My GirlsChapter 28 free porn video

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Oh, shit! Amy looked at me, suddenly sober, as the same thing occurred to her.

"Dad!" She said softly.

"I know Amy! Damn it, I should have seen it! She told me goodbye twice, told me to take care of her family, told me she loved me no matter what. Damn it! She was saying goodbye, because she knew she wouldn't be there when we got back! She did everything but come out and tell me." I grabbed my radio.

"Patrick, what's wrong?" Victoria looked scared.

"I'm sorry, honey, Katie is gone." I saw her panicked look. "No, she's not dead. But she won't be there when we get home."

"She's ok," Megan said. "They won't hurt her. It's not her they want. And they don't realize she would have gone there anyway." We all looked at her, as she smiled gently at us. Then she turned around, tears running down her face. I spoke into the radio.

"Paul, it's Patrick. I need the fastest helicopter you can find that can carry at least the four of us here as fast as you can, with the Angels and Firebirds for escort." If anyone wanted to take on an F-15, an F-14 and two Apaches, let them. Not to mention that Angels One and Firebird One were reporting lasting effects to Cindi's takeover of their aircraft. Their capabilities remained greatly enhanced. We didn't even know how much so far. "File no flight plan, but we're going back to the house. Get the house surrounded immediately; no one or nothing goes in or out without my permission. Get someone in there to verify that Becky is all right. See if Katie is there; she probably isn't. Protect Becky at all costs. Find Katie. Keep the police out of it, but if they get involved, tell them Katie is sick and needs medication. She is not to be harmed. Anyone that harms her will deal directly with me and they will not survive intact. Contact immigration and have them seal the borders looking for her. Tell them she is a child of a divorced couple, one of them not a US citizen, and has been kidnapped to be taken out of the country by one of them." I looked at Victoria, Amy and Megan. "Please forgive me for what you're about to hear," I looked at them, pleading. "Paul, track Katie with the DNA signature embedded in her cell phone. Don't bother to go to the office to get the signature. Use Becky's, they're identical." If looks could kill, I was dead from Victoria and Amy. They knew what implications I had just made. Megan smiled at me softly and nodded; she apparently already knew all of our cell phones were embedded with DNA tracking. "Pick up the agent that was following her. Find out where she went and why he didn't report any disappearance. Check airlines, buses and trains. She's a distinctive looking girl; someone has to have seen her. Paul, when you find her, if she is with someone, kill to get her back if you need to."

Victoria watched me with a look of confusion, shock and something, possibly admiration on her face. Victoria never complained about me; she took me and loved me as I was. However, I had long known, and we had talked about her one desire that I would be more forceful, strong, more of a take-charge person. I was at the hospital, but that was all. She was seeing a side of me that she had wished for but never seen.

"Secondary objectives: Get protection around Rebecca, Stephanie, Elizabeth, Emily, Danielle, Laura, Samantha and their families. I don't think they are in danger, but I'm not taking a chance. Also, find Rachel Thomas and get her over to the house. We have to take a chance with her. I think she may be in danger. Kidnap her if you have to, if she refuses to come." Victoria gave me an unbelieving look and started to say something, but I waved her to silence. She was starting to get mad. Amy hugged her and whispered to her, taking her mind off her anger and frustration. "Contact Joe Adams in IS. He has a way to turn a cell phone into a microphone. Have him send the maintenance signal to Katie's phone to do that and route it to Victoria's, Amy's Megan's, Becky's and my cell phones." Amy interrupted me, telling me she could do that. I looked at her inquiringly. Was there anything she couldn't do? "Never mind, Paul, Amy can do that. Hard to believe, isn't it? I guess she isn't just the useless hunk of teenage flesh I thought she was, huh?" Ow! That hurt!

"Contact Chief Haskin. Ask him how a young girl that all investigations showed was killed in a car accident is alive and well. Have him exhume the body if he has to." At this, Victoria did interrupt, a look of horror on her face.

"No, Patrick! Leave her be. I don't care about that; don't disturb my little girl's rest. Investigate all you want, but don't dig up her grave!"

