DevilsFilm Payton Preslee BAD Relatives
- 2 years ago
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"Come in." Elspeth called, and Shawna poked her head around the door.
"Morning roomy..." she managed with a grin. "How's things this morning?"
"Absolutely fantastic." She giggled in response. "Bri's in the shower, she'll probably be finished in a minute. How was Marcus' couch?"
"Confusing." Shawna admitted, throwing her bag on her bed. "But that's for later... I take it things went well?"
"Oh, Sho', waking up this morning pressed up against someone... it just seems to make last night even better."
"Honey, have you got... Argh!" Briana appeared from the door to the bathroom, naked, then flinched back in when she realised Shawna had arrived.
"Oh God!" Shawna sat stunned as the door slammed shut. "Was... that... fuck!"
"Damn!" Elspeth shot up off the bed, running to the bathroom, which was locked. "Bri? Bri?"
"I'll go, I'll be back later... sorry, El!" she sped up as the door opened, and Briana appeared, this time with a towel wrapped lopsidedly around her chest.
"So now you know." She said, her jaw quivering with suppressed tears.
"I'm sorry, Bri, I thought you heard her come in." Elspeth muttered, wrapping her up in a hug.
"I... I don't know what to say." Shawna offered, staring anywhere but at her chest. "Um... you'd never know... you know... normally..."
"I've had lots of practice covering it up."
"I should go... let you get dressed." Shawna carried on towards the door, but Briana grabbed her wrist.
"It's your room... I can dressed in the bathroom. I just... it's not you, OK. I just... it feels awkward when anyone finds out. I pushed El away at first..."
"Oh, that was what that was all about."
"Part of it, yeah... but, well, I mean Tony knows, and Marcus. It was going to come out eventually, the amount of time we spend around each other."
"Was it... an accident?"
"No... cancer."
"How did Marcus take you telling him?"
"He was amazing." Elspeth cut in. "She had a hospital appointment, he gave her a lift and stayed with her through everything, perfect gentleman throughtout."
"He's just too fucking perfect, isn't he." Shawna felt guilt driving tears out. "Even after his mum he can still do that..."
"His mum?" Bri stopped at the door to the bathroom with her clothes. "What's his mum got to do with it?"
"She died from breast cancer, about eight years ago." Briana went white. "Oh, he didn't even tell you, did he?" She shook her head. "Damn that bloody... oh, why can't he fuck something up just once?"
"Why?" Elspeth asked, trying to laugh in the face of the tension, hoping to dispel it.
"Because then I wouldn't feel so bad when I do." Shawna flopped down on her bed, her good mood from the morning gone.
"Look, I should go round there later," Briana said, after a moment, a little colour returning. "I didn't know... I owe him more thanks than I knew."
"He won't care... fucking Saint Marcus."
"Well... I think I'll go anyway..." she decided, closing the door with a confused look to Elspeth.
"Sho', you're not making a hell of a lot of sense, you know." She sat down on the edge of Shawna's bed. "What's going on?"
"I gave in, alright. I slept with Hope this morning... I... I knew he liked her."
"He does? Wow... I didn't think there was ever going to be anyone but you."
"Well there isn't now, is there..."
"What happened?" Briana reappeared, having dressed quickly, and Shawna clammed up.
"You know if you tell me I'll just go and tell her later." Elspeth pointed out, and Bri nodded, not entirely sympathetic.
"What have you done?" Bri asked, taking a seat in the easy chair.
"Exactly what you no doubt expected, Bri..." she began, and then went on to relate the previous evening, and that morning.
"Well... it doesn't sound like Hope was going to give Marcus much of a chance." Elspeth pointed out, though Briana still looked vaguely disapproving.
"I know, Bri..." Shawna told her without needing to look. "I've been telling myself the same thing all morning..."
"Well, inadvertently, you might just have saved him some trouble." Briana finally managed, with a shrug. "If she's that... mercurial... I'm not sure how Marcus would handle her."
"Thanks, Bri." Shawna managed. "It doesn't actually help at all, but... thanks... It should still have been her choice."
"Actually, this time, it sounds like it was Hope's choice."
"That doesn't make me feel any better either."
"Well, if you're going to carry around this guilt with you, it's going to strain things with you and Hope."
"I'm not sure there is anything with me and Hope, that's half the problem." Shawna rolled over to face them, the tears stopped, and a more serious expression. "She's... she's gorgeous, you know that, and she's got incredible fingers."
