Lawyer, LawyerChapter 3 free porn video

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I'm not proud of myself for throwing a punch. I mean, I am, really — the guy's a professional killer — but I'm sure I could have handled it another way.

Andy Richardson — or Richie Rich as we called him behind his back (just jealousy, really; he had his own convertible) — was one of the assholes that my dolls and I had taken care of in high school. Actually Karen had done most of the taking care. Whatever; they were still my dolls. Andy and Julie had started dating in the ninth grade. And if we hadn't pointed out to her what an asshole he was — slipping her roofies, inviting his pals Bobby and Fred in for little mini-orgies, not taking care of her needs (well, that was a big deal for Karen) — she probably would have just gone right on dating him.

And in answer to your question, no, I didn't hit him while he was on the floor. I just sat there, trying not to throw up as I watched the Wizards training staff attend to him and then take him away on a stretcher to their medical facility. I just sat there and watched. And then the phone in my hand started ringing.


"Are you going to bring my phone back now?"

I looked up into the luxury suite to see Sue Gunn waving at me.

"Um, sure," I said. "Where's the elevator?"

"Oh, no," she said. "Bad boys have to use the stairs."

So I stood up, followed by the eyes of all 15,687 people in attendance that night.

"You guys enjoy the rest of the game," I said to the stunned woman and her son sitting beside me. I ascended the stairs, and if people had leaped out of Sue Gunn's way as if they would be singed by her ethereal radiance, they were even quicker to leap out of mine as if whatever I had might be contagious.

"Thanks a lot, Sue," I said, tossing her the phone as I entered the suite occupied by the Kings staff and a few other wives of the players.

"Sure," she smiled. "I can't believe you were here with that asshole."

"I didn't know it was him," I protested.

"How could you not know it was him?" Sue demanded. "He has the same shifty little eyes, the same arrogant expression."

"I'm not a detective, you know," I protested.

"Obviously," she said. "Where did you meet him, anyway? The Playboy Millionaires Club?"

"He's a public servant," I was dumbfounded. "He drives a crappy car that even my mom wouldn't get in. This whole thing is just nuts. How did you know it was him?"

"I didn't," she confessed. "I saw you down there, and I called Karen to give her shit about your not calling me for tickets. Jules answered the phone. So what, is she living with you guys now?"

"For a little while," I avoided her glance.

"You didn't!" Sue said gleefully. "Did you? With Julie?"

I looked up to see Sue with a big smile on her face. I knew what she was asking.

"We did, with Julie," I answered, including Karen in the answer.

"Yeah, that would have been even better," Sue smiled softly, lost momentarily in what was, for both of us, a wonderful memory. "Anyway, I asked her who the guy you were with was and she said, 'what guy, ' and I photo-phoned him to her and she went ballistic. I never realized how much she still hated him."

"I never did either," I admitted.

"Looking back, though," she said, "I guess I should have. You and Gordon and her dad are the only guys she's ever really trusted. She used to really love him, you know, when they first started dating in the ninth grade. She and I were both on JV cheerleaders then. And then he started in with the drugs, and his buddies. And until you and Karen came along, she didn't even realize how deep the shit really was. You know, she's even on guard around Joshua a little bit. And I guess I should have known why."

"Well, believe me," I said. "If I had any idea at all that the guy was Andy Richardson, I would have cut the interview off right then. I certainly wouldn't have come to the game with him. It's just he was so, so, so nice. Fucking asshole."

"Shithead," Sue added. Exactly.

I spent the whole night stewing about what a sap I'd been, and Andy was probably very surprised to be summoned from his desk the next morning to meet a visitor at the FCC entrance. He'd probably figured that our little interview was over.

"Jason," he said softly as he approached, dark circles under his eyes.

"You fucking asshole shithead," I muttered as I felt my fist connect with his left jawbone. Then I was cut to pieces by the laser beams from the ceiling. Actually, I was buried by a horde of security guards — well, two — who emerged from the secret compartments that ringed the foyer.

I awoke to find myself handcuffed to a chair in Andy's office. I could taste blood on the inside of my lip, and my arms were sore, but I didn't think anything was broken.

"Jason, I'm sorry," he said.

I just stared at him.

"Alright, here," he said. "This is a police complaint I've filed against you for hitting me, twice in the jaw and once in the stomach."

He threw a piece of paper on the desk in front of me. I furrowed my brow.

"There's no way that I got in more than one —" I began.

"Yeah, I know that," he said, "and you know that."

"Just like we both know that you didn't have to let me get that one in," I said.

He shrugged.

