Lesleys ReturnChapter 4B
- 3 years ago
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Frank Forster paused in the doorway of the public library; he tugged at the collar of his raincoat, and tightened his belt round his slim athletic body to keep out the driving rain. It was a dark wet Thursday afternoon in November. Although it was only just 4.00 pm. He was feeling lonely, dejected and sorry for himself; living on his own; he missed the companionship from his University days.
His job teaching at a local college had been his first and only job offer, since graduating as a Mechanical Engineer a year ago. At the age of 23, recently married and with the baby due soon, he had been grateful for the job when it was offered. The pay was reasonable and would do, until something more suitable came along. He had been able to rent a small two bedroom self contained flat. It was not large and badly needed redecorating, but the rent was reasonable, and it was warm and dry. He had expected Jane to move to live with him after they had married, but she had adamantly refused.
The rain seemed to be getting heavier, so there seemed to be little point in waiting any longer. He knew that he would get very wet anyway, just getting to his car. He was about to move, when he heard a quiet, but insistent voice behind him say.
"Hello Sir fancy meeting you."
Turning round, he saw Jill one of his young maths students. Her face was pale and her lips were blue with cold. She was extremely wet and uncomfortable and shivering with cold, as she clutched her raincoat tightly around her, and hunching down into her coat to keep warm. Her dark hair hung over her shoulders like rats tails. Despite her wet condition, she was smiling, and obviously seemed very pleased to see him.
"Hello Jill, How did you get that wet?"
"I have been walking to pass the time, I've lost my front door key, and I can't get in until seven o clock when my parents get home. I got caught in the open when that last heavy shower started, so I came in here to shelter."
Frank realised that Jill had got another three hours to wait before she could go home.
"Is there no-one at all, perhaps a friend, who you could wait with"? He asked.
"No Sir. We only moved here a few weeks ago, so we don't know that many people, but don't you worry about me, I'll be alright. I'll go and get a cup of coffee that will warm me up."
Frank could not abandon her in that condition. He was also aware that taking her home could be very easily be misconstrued, although, he really did not think he had much of a choice.
Reluctantly he said. "Would you like to come and have a cup of tea with me, at least you will be in the dry and warm until you can go home?"
She hesitated briefly, "Oh yes Sir, if it's not putting you out"
"Of course not, you can not possibly hang around in that condition. No point in you getting any wetter than you are. If that's at all possible",
Arriving home, Frank told Jill to take her raincoat off and warm herself while he went to the bathroom to fetch her towel so that she could dry her hair. As she waited for Frank, Jill looking round saw that the flat, was a typical bachelor pad, untidy and badly needing cleaning, redecoration and new furnishings. She knew that Frank was married, and had heard that his wife still lived in Manchester. It was obvious that she rarely, if ever, visited the flat, no caring wife could possibly accept her husband living in these dreary surroundings.
Jill had never had a permanent boy friend - boys of her age were too immature for her. At seventeen, nearly eighteen, Jill longed for a man with maturity. Frank had all the qualities she had dreamed about. He was kind, and a very good teacher. But not until now did she ever dream she could get this close to him. Returning to the lounge, Frank saw that the rain had gone right through her raincoat. Her clothes were completely sodden.
"You must have got to have some dry clothes; and have a hot bath; otherwise you will catch a chill. I will see what I can find for you." Frank told her concerned at her condition. Going to his bedroom, he found some track suit trousers, a white sweater and a pair of slippers. They would be far too large, but they would have to do. That was all he had. He took Jill to the bathroom, ran a bath for her and gave her some more towels. He told her.
"Take your time and have a good soak. I will get some hot food organised."
It was nearly half an hour before Jill emerged from the Bathroom. Frank, for the first time realised what a beautiful girl she was. Her dark, almost olive complexion, and jet black hair contrasted against the white sweater, showed her natural beauty to its best advantage. Frank suddenly felt himself blushing. Jill was quietly pleased with Frank's reaction; she knew that he was now for the first time very much aware of her as a woman.
They ate without speaking. Frank was finding it hard to keep his eyes off Jill. Each times he dared to sneak a look at her, somehow there eyes would meet adding to his confusion. Jill sensed the effect that she was having on Frank; things were going much better for her than she had planned.
"I'm sorry I look such a mess." She volunteered to Frank shyly.
"Oh no, anything but," Frank replied rather breathlessly. "You look absolutely fantastic - oh I'm sorry, I should not have said that." Realising that his response could easily be misconstrued, and again lapsing into an embarrassed silence.
