Lucky TicketsChapter 11 free porn video

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I think that both Kristen and I grew tired from playing cards for over seven hours straight. I mean, I wasn't tired of being with Kristen, but I was starting to see red and black spots in my eyes!

Kristen was the first to notice the time; it was nearly dinner time. I knew that my mom would kill me if I were to miss dinner without letting her know (she'd probably call "911" at six o'clock), so I told Kristen that I needed to be home for dinner.

I wasn't too happy to leave Kristen. I actually got to know her much better during the time we had played cards. We talked about little things, or families, and whatever else happened to pop into our heads.

I found that Kristen's father was very heavy into the stock market, and had investments all over the world. He served on the board of directors of a few very large companies. Her mother was a socialite, planning and participating in a lot of charity events for the many philanthropic organizations that she belonged to.

Kristen's brother, Will, was going to a college in Boston. His grades weren't spectacular, but Kristen's family could easily afford the tuition. This year, Will had picked out an apartment nearby and was living off-campus.

I told Kristen about my mother, and my step-family, which she had already met and charmed. She said that she really liked Merry, especially her precociousness, which is more or less the same way I felt about my step-sister.

We talked about Jack, my best friend (I guess he's now my best "male" friend), and even Patrice. I was a bit surprised when I found that Kristen didn't have many nice things to say about Patrice--of all the people in Kristen's old gang, Patrice and somebody named Dale had always seemed to Kristen to be the biggest gold diggers. I told Kristen about how nice Patrice used to be, and the two of us wondered what could have changed Patrice. I had always thought it was Kristen's influence, but having gotten to know Kristen better, I was starting to have my doubts.

Kristen gave me some pointers about what to expect in tenth grade, and offered to help me with any subjects that I might find difficult. I made the same offer to her, which probably amused Kristen.

And, of course, Kristen was a very sharp card player. Talking with her took my mind from the game, but even if I had been concentrating one hundred percent, and not distracted by our conversation or the presence of the loveliest blonde Goddess on this planet, I would have lost.

Kristen told me that she had learned how to play from an old Hoyle book her father had given her, and the book also detailed strategies. Kristen played continually with her brother up until her brother left for New England. I made a silent vow not to try her at poker.

On the way home, I considered inviting Kristen for dinner again, but decided that twice in a short period of time would get my mother on again about my being in love. I still wasn't completely sure if I was, but both Patty and Mom had been pretty adamant.

As I went to get out of the Camaro, Kristen touched my arm. "Jim?"

I turned back to Kristen. "Yes?"

"Would you mind if I... if I visited you with Patty tomorrow morning?" Kristen looked worried that I might say no.

I had no problems with that, and figured that Patty probably wouldn't as she had invited Kristen herself the other day. "I'd love to see you. Are you sure you want to come?"

Kristen didn't answer me. Instead, she pulled me closer by my arm and gave me a warm, wet kiss.

Yes, I guess Kristen was pretty sure.

I think I was a bit distracted at dinner, but this was no longer unusual for me, and my family didn't ask if anything was wrong.

Mom did ask me how my day went with Patty and Kristen, and I had told her that I had only seen Patty for a couple of hours, and had spent most of the day with Kristen.

"Ah, I saw you drive up in her Camaro," my mom answered.

Merry looked a bit disappointed. "Hey! She promised to take me for a ride in that car!"

"Soon," I smiled to my step-sister. "Kristen promises!"

"Kristen is a nice girl," my mother said before changing the subject to whatever it was she did that day. Luckily, she didn't embarrass me with her insistence that I was in love with Kristen.

In my room, I saw the crumpled bag that held my roll of tickets. I realized that I hadn't used them very much in the last couple of days... in fact, I hadn't used them at all!

I thought back to when I first found those tickets. It was only about ten days ago, but it felt like it was a much longer time. I thought about my taking advantage of Merry, and how I humiliated Patrice. I felt a pang of remorse as I thought back about Marla, who was living in California, and was probably angry at me for standing her up a few days ago. I remembered Kneely Park with Wendy, Camille, and Patty, and then Patty and Kristen.

One thing that I realized was that I seemed to have grown up from a naive fifteen year old boy who was pretty ignorant about sex to a much more sophisticated young man who now had five girls as friends, two of which I had a much closer relationship. In fact, I might actually be in love with one of them, if Patty and my mother were correct.