"Ewww!" Elspeth grimaced. "Too much information, OK... no details." Briana giggled and rubbed her back with a shrug for Shawna — she didn't understand that squeamishness either.
"Last night she was... amazing. Sexy, smart, funny, quick... this morning she's, I dunno... harder, sharper. Claws and teeth rather than warm and fuzzy."
"So ask her to tone it down."
"You don't ask someone to change to suit you... you go out and find someone that suits you."
"There has to be compromise somewhere," Briana argued. "No-one's perfect. I'm going to have to have a word with El' here about her biting... she's got incredibly sharp teeth, you know. I'm sure I've got teeth-marks on..."
"BRIANA!!!!" Elspeth turned scarlet, slapping her arm, and Bri and Shawna both laughed.
"Seriously... don't ask her to change how she feels, ask her to change how she acts... a lot of Hope's aggression is fear masquerading as strength."
"You think?"
"I remember it well, I do it myself." She admitted.
"You should stay over more often." Shawna decided. "You're so much nicer today than you are normally."
"That's not me staying over," Bri admitted. "That's recognising signs of you caring about someone other than yourself."
"I do!"
"I know... but I hadn't really seen it before... this thing with Hope and Marcus is getting to you, though..."
"It is... He is so frustrating. I wish he could just go out there and find someone else, you know. It's... I know it sounds like I'm whining about me, but I don't want to be responsible for that much... devotion, you know. I'm not perfect, I'm not worth all that. Why can't he just open his eyes and find someone who is worth that sort of worship?"
"Like Hope?" Elspeth asked.
"No, no I don't think so."
"Why not?"
"Just... she's — it's not because I want her for myself, you understand?" Elspeth nodded, but it was Briana that spoke.
"Is it because Hope's obviously not worthy either if she'll go with you?"
"Well, if she's willing to tease him like that, then drop him on a moment's notice, you know... yeah, he deserves better than that."
"Like who?" Elspeth wondered.
"I don't know... I don't know anyone who might... Lorraine, maybe? Corrine?"
"Lorraine's got a crush on Tony." Elspeth interjected. "We could talk to Corrine, though... she's nice."
"She's twee." Briana interjected. "She's got no sense of humour, she's got no real personality at all."
"I liked her." Shawna put in. "She's a bit quiet, but... I'm with Elspeth, I think she's nice."
"Quiet?" Elspeth looked back and forth between them both. "Is she quiet with you two?"
"I've not spoken to her much," Briana put in, "just the few times she meets you guys at hockey on the way to choir."
"Same here," Shawna commented. "She's in my ethics class, we sometimes talk, but not much."
"I know that 'hmmm'." Briana leant forward. "That's the 'I know something you don't know' hmmm."
"Well..." Elspeth began, picking imaginary bits of lint from her trousers, "the only other person Corrine's been quiet around is Phil Thompson."
"Didn't they date for a while?"
"Yeah... it seems Corrine always gets tongue-tied around people she's attracted to."
"Wow... we keep trying to set Marcus up with all the bi- girls." Shawna pointed out, with a giggle.
"Who else do we know?" Briana explained.
"So, Corrine, then?"
"Yep." Briana agreed, and Elspeth nodded.
"Are you going to come round with us, see Marcus?" Elspeth asked.
"No... if I start crying it's just going to be awkward for him if I try to explain it in front of everyone... I'll talk to him later, when it's just the two of us. I think Tony'll appreciate the space, too. I'm not sure he'll be there yet, anyway, he goes ice-dancing on a Sunday morning."
"OK... we'll see you later. Cheer up, yeah." Elspeth patted her arm as she stood, and she and Briana left her to her contemplations.
"What did you make of that?" Elspeth asked, as they reached the stairwell.
"I never realised she was so... insecure." Briana seemed astonished. "There's... I don't know how it works in her head. She doesn't think she deserves anything, but then puts on this big 'God I'm wonderful' act every time she goes out. I don't know if she's arrogant, paranoid or what..."
"We could ask someone doing psych, but that list consists of Shawna, for me."
"And Corinne."
"Yeah, and Corrine... we needed to talk to her anyway."
"Later, though. You'll see her at choir today, won't you?"
"Yeah... listen... do you think we should be interfering like this?"
"With Marcus?"
"Yeah... I mean... I'd like to see him happy, too, but... he kind of has to make his own choices, doesn't he?"