"Ignore the exhumation request, Paul. But find out what is going on. Did she really die? I want answers, and I want them before I confront whoever has her. And Paul... be careful. Katie might have disappeared on her own. No, she's not under suspicion. But if she did disappear voluntarily, there's a compelling reason." I called Becky's cell phone. She answered on the first ring.

"Becky, honey, are you all right? How are things there? We're on our way back. May I speak to Katie, please?"

"Katie's not here. Did you guys have a good time? I missed all of you!" Things sounded ok.

"Did Katie say where she was going, or when she'd be back?" I didn't want to alarm her.

"No, she said she had some things to take care of. Is everything ok?" Becky didn't sound worried.

"Some men are going to be there soon, to check on you and watch the house. It's ok; I sent them. If you have any questions, call me before you do anything. Don't leave the house until I get back, sweetie." There was a pause.

"Daddy, come on home. Katie will be ok. She's not in danger. She would've gone with them voluntarily, but they didn't know that." Seems this wasn't a surprise to either Becky or Megan.

"Do you know where she went, Becky?"

"No. She'll contact us when we're to follow."

"I'm not waiting for that, Becky. I will find her." I was determined.

"That's ok, Daddy. Cindi has saved you now. There are no other things that have to happen now. You can take any actions you want. From now on, none of this has ever... come on home, Daddy." I contacted Paul again.

"Where is that helicopter?" Five seconds later, I heard and saw it coming over the hill. We piled in and headed for home. We did little talking on the way home. It's very noisy in a helicopter. Amy and Megan took turns sitting on my lap, cuddling. Victoria held my hand all the way home, her head on my shoulder, giving me strange looks periodically. Maybe she wouldn't kill me after all.

Once we got home, we unpacked everything and everyone gravitated to the living room. Samantha was at work and there was no sign of Rachel Thomas, although Paul told me she was there. We all sat around, listening to the update of what he had found out.

"It seems Katie has just disappeared into thin air," Paul informed us. "No one has seen her. Her tail was found walking on the street, convinced he was still following her. I had Becky check him out. His mind had been manipulated and he still saw her shopping. Becky says it was Katie that did the manipulating. Other than one report of seeing her with three men, walking with them, apparently not being forced, there is no sign of her. It seems she left voluntarily. We have no idea where she is." Megan looked surprised at that. She looked like she was going to say something, but Victoria interrupted.

"I think it's time I found out what's going on here. It seems everyone knows who you are except me. Let's talk. I think it's time we both told the truth." I knew that tone of voice from her. 'No' was not an option. She did smile warmly at me though. Captain Jensen, the big chicken, excused himself and left the room. Everyone else settled back to watch the show.

I didn't know where to begin. Where do you start to correct years of cover-up? I'm sure Victoria realized the problem, having the same one herself, and that's why she was being reasonably nice about it. I decided it was easiest just to go all at once. I opened my wallet and took out a '24' card and handed it to her. She looked at it carefully, and then looked up at me questioningly.

"Are you telling me you work for '24'?" She asked. There was something in her voice, the look on her face that I could not read. "How long have you been employed by them?" Amy laughed; Victoria looked over at her, confused.

"He doesn't work for '24', Mom; he is '24'. He started it, owns it, and runs it." I had known for a while that Amy was very proud of this part of my life. Perhaps this wasn't the best time to express that. I watched Victoria closely. Victoria blinked twice, and then seemed to come to a decision.

"I would love to hear the story of how that came about! But first, nature calls." She smiled at me sweetly. "I will be right back." She got up and left the room.

Amy had been leaning negligently against the wall, opposite the door. I had noticed over the last couple of months that this was second nature to her. She always faced the door, back to a wall. She seldom did anything that occupied both her hands. I noticed now that she straightened up slightly, hands free at her sides. She looked at me and shrugged slightly. I noticed her eyes had brightened considerably, and she seemed very alert. Something had tripped her alarm. Megan had left the room shortly before to take care of something. Becky slowly, unobtrusively moved to the other side of the room, away from me. I saw her and Amy looking at each other. I was pretty good at recognizing non-verbal communication between them now, and it was occurring big time. For some reason, they were not including me. Then I saw Victoria walk back into the room, stop, and level a gun at my chest. She looked at me with big, sad, moist eyes.

