An ClochánChapter 30 free porn video

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By the time Destiny Group was 1500 km behind Emprika and the two bandit ships, they had separated into three groups. Iarracht and Marthanóir positioned themselves to approach Emprika's stern off the starboard side and above her. Dóchas and Phoenix positioned themselves to approach Emprika's stern off her port side but from below. Eagle, Taiséalai, and Fiontar traveling with the freighters slowed their approach to take up a static position a thousand kilometers behind Emprika. All of their ships were at Readiness Level 1.

Erin said, "Dóchas COC is assigning bandit I.D.s as DBAD1 for the ship along the port side of Emprika and DBAD2 for the ship on their starboard side." As Erin spoke, the monitors on all Órarduine ships updated with the new information. These assignments were quickly acknowledged by each Destiny Group ship.

"DBAD1 and DBAD2 are now alongside Emprika, with DBAD2 near the rear access hatch," said Joyce. "Spacing appears to be 200 meters between the bandits and Emprika."

Destiny Group was 15 minutes from Emprika when the Command Staffs heard the same voice that announced the cancellation of Emprika's distress call. "Emprika, I am the Captain of the ship on your port side. We heard your broadcast. Based on your declaration, we are invoking full salvage rights to the ship and its contents as permitted by our laws."

After a pause he continued, "Captain it was you that announced the Emprika's status as inoperable and needing assistance. Your declaration allows us to invoke salvage rights to Emprika and all contents. We are claiming Emprika as ours. In one hour, we will take possession of Emprika. We, as the new owners, expect you to make the following preparations for our arrival. When we board, we expect all passengers to be locked in their quarters. All weapons will be secured and stowed. All the crew members are to be standing naked with their hands behind their head along the walls of the main corridor."

There was a momentary pause before he continued with, "Captain, there is nothing you can do to stop us from taking possession of Emprika. Again, it was your broadcast that gave us the right to claim Emprika under the salvage provisions of our laws. By cooperating and preparing Emprika for our arrival, we assure you that all of Emprika's passengers and crew will be unharmed. All of you will be well cared for while you remain in our custody as we wait to be paid for your release.

"Resistance by anyone will be dealt with harshly. Any organized resistance will result in all of those still living becoming our property."

There was another pause followed by an angry reply, "You have no choice, Captain. We will board your ship! Any resistance and all of you will regret it. We have already dealt with one group on your ship. A group of inept Monque Spec Ops sought to interfere with our plans. Anyone standing in our way will meet the same fate. You will find them in Compartment 32 on Level 1."

The bandit paused for a few moments before adding, "Enough of this, when I close this dialog, you will not be able to contact anyone. Your external communication system will become inoperable. Remember, we will begin boarding in one hour. Now, prepare your ship for our arrival! Lock all passengers in their cabins! Lock all weapons in storage! Every crew member will wait naked with their hands behind their heads in the main corridor for our inspection.

"You have one hour to comply! Fail and the passengers and crew become our property. Let me be clear, as property, they will have the same status as livestock that we will dispose of as we see fit. Shut up and listen. You appear to be as incompetent as those in Compartment 32. We hope you fail for we are anxious to once again dine on live fresh meat."

Joyce said, "From the pauses, it seemed like there was some push back from the Captain of Emprika. The bandits must have done something to Emprika's transmitters since we can't hear the Captain's comments."

"I think it is time to complicate their plans," said Terry of Sarah's Clan as she smiled at Sarah.

Sarah said, "Calling Emprika. This is Destiny Group responding to your request for assistance. We will be alongside in 20 minutes to render assistance with your emergency."

"No assistance is needed," replied the bandit.

"Who are you to speak for the Captain of Emprika?"

"I am the Captain."

"Sir, we know you are not the Captain of Emprika. You are not even on Emprika. You are the one who falsely claimed salvage rights to Emprika. We heard and recorded everything you said to the Captain of Emprika."

"You are mistaken," snarled the bandit. "There aren't any problems on Emprika. Now go bother someone else with your nonsense."

"I am absolutely certain you are not the captain of Emprika. Your voice signature matches exactly the voice that we just heard claiming salvage rights to Emprika. Didn't you just demand Emprika's Captain prepare the ship for boarding by your people, and threaten them with enslavement if he failed."

