Creative Submissions free porn video

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Coughing from the dust as the brunette picked up a box from the Attic, takingit down...for the movers to move into her new apartment. Her emerald eyes sparkledas she glanced around...before she got into Her car...slowly noticing somethingin her small tote bag...a book. It was called Cruel Submissions: Finding outwho you truly are" slowly she started to flip the pages...opening to seea submissive female on the first page...a drawing "In a Land far away...thereis a place that shows who are the ones to rule. But they are all chosen atbirth. Even on earth it is chosen who will rule and who will submit beforethey are born...only they don't see it and they never will" read the brunettealoud, as she stopped. Noticing a figure coming closer to her....throughoutthe shadows. Who was it?

Zachary turned his blue eyes to his girlfriend, Lana...worried as he steppedtowards the car door...rolling his eyes, wondering what was Wrong with her.

"Babe, are you okay?" he asked glancing her over as she set thebook Aside.

"Sweetie, I am fine...don't worry about me," she said softly. Whydid She always have to fall for the wimpy guys? Why couldn't someone Strongever come for her...someone who could dominate her? Slowly she turned aroundknowing why because she was the sweet good college graduate, secretary...whoalways had to please everyone...and hide her Desires within. Slowly Zach leanedover to kiss her, concerned as she glanced away trying to hide her boredom...wonderingif a place like This truly existed. Slowly she turned away from him.

"Do you ever wonder if you could be somewhere else?" she askedsoftly looking away.

"No...because as far as I know I love you" he said not answeringthe Question, just being in the moment. Slowly she felt his hand reach awayfrom her.

"Babe I got to go, don't forget the party"

In the back of her mind she was wondering...what the book meant...rollingher eyes she put it aside and drove to the apartment knowing it was silly afiction novel couldn't tell what would happen. Could it?

Later on that night, the brunette walked to the house, ringing the door Bell...knowingthis was the right house, because how rowdy it was. slowly she walked in, meetingup with Zach...suddenly moving into the corner and sitting down...wonderingwhat she has been for the past day. Suddenly a frame came over to her...verypowerful...and dominating just by his presence.

"Ah I found you...Miss. Lana Delaney" he said looking her over,just His glance made her eyes go to the floor. As she watched him she Stoodup...

"Please, I don't believe we've met. Is there any way I can help you?" Sheasked softly, trying not to show how intimidated she was. Ignoring her question,she felt his hand reach to her hair...feeling it, exploring her body. "Stop!Please!"

"You are born to submit" she heard him said.

She felt his hand run through her hair, on to her cheek and Down the frontof her chest. Her eyes closed, her breathing was becoming rapid as she felthis hand slide past her breasts and on to her stomach. Just then she felt atap on her shoulder. "Lana, are You ok?", it was Zach. Opening hereyes and noticing that the Stranger was not there. "Umm, yes.....I amok.", she replied. She wasn't sure if it all in her mind or if the strangerwas really there. It felt so real when he touched her. All night at the partyshe watched and waited for the stranger to show up again, but he never did.

After the party she told Zach that she wasn't feeling good and wanted togo home and go to bed. She drove straight home and thought about the strangerthe whole ride. She couldn't figure out what he meant by 'You were born tosubmit'. When she got home she got ready for bed and tried not to think abouthim any more, but the harder she tried, the more she would think about him.She found herself laying there in her bed, staring at the ceiling. That iswhen she remembered about the book that she found the other day. 'Even on earthit is chosen who will rule and who will submit Before they are born' it said.She decided that she was just day dreaming and that the book must have beenon her mind and triggered The day dream. Lana closed her eyes and fell asleep.

A few days have past and she had not thought of the stranger until she wasshopping. Lana was standing there trying to pick out a new skirt to go withthe top that she had already picked up, when She felt a hand on her shoulder.She could feel his warm breath on her ear and neck as he spoke "I seeI have found you again Miss Lana Delaney." She wanted to turn around,but for some reason she couldn't. His voice did something to her, made herfeel like a small child. He spoke again, "You were born to submit.......and I was born to rule you." His hand slowly started to slide down herchest and into her shirt. Her breath began to get harder and faster As hishand touched her breast. "Are you OK Miss?" a voice came From nextto her. Lana realized that she was standing there with her own hand on herbreast, as it rose up and down from her hard breathing and a sales woman wasstaring at her. Again the woman asked, "Are you ok Miss? Do you need somehelp?". Lana quickly dropped her hand and said, "Yes, I am ok. Thankyou." She placed the top that she had in her hand on a shelf and leftthe store.

