Healer's TouchChapter 22 free porn video

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Kat pasted a smile on her face as she approached the small woman sitting on the exam table. She had on a rumpled robe that was belted tightly around her waist. It was quite obvious that she didn't want to be here. She stared at Kat with distrust. Kat paused and waited for the woman to speak.

"I don't want to be here. I just want to go home," she said defensively.

"I know. I'll make this as quick and painless as possible, Mrs..."

"Eleanora. Call me Elenora." the woman mumbled.

"All right Eleanora, lets get this done." Kat said with a smile as she approached the table.

Elena held her breath. She wasn't sure if the young healer in front of her would be able to detect the spell that protected her or not. She looked to be about the age of her daughter, but she wasn't even sure what her own daughter looked like. She had ran off with that Prince and never looked back. So she assumed that her daughter was still in Trila with the prince and his family. The little bitch didn't deserve to live on this planet. When the healer placed her hands on her shoulders she stiffened with fear.

Kat's touch was a surprise; her touch was gentle and radiated warmth.

"Relax, it will be over in a moment," Kat said softly as she sent warm waves of healing energy from her hands into the trembling woman. She searched out every ache and pain.

Elena sighed in relief as the pain in her rectum disappeared. This healer was indeed talented. It was one of the things that she had missed during her exile. And since her own powers had been stripped from her before she had left Venus, she hadn't even been able to heal herself.

Kat stepped back as she finished the healing. Her muscles trembled from fatigue. Between the mezclar and her sleepless nights, she was ready to explode. She felt like she was ready to jump out of her skin. It was as if she had consumed several espressos. She opened her eyes and glanced back at the woman. She frowned as her mother's image shimmered in front of her eyes.

"Mother?" she whispered. The woman stilled and jerked the robe around her waist even tighter.

"What?" the woman muttered. Kat rubbed her eyes and stared at the woman again. The pretty little blonde woman was in front of her once again. She was surely loosing it.

"I'm sorry, Eleanora. You reminded me of someone."

"Your mother?" the woman asked softly.

"Just for a moment. But it is nothing but fatigue. All this craziness with the planning of the Renewal Festival and my upcoming nuptials are taking their toll on me. I am tired from everything coming all at once.

Elena stared in disbelief as recognition flooded her system. She had read about the Earthling woman that King Charles was planning on marrying. She just hadn't realized that this girl was that woman!

"Oh. I heard something about you on the news!" she said with mock excitement. "You're from Earth?"

"Yes. I met Prince Rand and he brought me back. I met my chosen at his palace. This wasn't what I expected when I left Iowa, but I don't regret it." Kat said as she scribbled down some notes on her clipboard. "That's everything, Eleanora. I'll give this report to the Enforcers and they should be able to obtain a restraining order."

Elena stilled. Her daughter here? The little bitch. Getting everything she, Elenora, had ever wanted. She had seduced that old king of Sandova in hopes of ruling at his side. She had even gotten pregnant with the little bitch who now stood in front of her hoping to gain that reward. Anger flashed and then raged through her system like a wild fire.

"Not everything!" she hissed.

When Kat looked up at the woman she was astonished to see the pure fury radiating from her eyes. She wasn't prepared for the woman to launch herself off the table. Kat grunted as she hit the floor with the woman on top of her. She heard a snap and then there was only darkness.

Charlie took a deep breath. He was restrained in the middle of the palace's training room. In front of him, Master Iason stood wearing the ceremonial robes of a Master Warrior. Just to his right, Jonathan knelt holding a length of material in his hands - one that Charlie had chosen.

Master Iason turned to Jonathan and took the offered material. He frowned down at it. It was not what he had been expecting.

"Are you sure, Charles, that this is the material that you want your power to bind to? - To draw energy from? It is not a common element of our world."

"Yes." Charles said as he flexed his arms in their restraints at the memories that the nylon brought to him. The first time that he touched it was in Kat's room before their journey to Kartic. The whispered words that he had spoken to her the night before their journey began haunted him. To him -the nylon represented everything that Kat was - soft to the touch but stronger than anything he had ever hoped to find.

"All right then. Let us proceed." Jason took the fabric and brought it to his lips and breathed deeply into it.

Charlie could not hear exactly what his master was saying into the cloth, but he could feel the binds that encircled his power loosening. He gasped as they tightened again.

