Analized Daisy Stone Anal Ass Slut
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I was not holding out any hope that Wednesday would be any better than Tuesday. At least I woke up in my own bed this time and had a good night's sleep to show for it. I pulled on some casual pants and a loud shirt and almost dared anyone to say anything about it. I had spent the bulk of the evening on the phone with friends of mine who worked in the human resources side of the legal field. Quite interesting that practice. All of them had backed me up when I explained my thinking. There was no question that Valerie was a loose cannon on deck and the company could only suffer from her mismanagement of the HR issues under her control. It was a good thing I was not the boss.
I pulled up to the building and walked in behind Craig and Patricia. Patricia took one look at me, smiled and hooked her arm in mine.
"I take it that you have a good afternoon yesterday?" I asked her. She just smiled at me. Craig snorted.
"So what did you buy?" I asked. I know that look.
"He bought me a Z," Patricia was almost vibrating with excitement.
"And you didn't drive it to work?" I asked. I did not remember seeing a BMW in the parking lot.
"No silly, it's for the summer!"
"I see," I said sagely. As long as Patricia was happy, that is all that mattered.
"I guess we have to work today then to make sure he can keep up the payments?" I asked her.
"Twice as hard," Craig said, raising his eyes from the Journal to walk into the elevator. Patricia still had hold of me.
"I guess I am going upstairs?" I asked.
"Yes," they replied almost together. "I want you to fill in that paperwork today Gary," Craig said.
"Well, we will see what happens. I don't think filling it in is the problem." He looked at me and I gave him the quick version of the preceding afternoon's activities.
"Yes, that is about what Maureen told me last night," he said.
We exited the elevator and headed for executive suite of offices. Sophia was not in yet, but that was not much of a surprise. She had been known to stay late more often than not. Valerie however was waiting for Craig in his reception area though.
"Good. You are all here," she said in a voice much too chipper to be believed for so early in the morning. I followed Craig into his office, took off my coat and tossed it on the chair beside me and sat down.
"Good morning to you too, Valerie," I said in half interest as I made a show of fishing my PDA out of my coat.
"Sir, I have some very interesting information for you. It would seem that Mr. Preston lied on his resume." Needless to say she had my immediate attention, although I suspected I knew where this was going.
"He did?" Craig asked. "Is this true Gary?" he asked me.
"I don't know. I may have messed up a date or two. Some of those early jobs were not as well tracked as they might have been. I may have said I was there three months and I was only there two," I shrugged. "Honest mistake really if that is the case. I thank Ms. Talbot for bringing it to my attention and I will be happy to make the corrections."
"Nothing quite so simple, I am afraid. Where did you go to school?" she asked like a viper staring down its prey.
I let a ghost of a smile cross my lips. I was right. "Auburn," I said.
"Odd, I called them last night and there is no record of a Gary Preston being awarded any degree during the time you claim you were a student there."
Craig looked at me seriously; Patricia had balanced herself against the window ledge. I smiled and stared back at Valerie, the mongoose looking at the cobra and not being worried in the least.
"I wouldn't think so," I said, spinning the dial to check the panic mail and other headlines in my in-box rather than give away my advantage. Stupid lawyer tricks I learned from a couple of sharks on the West Coast while I was out there.
She looked confused, like she had been handed the argument but had lost. Craig was trying to figure out where the land mine was and Patricia was trying hard not to laugh. I suspect Patricia would not have been so sloppy in her investigations.
"Well, under the policies of the company," she flourished a letter at me, "I am afraid we have to terminate you. Accounting will have your pay check ready in an hour."
"And which policy would that be Valerie?" I asked with a straight face and not a trace of humor. I watched Craig come erect and even Patricia knew something was going to happen and it was not going to be pleasant.
"That would be the policy that requires termination of an employee providing false information on their education." She smiled triumphantly.
Patricia started laughing and Craig turned to look at her and she covered her mouth. I took the letter from Valerie, glanced at it and reached over to pull my coat off the chair.
"I do hope you haven't screwed up my benefits with this little stunt," I said, generally ignoring her as I stood and put my coat on. "The policy states that if you falsify your educational credentials, you are to be terminated. I have not falsified anything. I hold a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Auburn. Of course, it was awarded to Michael Preston, IV, but since that is still me, I have falsified nothing." Patricia was doubled over at this point and the blood was draining from Valerie's face. Craig however was turning red.