"As Captain of Emprika, I can assure you that Emprika needs no assistance. Go bother someone else with your nonsense. Besides, there aren't any ships within light years of us, so your offer is meaningless."

"You are not Captain of Emprika, yet. Your sensors are faulty. Check your monitors or look out your ports."

"Look bitch, I've had enough of your nonsense. Our sensors are far superior to anything else in the universe. They are all working perfectly. I demand to talk to the captain of your ship."

"You are speaking to Admiral Sarah in Command of Dóchas," was the reply in a very friendly voice. "We are just ten minutes from Emprika."

"You are really testing my patience. Why do you persist in your delusions? Just who are you?"

"We are Órarduine."

There was a pause then the bandit screamed, "Órarduine?"

"Yes. Chatting with you has been most interesting..."

Sarah's response was overridden by the bandit hollering, "You murdering heathens. You sent two of our finest crews and ships to a slow death." The bandit's rage grew as he spoke ending with, "For that you shall die!"

Sarah laughingly replied, "Not a chance. You are misinformed about your two ships and their crews. They chose the path that took them to their death. Initially, they attempted to enslave us. Their naive attempt failed. They tried to instigate a mutiny on the Iridien ships under the Command of Commander Egulle and failed. We informed the Durale leaders on those ships that we knew of both their plots. They were offered a chance to publicly admit their schemes to the Alliance of Worlds or we would expose their plots. They chose to run. Before leaving, they fired lasers at the two Iridien command ships, attempting to disable them. Their inept operation of their ship placed it on a collision course with a very large planet in the Sol system."

"You lie bitch!" screamed the bandit. "We Durale, never run from anything. All of you will soon be in our livestock pens. We shall enjoy playing with each of you until it is your turn to be spread on our dining table. We shall rejoice in seeing the fear on your face as we secure you to the dining table. Our pleasure will grow on hearing your screams as we sink our teeth into your flesh and tear pieces of meat from your body as we dine."

"You are hallucinating."

Rusty continued, "Your aggression toward the Monque passenger ship Emprika is an act of war."

"Who are you?" screamed the bandit.

"Admiral Rusty in Command of Dóchas. As friends of the Monque, we will render Emprika all the assistance she needs to free herself from your evil plan."

"You wish! You and your harem of back alley whores are incapable of overcoming us. We Durale wait for your arrival. By tonight you and those sluts will be spread on our dining tables, for we shall dine on your flesh today."

"Destiny Group," said Erin, "DBAD1 and DBAD2 weapons now armed and scanning."

Bravo Recon Group under the command of Nicola's Clan advised Destiny Group that the Spiders were now in place on all three ships. Communications links were established and active with each group of Spiders. A Ferret on Emprika was close to gaining access to the ship's systems.

"Siobhan, Maureen, Kelly," said Sarah, "are we ready to project a hologram of us onto Emprika's Bridge?"

"We are," replied the four clans.

On Emprika's bridge, the sudden appearance of their lifelike holographic images almost brought all activity to a standstill. Surprisingly there wasn't any attempt to draw a weapon against them. Even so it took several moments for their arrival to gain the Captain's attention, as he was deeply engrossed in a heated discussion with several crew members.

When the Captain looked their way, the four Órarduine together in Standard said, "Good day, Captain." They waited for the shock of their appearance to subside before continuing with, "Time is short so we will get right to the point. We are representatives of Órarduine Destiny Group. We have sufficient resources to block those who plan on boarding you from the two Durale bandit ships. The two groups of bandits also have agents on your ship that we can assist you in subduing. We need your authorization for that assistance. Do you want our assistance?"

"Was it you that we just heard the bandit screaming at?"

"Probably, we just had a discussion with the Captain of the ship on your port side."

"Based on his claims of severing our communications, we were surprised to hear it. Did I understand you to say you are Órarduine?"

"Yes, we are."

"I've heard of you," replied the Captain thoughtfully.

"Perhaps you know us from our meeting with the Iridiens, Monque and Atewa in Sol system."

"Yes, that is it. Based on that, we readily accept your assistance."

Almost immediately another officer on the bridge shouted, "No! Absolutely not. Captain, you are unfit for command," as he pulled a weapon. Before he could bring it up to fire, there was a flash of light. The weapon clattered to the deck with the man's hand still attached. The Captain turned almost white. Two crewmen wrestled the wounded officer to the deck and bound his elbows together.