"Relax, Charles. You are fighting it." Jason ordered as he slowly lowered the fabric and walked towards his student. Jonathan followed closely behind him.

"How?" he asked as they stopped in front of him.

"Take deep breaths in and out. Think of something that is important to you. Think of a reason for your power to be free." Jason said as he approached the muscular king. It was quite the sight to see. He was a good two feet shorter than the king.

Charlie tried to relax just as he had been told, but he was wound tighter than an eight-day clock. Maybe it was the mezclar that was keeping him on the ragged edge. Turning his thoughts inwards, he thought about Kat - his brave little Hellkat. She had never once backed down from him. His loins tightened at the thought of his chosen. He was glad that the Renewal Festival was due to start tomorrow. As long as that bastard, who really was his friend, Prince Rand showed up to marry them.

"King Charles, you need to relax. If you want me to be able to release your powers without hurting you, you need to center your spirit." Jason said, breaking into his thoughts.

"I'm sorry. I will try again." He said trying to push his thoughts of Kat to the wayside. Just until his power was released, he reassured himself. Then he planned on taking his chosen for a ride in the desert. Way into the desert - away from prying eyes and interrupting fools.

"That's better," Jason encouraged as he rent the fabric in half. He handed one half to Jonathan, who took it. They approached him. Each of them wrapped their piece of material around his thick wrists. After winding it around his wrists in the intricate pattern that designated his status as a Vindexcis warrior, they each tightly knotted the ends. Not tight enough to bother him but tight enough to remind him of their presence.

"I can feel it," Charlie whispered hoarsely as he felt the bonds holding his magic start to unravel. The cloth along his wrist began to warm.

"Yes. That's good, Charles. You are relaxing. Now, I want you to think of a scent that brings you happiness. A scent that calms your spirit." Jason said as he stepped back from him.

"The mellitus sensus. Kat was wearing one yesterday." He whispered as the sweet smell drifted through the room at his command.

Kat sat on the edge of the examining table. She had broken her wrist when the woman had jumped on her. In the confusion that had ensued after the attack, the woman had escaped. How she wished that Arianna was here to reassure her that everything was going to be all right. Instead she had an unknown healer who was doing his best to heal her. Suddenly she stilled as the delicate smell of the flower that she had meant to ask Charlie about, filled the room.

"Relax, your Highness. This will only take a moment," he assured her. Kat continued to draw in deep breaths filled with the delicious scent of her mystery blossom.

"Can you smell that? I wonder what kind of flower that is? Do you know the name of it?" she whispered as the warmth of the healing caressed her and the wonderful fragrance calmed her.

"What smell, your Highness?" The healer asked, confusion showing on his young face.

"Nothing. It has to be this chosen's business." She muttered before sighing impatiently.

"Wonderful, Charles. Your power over 'scent' is now yours.' Now for the next level -- 'Hearing.' Draw to you a sound and then share it with us," Jason coaxed.

Charlie smiled and thought of Kat's sigh of impatience. He heard it quite often. Even though the sound of it was soft, both Jonathan and Jason could hear it as it filled the room.

"You know I do believe he has Kat on his mind." Jonathan said softly at Jason's side.

"That's to be expected, Jonathan. He is in midst of his mating ceremony. He is the first that I have ever guided through this ceremony with the mezclar in full swing. He is doing remarkably well." Jason said before turning back to Charlie.

"Excellent. The second tier has been achieved. Are you ready for the third?"

Kat sighed impatiently as she waited for the healer to finish his exam. She was a bit shook up but other than her wrist-she was fine. She wished that he would just take her word for it. She tensed as the tugging on her senses increased. What was wrong with her? It felt as if the bindings of the mezclarwere changing-becoming much stronger. She broke out in a light sweat when the unceasing tugging began to burn deep inside of her.

"Your Highness?" The healer's voice faded in her ears as her breath came quicker. She sought the inner power that had protected her in the past. She tried to focus on what the healer was trying to tell her. Spots brightened in front of her before she mercifully slipped closer to the edge. She wasn't even aware of the healer touching her head before he ran to the door and called frantically for help.

Arianna smiled over at Dean as they led the caravan of people and zephti through the gates of Kartic. She waved at the guard, letting him know that she was cleared for entrance. She frowned when the guard ran up to her.

