Now Or Never free porn video

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This is the first story I've posted online anywhere, so I would appreciate your feedback. As it's my first time too, please be gentle!

She looked innocent enough, Kaitlyn thought as she made big round eyes at herself in the little mirror on the car visor, pouting her lower lip ever so slightly. She pinched her cheeks and the rosy glow added to the illusion, a carefully crafted one. She had paid an enormous sum for the shiny locks she was sporting. It took more than three hours in the chair to transform her long hair from dark brown to believable shades of golden blonde. Contacts shaded her eyes from their natural light blue to a dark green. She was only 19, and after all the effort she put into her guise she’d layered on enough makeup to pass for something older, hopefully enough to pass for the 23 year old who’s id she had stolen.

“Gabrielle Lancette” she whispered the name to herself for the hundredth time, trying to get used to it, train it to be reflex. She was no longer. Kaitlyn Grace Cristoff adopted Da***ter of the late George Cristoff, he'd been the head professor of physics at Berkeley until his health began to decline, and patented a number of successful inventions before the cancer took him, leaving Kaitlyn an orphan and a modest millionaire.

She cleared her mind, she was a long way from California and this was the wrong kind of place to be thinking of her family. “Ok Gabbie, now or never.”

She stepped out of the car, pulling her parka tight around her as the wind howled through the lot and whipped icy air at her. She hurried to the entrance and flung open the heavy wooden door, greeted by the smell of beer and wet carpet. It was dark in the pub and took her a few minutes to adjust her eyes. She scanned the room, knowing that he should be away at work right now, yet she was taking no chances of bumping into him unexpectedly. When she was satisfied that he wasn’t amongst the patrons she took off her thick coat and hoisted up her cleavage. “Now or never” she repeated to herself.

Gabbie swung her hips as she approached the bar. The man behind it let out a low slow whistle. “We don’t see the likes of you here much.”

“Do you like what you see?” she asked boldly, flashing him a smile.

He cocked an eyebrow and looked her up and down in response. “What’s a lady like you doing in these parts?”

She knew she would stick out, she was half counting on it. “Looking for a job- need any help back there”

He scoffed at her “You’re joking”


“Ah… well we’re never hiring and always hiring” His laugh was a little nervous

“Should I talk to the owner then?” She batted her eyelashes at him, taking a seat at the greasy bar, leaning over it slightly.

“That’s me princess”

“The big guy in charge! Tell you what, let me bar back for you, free of charge, just one shift. You like me, you keep me on. You don’t, I’ll buy you a drink.”

“I could never refuse an offer from a beautiful woman, what’s your name”

“Gabrielle, but all my future bosses refer to me as Gabby.”

And just like that she was in. It was helpful having work to do and learning the bar. She’d taken a bar tending course before she came so the manager, Darryl, found her somewhat useful. Gabrielle made sure to flirt with him, brushing his arm as she slid past to fill another order. As the night grew later she became more jittery. All the preparation she had done, she still felt ridiculous. She glanced at the clock again, it was just after seven.

"You got somewhere to be?" Darryl had noticed.

In fact, Darryl had been watching her a lot over the three hours she'd been helping him out. It made her uncomfortable but she knew she had to play the part in order for her plan to work.

"No where I'd rather be than right here with you handsome." She said with a twirl of her hair. He scoffed at her with gruff good natured humor and turned back to his ledger.

Finally, sometime after 8, at last, a large group of roughnecks came in the doors - Returning from their shift on the rig. There, in the center of the mass of beards and oversized winter gear, she spotted him. Gabrielle exhaled slowly calming herself, her fingers were numb.

“Oh here we go..” Darryl said “About to get busy, we’ll see what Miss Gabby can really do”

She forced a smile at him “Allow me to impress” And with that she took her little note pad and set off for Table 12. People started to pour into the pub, Darryl was right, it was going to get busy! Kaitlyn, however, didn’t care. The job was just a means to an end, and the end was finally in her sight.

The butterflies had flown from her stomach to her throat and she considered reconsidering. But before she could turn around her feet had carried her to the table. There were 7 men, they'd pulled two tables together, and she stood directly across from him. Gratefully the men were busy leering at her and commenting on her newness. She took a moment to look at him, really look. He was older than the most recent picture she’d seen online. His hair was peppered with grey and there were laugh lines around his eyes, even though he wasn’t currently laughing. He was bigger, rounder than she thought. She liked that. Her heart skipped a little when her gaze lighted on his mouth. How many nights she’d imagined those lips on hers, on her body. Kaitlyn could feel her nipples getting hard, she hoped they showed through the thin white t-shirt she’d worn. Someone had asked her a question.

"Pardon me?" her voice was a little thin to her own ears

"Tell us yer name eh sweetheart?"

Name! Now or never. Gabby cleared her throat speaking slowly, deliberately, thickening her voice with a lick of her lips. “Gentleman, I’m Gabrielle, pleasure to meet you” Her eyes returned to him, and his were on her, moving slowly down her body, she shivered, it was like she could feel him on her skin as he looked at her. When he glanced at her face they locked eyes. The Kaitlyn within her uttered a little gasp, and her cheeks flushed brightly, she felt her blood turn to electricity and her pupils dialate, her lips swelled, and she parted them, almost tasting him from across the table. She couldn’t look away so instead she smiled, slowly, meaningfully she wanted to tell him everything with that smile. How long she had looked for him, how she already knew so much about him, how he was the one thing she’d wanted her entire life and never been able to have. Until now.

He looked away first, it had become awkward, the men were making noises that made it clear they had noticed her, noticing him. He didn’t seem to like it. Kaitlyn hastily took their orders, now that the spell was broken she didn’t want to look up, she blushed and kept her eyes glued to the little note pad. Bud, strongbull, kieths.. she took their order. He wanted a rye and coke. She loved him more.