"Captain, are you alright?" asked a crewman.

"I think so," replied the Captain slowly with a bit of a quiver in his voice. "If I had any doubt about needing your assistance before, I don't now."

The four Órarduine said, "As a first step in assisting you, we would like to place several Security Teams on your ship. Is this acceptable?"

"Órarduine, you may bring as many people on board as you feel necessary to maintain order and remove this cancer we've acquired."

"They will be in the corridor behind the bridge shortly. To ensure communication with our ships, we would like for several of us to physically join you on the bridge. Is this acceptable?"

"I think it is a very wise move."

"If you haven't asked the passengers to return to their cabins, we would recommend that you do so now. You should have them secure their cabin doors as well."

"You heard their claims?"

"Yes, we heard what they said. We did not hear any of your responses. Their salvage claim is nonsense."

On board Dóchas, as soon as Rusty heard the captain accept assistance he said "FOC, cloaking off for all Badb ships and Star Fighters. Shields up."

"Aye, aye," came the quick reply.

Sally said, "Spider data says DBAD1 is a medium size cruiser with a crew of 380. Carries 20 small transporters. No other space craft. Ships weapons are laser and torpedoes."

"That is a little different than first reported."

"Yes. DBAD2 is the same size as DBAD1 but with a crew of 290. It carries 20 small transporters. Ships weapons are laser and torpedoes. It is laid out more as a transport than a cruiser. One deck is filled with rows of cages stacked four high. None are occupied."

As the Captain on Emprika began to issue commands, an Órarduine Security Team appeared in front of the bridge's primary entrance. Other Órarduine Security teams assembled in the corridor leading to the bridge. By the time the Captain finished speaking to the passengers Tiff and Emma had materialized on the bridge where the hologram had appeared. These changes startled many of those on the bridge, even though they had heard the Captain's acceptance.

"Captain, I am Tiff of Siobhan's Clan, and this is Emma of Keriann's Clan. We are here as a link to our ships."

"How rude of me, my name is Captain Marika. My apologies to those here earlier for not introducing myself."

"No reason for an apology. We are sure that the appearance of Sarah, Siobhan, Maureen and Kelly's holographic image was a shock."

"Yes, it was. Your own sudden appearance was only slightly less shocking. Did I understand you to say 'ships'?"

"Yes, sir," replied Emma.

"Holy shit," shouted a crewman, "our scanners are showing multiple ships all around us."

A look of concern flashed across the Captain's face. Before he could ask Tiff said, "Those are ours, our Commander had ours turn off cloaking after you accepted our offer."

"We have found only two bandit ships in the area," added Emma. "They are now about 200 meters off each side of you." While they were talking the Captain had moved to where he could see the monitor showing the other ships around Emprika. From his expression he was clearly shocked.

"Sir, our sensors are not showing any ships that close," said the crewman.

"Our sensors detected the bandit ships during their approach," replied Captain Marika. "Why aren't they showing now?"

"When the bandits claimed that they were alongside us, and there weren't any ships detected that close, we reset the system. After the reset the two bandit ships no longer showed on the monitors."

Tiff then said, "Captain, our Security Teams are in the corridor behind the bridge. Clearing the ship of the bandit agents will go faster if they are assisted by some of your crew."

Just as the Captain was about to speak another ship's officer came rushing out of an office with a worried look.

Turning to the officer the Captain said, "What's the problem?"

"Sir, we can't get the external hatch for the stern airlock to respond to commands. The engineers think it is jammed open. We can't see those areas as the cameras in the stern air lock are unresponsive. Ever since the alarm was tripped, the hatch will not respond to our commands.

"Just now our external sensors began showing multiple ships all around us. Four of those ships are much larger than us and rapidly approaching, from both sides of our rear quarter. We are trying to identify them now."

Emma said, "Those ships are ours. Dóchas and Phoenix are approaching on one side with Marthanóir and Iarracht approaching on the other. As to the hatch, our reconnaissance group saw at least eight people exit the stern access hatch nearly an hour ago. They were picked up by a small craft from the bandit ship we've labeled DBAD1."

"Emma, Tiff, this is Commander Moranshu," replied Captain Marika. "He heads our Security Department." Both Emma and Tiff bowed to the gentleman.

"You aren't Monque," replied the Commander immediately. "You aren't passengers. Just, who are you? How did you get here?"

