Lawyer, LawyerChapter 4 free porn video

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"Taken into custody by whom?" I hissed as I slid into the booth.

"The FBI," he answered.

"Excuse me, but you're the fucking FBI," I said, perhaps unnecessarily.

"I am, but not an agent on this case anymore," he said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Here, look at this video," he said. "We got it two days ago."

He flipped open his palmtop, 1024 gigabytes of memory that fit into a piece of electronics the size of a pack of playing cards. I'd owned two of them, and gave them up after the insurance company refused to pay for the second one, the one I'd dropped into the fishtank. A laptop was fine for me.

With the press of a few keys, Drew produced a holographic film of a girl jogging in a park.

"Cute," I said. "Nice legs."

"Recognize her?" he asked.

I squinted at the picture. A waitress put a cup of coffee on the table and I absent-mindedly took a sip as I squinted harder.

"No," I finally said. "How far away were you, a mile and a half?"

"More or less," he said. "This is a park adjacent to the monastery that I told you about. It's public property but they would have noticed us if we'd been any closer. We were a little less than two miles away, in a cherry picker, working on the electric lines. How about now?"

He slid a close-up picture in front of me, printed on real paper this time.

"A young girl?" I offered.

"Keep looking."

"Maybe sixteen, seventeen?" I tried again, obviously not making him happy.

"How 'bout this?"

He pressed some different keys on his palmtop, and we both heard a voice.

"May 30, 2005."

There was a pause and then a younger voice.

"Oh, fuck. That was incredible."

There was another click, and the series repeated itself. I heard it two more times.

"We aimed a directional microphone into the building in this video, and the only sounds it picks up are from a bathroom," Drew said. "Most of it is monks pissing and shitting. But we get this at 10:30 every night. At least for the last four nights, which is how long we've had it set up."

I waited for him to go on.

"Hi," Karen suddenly appeared at the side of the table, "sorry I'm late. Hi, Andy, shove over."

She kissed the stunned FBI agent on the cheek and forced him to slide farther over into the booth.

"Um, hello, uh, Mrs. Thompson," Drew stammered. "How, um, how are you?"

"Fine, thank you," Karen laughed. "I'm not going to bite you, Andy. You kept my husband out of jail. He says you've reformed. That's good enough for me."

She picked up the picture and gave them it a brief glance.

"Why do you have a picture of a young Julie Pinsky, Andrew?" she asked suspiciously. I snatched the picture out of her hand and stared at it. Darned if it wasn't.

I looked back up to see Drew staring at Karen. Then he pressed the keys on his palmtop again. The recording played again. Karen listened and then turned to me.

"Well, that's not Julie Pinsky," she flashed me a big grin.

"It is," Drew insisted. "I ran voice prints before I got pulled off the case. That is Julie Pinsky's voice."

"It's her voice, yes," Karen said. "But that was actually one of Jase's little dolls. Do you remember when she said that?"

"His dolls?" Drew asked.

"May 30, 2005?" I decided to guess the obvious.

"Asshole," she sighed. "Do you remember what we were doing on May 30, 2005?

"No," I said. "Why? Should I? Was she with us?"

"Operation Bury Richie Rich?" Karen smiled.

"What?" Drew finally broke out of his immobility.

"Damn it," I slammed my fist on the table. "So it is one of my dolls. God damn those fuckers."

"What do you mean, one of your dolls?" Drew asked again.

Over coffee the night before, with the kids replaying "The Grinch" over and over again, Karen had casually asked Mom what had happened to the two dolls that Karen used to keep in the closet in my room. She thought she might give them to Beth and Danny.

"Oh, I am so sorry, sweetie," Mom said. "I gave them away to that nice Mrs. Carter who lives down the street, for her daughter Martha. It was before Danielle was born. I guess I didn't even think of saving them for you."

"No problem," Karen said. "Don't give it another thought."

