YumaChapter 4 free porn video

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I had just handed the bank draft to the auctioneer’s clerk and collected all my papers on my new ranch property when I turned to see Luther standing near me.

“Les, you are now the owner of one of the best farm and ranch spreads in Yuma County. You must have brought the Luck of the Irish with you to Yuma.”

“If that’s the case, I hope my luck never runs out. Luther, if you have a few minutes to spare, I’d like to have a private talk with you. Walk over to the courthouse with me while I file my deed.

“Sure, on our way over there, tell me about New York.”

“How did you know, Luther?”

“I know a New Yorker when I hear him speak, Les. I lived the better part of my life there until the need to leave was thrust upon me. I would guess you’re from the same part of the city as me? Possibly Lower Manhattan?”

“Be very aware – Luther Street – no one here knows of my past and no one will ever know!”

“Your past is safe with me, Les. I was given the chance to get out a few years ago, by a close friend. My past is not a good one either, but I have been able to put that behind me out here and have a good life.”

“Luther, I was told by a close friend of mine, to look you up when I arrived in Yuma. The same friend who told me to get out of town before it was too late. He called you by your name and said he was a friend of yours.”

We were walking away from the court clerk’s office, when Luther rattled me with his next question.

“Tell me, Les, how is our friend, Al doing these days?“

“He’s in Chicago by now, and if you know Al, you know he’s doing good no matter where he goes.”

“What about Johnny and Lucky?”

“I have no idea – but my guess is, they followed Al, with all the heat that was coming down on the streets back there.”

“I saw you pay in full for the Sisemore spread. Was that part of your grubstake?”

“No, I paid with my own money. Be it stained or not, I earned it the best way and only way I knew how. I still have my grubstake. I take it Al had a stake in your future?

“Yes, and I invested in farm land and other properties. I have returned my investments five fold in doing so. If you’re interested, I can cut you a better-than-fair deal, on that five hundred acres which joins Tom’s land. The low land on it is the most fertile in the valley, though that part may be subject to flooding in late spring.”

“I’d like to take a look at it, but I’m not sure I need to buy up a lot of land this soon after arriving here. People will wonder where my money is coming from.”

“I’ll come out one day and show you the property. After you see how the previous owner has laid out the land with irrigation canals, with the water coming from the Yuma Siphon, you’ll want to do the same with your new land also ... If, when you see the land, you decide you want it, I’ll sell it to you per acre, for what you paid for the Sisemore spread and we’ll draw up a rent contract. That way it will be yours and you’ll pay for it as rent each year and no one will know but you and me.”

“Tell me about this Yuma Siphon you mentioned.”

“Back about ten or eleven years ago they built dams upriver on The Colorado, so they could control the flood waters in the lower valley. Then they built an irrigation system called the Yuma Siphon which supplies river water to all the farm land out there on the Yuma side. I’m not sure exactly how it all works, but from what I’ve been told, the water comes through a large tile underneath the Colorado River, to this side, simply by gravity, providing water for irrigation on the Yuma side. The same water which could be used on your land, Tom’s land and the Santiago land, when you need it.

“That makes it even more interesting, but what about the deed, if we did work a deal?”

“I’ll deed the land over to you and you can have it filed at any time you feel it’s safe to do so.”

“Why are you selling me that land as cheap as the land in the auction, if it’s already set up to irrigate?”

“I’m in the business to turn land into money. I bought it from the owner cheap because I had cash. I’ll still make a profit off you, and I’ll have my money back to invest in even more land at a better price. Besides that, the land is just sitting there idle and will soon grow up in weeds and grass if it’s not farmed ... I have no intention of becoming a farmer, though there are many up and down the Colorado and Gila River Valleys who have become very, very rich selling produce on the wholesale markets back east and up north.”

“I’d like for you to take me with you to have a look at those farming operations real soon, to get an idea how to make my land produce crops as well as the best farmers are doing.

“If I may, I’ll bring my wife and two young sons out to stay a few days while we go have a look at the more prosperous farms and ranches in the two valleys.”

“You’ve married since you came here?”

“Yes and we have two handsome young sons. I married a Mexican woman a few years younger than me and I have never been so happy in my life as I am now. You should set your hooks in Lucia Diega Santiago, Les. That young woman and Juan Carlos could be millionaires many times over, with the right management and a man like you running the operation with an iron fist.”

