Lawyer, LawyerChapter 2 free porn video

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"All right," my wife Karen said as the three of us sat around the kitchen table. "Explain the whole thing to me from the beginning."

She had arrived home in mid-morning on Saturday, dead tired after taking the red-eye back from the coast, and I had dragged her into the kitchen, with maybe a little too much excitement, to tell her that I'd located another "living doll." I'd found two "living dolls" in my parents' attic when I was a high school junior, back in 2004. They were dolls that, I swear to God, I could turn into anybody I wanted, with a couple of odd provisos. Like, I couldn't turn them into a man. Which was not a problem; any body I'd be likely to want was going to be female. And I could choose any date for the woman, as long as it was after 1959. Which was fine, too; I didn't need to meet Marie Antoinette that badly. And then there was some stupid restriction about the time. I couldn't change the time. If I made my request at 10:53 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, I'd get the woman the way she looked at 10:53 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, on whatever date I'd chosen.

Obviously, none of these limitations had represented a serious drawback. I'd had a lot of fun with the dolls, and I'd put them to pretty good use, at least in my opinion. Not including my own, I was directly or indirectly responsible for five happy marriages, including the marriage of Julie, the high school cheerleader and Karen's best friend, to Gordon, the math geek and my best friend.

Once Karen had learned about the dolls, we'd also rid the school of some nasty assholes. And finally, I'd fucked my dick raw, at least until I met Karen. After that, I hadn't needed the dolls much, and since our wedding — the day after we graduated high school — they'd been gathering dust in my closet at my Mom and Dad's. Or at our Mom and Dad's I should say; Karen was my parents' goddaughter, and, after I'd used the dolls to sort out some messy problems in her life after her real parents had died, Karen had considered them her mom and dad as well.

Julie had also learned about the dolls in high school, and she had grudgingly admitted yesterday that yes, "Dana Scully" could be one of the dolls. Karen was a little more skeptical. I started to tell her about the porn tape, and then Julie interrupted to explain why she'd brought it over.

"Wait a minute," Karen held up her hand. She narrowed her eyes. "Are those my clothes?"

"Well, I didn't know whether I'd be staying the night," Julie reddened. "So I borrowed some things."

"Bet the bra's a little big, huh?" my wife smirked.

"Yeah," her best friend answered quickly, "but so are the panties."


"Bitch," Julie smiled. "Actually, I still have on my own things underneath. I just borrowed your jeans and this shirt."

Karen smiled back at her.

"Now about the video?" she asked.

Julie started to explain again and Karen again interrupted her almost immediately.

"So your client was killed execution-style," she asked, "and you decided to involve my husband?"

"Hey," I protested, "back off."

Karen transferred the look from Julie to me.

"I knew perfectly well how her client was killed before I signed that paper," I lied. "If you want to get mad at somebody, you can get mad at me. I am an adult."

That was not usually an argument I had any success with. But perhaps because Julie was here, Karen bit her lip, and then finally turned to her best friend.

"He's right," she said. "I'm sorry, Jules."

"No, you're right," Julie said. "It was a stupid thing to do."

"She probably wanted to enlist the services of a genius," I said.

When Karen opened her mouth to retort, I pointed to the MacArthur Fellowship letter hanging on the wall. She sighed. I looked at Julie and winked. That was the only way I ever won arguments.

"So, genius, maybe you should just tell me what it is that makes you think it's one of those dolls?" Karen turned to me.

"Actually, it was really just the way she said 'master, '" I explained.

"That doesn't prove anything," Karen scoffed.

"I know," I agreed, "but then I started thinking. "Suppose I had a doll, and I wanted to make money. How would I do it? And here's your answer."

"Porn?" Karen asked.

"Ten thousand dollars a shot?" I said. "That's how much Julie's guy paid for it. You could do two a day easily. That's five million a year."

"Seriously?" Julie asked.

"Without working weekends," I added.

"But where are you going to find customers willing to pay that for, what, an hour-long video?"

