My GirlsChapter 32 free porn video

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We had a week and a half before we had to go rescue Cindi's new body. I spent much of that time working with Paul to get things ready. This would be by far the most difficult thing we had ever done. Not only would these be trained agents we would be going against, but they knew this time we were coming. There was only one way that I could see to make the odds a little better. To keep the transport from becoming too obvious, they would put the body in a stasis condition, and then transport it to an out of the way cave, which had an underground entrance to the facility where they were moving her to. If we were to hit them in the cave, just as they took the body out of stasis, we stood a good chance of taking them by surprise. I was certain they didn't know we knew about the cave. Katie and Cindi had gleaned that information from a careless mind when they were with them.

All of us were nervous. I know I was. I didn't know the details of the cycles we went through; you know, the ones that no one admitted existed. Yeah, those cycles. I was afraid another one of these non-existent cycles might be coming. I don't think the girls knew a lot more, or at least they were not talking. The problem was, I didn't have any idea what it meant. I thought it was obvious that the cycles occurred because of a desire or necessity to change some final event that was not to our benefit. But what did it cycle to? Did it always go back to the original place and situation? It seemed that things were different this time, at least the girls thought so. How did they know that if they didn't know more about this than they let on? Unproductive questions; they were not going to tell me. So, if we got the desired final event this time, would we just stay here, or would we cycle back to the original place and situation? You know, through those non-existent cycles that I imagined. I didn't know. It scared me. I knew I had been married in a previous cycle to someone other than Victoria at least once. Was that the only time? I liked being married to Victoria; I didn't want that to change.

I found myself spending as much time with Victoria and Julie as I could. I knew the girls would survive any cycle. Would Julie? Would Victoria? Had I originally been married to my twin sister, or was that new for this cycle? Did Julie survive each time, or was her living this time one of the changes? I was driving myself nuts. I knew I really shouldn't worry; I obviously wouldn't remember any of it anyway. And sure as hell no one was going to tell me. Pissed? You betcha! My life was being screwed with and no one would tell me anything. They wouldn't even admit it existed.

I did get to spend the reunion night with Katie and Cindi. It was nice. I don't believe there is anything in this world more wonderful than making love with two wonderful girls you dearly love, at the same time, in the same body, with the three minds linked. Too bad I didn't do that. I knew I was probably being an ass, but I was pretty irritated at the girls and the man in white. I was so scared for Victoria and me and no one would say a thing. When I was being rational, I admitted to myself that this was probably exactly why they didn't want to tell me. But I was in no mood to confuse the issue with facts and logic. I also couldn't deny the fact that I had missed Cindi so much for so long, and Katie had been away for a while too. They were having fun in the same body, working out things. They had developed a way to merge their thoughts and ways of talking to a combination of the two. It often had me practically rolling on the floor laughing, despite my nasty mood, as they looked on with an amused smile on their face(s). The funniest one was when they shared eyes, so that one eye was deep blue and the other one was gold. I just couldn't stay mad at my girls for very long.

The relationship between Julie and I was on hold for the moment. We spent a lot of time together, and slept (yes, slept) together often, but we both agreed we wanted to wait for awhile until we had a better idea of what was going to happen. I assumed we would know more after the rescue. We just didn't see the need to form more relationships if they would not last through a cycle and we would not remember them anyway. I already caused Megan grief from memories; I didn't want to do that in whatever time we had left with Julie. I left it up to her; if she wanted to pursue our relationship, before we knew any details, I would be glad to do so, but I did not want to cause her unnecessary grief.

The ones I felt the most sorry for were Julie, Victoria, Megan and I. We were pawns in an... occurrence that no matter what, would change our lives. No one ever said you had to like something that was for the best for you.

Needless to say, I was in a foul mood. That is impossible to hide in a whole family setting of empaths and mind readers. I would have to admit that the girls handled it well. They handled me with kid gloves, avoiding me when I was in a particularly nasty mood, but generally trying to be sweet to me. I appreciated it, I really did. I just needed someone to take my worry, frustration, and anger on and, unfortunately, they were the closest. And the ones that would love me anyway.

My idiocy went on for a couple of days, with everyone trying to work around me. Finally, Victoria took me into our room for a talk. She kissed me thoroughly, and then sat down next to me, holding my hand.

"Patrick," she started. Uh-oh, talks with Victoria that started with Patrick were seldom good. "You know I love you more than anyone else in the world, don't you?"

"Yeah, I know," I grumbled. "That has never been an issue."

