especially if she really was in love with me as Malachar, Sheila, and my Mom seemed to think.
I glanced over at the clock; it was 2:10. Fucking Hell. I had nothing to do, and no one was awake. My girls needed their rest, which was why we’d gone to bed early in the first place. With an annoyed groan, I slipped from underneath my Mom, careful not to wake her, and stretched my muscles before pulling on a pair of shorts. I carefully flexed my injured shoulder, testing how it felt. Still hurt like a son-of-a-bitch when I moved it too far in any direction, but it definitely pained me a lot less than it had a few days ago.
I really did heal faster than usual. Considering how quickly I’d recovered from my other wounds, I guessed that I’d be able to start using my arm fully again in a week or so. Hopefully, anyway. Today, I planned on not wearing the sling for the first time. If I was cautious, I figured that I could start using my arm for easy things. I checked my other bandages and was somewhat surprised to see that both the bullet wound and the slashes on my forearm were fully healed. I merely had some stitches to pull out.
I grumped to Malachar.
True. You need to start reading whatever magic books you can find. Even ones geared to Witches will still have important lessons in them for you. Plus, knowing how other types of magic-users perform their spells will give you a leg up if you are ever faced off against one of them. I’d also suggest working on your martial arts. Having super strength plus fighting skills would make you even more formidable than you are now. But if you’re really bored, you could always go wake up our host. Melanie would be more than happy to give up her tight little asshole, plus we made a deal, one which I think you might be forgetting.
Let me play it back for you. Hold on. Oh, this will be easier if you close your eyes.
I asked while closing them.
All of a sudden, a memory came bursting to the surface, flooding my senses. I was in the shabby motel room that I’d had Sheila rent from the Motel Six so that I could investigate the Calabrese family home. The moment I was re-experiencing was right after I’d rescued Angie and had regrouped with everyone. Before I could dwell any further on what I was seeing in my head, the sound came blaring in as if on speaker.
That’s the deal, plus you take advantage of pretty little asses when you get the chance, you know, like banging a check-out girl in the manager’s office or a waitress in the bathroom, that kinda shit.And just as fast as the memory had come flying in, it poofed away, leaving only its residual imprint in its wake.
Remember now? You agreed to get some strange now and then in exchange for me not pestering you about how softly you treat your girls. I’ve shut my mouth numerous times, many where I normally would have blasted you for being a pansy, yet I haven’t seen you nail one strange woman since. I think you owe me some tail.
No doubt, but she can’t slip your control unless you’re lax and or dumb. As for replaying the memory, well, that’s child’s play when you can expertly control the subconscious. Mmm, I’m looking forward to this. Later on, you can make up for your slackness in procuring new ass for us by getting her gangbanged while you participate. I have a slew of wonderful ideas that I’m sure you’ll like. And you should let your women watch. Although, they’ll probably get so turned on that they’ll want the same treatment. But we both know how scared you are of letting them get some strange cock, so maybe you shouldn’t.
I’ll bet you anything you care to name that if you asked Abby, Stacy, Angie, and your Mom if they’d secretly like to get gangbanged if they knew there’d be no negative repercussions, that they’d all say yes. Just because you have hangups, m’boy, doesn’t mean they should suffer. Give it another ten-twenty years, and you’ll feel the same way. You’ll probably end up begging to slurp sperm from their freshly banged orifices.
You are so easy sometimes. As far as I know, none of your women want anyone other than you at this point. More’s the pity. I’m just feeling peevish because you’ve neglected your agreement with me, and I couldn’t help myself. Still, I’d love to watch any one of them getting slammed by multiple cocks until they couldn’t take anymore. You—and they—don’t know what you’re missing, m’boy!
Aww, don’t get grumpy. You have a hot strange new piece of ass to break your dick off in.
There once was a Heavenly treasure! Who let multiple guys give her pleasure! She took one in her mouth! Another down south! And three in her cunt for good measure! She fucked all five! While getting eaten alive! By the cuckold, who later cleaned her up at his leisure!