“A man like me? I don’t know the first thing about farming or raising crops for market.”

“Maybe not, but you have a strong back and a strong will, Les. You are just hardheaded enough to make it work for you as well as it does for others, once you know how. Let me come show you how the better farmers in the valley are irrigating their lands. You’ll become a millionaire also, because you now own some of the richest lands in all the valley. Also, you are within arm’s reach of the most beautiful young Mexican woman in Arizona, who will make you the best partner and wife. She also has the will to succeed and between the two of you, you’ll own the produce markets in Yuma County and the river valleys.”

“You remind me of our friend. He was always thinking of better ways to make more money and then putting the people in place who could make it happen.”

“He taught me well, Les. Then he kicked my ass out of New York with a threat to kill me if I came back. As you can see, I took him at his word.”

“I had my ass kicked out too, with that same threat. I’m glad we’ve met, Luther. I’ll need a good man at my back who knows what it means to have a friend he can trust at his back.”

“I’ll never fear another man again in my lifetime knowing you’re at my back, Les Savage. I’ve heard more than one account of the fight at the Yuma Corrals yesterday, just as every man, woman and child in this county has by now.”

“Come see me soon, Luther, and bring your family to stay a few days or even a week. I want to see what it would look like to have two sons of my own, following me around.”

“ ... And a beautiful young Mexican wife at your side, tending your every need?”

“That most of all.”

“Sold, to the man with number twenty-five,” I heard the auctioneer yell and I looked around to see who had taken my sign. I’d forgotten where I left it. The last time I saw it...

As I looked around, there stood Tom Wancho, smiling at me as he held my sign out to me.

“Les, you just bought fifty head of sheep. You need to go pay the man one thousand dollars. You’ll need some sheep on that pasture land to keep the weeds and vines out, that the cattle won’t touch.”

“I thought sheep and cattle didn’t mix well on the range? I heard that sheep eat the grass so short that it wouldn’t grow back.”

“Whoever told you that has never raised sheep or cattle ... One compliments the other on range land. If you don’t tell the cattle or the sheep any different, they’ll never know they’re not supposed to get along with each other...

“Out here, it’s called pasture management. When you’ve grazed a pasture with your cattle, put them on another fenced pasture and turn the sheep loose on that one. They’ll take out all the nettle, weeds and vines that would otherwise take over your pasture and choke out your forage grass over time.” Tom was laughing when I went to pay the man out of my pocket. I had no idea what was so funny to him until I paid for the sheep.

On the bill of sale was Juan Carlos Santiago’s name.

I walked back to where Tom stood waiting. He was looking right at me, and he was still laughing.

“Tom, you just bought Juan Carlos’ and Lucia’s sheep.”

“No Les... You did, and here they come. I see Juan Carlos laughing and Lucia has a fire in her eyes.” He started laughing again as he backed away from me a few steps. I knew I’d get him back one day for this, no matter how long it takes.

“Tell me quick, Tom. How much are the six horses of Juan Carlos’ worth?”

“I’d give a thousand for the six, if I had the money to spare and needed some some big fine, fancy-stepping saddle horses like his.”

“Les Savage, why did you do that? The price of those sheep was way too high and you just did that because it was our sheep, didn’t you? All we need is for you is be our friend and business partner, we don’t need charity.” Lucia stood facing me with her hands on her hips, glaring at me with her hair scattered all over her head and shoulders.

“I did it because a good friend told me I needed at least fifty prime sheep to breed a flock and to keep the nettle, weeds and vines from ruining my pastures. I didn’t even know they were your sheep until I paid for them, Lucia. Now stop behaving like Catherine Sprague and give me another hug.” I didn’t wait for her, I grabbed her with both my arms and lifted her off the ground as I held her to me.

I felt her body relax, then her arms went around my shoulders as she pressed her face against my neck, and cried.

“Stop crying, Lucia, and stop trying to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own money. You’re a beautiful young woman and you need to just relax and start smiling more. Here, keep this money for Juan Carlos. It’s the money for his six horses I’m buying,” I told her and pulled ten bills out of my pocket.

Lucia jerked her head back, wiping her eyes as she looked at me with a smoldering glare. I just knew I was about to get schooled in a few choice Mexican curse words. Then she smiled and took the money, stuffing it down inside the back pocket of her denim trousers which already fit her backside like skin.