I was also still a virgin. My sex life now mostly consisted of watching girls masturbate, occasionally masturbating them myself, and receiving hand jobs and blow jobs. And this was much better than it had been only ten days ago, when my only sexual partner consisted of a palm and five fingers.

A part of me wanted to finally go "all the way" with a girl, but I really wanted my first time to be special. I had discussed this a few times with Patty, who I had already decided wouldn't be my first "real" sex partner. I didn't explain my reasons, but told her that I was looking for the perfect situation. She seemed to understand that, and thought that it was a good idea.

Part of the reason I eliminated Patty from my list of potential sex partners was fear. Her first time with a boy that way left a big emotional scar on her psyche. Her second time was very disappointing, since she was unable to achieve her release. Patty wanted her next experience to be the one for her... the one that would make her dreams come true. "Fireworks," as she had described it to me during one of our back rub sessions. As inexperienced as I am, I doubted that I'd be able to fit the bill, and I think Patty probably agreed. She was looking for somebody that she was in love with, and who loved her as well. I did love Patty, but not in the way she needed.

Wendy and Camille were eliminated from my list, as my friendship with them wasn't as deep as my closeness to Patty. I had been astounded when Camille made an offer for a "little one on one" the day I humiliated Kristen in front of her, since I didn't think our relationship was that close. I had since found out, from gossiping with the girls, that Camille's attitude toward sex was that it was simply a recreational activity. That eliminated her completely from my list... at least from my list of candidates for my first time. I was looking for romance and something special.

Of course, I would never consider Merry a possibility. She was too young, and even if we weren't blood relatives, she was still by step-sister. I'd never forgive myself if I did something like that, and I'd probably castrate any guy that would ever consider anything but the very best for my little Shortcake.

Marla was impossible, living in California, but she would probably have been a wonderful partner. She wasn't too shy, she was witty, and she seemed to enjoy her experience with me in the park. I thought about Marla for a few minutes, thinking about her body, her face... something could have clicked there. Unfortunately, I was too busy being careless with a few of my tickets to actually meet her right before she left to go home. I had stood Marla up. I think I'll never forgive myself for that until my dying day.

I knew that my list was missing one obvious choice... my little blonde Goddess.

Kristen was lovely, a walking wet dream. She seemed shy, but when she opened up, she was just as beautiful inside as she was outside. Wendy, Camille, and Patty all warmed up to her very quickly, despite their original belief that Kristen was a bitch. Whoever came up with the phrase "beauty is only skin deep" had never met Kristen. She had a pretty nice sense of humor, and really laughed when I said something funny, crinkling her nose the way I had described to Patty.

Patty told me that Kristen was in love with me. She also told me that I was in love with Kristen, and now, alone in my room, with nobody else for me to be embarrassed in front of, I truly considered my feelings toward Kristen. I thought about what Patty said to me earlier that day, and realized that there might be more than a little truth in what she said. Kristen was definitely lovable, and if I loved Patty, then my feelings toward Kristen were probably a little deeper.

Was I possessive about Kristen, as Patty had claimed? I mean, "my little blonde Goddess" was just an expression. I might have heard it in a movie somewhere, but the expression just jumped into my mind one day when I saw Kristen--complete with the capital "G." Did it mean anything more? I tried to think about Kristen dating somebody else, and found that the thought was surprisingly unsettling. I had to admit to myself that I might be a little bit possessive about Kristen.

So, what did this mean? I was in love with Kristen?

I tried to imagine me taking Kristen out on a date, wearing a suit at a restaurant while we ate by candlelight, every head turning as Kristen walked past, dressed like some ravishing fashion model, and radiating her inner and outer beauty. I think I may have swooned at that image.

My mind went back to how I'd like to spend my first time... my first real sexual union... and found that Kristen fit the image in my fantasy quite easily. She was probably the perfect candidate.

Since I only knew Kristen for a few days, I figured it might be best to wait. After all, I had been virgin for nearly sixteen years. A few more days, weeks, or even months wouldn't kill me.

But it would be a frustrating day, week, or month for me. I really hoped that the wait would be worthwhile.

The next morning, I heard the back door open and I was ready for the girls. Like the previous day, I had relieved my bladder before they arrived, but today it was hard again as I eagerly anticipated Kristen's arrival.

My door opened slowly, and the two girls entered my room.

