An ClochánChapter 30 free porn video

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By the time Destiny Group was 1500 km behind Emprika and the two bandit ships, they had separated into three groups. Iarracht and Marthanóir positioned themselves to approach Emprika's stern off the starboard side and above her. Dóchas and Phoenix positioned themselves to approach Emprika's stern off her port side but from below. Eagle, Taiséalai, and Fiontar traveling with the freighters slowed their approach to take up a static position a thousand kilometers behind Emprika. All of their ships were at Readiness Level 1.

Erin said, "Dóchas COC is assigning bandit I.D.s as DBAD1 for the ship along the port side of Emprika and DBAD2 for the ship on their starboard side." As Erin spoke, the monitors on all Órarduine ships updated with the new information. These assignments were quickly acknowledged by each Destiny Group ship.

"DBAD1 and DBAD2 are now alongside Emprika, with DBAD2 near the rear access hatch," said Joyce. "Spacing appears to be 200 meters between the bandits and Emprika."

Destiny Group was 15 minutes from Emprika when the Command Staffs heard the same voice that announced the cancellation of Emprika's distress call. "Emprika, I am the Captain of the ship on your port side. We heard your broadcast. Based on your declaration, we are invoking full salvage rights to the ship and its contents as permitted by our laws."

After a pause he continued, "Captain it was you that announced the Emprika's status as inoperable and needing assistance. Your declaration allows us to invoke salvage rights to Emprika and all contents. We are claiming Emprika as ours. In one hour, we will take possession of Emprika. We, as the new owners, expect you to make the following preparations for our arrival. When we board, we expect all passengers to be locked in their quarters. All weapons will be secured and stowed. All the crew members are to be standing naked with their hands behind their head along the walls of the main corridor."

There was a momentary pause before he continued with, "Captain, there is nothing you can do to stop us from taking possession of Emprika. Again, it was your broadcast that gave us the right to claim Emprika under the salvage provisions of our laws. By cooperating and preparing Emprika for our arrival, we assure you that all of Emprika's passengers and crew will be unharmed. All of you will be well cared for while you remain in our custody as we wait to be paid for your release.

"Resistance by anyone will be dealt with harshly. Any organized resistance will result in all of those still living becoming our property."

There was another pause followed by an angry reply, "You have no choice, Captain. We will board your ship! Any resistance and all of you will regret it. We have already dealt with one group on your ship. A group of inept Monque Spec Ops sought to interfere with our plans. Anyone standing in our way will meet the same fate. You will find them in Compartment 32 on Level 1."

The bandit paused for a few moments before adding, "Enough of this, when I close this dialog, you will not be able to contact anyone. Your external communication system will become inoperable. Remember, we will begin boarding in one hour. Now, prepare your ship for our arrival! Lock all passengers in their cabins! Lock all weapons in storage! Every crew member will wait naked with their hands behind their heads in the main corridor for our inspection.

"You have one hour to comply! Fail and the passengers and crew become our property. Let me be clear, as property, they will have the same status as livestock that we will dispose of as we see fit. Shut up and listen. You appear to be as incompetent as those in Compartment 32. We hope you fail for we are anxious to once again dine on live fresh meat."

Joyce said, "From the pauses, it seemed like there was some push back from the Captain of Emprika. The bandits must have done something to Emprika's transmitters since we can't hear the Captain's comments."

"I think it is time to complicate their plans," said Terry of Sarah's Clan as she smiled at Sarah.

Sarah said, "Calling Emprika. This is Destiny Group responding to your request for assistance. We will be alongside in 20 minutes to render assistance with your emergency."

"No assistance is needed," replied the bandit.

"Who are you to speak for the Captain of Emprika?"

"I am the Captain."

"Sir, we know you are not the Captain of Emprika. You are not even on Emprika. You are the one who falsely claimed salvage rights to Emprika. We heard and recorded everything you said to the Captain of Emprika."

"You are mistaken," snarled the bandit. "There aren't any problems on Emprika. Now go bother someone else with your nonsense."

"I am absolutely certain you are not the captain of Emprika. Your voice signature matches exactly the voice that we just heard claiming salvage rights to Emprika. Didn't you just demand Emprika's Captain prepare the ship for boarding by your people, and threaten them with enslavement if he failed."