Tom was standing beside me now that the storm had blown over, and I turned to him, “Tom, I’d like for you to join Lucia, Juan Carlos and me for dinner at the hotel before we head out to the valley and have a look at this ranch that I now own ... We have a business proposal we’d like for you to consider, if you’re even interested.” I took Lucia’s hand as I spoke and started toward the hotel leaving Tom and Juan Carlos standing there.

When we reached the hotel, Tom had caught up to us and Juan Carlos was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is Juan Carlos?” I asked.

“He said he was going to have Renaldo start the sheep back toward their new home and that he would be right back. He said to tell you to wait until he returned to talk about business.

“Then he mumbled something about, the big man taking over in Yuma County.”

I looked at Lucia and she wasn’t laughing, but she did have a big smile for me.

We had placed our orders for dinner and I was ready to talk some more about Lucia’s plans to raise vegetables for market. “Tom, Lucia’s been working on a deal for some time now, while trying to find out all she can about it before she jumped in. She told me about it when it looked like I may get my hands on that ranch out there that joins your spread and their land. She says we can raise a wide variety of vegetables, with melons, table-corn, and fruit in the valley and ship our produce to the canneries and they’ll buy all we can harvest. I’ve offered to put up my share of the expenses for a share of the profits. When we talked it over, I asked Lucia and Juan Carlos if they thought you may want a chance to get in on it.”

“What’s the deal? Is there good money to be made? What’s the cost of getting in?”

I turned to Lucia, “Lucia, you tell him what you’ve got planned and what you already have in the works.”

“Tom, a few years ago I had our soils tested by sending them to the university in Tucson to see what, if anything, we could grow to make more than we could raising hay, sheep and cattle. When the results came back, I learned that we have some of the richest soil in the state, and our soil is even ranked near the top in the whole United States in fertility. There was a Professor Forbes, who sent me a letter telling me that if we have as many acres of this soil type as I reported on my information sheets, we could furnish half the entire country in vegetables they would need annually, by growing crops in this climate year round, with irrigation.

“I wrote him back and told him about the Yuma Siphon Project, which brings water underneath the Colorado River, across to the Yuma side in order for our lands to be irrigated. That’s when I explained that most of our property lies in an area higher than the available irrigation water and would be hard to irrigate without pumps. But I knew we could still raise multiple crops per year on our lower lands, and still make a good return.

“When I wrote him back, he told me that I’d need to know what crops to plant, where, and when to plant them and I’d need a market that was guaranteed. He asked me in his letter if I would be willing to come to Tucson and learn all about it. He said he could help me get a State Grant and even a Grant through the US Department of Agriculture, if we could prove we had the funds to operate. I have been sitting on this for a year now because we didn’t have the funds for seed, labor, or the machinery we’d need. When I told Les about it, he wanted in and told us he’d buy the seed for all our lands for his part.

“Les and I want to form a business corporation with each of us owning equal shares. He suggested we give you a chance to go in with us at twenty percent, with he and I going in at forty percent each. We’d sure like to have you with us on this. I know as well as anyone in this state how hard times are right now, but like Professor Forbes told me the day I left Tucson – Lucia, people will always have to eat.”

Tom was quiet the whole time Lucia and I talked, looking from one of us to the other as we explained what she went to school for and what she had plans for. Then, after Lucia stopped talking, he still didn’t speak for a long time.

Finally, he leaned forward in his chair, looking around at me, Lucia and Juan Carlos before he spoke in his slow, easy way of talking, “I’ve read about this being done over in California – across the river, in the valley. I’ve always wondered if it would work here. We raise potatoes and melons here now, I don’t see why your plan won’t work in an even bigger way than you’ve laid out, Lucia...

“I’ve been stingy with my money all my life. Never had a lot, but it don’t take a lot for me to get by. I raise my own food and make my own repairs ... I reckon I could see a way clear to buy some of the equipment we’d need. Then I’d be willing to put my name on a note to buy the rest, if you two did. I know farm machinery prices have taken a hard hit like everything else in this depression. If we take our time on buying some of the bigger pieces of equipment, I’m sure we could get our hands on some used tractors and planters and have them brought in here cheap ... I reckon you can count me in. I’ll put up my twenty percent on the equipment – against Les’ forty percent he puts in on the seed – for twenty percent of the profits, if and when we make any.”