At the bar, Darryl was swamped. “Thought you were going to help me out here..” There was a decided edge to his voice so she set to work filling the order for Table 12 and giving it to the actual server, the rest of the time she was busy behind the bar. At least she’d made a start. Whenever she had the chance she watched him, she wanted to throw herself at him, she wanted his hands all over her, his mouth all over her. She’d had other guys, not all the way, she was still a virgin technically, but she’d had other guys, boys really, and she’d always imagined they were him, now she NEEDED the real thing.

He caught her staring more than once, the whole table seemed to think it was funny but she didn’t care. There were hotter men, younger ones, beautiful buff blue collared sexy things, many of them came to talk to her, check out the new girl. She was prettier and younger than any other woman in the bar, maybe the whole town: She’d counted on it. She was polite to the others, let him see them wanting her, Kaitlyn thought, moving her hips, ‘working it’. The first wave of the rush slowed down and she leaned back against the bar as Darryl approached.

"And I thought you were going to be too pretty to hustle," Darryl said with a smile. "I might just keep you after all."

That was good. check on the list. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and started to wipe down the bar. God would he ever come talk to her? She wondered, and as if he read her mind, he got up shuffled a bit as he moved around the table, as if he was stiff from work and could really use the hot oil massage she longed to give him. He looked at her briefly then down at the floor again as he walked toward her and..


Just like that. He was gone. Gabbie shoved a drink at the patron waiting in front of her and walked quickly to the door then outside. It was snowing again, dark, the deep winter dark of the North, and freezing. She watched his truck driving out of the lot, the snow drifting in dry brittle flakes in front of his headlights. Her heart sank.

“Dinna fash lassy he’ll be back, it is the best pub in town ye ken” She turned with a jolt of surprize and saw a large red bearded man finishing a cigarette behind her. She recognized the man from Table 12.

“Gabbie” she said and stuck her hand out in introduction

“Aye, ye said so afore” he laughed at her, it made her feel young and foolish.

“And you are?”

“No as chilly as you lass, ye must be colder than a witches titties in a brass brazier”

That made her laugh and she let him hold the door open for her. “Duncan” he said shaking her hand once they were back inside.

“Thank you Duncan, I better get back to work, if I don’t want to lose my job before I’m even officially hired” She gave his hand a firm squeeze and was soon back behind the bar.

He was here. She’d found him, and he was here. It was only a matter of time before he was hers, she’d waited 19 years, (23 she corrected herself) she could wait another night.

An entire week went by. She had only worked at the bar twice since first volunteering, once he left and the other time he didn't show up. She'd gone in on her day off under the pretence of getting a drink and saying Hi to Darryl, and another night she just sat in her car in view of the parking lot feeling like a complete loser. Kaitlyn tried to remind her Gabrielled-self that this was going to take patience but she felt deflated.

The second week she had more shifts, and he had gone so far as to nod and say "Hey". Once. She made a great effort to charm the crew he always came in with, and to re-direct the advances of the many patrons who had become infatuated with her.

The third week, was his shift off; work three weeks go home for one, he was back in the city. And while she missed seeing him at the bar, she was surprised to find herself enjoying her new life. Kaitlyn Lancette would be the last person in the world you would have imagined behind a sticky bar, in the coldest corner of nowhere, surrounded by boorish old men, living in a barely furnished apartment flat she found on Airbnb! There was something so liberating about being Gabby, even without the payoff she had been hoping for, she realized she was happier than she had ever been.

The cold snap broke at the end of her fourth week, and with the modest rise in temperature (it was still fucking cold) spirits seemed to rise as well. It was a Friday night and he was freshly shaved. She noticed right away. Puffy Flakes of snow were melting into his hair and on his shoulders as he made his way to his table. He didn’t look at the bar, but if it was a deliberate avoidance, she thought that was a good thing. Gabrielle waited until he’d been joined by his friends, then, referencing her notebook from the very first night, sent the server over with a round for the boys on the ‘house’. Which she rung in immediately and paid for herself. Then she tried to forget he was there.

It was another busy night, although Darryl was helping out, some food poisoning had gotten the best of him, and she’d been doing most of the work. Darryl was impressed as she kept up with the orders and even threw in a bit of flair for show. The customers seemed to have increased a little since her hire and the tip-jar filled faster than ever. It must have been an hour, maybe more before he ventured over. He'd waited for the pace to slow a bit and there were empty chairs at the bar. Gabbie watched as his big powerful hands gripped the back of the stool, pulling it back so he could sidle into it. God how she wanted those hands gripping her ass, pulling her against him, she wanted to feel his cock hard through his pants as he did it. She was losing her cool again, and felt the familiar nervous lust driving her heart rate up. He had kept his eyes on the bar, she could tell he was trying to figure out what to say. All at once she realized Gabbie was much more prepared for this than he was. So she sauntered over and leaned across the wood, tilting her head until it was in his view. Now or never.

“Heya handsome” She almost whispered, allowing her words to slide out like honey. He straightened and she bit her lower lip and looked up at him from under her lashes, meeting his gaze with hers. Immediately she was lost again, his bright blue eyes, sharp against his dark hair and 5 o'clock (or rather 9 O'clock) shadow. He had those sooty sockets that were either celtic, or from lack of sleep. She wanted those eyes looking at her naked boy, she wanted him all over her, she wanted to be the reason he was awake late into the night.

“Gabbie” he said, nodding to her, he was reserved, why wouldn’t he be, this was the first time he was actually talking to her after all. She made a distinct effort to tone it down a notch. It would do no good to frighten him away.

“Thanks for the drink earlier.” he ventured

"You're welcome, you all looked like you could use one."

"I should return the favor sometime."

