YumaChapter 6 free porn video

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“Les, tell me about the five hundred acres you and Luther were talking about.”

“Before we even bid on the Sisemore place, I’d already told Luther that you, Tom and Juan Carlos wanted me to bid on it. He told me that he owned another five hundred acres next to Tom’s spread. I told him that first, I had to see if I could buy the Sisemore spread and then see how much money I had left before I spoke for another five hundred acres.

“After I won the bid, he told me that he’d sell that other parcel to me for the same price per acre as I paid for the Sisemore land. I still wasn’t sure about it, until we started planning every thing out, and then Tom found the tractors at such a good deal. I knew then, we were on our way and we’d be able to farm another five hundred acres with the same implements and a little more labor. Luther told me the land was close to being ready to plant and the last owner had canals and flume ditches on all of it to irrigate the crops.”

“I know where that land lies. The farmland has even richer soil than yours or ours, but the lower land is apt to flood some years late in the spring when the snow melts in the mountains.”

“I want you to go with me to look at it and help me decide. If we can plant yours and Juan Carlos’ farmland, then Tom’s farmland and mine too, we could surely, sometime during the year plant another five hundred acres.”

“You want me to help you decide?” she looked at me, then I saw her lips curl into a slow smile.

“Well, we are partners, aren’t we?”

“Yes, but it will be your land and you’ll still have to pay for it. I don’t have the money.”

“Luther is going to write it up as a rent contract. He will deed the land to me and I’ll pay him rent payments each year until it’s paid off, then I’ll file the deed. By then we will have made enough money, and no one will ever know that I owned it all along.”

“Les Savage, I hope you still let me be your partner and a good friend of yours when you become a millionaire. I have never known anyone who can think ahead and deal the way you can.”

“Lucia, one day you and I will sit down and finish that talk we started about that ugly brute coming into your life.”


“Lucia, don’t get excited, now. It’s not time yet for us to talk about that, and you know it. We have too much work in front of us to say anymore right now. Besides, you’ve only known me two days and you may not even like me a year from now, or even a month.”

“Les, just tell me ... are you really thinking about me ... I mean us ... I mean ... you know... ?”

“Lucia, let’s go buy some seed for our new produce company. I promise you, by the time you know for sure what you want, you’ll see how serious I can be when I set my mind to something.”

She laced the long slender fingers on her left hand through the fingers on my right hand as we walked into Martin’s Hardware Store. I looked at her and I couldn’t help but smile when she smiled at me. This woman is beautiful and sometimes I think maybe I am dreaming when she looks at me like this.

The man and woman behind the long counter waved when we walked in – they were waiting on three customers who stood at the counter with large pails of seed. Lucia pulled on my shirt sleeve and pointed toward the back of the store, at the other end of the long counter. There were large, open top, galvanized metal bins lined up. All of them filled with different seed. Above each bin was a sign with the name of seed it contained.

Some bins were larger than others and some seed were way larger than others. Lucia had her list with her and as she went down the line, she checked off the seed we needed – that they had in stock.

She was still checking seed off her list when the man came back to where we were.

She turned to greet him, “Good morning Mr. Martin ... I want you to meet my new business partner, Les Savage.

“Les, this is Mr. Fred Martin, the owner of Martin’s Hardware.”

After we shook hands, he turned to Lucia, “What type of business are you in, Señorita Santiago?”

“We are going to plant vegetables and melons on our combined lands. Les bought the Sisemore ranch at the auction yesterday.”

“Well of course – I heard there was a newcomer from back east who came to Yuma County and purchased that spread. Congratulations, Mr. Savage. Now what can I do for you this morning?”

I told him, “We’re here to purchase all the seed we can from you. We were told that you give a sizable discount on large quantities and we certainly intend to purchase a large quantity of seed.”

Just as I spoke, I heard his telephone ring. I watched as his wife walked down behind the wooden counter near where we were. I kept watching as she picked up the part of the telephone that was on the end of a cord.

