Lawyer And Criminal A Sensuous Trial
- 3 years ago
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"Studly," I heard through my sex-deepened sleep.
"Go away," I muttered. I turned over and wrapped my arm around my naked wife's waist.
There was an insistent hand shaking my shoulder.
"Come on, Jase," some annoying bitch was saying. "Wake up."
I popped open an eye, staring at the redheaded beauty I was spooning in the motel bed. Slowly I looked back over my shoulder, only to see the same woman standing next to the bed.
"Come on," Karen said again. "Wake your girlfriend up and — wait a minute, that's me. Why would she turn herself into me? You told me that you never fucked me as a doll."
Sandy had woken up herself, and very helpfully turned over to sit up in the bed, letting Karen know that the version of her that Sandy had reproduced was in fact eighteen years old. And very perky.
"June 21, 2006," she chirped up.
"June 21?" Karen asked. "2006? Two days before our wedding? Jason Thompson, tell me that you didn't make me the stripper at your bachelor party. Because I will be extremely fucking disappointed in you if I find out that was true."
I was sitting up as well by now.
"I summoned you to practice," I said.
"Practice what?" she asked.
"Sex," I said, as if the answer were obvious.
"We'd been having sex for the previous year and a half," she correctly pointed out. "What did you fucking need to practice?"
"I, um," I began.
Sandy took over for me.
"He told me he found a new technique on the internet, and he wanted to try it out," she smiled.
"Oh my God!" Karen yelped. "That thing you did on our wedding night, where you put your hand on my —, and then you —"
I suddenly found myself surrounded with Karens, as my wife of fourteen years jumped into bed with her earlier self and began kissing me on the face.
"Sandy," she said as she suddenly sat up and began peeling off her clothes. "Go tell Mr. Richardson that Jase and I will be a little late getting to breakfast."
Her shirt hit the floor, followed quickly by her bra.
"Oh, and Sandy? He's really a nice guy now, okay? Don't slap him again, huh?
Her pants joined the pile of clothes.
"Oh, and Sandy? Don't go over there as me, huh? And put some clothes on, sweetie."
While Karen was peeling her panties off, I watched a naked 18-year-old redhead metamorphose into a clothed sixteen-year-old brunette as she walked toward the door. By the time she closed it behind her, my 32-year-old redhead had finished her own, much slower but much more satisfying metamorphosis.
Karen and I were sitting in the Shoney's across the street from the motel for a good fifteen minutes when a disheveled Andy shuffled in and a grinning Sandy bounced in beside him.
"You were right, he was pretty nice," Sandy winked at us as she sat down next to me in the booth, leaving the other seat across from her for Andy.
"Coffee," Andy said. "I need coffee. I can't believe I made love to Julie Pinsky."
"You made love to me," Sandy reached over to punch him in the shoulder.
Karen smiled at her.
"Honey, I hate to do this to you," she said softly, "but we need to know what happened to you after you left Jason's. How much do you remember?"
"Pretty much everything," Sandy said after a pause during which she toyed with her food. "I was with the Tuttles, and the father, Dan, found out that he could channel me. So I did a couple of performances each week for his friends, and then he set up a little pornography business and I did a couple of videos for him to sell over the internet. And then his friends sort of started taking over, the same guys I was with when you picked me up. And then — then I think he must have died."
"You don't know for sure?" Andy asked.
"Once I'm channeled," she told him, "—when I have another woman's body? — I have a compulsion to obey my master, the man or woman who changed me. At one point, I was — what was her name? Keira something — I was this Keira woman, waiting for Dan so we could finish a video. And all of a sudden the compulsion was gone. It was like lifted out of my head. But his friends came in and ordered me to finish the video. So I did, 'cause I didn't really know Dan was dead, and I figure that's what he would want. But then — then they tried to change me into someone else, and they couldn't do it. They weren't my masters, you see? That's when I knew that I didn't have a master anymore."
She looked down at her breakfast as it started getting colder.
"And then they started hurting me," she said quietly.
"Hurting you how?" Karen asked.
"It started with slapping," Sandy said slowly. "But when that didn't work they started using their fists, and then they got knives. They were convinced that I just didn't want to work for them, and they were going to make me."
She paused a little longer, before looking up at us with tears in her eyes.
"They cut off my nipple," she whispered.
"Oh my God," Karen's eyes were wide.
"And so I changed, right then," she said. "That's when I found out that I could do it myself. I changed into a woman I'd done before, that Angelina whatever her name is. But they wanted somebody different, um, Katie Couric, from like 1994. So they cut me again, and finally I got her.