"As Captain of Emprika, I can assure you that Emprika needs no assistance. Go bother someone else with your nonsense. Besides, there aren't any ships within light years of us, so your offer is meaningless."

"You are not Captain of Emprika, yet. Your sensors are faulty. Check your monitors or look out your ports."

"Look bitch, I've had enough of your nonsense. Our sensors are far superior to anything else in the universe. They are all working perfectly. I demand to talk to the captain of your ship."

"You are speaking to Admiral Sarah in Command of Dóchas," was the reply in a very friendly voice. "We are just ten minutes from Emprika."

"You are really testing my patience. Why do you persist in your delusions? Just who are you?"

"We are Órarduine."

There was a pause then the bandit screamed, "Órarduine?"

"Yes. Chatting with you has been most interesting..."

Sarah's response was overridden by the bandit hollering, "You murdering heathens. You sent two of our finest crews and ships to a slow death." The bandit's rage grew as he spoke ending with, "For that you shall die!"

Sarah laughingly replied, "Not a chance. You are misinformed about your two ships and their crews. They chose the path that took them to their death. Initially, they attempted to enslave us. Their naive attempt failed. They tried to instigate a mutiny on the Iridien ships under the Command of Commander Egulle and failed. We informed the Durale leaders on those ships that we knew of both their plots. They were offered a chance to publicly admit their schemes to the Alliance of Worlds or we would expose their plots. They chose to run. Before leaving, they fired lasers at the two Iridien command ships, attempting to disable them. Their inept operation of their ship placed it on a collision course with a very large planet in the Sol system."

"You lie bitch!" screamed the bandit. "We Durale, never run from anything. All of you will soon be in our livestock pens. We shall enjoy playing with each of you until it is your turn to be spread on our dining table. We shall rejoice in seeing the fear on your face as we secure you to the dining table. Our pleasure will grow on hearing your screams as we sink our teeth into your flesh and tear pieces of meat from your body as we dine."

"You are hallucinating."

Rusty continued, "Your aggression toward the Monque passenger ship Emprika is an act of war."

"Who are you?" screamed the bandit.

"Admiral Rusty in Command of Dóchas. As friends of the Monque, we will render Emprika all the assistance she needs to free herself from your evil plan."

"You wish! You and your harem of back alley whores are incapable of overcoming us. We Durale wait for your arrival. By tonight you and those sluts will be spread on our dining tables, for we shall dine on your flesh today."

"Destiny Group," said Erin, "DBAD1 and DBAD2 weapons now armed and scanning."

Bravo Recon Group under the command of Nicola's Clan advised Destiny Group that the Spiders were now in place on all three ships. Communications links were established and active with each group of Spiders. A Ferret on Emprika was close to gaining access to the ship's systems.

"Siobhan, Maureen, Kelly," said Sarah, "are we ready to project a hologram of us onto Emprika's Bridge?"

"We are," replied the four clans.

On Emprika's bridge, the sudden appearance of their lifelike holographic images almost brought all activity to a standstill. Surprisingly there wasn't any attempt to draw a weapon against them. Even so it took several moments for their arrival to gain the Captain's attention, as he was deeply engrossed in a heated discussion with several crew members.

When the Captain looked their way, the four Órarduine together in Standard said, "Good day, Captain." They waited for the shock of their appearance to subside before continuing with, "Time is short so we will get right to the point. We are representatives of Órarduine Destiny Group. We have sufficient resources to block those who plan on boarding you from the two Durale bandit ships. The two groups of bandits also have agents on your ship that we can assist you in subduing. We need your authorization for that assistance. Do you want our assistance?"

"Was it you that we just heard the bandit screaming at?"

"Probably, we just had a discussion with the Captain of the ship on your port side."

"Based on his claims of severing our communications, we were surprised to hear it. Did I understand you to say you are Órarduine?"

"Yes, we are."

"I've heard of you," replied the Captain thoughtfully.

"Perhaps you know us from our meeting with the Iridiens, Monque and Atewa in Sol system."

"Yes, that is it. Based on that, we readily accept your assistance."

Almost immediately another officer on the bridge shouted, "No! Absolutely not. Captain, you are unfit for command," as he pulled a weapon. Before he could bring it up to fire, there was a flash of light. The weapon clattered to the deck with the man's hand still attached. The Captain turned almost white. Two crewmen wrestled the wounded officer to the deck and bound his elbows together.