"Jason, I was an asshole in high school," he sighed. "We both know that, too. I spent my last year in military school, and then I joined the military. And when I got out, I did a lot of therapy. To try to understand why I did what I did in high school.

"And I'm sorry," he said. "I can't undo it. If I'd known that was Julie on the phone I would have dropped to my knees to beg her forgiveness.

"You're still friends with Julie, obviously," he said.

I nodded.

"So that's why your wife yelled at me, too," he was nodding.

"No," I finally found my voice again. "My wife yelled at you because she independently thinks you're a fucking asshole shithead. Like I do."

"I'm sorry?"

This one came out as a question.

"Who is your wife?"

"Why?" I asked. "Is Julie the only one you owe an apology?"

He looked down at something in front of him, probably my file.

"Karen... ?" he shrugged.

Then his eyes grew wide.

"That redhead?" he gasped. "Karen... ?"

"McCarthy," I said.

"Oh, God," he sat back. In truth, he looked like he might faint again.

Colonel Monroe chose that moment to look in.

"Drew, you allright?" he asked. "You want me to have this sumbitch taken downstairs for a while?"

"No," Andy gasped out. "I'm fine. I'll be fine."

"You sure?" the colonel repeated, looking at me like I was still a threat in spite of the handcuffs.

"Yeah, Bob," Andy said. "I'll fill you in later."

Bob closed the door behind him, and Andy sipped from a bottle of water on his desk.

"I'm sorry," he said finally, "I shouldn't keep you like that."

He pressed a button on a small device on his desk and the handcuffs fell to the ground. I rubbed my wrists, more for something to do than because they hurt.

"I owe your wife my life," he finally said. "If she hadn't humiliated me in front of my dad at that student council debate, I'd have ended up in prison with Bobby and Fred."

"Bobby Parker and Fred Mars are in prison?" I asked, forgetting for the moment who this asshole was. So that was why they hadn't been at the last reunion. I'd just figured that it was because it wasn't one of the biggies.

"Yeah," Andy said. "For fraud and distributing drugs."


"Anyway, I'm not surprised your wife hates me, too," he said. "Those pictures were a horrible thing to do. I hope my dad told her that he destroyed all of them. And the ones of Julie."

"I don't know," I said grudgingly. "Probably he did. She's never brought it up."

"You know, I still never figured that whole thing out," he was shaking his head. "By the time that debate was over, she could have convinced me that I was a Capuchin monkey."

Well, I wasn't about to tell him. As far as I knew, Operation "Bury Richie Rich" was still a highly classified secret in the Thompson household. Conceived, planned, and executed by Karen Thompson nee McCarthy, as revenge for his treatment of Julie Pinsky, it had succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. While I was supposed to be entertaining Julie, Karen had sent one of the dolls, posing as her, into Andy's house where it had been drugged and date-raped. Karen had embarrassed Andy by engineering Julie's prom date with Gordon, and Andy had retaliated by passing out pictures of Karen in flagrante delicto, so to speak. So Karen decided to get him booted out of his more or less permanent position as student council president. Because she'd taken care to be seen elsewhere at the same time the doll was at Andy's, Karen managed to use the election debate to convince the entire school, as well as Andy's father, and even Andy, apparently, that the pictures were disgusting fakes. And they were. Sort of. At least, the Karen in them had been a fake. And they'd worked; Andy hadn't come back to school the next fall.

"Well, I just wanted you to know that I'm making arrangements to have that complaint shown to Julie," he said. "And, uh, Karen. You'll still have to go get booked and arraigned this morning, but then you'll come back in December and we'll get the whole thing dismissed and cleaned off your record. "

I picked it up and stared at it.

"They'll probably let you back in the house for Thanksgiving," he chuckled softly.

"Yeah, thank goodness," I said, looking at the complaint. "Thanksgiving dinner is always exciting at my house."

I was back in the Julie and Karen's graces long before Thanksgiving. On the trip home, I read the complaint and found that Andy had described how it had taken ten men and women to hold me at bay while they got the handcuffs on my wildly, but accurately flailing arms, and how he had cowered in his office until I was hauled away to the police station. And when I got home, I found that he had sent federal agents to my wife's office and Julie's office to show them the complaint and ask them whether they had any knowledge of my intent to commit a premeditated assault on one Andrew Richardson at his workplace. Then they took Karen aside to ask whether she thought she was in any danger given my obvious violence and skill.

I didn't learn that latter part until after I walked in the door and found not one but two sets of arms thrown around me, and not one but two sets of soft lips kissing my cheeks.

