Mistis Adventures Part 149
- 2 years ago
- 40
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February 17, 2018
Dear Ms. Diary,
Katie arrived a bit after 10. We gabbed for a while and shared lunch, after which she timidly asked, “I ... I don’t know how to k-kiss. Could you g-girls teach me?”
We all turned to face Lana, whose eyes went wide at the focus on her, but she swallowed hard and said, “I guess I’m elected.” When we nodded, she turned to Katie, and asked, “Do you have any experience?”
“Not really. I let Davin kiss me on a date in 10th grade.”
Lana moved her chair over next to Katie’s to sit next to each other but facing opposite directions, then said, “Let’s do a simple couple-second kiss. Katie, please don’t take any criticism personally, as I won’t mean it that way.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
After they parted, Lana said, “Soften your lips. You want your lips to be able to respond to little changes in your partner’s mouth, whatever those are. No two kisses are exactly the same, except, perhaps, for little pecks.” They shared a slightly longer kiss, after which, she said, “That was better, however even softer. This time, just hold your lips loose in the same ... posture. I’ll be changing how I hold my lips on yours. Feel those changes, but don’t change how you hold yours, however, take in what those different postures feel like to you. Are some more interesting than others? Do any feel weird or tickle or ... or whatever? I’ll take it slowly, changing posture only after a few seconds of each. This will take a while, so breathe calmly through your nose. Pull back whenever you feel a need.”
Lana waited for Katie to respond, then leaned in and began a nearly two-minute kiss. I found it somewhat fascinating as it looked like both were nearly immobile, but Katie was a bit in awe after they separated.
“I had no idea that kissing was ... so ... demonstrative. Some of those ... postures didn’t feel any different, but I could feel when you were ... pressing more firmly as compared to when ... our lips were only barely touching. Those felt ... tender, I think, while some of the others felt ... aggressive. Wow. Are those the sort of ... feelings you were trying to ... display?”
Lana nodded and responded, “Kissing cannot help but impart the individuals’ interests and feelings. While those feelings can be misinterpreted by the recipient who has little experience kissing with that person, lovers that know each other well can discern much of a partner’s mood and even interest – or not – of elevating the intimacy at that time between the two participants. This is why it’s usually best to have a period of kissing before heading down the road of sexual intimacy. That allows the two to get an idea – at least – of where continuing intimacy may lead, to determine the mood of the partners. Let me give you a quiz. I’ll kiss you in a certain fashion, and you tell me what I’m trying to tell you.”
After the first one, Katie said, “Tender, but I’m not sure what that means.”
“Good. You don’t know me that well, but that could mean I’m feeling more ... romantic than sexual, although it could also mean that I’m interested in sex, but I want us to take our own sweet time getting there, that if it takes us less than an hour, let’s say, to get to first orgasm, I might be disappointed. If you’re receiving a tender kiss, then your partner is certainly interested in you from a romantic POV. At least, I’d never give someone that’s just a friend a tender kiss.”
Lana kissed her again, and Katie responded, “That’s a friends kiss.”
“Correct. This one?”
Katie’s response was, “Umm, I don’t know. You sort of bit me. Playful?”
“Yes. It could mean that I’d like to bond with my lover by being goofy or, as you said, playful. It might mean that sex may not be part of the play, but it could also mean, ‘Hey, I’m feeling playful and let’s just see where things go.’ With a lot of experience with me, if you’ve been paying attention, you may be able to discern the difference between those two meanings.”
The next kiss was passion incarnate, even without tongues, and Katie sat back once Lana pulled away, breathed deeply, then said, “You want in my pants, now.”
“Or I want you to want in my pants, now. If we had only recently started down our relationship’s path to intimacy, that kiss could let you know that I’m very much interested in elevating the level of intimacy between us. Personally, I would be waiting for you to accept the invitation to get more intimate, an acceptance that you could give me by matching the passion in the kiss. If you were really interested in moving ahead, you could elevate the passion of the kiss further, perhaps by introducing your tongue into my mouth or by putting one of your hands on one of my erogenous zones. We all have obvious erogenous zones, but nearly everyone, seemingly, has unusual or unexpected ones. Additionally, different people have different levels of response even in expected erogenous zones. Some women respond more or less fully to caressing or fondling their breasts. Some can be driven nearly to orgasm just by kissing her neck. However, all that is down the road for our ostensible beginning stage of figuring out what each of us want from the relationship at any given point.”