I reached across the table to shake with him, “Thanks, Partner. With the three of us putting time, money and labor into this, we’ll be able to show that we have funds to operate on. We can then get those grants Lucia told us about and we’ll have her know-how to show us how to make it work.”

Lucia jumped up from her chair and ran around to where we were. I stood and Tom did too as she hugged each of us around our necks. Juan Carlos was grinning when he came around the table. I haven’t even seen the place I just bought, and here I am, making plans to work my butt off, and try to make it pay me back for what I paid for it.

Tom had rode into Yuma yesterday on his wagon pulled by team of horses, to attend the auction, and stock up on groceries and supplies. Lucia and I went with him over to the mercantile and she helped me put in an order for some canned goods, flour, corn meal, lard, salt, sugar and spices and whatever else she could think of that I may need when I get out to the ranch. Juan Carlos went to the stockyards to saddle the six horses I’d bought, and bring them back.

While he was gone, Tom drove the wagon over to the hotel so I could load my new clothes, my guns and my suitcase, with my grubstake inside. When we returned, the man and his wife at the store had all our goods boxed up. Tom put his on his monthly bill, and I paid for mine.

When we left Yuma, I knew I looked like a greenhorn sitting on a saddle horse for the first time. They had their laughs as I tried to mount up, but after I had my legs astraddle that horse, I felt like I was in control ... then those cross-bred Paso Fino horses started patting the ground like they were running. They have the fastest feet I had ever seen on a horse but they were even smoother to ride than the trains I rode for five and a half days coming from New York.

Lucia was riding one of spirited black horses beside me. Juan Carlos was on the wagon seat beside Tom as they followed along behind us – the other four horses were tied behind the wagon.

Same as Yuma
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When I first met my wife Tammy, she was on staff at a college in Florida. As we begin dating, I started hanging around her place of work. I quickly noticed that there were three men on staff who were definitely "dirty old men." They were known for ogling coeds, making inappropriate comments to female staff members, and giving prolonged hugs. Sexual-harassment regulations were nothing like what they are today, so these dirty old men, being powerful in the college, did this with impunity. They...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is my third story at ISS, if you haven’t already read the first two, go ahead and check them out as well. I am 18 years old, and really lust this girl, 18 as well, from my apartment. She is dark, short and has quite big boobs and hips. Both of us lust each other and finally enjoyed fully for three straight days. On Diwali, after we burnt some crackers, my parents decided to go for tea, with all the other adults. It was 12 am, and I thought for it to be the perfect time for...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 18

Transferring the exposed film to a stainless steel canister had to be done in complete darkness, but she showed him what she’d be doing with a strip of film that had already been processed. She fed it into a reel that got progressively smaller until the whole strip was curled up in a circle that didn’t allow any part of the film to touch any other part. Then she turned the light off and told him what she was doing in the dark. The room was cramped, with his wheelchair in it, and he could...

3 years ago
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Saree Wali Moti Gaand Wali Aunty

Hi, guys. I’M a tall and handsome guy from Chandigarh. It’s my first story on indian sex stories dot net . First, I will tell about myself. My height is 5.11 and muscular gym built body. And dick size is 7. And now I will tell about that aunty whom I fucked at her roof. Unki agr lagbhag 35 ki hai boobs really bhut awesom hai unki height 5.4 hai figure size hai 38-36-38. Hmare ghr ke pass ho rehte hai. Ab jada bore na krte hue story pr aata hu. Baat abhi 2 week pehle ki hai. Main gym se waps...

4 years ago
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Unho Ne Mujhe Goo Khilaya

Mera Naam kya hai yeh mai nahi bata sakti aur main aur mai ahmedabad ke ekk Medical College mai parhti hun, Meri Umer 18 hai,mujeh IIS meri ekk class fellow rashmi ne bataya aur yahan mai ne buhat sari stories read aur scoocha mai ap ko apni Real Story sunaoo jo buhat khatarnakk aur gandi hai aur mera koi bhai behan nahi hainaur koi apne ghar ..Pehli bar mere cozn ne mujhe fuck kya tha us ka naam Vineet hai aur woh 23 Year ka hai us ne mujhe aaj se 7 mihene pehle aur woh mera pehli bar tha aur...