The Captain started to reply but Tiff replied, "We are Órarduine. We arrived directly on the bridge a few minutes ago after receiving the Captain's permission. You have a good memory to know so quickly that we are not passengers."

"Knowing that you are not passengers is easy because you are nearly two heads taller than the tallest passenger, and for that matter that probably holds true for the crew as well. You said, Órarduine, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"What is the resolution on the hatch?" asked the Captain.

"Engineering says they will need to have a group go outside to close it. They are getting ready now."

"What's the status on the bandit ships? Our external monitors weren't showing any ships until just before I came out here. None of those ships are very close to us."

"Commander," said Tiff, "our ships dropped their cloaking shortly before we arrived here on the bridge. However, there are two ships alongside at about 200 meters from your ship. Based on their actions, we are referring to them as bandits and have labeled them as DBAD1 and DBAD2.

"It is the Captain of DBAD1 that Captain Marika has been talking to."

Captain Marika said, "As to the bandits, while you were overseeing the efforts related to the stern hatch, we had a call from a group who plan on boarding us about 50 minutes from now. Their intent is to take possession of Emprika and its contents by invoking salvage law."

"50 minutes. Salvage law? Did you issue orders for our crew to arm and get positioned to repel them?" asked Commander Moranshu.

"I was discussing that issue with several officers when the Órarduine contacted us and offered their assistance. The bound officer lying on the deck tried to prevent us from accepting the Órarduine's offer to help. The Órarduine also offered assistance in finding any of the bandit agents on board. Based on recent intelligence reports from the Iridiens, and their relationship with them, I accepted their offer. My acceptance didn't set well with the officer lying on the deck. Based on the information the Órarduine have since provided, it is likely a good thing the command wasn't given. They believe that the bandits have multiple agents embedded in the crew.

"We now have several problems besides no propulsion power. Our sensors aren't showing the two bandit ships next to us. Our external communication systems are not working. We have an air lock open to space. These new problems tend to confirm that the bandits have agents on this ship.

"There are Órarduine Security Teams waiting in the corridor to assist you and your staff in securing our ship. With the Órarduine's assistance we just might survive this."

"Okay. The last minute crew replacements would be an easy way to slip agents into our midst. We had quite a few of those just as we started this voyage. Our security monitors have noted some of them in unusual areas."

"If we may offer a suggestion," said Tiff, "you should look closely at those with access to, or in, the communication, propulsion and navigation departments. Based on your comments about sensor performance, perhaps those who had access to them should be closely scrutinized as well. Besides the communication and propulsion issues, we were advised that this ship has significantly deviated from its planned route." Tiff's comment resulted in a surprised look on the two officers faces.

"Just fucking wonderful," commented Captain Marika. "I'll bet the tracking beacon is disabled as well."

During the conversation with the Captain, no one noticed a crewman get up from his station. He then moved slowly across the bridge toward the door. As he moved across the bridge his attention was focused on those talking with the Captain.

Just as he reached for the door handle, a hand grasped his shoulder. The surprise caused him to jump and nearly scream. Cathan spun him around as she said, "Who gave you permission to leave the bridge?" The sound of her voice drew everyone's attention.

The crewman slipped from Cathan's grip as he looked up. His first thought was, 'who is she?' He immediately took a step back as he realized that she looked just like the Captain's visitors. He took another step back as he considered how to escape this Amazon blocking his exit. Cathan matched him step for step until he backed into a console.

With him backed up against the console Cathan looked down as she said in a commanding voice, "Which group are you working for? Slavers or bandits?"

Commander Moranshu started to interrupt but was nudged by the Captain who shook his head 'no'.

"So you are working for the slavers." The crewman's face turned white. He thought 'how did she know, I have told no one'.

"You have more character than that, so why did you sell your soul to them?"

The crewman began to slump but two of Cathan's team grabbed him, lifting him to his feet. "So they promised to free your family if you helped them with this harvest." The crewman barely nodded. His eyes were wide with fear as his thoughts raced trying to understand how she could know. Then as if a light was turned on, reality registered, his eyes filled with tears as he realized he was a fool. It was an empty promise. He wondered why he hadn't seen the truth before now as he realized that he would never see them again. His short sightedness and stupidity had condemned those on this ship to slavery or worse.