Above the telephone, there was a sign posted. “Free use of telephone for our customers. Calls are limited to local calls only, without permission. Call times are limited to two minutes”

His wife hung the telephone back on the wall and I turned to him, “Mr. Martin, what would you charge us for a call to Tucson on your telephone?”

“What we normally do when a customer needs to make a long distance call, is have the operator call back with time and charges after the call has ended. Then the customer pays us for the charges that will appear on our monthly bill. Would you like to place a call?”

“No, but Lucia would,” I told him and Lucia looked at me with her eyes wide.

“Les, do you want me to call him now?”

“Yes, we need to know as soon as we can. The amount of seed we purchase depends on his answer, don’t you agree?”

“I agree, and I did bring his number just in case I had the nerve to call ... I’m so afraid that ... but we do need to know either way...

“... Mr. Martin, may I use your telephone. I promise I won’t be on the call any longer than necessary.”

“Go right ahead. When the operator answers, give her the number you wish to call, then tell her that you’d like a call back, for time and charges and she’ll make your call for you.”

Lucia went behind the counter and placed her handbag, her tablet and pencil on the counter as she made her call to Professor Forbes. I knew there was hardly even a chance of her being able to talk to him like this ... especially this early in the morning. But in no time, she was talking and I heard her say his name. She was writing on her tablet really fast as she talked ... then nodded as she smiled and listened. She must have been on the telephone at least thirty minutes before I heard her say goodbye.

She looked at me from across the counter and she had tears in her eyes. She wasn’t crying, she was trying to smile as she hurried around the counter. She grabbed my hand and pulled me down toward the other end of the counter as she began to tell me what she had found out, as fast as she could talk...

“Les, Professor Forbes told me that he tried to call me at home yesterday and the day before, but there was no answer! WE HAVE IT, LES. WE HAVE IT ALL!”

“We have it all? All of what?“

“YES ... Oh I’m shaking so, I can hardly talk. He has secured our grants and he was calling to tell me that we need to start planting vegetable seed as soon as we can. He’s going to send some of his agricultural students over to help us plan where to plant each vegetable and make sure we get our first crop planted in time to harvest, then plant another crop for fall harvest. Oh Les, I am so excited.”

The telephone rang again and I saw Mr. Martin writing on the tablet under the telephone.

“Lucia, we need to make a deal with Mr. Martin to buy his seed in quantities until we can find out if there’s a way to purchase seed on the wholesale market. He orders his seed from a wholesaler and one day, we will buy more than he does.”

“You run the company, Les. Pay the man for the telephone call and make the deal with him. I’m still trying to calm down so I can think straight. Oh Les, I can hardly wait to tell Grandfather the news. He has been so worried. We really are going to make it, aren’t we, Les?”

“Yes, we’re going to make it, one way or the other. You keep checking your seed list while I talk to Mr. Martin,” I told her and walked over to talk to him.

“Mr. Martin, I need to speak with you in private, if you have the time.”

By the time we walked out of Martin’s Hardware Store, we had made a deal for all the seed we would need for this first crop. Cabbage sets, lettuce sets and onion bulbs included. Tom will have to drive his wagon and team back to town tomorrow, just to haul all the seed we’ll need over the first week or so of planting. While we listened, Mr. Martin placed a telephone order for five thousand each of fresh cabbage sets and fresh lettuce sets – with twenty thousand more onion bulbs. As soon as he was off the telephone, he told us they’d be here by rail in four days.

We wouldn’t know exactly how much of each seed we’d need until we saw the new land and knew the total acreage of all the fields we’d plant. I was counting on the University of Arizona students to show us what we’d need when they get here. Lucia told me they would arrive by automobile some time tomorrow.

I hope Luther was right about the Luck of the Irish – and it keeps smiling down on us.

Before we left Yuma, Lucia told me where the two blacksmith shops were located, then she went with me to talk to the men. The first one we stopped at, Mack Connor and Son, had some mule and horse implements lined up in front of the building. The first thing I noticed about them was, none of them had the long wooden tongue attached.

