Gaia's ChampionChapter 19 free porn video

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Daelina and Darren watched in horror as the wraith drained the life energy from the mother and child. Anger overwhelmed the fairy woman and through it, she drew upon Gaia’s magic. She focused her will and unleashed a blast of pure energy at the wraith. Being a creature that thrived off death and decay, the energy knocked the wraith sideways, sending it flying.

It wailed in agony, then anger at its feeding being so rudely interrupted. It stood up and approached Darren and Daelina, its previous targets forgotten. It gathered its Dark Magic, fashioning it into a spell of draining, and fired it at the couple. On reflex, Darren’s arms came out, invoking a barrier spell to protect them. The magic that was supposed to drain them hit the shield and dissipated, becoming nothing.

The wraith wailed in frustration as its spell was defeated and readied the spell again. Daelina was faster this time and lanced out with a spell similar to the wraith’s. The major difference was that instead of draining any magic it had, the spell sought to knock any life energy loose from it. The bolt of energy caught the wraith off guard, and it was thrown back, with green life energy falling out of the apparition.

“Darren, scoop up that energy, now!” Daelina cried out.

Nodding, Darren did as he was told and used his magic to collect the stolen energies. He called it to him, and the energy rushed to him, collecting much like a cluster of lights. The wraith reached out, as though trying to stop Darren, but Daelina hit it with another blast, weakening it further. It cried out in pain and frustration, before it retreated into the shadows, before vanishing altogether.

“What in the name of Gaia was that thing?!?” Darren growled, half expecting the creature to pop out of a nearby shadow.

“It was a wraith, Darren. But it’s gone for now, thank Gaia,” Daelina told him.

“How do you know? How do you know it’s gone?”

“Do you feel cold at all?” Daelina asked him.

“I ... I did! But not so much now,” Darren replied, looking down at his arms. His eyes widened when he saw they were covered in goosebumps. “How did you know?”

“Pass me that energy first. I’ll explain after we help these poor people,” Daelina told her boyfriend.

She snapped her fingers at the energy in his hand, before gesturing for him to hand it over. Darren pushed it towards her and Daelina took it from him and sorted out which energy belonged to whom. Drawing upon her fairy magic, she pushed the energies back to their rightful owners.

The mother and son had since gone catatonic, not seeing what was going on around them. Daelina was glad for that, and the isolated area around them, as there was no one else near them she could see or sense. The energies merged back with the fallen humans, bringing them back to life from their petrified state. Darren watched in amazement as the two of them started blinking, coming back to.

“Wha-what ... happened?” the mother asked, coming back to consciousness first.

“Looks like the two of you suffered a bout of sunstroke and needed a moment to sit down. How do you feel?” Daelina asked.

“Mind’s a little ... fuzzy. I remember ... Nolan saying his head hurt,” the mother remembered. “Nolan?”

“M ... mommy?” the little boy mewled.

“Come on. Let’s get you two somewhere proper to sit, and something to drink. Sunstroke is no joke,” Darren replied, offering his hand to help them up.

Between Darren and Daelina, they were able to get the mother and her son, Nolan, on their feet and over to a park bench. Darren found a food truck in the parking lot of the park and bought a couple of waters. After giving it to the pair and checking that they were OK, the couple left the would be victims behind and rushed out of there. They found a small and secluded spot where Daelina could work her magic and they were soon small and flying.

“Would you mind telling me what the whole bit with the wraith is?” Darren asked.

“Wraiths are beings of pure shadow and darkness, feeding on the life energy of those around them. It has been a while since I’ve seen one and I’ve never had to fight one before today,” Daelina replied.

“You’ve seen one before? When?”

“Many centuries ago, when the lights of our city still glowed brightly. During the war,” Daelina explained.

Darren winced, knowing that the war was a touchy subject for his fiancée. He’d asked a few probing questions about it, but hadn’t asked for too much in the manner of details. He could tell that it was something of a sore spot, not just for Daelina, but for the other fairies as well. Darren focused his thoughts on the wraith and placed a few more questions to Daelina about where they were headed.

“Back to the house. The archive from the Sons might have some answers about how to fight such a being,” she responded.

“Didn’t you just say that you fought one before?” Darren wondered.

“I said that I saw one before, not that I fought one. I’ve seen a fight ensue between fairy soldiers and wraiths, but I never joined in such a fight. I wasn’t taught the magic needed to fight them,” she stated.

“You think the Sons’ archive could hold some answers?” Darren queried.

“It’s worth a shot. It’s better than doing nothing but fearing for your life while you wait for it to come after you,” Daelina told him.

“Point taken.”

The pair soon arrived at the house, just as some others were getting back. Daelina put Darren down, before working her magic to make them big again. This caught some of them by surprise, as not everyone there was accustomed to seeing magic used every day. Daelina hurried up to them and told them what happened earlier, and how the wraith had retreated when it was confronted by them.

“Damn it! I wish we had more time, but it seems like this wraith has wasted none,” Phalmina griped.

“Wait, you knew about the wraith before this?” Darren queried, his anger rising.

“We all did. It was right after you had broken from your father’s control and Sheena had found her way to the glade. Phalmina had told us,” Daelina stated, using her hand to indicate herself, Xaera and the other fairies, “that there was a wraith on the loose, but that it was weak. We tried locating it on our own but have had zero chance in finding it. This encounter today gave us what we needed to track it.”

