Shelter Ch. 13 free porn video

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Ginger had a regular group of friends who went caroling every Christmas Eve, and they were all glad to be two voices stronger and happier this year. Since Sammi hadn’t met any of them before today, they couldn’t tell that her hair was a little more tousled or that her makeup a bit less put-together than she would have preferred. Only Ginger knew what her regular look was, and the gleam in her eyes made it clear that she knew exactly how it had gotten that way.

On the way to the next block of houses, she took Archie’s hand and strolled along slowly, letting the others get far enough ahead that she could whisper into his ear. ‘Ginger knows what we’ve been doing this afternoon.’

‘Yeah, I figured that out when she winked at me. Well good. It’s kind of exciting to have a gorgeous girlfriend to show off!’

‘I just wonder why she hasn’t told everyone here yet.’

He pulled her into an embrace. ‘I would say it’s a Christmas miracle, but I have mine right here.’ She nuzzled close into him. ‘Sammi, anyone ever tell you you’re beautiful when you blush?’

She blushed even more. ‘Been a while since I had reason to blush.’

‘Well, I have my New Year’s resolution now!’ She slapped his shoulder, then took his hand again. They hurried to catch up with the group, earning another knowing leer from Ginger. ‘Okay, two resolutions: make you blush more often, and find a way to embarrass Ginger.’

Sammi laughed loud enough to draw happy looks from the other carolers. ‘Good luck with that one!’


‘Sammi, I have to admit, you’re right. This cider is amazing!’

‘I know, incredible, isn’t it? Aunt Ginger, thank you for making this. I think it tastes better than I remember, and that’s hard to imagine.’

Ginger brought refills to them both on the couch, then sat opposite them in the easy chair and smiled. ‘What can I tell you? It’s just a matter of bringing the right ingredients together under the right conditions. Kinda like you two.’ They giggled. ‘And it sounds like I did a better job on y’all than I did on the cider, since there are now two of us who can call you Sammi…’

Sammi and Archie shared a smile. ‘Well, just to keep you from saying ‘I told you so’, thank you for introducing me to my new girlfriend.’

‘You’re quite welcome, Archie.’ She craned her neck to look into the bedroom. ‘And thank you for taking the time to make the bed before I got here…’

Sammi shot her a dirty look. ‘Aunt Ginger! Honestly, nothing like that happened. What kind of girl do you think I am?’

‘I’m sorry, Sammi. I am.’

Archie’s eyes sparkled. ‘But if you’ll hurry up and get the hell out of here…’

Sammi shot him an even dirtier look, if that was possible. ‘Archimedes!’

He fired the dirtiest look of all at his boss. ‘You told her?’

‘Somehow you expected me to keep that secret?’ Everyone laughed. ‘But kids, all teasing aside, it is time for me to be getting home. Walking the carol route gets a little bit harder for me every year, and whether y’all are going to be using that bed soon or not, I’m going to be in mine as quick as I can.’

They all said their goodbyes and Merry Christmases, promising to see each other again tomorrow for turkey at Ginger’s. When they were alone, Sammi got a mischievous look in her eyes. She sashayed towards him, exaggerating the sway of her hips. Standing inches in front of him, she slid her hands around to the front of his jeans. ‘Mmmmm… Do you have something for me, boyfriend?’

His eyes rolled back as he moaned, ‘Do I ever!’

Her look changed instantly, she started bounding around the apartment like a seven-year-old. ‘Goody! Present time!’

Archie laughed. ‘You play dirty, Sammi. I think I like it!’

She came back up to him and kissed him just below his left ear, then pulled back to give him her most seductive look. ‘Mr. Grantham, I’m gonna make you love it.’ He threw his head back to moan again, leaving his neck exposed. The impulse to kiss him there was irresistible. She gave in to that desire, which caused his moan to turn into a growl. ‘But first things first.’ Archie looked disappointed when she pulled away. ‘Presents! Me first! Me first!’

‘How you can go from temptress to giddy that fast, I’ll never know.’ He laughed. ‘But yes, you first. Close your eyes…’

She sat down on the couch with a grin and theatrically put both hands over her eyes. She heard him set something fairly heavy down, it crackled lightly. Then she felt him sit down beside her. ‘Before you open your eyes, I want to explain what’s here. Sammi, I know how I feel about you, and how I feel about us. And this… this is just my way of saying to you that… that what’s mine is yours. Okay, you can look now. Merry Christmas!’

