Gaia's ChampionChapter 14 free porn video

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The woman who came through the tunnel that led to where the guardians stood stared at everyone assembled. Surprise was painted all over her face, as she wasn’t expecting this many people here. Her eyes wandered around, taking in everyone who was there, before settling on Jason.

“Jason? Is that you?!?” the woman called Sheena asked.

“Yeah, it’s me! Hold up, how did you get here? What are you doing here?” he questioned her.

“That is something I would like to know,” Phalmina piped up, coming in behind Jason. “How did you get past the guardians?”

“They let me past, once they knew who, or more like, what I am,” Sheena replied with an air of self importance.

“And what exactly are you?” Elizabeth asked. She was more than a little miffed that this woman walked on in here, acting like she owned the place.

“She’s a Shaman,” Daelina told them.

“A Shaman? An Awakened Shaman? How do you know this?” Emalia wondered.

“She saw through the illusory wall that was there and got past the guardians. They are still alive, I can sense it, and they aren’t offended. They seem more ... relieved. Besides, she has a totem of the Wolf at her belt, if anyone cares to look,” Daelina said to everyone.

Once they all stole a look, sure enough, there was a totem of sorts, hanging at her waist. It was a hand-carved totem, with a wolf’s head relief at the top of it. She also wore several bracelets and charms, which appeared to be strategically placed on her person.

“In that case, we are happy that you’ve found your way to our grove, Sheena of the Wolf Spirit. Welcome!” Phalmina said, going up to Sheena, giving her a hug. Daelina and Emalia too walked on up, embracing the woman. The woman looked at the fairies with a smile before continuing her conversation with Jason.

“So, I’m curious on what you’re doing here, Jay. Are you a servant to the fairies and the Druidess?” she asked, gesturing to Eva.

“Actually, no. I’ve helped awaken Eva to her druidic powers, using my power and the fairies’ help, along with our new troll friend, Xaera,” he said, waving the troll woman to come forward. It surprised Sheena to see a troll as gorgeous as Xaera, and her face was one of utter shock.

“What? You’ve never seen a troll before?” Xaera asked the new arrival.

“Not one that is just so ... hot!!” Sheena answered honestly.

“Why thank you! It’s good to know that even human females find me attractive,” Xaera gushed, taking the compliment.

“You helped them unlock her power? How? Servants don’t have that level of magical power,” Sheena queried, directing the question at Jason.

“That’s because I’m the lead Druid here, not Eva,” Jason said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

“You? A Druid?? That’s a good one!” Sheena cackled, thinking a massive joke was being played.

She was the only one laughing though, as everyone else present was not amused. Mina started going red in the face and her fingers twitched, itching to lay out the impudent woman. Jason then raised his hand, letting her and everyone else know to back down, that he had this.

Sheena continued laughing as Jason drew upon Gaia’s power, the magic coming to him much easier now. He directed several roots and plants nearby to entangle and restrain Sheena. Quicker than thought, the plants struck, wrapping the woman up before she had even a moment to react. Sheena squealed in surprise as the plants encircled her arms and legs, keeping her from moving at all.

Her head snapped up to see the magic wreathing the man, and her jaw fell open in disbelief. The magic did its job and held the woman in place, while Jason directed a single bolt at the orange tree. It absorbed the life-giving power, as though it would absorb water, growing ever larger.

One of the branches drifted down to Jason, almost like it was thanking him for the energy. Jason reached out and stroked the branch, before taking a ripe orange from the branch and started peeling it. He was about halfway when he turned back to Sheena, who had overcome her doubts and knew that Jason was truly a Druid.

“Orange, Sheena? I know how you like these,” Jason said as he chuckled to himself quietly.

“How about you let me out and then we can talk about whether I want one??” she growled, not liking the fact that she was restrained as she was.

“Apologize,” he said.


“It’s simple, really. I expect an apology,” Jason told her with a look on his face.

“For what?” she groused.

“At this moment, for not believing me when I told you I was a Druid. I mean, why else would I be here? How would I have found this grove if I wasn’t a Druid or a Shaman in the first place?” he asked.

“OK, OK, OK! I’m sorry, all right? It was a mistake on my part. I forgot that you never told a lie to anyone you cared about,” Sheena replied, sounding a little sheepish. With a wave of his hand, Jason had the vines and roots release Sheena and allow her to move around.

“Apology accepted,” Jason chuckled.

“How the fuck did I miss this?” Sheena griped.

“What do you mean?”

“I had access to my Shamanistic magics back in high school and could tell what was what, and who was who,” she said. “I’m just wondering how the fuck I could have missed you having the power to become a Druid.”

“That is something that we have the Sons of Caesar to thank for. Somehow, I don’t know how, they put a block on my ability to sense the magic within me,” Jason replied.

“What? Do you have any idea who could have done it?” she asked, worry tinging her voice.

“Nope. Still trying to figure that one out,” Jason admitted.

“How do you know the Sons did it? More importantly, how do you know about the Sons of Caesar? I just found out about them last year!” Sheena peeped.

“I tangled with them last night and thanks to everyone here,” he said with a sweep of his arms, “I got out and dealt them a serious blow.”

“How serious?” she asked.

“Most of the order is dead, is what he means,” Emalia said while flitting by a group of oleanders.

“Dead?? Like, stone cold, rigor mortis, turned into a corpse dead?” Sheena asked.

