Lawyer And Criminal A Sensuous Trial
- 3 years ago
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"Studly," I heard through my sex-deepened sleep.
"Go away," I muttered. I turned over and wrapped my arm around my naked wife's waist.
There was an insistent hand shaking my shoulder.
"Come on, Jase," some annoying bitch was saying. "Wake up."
I popped open an eye, staring at the redheaded beauty I was spooning in the motel bed. Slowly I looked back over my shoulder, only to see the same woman standing next to the bed.
"Come on," Karen said again. "Wake your girlfriend up and — wait a minute, that's me. Why would she turn herself into me? You told me that you never fucked me as a doll."
Sandy had woken up herself, and very helpfully turned over to sit up in the bed, letting Karen know that the version of her that Sandy had reproduced was in fact eighteen years old. And very perky.
"June 21, 2006," she chirped up.
"June 21?" Karen asked. "2006? Two days before our wedding? Jason Thompson, tell me that you didn't make me the stripper at your bachelor party. Because I will be extremely fucking disappointed in you if I find out that was true."
I was sitting up as well by now.
"I summoned you to practice," I said.
"Practice what?" she asked.
"Sex," I said, as if the answer were obvious.
"We'd been having sex for the previous year and a half," she correctly pointed out. "What did you fucking need to practice?"
"I, um," I began.
Sandy took over for me.
"He told me he found a new technique on the internet, and he wanted to try it out," she smiled.
"Oh my God!" Karen yelped. "That thing you did on our wedding night, where you put your hand on my —, and then you —"
I suddenly found myself surrounded with Karens, as my wife of fourteen years jumped into bed with her earlier self and began kissing me on the face.
"Sandy," she said as she suddenly sat up and began peeling off her clothes. "Go tell Mr. Richardson that Jase and I will be a little late getting to breakfast."
Her shirt hit the floor, followed quickly by her bra.
"Oh, and Sandy? He's really a nice guy now, okay? Don't slap him again, huh?
Her pants joined the pile of clothes.
"Oh, and Sandy? Don't go over there as me, huh? And put some clothes on, sweetie."
While Karen was peeling her panties off, I watched a naked 18-year-old redhead metamorphose into a clothed sixteen-year-old brunette as she walked toward the door. By the time she closed it behind her, my 32-year-old redhead had finished her own, much slower but much more satisfying metamorphosis.
Karen and I were sitting in the Shoney's across the street from the motel for a good fifteen minutes when a disheveled Andy shuffled in and a grinning Sandy bounced in beside him.
"You were right, he was pretty nice," Sandy winked at us as she sat down next to me in the booth, leaving the other seat across from her for Andy.
"Coffee," Andy said. "I need coffee. I can't believe I made love to Julie Pinsky."
"You made love to me," Sandy reached over to punch him in the shoulder.
Karen smiled at her.
"Honey, I hate to do this to you," she said softly, "but we need to know what happened to you after you left Jason's. How much do you remember?"
"Pretty much everything," Sandy said after a pause during which she toyed with her food. "I was with the Tuttles, and the father, Dan, found out that he could channel me. So I did a couple of performances each week for his friends, and then he set up a little pornography business and I did a couple of videos for him to sell over the internet. And then his friends sort of started taking over, the same guys I was with when you picked me up. And then — then I think he must have died."
"You don't know for sure?" Andy asked.
"Once I'm channeled," she told him, "—when I have another woman's body? — I have a compulsion to obey my master, the man or woman who changed me. At one point, I was — what was her name? Keira something — I was this Keira woman, waiting for Dan so we could finish a video. And all of a sudden the compulsion was gone. It was like lifted out of my head. But his friends came in and ordered me to finish the video. So I did, 'cause I didn't really know Dan was dead, and I figure that's what he would want. But then — then they tried to change me into someone else, and they couldn't do it. They weren't my masters, you see? That's when I knew that I didn't have a master anymore."