"All they had to do after that was threaten," she continued, "and I would change. I started doing, like, four videos a day. And in the meantime, at night, I started to remember all the girls I'd channeled before, like Julie."
She smiled at me, and I tried my best to return it. She put a hand on my arm.
"Every night I'd channel Julie again, from that night you made love to me as her," she smiled at me.
"Anyway," she sighed, "they gradually allowed me a little more freedom, like the jogging. One of my other girls, back in the eighties, had been a jogger, and it gave me a way to get out of that hole for a while."
"Can you just turn yourself back into a doll?" Andy asked.
"Sure," Sandy said.
"So why not do that?" he asked.
"'Cause she'd lose all her memories," Karen smiled at her. "Some of them happy, some not. And she'd give them total control over her, instead of just the partial control they had."
Sandy smiled back at Karen.
"Well, hell, this isn't going to work," I said.
"What?" Andy asked.
"Well, the idea was we'd snatch her and then trade her for Julie," I said. I turned to Sandy. "Your friends have kidnapped the real Julie Pinsky so that Andy here will back off trying to find you.
"But we can't give her back to them now," I said. "They're a bunch of animals. And besides, Sandy is now our guest."
I looked over at Karen with a prim nod, and she burst out laughing.
"I once slapped Jason for not treating one of the dolls — I think it was Julie," she explained to Andy, "with respect. I told him that she was a guest in our house, doll or not."
"So what do we do?" Andy asked.
"We do have Carrie," I said. "How did Carrie know last night how to channel herself?"
"It's kind of a touch thing," Sandy said. "I can touch her and tell her things, just like she can do to me."
"Huh," I said. "Anyway, we can turn Carrie into Julie, and give them Carrie."
"But then they'll just treat Carrie like they treated me," Sandy said, "and since she'll have a master, she won't be able to turn herself into anybody else."
"Huh," I said.
"If Jason ordered her to change in accordance with their orders, would she do it?" Andy asked.
"Probably," Sandy said. "Yeah, I think so."
"Suppose she dies?" Karen interjected.
"Who dies?" I asked her.
"Hush, Jason," she said. "Suppose you're channeling, like, Britney Spears, and you're killed. Do you, the doll, die?"
"No," Sandy scoffed, as if it was the stupidest question in the world. "As long as my master is still alive, he can just change me back into a doll and go on channeling me."
"So there," Karen was exultant. "We trade Carrie, as Julie, for our Julie, little Carrie does her little porn thing for a couple of days or so, and then she commits suicide. We get her back, nobody's the wiser, we win."
"How do we get her back?" Andy asked.
"Yeah," I added with more sarcasm than was probably necessary, "I don't think the monks are going to put her out on the curb with the regular trash pickup."
Andy snapped his fingers.
"A subcutaneous GPS transmitter," he smiled.
"Yeah," Karen turned to me, "a subcutaneous GPS transmitter."
"What's that?" Sandy asked my question.
"It's a device I put under Carrie's skin, to let me track her," Andy explained. "We'll be able to find the body, and turn her back into a doll."
We tried to pick apart the idea for another hour, and then spent another hour after that turning it into a full-fledged plan.
Three days later, I was freezing my ass off on a godforsaken piece of Outer Dakota that looked like it would actually be improved by a nuclear accident. I could understand why they had been so eager to change their name from North Dakota, because they thought it implied they were too cold. But Outer Dakota? The only other Outer I knew was Outer Mongolia. How did that help? And as far as I was concerned, this particular part of Outer Dakota resembled nothing so much as Outer Mongolia anyway.
Andy had assured me that he had spent hours finding a site for the exchange that would guarantee our privacy and our security. Of course, he was sitting back there on a bluff in a car with Sandy, scanning the horizon with powerful FBI field glasses to ensure that we hadn't been double-crossed. Karen was in a rental car about a mile back. I was the one standing out here holding Carrie's hand.
Our exchange of "prisoners" had been arranged in a series of phone calls after Andy had visited the monastery late one night and tossed in a cell phone he'd purchased from a Missouri Wal-Mart. The next morning he called it and when someone answered it, he told them he'd like to speak to the person in charge of fundraising. He set the phone into a speaker cradle, and we waited.
"This is Brother Tomás," said a very sophisticated voice, rich with Latin American vowels and consonants.
"Brother Tomás, this is Mr. Richardson," Andy said.
"Mr. Richardson," his voice grew darker quickly. "I believe you have our property."
"And what would that be, Tomás?" Andy asked.
