E126 A goodbye to the past Part One
- 4 years ago
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When several of Sarah's Clan arrived outside the hangar on Dóchas, they found Darcy's Clan already there. Dóchas FOC announced that the Monque Spec Ops ship was on final.
"This is a pleasant surprise," said Sarah.
"We were on board when we heard that Adele and Saoirse were inbound with the Monque group, so we thought we would wait and surprise them."
"Are you scheduled back out?"
"Not really. We were planning on it until we heard that they were on their way back."
"In that case, you might as well join us."
"What's up?"
"The Monque group wants to discuss the recent events," said Erin. "After introductions here we were going to hold the discussion in the conference room off the bridge. We will finish introducing our clan as we show them the bridge then move into the adjoining conference room. We expect to discuss the bandits, their mission and Emprika's status, after that we will offer them a tour of our ship."
"I thought the bandits' reaction to our arrival was interesting."
"Until they realized we were Órarduine, it looked like they were going to try bluffing us into going away," replied Jill.
"Still, I think if it had been us in that position we would have hauled ass," said Darcy, "so we could try again. However, we don't know what their constraints were or the way they normally respond to an attack or unwanted visitors."
As she was speaking, the Monque Spec Ops ship entered the hangar and settled onto the cradle. After a few moments a light on the entry door turned green and Sarah led the group out into the hangar. They were approaching the ship when its door opened and out stepped Captain Thazoe accompanied by Saoirse. They were followed by Nanria, Adele and the rest of the crew.
Captain Thazoe and Sarah exchanged salutes then shook hands.
Sarah said, "Welcome aboard Dóchas. I am Sarah, one of Dóchas' Command Staff."
"It is a pleasure to be here. Let me introduce my crew." With that he turned and introduced his crew members. As Sarah met each one, she in turn introduced them to Alison, forming an impromptu welcoming line and ensuring that each member of the two groups formally met one another.
When introductions were complete Sarah said, "We have a conference room set up for us. Shall we go?"
"We are expecting at least one message from our command center. It really should have already arrived by now. Do you know if our ship can receive it while inside your ship?"
"Star, will their ship be able to receive communications in the hangar bay?"
"Yes. Signal strength will be greater if it relays through our receivers. The connection is on a private channel reserved for visitors. This information was given to the ships AI prior to approach."
Commander Nanria said, "So then, our ship can relay our messages to us while we are here?"
"Sarah, in that case let's go to the conference room."
Sarah led the group out of the hangar toward the conference room. The Monque didn't notice Saoirse and Adele hug their spouses before following them. Arriving on the bridge Sarah introduced the Monque to the rest of her spouses. With each introduction they were shown another aspect of the bridge, they then went into the conference room. One side of the conference room was a window wall giving a view of the bridge. Rusty and Sally followed the group into the room.
"Again, welcome to Dóchas," said Sarah. "There are refreshments on the counter at the back wall. The selection includes some of our favorite snacks as well as some you are familiar with. If you would like something else, tell us and we will try to arrange it. We have operations in progress, so members of our Command Staff will be in and out.
"Adele and Saoirse are members of Darcy's Clan who are one of our Security Teams. Our security teams are similar to Iridien Special Ops, and we think that that is true of you as well."
Captain Thazoe said, "Thank you for the assistance. It is extremely fortunate you arrived when you did. Our mission was to ensure that the cargo Emprika is carrying arrived at its destination. We were to prevent any diversion at all cost."
"So we understand," replied Erin.
Rusty said, "The two bandit ships did not respond to our arrival like we anticipated."
"From what we know of the way Durale operate, their reaction wasn't all that unusual," replied Nanria. "Their response on learning you were Órarduine likely accounted for the irrational aspect of their actions. Did you get any information from either ship?"
"We have been referring to them as DBAD1 and DBAD2. We have quite a bit more data from DBAD1 which seemed to be targeting Emprika's cargo. There isn't quite as much from the slaver ship, DBAD2. Although, we did pick up the containers that DBAD2 detached prior to approaching Emprika.
"About the time we arrived it looked like the DBAD2 crew was preparing to inject a gas into Emprika. At first we thought it was to put everyone to sleep. Since then we've learned that the gas was a sedative which would make everyone on Emprika very receptive to the bandits."
"So DBAD1 was drawing all the attention while the other ship was preparing to gas Emprika," said Thazoe. "Do you know who was on DBAD1?"