She looked down at her breakfast as it started getting colder.
"And then they started hurting me," she said quietly.
"Hurting you how?" Karen asked.
"It started with slapping," Sandy said slowly. "But when that didn't work they started using their fists, and then they got knives. They were convinced that I just didn't want to work for them, and they were going to make me."
She paused a little longer, before looking up at us with tears in her eyes.
"They cut off my nipple," she whispered.
"Oh my God," Karen's eyes were wide.
"And so I changed, right then," she said. "That's when I found out that I could do it myself. I changed into a woman I'd done before, that Angelina whatever her name is. But they wanted somebody different, um, Katie Couric, from like 1994. So they cut me again, and finally I got her.
"All they had to do after that was threaten," she continued, "and I would change. I started doing, like, four videos a day. And in the meantime, at night, I started to remember all the girls I'd channeled before, like Julie."
She smiled at me, and I tried my best to return it. She put a hand on my arm.
"Every night I'd channel Julie again, from that night you made love to me as her," she smiled at me.
"Anyway," she sighed, "they gradually allowed me a little more freedom, like the jogging. One of my other girls, back in the eighties, had been a jogger, and it gave me a way to get out of that hole for a while."
"Can you just turn yourself back into a doll?" Andy asked.
"Sure," Sandy said.
"So why not do that?" he asked.
"'Cause she'd lose all her memories," Karen smiled at her. "Some of them happy, some not. And she'd give them total control over her, instead of just the partial control they had."
Sandy smiled back at Karen.
"Well, hell, this isn't going to work," I said.
"What?" Andy asked.
"Well, the idea was we'd snatch her and then trade her for Julie," I said. I turned to Sandy. "Your friends have kidnapped the real Julie Pinsky so that Andy here will back off trying to find you.
"But we can't give her back to them now," I said. "They're a bunch of animals. And besides, Sandy is now our guest."
I looked over at Karen with a prim nod, and she burst out laughing.
"I once slapped Jason for not treating one of the dolls — I think it was Julie," she explained to Andy, "with respect. I told him that she was a guest in our house, doll or not."
"So what do we do?" Andy asked.
"We do have Carrie," I said. "How did Carrie know last night how to channel herself?"
"It's kind of a touch thing," Sandy said. "I can touch her and tell her things, just like she can do to me."
"Huh," I said. "Anyway, we can turn Carrie into Julie, and give them Carrie."
"But then they'll just treat Carrie like they treated me," Sandy said, "and since she'll have a master, she won't be able to turn herself into anybody else."
"Huh," I said.
"If Jason ordered her to change in accordance with their orders, would she do it?" Andy asked.
"Probably," Sandy said. "Yeah, I think so."
"Suppose she dies?" Karen interjected.
"Who dies?" I asked her.
"Hush, Jason," she said. "Suppose you're channeling, like, Britney Spears, and you're killed. Do you, the doll, die?"
"No," Sandy scoffed, as if it was the stupidest question in the world. "As long as my master is still alive, he can just change me back into a doll and go on channeling me."
"So there," Karen was exultant. "We trade Carrie, as Julie, for our Julie, little Carrie does her little porn thing for a couple of days or so, and then she commits suicide. We get her back, nobody's the wiser, we win."
"How do we get her back?" Andy asked.
"Yeah," I added with more sarcasm than was probably necessary, "I don't think the monks are going to put her out on the curb with the regular trash pickup."
Andy snapped his fingers.
"A subcutaneous GPS transmitter," he smiled.
"Yeah," Karen turned to me, "a subcutaneous GPS transmitter."
"What's that?" Sandy asked my question.
"It's a device I put under Carrie's skin, to let me track her," Andy explained. "We'll be able to find the body, and turn her back into a doll."
We tried to pick apart the idea for another hour, and then spent another hour after that turning it into a full-fledged plan.