"I'm really sorry, Patrick, but I am going to kill you now," she said in a flat, monotone voice. She looked like she meant it, too. I think she was the only one in the room that was surprised when she heard the soft click of a gun safety being taken off. She turned her head slowly to her left, and looked into the barrel of a gun, pointed at her head, held steadily in Amy's more than competent hands.

"No Mom, you're not," Amy said softly. Victoria's eyes opened wide for a minute, then she smiled slightly.

"I was impressed with your marksmanship before, Amy. However, do you have the mental toughness to shoot me in the head? It's different when you watch them die. Can you shoot your mother?" Amy turned and looked at Becky.

"Show her." Becky looked confused. "Show her what I can do." Becky looked pale.

"How do you know about that? Your mind was wiped!"

"Come on, Becky! Do you really think I am that clueless? I know all about it. Show her the sparring and the target practice. Then show her the room with ten men. Come on, Becky; don't make me kill my own mother!" Amy was begging Becky, trying a find a way out.

I saw Becky's head tilt slightly. Victoria's eyes defocused slightly, but not enough to affect her concentration. Then, after a few moments, I saw her look at Amy, a look of horror on her face. Her reaction wasn't what Amy expected.

"Oh God, Amy, what have they done to you! I'm so sorry, sweetie, but please, put down your gun. Don't let them ruin your life like they have mine!"

"They've done the same thing to me they did to you, Mom, only they've gotten much better at it. And I should let you ruin my life as I watch you kill my father? Not likely, Mom. I will kill you, Mom. I will cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life, but I swear, if you put so much as a fraction of an ounce of pressure on that trigger, I will kill you. Believe me, Mom." I surely did. "Why are you doing this, Mom? He's the man you love."

"He's '24', Amy. They're evil. They must be destroyed. Don't you understand? You know nothing about them!" Victoria was getting upset.

"Who told you '24' was evil, Mom? What do you know about them? I've known who Dad was ever since shortly after the Fair incident." That caused me to raise my eyebrows. Certifiable genius. "I found out everything I could on them. Mom, they're not evil. They only accept cases that are for good. The list of people they have helped is huge. Who do you think saved you in San Francisco? Who do you think avenged that? Dad and I personally took out that cell. Except for the intervention of Becky, Cindi, and Katie, he would've died avenging what they did to you. Why do you think he knew where you were to react so fast? He has had us all followed for months, after Cindi's death, to protect us. You have a strange idea of evil, Mom. He's the best, the most loving man I have ever known. The best you have ever known. I've felt your love for him. Can you live with yourself if you kill him? Moot point, because I won't allow it. Put down the gun!"

"But '24' killed Julie!" Victoria wailed. "How can they be so good if they killed a six year old girl? One of the sweetest little girls I've ever known. She never hurt anyone. She was my life! They murdered her! How can he be good?" She was really upset now, tears running down her face. I spoke for the first time.

"Is that who you think killed Julie? Who told you that? I didn't start '24' until four years after Julie's death. It didn't even exist then!" I was trying to restore some semblance of sanity here. Victoria ignored me, concentrating on Amy. This was quickly becoming a nasty situation. I reached out to Becky.

'What's going on, Becky?'

'Amy has been programmed to defend you at all costs. She will shoot if Victoria tries to fire. I don't know about Victoria, but her actions seem to emanate from that black area in her brain. I believe Victoria will shoot you.' Unflappable Becky sounded terrified. Obviously, this was not one of those things they knew about that was supposed to happen.

'Who programmed Amy? Can you reverse it? I can take care of Victoria; she won't shoot me. But we have to do something about Amy.'

'Cindi programmed her. It would take me too long to reverse, if I could. Katie might have been able to do it. I'm scared, Daddy. This never... '

Damn. The two people that could help us weren't here. Well, they were mind readers, so let's give them something to read. Supposedly, distance made no difference.