The next morning, Karen had casually left the house for a walk and dropped in on the Carters. Twenty-year-old Martha was happy to give up the blonde doll, particularly when Karen promised to write her a letter of recommendation for law school next year, but she'd given the brunette to her best friend Lana Tuttle, and they'd moved to Chicago four or five years back.

Drew turned to Karen.

"One of his dolls?" he'd obviously given up trying to get the answer from me.

Karen reached into her purse, and pulled out the blonde doll. Drew sat there in a sort of stunned stupor as Karen explained how the dolls worked and how she'd used them to her advantage, and his disadvantage, back in high school. He finally, grudgingly accepted it when I turned the blonde doll into another Karen Thompson, and told her not to lick my ear any more but just to sit there quietly.

"So what does that mean?" Drew asked. "That 'fuck, that was incredible.'"

"You remember asking me to the prom?" Karen asked.

Drew reddened.

"You remember the date?" she asked.

"No," he said.

"It was the Monday two weeks before the prom," Karen said. "Which was..."

Drew pressed some more keys on his palmtop and turned to us with a stunned look on his face.

"May 30, 2005," he whispered.

"We summoned Julie that night, to ask her why you'd done it," Karen said. "And she told us about the junior babe list, and your little fuck parties, and —"

"I get it," Andy said. "I get it."

"And then Jason made love to her," Karen smiled.

"Made love to Julie?" Andy asked.

"Made love to the doll," Karen smirked. "To learn how to make love to Julie, so we could steal her away from you. You probably recorded this about eleven each night, right? That's when Jason gave her that last orgasm."

"Ten-thirty," Drew mumbled.

"Really?" Karen said. "I didn't think he was ever that quick. She was a tight little bitch though, wasn't she?"

Despite the teasing, she was looking at me with incredible pride.

"So what does it mean?" I asked.

"It means that, number one, this doll can turn herself into someone different, without any master," Karen said. "Just with her own voice. I remember I used the brunette doll that night. You always liked the blonde. So number two, for whatever reason, this doll keeps turning herself back into what she was that night. And then going jogging in that same body."

Andy was silent for a while longer before he finally turned to Karen.

"So those pictures weren't fake?" he asked Karen.

"No, Andy," she shook her head.

"So I did drug you?" he swallowed hard. "And, uh, rape you?"

"You tried," she said. "It just wasn't me."

"You know," he said, "all these years my father has refused to speak to me because of what he thinks I did to you."

"Andy, I'm sorry," Karen put a hand on his arm. "But —"

"No, no," he chuckled quietly. "If he knew what I actually tried to do to you, he'd have had me thrown in jail. That's the kind of guy he is. You saved my life, Karen McCarthy Thompson."

"My pleasure," Karen rubbed his arm. "Looks like you did okay with it. Speaking of which, are you Drew or Andy? He keeps calling you Drew and I still think of you as Andy."

He looked at me, and then at her.

"I think I'd like to be Andy again," he said quietly.

"Andy it is," Karen gave him another kiss on the cheek. "Now what's this about the real Julie Pinsky?"

Andy swallowed hard.

"I was at the FBI building when this film came in," he explained. "In a room with about ten other people. I recognized the girl immediately, and I yelled out, 'That's Julie Pinsky.' So then when the recording comes in, I had someone call Julie with some lame survey, and I got a voice print, which I checked against this one. Next thing I know, I get a transfer to the Flagstaff, Arizona office."

"Because someone doesn't want you to know it's Julie?" Karen asked.

"At a minimum because someone doesn't want me doing any more investigating," Andy said.

"So I don't understand," I asked. "Why take Julie?"

"I protested the transfer, which would normally give me another two months in D.C. until it got heard," Andy said. He looked up at us. "Julie was taken to encourage me to drop my protest."

"But why Julie?" I asked.

There was a long silence until Karen spoke up.

"Because somebody there knows he still loves her," she said softly, looking at Andy.

He nodded, and after a while looked up at both of us again.

