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"I just don't know."

The words conveyed everything, and nothing. Charles was one of Diane's deputies, and had a qualification in forensic studies, as well as his police qualification, both from Earth. For him to be unsure was very unusual.

Charles Addison had been appointed as head of the detection branch of Rehome's security services. At first, he had little to keep him occupied, and seemed bored with the job. He recognised that an initial period of his induction to the post was simply learning about the local circumstances of Metropolis, in the main: that was where the crime was most likely to occur. It had the size, the complexity, and the mobile, expanding, population that pointed towards a suitable environment for criminal tendencies to express themselves.

Mrs Diane Kempe, his boss, was confused by his uncertainty. "Charles, I hired you to know what is happening. I didn't hire you to say you don't know. I didn't hire you to be less than efficient. We don't have too many laws on this planet, so we don't need you to find out what laws have been broken either. Find out what is wrong, and we shall work out how to deal with it. The Governor can be quite draconian at times in implementing justice, but for justice to be applied, it requires facts available in support, Charles. We need to know what the facts are, before we can act!"

"But ma'am, I know what the facts are, but they just don't gel. They don't make sense as a whole. That's the cause of my uncertainty."

"Very well, Charles. Take it back to the beginning, and lay it out for me. Perhaps I can see something that you don't."

"O.K. This new arrival, name of Thomas Dearden, claims to be a geologist, and wants to go exploring the planet, to see what he can discover. He is an albino, by the way; looked a bit odd, but otherwise fine. He was somewhat taciturn, but that was not a reason to reject him as a new resident. The admin staff passed him as acceptable; he had no criminal record on Earth, and no "off the record" problems with the security services on Earth: certainly nothing that appears on the official databases."

"So he was fine as a new settler, just wanted to travel as a prospector, then?"

"Yes. He had enough US dollars to be able to swap them for our own currency, and buy his supplies here. He had brought his own equipment: hammers, testing kits, that sort of thing. He did make a point of examining our most recent survey maps of this part of the planet when he got here. He spent a couple of days poring over the printouts, and spent more time examining the datasets that we have built up. By then he had decided where he wanted to go."

"How do we know that he had decided where he wanted to go?"

"He was talking to someone over lunch one day, and said he was now sure of his target site, and would be off shortly. We have spoken to this witness. The waitresses remembered them talking, and pointed the witness out to us, so that is a settled fact."

"Right. I see that. Please go on. Do you want a coffee? I can get you one almost immediately. I was just about to order one for myself."

"I wouldn't mind a coffee, if I may."

Diane picked up her phone, and pressed a button. "Hello. Can I have two coffees as soon as possible, to Diane Kempe's office? Thanks."

"Please go on, Charles."

"He bought a train ticket to Metropolis, and when he arrived he bought another ticket to the junction where our latest track runs to one of the new settlements. The traffic to there is not heavy, and he is a noticeable sight, so he was observed arriving there and heading off into the open countryside. That is as far as he was traceable, until he came back to what we call civilisation."

"So we don't know exactly where he went? No clues at all?"

"Nothing apart from the general direction he took. He seemed to be heading for the nearest hills. As a geologist, he would certainly be looking for rocks to examine, so there is nothing odd there."

"And when do have the next sighting of him?"

"When he returned to the settlement he left from. He walked in, looking healthy enough, and weighed down with mineral samples. He went to the local shop – there is just the one: it does everything – food, drink, medications, general store. You know the sort of place.

He sat down and had a snack, then bought a new haversack with plenty of pockets for all his samples. He seems to have collected more than he expected, which was why he needed the extra carrying capacity. He was quite pleased with himself, it seems; at least that was the impression the people in the shop got. Oh, and he bought more supplies to replace what he had used in his trip, and he bought a sandwich to eat on the train."

"So, he was still looking forward to the future. Interesting. Then what did he do next?"

"He seems to have just got on the next train back to Metropolis. That is the last sighting of him until his body was discovered on the train."