I made my way into the kitchen; the soft glow coming from a couple of nightlights kept me from banging into any furniture. Wanting some coffee before I got my freak on, I was stoked to find not only preground beans but also an actual coffee maker. I made a full pot and waited patiently for it to finish in its entirety before grabbing a cup. Much to my chagrin, it wasn’t nearly as good as Jaques’. Oh, well, it was still decent.
Feeling much better with a boatload of caffeine running through my veins, I made my way to Melanie’s bedroom. I was starting to get mildly curious about what she looked like naked, wondering if she shaved her snatch bare, or had something akin to a landing strip, or maybe she was old-school and just had a hairy mess. God, I hoped not; I wasn’t a fan of seventies bush. I’d seen those old pornos, and it was nasty. Especially the women who had super hairy assholes. Yuck. Somehow I doubted that she’d be anything but neat down there, though. She was a classy looking lady, and I couldn’t picture anything to do with her being a mess. My money was on a neatly trimmed bush with bare lips.
I reached out to open her door, and as I probably should’ve expected, it was locked. Damn!
Just bang on it!
I guess that’ll do, although the piss is up to you. It’s not my biggest kink. You’re more into it than I am—though it is pretty cool every now and then...
< Dude, I am NOT into piss!>
Denial is not just a river in Egypt, I see. Another cool quip I found in your head—I like it! Just get your teenage lovers and Abby to guzzle down some H2O for a few hours and then let them take turns sitting on your mouth. You’ll love it, and you’ll probably blast off without even touching yourself because you’d get so horny. They’d love to do it too. Can you imagine the incessant giggling?
For a guy who has the magical ability to make people do whatever he wants, you certainly limit yourself due to the misguided societal norms that have been pounded into your head since birth. Gee, it’s almost as if you were being mind-controlled! Live a little, explore your fantasies, even the sick ones! You’d be surprised how freeing it is. Break the bonds society has formed on you. You’ve done great so far—as far as incest goes—but now you’ve hit a brick wall.
“So? How do I look?” Violet asked as she came out of the bathroom sporting her new blonde wig and blue colored contact lenses, followed by a grinning Kelly. “I think that your Mom did a bang-up job. She’s awesome with make-up!”
She twirled in front of me, and it was all I could do not to drool. She’d dug out the black miniskirt that I’d seen her wearing the first day we’d met, and her body was smokin’ in it. Not only did she have an amazing ass, but her legs were shaped perfectly and drew my eye; God, how I’d love to run my hands all over them. I flicked my eyes back up to her upper half. She had on an electric blue t-shirt that was tight enough to make sure that her curvy tits were on perfect display. With a small black purse, silver-mirrored shades, and blue and white running shoes, she looked like a bombshell American tourist ready for a hot day in the sun. She was mouth-watering, and I knew that she’d be drawing guys’ attention like flies to honey.
“Like a blonde sex machine,” I grinned. “Damn, you look scrumptious! Still, I prefer your red-hair and freckles, but you definitely make a very sexy blue-eyed blonde goddess.”
“She does, doesn’t she,” Kelly added as she looked her up and down critically.
“Flatterer!” Violet laughed as she blushed a little. She scrutinized me, her cute little button nose scrunching up as she did so, “You look weird,” she determined after a moment.
“Thanks, that’s exactly the look that I was striving for,” I replied casually, causing both of them to giggle.
“I didn’t mean that you look bad; it’s just I had never pictured you sporting a beard ... I’m not used to it ... You still look handsome enough, don’t worry,” Violet said as she walked up and patted my cheek. “Huh, it even feels real...”
“She’s right, Honey. The beard does look weird on you ... but ... you’re still sexy, I suppose,” Mom told me as she gave me a wink. “Plus, seeing you with a full head of hair again is throwing my senses off, and black is so not you. It’s a bit long, and it’s too shaggy for you; besides, I was getting used to your skinhead look,” she laughed. “The brown contact lenses are the worst, though, because they are covering up your gorgeous blue-green ones! And trust me, we all love your eyes, Jake-e-poo!”
“Figures, I get disguised, and I look like crap, but a sexy woman is still a sexy woman,” I laughed. “Come, ‘wifey’ let’s go,” I quipped as I put my arm out for her, “the Louvre awaits!”