In front of her was a big wicker basket, overflowing with plastic bottles. She looked with curiosity at Archie, then dove in. There was her brand of shampoo, conditioner. Body lotions and perfumes of a dozen scents, some of which she’d been dying to try. Nail polishes, polish remover, cotton balls. It was like he’d raided her bathroom counter.

‘Archie! Oh my gosh! This is so thoughtful! How… how did you know what I use?’

‘Um… Man’s intuition?’ He laughed. ‘No, Santa had a helper this year, who made some suggestions and some educated guesses.’

She laughed with him. ‘That was awfully sweet of the helper. And of Santa, too.’ She leaned in to kiss him. ‘Wait, what’s this?’

On the basket handle, there was a big red bow, with something shiny hanging down from it. Looking closer, she saw a key. One curious look got Archie flustered.

‘I’m … I mean … I’m not asking you to move in with me. But what’s mine is yours, and that includes this place. Uh … I guess what I’m trying to say is…’ He paused for a second, obviously trying to get his thoughts in order. ‘Sammi, you already have the key to my heart. Seemed silly for you not to have the key to my home too.’

She hoped that the look she gave him expressed emotions that lay deep within her, because she was still scared to give voice to them. If she looked at him for even one more second, she’d say it, but it was too soon. Her last romance had taught her to be triply careful before using the words that rebounded inside her mind, the ones that could express her true feelings. So instead she hugged him tightly around his waist resting her head on his chest. ‘Archie, this is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. Thank you… so much. I …’

His hand reached down to tilt her face up to him. He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled. ‘I … yeah, me too, Sammi. That thing you can’t say? Me too.’ With a relief she didn’t realize she needed, she leaned her lips up to kiss him, and gave herself over to the current of emotions. To him.

What seemed like minutes later, her eyes flew open. ‘Wait! I have a gift for you too!’

They laughed. ‘Oh yeah! You’re such a good kisser, that I’d almost forgot… Yay, my turn to open yours!’

Okay. Deep breath. Now or never.

‘Archie, I need to explain yours too. What I really want to give you this year is tidings of comfort and joy.’ He looked confused. ‘For unto me is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, and he shall be called Emmanuel?’

They laughed together. ‘Well, yes, but… A minute ago, you said that what’s yours is mine. For mpe, that includes the wonderful stuff… and the somewhat less than wonderful stuff.’ She closed her eyes, took two deep breaths. ‘Archie. Ginger told me … about Valerie.’

A dark look crossed his face before he hung his head. ‘Figures she couldn’t keep her goddamn mouth shut.’

She hurried to lean down and catch his eyes. ‘No, Archie… sweetheart… it’s okay. Really. It’s okay.’ She took his hands in hers. ‘Everyone has a past. Everyone has a history. Okay, so yours is a little more dramatic than most, but that’s all it is: the past. What I care about is
being a big part of your future.’

He looked up, fighting back tears. ‘You mean it?’

‘With everything I have, and with everything I am. What’s yours is mine, and that includes your burdens. You don’t have to carry them alone anymore. I’m right here, and … if you let me, I always will be right here.’ He gave her a weak smile. ‘Now that I can let myself in, I may be right here more than you want me to be!’

He laughed lightly, and she hugged him to her chest. A few moments later, she pushed him to arm’s length, looked in his eyes, and reached behind her. ‘So, here’s my Christmas gift to you.’

Her arm came forward, and dangling from her index finger was her keyring. The look of surprise and confusion was unmistakable on his face. ‘The 4X4 was my dad’s. I’ve taken care of it since he passed, it was such a part of him that keeping it running was one way I kept his memory alive. He took great care of it, like you could tell. In fact, when I took it by my mechanic this morning, he said it was running better today than when it came off the lot.

‘For years, it belonged to the most important man in my life. And now… I still want it to belong to the most important man in my life.’

‘Sammi, I … I can’t accept this. It’s too much.’

‘Nonsense. You deserve this and a million times more.’

‘But… It’s just …’

‘I know — Ginger told me that it’s been a while since you last drove. But you can get through this. We can get through this. I promise, I’ll be right beside you. Always.’ Her eyes twinkled. ‘Besides, eventually, I’ll need a ride home.’

‘What if I don’t want you to go back home? What if I just keep you here?’