"Captain, are you alright?" asked a crewman.

"I think so," replied the Captain slowly with a bit of a quiver in his voice. "If I had any doubt about needing your assistance before, I don't now."

The four Órarduine said, "As a first step in assisting you, we would like to place several Security Teams on your ship. Is this acceptable?"

"Órarduine, you may bring as many people on board as you feel necessary to maintain order and remove this cancer we've acquired."

"They will be in the corridor behind the bridge shortly. To ensure communication with our ships, we would like for several of us to physically join you on the bridge. Is this acceptable?"

"I think it is a very wise move."

"If you haven't asked the passengers to return to their cabins, we would recommend that you do so now. You should have them secure their cabin doors as well."

"You heard their claims?"

"Yes, we heard what they said. We did not hear any of your responses. Their salvage claim is nonsense."

On board Dóchas, as soon as Rusty heard the captain accept assistance he said "FOC, cloaking off for all Badb ships and Star Fighters. Shields up."

"Aye, aye," came the quick reply.

Sally said, "Spider data says DBAD1 is a medium size cruiser with a crew of 380. Carries 20 small transporters. No other space craft. Ships weapons are laser and torpedoes."

"That is a little different than first reported."

"Yes. DBAD2 is the same size as DBAD1 but with a crew of 290. It carries 20 small transporters. Ships weapons are laser and torpedoes. It is laid out more as a transport than a cruiser. One deck is filled with rows of cages stacked four high. None are occupied."

As the Captain on Emprika began to issue commands, an Órarduine Security Team appeared in front of the bridge's primary entrance. Other Órarduine Security teams assembled in the corridor leading to the bridge. By the time the Captain finished speaking to the passengers Tiff and Emma had materialized on the bridge where the hologram had appeared. These changes startled many of those on the bridge, even though they had heard the Captain's acceptance.

"Captain, I am Tiff of Siobhan's Clan, and this is Emma of Keriann's Clan. We are here as a link to our ships."

"How rude of me, my name is Captain Marika. My apologies to those here earlier for not introducing myself."

"No reason for an apology. We are sure that the appearance of Sarah, Siobhan, Maureen and Kelly's holographic image was a shock."

"Yes, it was. Your own sudden appearance was only slightly less shocking. Did I understand you to say 'ships'?"

"Yes, sir," replied Emma.

"Holy shit," shouted a crewman, "our scanners are showing multiple ships all around us."

A look of concern flashed across the Captain's face. Before he could ask Tiff said, "Those are ours, our Commander had ours turn off cloaking after you accepted our offer."

"We have found only two bandit ships in the area," added Emma. "They are now about 200 meters off each side of you." While they were talking the Captain had moved to where he could see the monitor showing the other ships around Emprika. From his expression he was clearly shocked.

"Sir, our sensors are not showing any ships that close," said the crewman.

"Our sensors detected the bandit ships during their approach," replied Captain Marika. "Why aren't they showing now?"

"When the bandits claimed that they were alongside us, and there weren't any ships detected that close, we reset the system. After the reset the two bandit ships no longer showed on the monitors."

Tiff then said, "Captain, our Security Teams are in the corridor behind the bridge. Clearing the ship of the bandit agents will go faster if they are assisted by some of your crew."

Just as the Captain was about to speak another ship's officer came rushing out of an office with a worried look.

Turning to the officer the Captain said, "What's the problem?"

"Sir, we can't get the external hatch for the stern airlock to respond to commands. The engineers think it is jammed open. We can't see those areas as the cameras in the stern air lock are unresponsive. Ever since the alarm was tripped, the hatch will not respond to our commands.

"Just now our external sensors began showing multiple ships all around us. Four of those ships are much larger than us and rapidly approaching, from both sides of our rear quarter. We are trying to identify them now."

Emma said, "Those ships are ours. Dóchas and Phoenix are approaching on one side with Marthanóir and Iarracht approaching on the other. As to the hatch, our reconnaissance group saw at least eight people exit the stern access hatch nearly an hour ago. They were picked up by a small craft from the bandit ship we've labeled DBAD1."

"Emma, Tiff, this is Commander Moranshu," replied Captain Marika. "He heads our Security Department." Both Emma and Tiff bowed to the gentleman.