His eyes were riveted on his own hands, which were resting on the bar. He didn't look up, his tone had been almost cold, never the less: She saw it! The glint of mischief in his eye, the hint of danger. Gabbie was relieved, she could work with that! “Oh I never let strangers buy me drinks” She teased him, the challenge evident in her tone.

“No? Then I best introduce myself. I’m Charles.”

“Charles” the name rolled off her tongue, how often she had called it, fingers deep in her own pussy. Even saying his name out loud made her shiver, Charles was synonymous with orgasm. “Very nice to meet you at last.”

“Sorry I would have come said hi, but most of you don't stick around here very long”

"Most of us?"

"You're new in town ya? Living in town I mean?"


"Where you from?"

She wanted to lie but knew that could trip her up later, best to stick as closely to the truth as possible. "California"

That made him laugh in earnest "What the hell brings you to this wasteland? You like a spoiled valley girl."

"I guess I just needed to get as far away from home as possible" This line of conversation would not do, it made her nervous, never mind the fact that she was a spoiled valley girl, and looked even more the part with her blonde hair and her customary tan still slightly noticeable. "You must work pretty hard up on the oil rigs here. Do you like it?" lame Gabby, way to think on the spot.

"It’s a… lifestyle I guess. Pays well. Hours suck."

"12 hour days for you?" she was absently drawing on the bar with her finger glancing up at him trying to play it cool

"16 today - we started early for a shutdown."

“You don’t have an early morning tomorrow do you?” She asked innocently, hiding all of the wicked things she wanted to do to him between now and tomorrow morning, behind a friendly smile

“Not too bad, no.”

Gabrielle poured Charles another drink, a double. “In that case.. bottoms up big guy!” He laughed and obliged draining the tumbler in two big gulps. Drink me up like that! She thought to herself as she turned her attention to the other patrons who were waiting for her. She was aware of his stare as she moved, rolling her hips and pushing her ass out for him, biting at her lip whenever their eyes met. Once she returned, he gave her a sexy smile, and she gave him a shot in return. They went on like this until 11, and then Darryl thanked her and told her she could go.

“Hey Chuck, I’m going to the back for a bit, wait for me will you?” He nodded at her, his eyes looked slightly glazed. She was glad, this would be easier if he was a little drunk.

Gabrielle was glad she’d brought a change of clothes, one that didn’t smell like sweat and ale. She pulled on her black jeans and her soft green sweater, swiped an extra coat of mascara on and a conservative dab of perfume. Here it goes. She tried put her energy into her middle like her attraction coach had taught her. Ok Gabbie, you’re a vixen, a siren, a minx and you are finally going to get what you want. Now or Never.

He was still at the bar, she snuck up behind him, brought her lips close to his ear, close enough she could feel the heat of his neck, smell his skin. “boo” she whispered. When he swiveled around to face her he let out a soft groan. She repressed the urge to giggle, she didn't anticipate her looks making him uncomfortable.

Charles took her hand in his which were hot and rough, and his touch sent shivers of excitement through her entire body. She could imagine those thick sausage fingers inside her pussy. He pulled her around, beside him and motioned for her to sit in the stool next to him. Not exactly what she had in mind but she acquiesced.

“How old are you Gabbie?”

Damn. “I’m 23” She watched his expression sour. “But I’m an old soul” He didn’t smile, he wasn’t looking at her but past her, he was thinking about something. “Charles?” his gaze returned “I like older men.” she put her hand on his knee, “I like you.” it felt so good saying it, finally being honest.

“Jesus k**, You have Da**y issues or something?”

She laughed “Who doesn’t?”

“I’m 38, that’s a lot older than you. a lot!”

“Well then it’s a good thing I didn’t propose yet” she said shifting tactic and keeping her voice light. “It’s Ok if you’re not interested” she lied “But.. I don’t think you should dismiss the idea altogether” She gave him the crafty smile she knew he liked.

“Oh, and why’s that?”

If only she could tell him, tell him everything, tell him all her secrets, but there would only be a chance for that if she didn’t blow this part. “Because you might just be surprised! Right D?" She called to Darryl "You've kept me around.. despite your initial misgivings. "

“Who wouldn’t want you around, you’re a god damned smoke show” Darryl shot back with an 'are you fucking crazy' kind of shrug at Charles.

Who said a little sheepishly "I have always liked surprises"

She knew that and rewarded him with a broad smile, the kind that melted hearts. “Come and get me then” and with that Gabbie took his drink and headed back to Table 12 and joined the rest of his friends. Charles followed and they talked, laughed drank and Gabby flirted with the entire lot of them. This went on for the next two weeks. Charles would come talk to her at the bar, then after her shift she’d join him and the boys, say goodnight and disappear. It was harder than she thought it would be. Having him so close but not having him entirely. But she knew, if she wanted more than one night with the guy she’d have to be patient. And the relief of finally moving in the right direction kept her spirits high.

They were gone for a week after that. A different crew took their place at the table and Gabrielle did her best to make herself the most popular and coveted bar tender in town. She was good at it too, men loved what they couldn’t have, and by the time Charles returned she was pretty sure it was safe to launch into the next phase.

“I missed you” she confessed when he came to the bar and handed him a drink.

“Need to stop giving me all this free liquor or they’ll fire you. Darryl’s a cheap ass.”

“how else will I get you drunk enough to take advantage of?” she said with a joking laugh

“Ha. Well you’ll have lots of time to figure that out if you’re out of a job”

“mmm what would I do with all that free time..?” She knew. She’d spend it masturbating just like she had every night since she’d first set eyes on him.

“What would you do”

Gabby blushed furiously and he noticed, Charles gave her an evil half smile. “What I meant was, what do you do in your spare time?”

"I like to… garden." She blurted out, flustered. That answer was all Kaitlyn.

"Here? Northern Alberta, in the dead of fucking winter?"