“Okay, hubby,” Violet grinned as she took my arm.
We walked down the hall and into the main living area where Sheila was watching a Disney movie with Billy, Heather, and Stacy. Angie was studiously avoiding me still and was in one of the rooms with Aimee. Maybe I should make it so that Angie could get her freak on with her. Those two really seemed to be bonding, and Aimee probably needed some relief. She wasn’t going to be getting it from me. I’d give her to Brock and the guys, but for some reason, I balked at that. Being greedy, I supposed, even if I had no intention of getting with her.
Melanie had left over two hours earlier for work, and Abby was sulking in the bedroom because I’d forbidden her from coming with me to the Louvre. Sulking was probably the wrong word, more like she was seething mad, and after having accused me of being retarded had slammed the door in my face. I did hear her yell out that’d I’d better return in one piece if I knew what was good for me. I’d smooth things over with her later, give her some quality alone time. Which reminds me—Mom deserves and needs some solo time with me too. Sometimes juggling seven—shit, make that six now—women was fucking difficult. God, Maria, how I miss you!
Sheila seeing us enter the room, paused the movie and opened her mouth to speak, but Billy, who also looked our way, started bawling the minute he saw me.
“Billy! What’s wrong, Darling?” Sheila asked him as she scooped him up into her arms, concerned.
Billy didn’t answer her; he just took one more look at me and wailed before burying his face into his mother’s bosom.
“Aww! Jake, you’re scaring poor Billy!” Stacy exclaimed.
“Told you that you look weird,” Violet chuckled.
“Your disguise looks icky, JJ! Ewww, you don’t suit a beard!” Heather promptly informed me as she studied my face.
“Yeah, you almost look like one of the homeless guys that hung out a block from my old apartment, accept you’re clean and better dressed,” Stacy giggled.
“And I don’t smell!” I added with a grin.
“Mmm, just give it an hour or two in this heatwave, and I’m sure that you’ll be ripe in no time. Then we can find you some French bums so that you can make friends and have a play date!” Violet added helpfully.
I chuckled and shook my head, turning my attention to my little crying buddy, “Hey Billy, it’s me, Jake! It’s okay little man...” I said softly, trying to soothe him, but stopped when he just cried harder and squirmed in Sheila’s arms. Sigh. “It’s okay, buddy, you can stay here with your Mom and Tanty Heather and Tanty Stacy. I’m going to go out, and when I come back, I’ll take the scary beard and wig off,” I said as I shrugged helplessly at my girls.
“What’s wrong, my little Billy-Goat? It’s just Jake. He’s dressed up in a costume—like you do for Halloween. It’s alright, Honey,” Sheila said soothingly as he continued to cry. “Someone probably needs a nap later.”
“Well, at least I know that my disguise works,” I muttered. “Come on, let’s get a move on before my new look causes any more drama,” I said firmly as I led Violet towards the door. “Oh, and please don’t forget to pick out a necklace with a truck pendant or something similar for Billy—have Jaques go get it.”
“We will! Good luck and be safe, my love!” Kelly cautioned the worry evident in her voice.
“You are taking guards with you, right?” Sheila asked in concern.
“Yup. We’re taking four cars with two in each. They’ll be parked outside the Louvre at different intervals in case we need to scram. But don’t tie yourself in knots; we aren’t going to get too close to the ring today, so we shouldn’t set off any traps. This is just putting out our feelers. I want to get an idea of where it is inside so that it will narrow down our search when we hire the private tour,” I replied confidently, not wanting them to worry any more than they already would.
“Okay, Hunny-Bunny. Please be careful. I worry about someone attacking you with magic, like what happened at the hotel. Whoever these people are that are after you, they are bound to try even harder now that their werewolf failed.”
“Yeah! Maybe Abs is right, and we should all go? We can help protect you, JJ!” Heather added plaintively, her pretty face scrunched up in a worried frown.
“No, Peanut, we’d be too many, and there are cameras everywhere. We can’t be nine people all dressed up in wigs and contacts. Don’t get yourselves all worked up. I promise we’ll be safe, and I can protect us with my magic. Besides, we have no choice,” I admonished gently.