"Where are the girls?" I asked when they finally turned me loose.

"How many girls do you need?"

That was my wife. Struck by the unusual huskiness of her voice, I turned to look at her. An iridescent green robe was falling back off of her shoulders, sliding down her arms and, I assume, pooling at her feet. Not that I ever looked that far down. She had on what I have since learned is called a shelf bra, but which at the time I remember thinking of as more of a display bra, since it didn't appear to be doing any actual bra-ing. What material was there was the same shimmery green as the robe. I was certain that it was a color that would perfectly complement her gorgeous red hair if I could ever get far enough away to put the whole scene in perspective.

"'Cause the little ones are at your brother's again," said the voice behind me. "And if you want me to leave you here with your wife and go get them you'll have to turn around and tell me so."

She applied just the slightest pressure on my shoulder and I, whore that I am, tore my eyes off of my wife and pivoted just in time to see a matching blue robe fall off of Julie's shoulders. Her shelf bra was the same color, and she threw her arms around me and drew her lips to my ear.

"Or maybe you want your wife to leave me here with you while she goes and gets them," she whispered.

"In your dreams, Pinsky," Karen pressed her breasts against my back and reached around from behind to undo my belt and pants. "Your problem, Thompson, is that entirely too many women think of you as the object of hero-worship."

Well, I thought to myself as I let the two women lead me to the study, it's fine with me if they leave off the hero part.

Karen smacked the back of my head.

That was odd; I was pretty sure I hadn't said that aloud.

Thanksgiving turned out to be not that exciting anyway. Just two tables chock full of Thompsons and Pinskys. The Thompson boys dutifully brought their families on the pilgrimage home to Mom and Dad's Hardwood home every Christmas. But with Steve and me living only a half an hour apart, it made a lot more sense to bring Mom and Dad here for other occasions. For her part, Julie wasn't quite ready to go back home yet, to the house that she and Gordon, her step-brother and then husband, had lived in during their senior years in high school. So we invited her dad and step-mom to Thanksgiving dinner as well.

My D.C. court appearance was scheduled for four days before Christmas, and my lawyer wife and her lawyer best friend were dumbfounded that I didn't tell them about it until breakfast that morning, when I announced I had to go catch a train.

"I could have called somebody!" Karen complained.

"Oh, pooh," I said. "The people you know charge six hundred bucks an hour. Howie'll take care of me."

"Who's Howie?" she asked.

"He's my lawyer," I smiled. "Howie Abrams."

"And how did you find this Howie Abrams?" Julie asked.

"Phone book," I said. "First name there. Actually, the first name is Walter Aaron, but he only does wills. Anyway,

I talked to Howie yesterday on the phone. Smart as a whip, Howie is."

I had talked to Howie yesterday, in fact, although he didn't have a copy of the file yet. Apparently, he usually didn't get them until the day of the first hearing. He perhaps wasn't quite the hot-shot lawyer I was representing him as, although he was probably very busy. With the holidays and all. Still, I wasn't worried. I assumed that Drew was going to keep his word. We had traded e-mails on a couple of occasions, and he had told me exactly how the day would go. I didn't tell Karen and Julie that part. I had told them some more about Drew, though, like what I'd seen in his office and his obvious contrition. Karen admitted that he could have changed a little, although Julie continued to maintain that he was an asshole shithead. Just not a fucking asshole shithead, I noted.

He wasn't outside the courtroom when I got there, but I introduced myself to Howie as we'd planned, and then excused myself to talk to a gentleman lurking outside with us, a gentleman who stuck out like a sore thumb in his very expensive suit.

"Hi," I held out my hand, "you must be Karen Thompson's friend."

"Hi," he smiled to cover his surprise as we shook hands. "Jim Krol. I was at Yale with Karen. I remember you from some of the parties. I thought you weren't supposed to know I was going to be here."

"I'm not," I grinned. "I just know Karen well enough by now. What are you supposed to do, leap up and take over if things started going badly? Do you know Howie, by the way?"

"No," he said.

I waved Howie over. He seemed awed by the guy, who apparently worked for one of the city's white-shoe criminal defense firms.

"So you're pleading not guilty," Howie said nonchalantly, trying to hide the fact that we'd never discussed the case before.

"I guess," I said.

"You guess?" Jim asked.

"Well I did hit him," I admitted.

"Your wife said you were provoked," Jim said.

"I had an appointment," I said. "And I kept it for the sole purpose of taking a swing at him."

Howie and Jim looked at each other.

"So you want to stand up there and admit that everything in this complaint is true?" Howie asked in disbelief, seeing his chance at a big career move going up in smoke. "You do understand that you could be sentenced to jail?"