"Well," I was enjoying the way the two women were listening to me like I actually knew what I was talking about, "look at the client base. Men. With significant income. The same guys who'll pay two or three grand extra for a plane that will get them somewhere an hour earlier. Ten grand is a drop in the bucket. Particularly if you can manage to get their voices on the video, like this one did, so they can pretend they're the guy with the big cock fucking whoever they want. I mean, if you had a living doll you could do anyone. You'd only need like 500 clients a year. And that's assuming they only want one video a year."

"And that assumption ignores the fact that they're men," Karen turned back to Julie before I could protest. "Well, it's certainly possible. I mean, if he had two, there could easily be more. So does that help you out any?"

Julie was just looking at the floor, turning redder by the second.

"Julie?" Karen asked. "Jules?"

"I made it up," Julie finally blurted out.

"Made what up?" Karen asked.

"The whole investigator thing," Julie said. "My client died of a heart attack and the case was dismissed."

"Honey, why?" Karen asked gently.

"So I could —" Julie was starting to tear up. "So I could, you know..."

"Fuck him?" Karen asked. "All of this was so you could fuck my husband?"

"Yes," Julie sobbed.

"You waited until I was gone and brought over pornography with a little mystery attached so you could get him to fuck you?" Karen continued.

Julie nodded miserably.

Karen sat back in her chair and laughed harder than I'd ever seen her. Finally, she realized that Julie and I were staring at her and wiped away the tears.

"So how was it?" she asked.

"We never did it!" Julie cried out.

Oddly enough, that was perfectly true.

"After I showed it to him," she sputtered, "he spent the night doing research on the internet and watching the tape, and freeze-framing it, and looking things up. I woke up this morning in your bed, wearing one of your nighties."

Both women were staring at me.

"It was one of the dolls!" I protested.

"So what?" Karen said. "You had a beautiful woman in your study, panting for sex, and all you can do is think about your dolls? And they're not even yours. What, do you wanna start a collection or something? Men.

"As for you, Jules," Karen dismissed me with a glance as hopelessly useless, "first of all, that's why I told you I was going away. You've been wasting that gorgeous bod for at least six months now, long after you needed to stop mourning for Gordon, even as wonderful as he was. It was well past time that you got yourself laid. Why didn't you just tell him?"

"I was embarrassed," Julie murmured. "And then he got so involved."

"Well, I can understand that," Karen said. "He is still a nerd at heart. But really, Jules, the porn, the mystery? Come on — second of all, he's a guy!"

"I beg your pardon?" I interjected.

"Julie, watch," she said. She turned to me. "Jason, would you please fuck Julie Pinsky?"

"Certainly," I said. I'd known yesterday that Karen would have approved of my taking Julie to bed.

"And third of all," she was talking to Julie again, "it's Jason! That sofa in his study converts into a bed. You don't even need the please!"

I wasn't sure I liked where this was going.
"Jason, would you fuck Julie Pinsky?" she asked.
"Um, sure," I agreed.

"You don't even have to make it a request," Karen said. "Jason, fuck Julie Pinsky."

"Yes, dear," I said.

"In fact," Karen looked at her watch. "You talk entirely too much, Julie Pinsky. Honey, I'm leaving right now to take the kids to your brother's for a sleepover."

"Uh-huh," I said.

Karen caught my eye, and then nodded her head at Julie.

"Jason, put me down," Julie protested, beating on my back with little effort and even littler effect. I'd simply grunted and hoisted the surprised brunette onto my shoulder, and was now making my way toward the study.

"Daddy, what's wrong?"

I looked down to see my two little girls as we crossed paths in the dining room.

"Aunt Julie was very bad yesterday and she has to be punished," I told them. "Would you like to help?"

"What did she do, Daddy?" Danny demanded.

"She made Daddy do all sorts of unnecessary research," I said, "when all he had to do was some very simple probing."

"Jason Thompson, don't you dare — OW!"

While I'd been explaining the crime, I'd pulled out one of the dining room chairs with my foot. Devilish little Danny, a gleam in her eye, had climbed into it and delivered a healthy six-year old smack on her godmother's upturned ass.