When she got to her car, she fumbled for her keys and Unlocked the door.Before getting in she looked around to see if the stranger was around, butno luck. Lana got in her car and sat there for a few minutes trying to slowher breath and figure out What just happened. As she sat there, she noticedthat her panties are a little wet and her nipples were hard. She couldn't figureout how or why this stranger could make her excited with just his touch andvoice. She got herself together and decide she was going to go home and readmore of that book.

Lana felt her finger tips touch the books pages as she went to the next chapter...Itwas called the Claiming. "If you are the slave, whoever is the one toclaim you will not only want your body, but also Your mind and soul. If youtry to fight him, he will find a way to get you. A true slave can't run fromwho she truly is but the claiming could drive her crazy...but in the end shewill submit...this process hasn't failed with any slave yet." she saidAloud reading through the book. Stubbornly she set the book down determinednot to let it bother her as she fell into a light sleep.....She saw the darkstranger in front of her. "Please stop, I don't want this" she saidsoftly...scared as he watched her with his Powerful glance.

"You don't have any has been done your future, fate is Minetoo choose. Try to run all you can from this, but that will only drive youcrazy" he said laughing...touching her with his powerful Hands once again. "Soonyou will be ready to join my world"

She tried to wake herself, knowing this could only be a Dream, but couldn't.She felt his strong hands move over her body, Touching every inch. She couldn'tmove, it was like her hands and Feet were tied to the bed, but she could notsee any restraints. All she could do is watch as the stranger moved his handsdown her Body. Over her breasts and down her stomach, her breathing once Againstarted to get heavy. She wanted to let him touch her but at the same timeshe didn't. She struggled some more, but still could not break free. His handsnow on her thighs pushing them Apart. "No please, don't" she begged. "Ican and will do what I Want with you, for you will be a part of me and I anapart of you." He responded with a confident voice. As she looked down,she noticed that she was completely naked, arms above her head and legs spreadapart. She knew that he could what he wanted with her because she could notmove, in a way she wanted him to take her.

The stranger leans over her body and stares into her eyes, His lips gettingcloser to hers. She closes her eyes and waits for Them to touch, but it neverhappens. Instead she feels his warm breath on her neck and hears him whisperin her ear, "You will Submit to your body, heart and soul to me. As Iam destined to be Your Master and you my slave." This scares her and shebegins to struggle again, sitting straight up and yelling "NO!!!".

The room is dark, the only light is coming from a street light outside herwindow. Sitting up in bed, Lana is covered in Sweat and can feel her heartbeating very fast and hard. She reaches over and turns on the lamp besidesher bed, the warm glow from the light hurts her eyes for a few minutes as shetries to Adjust to it. "What the hell is happening to me?", she saysout Loud as if someone else could hear her. She looks down to see that sheis dressed again in her T-shirt and panties, her nipples are Hard and thistime her panties are soaked with her juices. Thinking to herself, "Whois this stranger and how is getting into my Dreams?". She gets up outof the bed, the carpet feel cool against her bare feet as she walks over tothe dresser. Pulling out a new t- shirt and another pair of panties she takesa look around the room before changing, still wondering who this strangersis and why he Chose her. After changing her clothes, she walks to the bathroomTo get a drink of water and returns to her bedroom. Sitting back down on herbed, she sips at the water, trying to figure out if she Is going crazy, orif this is really happening to her.

She finishes the glass of water and climbs back into bed, reaches over toshut out the light, but decides to leave it on. As she lays there, she canstill feel his presence in the room, his Hands on her body, his voice in herears. This time it is more of a soothing feeling, one that makes her closeher eyes and fall fast Asleep.

Julian calmly watched her from the distance as she slept in his world Knowingthat in time she will obey...and learn. Learn she couldn't lose who she truelywas...calmly...he stood their naked feeling his Dick hardening thinking ofwhat it would be like when he finally Trained her enough to join him here.As he took a sip of his wine, he Knew that Lana only could sleep so calmlybecause of him.

As Dawn came Lana finally opened her eyes, waking up feeling something onthe bedside next to her a rose...the thorn going into her finger making herbleed...a note under it said "MINE FOR ALWAYS" Lana shook Her headas the door opened.

"Darling where did you get the rose?" asked her mother with a gentleSmile Lana watched her startled... "You see it? You actually see it? "

"Darling, your job called they don't need you should stayIn bed and around the look tired" she said. Lana nodded lyingback down picking up the book next to her reading the next chapter called..."TheSubmissions"

Continuing through the book Lana found herself reading through the book detailsfor she noticed a figure coming towards Her. "Lana, you looklike your not quite ready, but soon you will be.....soon you will beg for meto take you as my slave "he said with A sadistic smile.