"Keeping that love in mind, and the nice kiss I just gave you, why are you being so mean to the girls? These are the nicest girls in the whole world and you are treating them like... I don't know what. But it is not good. Talk to me." She was being nice, but I knew I was not walking out of that door until we talked. I hung my head.

"I just don't like being manipulated. I don't like having my life played with by someone who is doing it just because he wants a certain outcome. It's not fair. Look what has happened to Megan, as far as we know. She is so sweet, and she is hurting so badly some days she can hardly stand it. I don't like it." I was getting mad again, even talking about it. Victoria looked at me, sadness in her eyes.

"Is that what you think is going on here? That someone is just playing around with us for his own gain? That we are just pawns in a chess game where no one cares about the pieces?"

"That's just the point, Victoria. I don't know what is going on here. It could be the most important thing in the world. It could be some idiot trying to drive up the price of Cumquats. I just don't know, and I don't like it." I was trying not to yell; she didn't deserve that.

"Would it make you feel better if you knew some of what was going on?" She whispered quietly. "Even if that knowledge was dangerous to all of us? Even if knowing it had brought about disaster before? Is it really that important to you?" Poor Victoria. I was catching her between a rock and a hard place. She didn't deserve that either.

"I'm trying not to be an ass here, Victoria. I know I am not succeeding very well at all, but I am trying." She smiled faintly at me. "I understand that I have to make decisions without being influenced by things I should not know. But I just need some assurance that what we are doing is important. That it means something to me, to us, not just some person we have never met." I was trying to calm down. Victoria chewed on her lower lip for a minute, and then made a decision.

"I really don't know much about what is going on here. The girls know more than me. I can solve your problem of wondering how important this is. That much I know, and it probably won't affect the outcome any. I learned this from overhearing the girls talking." Victoria's took a deep breath, and then her eyes filled with tears.

"Patrick, the cycles started because every single member of our family was killed." She sobbed. "Every single one. Amy, Katie, Cindi, Becky, Megan. All of them died, killed, because of the actions of someone, or something. They won't tell me, but from the way they stop talking when I am around, and won't answer the question, I'm sure I died too. The cycles are a continuing attempt to find a pattern, a combination, something, that will prevent that from happening. Maybe something that we can do to change it. So far, nothing has worked. But this time is different. Many different things have happened this time. They are hopeful that this will be the time, the combination that will work. We have apparently never gotten this far before." She buried her face in my chest and sobbed. "My babies. They killed my babies. All of them. Over and over." Then, Victoria made the only mean remark I can ever remember her making. She looked at me, eyes filled with pain. "Is that important enough for you?"

I felt like dirt. I was making a big deal about not being kept informed, and my girls and Victoria were walking around carrying the knowledge that they might die at any moment. I held her, trying to comfort her as she cried.

Well, that cured my acting like a baby for the rest of the week. If there was a chance that I was never going to see my girls again, I certainly wasn't going to have the last memory, for them, or for me, be a bad one. I saw them giving me looks the next day, wondering why all of a sudden I was in a good mood again. I saw the looks of gratitude they gave Victoria.

I made up for it with Cindi and Katie. The next night after Victoria talked to me, they didn't sleep all night long. I finally succeeded in wearing them out. It was wonderful. The girls also made good on their promise to give Megan and I two days a week. I didn't know if Victoria knew the reason for that or not; that Megan had been married to me in a previous cycle. I had no plans to tell her.

As we got closer to the targeted Saturday, we all got more affectionate and desperate in our relationships with each other. We all cried a lot. We just loved each other so much; we just couldn't imagine anything different. I could feel the anger coming out too. I didn't know whom we would find when we went to save Cindi Saturday, but whoever it was, they were going to wish they had never been born.

Friday night, we went to bed early, planning on starting out at 2:00 AM. The girls all agreed that Victoria and I would spend the night together. I knew, from what Megan had told, me that it was possible that I would not be married to Victoria if we cycled again. I wanted every last bit of time I could get from her. We spent the night alternating between making love and just cuddling, often with tears. We just had to believe that our love would survive this, somehow.

We all met in the living room at 1:45 AM. The girls were all dressed in their normal getup for this type of thing. This time all the girls were going. We all hugged and kissed passionately, knowing this might be the last time we were ever together in this way again. Tears flowed freely, confessions of never ending love repeatedly given. Cindi cried most of all, believing that she was to blame for all of this. She offered to just let her mind die to save us all from what might happen. She begged us to let her go; that she could not stand to live if it cost us that dearly. We shushed her up, telling her not to be silly, and gave her extra hugs and kisses.