"Well, so far I haven't heard anything that is in any way puzzling." Mrs Kempe pointedly queried.

"O.K. I agree about that. The man apparently died suddenly, alone in an otherwise empty carriage. Naturally, this meant an autopsy to discover the cause of death, so the body was taken to the Metropolis hospital, and examined. They concluded that he died from cyanide poisoning."

"Cyanide! That old standby of mystery writers! Surely not?" She smiled in her disbelief.

Charles was not amused, and his voice deepened as he insisted: "The pathologist was quite definite. The victim must have died within a few minutes of receiving the fatal dose, he told me."

"Right. So who gave him the fatal dose, Charles? It seems simple enough."

"The carriage was empty so, unless someone came in, administered the poison, and exited swiftly, the dose must have been self-administered."

"So, he committed suicide. End of story."

"Not quite. The pathologist said the cyanide was in his sandwich. He ate a poisoned sandwich, so that opens up other avenues."

"Go on. What avenues, then?"

"Well, how did the poison get in the sandwich? Was it aimed at him, or did someone spike a sandwich at random, to get at the storeowners? Did it get into the sandwich by accident, by some of the filling getting contaminated by a pesticide containing cyanide, for instance? The options keep getting wider."

Mrs Kempe leaned back in her chair, pondering. "Yes, I am beginning to see the difficulty you are in. How many security people do you need to track down all these possibilities?"

"More than I have at present. Asking all the right questions is not a job for your average security man. It is a specialist task. I have three men I can rely on for this level of investigation. At the moment, all I have been able to do is clamp down on the store, and prevent anyone leaving without being fully identified and a statement taken, and after that, being searched to ensure that nothing unusual is removed, such as a cyanide bottle."

"What about the refuse bins at the shop, Charles?"

"They have been impounded and sealed for the present, and new bins put in as replacements. The store sells such bins, so that was easily done. The sealed refuse has been sent to Metropolis to be examined for forensic evidence."

"Staff at the shop? What do we have there?"

"The owners were both present in the building, and the rest are part-timers, working shifts so that the store remains open from dawn to dusk. There are seven part-time staff, of whom only two work on the catering section. One makes the food, while the other acts as waitress, but they swap round from time to time; and of course they make the sandwiches on the premises. The kitchen is where the sandwiches are put together, and all the ingredients are kept there, too. The meat ingredients are brought in fresh each day, as are the salad greens. Other items, such as pickles, are in jars in the kitchen cupboard, so anyone can have access to those ingredients at any time. The other staff drift in and out of the kitchen during the day, to chat, and to get a bite to eat for themselves. That means that ALL of the staff may have had an opportunity to poison a sandwich."

"Dear, oh dear. It is like when a stone is tossed into a pool. The ripples are getting wider and wider."

"Yes, and one of my men, in the course of taking statements, discovered that some of their friends pop in to the kitchen to say hello from time to time. Not all of them can remember who popped in on the day in question!"

"Now things are getting ridiculous. They don't remember the previous day?"

Charles sighed. "It will be true enough, boss. I have seen the same effect back on Earth. When you do the same thing almost every day, one day seems just like any other, and they get confused as to what happened on each individual day. Even with shift working: the work is the same each day, so they get the days mixed up in their minds. We can work on it: get a list of all the friends they remember popping in during the last few days, then go ask each of these friends which day they visited the store. We should be able to sort it out eventually. But it all takes times, and it could be that none of them is important to the case." He sighed in despair.

Diane wanted to be upbeat. "But all the sightings of him are pinned down tight, aren't they?" She looked at him intently, willing a positive answer. She was not disappointed.

"Well, yes. There is that. We know his movements, and everything indicates that he was not feeling suicidal, so the solution must be either accident or deliberate poisoning. It is just narrowing down the possibles to a manageable size."

"Charles, stick with it. Have you found any source of the poison within the store?"