“Yeah. That’s what dead means,” Daelina said, flying right by Ema.

“Holy shit! You ... you all just did the world a huge fucking favor by icing those bastards! They were not only chasing me but also trying to find others like me, to take their power for their own! How did you do it? How did it happen?” she asked excitedly.

Jason had her sit down and gestured for her to do so. He then told her what had happened the night previous, with everyone jumping in and telling their parts in it. Sheena was surprised and taken aback by everything that happened. Especially Jason’s ferocity when dealing with the Sons and killing them. The story took a while to tell, and when it was finished, Sheena was amazed at everything she heard.

“That was ... wow! You all helped with getting him out of there? That’s just ... amazing! I’m thrilled that you stayed friends with Luke! He’s always been a good soul!” Sheena told him.

“Thanks Sheena! I’m sure he’ll appreciate being told that and knowing it’s a real thing!” Jason smiled. “Before we keep talking, can we get dressed, please?”

Phalmina and Eva looked down at themselves and blushed fiercely, before scrambling to get their clothing back on. Jason walked over to where his pants were and slid back into them, but not before Sheena got herself an eyeful. It had been a while since she’d seen a naked man, and Sheena wasn’t shy about her interest. Especially since Jason had filled out and become a literal Adonis.

Sheena wasn’t hard on the eyes either, a fact that Jason remembered well. She was shorter than he was, but only by an inch at five-foot-ten. She possessed milk chocolate skin that was flawless, coupled with curves that went on for days. Her bust equaled Ema’s easily and her hips were so round, you could bounce a quarter off them.

With her body of a shape that could be best described as thick fit, Sheena was a goddess. She was a fair bit thinner than Jason remembered though, but that might be because of where she was living. By the state of her clothes and how lean she was, the man could tell she had been sleeping a bit rough. Despite this, the beauty of her face hadn’t changed one bit.

She had an oval face, with a delicate, but strong jaw, rounded cheeks and wide, expressive, green eyes. Sheena’s hair was black and done up in a multitude of braids that hung past her waist. Her features were a blend of Congo black and a Haida native, which was as rare as it was beautiful.

“Am I as you remembered, or did you need another look?” Jason teased. Sheena blushed but didn’t look away.

“I don’t know. Maybe I do, because I don’t remember you having muscles like that,” she grinned. Phalmina growled quietly, wanting to say something, but holding her tongue, as it was clear that Jason and Sheena had some history together.

“You tease! Anyway, I think you need to be introduced to everyone here,” Jason said, and he made a point of doing so. It surprised her to see a couple of girls from high school there. Even if she didn’t know them, it was still cool to see.

“So, to reiterate my question, why are you here?” Jason asked, after they finished the introductions.

“A few friends of mine passed along a message that a Druid had been Awakened and I came to meet him or her,” she explained.

“Friends? What friends?” Daelina asked, settling down on her shoulder. Sheena put her fingers in her mouth and blew a shrill whistle. Seconds later, a small pack of wolves bounded into the grove behind her, startling everyone.

“These friends. You know, they were more than a little miffed that you snubbed them last week,” Sheena admonished Jason. A couple of the wolves there growled in agreement, giving Jason a stern glare.

“Well, to be fair, I did kind of have my hands full coming to terms with my new powers, so apologies that I didn’t make time for these boys and girls,” Jason replied, as he kneeled and extended his hand to the nearest wolf.

The wolves looked up at Sheena, and after seeing her nod, they trotted out, licking Jason’s hand. Jason could sense that though they weren’t happy with him ignoring them last weekend, they gave him a pass because he was new at this. The wolves walked into the glade, sniffing the air and coming to everyone there.

“They are an inquisitive bunch, this pack. They just want to smell and lick everyone’s hands, so they know who’s here and who can be trusted as friends of Sheena,” Phalmina told everyone.

“You speak wolf?” Amy asked.

“Fairies speak every language on this Earth. One of the many gifts of Gaia,” Phalmina stated.

The wolves came and sat in front of everyone present, sniffing and licking the hands that were offered. For everyone human, except for Sheena and Jason, it was a novel experience. The pack was friendly with everyone there, except Xaera. The wolves could tell what she was, but were confused by her scent, as it wasn’t pure troll.

“North Moon, the pack alpha, wants to know what Xaera is. I’ve told them she is a half troll, but they don’t seem to understand the concept,” Phalmina told everyone there.

“I have an idea,” Jason said as he embraced Gaia’s magic.

His desire came to mind, and when the correct rune formed, he drew upon the magic to empower the rune. This allowed him to communicate directly with North Moon and it flared to life, creating a mental bond with the pack alpha. Once this bond was established, Jason let the magic fall away, having no further need of it then.

It was then that he formed an image in his mind of how other species came together. How they were different, yet similar enough to create offspring. He thought of horses, dogs, humans, and how the offspring they created were often different. He fed North Moon the images he conjured in his mind. Of how the mingling of various species produced many kinds of the same species, but each one looking different from the parents.

‘Oh! This is what Phalmina means by Xaera being half troll?’ a female voice said in Jason’s mind. This startled him until he realized it was North Moon speaking to him.

‘Yes. She is half troll, but the other half of her is human. That might be what is making her smell ... different,’ Jason thought back.

‘I see. We ... do not go near trolls. They kill and eat us, while we still live,’ North Moon told him.