"Healer Arianna! Come quick! There is something wrong with Queen Katrina! She's having convulsions! She is at the main clinic!" The guard stumbled over his words in his rush to get them out.

"What!" Arianna's face drained of color. She turned and called over her shoulder to Philip. "Come on, you're going to meet your half-sister much sooner than you were anticipating."

Philip nodded and urged his zephti after her. Stephan turned to follow them too.

"No Stephan! I need you to go and find that son of mine. My guess is that he's not with Kat. Or the guard wouldn't have tracked me down."

Stephan nodded before he urged his zephti rapidly forward in the direction of the palace.

Arianna turned back to Gracie and Rand. "I'm sorry but I am going to have to ask you to wait for that tour I promised you. Follow this road. It will take you directly to the palace."

"Go, she needs you. We'll be fine." Rand assured her.

She nodded before kicking her zephti into a quick trot. Philip quickly followed her down the busy road.

A few moments later they arrived at the main clinic where they were met by a frantic healer. He was so upset she had to use a 'tranquilizing' spell to calm him before she could obtain any pertinent information from him. Other attendants rapidly filled the entrance hall to the clinic and they were able to give her a few answers.

"Thank you." Arianna said as she slowly released the 'tranq' spell. "Take him to the recovery room." she told the assistant that now accompanied the nervous healer. "He is going to crash from the 'tranq' spell." The assistant nodded her understanding before she led the young healer away.

"All right, lets go and see what is going on with Kat." she told Philip. She strode briskly towards the examining room.

Stephan rushed powerfully up the stairs, taking them two at a time. King Mica had been waiting for him when he had arrived at the palace. When he had questioned him about Charlie's whereabouts, he had been told that Charlie, Jonathan, and Master Iason had sequestered themselves in the training room for the ceremony that would release Charlie's power. They had requested that no one disturb them.

He rapidly moved down the hallway heading towards the training room. He threw the door open and startled the occupants of the large room. Stephan stared in disbelief. On one side of the room, his king was tied upright between two posts, his arms stretched wide and his stance broad. He didn't seem to even be protesting his predicament. He was wearing nothing more than a loin-cloth to preserve his modesty. Around his thick wrists were bindings that were tied in an intricate pattern.

"What in the name of Mica are you doing!" he growled. Jonathan turned around and looked at Stephan in surprise.

"You can't be here." Jonathan protested as he moved to intercept him.

"Does he realize that Kat is in trouble?" Stephan asked Jonathan. "Is that why you had to restrain him?"

"No, it is for his protection. When his power comes together fully he will go into convulsions. It is to keep him from injuring himself." Jonathan explained. "And I shouldn't even be discussing this with you. You are not one of us. I could be severely punished for you even witnessing any of this. So please leave immediately." Jonathan pleaded.

Arianna stared at Kat with concern. She was lying on the exam table trembling profusely. Nothing that she had done yet had helped to revive her. In all her life she had never seen such a thing. She had even tried leaving her own body and entering Kat's mind; but the moment she had tried, she had been forced back into her own body. Something was terribly wrong and for the first time since she had failed with Kat's mother, she felt totally helpless.

Instinctively she reached out for Stephan. She had not yet become completely comfortable with their strong bond, but she was glad in this instance for its presence.

Dean, have you found my son yet?

Yeah I did, and it's not good. He is in the midst of having his powers released. It is the middle of the ceremony and it can't be stopped. What's going on with Kat?

I don't know. She's comatose. I can't get any response out of her. She just is lying there and trembling. Her breathing is rapid and short. It's as if something is going on inside of her. I tried to merge with her to locate the problem, but it's as if she has a shield around her. I can't get in.

Stephan absorbed what Arianna was telling him while he stared again at Charlie. He was in the same state that Kat was - almost unconscious and his body deeply shivering. What in the name of all that is good is going on here?, he wondered,

Ari, I don't know what is going on. I think it has something to do with the mezclar. What you just described about Kat is the same state your son is in. Is it possible that the mezclar is causing these convulsions — indeed the whole issue?

I never even thought of that. Ask Master Iason.

"Master Iason, I need a word with you."

Dean narrowed his eyes when Jason continued to ignore him. He started forward when Jonathan intercepted him.

"Don't!" Jonathan hissed.

"I need answers. And he has them. It's important Jonathan, or I would never have tread where I was not welcome. I care not for your secrets. But his chosen's life hangs in the balance right now."