"You aren't Monque," replied the Commander immediately. "You aren't passengers. Just, who are you? How did you get here?"

The Captain started to reply but Tiff replied, "We are Órarduine. We arrived directly on the bridge a few minutes ago after receiving the Captain's permission. You have a good memory to know so quickly that we are not passengers."

"Knowing that you are not passengers is easy because you are nearly two heads taller than the tallest passenger, and for that matter that probably holds true for the crew as well. You said, Órarduine, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"What is the resolution on the hatch?" asked the Captain.

"Engineering says they will need to have a group go outside to close it. They are getting ready now."

"What's the status on the bandit ships? Our external monitors weren't showing any ships until just before I came out here. None of those ships are very close to us."

"Commander," said Tiff, "our ships dropped their cloaking shortly before we arrived here on the bridge. However, there are two ships alongside at about 200 meters from your ship. Based on their actions, we are referring to them as bandits and have labeled them as DBAD1 and DBAD2.

"It is the Captain of DBAD1 that Captain Marika has been talking to."

Captain Marika said, "As to the bandits, while you were overseeing the efforts related to the stern hatch, we had a call from a group who plan on boarding us about 50 minutes from now. Their intent is to take possession of Emprika and its contents by invoking salvage law."

"50 minutes. Salvage law? Did you issue orders for our crew to arm and get positioned to repel them?" asked Commander Moranshu.

"I was discussing that issue with several officers when the Órarduine contacted us and offered their assistance. The bound officer lying on the deck tried to prevent us from accepting the Órarduine's offer to help. The Órarduine also offered assistance in finding any of the bandit agents on board. Based on recent intelligence reports from the Iridiens, and their relationship with them, I accepted their offer. My acceptance didn't set well with the officer lying on the deck. Based on the information the Órarduine have since provided, it is likely a good thing the command wasn't given. They believe that the bandits have multiple agents embedded in the crew.

"We now have several problems besides no propulsion power. Our sensors aren't showing the two bandit ships next to us. Our external communication systems are not working. We have an air lock open to space. These new problems tend to confirm that the bandits have agents on this ship.

"There are Órarduine Security Teams waiting in the corridor to assist you and your staff in securing our ship. With the Órarduine's assistance we just might survive this."

"Okay. The last minute crew replacements would be an easy way to slip agents into our midst. We had quite a few of those just as we started this voyage. Our security monitors have noted some of them in unusual areas."

"If we may offer a suggestion," said Tiff, "you should look closely at those with access to, or in, the communication, propulsion and navigation departments. Based on your comments about sensor performance, perhaps those who had access to them should be closely scrutinized as well. Besides the communication and propulsion issues, we were advised that this ship has significantly deviated from its planned route." Tiff's comment resulted in a surprised look on the two officers faces.

"Just fucking wonderful," commented Captain Marika. "I'll bet the tracking beacon is disabled as well."

During the conversation with the Captain, no one noticed a crewman get up from his station. He then moved slowly across the bridge toward the door. As he moved across the bridge his attention was focused on those talking with the Captain.

Just as he reached for the door handle, a hand grasped his shoulder. The surprise caused him to jump and nearly scream. Cathan spun him around as she said, "Who gave you permission to leave the bridge?" The sound of her voice drew everyone's attention.

The crewman slipped from Cathan's grip as he looked up. His first thought was, 'who is she?' He immediately took a step back as he realized that she looked just like the Captain's visitors. He took another step back as he considered how to escape this Amazon blocking his exit. Cathan matched him step for step until he backed into a console.

With him backed up against the console Cathan looked down as she said in a commanding voice, "Which group are you working for? Slavers or bandits?"

Commander Moranshu started to interrupt but was nudged by the Captain who shook his head 'no'.

"So you are working for the slavers." The crewman's face turned white. He thought 'how did she know, I have told no one'.

"You have more character than that, so why did you sell your soul to them?"

The crewman began to slump but two of Cathan's team grabbed him, lifting him to his feet. "So they promised to free your family if you helped them with this harvest." The crewman barely nodded. His eyes were wide with fear as his thoughts raced trying to understand how she could know. Then as if a light was turned on, reality registered, his eyes filled with tears as he realized he was a fool. It was an empty promise. He wondered why he hadn't seen the truth before now as he realized that he would never see them again. His short sightedness and stupidity had condemned those on this ship to slavery or worse.