Three days later, I was freezing my ass off on a godforsaken piece of Outer Dakota that looked like it would actually be improved by a nuclear accident. I could understand why they had been so eager to change their name from North Dakota, because they thought it implied they were too cold. But Outer Dakota? The only other Outer I knew was Outer Mongolia. How did that help? And as far as I was concerned, this particular part of Outer Dakota resembled nothing so much as Outer Mongolia anyway.
Andy had assured me that he had spent hours finding a site for the exchange that would guarantee our privacy and our security. Of course, he was sitting back there on a bluff in a car with Sandy, scanning the horizon with powerful FBI field glasses to ensure that we hadn't been double-crossed. Karen was in a rental car about a mile back. I was the one standing out here holding Carrie's hand.
Our exchange of "prisoners" had been arranged in a series of phone calls after Andy had visited the monastery late one night and tossed in a cell phone he'd purchased from a Missouri Wal-Mart. The next morning he called it and when someone answered it, he told them he'd like to speak to the person in charge of fundraising. He set the phone into a speaker cradle, and we waited.
"This is Brother Tomás," said a very sophisticated voice, rich with Latin American vowels and consonants.
"Brother Tomás, this is Mr. Richardson," Andy said.
"Mr. Richardson," his voice grew darker quickly. "I believe you have our property."
"And what would that be, Tomás?" Andy asked.
"Our changeling," the man hissed. "And I suggest that you bring her back here, before your friend Ms. Pinsky has some sort of accident."
"Tomás," Andy said, his own voice hardening, "if Ms. Pinsky is hurt even a little bit, not only will you never see your 'changeling' again, but I will personally hunt each and every one of you down, and do to you exactly what you've done to your 'changeling' over the past couple of years."
There was a long pause, and finally the voice asked, in a more reasonable tone, "And what is it you would like, Mr. Richardson?"
"That should be obvious, Tomás," Andy said. "Just as it is obvious to me what you want in return. Let me know how long it will take you to set it up."
He hung up quickly. The phone rang two hours later, and the meeting was on.
The buzzer on my watch indicated that it was one o'clock, and a tone from Andy on the cell phone I was carrying let me know that the coast was clear. Dressed as I was in a parka, wool hat, and scarf, I was probably lucky to hear the tones. But Andy had impressed on me that I shouldn't give them a chance to identify me, which was one of the reasons he'd set the meeting up for here. I looked over to see poor little Carrie shivering in the track suit that Sandy had been running in when we'd grabbed her five days earlier.
"You're not cold," I told her.
She stopped shivering and smiled at me.
"Thank you, master."
"Sure," I said. "Sorry it didn't occur to me before. Let's go."
Carrie and I began walking eastward. After a quarter of a mile, I could make out two figures walking towards us. Julie was one of them, and she obviously had no idea why she was there. The guy with her was dragging her along with an iron grip on her upper arm. I saw her eyes widen as she realized it was me. Finally, when we were about 20 feet apart, we stopped as if we were gunslingers from the Wild West.
I turned to Carrie.
"You remember your instructions," I said rather than asked.
"Yes, master," she nodded. "Four days."
"You have my changeling," the man called out, putting a sneer into that South American accent I'd heard over the phone a few days before.
I have a changeling, asshole, I thought. But she ain't gonna be yours.
I nodded.
He released his grip on Julie's arm and I nodded at Carrie to begin walking. Julie broke into a run, and jumped into my arms.
When Carrie reached the other guy, at a much more sedate pace, I turned and began walking Julie back toward Karen in the car.
"Oh, God, Jase," Julie started, "what the fuck is happening?"
"It's okay, baby," I put my arm around her. "Everything is going to be fine."
"Jase, I'm gonna be sick," she said.
I let her go, and she threw up into the snow. Finally, she got back up and tucked herself back under my arm.