‘Not this troll. She is different from her pureblooded kind. Xaera only wishes to live in peace and not hurt anyone if she doesn’t have to,’ Jason stated.

‘The stench of death is heavy upon her. She has killed recently,’ North Moon replied, still not convinced.

‘We all have killed. The only ones who were killed, were those who take Gaia’s power for their own gain. To corrupt and pervert her lifeforce for their own gain,’ Jason explained.

‘You killed the Corrupted?!?’ North Moon asked, shock and surprise echoing in her sending.

‘If these ... Corrupted ... are those who use magic that is evil and bind others to them as unwilling servants, then yes. We killed many and Xaera ... she broke the strongest of them,’ Jason imparted. He could feel the pleased shock ripple through the pack, as they regarded Xaera with a sense of reverence.

“OK, what just happened?” Elizabeth wondered.

“I would like to know as well! You and North Moon have been staring at each other for several minutes. I felt something ... happen with the bond I share with her. What did you do?” Sheena demanded.

“I have established a mental bond with North Moon, which allows me to communicate with her freely,” Jason explained.

“How the hell did you do that? It took me years to establish a bond with her! How did you do it so quickly?!?” Sheena asked, shocked that this was possible.

“Druids have direct access to Gaia’s lifeblood. Unlike the Shaman who have to work hard to cultivate such a bond and to gain access to Gaia’s magic, Druids are born with that connection,” Phalmina explained.

“Yup. What she said,” Emalia agreed. Sheena then stared at Jason in shock and awe, amazed at the raw power that he had at his command. If she was being honest with herself, Sheena was more than a little jealous of this power.

“I know that look. It’s the ‘I’m mad at you because you have something I don’t’ face,” Jason chuckled.

“My faces could have changed over the years for all you know,” Sheena snapped at him.

“No, they haven’t, and I can tell when you’re being a grump. Allow me to do something for you,” Jason said. He then embraced the magic of Gaia, bringing the rune he used for communicating with North Moon.

“Draw upon your magic and place your hand upon the rune. It will allow you to connect with North Moon as I have,” Jason told her.

Sheena was again shocked, but this time, by what Jason was offering! It seemed like a bit of a shortcut, but since it was the same magic she used, Sheena trusted him. She embraced the shamanistic magic that flowed through her veins, bringing it out into her hands. Sighing at the sweetness of the power flowing through her, Sheena placed her hands upon the rune.

The moment her hand touched the magical image, the bond she shared with the wolf flared and expanded. Her mind opened to the wolf, as the wolf’s mind opened to hers, broadening their understanding of one another. It amazed Sheena at what she could see in North Moon’s mind! How the wolf saw the world and everything within it and how she viewed others, especially her own pack.

“This is ... wow!” she said in amazement.

‘I could not agree more! The kindness and regard you hold us to ... it is like you see us as part of your pack!’ North Moon thought to her.

“You can understand me?” Sheena asked incredulously.

‘I could always understand you,’ the wolf sent to her, conveying her mirth.

‘Is there anyone else you wish to speak to?’ Jason asked her in another sending.

‘Xaera. I wish to see her mind, as I see yours and Sheena’s,’ North Moon replied.

“Xaera, North Moon wishes to bond with you,” Jason told her, turning his hands, which still held the rune aloft.

Surprised yet pleased, Xaera moved forward, embracing her own Troll magic, its yellowish power filling her hands. The wolf pack was leery, but they stood ready, in case any treachery befell their alpha. Xaera’s hand touched the rune and like with Sheena, her mind was opened to the wolf, as was the wolf’s mind opened to hers.

North Moon then whined, sensing the great pain and loss that Xaera carried with her. She stood up and trotted over to the troll woman sitting before her and offered her paw. Unsure, Xaera took it, but then heard the voice in her mind.

‘The pain and suffering you have endured, is enough to break even the strongest of alphas. That you stand here, with your hope alive, shows you have strength beyond even mine. Sit with me, Alpha.’

North Moon lay before Xaera, looking up at the troll woman. Xaera teared up, understanding what was being offered by this wolf. Wolves primarily respected strength, and those who had the strength to stand against the worst of adversaries were worthy of respect. Xaera half expected to have to fight these wolves, as she had other packs before. Instead, she was being treated as the pack alpha’s equal!

“I have never seen North Moon do that with anyone! Not even her mate!” Sheena murmured.

“She sees Xaera as an equal. There is a lot she’s been through that should have broken her, yet still, she’s here. It’s a kind of strength that wolves can respect,” Phalmina stated. The rest of the pack followed North Moon’s lead, laying in front of Xaera, but bowing their heads in deference. There were even a small grouping of wolf cubs that were there, staying close to their parents, shaking like they were afraid.

“Why are the cubs afraid of me?” Xaera asked.

‘They are afraid that you will eat them if they look at you wrong,’ North moon imparted.

“I won’t eat them, I promise. The only meat I am interested in eating is the meat that humans prepare to make into burgers,” Xaera stated.

She then imparted a message to North Moon, telling her what burgers were, even passing along the memory of their smell and taste. At that point, Xaera had the attention of the entire pack, each one of them curious and wanting to experience what she had. Even a few of the cubs had overcome their fears by coming out in plain sight, imparting their thoughts to North Moon.

‘The pack wishes to know more, as I do!’ North Moon said, her sending conveying the excitement of the entire pack.