Lana continued instruction for another five minutes, then asked Katie if she wanted to learn French.
“Umm ... not right now. I’ve got a 2-10 shift at the store. May I stay here tonight?”
“You never have to ask,” Meka said immediately. “We told you that you’re welcome here anytime. It would be good, however, to let us know when you’re coming, like today. Will you be visiting more often? If so, get with Liya or Gracey and let them get you set up with the phone app for accessing the house.”
“I’d like to, and I understand that I have an open invitation. I’ve always had ... some difficulty dealing with the long time of ... less interaction with friends between school soccer season and club soccer season. That is, since...”
Kim interrupted with, “Yes, since Meka and I turned away from each other and our gang. We understand. I guess I was unaware of ... your needs, although I probably wouldn’t have understood them then.”
Liya said, “Let’s set you up, Katie. Bring you and your phone to our hub.”
Somewhat oddly, once Katie departed, we decided to get weekend homework out of the way, particularly those of us with a big paper due in Geography on some aspect of the impact of the geographic distribution of key resources on settlement patterns in the New World prior to the 18th century. I had chosen Veracruz, Mexico, primarily because I figured most of our classmates would pick a place in the US and because I remembered that Cortés landed there and established the town. Char spent a bit of time looking over my shoulder while I wrote.
She commented, “I like your geography class a lot better than mine. At least, yours seems a lot more interesting. I think I still remember most of what Mr. Pavletic said about the Silk Road and its impact on ... well ... the same thing you’re writing about.”
“I really like his class, and this... [I indicated my laptop screen and paper thereon] is why: context with ... a lot of stuff, and not just names of places or capitals and battle dates.”
“Do you have him spring quarter?”
“I should. That reminds me, have your parents begun paving the way for you being at Central?”
“Yeah. I think confirmation is expected soon.”
“When I get a chance, I’ll go talk to ... I guess the Assistant Principal. I think she’s the one that oversees scheduling. Oh, but if you’re going to be here on Friday, we could go in then.”
“I already texted Mom. She’s thinking about it. It might be an easier sell if you’ll take me home on Saturday, as there are only four weekends until the start of spring quarter, and we’ll be moving me on the fourth one.”
“I think we can manage that. Would taking you back tomorrow help even more?”
She huffed, then replied, “I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t want to leave here at all. I ... I love it here with all my friends and ... l-lovers. But I’d definitely give up the rest of this weekend just to have next Friday. I really need to be here then.”
“Why don’t you give your mom a call.”
“I’ll do that, once I calm down a bit.”
Katie wanted to sleep in the big bed with us, so we put her in the randomization mix, with Liya saying, “Celeste and Andy are sleeping in one of the upstairs bedrooms, so Brett’s cute cuddlers tonight are ... Brit and Meka! The wings are Gracey, Heather, Rhee, Char, and Cera on the left, with Beth, Liya, Kim, Lana, and Katie on the right.
February 18, 2018
Dear Ms. Diary,
The four parents went out around 10:30 to do some shopping and grab lunch. We declined their offer to join them in favor of the hot tub, with all the J residents and our visitors joining in. Brett wore one of his sexier trunks while the girls wore bikinis, although Heather wore one of her narrower tubes rather than a bikini top. The walk from J to the hot tub was brisk while wearing so little, but that made the hot tub feel even better. We lounged and gabbed for a while, then exited and stepped into the W to make lunch.
We were eating soup and sandwiches at the dining-room table when Brett looked up and around, saying, “Thanks, everyone. It just hit me that this – sitting with my friends while doing something mundane like eating lunch – is one of the best aspects of my new life. I’ve become comfortable ... well, mostly comfortable with wearing a single item of clothing while hanging with what must be the single largest aggregation of pretty girls in Elkton, and they’re all wearing bikinis. Yes, Heather’s wearing a sexy tube top, but her pretty little titties make that look ... delicious.”
