ConflictedChapter 4 free porn video

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The wall of noise hit me like a sledgehammer as I stepped through the door onto what appeared to be an utterly packed dance floor. Dark purple neon lights hung interspersed from the ceiling alongside a bunch of colored dance lights and strobes. Together with the heavy techno vibe, they created a dark, almost trance-like atmosphere.

I was unable to see exactly how far the dance floor reached, but the entire room must have been huge. Hundreds of people were crunched together like sardines as they stumbled about in something that could only be described as Mandatory Group Dancing. I wasn't exactly looking forward trying to worm my way through the crowd.

Before I could say anything, Stacey grabbed my arm and dragged me along with her as she hugged the wall closely, moving straight towards a large bar that took up most of that side of the room. The area around the bar didn't look any less packed than the dance floor itself, and I guessed she wanted to get a drink. I was a bit surprised when Stacey casually flipped open the counter top and moved behind the bar without hesitation.

I kept looking around nervously as she pulled me along, worried someone was going to notice us any second and we'd be in trouble, but nobody did. Stacey threw friendly smiles at several of the bartenders, who—despite busting their asses to keep up with the demand for drinks—all waved back or even gave her a kiss on the cheek as she walked by.

I wondered how she got to be on such friendly terms with the waitstaff, and why she was allowed to park where she did. Maybe she was dating the guy who owned the place? If so, he was one lucky son of a bitch.

We moved out from behind the bar through another counter top at the other end, then proceeded to hug the wall again until we eventually arrived at a large spiral staircase. It was big enough that it could easily fit four people side by side, but the place was so packed that there was still a line forming.

"What do you think?" Stacey asked, talking loudly in my ear to rise over the noise of the music as we joined the back of the line.

"It's pretty cool," I replied with a nod. It wasn't really my scene, but there didn't seem to be any point in telling her that.

Stacey gave me a little wink, then she focused her attention on descending the staircase, which couldn't have been easy on her high heels. A group of loud, obnoxious assholes came up the stairs as we went down, taking their sweet time in checking Stacey out. One big shithead also deliberately bumped into me, obviously looking for a fight, but I ignored him. I didn't want Stacey's to get a bad impression of me.

As we reached the lower floor, I stared in amazement at the sheer size of the place. It was an easy two hundred feet from the back to the front, with a division about halfway in between. The front half of the room was about ten feet lower than the back, though I couldn't really see any difference in purpose between the two. Spacious booths were everywhere along the walls, and tables took up most of the rest of the floor space. The lights in this area—both the ones above the booths and tables, as well as the purple neon lighting on the walls and ceiling—were fairly dim, creating a nice, cozy atmosphere.

About a dozen massive pillars supported the floor above us, with groups of people clustered about every single one of them. Like the dance floor upstairs, the lower floor was absolutely packed. Every table and booth was taken, and small groups of people were standing wherever they could as they talked, laughed, and drank. I was glad I'd worn some decent clothes as pretty much everyone I saw was dressed to impress. I also noticed that my sister's earlier comment about the club being packed with hot girls had been spot on; no matter where I looked, there were always at least one or two girls who were smoking hot and were dressed provocatively. I quickly began to revise my initial opinion of the place.

Stacey squeezed and wormed her way through the crowd, and I struggled to keep up with her. It wasn't an easy thing to do, considering she was about half a foot shorter than I was, and people in general gave way a lot more easily for a hot girl than for a guy. We eventually made it over to the large, U-shaped, mahogany bar, which was illuminated by bright halogen lights. It almost seemed like an island of light in the otherwise fairly dark club.

Stacey waved at one of the bartenders, and he immediately came over and leaned across the bar to kiss her on the cheek. "Hi baby," he said with a huge smile. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, with a very definite Mediterranean complexion. I realized that while the music was still loud in this area, it wasn't to the extent that people had to shout to be heard.

"Hey Gino!" Stacey said happily. "This is a new friend of mine. Damon, this is Gino. Gino, Damon."

"Good to meet you, Damon," Gino said with a friendly look as he offered his hand. He definitely had an accent, which I guessed to be Italian.

"Hey Gino, nice to meet you too," I nodded, shaking his hand.

"He's here with me so take care of him, okay?" Stacey said.

"Of course, mi bella!" Gino grinned.

Stacey gave him a flirty smile. "Tease! Did you see Kelsey and Amanda?"

"Si, a few minutes ago. They went to your table."

"Did they get something to drink already?"

"Not from me. Maybe Bobby make them something?"

Stacey rolled her eyes at him. "Will you stop it with that silly accent already?"

"Aw, you don't like it anymore, honey?" Gino asked in perfect American.

She grinned. "Some other time, okay?"

"Of course, baby. Anything for you, you know that," he said with a sly wink.

"Sure. Can you get us a round of our usual cocktails, and ... what do you want, Damon?"

"Orange juice is fine, thanks."

"What kinda vodka do you want?" Gino asked as he started preparing what looked to be a dozen cocktails.

I laughed for a second until I realized he wasn't joking. "Eh, I'm not old enough to drink."

Stacey smiled. "None of us are, but you don't have to worry about that. Do you want a beer, or something stronger maybe?"

"I think just OJ will be good, actually," I said hesitantly.

"Awww, come on, party a little!" Stacey said with a cute little half-pout.

"Leave him alone, Stacey," Gino grinned. "If he just wants OJ, I'll get him just an OJ."

"Damon, come on, we're all having drinks. Please?" Stacey said as she unleashed a devastating smile on me.

"Alright, I guess I'll have a beer," I said, finally giving in.

"Which one?" Gino asked. "I've got Bud Light, Corona, Sam Adams, Fat Tire, Heineken, Amstel, Duvel, Fosters, Grimbergen, Dom Ko—"

"Whatever's good, Gino," I interrupted him. "You're the bartender. Figure something out for me."

"You got it, kid." Gino nodded. He tossed a bottle in the air and caught it upside down, pouring triple sec into a cocktail mixer.