"When I was in Colombia," he explained, "probably 20, 21 years old, I was on a hill by myself, with my stomach basically falling out, waiting for one of those drug squads to come finish me off. I was as good as dead, so I recorded a letter to Julie, asking her to forgive me for what I'd done to her, and telling her that not taking better care of our relationship in high school was the stupidest thing I'd ever done in my life. I told her that I hoped she had a great life, because nobody deserved it more than she did."

"And then?" I prompted him.

"Then I got better," he shrugged. "My guys found me, one of 'em got me stabilized and they managed to fix me up. But the letter became part of my file, and there are people in the bureau, obviously, who know about it."

"And are working for your enemies," I nodded.

"So why are you here?" Karen asked him.

"Because I don't know who to trust in the bureau," he said. "And they don't know about you guys. And I was apparently right in thinking that you guys know a whole lot more about this than anyone else in the world."

"Okay," Karen said. She turned to look at me. "So what do we do?

"I can call the Bentons," I said, looking at my watch.

"The Bentons?" she asked with a quizzical expression. "What the hell for?"

"To feed the fish," I said. "Since Julie's not there. What were you talking about?"

"Freeing Julie, you ass." She reached across the table to punch me in the arm.

"Really," muttered the other Karen Thompson, the doll version, still sitting next to me in the booth. She punched me in the other arm.

"Hey," I complained. "You're gettin' kinda bossy for a living doll."

Those words, "living doll," were the magic incantation for changing a doll-turned-woman back into a doll again, and the blonde doll was now lying on the seat next to me.

"You really are such an ass," Karen repeated as I handed the doll back to her and she put her into her purse. "Oh, God, look at the time. Steve and Shelly will be at Mom and Dad's by now, and we've got Christmas Eve dinner. What are you doing for Christmas?"

Andy just blinked.

"I'm sorry," he said finally. "You're talking to me?"

"Yeah, unfortunately, I know where this ass is spending Christmas," Karen shot me a dirty look. "You're not driving back, are you?"

"No, I have a —" he started. "I have a room at the Holiday Inn."

"The Holiday Inn?" Karen looked shocked, like she hadn't even realized they were open on Christmas. "Come on."

She got up and began tugging on his hand.

"Where'm I going?" he asked.

"Yeah, where's he going?" I repeated.

"Jason Thompson, you are so thick it probably never even occurs to you to wonder why I married you," Karen said. "He's coming home with us."

"With, uh, Mom and Dad?" I asked. "The last time they saw Andy they wanted him strung up."

"Oh, I'll fix it," Karen said. "Come on."

"What about Julie?" he asked.

"Julie is going to have the most miserable Christmas Eve and Christmas of her life," Karen said. "But there's nothing we can do about it now. We have the kids to think about. Tomorrow is soon enough."

It was a bittersweet Christmas. Karen had no trouble convincing Mom and Dad that Andy was a changed man, and that since she had forgiven him so should they. And for the kids' sakes, we had a big present-opening on Christmas morning.

But there were three of us whose hearts weren't in it. Three of us, in fact, who were exhausted from having spent Christmas Eve trying to figure out what to do to help Julie.

It was Andy's idea to summon Julie from her captivity with the blonde doll, although she didn't know much. She'd answered a knock on her door, late at night, from a man with an FBI badge. He'd started asking her questions about pornography, which she'd refused to answer based on attorney-client privilege. Then at some point, she'd been drugged, and had woken up the next morning in a locked windowless room. She hadn't been interrogated any further, and had generally been treated fairly decently.

"So are the guys taking care of you FBI agents?" I asked after Andy indicated he was done with his questioning.

"Catholic priests," she shook her head.

"Living doll," I said, turning her back into a doll. I turned to glare at Andy.

"They turned her over to fucking Opus Christe?" I seethed.

"Yeah," his shoulders slumped. "That happens."

"What happens?"

"They used to call it extraordinary rendition," he explained, "back in the 2000's when only the CIA did it. Then it became regular old rendition, and then when some Bureau guys started doing it, it became 'private arrests.' It's still officially frowned on, but everyone looks the other way."

"So we go after the doll," I said.

"The doll?" Andy asked.