"You were conned. You have no special status with them. How many agents are there on the ship?"

This time the crewman responded with, "I don't know." Cathan frowned. Before she could speak he added, "The only ones I met were the two who recruited me for this. I haven't seen them since. Every communication has been by coded notes. Every time, a note just appears in my pocket. Once I opened them, the writing would disappear after a very short time."

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GFs New Bra

My GF is a few years older then me and has a nice slim body with a great pair of 36d's. Almost every time we fuck I get to slide my cock between them before I fuck her. When ever we go shopping we pass through the ladies department and I always run my hands all over the bra's and panties and tell my lady how good she would look in them. A couple of days ago we finally picked out this nice red lace bra and panty set. After we got home I asked her to model them for me. As I was waiting on the...

4 years ago
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Katies begining 4

Kevin woke the next morning, still feeling tired and exhausted as Tricia came into the room in her dressing gown, wet hair with a pile of clothes in her arms. "come on Katie, time to get up, your bath is running and you have a lot to do before school this morning. No nonsense now, up and get moving" as she pulled the duvet back from the bed. The sudden realisation that she was calling him Katie and that all that was covering him was a nightdress brought back the horrors of yesterday. He...

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ExpansionChapter 10

Mary was equipped with a radio supplied by Susan. The radio was so tiny that it was almost impossible to believe that it could send a signal 50 feet, much less the 5 miles that it was really capable of. Anyway, it was concealed in her hair under her wig, and she was very unlikely to lose it, nor would it be easy to find by someone searching her, even if the wig was pulled off. We could clearly hear all voices in the vicinity, and we were recording what we heard for future reference. Thus, we...

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My English Teacher

One day at school, I must have been about in the final year of school. I walked into my English class and saw this amazing beautiful woman sitting at the teachers desk. Not my regular english teacher. Apparantly he had an accident and this was a supply teacher.She sat there, she was about 35-36, with short brown hair, gorgeous body and dressed like an old school librarian. Cream coloured wooly jumper, long brown skirt, brown tights and a pair of short heeled shoes.I sat down and luckily it was...

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Just one of those nights True story

Let me start by admitting I have a weakness for BBWs!! Since I was constantly rejected as a young man in my teens, I have gained a serious interest in women with more "real curves" than most normal guys will attest too!! That being said I have dated a lot of "plus sized" women in my life!! Including which was both my first and my second wife WHO were BOTH beautiful women, with a really LOUSY attitude and just a really crap disposition as a "human being" is concerned!! In fact my whole marriages...

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BlacksOnBlondes Giselle Palmer 10242017

Giselle Palmer has a boyfriend, and he’s a white boy. She’s always had her eye on some of her boyfriend’s African-American friends…one, in particular. He’s a buffed Bull, and it seems he’s always over at their house. In fact, today he’s taking a shower before he and Giselle meet Giselle’s boyfriend over at the local sports bar. But the Bull has some other plans. Not only does he want to bang Giselle, but the Bull wants to document it on his cell...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Jewelz Blu Crushing On My Older Step Sister

Jewelz Blu is visiting home on vacation. It’s great to see her family, including her younger stepbrother Logan Long. As the stepsibs are reminiscing about how Jewelz used to take care of him when they were younger, Logan confesses that he thought of her the first time he masturbated. He also points out that his dick isn’t tiny anymore like when Jewelz changed his diapers once upon a time. He swears he doesn’t think of her like that anymore. Jewelz is very understanding about...

2 years ago
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Tale of Teenage LustChapter 32

It was nearing 9:00 PM by the time I neared my colony, and as I slowed down the bike, I muttered to myself “Sorry, pal ... looks like you’ll have to make do with my hand tonight...” addressing my cock, which was still throbbing painfully inside my underwear. Just as I was approaching the lane of my house, I spotted a solitary woman, wearing a Gujarati saree, walking ahead, clutching two plastic bags in her hand that seemed to be filled with vegetables, and some rice. Noticing something...

3 years ago
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mum sis and me the next evening the third part

We sat there eating dinner in an awkward silence, none of us had really seen each other all day and we certainly hadn’t talked about what happened last night. I didn’t know if mum was cross with me or not following her finding out l had sex with my sister or if my sister had had second thoughts about finding out that l was fucking mum and that had led to me fucking her.   ‘so’ mum said suddenly, ‘we have a problem, don’t we?’   I didn’t know what to say and started...