"Inside" She answered weakly

"Weed?" He asked suddenly cluing in

"NO!" she was taken aback. She'd never touched a d**g in her life. "Just, regular, plants. You know, with with pots.. and lamps.. and dirt."

"That's one kind of dirty girl" He muttered to himself with a chuckle

She almost lost her mind right there. If he only knew how much she’d fantasized about him saying that, calling her his dirty little girl. She wanted to be so dirty for him, just for him. She was so turned on that she couldn’t even think straight. What had he asked her? Christ almighty she wouldn’t be able to keep this up for long. She wanted him. The time away had intensified her need for him.

“Cat got your tongue?” He was in control now and she could see that he liked it, teasing her, making her blush, fidget uncomfortably and become stupid. She looked up at him, using her wide innocent eyed stare. “I think someone’s got a little secret..” he watched her, his blue eyes shining in amusement.

“yes” she could barley talk, much to her own horror the word came out in a squeak.

“Yes?! Yes what? Yes the cat has your tongue? Yes you have a dirty secret? Gabbie…” He was loving it. She felt like she was finding the side of him she wanted most. The one with a little cruelty behind it.

“Yes.. sir?” it was almost a whisper.

“oh you want to call me sir?”


“yes, what?” There was restraint in his voice now, they were in the bar afterall.


There it was. The everything she had wanted. She could feel her pussy throbbing, soaking her panties as she stood there, the world fading around her, she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, so instead she just moved, walked around the bar like she was in a dream, he turned his stool, she went to him , her arms wrapped around his neck, she brought her lips down to his, and pressed them there. kissing him gently her heart drumming in her ears.

he pulled away quickly. Darryl, Im stealing Gabby away a little early.” Charles called across the bar.

Darryl rolled his eyes. If he said anything she didn’t hear, her own pulse was drumming in her ears, she felt lust drunk and wobbly.

Charles put his hands on her tiny waist and moved her away, just enough so he could get up, and just like that it was done. They left amidst the cat calls and cheers of the men at Table 12.

Outside, her fingers twisting into his hair, a tear slipped from her eye as she kissed him, tender, deep, pressing her tight body against his she pushed her tongue into his mouth tasting him for the first time, it almost sent her into a frenzy, he bit her lower lip and she tasted the copper tang of blood, a soft moan escaped her, her legs felt like jelly and she pulled away slightly to keep from fainting with happiness. Kaitlyn pressed her forehead against his, breathing heavy, voice rough with lust. “Yes. Please” she panted, her breath forming clouds of ice in the cold.

In the end, he had to run back in and get her coat and her bag, when he returned, his truck had warmed up a bit. “where we going?” he asked. She gave him the street name of her apartment and they peeled out of the parking lot. Not a word was spoken between them on the ride, or in the elevator up to her fourth floor room. She put her key in the door, feeling surreal, entered the dark little hallway entrance and waited for Charles to follow, waited for the click of the lock behind her.

This was it, this was finally it. Now that the moment she had been dreaming of since she was old enough to have those kinds of dreams, was here. She almost wished she could slow this part tdown she flet like she was in a whirlpool, so dizzily out of control, scared and thrilled at once. Her hands shook.

All at once the passion that had built up in the years of wanting him boiled over, she turned and they collided in a fury of heat. He pushed her against the wall, so hard her head bounced and she let out a little shriek of pain, he ripped at her clothes and pulling her shirt to the top of her arms, scratching her as he did, leaving the shirt at her wrists, he held them up with one hand and tore her bra off with the other, he made a hungry noise as her breasts bounced free, pink nipples hard and swollen. He looked at her then, his eyes fierce and terrifying.

“Gabbie if you’re going to stop me it has to be now” He said the seriousness in voice almost painful to her.

“Don’t stop. Please Charlesl, Please don’t stop, I need you..” He had her breast in his mouth, sucking, biting, devouring her with a growl. “I need you.. please, please, take me, make it hurt, make me yours.”

And he did as she begged, somehow they wrestled their way out of their clothes and boots and into the room. She was drunk not on alcohol, she was blacked out with lust, she was no longer thinking, no longer fantasising or dreaming she was primal and naked and powerless. He bit her, wherever he wanted, hard enough to leave marks, to make her scream, she arched her back and fought, not against him but with him, and they landed somehow face to face on the bed, his hard cock poised to split her open. He paused then and looked her in the eyes. “Gabbie” he breathed, he was hot, sweating, he put his head down and she licked a drop of the sweat from his brow. It was as if time stood still, hung on that moment his head slowly lifted and he looked at her again, eyes locked.

there was horror in his gaze.

"What?" she asked a little panicked

"You're a virgin?" He whispered sitting up abruptly and shaking his head to clear it.

Oh no, no, no, no, no. She wasn't going to let him stop “Fuck me” she whispered. He didn’t move. “Do it, please take me” he was shuddering a bit, she could feel his arms vibrating. She lifted herself and moved around him, sitting naked in his lap, her silky wet pussy rubbing over the length of his cock, back and forth as he wrestled with himself. “I need you! I want you! Please Chuck, please, I have to have you inside of me.” She could feel hot tears on her face. She pressed her pussy against his head, rubbing her wetness into him, her breasts squished against his chest as she did, his head dropped and she put her mouth on his neck, sucking his skin as she writhed her way around his big dick. And with a roar he shoved it inside her, she screamed despite herself as he tore her hymen and her vagina open with his thrust, but true to his word he didn’t stop he, stood bringing her with him, spun around and fell with her onto the bed, all with his cock squeezed tightly inside her. He began thrusting then, ramming her, pulling her down by her shoulders smashing himself into her over and over until she was overcome by pain and pleasure. She came on him, his cock slick with her blood and juices, she bucked in wild convulsions of ecstasy beneath his mass. Kaitlyn spilled her climax all over his cock and cried out, clutching his shoulders with her delecate hands and, her tight pussy gripping him over and over as she shuddered. When she was finished she drew a long shaky breath and whispered into his ear "Take me Da**y, I'm all yours" and he spilled his hot cum deep inside her.