"No never" she whisper her emerald eyes pleading to him...wonderingif he was for real or only a dream. When would she tell the difference betweendreams and reality again?

Storming in Willow raced towards the chambers that her brother has Remainedin, quickly she raced towards his chambers, glaring at him. He knew immediatelythat he had done something to anger her, but he Didn't know what it was. Herlong red hair which flames reminded him of the fire spirited that she heldwithin, her blue eyes sparkling Like the rivers as she took a few steps closerto him.

"What have you done, Julian? If anyone on earth finds out about howour world has slaves and owners for them, it may come down to chaos. Besidesyour breaking one of the major rules." she snapped at him, but He knewher. She wouldn't shut up until she had gotten everything out That was on hermind.

"Oh little Sister, I am just playing with the mind of the girl... youknow how humans are." he said with a charismatic smile, quite the Charmthat could make any woman fall for him. Willow eyed him knowing That Julianhas been different, something has changed within him.

"But something has changed, the mystical beams senses it. You care forthe girl, you want desire in more than a slave" Shesaid softly, glaring at him knowing that she was right about that.

"Sister, who are you could I like someone like that? Shecan't even control her own temptations and dreams, look at her." he saidas their eyes went to the screen showing the beautiful brunette As she staredup into the stars. Julian knew that his elder sister was very Leary about therules that a council has made up, a bunch of Politicians...who made every lawthat was around within this world.

"You can't hide the fact that you feel for her...your desires are Goingfor her. You'd die for her...protect her at any cost." she Accused tohim, as he glared at her knowing that she was correct.

"Yes, one does that for something he will own" he says bitterly.Finally on the screen the young man known as Zach appeared as his hazel coloredeyes glanced around as in a daze....a smile appeared on Willow's face as shewatched him appear.

"Who is that young fellow?" she asked with a small grin. Julianrolled his eyes sick of that young no form was he a man. He wasjust a weak boy who thought he could get any human female, but He truly hadno idea...what his lover was truly like.

"Why? You don't happen to have a liking to that weakling, do you?"heAsked half joking with a very humorous way to the situation.

"Of course not, I don't fall for humans unlike some people, but whois He?" she asked with curiosity hinting within her voice. Julian Smiledgood he found a plan forming within his mind.

"So sister, you think you could dominate his soul?" he asked witha smile forming onto his lips.

"Of course, any man could be dominated very easily" she said ina quick response.

"I will make a bet with you, Willow." he said slowly, hoping shecould go along with it.

"What kind of bet?" she asked cautiously.

"Well you think you could make him your slave and I think I could makeLana mine. How about who ever is able to...turns out to be the show the argument we've been having since we Were in diapers. About whethermen are the dominant ones or women."he said with a smile crossing hislips.

"What are the turns?" she asked, watching him wondering if herdear Brother was up to his old tricks.

"Well who ever turns out being the as in the one who canDominate Lana or Zach. It proves that one is meant to rule...which Means...ifI win you will become my slave...for as long as I wish. And if you win I willbe yours for as long as you wish" he said.

"Fine, I am making one rule for this bet can't fall inlove with the person. Agreed?" she asked softly knowing that would inThe end make the game harder.

"Agreed" he said, a wide smile appearing on his face.

"Then let the games begin" she said cheerfully as she headed outof The chambers, knowing that it was going to be a beautiful day. What Willhappen next? Will they be able to win Lana and Zach's soul? Will Lana be ableto excape? Is Julian falling in love for her? How will Zach react to knowinghe is part of the game? Only time can tell. Slowly the young man known as Zachstood by the tree...glancing into Lana's window,wondering what was wrong withher. She hadn't been herself for the last few days which was worrying him.She was always the kind of girl who...always paid attention to getting aheadof everyone and suceeding through her life. But now, she had seemed more distant...morereserved. So unlike herself,slowly he walked towards the house...noticing howdark the house seemed.

Opening the door,surprisingly finding it open as he entered,noticing howquiet it seemed all around. Following the hallway through the kitchen findinghis way to where Lana's mother left some notes. He found a note that catchedhis eyes immediately,wondering what it was for.

"The pain rings...through your eyes and your heart. You can save theone you truly love without the pain. You have to give into your calling" heread that aloud,wondering what the words would mean within. Did it mean somethingabout Lana? What the hell has happened to her? Slowly Zach started to makehis way up to her room,wondering what was wrong.