'Cindi! Katie! Help us!' It wasn't until much later that I realized I should've been much more specific. I heard the two voices answer in my head.

'All you had to do is ask.' I expected something dramatic to happen. What happened was that Megan walked back into the room.

Much later, I realized that Victoria started what happened next. The actions that followed changed all our lives forever. Somehow, Katie and Cindi knew that, and knew this was the best thing to do. It was hard to accept that, however, as the events unfolded at lightning speed, one after another.

Megan walking into the room distracted Victoria. I think she thought Megan was threatening her. She had seen her handle a gun and assumed her training was the same or better than what she'd seen in her mind of Amy's training. As she turned to look at Megan, her finger, accidentally, I believe, applied pressure to the trigger of her gun. Amy saw it, fired, and started crying; the realization that Amy had fired caused Victoria to fire at the same time.

Megan was not standing still, doing nothing, however. I believe Cindi and Katie sent her in response to my request. I saw four bolts of purple energy erupt from her with amazing speed.

Sometimes, events are shaped by little actions from before that seem to have no importance at the time. The cleaning crew had been in, and had moved the furniture to vacuum. They hadn't put the chair near where Victoria was standing back exactly where it had been, exactly where Megan knew it had always been. The first bolt hit Victoria squarely, and, I believe, was intended to throw her against the wall, to get her out of the way. However, it threw her against the chair instead, stopping her from going as far as intended. The second bolt hit the bullet fired by Amy, knocking it out of the intended path. I think the energy required to fire four bolts at once was what kept Megan from disintegrating the bullet. I watched in horror as the bullet hit Victoria in the stomach, being deflected enough to avoid her head. The third bolt hit the bullet from Victoria, deflecting it into the wall inches from my head. The fourth bolt slammed Amy against the wall, encasing her in purple energy and holding her there.

I saw Victoria slide to the ground. I realized that Amy had not had time to change the bullets loaded in her gun from our action before in the woods. Paranoia from being out in the wilds so far from help had caused all of us to load Predator bullets in our guns. The effect on the wall from the bullet hitting it confirmed that was what everyone was still firing. Seldom did anyone survive a Predator. There was blood everywhere; Victoria was losing a lot, and fast. I raced over to help her, but Megan was already there, tears pouring down her cheeks as she realized what she'd done. It wasn't her fault, but that didn't make it easier on her. She looked at the wound, then raised her head and shouted loudly.

"Cindi! Save her, please!" Cindi answered immediately, this time not in our heads, but aloud.

"I can't save her, Megan. Only you can. I'll help you, but I can't do it. You know the rules. You knew this was coming someday. You must do it!" Cindi was calm, but forceful.

"I can't do this! It's too hard! I swore I would never do it again! Do you know what it will do to me if I start doing this again! Please, Cindi, save her. I can't!" Megan sobbed.

"It's too hard? Harder than watching your Daddy's face every day for the rest of his life every time he looks at you, knowing you let his wife die? Harder than letting Amy live the rest of her life with the knowledge that she killed her mother? How long do you think they will survive that, Megan? Being a Helper isn't about doing the easy things. It's about helping, when it's needed, regardless of the price. You have a decision to make, soon. She's dying, Megan; she won't last much longer. Not making a decision is making a decision." Cindi's voice dripped with emotion. "Please, Megan, save my Mommy!"

I saw movement in Amy's direction. I looked over in time to see Amy concentrate, then the purple force holding her shattered in a million little fuzzies. She ran over, knelt beside her Mom, and looked at Megan, eyes wild and tear-filled.

"Please, Megan, save my Mommy! I'll do anything you ask, just save her! Please don't let me have killed her!" She grabbed Megan's shoulders, begging her.

"I can't! I can't do it! You don't know what you are asking!" Megan was hysterical. Amy looked determined, and sad.

"Then I will," she said quietly. Amy laid her hands on the wound in Victoria's belly, and applied pressure. She concentrated, and a green glow surrounded her and Victoria. Becky screamed.