They collapsed together, a tangle of limbs and lust. As she slowly came back to herself Kaitlyn felt a wholeness, a satisfaction, a peace she’d craved her entire life. She wrapped her small arms around his big body and pulled herself closer. They lay there like that, kissing gently until he fell asleep. And when she was sure he wouldn't wake, she leaned in to kiss him on the forehead.

“Thank you, Da**y” she whispered and smiled feeling more complete than she ever had. She had finally found her real Fa***r.

..boy would they have a lot to talk about tomorrow.

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Lucknow Ki Aarti Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera nam adi hai mai lucknow ka hu mai ek sportsman hu mera land ka size 7’8 aur 3inch mota hai jo kissi bhi ladki ko santust kar sakta hai mane bohut se ladki ke sath sex kiya hai kaise mai playboy bna aaj batane ja raha hu meri mail id hai ( )koi bhi anty ,bhabhi,ladki lucknow kea as pass sex karna chati ho to mail kare … Ye baat kisi ko nhi pta chalegi .Meri ek dost hai aarti (34,32,36)wo luckow ke hostel mai rahti thi hum ache dost the but dhire dhire humhare mai age baaat...

3 years ago
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Lucknow Ki Yaad

Hi friends ek baar fir mai aya hu apke samne apni ek nayi story lekr jo ki baat hai aaj se 3 saal pehle ki jab mai Lucknow mai 2 saal k liye apni company k kaam se posted tha. Jaisa ki aap sab log jante hai ki lucknow navabo ka shehar mana jata hai bada he khubsoorat hai lucknow. Mai jab vha pahuncha toh mere pass rehne ka koi sadhan nhi tha company ki taraf se milne wala room ek hafte baad allot hona tha kyu ki vha ka purana architect 7 din mai usse khali karne vala tha mai badi asamanjas mai...

3 years ago
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Snowed In

There we were, trying to beat a storm to find a place to stop and ride out the storm. We had left Pocatello, Idaho with a load to come back home to South Dakota. We were going North on I-15, heading to I-90. We had been dealing with more wind than anything. By the time we got on 90 going East, we saw the storm really picking up steam behind us. Winter storms are nothing to take lightly, especially in areas like this where they can easily get very windy and dump a lot of snow in a short period...

2 years ago
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Snowball Hypnosis Story

This is a collaborative story, based off Snowball Story Writing (credit to Whatsa) and Snowball Blowjob Story (credit to street0) except these stories are based purely on hypnosis/mind control. All sotries must have either a) an image that shows the women hypnotized or b) an image that a hypnosis based story can be written around. Someone posts a pic. Then someone writes a chapter inspired by that pic. Then someone else adds to the storyline. You can take turns ABABAB, or ABCABDCDE. Whatever...

Mind Control
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You are sleeping in your bed, having a great dream about you and Angelina Jolie in a very swanky hotel in Venice, having wild sex on the balcony, overlooking the canals. The dream ends. You think you hear a tiny little voice say, "And sprinkle this one good. I think Peter and Wendy need something to break the logjam. This one will do nicely." In your sleep-stupor, you open one eye a bit and see a glowing moth hovering over your bed. The moth's body looks strangely like a person. Then you go...

4 years ago
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The Return of Nevermore

This is the twenty-second story in my Legacy Universe and was written as a serial over a several month period. Normally, this is where I'd point out that the story could be read on its own, but in this case, it helps to have read some of the previous Legacy stories. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. The Return of Nevermore By Morpheus Part 1 It was early afternoon but Julie Matthews...

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It wasn't going away. It had come before, and it had always gone away before, but this time seemed different somehow. This time it was heavier, lingering longer, filling up more of the empty spaces around her life. It was seeping through all of the uncaulked cracks in her psyche and was running down the walls of her brain. The cloud had taken on an almost physical form around her. It sat on her eyelids and made them heavy. It rested upon her shoulders and forced her to slump. Although she...

3 years ago
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Betting On My FamilyChapter 21 Leaving Neverland

Getting dressed was harder than I expected, mostly because I was harder than expected. I’d never wondered before why so many young girls wore black tights for three solid months every winter, I’d just enjoyed it. But after squeezing into my smashing pair of forest-green leggings, I knew why. It was, by far, the most comfortable thing I’d ever put on. Sure, I’d needed to use an available pair of scissors to cut out a nice oval through which my unit could dangle, but aside from that, they were...

4 years ago
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Jenns CoverupChapter 3 Dinner at Guineveres

"Jenny; you need to call Tony Parmalee. Tell him we are taking him out to dinner tonight at Guinevere's." Jenny got out her cell phone, but wasn't at all happy at what she was being asked to do. Sammy had been a teammate of her husband's for several years. When Joe had retired, he was able to get a number of his ex-teammates retirement accounts. Tony had made a lot of money over the years and had a sizeable 401K worth several million dollars. Since her husband had been declared legally...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 9 Fishinrsquo In Neverland

Sam had planted an idea. Vivie was fishin’ in a different kind of honey hole, and she wasn’t after fish. She and Jennifer were sitting on a bench in a park, each with a bag from Subway. They were dressed down in faded jeans, tee shirts, and worn sneakers. Helva’s drones had indicated that the park was frequented both by runaways and pimps on the hunt for those runaways. Jennifer had started training in martial arts the day after she became Vivie’s dependent, and now was Vivie’s preferred...