"Well, not everything in there is true," I patted Howie on the arm. "They made some of the stuff up. Don't worry; I'm sure you'll do fine."

By the time they called my case, I still hadn't seen Drew arrive. Apparently I hadn't been looking hard enough.

"Mr. Murphy?" the judge turned to the prosecutor. "I understand you have a request?"

"Yes, sir," he was scratching his head. "The, uh, the gentleman who made the report has admitted to me that in retrospect Mr. Thompson's assault was an act of self-defense and has asked that the charges be dismissed."

"Counselor," the judge was flabbergasted. "I have in front of me a police complaint, which alleges that Mr. Thompson had an appointment at a federal agency, whose name has been blacked out, to see a man whose name is also illegible, and that the first thing Mr. Thompson did when he entered the building, in front of witnesses, was start swinging at that man."

"Yes, sir," the prosecutor shrugged. "That man and his co-workers are prepared to swear they were mistaken."

He turned toward the back of the courtroom. Drew was there, along with Colonel Monroe, and the two security guards. I waved.

"So do you think what we have here is a false police report?" the judge asked, his interest reviving somewhat.

The prosecutor turned around to look at Drew, and caught the expression on Colonel Monroe's face.

"No, your Honor," he said. "Under the circumstances, no."

"Very well," the judge sighed. "Case dismissed."

"Well done, Howie," I shook his hand. "Send me a bill, right?"

"Umm," he started.

I was already gone, waving good-bye to an equally stunned Jim Krol and catching up to my old friends outside of Superior Court.

"Mr. Thompson," Colonel Monroe said coldly.

"Colonel," I smiled. "Thanks for comin.'"

"I'll take care of the file," the Colonel said to Drew. He turned and walked back into the courthouse. Drew turned to me.

"Jason, we need to talk. Do you have time to come to the office?"

I figured I owed him at least a listen. I was back at the FCC with a cup of coffee and a very tasty cheese danish when he returned to the subject that we'd been discussing last time.

"Jason, do you remember asking me about Britney Spears?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," I said.

"Can you tell me why you picked Ms. Spears?"

I laughed.

"I'd talked to my daughter's fourth grade class a couple days before and some girl asked me if I knew Britney Spears," I said. "Apparently, she asks everybody that. So hers was just the first name that popped into my head."

He looked concerned. Oh, shit.

"It was just hypothetical, of course," I added hastily.

"Have you seen any pornographic videos involving celebrities?" he asked.

"Er, maybe," I admitted.

"May I ask you who?" he leaned forward.

"Ummm," I paused. I could see this whole think leading inexorably back to Julie Pinsky.

"All right," Drew sat back. "Let me give you some information. As a sign of good faith, so to speak. Have you ever heard of Opus Dei?"

"Sure," I nodded. "Right wing nut jobs. I'm sorry, are you Catholic?"

He waved me off. Apparently he wasn't an overly sensitive Catholic.

"How about Opus Christe?" he asked.

"No, that's a new one," I said. "Who are they?"

"Left wing nut jobs," Drew said. "Implacable enemies of Opus Dei."

"You mean like the Sharks and the Jets?" I asked.

"Excuse me?" he said.

"You mean like the Crips and the Bloods?" I tried again. "Rival gangs, dukin' it out in the 'hoods around Saint Peter's Basilica with zip guns and knives?"

"Close," he chuckled. "A little more sophisticated than that, maybe. What do you know about the Catholic Church?"

"I have some friends who are Catholic," I said, although I didn't really want to go there either. My closest Catholic friends would be the Pinskys. "Just general knowledge. You know, Pope up here."

I put my hand at eye level and started lowering it.

"Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, monks, nuns, sinners."

I had my hand down near my ankle.

"Do you recall the election of the last pope?" he smiled.

"Sort of," I said. "I don't really follow elections much, even in this country. Other than the Britney one, of course. I remember he's got a cool name, John Paul George."

"Catholic tradition requires that a newly elected pope take the name of a previous pope or his own name," Drew explained. "The first John Paul altered that by taking the names of two previous popes. So when Cardinal George Potter of Omaha was elected, he altered it a little more by including his own name."

"Plus he must have been a huge Beatles fan," I said.

"You know, I honestly don't think it ever occurred to him," Drew said. "It wasn't until the jokes started about people kissing the John Paul George Ring-o that he finally caught on. And that just made him angry. No, this pope wants nothing to do with popular culture, no matter when it was popular. His election was the most hotly contested in recent memory, between the liberal and conservative factions of the church. It took seventy-five ballots, and was finally decided when two of the old liberal stalwarts among the College of Cardinals died while they were sealed in the Vatican."