"You see," I continued, folding the letter in thirds and putting it in my pocket, "My father is Michael Gary Preston, III and goes by the name of Michael. And I, like my grandfather, go by the name of Gary. But Universities tend to be very precise." I stopped and paid attention to an email from Jerry that vibrated the unit as I had been talking. Seems someone in HR had instructed him to deactivate my account. He was letting me know that he would only do that when Craig told him so. I punched back a quick response before I continued talking.
"So, if you please, go back and re-enable my benefits and my payroll and all the things you instructed people to turn off. I have already told Jerry that the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." I looked up and her and there was cold fury in my eyes. "Further, please be advised that I have retained legal council and will pursue this matter through the courts if I must."
Craig turned to look at me. "You didn't?"
"If I don't make a phone call in," I looked theatrically at my watch, "20 minutes, the company will be facing a wrongful dismissal suit." I said.
Craig turned and looked at Patricia. She was not laughing any more. "Patricia, would you please give Gary the use of your phone so that he can make that call and then start filling in the necessary paperwork for his promotion and ask Maureen to join us soonest. Ms. Talbot, have a seat. Now."
Patricia and I walked out of the office and pulled the door closed behind us. I pulled my cell from my belt and dialed a number as I walked. He picked up on the second ring.
"It's Gary. You called it right. I will send the scotch over this afternoon. Thanks, bye." I hung up the phone and followed Patricia into her office.
"That was dangerous Gary," she said closing the door and turning around to face me. "Thank you, again." She reached up and kissed me hard and then she started laughing. "Did you really have a suit ready?" she asked sitting down behind her desk.
"More like a bet," I responded. "But you can be certain there would have been a suit on Maureen's desk by the afternoon and it would not have been pretty. Of course, I got tipped early. I have a friend in the admissions office at Auburn and he called me last night at home and told me what had gone down."
"Nasty, nasty, nasty, and sneaky, too. Here, sign the offer letter," she passed me a piece of paper with my new title and salary and a rough outline of a job description on it. It said I started a week ago.
"Um, except that the start date is wrong,"
"No, it isn't. It is retroactive." She looked at me. I signed it. Then she picked up the phone.
"Hi Jerry, it's Patricia. He just signed it. I expect he will be down to clean out his office later this morning. It what?" she looked at me and I simply nodded my head. It was a crime scene. "Well, we will stick him in a closet up here then until we find him a desk. Yes, he probably would enjoy it," she said with a giggle. "Yes, I will send him down in a bit. Bye." She hung up the phone and looked at me, then stood up and walked around the desk and I stood up and we kissed again, only to be interrupted by her phone ringing.
"Yes Craig," she said. "I don't know if she is in yet, hang on," she covered the mouthpiece. "Go see if Maureen is in, he wants her now."
I stood up and went to do her bidding. Maureen had just walked in by the looks of things. She was taking off her coat and her back was too me. She was wearing a cranberry coloured dress that came down just below her knee and followed every line of her body. It was very professional looking and hot as well.
I made a small noise before I said, "While I would love to stand here and undress you, Craig wants you in his office. It would seem that Valerie has over played her hand."
She looked at me over her shoulder and it took all my willpower not to walk up to her and slide the zipper on the back of the dress down and see what was underneath.
"You still owe me a lunch date," she said. "And I am collecting today. This is twice I have dressed for your pleasure."
"Then I look forward to it." I said, following her out of her office, watching the shifting of material and the play of muscles under the dress.
She let herself into Craig's office and I sat down in the chair in Patricia's office.
"What's wrong with you?" Patricia asked?
"Maureen," I said. "She is trying to give me a heart attack."
"Oh," and she raised her eyebrow at me. Now, I have to admit that Patricia was very well dressed as well in a grey pinstripe suit, grey pearl shell and pearl earrings with black stockings and pumps to finish it off.
"OK, you're right. You are ALL trying to give me a heart attack." She laughed at me and took her jacket off. "Hang this up for me will you," she said in a very sultry voice, "then come back here and kiss me."
I got the jacket hung up, but that was as far as I got. The intercom came on, but no sound, then it switched off. Patricia picked up the phone and dialed a number.
"Mike? Can you come up here please? Craig has need of your services. Yes, it is urgent." She hung up the phone.
"A secret signal?" I asked. She nodded her head and sat down, so I took up station across the desk from her. She smiled at me and started stroking her breasts through the material of her shell. Mike tapped on the door a couple of minutes later.