"Have you seen Roger?" Stacey asked him after a few seconds.

"Uh-huh. He's in the basement with the fire marshal," Gino said as he vigorously shook the mixer.

"The fire marshal? Again?"

"Yeah, there's some kind of wiring problem, apparently. They're going over it right now."

"Okay, I'll talk to him later then. Can you get these to our table?"

"Sure thing, babe." Gino smiled.

"Thanks sweetie!" she said with a wave as she walked off around the back of the bar.

"I guess I'll see ya, Gino," I said.

"Yeah, you better not keep her waiting. Believe me, she doesn't like that," Gino said pointedly, a large grin on his face.

I returned his grin, then quickly followed after Stacey. She made her way over to a cordoned-off section near the back corner of the club. It seemed to be sort of a VIP area, with luxury leather seats in the booths and plush carpet on the floor. It appeared only a few of the booths were occupied, but with the lighting in this area even dimmer than it was in the rest of the club, it was hard to say for sure.

A security guy in a sharp suit was stationed near the entrance to the VIP area, and he nodded at Stacey as we approached. She made sure the guard knew I was to be allowed in and out of the area without question, and he simply nodded again. He didn't seem to be the talkative type. I was amazed he didn't grunt at her.

A waiter who seemed to be about my age walked by as Stacey talked to the guard, and his eyes practically fell out of their sockets as he stared at Stacey's tits in her very revealing halter top. He briefly flicked his eyes towards me, and I gave him a knowing smile. I'd done my share of ogling Stacey's tits as we'd walked through the club.

Stacey just grinned at the kid, then led me into the VIP lounge, taking her time to say hi to a few of the guests at some of the other booths. I was quite surprised at how many people she seemed to know; there didn't appear to be anyone in the club who didn't recognize her. After she'd talked with a woman in her mid-forties for a few moments, we finally came to a large, round booth in the farthest corner. Amanda and Kelsey were already there, along with what appeared to be pretty much the rest of my sister's cheerleading squad. All the girls were hugging and kissing each other, apparently having just arrived themselves.

I stared in awe at the sight of so many hot girls. Most of them wore pretty revealing clothes, though they were all outclassed by Amanda and my sister; a fact which was teasingly mentioned several times by the other girls.

"Hey girls!" Stacey said happily as she arrived at the table to a chorus of repeated hello's and hi's.

"You found him!" Amanda said, giving me a fond smile.

"Yeah, the poor guy was lost, so I figured I'd better return him to his sister. I asked if he wanted me to hold his hand, but he insisted on walking by himself," Stacey teased. Several of the girls giggled, and I felt myself flush a little.

Kelsey walked over to me and took me a few steps away from the table, then gave me a big hug. Her tight body was amazingly warm against mine, and I felt some strange feelings coursing through me. Her very revealing outfit wasn't really helping any either, nor were her firm breasts which poked against my upper abdomen.

"Hey doofus," Kelsey said, smiling up at me.

"Hey sis. Sorry I got lost," I joked.

"It's okay, the nice lady found you and brought you back. I'm glad you're here now!" she grinned.

"Have I told you how sexy you look in that outfit?"

Kelsey's smile lit up the entire building. "Awww, thank you!"

"You're welcome. I will of course kill any guy who so much as even looks at you while you're wearing this," I swore solemnly.

She giggled loudly, then shrugged. "Please, no one will be looking at me. Have you seen how absurdly hot Amanda looks in that outfit of hers?"

I gazed past my sister and locked my eyes on the gorgeous blonde. I had seen part of Amanda's outfit in the car, particularly the black bra and fishnet top, but I couldn't very well admit to my sister that I had been eagerly ogling the two of them.

I sighed as my eyes drank in the sight of my sister's hot friend. The white fishnet top was obviously very see-through, but Amanda had apparently decided not to follow my sister's advice to just wear a bra underneath. Instead, she was wearing a black tube top which looked just like a bra except it had no straps. Her perfect breasts stood out noticeably in the fabric, curving it enticingly. The fishnet top came to about halfway down her midsection, leaving a large part of her tummy bare. Her tummy was magnificent: toned and slim with not a single gram of fat or any blemish to be seen anywhere.

She also wore a little black micro skirt that came to just below the curve of her ass, which she had accessorized with a gold enamel belt. The skirt had splits on both sides which caused it to move around in a maddeningly erotic way, and I kept imagining seeing brief glimpses of the treasure it so barely covered. Amanda's long, smooth legs were bare and just as wonderfully toned as her tummy, and the package was finished off with a set of high heels that made her pose look extra perky.

I stood with my mouth wide open, absolutely dumbfounded. I was amazed that she had the courage to wear this in public, and at the same time I was stunned that she pulled the look off so well. She was magnificent!

Kelsey stood quietly beside me, content to let me marvel at the sight of her best friend. After awhile, however, she apparently got impatient and poked me in the side with her finger.

"Hey!" I said, startled.

"Just checking to make sure you hadn't died on the spot from drooling over her."

"Sorry," I mumbled apologetically.

"Sorry for what? For looking at her? You're a teenage guy, I'd be concerned about you if you weren't looking at her! So what do you think?"

"About what?"

"About her, doofus!"

"Jesus, she's so gorgeous," I breathed softly.

Kelsey nodded in agreement. "Yup. That's why I don't have to worry about being harassed by guys when she's around. They all go straight to her."

"Oh whatever, Kel! You're just as smoking hot as she is! Like any sane guy is going to ignore you while you're wearing that naughty schoolgirl outfit!" I exclaimed.

"Have you been browsing for naughty lingerie lately, big brother?" Kelsey asked impishly after giving me a curious look.

"What? No ... why do you—"

"Then how did you know that this outfit is, in fact, called a naughty schoolgirl outfit?"

I stood mute, trying lamely to come up with an answer that would sound believable.

Kelsey giggled after a few moments. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone."

"It still doesn't change the fact that you're being silly about no guy being interested in you."