“So, hold on. You’re telling us that there’s a soul sucking ghost out there, that could drain us dry and we’d have no chance at defending ourselves?” Luke snapped.

“Not no chance, no. Today was an eye-opening experience and one that shows us we will need to step things up,” Daelina explained.

“What do you mean?” Elizabeth queried.

“The wraith has gained enough power to attack living beings in broad daylight! Broad, daylight! Let that sink in for a moment and what it means,” Emalia stated.

“Shit! If it was strong enough to overcome a woman and her child at the same time...” Amy started.

“Then it’s not far off in coming after any of us!” Phalmina told them. “OK, so there’s a Ward of Protection set here, at Jason’s, Eva’s and Liz’s homes. Who else needs said protection?”

“My place and my auntie’s,” Karla replied, making her request known.

“We’ll get that done today, so don’t worry for now. Lina, do you still recall what it felt like, being around that wraith?” Phalmina asked.

“Unfortunately. Why?”

“If we focus our magics on that sensation. Pooling our power together, we could track the damn thing and possibly defeat it. If nothing else, we could at least weaken it, before it goes after anyone else,” Phalmina suggested.

“Good idea! With the three of us, we should be able to bring that thing down!” Daelina agreed.

“What about the rest of us? How can we help?” Xaera asked.

“You lot can go inside and research everything that you can on wraiths. What they can do, how they move about, but most importantly, how to kill them,” Phalmina told them.

“Wouldn’t you want this info before you head out?” Luke wondered.

“We need to move against it now, while its trail is still fresh. If we lose it now, we might not get another opportunity like this again!” Emalia replied.

“Fair enough,” Eva replied. “You three heading out now then?”

“Yeah. We should be able to handle the damned thing. It was strong, but not strong enough to overcome Darren’s defensive magics. With the three of us, it shouldn’t pose any real threat and we’ll be sticking together to hunt it down,” Daelina stated, easing Darren’s fears.

“Still, you three be careful! Especially since two of you are carrying little ones,” Eva told them.

“Don’t worry, mom. We’ll be all right,” Daelina replied. Without another word, Phalmina shrunk down, with Daelina and Emalia joining her moments later. The three motes of light then took off at high speed, heading in the direction of the park where the wraith was found.

“They’ll be OK, Darren. Lina can handle herself,” Amy told her brother, while he stared in the direction the fairy women had gone off in.

“I know, but I worry all the same,” the young man said, smiling slightly.

The fairies arrived at the park soon after leaving the house, with Daelina leading them. They stopped at the shadow of the tree where the wraith had faded, tapping into their magic to attempt to track the wraith. All they picked up though was a faint trace of the darkness that the apparition had emanated. Phalmina huffed in frustration, thinking they had missed their window.

“Damn! I hoped we could still find it!” the blonde fairy griped.

“Hmm. You had an idea back at the house. Something about pooling our magic?” Daelina started.

“Could be worth delving into. Ema, come here,” Phalmina called out.

Emalia skipped over and the three of them joined hands, focusing their magic to work as one entity, rather than three. Their senses expanded and they could sense far more than what they initially would. The range at which they could sense things was greater as well. It took a few moments, but as their magic worked, they finally could sense something ... sinister, emanating just west of where they stood.

“Do you sense that?” Daelina questioned.

“I do. By Gaia, it’s ... cold!” Emalia shivered.

“At least we have a direction of where we need to search. Come on, you two!” Phalmina said, as she flapped her wings and took flight. Emalia and Daelina weren’t far behind, flying with their sister fairy seconds later. As they flew toward the frigid feeling, it became sharper, more pronounced.

They looked below them maybe twenty minutes later and noted that they were in the town. They flew past the newer part of town, as the cold sensation was further past it. It wasn’t long before the feeling intensified and the neighborhood looked a little rougher than what they’d seen so far. They not only sensed the cold sensation, but a lingering feeling of wrongness, which hung over the large building, which was advertised as a motel.

“It’s here. I can sense it’s ... darkness,” Daelina stated.

“I can as well,” Phalmina agreed.

“Must be looking for a target to drain, since you interrupted its feeding,” Emalia said.

“Have some life-giving bolts handy girls. We’re going to have to flush it out,” Phalmina told her friends. Green runes and sigils wreathed the fairies’ hands as they drew near the structure. Focusing their senses, they searched for the source of the darkness and homed in on it. They found it on the second floor of the motel, behind a ratty blue door with the number twenty-three on it.

“In there?” Emalia whispered.

“Yeah,” Daelina replied.

Staying in their tiny forms, the fairies slipped underneath the door and zipped in. They found a wiry young man, wearing a greasy undershirt and filthy jeans, leaning back in a chair. A needle was stuck in his arm and he had this look of distorted bliss on his face. Above him hovered the wraith, feeding off him, sucking his life force out of him as he was doped out of his mind.

Wasting not one second, the fairies attacked the apparition, blasting it with their magic. The wraith shrieked as the magic slammed into it, as its feeding cycle was broken yet again. It turned to face its assailants, thinking to feed on them instead, but saw that it was outmatched. Facing one fairy would be something that it could manage, but facing three of them? No way it would still be around after that. Seeing no other option, the wraith rushed past them, ghosting right through the window.

“After it!” Phalmina cried out, zipping for the crack in the door. Daelina and Emalia followed suit and were out of the room in seconds.