"You said she goes jogging in this park, right?" I asked. "Every afternoon?"

"Yeah, usually late," he said. "So what?"

"So if we snatch her, we can trade her for the real Julie," I concluded. "They don't want the real Julie, they want the doll. This doll is turning herself into four celebrities every day and doing porno films for Catholic terrorists. She's a fucking gold mine for them."

Andy just sat there and nodded.

"Well, I guess I'm leaving for Iowa in the morning," he said. "I kind of had a feeling I would be all along."

"We're leaving," I said.

"All three of us," Karen said.

"Why all three of us?" Andy asked.

"Do you really think that Julie is going to get in a car with you, Andy Richardson?" she asked. "Besides, they'll be watching for you."

"How about you guys?" he asked. "They may not know you're involved with this, but if they see you check into a motel in Iowa, they'll start getting suspicious. You may not realize this, but every single credit card transaction in the United States runs through the FBI computers before it goes to the credit card company."

"Who needs a motel?" Karen looked at me.

I grinned back at her.

We left for Iowa late at noon on Christmas day in our SUV, which Andy had spent the morning filling with his gear after Karen had vetoed Andy's car. The kids were more than happy to spend time with their grandparents, and Shelly told us she'd be happy to stay there with them, and with her two, as long as we wanted. We found a motel in Indiana to spend Christmas night, and Karen went in to get us a room with cash she'd pulled out of her ATM.

"Where to?" I asked as she got back in the car.

"Around back," she said. "Second floor. God, this is making me horny."

"Everything makes you horny," I said quietly. I didn't think Andy needed to know quite this much. "What are the room numbers?"

"239," she said.

"And Andy's?" I asked.

She turned to look at me with a grin I'd never seen before.

"You know, I remember Julie Pinsky and me treating you really nicely about a week ago," she smiled.

"Yeah?" I asked. "So?"

"So why should you have all the fun?" she asked.

By that time I'd parked the car. We both turned around to look at Andy Richardson in the back seat, his face once again drained of color.

Andy continued his protests all the way up the stairs, propelled by the awesome force of nature that was Karen Thompson in heat. Finally, when she peeled the sweatshirt she was wearing over her head, he finally stopped trying to get out of it.

"I'm not, um, very big," he said as he reluctantly started stripping off his own clothes.

"Perfect," Karen purred.

"For what?" he asked.

"I've been dreaming about getting it up the ass ever since I watched Senator Implants two nights ago," she gave Andy her sexiest smile. "But your little junior detective assistant here is too big for me. I'm hoping that you'll be just right. Now are you going to shut up and let me thank you for helping my best friend, or am I gonna have to hire a private dick?"

Dressed only in black panties now, Karen dropped to her knees and yanked Andy's briefs to the floor.

"Andy," she complained. "I think you've gotten bigger. I don't know if this is going to work now."

"But we're going to try it," I winked at Andy.

"Of course we're going to try it," Karen laughed just before Andy's dick disappeared into her mouth.

I had often enjoyed making love with two women, so I'm not sure why I thought that there would be any less love or affection if one of those women were replaced with a man. There were things that I wasn't going to do, of course, things that Karen, bless her, knew better than to ask me to do. And in truth, we didn't need to do anything but focus on Karen. With one man and two women, times will arise when, to be blunt, things don't arise. With two men and one Karen Thompson, somebody's thing was always rising.

Andy quickly learned what it had taken me years to master, how to keep Karen on the edge of ecstasy without letting her fall over the other side. While Karen sucked my cock, he used his fingers and tongue to keep her writhing beneath me on the bed. While I fucked her, he toyed with her breasts. And then while I lazily sat and recovered, watching love and ecstasy play across her face, it was Andy's turn. He'd warned Karen that he wouldn't last long, and with good reason. He reminded me of, well, me, the first time I'd had Karen.

"Jesus, Andy," Karen moaned. She'd climaxed at the same time, the result of all the preparatory work he and I had put in. "Merry Christmas to me. When was the last time you got laid?"