"Hi, girls!" I said, standing up wearing just my pajama bottoms.

"You're not pretending to be asleep again?" Patty asked, a twinkle in her eye.

"Nah. That was funny once. I don't want to overdo it."

Kristen looked puzzled, and Patty explained the "trick" that I had played on her yesterday. Kristen looked at me, and then crinkled her nose and started to giggle.

"See, Patty! She did it when you told her something funny!" I was happy to see that I could prove Patty wrong.

"No, honey," Patty said, smiling. "Kristen was looking at you when she did it."

"I did what?" Kristen said.

Patty and I burst out in our own giggles. Patty said, "Jim told me yesterday how you crinkle your nose before you giggle. I said you only did that when Jim says something funny."

"I do?" Kristen asked.

Patty and I giggled again, and Kristen joined us, once again crinkling her nose, which led to more giggles.

After a few minutes, we were all giggled out. Patty and Kristen went over to my chair and started to undress.

I noticed that the two girls were wearing those matching sheer dresses of Patty's, but this time, Kristen was wearing the lavender dress, and Patty was wearing the pink one.

"You love wearing those dresses," I commented, not sure whether I was speaking to Patty or Kristen.

"Kristen loves them," Patty said. "And they are so convenient when you want to dress... or undress... quickly."

I nodded. "You must have to do laundry every day."

Patty shook her head. "Kristen purchased a couple of additional dresses after I told her where I bought them."

"Oh. Cool!"

The two girls were nude. Kristen looked at Patty, who nodded to her. I took this to mean that Kristen had just asked to be the one to do me, and Patty gave her permission.

However, I wanted today to be a bit different. "Wait, Kristen."


"Lay face down on the bed," I instructed her.

Kristen looked a bit apprehensive at Patty, who simply nodded at her. She did as she was instructed.

"Put your hands at your sides."

Patty suddenly smiled. She was familiar with these orders. Kristen did as I told her.

I positioned myself on the back of Kristen's legs, and started kneading her back. Kristen sighed in contentment.

After about thirty seconds, I looked back at Patty, who was still standing where I had left her, watching me give Kristen a back rub. I figured that this just wouldn't do.

I noticed that there was about a foot between Kristen's head and the headboard of my bed. I got up off my perch, and stood on the side of my bed.

"Patricia, take my place. You know what feels good in a back rub."

Patty looked at me as if this wasn't a wise move on my part, but since I used that particular name with her, she followed my order, even if it was a bit reluctantly.

Kristen tensed a little as she felt Patty straddle her legs, as I had just done for her, but relaxed when she felt Patty's fingers start rubbing her in a massage, not doing anything sexual.

I moved onto the bed with my back to the headboard, and my crotch almost touching Kristen's head. I was now face to face with Patty, who smiled as she realized my plan.

I started rubbing Kristen's back from the top, starting at her sides above her waist and working my way toward me. Patty was working from Kristen's shoulders, working her way downward.

Kristen was completely relaxed now. I thought I heard her sniff, and stopped and looked at her to see if she was crying. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Kristen's feelings or upset her in any way.

My little blonde Goddess wasn't crying. Her head was raised slightly, which forced my dick, which had been laying lightly on her lovely blonde hair to hit the mattress with a muted thump. Kristen's sniffing was her nose reacting to the proximity of my cock, which she had been told tastes very good. (Apparently, the olfactory sense--smell--is somehow related to taste.) Kristen saw me looking at her, and quietly said, "Do you mind?"

I knew Kristen's intention, and I didn't mind one bit. I scooted closer to Kristen so the head of my penis was even closer to her mouth, and Kristen moved her head down and took my knob between her lips.

I felt Kristen's wonderful tongue tickling the head of my cock, and could feel her sucking motions. After a minute, Kristen started moving her head up and down, gliding her lips along my pole.

I resumed my back rub from the front, and Patty was still massaging Kristen from the back. I leaned closer to Patty, and pursed my lips.

Patty saw me move, and moved closer in order to kiss me.

Soon, I had Patty's tongue licking my tongue, while Kristen's tongue swirled along my dick.

I didn't last long with all this stimulation. I felt my balls contract and I shot off quickly. It wasn't the most intense orgasm ever, and I hardly moved in response. Kristen caught my cream in her mouth, and continued to swirl her now slimy tongue along the length of my shaft, apparently in an effort to improve its great (to her) taste.