It was obvious to Jill that Frank was finding it hard to cope. He was no longer the cool dispassionate lecturer that Jill saw every day at College.
"I'm surprised that your wife is not living here with you. Doesn't she like the flat?" Jill asked.
"Jane has never seen the flat. She prefers to live with her Mother. Frank replied tersely.
"Have you had a row or separated or something." Jill asked quietly. "Or shouldn't I ask.
"No, its nothing like that. - Oh I might as well tell you. Her Mother insists Jane lives at home until the Baby is born; you see I met Jane for the first time at an end of term disco last May; one thing led to another, and we spent the night together. At the beginning of the next term, she told me she was pregnant, and suggested we get married. I liked her and thought perhaps we could be happy. But I'm afraid that her Mother blames me for her pregnancy. So relations are a bit strained."
"But you only slept with her once, and you hardly knew her is that right?" Jane asked.
"Yes, I suppose that's right, I probably know you better, if the truth were told, but I suppose we were unfortunate" Frank replied.
"Are you really sure that the baby is yours? Jill asked.
"Jane assures me it is" Frank responded. "She should know"
Jill responded acidly. "Yes she should - shouldn't she?"
Jill's outspoken comments did not help Frank at all. He had had the same doubts himself recently.
He had however made up his mind that when the baby was born he would insist that Jane should move to live with him. He intended to make every effort to make his marriage work despite his doubts.
As the evening went on Jill began to talk more about herself and her parents. Frank began to realise that Jill had her problems too and that she too was probably quite lonely.
Jill told him." My parents don't understood why I don't want to become a doctor. Since I made the decision they seem to have lost interest in what I do; don't get me wrong, they look after me and provide for me, but they never ask about my studies, or boyfriends or anything"
Frank found himself comparing Jane with Jill. He knew that it was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. He was, infatuated with her. It was nine-o'clock, before Jill's clothes were dry enough for her to dress to go home. Frank was reluctant to let her go, time had passed quickly for him and he had enjoyed her company. He offered to walk her home... As they walked slowly towards her house. Jill tucked her arm in his, pulling him close to her. She was very happy; she was gently teasing him just as though he was an old friend. Unfortunately the walk took only a few minutes. As they stopped outside her house Frank heard himself say.
"Thank you Jill for a very pleasant evening. Will you come and see me again soon?"
"Oh yes please. Jill replied." I'd love to."
Turning to face him, she planted a light kiss on his cheek. Jill called out as Frank walked away.
"Good night Frank."Thank you for everything."
Opening her handbag, she found the key that she had told Frank that she had lost. Jill looked down the street after Frank. She knew he could not hear her as she said.
"Well Frank, a girl has to take her chances. Just give me time and you will be mine." It had been a wonderful evening, despite the sacrifice of having to stand under that overflowing drain to get so wet. But it had been well worth it in the end. She stood waiting in the hallway forlornly. She wanted to tell her Mother about her evening. Hoping that she would ask where she had been, perhaps even scold her for being late.
But no, her Mother having heard her come in, appeared from the lounge. She was not at all curious; nor did she want to comment on her daughter's bedraggled appearance. She just said "Oh it's you darling. Are you alright?" Without even bothering to wait for her answer, she walked back into the lounge, closing the door behind her. Jill stood there for a moment, a tear trickled down her cheek. Sobbing quietly, she ran upstairs to her bedroom.
She had been so happy when she came in. It would have been a wonderful climax to the evening, to be able to sit down, over a cup of Coffee with her Mother and tell her about Frank. She thought miserably. It is as if I did not exist. Jill increasingly wondered what would happen if she stopped coming home. It was possible she thought that they would not miss her for several days. Jill had fallen for Frank as soon as she had joined his class. He was a good teacher, he was kind and he made Maths easy and interesting. He had time for the slow learners, never ever appearing to lose patience.
Apart from that, he was good looking with kind eyes and a good sense of humour. He was polite, commanded respect and treated the students with respect. This was not always the case with many tutors. All the students liked him, many of the other girls also admitted to having a 'crush' on him. Seeing him this afternoon outside the library had been pure chance. She had told a few lies, taken a few risks but, her plan had succeeded so far. Now he was her good friend; soon, if she had her way, he would be more, much more. She was not going to let him get away now.
Frank walked home in a daze. He could not believe how he, a normal sensible married man could find himself so enraptured with a girl he hardly knew. His mind was in conflict. He had to see more of this enchanting creature - yet common sense told him that he was a married man with a baby due any time now. It was as though she had cast some sort of spell over him.