"You do talk too much, Pinsky," I said, turning to the right to allow Beth a turn. She declined the chair and simply gave her Aunt Julie a sharp open palm on the upper thigh. As fast as Beth was growing up, I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd winked at me and told me to make sure the little slut was well and truly punished.

This time Julie kept her scream to herself, although I did feel another shiver make its way through Julie's body.

"Come on, girls, let's go!" their mother yelled from the kitchen.

By the time I heard the car pulling out of the garage, the sofa bed was open and Julie Pinsky's sopping wet panties were hanging off of the lamp on my desk. By the time Karen returned two hours later, the little slut had been well and truly punished, and I had recovered sufficiently to think about punishing her again.

Karen silently stripped off her clothes, and eased her way into bed with us, still unnoticed by our visitor. I'd spent the last ten minutes teasing Julie, running my hands over her beautiful body, brushing against a breast, a thigh, a hip. Julie had closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of my fingertips. Now I leaned down, circling one of her rapidly rising nipples with my tongue and then sucking it in between my lips.

"Oh, Jason," Julie whimpered. "That feels so nice. Oh, Jason, I can't take having you do both of them. Jason?"

"Pinsky, just shut up and enjoy yourself," Karen whispered after she released the other nipple. "Those little rug rats are going to be at Steve and Shelly's all weekend. Can he really do both of them? With boobs this small? I don't think he's ever even done that to mine."

Julie just reached out and brought Karen's head back down to her breast. That shut her up, too.

By Sunday evening, when Shelly brought Danny and Beth back, and stayed for dinner with her two kids, Julie had moved "just a few things" into our spare room. After all, I had to go out of town later in the week, and she could help Karen look after the girls while I was away.

In theory, anyway. Little hellions would be running naked down the streets of Wilmington by Thursday afternoon while their mother was bedding her best friend.

"If you ladies will excuse me," I said as dinner was winding up, "I have a public speaking engagement to prepare for this week."

"Public speaking?" Karen scoffed. "Who wants to listen to you?"

I made a little money doing some speaking tours, but Karen couldn't pass up a reason to give me a hard time. Just like she could never pass up a reason, I thought to myself, to give me a hard-on.

"Mrs. Snyder's fourth grade class," I said proudly. Beth beamed at me from across the table.

On Tuesday morning, I looked out over the sea of fresh, unspoiled, largely uninterested faces. Perhaps if I was a fireman, or a tugboat captain, or somebody who actually made something, like a baker, they would have been a little more enthusiastic. As it was, I basically had an audience of two: my daughter Elizabeth, and her teacher, Mrs. Snyder, who gushed over my work like I was only a year away from the first of what would undoubtedly be many Nobel Prizes for Literature.

But I was nothing if not a storyteller. A few of the kids knew what a detective was; a few more had heard of Encyclopedia Brown, another fictional character that I'd despised back when I was in school. After a while, they started to accept the messes that Joe Verage found himself in, and then some even got a little interested. By the time Mrs. Snyder asked me to read a selection of one of my books to them, they were all at least paying attention.

"It had been a long time since I'd ridden a bicycle, not since I was a young child, in fact. And I'm sure that the installation of airbags had been a 'big deal, ' involving competing considerations of child safety and civil liberties. But I had missed that debate. So that when I popped a wheelie to jump my bike over the curb that now stood between me and the ice cream truck I was pursuing, the truck whose driver I'd mistakenly paid with the counterfeit currency that I'd discovered, I was genuinely surprised to find myself knocked sideways off the bike and into the prize gardenias that my mother's neighbor, Mrs. August Chulmley, had been painstakingly cultivating for the last five years.

"'Mr. Verage, ' the voice came.

" I blinked opened my eyes. A formidable figure loomed over me, the product of —"

"I'm just going to skip a little here, kids," I said. I didn't think that the expression "years of surgery by the best ear, nose, throat, and boob men in the United States" was something they needed to hear. Mrs. Snyder, though, was convulsed with laughter over in the corner. Most of the kids were smiling as well, I was happy to see, even if they didn't get all of the jokes.