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Feeding An Addiction A Threeway Street Ch 18

Karonga, Malawi: Friday 20th October 2017I’d just finished listening to my wife’s description of her last twenty-four hours. The first day since I’d given her permission to continue her re-kindled affair with Francis. It was just before seven in the morning and I was getting ready to head to breakfast in the hotel when my cell phone flashed with two words which had caused such highs and lows in our marriage.“Jenny Cell.”Shit! What did my wife’s best friend want now? Couldn’t she just butt out?...

Wife Lovers
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Sex App

One morning in the city of metropolis, a new app was put into the store, it was all the rage for the popular girls as it was a dance app where in they register so they get to show off their moves and their body to the world, it seemed like a normal enough app, however something did change in the minds of the hottest girls in metropolis as the app turned them into oblivious living sperm banks for one ugly loser. The app also acted as a service app where the girls are rated by the people in terms...

Mind Control
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GFs Dad Fucks Me Gay

I was eighteen years old and it was summer, 2010. My girlfriend, Margie, and her family were going to be out of town on vacation for a few weeks and her parents asked me if I would watch the house, clean the pool and such. Since it sounded like an easy summer job, I agreed. As the time approached it was made apparent that Margie's Dad, Chuck, would be home a week or so before the rest of the family because of business. The exact date wasn't defined, but I'd know when I came by and Chuck would...

3 years ago
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Plantation Slave

X53211, Plantation Slaveby David Koury with the art of Shorterbus and Snap as edited by SirJeff. - do not use without permission.The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the « special » bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers...

2 years ago
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Call Center

Maybe I should IM him. She thought, but didn't know his name. Nina went back to work, she didn't want anyone to know what she was doing. This office is so noisy, everyone in everybody's business. I'm sure everyone is fucking everybody anyway. “I'm not going to get caught up in this shit, no matter how fine he is. I'm not noisy and I could already tell the girl at the end of my cubicle is fucking everyone. How many guys be walking up to her desk. That's not the way to do it. Shit I could...

2 years ago
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Twin Pain Sluts 1

STORY OF THE TWIN PAIN SLUTS This story is about a twin boy and girl that are hired to be "play toys" for a Sadistic mistress named Mistress Ann. Don't let the title stop you from reading it since it is about a wild and adventurous "family" that are into exhibitionism, sexual adventures, wild parties, and a touch of B&D! Chapter I After returning from the "Pony Girl Races", Mistress Ann, me (Heather) my girl friend(lover) Helga, and Dr. Tom, settled in to a more dull...

1 year ago
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The Redhead Downtown

Colleen reveled in being a slut when the opportunity availed itself. I saw her as she rounded a corner of a building downtown, wearing high-heeled boots, a matching skirt and blouse, a big purse perched on a shoulder.  It was late in the afternoon.  She was 5'8" 5'9",with thick pale thighs, ample ass and matching bosom, easily 40dd, curly red hair to her shoulders, big sunglasses, voluptuous and appealing, even more so as she smiled at me and walked up to me as I waited for a trolley. "Hi."...

3 years ago
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Facebook Aunty And Her Daughter

Hello friends, how are you all. Nenu last story ki continuation tho vachesa. Evarain new readers untey vallakosam, Na peru Mk(badboy). Naku oka aunty Facebook lonparichaya ayindi. A aunty ni denga, thane ela dengalo nerpimchindi. A tharvatha valla ammie ni natho padukopettindi. Memu mugguram okesari kalsi dengimchukunnam. Aunty vanata gadi lo dinner prepare chesthundi. Nenu, valla ammie bed room lo amma nanna aata aadukuntunnam. Memu battalu lekunda padukunnam. Naku thanu blowjob ichindi. Nenu...

3 years ago
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With Aunt I Met On Train

Hi I am Rag, 28 years old and look handsome and I am black with perfect physique. I would like to share the first time sex with new aunt who is travelling with me in the train. Basically there is a some yearly devotional occasion happens in the Kadiri region. The story begins now… In the year 1999 I went in to meter gauge train where starts from my hometown and it’s full of people luckily I got seat in the corner there is only one big seat why because it was meter gauge train. After 6 stations...