"You were conned. You have no special status with them. How many agents are there on the ship?"

This time the crewman responded with, "I don't know." Cathan frowned. Before she could speak he added, "The only ones I met were the two who recruited me for this. I haven't seen them since. Every communication has been by coded notes. Every time, a note just appears in my pocket. Once I opened them, the writing would disappear after a very short time."

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"How many times will I do this?" I asked myself aloud, again. "I ride out of the Kingdom on some quest or another, always telling myself it will be my last. Then I find myself doing it all over again." "Look at the bright side, Gareth," Blaster said, chuckling from the horse behind me, "at least you get to talk about cooking!" Yes, there was that. My new student finally told me his name—Alladin--A good name for a Rogue, I thought. It took most of the day to make it to the snow...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Lily Lane Lydia Black Inked Pink

Lydia Black is in the bathroom at a party when Lily Lane hurries in. She apologizes for barging in, but says that she had to get out of there since her ex just arrived. Lydia introduces herself to Lily and they strike up a conversation. When Lily mentions her name, Lydia’s face lights up. Lily is an artist and Lydia excitedly tells her that she’s seen her work. As they continue to chat, things get more and more flirty. With the atmosphere getting increasingly thick with sexual...

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Birthday Cruise Part One

Birthday Cruise – Part One My wife, Anne, and I stood at the bottom of a set of stairs on Deck 18 of our gigantic cruise ship. The sign advertised the ship’s sun-deck at the top of the stairs and noted that it was for “Adults Only.” I couldn’t decide if that was a warning, a challenge, or an invitation. I looked at Anne out of the corner of my eye to try to gauge what she was thinking, but her expression betrayed nothing. For the most part she’s quite conservative sexually, and I sometimes...

4 years ago
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My fatherinlaw A total prick

"Great what are we going to do now Ashton? I can't understand how to fix this!""Don't worry baby, you'll fix it somehow. You're brilliant. I know you'll figure it out. I believe in you.""I don't know if I can do it this time Ashton. I have to though. I have to try. I can't let everyone down. All those people. Everyone at the company. I have to figure out something.""You will baby. You will."Poor Jason. All I could do was offer him some comfort. I rubbed his back as he sat at his desk and wrung...

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Desperte housewife enjoy confidentail fun

Hi readers ..ekkada telugu valla power sarigalevu .stories 1 or 2 matrame vsthunai ..chala days nunchi chadivuthunna ..telgu valla real life stories chaduvalani korika but ekkada anni stories ravadam ledu ..andhari anubhavalu chadivanu ga mari na anubhavam kuda rayali anukunnanu ..ok eka story lo ki vasthe peru gowtham .nenu rajamandry lo untunanu .nenu akkada chadukune vadini .nenu untunna house city lo unna rich people colony lo undhi eka adoka super home .dani pyna unna chinna room lo...

2 years ago
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Coaching Wali Bhabhi Ko Choda Complete Part

Hello Doston , main saahil ek baar phir se app ke liye hazir hoon ek nayi kahani ke saath , shuruat ki kahani khala lo pyaar se choda aur khala ke saath suhagraat jaisi kahaniyon ka mujhe bahot achcha response mila aur dhire dhire kai log mere dost ban gaye hain. mujhe ummed main age bhi aap ki aise hi sewa karta rahoonga aur mujhe app log dher saare reply bhejte rahiyega. Ab main apni life ki doosri real story par aata hoon. Actually mere andar sex ki feelings jab main chota tha tab se hi kuch...

2 years ago
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Surprising Affair Part 1

Chloe was a girl who knew what she wanted. headstrong, beautiful and determined but her one area of weakness, was her boyfriend Alex, who basically treated her like shit.  This asshole was a layabout bum, he never supported her, cheated on her continuously yet still she took it. I would have been happy to let this pass but for one thing, I was in love with her I needed to free her from his clutches.  I knew she had feelings for me but her sense of loyalty was very strong.  She couldn't...

Straight Sex
5 years ago
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Easy Jet Job

I’m not a big fan of air travel, but last week I experienced something a bit different and thought I would share it with you. Flying Easyjet is sort of OK. You get what you pay for. Delays are the norm, and the scramble to get on the plane brings out the worst in everyone. I arrived at my departure gate with a little time to spare and noticed the Easyjet staff arrive to begin boarding. A queue formed which I found myself near to the front of just by chance. They held us up while they invited...