When we walked into the shop, the younger of the two men looked up and slapped the older man’s arm. They both put down what they were doing to came over and talk.

“Good morning folks. I’m Mack Connor and this is my son John, what can we do for you?” The older man asked.

“Les Savage here, and this is Lucia Santiago. We’re forming a vegetable farming corporation and we need to talk to you about these farm implements you have here,” I told him, pointing to the two plows they were working on.

“We heard your name called a few times yesterday. You’re the one from St. Louis who bought the Sisemore land and paid cash for it.”

“Yes, Sir. That’s me.”

“You got a really good piece of Yuma County there, Mister. Do you need some work done on your plows out there?”

“What I wanted to talk to you about was – have you ever reworked the hitches on any mule and horse implements so they could be pulled by a tractor?”

“WELL NOW... By golly, I thought I had heard it all... That’s a new one on me. Don’t see why it wouldn’t work though. Tell me what implements you have in mind to be reworked like that.”

“All of them ... All of them that we’ll be using that is.”

“You mean like middle-busters, breaking plows, planters, disks, cultivators and such?”

“Those and fertilizer distributors too. Do you think you and your son could make it work?”

“If it can be done – we can do it. We’d first have to know how the implements would hitch up to your tractor and how much turning room you’d need at the ends of the rows.”

My next question made him laugh, “If we bring a tractor over here and leave it a few days, could you tell more about it and how much it would cost to change each implement over?”

“You mean to tell me, you just now bought a spread and you already own a tractor?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you. If you’re not sure you can get to our work right away, tell me and I’ll check with the other blacksmith to see if he can get do it.”

“Don’t get too quick with me now, Mr. Savage. I’ve never worked on a tractor before, and there’s only a few of them around in this whole part of the country. Bring that tractor by and leave it just long enough for me and my boy to measure and figure some. We’ll tell you what it will cost to change your implements over from mules and horses to tractors. We bought these old implements here at the auction, for little to nothing, the other day and we’re aiming to put new tongues in the ones that need it and new plowshares on some. One or two had a busted wheel and we’re going to fix them up to sell. We’ll use these as a guide so we can get it right on yours when you bring your tractor.”

“When you do all of that, would you be able to come out to the old Sisemore spread and convert all of mine, then Tom Wancho’s and Juan Carlos’ implements too?”

“You give us all that work and we’ll be there with our work wagon, this week ... that is, as soon as we know what all it will take.”

“That’s good enough for me. Our tractors will be at the depot in the morning and we’ll bring one by and leave it while we get the rest of them home.”

“Mister, I hope you and Tom and Señorita Santiago will let us have all your farm repair business, now that you’ve got tractors in your operation.”

“We’ll deal on that part later ... I already have in my mind, a large plow. But one day when you come out, I’ll show you what I want to do with that plow and you can tell me how big of a plow you can build.”

Lucia and I were riding back toward the river, on our way home, when she asked me, “Les we sure are getting deep into this business before we plant a seed. It has already grown so big, it scares me. Are you positive we’ll make it until we have money coming in, with all these expenses up front?”

“Lucia, we need to be ready to get big in a hurry if we’re going to make it. Your professor friend told you the grants are already approved. He’s even sending some of his students out here to show us how to do it right. We have tractors coming and now we’re about to convert mule implements to tractor implements. All we’ll need now is enough labor with the know-how to plant seed the right way and set out the little plants sets like the Martin’s have back there. If I heard you, Tom and Juan Carlos right, we can grow vegetables year round out here. Back home, we had snow, ice, frost, and cold winds from late fall, all winter, and into early spring.”

“Les, you can think on a much larger scale than I’m used to. I like your ideas, but what I really like about you is, you have such a good head for business ... Plus you can think of an answer before I can fully describe the problem.”