"NO! AMY, NO!" She looked at me, panic in her eyes and voice. "Stop her! She can't save her that way! She will only transfer her energy to Victoria and they'll both die! Megan, please!" In her excitement and distress, she ejected a stream of orange energy that struck Megan, jolting her from her hysteria. Megan looked at what was happening, realized what Amy was doing, and moved to intercept her. She gently removed Amy's hands from her Mom, kissed Amy gently, and gently pushed her away.

"I'll save her, Amy," she whispered softly. "But you'll have to save me, then, someday, because I know where this leads to. Help me, Cindi!" she cried, then laid her hands on Victoria and concentrated. The effects were amazing.

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Hot Jungle Desires

Dear All, First of all a lot of the artful thanks to all the readers and readers who have commented on my last story. I received a plenty full email from many of the girls and ladies with handful of appreciation and queries for my another experience. Though it took a bit long time to this post, because I only believe in sharing my real life experience with all of you. Just as a reminder to new users something about myself. I am KS. I am from a decent and good broadminded family. I am living...

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CovetingChapter 13

Tessa hadn't felt right since she and Danny arrived at the Armstrong's French styled Villa on Saturday night. Noah and Elaine Coulter greeted them with Elaine planting a sensual kiss on Danny's mouth and Noah doing the same with Tessa. "We have another couple with us this evening. Burt Adams and ... quite frankly, I don't know his escort's name, but she is a stunner, don't you think?" The stunner was a big breasted blonde whose chest screamed 'plastic.' Her skirt was so short...

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The Reluctant Doppelganger

THE RELUCTANT DOPPELGANGER by HARVE The weight of the chains clanking along the gravel between my shackled ankles kept me to a shuffling pace, which was still too slow for the butch-looking Amazonian guard, so she gave me another whack with her stick. Luckily for me, it was again on my padded derriere, so the pain wasn't as bad as when she'd whacked me across my bare legs earlier on. I was doing my best to keep up the speed of the rest of the prisoners, but they had become accustomed...

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sex with my maid

Hi, I’m Tony. 6 ft tall and well built. This is the story of my maid Sita. This happened many years ago when I was working as a manager on a large farm. We, the senior staff, had bungalows and were given one of the lady workers to do all the housework. About 2 years after I joined, a new maid Sita came to work for me. Sita was about 32, pretty, with a figure of 32B-24-34. She was a mother and had a drunkard husband. One day she didn’t come to work. I sent for her and she came with her husband....

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Shelter From the Cold

The icy chill of the cold, November evening that marked the first snowfall of the year could not even compare to the chill in John Burke's heart. As he walked the four blocks from the corner store to his apartment with a gallon of milk in his hand, he stared down at the ground, lest he catch the eye of one of the few people who ventured out on a night like this in the otherwise silent and deserted streets. He didn't want to talk to them. He didn't even want to acknowledge their existence....

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Deep South Growing UpChapter 7

I had asked Josh to not pester me about sucking my dick and I would consider going over to visit. Friday morning Josh woke me up stroking my hard dick, Josh said I told Joan you let me suck your dick made her hot as a firecracker. Called me all kind of nasty names while I was eating her pussy. Joan wants you to come over Saturday and help me fuck her. Josh was still stroking my dick; Josh leaned over and swallowed my dick then throat fucked himself until I shot a load in his throat. Friday...

4 years ago
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Hunter HuntedChapter 6 A Cleansing Experience

Mira woke easily when her alarm went off at six a.m. Even the late night and the amount of alcohol she drank last night couldn't dispel the good mood she woke up in. Hunter thought he'd beaten her. He'd thought she would trot her little ass over to his house and scrub his floors and clean out his refrigerator while his briefs were drying in the dryer. He had a lot of thinks coming if he thought she'd be the dutiful little maid service and fluff and fold. A giggle escaped her as she...

3 years ago
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Blowjobs Every Mouth is Different

A few months ago someone posted a story called ‘Some blow jobs I have known, a recollection’ listing some of the more memorable blowjobs he had received. I enjoyed it so much that I’m stealing the idea and publishing my own recollection of oral pleasures, here are four memorable women (in no particular order): 1) An older woman. She liked to suck me off in her car. She’d pull over on the side of some little-used dirt road and suck me to completion and swallow. We did it a few times in a...