1 year ago
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Basic Training Part 1

The weekend came to an end and it was back to hard work again for our last week. Even though I past Mark, Pete, Joey, Ted, Alex and Brett. We kept our secret to our selves even though we did have a coy smile for each other when we passed in the barracks. By the time the day was over I at least was exhausted and only wanted to sleep and none of the guys woke me. It was not until Thursday night before Friday’s graduation in the afternoon I saw Mark alone in the barrack. I smiled as I saw him and...

1 year ago
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BrotherInLawChapter 9

It wasn't easy, but the next two days, Wednesday and Thursday, were enough to help Ginny forget the unforgettable-- those horrifying minutes at the mercy of Arnie's vicious dog, the incredible depths of degradation she sank to, even worse than her experiences with Marty Bondman back in California. Ginny had awoke the next morning feeling worse, perhaps, than on any day of her life, but by midmorning, she'd nearly forgotten the depravity of the night before. Flo rushed her out of the house...

4 years ago
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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart Eight

This year it was her senior year and she was cheer captain. This year meant prom, something she’s been looking forward to since she was a little girl and she hoped Jake would be home to take her. She’s already bought the tickets and would buy her dress in a few months. She sighed as she lay there against him in bed. She smiled to her self as he lightly began to snore. Who would have thought he snored? Of all the times they slept together she always fell asleep first and never heard him...

1 year ago
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First time Date

You are getting ready for a night out. You have a special guy you’re going out with and you know it’s a blind date. You want to look your best because you’re so horny. You decide on your black satin bra, panties and garter belt set. You have a long bubble bath, taking time to shave so your baby smooth all over. You get out and let your body dry naturally, putting your hair up after drying it. You choose your favorite eye shadow, a smoky purple, and paint your lips a nice red. Your nails are...

4 years ago
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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 3

Hey guys, this is Diganth. I am 24 years old. And I am 5 ft 10 inches. Finished my engineering Currently working in one of the reputed companies. About my structure, currently a medium built guy with a 6″ size dick. I heartily thank all the readers who responded to my previous experiences and their valuable feedbacks. This is a continuation of a series of my experiences. Please read the stories to get into the flow with this part. And about them, Ashu is 23 years old,5ft 9 inches, and currently...

2 years ago
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Grandpa and the Gang Bang Grandson

Grandpa comes to me one night after a hot and steamy love making session and asks me if I would be interested in having sex with multiple guys. He said he had joined a private club a few years back where he and a few other older gentleman,some still married but most widowed or divorced,get together and have sex or sometimes just hang out and drink. He said he had already spoken to the other members and told them about his crossdressing grandson and they were very excited to meet me. He said...

2 years ago
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Experience in a public urinal

This happened during September, 2006 in my trip to Chennai for attending a campus interview. I was traveling from pondy to Chennai and on my way the bus stopped in dindivanum for a break. As soon as I got down from the bus, I entered into a nearby urinal to piss. It is a big urinal having around 10-12 cabins. I lifted my mundu (dhothi) and took my penis out from my jetty for pissing. I saw there were some other guys also pissing in other cabins. When I started pissing, I saw one guy came and...

3 years ago
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The Challenge

Today was the worst day Sam could remember ever having. Her alarm had failed to wake her, thanks to her roommate unplugging it, she had received a text-breakup from her boyfriend telling her, "It just isn't working out", and she was late to class, receiving scorned looks from the entire class, only to be handed a failed exam paper. The fun didn't end there; The university had decided to cancel her financial aid, and Sam's bank account was looking slim. Things were not looking up. Sam thought...

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Charladys Nasty Surprise

It was now some six months ago that Charlady had been to London under Master Ray's control and in two days she was to return to his fold once again. {See the mini series of 'MY SEVEN NIGHTS OF DELIGHTS'} They had discussed some of the things she would be required to do whilst here on her second visit to London. Her final instructions before her trip back to the big city were no sex or masturbation for two weeks before, daily shaving of her cunt to be extra smooth and hairless, the choice of...