"Lana? Are you here? " he asked worried,letting his voice be heardas he continued through the house until he got to her room,easily finding thedoor locked. He heard the soft moans and whimpering from her room,as he continuedbanging on the door,trying to get in wondering who was there with her. Hassomeone else won her attention? Was that why she was being so distant towardshim?

Surprisingly the door suddenly opened,almost like he walked innoticing his love...His Lana. She was bare naked,asleep so peacefully...withone of her soft hands carressing her large breasts,with the other hand fingeringher trimmed cunt quickly...her emerald sea like eyes closed. "No! Julian!I need you....I need to please you....please! Help me surrender completely!Please! This is torment!"

Zach couldn't believe his eyes or his own ears, Lana has never talked ormoaned like this before in the past. Slowly he kneeled down next to her bed,knowingnothing would tear him away from her bed side. God, what was doing this toher? His love and his hope?

Meanwhile,else where Julian watched this from where he sat on the video,asa smile appeared onto his face knowing he had to do something to make surehe won this bet with his guillable sister. Slowly his servant Callista withthe chains upon her wrists bought in the bowl of grapes. "Kneel,girl...youdon't deserve to sand....feed them to me"

Callista fell to her knees,unable to glance up at her Master,knowing betterthan to defy him. Her eyes looking over at the screen briefy,feeling pain forthe young man knowing things would be very different for him and the girl...whenJulian would take them away from everything they have come to love and known. "MyLord, Mistress Willow...has told me brother that...she is going to send a Laniancto the earth to claim the boy." she said softly,knowing the warrior thatLanianc was.

"Hmm,that does draw a problem,doesn't it? I guess I will have to dowhat I normally do when my sister gets in my way, don't I?" he asked witha smirk,knowing that this girl was well trained...but too obediant...not enoughspirit for him to deal with. Lana on the other hand had so much to offer andhe would win her as his own from anyone who dared. Slowly he traced his handagainst Callista's soft he let her place a grape into his mouth.

"What is that, M'Lord?" she asked in such a soft voice,almost assoft as the bells one would hear for a wedding.

"When I want something done, I will have to do it myself. This Zach....ispathetic. He won't mind letting me take over for awhile...besides I have towin Lana,anyways. She willl learn who she belongs any sense of theword. " he said with a laugh...slowly closing his eyes preparing himself.Callista watched him her eyes widening fear knowing not even a strong womancould resist Julian's charms and good looks.

In Lana's room, Zach felt something...something that made him feel very lightheaded...grabbinghis small dick, feeling it semi hard,as he felt lightheaded,finally a grinappeared onto his face. Slowly Lana,opened her eyes noticing her lover rightin front of her as she sat up. "Zach, what are you doing here? What'swrong? Did something happen?"

Lana looked up at him,noticing the lustful look within his deep eyes,wonderingwhat was wrong as she questioned him. Slowly she felt his hand feeling so powerfulagainst her large breasts...lying it there,twisting her hard. "Whodo these belong to?"

"They.....they are my breasts" she said softly,but in responseshe heard a sadistic laugh that reminded her too much of the man of her dreams.Feeling him only twist them harder,then biting into them with his teeth clearlyknowing what he was doing.

"No Lana,your wrong...a slave owns nothing" he said with a laugh,noticingher eyes widen. Smiling knowing who he was....truly was sinking into her mind....asshe struggled,still trying to fight him...her small hand trying to reach towardsher bathrobe...but Julian was blocking it from her. She would have to go pasthim to find herself able to hold onto it.

"Zach your....not him!" she cried out as she tried to strugglepast him to get her pathrobe,her emerald eyes full of fear. Trying to get pasthim,but feeling him pick her up,pushing her across his lap. Carressing hersoft ass cheeks,with a sadistic smile going across his face.

"It doesn't matter who I will submit!" he yelled as shestruggled,feeling a firm hand spank her ass cheeks hard and fast,as tears streameddown her face. Tears streamed down her face,feeling his rough hands continuingto spank tears continued to stream down her face.

"Stop please! I will obey! I will! I will do everything you wish!" shecried out helplessly,trying to hold her ass cheeks back,carressing them butshe was unable to.

"That is a good girl. Now who will you yearn to please?" he asked...ashe continued to spank her hard and rough against the ass cheeks,as she whimperedsoftly. Julian knew she would give in by the new night,as he continued to carressher asscheeks,knowing when she came to his world he wouldn't have to take onthe form of a pathetic worm.