"We think that is correct. As to who they were, we are searching the remains of DBAD1 now."
"You sent people into that wreck?" questioned Nanria with an expression of amazement.
"No. Absolutely not," responded Erin. "We sent some special robotic devices to gather the information."
On hearing the comment Nanria visibly relaxed and said, "I didn't think you would but..."
"We are not offended. Besides, we don't really know how each other operates. Our goal is to always minimize any risk to our family."
"That is the impression we had from our intelligence summaries. The summaries also indicate that your fleet operations are more coordinated than ours, which is borne out by your actions here. As noted earlier, the description we have of your Security Teams capabilities is similar to our Spec Ops groups."
"Wow. Word gets around fast," said Sally. "We did some joint exercises with the Iridiens and I think both of us learned a lot."
"We work very closely with them, which is not true for all members of the Alliance. The fact that you had joint exercises with them speaks volumes about their opinion of your capabilities.
"What is the status of Emprika?"
Sally said, "All the non-passenger areas have been cleared. Actually the slavers had more agents in the crew than just those intending to hijack the cargo. A few agents were captured but most died while resisting. The passengers and related areas are being checked now.
"Unfortunately, all the members of your team on Emprika are dead. Our condolences."
Nanria with tears streaming down her face said, "We suspected they were dead when we didn't hear from them. The longer it went, the more certain we were. They were killed by the Durale, weren't they?"
"From what we were told, the condition of the remains indicates that that is true."
Joyce said, "There were quite a few dead in the slaver's container. We were planning on a brief funeral ceremony in a couple of days. You are welcome to join us and include your dead in that ceremony."
It was very quiet for some time before Captain Thazoe looked up at each of his team members before saying, "We would like to participate with you in the burial ceremony.
"Will Emprika be able continue to its destination?"
Claudette said, "Our engineers are on Emprika now trying to determine why its propulsion units shutdown. They don't believe that there is any irreversible damage as the slavers planned to use the ship. So we expect Emprika will be able to continue its voyage in a few clock cycles. It really depends on what needs to be done to bring the units back on line."
They discussed the engagement with the bandits and the Monque Special Ops mission parameters. By the time they finished, they had received word that all of Emprika had been searched and cleared of agents. Several passengers were suspect and moved to secure isolated compartments. The remaining passengers were told they could resume normal activities. However, several of the Órarduine Security Team thought that there were more agents on the ship.
Near the end of the discussion Captain Thazoe's communicator chimed. He looked at its screen for a long time before saying, "Two more Spec Ops ships will be joining us. The Iridiens are sending them and they are scheduled to arrive in two days. The closest Monque groups to us are a week away. Headquarters wants us underway as soon as possible."
"How are we going to determine whether there are any more agents on Emprika?" asked a Monque crew member.
"There are a number of strategies but we will focus on scanning past security tapes, increased monitoring of activity, and conduct another search of Emprika, but at a slower pace. By the time Emprika is ready to leave, we should know whether our intuition was correct or not."
Janet said, "We should expand our monitoring of transmissions from Emprika."
"That is a good idea."
"Commander," said Alena, "we have covered the items we were interested in. Is there anything else we can help you with?"
Captain Thazoe looked at each of his group before saying, "We don't have any other questions at the moment. Once you provide us with the data from the Durale ship, we will try to tie it to our intelligence data. We will share with you what we find."
"We look forward to seeing that. Now, would you like to see the rest of our ship?"
"Most definitely," replied Captain Thazoe and Nanria with the others nodding and smiling. "We want to see if what the Iridiens say is true. Their reports indicate that you have a most amazing ship."
Nanria said, "I have a question I am not sure how to ask."
"Just ask. We are sure of your sincerity."
"Sarah, how many are there in your Command Staff?"
Sarah smiled as she said, "There are 16 for this ship. We are a family that is collectively known as Sarah's Clan. Our clan is unusually large. A clan in our culture is typically 8 to 10 individuals. The clans filling the role as Command Staff on our other ships have between 10 and 12 individuals.
"Saoirse and Adele are members of Darcy's Clan, who also happen to work as a Security Team. Many of our clans work together.
"We think our clan families are somewhat unique. In a clan everyone shares all tasks and duties equally. While there isn't a single dominant individual, there are times when any one of them may take the dominant role for an activity. Generally, we function as a group with a multitude of strengths and skills. Does that answer your question?"
"Yes. Thanks."
Terry said, "If everyone is ready, let's begin the tour."
