Creative CompositionChapter 9: Somewhere Out There? free porn video

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About ten years after high school, I was on a book tour that took me back to my old home town. Coincidentally, there was a reunion being held, and I told my agent to clear my signing schedule so that I could drop in for the opening night mixer.

The gym smelled as badly as it always had, a mix of old sweat, dirty sneakers, and something else that we always said was a body under the floorboards—some poor freshman who had never been able to climb the rope. I picked up a badge at the reception desk, and pasted on the obligatory 'Hello, My name is... ' sticker, then got a beer at the bar, and wandered around to see who else had decided to throw themselves to the mercies of those long ago 'freaks and geeks'. The crowd was somewhat sparse, but I did recognize a few of my old classmates, and shared a beer with them as we swapped lies and old war stories.

Inevitably, the subject of old teachers came up, and of course that meant a discussion of Mrs. Ball's wondrous attributes. I grew a little quiet during this part of the discussion, trying to avoid drawing any untoward attention to myself. As the conversation got a little cruder, I felt a hand on my arm, and turned to see Debbie Wilson from all those years ago. She had been the only student who suspected that something might be going on between me and Mrs. Ball. Although I had denied it at the time, I was never sure that Debbie believed me, and I was always careful to make sure that Mrs. Ball and I were never in close proximity when Debbie was around.

After saying hello, and congratulating me on my success, Debbie moved right to the heart of the reason why she was standing in front of me. "You were looking for her, weren't you? You were hoping to see her again."

I kept my face devoid of expression as I replied. "I'm not sure I know who you're talking about."

"Yes you do—Mrs. Ball. And don't deny it. I could never prove it back then, but I always suspected there was something going on between you two. And I was right, wasn't I? You and her—you were having an affair, or something, weren't you?"

I steered Debbie over to a quieter corner, and lowered my voice, hoping that she would speak in somewhat quieter tones. I was fairly sure that there had been enough background noise to cover her initial outburst, but I really didn't want anyone else to hear this discussion.

"I suppose you won't let this go until I say something, eh? After all, it seems you've hung onto it this long."

"I knew it! You were sleeping with her."

I looked at her somewhat sternly, and then realized that she really wasn't going to let it go, and that I needed to put this to rest. I sighed, and said, "Yes. We had a very brief affair. It only lasted for a couple of weeks, and then..."

"That's right. You moved away in the middle of term. I had forgotten about that." She paused and a look of something... astonishment? came over her face. "You don't know ... you weren't here when it happened." Her mouth gaped open for a moment, and a strange feeling started to put pressure on my chest.

"I don't know what? What happened? What are you talking about?"

"I ... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be the one to tell you this ... there was a ... I guess you'd call it a scandal, after you moved, just at the end of term." I waited patiently for her to continue, but it took her a couple of moments to gather her wits before she could go on.

"About a week or two after you left, we noticed that Mrs. Ball seemed to be acting a little strangely. She was always quite focused when she was teaching, and she seemed to be losing her concentration. She would stumble when she was talking, and forget what she was trying to talk to us about. One day she even ended class early and nearly ran out of the room. It looked like she wasn't feeling well. The girls thought she might have been on her period, and we didn't think too much about it.

"Then a few days later, one of the girls saw her in the washroom fixing her makeup, and she said that it was obvious that Mrs. Ball had been crying. I got a few more pieces of the story a couple of days later. One of the girls in my math class worked as a volunteer in the office, and she told me she had overheard a discussion between Mrs. Ball and one of the Vice-Principals. Apparently, Mrs. Ball was pregnant, but her husband was divorcing her, and it was her fault. I didn't know what it all meant at the time. Mrs. Ball only stayed at school until the end of the semester, and then no one ever saw her after that."

Now it was my turn for my mouth to gape open. I had never known any of this. Our time together had always been idyllic. Sex with her had never been less than amazing as she taught me how to love a woman, and I showed her how apt a pupil I was, and how much knowledge I had gleaned from my own research into the topic. We never failed to bring each other to wild, screaming orgasms, and had typically needed a shower afterward to cleanse the sweat and sexual fluids from our bodies. I had loved her wondrous curves from the moment I had first seen them, and her flame-red hair had never ceased to be a distraction whenever I saw it shimmering in the sunlight. And now, she was not only gone from my life, but she might also have a piece of me with her.