"Well, okay. There are a few, but most guys are far more interested in her. On our way through the crowd, I got propositioned to do some very interesting things. One guy wanted to do something to me that I'm sure is illegal in our state, and probably in most others as well, while another asked me for something that I've never even heard of! I got my butt pinched three times, and some sleazeball made a grab for my boobs. Amanda, however, twice got asked by guys to marry them on the spot, and I think if she'd said yes to all the offers, she'd be having sex with half the guys in this place, right now. She also got pinched so much, I don't even want to know how sore that tight little ass of hers is."

"I'm glad you didn't get propositioned by half the guys in this place! Now I don't have to kill so many of 'em!" I said, deliberately ignoring Kelsey's mention of Amanda's tight little ass, even though my eyes seemed to want to wander there anyways.

Kelsey giggled loudly as she stood on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. "You're a sweetheart, you know that?"

I shrugged casually. "It's a burden, but what can I do?"

She laughed as she grabbed my arm. "Come on, I'll introduce you to my friends. Amanda looks like she needs some rescuing anyway."

As we turned back to the table, I saw that most of the girls were still teasing Amanda about her outfit, though not seriously; Amanda endured it all with a blush and a small, embarrassed smile. Stacey stood beside her, absentmindedly licking her lips and looking very pleased with herself.

"Girls, this is my brother, Damon," Kelsey said cheerfully as she dragged me over in front of the table, and in reply the girls' combined attention shifted to me. A few of them gave me warm smiles while others just said hello. Two gave me a cold stare, apparently not happy about me being there, though their dirty looks vanished the second Kelsey glared at them in return.

Kelsey quickly rattled off all the names of the girls, but I managed to remember only two: Mikaela and Carynne.

Carynne I recognized as the third of the girls who'd get chucked up in the air by the others during stunting routines, the so-called 'flyers'. She was an absolutely gorgeous brunette, with an exquisite little face with beautiful eyes, and a very sexy, petite body. Though she wasn't as curvy as my sister or Stacey, she definitely dressed to emphasize her features, wearing a very tight-fitting, belly-baring tank top that showed a nice bit of cleavage, as well as a delicious amount of her firm tummy. She oozed confidence with every move, and she gave me a wonderful smile. She was just stunning.

Mikaela was about as tall as Amanda, and she was pretty, though not in comparison to Amanda or my sister. Or even Carynne. The only reason I remembered her name was because she had absolutely fantastic tits. It seemed almost impossible for a high school girl to have tits that big; they were almost spilling out of her tank top! My mind briefly blanked as I imagined what it'd be like to play with them, until Kelsey elbowed me in my side after a second.

"Hi girls," I said with a smile and a wave, tearing my thoughts—and gaze—away from Mikaela's tits.

"Damon, didn't we see you at Westmore last Tuesday?" Mikaela asked, immediately causing my gaze to return towards her chest.

Before I could answer, Amanda said, "Yeah, he specifically came to watch us!"

"Really?" several girls asked in unison.

"Nah, my mom made him go," Kelsey said dryly, leading to a loud round of giggles around the table.

I tried to come up with something witty when one of cheerleaders, a little blonde whose name I had already forgotten, asked, "Did you enjoy our routine though, Damon?"

"Yeah, I did. It was really cool." I smiled.

"He just likes watching girls in short skirts. We could have done the Cotton-Eyed-Joe, and he would have thought it was cool," Kelsey teased me again with a bratty smile, leading to another round of giggles.

"Hey, I did like your routine!" I protested. "To be honest, I didn't think I would, but you girls definitely changed my mind. You were great."

I got a round of thank you's and smiles from the assembled girls, and I briefly felt better about myself. I was a little worried that it was going to be one of those 'let's all pick on the guy' nights and wanted to try to avoid that as much as I could. Fortunately, the girls all started chatting amongst themselves and didn't really pay much attention to me anymore.

Stacey and Kelsey sat down along one side of the table, all the girls scooting in a little to make room. With another few squeezes, more room was created for Amanda. The booth was starting to get pretty full, with over a dozen girls in it. I hesitated for a second, not knowing whether to stay standing or to go grab a chair from one of the nearby tables. Before I could act, however, Amanda scooted firmly against Kelsey and gave me an inviting look. "Sit next to me, Damon."

"Thanks," I said as I slid into the vacated spot. There wasn't a whole lot of room, and Amanda's bare leg pressed firmly against mine, as did her hip. Heat from the touch of her body simmered through me, and I flushed badly.

"Are you getting too hot?" Amanda asked.

"Eh, a little I think, yeah," I said nervously, her closeness inflaming my mind.

"Am I causing it?" she asked, a sly little smile on her lips as she looked straight in my eyes.

I heard myself sigh as I gazed in her eyes, pale orbs that seemed to be staring right into the depths of my soul. I noticed her eye color hung about evenly between blue and green, and I felt myself drowning in them.

As we sat staring at each other, my eyes drew in the rest of her. Her golden blonde hair that flowed smoothly over her ears down to her butt. Her incredibly cute face with a pert little nose that stuck out just a little bit farther than would have been considered perfect, but which just seemed to add an extra hint of cuteness to her. She also had the most magnificent dimples I'd ever seen, framing her sultry smile that showed off her perfectly white teeth. She was an absolute all-American beauty, and I felt my stomach clench as I silently gazed at her.

"Damon?" she asked after a few moments, an amused look on her face.

"Oh, sorry, I eh ... what did you ... oh," I stuttered. I lowered my eyes and softly whispered, "Yes. You are causing it."

Her already magnificent smile grew larger as I admitted that she was badly flustering me.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable sitting beside me," she whispered. She didn't really sound very sorry at all.

"It's not your fault, Amanda. I just can't help myself," I sighed.

"Oh God, you're so sweet."

We both smiled at each other, and I could feel my heart nearly pounding itself straight out of my chest. As I gazed at her face, I suddenly noticed something. "You weren't wearing any makeup when you left the house, were you?"

"A little. Kelsey and I put some more on in the bathroom right next to the office."

"You two are definitely good at this whole switching routine."