Daelina hesitated for a moment, as she looked at the young man, who was wasting away in the chair. He was still alive, but barely, and she was unsure if he’d ever wake up from his high. After bouncing the idea around in her head for a few seconds, Daelina made a choice and acted, sending a charged bolt of life-giving energy to the young man.

The magic poured into him, taking every mote of it into his body, like a sponge would suck up water. Where his skin was once pasty and lifeless, it now glowed with the vigor of youth. Seeing her work done, Daelina dashed through the crack in the door, joining her fairy sisters. They were chasing down the wraith, thinking to catch it, but it was moving too fast.

Daelina smirked as an idea jumped into her head, and she took off skyward. Once she reached a decent height, she stopped, surveying the area below. It was headed for another structure nearby, which looked like an abandoned garage. She noted how the fence separating the motel from the garage was overgrown with ivy and creepers. Seeing the wraith flee before Emalia and Phalmina, Daelina called upon her fairy magic and wove a spell to catch the wraith by surprise.

In seconds the spell was ready, and she launched it at the fence, saturating the plant life with Gaia’s magic. The wraith wasn’t looking where it was going and flew headlong into the fence. The spell that Daelina used was a barrier spell, which would deter any living being that tried to pass through it. But an undead apparition, like a wraith, would hit it like an electric fence.

The wraith screamed in pain as it flew right into the barrier, dancing like it being shocked. It then careened away from it, much like someone huge had swatted it away. It landed in a heap right at Phalmina’s feet, just as she reached it. She and Emalia yipped in surprise before they brought their magic to bear on it. Daelina swooped down to join her friends, adding her magic to theirs.

“Good catch Lina! I thought it was going to get away from us!” Emalia enthused as she worked her spells to contain the wraith.

“Not on my watch!” Daelina grinned as she, too, formed Runes of Containment to bind the wraith.

Between the three of them, the wraith was nearly bound, as the runes the fairies were using had weakened it. With a roar of defiance, the wraith drew upon its Dark Magic, pulling from what reserves it had, and broke away from them. The fairies were shocked at its power, having underestimated just how strong it was. Before any of them could react, the wraith launched a Dark Spell, forming it to confuse and disorient the fairies.

It had used most of its strength to break free, and its energies were fading fast. It looked to where they stood and noted that a small piece of itself was left behind. The piece itself had several runes latched onto it, preventing it from returning to the wraith. Though it dearly wanted to reclaim that part of itself, the fairies were coming to, quickly shaking off its Dark Spell.

Using what Dark Magic it had left, the wraith vanished in a flash of energy. When the fairies came to several seconds later, they saw their quarry had eluded them yet again. Where the wraith had stood, was now a blackened scar on the ground. The three of them searched with their eyes and magic, but could detect no trace of the wraith or where it had gone.

“Damn it!” Phalmina cursed.

“We had that blasted thing in a Binding Spell! How in Gaia’s name did it break free?” Daelina fumed.

“Seems like it has abilities we don’t know about. But we didn’t end up empty-handed!” Emalia piped up, heading back to where they had bound the wraith. On the ground, floating inertly, was the shard of the wraith that it had left behind. It sat there, spasming and twitching, like a severed limb. A couple of runes still glowed on the floating mass, keeping it in place.

“Well, at least that’s something! Now we should be able to track the damn thing!” Phalmina told her friends.

“Let’s complete these runes and get back. I want to know where this creature has gone, and fast!” Emalia said.

Without any further prompting, the fairies floated around the blobby shard of the wraith, casting their spells. They created a cage for it, so the dark essence of the wraith wouldn’t touch anyone and corrupt them. Once the magical cage was done, they empowered it with additional runes, containing the essence and protecting it. With the protection spells done, a final rune was placed upon it, keeping it safe from the defensive magic of the house.

“You think those runes will hold?” Daelina wondered.

“They will. For now, which is all we need, until we can build a proper containment vessel,” Phalmina told her, using her magic to shrink the caged shard, before drawing it to her.

“What happened to that young man the wraith was draining? Is he still alive?” Emalia queried.

“He was barely clinging to life when we left. I took a moment to give him a shot of life-giving magic. He should wake up and hopefully make better choices with his life,” Daelina stated.

“How powerful a blast did you give him?” Phalmina asked.

“Powerful enough to wake him up and restore his health some. He was teetering on the edge of life and death when the wraith fled. I didn’t want him to sit there, unable to wake or do anything,” Daelina told her friends.

“Let’s hope that he isn’t stupid with this second chance you gave him,” Emalia replied, before the three of them took flight.

Miles slowly came to, waking up out of the high that he had been in. It had been a weird one this time around, weird, but also frightening. Normally, when he got high, it was pure euphoria, something that took him to a place of bliss. This time, though, was more like a nightmare, one which he feared he wouldn’t wake from.

He remembered the darkness that had encroached on his high, blackening everything. Miles could feel the very essence of it, which was what he supposed pure evil would feel like. He shuddered at the memory, not wishing to relive the horrifying moments he had endured. The one thing that stood out, though, was a being of light, which drove the darkness away.

Miles didn’t know who or what it was that had changed it, but he was thankful for it, regardless. From what he could remember, the being was female, telling him to wake up. He did, following the path back to consciousness as he always had after shooting up. He looked down at the needle in his arm and frowned, pulling the object out of his skin.