"Yes. That's what makes it worse. They sell pesticides, insecticides and other items than contain cyanide. One of these containers could be missing – lost or stolen; misappropriated by staff, broken or dropped by accident, or just miscounted. The owners haven't done an inventory as such: they depend on their computer database to keep track of stock. So all they know is how many the computer says they have. They haven't compared that to the stock on the shelves; it is not worth the bother, in such a complicated store situation. If they did a proper inventory, and found they were a few items short, what good does that do them? The cost in staff time of doing the inventory is probably more than the value of the missing items."

"Dammit, Charles. So the poison is readily available; it is not clear who might have made use of the poison, and no way to prove that anyone in particular did it? That is not very satisfactory."

"I know. I know, boss. I am also investigating the staff for any links to the victim, but as he only recently arrived from Earth, there cannot be links here. They would have to be back on Earth. I have made a list of all the people involved, and asked the police forces on Earth to check on their databases for any occasion where the victim was in contact with any of them. That could take months, and there is no certainty that any link got into the official records. If it was just a social contact, there may be nothing to show. If they spoke on their phones, all you would have is a phone contact. The laws in almost all the major countries prevent access to what was actually said, unless they were a particular suspect in a crime or terror activity. That is unlikely with the people we are talking about. Ours bare merely witnesses, at present."

Diane was determined to push him forward. "What about HIS movements on Earth, compared to the movements of each of the witnesses? The records of airlines and other transport, if the fare was paid by credit card, should show up, shouldn't they? The phone companies should have records of where everyone's phone was located all the time. Get these compared, to see if they coincided in location at any time."

Charles brightened a trifle. "I did consider that, but it would not prove anything other than they were in the same location at that time. They may not even have spoken, if they both happened to be in the same shop once."

"I see. You are right, of course. But surely, some circumstantial evidence will progress the case a little. It will give you some leads to work on, some narrowing down of the evidence trail."

"Actually, what I want from the witness statements is evidence about who exactly made up his sandwiches, and who gave them to him. I should be getting those delivered to me today. THEN I will have a couple of people I can quiz more closely, perhaps get some more facts out of."

"That sounds good, Charles. Let me know how you get on with that. I have to get home now. My son will be home from school shortly, and he is still a real mummy's boy. Bob gets quite jealous, sometimes!"

"Why would he? He has other children to fuss over, doesn't he?"

"Yes, we are quite a large family already, and more on the way, I admit. I am expecting again, for one: my third. No, he regards Robert junior as a chip off the old block, so he expects Robert to be in awe of him, as the Governor. But Robert doesn't care about things like that. Apart from being protective towards his younger siblings, he just wants to play, and I indulge him a lot. I was not so young when he was born; my first child. I tell you, Charles, your first child is always your favourite! Oh. Oh, dear: I didn't mean to comment on your still being single, Charles."

"It is all right, boss. One of these days, I'll find someone whom I can love enough to spend my life with her. I am just a bit fussy, that's all. Bob was very lucky, finding three of you!"

"It wasn't quite that way, Charles. It was a bit more complicated; but we are happy with the result. Ruth and Mary are fine friends to have, and we share Bob quite happily."

"And all you and I get to share is my problem cases. Sorry about that, boss."

"Nah, it's fine, Charles. This puzzler is quite something, though. Remember your promise..."

"Will do. See you, boss." And he was gone.

The next day he didn't call, but the day after, he did. He wanted to report on progress.