She smiled. "Yeah, we've been doing it for awhile now. Did you and Kelsey get things sorted out?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"For what?"

"For not eavesdropping on us."

She sighed a bit irritably. "I'm sorry about that. I told Stacey to cut it out, but she hardly ever listens to me. Or anyone else, for that matter."

"Can't you do your little Jedi mind trick on her?" I joked.

"My what?" she asked, clearly puzzled.

"You know, the thing you do with my sister. You just look at her, maybe shake your head a little, and voila, Kelsey does what you want her to do."

Amanda's smile was positively naughty. "Oh. Well, um, that really only works on Kelsey. If I tried that on Stacey, it wouldn't really have the same results."

"Really? What would happen if you tried it on Stacey?"

Amanda's eyes briefly zoned out, probably as she imagined something. She blushed slightly as she focused back on me. "Let's just say that I'd probably wind up doing what she wanted, not the other way around."

"Huh," I said, not really getting it. "So why does it work with Kelsey then?"

Amanda looked at me intently, her smile slowly growing bigger.

I started smiling too, stammering a little as I tried to figure out why she was smiling. "Why are you ... what?"

"Nothing," she said, leaning in closer and giving me a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Ooooh, Kelsey! She kissed him! Amanda kissed him!" shrieked one of the girls, a small strawberry blonde on the other side of the table.

"Jeez, Amy, relax! Have you never seen a girl kiss a guy on the cheek before?" Kelsey tartly asked the little blonde. Amy blushed and seemed to shrink in on herself.

Before anyone else could say anything, a tall, raven haired waitress came to our table with a tray of cocktails. "Hey girls," she said with a friendly smile, getting another chorus of hi's in return. "Oh, and guy, hi!"

"Hi," I said quickly, silently wishing she'd go away so that I could return to gazing at Amanda. My cheek felt warm where she'd kissed it.

"Okay, I've got a bunch of the usuals and an import. I'm guessing the beer's for you, hunk?"

I nodded as I looked up at her, and she gave me a wink in return. I had to admit she was pretty attractive, and I guessed her to be in her early twenties. She seemed to notice something about me and studied me a little closer. "Kel, honey, turn your face my way a little bit?" she asked my sister.

My sister obediently turned her face, and the waitress shifted her gaze between me and my sister for a few moments. "Is this your brother?" she asked.

"Yes, that's Damon," my sister said, a bit proudly. "Damon, this is Robin. She's our usual waitress."

"Hi," I said again.

"Mmmm, nice. Very nice. Hi Damon," she said, her gaze focusing on my upper body. I could feel myself getting a bit uncomfortable under her predatory gaze. All the girls at the table seemed to be hurting themselves trying not to laugh as Robin was blatantly checking me out.

"Is he available?" she asked bluntly after a few moments.

"No!" the answer came, too quickly. It hung in the air for a second, then all the girls burst into howls of laughter and giggles. My face turned beet red as I realized belatedly that it wasn't my sister who'd said that.

It was Amanda.

I turned my head and looked at the gorgeous blonde sitting right up against me. She was biting her lower lip and blushed like there was no tomorrow; she had never looked cuter. I reached underneath the table and took her hand in mine. She firmly squeezed my hand and gave me a wan smile as the girls all laughed at us.

Robin grinned and began serving the drinks, fruity cocktails for all the girls and a bottle of golden pale ale for me. She gave Amanda a friendly wink right before she walked off.

Amanda took a big gulp from her cocktail while I grabbed my beer and took a long pull myself. The rich, flavorful ale slid down my throat, and I immediately started to cough, leading only to more amusement around the table at my expense. Amanda comfortingly clenched my hand as I gasped for air.

"Jesus, that's strong!" I wheezed. I glanced at the label and noticed it said 8.5%. The beer's name was Duvel and was apparently brewed in Belgium.

Amanda leaned closer to whisper in my ear, which caused the giggles to swell to a new level. She quickly glared at her friends. "Guys!" she complained.

"Okay, that's enough fun at Amanda's expense," Stacey said firmly.

Most of the girls laughed a few more times, then went back to talking to one another. The only one who seemed to stay stuck in 'laugh at the two lovebirds' mode was Amy, who was starting to become quite irritating.

"Amy, knock it off!" Kelsey snapped at her, which caused the little blonde to stop mid-giggle. She sounded like a squeaking bird being strangled.

Both Amanda and I looked at my sister, and she fondly returned our gaze with a big wink. I felt relieved, as I wasn't sure how Kelsey was going to react after Amanda laid claim to me. From what I knew around school, most girls were absolutely not thrilled with the idea of their brothers hanging out with their friends, so I made a mental note to ask my sister about it as soon as I had the chance. I took another gulp of beer and managed to keep the coughing mostly inside.

"Is your beer too strong?" Amanda asked as she scooted around so she could face me, folding her right leg underneath herself.

"It's got quite a bite to it, yeah," I wheezed a little, turning to face her as well. I briefly thought about trying that folded leg thing, then decided it would probably snap mine in half.

"That's Stacey's doing. She's always trying to get everyone drunk."

"How's your cocktail?"

"Strong. As always," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Aren't we going to get in trouble for this? I mean, it's not like any of us are old enough to drink."

"No, we won't. If a police officer or someone like that happened to come in, one of the staff would let us know long before he ever got here."

"What would we do then? Throw our drinks on the floor?"

Amanda looked at me silently for a moment, then let out a little laugh. "You know, I have no idea. I guess we'd just quickly gulp them down!"

"How come you girls get so much leeway around here?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

Amanda turned her head and nodded at her tall blonde friend. "Because of Stacey."

"Why does Stacey get such special treatment?"

"You don't know who her family is?"

"I know they're crazy rich, apparently, but that's about all."

"Winterton. Stacey Winterton."

My eyes opened wide as I glanced over at the blonde who was happily chatting with my sister. "You mean the oil magnate, Karl? That Winterton? She's his daughter?"