After going through that nightmare, Miles knew he couldn’t use again. He wouldn’t, knowing the depths of the nightmare he had just suffered. He only used as a means to get away from the nightmare that was life, not to step into another one. He sighed and stood up, walking over to where he left his stuff in the room. Miles then caught his reflection in the mirror and stopped in tracks.

He had always known that he was a scrawny waif, the kind that most people could easily beat down. Hell, because of the drugs he was constantly using, he had only become thinner and weaker. The man staring at him in the glass was someone entirely different. This man looked healthy, youthful, alive! Miles touched his face, to be sure he wasn’t seeing things and sure enough, what he saw was real!

“What the fuck happened to me?” the young man whispered to himself.

Though he was unsure on how this had happened, he knew that whatever it was, had given him a second chance. He no longer felt weak, sick or hurt. Hell, he felt better than he had in years! He looked down at the line of coke that was sitting on the nightstand and felt nothing but disgust. He bent down and brushed it away with his hand, scattering the white powder into dust.

Miles paused after a minute and blinked, thinking about what he’d done. He’d never wasted good drugs like that, ever! He looked down at his hand and thought about taking a lick at the remaining powder that was smeared on it. Instead of doing what he’d always done, he just dusted off his hands, before heading to the bathroom to wash up. Miles didn’t know what had come over him, but at this moment, he didn’t really care.

Somehow, his health and vitality had been restored to where he no longer felt pain. His cravings were gone and even his hands were steady, which mystified him. He took a deep breath and thought to himself about how much time, energy and money he’d wasted on getting high. Whatever had changed, Miles knew one thing for certain; that he’d no longer run from his problems. He’d face them, whatever they were.

Sheena and Jason were driving back to the house, having an animated discussion about what they had learned.

“What do you think the tribal historian can tell us when we go back?” Jason asked.

“Hard to say. There’s a lot of lost history that we’re piecing back together, so it’s anyone’s guess really,” Sheena responded.

“That’s fair, I suppose. I wish that all that shit that happened back then didn’t. The destruction of an entire race’s culture and history? That shit is beyond wrong!” Jason grumped.

“You don’t have to tell me that,” Sheena smiled as she drove.

She chanced a brief look at Jason and smirked at the things she’d like to do to him right now. Turning her eyes back to the road, Sheena then noted a familiar road coming up. In her mind, she did a small happy dance, before making her choice and took the familiar road. Jason blinked as she made the turn, glancing over to the road they left.

“Sheena, you know the house is that way, right?” Jason queried.

“We’ll head back to the house ... eventually. I just wanted to take this little trip down memory lane,” she told her boyfriend.

Jason stared at her quizzically until he took his eyes to the road. Realization dawned on his face as he remembered the road they were on now. Nearly ten minutes later, they pulled into an old road, heading up to a secluded overlook. Jason smiled to himself as Sheena parked the car and they got out. This place was out in the middle of nowhere, quiet, and offered an amazing view of the land surrounding them.

“Damn! It’s been a while since I was up here!” Jason grinned.

“I should damn well hope so! This is our spot!” Sheena grouched.

“I know! The last time I was here was with you,” Jason chuckled. “Did you have an ulterior motive for bringing me up here, other than a trip down memory lane?”

Sheena answered by tackling Jason to the hood of her car, kissing him hard, as her body lay atop of his. The big man was caught off guard by Sheena’s sudden move, but he smiled inwardly. It had been a while since it was just him and her, and Jason was happy for the alone time with his woman. He kissed her back, his blood running hot and his senses coming alive with Sheena’s sumptuous body in his hands.

“You object to my ulterior motives?” Sheena pouted.

“Not at all! You know I’m just as guilty when it comes to such things,” Jason laughed.

Sheena giggled, but then started moaning as Jason’s hands found their way to her tits. She could feel his strong hands kneading her pliable flesh through the fabric. His fingers pressed into her breasts, eliciting more moans from her as Jason sought out her sensitive spots. Sheena thought it was unfair that her tits were so sensitive, which made it easy for him to turn her on.

“Someone’s having themselves some fun!” Jason chuckled as his mouth found her bare flesh, making her squeal as he kissed it.

Sheena panted with lust as she let Jason take her top off, exposing her mocha skin to the daylight. He fiddled with the front catch on her bra and her heavy tits sprang free. Jason was ready and caught them both with his hands, before his mouth descended on her nipples. She could feel her desire for the man skyrocket and decided, in that moment, to turn the tables.

She then pushed Jason off and tugged at his shirt, wanting it off. Jason took the hint and grasped at the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. Sheena then slid down while he was doing that and fiddled with his fly, unzipping it, before reaching in and pulling his cock out.

“Sheena, what...” Jason got out before a groan of bliss passed his lips.

He could feel his lady’s hot and moist mouth envelop his hard dick, sending a surge through his loins. Jason could feel his cock stiffen and become rock hard as Sheena sucked on him. Her head bobbed up and down, slowly, sensuously, as she was inflating his dick. Sheena loved watching Jason squirm as she did naughty things to him, enjoying the power she had over him in that moment.

Using her mouth creatively, Sheena made Jason moan ever louder as she blew him. He continued to cry out in delight, as Sheena made him harder than he’d been in a while. Jason loved the way her mouth felt on his dick and knew that if she kept this up, he’d be filling her mouth with his cum. Though he would have loved to do that, Sheena had fired him up, making him want her in the worst way.