"I spent all of yesterday going over the statements. They were a bit ragged in places, but I was able to sort out the really important facts. Most of the staff of the store never saw the victim, except for his presence in the store. They were too busy with their work with other customers to pay attention to him. He did select a haversack, and came to pay for it; but that was a quick transaction, with another customer waiting to be served. Of those who did notice him, the lady in the kitchen – Penny Ogston - only got glimpses of him; not enough to properly identify him as more than an unusual figure. She said she wanted to see him better, but her work prevented that. The girl who was waitressing, though - Betty Farjeon: she saw him, and talked to him. She thought he seemed vaguely familiar, but she was not sure why. Probably looked like somebody she knew; there are not that many albinos, so one albino seems much like another. However, of all the staff, she was the only one who had the time and opportunity to spike his sandwiches – on the assumption that it was a targeted kill. If it were just a random attack, the lady in the kitchen would be the front-runner. Based on that evidence, I have ordered checks made more specifically on these two back on Earth. I took up that suggestion of phone-location matching, and asked for that to be done. I don't know how long that will take. I also asked for the usual checks on the police databases."

"You haven't spoken to either of the women personally?" Diane wanted to know. "That can often give an inkling of what kind of person she is. In fact, I suspect that a woman's intuition can be useful in that. Let's both speak with the two women, Charles. The train makes it not too long a journey. I'll get Ruth to keep a close eye on Robert until I get home. She is on mother duty for the younger ones today, anyway."

"Sounds a good idea, boss. I'll arrange for the tickets, and I'll phone you with the time to be at the station."

Diane made the necessary arrangements for her children to be looked after in her absence, so she and Charles arrived at the settlement around lunchtime. Diane suggested that they have lunch at the store, to give official approval of the store as a safe place to eat, and as Charles had asked for the same staff to be on duty as on the fateful day, they were served by the same waitress as on the fateful day.

Diane tried to act normally, and Charles was attempting the same thing; but she could see he was surreptitiously glancing at the waitress. When she had a chance, she spoke to him about it. "Charles?"

"Yes, boss?"

"Why do you keep looking at our waitress?"

"Oh, was I? She is a suspect, after all. I need to make my assessment of her."

"It was more than that, Charles. I am not blind: you were eyeing her as a woman, not as a suspect."

He looked surprised. "Was I? Really?"

"Yes, Charles, you were. As a woman, I can tell. It is time you concentrated on the task at hand."

"Sorry, boss. Wrist slapped. Back to business."

They looked around the store as they ate. The eatery area was one corner of the store, marked out by the pillars that held up the ceiling. There was a central pay desk, and the other sectors of the store were devoted to clothing; ironmongery and tinned goods; grocery and pharmacy, and a small corner for books and a few magazines. Most of the stock was imported from earth, but there were items labelled "Home-made" with prices less than the Earth produce. The incidental humour of the label struck Diane.

The eatery had four tables, but only one other table had occupants: a couple of ladies who looked to be more interested in gossiping than eating and drinking. The waitress did not hang around the tables. She stood near the doorway to the kitchen, chatting to Penny while keeping an eye on the tables. When anyone seemed to want attention, she would gravitate to the table and offer her services.

Charles watched her for a while. She looked to be in her early twenties; a slim brunette with hair that seemed to have a life of its own; unruly but still attractively styled. Her eyes were constantly moving: watching the store and its customers. Charles noted her pleasant face, her blue eyes, her neatly trimmed eyebrows, and small mouth with lips embellished with a small touch of reddish lipstick. He could not identify the shade. Her waitress uniform did not disguise a good figure. Charles reckoned that she had fairly large breasts tucked away behind her catering apron. He was still trying to estimate her height – around 5 foot three – when he heard a discreet cough. He turned to Diane: "Yes, boss?"

"You are doing it again, Charles."

"Sorry, boss. I have to get to know the possible suspects in the case, you know."

"I agree, but you were measuring her up as more than a suspect, there."

"Well, she IS good-looking, you must admit, boss."

"My own estimation is that she is a sharp cookie. She is in this job until she can find herself a man she can rely on. She is not displaying herself, but that suggests to me that she has yet to latch on to a particular man she wants to impress, or she already has a man, and doesn't want to flaunt herself. She is doing quite well as it is, with you as the victim! The minute she realises we are not a couple, you will be surprised at the change, I suspect."