“Well, you certainly have a way of turning people, and now animals, to your way of thinking,” Sheena giggled.

“What? It’s not my fault that everyone comes to like me,” Jason scoffed. “I’m just a likeable guy.”

“Hmm! I’ve noticed. Anyway, since you’re a Druid now, I’d like to know how you became one,” Sheena said to him.

“Well, have a seat, because it is a bit of a tale to tell,” he told her, gesturing for her to have a seat. She did, and so did the wolves, eager to hear the tale of how this newly awakened Druid discovered his powers.

Luke was coming up in his van, having just finished a breakfast run to Tim Hortons. It had been a long ass night for everyone involved, but thankfully, he wasn’t alone. After Carlotta had gotten involved, she’d called on the team of men she had on call. He assumed these men were the former Jaeger Corps that had agreed to help her with Dustin and Brad.

Though he could have asked, he didn’t really have to, as he could tell that these men were pros. Their steps were measured, and they moved with a level of precision that only military training granted. They were busy cleaning up the mess that he, Jason, Karla and his Gaian friends had made.

Though Luke had offered to help, he was just underfoot there. The Jaegers were kind, but direct in stating that his help was not required. He offered to bring them some food, as it was late and would soon be the early hours of the morning. They had accepted that as the one thing he could do, and he had now arrived with their orders.

“Hey Karla,” Luke said as he pulled the van up behind her.

“Ah! Good timing, Luke! I could use a coffee right about now,” she replied, shivering.

“You OK?” he asked, concerned for his new lady.

“I will be. Jan says it is expected when seeing death for the first time. He assures me it will pass,” she said, taking her coffee from him gratefully.

“Carlotta? Your coffee, madam,” Luke called out softly.

“Ah! Thank you, Lucas! It is much appreciated,” she said with a smile. “Jan, take five and get you and your men something to eat,” she called out.

“Ja. Jaegers, morgenmad!” (Yes. Jaegers, breakfast!) the leader called out into an earbud system. Almost immediately, the group of half a dozen men exited the mansion grounds and congregated around the van, each one eager for some grub.

“Tak (Thank you), Lucas,” Jan said as he took both a coffee and breakfast bagel in hand, before stepping away to stuff his face. The other Jaegers were similarly thankful, as they enjoyed this little taste of North America. Some of them groaned in appreciation at the taste of the breakfast sandwiches.

“This food is good, but I’m sure it will make you fat,” one Jaeger commented.

“Only if you eat too much of them and don’t exercise. I’m a prime example of that,” Luke replied with a bit of self-depreciation.

“I wouldn’t worry Luke. You seem to be doing something about that now. According to Jason anyway,” Karla remarked.

“Yeah. Well, I had my reasons for it,” Luke replied with a sigh of regret.

“I can tell. You don’t have to tell me about them now, or even tomorrow. Whenever you are ready, Lucas,” Karla told him with a warm smile.

Luke couldn’t help but shake his head, amazed that this woman not only got who he was but understood him! He knew that he’d still need some time to process shit, especially with what he found out recently. That this woman was giving him the space he needed to sort it out, it just amazed him! He was glad that Jason had directed him to this woman and would have to thank the man properly.

Luke finished his breakfast and glanced over to the other man who was there, helping direct the Jaegers. Darren Marston had turned against the men who he’d served, apparently because it was always in him to do so. From what Jason and Phalmina had told him, Darren wasn’t fully in control of himself. It was his own father who was exerting his influence over the boy, allowing only the worst parts of him to come out.

Luke was still having trouble believing that, but he knew Jason wouldn’t tell a lie. Not about something this important, at any rate. He sighed as he watched the man eat his donuts and drink his coffee, as he told the Jaegers what to find and where to find it. The mansion apparently had a lot of books and records hidden inside, and Darren knew where they were located.

Jason had stated that this information was vital to them knowing more about the Sons of Caesar and Luke didn’t disagree. It was trusting that snide little shit’s word that was grating on his nerves. Especially after all the shit he’d pulled, which is why they were there right now.

“Hey, you OK?” Karla asked.

“Yeah. I’m just having a tough go reconciling the fact that the little shit is on our side now,” Luke griped.

“As am I, but so far, he’s done nothing but co-operate with us and he has sent none of the Jaegers into traps,” Karla gently chided him.

“You’re right, but it’s just awful convenient that he’s the one who we have to keep safe,” the man growled.

“Strange circumstances breed strange bedfellows. At least, that’s how I think it goes,” Karla replied with confusion.

“You are adorable!” Luke said with a chuckled as he kissed his lady. Karla responded in kind, humming into the kiss, her hands wandering. They broke apart to a feminine voice clearing her throat and saw Carlotta watching them with a mild stink eye.

“Ja, auntie, I will contain myself in public,” Karla told her without being prompted any further.

“Wait, you do things in public?” Luke wondered.

“Ja. Why? Should I not display to the world what I think of the man I’m with?” she asked, giving Luke a look.

“No, go ahead and do that! I just didn’t picture you as an exhibitionist is all,” Luke told her.

“I am many things, Lucas. What you’ve seen in the last couple of days, only scratches the surface,” she told him hungrily. Luke gulped audibly, half believing that Karla would devour him on the spot.

“Well then,” he replied, feeling uncharacteristically confident, “maybe I’ll let you see what kind of monster I am.”