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Shaved And Massaged Pussy Of Di

Hello ISS readers and contributors. I am Rahul, 22 years old with a gun of 5.7 inches length. I live in Delhi. Well, I am a huge fan of ISS, specially its incest section. This story is about my cousin sister, Vidhi who lives in Noida. She is 29 years old and her figure is 36 34 38. She has got wonderful assets. Her milky, juicy boobs and big round ass can arouse anyone easily. This story starts when I and Tai ji Di’s mother went to see her and give her company as her husband my Jiju was out of...

3 years ago
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Cumming Of Age

As an active teenager back in the 70's, I was always on the lookout for sources of mental and visual stimulation of the female kind. I found the so called "Men's Entertainment" magazines (Playboy and Penthouse) photo and information-packed, which was certainly preferable to having to resort to the lingerie and swimsuit adds of the department store catalogs. For me, the former involved sneaking into my parents bedroom and rummaging through my Dad's nightstand, then trying to remember exactly how...

2 years ago
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Monster Girl Sponsor

You sit, looking at the application form on the screen, wondering how you came to this point. Large text spells out your options in stark terms. “Welcome to Alternate World Integration! Please select your desired status.” Recently, for a reason that scientists have yet to figure out, a portal opened linking the world you know to a world straight out of fantasy novels. Interestingly enough, once someone went through the portal, they were unable to return. Most interesting of all, most of the...

2 years ago
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First Time With Jas

I had become lonely and unsatisfied in my marriage, so I decide to join one of the adult online websites. I was not looking for a new relationship, just someone to hook-up with, fuck, and have good conversation with if the opportunity arose. I met Jas online. After his first message, I could tell he was one of those strong dominate types. He was the kind of man that knew exactly what he wanted. After several messages we seemed to be looking for the same things. We both wanted a no strings...

2 years ago
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The life of Josh

As for my social status..well, it wasnt great back then. I studied programming and hung around all sorts of people, but many people disliked me. It might have been because of my honesty. I was never afraid to say what I thought. At the age of 17 I though it had to be the best year of high school ever, but it didnt stop then. A year would have been too short a time for all that happened. ------------------------------------- Part 1 Driving my car, thinking about god knows what, I...

1 year ago
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Bua K Sath Haseen Lamhe

Hi I am from Haryana. Regular reader of Indian sex stories. Submitting my story 1st time. Mere lund ka size 7″ hai or ye mera pehla encounter hai agr koi ladki aunty bhabhi haryana ya chandigarh ya aas pass se chudna chahti hai to feel free to contact me Now lets start the story Meri age 22 hai Ye baat tb ki hai jab main 1st year tha or exams khatam hone k baad ghar gya tha. Mera or meri bua ka ghar pass hi hai, so main waha 1-2 din mein chla jata hu, bua dikhne mein thik thak hai, 38-36-38...

4 years ago
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my first masturbate

I was a young boy barely twelve years old. My neighbor who was a year older than me had been teaching me about sex but I still wasn't too sure about it. I was starting to grow hair and I noticed that my dick would get big quite often. I really didn't know what caused it to get big and hard but I knew that I liked how it felt and I wanted others to see what I could do. My older sister would regularly have friends over and I wanted them to see this big dick that I had. I would put on really tight...

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The Wife Does Dogs

by David Crane CHAPTER 1 "You'll have to keep Rex here in the cabin, darling," Carson Smith said to his wife. "If the white stag gets the scent of a dog, I'll never get close enough to photograph him." Catherine turned from the primitive iron stove, where she was making coffee. It was early in the day and she was still wearing only a frilly dressing gown. The slinky garment clung to her body, caressing her smooth flesh. Through the semitransparent silken material, the dark...

3 years ago
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Sex With Ghost 8211 Part I

Hello my ISS readers pehle to me aap sab logo ko thanks ki aap logo ne meri story like ki aur muje a66e responses bhi mile. Aur ku6 ku6 bure bhi mile bt its don’t mind but yaar me yaha pe bahot ku6 padha he jo muje sahi nahi lag raha he lagta he ki fake hi fake likhte he. Koi bhi sach nahi likhta ku6 logo ko 6odkar baki sab to jhoothe hi lagte he. I have proof, log yah ape story me likhte he ki me raat ko 10 baje uske ghar gaya aur takriban 1 ghanta ya aadha ghanta sex Karte he ya uss se bhi...