"Well, she will have to wait. I want to speak to the woman in the kitchen; the other one who had an opportunity to spike that sandwich." Charles was trying to avert discussion of the waitress. He succeeded quite well. Diane raised a hand to get the waitress's attention. The girl hurried over: "Yes, madam?"

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Born Kelly Ingrid Mary Amir on 10 November, 1990, a very bright and vivacious young girl who wasn’t as smart as most of the clan, but no dummy, either. Due to being born late in the year, and her younger brother being born early in the year the year after next, she’s in the class just ahead of her brother, Gordie. When she and Gordie walk to school you’d think he was the older. She’s short for her age while he’s tall for his, and he’s a little taller than she is. Gordie is much smarter than...

2 years ago
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Pad Thai or Pussy for Christmas

During our almost eleven year relationship, neither Barb nor I were very traditional regardless of whether you’re thinking of food choices or our sexual proclivities. One year, as December arrived, we started to discuss where we wanted to go for dinner on Christmas Eve since we preferred to eat out rather than cook for ourselves. After some back and forth between us, the decision was made to go to one of my favorite Thai restaurants on Irving Park Road which was about an eight-block walk from...

Group Sex
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My Brother My LoverChapter 5

Callie and Nathan drove mostly in silence. They were heading downtown to go eat at a nice cozy restaurant that Nathan had heard about. They served the best steaks, which he knew Callie loved. Nathan kept trying to keep his eyes on the road but Callie's long legs kept distracting him. Her dress rode up high as she sat in his mustang. He felt somewhat excited being out with such a beautiful girl like Callie, his gorgeous sister. "So like I was saying this place has some of the best steaks...

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Beer Goggles II MindbenderChapter 4

Rick showed up, right on time, at 1:00. We went through an old 'Employees Manual' I'd kept around and I explained the 'rules of engagement' so to speak. Covering the usual like 'always courteous, never lose temper, let the customer vent and dontdon't argue'. He thought that was weird. Guess he'd never bitched at a customer service person ... but I let it go. There was a knock at the door and I glanced at the mantle clock. 1:15, she was right on time. I looked Rick in the eye and...

3 years ago
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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 9

Three days later I was about to head off for another meeting with Jack and Melissa when the AI spoke up suddenly. "Message for Lieutenant Carter. Report to the main hangar bay, oh-six-thirty tomorrow morning." "Uh. Okay. Any idea why?" "No details accompanied the message." I frowned, then realised the AI was simply passing on an order from someone else. When I told Jack about it at the start of the meeting, he laughed. "I've got to go as well. It's 'cos we're in the...

1 year ago
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PervMom Jasmine Jae Fishnet Freak Fest

Jasmine Jae looks stunning in a fishnet outfit complete with a down coat, designer shades, and some sexy manicured nails. She rubs herself from top to bottom, taking pleasure in running her hands over her sensuous curves. She gets on the bed to be filmed topless by our lucky stud, but soon pushes away his camera to get a little closer. She takes his huge cock in her mouth, deepthroating his shaft with an intensity that only a horny MILF can provide. Our stud rips her fishnet pantyhose open and...

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The Motorcycle Accident

By Dunchad© I was riding my motorcycle home from work when it happened. For some unknown reason, the second car in front of me decided to hit their brakes instead of driving through the yellow light. The car behind it hit their brakes and went to the right. I hit my brakes and went left and then the next thing I know I am on the ground and hurting. Oh yeah, did I mention that I was driving my Anniversary...

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The mechanic

I love the lines of a car, the aerodynamics of the sleak lines. The curves of the wells over the axles. I have shop in the corner not noticed and business is steady. I love the fast cars but the ones that get me rocking are the sleepers that look hot, run smooth, step on the petal and your in for a ride. I may not have the top of the line tools, but I have the experience and just the right tools for the job. I can make a car purr or run hot. I can run my experienced hands into those tight spots...