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Becky avoided Kate as much as she could for the rest of the week. She could not bring herself to face the woman of her fantasy. Kate, busy as she was, did not notice the avoidance, but she did notice that Becky was disturbed about something. At lunch with the other two associates, one of the men mentioned that Becky was upset about something and asked what it was. "Boyfriend troubles," answered the other man. "We can only hope," said the first. It was an article of faith between the two that...

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Lawyers in LoveChapter 2

The exchange of offers and counteroffers had been fast and furious over the course of a month, but an agreement had been reached. Benedict Flanders would end up retaining twenty percent of the company he had started although he would be relegated to a minor board position without significant contact with employees. The former Mrs. Flanders ended up with thirty percent of the company while the ten sexual harassment victims ended up with five percent each. It was a far better deal than anyone...

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HandsOnHardcore Rebecca Volpetti Slutty Real Estate Agent Rebecca Volpetti Seals the Deal with DP Threesome

Real estate agent Rebecca Volpetti is a slut that will literally do anything to close a deal. Rebecca and her colleague Vince are fucking in the garage while they wait for a potential renter to come and see the home. Vince is slamming his cock into Rebecca from behind when the doorbell rings. Quickly, the two get dressed and greet the client, despite looking like they’ve just been fucking. Yanick, the client, quickly realizes that Rebecca is a whore and decides to use this to his advantage...

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The Lass Initiated the Laird Explosive Highlanders Series 35Chapter 3

Harriet was keeping her distance, Sam lamented more than a week later while he walked to his lodgings. He needed to fetch a few notations to continue his work. The warm spring sun soothed his dark mood and gave a redder hue to his hair. Had it been warmer, his freckles would have surfaced. Those delicious kisses threw him in a bonfire of craving he had never felt before. Now he had reality to go with the gnawing hunger that had lived in him since he met her. His nights became a blur of...

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Night At The Hotel 8211 Honeymoon With Another Man

Hey all! Devil here with the Last Part of The Night at the Hotel Trilogy. Pls do read the Story and Mail me your Feedbacks, Suggestions and Comments on Coming to the Story: Anita, 25, is a Newly Married Lady and the Main Character of the Story. She is left Alone and Angry by her Husband on her Honeymoon Trip when she meets an another Man. Read on to find out how things unfold… Anita’s Description: All Angry and Furious I kicked my door close and walked to the restaurant to the Ground Floor...

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Justins Descent Part 1

This is my first try to write an erotic story so the story draft may seem raw. I welcome comments from everybody and you can write to me of what you thought at [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTINS DECENT by hfernandez1983 ---------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice summer morning. Justin had just woken up and went straight to the window. He opened it and could feel the fresh breeze of...

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Evening At The CastleChapter 11 Lynnes Induction

At Richard's urging, saying that we didn't want to be late for the ceremony, we quickly finished our diners in silence then gathered our belongings and departed the dining room. When Kevin led us to the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor I quickly questioned him saying, "I definitely remember the hall being on the second floor." "That was the old auditorium Alex" he corrected me. "The entrance to new facility is on the third floor. Wait 'till you see it. We've been...

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Sins of the Ancestor part 4

Sins of the Ancestor: part 4 Rain woke me. Big, fat drops of decidedly rude water, splatting on my window. I blinked away sleep and peered about in confusion. The faint shift of my tits as I rolled made sure I knew the change hadn't been a dream. Thanks, tits. My room had gotten darker while I slept. I don't mean a small amount, like the clouds had come over. I meant as in I'd slept for hours. Crap. I shoved off the duvet and sat up. It was nearly seven in the evening, I'd slept for...

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EvilAngel Lana Rhoades Dirty Talking Lana Wants You

Massaging her juicy cunt and licking her perfect natural boobs, stunning, steely-blue-eyed beauty Lana Rhoades talks dirty to the camera. ‘I love to play with my pussy for you… pretending that this is your tongue, licking my clit.’ Soon she’s teasing Manuel Ferrara’s swollen cock head in a blow job shot POV-style, as if it’s your prick! She worships (your) huge, uncircumcised shaft with red lips and slides the monster inside. Lana fucks passionately, earning...