2 years ago
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Second ThoughtsChapter 4

Jen watched her husband sleep. Their sex the night before had been amazing. Michael got so turned on by what she had done with Gerard. They fucked until the early morning. They hadn't done that in a long time. In fact, Jen couldn't remember the last time they had made love more than once. Last night, Michael fucked her 3 times. And each time, he was so hard. She couldn't remember the last time he had been so hard, for so long. She needed it, too. Gerard had gotten her so hot, she needed...

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Educating Brian

Jan was an attractive, middle-aged housewife, who was in a marriage which had become dull and boring. She was desperate for some excitement in her dull routine, and so she had gone out one day and enjoyed a session of uninhibited sex with a group of total strangers, allowing them to enjoy her in every way they wished, making up for her lack of a decent sex life at home by being as sluttish as she could be.  After the afternoon of incredibly depraved sex with so many strangers, Jan had examined...

3 years ago
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Geschichte zu Video Dirty Fat Bitch

Dieses ist die Geschichte zu dem Video "Dirty Fat Bitch" und den Fotos von "Fat Bitch"Fat Bitch heisst eigentlich Vera C. und kommt aus dem Ruhrgebiet, ursprünglich allerdings aus Thüringen sie ist Mitte 50. Ich habe auch kurz im Ruhrgebiet gewohnt und sie häufiger gesehen als ich mit dem Hund war. Wie das so ist, am Rhein kamen wir über die Hunde ins Gespräch und ich dachte so bei mir, Man die möchte ich mal ficken. Sie war so prall, dicke Titten, fetter Bauch, dicker Arsch und fette Beine,...

4 years ago
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Carlas first time

“Carla, come in here please.” I heard my husband calling from the dining room, where I had spread out the books I needed to write my term paper on the table, next to my laptop. “Sure honey,” I called back. I finished hanging the shirt I’d just ironed, and switched the iron off at the wall. Unsuspecting, I wandered through to the dining room. “What’s up?” Dave was sitting in front of my laptop. He looked around, his face serious – not a usual look for him, he’s quite the joker. “Did you get...

2 years ago
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Iron Pumping Cocktease

Copyright (c) 2013 Member of XHamster.comALL CHARACTERS APPEARING IN THIS WORK ARE FICITIOUS. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PERSONS, LIVING OR DEAD, IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL. Without being horny, it would be impossible to be confident. Using your head, you would think, there are all these other guys that are taller, bigger, even better hung, with tattoos and that swagger that the cuties wouldn't even be able to see you. But all that swagger has nothin' on a guy who's different, someone who seems...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 25 Training for Survival

The honeymoon didn't last long for the newlyweds since neither couple wanted to spend a lot of money. Times were tight and there was other things the two couples wanted to spend their money on. BB took Sheila on a tour of the White Mountain Apache Reservation for their honeymoon much to Sheila's delight. Sheila agreed with BB that his home was surrounded by some of the most beautiful country on earth. She liked the plains and rolling hills of her home in Oklahoma but the majesty of the...

4 years ago
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my boss starting our affair by IM chat actual cha

Ken: LVLily: heyKen: what ya doing?Lily: watchin' nick at niteKen: alone?Lily: yeah but Matt just got off workKen: he coming over?Lily: i think soLily: he may stop for a cocktail firstKen: i see ...Lily: what are you up to?Ken: wish i could say what i'm thinking ...Lily: what's thatKen: do you ever think?Lily: huh?Ken: i want u..Lily: lolKen: good thing itKen: 's Ken: drunk talkLily: yeahLily: did you have one too many pops toniteKen: maybeLily: or many too manyKen: is it bad to want u?Lily:...

1 year ago
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Wife wants to Try a Big Cock

My wife and I are in our late forties and had been happily married for the past twenty years. We met after college and had built a very nice life together. We are extremely open with one another, and when it comes to sex we know we can share our most inner desires with each other. Over the years our sex life had been nothing but fantastic. I think we can safely say that we had built a mutual trust between us that is unwavering. It had been about a year ago when my wife came to me one night and...