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Summer In the Ozarks Chapter Two

Despite an afternoon filled with sexual delight, both were tired and spent by the time the sun has set, leaving them no choice but to accept a good night’s sleep. Cal and Silvia slept deeply until the following morning, when the sun rose from beyond the treetops and delivered its golden rays through the bedroom window. Cal rolled over and delightfully discovered Silvia was still sharing his bed, breathing softly beside him. Her hair was ruffled slightly, but that only served to make her even...

Oral Sex
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Neighboring friends become lovers

I grew up in the country. Way in the country. The county in which I was raised was exclusively farms, big farms that stretched for miles in every direction. Our closest neighbors were just over 3 miles away.In many ways, this is ideal for c***dren. I was forced to play with my siblings (2 older brothers, 2 younger sisters), and we were forced to be creative in finding ways to fill our time. We played in the fields, in the barns, we even managed to fool around with the tractors from time to...

3 years ago
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Much Fuckee No Babee

I was a man from Arkansas in a strange land. It was an Asian island and I worked for a company that sold products in the US and needed somebody with a better command of English to do their technical manuals. Sitting in an outdoor restaurant eating my dinner I was approached by a young woman. Now I didn’t know a bit of their language but most everybody speaks some level of English so I was getting along okay. She sat down with me and asked, “You need cleanee, cookee?” I had an apartment but I...

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DC Trip

I had gotten up to DC and finally got all settled in at the hotel. I texted you when I had gotten in to give you the room number and you answered me telling me to set my laptop up so we could talk. I bring everything up and you send me a webcam request. When I turn it on, I’m greeted by your smiling face but pointing right at your cheek is a big hard cock. You wink at me and turn your head to start wrapping your lips around it. Your eyes close as your lips stretch around it. It’s so thick you...

1 year ago
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The Paladins Quest

Marielle rowed her little sloop across the channel. The seas were calm, but the entire channel was blanketed in a thick fog. She navigated the waters cautiously. If she ran aground on the island of Vangel it would be incredibly difficult to get home. Furthermore, to get stranded on her first missive alone would not reflect well on her or Helios, her god and savior. She was a paladin in the church, her job was to investigate supernatural reports and, if necessary, act on them. The temple of...

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Joy at the Lake

Lou and I have been the closest of friends for 25 years, double-dating in his red convertible way back in high school. Over the years we have shared a lot of memories, like the times he would be fucking his date in the front seat while I was screwing mine in the back seat, damn near wearing out the springs on his Chevrolet. We even had the same girlfriend a few times, although we dated them at different times. Either they were mine first and then later his, or vice versa. One of them once told...

4 years ago
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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 03

Chapter 03: ‘Emergence’ Benita woke up and yawned as the morning sun filtered in through the blinds of Carmen’s bedroom window. Benita was sleeping in Carmen’s bed with Carmen as she had done when she had fallen asleep. As she woke up, Benita knew that she was not in the same position she had been when she went to sleep. Benita had made sure to sleep on her side, facing away from Carmen, yet she awoke to find herself in a very different position. Carmen was still sleeping on her side...

1 year ago
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In Love I

We had been best friend since we were like 5 years old or something like that. It was one of those friendships that we knew would last until we were old men. Jack was always more organized and well, "together" than I was and am, but we thought the same way. Jack, who is a year older than me, randomly got drawn into the hypnosis business. I made fun of him plenty for it but surprisingly, he was making a lot doing it. Enough to afford one of those lofts in Brooklyn. So it isn't weird if it...

3 years ago
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Kings Bay Ch 04

We swam. We surfed, we rested on the beach and we swam some more. I’d never seen anyone as at home in the water as Callie. She was one of those people that made you think if mermaids were real, she’d be one. If she’d grown a tail and headed out to the horizon, I wouldn’t have been a bit surprised. I noticed after a while that the beach wasn’t as crowded as I had expected. That struck me as odd. Summer was in full swing. I remembered Manny telling me that King’s Bay was like a little secret,...