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In the Hands of the EnemyChapter 5

Nurse Heidi formerly known as Sister Teresa sat on the low stool in the mist of the bathing tent. She had been given the privilege by Doctor Sato for her cooperative attitude in his experiments. Fortunately, the esteemed Doctor Sato also held the rank of a Colonel in the Japanese Army and he was well connected in government circles because his father headed up a major industrial conglomerate. Several of the other female captives who were deemed "re-educated" were washing with the scented...

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A Second Chance to Make It RightChapter 22

At the being of September, I read in the Wall Street Journal that Home Depot would be going public on September 23. I called our broker and gave him instructions for four different accounts; I placed buy orders for the Home Depot stock; on my personal account I put in an order for $10,000, my IRA account $15,000, Jack's IRA account $13,000 and Dad's IRA account for $5,000. Once again he warned me about putting so much money into a single stock. I told him not to worry, that I had done my...

1 year ago
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Home Schooled

My husband and I have a very active sex life.  I'm blessed to be able to say that.  Even in our late forties, all it takes is a look, a touch, a brush against each other in the hall and we are at it like rabbits.  Our oldest is off at college and she doesn't come home too often.  Our son is a freshman at the local community college and still lives at home with us.  He was always a bit of a late bloomer and didn't date in high school.  He's met a few girls at college, however, and he's involved...

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Brains and BrawnChapter 15

The spring semester, and the summer that followed, were more of the same. Katie led her team to the conference championship and a second-place finish at the World Series championship in Oklahoma that year. John completed another perfect 4.0 semester, and during the summer session completed his undergraduate degree in Physics with a minor in Astronomy. He was looking forward to beginning his master's degree program in the fall. Katie continued her education in tavern management with Tim. At...

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MELODY MEChapter 11

I woke up, but in two keystrokes I showed her the list: MEN IN BLACK (1997) PHOBOS: THE LANDING (2023) INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1978) 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEEY (1968) METROPOLIS (1927) BACK TO THE FUTURE (1985) THE CITY UNDER THE OCEAN (2022) TIDAL WAVE: IBERIAN COAST (2020) FORBIDDEN PLANET (1956) AVATAR 3 (2023) THE MARTIAN (2015) LANDING ON MARS (2021) OUTERSPACE: THE MUSICAL (2021) BACK IN TIME: 1820 (2022) TIDAL WAVE: THE WEST COAST (2022) AD ASTRA: (2019) We took my car, found...

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The FallenChapter 6

Jason found himself several hours' drive away from the place he'd bought, looking for a priest. Ever since he had decided on getting a priest to clear the 'stench' of the demon, he seemed to have been given a direction to follow. This was a new ability. He figured that this was an ability of his previous life as an angel. Angel... it was an idea he found hard to get his mind and thoughts wrapped around. Still... the dreams, the sword... everything pointed in that direction. Clearing his...

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Online Sex With A Hot Beauty From Banaras

Hello everyone. I am Shankar Dubey. I am from Uttar Pradesh and this is my first story here. I used to read lots of sex stories from Indian Sex Stories. So, I planned to pen down my experience which took place a few months ago. Hope you people would like it. I used to visit Varanasi very often along with my parents. I also love to watch Bollywood and Bhojpuri movies. But I cannot spend all my life in the bathroom releasing my body tension with the help of my hand. I too wanted to have some kind...

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Mike and Sam Part 4

Mike and Sam Part 4 Dr. Ruth's Party Dr. Ruth had taken Miyuki by the arm, and walked with her into the den. As soon as Miyuki saw who was there she stopped in her tracks. There was Masumi, and Dr. Ruth's husband, and Dr. Wolfe, and his wife. Also, there was a Japanese couple. But, what sent chills up Miyuki's spine was the other two people in the room. Those other two, were Mr. Warner, and the psychologist that she had spoken with in Washington. Her name was Dr. Price. Miyuki...