The drive to the cave was uneventful. Although we didn't talk about it, I knew that all of us felt something was not quite right. None of us were expecting a smooth operation this time. I had a sinking feeling we were being set up. We were right in that assessment.

Things went wrong from the beginning. When we got to the cave, we found that the body, which I dubbed 'Sandi', had already been awakened and moved. There was a token force there to oppose us. We easily took them out. Too easily, I thought. Plus, the door to the compound was mysteriously left open. I knew it was a trap, but we had no choice. We walk into the trap, or Cindi dies. We walk into the trap, and we all die. Fool's gambit. Checkmate.

We walked into the trap. Once again, maybe for the last time, I watched my girls with admiration as they smoothly moved throughout the complex. Not a shot was fired. No one was there in the first several rooms we checked. I was really getting nervous. We knew from Cindi and Katie where 'Sandi' would be for the final programming. All of the rooms up to that point were empty. Finally, we entered into the last room. Well, at least this one was not empty.

I saw 'Sandi' standing quietly next to a whole bank of machines. There were two men in the room. One was obviously a techie type, standing next to 'Sandi", making adjustments to the machines. The other was obviously expecting us, as he had a machine gun pointed at us as we walked in. He started talking to us as soon as we entered.

"I can't believe it was this easy. I have you all here together. You walked into my trap blindly, all for an empty body? And you are supposed to be the elite of our race? No wonder you all were so easy to kill every time! Stupid!" He was laughing at us. I felt Victoria's eyes go flat, and I put my hand on her arm, to keep her from reacting.

"Just give us the body, and we will let you live." I knew I sounded like a bad action movie, but I had to try anyway.

"I got a better idea. Put down all you weapons and I might let you live, and I won't kill the body. Maybe you can cycle again and try it again." He was really enjoying this. I was trying to figure out what he was up to. He had to know we would not agree to any of those conditions.

"Sorry. Not going to happen. You know what we can do. You don't stand a chance." I was still trying to figure his angle.

"But I hold all the cards. Put down the weapons now, or I kill her." He swung the gun over to cover 'Sandi'. We just watched him. "Well, you were warned," he stated, and pulled the trigger, firing a bullet at 'Sandi's' head.

Shit! Now I knew what he was doing. I could see in her eyes that Victoria got it too. There was no time to warn the others, and it didn't matter anyway. He did hold all the cards. Either way we went, we lost somebody we could not lose.

The girls reacted just as I knew they would, just as he knew they would. Green, blue, orange, purple and yellow curtains of light instantaneously went up around 'Sandi', stopping the bullet before it hit her. The man laughed, whipped his gun around, and fired the whole clip straight at Megan. Just as I knew he was going to do. I just didn't know who he was going to choose.

Victoria and I made a mistake. Our reasoning was sound, derived from our years of experience, but we just weren't used to working with the girls yet. Victoria had never dealt with their shields before, and their use was not second nature to me yet either. Thus, when the action began, when your reactions are due to instinct and training, too fast to allow time for thought, we both reacted, based on years of experience. Someone had just fired at our baby. We both dived in front of her, trying to save her.

Had we had time to think, we would have realized that he couldn't hurt her. Megan was probably the fastest human on the planet. Even so, as she saw him turn and fire, she barely had time to pull her shield back to protect herself. She never even thought that she needed to protect us also.

Victoria and I did our job well. We crossed in front of Megan just in time to catch all the bullets. I had deliberately crossed in front of Victoria, to take as many as I could, to protect her and Megan. I got most of them. Neither of us were as crazy as it sounds. After the last action, we had both put on bullet proof vests. The bulletproof vest we had on absorbed much of the impact, but it did not stop all the bullets. He was using the Teflon coated armor piercing rounds. As I finished falling to the ground, I knew instinctively that I had been mortally wounded. I heard Victoria gasp, felt her hand reach over and grab mine, holding it tight, and I knew she was dying also. I felt sad, but I looked up and saw Megan uninjured, and I was glad that we had saved her.

Same as My Girls
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Samane wali aunty ko choda

Hallo Dear Sexy Readers I am Rajesh from Anand, Gujarat. I am 35 years old.I am regular ISS reader . Now I am going to tell u my first sex experience. Ab apani jaban me apani story batane ja raha hu asha hai apko bahut pasand ayegi. Ye meri pahali kahani hai. Ye bat aja se 13sal pahele ki hai. Us woqut me colege ki padhai puri kar chuka tha. Me 5’9″ ht. Ka tandurast jawan hu mera lund 8″ lumba aur bahut mota hai. Mere samane wale ghar me ek khubsurat aunty raheti thi. Wo 32 sal ki thi ,5’4″...