"My Master and Lord!" she cried out, she felt his handson her securely,feeling more and more her tears streamed down herface.

"Is Zach your Master?" he asked with a smirk appearing onto hisface. Lana didn't know who was but she knew it wasn't Zach, it was someoneelse...the man within her dreams. But who was he?

"No, but I don't know who my master is" she said softly,feelinghis hands moving down her ass cheeks almost carressing her. Yearning more ofhis touch as she tried to move closer to the small dick,needing more of hispower and touch within.

"That isn't for you to know...but you want to please your Master,don'" he asked,letting his hand go through his new slaves hair,knowingby the time he was through with her she would never question her submissionagain.

"Yes More than anything, Master! How may this girl please you?"

"Well tomorrow you will get some things for your Master,his voice willbe inside your will know better than to refuse,won't you?" heasked...knowing she would try to fight him,but wouldn't be able to at all.

"Yes Master"

Slowly she felt Zach pushing her off of him,surprised to see the positionhe was holding her in as he gave her a confusing look. Lana backed up,not knowingwhat to say as he held her within his loving ways,but she knew inner she neededmore...desired more than what she had felt within with her love.

What will happen next?

Shall this be continued or will I leave you in wonder?

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Scene: simple apartment. We see a college-aged blonde with a very cute face carrying a laundry basket to the washing room. She’s wearing a bulky sweatshirt and baggy jeans. She might be a little chubby — we just can’t tell. She loads the basket into the washer then takes off her top and puts it in the washer. She’s not wearing a bra.. We see she’s very slender with nice breasts. She puts the sweatpants and simple panties into the washer and starts it. She’s stunning to look at!She walks to the...

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Creative Interlude

Leaning forward, Alice tongued the tip of his cock, licking the drop of pre-cum that had formed there. Peter thought he would explode right there and then. He closed his eyes as her tongue ran down the length of his shaft and swirled around his balls. He couldn't wait for that hot, wet sensation when her mouth could close over his aching cock. Taking her time, Alice sucked on his balls, then moved her way back up his shaft. Then in a fluid motion she engulfed the length of his cock, sliding...

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Creative CompositionChapter 4 Trouble Ahead

I was beginning to dread Monday mornings. My stomach would churn with acid, as my brain convinced it that this would be the day of its last home-cooked meal. By 9:45 I was racked with trepidation, expecting a hand on my shoulder and looking up to find the burly vice-principal staring at me. Or even worse, looking at a pair of handcuffs being dangled in front of me by a police officer. Instead, there was only the noise of desks scraping on the floor, taunts from one side of the room to...

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Creative CompositionChapter 6 The First Night

I ate supper fairly quickly that night, although I didn't taste anything that went into my mouth. It was a mechanical process of chewing and swallowing; enjoyment simply didn't enter into it. My mind was completely focused on the piece of notepaper in my pocket, and I could feel the writing on it burning into my skin. I blamed my haste on extra homework, and the need to meet with a friend to consult on a joint project. I bolted from the house as soon as I could justify leaving, with a...

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Creative CompositionChapter 7 The Morning after the Night Before

I walked into her classroom just before the bell rang the next morning. My stomach was twisted into knots, and I had debated not showing up at all. I finally decided that only a coward would not show his face after the evening we had spent, and I once again heard my father's voice telling me to act like a man. Once everyone was settled, she started discussing elements of the evolution of writing styles, and wandered randomly though the desks as she spoke. This was her normal teaching style,...

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Creative CompositionChapter 8 All Things Must End

For the next month we saw each other as often as we could, always within the safety of her house. Being young and foolish, I of course was willing to risk everything to be with her more often. I fantasized about having a quickie in one of the locker rooms, or getting a blowjob between classes, but in the deep recesses of my brain I knew it couldn't be like that. We did talk about such things, and she confessed to having similar fantasies, but was much quicker to point out how it could never...

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Creative CompositionChapter 9 Somewhere Out There

About ten years after high school, I was on a book tour that took me back to my old home town. Coincidentally, there was a reunion being held, and I told my agent to clear my signing schedule so that I could drop in for the opening night mixer. The gym smelled as badly as it always had, a mix of old sweat, dirty sneakers, and something else that we always said was a body under the floorboards—some poor freshman who had never been able to climb the rope. I picked up a badge at the reception...

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How Should a Dominant Treat His Submissive

This is certainly a reasonable question, particularly for someone who may be just beginning to learn about Dominant/submissive relationships. So let us see if I can provide a reasonable answer.My initial response to the question may surprise some of you who are new to Dominance/submission. A Dominant should treat his submissive with respect. Mind that you do not confuse and/or conflate respect with deference. When I say treat the submissive with respect, I am not saying treat her as if she were...