Patty and I continued massaging Kristen while we kissed, and Kristen continued sucking me. She got me hard again after a couple of minutes, and I started actively pumping my hips toward Kristen.

Kristen's mouth was taking more of my length, and I felt the tip press against something, which suddenly gave away. I was now fully inside Kristen's mouth and throat, her lips almost touching my ball sac.

I kept my hips pushed in, until I felt Kristen start to move her head back. I slowly moved my hips back, and Kristen's head stopped moving.

I was now pumping into Kristen's willing mouth, and she allowed me to do all the work. Her lips felt tight against my cock head as I pulled back, and then I started to move toward Kristen again.

I found that I was doing the same slow, agonizing pace that Patty had done to me Wednesday evening at Kneely Park. But I didn't want to move any faster for fear of choking Kristen.

I was no longer kissing Patty as I concentrated everything on thrusting my crotch back and forth, and once again I felt my ass twitching as I approached my release. Kristen seemed to notice this and increased her suction noticeably.

I pumped another short burst into Kristen's willing mouth, and she continued sucking until my erection subsided.

I bent down and pulled Kristen's head up, and gave her a big kiss. We played our tongues together for a few minutes, and I felt yet another erection start.

I didn't want to overtax my teenage cock, and I had decided on a nice way to say "thank you" to Kristen.

I pushed Kristen's head back down, having moved back toward the headboard. Patty resumed her back rub, and I once again got off the bed.

I walked to the end of the bed and stood behind Patty. I rubbed Patty's shoulders a bit, and then moved my hands down slowly until my hands were against her sides. I slowly pulled Patty off of Kristen, who continued to lay on her stomach on my bed.

Patty and I were now standing at the edge of the bed, and I started to move Kristen's right leg toward the corner of my bed, and I signaled Patty to do the same.

"Jim, this isn't a good idea," Patty whispered, apparently thinking that I was going to fuck Kristen.

"Trust me, Patricia," I whispered back.

Patty was hesitant, but obeyed and we soon had Kristen arranged with her legs spread eagle.

I then grabbed one of Kristen's legs, once again signaling Patty to do the same, and we pulled Kristen about couple of feet down the bed.

Kristen didn't know what we intended to do to her, but she didn't seem as apprehensive as when I first had Patty sit on top of her.

Kristen's new position had her crotch near the edge of my bed. I knelt down between Kristen's legs, and Patty suddenly looked less worried, as she realized that this wasn't a position designed for entry.

I motioned for Patty to join me, and had to whisper "Patricia" for her to do so. As she joined me, I told Patty what I had planned to do. "Patricia," I said, "I want to do to Kristen what she does to me. I want you to watch, and whisper to me if I'm doing something wrong, or if you want to have me try something. OK?"

Patty hesitated, and then said, "Yes, James. I was worried you'd want me to go first."

"Would you like that, Patricia?" I asked, smiling wickedly.

"Um, maybe not today, please. I mean, I'll do it if you tell me to, but I'd prefer to make sure it was OK with Kristen beforehand."

"Fair enough," I said.

I had a pretty good view of Kristen's pussy, and I was once again amazed at loveliness of the folds of skin found therein.

From this position, I couldn't see Kristen's pubic hair, which I knew from experience to be so blonde and thin as to be nearly invisible, but I could see the hood that hid Kristen's clitoris, and could smell her musk as my face got closer and closer. From my position, I had to reorient myself; her vagina hole was now, to my perspective, above her clit.

I stuck out my tongue and started at the bottom (again, from my perspective), feeling the knob of her clitoris and licking upward until my tongue reached her cunt. Kristen squirmed in reaction, and I was rewarded with a bath of Kristen's fluids.

I moved my tongue down, and started slow lapping strokes.

Patty moved her head closer to mine to get a better look, and I could hear her sighing in my left ear. Patty's breasts were against my back, and I could feel her erect nipples moving up and down against my shoulder. "You're doing fine," Patty whispered.

I heard Kristen moan at this point, and I started another set of licks, moving upward and down. Finally, at the top of one of my strokes, I tried to stick my tongue into her hole, but found that either my tongue was too short, or my face too wide to stick it in more than about an inch.

"Use your finger," Patty whispered.

I moved my tongue back onto her clitoris, and started making a circular motion around it, causing Kristen to squirm some more.