3 years ago
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Getting wild at a friends house Day 2

They woke up. I was till tied up to the coffe table with a banana inside my ass. I slept some hours, always having nightmares. The first one to wake up was Dani. He came near me , laugh , spited, and said " Good Morning Bitch" James did next , came near me and spited on me too, they all did it. Then after waking up, they untied me and took off the banana out of my ass. "Lick It" they said, i did so. "Now go make breakfast bitch, i want cereals"- i got up and went to make cereals....

4 years ago
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Crossed Lines

Everything was perfect and exactly as the book had detailed, the chalked lines the definition of precision on the designated aspen wood floor, stones and gems of varying origin expertly carved with runes long extinct from the world placed around the central circle, candles dotting each of many points, the wax of the candles infused with his own blood, the fire burning with a slightly greenish tinge, a sign things were as they should be. Now all he had to do to take his rightful place in...

2 years ago
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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 12

I was in shock I just had sex with who I thought was one man I’ve had a crush on since he saved me from bullies. He had tried to pull out of me before he blew his load inside of me. I could have let him pull out but I locked my arms and legs around him and forced him to unload inside of me. But after that I found out it was a completely different person. It was someone I’ve had a crush on a lot longer than the one I thought I had been with. I had actually been with my first crush. It was my...

4 years ago
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Todds first female dog

Todd was 20 years old when the subject of bestiality first entered his life. He was an average guy. 5’ 10” tall. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. He was athletically built by hereditary luck. Todd was already married and had a young child. His wife, Denise, was pretty average, too. She was 5’ 3” tall and was a brunette with green eyes. She was blessed with size D breast, thick thighs, and a nice ass. Todd and Denise had a good marriage and a more than kinky sex life. They had sex at least once a day...

1 year ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 244 Attacking Sword

On a cold, cold snowy day, two emotions were frozen. Sorrow--and hatred. Now that fifteen years have passed, those two emotions, still frozen, lie beneath one smiling face-- (Kenshin and Enishi cross swords.) Enishi (sinking into a low stance): Let's do this, Battousai! Sanosuke: Low stance-- Megumi: He's going into the Kofuku? Watoujutsu Senran Tousei! (Kenshin dodges and parries a storm of blows.) Kaoru: Kenshin! (Enishi drives Kenshin back towards the treeline.) Enishi: Die,...

3 years ago
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My lovers first present

My lover invited me to his place for lunch one day. He said he'd have a present waiting for me. When I walked in, there were soft moans coming from his bedroom. I thought he was lying on his bed watching a porn, getting ready for me. I undressed in the living room and entered his room only to see a beautiful blonde kneeling on the bed between his legs, sucking his cock. He looked up to see me and smiled. I smiled back as I walked up behind the blonde and slid her panties down. I knelt at...

4 years ago
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Back when young our first fuck

Back when young, our first fuck.When I first met Stacey. She was 22 and I was 25. I had just moved out and was staying in a small 2 bedroom 1 bathroom appartment. It was a Friday night, my friends invited me out to go clubbing. All excited I hopped into the shower, being single and staying alone I spent a little extra time in the shower. Horny, and having my mind run wild about finding a hot bitch and having her naked on my bed to fuck hard and rough. These thoughts got my cock hard. Soaping up...

3 years ago
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Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons Adam looked down as he pushed his cock in and out of Alex's lovely smooth ass, her black stocking encased legs were rested on Adam's shoulders as he fucked her. Her stockinged legs were attached to a garter belt that framed her 4 inch clitty cock, over her chest was a padded black bra. Alex's face was made up sexly, Her skin was smoothed with foundation and power, Her eyes were lined with liquid liner and brown shadow tapered out to her thin eyebrows and her...

3 years ago
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Summer In the Ozarks Chapter Three

Rain. It fell hard. It was unrelenting. It was ruining everybody’s plans. Cal stared out through the living room window, gently brushing the thick curtains off to one side. They had planned to revisit the lake that day. He had hoped to rent a boat and take Silvia for a private tour. There were small beaches to see, people on jet skis to watch, and the sun to keep them warm and dry, not to mention providing a nice suntan before the onset of autumn. However, nature had decided to play a cruel...

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white cock WANTED by Caramel Bite

My nineteenth birthday had just passed. I was no longer shy since my body had really filled out. My body was always petite but now I had curves and my breasts were 34c. My black hair hung level with my nipples. I received plenty of compliments on my smile and almond shaped brown eyes. These compliments came from young black boys around my neighborhood. There was nothing wrong with compliments I just wanted them from men, older men that knew how to fuck my cunt. I...