1 year ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 58 Hey Old Buddy

Kathy cackled as Daddy and Grand Dad wrestled Billy into position bottoms up across the leather-covered horse. "He's all your," Grand Dad told Mrs. Potter respectfully, "I've heard good things about your technique." "And I about yours," Mrs. Potter returned the complement. "It's an honour to be in the presence of such a grand master. Perhaps we can compare notes some time." "I'd be delighted, Madam." "Oh my," Mrs. Potter eyed the exquisite welt Grand Dad had tattooed...

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Global Freeuse Laws

Well, recently the entire world started accepting the new law that changed the world completely. They call it the Forced Nudity/Free Use Act which was passed in 2050 by the US Government. The law promised a decline in the rate of daily sexual assault reported in the country, and to be honest the gamble paid well there was a dip of 70% in sexual assault cases by 2055. This entire new law was a risky situation for the US Government as they have to prove that their country was safe for a woman to...

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A Short Hike

It was a typical Saturday for her. She got up in the morning and did her regular routine. She showered, ate breakfast and brushed her teeth. Just as she did every morning. I had told you the night before that I had a surprise for her today but she did not know what it is. I told her to be ready to go out for lunch around 11:00 am and to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. I knocked on the door and she answered. I saw her and she looked amazing. Well, she always look amazing. She was wearing...

2 years ago
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Meri Jivani 8211 Part 12

Hi….. Akky height 5’10” ksrati bdan. .Abhi tk ki jitni bhi kahani mene share ki un sbhi k sath mene kafi time tk sex kiya.Pr kuch aise wakya bhi hain jahan mene 1-2 baar hi chudai ki thi.Ab m unke bare m batunga.Aap mujhe yahoo.Com pr meri mail id akshay.Wise pr sampark kr skte hain. Rashmi or shital ki mast chudai k sath life smooth chal rhi thi. Ek din m rashmi ki chudai kr rha tha to usne mujhe mere past k bare m pucha.M use chodte hue bta raha tha tbhi mujhe foreigner kayle ki yaad ayi....

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The Salesmen a gay tale

THE SALESMEN (a gay tale)Bill drove into the small town at about the same time he always drove into a new place, just after dinner. He usually stopped at a diner along the highway for food, phoned ahead to see if the hotel had a room, and walked into the local bar just as he needed an after-dinner drink.The routine was the same since he had started this run in the north-eastern states ten years ago. Bill worked for a company that made paper-making equipment and visited his customers in the...

2 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 10 Kinky

Later Saturday Janelle was not sure why she was still here, watching the deeply intimate actions of the pair. Maybe because she had played a part in starting all this. Maybe because she could not know this kind of deep and erotic love any more. For whatever reason, Janelle was following the lovers as they left the kitchen and headed back towards the bedroom. They stopped before they reached the bedroom. Cal took her elbow and led Sue into a large, mostly unused bathroom, where some boxes...

3 years ago
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A Thousand Bucks Ch 04

To understand this story you should read it from the beginning. A special thank you to Estragon for making my story a much better read. * After Jenny graduated she started working full time at the motel. I had a talk with Harold and he went in a couple hours a day to see if Jenny needed any help. He told me he felt like he was more in the way than helpful. Jenny was doing a great job. I raised Jen’s salary to six hundred a week. I gave Harold three hundred but he and Emma would be moving to...

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My Mom8217s Highway Fun With A Truck Driver

This is a real-life story, and it happened when we were on our way back to Kolkata from Benaras. Usually, we don’t travel long distances by car. But due to the festive season, we did not get the return ticket. We were forced to hire a car and return to Kolkata by car. I hired a Zoomcar with my mom and headed for Kolkata on a beautiful sunny morning. It was only two of us, but still, we took an SUV. It is said that it is safe to have big cars on highways. I have been thinking about incest since...

4 years ago
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I like to show off with hubby

Here it is 2010 which started out very well when my husband and I went out on the town and stayed at a nice motel on the way home.  Sure, we could have easily made it home but my husband had other ideas since when I have had a few drinks, he knows I am wide open for adventure.  I have been an exhibitionist for many years and have to say that many men have seen me either naked or partially clothed.  I suppose I am chicken to do many things when alone so am lucky to have an understanding husband...