4 years ago
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Six Months to Grow On 14

Six Months to Grow On Chapter 14 Month 8 Kelly Anne Bryan glanced up at the clock. It was only 10 a.m. She rose from the dining room table where she did her class work. She found it was easier to sit up straight when she did school work because if she did it on her bed she fell asleep. It was very strange being home all day alone. It had seemed like a great idea in the middle of August, but now it was boring and lonely. Kelly missed seeing Mindy any time she felt like...

3 years ago
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Pt 1 The Handover

As he follows his Mistress in to the house, the slave is anxious about what she may have in mind, he hasn’t been told anything about what they will be doing this weekend. As she leads him down the stairs to the basement below, the slave first glimpses the naked body suspended from the ceiling then the leather clad Master grasping the bound boy’s cock. The slave stops dead and feels his crotch twinge unexpectedly. Quickly catching up with his Mistress, the slave wonders how she could have...

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African Officials And How They Take Advantage

Several friends and acquaintances told us of affairs with government officials usually at the urging of their husbands to help them obtain permits, like renewal of work permits, exchange control licenses, even driving licenses for teenagers. Work permits were particularly difficult to obtain since it involved several departments. First, a certificate was needed proving that the expatriate was training an African understudy. This involved the Ministry of Education. Next, it had to be shown...

1 year ago
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EyesChapter 2 What Did I Buy

Hard to believe but I had just signed a purchase agreement and gave all my savings to a lady for a house that was far above my means. The sweet little old lady, Nettie Baugh and I left her attorney's office and drove back to her house. This was really close to lots of service businesses and shopping. When we pulled up to the house, Nettie said to use the driveway and pull back to the garage. I hadn't even seen a garage. When we pulled around the house, there was a two story, three car...

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Somebody Take Me Drunk

I’ve found an editor at long last, and I am so sure we are a good fit. I welcome curiousss on board. This is the first story he has edited, and I can tell how much more readable, how much smoother the story goes with his apt hand applied. I do want to say that after receiving his final edited version, I still tinkered a little with the story. So, if you find anomalies they can be attributed to me. Thanks to curiousss for his time and effort. ——————————————– Those damned Rockies! They do it...

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Alix Lovell Tits For Dessert

Alix really knows how to treat her man right. He doesnt help her clean and she still finds it in her heart to cook for him. Shes got the perfect idea for dessert too. Shes going to turn her massive tits into a sundae! She covers her huge nipples with whipped cream and cherries, presents herself to her boyfriend, and prepares for an extra creamy fuck sesh. Once the whipped cream gets rubbed into her fat tits, they are perfectly slippery enough to slide your cock between. Then your dick gets nice...

2 years ago
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Mere Friend K Premarital Honeymoon 8211 Part II

Hey friend its Rohit Sharma (25 year male form Delhi you can contact me at ) again for you after a long time aap mujhe pahle ki tarah meri story k feedback,suggestion jarur mail kariyega. Somebody said me ki main story to shi batata hu but sex utni achi tarah describe nhi karta I think is baar maine shi se kiya hoga.kuch kahte h maine story achi batata hu yaar I said only what ever happen to me. Somebody asked me for insect story according to me ye possible nhi hot and main fake nhi likhta hu...

4 years ago
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A Romantic and Close encounter with my favoured gi

Just to let you know readers... this is a short story of the girl in my album, her name is Miki-I met her here in my stay in Japan. Interesting how I met her in the first time in Shinjuku station, Tokyo. We saw the movie, Wolverine the Samurai-whatever it was they called it in Japan-ate dinner and I asked her if she wanted to meet a second time and she told me, "you'll never like my personality" and I said, "I'm sure we'll work it out once we get to know each other."The next time we met, it...