"Okay, here we are," I found my place.

"'Mr. Verage, ' the voice came again, colder than the ice cream I'd tried to hold onto when I stole the bike, ice cream that was now melting onto my pants. 'Mr. Verage, are you fully sober?'

"'Yes, ma'am, ' I said.

"'Mr. Verage, have your driving privileges been suspended? Again?'

"'No, ma'am, ' I answered.

"'But that is your bicycle, Mr. Verage?'

"'I, um, was riding it, yes, ' I confessed.

"'But it's not actually yours, Mr. Verage?'

"'No, ma'am, ' I said.

"'Mr. Verage, ' she sighed. 'I'm very fond of your parents. So I feel compelled to inform you that it will be no less than five minutes, and no more than seven, until the police appear in response to my phone call.'

"'Between five and seven, ma'am, ' I repeated.

"'Four and six now, Mr. Verage, ' she said.

"'Thank you, ma'am, ' I said. I jumped back over the fence that separated Mrs. Chulmley's gardenias from the sidewalk, and hoisted the now non-working bicycle onto my shoulders. I limped down the road into my parents' garage, where my father was buffing his car. He took a long look at me, paying particular attention to the ice cream that was just now finishing sliding down the leg of my pants on to the floor of his pristine garage.

"'Rags are under the work bench, ' he said, returning to work with a sigh."

I got a nice round of laughter and applause, and announced that I would be happy to answer any questions that they had.

"Mr. Verage, are all your books funny?"

"Actually," I said, "I'm Mr. Thompson. Beth Thompson's dad? The character in the book is Mister Verage. But the book is written in something called the first person, so it sounds, when I read it, like I'm Mr. Verage. But yes, I hope that they're all funny. I like making people laugh."

"Mr. Verage, what's your next book about?"

Okay, enough about me; Mr. Verage it was. I made a point of looking around the room, making sure that nobody was hiding under the desks. I swore the whole giggling class to secrecy. I made Mrs. Snyder double swear, to the delight of her students, and cross her heart. I looked around again.

"International spies," I whispered as loudly as I could.

International terrorists, actually, but spies sounded like more fun, particularly at this age. Terrorists sold better, of course.

"Do you know any spies, Mister Verage?"

"No," I said. "But tomorrow I'm flying down in a secret plane to Washington, D.C. — "

Actually, it was Amtrak.

"—where I'm going to meet with the President of the United States —"

Actually, my request for information on terrorists had been routed — by the President, who was a fan — to a much lower level government functionary.

"—and she's going to introduce me to people who know spies."

Actually, I had an appointment at the Federal Counterterrorism Command.

"Mr. Verage, do you know Britney Spears?"

I looked over at Mrs. Snyder.

"Tanya is a big fan," Mrs. Snyder explained. "She asks everybody that."

"O-kay," I nodded. "No, I've never met her, Tanya. Although I understand that she serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Maybe I'll meet her this time."

I rolled my eyes and sent Mrs. Snyder into paroxysms of laughter.

"I know," I said. "Californians."

It was Californians, after all, that had sent Britney Spears to the Senate three years ago, after Dianne Feinstein retired. The Democrat and the Republican vying for the open seat were both scandal-plagued nincompoops, and some of Ms. Spears' teenage fans — and what was she still doing with teenage fans, anyway, at the age of 37? — had started a write-in campaign.

At the same time as these teenagers began their "Write-In Britney Spears" campaign, a group of older cynics had started the "This Whole Thing is Bullshit!" campaign. Britney probably got a couple thousand write-in votes on her own. Early on Election Day, though, ballots started appearing with "B.S." scrawled across them. Oh my God! People might think that a substantial number of Californians were smart enough to realize that both major party candidates were idiots, and that if those were the choices, they'd just as soon do without a senator, thank you very much. The Democratic head of the state election board and her Republican deputy panicked, and instructed local officials to count those ballots as votes for B — Britney S — Spears. By the time they realized that a plurality of California voters had done the unthinkable, Britney Spears had been declared the next senator from California. Senator Britney Spears. The mind boggles.