4 years ago
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Mera beta rashu

Hi mai geeta jaiswal nepal se mai widow ho meri age 40 years hai pichle char salo se land ke lia taras rahi hoo mera beta rashu jo bahar padhta hai jiski age 18 sal hai mai kafi sexy hoo lambi gori khoob surat hoo Ek bar mera beta rashu mere ghar garmi ki wacations me rahne aya hua tha. He has a sexy and great personality hawing sexy look. Jab bhi me use dekti thi pata nai q meri bur me sarsarahat hoti thi. Me bahut hi kamuk, 40 years age ki aurat hu aur me har samay sambhog ke liye bechain...

2 years ago
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A Sisters Suprise

I had just returned from college to my mother, step father and younger sisters house in small town Idaho. I had moved away five years earlier with my Father when Mom and Dad divorced. I attended college in California and money was tight for all of us so it just didn't work out for me to travel back to see them in Idaho. Now that I had graduated and before starting my new job, I was going to take the summer off and relax and spend some time with them. My last holiday fling before moving away and...

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Aunty teaches the route to heaven 1

I wish to thank each and every one for your lovely response and well wishes. I am so glad that I almost fainted when I got a mail from a female as far as deep north for I stay in Chennai. My love to you all and hope everyone enjoys the life with a nice company. This is about my trip to my Grandmas place and how I enjoyed there. This just happened accidentally. Please give you comments to breeze blew over my face as I landed on my grandma’s place. It is a small town in South Tamil Nadu. As I...

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I nodded, and he removed his hand. I took a deep breath and tried to move my head to see. “No, don’t,” he commanded. “I have a surprise for you.” I stilled myself again. “Do you trust me?” He asked. “Not in the lest.” I said with a grin. I heard a snicker from by my legs. “Who’s with you?” I asked with apprehension. I had been sleeping naked and now the blanket was slowly falling off my nude body. “You’ll see, later.” He said. I cold tell by his voice that he was grinning, and from...

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A Sunny Day

A Sunny Day I have been hanging around all day, just daydreaming and not getting anything done. I have tons of work to do, but I just can’t seem to get started. It all started this morning when he was still home. It was one of those times when he gets up behind me against the kitchen counter, pressing himself against my back, nibbling the back of my neck and reaching around to feel my breasts, squeezing and fondling them. But somehow, today has been different. Maybe it’s the sunlight...

Wife Lovers
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Morning LightChapter 12

Jennifer waited until about 4 P.M. before she picked up the telephone and dialed. She was very nervous. "Hello." "Hello, is this Shelly Belison?" "Yes." "Shelly, this is Jennifer from the party the other night." "Oh yes, hi Mrs. Henson." "It's Jennifer." "Oh really! How is your son... I mean your boyfriend?" "That's what I want to talk to you about." "Sure." "I'll be home from work at about 6 p.m., can you come over to my house?" "No problem. Is your son......

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Plucking Fruit

Cathy grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Her family were poor and the place they called home was little more than a shack. Her father and all the men in their neck of the woods worked on the surrounding farms. The meagre wages they received managed to put food on the table, but there was very little left over for luxuries. When everyone around you find themselves in similar circumstances, however, then accepting your lot doesn’t seem all that bad.Cathy’s mom was the disciplinarian in...

Straight Sex
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Orgasm denial

I made a mistake and disobeyed my Mistress. My punishment was to write this fantasy – she even gave me instructions on what she wanted to be in there. My next punishment was to live it through. And now, she asked me to publish it here so you all know that I was bad boy and how I was punished.I walk into the room with proud steps. There you are, straddling a chair with one leg over the top. Your hair is falling down your back and your lips are painted bright red. Your body is clothed in black...

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Wonder Womans Sexual MisadventuresChapter 7 Wrong Island

Based on the story line idea (expanded by me) of John T at www.eroticillusions.com. Used with artist permission. To see his art, go to the above website and click on art/erotic stories. John T will be down in the right hand column. Princess Diana had finally been restored to health by the healing device on Paradise Island. However, her restoration had depleted the Amazons supply of Amazonium. Queen Hippolyta had promised that, if all the Amazonium was used to heal her, Princess Diana would...