It was late in the afternoon when they finished the tour. Terry stopped as they reached the corridor leading to the hangar. She said, "This completes the tour."
"Thank you very much," said Nanria. "This is a very nice ship." The others with her nodded in agreement. "It exceeds what we expected to see by a wide margin."
"You are welcome to join us for dinner, which will be in about 2 hours."
Captain Thazoe paused for a couple of moments before responding with, "Thank you for the offer. We really need to return to our ship as there are some tasks that need our attention. Perhaps another time."
"Certainly. We would love to have your team join us for dinner before we go our separate ways."
"We will try."
Terry led the group to the hangar. They had just arrived there when the rest of Sarah's Clan joined them.
Rusty said, "It was a pleasure to have you visit us today. Please come back at least one evening for dinner and relaxation."
"Yes," added Sarah, "and when you do, you are most welcome to spend the night."
"Thank you," replied Captain Thazoe as he shook hands with Sarah's Clan. The other members of his crew followed his example. When he came to Saoirse, she used his hand to pull him into a hug. Adele followed her example and the two of them hugged all the Monque.
Sarah's and Darcy's Clans watched as the Monque boarded their ship.
"The best time to invite them back for the evening is after the Iridiens arrive," said Aoife.
"That will be a better time for all of us," replied Sally. Sarah's and Edana's Clans gave each other hugs before separating.
Claudette said to her spouses, "Emprika's propulsion units are now on line."
"Cool," replied everyone.
"Diagnostics are being run on each unit individually. The diagnostics on the control system came back clean."
"Where did they get the diagnostics?"
"From their system library, they then reinstalled them."
"Good. Only a little less than two days and we are off to J4."
"We are ready," said Aoife.
"Command Staffs," said Clarence, "the long range sensors on Marthanóir are detecting four objects heading our way. Analysis indicates a 65% probability of them being Iridien Spec Ops ships. They are two hours out at 27 degrees off the port side and 15 degrees below the horizon of Marthanóir."
Sarah said, "If they are the Iridiens, they are at least 6 hours early. Dóchas and Phoenix FOC, do a normal intercept. Have two reserves at the ready."
"Aye, aye," replied both FOCs.
"Four ships is consistent with the way Iridiens operate," said Rusty. "I wonder. Clarence, let's keep a close watch on our full perimeter. It wouldn't surprise me if our friends didn't try to slip up on us. Of more concern is, who else knows they are coming?"
"When we detected the objects we made some adjustments in our scanning sequence to reduce the potential for missing someone else approaching. We are looking beyond the incoming objects as well."
"Guess I sound a little paranoid."
"A little paranoia is good for our wellbeing."
An hour later, Sabrina in Dóchas FOC said, "Command Staffs the four objects are Iridien Spec Ops ships. Our ships are returning with them. The Iridien Commander, Captain Shinchen, asked if Sarah's Clan would host a planning meeting for them with the Monque Spec Ops."
"Certainly," replied Terry. "Do they want to arrive cloaked?"
"I'll ask."
"Once we have an ETA, we will invite Captain Thazoe and his group over."
"Briana's Clan," said Terry, "we need you to greet and host the Iridien Spec Ops teams and the Monque group. Nicola's Clan can assist."
"Will do. Do you know who is coming?"
"No. Not really. Captain Shinchen is leading the group. Other than that, all we know is that there are four Iridien Spec Ops ships."
"Okay," said Charlotte. "We've heard of Captain Shinchen but we don't think we've met him. We'll get with Nicola's Clan and organize things."
"We should invite them to join us for dinner and spend the night. It may be sometime before they have the opportunity to relax again."
"Will do."
Briana's and Nicola's Clans led the Iridien and Monque visitors to the conference room. Nicola made sure that they were familiar with how the facilities operated. Once that was complete she said, "We will be off so that you can get on with your planning," and both Órarduine clans prepared to leave. "When you are done, just ask Star to have us return."
Captain Shinchen said, "You are welcome to stay. In fact, if it doesn't create issues for your ship, we would prefer that you stay. From our past experiences of working with you, you are a welcome addition to our planning session."
Nicola looked at Briana then said, "We can do that."
"We can wait a moment if you need to make arrangements."
"They are already made."
"You guys do that all the time!"
"Do the impossible in less time than it takes to tell. It's like you all know what each other is thinking or doing."