"Go on in Mike," she said. "He has Maureen and Valerie in there with him." Mike nodded and crossed the waiting room to the office and went in. There was two of Mike's staff in the waiting room. We behaved ourselves. We did not have long to wait.
"Take your hands off of me, I am an employee of this company," Valerie was hysterical.
"Not any longer ma'am," we heard Mike say as he and his assistants escorted Valerie Talbot back to her desk and I assume out of the building. Maybe today was not going to be so bad after all.
Patricia's phone rang as Maureen came out of the office and into Patricia's. I took a moment to look at Maureen and she looked back at me. I am certain neither one of us was thinking about legal issues. She smiled at me and licked her lips just as Patricia hung up the phone. We schooled our expressions, but Patricia was not fooled.
"Get out of here you two before the room spontaneously combusts," she said chivying us on our way. She headed into Craig's office with her treasured letter and Maureen and I went to her office.
We barely got the door closed before we were in each others arms. Maureen kissed me, her tongue sliding effortlessly into my mouth. I reached around behind her and slid the zipper of her dress slowly down the middle of her back. She shivered as my hands stroked the bare flesh that I had revealed by doing this. I stepped back and took the arms of her dress and slid them over her hands, pulling the material forward and off her magnificent chest. She was wearing a dove grey lace bra that just barely seemed to be able to do the job of supporting her breasts. As I slid the dress down her body, I discovered matching thong panties and black stockings. She stepped out of her dress and I hung it on the back of her door. She caught me from behind and started kissing my neck and ear, while her hands undid my shirt, her fingers stroking my skin. For my part I let my fingers roam across as much of her thighs and naked ass as I could reach. She pulled my shirt off me and spun me around to get at my belt and zipper. She had my pants undone, but stopped to spin me around and run her tongue over my nipples before she sunk to her knees to pull down my pants and underwear, my erection coming free in the process.
She did not say a word as she caressed my cock, first with her eyes, then her hands and then her lips and tongue. Following each curve and contour, she took me into her mouth and swirled her tongue over the tip, sucking gently, her hands stroking my balls and teasing my ass. It was a wonderful feeling and I luxuriated in it as she slowly took more of me into her mouth, increasing the pressure on both my cock and my balls. Her mouth was so soft and it did not take much encouragement for me to give up my seed to her, the moan escaping her only heightened the sensations as I came deep in her throat.
"Oh, what a wonderful way to start the day," she said standing up to kiss me again. I kissed her back and ran my hands along her naked sides, drawing goose bumps from her exposed flesh and enjoying the feel of her pushing against my now naked body.
"I am at a distinct disadvantage here councilor," I said between kissing her chin and the soft curve of her breast. Her nipples were threatening to rip the material of her bra as I kissed along the dividing line between fabric and skin, using my thumbs to flick across her nipples and puffed up areola. She was sighing and mewling and pushing her body against mine as her hands held my head close to her breasts.
"I would not say that," she said, laying her head back and pushing her hips against me. The action thrust her breasts ever more towards me and I decided to take some action. I kissed my way down the valley between them and undid the clasp I found there, peeling the fabric off one side and then the other before taking a nipple into my mouth. She moaned as I ran my teeth over her hard nipple. A pebble more correctly, it was red and distended from its dark bed which was another level above her breasts. She gripped my head tighter as she quaked, her excitement increasing with each flick of my tongue. I alternated from one to the other, each time she seemed to hold me tighter than the time before and quake a little longer. Her breathing was ragged and she could not hold still. She gave a little squeak and clutched me tight and froze, holding her breath, then exhaled, relaxed her grip and pulled my mouth up to kiss her.
"If. You. Don't. Put. That. Delicious. Cock. In. My. Cunt. I. Will. Never. Forgive. You." she said, each word, punctuated by a kiss harder and deeper than the last. Needless to say, I was hers to command. I slid her wet thong free of her folds, with her wiggling her hips in assistance. It was almost entirely soaked through. I took a moment to slide my fingers through her lower lips and she quaked again as my finger crossed her clit.