4 years ago
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Your wife and daughter are whoresnow watch

Introduction: It was about time the useless piece of shit got to know his place in the house, it wasnt it his wifes bed anymore thats for sure. Your wife & daughter are whores&hellip,&hellip,&hellip, watch! A little re-cap If you bothered to read the last installment of Family of sluts , slags & whores then youll be well aware that Alice is now well on the way to being as much of a whore as her mother Fiona. But more importantly you may have picked up on where the series is heading. ...

2 years ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 34

“Why me?” Those were the first words out of my mouth after I learned that I would be the co-leader of a team supposed to launch a strike against the spaceships hovering in the air. I didn’t think there was anyone else in this room who was as ill-prepared to lead a team of Untethered as me. I was inexperienced and my relationship with the Council was frayed, to say the least. I couldn’t fathom why the Council would entrust me with such responsibility. Nova was quick to reply, “Because...

3 years ago
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Cougar turns Me Gay

The first girlfriend I had after I finally got a place of my own was a cougar. It was her that picked ME up in a bar one night. She wanted a toy boy, she said. I was glad to oblige. Never mind that she was older, she was hot as hell and the glint in her eye told me she was very much into sex. She was the one who helped me realize how much I like to get fucked up the bum. I'd never given it any thought. Always considered my ass was just there and not anything to do with sex.That first night she...

4 years ago
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Adventures with a Sex Therapist

Liz looked across at Helen and smiled; she still looked nervous, her hands clinging to her wine glass, but it was understandable. It was only their third meeting and tonight they would be getting down to the practical solutions phase; the talking had been done; the evaluations were complete, it was time to get down to the business of releasing her from her sexual hang-ups. “Well Helen are you ready to make a start?” Helen visibly shook and turned to look at her husband Don beside her. He gave...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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A surprise fuck to my hot GF

This story is of 1year back when me(Rohit) and my GF(Nisha) where in live-in relationship in Bangalore. Nisha figure was damn too hot 36-32-36 she was a very shy girl with her milky white skin bt where as I was very horny and wild which turns Nisha too wild and horny. We both couple are more in oral sex than wild fuck as I got my dick little thin n short so we usually suck n lick each others pussy and sex very less we very Happy living couple. Bt days passed n Nisha grows more horny for a dick...

3 years ago
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Please Dont Go

It was shortly after 6:30am when Liu got out of bed. His bare ass was red from the spanking Melinda gave him just a few hours before. I held in a giggle as I watched him slowly walk into the bathroom and lock the door. A few moments later, I heard the sound of the shower running. The honeymoon was over. It was back to reality. I looked down to see Melinda’s hand cupped on my breast, my nipple nestled between her fingers. God what a night the three of us had! I didn’t want it to end. What I’d...

4 years ago
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Just A Blowjob

She was never going to get used to this. Maria Chavez sipped morosely at her cup of gas station coffee, and pondered for the fifteenth time that night how and why she had ended up in this job. She grumbled to herself as she swiped her ID badge and stepped through the metal detector. It hadn’t been her dream to work as a correctional officer. It hadn’t even been her Plan B. And yet here she was again, punching in for the night shift. Charles, the security officer on duty, waved her through....

Oral Sex
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Pokmon the beginning

“Man!” Ash fell back on the bed again, covering his face with his hands. Then he got up and started removing his clothes. He could shower in the morning, and he was tired anyway. He pulled off his vest and his blue jeans and hat, leaving him in his boxers and his black t. he ran a hand through his hair and grumbled when he realized he had forgotten his gloves. He threw them on the pile and dropped back to the mattress with another sigh. The only thing that had been nice today was the weather,...

3 years ago
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Annual Heartbreak

It’s been a year since you last held me in your arms. I can remember the last day. Hell – I can remember the first day. Your arms – the safest and best place to be. I don’t remember the day I met you, but I remember the first day I noticed you. A school day, my first day with duties as a prefect I guess. I just couldn’t believe you were at my school – couldn’t believe you were that much younger than me. 18 months. All we did at first was talk. There didn’t seem to be anything that we differed...