‘Then I’ll be helpless against you, you savage rogue.’

”Savage rogue’? Just how many Harlequin novels have you read?’ He gave her that impish smile that melted her heart.

‘Enough to know what savage rogues like you do when a helpless damsel like me falls into your clutches… and enough to be looking forward to it!’ They laughed and kissed, and kissed and laughed.

Soon, the laughter faded and the kisses became more intense. Her hands roamed over his body, her movements matching his. Excitement surged through her when she felt his hands pulling her shirt free from her jeans, equal parts arousal at where the night was taking them, and joy because the confident Archie she’d hoped for was the one tugging at her clothes. But she had one more surprise in store for him. She slid out of his arms, disappointing them both.

‘Keep that thought, sweetheart. I’ll be right back.’


While Sammi was freshening up, whatever it was women actually did when they said they were ‘freshening up’, Archie was left alone with his thoughts. For the first time in … forever, those thoughts didn’t revolve around The Accident. They revolved around the woman in his bathroom, a woman who he’d already decided he’d propose to someday. A woman whose heart and mind (and yes, body) he craved.

It was crazy. Absurdly, wonderfully crazy. Just over a month ago, they’d never even heard of each other. And now, he was planning to propose to her? Amazing… He remembered a line from a favorite movie: ‘Good things take time. Great things happen all at once.’ And there was no denying it: meeting Dr. Samantha O’Donnell was unequivocally a great thing in his life.

As he let his mind drift to thoughts like ‘Would she stay with ‘O’Donnell’?’ and ‘Yeah, ‘Dr. Samantha Grantham’ sounds just terrible!’, he heard a rustling coming from the doorway to his bedroom. He turned, and all his higher brain functions stopped instantly.


Reading the emotions flying across Archie’s face didn’t require that guy on The Mentalist. There was dreamy happiness, then shock. Then happiness came back, tinged with lust. Finally, lust took over completely.

It was the exact series of feelings she’d hoped he’d have.

She’d chosen the knee-length black chemise with gold detailing woven throughout for effect. Judging from Archie’s face, that effect was powerful. Satin and lace, it hugged her curves invitingly, curves she now saw through his eyes to be delicious and desirable. It wasn’t designed to be worn for long, but the look in his eyes made it worth every penny.

She spun slowly through 360 degrees. ‘Like what you see?’ All he could do was nod, slack-jawed and wide-eyed. Then she turned her back and coyly looked over her shoulder to him. ‘Mr. Grantham, you, sir, are overdressed.’ With that, she sashayed into his bedroom.

Instantly, she heard his footsteps, closing in on her fast. For a moment, she felt weightless when he scooped her into his arms and carried her to bed. ‘Dr. O’Donnell, you should absolutely do something about that…’

Chapter 14

If he’d had the time to think, he would have been terrified. ‘Performance anxiety’ wouldn’t have even begun to describe it. He would have seized up, like an actor who’s forgotten his lines on stage in front of a crowded audience of theatregoers. Later, the flagellation would have begun. He would have kicked himself for being a failure when it mattered the most, then for good measure he would have kicked himself for kicking himself. Years of therapy might have helped him move past the humiliation, but past events suggested that fortune would not be ever in his favor.

Luckily (for him and for Sammi), he didn’t have the chance to think. In the moment of truth, he acted without conscious thought, responding quickly and decisively. At one point in his life, that would have been his nature, but the Accident (and all that led up to it) sapped his confidence.

And now? Now, while all of his attention was being lavished on this astonishing woman in his arms, somewhere in his brain, the Accident lost its power to destroy him. He wrenched control of his happiness, of his entire life away from those memories, and in the process, the Accident even lost its capitalization.


If she’d had time to think, the house of cards would have collapsed. The mask of confidence she’d been wearing would have revealed itself to be paper-thin. The Jackass would have forced his way back to the forefront of her mind. Her last relationship, the guy 2 years and 2 million tears ago, who’d told her how sexy she was. Who’d told her she was the only woman in the world. Who she’d given her heart to when he told her he loved her. Who’d taken her back to his sleazy apartment and used her for his satisfaction alone. Who’d cum inside her, gotten out of bed, and said ‘Wow, for a stuck-up cunt, you were pretty good. Maybe I’ll let you do me again some time…’, thrown $20 of cab fare at her, and never spoken to her again.