Julie and I were both freezing when we finished walking the one and a quarter miles back to the rental car. We both climbed into the back seat where Karen had hot coffee waiting in a thermos. As Karen took off for the trip back to our hotel room in Minot, Julie downed hers in one gulp and I poured her another. She took a smaller sip, and we relaxed into the seats, enjoying the car's heating system more than anything.
Finally, after still another cup, Julie was ready to talk.
"Why do you keep looking in the rear view mirror, Karen?" she asked. "Oh, God, they're not following us, are they?"
She whipped around in the seat.
"Oh my God, they are," she started trembling. "They're following us!"
"Relax, honey," Karen said," that's our car. Those are the good guys."
In the meantime, though, Julie had grabbed up the binoculars that Karen had thrown on the back seat.
"I know him," she said, looking at the car. "Who is that? Fuck, that's Andy Richardson! Why is Andy Richardson driving your car?"
"It's a long story, Jules," I began.
"And who's that little slut, his girlfriend?" she asked caustically. "She looks about seventeen! God, what a perv!"
"She's sixteen," I chuckled. "And you have a lot in common."
"Yeah," Karen said, "you're gonna love her. She's a doll."
"Jason Thompson," Julie put the glasses down and looked at me. "Does this involve your fucking dolls?"
I nodded.
"All right," she sighed. "One more refill and then I'll be ready to listen."
She listened in silence to the whole story. The only emotion she displayed was when I explained why she had been kidnapped, and why the "bad guys" thought that her disappearance would have some influence on Andy Richardson. Even then she only raised her eyebrows. Finally, just before we reached the outskirts of Minot, I finished.
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Hi friends, ap k ly apni chudai story ka next part .. Let’s start. Mom ko plan 2nd step m lanay k ly start kar dea. Mom ko jb kaha k sub ka size bara ha mom ko kaha k chang kar k aty hn mom ny kaha thk ha mom ny market jany k ly dress chang kea hum market gay mom ko short size k sub kuch ly lia ghr a k phir try kea mom bht sexy nzr any lagi brazzer to itny choty size k ly k maza a gaya lunch kea movie dakhi mil k hollywood ke 300 war jis m ava green ka ak full nude scen ha hum ny cut kar dea...
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THREE DAYS WITH MEAGAN As it turned out the presentation went quite well Thursday morning at the prospects site. They asked us to make a few changes and rework the numbers. We did that Thursday afternoon so we stayed another night at the hotel. We were scheduled to meet with a smaller group of executives Friday morning and present the revisions. Meagan had a good feeling about the opportunity as did I. She decided to book a different hotel for Friday and Saturday night and I knew that I was in...
Saradas is one of those sites that caught me a little bit off guard because I didn’t immediately understand the name. I’ve reviewed countless porn sites with nonsensical, unfamiliar or foreign names that just turned out to be your typical free tubes stocked with your typical dirty movies. Maybe it’s just because free tubes are the dominant format for free adult sites, but that’s honestly what I expected here, perhaps with a South American twist. Turns out I was way off, which I would have known...
Porn ForumsArnoldo’s Restaurant - Wednesday 23rd, 9.30p.m There was something so intensely erotic about that night. In all my years in the restaurant business I’d never felt anything like it. It was surprising, not only that it was a Wednesday and the restaurant was half full, but also because of the palpable sexual desire that permeated the atmosphere in the room. I watched from my place behind the bar, with one eye on my staff, the other closely observed my diners. When I was a young man making my way...
ToysKalee and katieThis story is completely true. All the has been changed is names for confidentiality. Have fun ;).I got a new job this summer, working at a local park. I'm only a booth person, but I love my job. I myself am short with a fairly average build, and a decent size cock. Since I started working at the park I am at I've been riding my bike to work everyday. 4 miles to and 4 miles from.Kalee and Katie looking at them and seeing how they interact you would assume they are twins. Kalee is...