“‘K. Just you’d better come back to us. We love you, JJ,” Heather said, sounding subdued.
“Please be careful and come back safely, Jake. I love you like crazy,” Stacy added worriedly as she fidgeted with her new necklace.
I got echoing sentiments again from my mother and Sheila. None of my women liked me leaving anywhere without them, even if they understood the necessity.
We’d reached the Louvre. It was neat how we turned off the main road and into a short tunnel that was basically cut into the building itself. I’m not shy to admit that I gawked as much as any tourist ever had. I was a huge fan of Renaissance architecture, and what I saw in front of me particularly sparked my interest. There was such history in Europe as compared to the US. We had a few centuries, but they had thousands of years to look back at. It was mind-boggling to think about sometimes.
Our driver let us out in the middle of a cobblestone traffic circle centered on an ancient-looking courtyard. I could see the glass pyramids and felt that they looked slightly out of sync with the museum’s antiquity but still marveled at its design. Getting out of the SUV, it already felt warm out, and I was glad I’d decided on my tan cargo shorts and a plain white tee. It promised to be another hot day. Apparently, Europe was breaking heat records.
Violet and I stood on the curb just off the road, staring around us in awe. It was staggering just how big the Louvre actually was. I had looked at pictures online but being in front of it in person was awe-inspiring. And here I’d thought that the Library of Congress was impressive (well, it was), but this blew it out of the water. The Louvre was a continuous building that looked like a castle, set in a gigantic horseshoe shape that housed three wings and various pavilions, each named after someone famous. From what I’d read, one of the older parts had been used as a palace by one of their Kings, Charles the fifth, I believe. The artistic detail on the buildings was unbelievable. Such craftmanship—why we stopped making buildings like this, was beyond me.
Everywhere I looked, I saw fluted columns capped with leafy designs, and there were statues of famous dead people decorating the building in between the massive windows all along the second floor. They were dispersed at twenty-foot intervals along a balcony designed just to hold them. There must have been hundreds of them, and that wasn’t counting the countless figures carved in bas-relief that decorated much of the surface of the mammoth-sized building. The height of the first floor in itself was stunning as it reached up to what surely had to be normally three stories high.
Two more imposing levels stood on top of that, and for approximately every hundred feet or so in length, it had a square structure added on top that had another two stories to it. It reminded me of a giant Lego block with its configuration. I also noticed that there were carved sculptures of Cherubs all along the roof-line, seemingly one for each statue down below it. How many artists had worked here? How many decades had it taken? I hadn’t really seen any of those details presented online when I’d done my research, just that the building had started as a fortress back in the twelfth century.
I’d read that the Louvre was over six-hundred and fifty thousand square feet in area. Seeing the immense size of it in person, and even if the internet hadn’t already informed me, I instantly knew that we couldn’t see it all in one day even if we weren’t busy looking at the various artworks. Especially not with the large crowd that was already gathered, waiting to get in. It was roughly half-past nine, and the lineup to get in was getting huge. Damn, I had wanted to get here earlier, before it opened at nine, but the disguises had taken longer to apply than I’d anticipated. Sigh.
“This place is incredible,” Violet gasped with admiration. Her hand reaching out to clutch at mine as she swiveled her head, taking in the massive U-shaped building that we were looking at. “It’s so ... so breathtaking ... I’ve never seen anything like it.”
I was mildly surprised that Violet had grabbed my hand and was more than happy to hold it. I was still amazed at the contrast of her silky skin, and hard martial art caused callouses. Violet was deceptively strong for being so tiny, and she was a deadly fighter, as she’d demonstrated multiple times when teaching us. It was no wonder that she’d managed to kill a Detroit drug dealer and had gotten away with it.
“I know, it really is something else—spectacular comes to mind,” I agreed wholeheartedly, “and we haven’t even seen the inside yet!”
“We’d better go get in line; more people are streaming in while we stand here gawking,” she instructed, tugging me forward. “I love the glass pyramids. I never knew that the big one was an entrance. I don’t remember noticing that in the Da Vinci Code. Did you see that movie?”