That night as she lay in bed, Jill began to realise that she was no longer angry with her Mother. Her parents, she decided were no longer important to her. She still loved them, she supposed she always would. All that mattered to Jill now was Frank. She realised that she loved him. He made her feel important, and he understood her. She vowed that from now on her life would be devoted to him and to their mutual happiness.
As usual, she drifted off to sleep to dream about Frank, but tonight her dreams had greater reality. He was no longer her teacher, tonight he was her lover, husband and the father of her children. Jill would have been ecstatic, had she known that not far away Frank was also dreaming about her.
During the next week Frank saw Jill several times in class. They smiled at each other when they met, but apart from that, it was as though their meeting had never taken place. Jill knew that she should not push him too hard. Although she wanted to go and speak to him, she sensed that for now, he would appreciate her discretion.
Frank could not get Jill out of his mind. For a few days he watched with apprehension for reactions from other students. He knew that most girls her age could not have resisted the temptation to talk about an evening alone with a male teacher. Perhaps, adding a few extra spicy details of their own. As the week passed, Frank's anxieties eased, slowly he became satisfied that Jill had kept their meeting a secret. He had seen no sign of the surreptitious smiles, or the giggling behind hands, that would have happened had she talked. He began to feel that he could trust her. He knew that somehow he must spend more time with her, but he knew that it could be dangerous, both professionally and personally. He was very conscious, that he was after all he was a married man, but he was lonely and he had enjoyed their evening together so much.
As he moved about the College on his normal duties he realised that he was looking for her. When she walked into his classroom his eyes followed her avidly. He knew that Jill was conscious of his interest. She ensured that their eyes rarely met. She knew she could not trust herself not to betray her feelings.
That week Frank began to take more, than the normal interest in Jill's mathematics assignments. She was no longer just another student. She was special. He was resolved to help her in any way that he could. He admired her obvious courage and tenacity, in his determination to help her, he became more attentive and critical in marking her work, yet, he made absolutely sure that every comment he made was as constructive and helpful as it could possibly be.
As her Tutor, he was expected to maintain the professional relationship that was implicit in his position. He knew he should not get involved emotionally with her, but he wanted to. It was hopeless, he was losing the battle. He wanted to see her again. He became desperate, hoping fervently that their friendship was not at an end. Every night during that week, he waited hoping for a knock on the door, but it did not come. He knew well enough that student tutor friendships can easily be misconstrued.
It was not as though, she was below the age of consent, or, that there was a great gap in their respective ages. As the week went on he gradually became depressed, his spirits sank. He began to convince himself it had all been a dream. On the Thursday morning, exactly one week from their meeting. Jill waited until all the other students had left the room. Approaching Frank she asked him. "Did you mean it, when you told me to come and see you if I had problems with my work?
Frank smiled his heart beating with excitement. "Of course Jill... I thought you would never ask."
"Would it be possible for me to come and see you this evening, to go over one or two points that are bothering me? She asked. Laughingly he said, "On one condition. You have to come to tea first and sample my Baked Beans on Toast. Come at about 4.30 if you can". Smiling back at him, her eyes showing her pleasure. She turned away saying "Thank you Sir. I'll see you later".
Jill knew from Frank's reaction that she had employed exactly the right tactics. As she had spoken to him, his yes had showed his relief; his voice had betrayed the excitement that he was feeling.
Exactly at 4.30 pm that afternoon Frank heard a tap on the door. Opening it, Jill stood shyly looking at him. He saw straight away that she had gone to great pains with her appearance. She looked slightly older with more make-up, Her light blue Jeans, enhanced her slim waist and hips, a smart white plain blouse and slightly higher heels than she normally wore at College, made her look absolutely enchanting. The effect was completed with a smart tailored blue jacket draped over her shoulders. In her hand was a document case which Frank assumed contained her notes.
Frank smiled happily, "Hello, Jill you look ravishing tonight - who is the lucky fellow?"
During the morning, a futile nominal attempt was usually made to preserve normality and to work as usual. But previous years had shown that this policy was invariably an abject failure. End of term for Christmas was almost always marked by boisterous students taking advantage of the Season of Goodwill. Not much work was done, as many students had started drinking at an early hour. A number of the girls were busy chasing the boys and some of the younger lecturers they fancied, for a quick, or...
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Introduction: Sue decides to fuck Frank to please hubby, and loves it Hi, My name is Sue you have met me before in some stories published here. I am writing on my husbands account. When he set up this account he did not notice you could set it up as a couple. Sorry! My husband has written about our times with Frank (That is what my husband calls him so I shall do so also) I thought the readers of these stories may enjoy being told about what happened with the three of us from MY point of...