3 years ago
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Lucknow Me Padosan Bhabhi Ki Pyas Bujhayi

Hello friends I am Jay from Lucknow, up. Mai 5 fit 6 in ka ho. Pehalwan nhi ha magar sound figure ka chocolate boy type ka hoo mera land hathi ghode jaisa 10 11 in ka nhi ha, 6in ka hai. Ye meri life ki pahli story hai, mai koi writer nahi ho jo man se kahani likh lo ye mere sath huye ek real ghatna hai jise mai apke samne rakh rha hoo. Koi mistake ho to uske liye sorry. Aap logo se request hai ki apna feed back jaroor de. Koi bhi female mujhse contect karna chahti hai to mujhe….. … Mail...

2 years ago
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Snowed in For The Week

SNOWED IN FOR THE WEEK ? by: Deewet I should have been smarter and kept driving past the place, but I knew that the snowstorm had filled every possible regular hotel and this was the only one I could find while searching through the yellow pages. It was a seedy looking place in not a great neighborhood, but it did have a parking garage and I had to get into someplace warm for the night. The lobby was empty and surprisingly clean. The woman behind the counter looked long and...

4 years ago
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Snowmobile ride

My boyfriend and I decided to go on a short snowmobile ride the other night. We live in the outskirts of our city so it is pretty secluded where we are. It was about 5pm when we started to get geared up with our clothes and helmets, and hopped on to sled and took off. At first he went slow because the trails were rough, but we then got onto the smooth railroad tracks and he started to go faster. As he accelerated I could feel the vibrations on my pussy. I was already a bit horny from thinking...

3 years ago
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Snowmobile ride

My boyfriend and I decided to go on a short snowmobile ride the other night. We live in the outskirts of our city so it is pretty secluded where we are. It was about 5pm when we started to get geared up with our clothes and helmets, and hopped on to sled and took off. At first he went slow because the trails were rough, but we then got onto the smooth railroad tracks and he started to go faster. As he accelerated I could feel the vibrations on my pussy. I was already a bit horny from thinking...

Straight Sex
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Snowball story writing

If you don't know what a snowball story is, read this: This works somewhat like Image Inspiration Chapters. However, after someone writes a chapter, someone else has to continue that story with another chapter. Try to end each chapter open-ended. Note: Stories with an asterisk * have no stories yet.

2 years ago
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SnowedIn Sissy Scene

SNOWED-IN SISSY SCENE by Throne I was feeling very apprehensive. My wife Laurel had invited three of her girlfriends over on a Friday evening, even though they all knew there was a major winter storm heading our way. Shortly after they arrived the snow began to fall and rapidly accumulate. The four of them had each enjoyed several glasses of wine before deciding that none of the guests should drive home. They would all have to sleep over. I had been hoping I would get lucky, and...

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Snowy Night

Snowy NightBy Miss AnonnaIt was snowing fairly hard now and I knew from the way the storm was going that I was going to be stuck in my house for quite sometime and I had nothing exciting to read. Lucky for me just down the block is a little strip mall with my favorite book store in it and it would be closed in a matter of hours, possibly early so I had to move quickly. I had just been thinking about dinner but this was way more important. I needed some fantasy for my cold, snowy night by the...

2 years ago
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Snowball fight

It all started when I was around 14 years old, just getting used to growing up and learning about my sexuality. I was interested in trying new things, especially with girls. I lived in a pleasant town, with lots of friends in my neighborhood. But one stood out. A few houses down lived a Stacey, who was a year younger. Though she hadn’t developed fully, she was a striking figure with milky, smooth skin and fiery red hair that I couldn’t stop thinking about. She was small, about 4 feet 8 at the...

2 years ago
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Lucknow Me Anjani Ladki Ke Sath Ek Raat

Hi readers.. Kya hal hai?? I am regular reader of iss. Bahut maja aat hai kabhi kabhi..To maine socha mai bhi apna real incident share karoo.. To friends.. Lets start.. My name amit from lucknow.. 5.10” height good looks.. Working in a mnc. Ye incident ek dum sudden tha.. Mai office se ghar apni pool car se ja raha tha..Wahi koi raat ke 8 baje the.. Ki vikas nagar ke pass ..Ek nayi i10 gaddi ek mod pe thi wo uper nahi chhad rahi thi..Mujhe ussi side jana tha.. 5 min mai utar ke gaya to dekha to...

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Lucknow With My Beautiful Girlfriend

By : Amit.Zxcv Hi to all ISS readers I am a fan of ISS since I was in 10th std and very much like the couple section about myself I am Amit from Lucknow a doctor 5’10” in height and well built age 24 years about my girlfriend she is very attractive and with good assests which I didn’t want to disclose here. We met in an art of living classes and become good friends and subsequently couple so coming to the incident it happened to me 2 months ago. Till then we both had sex chat and phone sex but...

3 years ago
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Lucknow 35 saal ka Male

Yeh story merey kuch personal exp. Kee hai.Main chahta hoon kee appp log iska maza lein. Yeh ek sacchi kahani hain. Main story ko steps mein likhoonga.1st Exp. @ 17 Main jab 18 saal ka tha tab ek din mere mama ka phone aaya aur unhone ne mujhse kaha kee who aaj kahin kaam se jaa rahein hain aur mami ko mein office tak lift de doon. Mama kee shaadi ko saal huyey they. Aur mami ko 6 mahine pehley ladka hua tha. Mami kee umar lagbhag 24 saal thee. Main mama ke ghar pahuncha us samey mami tayyar ho...

2 years ago
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Unknowingly Passable

Robin Kraus was an unknowingly passable transgender lady. Being unknowingly passable meant that Robin's looks did not draw attention to the gender she was assigned to at birth. She was neither attractive nor homely, but average. It also meant as long as being transgender was unknown, then people would see her as a real woman. People got true sight past the illusion as soon as they knew the secret. They saw the giveaway which could never be forgotten. Robin had man hands and feet,...