"Damn!" I said, utterly impressed. Karl Winterton had been a local guy all his life, never living anywhere else. He'd built his fortune in international oil; it was estimated to be well into the multiple billions of dollars, and he was pretty much the biggest hero the town had ever had. "So does her dad own this place?" I asked.

"I guess technically he owns it, but her brother Roger runs it."

"Oh yeah, she was asking about him earlier."

Amanda nodded. "She loves her brother. Almost as much as Kelsey loves you."

I gave her a grateful smile. Amanda leaned in and gave me another kiss on my cheek, then immediately threw a fierce scowl at Amy to stop her from piping up.

"Stupid freshmen," Amanda sighed as she turned her attention back to me.

"She does seem a bit young to be with the rest of you girls," I noted.

"Yes, she is. She's JV, but she got called up to Varsity two weeks ago when Rebecca broke her ankle. Stacey felt it wouldn't be very nice if she invited all the girls tonight except her."

"Should she even be having one of those strong cocktails?" I asked, a bit worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure hers is virgin. They always make a few virgin ones. Mikaela can't have alcohol, so she gets a virgin one, then Robin just strategically hands them out to the youngest among us."

Same as Conflicted
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I am sitting here in an upscale bar some two hours from my home. I booked a hotel not far from here. I just need a break this weekend. I’m trying to re-group. After so many years of marriage I’m sure it’s rather natural to feel this way. I’m just tired of the same old same old. I need something more. I’m tired of begging. I need some passion and a woman who is begging me for it! I don’t know what this weekend will offer but I am resigned to just go with it. If something strange comes my way, I...

4 years ago
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Horror Movies

Horror Movies It was a dark and rainy night. Our parents were away for the week and we were supposed to be home alone. As you know…kids will be kids. I called up two of my friends and Donna called up some of her friends. Before we knew it we had a house full and they were all spending the night. There were the three of us guys and there were six girls, two for each of us. Donna was fourteen years old and her friends were all about that age too. I am sixteen years old and my friends are...

1 year ago
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BFFs Alex Blake Noemie Bilas Raven Redmond Twerk Well Soon

Alex Blake, Noemie Bilas, and Raven Redmond are some of the bestest friends a guy could have. After their boy Juan had a neck injury, they decided to go cheer him up in a really unique way. Their motto wasn?t get well soon, it was twerk well soon. Using their ASSets to make him forget about his ailment. They brought him flowers which was standard, but then they let him rub on their tits while he felt them up. Suddenly the pain began to subside. The girls continued to lick his cock and let him...

1 year ago
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Sharing Me In Shareauto On A Rainy Day In Wet Saree

It was a rainy day in Chennai, where i work as a Receptionist for a Sales and Marketing Company in Maraimalai Nagar. I am a pretty girl in early 20s with 34D-28-34, fair skin, black long hair, brown eyes. Usually i wear official uniform of Shirt or t-shirt and Pant except Friday, when i wear my choice ranging from saree, half saree, skirt, t-shirt, other casuals. On this Friday i was in my sleeveless red chiffon saree. Morning sky was clear and reached without issues. But evening, it started...

3 years ago
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Preggo banger

Preggo banger vol1 Celeb kate Hudson My name is mike, im. 24 year old male escort and I cater to a special type of client. I fuck pregnant celebs for a very good rate and im discreet. It was a Tuesday afternoon when I get a call for my services to a house in Hollywood, turns out it is Kate Hudson’s place. I walk into her house and she greets me in a yellow bikini while her nearly full term belly is hanging out of her robe. She says thanks for coming and says to me “ I hope for what I am paying...

3 years ago
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Five Times a DayChapter 6

I heard mom answer, "Go ahead and watch, but I get him until we are through, all right?" "Sure!" "OK honey, just linger around my pussy for a bit. Take in the scents. It's important that the lady is clean having just taken a shower, and her period is not going on. I guess if you liked it weird, and the girl didn't care; you could do that." I said, "You smell wonderful. It's kind of like the smell of sweat, and a light perfume fragrance put together." "Thank you, that's sweet...

3 years ago
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The Pizza Guy Two

The further adventures of a well endowed pizza delivery guy. The blaring techno-pop music jarred me awake. I hate techno-pop, that's why I use it force myself out of bed in the mornings. I lunged across my bedroom and stabbed at the off switch of my sound system. The relentless thumping bass cut off and I sighed, wiping the palm of my hand down my face. The bathroom was my next stop. I made sure that my half-hard dick was pointed at the toilet and cut loose. It doesn't take me long to piss....

3 years ago
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Dragon Clans Bk 02 Pt 05

Blood was pooling in Nicholas’ palm, slowly running in rivulets down his wrist and across the wooden tabletop. He sat in an excellent reproduction of a Louis XXI chair while the elegant period table was slowly stained crimson. Peter Styverson’s lifeless body lay at his feet. His chest rendered open with a fist-sized hole just under the sternum, his heart dropped haphazardly on the floor before his open, sightless eyes. Once again Michael had slipped through Nicholas’ fingers, once again a...

1 year ago
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Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 6

It had been just over four weeks since Claire had left John Pollard’s house, and John was once again used to being alone. He had been grateful for Claire’s presence and for their long talks, which he thought had been consoling for both of them. He had bade farewell to her hoping she had found a new way of living with her husband. He followed his routines. It gave structure to his life. He had also stayed for a while with his son James. James and Julie had made him very welcome, and it was...

2 years ago
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Every guys dream1

My wife and I eventually divorced and I moved out. It was not easy being on my own again especially being in my 30's but I was able to rediscover my fetish with the help of internet shopping. I could buy all of the women's panties and bras I wanted and they would arrive at my door without anyone knowing my kinky little secret. I collected all kinds of sexy panties, garter belts and thigh high stockings. I even started to buy dresses and perfume and would spend my day taking a long hot bath,...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 173 I Hate Hospitals Even as a Visitor

"My name Sue Ling," The korean woman said when she returned. "You Maxine Stone?" "Yes I am Maxine Stone," I said. I was surprised that she recognized me. It was something I was going to have to get used to. "Where camera?" she asked. "Somewhere in the parking lot, I'm sure." I replied without giving it much thought. "You want them in?" she asked. She showed me that she understood how things worked. "If you don't mind, I am sure they would like to be in here," I...