But when Archie quite literally swept her off her feet and pressed his lips to hers, her confidence blossomed almost instantly. The mask indeed did fall away, only now it revealed a strong, self-possessed woman with every reason to be sure of herself and her choices. A woman with a revitalized belief in her self-worth. And all of that centered on the woman she now could see herself to be, looking through the eyes of this remarkable man.

If you’d asked her at that instant, she wouldn’t even have tried to remember The Jackass’ name. C’mon, why think about stuff like that, when your true love is kissing you and giving you a night you’d dreamed about?


He carried her to the bed, gently laid her on her back and crawled on top of her. It had the effect of bringing their faces only inches apart. ‘Sammi, I’ve had this dream a million times. The one where the dorky guy gets the enchantingly perfect woman. But she wasn’t anywhere near as beautiful as you are. Or as smart, or as funny, or as caring. I guess she wasn’t as perfect as I made her out to be after all, because … because she wasn’t you. Is this real? Are you really real?’

Sammi chuckled. ‘It’s funny. I’ve had the same dream my whole life too. Only in mine, it’s the guy who’s enchantingly perfect, and the do
rky one is me. And, here I am, looking into the eyes of a man far more incredible than the one I dreamed up. So, either we’re in each other’s dreams, which as in sync as we are, isn’t completely out of the realm of possibility… Or we’ve both found the one we were dreaming about. And either way…’ She arched an eyebrow at him saucily.

‘Yes, as I recall, you had pointed out that I was over-dressed, and I was suggesting you do something about that…’ The smirk might have been glued onto his face.

‘Anything to please my boyfriend,’ Sammi breathed out. She reached to Archie’s waist and pulled his shirt over his head. Running her hands over his chest, she sighed contentedly. ‘Oh my. Archie, why did you think you needed to get wine when you’ve got a six-pack right here?’

He laughed. ‘Hardly, darling, but I’ll admit it took some work to get back to the point where I was comfortable walking around without a shirt on.’

‘I don’t think I want you walking around without a shirt on in public. I don’t want the competition from other women! Besides, it’s not safe, you’d cause traffic accidents!’

‘Samantha O’Donnell, you know perfectly well that the only one of us who’s turning heads is you. I mean, look at this beautiful hair…’ He gently brushed the hair away from the side of her face, kissing her neck until she moaned. ‘And this perfect bone structure…’ His kisses followed her jawline. ‘And these full, kissable lips…’ His lips met hers, but only for a moment, leaving her aching for more. ‘This glowing complexion along your neck and shoulders…’ He traced her right collarbone with tender kisses and gentle flicks of his tongue. Sammi was so lost in the moment, in the passion and joy she felt that she didn’t notice the strap of her chemise sliding down to her upper arm.

‘And, I hope you’ll forgive me for living down to the male stereotype, but these are head-turners under any circumstances…’ It wasn’t until his lips closed around her right nipple that she realized he was undressing her and where this trail of kisses was headed. The feeling was so intense that she grabbed his head with both hands and pulled him closer.

She’d never felt this rush of sensations before. She knew now what other women meant when they talked about having a physical and emotional connection with someone. Her heart overflowed, and judging from the reaction she felt between her thighs, she knew where some of that overflow was going.

Her left nipple ached for his lips, she gently pulled his head across her chest. He didn’t need any encouragement. The deep valley between her breasts tingled when he paused there, breathing deeply to inhale her scent. ‘This,’ she felt as much as thought, ‘is what it’s supposed to feel like.’

Archie lifted her butt ever-so-slightly off the bed, just enough to allow the chemise to slip over her hips. And with the realization that she was now completely undressed, a wave of fear crashed over her. She was naked beneath Archie, perhaps more emotionally than physically. Memories of feelings pushed their way to the fore, reminding her of past shame.

But then, there was Archie. Gentle, compassionate Archie, with the goofy first name and the tender eyes. The man who would fight tooth and nail to make sure she didn’t get hurt. The man who, in just over a month, had somehow turned her into a believer. ‘Fine,’ she finally admitted to herself, ‘The man I’m in love with, who’s just as deeply in love with me.’


‘Don’t think. Just feel.’