Karla’s eyes widened, and she grinned, her smile dazzling the man. Luke was faking his confidence at the moment, but Karla appreciated his boldness. Her eyes smoldered, as though she wanted to just have him right there. The only thing that prevented her from doing so was her aunt and the Jaegers being present.

“Careful young man. Such words are liable to throw you down the rabbit hole,” Carlotta quipped.

“Maybe I’m already at the bottom of the rabbit hole,” he chuckled. Carlotta smirked at this comment, giggling as she went back to supervising the Jaegers as they worked. Karla sidled up to Luke and put her arm around his waist.

“If I hadn’t already marked you as mine, then you’d have my auntie to contend with,” Karla warned him.

“She would have made a play for me?” Luke joked.

“Yes, she would have. But she knows that you and I are ... dating, so she will leave you be. She can be ... hungry, but she’s honorable in how she’ll leave a man alone if he has a lady,” the young woman told him. Luke let this piece of information sink in and he shook his head as he wrapped his head around the idea. He didn’t have long to think on it though, as the Jaegers were coming back from grounds.

“It is done. We have accounted for everything of value here, but the boy says there is another location that we must investigate,” Jan said to Carlotta.

“Another location? Where?” she wondered.

“It is a basement room beneath the church I go to. I was only made aware of it in the last few weeks. We keep more relevant information at this repository, mainly for easier access to the Sons,” Darren informed them.

“Is anyone there now?” one Jaeger asked.

“Not this early and anyone who would be there later ... is in there,” the young man stated, pointing at the mansion.

“Godt (Good). We go for the church and clean out that site as well,” Jan stated.

“We will need to get a move on, though. Other parishioners will start showing up and they tend to be ... nosy,” Darren warned.

“We will be in and out before anyone knows we were ever there,” Jan smirked.

“It will be difficult, as many people who go there live close by,” Darren told him.

“Dear boy, difficult is what we do. Before we leave, are you certain that you want to leave that man in there? You know he won’t come out once we leave,” Jan informed him.

“He deserves that fate, for what he almost did to me and my sister. For what he did to my mother,” Darren stated coldly. Jan grimaced and nodded, understanding what the boy wanted. Jan’s own father was a real piece of work, so he understood what Darren was going through better than most. He then turned around, looking for his friend, the demolitions expert of the team.

“Jukka? Is everything in place?”

“Ja. It will look like a fire broke out and was too much to contain. Made it look like vandals and pyros set it,” Jukka told his commander.

“Godt. Set it off and let’s go.”

“Already done. Before we go to the church, I would like to stop by this place called ... Tim Hortons?” he asked quizzically.

“You like the goodies they sell?” Luke laughed.

“Ja! Those ... fruit explosion muffins?” the man growled in appreciation, which had everyone cracking up.

Luke had Jukka hop in the back of his van, while everyone else got into either Carlotta’s car or the moving vehicle they used. They left the neighborhood, with no one the wiser to their presence. Maybe ten minutes after they had left, the fire trap set by Jukka had caught, the first flames licking up at the windows. The Jaeger had set it so that not only would the whole thing burn down, but collapse in on itself, burying all evidence.

“Damn! You’ve gone through more in a week than what most others go through in a lifetime!” Sheena said, her face and eyes displaying her surprise and amazement.

“This guy thought it was some elaborate prank set up by his friends,” Phalmina scoffed.

“Given the kinds of hijinks that some of these friends of his get up to, I wouldn’t put it past them to do screwy shit,” Sheena told Phalmina.

“Really? Like what?”

“There was this one time, that a former friend of theirs was being such a disrespectful little shit, that Jason and the boys had enough of it. Remember Joseph Marks?” Sheena cackled.

“Oh damn! That asshole had that shit coming to him!” Jason replied, defending his actions.

Same as Gaia's Champion
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6

News and desert. Seth with the Sheriff with his two deputies had arms full of newspapers. Two others were going from table to table selling the special edition of today’s newspaper about: “Stopping the Kidnappers from Nanux.” As John looked through the paper, he realized Seth had all the names of everybody that was there including the Russians and those from Lockheed. “John, did you realize that a lot of those ships that Lockheed flew today didn’t even have seats for any others than the...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 Space our last frontier

Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 New Friends

Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16

More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 To make deserts into productive land for Dummyrsquos

A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 22

Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

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The Sibling Diaries P04

My Brother's CrazyI think David has finally gone around the bend. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother. He's a good man, but this… This thing he's got going with Sandy. It borders on the obsessive.I've just finished my first full week of work at Eddings Consulting. It's been a tough start, but I think I'm finally beginning to understand the way start-up corporate financing works in Silicon Valley. My boss, thinks I have the potential to run the department, but I don't know if that's for real...

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Sissy 103 the graduation

George opened the door and immediately went in to take a shower. "So, did you learn a lesson last night?" He said with an echo. "I'm sorry Georgie, it won't ever happen again." I pleaded. When he finished showering I was there to towel him off, knowing he would feel pampered and in control. So while I was drying him off,I sucked him off and acted submissive, dressed him and sent him off to work. After George left for work, I stripped off my clothes and cum soaked panties and took a long...