My left hand was blocked my Patty's body, so I moved my right hand up and stuck my index finger into Kristen's cunt, as my tongue continued stimulating Kristen's clit. My finger made a squishing sound as it moved in and out, and I felt more of Kristen's fluids seep down from her cunt to reach my tongue, which was applying even more pressure on Kristen's clit.

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Hope you,re enjoying the adventures of best friend Burt RIP and his dog Lucky who more than once lived up to his name. Lucky went everywhere Burt went with the exception of the toilet and often while we were out fishing he made us laugh. Being a horny dog he,d lay next to us and continuously lick his large cock and we,d often comment we wished we could do the same and Burt discovered one day he was double jointed and could actually bend far enough to suck himself off. Not being double jointed...

4 years ago
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Lucky views is all a perv needs

And that's usually all a 'perv' gets. Most of the time I was seeing what I needed to see only in my magazines, and already had a huge collection by the time I left school. I was in awe of the girls who posed in them, not just because they were lovely and brought me ecstasy all the time, but because if it wasn't for girls who like to pose, I'd never have got to see girls show. Of course I wanted to see girls show for real, but that rarely happened, at school or anywhere else. I did get flashes...

2 years ago
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Lucky views is all a perv needs

And that's usually all a 'perv' gets. Most of the time I was seeing what I needed to see only in my magazines, and already had a huge collection by the time I left school. I was in awe of the girls who posed in them, not just because they were lovely and brought me ecstasy all the time, but because if it wasn't for girls who like to pose, I'd never have got to see girls show. Of course I wanted to see girls show for real, but that rarely happened, at school or anywhere else. I did get flashes...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 7

When we went to breakfast, I noticed one of the huge soup pots was in use. “We cooked up rice, carrots and peas, and added junk meat we’d have fed to the pigs. The dogs loved it,” Aunt Peggy explained. I spent a few quiet minutes and mentally reached out to the dogs as they ran and chased each other around the property. Once again, they noted my presence. I sensed that they were exceedingly happy not being cooped up in the small kennels. Here, they could run and play. I don’t know if it...

1 year ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 19

Thursday I woke early, dressed, and finished a peaceful, pre-dawn ten-klick run that gave me time to think about the businesses I was starting. I was just getting ready for a shower when reveille sounded over the base’s PA system. This bugle player was good. I had waved at him when I ran by on my way back to the barracks. “You’re awake,” Cooper chuckled when he saw me. “Are you kidding? You were still sawing logs while I ran ten klicks already,” I teased back. I don’t think he believed me...

3 years ago
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Lucky Thong Get Me Life 8211 Part 1

Hello friend, anita here again, to read my earlier story just search anitasony, you will get four…….All those thing I did last year… this part one was by best experience till date, as it changed my life and I am still not sure for good or bad.After all udaipur my percentage got down in fifth semester from 72 to 69 (what was god signaling to me !!! )and I dont know why mom start to push my father to get me married.(may be that much of sex changed something in me and which my mother has noticed...

3 years ago
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Dedicated to Michelline. I am lucky. When I was a kid I was always finding money that people had dropped. When I got into my late teens I was always able to go up to the cutest girls and get them to go out with me... My friends then started to call me "Lucky". I don't know what it was, I am only average looking, ash blonde hair, blue eyes, about 5'9". I used to be a wrestler and a lifeguard but in college I discovered the fruit of the field (read: beer) and have gained a bit of a belly. I...

4 years ago
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 36

Wednesday morning 0330 When we tied up at the U.S. Coast Guard dock and debarked, we were met by our excited, although half-asleep family members. “What should we do with your boat?” the local U.S. Coast Guard commander asked, grinning. “Use it for target practice, let your men use it for fishing on their days off, or sell it and donate the money to the U.S. Coast Guard retirement fund,” I teased back. “Seriously, though, sell it and donate the money to a good cause,” I insisted. “I heard...

2 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 18

Tuesday Oh dark thirty It took us hours to clear the town. When we finally finished, I went to the holding area and walked amongst the detainees, marking each person with their threat index score. More than half of them were between one and three, forced to be here and kept here by the posted sentries. The men worked in the mine, the women took care of the home. Some women spent part of their day reloading 10 mm cartridges. When the attack began at the southern end of the tunnel complex,...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 27

Monday Feb 22 At 0300 Monday morning, I was again strapped into the seat of the weapons specialist aboard the Talon. Max had returned last night with two sealed letters. The first was from the President. The sooner, the better. President Talbot The second letter was from General Conklin. Start with the East Coast again. Work your way to the West Coast. Then anything over China and Southeast Asia. Hit the Mideast, including the territory Russia claimed after the MEW. Do Africa, saving...