4 years ago
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Der Weihnachtsmann

Habe nun zum x-ten Male meine Pornobilder durchsucht, auch der Puff bringt wenig Freude. Der schönste Geschlechtsverkehr ist halt mit unbedarften jungen Mädels ungeschützten Verkehr zu haben. Gerne würde ich den Mädchen der Bischöflichen Marienschule mal einen Braten rein schieben. Eine Schande die Mädchen hinter trockenen Schulbüchern verstauben zu lassen, während sie bei jedem Eisprung eine Chance schwanger zu werden vergehen lassen und dann nur sinnlos ihre Periode haben. Ein Baby zu haben...

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Coming From BehindChapter 6 Getting to the End Game

Catherine would be back at Ghost Creek the next day, playing a practice round for a local tournament that she had entered. The prize money wasn't tour quality. It was the competition that she craved. It was a chance to show herself that she still had the ability to compete. She promised to call me and let me know how she did. In turn, I told her I probably would have heard from Norman Fears by then so I'd let her know that as well. I had dinner at a chain restaurant that evening, trying...

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Sexy Meet and Greet pt 1

Introduction: This is a hot fanfiction my girlfriend had written back in 2012, related to Alvin and the Chipmunks, where my girlfriend gets a chance to have a meet and greet with Alvin and the Chipmunks, but gets a little more than she bargained for, when Alvin decides to have his way with her, considering just how much of a teen heart-throb he is, knows just how easy it is to get any girl and get in their pants too. I hope you enjoy! The alarm clock hits the room as Kristie stretched her legs...

1 year ago
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Willing and Waiting

The three of us were sitting down at the closest table to the pool table. I was absently staring at the band when I saw her out of the corner of my eye. This was exactly how I had imagined it being. She realised that she had been set up and immediately departed. The question was, would I be able to catch her before she unlocked her car and drove away? There was no time to contemplate. The band was playing ACDC’s cover of Highway to Hell. An Australian prodigy. Bob and Sam had remained seated at...

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A stranger joins us for some fun cuckold bisexua

This one of my wife's and mine favorite fantasies, and it goes a little bit like this...Intro:My wife is a beautiful blond in her mid-thirties, we've been married for ages and had only one partner each before we met as teenagers. Our sex life is great, we deeply love each other and enjoy regular love making, often enhanced by whispered fantasies, toys and some experimentation. She knows how much I love cum, I often eat it from her freshly fucked pussy and I love it when she kisses me deeply...

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Lilliahna Zac Ch 09

Hey everyone. I didn’t like how the other chapter was written so I re-did it. Here’s the new version. I’m halfway through the next chapter so that should be up soon too. Hope u like it. x ~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ ‘So, I’m behind on my Maths, would you be able to help me?’ Zac asked as he closed the front door behind me. ‘Maths is why you’re so excited?’ I asked him, wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘No it isn’t, but my excitement isn’t important just yet. You’ll find out soon enough,’ he added...

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Die Versandhausbraut Ich schaute schon mit Freude auf das kommende Wochenende. Seit Monaten hatte ich keine M?glichkeit gehabt, mich an einem Wochenende wirklich zu entspannen. F?r die zwei kommenden Tage hatte ich keine Aktivit?ten geplant, einschlie?lich privater Verabredungen. Ich hatte mir wirklich nichts vorgenommen, au?er mich zu entspannen. Zun?chst einmal wollte ich lange ausschlafen, was ich dann auch tat. Am Samstag morgen aber klingelte recht fr?h und sehr energisch jemand an d...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 25 Confrontation

October 1, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Hi, Ang,” I said when she came to the phone. “Hi, Mike!” she answered. “How are you?” “Fine. How are you?” “OK. Have you thought about what I asked?” “Yes. Has Doctor Mercer talked to you about it?” “Yes,” Angie sighed. “And you agree with her?” “It’s more complicated than that,” I replied gently. “At this point, with my upcoming ordination, that kind of sin would be a serious problem. Father Nicholas warned me, without us talking about you, that he’d...

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Mile High Slut

Shelly clicked her ruby red heels through the International Terminal, her tight pinstripe mini skirt accentuating a firm, rounded ass. The blue, curve-hugging cashmere sweater with plunging neckline displayed her ample assets. Meticulously manicured nails were lacquered in red, and her honey blonde hair curled over straight shoulders. Rounded, innocent looking eyes looked out of a beautiful face. The thin, black, leather choker with the gleaming silver wings was slightly out of character. She...

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Who Is Watching Who

Who's Watching who Sometimes a small incident no matter how insignificant will change a person's entire life. I would like to relate such an incident that happened to me. Five years ago my wife and i moved into a High rise apartment on the south side of Chicago. There are also many apartments across the street that are only twenty feet away from ours. Sometimes when you are looking out you can see everything that is going on inside the houses. It was a clear December evening. My wife had just...