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Chained and Spanked MotherChapter 7

Robert pinched the metal clamp open and pulled it off his mother’s inflamed clit. He felt no joy, but he refused to be denied by her. “I can’t fuck you when you’re flailing all over the place, Mom.” “N-no. No, you c-can’t.” Joan whimpered, thankful for relief from that nightmare clamp. “Are you going to resist me?” “Please, I-I won’t, but not that. I can’t stop you. I’m begging, just begging you, to let me satisfy you any other way.” Despite her incredible torture, Joan’s pride had...

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Worth ItChapter 2

There weren't many people Topher would ever bother to talk to about his love life, fewer still he would expect to have any useful advice on the subject. His ex-girlfriend Estrella was the only one of those he trusted to reliably laugh at him if he was being ridiculous. It was a valuable service that no one else seemed comfortable providing. She didn't laugh, but listened quietly when he called her up and told her about the arrangement he'd agreed to with Allegra. Instead, she said,...

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Training my Wife Creampie Eating

As time went by I found that stories about normal sex became less and less interesting and that it was stories that pushed boundaries that excited me. Then I discovered the world of sexual domination and submission and I felt like I was coming home. At first it was the idea of having a woman as my sexual slave, to use as I wished and to turn into a total slut that would thrill me. A woman who would wear what I wanted, showing off her breasts or ass as I directed that thrilled me. I loved the...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 11

"Are you sure this is where you want to be, Mister?" the cabbie asked as he pulled over across the street from the warehouse, behind Mandy's car. "If its 2500 East Victory, I am." "That's it across the street," the cabbie pointed as Jefferson, Jesus and Marco stepped into Jefferson's limousine and sped away from the building. "Thanks," Mayfield said, handing the cabbie a twenty. "Keep the change." "Thanks, Mister," the cabbie replied as Mayfield opened the door and stepped...

4 years ago
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A Christmas Present

I work the evening shift, so I do not see much that goes on in our neighborhood. Last Wednesday, when I got home from work, Sally, my wife, said, "We have to go see how the neighbors have decorated for Christmas."I changed my clothes and we started walking the neighborhood. Some had lights on timers, and they had shut down for the night, but on the next block, our friends Jenny and Tom still had their lights on, and they were standing on their front porch.Sally and I looked at the lights and...

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NaughtyOffice Nia Nacci 24873

Nia Nacci and Johnny Castle are co-workers. Johnny Castle works out for 10 mins every hour on the hour. This routine is pretty disruptive to the work place but he insists Nia will live longer if she follows suit. Johnny helps her with a few exercises, helps her with form and enjoys the view! Nia has a better cardio workout she recommends to Johnny, he’s game! The blood is really starting to flow in all the right places. Who knew under all those office clothes Nia would have a body like...

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Paddling to My DestinyChapter 7

Why do women always go for the bad boys? That and other crazy thoughts raced through my mind. I could not believe that Dawn would consider going back to those worthless guys. Startled, I felt a gentle puff of air by my ear, and then heard these whispered words, "I'll be waiting for you in your canoe". All at once, everything was right again in the world. I told the fellow that I wanted him to collect Dawn's gear and her tent. I told him that the sooner I had it in my possession, the...

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Out for a walk

My wife has gone to see her grandma in another state for few days leaving me and my dog lewis home alone. After work late and decide to take lewis for a walk. I grab his leash and head out. I start toward downtown and cut back a small trail I take occassionally. At the end of this trail it goes into a residential area. Its past dusk so I decide to head back. As I am walking up the road I see a light come on, where a blonde appears in the first floor window. I double take and notice her slipping...

4 years ago
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Tease and Please

Allie cuddled up beside Seth and lightly kissed his neck while he looked through the website he was on. She wrapped her arms around one of his and let her hands drift down across his thigh and over his crotch before coming back up along his abdomen. “You’re a tease.” Seth sighed as she kissed the side of his neck again and his cock twitched. Allie smiled slowly; lips brushing over his skin ever so lightly. “Yes, I am… What are we going to do about it?” she whispered against his ear; then she...

Straight Sex
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Wow ThanksChapter 10 Improvisations

Denise reached the table, and threw down her most recent purchase with triumphant exhaustion. Lissa looked up, and stood energetically. I saw the glance the two exchanged, the subtle, disappointed shake of the head Lissa gave her mom. "Here mom, you can sit here -- there's only two chairs. Jason gave the other one away." This last with a flippant gesture of disgust in my direction. Denise was clearly a bit weary on her feet, and sat gratefully, with a heavy sigh. Lissa stood with her...

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nice view

It had been a long day. I had spent most of it avoiding the immagration officials, as a Bengali girl of 16 all on my own and with no papers I knew if I was caught I would be deported. It had rained most of the day and I was wet and to top it all I had had a run in with Steve and his mates, Steve was 18 a right hard nut who ran a gang of teenage thugs; all were racists. They had seen me in a carpark where I was begging and gave me the uaual racist taunts I had managed to slip away when a lorry...

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Thank You Big Brother

(A fictional story for some) By: A W C Stella was already a junior at high school. Although she was fully grown on certain very obvious parts of her body but she did not have much muscles on her but still looked the most beautiful with her dark black shoulder length hair, blue eyes, full lips and very-well grown boobs showing perky, pointed nipples on the most fitting sized tits hidden in her bra. Somehow she had grown tall like almost 5’ 6’’ with a very slim body of no...