"He will be. We're just... improving his selection. We're not forcing him into anything..."
"You came." Marcus seemed genuinely surprised as he saw Tony, Elspeth and Briana claim their seats in the front row of the sparsely populated stand.
"Well, to be honest, we didn't know it was even on until we saw Tony on his way out this morning." Elspeth said, looking around. "Um... I know this is going to sound stupid, but... Where's the ice?"
"You wanted a drink?" Marcus seemed confused.
"No... Tony said you were competing today."
"Yes." He admitted, hesitantly. "I shouldn't need ice, I'm not in the contact bouts until this afternoon."
"Contact bouts?" Briana joined the confusion. "Shawna said you were ice dancing?"
"Ice dancing?" Tony cut in. "Dude, you told me this was jujitsu — I came to see someone get their arse kicked, not frozen."
"It's jujitsu, Tony, I promise you."
"So... what's going on?"
"Jujitsu competition. Kata sequences this morning — that's my specialty — and then one-on-one and team sparring competition this afternoon."
"And where exactly does ice-dancing come into this?" Elspeth wondered.
"I took this up back at home about two years three month... a little over two years ago. Shawna saw me on my way out, checked on the board to see what was on, and got it into her head that I was ice-dancing — it was the only thing on the board she could imagine me doing."
"And you didn't set her straight?"
"She seemed really enthusiastic about it, so..."
"And she still doesn't know?"
"I figured she'd have guessed by now, but... apparently not. Listen, I have to go get changed, I'll see you guys later. Thanks for coming." He made his way off somewhere beneath the stand to the changing area.
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Here I stand. In front of God, the world, and everyone with my mother bent over her great grandmother’s tombstone with my cock buried deep inside her soaking wet cunt. How the hell did I get here? *My name is Brandon and I was a nineteen-year-old college student at a university in northern Illinois. I’m from a small town in the southern end of the state where my mother lived. At 5’10 and 150 lbs I was fit enough to be on any team I liked, but I wasn't into sports, I was too busy either studying...
IncestFinding myself suddenly single. my mind was torn between what I lost and what possibilities were out in front of me. at my age. Between bouts of depression, and loneliness I started fantasizing , maybe I’d meet some cute young girl who wanted an older established man. I’ve always had a thing for young girls. It’s something I’ve only ever admitted to myself and online anonymously. In chat rooms or now like this. Growing up I think the sight of little sis and some little cousins running around...
Robby pushed through the door to Antony's Deli, listening to the merry tinkle of the entry bell over the door. The unseasonably warm weather had him carrying his coat, brought along against the possibility presented by overcast skies. He hung his coat by the door and found where his mother was waiting for him. She had picked a booth against the wall this time, and he slid in. Robby saw immediately there was something different about her. "Hello, dear," his mother began diffidently....
He coughed and put the empty shot glass down on the bar, blinking rapidly as the whisky burned its way into his stomach. Shaking his head, he turned and blanched as he watched her at the opposite end of the bar. Hannah tossed her long blonde curls over a bare shoulder with a laugh, her blood-red dress making her a beacon of beauty that men just couldn’t seem to resist. Joel slumped onto a barstool as the surreal angel delicately accepted a long-stemmed wineglass from another suitor, and ordered...
CuckoldThursday, June 10, 2010 When Havel came by in the morning to pick up Ellen, Jake gave him last-minute instructions and described Harris’s car to him. “With my mother staying away from her gym, the only places where Harris knows to find her are at work and at home. I mostly worry about when she arrives at work and when she leaves. Make sure that he can’t approach you without you seeing him. We figured out how he was keeping my mother from seeing him, and I stopped it. She can help you watch...
Introduction: Master takes his kitten out for the night. As kitty naps peacefully after a long day of cleaning (and testing) new toys, master lets himself into the house and walks into the room, finding her sound asleep with blankets strewn all about her naked body. Her soft, slightly bruised curves rise and fall with her slow, shallow breathing. He smiles at the sight of his beautiful pet, so peacefully resting. He places a hand on her waist and looks her up and down. She is perfect. He holds...
HOME VISIT PART 2 ZOE’S TURNAs I recovered from the amazing BJ from Zoë, I was still fingering Mina’s very wet pussy and it didn’t take long for my cock to grow hard again, I stood up pulled Zoë up close and started to kiss her out tongues finding each others, the kissing got more passionate and I slowly removed her sheer silk gown (well It might not have been silk)As I removed her gown I saw for the first time the fantastic tits she had, big round natural breast with beautiful brown nipples, I...