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Helpless CaptiveChapter 7

Art McGuire rummaged through his pockets for a dime and finding none, plunged into it once more and dug for a handful of change. Selecting two worn nickels, he headed for the phone booth for the second time that day. Certainly Kathy would be home by now. He only hoped she wouldn't be too angry when he told her he wouldn't be home until very late that evening... maybe not until the sun was sliding up to the up over the grassy rolling hills outside of Elston. The coins tinkled into the...

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Delayed Pleasure Part I

I am a professional, independent women who is usually always in charge. Perhaps that is why I love to give up complete control when it comes to my sex life. In this part of my life I am a complete submissive. My husband controls me completely and I love every minute of it. When he ties me up and treats me like a complete slut or when he shares me with other men, I am totally enthralled and love each and every moment. It is hard to explain how much I love my husband, even as I am being...

4 years ago
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Raat Ko Dost Ko Ghar Bula Kar Chut Marwai

Hello dosto … Mera naam amrita h … .mai 21 saal ki sundar chut hu … Meri jawani prr hrr koi fida h … mera size 36 28 40 h … mera rng gora h aur height 5’7 h … Mai jis Lund k baare main apko bataungi uska size 10 h … ..(Yeh meri phli khani h yha prr … agr koi glti ho toh Maaf kre … aur muje email kre prr) Chliye ab mai apko apni kahani sunati hu … . Mere ghr waale bahar gye h 7 din k liye … kll raat ko hi … subah se bore ho rhi thi toh ISS main stories pdh rhi thi aur porn dekh rhi thi … ....

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ExpansionChapter 6

Ralph showed up on schedule and spent almost eight hours going over in great detail all of the answers to our questions and the arrangements for the language school. That meant that we would spend the summer in Virginia near Washington, and the kids were thrilled because that would surely mean that they could visit all of the memorials and special attractions that abounded in Washington. We were told the name of the company that we would be associated with, and the kids had never heard of...

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Losing Virginity To My Girlfriend

Hi to all ISS readers I am Jay (name changed). This is my first story on this site. Please forgive me for my mistakes, this is a true story of me, i hope you’ll like it. This is about the time when I lost my virginity to my girlfriend Ami (name changed). I was 18yr old and my girlfriend was 19 year old when this happened (a year ago in 2010). I am an engineering student in Pune and she is also in engineering but in different college. We both met through a common friend (he was my roommate in...

2 years ago
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One Great Ancient Of My Life In Goa

Hi readers, ae meri pahli and akdam sachi story he koi addition ke bina agar aapko pasand aaye to pe muje mail karna… Ab sidha story pe aata hu mera name aakash he. And meri height 5 feet 11 inch he and body bhi avrage he..And dikhne me whetish look he not much dark not much handsome.. Ae baat he pichle saal ki jab hum log rajkot se janmashtami ki chhutiyo pe goa ghumne ke liye gaye the me, mera tin cousin bhai. Hum goa jis hotel me thahre the vo hamare jaan pahchan vale ki hi thi hum subah 7...

3 years ago
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Show me what Im looking for

Rosa looked skeptically at the packet, turning it over and over with her fingers. About three hours ago, she was on her way to the market for her monthly supply of fresh fruits and vegetables when she passed a small store with darkened windows. What struck her was that she couldn’t remember whether she had ever passed it before, whether it was new or not. It was the name, etched on the dark glass window, which had gotten her attention. The script and language was unlike any she had seen, and...

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The Adventures of Brian BethChapter 2 Tech Support Anyone

The first few paragraphs take place before the events in Chapter One. There is a lot of background information in Chapter One; however, you don’t need to read Chapter One unless you want to. ;) Prologue This is the continuing story of Beth and Brian, two ex-lovers and old friends who find their long-time platonic relationship changing. Brian I suppose this part of our story begins with Beth getting a computer. I’ve had a computer for years and have tried to talk Beth into getting one...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Cherie Deville 24429

It’s hot as balls outside. Codey Steele is over at his buddy Sam’s mom place, and they’re lounging outside by the pool trying to beat the heat. A perfectly innocuous day, until Sam’s mom, Cherie DeVille walks outside in her bikini. Codey’s eyes light up. She’s tan, blonde, busty, and hotter than the weather. “Come into the pool why don’t you?” she beckons. Codey just about jumps out of his seat, but Sam isn’t so keen. Codey falls into a trancelike state watching the MILF splash around in the...