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ProducersFun Mila Monet 09112022

Mila Monet finds herself in Mr. Producer’s guest room, in just light, lacy lingerie lashed over her tanned and toned skin. She explains how she got into porn because her friends were in porn, then goes on to explain what else she would do because her friends did it–namely, Mr. Producer. She strips down and starts to rub her wet little pussy, getting it nice and ready for Mr. Producer’s hard cock. She sucks her pussy off of his cock before feeding it right back into her pussy....

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HandsOnHardcore Kira Queen Candy Alexa Naughty New Neighbors

We hope you didn’t miss out on part 1 of this salacious two-part series because if you did then you missed out on voluptuous vixens Kira Queen and Candy Alexa thoroughly enjoying each other’s bodies in naughty bi-sexual kinds of ways. And now, the plot thickens when their husbands Vince Karter and David Perry come into the picture and properly dp pound these naughty babes. You’re invited to join their MMFF group sex orgy from the privacy of your own home, and you’re sure...

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MAU The SlayerIdentity Theft

MAU: The Slayer-Identity Theft By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer James Stevens used a Morphic Adaptation Unit to turn himself into a copy of Faith, the rouge Vampire Slayer, from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and becomes trapped in that form when the machine quits working. He/She now works with Agent K form the 'Men in Black' to track down another device to restore his sister, now trapped in the paralyzed body of a boy named John, and himself back to their...

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The Librarian Chapter Five

The Librarian By Michele Nylons Part Five - Trust Sarah finished in the shower and came out to find the Makeup and Wardrobe departments had been at work. There was a small toiletries bag, similar to those gifted to first class passengers on long flights and she was able to brush her teeth, gargle with mouthwash and brush her hair. She used deodorant but there was no makeup. There was also a pair of new white cotton panties and a bra. Nothing fancy but it would do. She...

2 years ago
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My father in law

It all started shortly after I was married in 1970 and I was just 19. I moved into house opposite my in laws. The father was a bit younger around 45 and was one for the ladies apparently. I noticed he was always trying to sneak a glance at me when i wasnt looking. It was at the height of fashion then for mini skirts and boots with tights.One night i had arranged for night out with some old friends. I got dressed up in short silky blue dress with matching black silky bikini panties, bra, tan...

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PenthouseGold Lily Larimar Cums All Over Coach8217s BBC

Nubile blonde babe Lily Larimar fakes an injury to get a massage and much more from coach Ray Black in this premium Penthouse interracial porn video. It doesn’t take but a second for the ebony stud to take the hint and he’s soon sucking on the college cutie’s perky small tits and spanking her creamy white ass. He unleashes his humongous monster cock and the young nympho does her best to take him deepthroat before getting her tight pink pussy pounded balls deep and cumming all...

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CovenChapter 1

I pulled the cord open, lifted the robe self-consciously from my shoulders, and stood in the circle with the others, facing the fire, with the darkness to our backs. But perhaps I should explain... Despite the best of intentions I had fallen asleep waiting for Michael to arrive, and the rhythmic pounding on the door confused me further. By the time I reached the front of the house to shut the noise down I remembered what was going on, and I opened the door and dragged him in. Michael and I...

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What She Overheard That Led To Sex

I'd spent many evenings over my friend Cathy's house. Along with her boyfriend Bill, we'd play cards, or board games, or sit out on the back porch shooting the shit, and watching the k**s play in the backyard. She had four c***dren, the oldest was her 15 year old daughter, Jodi.Cathy had a friend named Dawn who would come and visit from time to time. She had a boyfriend who was a loser in bed. Dawn would tell us how she would have to help him stick his cock in her pussy. According to her, his...

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22 November 2006Chapter 8

“I trust you know that you’re spending the night with me at my place,” Vicky stated, turning back onto the main road. “I was hoping to. The Hummer was fun for fucking you, but a bed would be much more comfortable.” “I couldn’t agree more,” she smiled. “Think you’ve got it in you to fuck me once more before the night is over?” “I don’t know, it’s been many years since I’ve cum three times in one evening, let alone a fourth time.” “You let me handle that part for you,” she smiled, and Dan...

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Perks for a Salesman

l was snogging a 75yr old woman who started unbuttoning my shirt / Sally’s tits slapped onto her belly l lifted the right tit and sucked her nipple / l felt her hot breath first on the head of my cock / she was yelling “yes!, yes! oh, oh yes!”.I started a new job going to people’s houses to show them carpets samples and furniture catalogues, yes boring your thinking, well so did l till the second week when l was sent to a Mr and Mrs Wilson’s to show them samples of carpets. Mr Wilson (Colin)...