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wife catches me with neighbour final chapter

As i walked into my bedroom my sexy neighbour is waiting to dress me and do my make up to get me ready for my mistress. To say its the horniest ive been is an understatement ,i almost came in my pants getting made up and dressed by my slut neighbour. Your wife told me you are to be called foxxiroxxi when you are dressed as a sissy slut . Now i have strict instructions to make you look like a slutty school girl ,it wont be hard when you put...

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Diablo and the 12 Swords of Power

Based on the Swords books by Fred Saberhagen mixed in with the Marvel comic book universe (616). The Gods forged the 12 swords to use in their games, planning to distribute them amongst the foolish humans and watch them lie, steal, and murder their way to power with them. The problem was their toys worked too well and even the Gods were vulnerable to them. Each sword, once drawn, has its own power and vulnerability. Coinspinner, the Sword of Chance has the power to make impossibly lucky things...

Mind Control
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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 4

Taboos have been broken a long time ago. It existed with the gods and ended with human beings. We may have intentions to a particular person. A woman perhaps. Precisely we wanted to know more about having an intercourse with a woman. Be it your sister, mother, MIL, SIL, step-sister, step-mother, Aunt, Relative, Cousins or girls who want to get fulfilled. There are at times women in brothels who intend the same but for money. I have an intention too. Bethesda. Well previously I told you how...

1 year ago
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The great N'Konga river shimmered in the summer heat as it sluggishly ambled between steep banks through the brown crisped grass of the summer plains and as I dreamed and planned which of my six wives to sleep with next when a distant thudding heralded the imminent arrival of a helicopter. It was not unexpected but undoubtedly unwelcome, a sword of Damacles hanging over my little idyll as I ruled over my own village of some three hundred N'Konga tribesmen and women and a huge number of...

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Not The Usual Couple

My girlfriend's name is Anna Jenkins. Most people who follow such things know her as Summer Watson. She works for a reputable production company and makes classy-looking videos. Still, if you recognize her, she's going to be spending a good 20 minutes, lavishing wet kisses and licks on a formidable-looking cock, then writhing in pleasure as that cock pushes deep into her bare pussy. It makes for interesting conversation at dinner, "How was work Jeff?" "OK, still hammering out the...

4 years ago
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Cresswell Industries Parts 5 thru 8

Cresswell Industries ? by: Keshara Chapter Five - Jigsaw Complete Jack awoke to the sound of a ticking clock and complete darkness. He was as before strapped in, but this time to a chair. However, when he finally gained his senses he became aware of certain changes to his body. His whole body was sore and he imagined that the grey haired woman had given him over to the organisation he had been hiding from ever since they had killed his father. Fear suddenly gripped him as...

1 year ago
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Private Classics

I bet everyone has their own Private Classics when they’re jacking off. You know the ones I’m talking about: those perfect pornos you may have found 5, 10, 20 years ago that still make you hard as a fucking rock every single time. It’s no wonder some of the long-running Internet porn sites have cashed in on the fad, offering up some of their vintage hits, oldies and goldies that put them on the map in the first place. I mean, shit, just because it’s old doesn’t mean you’re going to get bored of...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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Didnt meet my friends

Hello I'm Keri I would like to tell you a little bit about myself before I tell you what happen. At the time I was junior in high school. I'm 5' 6", 110 pounds 34B-24-34 dirty blond hair pass my shoulders. It was a Friday afternoon and me and a few friends were making plains for Saturday we all said that we should go to a lake close by to hang out we agreed to meet up there around 1 pm.So Saturday morning came and I got up and started to get ready I picked out a white and light blue bikini and...

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My first CFNM experience

My first CFNM experience was in my senior year in college. I had been dating this hot brunette for a couple of years. We had had sex and I had done a striptease for her, but never a true CFNM experience. It’s something I’d always wanted. I was packing for a trip and she was over. It was early May and hot. The dorm did not have air conditioning. I was wearing shorts and did not have a top on. She was wearing a modest tank top that showed off her awesome breasts and shorts that showed off her...

3 years ago
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Jizz Junkie

Not long ago, after a satisfying session in bed, out of the blue my wife asked, "Have you ever tasted cum?" "You already know the answer to that, Ellen," I replied."No, I mean have you ever tasted your OWN cum?" I had never even thought about it. I asked her why she wanted to know. "I was reading a story," she said, "about this couple who would fuck and then afterwards the guy would go down on the woman, eating his own cum out of her. The woman said there was nothing like it. Sooo, I was...

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