If he had a dime for every time someone told him he was over-thinking a situation… Well, he sure wouldn’t still be working. But as ‘The Accident’ became ‘the accident’ (and indeed was well on its way to becoming nothing more than ‘this thing that happened a few years ago’), Archie began to live in the moment. To appreciate tastes, like the sweetness of Sammi’s lips. Textures, like the smoothness of her skin. Sounds, like the tender moans she gifted him with. And aromas, like the unmistakable scent of arousal that drove him onward… and downward.

He wanted to kiss her … there. No, he craved the chance to kiss her there. She was undoubtedly ready for him, and he was more than ready for her. Only … The thought that he hadn’t bought condoms in about a decade brought him up short.

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It was the end of the school year, and there was talks of a big party being planned for the end of the school year at some guys house. There was going to be lots of people there and drinking alcohol of course. I really wanted to go once I heard of it. I thought maybe this was my chance to finally lose my virginity. The party I found out was in July. school ended, the end of June. When school was done, I was happy to be on summer vacation. My parents said they were going on vacation for 2...

1 year ago
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Tied up

I don't remember much about that Saturday night, just that I was at a bar and went to the toilet. I don't remember leaving, only being in some ones arm and having my pants removed. Something uncomfortable and a flash of very bright light brought me into semi consciousness. I tried to reach back behind me and remove what was causing me pain, some one mumbled ' you don't...' and my hand was brought back in front of me. I came too again as I was coughing to see a huge black penis squirting...

3 years ago
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My Hot Mother Malini And Me 5 Taking Mom Out

After my sister, Vishnu got married, I realized that my mother is also a very beautiful woman. We had now started spending a lot of time together. We were going out to enjoy and my mom was dressing up. I was mesmerized to see mom’s deep navel, soft abdomen and the outline of firm thighs under the petticoat. By seeing Maa in that posture my dick is at 90 degrees angle to the ground. In trance, I went to bed and sat there. “Paddu! shall we move?” By seeing Maa I was dumbstruck. That is the beauty...

1 year ago
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Training Gail PArt One Her Begninnng

Introduction: A continuation of Training Sarah PArt ten Sometime during the night, Sarah figured out exactly how she would start dominating Gail. When Sarah woke up the next morning, she was still aroused from her dream about dominating Gail, and let her fingers slide down her stomach and into her waiting pussy. She closed her eyes and gently rubbed her now throbbing clit, before slipping her index finger into her soaked cunt. She could feel herself building towards an orgasm rather fast, and...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 21

[Preservation – Janice] We went out the back with my horse and picked up Bennie's. We stayed in the woods trying to shield our movements from the hill post. Bennie said, "Leave your radio on simplex and try to call Amy. Act like you're concerned but still in the rest area. Let's see what you may hear. I'll monitor Jim on the triple nickel." I nodded. "Amy, this is Janice. Do you read? Are you okay? Over." There was no answer. We wanted to get there immediately but that was our...

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HeadacheChapter 12 Rest of the Week and The Lab

Virginia and I spent the rest of the week until just before noon Friday at the Lab making the necessary changes. Several proposals had been dusted off and resubmitted. I could see where a couple had real good merit but had been skipped over because of the person making the proposal expected to be placed in charge of it. Virginia, Randy, Bill and I had a discussion about this on Friday morning. We agreed that certain individuals would become team leaders while the proposal writer would be the...

4 years ago
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Sudden Urges4

My sudden urges had persuaded me into calling my neighbor, Dennis and to offer my services. Sexually. I had never actually done it before with another man. I'd read about it on porn sites. I'd written a couple erotic short stories about my thoughts and desires. Hell, I'd even played with myself and stuffed a dildo in my ass. But, to actually put it out there. Something had come over me. After that things went crazy for a couple days. It was all a blur. Or maybe I was trying to forget my...

1 year ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 16

Trapped and Trained Ch. 16I slowly opened my eyes, feeling how heavy my eyelids were and how cloudy my vision seemed. I was drowsy, as if I was fighting a bad hangover and still a bit drunk from the night before. I didn't know where I was - it certainly wasn't the room I had fallen asleep in, my last memory being drinking some fluid that was supposed to offset the chemical imbalance in my system that was causing a need for me to ingest cum. I shuttered as the vivid details from the night before...

3 years ago
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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 16

Another fellow teacher, Tony, lived a few doors down from me. He rarely ate with us but would pop into the cafeteria here and there for coffee or fried dumplings. Tony was another ninja, like the Tasmanian, who’d been in China over a decade, and was also a teacher you wouldn’t see much of anywhere, aside from his classes. I saw him more than others because I lived near him, and we’d struck up a few conversations in the hallway, became fast friends. He was around two decades older than me,...