Carefully, Jason put his hands on her head, so as not to startle her. Sheena was so into sucking him off, that she didn’t even notice his hands on her head. Her hands danced up and down his rock hard abs, occasionally resting on his balls. Sheena fondled them a little, but not too much. She wanted to prolong this for as long as she could, knowing that such moments of them being alone like this were rare.

Jason could feel his loins tighten as Sheena kept going, and he knew he was about to cum. He then gripped Sheena’s hair and slowly pulled her off, despite her protests. She was about to admonish him for interrupting her, but Jason placed his mouth on hers and kissed her soundly. Sheena’s argument died in seconds and she let herself be kissed, moaning into her man.

Jason then picked her up before getting to his feet. Sheena squealed in alarm, but seeing how Jason held her like she weighed nothing at all, she calmed down a little. Sheena could feel his steely dick as she was pressed up against him and gulped audibly before speaking.

“Um ... could you put me down, please?”

“Certainly,” Jason replied as he turned, seating her on the hood of the car. His hands then roamed up the long, flowy skirt she was wearing, and Sheena shivered.

“Jason...” she started before she felt his hands find her hidden treasure. She sighed happily as Jason’s fingers found her panties and stroked her nether lips through them. She was already soaked, with her nethers already a hot and soupy mess. Sheena could feel the desire rising within her, but Jason then grabbed her panties and tore them straight off her body.

Sheena squealed at the barbaric motion, but couldn’t help but be turned on by it. She had little chance to object, as Jason’s mouth quickly found its way to her leaky quim. The moment his mouth was over it, Sheena almost wailed, especially once she felt his tongue dancing on her folds. A loud moan escaped her lips as Jason’s mouth worked her nethers, making her squeak and squirm in delight.

Jason’s tongue kept moving, flicking up and down her nether lips as he sucked on her moist pussy. Sheena squealed even louder, approaching a full on scream as her man continued. She knew she would not last, not with Jason hitting all her soft points like he was. Sheena could feel the oncoming wave and was almost giddy with anticipation at its arrival.

Just as she thought it was a few minutes away, she then felt Jason’s tongue find the nub of her clit. What was miles away from her was suddenly in her face, overwhelming every sense she had. Sheena screamed her lungs out, her voice carrying along through the forest. The sheer intensity of her orgasm threatened to tear apart her mind, but every moment of bliss was worth it in Sheena’s eyes.

She could feel her legs snapping shut but was dimly aware of what she had done. Jason didn’t mind and his resilience as a Druid gave him the ability to shrug off her sturdy legs gripping him like this. He just smiled and kept going, wanting to give his lady every moment of pleasure that she deserved. He then smiled evilly and probed her channel with his fingers.

Sheena’s head snapped up and stared down at him, and she gulped as Jason’s fingers pushed into her honeypot. He took his time, inserting them slowly, carefully, before they finally rested up to the knuckle. Jason then wiggled his fingers inside her a little, making Sheena cry out in blissful shock. Chuckling, Jason kept at it, but he was slow and deliberate in his movements, teasing her as much as possible.

“Jaaasssssoooooooooonnn! Stop ... teasing ... me!” Sheena groaned.

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John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 Space our last frontier

Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 New Friends

Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16

More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 To make deserts into productive land for Dummyrsquos

A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 22

Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

3 years ago
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A Girl I Want to Be

A Girl I Want to Be By Jennifer Allison Dean had been thinking about taking his own life for the last year. The main reason for this thought was Dean thought Mother Nature made a mistake when he was conceived. He should have been born a girl. Dean knew he wasn't gay. When he tried to wear his mother's clothes. He didn't get very much excitement out of it. So Dean found himself with the wrong gender and nothing he could really do about it. Except think about killing...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Lacy Lennon In The Right Hands

It’s been so long since Lacy Lennon has been able to cum. She’s tried everything. Masturbating, her boyfriend, nothing is working. Finally, after another morning of failing to get herself off, Lacy decides to take some drastic action. She goes ahead and calls maintenance for a made up repair just to get a fresh new potential partner into her apartment. When Ryan Maclane arrives for Lacy’s service appointment, he has no idea what’s waiting for him. Lacy answers the door...

3 years ago
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From Little Girl to teenager Girl Pt 3

From Little Girl to Teenage girl (3) (That night at the BBQ) By Ms. Nicole Smith ************************************ Do NOT read this story if you are legally not allowed to do so. The story itself is based on events which actually took place when I was a much younger boy. ************************************ "I'll shower first Wend, then you, and Stephanie you have to go last, because Angela won't be around till about 6ish" announced Lois, so Wendy and I hung around Lois'...

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The Futa Experiment Part 2 Doctor Winters

Bianca unlocked the bathroom door and peeked her head out into the hallway. There, as she expected, was Doctor Winters, a tall, curvy blonde with hair pulled back into a neat bun, glasses sitting in front of brilliant blue eyes. And with a smirk on her face that she couldn’t conceal. “So, Bianca, I see you’ve been having some fun with my secretary...” She peered past Bianca and watched as Kate, her secretary, began to put her clothes back on. Her face and hair was covered in sticky, fresh cum...