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Paul's maid was surveying the damage done to the house over the weekend. "I like Mr. Paul, he always cleans up after himself during the weekend. I know he was going to have guests this weekend, but the house, except the kitchen, is almost as clean as when I left it," she said to the empty room. Rosa was a little present that Paul received with the house. He had never had a housekeeper in the past, but when Paul bought the house from Jerry, she was out of work. She was also in trouble with...
Hi guys,kanik again.Jis female ko meri jrurat ho mujhe contact kr skti hain pe mai unko bilkul free service dunga hope karta hoon ki aap sab masti me hoge, bht din baad me apni ek nai story post kiya hoon, wese aap mere pichli stories to padhe hi honge wo thi mere pados ki aunty,, par ye story unse related nai hai, ye story recently mn jb delhi meri vacation k dauraan meri dental checkup k liye,, wese bina time waste karte hue me apni story me ata hoon, hm lod delhi k ek tourist hotel me 2...
Chapter 2: Surprise! With Roger gone, Katie and Tony knew that they would have the house to themselves for a week and a half. They didn’t waste a moment of it. As the cab was pulling out of the driveway to take Roger to the airport Tony stood behind his father’s incredibly built wife and pressed his rapidly hardening cock against the crack of her heart shaped ass, dry humping her through their clothing. He reached around in front of her to fondle her massive tits asking, ‘So, when do we...
The orientation was interesting enough, as was sitting next to Margret in it, thinking that scant hours ago, she was going to be just a concubine, and this would have been about teaching me how to handle her and the others. Now, it was about teaching me, her, and others like us how to control our conks. I couldn’t help but look at her with a wink and smile, which she returned to me, clearly thinking that she was once set to be a target of these techniques, and now she would get to use them on...
Although she would never admit it to anyone else, Claudiawas actually relieved when Mark died. Theirs had notbeen what you would call a fulfilled marriage. She hadnever been too keen on sex, so she could hardly complainwhen he sought his pleasure elsewhere. But it was hisattempts to introduce her, convert her, to practices shethought were just plain wrong that really annoyed her. Imean, tying someone up before making love to them –what was that all about?‘At least he didn’t suffer,’ her sister,...
Chloe cries, ‘Oh my god, Beth!’ She raises her voice. ‘What are you doing to her, you pervert!’ I am silent, my blistering red bottom stares right back at her. I don’t dare to move as my father’s hand is still on the small of my back. He says, ‘Ah, so you’re the neighbor girl, huh?’ ‘Get your hands off of her, or I’ll call the police right away.’ Chloe ignores the rhetorical question. ‘Ha! You’re gonna call the sheriff on a father disciplining his daughter? You try it, missy!’ I have to...
My husband Greg and I have been married but a few years yet it seems sometimes as if much of the fire has gone from our relationship. For instance, recently he went on a weeklong fishing trip to Canada with his buddies. He is an avid fisherman, and he and his buddies take at least one such trip a year. This year he was consumed with work and preparations the week before the trip; it didn’t much help matters that the middle of week brought the onset of my period. Owing to my strict upbringing,...
All quotes in this story are taken verbatim from "The Good Wife's Guide" an article purported to be from the May 13, 1955 issue of Housekeeping Monthly. Rachel lay back, her breathing shallow, a thin veneer of sweat covering her from head to toe. Her body quaked with the aftereffects of yet another wave of pleasure. She'd lost count of how many times she'd come. She always lost track when Aubrey got at her. Already, the younger girl was expertly positioning her tongue, running it up and...
The beautiful young perky brunette JoJo Kiss arrives chained to the ceiling and fully tied up in restrictive rope bondage. Her mouth is gagged with fabric from her torn pink shirt. Her perky tits bursting out exposed for her master and ready for training. When Tommy arrives she is allowed to sit up straight and begin her brutal obedience training. This slut has a lot to learn and it starts with the flogger. This submissive slut is made to lift her fucking whore head and open her mouth to do her...
xmoviesforyouPreston's good if you want to empty your sac and not spend a fortune boys. Red light district is next to city centre travelodge so you can check them out on foot , make your choice & take them back without driving. Some dirty old skanks but I got lucky last week after several poor returns. Picked up a couple of girls who said they were trying to get some money together for a big night out. Didn't look or act like smackheads & were obviously new to it as I got the pair of them for £30...