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Its A Wonderful Wife Chapter 4

Taking a long shower and then drying her hair, Bridget had just picked up her make-up brush when someone knocked on her door. Wrapped only in a towel, she looked through the peephole to see who was on the other side of the door. It was Janelle, and she dressed to kill in an outfit that exposed a lot of flesh. On her way to the door, Bridget nearly stumbled on the platform heels she bought only a few hours earlier. Quickly she put those on. “Hi sweetie, you ready yet?” Janelle asked with a...

3 years ago
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Stranded during a Blizzard

I left a business seminar early with my co-worker Tom because the weather looked like it was taking a turn for the worst. It was only a 3 hour drive back to Hartford so we thought we’d have plenty of time to head off the incoming storm. Driving south through New Hampshire is picturesque any time of the year but during a fierce snow storm it has an almost eerie beauty to it. We talked shop in an effort to take our minds off the ferocity of the storm, but we had been driving for an hour and...

1 year ago
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Three Can Keep a Secret if Two areBusy

“Ok, it’s safe to get up” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and then Rachel announced herself “Me, too?” she said a bit loudly. Tasha yelled and the car lurched as she jerked the wheel. “I..I brought Rachel” I said, and then added “Just in case” “Just in case I needed a heart attack!” Tasha spat at me and then exhaled as she swallowed her heart back into place. “I didn’t want to go!” Rachel said in her snooty voice that pissed off everyone who heard it. “Ron...

1 year ago
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Hump Day OrgyChapter 3

We all collapsed for a little while, drained in every possible sense of the term, or so it felt. We slept well past our normal supper time, too. I, in particular, had pushed myself longer and harder than most. When I awoke, it was to Maria riding the fuck out of me while Chase plowed my ass. I also found that Christine sat on my face. In the background, I could hear Mom and Dad going at it like jackrabbits or newlyweds or something, too. “Wait, where am I?” I asked now, as Christine climbed...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 67

Finally I did a few more finishing touches, and went to pick up Linda. At 4 Peggy and Mandy arrived with Mike, then a few minutes later Holly and Jack. We settled down, and I handed each of them a character sheet, telling them they were free to exchange them as they wished. But knowing their likes by now they were all happy with them, and I started the introduction.And I was only a few minutes in when Holly exclaimed “Pete, what the fuck is this?”I grinned, and said “Well, as I already said....

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 2

The woman being discussed in front of Renee’s child care center was, in fact, really nice looking - by almost anyone’s standards. Erica Bradford stood at five feet, three inches, which was fairly short. That shortness was exaggerated by her breasts, which were, if not monumental, at least startlingly impressive. Seeming to float like two hot-air balloons above a waist kept narrow by a daily regimen of one hundred sit-ups, as well as a number of other callisthenic exercises, her breasts...

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Jiju8217s Special Treatment For His Hot SisterInLaw

It happened all of a sudden and never expected to have in this way. It was night 9:30 and I was in the gym when all of sudden I got a call from my wife to come back immediately as her sister was not well. I rushed to my house and got to know that my sister-in-law called her and told her she was alone and was not well. I just pinged her and told her we were coming. Both of us left our place and rushed to meet her. Her chest was paining. I checked her medicine and found her tablet was missing. I...

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Annette and Gail

I had just come back from Nam when I met Annette. I was 21 and she was 19. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She stood about 5'4" tall and had a beautiful face. Her body was that of a goddess. Her long blonde hair reached down to her waist and her breasts were not to be believed. I met her at one of the dance clubs that were popular then we quickly became an item. However even in that time of free love she was not free with her sexual favors. We had been dating six months and...

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How Big Are My Balls

Some may be asking ,"How big are your balls for real?" Well im very good at math and after many hours of calculations here is the stats on my big huge balls... Following Measurments for one testical only..unless stated. Height : 3" inches Width : 2" inches Depth : 2 1/2" inches Volume of one testical : 7.8569 cubic inches volume of both testicals ; 15.7138 cubic inches Volume in mililiters of one testical : 128.75316 ML Mililiters to fluid onces of one testical ; 4.3536623 oz fl Total volume of...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 412 Inking A Bike Deal

“We don’t have a business anymore,” the woman sitting next to me said on the verge of tears. I put my hand on her arm and said, “You just might, if you will hear me out.” Now they are all ears. I found that their shipment had enough parts to build two thousand bikes sat in the warehouse they were renting. Another was due today or tomorrow. Some digging got me the details for the people they paid to rent the warehouse. I connected to my implant to feed that data to the AI to give me the...

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