I am writing on my husband's account. When he set up this account he did not notice you could set it up as a couple. Sorry! My husband has written about our times with Frank (That is what my husband calls him so I shall do so also) I thought the readers of these stories may enjoy being told about what happened with the three of us from MY point of view. My recollection of what happened may be a different from Hubby's, but I am sure that can be blamed on the fact we remember things...
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A most dangerous game: FrankIt’s a poor excuse, but I was ‘On the rebound’. Well, maybe not. Rebounding suggests bouncing back -- after my divorce it wasn’t a bounce, it was more like a splat. Three years earlier I abandoned my own grad studies to work so we’d have a reasonable standard of living while my new husband finished at Harvard Law. He graduated, passed the bar exam and started a career.Our marriage began fading for reasons I didn’t understand until I learned he was having an affair...
SeductionThis is a story that happened some time ago, when I seduced my Uncle Frank. Uncle FrankUncle Frank was married to my mum's sister. He was about 10 years older than Aunt May, and it was both their second marriages. Uncle Frank had an Italian father, French mother, three older sisters, loads of nephews and nieces, and had property in Kensington, the Algarve, and Telluride. You could say he was quite wealthy.They had met in the early 1970's, and spent their wild and wonderful life traveling the...
CrossdressingThis story only available on Lush Stories. Dedicated to a humble man and a lovely friend.It isn’t every day one wins the chance to meet one’s favourite writer, and the women of certain lusty circles had been ready to scratch each other's eyes out over the charity competition. For a mere 3,000 (or $4653.90) donation, anybody with the cash and will to write a poem could enter and be in with a chance to meet Frank Leigh. Nobody remembers if there was a second prize. Or a third. Who cared, when...
HumorElderly couple donates their land for a public park on Earth Day. Earth Day had a different meaning for Fern and Frank. Married for more than sixty years and in poor health for the last ten years, they made a pact. A man on a mission for all that Fern had done for him throughout their lives together, the cooking, the cleaning, the caring, and the loving support she gave him, Frank would do for Fern what she was now too frail and too feeble to do for herself. Donating their land on Earth Day...
Frank and Grace: Frank's POV Frank strained at the ropes which bound him, making sure that escape was not possible. He lay there in anticipation seeing nothing - his eyes were closed under the blindfold - and saying nothing - the gag in his mouth would keep him from saying anything intelligible, so he chose to say nothing. He could hear Grace in the distance rummaging through a box (at least he imagined it was a box). At these moments, Frank has found himself thinking about a lot of things -...
The day that lovely JoAnne met Frank and Burt was Valentines Day, so she wanted to look EXTRA special. She wore a nice, tight white sweater, front-pleated, two-pocket camel-colored dress pants, and black heels; not the spike heels the older girls tend to wear, but the broad heels more fashionable among the young. JoAnne, herself, was just 22 years old. She then went to the big bathroom mirror in her apartment and bent over to see if her panty line was showing through her pants. Sabrina, her...
Group SexThings continued as before with coursework, classes and, for Sandy, continuing her preparation for her exams, now scheduled for early January. That schedule meant that both the written and oral parts could be completed before the second semester started around the third week of the month. Knowing her and the quality of her work, her adviser and committee seemed confident that she would pass despite its difficulty. Of course, there were interludes of more interesting activities – a party the...
I've said a number of times that it is difficult for me to describe parts of my old life. Imagine your worst nightmare. Go ahead, do it. Now, imagine it continuing for twenty-four hours every day, without interruption. Imagine that nightmare continuing every day of every week for well over five years without a single break. I didn't have to imagine it. I lived it; that was my life. I hated it. It was hell on earth, and that doesn't even begin to describe it. I was the sexual plaything...
They got together a couple of more times before Frank took his prelims, having sex and prepping him for the exams. Several times she helped him ‘relax’ after a day’s exam. There was more badly needed relaxing while awaiting the results. Fortunately, he did pass and, a week later, the oral exam was completed and he was unofficially ABD – all but dissertation. He and his advisor had discussed his proposed research topic, so the next step was doing the research and writing while holding a...
My head hurt, my stomach was roiling and my wife was screaming at me: ‘You bastard! You rotten cock sucking bastard! How could you do this to me? One day, I’m gone one fucking day and leave you here alone and you do this to me.’ I had no idea what she was ranting about, all I knew is that I had to get to the toilet. I barely made it. After praying at the Porcelain Throne I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, took three aspirin and then stumbled back into the bedroom to see what the hell had...