"Our changeling," the man hissed. "And I suggest that you bring her back here, before your friend Ms. Pinsky has some sort of accident."
"Tomás," Andy said, his own voice hardening, "if Ms. Pinsky is hurt even a little bit, not only will you never see your 'changeling' again, but I will personally hunt each and every one of you down, and do to you exactly what you've done to your 'changeling' over the past couple of years."
There was a long pause, and finally the voice asked, in a more reasonable tone, "And what is it you would like, Mr. Richardson?"
"That should be obvious, Tomás," Andy said. "Just as it is obvious to me what you want in return. Let me know how long it will take you to set it up."
He hung up quickly. The phone rang two hours later, and the meeting was on.
The buzzer on my watch indicated that it was one o'clock, and a tone from Andy on the cell phone I was carrying let me know that the coast was clear. Dressed as I was in a parka, wool hat, and scarf, I was probably lucky to hear the tones. But Andy had impressed on me that I shouldn't give them a chance to identify me, which was one of the reasons he'd set the meeting up for here. I looked over to see poor little Carrie shivering in the track suit that Sandy had been running in when we'd grabbed her five days earlier.
"You're not cold," I told her.
She stopped shivering and smiled at me.
"Thank you, master."
"Sure," I said. "Sorry it didn't occur to me before. Let's go."
Carrie and I began walking eastward. After a quarter of a mile, I could make out two figures walking towards us. Julie was one of them, and she obviously had no idea why she was there. The guy with her was dragging her along with an iron grip on her upper arm. I saw her eyes widen as she realized it was me. Finally, when we were about 20 feet apart, we stopped as if we were gunslingers from the Wild West.
I turned to Carrie.
"You remember your instructions," I said rather than asked.
"Yes, master," she nodded. "Four days."
"You have my changeling," the man called out, putting a sneer into that South American accent I'd heard over the phone a few days before.
I have a changeling, asshole, I thought. But she ain't gonna be yours.
I nodded.
He released his grip on Julie's arm and I nodded at Carrie to begin walking. Julie broke into a run, and jumped into my arms.
When Carrie reached the other guy, at a much more sedate pace, I turned and began walking Julie back toward Karen in the car.
"Oh, God, Jase," Julie started, "what the fuck is happening?"
"It's okay, baby," I put my arm around her. "Everything is going to be fine."
"Jase, I'm gonna be sick," she said.
I let her go, and she threw up into the snow. Finally, she got back up and tucked herself back under my arm.
Julie and I were both freezing when we finished walking the one and a quarter miles back to the rental car. We both climbed into the back seat where Karen had hot coffee waiting in a thermos. As Karen took off for the trip back to our hotel room in Minot, Julie downed hers in one gulp and I poured her another. She took a smaller sip, and we relaxed into the seats, enjoying the car's heating system more than anything.
Finally, after still another cup, Julie was ready to talk.
"Why do you keep looking in the rear view mirror, Karen?" she asked. "Oh, God, they're not following us, are they?"
She whipped around in the seat.
"Oh my God, they are," she started trembling. "They're following us!"
"Relax, honey," Karen said," that's our car. Those are the good guys."
In the meantime, though, Julie had grabbed up the binoculars that Karen had thrown on the back seat.
"I know him," she said, looking at the car. "Who is that? Fuck, that's Andy Richardson! Why is Andy Richardson driving your car?"
"It's a long story, Jules," I began.
"And who's that little slut, his girlfriend?" she asked caustically. "She looks about seventeen! God, what a perv!"
"She's sixteen," I chuckled. "And you have a lot in common."
"Yeah," Karen said, "you're gonna love her. She's a doll."
"Jason Thompson," Julie put the glasses down and looked at me. "Does this involve your fucking dolls?"
I nodded.
"All right," she sighed. "One more refill and then I'll be ready to listen."
She listened in silence to the whole story. The only emotion she displayed was when I explained why she had been kidnapped, and why the "bad guys" thought that her disappearance would have some influence on Andy Richardson. Even then she only raised her eyebrows. Finally, just before we reached the outskirts of Minot, I finished.
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That summer was a very laid back time for me. I was not working or going to school or preparing for anything, so I had time just to kick back and hang with my friends. We went to the standard places; malls, movie theaters and pools. A lot of my friends had pools, and we sort of migrated where we hung out each day, but more and more I was having friends over to my pool. I still had to warn my family, and particularly Girl, before people were coming over, but my mother didn't have any issues...