3 years ago
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A great swim and an epic time

As I walked thru the forest one day, I came to a nice little pond. being such a hot day, and being sweaty, I decided to go for a swim. I checked around to see if anyone was around. nobody around. I stripped off my clothes, and slowly waded into the cool water. the bottom of the pond was a think mud, but it felt almost pleasant against my skin. A thought crossed my mind: what if I stuck my dick into the soft gooey mud? would it feel as pleasant? my 7" began to stiffen at the idea. I didnt...

2 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 23 Return to Camelot

Having asked Merlin why he summoned us, I awaited his explanation. It took him a few seconds to reply. "The soul of Mordred, who you slew in battle, had been drifting about the kingdom casting a morbid pall over the land. In order to rectify the situation, I conjured up a spell to banish him to the fires of Hell for all eternity. The power of his soul must have been more than I thought for instead he turned into a fierce fire-breathing dragon that has been wreaking havoc all over the land....

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Candice Parker Part 3

Candice Parker - Part 3 Chapter 8 - Game Recognizes Game Three weeks later, Candice was sweeping one of the mansion's many ceramic tile floors, preparing it for a thorough mopping, when she heard Mrs. Belfridge's voice coming from the doorway. "Miss Parker, Ms. Rockwell wants to see you in her office right away. She said that it's something urgent." "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Belfridge." Candice thought it odd that Ms. Rockwell would send someone rather than come herself, but she put...

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Janice and Wayne

I met Wayne when we both worked at the old Park Lane college in Leeds.We went to the The Craven Heifer Inn on Grassington Road in Skipton. We had arranged it by email; he had sent a lovely invite to my address just after 12 noon. He parked the car then left the car to make a phone call outside round the back of his car. After the call, as we entered the Inn Wayne commented on the beautiful colourful flower tubs outside and the fact that the Inn had accommodation. We went to the bar and I went...

Straight Sex
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Swingers Beach part 1

Patrick and his wife, Alissa, recently had a wild sexual experience that has totally changed the dynamic of their relationship. They were both madly in love with one another, both were so full of life. Alissa is a stunning brunette who is quite shy and very reserved. Patrick had always been very proud of his sexy bride. Pat would constantly encourage her to dress in revealing clothing so other men would envy what a gorgeous wife he landed. Alissa, being the loving wife that she was,...

2 years ago
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The Best Tits Ever

Hi, This is my first story here. Hope you like it. I am xx, 25, from Goa, working for a MNC. I was very desperate for the past 1 year for a woman elder to me. I had many past relationships but they didn’t appeal me much. I was always looking for a opportunity whenever I saw chubby woman seating next to me in a bus. I used to try and touch my elbow to their waist. But I would be afraid if they did make a noise. My desperation was increasing to get a married woman. I was trying different ideas...

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When I first discovered nylon

It all started for me as a young teenager when my parents split up and I went to live with my aunt and uncle and my cousin in Dagenham. Back then Dagenham was great place to be as a teen with lots to do and I made friends with other guys within days so all was good.My aunt and uncle both worked at the ford motor company and my 19 year old cousin Vicky worked for a local firm as a secretary (I changed her name as we still see each other) The summer holidays had just finished and we had only been...

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Grace the BikersChapter 3

The Elderly Wives Club of Long Leary continues It was Joy who broke the long silence after I had refused to tell them about my three individual love sessions with my sons. “We understand perfectly Grace, and we have no problem with that,” she said. “ unfortunately we do have problems. There are only seven days before the Wiccan meeting on the night of the Blood Moon. Due to unforeseen business problems involving Maureen, the movie we planned to make with you in Holland over two weeks will...

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Fucking My Cousin

It was our annual family vacation to the countryside. Our family own a lake house in the countryside and our family go their every summer for two months. My family consists of my parents, my aunt and uncle, myself and my cousin. I have an older sister but she moved to a different country for her job so she doesn't come anymore. It's a three bedroom house and up until this summer I've been sleeping on the sofa every year. Since my sister didn't come this year, I got her bed in the room with my...

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We Finally Meet

I see him walk in and can't help but smile. He is more handsome in person than I ever thought when we talked on Skype. As he walks over to the bar, my heart skips a beat. I know it sounds corny but I swear it did. He turns around and our eyes meet. It is like there is no one left in the world as he walks over to me and pulls me in his arms for the first time. I put my arms around him tightly and feel the tears in my eyes. He pulls back and kisses me. His lips feel exactly the way I dreamed they...

Love Stories
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Timestopping Booty Hunter

"Happy Birthday Bro!", my best friend Eduardo says. He hands me a square shaped box and, curiously I open it to see what it is. I open it and I see its a nice watch with leather straps and a metal frame. "Cool, it's old school." I said. "You like it?" he asked. "Heck yeah man!", I replied. After my birthday party at night I sat in my bed before I went to sleep. I was holding the watch in my hand. I noticed it had two knobs on the side rather than one. "Hmm", I thought. "That's pretty weird. I...

2 years ago
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I Hate My Sister

I've always hated Dawn my sister, I know I shouldn't but it all stems from the day she was born. Up to then I was the only one, the heir of the family name and fortune. Then she came along and I was forgotten, worse even I had to change my life because she was there. You know how it is, be quiet or you'll wake your baby sister or sorry we can't go out because we can't find a babysitter etc. Ok I know sibling rivalry is common and I should have grown out of it by now, but fuck it why should...