2 years ago
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When Love Is Gone

The first thing you should remember is that being lovelorn is not something serious. It is a very normal thing in life. People around you like your friends, your colleagues, your close relatives or even your ex have been in this situation at least once. Of course, you will be sad and broken-hearted when your lover leaves you. This cannot be avoided. However, an intelligent girl will not let it affect her so much, she knows what is good for her and will recover her balance quickly by: 1....

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GingerPatch Pyper Prentice Illustrious Redhead Get Banged Poolside

Pyper Prentice is a cute little redhead who was spending the day by the pool showing off her hot body. Damn did that sun glisten off her illustrious red locks. This girl was a beauty. She also invited one of her neighbors to come hang with her. Little did he know that hanging out would lead to pounding that tight firecrotch. Pyper rode him right by the water and even switched positions to also get railed from behind. She was left with a nice facial too, turning this sexy slice of strawberry...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 804

This one is compliments of Brad from across the pond! Two little old ladies, Fran & Enid were sitting on a park bench outside the local town hall where a flower show was in progress. The short one, Fran, leaned over and said, ‘Life is so boring. We never have any fun anymore. For $10.00 I’d take my clothes off and streak through that stupid, boring flower show!’ ‘You’re on!’ said Enid, holding up a $10.00 bill. So Fran slowly fumbled her way out of her clothes and, completely naked,...

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The Lady is the Boss

I’m 35 and have worked for a marketing firm for over 8 years and in my time have had to attend many conferences and events, this is the story of my overnighter. The firm I work for is run by a husband and wife, Kat (43) and Peter (48). Kat is fit for her age, a true professional woman with jet black hair, green eyes, pert tits and gorgeous legs. A lot of time is spent preparing pitches and travelling the country presenting them to various clients. Having only just started in marketing, I was a...

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A guy and his 61 Qaseem

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker            Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

1 year ago
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Shes a Wonderful Wife

I want to tell you about how I got such a wonderful wife. If I told you we just started dating 6 months ago you might think we had a very short courtship. All this is true but sort of misleading. You see she's a loving hot beautiful wife, just not my wife, and yes we have been dating for 6 months. In the beginning at they say, I was cruising the net one day and saw a photo of an incredible brunette (the photo below, yes I saved it). She stood out so much from the other women on the site that I...

Wife Lovers
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Suprise Its a glory hole

I'd only been in this bar a few time and only used the ladies room once. On this particular night, I was feeling a little horny. My boyfriend was working out of town for 2 months and I'd been using my vibrator regularly, but I sure did miss the feeling of a cock in my mouth. I went into the ladies room to use the toilet. There were 4 stalls each with an emoji painted on it. The first 3 had a smiley face, the poop emoji and the laughing smiley. The one on the far end had the smiley with the...

1 year ago
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Danielle Conti had been looking forward to this summer for a long time. As long as she could remember she'd wanted to learn the language of her ancestors and see the country that her family had left a few generations earlier. Now she was 18, a high school graduate and heading off to college in September. Her parents had finally decided that it was time for her to go.It had been a stressful spring. Danielle's parents had decided to divorce after 18 years' marriage when it turned out that...

2 years ago
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Virgin Hot Neighbor Is A Friend Indeed

Hello everyone. I am James de (, my mother was Indian and father an Italian settled in India, so don’t get surprised at my name. Please give your feedback, it is precious). New family had shifted in the flat above my floor. From their dressing sense and language they seemed, and they were, very educated and well off. A couple, their son and daughter. And, as the reader must be expecting already, the daughter was irresistibly hot. Her name was Sonali. Fair complexion, height 5 feet 6 inches,...

3 years ago
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Seduced by Feet pt 3

We both cuddled closely to each other now on the couch. My body was on top of hers and slightly to the side. It was perfect to kiss her lips and any other part of her upper body that I wanted. My hand slowly rubbed over her tummy in a circular pattern as I first broke the silence by speaking. "So, How did a 14 year old get so horny and eager for sex?" She giggled and smiled while looking into my eyes "After my first was gone, I've been messing around with hot guys ever since." I was...