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1 - With your eyes down in my presence, you will keep. The submissive will strive never to cross the gaze of her Master, who is unworthy of looking at him. The exceptions authorized by the Master must be perceived by the submissive as a reward of which she is not worthy. It will therefore be necessary to keep its eyes on the ground as soon as the Master in his presence. This provision will have the effect of reminding him, if need be, of his intrinsic status as a submissive. 2 - Never will...

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Graceful Submission

Graceful Submission by Kittynor Chapter 1 My name is Grace. It used to be Graham but I will come back to that a little later. My parents, Luke & Jennifer, are in what one would call an FLR. It's short for Female led relationship. Before you jump to any conclusions, this is what both of my parents desired. They have had time to sort of perfect their roles over the past twenty plus years. You can see that in the...

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A Mum Becomes Submissive

It had been a long day.A long frustrating day.I showed houses all day and didn't even get a bite of a sale.My feet were sore and I was cranky as I got home.I was walking up the stairs to my bedroom to get out of my business wear and stockings when I heard sounds that were undeniably the sounds of sex... coming from my son's room.As I got closer to the door, I heard Nancy, my son's girlfriend, demand, "That's it baby, ream my asshole."I froze.Nancy took it in the ass?My son fucked Nancy's...

2 years ago
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Phases of Submission

Phases of Submission Phase I: Developing Curiosity Life throws you curves. Sometimes life tosses obstacles in your way. Sometimes it gives you a break. Then again, sometimes it puts you on a path you never expected. Two weeks ago I met the CEO of our corporation, Brandon Hacker, at a company gathering. We talked and liked each other enough that we arranged to go out on a date. My life has never been the same since. Brandon is not the tall, dark, handsome type. Rather he’s funny, medium height,...

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The story of my submission

The Story of my Submission The Story of my Submission Hello, this is Lisa. I am 26 years old and I would like to share the story of my submission with you. I have been authorised by my Mistress to write and to publish this story. Every word is true, and the email addresses I will state in the end are also real. To begin with I would like to say that I am actually lesbian. It is true that my first sexual experiences, which occurred during my school time when I was about 15 years old, were...

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Ambers Submission

Part 1Amber was depressed. Having just turned fifty, she had convinced herself she was on the downside of a dull and boring life. The recent divorce had ended a twenty-five-year marriage that had been sexless for nearly a decade. The couple had maintained the contractual agreement for the sake of the children that were now on their own. She felt lost and lonely, isolated in a cloud of sexual frustration with little hope for relief on the horizon. In a vain effort to spread her wings, the newly...

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It was Friday night. Bennett walked into the main club room sipping his favorite single malt. Seeing Carolyn sitting by herself, her head buried in a newspaper, he walked to her.“Good evening. I am Bennett Fitzgerald. I believe you are Carolyn Anderson.”She looked up. Not recognizing him, she replied, “Yes I am. Are you new here? I do not believe we have been introduced, but your name is familiar for some reason.”“You probably recognize it since I am on the Board of Directors of the club. I am...

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A new realization of control and submission

Samantha was about 5-7 tall, had light brown, confident eyes and medium brown straight hair grown generously to the middle of her back. She had fair, creamy white skin that contrasted with her darker hair and eyes. Her hair was kept styled and healthy. She was neat, organized and usually calm under pressure. She gave the impression she was a woman who would do well in business with her new clothes, kept hair and focused demeanor. She was not overweight but had some extra padding in her hips...

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Submissive Incest Mind Control Chapter 6 Daughters Ultimate Submission

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daughter's Ultimate Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy's sex...

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A Degree of Submission

"Here's the deal. I will not do it again until you ask for it. You will have to prove the degree of your submissiveness by begging for it. Until I hear you beg, I will not do it again." Elizabeth and I were driving from Heathrow to Cornwall. Eleven and a half hours is a long flight and I was happy to be in the passenger's seat relaxing. But the happiness and contentment didn't stop at the lack of responsibility. My Mistress, Elizabeth, had requested that I travel from the West Indies...

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Jacks Submission

Jack?s SubmissionBy Master IncChapter One(How It Started)Melody lay quietly on her bed.  She was nude and in a very relaxed state.  Buried between her legs was Jack's head.  He had been gently kissing and licking her cunt for the last thirty minutes.  Melody had experienced at least three strong climaxes during this time and was now basking in the afterglow.  As Melody looked down on Jack and the difficult position she had tied him in while he pleasured her, she thought back to how Jack came...