Debbie had little else to say, as the information she had was little more than a few threads at best. She seemed to have a self-satisfied look on her face, and I imagined that, for her, being able to prove her decade-old hypothesis, and confirm her suspicions, was all that really mattered.

I made my excuses and fled the gym, suddenly finding myself unable to breathe. In my hotel room that night I paced the floor for hours, drinking heavily, trying to come to grips with what might be the reality that somewhere out there was a child of mine, being raised by the woman who was the first serious relationship of my life.

When I got back home, I hired a firm of private investigators, and set them the task of finding her, and the child. While they were able to find where she had gone on her first move, she had since moved several times and the trail quickly reached a dead end. No one could tell me whether she was still in the country, or still alive, and no proof of a child was ever found.

I spent my days looking closely at every red-headed child I saw, wondering if those might be my ears, or my nose, or my eyes. More than one cautious mother gave me strange looks, and pulled their child a little closer for protection. I wrote new books at a furious rate, even titling one of them 'The Princess of Fire', hoping that maybe my fame would find Mrs. Ball, and maybe ... maybe, she would reach out to me. If she could at least let me know that she was all right, and that my child was also all right, then perhaps I would be able to sleep peacefully again.

Another eleven years went by, faster than I would have believed. My writing had continued, sometimes in a seeming flood of nervous energy. In truth, it was because I had little else in my life. After failing to find Mrs. Ball, or even having any indication of her existence, I concluded that she must have changed her name, and arranged her affairs to make her impossible to find. In this day of the Internet, and social media, I would have thought it difficult to do, but apparently she had succeeded.

I became somewhat of a hermit, eschewing relationships in favour of long hours in front of a succession of keyboards and software packages, grinding out the words that formed in my brain. Whenever I wrote an erotic scene, I had an image of her in my mind. When I wrote dialogue between two lovers, I thought of the discussions we used to have, and the way the two main characters in 'The Princess of Fire' had interacted. Regardless of how much I tried to put her behind me even time did little more than dim the memories; they never went away.

The one calming influence in my life was a dog that I acquired quite by accident. She was an Irish Setter; even in my choice of pets I leaned toward redheads, and of course, I called her 'Princess'. Going for long walks with her relaxed me, and she seemed to enjoy my company. At home, she was always in the same room as me, and seemed to know when I was deep in the development of a plot. It was only when the prickly details had been ironed out and the demons slain that she would appear at my knee with her leash in her mouth. Then we would walk for an hour to clear my head and let me think about the next scene or the next chapter.

I started taking her on book tours with me, and she even appeared on a couple of interview shows, laying at my feet while I answered the same old questions about my latest bestseller, what my next book would be about, and where I got my ideas. Interestingly, the female interviewers seemed to love her, and they often fawned over her during the interview. More than once I had a beautiful girl on her knees before me as she petted my dog. I occasionally wondered what she would have done if I had spread my legs and looked at her expectantly. I had never actually done it, but it was another one of those memory triggers that took me back so many years in an instant.

On a dreary Tuesday I found myself in New York City, prepared to do a book signing at the Strand Book Store, one of the oldest independent stores that still survived. I had taken Princess for a walk along Broadway before I was due at the store, and we were enjoying the slight chill in the air, if not the lack of sunshine. In truth, it was good weather for a walk in a busy city, as the dreariness kept the crowds down, and the slight chill was just enough to keep us from getting overheated by the pace.

About a block from the store we were waiting at a traffic light when I looked across the street and saw a swirl of red hair against a dark coat. The colour of the hair, its length, and the way it covered the owner's coat set off a flash in my brain. I nearly yelled across the street, and even Princess sensed that something was amiss as I felt her put tension on her leash. The traffic was too busy for me to try to run after the woman I had seen, and the crowds on the sidewalk soon swallowed her up.

When the light changed I raced through the crosswalk, bumping into people and getting sworn at by several of them. I pushed along the sidewalk, but saw no sign of her, finally convincing myself that the woman I had seen was too young, and therefore couldn't have been my long-lost teacher and lover. Dejected, my good mood gone, I steered Princess in the direction of the book store, which turned out to only be another block away.

The store had set me up at a table down in one corner, at the end of a jumble of shelves. It obviously looked like they weren't expecting too many people to show up for the autograph session. The route to the table would only permit a single-person wide lineup, and there were no signs indicating how to get to where I was. This particular store was well known for the surliness of its staff, so I supposed that I couldn't expect anything better.