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Sunny Daze

You might say that things hadn’t been going well for me.First off, I had skipped out of a class one day to surprise my girlfriend with flowers, hoping she might be up for a little afternoon sex.  She was, but unfortunately, she was having it with someone else, and I walked in on it.With no way to afford an apartment on my own or any desire to return to dorm life, I moved back into my old room at home after that.  I managed to keep up with my classes, but the depression that hit meant something...

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Reddit GoneMild, aka r/GoneMild! Now before you say, ‘oh ThePornDude, what the fuck bro are you going pussy on us with this mild shit,’ just hold on a goddamn minute! If you think beating off to a teen’s tight pussy or trying to lick your own balls as you watch a camgirl’s hanging tits get slapped around with a flaming baton like it’s the fucking circus, then you don’t know shit! Have you ever been waiting in line at the movies and noticed a mom with her skirt hiked up a little too high,...

Reddit NSFW List
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At ithe dress shop

This happened to me when I was 18 years old. I did not have a boy friend during this time. I had an attractive figure. My boobs were well grown and had a nice round ass. I wear short pants at home and wear short skirts or tight jeans when I go out which reveals my body and prefer to see the gready looks of the guys, and especially the matured men. But my parent does not allow me to were short skirts which are more than 3 inches above my knees, when I go out. This is mainly to avoid myself being...

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mother in law gets naughty

She was always leaving her underwear about for me to see i'm sure of it the little tart, my mother in law, has a great ass and her tits are still pert, she trims her fanny to a tiny triangle, frankly i love her pussy to bits its still nice and tidy as she likes to put it not over shaved but perfectly formed.i had gone round to fit a cooker in for her i knew it would be a warm night so i just wore shorts and t shirt and no undies, very common for me at night like to hang free. I called at the...

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The Additive

It makes sense now, finally. I mean, I was a divorced mom, never had time to date, but I wasn't gay. I was a Twilight Mom! Team Edward all the way! And then, over the holidays I found out about this little cupcake shop. It was on the way to work. So I started bringing them in as a treat for the ladies at the office sometimes. It must have been the first time I did that. The Friday after New Years. I got an assortment and brought it in. It was my time of the month. Must have been then. I...

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The Waitress

Rick Johnson walked in the small restaurant, trying to shake the rain from his coat, but quickly knew it was hopeless. He'd been working out in the cold and rain for two straight weeks and it was getting to him. No person needed to be subjected to such weather, but the job needed finished or he was going to loose a considerable bonus. After hanging up his drenched coat, he looked around for an empty booth to sit and walked towards it. Rick sat down and couldn't wait for a hot cup of coffee....

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Little Arab Buttercup part one

It was after midnight and the weather was hot and sticky this close to the sea. I was moving through the dark alleys of a city in the north of Africa. A very Arab country, and I was an American soldier attached to the local consulate. I should not have been out like this, alone and unprotected. But I had a mission to complete. One that was personal. No one could know I was here, especially my superiors. I had seen her several weeks before in the local bazaar. She wasn’t alone, of course, but I...

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Soul MatesChapter 9

Monday Morning, Cindy and I get off the bus and head into school. The rest of the weekend went without incident. Cindy told mom, dad and I what happened Saturday night. Apparently, Megan’s boyfriend disappeared. Megan went looking for him and found him in Amy’s room with Amy having sex. Megan ran out into the front yard and started crying. After getting dressed, Greg followed her out, where she started yelling at him. Apparently, someone had called the police, because they pulled up as Greg...

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The Gift of Abstinence

I probably don't have all the details exactly correct, but this conveys the essence of a relationship I had in my freshman year of college. I have changed her name because if any of her family should stumble across this, they would have been very likely to recognize her. Like the overwhelming majority of guys, I was a virgin when I got to college many years ago. In that I admitted it, I was in the distinct minority. Most of us set about assiduously to correct that deficiency. It was...

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Monoped Muse Ch 01

[i]Every longer story needs an ouverture, and “Black Ice” forms the upbeat for this one. Please read it as such, I’ve only allowed scoring after chapter 3, feeling you should read the whole thing before giving any scores. I’m much indebted to Damppanties and Alex- The_bragis for commenting on earlier drafts of this story. Hope you enjoy! PaulX35[/i] [b]I. Black Ice[/b] – “Fucking hell,” she said to herself. The view out the window wasn’t promising. From a slate grey sky the fine rain...

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Irenes story Chapter 9 I expose myself to my favorite coworker

As you may recall from previous chapters, a few months ago, my husband, Oscar, convinced me to wear a very revealing outfit to a disco which was located on the twentieth floor of the Hotel Vela in our hometown, Barcelona. This was a bar with a dance floor. It was bar frequented by foreign tourists on holiday. It was Oscar's birthday. For his 'present', he wanted me to dance with other men. I was instructed to grind into them on the dance floor and encourage them to touch me while Oscar watched...

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Pretty Pretty Princess Johna the Dragon Slayer

Princess Johna's faithful unicorn steed, Sparkle, teleported into the Dragon's den right behind the owner's unwilling guest. He used his horn to cut the ropes which were bidding his rider's hands. As Sir Dragon was preparing to react to his uninvited guest; the damsel, who was no longer in distress, jumped on the back of her faithful companion and got the lance from the side of the saddle. Princess Johna, the pretty pretty dragon slayer, said, as she was riding her charging unicorn...