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The Landlords Submission

It wasn’t long after I put the ad out, that I heard back from someone. I got a call from a woman looking to rent. Her name was Kendyll Terrell. I invited her over for a quick little interview. I watched a video online on how it’s important to screen your renters. Some people aren’t worth the money. When she finally arrived, I was greeted by the most beautiful black woman I’ve ever seen. She’s half a head taller than me, but she’s got thick thighs and an ass that makes my mouth water. Don’t...

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A Night of Unconditional Submission

Mike Do you ever wish you could just go back in time and do things over, knowing all you know now? Like wouldn't it be sweet to get in your supped up Delorian and go back to your teens and early twenties and redo some of your past mistakes? Of course, you would ... we all would. We were really fucking stupid back then, even though we thought we knew everything. Of course, I thought with the wrong head ninety-nine percent of the time and didn't know a fucking thing about women. Shockingly,...

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SlaveX Utter Submission

A suburban MILF submits to an internet master. 1) This is fantasy. These things don’t happen in real life… often. 2) This is in the ‘Dark Fantasy’ story category but it could certainly be classified as ‘Love/Romance’, especially the latter half. 3) The story contains strong elements of: BDSM; humiliation; reluctance; straight and lesbian sex; pain; and pet-play. 4) Rather long with no chapters, sorry. 5) I don’t describe the characters in detail. I think it is better the reader...

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Mom Was Submissive

Mom Was Submissive At the time I didn’t know what a submissive was, all I knew was that Mom obeyed Dad’s every command. As I grew up I just thought that that was the way marriage worked. I didn’t have any brothers or sisters to play with and interact with, plus we lived way out of town. It wasn’t until I was thirteen and in the seventh grade when I tried to order one of the girls in my class around. Up until then I guess everyone just considered me a bully and pretty much left me...

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I remember my feet drumming on the mattress as a huge cock tried to get inside my little pussy I was trying so hard to keep him out but I seemed to be losing the battle...One night when I was sleeping he came to my room and I woke up with my pajamas off and on my belly my legs were spread wide and he was trying to get his huge thick man cock into my young virgin pussy well I was determined to keep him out and had been successful so far but then he reached under me and began to feel my clitty...

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Dominant Black Tales and Submissive

Did she have a hidden agenda? Was her desire to dominate white men driven by some racial hatred or need to seek revenge for her enslaved ancestors? By all outward appearances, that would appear to be the case. Mistress Desire was far more complex than superficial appearances would allow. Black, strong, confident, and proud, there was no mistaking that the Domina was proud of her African heritage and took pleasure in reducing her white submissives to whatever it was that they feared the most....

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The Training of a Teenage Submissive

The beautiful young girl walked from the stables. It was her school summer holidays and she planned to do nothing all summer except enjoy herself. She had enjoyed her ride, but had been embarrassed at the wolf-whistles and shouts from the men her mother had employed to work on the estate. Her father worked away on business and she rarely saw him. Emma was a 16-year-old virgin who looked stunning in her black knee length riding boots, tight cream jodhpurs, and tailored black riding jacket. Her...

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Alex The Suffering Submissive

Alex - The Suffering Submissive(Crushing Lesbian Domination and Absolute Submission) by Lewis ChappelleContent FlowPrologue Chapter I  - Background Chapter II - Goddess and Mother Goddess Chapter III - The Slave’s New Life Chapter IV - Questions for the Slave Chapter V - Questions for the Owner Chapter VI - Snap Shots in Time Chapter VII - Vignettes Chapter VIII - The Future Epilogue __________________________________________                                                              ...

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Embracing My Submissiveness

While at my desk, his special tone rang from my phone. Quickly grabbing it and opening the app, the text read: 7 pm pos1 weekend. That was it. Those few cryptic terms gave me tingling shivers as I felt my pussy react with warmth and moisture. I thought, finally! I had not cum in days and was beginning to go crazy with desire. I should explain.I have always been socially shy and psychologically submissive, at least when it comes to all things sexual. It’s something I despise but seem to be stuck...

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Submissive Incest Mind ControlChapter 6 Daughterrsquos Ultimate Submission

Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy’s sex slave. I walked between my submissive mother and my half-sister Georgia. All three of us were naked (well, Mom wore her black...