Below is a brief excerpt from A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, an American spiritual author and presidential contender in the 2020 election. After seeing her on the debate stage I decided to read her bestselling guide.-------------------The ego’s narcissism has us waiting for the perfect person to appear. The Holy Spirit knows that the search for perfection in another is just a smokescreen that hides our need to develop the perfect within ourselves. And if there is a perfect person out...
January 2, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Dad! Dad! Dad!” Jesse shouted as I walked in the front door. He was, literally, bouncing off the walls. “Nicholas is moving here! Nicholas is moving here!” I couldn’t help but laugh, “I know, Jesse. Aunt Bethany told me.” “Can they live with us? Can they? Please? Can they?” “Jesse, I only found out an hour ago. You knew before I did! Can we wait, please?” “Can Nicholas go to the hockey game with us tonight?” That would put us a ticket short, but if...
The bus driver came into the restroom and stood right next to me at the long urinal trough. As he unzipped and reached in to fish out his dick, he leaned over uncomfortably close to me, staring down at my exposed dick, and whispered in a husky, emotion-filled voice, "Boy, that's some great looking piece of meat you got, there." And with that, he hauled out a man-sized, already partially erect, perfect penis, sort of hefting it for my inspection. He turned slightly towards me as if offering the...
Hi, guys this Ramesh from Bengaluru working as a software engineer. I am a huge fan of ISS from last 6 years. I have read many stories in ISS but never got enough courage to submit a story and finally submitting a story. This is the story of fiction which I wish it should come true. I am 5’7″ height with medium color and weighs 65 kgs with an average body and a 5-inch dick. This is my first story on ISS so please excuse me for my mistakes. So coming to the story I just started my career 2 years...
"Well, well, what do we have here?!"My shot wide open as I turned my head to the door. Greg's cum still dripping from my face.I saw two guys, one walking towards me while the other shut the door behind them."We were just, I... I was just.." I tried to explain."Don't worry about it, the whole point of the party is to have fun." one said."We like to have fun too." the other added.I was kneeling with my back resting on the bed as they stood on either side of me. I could see their cocks beginning...
Into the Woods Dana had watched most of the hotel’s library of On-Demand movies by the time Lily came sulking through the front door sometime after dawn. Without a word, the succubus disappeared into the bathroom, and the shower kicked on. Frowning, Dana checked the time. Why was Lily taking a shower? She figured that the succubus could just blink her eyes and become clean, or whatever, but maybe demons needed to bathe frequently to chase away the stink of sulfur. Curious, she cracked open...
I opened the chests and found an impressive amount of gold. Some of it was in bars and some of it was in coins. I gave each of the women 10 golden Krugerrands. I was not sure of the current value, but I was sure that each one was worth on the order of $1,500 each, at least. That was a drop in the bucket for how much gold was in the two chests. Now my problem was how to deal with that much gold. There was at least 200 pounds of gold, plus the weight of the chests, so I literally had an...
Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her. ‘Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She’ll kill me if I’m late!!’ the voice was saying in a very excited tone. Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means....
I finally made it, I have a full football scholarship to a small college and I’m away from home, for the first time in my life. I checked in, they had a whole staff to help you if you needed it, but I was fine, so I got my schedules, both football and academic and the key to my room. I knew I was getting a roommate, it was a small school and I was curious to see how the luck of the draw worked for me. He was already in the room and unpacked when I got there, it took me all of thirty seconds to...
GayDr. Jessica Anderson was a leading writer, researcher and archeologist on ancient Bronze Age civilizations, despite only being in her early thirties. Her work was cited worldwide, and her discoveries lined the halls of museums around the globe. This fame and skill had not come without cost though. Being a successful woman in academia required a degree of social sacrifice. Dr. Anderson had to develop boundaries between herself and her assistants and colleagues for fear of appearing to "sleep her...