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Mature Lesley Fucks Sons Bully Bareback

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]Mark was 18 years old. He was quite a good-looking guy, and always did well with the girls. He was confident with women, and generally got what he wanted.Mark had left school a year ago and began working at a local office as a trainee. He was not too keen on the job but did enjoy giving one of the other trainees a hard time. Luke was a small weedy boy who was low on confidence, was not particularly good looking and was generally the...

2 years ago
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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 8

Christopher was excited about the forthcoming weekend. It should be fun. He had indeed warmed to Jenny. Now that she had shed her shyness and therefore her 'jolly hockey sticks' she had shown herself to be a considerate, friendly, intelligent and amusing girl. Certainly friendly in the light of her remark about wanting him to share her bed last Friday and inviting herself to spend two nights with him this coming weekend. He was mildly concerned by it in fact. Was she an easy lay? More...

3 years ago
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Wonders of the US HighwaysChapter 4 Pudding

One of the issues we needed to work out as we traveled was what Angie would be doing while I was writing. I encouraged her to be independent in her explorations but, in the evening, she was often left with nothing to do. “Can I read what you’re writing?” she asked one evening. “I suppose so,” I said. “I have to warn you, though, that my second ex-wife read the first novel I wrote and laughed all the way through the first page. The operative word there is ‘ex’.” “You write...

3 years ago
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22YearOld Guy Becomes Gigolo 8211 Part 1 The First Time

I came to Mumbai for the first time from my hometown of Nashik in December 2019. It was for a sales job I got with the help of my college friend. I had just completed my graduation in July that year, and I desperately sought a job. Back in Nashik, I had my mummy and a 15-year-old sister dependent upon me for their sustenance. Unfortunately, my father passed away in 2017. Since then, my family and I have faced many economic issues. When I joined the job, I realized that it wasn’t my cup of tea....

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e8 Bridget Hooper 18 from Norwich

We’re in a concrete carpark on an industrial estate. We pan around looking at the various buildings, noting that most are marked as engineering works, mechanics shops, window manufacturers, etc., before we get to the last building in the row – the biggest of the bunch – which has signage that tells us it is “Norwich City Trampoline Center”. We pan a little further and come to rest on the less-than-attractive, but very popular, ‘figure’ of our host. All the way from West Ham in London, it’s...

2 years ago
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Runner Girl Ch 06

John stared mindlessly at the bottle of beer as he rotated it around in his hand, until William slid into the booth across from him. ‘Well?’ his friend asked. John raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t know what William meant. ‘Amy? Hiking? Photos? How’d it go?’ John shook his head, trying to form an answer. ‘I don’t know,’ he said in frustration. ‘It started out great. I mean really great. We had a fantastic time and Amy was warm, flirty, and a lot of fun. We hiked and I took photos and then...

2 years ago
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Desire on the Dance Floor

House music is overpowering me with its throbbing beat, the flashing lights and lasers disorientate me forcing me to squint against their glare. The place seems really full tonight; the dance floor is packed with clubbers and revelers. My head is spinning; I curse myself for drinking way too much Vodka knowing I've gone way over my limit. That coupled with the ecstasy pills we necked earlier in the night... Well I'm feeling pretty smashed to put it mildly. I've lost my friends in the...

1 year ago
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The Punishment

In the near future, prisons are overcrowded with convicts, the courts are full and the lawyers overworked. There is literally no money for minor charges and especially in the civil court people have to wait for years until their case can be processed. Because of this, the legal system gets changed drastically. The goal is to keep as many people as possible out of prison, make the trails short and much more efficient. They call it the "essential punishment." Only one judge without lawyers at all...

3 years ago
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Superheros Mad World

Get out of the way! Damn, why don’t people just get out of my way! I frigging hate these people who just stand there when I’m trying to get somewhere and I’m in a hurry. Fuck them! In case you’re wondering who this is, the name is Jamella Hendricks. I’m a six-foot-tall, good-looking, big-booty and very voluptuous young black woman living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. By day, I attend UMass-Boston on an academic scholarship. I major in business management. By night, I’m a member of the...