An hour went by, during which I had signed no more than twelve copies of my book. I was also beginning to wonder who had the worst attitude—the staff in the store, or the customers who sought me out in my little alcove. My back was starting to ache from the chair they had given me, and I was thinking about taking Princess for a walk to escape the confined boredom of the store.

Just as a book dropped onto the table in front of me, I heard Princess give a little snort and lift her head from where it had been draped over her paws. I turned my head to see what she was reacting to as I automatically asked, "Who should I make it out to?" so I didn't see who was standing in front of me.

I heard a giggle, followed by, "Would you make it out to 'The Princess of Fire'?"

Hearing those words nearly made my heart stop. My head whipped around, and I automatically started to say, "No, I can't..." when my jaw dropped open and the words stuck in my throat.

Standing before me was Mrs. Ball. But it wasn't her. It was the woman I had seen on the street, which explained Princess's reaction. But she was Mrs. Ball ... Mrs. Ball of my memories. Mrs. Ball from high school. Mrs. Ball who had taught me so much.

All those thoughts went through me as I stared at this beautiful young woman, my open mouth making guttural noises, my mind refusing to comprehend what I was seeing. She giggled again, and I finally focused on her face—the same straight nose dusted by freckles, deep green eyes and a wide smile surrounded by full, soft, kissable lips.

I was still incapable of coherent speech when she giggled again and said, "Maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Penelope Backman." She stuck out a hand, and with a huge grin, said, "You might like my full name: it's Penelope Elizabeth Fire Backman".

A bolt of lightning went through my chest when I heard her full name. 'Elizabeth' was Mrs. Ball's first name. I had seldom used it because I always called her 'Princess'.

I finally found enough of my voice to be able to croak out, "Your mother ... she's Elizabeth?"

"Yes, she is." She paused, nibbling on her lower lip in a gesture I knew so well. "And ... and I think you're my father."

There it was, out in the open. All the years I had spent trying to find Mrs. Ball, wondering about the possible child that Debbie Wilson had told me about. Here she was. She was standing in front of me, and I was twenty years younger, seeing Mrs. Ball for the first time. I stood up and took her hand in both of mine, gently holding it, feeling its warmth and the silken feel of her skin. I locked eyes with her, and just stared for a long moment, trying to connect with her, not knowing if I should hug her, but wanting desperately to hold her in my arms and through her, connect to her mother once again.

"Your mother..." I started again, but the emotion of the moment overwhelmed me and I couldn't finish the question.

"She's a few blocks away, at our hotel. We came to the city for a little getaway, and to do some serious shopping. I gave her a spa session as a present. She doesn't know I snuck out."

"How ... how... ?" I was still unable to articulate a coherent sentence. My mouth and my brain would simply not connect long enough. Fortunately, she filled the gap.

"How did I find you? That part wasn't too hard, since you're somewhat famous. A little searching on-line took me to the web site your publisher runs for you, and from that I found the dates for your book signing. I had to do a little work on Mom to get her to agree to this trip, but even that didn't take too much finagling."

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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

1 year ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 1

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWS Chapter 1: Taken As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second. She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip. She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation. She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

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Property of Devils Outlaws

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWSChapter 1: Taken        As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second.  She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip.  She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation.  She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

2 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 4 Summer Camp Initiation

The newly appointed Boy Scoutmaster Rebecca Anderson made her nightly check of all her teenaged charges and made certain they were all wearing regulation nightwear because the tents were coed and embarrassing situations could arise unintentionally if some young lady or young lad accidently went to answer a call of nature without proper attire. Rebecca felt a bit hypocritical about her actions because she usually slept in the raw loving the feel of smooth sheets on her hot female skin. When...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 9

The beautiful Boy Scout Scoutmaster Rebecca sat daydreaming in the snake cabin right in the middle of mostly non-poisonous reptiles slithering passively in their glass cages that separated them from the always curious and often reckless young boys and even some of the more adventurous girls more for their own safety than the rambunctious youngsters. She was not one of those persons that felt comfortable in close proximity to snakes. It was probably some ancient genetic trait that kept her...

1 year ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 12

Right at the beginning of the final two week session of the summer camp, Rebecca was tasked with leading the Eagle Scout prospects out on a long two night hike that would take them completely around the long narrow lake that was far better to canoe or rowboat rather than hike in the dense underbrush surrounding the lush shorelines. She found that there were four male Boy Scouts and three female Boy Scouts in the pool of applicants and it worked out just fine for four two person tents to...