"Oh God, Gary, don't tease me, fuck me," she panted pulling me down on the floor on top of her and grabbing my rejuvenated cock and directing it into her. We slid together with a wet sigh and kissed, her hips twitching and the powerful muscles of her cunt squeezing my cock. I started sawing back and forth and she came hard, her pussy squeezing me hard, she bit my shoulder to keep from screaming and she pulled her knees back to get deeper penetration. I pushed past her tightness and she started moaning again. She wrapped her legs around me and urged me on, rocking her hips in time with my rhythm. She captured my head and tried to kiss me as another wave of pleasure swept through her and she cried into my mouth as I exploded inside her, setting off another wave. She was crying and clutching me to her, her hips still rocking as we slowly returned to earth. She was sobbing with joy and released emotions, kissing me between breaths and holding on for dear life all at the same time. Her soft walls were undulating around my retreating member, it was warm and I kissed her back, my tongue dancing slowly with hers.
"Oh, that was just wonderful," she whispered in my ear before she kissed me. We lay together like that for a few more minutes and then she sighed again.
"Next time, I get you in my bed, or your bed, or hell, any bed," she kissed me again. "But for now, we need to get dressed and find you an office with very thick walls!"
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The way I saw it, Elise Bentley had pretty well wiped out any ethical obligation I had to her by refusing to pay me my fee and getting me stuck in this awful situation. Now.I could turn my attention to her husband's plight with a clear conscience and try to find some way of getting him out of his awful. captivity. So I bided my time, meekly obeying every order our captresses gave, and submitted to being transformed into a ripe, sexy, silly-looking girl-thing... Today it was time to...
Niraiya kaama kathaigalai thinamum padithu enaku nadantha unmai kathaiyai ungalidam pagira aasai padugiren. En peyar Delfin, en vayathu 22 aagugirathu aanal naan migavum gundaaga irupen. Mulai suuthu perithaaga pazhuthu irukum, pinbu parka kalaiyaga karupaaga irupen. Tamil kudumbasex kathaiyai ungalidam indru pagira pogiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En thanthai ennai pengal kalluriyil padika vaithaar, athanal naan aangaludan pesi pazhagiye niraiya varudangal aagi vitathu. Naan vayathirku...
In a wild outfit that displays her huge tits, British blonde Barbie Sins plumbs her bum with a dildo. She welcomes hung studs Mike Angelo and Yanick Shaft to an outrageous anal threesome with a raunchy double blowjob, the boys plugging her nose as she gags and slobbers on their thick pricks! One stud porks Barbie’s butthole as the other fucks her throat. Mike fingers the oversexed slut to an intense, squirting orgasm. Animalistic sex includes double penetration, immense rectal gaping and...
xmoviesforyouMy sister Bethany Belle took after my mother in size and appearance, unfortunately. Mom is a very big woman. She is really short and really fat too. I on the other hand took after dad. He is tall and thin. Dad loves mom just the way she is but it takes a special man to love a fat chick. Bethany Belle sometimes calls herself a beach ball with a head. Because of her initials Bethany Belle has been called butter ball, bubble butt, and big bertha. The girls would tease her in the gym...
Chapter Four In the days that followed finding Charlotte, Jason and Rachel learned that she had been a design engineering major working towards her Masters Degree at Mississippi State when the flu took everyone. She had returned home, on the Coast, to find here family had all perished in the plague. This news struck Rachel hard as she had assumed that immunity would have been hereditary and had held out hope that her sisters and at least their children had survived. But now she...
"What am I doing?" Bob asked himself, as he drove toward the local community college. It was his first day back in college since 38 years ago. He'd already graduated from the Junior College, but was now taking an adult education course in Beginning Sign Language. This course was necessitated by an inner ear problem that was slowly taking Bob's hearing away. "Better learn it now, while I can still hear the instructor," he thought. So, Bob parked his car and found the classroom. He was...
– 30 years old – Decided to do this because she is loving how her body looks – Loves being nude so figured why not get fucked on camera – Loves to connect with people and make them feel good – Is a sexy all natural hippie girl that is all peace and love – Has full on lesbian girlfriend that knows she is doing this – Likes men just as much as women so technically she is bisexual – Is very open minded and admits to craving a well hung man – She gets excited with the idea of body painting her self...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Serenity Elizabeth McKesson. Serenity. Except here on Terana, I am Sarina Kelvin. Sarina. Wherever I go, Whoever I am, I am now and always, Midnight. I spent most of my adolescence looking for the place I am now, and couldn't find it. It cleverly eluded me, frustratingly hid, just beyond my ability to detect, played hide and seek with every nuance and ability I had. I was one of the Children of the Light, dammit, traveler in Light and Dream! And I couldn't find my Dream. Until...