I laughed at her and she laughed too, then I told her, “Lucia, all I know how to do is try to think of the next step we’re about to take. Then, I can start planning for it, before we trip over something we didn’t see in front of us.”

“I want to learn to do that the way you do.”

“You already do. You were the one who planned this whole idea out in the first place. Now that we have the bank money to work with, we’re just trying to take your idea and make it work on a big enough scale to pay all of us back for our labor, our money and our time spent when we sell the first vegetable crops.”

When we came to Tom’s place again, we rode back past his line of farm implements. From what I had seen of the implements at Connor’s Blacksmith Shop, the ones without the long wooden tongues in them – and what he had told me about them, I could already see it in my mind. These very farm implements will soon be pulled by a tractor ... Five tractors scattered across the farm at the same time, doing different jobs, if need be.

Back at my new farm and ranch, I was anxious to take a tour of my land.

Morena and Paulina had milked the two cows and they were pouring the milk from their milk pails into gallon glass jars through a cloth to strain the milk. They told me this would be more than enough fresh milk for all of us and what soured, they would churn to make butter, then use buttermilk to bake bread and biscuits.

Tom had gone with Juan Carlos over to his farm, to feed, since they’d left before daylight this morning.

With Joaquin and Alejandro, Lucia and I set out to take a tour of my land. Savage land now, not Sisemore land any longer.

I had never in my life seen anything as staggering to my mind as the first time we came to a plowed field with the long rows laid off perfectly straight from end to end. There wasn’t just one field, there were many, many fields, one after the other as we rode our horses between the fields on the narrow dirt roads – turn rows, they called them

Except for the two fenced pastures we passed by, and one field they pointed out to me with one hundred acres in it, this whole farm was plowed into rows.

“Les, come let us show you about this fine soil on your new farm,” Joaquin told me as he dismounted.

Kneeling at the end of a row, he scooped up a double handful of soil and let it sift through his fingers. He scooped up another handful and cupped his hands to make the moist soil into a ball that fell apart when he dropped it back on top of the row.

Lucia and Alejandro were squatting beside Joaquin and me as I knelt in the dirt beside him. Lucia began trying to teach me about soil and the difference in our soils and other soils across the county and the state.

“Les, this soil is enriched with all the minerals and nutrients needed to raise a garden. The many hundreds of years of flooding by the Colorado and Gila Rivers in the past, have left rich silt deposits of minerals along this wide valley here in Yuma County and across the river into California. These deposits, mixed with the natural loamy soils of the valley, combined with this climate, has created a perfect oasis for growing vegetables and fruit year round. We have abundant sunshine and we have warm weather all year, most every year.”

Same as Yuma
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Chapter 3Jennifer didn't sleep too well since her stomach was growling from the washing out that she had received the day before. The large volume enemas had become entrapped in the folds of her intestines and as they became dislodged during the night she had to make many trips to let out the water. As she could hear from the toilets flushing in other stalls some of the other slaves were having a similar experience. Added to that was the thin gruel and small loaf of bread that was her supper...

1 year ago
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M Part 1

As one goes through life, many opportunities are presented. Whether or not to partake of them is a matter of personal choice. I have taken some on and skipped others. This is a story of a path taken…I had been married but she was lost in a d**g-related accident. I’ll not dwell on it but the short part is she loved sex and I was often on TDY on various assignments our Uncle Sam dispatched me on- and way too often. At some point, like other women, the need for good sex outweighed her...

1 year ago
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Pascale and Cecile

She is on her hands and knees, I am behind her with my cock deep in her ass and one hand fingering her cunt She is moaning with each thrust of my dick. We are expecting you to visit on holiday, but you have arrived earlier than I expected. We did not hear you come in and you have caught us in the middle of our love making session. Pascale is starting to cum when I sense someone in the door. I turn and look, I recognize you from pictures I have seen. Our eyes lock and I notice your hand...