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Impregnating My Friend8217s Hot Wife 8211 Part 1

This is Sagar with another hot story. It happened when I visited B City. It was an evening flight. Sun had already set when I reached there. I had to spend the night in the city. And I was supposed to go to the industrial area the next morning to meet a manufacturer. I had already talked to my friend the previous day over the phone. I informed him that I was visiting the city. My friend’s name was Rajesh (name changed). He was working in an MNC in the city. We used to be roommates during the...

1 year ago
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Things Happen for a ReasonChapter 6

It was a damn strange feeling to walk into your own apartment and not recognize a thing, Luke thought as he glanced around the tiny place with a sense of déjà vu. He'd had this same feeling when Sarah had taken him home a couple of months ago. This place had none of the warmth or feeling Sarah's home had, he had to admit. There was hardly any furniture and he had made no attempt to decorate the place whatsoever. The landlord had said Luke never seemed to be around much since...

2 years ago
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The Slip

The Slip by Georgina It was quiet in my place of rest. I lay there, peaceful, warm, surrounded by my little friends, my companions, waiting, always waiting for a chance to come out and see something of the world. I was something special though as I was desired by a creature of such magnificent youth and such deep emotions as to excite jealousy amongst the rest of my coterie of fellows. They were always on call for my mistress and were used and abused, willy-nilly on an everyday...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Hailey 02142019

Boy oh boy ExCoGi fans do we have something special for you this week. As the saying goes, “Some girls do, some girls don’t, and some you just can’t tell”. Well this 19 year old, soft spoken girl comes to us from the one and only Sin City, and at first glace is not your typical girl you think would be doing this. But if you like super cute shy girls with great bodies and is up for anything that a perverted older guy wants to do to them, then this is your girl. If it were...

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Irresistible CoWorker Part Three

I couldn't wait for this day to come that Kelly and I would be going to happy hour for a few drinks, and it was going to be a small group. I was couldn't wait to see what she was wearing and how sexy she would look.I was at my desk when Kelly walked to my desk, and damn did she look good, she was wearing one of the dresses she sent me. It was black and white flowery dress that showed off her sexy legs. Kelly had a great big smile on her face as we said our good mornings, I am sure I had just as...

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Western Girls Come Out To Play

I know it sounds lame but my roommate of the time, Ella, had wanted to join the Western re-enactment society because she wanted to dress up and play the role of a saloon girl in the hope of getting closer to Jack Hargreaves.Tall and muscular with chiselled good looks, Jack was a regular member of the society and always took the handsome gunslinger roles. His other claim to fame, if he but knew it, was that he could make Ella soak her panties just by entering the room. Sadly for Ella, he was...

1 year ago
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Date Night 4

This is a story that I wrote for the enjoyment of adults. Hope you enjoy it if you're 21 or more. Any feedback or comments can be sent to me at [email protected] Date Night 4 Written by 4play It had been two weeks since our wild weekend with Rachel and Jerry. They and my wife Chris had turned me into a total sex slave, using me for their sexual pleasure. I was made to dress like a woman and sexually used as a woman. My ass had been dildo raped by both women as well as Jerry's...

2 years ago
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Alon house wife aur me ek seals man

Hello mera naam subham hai, meri age 31 hai aur me ek home applinces bechne waali compani me seals man hoon, ek baar compani ne mujhe madhya pradesh ke sagar shahar me sealing ke liye bheja, compani ne local news paper me vigyapan print karvaya jo ki kuch es tarah se tha ki …aapne kichin ko sundar banayi hamare product ke saath..kichin sajane ki tips free , aapke call par hamare expert aapke kichin se sambandhit sabhi samasyaon ka samadhaan karege , home service bhi uplabdh hai aaj hi es...

1 year ago
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Beginnings and Endings

Beginnings and Endings By Ray Kitten Peter shifted the heavy garbage bag to the center of his back as it had once again managed to slip down towards his armpit. Once the traffic signal changed he trudged again onward, still deep in thought as he plodded right in front of a car that was trying to navigate a sharp left turn. The driver forced his brakes and narrowly avoided running Peter down, as he quick dashed to the sidewalk the driver leaned out the window to holler words which...

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