"Mr. Verage," Mrs. Snyder finally stopped laughing long enough to raise her hand.

I raised my eyebrows in astonishment. I looked at my daughter and back at Mrs. Snyder. Come on, lady.

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The Storys the thing

The Story's the Thing I'm a writer. I'm not super-famous like Grishim or King, but there's a good chance you've seen one of my books in the paperback section. Based on my royalties, quite a few of you have bought one - "for a friend" maybe, because I'm not the kind of author people seem happy to admit they read. I'll take the money regardless. Anyway, today I was just freewheeling, throwing ideas up into the air and seeing which ones land, and since I'm a nice guy I thought I...

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Anarchy Androids

“The Cold Metal Wars were fierce and unrelenting, many lives were lost in a war between those of true flesh and those of synthetic bodies posing as us.” “The days when we believed this kind of cybernetic technology could benefit was all but a lie put in our heads by big companies that soon faced destruction by their own products.” “Many survived, but the world was forever changed into a hellish metallic wasteland with the Android Metal Disciples taking over most of the surrounding lands, one...

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I am the Very Model of a Modern Male Bisexual Part 2

Continued ...My mother and I had a hell of a relationship, liberal, confidential, and she kept my secrets. A wise and wonderful women, never judgemental. In time I explained that I wasn’t gay, just into the sex – funny, but I think that was a disappointment. A New Age Jewish mother, being gay would’ve been perfectly fine. Very Broadway. Very Hollywood. She passed 20 years ago. I’m still not really convinced that she bought into my marriage, at 25, to my wife Sarah. Whom she loved just as well. ...

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No Holds Barred

Blanche opened the door on the third knock. "Hello Burt" she said as she showed him into the lounge room. "I was out the back just getting the items that you will need to work on the back garden". "That is fine Blanche", he replied as he followed her into the kitchen which was the general area where afternoon tea was served or any general gossip was discussed, for he and Blanche were very much on the same wave length. He had met Blanche when she joined the 'senior' bowling club, a club...

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Cumming in her pussy

Jenna had green eyes and powty lips and her ass was beautiful and almost perfectly shaped. Jenna has had a few sexual experiences with guys close to her own age, but because of a fear of becomming pregnant she never let anyone cum in her pussy. I had met her at a local coffee shop and we talked for a few weeks before this encounter happened. I finally talked Jenna in to meeting me and going to a hotel with me. We got to the hotel my cock was swollen and I could not wait to explore her...

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Second ChanceChapter 53

Looking forward to Sherrie's visit, I ran out and uncovered the hot tub, brought up two fluffy towels, and laid out some iced tea and apple slices, with some cheese and crackers. Then I generally got things ready for some serious hot tubbing. It wasn't long, and Sherrie came walking across the backyard carrying a little bundle. We shared a laugh when she saw the preparations I'd made, because she brought fruit and crackers with her, too. "I guess great minds really do think alike," I...

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Horny nephew gives rim job to big ass aunty it

i my name is Shivu. I’m 21 yrs old, studying in Bangalore and i’m sharing my i****t sex experience with my aunty whom i gave a rim job when my uncle was on a trip. I’m an okay looking guy and what i’am going to say is a real story. My aunty’s name is Susheela…she is my uncle’s wife (my mother’s younger brother) my aunty is fair, good looking, caring… Her boobs are medium sized,weight 55-60, height 5.6 nice waist, big ass goddess she is.. It all started when i was 18 ,at that time she was 36. My...

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I Seduced My Maid And Sister In One Day

Hey, this is danniel. I m from Mumbai. I m 18 year old. My height is 5.7. This my first story. Yeh story padhkr aap jarur masturbate karoge. Isilye apne room ma door band karke ye story padhna. So please give me feedback on mail. My email id In my family, there are 4 members. Me, my mom, my dad, and my little sister. My mom and dad goes to work. Thats why , humne ek maid rakhi hai gharme . Jo ghar ke saare kam kartI hai. Vo bahut hot hai. Uski figure 36_30_38 hai. vo 30 year old hai. Uske 2...