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Wanna Makeout

Dave and Kim had dated early in their life, before they actually new what dating was and after their breakup became close friends. It was after Kim’s boyfriend, John, who was also Dave’s best friend, left for Germany to study there for a year that the jokes began. It started small, jokes with John before he left that Dave and Kim would hookup while he was gone. These jokes always would upset John and make Dave and Kim chuckle. The jokes continued after John left, and even after Kim and John...

3 years ago
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Procreative Fiction

The Art of Reproduction By Cal Y. Pygia I like penises. More specifically, I like circumcised penises. And I like balls, big or small. I prefer scrotums that, when they rise, high and tight, are smooth, although they may be wrinkled when relaxed. I like asses, too, especially feminine asses. Men's asses, to be attractive to me, must be sleek, compact, and firm. I like medium- to small-size tits and dislike large, floppy mammary glands with big, protruding nipples. I don't...

4 years ago
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The Honeymoon of Sarah and Greg Days 23 Somewhereover Party

When Sarah and Greg woke up to his alarm at 7:30 Monday morning, they found themselves comfortably entwined with each other with their faces about a foot apart, and with such a glorious "in love" feeling that they didn't mind the others morning breath. Sarah leaned across the pillow and kissed her beloved to start the day. Greg couldn't help but smile. Not wanting to lose the close contact, but realizing that they needed to get ready for the day, they slowly pulled back their arms and...

2 years ago
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Creative Chamber Part One

A life of curves presents the slow reveal, that often pays grand dividends at the end! This much I’ve learned. Patience can be a virtue sometimes. ‘Shackled’, ‘caged’, ‘suppressed liberation’, ‘aching for release’, all some of my favorite expressions of late, to describe my ‘sensual’ reality up to date… but I’m ‘married’. Yes ‘married’, if that’s what you want to call it, living this damn cloistered life, which in my mind does not constitute a REAL marriage. Hey… I didn’t sign on for this,...

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Creative Writing

Amy knew Steve’s face pretty well, in a “small town” kind of way.   This wasn’t unusual, having lived there all of her life she recognized most of the town’s residents by sight and knew Steve from before High School, where he was a year ahead of her.   It wasn’t like they stopped and talked across shopping carts for hours at the grocery store, more that Steve was “just a guy” who seemed to be around—someone she always enjoyed exchanging a friendly smile with him at the gas station or the post...

1 year ago
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Creative Chamber III

Ahh yes… the ‘straight’… the ‘curves’… the thrill of anticipation, the not knowing what to expect on that ‘other side’… it’s just the best. Pistons pumping, throttle open, the pounding in the ear… riding on the edge… oh yessss, she brought it all out in me. Hell, it was the same thrill I experienced on my Heritage (Harley). She could bring it, and my dear reader, this Irish devil was more than ready to receive. As I approached her ‘cabin’ in the woods, racing from one curve to the next – –...

1 year ago
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Creative Chamber IV

To put it mildly, she was smoking hot! His eyes feasted on her Seven Till Midnight paisley bustier corset and thong, all black… and all his! She was smoldering and his cock immediately lurched, pulsed, oozed a luxurious pre-cum elixir. He thought back to his earlier visit when he sat alone by the fireplace and had glanced down on the coffee table to see an arrangement of some of her reading material. There were Victoria Secret catalogs, various women’s clothing magazines, some house decorum...

2 years ago
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Creative Chamber III

Ahh yes… the "straight"… the "curves"… the thrill of anticipation, the not knowing what to expect on that "other side"… it's just the best. Pistons pumping, throttle open, the pounding in the ear… riding on the edge… oh yessss, she brought it all out in me. Hell, it was the same thrill I experienced on my Heritage (Harley). She could bring it, and my dear reader, this Irish devil was more than ready to receive. As I approached her "cabin" in the woods, racing from one curve to the next - - wink...

4 years ago
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Creative Submissions

Coughing from the dust as the brunette picked up a box from the Attic, takingit down...for the movers to move into her new apartment. Her emerald eyes sparkledas she glanced around...before she got into Her car...slowly noticing somethingin her small tote bag...a book. It was called Cruel Submissions: Finding outwho you truly are" slowly she started to flip the pages...opening to seea submissive female on the first page...a drawing "In a Land far away...thereis a place that shows who are the...