2 years ago
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Lucky gets lucky 5

Kim had got quite excited by the action and asked if she could join in. Not sure if it would be a sensible thing to do at your age. She was still keen. I think she was a bit precocious I think she thought she was being a bit naughty. We set up the cameras and let Lucky in the bedroom. He didnt try to overpower her. Instead he went up to her and licked her face. Kim ran her hand to his penis and pushed him down on the rug. He lay there while she rubbed his penis which was soon hard. Very...

1 year ago
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Lucky TicketsChapter 4

I didn't say much as I walked home from the park with Jack. Jack, for his part, didn't say much of anything either. I was curious as to what Jack was thinking. I knew that I had "wished" him to forget about the tickets, but I had no idea what was going through his mind. I mean, how could his mind deal with this? I was also thinking of ways to further exploit those lucky tickets. I hadn't lost my virginity yet, for instance. And there were girls--and women!--that had been the sources of...

2 years ago
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Lucky ManChapter 2

I don't want to do this, I never do. I must have given two dozen or more presentations and lectures in the last year, but I'm still not used to it. The butterflies are fluttering in my stomach as I walk through Embankment Gardens towards Savoy Place. "Good morning Michael," I say as I reach my destination. Michael Faraday says nothing; statues are like that. He just stands looking out across the gardens and the river. 'You haven't seen a nice young lady have you? About five eight,...

2 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 10

Later Sunday morning Within minutes of dressing for church, I felt a second danger, this one to the northwest. “Is this some sort of test because I waited so long to admit it?” I asked the ceiling rhetorically after a deep sigh. “Something going on?” Don asked from nearby. “Some sort of trouble to the northwest,” I sighed. “Fort Polk?” Don asked. That had been my guess, too. I used the new handheld computer Don got for me and aimed it towards the trouble, taking a vector. “Back in a few,...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 28

Friday March 11 As usual, I was up before sunrise. The problem was that there wasn’t any place to go, so I settled for the main deck where I went through my forms. I began jogging around the deck when I finished. Nearing the stern, I was surprised to find two of the crew fishing. “Would you like to join us?” one of them asked. “I’d love to fish, but not that way. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” I replied, and then made my way below to where the helicopter was housed. Our Security’s grav...

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“Well, Mr. Phillips, it seems your luck is holding. I’d say we can have you out of those casts in another week or so.” John chuckled, while glancing at the casts on his arms and legs that had left him bedridden since the accident weeks before. “If you want to call it luck.” Doctor Davis smiled, enhancing her already attractive features, and shook her head, causing her curly brunette locks to bounce. “When you meet the business end of a forklift, getting away with only broken arms and legs is...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Lucky Day

Lucky day I’d spent over an hour on the living room floor being beaten, humiliated, fucked – then beaten again. Twelve strokes into the second thrashing, her phone rang. After delivering lucky thirteen, she checked the caller ID. Grumbling, she dropped the sweat-slick tawse on the couch, then snatched the phone from the end table. Moments later, she was engaged in conversation and walked out of the room. Once she left, I collapsed on the carpet, an exhausted, aching, heap of sated boy. Without...

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"Lucky" By Master Eq and Lucky"Flight 23, Pittsburg to Atlanta is now boarding."She looked up from her trance. This was it. She had been waiting for this day for almost a year. She gathered her bag, and headed for the gate.Lucky was a beautiful young woman. Dark shoulder-length hair, big blue eyes, and a very lovely body. 5'2", a cute little ass, and perfect breasts. Perfect meaning very large for her size. She had graduated college with a Bachlors degree in History. But things had been far...