4 years ago
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Canon Ch 08

Geoff did indeed give her ten years, as he promised. Amy threw an eightieth birthday party for him at their favorite restaurant, and all their friends attended to honor the old soldier – and to eat the best steaks in town. Amy’s parents, of course, were among the guests, but one of the survivors of those two terrible days on the hilltop had passed on, though his wife was there. Another attended in a wheelchair. Johnsty, too, was gone, and so was Carolyn, his wife. The annual gathering was...

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Working With Walker Pt 4

Walker was tripping over his words trying to explain. "I...we….uh….sor…..sorry….not w….." I just sat there silent, trying to focus on Tyler's current state. Was he mad? Or just surprised? He didn't seem very mad. He wasn't trying to push us away. In fact, Walker's hand was still wrapped around his cock. He made no effort to remove his hand. I think he was more surprised than anything. So I took a chance. "Fuck it." I move up and plant my lips on Tyler's. He resists at first, but...

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sj33 and jim

id need to have had a drink or a joint before jim got there, id b nervous aswell as excited n I kno u wld too. jim would arrive n we'd hang out down stairs n chill for a bit. after a while id take a deep breath n lean over n kiss u then stand n go over n kiss jim n squeeze his crotch n say "im going to get Bella". I go upstairs n change into bellas biker corset, lace knickers n biker boots. I tie my hair up high n lay out black ribbons n toys, drawing the curtains n pulling back the duvet,...

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Impossible Desires

After I was done sulking over forgetting all my homework and food, I decided to take a look around to see exactly who I was sitting near. Normally I sit in the front of the bus where it was pretty much just freshmen and sophomores, they usually didn't say anything to me which was okay because I'm a shy person myself. I usually just sat in my seat with my eyes closed trying to to listen in on the latest gossip, mostly because I didn't know most of the people they were talking about. I only...

3 years ago
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TV Nudist

TV NUDIST By Rachel Saunders Prologue I don't know what I really expected. Well, perhaps that's not true. I guess I expected a nudist colony to be full of buff men and voluptuous women - all beautiful people, like a "Baywatch" program without the bathing suits. I also expected piles of people engaging in all sorts of sexual activity, from sunup to sunset. But my boyfriend Jimmy talked me into going for an introductory visit. We were met at the gate, and after a brief slide...

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Ann Bound

This story is a little different from my others (and not as Spanking/BSDM)--it’s written for a ‘friend’. And yes, if you’re that friend, you should be following the rules--naked and reading from your lovely knees. Be good. Be very good or else I’m afraid I’ll have to... The butterflies arrived halfway through dinner. She’d been nervous before that moment, but not unbearably so. She glanced up at him, across the table, as the waitress refilled her water glass. He was staring back at her, a small...

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Baby DollChapter 13

"Do I really have to wear this?" Jamie complained, as she tried to adjust the bikini that was "forced" on her. "It looks cute on you." Erin said, as she helped Jamie adjust the blue fabric top. "It's tight." Jamie complained, and Erin laughed. "You'll get used to it. Come on." Erin said, and offered Jamie her hand. Jamie sighed, and reluctantly took Erin's hand. As she was pulled towards the pool side, Jamie wondered again why she agreed to the suggestions she was given, then...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 19 Brandy Doesnt Waste Any Time

Brandy didn't waste any time. The command to wrestle was still reverberating from the speakers when she was airborne. Unfortunately for Brandy, Ann wasn't standing where Brandy landed. Brandy didn't miss her by more than a few inches, but that was enough. Brandy landed face down in the mud. Before she could recover, Ann reached down, unhooked Brandy's bra, rolled her over, and eleven seconds after it began, the first round was over. Ann began on top of Brandy. She was slowing moving when...