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Lusty Saturday Morning

I wake as the sun is rising, with a throbbing between my legs. I was having a sexy dream and my pussy is swollen and aching and wet. I roll over to look at my best friend sleeping beside me and smile. It’s so nice having him here. We don’t get to see each other as often as we used to, but this weekend I have him all to myself. He turns over in his sleep and his arm falls across my belly. The heat between my legs flares more strongly. I take his hand and guide his fingers down to my swollen...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 352

Before we knew it the weekend was over. The Sunday talk shows were filled with pundits who had all kinds of theories from mild to wild. The wild was that the prince had gone undercover to Morocco to inspect and buy virgin sex slaves from the Libyan branch of ISIS and had been double crossed. Centuries of tales of harems and private sex slaves were still rumored to be happening in the backrooms of the closed society that were made of the Kings and Princes. The modern internet only fueled the...

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FTM Encounter

This is a fantasy about an encounter with a female to male transsexual. The possible categories really don't have anything that fits. Thanks to member ftmcock for his inspiration :)I'd finished my regular workout and was showering at the gym. This place was a proper hardbody establishment. Not some yuppie spandex stairmaster place. This is all about weights and reps. So I was feeling pretty good about the shape I'm in and slightly getting off on how my hard, tight body felt as I lathered...

3 years ago
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Corrupting My Traditional Indian Mother Part 5

This is the 5th installment of the saga. Firstly, I want to thank everyone for their support and response and would appreciate more reactions and suggestions at If you haven’t read the earlier parts please read it. I am going to start another saga something Indian historic/fantasy which I will write simultaneously. You guys can choose an era and suggest. All this while I was happy to see the smile on her face and to see her this lively. Maa had changed into a blue sleeveless saree when we got...

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Antons TroublesChapter 3

Anton sat bolt upright in his bed, terrified out of his wits and gasping for breath. Had he screamed, or was that part of the dream? He listened for footsteps but he could hear no one rushing down the hall. This had been the worst one yet. For weeks now, he’d been awakened nearly every night by terrible dreams - no, not dreams - nightmares. Terrible nightmares. They began shortly after he was brought to the home. They seemed to drag on and on forever, but when he finally woke up in terror,...

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He Approached Me on the Subway Pt 2

Since I had met that horny ol' man on the subway, I had been back to his apartment several times to whack off for him. What I thought would be just a one time thing had become an obsession, as I would go over to his apartment, strip naked and slowly stroke my cock in his face as he watched. For him, it was a dream to have this hot young thing do this for him, and for me, it was just fucking hot to know how bad this ol' man wanted to fuck me and taunt him with by oiled up body and my throbbing...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 1 To Futura

At long last, Lee had finally given the Captain and the helm the all-clear. They could get back underway, as the main repairs had been completed. They spent the next three days getting back up to jump speed. They deliberately took longer than required to ensure all systems worked as required and to keep an eye on the stresses on the hull. Lee had every system checked and was happy with the operation of the ship. She always made sure she was at the team meetings at the start of each shift....

2 years ago
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Me being a slut

It was a horrible night my throw phone was found I was caught cheating my Boyfriend and I got in a horrible fight he ran out the house half clothed.. I was in a tailspin down I did not know what to do not say.. I tried to have him stay to talk but he ran. I think I wanted to get caught I let him get the phone I knew he was standing there when I pulled it out. But no he ran my head spun I did not care I was so pissed and angry and I need to do something.. So I go to the My computer and i post an...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - The TeenagersThe next morning found Shanika riding on the back of the bus again. She was looking forward to her day at the consulting agency. She caught herself squeezing her legs together as she thought about Mr. Whitlock and what services he might want her to perform today now that he knew what she was.This time when the bus got crowded, she simply stood rather than offer her seat. She noticed a white woman about her own age sit in her former seat and felt pleasure at having...

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Cousins Farmyard FunChapter 10

"Now, what is this?" Brad stood in the barn, hands on his hips. It had been Christina who had gone to the bunkhouse and roused the big hand from his sleep. Barbara was standing there just inside the front doorway, trembling with excitement, disbelief, lust. She still couldn't imagine this was happening. In her most wild dreams she had never thought she would be in this position. "Brad, I know all about you and Barbara," Christina said evenly, a tremor of excitement noticeable in her...

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ThatSitcomShow Alana Cruise Daisy Stone Threesome Company Lets Play Pretend

Janet and Crissy have invited a third roommate to move in with them, but there’s just one problem: Jack is a guy and their landlord is pretty old fashioned about that kind of thing. While the girls are getting changed in their bedroom, they discuss the situation. Their solution is to tell Jack he must pretend to be gay. Unfortunately, both Janet and Crissy want to be the one to teach Jack how he needs to act. In the end, they call Jack in and explain things to him together. A while later,...

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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 17

Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: THIS IS A NOVEL 74. Where The Girls Go To Play Michael Free called Stephano to ask how Patty’s tests were coming along. Stephano replied, ‘So far, Michael, Patty is driving her neurologist crazy. She had the hospital shut...

1 year ago
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Being Sexed By a Gentile giant

I was at Joel home, we were going to study history and try a little math, Joel had other plans. As soon as I got to his house, Joel was happier than usual, he was more playful than normal. We retreated to his room and I settled him down by telling him I was going to spring history questions at him. Joel sat on the floor by the desk doing sit ups as I asked him questions. 'Napoleon ruled what country?...The shot heard round the world was fired when?...'Joel answered each question without...

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