2 years ago
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The World of Qaryesh Tmarne

The world of Qaryesh t'Marne is a complicated one with eleven younger races having sprung up to build on the ashes of the elder race of Humans, who fought amongst themselves until they became extinct. In this world, the different races have divided the land into roughly fourteen nation-states and four regions to which nobody has laid claim. These nations are in constant flux in their relationships with each other and with the various races. The history of Qaryesh t'Marne is rich with intrigue...

3 years ago
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The Wayward Slave

This is just a short story about a slave that thought he knew better than me! Once upon a time there was a Mistress that owned a very loyal and dedicated slave. She had always been very proud of him and secure in the knowledge that she could take him anywhere and always know that he knew how to act. She was invited to a party that would be having several of the Mistresses in the community there with their slaves. So, the Mistress told her slave to get his ass dressed and she put his collar...

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Lap Lessons

I did not write this story. It was given to me as is below this paragraph.Much respect to the Author... a good story worth sharing.D. This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY,and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not anadult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further. I am NOT the author. I don't have the talent to write thesestories. I can only be ... "TheEditor". Lap Lessons by Paula Cash...

3 years ago
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My Lives JournalsChapter 3

Journal Entry June 21st (I just don’t find diary to be appropriate) Today started with a trip to the public pool. As I remember, many of the other young women were wearing two-piece bikinis. I am not up to wearing something like that, yet. Instead, I wore a one-piece that mom helped me pick out (before I entered this body) that has a nice contrast to my darker skin tone. It’s a little high in the leg, but I can handle that. What I did not enjoy was the feeling of it pulling tight against my...

2 years ago
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Unwanted attention Chapter 17

Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....

2 years ago
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The first encounter

I remember my first relationship with another man. Sixteen, still in high school in a small town and ready to go to anywhere but where i was. John was 30 and a high school teacher. We met at a summer camp. A group of us became friends and would meet on week-ends to party and generally hang out. The first time that John and I were alone came that first fall; following the end of summer camp with both of us back to school. John called me and asked if I wanted to get together with some...

3 years ago
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Boy Toy

Sam was a young black man and hung. He was Lady Lola's sex toy. She was older but in great shape and very rich. She took great care of him and he gave her unlimited sex. He had a high sex drive as did the Lady. He loved her sexy body and she needed that he was hung like a horse and could fill her needs. Some nights the sex would go all night as they sucked licked and fucked many times. This morning he was naked sitting in a chair with his huge cock sticking up in the air and as she walked by he...

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Ohhh God, Dad, please , more. . Just a bit more.. Please help me come…she whispered to me as I was sucking her clitoris while we were flying at 35,000 feet. My dream Cunt ,my obsession was right there in front of my face…. It has happened at last. But, let me start with a small introduction. I am 56 and in the Pink of health, a Surgeon by profession I run my own Hospital in Indonesia , .My wife like me is part Malay and part Indian and is 51 and very pretty, slightly overweight and losing...

3 years ago
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My Super Hot Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi I’m deeps from chennai, I’m 18 completed my higher secondary and waiting for results, I’m only child to my parents, they are working in an mnc, they have no time to spend together, this make a big gap between them, they even fight for silly reasons, my dad get an opportunity to work in abroad for a long term project, so he went to Germany. Here the story starts. My mom is Anupriya 38, she is very bold and modern woman , she is regular to gym that’s why she looking just 25 around, she have a...

2 years ago
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Abduction Taking Care of Our Need Chapter 3

I only came four times so I knew I could have gone all night but I figured I’d give her a chance to recover since she got quite a workout. That didn’t mean I couldn’t stroke myself off one more time while I admired her body and if I wanted to use her ass or tits to get off, well I could do that. I still can’t believe this day is here after all the years of fantasy, trolling for hookups on the web which never worked out, massage parlors that allowed me to fulfill some fantasies but always...

2 years ago
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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 5

The magic of Gaen seems closely bound to music and song while at the same time, Magic and Music each seem to be blooms from very different flowers. Beneath everything, they are very much of the same body. Mathematicians and musicians will both tell you this is true. Wizards will too, if you are in a position to ask them. Threes and fours, apart and in combination, especially in combination, have strong ties to the magic and history of Gaen. These numbers, especially in combination, seemed...