Stefanie machte sich auf den Weg zu ihrem Nachhilfe Schüler Sebastian. Seit 2 Monaten gab sie dem pubertierenden Knirps Mathe Nachhilfe wobei sie bei ihm eigentlich keine Hoffnung hatte. Er kapierte absolut garnichts von dem was sie sagte, aber seine Eltern zahlen gut dafür also war es ihr egal. Wie immer wenn Sebastian ihr die Tür öffnete grinste er sie dümlich an. Sie begrüßte ihn höflich und machte sich auf den Weg in sein Zimmer. Sebastian schloss die Tür hinter ihr und grinste weiter...
Mind ControlDan knew he had set himself up for this one. And he must have intended it all along. It was no accident he had just happened to call up the girl he had bad the biggest crush on in high school, when he heard she was still in town working as a city planner-and not married. Lola had been one of the few girls in school who had not thrown themselves at Dan. For that reason, she had captivated him. She was the unattainable. And she was beautiful, with her high Indian cheekbones and her flashing...
Don't get me wrong; I loved Frank. We were lovers since my senior year of high school. We were talking about big plans and running off to get married until I enrolled in college. I was studying law enforcement and the man I am telling the story about was studying conservation law. We met in class. One thing led to another and we started talking a lot more and going to lunch more frequently after class. Chase was his name. He stood at 6'5 with broad shoulders and calloused hands. He was a farmer...
Straight SexI don't think she knows quite how much of a thrill it gives me, hearing her describe to me how she's going to tell everybody how worthless I am, how little gratitude I give her, how unworthy of her presence I am and how gracious she is to bother treating me like shit when she could just as easily ignore my every word and I'd still give her every penny. The harsh yet swiftly confident bite of her voice was a sign that she meant every word; you can't fake such sincerity. I adore her punishments,...
BDSMHey, I thank you for following me on Instagram and donating towards my work. I feel like I am onto something here. Maybe we can create a community for the series I am writing but all I will need is your help, love and support. Anyway, you rightly said that don’t make it too long a break as you wanna know what happened after the party ended and I went back with my uncle and Meenakshi to the house and certainly the word “Three” which was stuck in my mind all along. Hey before I continue further...
Chapter 3: Accusations Jordan and Jeanne had just finished their session in the Milking devices. Because of the extra help that Dee Dee had given Jordan's balls, Jordan was the clear winner in this event. Both Barocca and Jeanne had finished viciously insulting and accusing Dee Dee and Tiffany of cheating of some sort. At this point, Rhiannon and the Vectran girls entered the auditorium from the side. Rhiannon decided to make a bold entrance, and called out, "Well, well! Is this a private...
After leaving Keith's office, Susan spent the afternoon piddling away the day with Debbie. If Deb was embarrassed about watching Keith and her that morning it certainly didn't show. Sue highly suspected and desperately hoped that Debbie didn't know she had seen her. What she knew for absolute certain was Debbie liked to watch. Of course Susan had no idea that she had already been the center of Debbie's attention the evening before when she had unwittingly played the starring role in the...
Unfaithful slutIt was coming up to our tenth wedding anniversary and my husband and I had discussed various ways of celebrating the event. Restaurant with friends, House party with friends, and the list was endless.As we were in the middle of a glorious summer, we both decided that we would have a Barbeque party and we could give it a theme to make it a little more fun. The idea would be to hold the event late afternoon right through to late evening as the temperatures dropped and would provide...
It did not seem incongruous to me that an event as momentous as this would be taking place in an undistinguished courtroom, in a nondescript county building, in a bland rural county, in the midst of a featureless Midwest State. As a child, I always thought that history’s major events occurred on a grand stage. I knew that ordinary events happened in small places like in the kitchen at home, in the classroom at school, or that tiny cubicle that my dad called his ‘office’. But things like...
I have been a bachelor for quite some time now and had sex with my flatmate, who is gay, for the first time a couple of weeks ago. My ass hole was now a little more wider and my butt fluffier. We had sex in the bathroom and then spent the night in each other’s arms while we kissed. That was that day, and since then we sleep naked and mostly kiss each other to sleep. Sometimes, when we want to, we suck each other’s dicks. That usually takes us 2-3 hours. We do not go for orgasm but build to it...