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Seducing Catie Ann

Introduction: No introduction needed……… Many things have happened since my initial stories were posted. I just had my 16th birthday at the beginning of April and my dad and I have relocated nearly 200 miles away from where we previously resided. The unfortunate thing is I had had to start all over with making new friends as well as dealing with a new school. My dad and I are still very much into our relationship as it became to exist a little over a year ago through a few friends. Although I...

2 years ago
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My life as a dog slave

My life as a dog slave My life as a dog slave  Part 1 Isabelle I am 30 years now. Since 4 years I live my new life now. My name is Anja. I grew up quite normal in a small town. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. In my hometown I could not find a job. So I decided to move to the big city.I started working as a office girl. I was happy at this time ? I get my own flat ? my own money ? I was free ? and lonely. In the evening I lost myself in strange new fantasy. I dreamed about use...

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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 24

Jim had that satisfied feeling when the two men walked out of the bank later that morning. It’s not often that you can clear the note on your property in one go, the stress and worry that he didn’t know he felt, also evaporated when he signed the forms. He could now put the property on the market and pay Jon back, there was likely to be a bit of profit that they could put in the bank as well once the dust had cleared. He also enjoyed the way that the bank treated him like royalty this...

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Seducing My English Teacher Part 2

‘Oh Paxton,’ I moaned. ‘Harder!’ Mr. Paxton Schaffer didn’t say a word to me, he just shoved his manhood farther into me. I couldn’t believe that I was actually being fucked by my teacher. * * * Mr. Schaffer and I were still lying on his bed after our first sexual experience together. We were just laying on his bed cuddling. I felt like we had been married for years because of how we connected. I sat up and crawled over to straddle Paxton. I ran my fingernail from his belly button down to his...

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Calahans CampaignChapter 3

"Do you, Elizabeth Michelle Chancery, take this man, Bruce Fitzpatrick Calahan, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty, as in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?" the priest asked the rather obviously pregnant and mature bride. He personally thought that this wedding was late, by the Church's standards, but better late than never. "I do," the somewhat...

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Heart of the MountainChapter 11 Dragon Rider

Iden dragged the body up the tunnel, the pristine armor that it was still wearing clanking as it scraped against the rock. He felt the chill wind against his face, the air becoming cooler and fresher, the light of the sun bathing him as he reached the mouth of the cave. He pulled the dead Paladin out onto the outcrop, the wind whipping his hair, and placed his foot on its breastplate. “Guess I should ... say a few words,” he mumbled. “I didn’t know you, and you didn’t know me. Can’t say that...

2 years ago
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Sexy Soni Gives Watchman Live Show And Gets Banged

Hi guys, let me begin with a brief introduction. Soni was an 18-year-old girl who earned the name ‘sexy Soni’ because she would dress in very skimpy clothes. Many times she was minus a bra or panty or both. She loved being a sex symbol to the boys and men alike and had no inhibition with being nude. It was a huge turn-on for her, to let boys get peeks of her boobs and ass or panty-less pussy either by accident or on purpose. She had dated a few guys from college and was not new to sex. Mostly...

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The Slut Within part 2

As I continued on my knees, I felt my little thong riding up my tight little butt. My skirt got in the way of spreading my legs and my tube top and my skin was all sticky with cum. Thankfully, I wouldn’t be wearing any of this much longer. Their watching eyes so aroused my slutty nature. I took off my tube top and skirt leaving my fishnets and six inch heels. I also wore a black thong and bra with the pink mesh that made me feel hot and sexy. I made a conscious effort to shake my hips and moan...

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The Dress Code Part Two

The Dress code: Part Two: Mum, then, was joining in in my feminisation as she had just bought me my first negligee. Having said that it was only one item of clothing and it wasn't as if I hadn't just blown a significant part of my first month's salary on expanding my lingerie collection not to mention the blouses and skirts I had just bought. And she had just called me Tonia? "Go on put it on," Mum said. I wondered if she meant put on the name Tonia for a moment or put one the...

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Wife8217s Black Stud

It all started when my black friend Russ came over to watch the game. My wife was supposed to be with a friend of hers but she was having problems with her boyfriend and couldn’t hang out. Russ and I had been drinking all afternoon, when my wife Sue came home and wanted to catch up to us so she started taking shots. She was wearing a yellow sundress that made her 115 pound 5`6 body look incredible. She has long blond hair and an ass that won’t quit. I remember telling her that her...

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