Ruth knew of the woods, since she had lived most of her life near here, but she did not remember if she even had ever gone any deeper than to the very edge of the trees as a little girl. This was just a little forest, and not all that interesting despite the old stories. There were many other similar groves in the area, and there had been even more of them until they had started building more houses and roads here in the recent years. "Are you sure this is the place, gran?" Julie hollered...
The wall of noise hit me like a sledgehammer as I stepped through the door onto what appeared to be an utterly packed dance floor. Dark purple neon lights hung interspersed from the ceiling alongside a bunch of colored dance lights and strobes. Together with the heavy techno vibe, they created a dark, almost trance-like atmosphere. I was unable to see exactly how far the dance floor reached, but the entire room must have been huge. Hundreds of people were crunched together like sardines as...
My mom walked out on us early in my life. At six years old, with two younger brothers, I helped my dad raise me and my brothers. I learned cooking, cleaning, and ranch work early. We were close. We grew up tough, running a town of 15,000 people. When something happened in town, they came to see where I and my brothers had been at the time.Then, for unknown reasons, our mom reentered our lives when I was 15. By then, I was over 6'3" tall, a freshman in high school, and an athlete. To this day, I...
Kasey is already on the bench and naked, the party started a little early this week, the guys were chomping at the bit to get to this little lady, and we can’t say that we blame them. She’s ready, they’re ready, it’s go time. They slide her back a little and get to working on that very very tiny pussy of hers. The guys take turns devouring that pussy, before they lay her back and all take a turn testing it out. Everyone seems to have a comment for how tight it is. Rey...
xmoviesforyouI am lost. I despair of escaping from this existence. I am now in a worse state then when I was falsely incarcerated for an unknown crime. Now I am captured by Mistress Green and the transvestite Mistress Benny as their sex slave. No, more than just sex, their abuse and torture slave too. If you have somehow read the other episodes of my story I have managed to leave on the Internet you'll know that I foolishly and consentingly decided to accept this position with Mistress Green, but...
The Starr DAs were as good as the gunsmith had promised them to be. He had reworked the loading lever to be an empty shell ejector, so nothing was wasted. It still took much longer to reload these pistols than it did the S&Ws, but they made excellent backup weapons. I had a special holster made to let me hide the modified Starr in my boot, and the other one was carried in a saddle bag. I was now carrying a total of 15 bullets in conveniently reached holsters, so I felt that I was covered...
Growing up, I had no idea the possibility of male/male sex was anything more than an adolescent fantasy that made me wet my underpants in bed at night. Not understanding it at all, yet there was a yearning that could not be defined during High School.I stayed virgin in the penis until I was 17, when quite by accident I wound up getting laid the first time with another k** from basketball in High School while staying over at his house one night.His folks were away, and we raided the fridge for...
“Oh ... damn ... I’ve never felt so alive ... and yet I’m undead ... God ... fuck, yes!” Mom screamed as I pounded her thick, plush bottom good and hard from behind. “So, a vampire’s life for you?” I teased Mom as I slapped her booty and she moaned in pure bliss. “I’m yours ... forever! Forever! I’ve always dreamed of belonging to a man ... forever! I wanted it, but feared it ... because it would mean that I was ... helpless, weak, and submissive ... but, oh, fuck me! I craved it so much!...
Hi friends, and sorry for late so lets come to story.Hum sab log restaurant se khana khake return ghar agaye idhar kavya bechain beqarar thi chudwane ke liye.Mami dress change karne ke liye unke bedroom me gayi aur hum charo apne room me aagaye maine direct kavya ke bal pakad kar apni taraf khicha aur use fondly passionetly kiss karne laga uske lips ko suck karne laga kavya bhi jamkar kiss kar sath derahi thi uski jeebh mere mun me to kabhi meri jeebh uske mun me ahhh kya testy sliva tha.Rima...
Chapter 1There are many sayings about patience. Patience is a virtue; good things come to those who wait; absence makes the heart grow fonder; and things of that nature.As you can imagine, someone offering even to try an FFM exerts a great deal of pressure on your patience. You want something like that to happen yesterday, but there was no rushing this potential erotic adventure.Siobahn and I have a great deal of trust invested in each other. We are both comfortable with our situation, knowing...
ThreesomesI am a very horny guy always looking for opportunities for fun and interesting encounters with all kinds of people. i love females they are so sexy and beautiful with gorgeous bodies that turn me on so very much. but recently i found another side to me which i have enjoyed experimenting with. I am a young looking 40s guy with a good body muscly smooth and well endowed. any way i have joined sex dating sites before and had some memorable times from them. but this time my high sex drive and...