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Milky Adventure Aravindo8217s Prospective

Hello friends. I hope you like reading my stories. Now I am giving the aravindo ( Rajesh) perspective of my story. Please read milky adventure part 2 to have a clearer idea and enjoy it more. I have completed this with the help of my friend PETER HUNT. I am very thankful to him for helping me in completing this part. As u know my series is more of feeling and emotion than sex. Hope u guys like it. Thank you I am Aravindo, I am an orphan. I became an orphan when my parents died in a car...

4 years ago
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Sex KittenChapter 2

Sunlight was peeking through the drapes when my eyes flew open and I surged to my feet in the middle of the bed. I felt my balls dangling between my thighs as I peered down at a startled young teenager. Even confused she was stunning in repose. "Last night, we made a big mistake," I began, "we've got to move. Now!" We clambered into our dirty clothes, dropped off the key to avoid any extra reason to remember me, and fled westward. "What did we do?" Kristy asked me in a naïve voice...

1 year ago
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my ass

I pull into my drive way at a little past seven on Christmas Eve night. My day at the office was horrific and all I wanted was to get home. Earlier today I got a call from my girlfriend telling me she got a special gift for me and that she'd have it for me tonight. When I pushed for a hint, she told me I'd have to wait and see for myself.So I am finally home. Finally in my drive way, looking at my front door, wondering just what exactly she has in store for me. I crack open the car door and...

3 years ago
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Maa Chudi Gair Mardo Se 8211 Part 9

Namaste mitro. Aap sabne is kahani ke pichle bhag pehle padhe uske liye aap sabka bahut bahut dhanyavad. Ab main aage ka bat aap sab ko batane jaa raha hu. Mummy ghar se nikal ke chali gayi. Gali se unke payal ki cham cham ki aawaz aa rahi thi. Saf pata chal raha tha woh dadaji ke pass jaa rahi hai. Main kuch der ke bad piche ke side gaya. Mummy ghar mein jaa chuki thi us samay. Main gali ke side mein chala gaya. Dadaji ne kamre ka mahol badal diya tha. Phulo se mahak raha tha kamra. Dadaji ka...

1 year ago
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frist rape n tape

Lucie is about a little over 5 goot and has blond hair,dress'd like a angel,well more like a punk mix thugy preppy angel would.Well that after noon at launch Bobby had broken up with Lucie because she had told him she had the hot's for me,not knowing until a week later.A week later lucie end'd up at my house,i invited her in and we were talkin.You smoke pot Austin she had ask'd.Knowing and paying enough attenion to her knowing she dos as well.Yes i replied.Cool,let's smoke Lucie...

2 years ago
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A wife attends a show with her husband in a strange city and finds herself on her own

This story may or may not be true… I’ll let you decide. My husband is in sales, so we travel a lot on incentive trips that he has won. Unfortunately, he often spends time with his boss and the other sales people, leaving me on my own. But sometimes that can be good because it allows me to do what I want. On this particular trip, there was a lot of golf planned, and since I don’t play golf, I decided to take in some of the museums and galleries of the city. There was a...

3 years ago
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My New Bull part 8

"Kath", I hear my husband calling me."In here, taking a bath"The door opens and Brian sticks his head in."I brought some dinner home. It's from that new Thai place we have been wanting to try, and don't worry I didn't get the spicy stuff.""Thanks babe, just give me a minute and I will be right there. Hey, why don't you open a bottle of wine to go with it."Brian smiles and nods and then he is gone. I climb out of the tub and grab my towel. Standing in front of the full length mirror I realize I...

3 years ago
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A Master Comes CallingChapter 7

Bess lay in her double bed and wished Rob was there, she felt she needed to apologize to him, she had made a secret promise to herself to remain faithful to Rob and yet this very evening she had returned to her own slutty ways. Would Rob ever be able to trust her again whilst he was away and then it suddenly hit her, would she be able to resist if Jim or Jane called her. She struggled to go off to sleep, when she closed her eyes she saw Jim fucking her cunt and in these dreams she even saw...

2 years ago
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cousin jen

We spent the rest of the day chilling inside, playing video games, and watching T.V. . Later in the evening, the family got together for supper. "We are going to play bingo tonight, wanna come?" asked Jennie's mom. "no thanks, i think i'm just gonna hang here". I wasn't really interested in hanging with a bunch of old people in some wierd bar. "it's cool". "Jennie can keep you company". ""sounds good to me" and my rock hard boner, I thought to myself. Jennie seemed to...

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Fantasy night mistake

This story is not for everyone, pain, humiliation and other sex acts used to degrade a person it not for everyone. If this turns you on I’m happy but please don’t try any of this on unwilling partners. DO NOT do this to someone you don’t know; always have their full permission. My boyfriend had said he had a special treat for me. He wanted me to look sexy and be ready for him to pick me on at nine. He said he had a big surprise for me, one that I would really enjoy. After my shower,...

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Well it all started one Saturday, I sat in my garden enjoying the sun and my neighbours were out too.I don't make a habit of listening in on other peoples conversations but couldn't help hearing that Sandra and Sam were looking for a babysitter as they wanted to go out to celebrate 15 years of marriage.I knew that my weekend was going to be fairly slow with nothing to do so I stood up and walked to the fence. " Hi, you two ok, enjoying the sun?" I said to both of them. "Yes its...

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KKs hot bbc

A TG friend on line here shared a wonderful story with me about her lusty adventures with a gurl like her...she loved the gorgeous huge BBC and so do I so I shared this with her... BTW also had a great experience with a hot hard young bbc...a few years 3-4 back I hooked up on line with a gay couple that wanted another guy to hook up for a 4 some...Mike was Hispanic 59sish like me, so was Pepper his boi friend in his late 20s, the third guy kind of a turd don't know we smoke my...