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Creative fucking

Hello to all ISS readers. This is your one and only JJ. I had received tremendous feedback from you for my previous submissions, am totally delighted. Many of the readers have got in touch with me thru my personal mail id and have requested to keep posting more and more. One of the females who went thru the last submission GODDESS OF LOVE sent me her feedback and as a courtesy I had thanked her suddenly we exchanging mails and became very good friends. We chatted & chatted a couple of days back...

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Creative Uses for a Washing Machine

Scene: simple apartment. We see a college-aged blonde with a very cute face carrying a laundry basket to the washing room. She’s wearing a bulky sweatshirt and baggy jeans. She might be a little chubby — we just can’t tell. She loads the basket into the washer then takes off her top and puts it in the washer. She’s not wearing a bra.. We see she’s very slender with nice breasts. She puts the sweatpants and simple panties into the washer and starts it. She’s stunning to look at!She walks to the...

3 years ago
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Creative Interlude

Leaning forward, Alice tongued the tip of his cock, licking the drop of pre-cum that had formed there. Peter thought he would explode right there and then. He closed his eyes as her tongue ran down the length of his shaft and swirled around his balls. He couldn't wait for that hot, wet sensation when her mouth could close over his aching cock. Taking her time, Alice sucked on his balls, then moved her way back up his shaft. Then in a fluid motion she engulfed the length of his cock, sliding...

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Creative CompositionChapter 4 Trouble Ahead

I was beginning to dread Monday mornings. My stomach would churn with acid, as my brain convinced it that this would be the day of its last home-cooked meal. By 9:45 I was racked with trepidation, expecting a hand on my shoulder and looking up to find the burly vice-principal staring at me. Or even worse, looking at a pair of handcuffs being dangled in front of me by a police officer. Instead, there was only the noise of desks scraping on the floor, taunts from one side of the room to...

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Creative CompositionChapter 6 The First Night

I ate supper fairly quickly that night, although I didn't taste anything that went into my mouth. It was a mechanical process of chewing and swallowing; enjoyment simply didn't enter into it. My mind was completely focused on the piece of notepaper in my pocket, and I could feel the writing on it burning into my skin. I blamed my haste on extra homework, and the need to meet with a friend to consult on a joint project. I bolted from the house as soon as I could justify leaving, with a...

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Creative CompositionChapter 7 The Morning after the Night Before

I walked into her classroom just before the bell rang the next morning. My stomach was twisted into knots, and I had debated not showing up at all. I finally decided that only a coward would not show his face after the evening we had spent, and I once again heard my father's voice telling me to act like a man. Once everyone was settled, she started discussing elements of the evolution of writing styles, and wandered randomly though the desks as she spoke. This was her normal teaching style,...

4 years ago
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Creative CompositionChapter 8 All Things Must End

For the next month we saw each other as often as we could, always within the safety of her house. Being young and foolish, I of course was willing to risk everything to be with her more often. I fantasized about having a quickie in one of the locker rooms, or getting a blowjob between classes, but in the deep recesses of my brain I knew it couldn't be like that. We did talk about such things, and she confessed to having similar fantasies, but was much quicker to point out how it could never...

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Sarah and Sister Theresa

" ... And thank you so very much for coming." Sarah said as she shook hands with Mrs. Anderson. As she closed the classroom door behind the woman, Sarah let out a sign of relief. She thought Mrs. Anderson would never finish. Saint Francis's Open House had ended almost a half hour ago, but Mrs. Anderson had to stay behind and go on and on about her precious little "kitten" and how Sarah should be spending more time showcasing her talents. It could've been worse, she thought, Jim Anderson...

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Cat and Mouse The Tryout

Cat and Mouse: The Tryout by Bluto "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live for WNBC from the financial district. The Protectors, NYC's newest superhero team, has just foiled a bold daylight robbery attempt by The Destroyers, a gang of supervillains who have been increasingly active in recent months. "The Destroyers staged a lightning raid on the Federal Reserve Bank and were about to make a rooftop getaway when The Protectors came charging to the rescue. Here...

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The Dugout

Cherie is a lovely Asian woman. She seems like a typical wife and mother. But there is a dark side to her. Cherie is one of those fiery tiger moms who thinks her son can do no wrong and that she deserves to be in control. Not always. Cherie was watching her son play little league baseball with the other moms. The game was intense, and Cherie was really animated and vocal about what was going on in the field. Her son was at bat and had two strikes against him. Both were questionable calls, in...

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