"We do," said Briana's Clan in unison, while Nicola's Clan just nodded. The exchange led to puzzled looks on the faces of the Monque and several of the Iridiens.
Adam said, "Many of the Iridiens are beginning to believe that we are telepathic."
"The Monque will realize we are telepathic once they have time to think about it," said Charlotte of Briana's Clan. "Sure we indicated it when we put our people on their ship, but there was a battle going on, and going by their expressions I don't think the capability registered. Besides, it isn't something many of them have experienced."
"Agreed," replied several of both clans.
Monque Captains Thazoe and Nanria reviewed the events from the start of Emprika's voyage to the Iridiens being asked to assist. Included in this was a summary of their meeting with the Órarduine on Dóchas after the engagement with the Durale.
The Iridiens agreed that the actions by the Durale in response the Órarduine arrival were irrational at best. They offered a couple of possible reasons why the Durale responded the way they did. One was that, even though these two Durale groups were primarily bandits or pirates, they were working to support the Durale rebellion against the Dutsuz. The Iridiens felt that the response by the Durale was almost certainly due to being instructed that taking Emprika's cargo was an absolute must. The bandits apparently believed that they were close to succeeding when they learned of the pending arrival of the Órarduine. Their frustration was compounded when they learned it was the Órarduine approaching, the very ones they held responsible for the total loss of two Durale ships in Sol system. The disruption of their nearly successful plan by the Órarduine pushed them into making an irrational response. In addition, the Iridiens thought the Durale's response was unusual but not unheard of.
With the review of recent events behind them, they began planning: How they would escort Emprika to its destination, how they would communicate with each other so that an observer would not detect all the escorts, and how they would respond if attacked.
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"Elaine? Elaine, honey, are you okay?" Wanda called through the locked bedroom door. Elaine opened her eyes and moved her head to the right, focusing them on the small alarm clock on the bedroom dresser. It was eleven o'clock! "Sam! Sam, wake, up!" Elaine whispered, as she rolled back and shook the big man's shoulders. "It's almost midnight, and I've got to go." "Hmmmmm?" Sam mumbled sleepily, blinking his eyes open then reaching over and stroking her tits lightly. "No more...
I was used to setting the table for the meals I had with my mom. I saw the table already set. Michael must be trainable ... that's a good omen! I pulled out the chair for Stacy, Michael did the same for Mom after she brought her famous meatloaf to the table. "Michael made the salad," she remarked. "I figured everyone liked it differently, so I didn't add any vinaigrette to it," Michael said looking proud of himself. "Aren't those some of Dad's clothes?" I asked. "Michael had to...
Savana Styles is a filthy, French babe! She made her way to Platinum Pussy because that is one of her many amazing features! Her juicy, pink clit pokes out as she rubs it, getting herself worked up and twerking her amazing booty too. She’s got supple, round titties and puffy dick-sucking lips that are primed for big, black COCK – and there’s nothing this slut loves more than black cock. Watch her worship his dick as she kisses and licks it, sucking it and forcing as much as...
xmoviesforyouHere we were. We had made an excuse to go to Michigan this time, stopping briefly to visit my cousin and his spouse. We had told them we were there looking at some property and were going to also be doing some sightseeing. They took the reasons at face value and we left to our true destination.With some trepidation we were finally ready to meet with Amber and Nick again. We had made our rules and broken most of them as we each discovered through this process that we liked what we were doing far...
Wife LoversHi guys,I am Krish 20 years old currently doing my engineering in one of famous colleges around vizag,I am an avid reader and huge fan of ISS from the past 5 years.I daily shag off reading latest stories.This is a real story happened to me and inspiration in this seduction is various stories that i read on ISS,I love the incest section and there is not even a day with out ISS.All those wonderful stories from you guys helped me in seducing my cousin.Guys please bear my mistakes as i am new to...
IncestYou are 18 and having a common weekend spent at your cousin Matthew's place, you and him are good friends and like to spend time together playing the computer. He is 4 years younger than you and FAR less mature. His Mother (your Aunt) is about 43 years old and can be a real bitch at times. As long as she isn't harassing you, you don't care about the family problems. Your cousins Dad died when he was young, so it is just the two of them. You are playing the computer when your Aunt calls out,...
IncestInvestigative Journalism by patricia51 Dawn Garth took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She took the five or six steps down that led through a curtained archway and into the spacious room. Nervously, the blond woman scanned the entire area. Her eyes swept over the bar, where a few stools were occupied, to the couples on the dance floor. She took in the row of tables on the far side as well as the booths scattered against the back wall. In spite of her nervousness, her foot twitched...