3 years ago
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Snowy Night

Snowy Night By Miss Anonna It was snowing fairly hard now and I knew from the way the storm was going that I was going to be stuck in my house for quite sometime and I had nothing exciting to read. Lucky for me just down the block is a little strip mall with my favorite book store in it and it would be closed in a matter of hours, possibly early so I had to move quickly. I had just been thinking about dinner but this was way more important. I needed some fantasy for my cold, snowy night by the...

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Snowbound the beginning

I’m lying on my couch staring at the living room ceiling in my one bedroom apartment watching the play of lights dancing with the shadows from my vertical blinds covering the door to my balcony. The furnace is running nonstop trying to keep up with the howling wind and cold outside as the snow continues to fall at an unheard of pace. “ A light dusting.” The weather guys on TV had predicted for the snow fall from the storm that was then approaching Lexington just over twenty four hours ago. ...

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It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...

4 years ago
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Snowbound Encounter

Now, to make matters worse it was night and the snow was getting so deep I knew it was just a matter of time till my little sedan got high centered or stuck. It had been miles and miles since I’d seen any signs of civilization like houses. I made it almost another mile when my worst fear was realized. The snow was just too deep now for traction and I was stuck. I tried over and over to get moving again but it was no use. And even if I could get going the question loomed, go where? What now? It...

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 4:15 pm Ella couldn't see a thing out her window. The gray sky had opened up and flurries of powder were descending on the dark landscape. The lamps in the parking lot were obscured and the few cars remaining were quickly disappearing under the white onslaught from above. Swearing silently to herself, she realized that she should’ve left much earlier. Footsteps approached from behind her, “What are you still doing here?” a male voice asked. Ella’s coworker, Jim was standing behind her chair....

3 years ago
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(There is a prequel to this story called “The Coming”. You don't need to read it to understand this story but it is recommended.) Part 1: Rebel Uprising Eleven months ago, prominent scientist Dr. Timothy Andrews discovered a wormhole, a space gate close to Earth that promised a new era in space exploration. But before the experiments began an alien force used the gate to invade the planet, spreading its domain like an unstoppable virus. Humankind was doomed as people were...

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4 years later........ This case has been the toughest on all of us. No leads, no witnesses it just seems like they vanished into thin air! The police chief took a deep breath and continued, "As always there have been false leads, maybe to throw us off their trail or maybe it's just people looking for the reward money. We may never know in fact we may never......" A knock penetrated the room. The chief yells at his secretary for letting people into the building when it was supposed to be...

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After I have finished my morning routine, put on a clean sleep shirt, and I’m done in about an hour. I’m downstairs and there is some light cleaning needed to be done from the gathering he had here last night. Sometimes he allows me to join, sometimes he keeps my locked upstairs. Last night I was kept locked in my room. There are moments after he has sent everyone else home he will come up and spend time playing with me, other times I am left alone listening as the door creaks shut. ...

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Waitressing was my job that I had had since I turn sixteen. My first job and only job. Now at the age of twenty-one I was still waitressing. College had never been an interest for me no matter what anyone told me. I didn't have many friends to tell me anyway. Just one. We were still friends til this day. Triss. I had been a shy and reclusive young girl and Triss had been quite the oposite. She has a boyfriend, and she's living with him right now. I have my one room, one bathroom,...

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Snowy White and The Seven DWALFS

Once upon a time, there was a wicked wife who believed that she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Every penny her husband earned she spent on Botox, Max Factor, and kinky underwear from Ann Summer’s. All her spare time was spent bonking her fitness instructor, her tennis coach, and the husband from number 10. Her own husband, the long suffering ‘Snowy’ White, growing tired of her infidelity and spendthrift ways, was driven to seek solace at the local Doggers’ Woods. A dark and sinister...

4 years ago
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SNOWBOUND CHAPTER 1 I could not believe Danny Boy, my DB, was planning a trip to West Michigan in mid-winter. Is he crazy? People do not travel from Southeastern Tennessee up to Michigan in the winter. It’s not done. I’m glad he likes my lighthouse pictures with all the ice and snow, but wanting to travel all this distance in winter weather to see them. Without a doubt, DB is crazy. But on the other hand, being able to once again see my best friend in the world at this time of year would be...

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NaNoWriMo 2019 Chyoa Edition

Hello fine ladies and gentleman of Chyoa. Are you up for a challenge? The NaNoWriMo season is fast approaching and I thought it might be fun for the Chyoa writing community to do our own version of the challenge. For those that don't know about it NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a creative writing challenge whereby a writer tries to write a 50,000+ word novel in the month of November. Our challenge here will be a different one but in the same spirit of encouraging writing and...

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My car coughed once then died, leaving me stranded next to the highway during the biggest blizzard that this part of the country has seen in a century. Swearing profusely at anything even remotely mechanical I climbed out of the car and looked around for any sign of help. The highway was deserted, everyone else having enough sense to stay inside on a day like this. Shrugging my shoulders I started back towards the last exit I had passed, fortunately for me I hadn't gone far before my car died...

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Ridley seldom listened to the radio and never paid any attention to the weather reports. On the way to an exclusive lodge resort he was told about a shortcut that would save him at least an hour of driving. Sadly, this decision proved to be a mistake, well, at least initially. As the snow started to fall rather hard his vehicle began to slip and slide prodigiously. At wits end, he was about to pass the entrance to a smallholding when he decided to turn in and ask for sanctuary. The home he...

Gay Male
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I was finding it hard to concentrate on my picture... the creaking sounds from the box spring grew louder with each passing moment, making it harder and harder to keep my crayons inside the lines. I didn't have long to finish my coloring, maybe another minute or two but it was already the prettiest unicorn I'd colored yet, and surely they'd be happy. I struggled not to wrinkle my pretty pink dress laying on the floor, while also doing my best to keep the knees of my white stockings from getting...