4 years ago
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Night at the Movies

My wife, Kay, and I went out to dinner one night and were going to catch a movie afterwards. Now Kay never wears a bra and more often than not when she’s wearing a dress or spandex pants she never wears panties either. That’s just fine with me because I know how nice her camel toe looks in her spandex pants. This night she wore a dress. When we go out like this I usually only wear jeans and a shirt, no underwear or t-shirt. She likes that. Anyway, after dinner we headed to the theater. The one...

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Weekend with my brothers

When I woke Friday morning I was all alone in the "man cave", Bill and Charlie must of gone to work, my parents and sisters had left early for my grandparents and I had know idea where Doug was until I heard the water running.I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, the door was ajar, I peeked through the crack. Doug was in the shower with his back to me,his body was lathered with soap and he was washing his hair. His back was dark from a ton of freckles in contrast to his butt which was...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 418

Vicky left to go help with the new people who were being processed at the gym. I had a couple more things to do, and then I was going to the office to help as soon as there was a lull in activity. I was waiting on the Sikorsky crew to show up. They were to be here by nine and I had told Johnson Black that I would meet them in the terminal. I was looking out the big window with Lorrie at our two extended C130s preparing to leave on the freight run. They were in the run up area doing engine...

1 year ago
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The Little Mermaid Part 1

Introduction: I enjoy erotic fiction that is based on movies we know and love. I dont see much of this these days so I thought I would change that. This is my first story so I hope you will be kind about your suggestions. Ariel swims up towards the large shadow of a ship, with a flick of her long fish like tail, drawn by the pretty lights that shoot up into the sky, ignoring the cries of Sebastian below as he tries in vain to keep her away. Ariel is a very headstrong teenager. Always...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 34

ADRIANNA I immediately locked down my thoughts, shutting Yavara out from even the most banal of my musings. She pouted her lips. “I was only trying to see what you were dreaming about.” Though I was groggy with alcohol, I could smell the wine fresh on her breath. She’d already been drinking, and it wasn’t even eight in the morning. “How did you get in here?!” I snapped, my breath tight in my chest. “Last I checked, this is my castle.” Yavara tittered. “And if you must know, I used the...

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The Old Peoples Home

Well back in the 1980’s my mum was working at an old peoples home nursing and looking after the residents, I was out of work in the big resession of that time and had nothing much to do so when I was asked if I would like to go and mow the lawns and tidy up the gardens I jumped at the chance as It would give me something to do braking up the bordom of not having a job. The owners of the Home where a couple about the same age as my mum and dad, they had a son Dan a year or two younger than me,...

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French NieceChapter 6 New York City Today November 24 2005

It's warm now in the room as I sit here typing my story on my laptop; I can feel the warmth coming from the fireplace across from me, the first of many fires I'll light this winter in my cozy den. "Are you almost finished Papa?" I hear my daughter Amelie ask from her chair next to the sofa. "Oui Cherie" [yes love], I answer, quickly glancing up fondly at my love, our daughter Natalie sucking eagerly at her fat teat. "She looks hungry tonight," I say grinning as I type, captivated by...

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She was horny for anal

My name is Kendra, I am a 28 year old brunette with 38DDs and a good figure if I do say so myself. I am married to Alan, we have been together for 10 years and we recently had one swinging session with another couple we had met on a cruise ship. I wanted more, Alan has a big dick, but he does not have the sexual appetite that I have. We have sex three times a week and always on a Sunday morning. I have always fancied anal sex but Alan does not. He is not convinced he would like it, so it looks...

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