4 years ago
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Обстоятельства могут порождать полностью неожиданные действия. Серьезную автомобильную аварию попал мой восемнадцатилетний сын, Ален и это обстоятельство поставило меня в ситуации, о которой я не могла когда-либо вообразить. К счастью никто не был травмирован. Пару недель с различными мелкии ранами. Ален вышел из больницы. Обо его руки были в ранках, и это заставляло его полностью быт зависимым от меня. Я была так взволнована я не возражала делать все для него.Фактически я наслаждалась, когда я...

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Elaines ride

Introduction: This story starts out slow but in the end is where all the magic happens i dont know if i can do another one to follow this one because this story took forever to finish. Elaine is an average teenage girl, who lived in California near Malibu. She was 5 foot 6, hour-glass figure, with 36 C cups and brown hair that went down to her mid-back. She has her everyday classes and everyday friends. And of course like every other 16 year old she has a crush on the hottest guy in the school....

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Aidra Fox Jaclyn Taylor Chanel Preston Jade Baker FourStep Seduction

Chanel Preston and her step-daughter, Jade Baker, are eagerly waiting for Jaclyn Taylor and her step-daughter, Aidra Fox, to show up and help with some spring cleaning. When Jaclyn and Aidra arrive, Chanel is especially excited to greet Jaclyn, and it isn’t long before the two step-mothers hurry off to clean out a closet. Jade and Aidra have always been a bit suspicious of how… close… their moms are. They seem REALLY close, even for sisters! But the girls try to put that out...

3 years ago
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A Promise Kept Ch 03

Thank you for all the praise you gave me on the first two chapters of this tale. It feels really good to be home again after being gone for so long. I have another story that I will submit after I’m finished with this last and final chapter. It is something that I wrote while I was out on this last book tour. I hope you like this one though. Last but most certainly not least, I wish all of God’s blessings on each and every one of you, and thank you, MoogPlayer P.S. Please keep in mind that...

4 years ago
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Scooter Pie Part 2 of 2

“Go home, Charlie,” she said. “Your anniversary is coming up in a few weeks. If you want to stay together, get to work. Bring her to the club and all three of us will get off.”----Charlie got home earlier than usual. Alex was already home and settled on the sofa in the family room. She had a book in her hand, a drink on the table and a pot of chowder simmering on the stove.Charlie didn’t know that Alex had ended her affair the week before. She and Justin had been in mid-fuck in his bed when a...

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Liar Ch 04

The reception was held in the grand ballroom of the finest hotel in Reston. Judging by the immaculate decorating, Brodie’s parents obviously spared no expense. Lit only by what must’ve been hundreds of candles, only added an element of awe. What wasn’t dripping with silk, and accented with crystal and gold was covered with white flowers ranging from roses, orchids, lilies, and other exotic flowers. Most of the evening had gone by with Sloane truly enjoying herself.. She almost forgot the reason...

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Sex exam

Hazaro ghum hai lekin na aaye aankh mai aansu hum ahle zarf pite hai chlakaya nahi karte. Iss ke tamam reader ko bittu ka payar bhara namskar kafi dino se meri khwhish ho rahi thi ke story ke is dunia mai mai bhi apni zindagi ke kuch haseen lamhe aap se share karu aaj woh waqt mujhe mila hai aur mai aap logon se apni hasin pal ki woh khubsurat lamhat batane ja raha hun jise parh kar aap zaroor kah uthe gey wah bittu wah . Baat undino ki hai jab meri shaddi nahi hui thi aur meri posting apne...

2 years ago
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Titty Tuesday

Tuesday morning, seven a.m. and the alarm shattered the silence of the suburban bedroom in which Melanie and Dick had been blissfully sleeping. On Tuesday it was only for Dick as it was Melanie’s weekday off. He silenced the alarm and went to the bathroom. Melanie cupped both of her breasts and squeezed her nipples hard, keeping the pressure on until a thrill shot through her body, then slipped out of bed, drew back the curtains, letting the summer sun flood in and headed to the kitchen.She...

Straight Sex
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Campfire Revelations

“Sorry, lads, duty calls,” Danny said, flashing his cheeky grin and swinging a small backpack over his shoulders. “Those arses aren't going to fuck themselves!”“They might just fuck each other,” I pointed out. This ridiculous banter had been going on for most of the trip from Birmingham to our campsite in the Lake District. It was exhausting, but I found it impossible to stop with Danny. He always seemed to bring out the cheeky schoolboy I had never been, rather than the professional...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend In Red Sari 8211 Part I

This is story between me and my girl friend. I used to call her shona and wil use d same name. this is d day wen we had cultural fest in our college. Me and my gal had a very romantic relationship, we used to treat each other more of husband and wife.. We had everything in our story love, fight, lust, villans etc a typical bollywood script.. Now let me get to story, as it was cultural fest in our college which i was least interested in, but my gal wanted to participate in it as it was our last...

3 years ago
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A Perfect CrimeChapter 10

The following morning I awoke to a loud thudding going on somewhere in my head. The inside of my mouth was feeling like the bottom of a parrot's cage and smelling like a dirty bar towel. I just about managed to get to the toilet bowl before hitting the floor and hurling the contents of my churning stomach down the white porcelain. My head ached horribly. My poor guts felt as though they had been dredged. And my eyes? Oh God my eyes. They adamantly refused to focus on anything at all and felt...