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Chapter Seven XHamster Profil for Love2Bused

Chapter Seven Xhamster Profile for Love2Bused After a quick thirty minute ride we pulled into a parking lot that looked like part of a biker bar. Right away my pussy started heating up just thinking about being used by a bunch of bad boy bikers. When Harold parked the bike he turned to me and asked me if I was sure I was ready for this? Looking Harold in the eyes I told him I have to be ready for this. My entire future is...

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Ryan Keely Bathing My Stepmom

Bigtit babe Ryan Keely has hurt her knee, and she needs a lot of help doing basic things. Her stepson, Nick Strokes, is doing his best to be a good boy. He helps wheel Ryan around the house in her wheelchair and then assists her getting into bed. Ryan tells Nick that he’ll have to do things like help her bathe. She requests that he give her a hand taking a bath. Although Nick is uncomfortable, he does as his busty stemommy asks. Helping Ryan into the bathtub is Nick’s first task....

4 years ago
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Phantasie des Ehemanns

Wie konnte mir das passieren? Ich konnte nicht glauben, worüber ich gerade mit unserer Gastgeberin sprach! Es war von einer harmlosen Unterhaltung über banale Dinge wie Wetter, was es im Theater gab, was wir morgen machen wollten zu einigen sehr persönlichen und intimen Angelegenheiten übergegangen. Karen steuerte das Gespräch sehr geschickt dahin, wo wir über sexuelle Aktivitäten redeten. Terri, meine Ehefrau und Karens Ehemann bespritzten sich derweil einander im Pool, während wir dasaßen und...

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Curious Clients 5 Ariel Abused

Ariel's anal abuse was a wonderful warm sexy successful satisfaction. She still badly needs to pee. However, she finds herself back under the control of Professor Peter. Shyly, she remains silent and wonders which price she will have to pay to get his permission? ... Or in her filthy fantasy, which price she secretly would want to pay so dearly?Ariel is a sweet shy student with sexual obsessions, which is why she consults a friend found in the net, Professor Peter at his Experimental Erotics...

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First Gay Experience

This is the story about how I realized my bisexuality and my first gay experience.I started to question my sexuality late in high school. I never did anything about it until my freshman year of college. I went to a very small school in New England, and I’m talking small: less than 1,000 students living on campus. So needless to say news traveled fast, as well did rumors. All of that plus the fact I spent my first semester living with two obvious homophobes made even the thought of trying...

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A Chance MeetingChapter 4 Our families merge

In the afternoon we lay there planning what she will be doing for me and when she could start to move in. I showed her the rooms she and Simon would occupy and one bedroom she planned would be turned into their own lounge. She was thrilled with the size of them and it would give more space for them than they had now. She couldn't wait to move in but I reminded her that we would have to explain things to both our children. We decided that it would be easier if she brought Simon here to see...

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My Sons Roommate

Something happened to me not long ago that altered my life. I am not a gayman. I have never liked gay men. I could never imagine how a man could besexually attracted to another man. It's unnatural. I always believed thatit surely must be against God's will.When my son, Mike, moved into his dorm room at college during his Freshmanyear, his mother and I visited him to make sure he was comfortable and thatall arrangements were satisfactory. We met his roommate, Tom. He seemedvery nice, and...

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The Windows Chill

Even without touching the window, Peter can feel the chill, the thinnest breath of winter, despite the iron radiator below, its hot breath on his naked thigh, a chill despite the sun that makes the green of new buds glow above a chocolate earth. Even without a touch, there is the chill. On the window's sill, caught on the ancient, chipping paint: dark silk, lace, like a cloud of oily smoke trapped for a moment, starting to dissipate, but only starting (the lace, thinks Peter, is like...

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DNA Chapter 4

Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and Paul?" "Julie is handling it quite well, but Paul, I don't know. He is very withdrawn. Perhaps you should talk to him." "Tonight, today I have to prepare and test this." She gestured at the screen. "Julie needs to get some more clothes, You live near the institute, don't you." "Yeah, you drop...