LesbianMotel story (final version)( fiction) ( thanks A A for your input)I worked all day ay emergency, and when I arrived to hotel room all I needed was a sleep.I woke up with eyes still closed and felt that I am not alone. There was someone in a room, probably made or maybe a room service person. I opened my eyes just enough to see a guy on his knees looking at my crotch, like a few inches away.I felt that my cock is so hard. I wanted to stroke it, but then I will admit that I am awake, so instead I...
Hi, this is sandy again continuing from the last part. Any female wanna chat or have fun just contact or mail me at waiting for ur mails ladies. Coming to the story back..That night she slept next to me just wearing nighty with no bra and panties. my pole was already erect seeing her cleavage while changing her dress….she also slept and I also slept without disturbing her..btw I had feared so I dint try to touch her….I was just listening to songs and slept off….but suddenly during mid night I...
IncestSex Club 7 - Chapter 4Hannah walked back in to the changing after the photo shoot and began to pack her stuff up to leave. She looked towards the back of the locker making shore that she left nothing behind. She felt her dildo and began to pull it out.The black sex toy was quite wet. Hannah was puzzled she hadn't used it today. Who could have found it, Tina or Rachel or even Jo could of? For no reason at all she sucked on head and caught the taste. Suddenly she felt extremely horny thinking of...
By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. Two: • The Next Day and the Next The next morning when Otto awoke he felt chilled by the winter cold that had penetrated his room. His mind was not clear as he became aware that he had awakened in his own bed rather than at his Uncle Hans’ house. He then noted he was not wearing his nightshirt. Suddenly the memory of what had...
Danielle could hardly wait to tell Robin what she'd seen in Upper and Lower. She got to school early on Monday morning, and was surprised to recognize a girl she'd seen in Upper—she was one of the two teenage couples she'd seen—using a locker just two down from her. She wasn't sure what to say, or how. 'I saw you naked' seemed a little crude. The girl solved it for her. "Are you Jessica Anderson's daughter?" the girl asked. "I saw you with her this weekend." "You ......
The last few weeks had been extremely busy and my wife and I had very little time to spend with one another. We needed some alone time so we made arrangements for the kids to spend the night at their grandparents house. My wife asked if I would mind dropping them off by myself as she had a few things she like to get ready while I was gone. As I pulled into the driveway I noticed that most all of the lights were of in the house, it appeared that there was the flickering of candle...
CrossdressingSir Henry caught me a few days later. "Ah! Simon. I have heard back from Miss Berwick and she has agreed to dance for us. I have invited her here tomorrow afternoon so that she can see what we are trying to do. Would you be available to show her round?" "Well, yes. But I would have thought that you could do that better than me." He nodded in agreement. "I just thought that as you and she are old friends it would be less formal. Shelley will be with you, it will help Miss Berwick feel...
I have been a devoted and obsessive exhibitionist for nearly sixty years. If it were legal, I would never wear clothes. Almost daily, I put myself in a position where I might be seen naked. I thrill to the danger of being caught. It is my equivalent of sky-diving. I like to be completely naked, rather than merely flashing my cock, a technique I find quite tawdry (sorry other flashers, we all have our preferences). It makes me feel more vulnerable, more committed to the task. I believe that my...
ExhibitionismHere I am at home putting on a pair of fishnets with my brand new sissy pouch panties. I look in the mirror and I feel so sexy and turned on. I feel a little naughty so I decide to go to cupids, the adult book store in Bethlehem. I put on a pair of sweats over my sissy clothes and grab head out. As I drive my bodies is squirming with anticipation. I pay the entrance fee to the booth area and walk in. I feel the gaze of the eyes in the dark light area and head to the third booth from the back....
Hiiiiiiiiiii doston mai hu aapka hero my id aap sabhi iss readers ko mere khade lund ka salam . mai is iss ka fan hu maine shayad hi koi story na padhi ho in story mai kuch ek fake bhi hain. Aacha chalo mai kuch apne bare mai batata hum era naa hero hai mai hissar Haryana ka rehne wala hu koi bhi gal ya bhabhi contact karma chahe to kar sakte hai meri height 5.9 hai rang thik hai machine gun 8” hai.aab mai aap logon ka time waste nahi karta sidhe story par aate hain. Ye mere ek frnd ki story...