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Naughty Noxzema

Growing up, I was probably the one that matured a lot faster than the rest of my friends. My voice was the first to be lower, then I had to start shaving at around 10. Hair was sprouting everywhere and I would out grow my sneakers at least three sizes within a year. Those years were the most awkard of my life, but I managed to survive and hold on to some amazing experiences. I recall the first time I discovered masturbation and the end result that came of it - pun intended. It was the...

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My trip to the Adult Bookstore

Today was one of those days at work when I was really busy and to add to everything else I was extremely horny. It was difficult getting my work done when all I could think about was getting off. I finally finished work at about 9pm and was on my way home still horny as hell. There is an Adult Bookstore kind of on the way home so I decided to do a drive by and see how busy they were. As I drove by, the parking lot was full so I had to find a parking spot across the street. I went inside and...

2 years ago
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Game Night Of Sex With Vasanthi

The day I had been looking forward to has arrived and I am ready for the game night. It has been more than 5 months since our doctor advised Vasanthi and me not to have any intercourse. Even after my boy was born, we were still advised to wait another 3 months before we engaged ourselves in bed. Doctor: The normal waiting period is around 4 to 6 weeks, Karim. But I suggest you both wait a little longer for 3 months atleast. I want Vasanthi to be fully healthy before she takes you in again. The...

4 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 56

Bob the Quartermaster wasn’t a major issue to me until he made himself one. That was his mistake. The fact was that I wanted to wrap up business at the base, hand everything over to Burton and Monty, and head north. I wanted to get home, see my women and children, speak to my friends, and then go looking for Winslow. To me Winslow was the number one bad guy. Bob changed that. I’d spoken to Monty about getting a couple of drones into the air. He’d told me he’d look into it. I left him to the...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Eva Yi Sticky And Satisfied

Incredible Asian babe Eva Yi may look like Miss Innocent from the outside, but she is far from it. Inside her head, she has all kinds of crazy fantasies that are waiting to be unlocked by some lucky guy. In this case, the key happens to be our studs thick cock. As soon Eva gets a glimpse of it, some kind of sexual switch flips inside her head. She is ready to take a hard dick down that she will never forget. Lucky for her, our stud is just the guy to deliver it! He rubs her hands over her tiny...

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Ricks Wife part 4 of 6

Rick's WIFE 4 (4 of 6) I heard Linda's footsteps as she returned with William's Scotch. I was seated on the couch, apparently alone. From the sound of his voice, I knew William and his wife were sitting to the left of the fireplace in our loveseat. Linda's footsteps crossed back in front of me and stopped. Her hand took my wrist and gently placed a full snifter in my hand. I heard her move to my right and seat herself in a high-back chair...

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Bachelor party slut wife

I’m Sonya, a white slut housewife with a cuck hubby and an insatiable appetite for big cocks and mass quantities of hot cum filling all of my orifices. I’ve decided to share my latest experience with all of you since I’m too fucking sore to do anything else!!It began Friday night when I was escorted to my hubbies friends bachelor party to be the evenings entertainment for the men. Now I have been gangfucked many times before by various sized groups of guys. 30 men at a bachelor party about a...

Wife Lovers
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An Odd Couple

Chapter 1: Introductions Jed pressed the doorbell and the quick light steps of Angie clipped down the corridor approaching the main door. She smiled conspirationally when she saw him. "Come in lover boy", she cooed, and he heard the heavy door shut smoothly behind him as he kissed her lightly on both cheeks and entered the spacious flat. He followed Angie down the hall and into the main room. Rex was sitting at the computer workstation. "Hi mate" was the brief reaction to the footsteps...

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In der Falle 5

Mein bisher geilstes Sex-Erlebnis „Ja, ja", meinte ich. Und um eine Erklärung zu geben: „Ich fürchte, ich komme in die Wechseljahre."„Arme Maus", sagte Manfred mitfühlend. Er kam näher heran und schmiegte sich an mich.„Du bist ja ganz nackt", sagte er erstaunt.Ich erschrak. Verdammt, ich hatte vergessen, mir wieder etwas überzuziehen. Aber ich log routiniert. „Ja, mir war irgendwie so heiß. Scheiß Wechseljahre."„Arme Maus", meinte Manfred noch einmal. Zugleich begann er, mich zu streicheln....