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WebYoung Penelope Kay Anna Claire Clouds She Needs IT Bad

Anna Claire Clouds, an office intern, receives a phone call from her boss telling her she needs to do a major presentation. Anna accepts, though is nervous. Anna calls their IT services to get help making a slideshow. A short time later, the IT agent, Penelope Kay, enters the room. Anna is momentarily taken aback by Penelope, since she’s not used to seeing young women as IT agents. Anna gazes at Penelope with a hint of attraction. Anna asks for help with the slideshow, which Penelope...

4 years ago
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MILF B and B Spanked with a Friend

You can read the earlier stories but it’s not that important. Jill is the B and B Milf I’ve had the great fortune to have been making love to for around six months. She’s six years older than me, I’m 44.When I’m up for the week I have to work, so I have little time for imaginative sex. Come Friday night and I’ve finished my work, it’s time to play. Sunday I go home but not before Jill has ridden me to exhaustion. Fridays night/Saturday she wants to play and this weekend I’m taking charge. This...

2 years ago
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Asian Couple

  Asian Couple Punishment. I have had to alter names and the location in order to preserve the anonymity of the couple involved. The couple actually contacted me through an advert that I run on Vivastreet, after a phone call we met up at my house. We agreed to play out a scenario whereby the wife had overspent on the couples’ credit card and the husband Falak had brought her to me to see if a session of being punished would change her opinion. Aarti was very subdued when she arrived, I...

1 year ago
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Gay Mormon BDSM Training Part 1

“My little baby boy is all grown up!” said James’ mom, snapping pictures of her son on her phone. She rustled her son’s perfectly cropped blonde hair. “Aww, mom. Stop it.” blushed James, trying to set his hair right again. “You’re a man now son,” said James’ dad, “and you’ll be starting your mission soon. It was the greatest two years of my life, and I’m sure yours will be just as special.” The Bradley’s lived in Utah, so James had been able to do his missionary training near his...

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Satan Eve taste of Adams Apple the FORBIDDEN FRUIT

Please take it in good humor ... here Adam, Eve & Satan are just symbolical for the aborgin people! How 'bout a fantastic fanfacy ? Eve was mighty depressed and was very very hungry. Their Manufacturer (She didn't know that He was God. Nobody told her so yet) has taken Adam out to show him the boundaries of Eden and asked him to look after the fence. They were out for last three days. Eve had nobody to talk to and no fruits to have in the near vicinity. She has already collected whatever edible...

First Time
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Thiruvizhavil Auntyai Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar raajesh vayathu 24, naan kayathur ennum gramaathil vaazhunthu varugren. Ingu varudathirku iru murai thiruvizha nadakum, appozhuthu niraiya kannigalum matrum auntygalum varuvaargal. Enathu nanbargaludan seerntu ennaithaiym rasithu thiruvizhavai kondaaduvom. Enathu udan viranthavargal yarum illai naan veeetuku oru pillai mattum than. Athanal ennai chellamaga valapaargal, naan enathu mobile phoneil thinamum kaama padangal paarthu suya inbam kaanben kuliyar araikul sendru....

2 years ago
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First time cottaging ppart 1


3 years ago
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Gone With The WindChapter 4

As I softly cried on my bed, I heard the door open and close again because I could hear everything so much better now. I knew that it was Mack coming in but just didn't feel like apologizing to him. I heard him say, "I'm home." Mom came out to greet him, "Mack, how are you? You're early." "Yeah, I know. Mom, who is that little squirrel girl that is apparently staying here? She seems to know me, but I've never seen her before." I heard Mack say. "Oh no," Mom exclaimed. "We...

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nita was fast and plain. Very fast and very plain. Her speed made people notice her, but only when she broke records as a varsity member of the University track team. And just as quickly people forgot her, for she had a typical runner's build, thin and flat-chested. That, plus her mousy brown hair and her large semitic nose, made the twenty year old girl invisible to any passersby on the street - only seen when in competition.Master Peter saw through all that. With a studied eye, based on long...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 36

Jenny and I arrived two hours early to do the final check-outs and walk-through. We checked and double check everything. Kate assured me that the video we needed was ready to go and she was going to be there to run the equipment herself. The front of the field house is where everything was set up. There was a very large screen that Kate was going to run the video and pictures on. When they were not running a telephoto camera would project what we were doing on that screen. The plants and...