BDSMElle Voneva is sucking a popsicle after school when she gets home and finds her brothers best friend knocking on the door. She makes her way past him and his eyes lock on her ass and the swish of her skirt. Her school uniform is a big turn on but not as much as that popsicle. Shes sucking on it like shes hungry for something else. They dont have much time because her brother should be home any minute. He unzips his pants and she sucks his cock. He fucks her hard and cums all over her ass cheeks...
xmoviesforyouFor those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...
Hi readers, I’m Urmilla 42 years old and my husband is a rich Nri based in Dubai he only comes to country once in two or three years and that too for a few days. we had two girls Nisha 24 and navya 22 even though I was a mom of two I’m still looking young and many of my friends commends that three of us are like sisters. My daughters were also sex bombs like me and was having huge tits and big ass like me as I was living away from my husband many of my neighbors and family members were having...
By the time I got back to my study, I was in a foul mood. I felt liquid running down the back of my neck and knew that Myrna's slap had opened the cut again. I sat down and leaned, back thinking about what I had done. To my surprise, I felt a little guilty about the way I had talked to Myrna. Even though she shouldn't have slapped me like a little kid, I was still wrong in the way I had handled it. I had not only shocked myself and her with the venom in my voice, but I could still see the...
To set the scene a little first. My name is Chris, I was a 24 year old man at the time who had been with my girlfriend (Leila) for almost 5 years. We had a good relationship and were on the verge of engagement to be married (although I hadn’t asked her at this point). In previous relationships I had always got on well with my gf’s parents, I was well spoken with a good job and so the dad’s were always happy, also I had a look that for some reason older women found very handsome. Not sure...
I will share an experience of mine that I had in the office sometime back. I used to head the marketing division of a medium sized organization in Dubai at that time and we were 8 people in all working in my section, three of which were women. Rita was one of them. She was a 31 year old cute and petite woman, always smiling and had a very pleasant disposition. Rita was married and had one child and at that time she lived with her sister and sister’s family as her husband was in India. Rita’s...
Introduction: About half of this happened and about half is made up. I did fuck a girl in the park at this age and was seen. The year I turned 14 I was beginning to have nicely rounded thighs with a tight flat tummy and toned arms and my breasts were a perky b-cup. I began working out and eating healthier and it paid off. I wanted to be one of the hottest girls in Junior High and I was getting there. On the day of my Science Exam I decided to buy lunch from Subway. Subway was inside the...
Mum and Dad met the four of us at the station with both cars – Dad had taken the day off work in honour of the visitors. He said that as it was half-term, a lot of people were off, so as to get an early start for a long bank holiday weekend. Jen introduced Hamish, and Julie kissed my parents as they said how pleased they were that all four of us had appeared. Dad joked that Hamish and I could ride with him and that we'd nip into the boozer for some male bonding and have a swift half on the...
At baggage claim, a uniformed woman was holding a sign with the name 'Summer party' written on it. "That's us," I said. She asked for our baggage stubs and handed them to a porter. After all our baggage was retrieved, she led us outside to a stretch limo. The limo driver had the trunk open and the porter stowed all our baggage. Derek tipped him well. "Tony will take you to your hotel, have a great holiday here in Las Vegas," she said and then she walked away. We climbed into the limo and I...
InterracialHi All.. This is Rahul from Bangalore and this is my second story . Am a regular reader of ISS from the past 4 Years. Thanks for all the comments and support for my first story . I am gonna share all my experiences one by one with you guys . Lemme introduce myself once again to you guys . Am Rahul from Bangalore , am a kind of sportive and a person who wants to enjoy every moment of life and I do so . I have a great respect towards woman and their feelings . I am 5.7 ft tall with a good...
Hi ISS readers, first of all i would like to thank ISS to know that there are people like me who loves to make love with their sister. I gone through many stories in this website, i dont know how many of them are true, but gave me some kind of boldness to write this true story which happened just few weeks back. Thanks to ISS. first of all let me tell you about me n sindhu. i m sri doing my final yr from visakhapatnam ans sindhu is doing her 1st year from vizag as well.i really...