3 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 33 Two Stiffies in the Carpark

As Keith was fluffing his dick up in the back seat of the Ford Courier he noticed Gemma fumbling around with something on her smart phone. When Keith leaned over the seat to see what she was doing Gemma quickly shut the thing off and closed up the case. “What are you up to, young girl? Ever since we sent that weirdo couple off down the river you’ve been up to something. Every time I turn up you seem to quickly stop doing something or stop talking about something. So, what’s going on,...

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A Redirected Life Pt 1

A Redirected Life By Holly Day I'm not sure how we met. I had loved to play trivia games at my favorite bar especially when it was entertainment trivia. I never did as well with sports but I wasn't horrible either. I always turned up on the same night each week. I saw her many times but never tried to approach her because I figured she was out of my league. She was about my height maybe and inch shorter but with heals I had to look up to talk to her. She just happened to sit next to...

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My 10th Gangbang By UK Customer And His Guard

Hello. I am Parul Parikh. I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad. I am a Gujarati. I am 25 years old. I am sharing my experience recently happened with my company’s customers and boss. Please share your feedback at Let me describe myself. I have done MBA and I am from a very rich family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36-29-38. I usually wear t-shirts, jeans, shorts. The incident happened this way. I do a job as a sales manager and HR in one company. Recently, my...

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Randy Had a Secret

Randy had a secret; a wonderful secret that she didn’t even share with her best friend. At the funeral for her grandmother in January, her smiling grandfather had given her a present and whispered that her Gram wanted her to have it, that is was one of her favorite things and that she should hide it. It felt like a flashlight wrapped in velvet and it was too big to fit in her purse so the girl held it under her coat until they got home and then hurried up to her room and unrolled it. It was,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 189 Dinner With the Chengs Creating a Family Heirloom

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) We parked in the drive behind all the other cars, got out and started walking toward the front door. I commented to Julia, "This is a VERY nice looking house." Julia answered, "After I've seen inside I'll give you my guess of what it's worth. That way you'll have an idea of how your place will compare." Ava muttered, "Millions of dollars. I still can't get over it." "Shh, here comes Lily." Lily rushed up, but with Carol and Julia on my...

1 year ago
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Herring and Banana Milkshake

©Oct 2003 Short story #28 Cindy Harrison was scared. She was also nervous, on edge, jumpy, and looking for something. Besides all that, she was naked, on tiptoe, and in her big brother's bedroom. She knew Tommy would be displeased if he found her in his room without permission, which probably accounted for her being scared, nervous, on edge, and jumpy. The only good thing, as far as she was concerned, was that her brother wasn't anywhere to be seen. His room was dimly lit and shadowy....

1 year ago
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Online Fling Turns Real

Walking down the hallway of the hotel felt like the longest walk she had ever taken. Playing back all the conversations they had shared these past months in her mind caused a stirring in her stomach. The countless nights they laid awake speaking on the phone. Comforting words shared between them causing feelings to form. The desire to feel the others flesh only grew stronger as time passed, and now with these final steps it all comes to f. Heart pounding, stomach in knots, an immense desire...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Husband

Previously, I told a story of how I cheated on my ex-boyfriend, at his request I might add, but he refused to believe it occurred. Needless to say, that opened a few doors for me. He lived about 7 hours away and after that I had no qualms about hooking up with who I wanted, when I wanted, but the fact was he never asked again, and even if I would say something about it he would ignore it as me trying to upset him. Finally, he caught me in the act. It was my Junior year in college. He was home...

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I'm not sure when I stopped hating my mother and began lusting after her. I think that I probably always desperately wanted her to love me, but as I got into my teen years I recognized that she was the typical trophy wife that married my father for his money and social status. Dad at 72 is over thirty years older than she, who at 41 looks more like she was in her late twenties. All those hours with a personal trainer and the best beauticians money can buy, paid off in spades for Alicia. As long...

3 years ago
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Life UncommonChapter 8

One month later "Hey there. You ready?" I looked up from my book to see Katie standing in my doorway. "Yeah. I've got my physics notes," I replied, patting a stack of papers on the floor beside me. "So, where did you want to study?" "Here would be fine, unless you'd prefer the lounge." "Nah; I just checked there, and it was packed full." "In that case, grab a seat." "That back-breaking excuse of a chair you have? What are you trying to do, cripple me for life?" "Or a...

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