1 year ago
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Lucky Man

She was the hottest girl in school, always wearing the short cut-offs that showed off a bit of her ass cheeks. Suzy was well endowed with full firm C cups that looked great on her with a slim waist and flared hips that highlighted an ass to match her tits. Standing at only 5' 4”, she was at the perfect height for Jerry, who stood 6' tall. Jerry loved that she always dressed so revealing, as a matter of fact, he would encourage her to dress that way. He loved the attention she received,...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 13

Bitsy rolled over and started kissing me. “Got anything left for me?” she teased. “I’m sure I can be persuaded in a few minutes,” I answered as I hugged her. “Hmmmmm, I bet I can shorten the delay,” she challenged with a wicked gleam in her eye. When she took my turgid, cum-coated cock into her mouth, I was pretty sure that she was right. She stopped after less than half a minute. “Good stuff,” she said as she crawled over me to Chloe. “Share,” she demanded right before burying her face in...

4 years ago
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 33

Friday Despite missing snuggling with my wives, I slept well and woke up just after 4:00 Riyadh time this morning. The Marine who was on duty let me into the gym so I could work out. “It’s not fair,” he complained. “The Saudis are crediting one of their Palace Guards who died with warning them about the attack.” “My ... idea,” I grunted between reps of the bench press. “I like to keep my name and face out of the news about actions I’m involved in,” I explained after finishing the reps. “The...

2 years ago
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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 5 More Adventure

Mar 2, 1857 I met the three eager families at the docks just before dawn. I’d warned the captain about them last night, guaranteeing their passage, so he still had room for their wagons. Along with their passage, I paid for them to have a hot breakfast and a hot supper each day. The captain expected the trip to take three days. He reviewed the cargo I had aboard and checked to make sure they had secured everything. They had. I told him where our warehouse was, and that “Lucky J” should be...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 38

I still can’t get over the fact that I now own seven producing oil wells and am expecting an eighth to come in within a month. Leonard was beside himself when he called to tell me that the seventh well came in two weeks earlier than expected. He also warned that the well they were currently drilling aboard Lucky J #2 might come in early, too. I can live with that. As it is, the first six wells are pumping more than three million dollars a day! Leonard expects the newest well to perform as...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 15

Saturday I was surprised when all the women went to sleep last night at the same time I did. I knew that Helga had to get up early today, but they all went to sleep. Helga got up about 0300, explaining that she wanted to get an early start so she could get the crab and the crawfish to the farmers market early. I was surprised when Sally, Dana, and Kristen went with her. “Make sure everyone is strapped onto their sled securely,” I reminded Helga. “Hurry back to us,” Sally said emotionally as...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 26

Sunday When I commed Cooper after breakfast, he had both Red and Blue Squads ready to pick up where we left off Friday. There were no new danger vectors from Chongqing so we headed north. I’d already taken second vectors to complete the vectors for the rest of China. I hugged and kissed my wives goodbye as the Talons began arriving to take my family home. The Mistresses of the Dragon stayed here and I had instructions from Sally to make sure Zan, Nuo, Wei, and Jia were pregnant since that’s...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 29

Saturday April 2 Ten of my wives, and our reporter and cameraman, joined me as we flew to Yellowstone this morning. We’d reserved a large cabin since we’d be there for at least two or three days. After making a quick stop on the way, we uncloaked about five km from the main ranger station, slowing down to normal grav sled speeds as we followed the road. “Can I help you?” the young ranger at the desk just inside the front door asked automatically as he looked up at us. “Oh,” he said when he...

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Lucky Me Part 1

Lucky Me Part 1 Chapter 1 I met her at a video rental place. She looked younger, but I didn't realize how young. Me, I'm 45, a bit overweight as guys my age tend to be. I still have all my hair, but I keep it close cropped so I don't have to waste time getting ready for work in the morning. It was Friday evening, after work and as a divorced man in my middle ages, all my friends married, I didn't have much to do. I have a girlfriend I see every other week or so, depending on her...

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Lucky Penny

Walking out into the hallway, the view out the second floor window greeted me with a rainy evening sky. Great, I thought, guess I won’t even be going out in tonight. I didn’t feel like bar hopping by myself in the rain, but resolving not to just give up and head back to my room, I hit the down button thinking I’d at least give the hotel bar a shot. I could certainly use a drink or three after the mind-numbing afternoon I’d just endured. When the bell chimed and the doors parted, I walked...

1 year ago
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Lucky Josh part 7

He rang the bell, cursing at himself for not bringing his keys and waited. A few moments later the door opened and lucky for Josh, Vanessa opened. “Yes, can I …” she started before recognizing Josh. “Oh sorry Mister eh, Josh” “No problem” Josh smiled “I am just glad it’s you opening the door, the others don’t know me yet so that would have been awkward.” Vanessa just smiled and opened the door further letting him in. “Anyway, it’s good that you’re here because I need your help” Josh...