4 years ago
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Mother in law again

I went round for a coffee, she answered the door in her PJ's...not up yet then i said, just got out of the shower. I have to perm my hair could you help, no worries of course. I helped her with the rollers, she's 67 and has a fine body i've wanked over her picture many times. While i helped put the rollers in i had to lean against her so i made sure my cock rubbed against her while i assisted. It slowly got harder so i thought just be careful. She finished putting the rollers in so we started...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 160 On the Road Again

I guess there is a good side to screwing a girl so much she is too sore to have sex. Well that is if they come cuddle up like you are the most important person in the world, or at least in the room. Shawna had dozed back off by the time Sue came out of the bedroom. As soon as she saw all the stuff from her house her eyes went wide. She looked over at me and then really started to panic since I was still dressed from when her parents had come to the door. “I have no idea which of the girls...

3 years ago
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Horny Mommy

As a student I didn't have a lot of money. Neither did anyone. Apart from the trust fund k**s, and there were a few of those at my uni, everyone was scrabbling for pennies. My poverty was becoming a big problem as the mid-term vacation rolled around and I went home with £50 to my name and considering getting a part time job. Back home during one of the vacations I met up with Mr. Newark. He was taking me out for dinner and we were going to go back to his to get reacquainted- payment free, as a...

4 years ago
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A fantasy part 3

Continue:I wiggled a bit, made it easier for my sexy wife to play with me, and focused on my dream again.---------------------------------------The young one still kept you in a tight grip while the old one started to play with your clit. Gently play, his fingers played, flickered, played with your lips, and did small pushes against your cunt.It did not take long before we all could hear soft moans from you. The moans grew stronger as his used one finger in your cunt while massaging your...

3 years ago
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Book Club Part Two Something New

This story involves the book club described in chapter one but revolves around two different women from the first chapter. Apparently sexy books stir more than just literary interest. Rachel Pittman is a forty-five-year-old mother of two. She and her husband Glenn are now empty nesters with that their two children off to college. With PTA and school clubs behind her, Rachel needed more to fill her free time. She joined the neighborhood book club as one of those time fillers. She had always...

Wife Lovers
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Private Seiger

The year was 1943. German troops were in Paris, Warsaw, Rome and were advancing toward Kursk in the Soviet Union. American troops were fighting the Nazi's in Europe as well as the Japanese on Guadalcanal. WWII was raging with no end in sight.At home, everyone did their best to keep their spirits up. Rosie the Riveter was on the assembly line welding and riveting munitions for victory. Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, and Judy Garland were making hit records. Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma" was...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Sasha Wanted Oral Sex

Hi, If you guys follow me you must have read my last story “My friends wife on a holiday” with me and Sasha my friends wife. Sasha is damn hot a girl I love her to the core.She has 36 size boobs she is very very fair and pink I love her underarms her short skirts she looks amazing her long black hair her black eyes her eyebrows she is true beauty. After our trip Sasha called me up one day she wanted to have oral sex with me that was her fantasy I told her sure baby I too love you so much that...

3 years ago
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Ryans SummerChapter 12

Ryan walked naked across the balcony to the stairs. He thought it felt funny to be walking down the grand staircase naked. At the bottom of the stairs, he looked for Ms. Baker. When he saw her in the kitchen standing at the counter fixing a cup of coffee, he walked up quietly behind her, dropped his clothes to the floor and placed his hands on her waist. When she didn't say anything, he moved in close and bent his head to her neck. "I saw you watching," he whispered. "I was thinking about...

4 years ago
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Does he know that I know

They were my roomates, Brian and Liz. I had moved in with them after college, and they were helping me start out. I loved Liz she was my best friend really. Even though she was a bit older than me, we had been really close.I was always a bit shy about sex, but Liz was always encouraging me to find 'myself' and explore. I had shared just about everything with her, accept for what I had going on with Brian, her husband.No we weren't sleeping together, but he had always been very flirty with me....

2 years ago
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Threesome in paradise

‘What are you staring at?’ I asked my husband at the dinner table. I had noticed him staring In the distance behind me. We were at a resort in Fiji, having dinner at one of their restaurants. ‘She just eyefucked you,’ he replied, now looking down at the table trying not to make it obvious. ‘Who?’ I wondered excitedly. My husband always pointed out people that checked me out, whether it was men or women. He was proud of the fact that he had a wife that people took second glances at, and...