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Powerful Language To Use On Your HubbySubmissive

As much as the dominating things you do to your sub make him feel more submissive and you more dominant, it is important to learn how to use the right language.The words that come out of your mouth while you dominate him have an even stronger impact on the psyche of the male than the actions you are performing. Doing one without the other is fine, but if you want to truly get into the mind of the sub and make him your obedient house bitch, then you need to truly understand his inner desires to...

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The Pleasure Of Submission

The Pleasure Of SubmissionSubmissive Exploration – Day OneBy Jazz Brodi He was the type that talked very openly about sex a long with what was going on in his life. He was straight to the point and always spoke his mind but never in a mean or cruel way. He spoke with passion about what he believed in and how he felt about life in general. His humor is what most people loved about him. It was not only his humor but how he carried himself. There was something about him that just made you feel...

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Dominance and Submission

Dominance and SubmissionA young man learns the pleasures of submitting to "Aunt" Shelly."Dominance and Submission"On my 15th birthday I went to live with Shelly. Shelly was a family friend who agreed to adopt me indefinitely. She was a beautiful 28 year old and quite independently wealthy. We got along well - I gave her no cause for complaint and respected her for letting me live with her. I did everything Shelly asked and in return she was like a big sister to me.After I had lived with Shelly...

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The Five Part 2 First Submission

GwenGwen had accepted my proposal for meeting on Wednesday night. As the youngest of the first batch, (See part 1), I was eager to meet her. She had said that she thought my age would be an advantage. Wednesday at 5 was the agreed time. I prepped as before including the suite at the casino. She arrived at the restaurant on time. A red silky blouse and black slacks, golden yellow hair just to her neck. Wait the blouse, it looks open but it is not. Gwen is showing cleavage as I requested, but to...

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Lessons in Submission

Lessons in Submission Lessons in SubmissionCopyright Ed Edas 2006 All rights reservedPrologue ???? ?Emma was lying on her front on her bed, she was watching TV, naked apart from a pair of brief panties.? The door was flung open, she smiled at Kurt?s somewhat dramatic entrance, and then realising that he was in a serious mood, she got quickly off the bed and knelt before him.? She spread her knees wide apart and with her arms behind her back grasped one of her elbows in each hand.? This...

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Incestuous Harem 9 Incestuous Submission

Chapter Nine: Incestuous Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Vicky Samuels I loved how Pam Hiragawa trembled as I led her into my dark classroom. Trickles of light bled through the closed Venetian blinds, painting stripes across the neat rows of desk. The nineteen-year-old, Japanese girl trembled, hands clasped before her, pale-olive cheeks flushed. Her silk-black hair was gathered in a French braid falling down her back. She was the type of Japanese girl Clinton would love. I...

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Trained Submissive

Chapter OneMy name used to be Kristy. Now everyone calls me whore, slut, or anything else they want to. It all started at a frat party about two months ago. I'm a freshman at a big southern college, I won't name it, because I don't want anyone to find out who I am. Anyway, I was at this party and I had a little too much to drink. I'm always getting into trouble when I drink too much. I was there to check out guys and maybe get laid. There were some nice looking guys there and I was talking a...

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Dominance and Submission

"Dominance and Submission"On my 15th birthday I went to live with Shelly. Shelly was a family friend who agreed to adopt me indefinitely. She was a beautiful 28 year old and quite independently wealthy. We got along well - I gave her no cause for complaint and respected her for letting me live with her. I did everything Shelly asked and in return she was like a big sister to me.After I had lived with Shelly for a week, she began to reveal her true intentions. After dinner, during our usual...

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Sassys Forced Submission

                               Sassy's Forced Submission                                                                                                                                                                                                                I come by my nick name honestly. My dad nicknamed me Sassy. I grew up with it, even in school it stuck. I was always mouthing off. Seemed to be my nature. Not a  smartass just feisty. I loved flirting, and sassing the guys back when...

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Sentiments of a Submissive

Sentiments of a Submissive By:? Miss Georgia Peach As told to:? JEP  Introduction:? Miss Peach is the most unique submissive I have ever encountered.? In addition to being incredibly beautiful, she has the mind of a true intellect.? She has a unique ability to put words together to create a vivid word picture that is truly a work of eroticism.? The following are her words to express her sentiments and a few of her experiences.???????????????? JEP  I do love the concept of being pierced...

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++++++ I’m Donna, and I guess this is the story of how my life changed big time for the better. I had met my future husband just after he had started his commercial real estate company. He was engaging and funny, but I could tell that he was also driven for success. We were married only a month after I had graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, honeymooning in Maui for two idyllic weeks. I’d had a job lined up, but I never went to work because I was four months...

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Journey to Complete Submission

Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...

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