1 year ago
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Sarah Goes Dogging

A friend of mine was curious about the British practice of dogging and tried it out. Here's her story. Probably the best time I ever had was the second time I went dogging, and the first time I got out the car. I'd been once before, and had loved seeing a queue of men by my car window, all looking in at me and all wanking....wanting me to stroke them or even suck them. It was an incredible experience and I promised I would go back again soon. I had a female friend who had done it a lot, and had...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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eragon rider 3

  I felt the gaze of several nobles trace me as I crossed the field. This time, a barren wasteland had been choosen for the fighting grounds. You wouldn't be missing any action from the stands with this environment. But the noble's gaze continued to haunt me. I knew that seeing field girls compete in the arena wasn't very common. We weren't trained to use magic like those from other cities. Another reason why they might be watching me, was because my hair color, a bright blonde that...

3 years ago
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Smoke and MirrorsChapter 5

(Flashback; Shortly after the first meeting.) There was a common knowledge that ths Win DX team in seeking out people they did and information that was not public knowledge was at risk. Before anyone went into the field, they had to list who was to be contacted in the event of their injury, death or capture. It was something nobody ever spoke about, and the reason why the men and women of Win DX tended to avoid relationships. Pat and Ted became close friends, but nothing more. Such was the...

1 year ago
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College roommate

“Be safe! We love you!” My family yelled as I maneuvered my silver 2001 BMW down the driveway of our 2 story brick house on my way to freedom. I gave one final wave as I pushed on the gas and started off to college. Finally! I thought as I started off to GT where I planned on making my dream come true… being and actress. Now, don’t get me wrong, I could care less if I’m famous… I just wanna act… to be on stage and in the spotlight. The college campus was only about 45 min away from where I...

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Susan Jake Naked in SchoolChapter 13 Saturday Night

Susan That evening, we had another huge barbecue at Jake’s house. Everyone was there, and Daddy Jack had a ball. He claimed that for the first time ever there was an approximate balance between the number of people and the amount of food. “Yeah,” Mama Jean commented wryly. “We’ll only be eating leftovers for a couple of days instead of a couple of months.” When Jill and BJ returned from their shopping expedition, it was apparent that it was a good thing they had taken BJ’s Eldorado....

4 years ago
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Getting Some ABS Dick

It was a hot Florida night, but that just made me yearn for some dick all the more. I drove up to the closest adult video store just north of where I was staying. There were a few cars in the lot just off the highway, US 19--that was a promising sign, so I paid my five bucks to go into the video booth area to see what was up. This booth set up wasn’t my favorite design, but the place almost always offered up some good cock. One problem is that the booths were all small, with seating on a...

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When I was about 17, I had a class with a girl whom was my best friend and I've always had a crush on. Her name was Ally. She was a little big with a nice, curvy body and round belly. She was about 5'5 and always wore cloths that showed off her boobs. She had very big boobs which I always dreamed of touching. She had the cutest giggle and a turned up nose (which I loved the most). I was so shy, but one day I finally asked her out. "Of course! I'd love to!" she replied. She hugged me and I...

2 years ago
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I’d felt your eyes on me since I had entered the conference hall. Five hundred bored souls taking their place to await the annual update on how the company had performed, how it expected to perform and hours of self indulgent back-slapping. Four hundred and fifty bored souls couldnt care less. One bored soul was boring holes in me. I nonchalently turned to where I could feel the looks coming from. A group of five, all wearing the corporate uniform but trying desperately to maintain their own...

1 year ago
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Hell of a Gift

I'm no hero. Just a guy that is trying to get through college. I work part time at the "Seven-Eleven" over on Main street. It was on January 24 that my world was turned up-side-down. It was twenty below. I was driving back to my apartment. Looking down an alley, I saw flames coming out of the roof of this apartment building. Holy shit, I said to myself as I slammed on the brakes. I left the damn car running in the street. Dashing into the building, I ran up the stairs hollering; "Fire,...

2 years ago
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A Very Modern Family Ch 02

This story is a continuation from chapter 1. You won’t miss out on much storyline, but you might enjoy reading that first ‘Lesson two’, Claire said with a smile, ‘has some pre-requisites.’ ‘Number one – a hard cock.’ Claire looked over at Dylan, who was laying back with his dick standing to attention. He’d just seen been given a team blowjob by his sexy young girlfriend Haley and her equally stunning blonde mother Claire, before Claire tongue fucked Haley to a screaming orgasm. ‘I think...

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Office Quickies The Executive

The Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...

4 years ago
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Office main chudai

Hai, main Rajesh umar37 aur land mera 9 inch 3 inch motai. Is do mahina hua me iss ki story padhata hun.isme jyada log sister aur mother ko chodte hai lekin mera kahani alag hai, mai nashik mai kam karta hun. Mara sath ek laski staff kam karti thi, telephone ki opertor thi, dekhane ko oh itna sunder thi ki hamara office mai jo kam ki silsila me ate ha usko yani silpa ko (staff ka nam) pant gila karke jate hai. Silpa ki ball38size ki thi aur uski gand itna sunder thi sach bolu to har time mera...

2 years ago
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Summer of 89Chapter 6 My Prerogative

On Monday, July 3rd, my Dad and I drove to a nearby hardware superstore and got a brand new outdoor grill. The one we'd had in Charlotte had been getting old, and we left it for the people who bought the place instead of trying to figure out how to tear it down and ship it. The one Dad got was huge; we could have cooked a turkey in it, and he talked about doing just that for Thanksgiving. Mom just nodded and told us to get it ready for the cookout the next day. As a way of meeting all our...

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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 10 Fifteen days to wedding

Next five days were even more hectic. More friends and guests arrived. Each key host family member was tied up to do more and more entertaining. Sameena, Shahabad and their father Jahangir rang to inform that they were flying in on weekend. Gulnaz now was feeling happier as her close family was getting closer to be under the same roof. Day engagements were getting numerous. Both Gulnaz and Shahnaz felt their private time had shrunk so much that they felt like public property. Shahnaz would...