4 years ago
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Pados Ki Larki Ko Aurat Banaya

Hi mera naam Rohan hai mai Patna ka rahne wala haun. Meri height 5 fit 10 inch hai.Mera Lora 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch chaura hai. Mai abhi Patna college se BBA kar raha hu aur meri age 20 hogi. Ye kahani real hai aur meri apni hai ye 6 mah pahle ki ghatna hai jab maine Patna college mai addmission liya mai isse pahle delhi mai rehta tha aur june ya july mai mera addmission patna college mai hu hai. Mera home town Chapra hai aur maine addmission ke bad Patna mai hi Kahi room liya hai . Mai...

2 years ago
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Point of Difference

“Blast, who could that be?” I had just settled down on the couch to watch the match of the day and the doorbell rang. I had my bowl of chips and man dip and a drink all set out. Chrissie was wasn’t going to back from a business trip till the early hours of the morning so I was in shorts and dressing gown hoping for a quiet night in. I opened the door and was surprised to see a rather pretty girl in school uniform. I must say she fitted it very well indeed. The skirt was short and tight and her...

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Anna and John

John was sitting on the chair in the bedroom sipping a glass of wine while he was waiting for Ann to get off the phone. Will what the hell I always said that I liked to try new things but just both of us jerking off will it should be different. But look at the bright side always wanted to watch a woman use a dildo on herself at least I guess that is what is going to happen at least I want haft to rent a video and she said she wanted to watch me also so what the fuck dam I hope that this is for...

1 year ago
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Autobiography Of Private Life Part 3

The second day: I could wake up at 11am and as there was lunch time after an hour got up soon (although I didn’t want to as my entire body was having pain) got ready as soon as I could. I reached at dining hall on time and hugged my baby(my son not the professor) then we took lunch together, we spent some time to discuss about upcoming events and his role in those tasks before he went for practice. And I started to move towards my room. But I got a call from raj at the same time. RAJ: hey...

2 years ago
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The Secrets of KingsChapter 7

Marigold glared at Roscoe, then glared at his phone. She hadn't been done yelling at Thule and was angry that this balky piece of technology had interrupted her. She shoved the handset into Roscoe's arms and stormed towards the door. Roscoe followed her, "Where are you going?" "I don't know," steamed Marigold. "For a walk. Don't follow me, Roscoe. I've had enough of being spied on." She thought Roscoe might argue, but he just looked down at her, considering her words. Then, he...

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Slut The Seeding Breeding of Dawn

Chapter one:Neil’s Introduction:The first time I saw her was at the company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone’s attention as she glided through the room, making introductions to old friends and new alike. She was dressed in a figure hugging fantail evening dress in a deep blue colour. The dress was held up by two very thins straps which sat on her alabaster shoulders. Her skin was almost porcelain, so smooth and feminine....

4 years ago
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Neighbor Pete cont

It'de been 2 weeks since Pete swore off fucking my rear,I decided to torture him some.I went about servicing my 3 friends but knowing he'de drop by I made excuses to leave.Seeing the man leave he'de come by for some.I met him at my carport,promise to be right back and drive off.Once I let him watch me shower saying I had been called into work.Spending considerable time soaping my ass,I could see his erection strain his pants.This one saturday afternoon I got particularly mean.I invited my big...

3 years ago
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Rock the CradleChapter 9

The plan is simple. Mr. Thomas will take the fall. Maybe revealing the plan is a bit too early. What Jasmine learned of completely blew her mind, and it is probably why her father told her it after he fucked her again. As they lay in the bed, her father strokes the side of her face. It is the face he has looked at all her life, from the time she was born until now. He didn’t show interest in any sexual manner until she began her advances on him. It was before she received her special gift....

2 years ago
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Potential Part 27

Potential by Bistander Chapter 27 An Ultimate Threesome After the exhausting night of racing, Evan had gone to his mother's room, hoping to find her awake. He had high expectations based on the previous night in her bed, but it was more than the sexual bliss that he hoped to recapture. It wasn't anything Evan could explain, but his night with Candy had transformed him. They made love; he poured every ounce of himself into pleasuring her. They went to sleep, woke beside each other, and...

4 years ago
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Les aventures de Martine

Martine est une jeune fille de bonne famille élevée dans un milieu puritain ou parler ou même évoquer le sexe créait un scandale. Martine a aujourd'hui 18 ans et à cette occasion, ses parents la laisse partir deux semaines chez la soeur de sa mère, une tante qu'elle aime beaucoup et chez qui rien n'est tabou, ni les gestes ni les paroles. (cela les parents l'ignorent). Je dois tout d'abord vous décrire Martine, c'est une petite brunette d'1m75, pour 60 kg, elle a une poitrine 90C, de longues...