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Lucky dog Ch5 Finishing off Tammy

Tammy came out of her bathroom wrapped in a towel. She had wiped most of the blood and cum off of her body. She had lost her favorite game. She was just going to have to fuck the first guy that she came across and stick with him for a while. Perhaps she would take her friend's advice and find a reliable six incher. She sat at a chair in the kitchen with a glass of milk in front of her. The dog had been rough and brutal, but she thought that it was something she would like in a human....

4 years ago
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Lucky Lucky Luke

CHAPTER 1 Jasper K Collins fired Luke Coleman indirectly. Jasper told his seven department heads at the end of the weekly executive meeting. ‘Now return to your offices, call one person of your choice in and fire him or her, saying to those lazy jerks times are tough and that Mr Collins ordered that seven people, one from each department must be fired.’ The unlucky guy in pre-production department was Luke Coleman. His manager said, ‘I’m sorry Luke, but you are fired. Pick up your...

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Lucky to have younger sister 2

I have already told you I was lucky to have a younger sister. I was two years older than her and When in my teens I was lucky because my sister often had young girlfriends from school over to play and sometimes for sleep overs. I never lusted after my sister but these girls were something else. More than one of them had the hots for me, but I was horny (as most teen boys are) all the time for all of them.Once a particular lovely girl, developing nicely and slowly into a young woman shape came...

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Lucky rainy day

I was walking home when the heavy downpour came suddenly and I have to run to a nearby block for shelter. Then I heard some people talking not far away but couldn't see where they were. As they were talking so loudly, I was assuming they were 2 PRC , 1 guy n 1 gal. I slowly walked towards the noise was and found them sitting on a ledge at the void deck. It was a quiet corner and not many people would notice that area. Feeling something fishy about them, I decided to walk up the side staircase...

2 years ago
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Lucky Bitch pussyboy doggy slut

Lucky Bitch (pussyboy doggy slut)Story about a sissy pussyboy who becomes a dog bitch.Some mornings the smell of cum is so thick in the kennel that it could knock me on my ass--if I wasn't already on all fours with a fat dogcock jerking and spurting inside me. On a good day I'll take on a half dozen or more mutts. On a very good day, my owner, Ed, comes by to watch me get dog fucked.I'm used to being watched. Ed pimps me out every chance he gets. I've taken on the chief of police (a mean...

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Lucky Ki Shadi Uski Mom Se

Well my name is lucky and I came across many mom fantasy stories and I always wanted to share my real story but was hesitant. Some how I got the courage to write from my fb friend. Let me first tell you something about my mom. Her name is shagun and is a very homely lady. She was 44 years old when it happened but looks like 30-32 only because of morning yoga. My dad is an engineer working in Dubai so he’s home only for 1 month in a year. I started noticing that my mom was feeling lonely as...

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Lucky Journey With Lusty Lakshana

This is Shiva (29) from Southern part of Tamil Nadu. I have been a very regular visitor of Indian Sex Stories website right from my school days and started to satisfy all my sex thirst by masturbating, reading the lovely stories here. First of all, i thank all the story writers here for giving daily feast for guys like me. I always think of writing some story here but sadly nothing happened in my life till last weekend. So I am providing you the real story which happened last weekend in a train...

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Lucky Josh part 7

Introduction: Josh gets busy after the party Half an hour later Josh arrived at his new home and paid the cabby.He rang the bell, cursing at himself for not bringing his keys and waited.A few moments later the door opened and lucky for Josh, Vanessa opened.“Yes, can I …” she started before recognizing Josh.“Oh sorry Mister eh, Josh” “No problem” Josh smiled “I am just glad it’s you opening the door, the others don’t know me yet so that would have been awkward.”Vanessa just smiled and opened...

2 years ago
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Lucky David 5

I felt as though everyone was staring at me however quite shortly we arrived at Miss Susan's. When she answered the door I thought she looked really nice, middle aged with a pleasant face and dressed in a really pretty long dress in a multi coloured style. "Do come in i am so looking forward to this afternoon I just know we are going to have so much fun together." Aunty and Miss Susan exchanged greetings then Aunty told me I was to be the perfect young lady or suffer the...

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