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Through the tube

Her pregnant body now ready to be primed for the next steps in her masters plan. 7 months since her master had introduced his sperm into her fertile womb . She had been continuously filled with hot enema solution for several weeks leading up until her sperm induction day. On her “Day” a minimum of four hot gallons is flowed into her anal cavity before dawn. As the final dripping of the last bag leaves her ass a large butt plug is inserted into her now very clean ass. Her public mound is shaved...

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Love Child With Saali

Ever since she turned 21, I was supposed to treat like an adult. She visited us frequently in Delhi. Now that our kids were going to school, we had more time to spend with Ramola. She had a new boyfriend in Chandigarh. Ramola had regular sex with him except when she came to our place. Ramola had become hot property since she returned from abroad. I wanted to sleep with her but didn’t get a chance. She hugged me openly in front of her sister (my wife). I loved her thick wavy hair with blue...

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Should I buy a strapon 3some MMF bimale

I hadn't been fucked, yet, but I had cum twice. Once when my husband James finger fucked me as his friend Don kissed me and caressed my tits and secondly when Don nestled his deliciously thick and wonderfully hard cock in the cleft of my bum as he rubbed my clit and James sucked my tits.James and I have been married for just over twelve years; we have no c***dren by choice. It is not a typical marriage, but then it is not an open one; perhaps slightly ajar might be the most apt description....

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What A Kiss Can Lead To

PART 1It was Jan's 40th birthday and her husband had invited my wife and me to go to a small Italian restaurant along with two of her other friends to celebrate her birthday before she had a party the following Saturday night.When we met I gave the birthday girl a kiss on both cheeks.The meal was great and service very good one of the waiters was very attentive to Jan she liked the attention she was getting.Strangely not much was drunk that night, I had to drive so I drank mineral water, Jan...

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My Husband8217s Fantasy Makes Me Excited

Hi friends I am Sindhu from Bangalore. I am a regular reader in iss because of my husband makes me a habit of it. Here describes about us I am 28 yrs old fair and good structure 36-30-36 and my hubby 30yrs old good looking handsome guy. We have been married since 2 yrs. We both are very happy in our marriage life especially on bed we both are very excited and we use to watch bf regularly. Mostly we use to watch group sex blue films while watching we tried to do same positions in reality...

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My carving for a man

This about me my name is Jason and I decided I wants to find a good man to love me. I have black colored lengthy hair and medium girl like breasts with a nice figure as I was tall. I works around a lot of men but did not found one loving me and I was stuck up. I had no man in five weeks and this cause me sexualaches allover my body as i was gay i loveed men often and i was too femine too which men like . I would go out and flirt with men in the bar even go home with a good-looking one who liked...

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First Time BBC Gay PT1

When I saw the message, I got instantly hard. I replied, "Hi".We chatted a little and we gave each other a more physical description of each other. He told me he was 48, 5' 11", dark black skin, 230#, and had an thick 8"uncut cock that he would love to use on me.I said, "when?"He replied, "Can you get away now?"I told him, "I'll see you in 20 minutes."While chatting on line, I told him how sensitive my ass is to physical attention, and how much I like being kissed.I got to his house, parked and...

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MarshalChapter 4

"That damned marshal in Sacramento must be killed. The longer he lives, the more we are laughed at. We cannot tolerate this continual loss of face!" "Very well, Master, but what should we do? We have sent in some of our best assassins and they have failed." "I am too busy to worry about this matter! It is your job as my assistant to solve the small problems while I work on the larger matters at hand. I order you to resolve this worrisome gnat with all possible dispatch!" "Yes,...

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Adventures of a Greenie Vol 1Chapter 15 Why is He Involved

Celyciia Paydhal and Sergeant Ruddick sat on a picnic blanket in the soft ankle deep grass of North Africa Park, the largest Terran style park of Reckno City. The capitol of Recksnostal Colony. Ruddick said after he devoured another sandwich. “This is how I dreamed police work would be, before I ever joined the force.” Celyciia smiled. “Having a picnic in the park and eating while on duty?” He shook his head. “Of course not, I eat all the time on duty or not. No I mean us listening in on...

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