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The Cowboy and the College Girl Chapter 10 and 11

Chapter 10.The Ghost of a Girl friend Past. When I wake up the next morning the sun is shining brightly and I can hear a noise in the house. I am still not fully awake so the sound of the clothes washer startles me a little. Then my mind clears and the events of last night calm my spirit. I crawl out of bed. I notice the pain of a few pulled muscles in my back. “Wow, I am really stiff and hurting” I say to my self as I stretch my back to relieve the pain. After a quick trip the bathroom, I...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 16

Wednesday the first of March 1967 dawned the same as every other day had. I spent the early morning hours after breakfast straightening up the radio room. It was something I had been putting off since the Teams had left on Friday, but I had decided to get it done this morning. About 1000 hrs 'the Radio' came to life all on its own for no apparent reason. "Any station, any station, this is Cowboy Tango 1 Alpha, over," I heard immediately. In my hurry to get to the radio, I tripped on a...

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With My Friends GF

Once I planned to go to Bangalore and tour Bangalore & Mysore. I planned a long weekend where we had holiday on Thursday and took casual leave on Friday, making a 4 day long holiday trip to Bangalore and Mysore. I informed Sanjay and told her to make himself free for 4 days and take me around Bangalore and Mysore; and also introduce me to Sonali. He agreed happily and even planned to take Sonali on the trip. As planned I landed Bangalore and went to Sanjay’s flat and rang the doorbell. The door...

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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 15

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter FifteenI tugged gently on Emily’s leash and pulled her along behind me as she crawled into the living room.I’d let the girls sleep in late, I had unfinished business to take care of at the garage and then, when I got back I made the them breakfast and had them clean up for me.Emily’s hair was still...

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ForeChapter 2

Back at work Ted had some thoughts about Joni. He googled her and learned some interesting things about her education and the law firm she worked at. In addition to that he also surfed the net and read the paper about what was happening entertainment wise in the area before he phoned Joni at her office. After refreshing her memory as to who he was he asked her if she would want to go out to dinner and catch the Broadway show South Pacific this Friday that was being put on at a dinner theater...

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A MILF Story

  I am what all the young studs describe as a MILF. I a 42 year old housewife that looks 30 if I might say so. I work hard to look good. I workout everyday, play tennis, swim, bike and golf. My husband has a high paying job that allows me to do this. We have a great home with a pool on the golf course. To have this lifestyle I have to put up with a little of my husbands philandering, and of course his very average cock. Below average actually about 5 inches. I have a son who is 20 and in...

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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc 13

Glamourous, extremely busty Asian-American MILF Kianna Dior teases in a crimson string bikini, her long hair blowing in the photo shoot breeze. Skilled pornographer Jonni Darkko shoots POV-style footage as he plows her cunt. Kianna unleashes her trademark dirty talk, rooting on the intense pussy pounding. Jonni bangs her box doggie-style. They share a lube-soaked titty fuck. ‘Exactly what I wanted, right in that canyon,’ the pervy lady coos as Jonni pumps his rod between her big...

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The Girls Times

Joy loved being the submissive. Her body craved the attention that Sharon and I gave it like it was necessary to survive. It's not like she didn't enjoy our bodies, too, just that she loved being used. We were each sucking, slurping, nibbling, and scraping her cock-like nipples. Cock-like because they grew to over an inch long with a bulbous head if teased properly.In the process of getting them that hard, Joy would have a nearly continuous orgasm that would soak the bed to the mattress. Of...

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Tammy Meets Her Lover

John had been waiting for this day for months……and the day had finally come. The day Tammy had promised to meet him at his hotel room at the edge of town. He had played the scenario over and over in his mind several times, and each time the fantasy became more detailed, more elaborate—–more naughty——until it had gotten to the point where her name couldn’t pop up on the Messenger or John couldn’t look at her photo without feeling an involuntary spasm in his jeans. It was torture, and the waiting...

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My Sexy Horny Maid Bujji

Hi this is Rahul; this happened when I was living Hyderabad, My house maid Bujji, is a girl from a village, she was dark but with a good firm body, curvy hips, while working she would be unknowingly exposing her stomach, navel, and cleavage as she used to wear a half sari, I didn’t notice her much until one day, while I was sitting on my bed in the morning and she entered my room to clean. As she bent to sweep the floor, I noticed the deep cleavage and her boobs too; she didn’t know that her...