Me and my college. We went around our old elementary school, saying hi to our old teachers. We finished, but my hot 5th grade teacher wanted to talk to me. So Jasmine got in her car to go home, but I stayed at her classroom so she could talk to me. She asked me all of the usual questions about how life was, then walked over to me, took off her dress, revealing a perfect pair of C36 breasts. She took off my pants, took my rock-solid penis and her breasts and put my penis in between them and...
Cheating WifesAt a recent art show, the couple next to me had brought their neice, a hot looking 20 year old brunette. All morning long she would glance over at me in my booth with a devious smile,flirting with me. She was petite but had beautiful brown hair with a braid around the top of her head,along with petite puffy boobs, and oh so nice tan legs!!!! My mind was filled with nothing but sexual thoughts about Micki, but how could I make anything happen as I was there to sell my art and make money.Later in...
Hey guys! How are you all? This incident happened 10 days back in my life and her name is richa(name changed). She looks super hot and sexy and I’ve got to fuck her. And guess what..She is right beside me now watching me write this story. Coming to the story. Richa is a very horny girl (28 year old) and was dying to get her pussy fucked harder than ever.She was married 3 years back with a dumbo who cannot satisfy her sexual needs so she was searching for a guy and found me. She stays in our...
It was only a week before Christmas when Cindy called April and asked what the Division was going to do for a party. Hanging up the phone, April immediately called the dining room and asked about scheduling a Christmas party for the division. By now the unit numbered sixty people and it was still growing rapidly. The initial response was laughter. She was told in no uncertain terms that all facilities had been booked for over six months. Hearing the news, April was ashamed. It was the first...
a long story Hi all,about 9 months ago i moved into my new house,on the day i moved in the neighbour moved out up until around 10 weeks ago it remained empty.I hadnt noticed anyone move in till i was cleaning my car and i heard a female say after you have done yours,you can do mine.i turned around and stood in the next door garden was an absolute stunning brunette female,about 5'10 wearing a tshirt that showed her belly.I laughed and said ok i only charge £5 or a brew and she laughed back and...
ExhibitionismLike Icarus, I flew too close to the sun. It was my downfall. And again, like Icarus, it was my own fault. I made a bad decision, and I came spinning down from the heights of passion to the depths of despair. My story was going so well. Ursula cared deeply for me, her Roger, and I adored her with my complete soul. Who would have thought it would end this way? Cynthia and Carl had broken up. Who was to blame for that? I hadn’t a clue, really. Perhaps nobody was. Perhaps it was just life...
Hi all this is lavanya……This incident i am going to share with you people is about my family….To start with myself lavanya, and other three people in my family, elder brother – vijay, mom-soumya, dad-ranjith. I and vijay work in a same company….But we had decided that we will not tell anyone that we were siblings..Dad works in govt sector, where one comes to home in holidays…Mom was very close to us…We share everything with mom mostly no secrets..Mom was married at the age of 13…She had fer...
IncestDream Diary 4 "True North Strong and Free" About three days ago I received an unusual letter in the mail. It was from my cousin Chris. Chris and I are pretty good net buddies. We share a lot of what goes on in our personal lives. But in real life we don't hang out much at all. We only get to see each other at major family events. Holidays, funerals and the like. Maybe once a year at best. While we do spend at least a half an hour online each or every other day, we have never used...
As our entire family had brunch, I was feeling irritated by mom's apparently unrelenting pursuit of making fun of everyone else. She was sitting to my right. I pulled back and looked under the table, taking in the details of the way mom was sitting. Then I sat ordinarily picking on my food, using my left hand as I rested my right hand on my thigh. Dad was talking when I swiftly moved my right hand, pulled the hem of mom's dress and placed my palm over the crotch of her panties all in a...
The next morning, Bobby Thornton awoke before sunup. This was unusual for him, because, like all boys entering puberty, there was no greater treat than to sleep late in the morning (he didn't know about sex, yet). He was lolling abed, waiting for his mother to call him for breakfast—he had momentarily forgotten the events of the previous day. Suddenly, there was a voice in his head, "Bobby Thornton, get your ass out of bed and get moving. Do I have to do everything?" He recognized that...
I walked through the forest hunting deer. It was high-noon when I had picked up the tracks of a small herd. I lived on the forest edge and had been living in these woods for some time. So it was odd finding foot prints. I was armed with my bow, staff and a short sword. Following the tracks the foot prints went off to the east while the herd continued north. Listing to the forest it went completely silent. This was the first sigh that something was wrong. Stopping my keen ears picked up on the...