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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 15

You’re not thinking about going to Paris without Charlie and me, are you?’ asked Jordan as soon as Gwen had announced her intentions. ‘Oh, Jordan! I hate to ask anyone to go to funerals. This isn’t going to be a fun, romantic trip,’ pointed out Gwen. ‘If you’d like to come with us, we’d be extremely glad to have you! I should’ve known that you’d want to help those poor kids. You’re a true friend.’ ‘And don’t forget it!’ kidded Jordan before turning to Charlie. ‘We need to get some clothes...

2 years ago
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Gloria Barbara Alice and Joe 5 Months Later

GLORIA,BARBARA, ALICE AND JOE. FIVE MONTHS LATER. This is carrying the story of the two couples from the last page. To make sense of it, you have to read the original story. Betty Noone. ALICE AND BARBARA When Alice and Barbara moved in together, it soon became obvious that although Barbara was prettier and naturally more feminine, she became the dominant one. And Alice was fine with that. While they did many chores together, such as cooking and cleaning up, it became...

2 years ago
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My afternoon with Mrs Ropers grandaughter

Not my first time but she was one of the first girls I fucked and the most beautiful.I woke up to my mum shouting at me from downstairs. I could hear her shouting get up youve got work to do. It was a few weeks since I had finished university and I had got used to sleeping in late.I got up and had a shower, put on shorts and a t shirt and went downstairs and had some breakfast. As I sat and ate my breakfast the sun was beaming into the kitchen. "Its going to be very hot today" my mum said,...

4 years ago
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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 10 Bringing Gary home

I arrived at Ron’s place the next afternoon at six o’clock again. It was starting to become a routine for me. Ron had been telling me the story of the sexual adventures of him and his wife, Ronnie which he felt had led to their eventual separation.As usual, Ron was very well organized and when I arrived the kids were fed and dressed for bed. I had picked up a few beers on the way over and I put them in his fridge as I knew that Ron would not drink alcohol in front of the youngsters.After...

2 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 3

This is a fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. What Has Gone Before: Armand of Tellus is an Earth-born agent of the secretive Priest-Kings of Gor....

4 years ago
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Sex with My dream girl Anushka Shetty

Hi I’m Nesh. This is a fantasy story. I am a big fan of actress Anushka and I love her sexy structure very much. Anushka is my dream girl with whom I want to have sex with. Every time I see her on TV I would get a hard on and I will jack off immediately. It was a summer day and our family was getting ready for a family tour to London. After night fall I got into the upper berth to sleep. There I saw a magazine which had sexy and glamorous pictures of actress Anushka. I am a very big fan of...

3 years ago
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Fucked The Bitch I Used To Call Aunty

Hey there.I am writing my third story here I am here for mostly the same reason as you. Get hard/wet and give peace to my horny lustful thoughts. I am Karan shah, 21 years old, Hailing from Ahmedabad, Good-looking, tall and fit and a decent sized tool enough to satisfy any lady. Any girls/Ladies from Ahmedabad interested in a chat or something more can mail me at Feedback is welcome at the same mail address. So this is how managed to fuck my close friend’s hot mother. I and my friend Ishan...

1 year ago
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Girl next door

and sat me down on the couch, and took my shorts off and began stroking my cock all while looking at me, and after a few minutes, put my cock into her mouth and she began sucking like there was no tomorrow. It was the summer after my second year of college - summer of 2013 - I was going to a school nearby and living at home and dating a girl from an hour away at the time, but that had just ended as I found out she'd been cheating on me (finding condom wrappers in her room that weren't from the...

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Lanny aka lebman wants his finger in my pussy

Thinking of you, Lateshay.I want you to strip for me. I want to watch you bare your splendid body for me.I want to caress your soft, beautiful body.I want to please you very much.My mouth is on your neck right now. Kissing your throat, and nipping the very soft flesh under your ears.Kiss me, Gorgeous. I want your moist lips on mine.Kiss me as I fondle your wonderful, beautiful breasts.I love your soft breasts. Your nipples are perfect.Can you feel your nipples hardening as I gently tug at...

2 years ago
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Family Affairs Ch 52

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter fifty-two After Rick and Dianna left, Matt and Mary carried his camera stuff to the car and stowed it in the trunk. When that was done, Matt took Mary’s hand and started back for the elevator. ‘Matt, where are we going?’ Mary asked, confused, when the elevator began to rise. ‘I…I thought we were going to go home.’ Matt smiled at her and said, ‘I have another surprise for you.’ The elevator stopped on the top floor, the doors opened, and...

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Doing My First Deep Throat

Tinman just had one of his very best days! Let me explain. Once I had a girl who loved to suck me, and she was especially good at deep throat. I guess I didn’t really know what she was doing then, but I knew that it felt absolutely fantastic when her mouth went all the way to my pubes. Later, I realized she was deep-throating me. Recently, reading stories from Kristen’s and other boards, I had read more and more about deep-throating. As I began to focus more on my inclinations to...

4 years ago
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Our sick relationship

My name is Bart, and I am your 19 yo average guy, living together with his mother Joan and younger sister Monica (18 yo). My father died in an accident when I was 6. I don't remember much of him, only some blurry memories. Since he passed away my mother was crushed, she was alone, having to take care of two small children by herself. But somehow she managed to raise us, working on two shifts everyday, leaving us under our grandmother's care when she was at work. It was tough, I admit, we...


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