1 year ago
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Everything for my sister Chp 2

Same category s my other stories.This is the second installment of a four-part series. As with all second parts, it just doesn't compare with the original but it is still a good story. Please enjoy.I woke up to the sound of my sister’s door opening the next Saturday morning. I stared blearily at the doorway and made out the silhouette of my dad standing there. Last night’s events came back to me in a flash and I immediately jumped out of bed and slumped to the doorway with a feeling of terror....

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Bacche Ka Sukh Diya Mumbai Ke Bhabhi Ko

Story real h majje se padhe aur mujhe mere pe apni ray jarur batana.To story pe aata hu.Main mumbai me gav se naukarike liye aaya.Mumbai me me apne behen ke ghar me rehta tha.Jo shadishuda h.! Ab suno mere story ke heroin se jisaka name h mansi.Mansi ki age 37thi figure 32-36-32h.Dikhaneme yekdam gori aur sunder h.Mujhe sex ka nasha to pehelese hi h.Meri mulakat mansise jab me mere behen ghar hui thi.Usaki shadi ko 10 saal huye the magar use baccha nahi tha yeh mujhe mere behen ne bataya.Mujhe...

2 years ago
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A Dish Best Seved Cold or Bryans Revenge 2

Introduction: The concluding chapter to the sequel to Spring break Broke My Heart A Dish Best Served Cold or Bryans Revenge 2 (The sequel to Spring Break Broke My Heart) By rutger5 (An Original Story – Copyright2012) It took me a while to find parking near the Katz residence but in Borough Park thats to be expected I guess. Finally I found a spot around three blocks away where I parked. As I was getting out of the car the letter from Courtney sitting on the passenger seat caught my eye. I...

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Chastized TV

Chastized T.V. by Tiffany Scott 95' My girlfriend and I were already into some light kink, bondage, latex and a little T.V. She never took a great deal of interest or got much pleasure out it until her girlfriend next door gave her a copy of Slave Pir. to read. She was suddenly turned on to sexual experimentation. She made me sit with her and read that magazine cover to cover several times. She told me that this was something she could get her teeth into and that it...

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Pay Back as a Bitch

I pulled up out on the street in font of the Derren’s place, turned off the lights and walked to the front door. The kids my sister was looking after were only about five or six years old so they went to bed real early and she just sat around watching cable on their plasma screen. Mrs. Derren was a total witch who was so paranoid that the only reason Clare got the job was because her and our mum went to school together, Mr Derren on the other hand was pussy whipped so badly that I actually...

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Brandy and Moonlight at the Company Christmas Party

Sarah Paling sat quietly at her workstation, and carefully soldered a connection. Still, as she worked, she listened to the talk around her. "He thought buying me dinner entitled him to me as desert." Brandy laughed. "I'm not that cheap!" "Sure you are girlfriend." Misty giggled. "Look at how you dress." "Hey, I dress to impress. Is that a problem?" Sarah glanced over as Brandy sat up tall, her ample assets straining mightily at her sheer silk blouse. She quickly looked back at...

2 years ago
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Porn Shoot

Well, I had said I wasn't going to do another photo shoot.  That however changed when the company I had been to before contacted me.  I had told them, no, but they were persistent and offered what seemed like a lot of money.  Eventually, I conceded, it was just too good an offer to turn down.This time they wanted to do a photo set with a guy and me, involving full penetration.  I wasn't sure about it at first but then thought at least that was I knew in advance what I was getting into.  They...

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A Coachs dream Part 2

The following day at swim practice, I was trying to keep my distance from Judy and her friends. This was the last practice before our big meet on Saturday and all the girls were putting 100 percent into this practice, Judy and her two friends were working the hardiest. It was hard not to stare Judy's way, she made my dream come to life last evening, even though it might of only been a bet between the girls, that was one hell of a bet. Now it was getting close to the end of class when Mary...

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Proxy Paige and her friends fucked me into a human

I'd been bound, hands behind my back and legs frogtied. I was splayed on an enormous bed, a cockring fit snugly around my balls and erect shaft, and my ass was filled to capacity with an inflatable butt plug. I could hear their hushed voices from the other room, probably discussing how they'd divvy me up.The cracked door opened, and in she walked: Proxy Paige. Shirtless, with rainbow locks falling about her shoulders and ample breasts; thigh high sheer black stockings adorned her legs, with...

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