4 years ago
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SnowBoard Trip

I had been planning this day since late December. I was sure I could pull this one off. I work most weekends when I don’t have plans with my man. This leaves me free on weekdays to play my own games. I have been snowboarding for over 20 years and while I'm not that good, it’s a rewarding activity for me. I was seeking lodging at a ski resort in exchange for a nice date with the right guy. I began by searching some of the websites that I belong to, but wasn't getting responses from people...

2 years ago
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SnowBoard Trip

I had been planning this day since late December. I was sure I could pull this one off. I work most weekends when I don’t have plans with my man. This leaves me free on weekdays to play my own games. I have been snowboarding for over 20 years and I'm not that good, but it’s a rewarding activity for me. I was seeking lodging at a ski resort in exchange for a nice date with the right guy. I began by searching some of the websites that I belong to, but wasn't getting responses from people...

3 years ago
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Snowboarder turns StraightMarried man into his co

My company's annual convention was in Vail, Colorado this year. My family had been planning a winter ski trip and I thought I'd take the chance to scope out Vail as a possible site. The convention was scheduled so that we attended meetings through lunch and had the afternoons to explore the town, ski, or network with fellow employees. As it turns out, I did some serious networking, but I doubt the new contacts I made will help my business and I definitely won't be adding them to my client list....

4 years ago
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I screamed desperately into the white veil, thrashing at the blank landscape with the least convincing punches I’d thrown in my life. The cold numbed and bit into my skin, forbidding me from forming feasible fists while my stiff, unwilling arms couldn’t wait to hug me once more. My club-like mittens uselessly tucked under my armpits, seeking any modicum of warmth. Turning back towards our makeshift camp, I could barely see the flicker of diminishing flames even from only a few feet away. The...

Love Stories
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Snowbound with a fun cougar the Finale

After I rested up from filling Sheila's mouth with cum, she asked me very meekly "May I show you something, Sir?"I nodded and she got off of the bed and went to her dresser. She took out an array or dildos, vibrators, cuffs, ropes, clamps, and more. She placed them all on the bed. I grabbed the leather cuffs, both wrist and ankle and the leather studded collar and told her to put them on. While she was putting them on, I gathered up some ropes, nipple clamps a leather whip, a butt plug and a...

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Snowbound with a fun cougar Part 2

I followed her up the stairs, admiring her shapely ass in her silk PJ bottoms. Enjoying how we had quickly settled into our roles as Dom and sub. When we approached her bedroom she gestured for me to go in first, "After you, sir." she said as she looked at the ground. I entered her bedroom and pointed to the king size bed, telling her "You're a bad girl and you need to be punished! Get on all fours so I can give you a proper spanking!"Sheila slowly walked to the bed, got up and all fours and...

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Snowbound with a fun cougar

This is a true story that happened many years ago. I was working as a software technician and was often making service calls around the state to different offices. There was a customer that I usually serviced in Princeton, about an hour south of where I lived. The company did medical billing, there were eight employees, all women. Sheila, the woman who owned the company was in her mid to late 50's, she always wore loose clothing, but was a bigger woman. She definitely had a BBW type of body and...

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Snowbunnies Directors Cut

“Oh my god, you pathetic little bitch! Princess, I was only joking when I said you had to color something before Daddy came in me again. I just didn’t want you staring at us like a sick little perv and touching yourself! It’s not like you can even jerk that pathetic little cock while it’s locked up in your chastity cage. But even if it wasn’t locked up, do you REALLY think that you could get hard? Seeing how we dated for 3 months and your prissy faggot ass never once got a hard on until the...

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snowboard weekends

I was finally going to try jay peaks with a bunch of friends from collegeit was organized and all, i got in the bus after the day at school, and they must have left that place for me after seeing i registered alonethey were 2 , been organizing this for the last 3 years of them degree , this year i was the choosen ''lucky one''they had booze and i spent the bus ride to the usa vermont with em drinking and chilling in the back of the buswe arrived at the hotel and i learned about the ''mistakes''...

4 years ago
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Snowbunny turned

African Anthropology, African Studies, and Black Philosophy had become some of the most common degrees for white females by 2018. The wave of multiculturalism led to many of them instinctively allying themselves with the progressive politics of the time favoring disenfranchised minorities. White guilt swept over them getting them in the door as they opened their minds and ideas to increasingly more extreme philosophies. White people brought slavery.White people brought colonialism.White people...

5 years ago
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

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SNOWBOUND CHAPTER 1I could not believe Danny Boy, my DB, was planning a trip to West Michigan in mid-winter. Is he crazy? People do not travel from Southeastern Tennessee up to Michigan in the winter. It's not done. I'm glad he likes my lighthouse pictures with all the ice and snow, but wanting to travel all this distance in winter weather to see them. Without a doubt, DB is crazy. But on the other hand, being able to once again see my best friend in the world at this time of year would...

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I think of my early life as average for a woman of my time; went to college where I met Dan, married him, dropped out of college and worked mediocre jobs to help Dan get his degree. The plan was that after he got settled in his career, I'd go back to college and finish, but I got pregnant...then we had two more c***dren in quick succession. I became a housewife, Chair of our PTA, volunteer swing instructor at the local YWCA and the cool mom that always takes the k**s out for ice cream after the...

3 years ago
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NaNoWriMo 2020 Chyoa Edition

November is fast approaching which means NaNoWriMo season will soon be upon us. For those that don't know about it NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a creative writing challenge whereby a writer tries to write a 50,000+ word novel in the month of November. Our challenge here will be a different one but in the same spirit of encouraging writing and creativity. The first major difference will be that this will be a community challenge. I invite all writers, particularly first time...

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