Jennifer Adams sat on the little bench that was nearly opposite Sam Slade's house and looked at her dog, Prince, as he sat quietly on the step at the front door. Jenny was angry. Very angry. She'd followed her stepfather here more than an hour ago and she was now certain of what he was doing there. Had she chosen to watch from a different location where she could have viewed the back door, Jenny would have had a surprise. Not long after she had taken up her vigil her younger sister's...
The next day was Saturday and we spent a lot of the time together as a family, with no privacy for any mischief, but it was an enjoyable and restful day and we all ended up together in the lounge watching TV after a pizza dinner. Sunday looked like being more of the same, with Mom making all of us attend Church as a family, the first time in ages, and we returned home to a roast dinner, a long time forgotten tradition. Dad spent the afternoon nested in his armchair with the Sunday papers, Tom...
Introduction: Rachel sat at her dresser, putting the finishing touches to her make up and admiring herself in the mirror Rachels Cocktail Party by anon y mouse Rachel sat at her dresser, putting the finishing touches to her make up and admiring herself in the mirror. Her husband, Edward had told her he was bringing three of his colleagues back from work for cocktails and snacks in the early evening and she was making sure she looked her best. She had put on a red party dress over matching...
Carol Thompson, was the Senior Medical Technologist in the laboratory at the major medical center in North Carolina's "Triangle" where Dr. Mathews was on staff. Mrs. Thompson was highly competent, well respected, and the consummate professional technologist. She was an attractive woman with a slender body hidden under her generally conservative pastel shirt, white hospital pants, and ever-present white lab coat. Most men regularly checked her out and concluded that she was quite...
Zach had only been on the island for two hours and had damn near fallen in love. Jillian was a wonder as she relaxed against him and kissed his neck, sending goosebumps up and down his arms. He wanted to peel that suit off her and taste every inch of her skin before filling her up and finding his own release in her depths, but he saw other people in the distance making their way up the beach from the hotel. "We're gonna put on a show for those people if we don't stop soon." "Hmm?" she...
Fantasy MILF Cherry Kiss is the thing dreams are made of… at least until she opens her mouth! The long legged sex queen can be pretty mean to her manservants, especially when it comes to her beverages. But today, her servant delivers a different kind of refreshment. He whips out his thick cock, and Cherry simply cannot resist the urge to suck and fuck. The perfectly toned MILF heads inside with the lucky guy and bounces on his girthy pogo stick. She loves the way he fills her all the way up....
xmoviesforyouHi readers ! Being inspired by the submissions here I decided to narrate my first experience of intimacy. The story dates back to when I was in standard 10th and after the examinations I had been on vacation where my parents used to work. Then I was barely 15 and was having no experience of sex or idea about the woman’s body. Weeks in to the vacation I happened to meet a lady by name Manju. She was 25 years of age and was working in a government office. Though she was only 25 she always wore...
Daddy’s Little Girl By Baddaddy Part 22 (Heather learns her fate) About 10:30pm we come back down. Britt’s rope imprints starting to fade, but the red marks have become quite prominent, in a day or so they will fade to some nice bruises. Heather, is dozing, I give the Hitachi wand a quick click on-off, on-off, a few times as Heather rockets awake, shaking her head no. Still gagged, with a stream of drool running from the corner of her mouth. “No, no it’s OK“, I tell her, “I just wanted to...
Best friends Mary Moody and Abigail Mac are lying on a bed together. An empty ice-cream tub with two spoons sits on the bed along with crumpled up tissue. Mary comforts Abigail, who is upset because she has just broken up with her girlfriend. Mary suggests that they watch a movie. A short time later, Abigail has dozed off as they watch the movie on a laptop. Mary notices that Abigail has dozed off and softly closes the laptop. Mary gets up to leave, but Abigail stirs, asking her to stay with...
xmoviesforyouThought I would share my first swinging experience when I was with my ex. (for the sake of this I’ll call her Rachel). Rachel was 23, petite, about 5ft6 with bright red (dyed) hair.This all happened about six months ago, we’d just come back from a really nice holiday and needed to catch up on some sleep. We were feeling very loved up so she stayed over at my place. I woke up nicely refreshed and left Rach in bed while I made us both a cuppa. I took it back to the bedroom with me, I could see...