August 13, 1996, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “Doctor Mary Whittaker, meet Maria Cristina Ochoa Coulvert. Maria Cristina, Doctor Mary Whittaker.” “It’s nice to meet you, Doctor,” Maria Cristina said. “And you. Steve told me you were Kara’s mentee and that Doctor Jessica has taken you under her wing as well for pre-med and medical school?” “Yes, that’s correct. Thank you for allowing me to participate.” Mary smiled, “Thank Steve. He was very persuasive. Steve, I will need you to sign...
"Did you ever have a man go down on you?" the woman asked. "Sure," I said remembering my dad kissing me there. It always felt good but I never orgasmed from it. "He must not have done it right," she said. "Why do you say that?" I asked. "You just have a very sad expression. That is a joyous thing. I can teach you how to do it better than he ever did." she said. "I don't think so," I said. I stood and went to the bathroom before I headed back to the barracks. As I opened the...
I mentioned I was wearing a black lace nightie and a new friend mentioned that he would love to disrobe me. He went on to explain that removing a nightie should be handled carefully and slowly, that there is a technique to it....Standing behind you and slowly sliding a strap off your shoulder so that shoulder can then be kissed and rubbed. Of course, one arm wrapped around you to pull you close... Love feeling that fabric against the both of us. I'm sure that you can feel the bulge in my pants...
hello frnds, This is sidd again. Ye story mere pehle 3some ki kahani hai. Mai apni gf shefali se milne uske ghar pe gaya tha. Uski choti behen shruti jo ki 18 saal ki bahaut hi sunder aur sexy ladki thi mujhe aur shefali ko ghar me chod kar khud bahar se taala lagakar apni 1 frnd k yahan chali gayi thi. Uske jane k baad maine shefali k hotho ko chumna shuru kar diya aur wo bhi mera sath dene lagi. Apni jeebh mere muh me daalkar chuswa rahi thi. Fir usne apni jeebh se mere hotho ko chatna shuru...
The Star Drive shut down on the outer reaches of the Mylian system, and Tristan handed command of the ship over to Da'ren. It would be far safer for a Mylian captain to bring the ship to his home planet. Tristan retired to the Captain's Ready Room and watched events unfold from there. Communication was established and several hours later an escort fleet surrounded them. The Mylians were being cautious. A Sicceian ship in normal circumstances could not be operated by any species other than...
Sunday, June 27, 1971 "Are you alright?" Izzy asked me. "Uh-huh," I replied groggily. "Do you remember what happened?" "Yeah," I replied. Boy, did I remember! Izzy and Kip stood there with Mr. Graham, waiting for an explanation. I was half sitting, half lying on the couch as I regained consciousness. I glanced down to see that I was fully clothed. Then, looking around the cabin, I noted that the nine sisters had done a good job of putting things back to where they had been. The...
Hi friend myself Saur from Varanasi I am 22 years old handsome guy.Aur aaj mai yahan ek story like aaya hoon jo ki mere saath last month October me hui mere bua ki ladki jo ki dekhne me gori hai uska name hai sneha height 5ft 3inc ki hogi aur figure to uska mast hai 32-25-30 mai jab bhi bua k ghar jata tha to use dekh kar mera lund khada ho jata tha magar kuch kar nahi pata tha. Last month wo hamare ghar par aayi hui thi dasehara manane aayi hui thi aur ham ravan ko jalta dekhne k liye ja rahe...
The sky was clearing and the sun was coming out nicely. It had been a dull trip but now the sky was blue and there was a nice glint of sun coming off the water below. I recognized where we were and knew we were only about fifteen minutes away. The drone of the single engine Otter float plane would put you to sleep. The pilot George Freeman was an old family friend of ours and flew charters into the secluded fishing lodges. One of many in the Queen Charlotte Islands and is owned by my family and...
Dear ISS readers, in part I, I have told you about sex experience of my friend Anita as she has narrated to me. I am writing here my part II about how uncle fucked her. I am Hallowin (nick name for this site). I am male from Pune, any ladies and girls from Pune can email me on Nisha started working on Uncles cock and sucking it wildly, uncle stopped her and lifted her and started kissing her passionately. Uncle: oh Nisha, you are such a good sucker, I know it will be a great fun to fuck...