Even in college, you have projects to work on, it’s like high school all over again. Our teacher assigned us all to write a paper on something that we thought should be changed, I picked the game rating ages. You have to be 17 to rent an ‘M’ rated game, I think the age should be lowered to 16. I have a female friend in that class that picked the drinking age, she thought it should be lowered to 18. Personally I disagree with that, but that’s besides the point. We were both 23 and decided to do...
This story is purely fictional, and contains adult content, and is base soley on my imagination. No real persons are involved. If you are under the age of 18, please do not read this story. If any part of the story offends, then please do not read. As I lay there tied to the bed. I started weeping softly, wondering how I go myself into this mess. Then it occurred to me, that Miss Jade had never asked me my name. When I woke the next morning, the bed was moving. I turned my head to see Miss Jade...
LesbianIt had be a lovely few days sitting by the pool at our hotel in gran canaria, drinking the all inclusive drinks and enjoying the good food. I was away on holiday with my parents to relax for the week which I was doing very well. We was a few days in and was getting a little bored by the pool when we decided we would take a trip down to the beach for the day. I was sitting on the sun lounger when I was discussing this with my parents when dad had mentioned that he wasn't fussed about going and...
College Girl Pt 6 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-5 before reading this installment.) I was now a woman not only legally but in my own mind. I was feeling some discomfort from the operation but that was to be expected. I had to lie down with a triangular pillow between my legs for my complete hospital stay. The only exercise I got was raising my legs in bed to promote circulation. After the fourth day the packing and catheter were removed. My vagina depth was...
For a moment the silence was stifling. Clementine looked from woman to woman questioningly. The wives were temporarily frozen in time. Not one made a move. Then Dana stepped forward. She knelt down to eye level with Clementine, gazing for a moment into her clear blue eyes. "Sweetie, you are so pretty, I don't know how any of us could NOT choose to be your mother. So if it's all right with you, we ALL will be your mother. Is that all right?" Dana asked. "Oh, yes!" she exclaimed,...
Steve unlocked me from the cage and handed me over to Master. I went to wipe Steve's cum from off my face but was told to leave it.'So Sissy that's 3 serious demerits you've earned for that little escape attempt. I warned you not to mess with me but you just couldn't help yourself could you?'No Master' I said sheepishly.'Right well get yourself home and learn to follow orders' he said. 'I want you to have an early night and watch the videos I have given you on your ipad. And don't forget to...
Part 2 of the Annual Health checkup story.(I had not written this part thinking people were not interested but I recently received some responses asking for part 2 - so this is thanks to your requests!).... continued from part 1....Alice stood next to the bed and bent over it. Miss Anita was asked to go and pull up her skirt, and pull down her panties for her antibiotics injection. Miss Anita nervously walked over, seeing all eyes on her. As she bent down her large ass clad in her saree was...
--------------Two weeks ago:--------------"But Dave, you know what week that is!""I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money.""Money isn't everything."-----------------------------Jump forward - four days ago:-----------------------------Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse to my friends). I'm 15 years old, slim with light brown hair, and I attend Junior High School. I live with my parents in the suburbs. It's quiet compared to the city, and my Mom really likes that. My Dad is a contractor...
The same afternoon, after the quick, heated fuck with Rhonda in her office, Laura ran into Cecilia. It was her first day back at work, and she looked radiant, as beautiful as ever, and slim again. Laura couldn't believe the hot lust she immediately felt. Fucking like a slutty jackrabbit with Rhonda in her office, then wanting to jump on Cecilia and rip her clothes off, she thought. You're a disgusting tramp and nymphomaniac. But she quickly realized that Cecilia felt the same way. She...
Allyson’s college summer job was data entry. It was mindless and boring but at least she wasn’t waiting on customers or dealing with the general public. She was also able to listen to music without it interfering with her duties, which helped pass the time. She’d met a friend there named Katie who was college age but not a student like her. Katie doesn’t factor too much into this story except that it was her that suggested they go out for dinner and drinks that Friday night. Allyson was single...
(Part One) Cookies Stepping from the shower, I caught a reflection of my nude body in the full-length mirror on the back of my bathroom door. I'd always wished I was taller than my 5 foot 9 inches, but I had no other regrets about the muscular build of my masculine 30-year-old body. Unconsciously, my eyes lingered for a minute on the stiffened erection between my legs. During my bath, my manhood had been swelling and getting harder. As a confirmed bachelor, I had no serious lady in my life....