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Conference in Las Vegas

The trip was unexpected but the gift my husband gave me for the trip was even more unexpected. Brent and I have been married for eight years and have had a wonderful marriage for the most part. The only major problem being an affair Brent had on a business trip five years ago. Brent felt terrible about cheating on me and told me all about the affair when he got home. He said that he and his boss had been out drinking and met a couple of girls. Brent's boss insisted on taking the girls out to...

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The Atalanta Adventure

I had to go to Atlanta on a business trip and decided to take my wife, Diane along since she was on vacation from work that same week. I knew that I would be staying at the DoubleTree in North Atlanta and that my work would take me to the multi-story office building in the same business center. We checked into the hotel Sunday evening and went out to dinner. When we returned the hotel staff had turned the bed covers back and left our cookies. They had opened the drapes to the windows which...

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Dont Let Me Down

My brothers-in-law and I occasionally get together for an evening of poker. It isn't a scheduled thing. We only manage it a few times a year. It happened that our wives had gone on a shopping trip together. That made the perfect opportunity for us to get together for a few hands. My wife, Kate, has a sister and a brother. On this particular evening, her brother, Timothy O'Malley, had invited Sean Clark to sit in on our game, which was at Tim's house. Tim sat to my left and Sean was across...

2 years ago
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Amys Second Gangbang

It had been two weeks since Amy’s first gangbang, and she was already desperate for another. Her boyfriend Tony simply could not keep up with her sexual desire. She talked of little else and Tony knew he had to make a plan. Amy’s last gangbang had lasted for four hours and had involved nearly 20 of Tony’s friends, but that was not enough for her, she wanted more, a lot more. Amy spent most evenings watching the video Tony had made of the gangbang. She would sit naked in front of the TV and...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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How I Fucked My So Called Sister

Hello friends, I am a regular visitor at this site. Let me tell you about myself Piyush Arora I was 22 year old when this incident happen. i am 5’8″ height with a dick of 15 cm in final yr. of my B.Tech and currently staying in Patiala. This is my first story so if any mistake kindly ignore. This is story about how I fucked neighbor girl. Her name is Maya. She used to call me brother and i never had a bad intention for her. Well talking about her she is 19 yr. old 5’4″ height; she is white in...

3 years ago
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Amazonian Invasion

Queen Sheena Belacqua sat on her throne in the royal capital ship. The grand structure had roughly the same square footage as the state of Texas and was orbitting the queen's newest target for assimilation, Earth. The Amazonian Empire had spread quite far in this sector, as it seemed intelligent life was ripe for the picking, smart enough to communicate and highly evolved so that they were not enslaving animals; yet they were also dumb enough that they couldn't put up a fight at all to the...

3 years ago
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17th BirthdayChapter 4

We soon started into the hugging, kissing, and rubbing that had become commonplace during our love playing. As this continued, we slowly moved to the king-sized bed, and first stripped off the comforter and the blanket. As we lay on the bed, we took turns in different positions, and being in a triangle of one sort or another. I had just finished bringing Courtney off by licking her pussy, and sucking on her clit. As I kissed my way up her body, Emily stopped kissing her, and moved to the...

2 years ago
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Erin Obeys

“Okay, so I’m, like, here and stuff,” said Erin. I raised my head in response to hearing her voice. I knew she was on her way, I had summoned her, she had no choice to but come to me, but I hadn’t counted on her arriving so quickly. I turned around to face her and found her dressed exactly as I had wished it – hair back in a bun, horn-rimmed glasses, man’s white dress shirt with thin, vertical light blue stripes unbuttoned two buttons, snug (but not skin-tight) blue jeans and black boots. No...

2 years ago
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KellyChapter 31

Laura could see the pain in Cara's eyes from across the room, could almost feel it. She left Kelly and Vanetta to talk and catch up with Brenda and Sherri, and went to where Cara was sitting holding her stomach. "Honey," said Laura, "you've got to let go of that anger or the pain will just get worse." Tears were forming in Cara's eyes. "But... but..." "Come with me," said Laura taking Cara's hand. "We'll go someplace quiet and talk." Kelly looked over as Laura helped Cara...

2 years ago
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Before Need Dark TemptationsChapter 5 Bad vibes but good

Same shithole neighborhood - different shitty looking house - same fucking thing about the garage but this garage was a barn. And had a basement 'dungeon' which is where we went to fuck and suck. The 'bad dudes' met me as I came in "Bout fuckin time shithead! We kicked a little bitch tonight to load you up! Don't fuckin be late agin" I bounced off the wall as he shoved me and then two quick hits to my back had me down. Then I tumbled down the stairs to the basement with one of them...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 31

Nurse Clipboard must have thought it was safe now. She ran into the makeshift delivery room after John and Mom left and confronted Jill. "We need to do an APGAR score on these children. You're putting the hospital in a terrible position." I heard the clipboard hit the floor and Jill said "Stick your APGAR up your ass, bitch. And clean up that mess." Jill stormed out and was followed shortly by Nurse Clipboard who now had twins in her arms, no way to do anything with her hands and was...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 40

The actual official launching and christening ceremony for "Vector" was attended by members of the "451 Wives & Widows Association", the crew of "Vector" but not attached personnel, and GmBH executive. Denny had hitched a ride back on R2 for a well earned leave and also to be present at the ceremony. The event was real time shown over Tabes and to the GmBH yards. Part of the ceremony was the unveiling of a plaque made from some debris found in the harbour some time after the...

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RCAFChapter 8 Meet Public

It was late on Parliament Hill, some two time zones to the east of Yellowknife. The click-click sound of shoes on marble echoed down the corridors of the historic West Block as two pair of oxford-clad feet strode purposefully down the hall. The leading pair of oxfords clad the feet of a tall, cadaverous older man in a blue business suit, his thinning grey hair combed over. The following pair of oxfords were standard Canadian Forces issue, and the man who wore them was considerably younger,...

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