“Yeah, in the theater,” I nodded, “I love Tom Hanks. It was a great film. It made me want to read the book, but I haven’t found the time. It’s crazy that the pyramid is almost seventy feet tall and still smaller than the Louvre itself.”
Traffic was steadily streaming in behind us as shuttle busses, taxis, and private cars pulled up and then took off after unloading their cargo of passengers. Throngs of people were milling about all around us, most of which were gawking as much as we were, many taking pictures or filming with handheld cameras.
“I know that we have an ulterior motive and that we had to come to this place no matter what ... but thanks for taking me anyway. I’ve always dreamed of coming to Paris and coming here in particular. I’ve been curious since I was pretty young at what the Mona Lisa would look like in person. We can see it while we’re here, right?”
“Yeah, of course. Remember, today is just a scouting mission. I want to get a general feeling for where the ring is, but I definitely don’t want to get to close. I was reading online yesterday that if you only took thirty seconds to view each work of art that it would still take over a hundred days to see them all—and that’s without eating or sleeping! So we’re going to be real tourists, we’ll take pictures and admire the art. Enjoy yourself, my little Wolf,” I said while giving her a smile. “In fact, let me take a few shots of you with the building in the background.”
“Okay,” she agreed with a brilliant smile. “And then let me take a couple of you. After I’m sure that one of our fellow tourists wouldn’t mind taking a picture of a happily wedded couple on their vacation, now would they?” she suggested with a sly smile.
“Oh, I’m sure someone would be more than happy to help us,” I agreed as I started to snap a couple of pics. Damn, she looked gorgeous, even with the wig and contacts hiding what I loved best, her green eyes and amber red hair.
God, I wished this was a real date. I wanted her so fucking bad, and I was more determined than ever to make her mine.
“Thanks, Jake. Now it’s my turn, so switch places,” she ordered as she grabbed my hand and spun me around so that the pyramid was behind me. “You know, don’t take this the wrong way, but this almost feels like a date,” she giggled at me as she playfully poked my side before stepping back to take my photo.
“What are you a mind reader now? I was just thinking that!” I replied with a goofy grin. “You know ... it could be if you want?” I said, letting it hang out there, a hopeful expression on my face, which I tried to hide but couldn’t.
“Uh-uh!” Violet exclaimed as she shook her head while grinning up at me. “I told you not to take it the wrong way! As much as I like you, Jake, you’ve got waaaaay too many women for me. I told you before, I’m a one man-one woman type of girl. I was an only child, and I never did learn to share that well. You are really sweet, though, and a great guy, so don’t get yourself down about it. Let’s just have a great time, and hopefully, you’ll learn what you need while we do,” she tittered as she gave me a quick conciliatory kiss on the cheek.
I got a whiff of peppermint, and her lips pressing against the side of my face made me groan in silent desire.
She spun away with a bright laugh and accosted the older couple standing next to us, “Excuse me, sir, ma’am? Would you be so kind as to take a couple pictures of my husband and me? We’re on our honeymoon!” Violet asked while shooting me a cheeky grin. Damn, she was a tease!
They were more than happy to help out and took a bunch of pictures with our arms around each other’s waists. I could feel Violet’s firm breast pressing into my side, and my cock twitched in response. My grin was wide and genuine as I held her to me. My fingers were just below her breast, and they were itching to slide up and cup her. I don’t know if it was my heightened libido from my ring or just my plain old attraction for her; either way, my desire to touch her more intimately was so strong that even though we were in the middle of public, it took all of my willpower to resist. I did so for a few reasons, though, mainly self-preservation, because I didn’t care to find out what she’d do to me over grabbing her tit when cupping her ass meant a painful flip.
Why would I bother? She said everything perfectly by herself. Besides, you can bury your misery in Melanie later when you gang fuck her.
Violet took her camera back and quickly brought up the pictures, showing them to me as she commented on how she’d wished they could have been of the ‘real’ us. I agreed but was still happy to have some of the two of us together, even if in disguise.

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