2 years ago
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Hot Spanish Nights Part 1

None of my stories are intended to offend in any way but are very descriptive and hardcore and cover many areas of fantasy. Please do feel free to leave comments, both positive and negative which are all welcome or email me on [email protected] with your comments or thoughts. I hope you enjoy. Hot Spanish Nights – Part 1 The flight to Malaga had been uneventful albeit noisy. It appeared to be full of either young men on stag party weekends or a few young couples...

1 year ago
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What a friend Or was it love

Lara was a lot younger than me, getting over her las relationship not that it lasted long. She had been living on her own for a year and not even bothered to look for someone else, and at 18 years of age that was strange. I was just new in town, and after 24 years in the army. Battle scared and now just doing a postman so job. I seemed to be some one different and someone Lara had noticed and it look like she had plenty of interest in me even though I was in my forties. Well that was it. 24...

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Cassies Close Shave

The crew were settled comfortably in the next room. The producer of the film was very interested in this new Black Girl. called Cassie. Single Mums were a good recruiting ground for porno films. In fact they were the best, and he was paying her well. He knew she had a child to support. It was better for her than going on the streets.. But his wife Sheila was not too happy that he was using her current lover, as her partner. But tough shit - she would have to put up with it. She had agreed with...

Erotic Fiction
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Planting Young Rice

Part 1 – Tran had worked his rice fields for nearly his whole life, at 42 he was comfortable in his life. For some people, farming was back breaking work, sloshing around in the mud planting rice, then harvesting and all that went with it. Tran saw it as a great pleasure, he paced his movements, never rushed and always finished his daily tasks and had time to rest and sit under a tree and appreciate the natural beauty of where he lived and the simple routines of his life as a farmer. Maybe...

1 year ago
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Little Discipline for Cordell

Cordell likes to watch porno movies while he gets his dick and nuts licked. He never gives head, but he always gets head. I got a little tired of Cordell and decided that he was in need of a little discipline. It took me a couple of minutes to remove his dick from deep down in my throat because he held my head in place until he squirted out all of his cum. But after I swallowed it, I went through the house and picked up a few items necessary for disciplinary measures. Cordell was lying on his...

3 years ago
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Susan Learns What She Likes At Last

Susan Learns What She Likes, At Last   I couldn’t believe it…there he is, right in front of me after all these years! I wonder if he even knows me, remembers me? I’m here in 7-Eleven and he’s right there, three people ahead of me in line. What’s he doing out here in my little town, all this way from P…n? Should I catch his eye? Should I walk right over and say “Hi”? Will he remember me? You know, in the way that I want him to? He doesn’t look much older, even though it’s been 15, no 20 years....

4 years ago
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Solutions IncorporatedChapter 8

The door of Magus’ office opened and a middle aged man stepped out. He paused and looked at Claudia. He shook his head and started to take a step. He paused once again. Finally, he said, “That is a brilliant man.” “I agree,” Claudia said. This wasn’t the first client of Magus to call him brilliant. “A year ago a friend of mine in Washington D C told me to take my problem to Solutions Incorporated. I took my friend’s advice and went to visit Magus. I gave him ten dollars to solve a problem...

2 years ago
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My Bi MMF 3some

PART 1 – This episode in my sex-life relates to an experience when I was on holiday on the island of Ibiza . I was there with a good male friend of mine when, five days into the holiday, he had to return home unexpectedly due to a family crisis. Before we became aware of the problem, we had talked about hiring a car for a week and going to two or three nude beaches. So being alone now, I decided to carry on with the plan and therefore, the morning after he left, I set out for the day. After...

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stripper fun

I was having fun hanging out at the clubs around the area checking out the ladies, seeing a lot of the same faces I decided it was time for a change I went to this strip club in a nearby city, I got there just as the dancers hit the floor 9pm sharp I got me a seat up by the stage ordered a long island ice tea, the drink got to me as the first dancer took the stage I took a sip set my drink down and watched as this woman gyrated back and forth up and down against a pole, I watched as she turned...

2 years ago
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Watched by mature neighbour

I had the day off of work and so was enjoying a long lie in when the doorbell rings. I put on my dressing gown and open the door to find my neighbour Priya from the flat upstairs. She had locked herself out and was waiting for her husband to come home and let her in. Priya is indian, about 40, roughly 5ft4 with a pretty face, and a nice thick body, and has a certain shy sexiness about her. Anyway, she needed the toilet and so I invited her in for a cup of tea. To my surprise she was quite...

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