3 years ago
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WebCam Mom Part 2

The night before had been wonderful. In one magical night, Steve found out his mother had a secret life. She put on Webcam shows from her bedroom. He logged on and began to enjoy her show firsthand. He was extremely turned on. As he masturbated to the site of his beautiful mother, he knocked the camera over revealing his identity. What he figured would be a disaster, ultimately became the greatest night of his life. He and his mother spent the entire night making love. He did things he had...

2 years ago
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Hot Encounter With Unknown Woman In Queue

Hi, this is Aditya from vizag once again of age 19 submitting my third story. Thanks for your valuable comments on previous stories. This is partly a true experience which I want to share with you. Aunties and girls interested in sex or chat in vizag can approach me through my email Comments are always welcome. Now coming to the story once when I visited a temple in vizag on my birthday I got a wonderful gift in the temple. The temple was fully crowded but somehow I managed to get in to the...

1 year ago
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My Swinging Parents

Introduction: When my parents swap partners with old friends on vacation things get surprisingly intense… My Swingin Parents My names Ted and this is a true story about what happened when my parents and I went on vacation to Hawaii earlier this year. My parents are Chris and Kelly. My mom Kelly is a bit of a milf and looks pretty great for 38-she works out 6 times a week. Kelly has long, straight brown hair, C cup tits and is 5 ft 4 and weighs about 115. My dad Chris is a successful financial...

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Gang Bang Ball Saints Sinners memories

Gang Bang Ball. Steve stood behind M, his erect dick sandwiched between her taught thighs, his hands cupping and squeezing her ample breasts as his mouth kissed and bit her neck. His penis was stiff as a board, and he was loving the smooth feeling of his cock pushing between M's thighs from behind, the juices escaping her sopping pussy making the motion glide smoothly as the pair explored each other's bodies, semi-naked on the dance floor. M was wearing a tiny tube dress and heels, and Steve...

Group Sex
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Enjoying the moment

The first time trying new things with my girlfriend and her brother. The first week of July I went camping with my girlfriend and her brother. Heather was seventeen and her brother Luke was sixteen and I was seventeen. I drove my truck and we three went to the lake for a few days. We got there Friday morning and set up the family size tent and everything else too. Then we got into the boat and went fishing. Shortly after a hour Heather said that she was ready to go back and I took us to our...

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My Junior Ankitha 8211 Part 2

The sexual encounter with Ankitha had changed me. I was no longer an introvert. I spoke to girls with confidence. Our tuition sessions continued but we could not anything as my mom had sprained her ankle. She spent her evening walk time at home. She would stay in her room itself but were scared to anything that might get us into trouble. We texted each other and we became very good friends. We used to hang out at the school canteen and talk a lot. At school we did some crazy stuff that could...

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Always hard the beginning Chapter 9

September 1958Fucking Marion O’Rourke was the experience of a lifetime for a young guy like Vic. She taught him all he needed to know about sex. He did things with that woman he never knew about, things like eating a woman’s pussy and fucking her in the ass. Jeez! No one his age ever did those things. They were lucky to get laid, let alone do what he was doing with Eddie’s Aunt Marion.He got lucky a second time with Eddie’s mother, if you could imagine that? Jeez! The things he did with...

4 years ago
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TripinChapter 51

I got dropped at my place around 10PM. It had to be after dinner but before Shawn passed out from exhaustion. There were always lots of complications with Wilma, but she was also my link to reality. All the rest of my life was living out a fantasy. After I made it to my condo, without being kissed I might add, I dressed for bed. I checked my mail and answered the ones that needed answering, before I fell into bed. I just turned off once I laid my head on that pillow. One minute it was...