Frank is a buddy of mine. We grew up and went to college together. While we were in college Frank and I went on a road trip from Lubbock to Dallas. We got to Dallas went to a few strip clubs and then finally found ourselves on Harry Hines Blvd. It was about 1 in the morning we were both horny and a little drunk. Frank pulls up to this leggy blonde in a short skirt and fishnet hose and asks how much. She told us she would do us for free for a ride home. We said fuck yes. Frank had me...
I live next door to a very attractive divorce, she is in her early 60s and always dresses well and looks after herself. For several months now she has been seeing a gentle called frank he too is in his early 60s and I believe has just retired. Anyway to get you on the right track I had been speaking to a guy from my town on a gay Web chat and after several good chats I found out his name was frank and other things that sort of linked him with the lady next door but I didn't say anything to...
After that second episode, there was nothing of the apologetic, ‘we shouldn’t have done what we did’ pas de deux of the first time between Sandy and Frank. Sandy had let Frank keep his symbol of success, her panties, and that brief give-and-take clearly proved that she was ok with their extramarital activities and a strong implication that she welcomed more. While they acted completely normal after school started when others were around, there were a few quiet, discreet and brief conversations...
She hung up, checked herself in the mirror one more time, and, opening the door, called down to Frank, ‘All right, you can come up now.’ She backed up until she was standing away from the bed in front of some bookcases and stood there until he came into the room. I have no idea as to what he was expecting, but his face had a stunned expression as he saw her. His mouth gaped open and he just stood there, speechless, until he was finally gasp out, ‘My god, Sandy, you’re beautiful!’ He didn’t say...
I sat there in utter shock as I watched her go into the house. Obviously, I drove home but I have no recollection of doing so. One thing became excruciating obvious: it is one thing to be told that your wife has been screwed by someone else and another to suddenly realize that she is planning to do so. The first is over and done with, a fait accompli, and beyond your control, so you deal with it. You blow up or you just accept it – but it’s happened. In the second case, however, nothing has...
Kelly was a sweet girl and we struck up quite a rapport, she had my kind of personality and as we sat and chatted she told me that the bar was about to shut down as the trade wasn’t what it was, I could understand that as I was there 2 hours and not a sole came in which was fine by me as Kelly was good company. I already had 3 drinks when she picked up my glass for another refill, “Get one for yourself” I said as I stood up asking where the toilet was as I needed to empty out the last three, “I...
Frank or Francine By Donna Sash [email protected] Her nephew had been with her for three years now. When he came to her house at 15 he was not that much of a discipline problem, but as time went on he was getting worse. He was hanging around with a rough gang. April was at her wits end as to what could be done to keep him in check. His 18th birthday was coming up next week and she knew that either she was to do something right now or loose him forever. Last week at a gathering...
Sarah: Saturday morning Frank arrived and we made love and after the good sex I fried the shrimp for lunch. We continued making love together all weekend, but I showed off my cooking skill as well. Next week we left for work from my house and he accepted my earlier suggestion to sleep in my bedroom, so my bedroom, my house became his bedroom and his house. I asked him, when he went to work on Monday what time he would arrive at OUR HOUSE. He was touched by my question, OUR HOUSE... Frank...
So, that rousing and scary event was over, and another, unexpected, rendezvous was set up for the second Saturday night in a row. There was one difference, however, and that was that I had gotten the equipment I needed to wirelessly connect the camera in the suite to the TV in our bedroom. As a result, I could watch the action live and, at the same time, record it on the hard drive of our Panasonic DVD player-recorder. This was going to be much more comfortable than looking down through a...
We returned to the real world of class participation, talking about things of interest from my conference, progress in prelim preparation, plus all the minutia of regular, ordinary life. However, that evening we viewed what we really were interested in, the camera recording of Sandy’s affair. She had turned the camera on before he was expected on Friday night, so there was a long period, which I fast-forwarded through, where all we saw an empty bedroom. Finally, they walked in and with Frank...
As I said I was now going back downstairs to the guys after having showered, changed and chatted with Mike... I walked down the shared stairway and knocked on the front door. Bill answered, again dressed in a bathrobe following a shower. "Oh your back and looking sexy as fuck" was how he greeted me ... I wandered in, Bill patting my arse as I passed him in the hall. "Look at this Frank" he called into the living room..."Look at how our sexy slut has dressed for us this time" Frank...