Milwaukee Cuckold and a f****y Friend Judy and I have had a cuckold relationship for over 20 years. One of her s****rs and her best friend knew but none of our other personal acquaintances knew what sort of life we really led. She threatened to tell friends and f****y members all of the time but never did. I came home from work one Friday and I see the dinner table set for 3 people. Judy walked in the room then and she was wearing one of her really short skirts and her top was done for...
When Denac, Lanita, and I arrived at the horse and donkey ranch is was apparent that the donkeys were not dissatisfied with their new accommodations. There were fourteen of them, and six were following the guys around while the other eight were leaning against the pen's fence to visit with the large cashda in it. Jortah came over as we dismounted. "What did you call the small ones? They don't act a bit like the larger ones do." "They are donkeys, and they are usually a little curious...
Mom was in hospice. She'd made it to ninety but wasn't expected to last much longer. Dad died years ago. I visited her every other day after work. We often ate dinner together and talked. After this one she brought out an obviously old envelope with a three cent postage stamp on it. "Read this," is all she said as she handed it to me. I opened it carefully and read: My Dear Lucy, If you are reading this, I will not be coming back home. My sister had instructions to mail it if she was...
Hi everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with the cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at You can read my other stories by clicking on my name in this page. Coming to the story, this happened last year when my company has sent me to Germany for 2 months for some Project work. When I reached the airport there I realized...
On a wooded path, i approached a shirtless man.From behind, I could see the leather of his trousers, stretched taught across his hips, as he crouched, bent at the knees among ferns, just off the edge of the path. And there was an inviting gap at the waistband, just above his behind.Cautious, but unrelentingly aroused, I approached him as quietly as my bare feet could carry me over the dirt path... avoiding stones and sticks, in quick almost dance-like steps.As I drew closer, he slowed in his...
I was walking down the street on a clear Sunday afternoon after visiting a friend in another neighborhood when a red SUV with tinted windows pulled up along side me. I figured it was jus going to be a bunch of stupid guys trying to holla at me. Then the windows rolled down to my surprise it was two attractive white girls. “Hey there can we ask something.” “yeah sure.” I walk up along side “so what’s your name?” “Rasha.” “wow very beautiful name.” “am from India.” “really!...
-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- Generally speaking, I consider myself a rather confident young man. I'd gotten laid too many times with too many gorgeous women to ever feel uncomfortable around a pretty face. And yet three steps after walking into the Kwong-residence game room for the second time tonight, I came to an abrupt halt, let my jaw drop to the floor, and felt butterflies in my stomach like I'd turned into a freshman dweeb suddenly face-to-face with the Prom Queen. I wasn't...
Miss Karen and I had met at a big gay bar near Washington Navy Yard and we had had a sweet experience in my car. She was telling me a story about her encounter that evening in the ladies room and I got so excited I pulled my cock out and began stroking it. What else are you going to do when your erection is tenting the gym shorts you’re wearing? She could’ve seen it whenever she looked down so I just did what came naturally. A few minutes later she reached over and stroked it and finally gifted...
TheatricalBy: The PriestI was about to start the engine when my mobile phone rang, it was Mary, she was unable to make the theatre date because one of her c***dren had gone down with some kind of virus so I decided to make the girlie night into a one woman night rather than give up seeing the one woman show at the theatre especially after I had been so looking forward to it, I had the tickets which were not cheap, I knew the seats were in a perfect spot and the artiste was a fantastic American...
I know you've waited a long time for this. Take off my shirt. Slowly. Do the buttons one by one. Fuck, your hands are shaking. I turn you on that bad, huh? Yeah, take it off.Look at my body. You like what you see? You like my muscles? Watch me flex this here.....oh fuck yeah. Fuckin' get your FUCKIN hands off my crotch, motherfucker slut. You fuckin touch me again before I say so and I'll break your fuckin nose, you hear? Fuckin do what I say. That's better.Look at all that muscle. Yeah...look...
My name is Nasir. I am from Pakistan (Karachi). I am 35 while my wife Zeenat is 37. Though it is against the taboo in my country to marry women older than you, but I have always been unorthodox in terms of my values. Ours was a love marriage and we have been happily married for 7 years, with a son who is now 5. The story I’m about to narrate is an experience we had almost a year ago, and it may not be very exciting for those used to the kind of hard core Pornographic fantasies that appear on...
Dawn Dawn also had to drag herself out of bed that morning. She too was tired and she ached in places that she had never done before. Bradley had been something else in bed that night.He had shaved all her pubic hair off after they had made love for the second time in the marital bed. It was a long drawn out affair. As she lay back on top of the bed he clipped away most of the soft down that he could before taking her razor to her. It was the first time that she had ever let a man get that...