3 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 27

PATRICK DERMAN (Wednesday 12/7) Joy and sexual fulfillment roared over me in a towering wave of sensation. I screamed as my dick went steel-hard in a heartbeat and pumped out cum like a fire hose. I turned towards Valerie, and she was falling out of her desk! Her back was arched so far it was only a couple inches from the floor; she was screaming too, with her eyes closed and her head thrown back. She had one hand buried between her legs and the other squeezing one of her breasts so hard it...

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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Lexi Lore Sheena Ryder Luck Of The Step Son

Juan Loco has the double fortune (or misfortune, depending how you look at it) to have a super hot stepmom and adopted sister. He catches a glimpse of both sister Lexi Lore and mommy Sheena Ryder changing into their St. Patrick’s Day outfits for a party. After perving on both of them, Juan has a stiffie so he goes to sit in the living room and claims he wants to watch TV. Too bad Sheena wants to get going. She tells Juan to change. Juan eventually puts on his jacket, but when Sheena pulls...

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ThesisChapter 23 An Uncertain Future

Inward Bound Files Memo From: Jo & Charlotte To: Corinne Jo and I are writing this because of our continuing concerns over the recent incident with Jenny McEwan. While you may have received reassurances from the US authorities or whoever it is that this is all being done legally, we are both concerned that this organisation owes a duty of care to McEwan. We should be actively trying to either gain her release or be confident that these people have acted completely within the...

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You’ve seen one JAV site; then you’ve seen them all. From the lands of rice and loud women comes yet another porn site that specializes in women with a serious case of little girl face. These bitches are nubile, horny and they all look like they just came out of high school, even though most of them are old enough to retire from porn. But, you’d never guess their real age from what you see in these videos. That is the appeal of Japanese women. They all look like they just had a fight with...

Asian Porn Sites
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On the Nothingness of Impossibility

Like a sea turtle crawling out of Poseidon’s dream kingdom, Muhammed Ali materializes, pumping a gloved fist and giving a victory roar. Despite his long arms, he reminds me of a T-Rex. Emblazoned across his torso is ‘Impossible Is Nothing,’ which is brilliant but not really the way Addidas intended it. I don’t remember much of the months before but I seem to be on the tail of a Lucy trip. I notice a small arm across my chest, its nails are pink and glittery. There is silence, within and without...

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HandsOnHardcore Kira Queen Date Night In With BBC

Busty glamour goddess Kira Queen has a hot interracial date night in with BBC in today’s 4K Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene. After masturbating herself to sleep, she dreams of Darrell Deeps coming to her home to give her a piece of his dark man meat. The Russian black-haired beauty is beside herself with excitement to wrap her pouty lips around his monster black cock for a blowjob and to have her horny shaved pussy filled with his thick member. Watch the Queen in prime pussy fucking...

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Carnival EroticaChapter 10

Kristy's eyes fluttered open as sunlight filtered through the one small window. Finding herself in the arms of Victoria, her lips found those of her Mistress and they kissed deeply. Victoria arose as Kristy threw off the covers and stretched. Her entire body ached, so even though she noticed the tenderness in her breast, she simply assumed it was one of her many wounds received at the hands of Janeen last night, the subject of which brought a question to mind. "She's gone Kristy. Gone...

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The Ugly OneChapter 9

I awoke with a start. The circulation to my arm had gotten cut off and needles of pain were shooting through it. I slowly extracted it and scooted a little back from Angie so I could shake and massage it. She continued to slumber, unperturbed. Watching her, I thought back to the night before. It had been perfect. In fact the whole courtship had been nearly perfect. Things were going extremely well. That thought caught in my throat. Things never went this well for me, not like they did for...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 7

The poker game that Ethel and Adam found was in a rougher saloon than they realized. This was the kind of place where cheating was rampant, and, not only did you have to watch your cards, you had to watch your back. As a matter of course, Ethel and Adam did sit on opposite sides of the table so that they could keep an eye out for the safety of the other. That was not because of this particular saloon, they would have done it at any saloon. The first few hands did not bode well for Ethel, as...

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