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Once More With FeelingsChapter 24 1975

Christmas 1974, the second time round, was the best I had since we stopped putting milk and cookies out for Santa, some thirty-seven years in my past. Up till now, Wendy's Christmases had been strong on the giving of thanks with little rejoicing, and her delight at each new surprise helped us all to see once again the wonder of the season. Boxing Day at the Denures' was every bit as exciting as I could have hoped for! Mike had picked up Linda and Julie, and had swung around to pick up...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 3

I'm sure you're not interested in the tiny details of Penelope's seduction of the poor young people that day, so I will only attend to the effects of her wiles. Her ruse with Jenny worked. Jenny did, in fact, later report that the boy's hand was firmly in his crotch when she approached and began staring at him. He moved it immediately. Sally finished with her task, and came out of the water to hang her brother's clothes on branches to dry. She was told to remain naked, while the sun and...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt16

Chapter 18 Marcy had hoped the stop at CC's would have been the last one. She had suffered enough embarrassment for a day. Lisa's claim that they still had a few errands to run made her worry that it wasn't all over after all. Her worries were soon confirmed when they stopped in a rather seedy looking neighbourhood. Getting out of the car Marcy knew better than to stray away from Lisa's side. It was kind of weird, but the big shift of control in their relationship had also...

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CondominiumChapter 5

Heather came up to the condo and joined us after Pam called her. She was beautiful, just as Pam had told us. I kept thinking of the word 'elegant' as the best single word to describe her. She had the figure of a model, plus breasts that shimmied with the least little movement she made. The effect was mesmerizing, especially since she wore a scoop neck top that advertised a lot of up-top cleavage; I don't know how anyone could talk to her and look her in the eye. We spent an hour talking,...

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when i was very horny

Introduction: when i was very horny and my boyfreind it was gone. hello, My name it is Ana,i am a girl from Roumania so,please excuse my english.i dont know well this language but I want to tell you my last game without my boyfriend. I work in a call center type department.Last week I was at work and surfing the internet.the clik clik inve got a porn site.there I kept looking at the various videos and a colleague of mine saw what I was is also a good friend to me.she came to me and...

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A Trip to Remember Chapter 2

Introduction: This is the continuing story of Kathy Barrows visit to the South Pacific island of Maki A Trip to Remember Chapter 2 Authors Note: This is the 2nd chapter in the story of Kathy Barrows erotic trip to Maki, a little known island in the South Pacific. Some sex in this chapter but it really heats up later. Youll have to read the first chapter to catch up as she continues her search for the truly unique wood carvings hand- made by the natives. Kathy woke to the soft light of the...

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Incestuous Intentions Part 1

Introduction: Siblings Kas and Devin relive their incestuous pass and create a possible future. This is based on a true story, it has been altered a little and names and locations have been changed. Also I realize my spelling and grammar arent perfect, but if you notice something major I need to fix then please let me know. Enjoy ,) Also, I am aware this story is identical to the one written by KawaiiCandy as that is my other account. I lost my virginity when I was ten years old. My step...

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Bulk and Skulls Revenge

NOTE: All Charters In This story are above the Age 18 Bulk and Skull are the Big Bad Bullys of Angel Grove High at least there supposed to be but Kimberly in her Group of friends especially Kimberly all ways make them out as Fools. The Reputations are basically ruined, no ones scared of them why would they be when there made to look like absolute Jokes? Luckily for Bulk and Skull Kimberly was all alone at School today Jason, Tommy, Zack, Billy, and Trini were all out doing Ranger related duties...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 51

Ana certainly knew how to straddle and ride me, as she did this time with her usual hunger and lust. Sandra made a point of rimming her while she bounced up and down on my cock, which just intensified the pleasure for sweet Ana. While the three of us had our fun, of course, Ninve had Teresa at her mercy, licking that butt-crack for all it was worth. I could certainly understand her motives there. Each of my ladies kept their bottoms very clean and delicious, as they knew that people in my...

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