4 years ago
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sex at the lingerie shop fantasy from our friend

Written with a lot of help from wild_lusty:We were at this sexy lingerie shop, she finally went outside braless, with a sexy thin black dress with a huge cleavage. She got lots of attention of the shop clerks the moment we step inside:As soon we step in a male clerk approaches and I say:- We need a shelf bra for her, as she is not wearing a bra today.His eyes open wide - Sure, what is her size?- I think it is easyer to show. Baby, please show what size is your breast!She reluctantly shows her...

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mom punished

My mom vidya.She is hot and sexy.She always wear her saree below her navel and in fact she is little bit of a exhibitionist.I heard many guys saying sexy about to my fantasy.I was doing that day I was driving my car to my home and it was already 7pm and it was raining.But unfortunately tyre got punctured.I tried for help in that heavy rain,but no one stop their vehicles.Then i saw a vehicle coming and i gave signal requesting them to stop,but they didn't stop.In that angry I...

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By Air Mail Ch06

The strangers are headed off to check out another airfield in another small place. As he drives through the long night, Terry’s thinking about a lot of things, like oh … just how lucky he is. Try to bear in mind that the sums of money mentioned in this are in 1946 dollars. A buck went a whole lot farther than it does these days. There’s a sex scene in this that I actually ‘wrote around’ a little on purpose. Given the people involved in it and that there are a few of them, I originally tried...

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A Murder Misstery

A Murder Misstery by the author of The Jessica Project When I rolled out of bed that fateful morning, I had no way of knowing that it would be my last day as Matt McCoy. After showering and dressing quickly (how I long for those days!) I bolted out the door for my train, looking forward to another manic day on the floor. Although I was one of the youngest traders at the Chicago exchange, I was becoming feared and respected for my cunning and balls...another detail which was soon...

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This story is what happen to me this morning, it's still on my mind, so i decided to share it with my friends here... I'm off duty today so was sleeping till late in z morning.. Everytime i stay home my bf used to come during the day, do some love n then we go somewhere.. But today morning, i was still in deep sleep when i feel like somebody was on me.. I used to sleep on my belly holding tightly my pillow pushing my ass up.. I felt that somebody caressing my legs coming up my ass.. I was...

4 years ago
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Meri Girlfriend Bani Meri Malkin

Ye story tab ki hai jab main 18 years ka tha. Meri ek girlfriend thi, Neha. Woh bohut hi hot ladki thi. Uske boobs 34 ke the aur gand 36 ki. Kya mal lagti thi.  Hum dono tab 12th mein the aur bohut sari phone par bate karte the. Dhire dhire hum dono phone sex karne lage. Usko oral sex bilkul pasand nahi tha aur mujhe bohut pasand tha. Par maine use mana liya oral sex ke liye phir humne milne ka plan banaya. Mere ek dost ka flat khali tha toh hum waha mile. Sabse pahle maine usse bohut sara kiss...

3 years ago
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Karas Party Mouth part 2

Kara thoroughly enjoyed the two fake cocks working both of her holes, imagining, wishing that they were actual cocks, fucking her hard at the same time. Kara had not had a good double fuck in some time and was dying for it. With any luck, maybe she could find two men at the party who would oblige this need.Furiously pounding her aching pussy with the dildo and letting the vibrator in her ass do its job on its own, Kara was soon brought to another gut-busting, mountain high orgasm, causing her...

2 years ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Sheila Ortega Popcorn Tits and Ass

Sheila Ortega was Tommy’s birthday present. Her and popcorn. Tommy was already enjoying his popcorn when Sheila walked in. She was hot. Caliente! She was stripping for Tommy while he kept throwing popcorn at her big ass. She liked popcorn. She took off her belt and whipped her tits and ass and Tommy’s dick with it. She put popcorn on his dick and started to suck him. Tommy had a very big dick for a 19 year old. When she was done sucking she started to fuck Tommy. Her tits were bouncing all over...

4 years ago
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My 11th Prostitute and first car date

The 11th prostitute I saw was cute-as-a-button and in her early 20’s. We had originally planned to meet at a hotel, but things fell through and we ended up doing a car date, my very first car date experience. I was apprehensive about doing this, but she assured me it would all be good. She chose a multi level parking lot in the heart of the city to meet at. At the appointed time I drove downtown. It was a hot summer day, lots of people walking around. I nervously pushed a button and waited for...

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