DóchasChapter 34 free porn video

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Erica and Sally had just finished freshening up when Donna said, "Luanna in Suite 425 is quite upset, almost hysterical. Her friends said that it started when she accessed the visitor information for her home. They aren't having much success in calming her down."

"Okay," replied both.

Sally said, "Tara, get the group you were with today and wait by a shuttle."

"Think it is that bad?"

"Not sure. Pick another team to go with us as well." By this time, both Erica and Sally were jogging toward the suite.

Erica knocked on the door. When it opened she said, "Hi. Donna advised us that Luanna had a problem."

"We don't know," replied Daniéle. We were looking at the photos of the visitors to our house. When she saw one of the photos, she just burst into tears."

"Okay. Let's see what we can do."

Sally and Erica moved over next to Luanna and Nikki, who were hugging her. Sally quietly spoke to Luanna while Erica monitored her thoughts. While Sally was speaking, she pushed out calming sensations. Luanna slowly quieted.

After a few moments Erica said, "Come with us Luanna, let's go see if we can help them. They can come back here if they want to."

Luanna looked up at Erica and Sally. Her eyes and face were red and tear stained. She said with a sob, "It's too late."

"Come on, let's go find out. Nikki, you can come with us as well, for that matter any of you can. Let's roll."

"Sally," said Tara, "Erin's and my groups are here. Bot23 and bot24 who worked with Erica today are here as well."

"Good. We are on our way now. You take the flight deck. Ask the C&C drone, to try locating the visitors."


It was only moments later that Sally, Erica, Luanna and Nikki entered the shuttle. As soon as they stepped inside the door, it closed and the shuttle began to lift. Erica and Sally immediately began putting on their tactical suits.

Sarah's and Amy's Clans monitored the group leaving in the shuttle as they headed for dinner. When they arrived at the dining room Jill went to Ann and said, "We have a few that will be late for dinner."

"I noticed the activity. So did a lot of others. It will be a few minutes until we are finished setting up."

"Do you have enough help?"

"Pretty much. Several bots have been assisting us which has been a big help. I hate to ask the candidates for assistance. They are cleaning up after themselves which really helps."

"Yea, I'll say something later when we talk about activities."

While they waited for everyone to arrive and the food to be ready, Sarah's Clan split up to visit with their guests. Seeing what Sarah's Clan was doing, Nancy's and Amy's, along with Jean's, Maureen's and Siobhan's Clans followed their example.

It wasn't long before Ann tapped the serving table with a spoon, quickly drawing everyone's attention. With a wave of her arm she shifted their attention to Sarah and Rusty who were standing together.

Sarah and Rusty together said, "Good evening and welcome. The activity you noticed by the shuttle area was a few people going to check on a guest's friends. It is my understanding that some of Luanna's friends came to visit her home and based on their appearance she thought they might be in danger. She based this on the way they were acting and some recent events she knew of there. The group who went with her are to provide tactical support if it's needed. We will give you an update as soon as we hear anything. Ann has just indicated that the serving lines are open. Even though we have more people than we originally planned on, there is definitely enough food. So eat hardy, seconds are available so we don't really need to put side boards on our plate."

"You should talk," said Joyce loudly sticking her tongue out, causing many to laugh.

"Ann's Clan does such a great job it is sometimes difficult not to take a little more." More laughter.

So without further delays why don't we begin? Gillian's and Carmen's groups, why don't you lead off?"

As people started through the serving lines Sarah added, "It may seem obvious, but if any of you have concerns about friends who visited your residence please let us know. We value you and them. Because of that, we will do whatever we can to ensure everyone's safety. As to calling home, your home phones are now being forwarded to your room. To make a call, it is as if you were at home, except press 7 before dialing the number you would normally do. Remember, to outsiders this is a conference on concepts for space exploration and manufacturing."

Several clapped and then everyone joined them.

"Thank you. We are sorry we didn't arrange this earlier. Before we continue, several of you looked uneasy but didn't say anything just now. Again, if you have any concerns about the safety of your friends, please let us know, or you can simply raise your hand and one of us will come to you." Several hands were raised. One of Sarah's, Amy's or Nancy's Clan went to each one.

As they went through the serving line Sarah said, "The candidate I talked to forgot about a commitment he had made. He wondered if his friends could come here. I told him we would like to know more about them before answering. He then asked if it was okay to feel them out first. I told him yes."

"We noticed that," replied Janet and Nancy. "So we gave a similar response."

"Did they all have a similar questions?"

They shared their conversations with the candidates, then Rusty said, "If they all come, it's only going to add about 50 people, maybe a 100 at most. I don't see that as a problem. We do need to get a good idea of their friends' capabilities and other relationships before making a commitment."

"Agreed," replied everyone.

"Since those who don't stay will remember this as a dream," said Judy, "the only concern I see is someone being disruptive. Hopefully, we will sense that ahead of time."

During dinner the hosts did as they had done at previous meals and sat with a group of candidates that they hadn't spent much time with. When people were finished eating, they carried their dishes to the kitchen then cleaned off the table. The newest arrivals followed the lead of the others. As the last tables were being cleaned off, Sarah's and Amy's Clans went to the front of the room. Together they said, "Good evening. Welcome to Naked Holiday Resort. We hope you are enjoying the location, the food and activities."

"Our group is known as Amy's Clan," said Amy. They then introduced themselves in turn. Afterward Amy added, "Erica is another member of our family. She just left on the shuttle with Luanna."

"Our group is known as Sarah's Clan," said Sarah. They then introduced themselves with Joyce adding, "Sally, Erin and Tara are members of our clan. They are with the group on the shuttle. We expect them back before long."

Joyce said, "We've done this before, but considering the number who've arrived since the last time, let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. This time let's include your major and hometown besides your name. Please keep it short though. We will start with us." Joyce started it and they soon worked their way around the room leaving the newest arrivals till last."

When the introductions were completed Rusty said, "When we delivered the invitation to come here for a week, the groups who met with you gave you a brief outline of the opportunity and our background. We are going to go over that information in a little more detail. Before doing that, we need to emphasize a couple of points. If you have a question or don't understand, speak up, raise your hand or stand up so you get our attention. From our perspective, there aren't any dumb questions except the one you don't ask.

"For those who arrived today, we strongly encourage you to watch three video presentations. Why? Because they will provide you with more detailed information about our background, the ship, those who arrived with it and us. More specifically, one covers the history of the people who arrived with the ship and why it is here. It also includes information on how us Earthlings came to be involved with those from the ship. Another reviews the physical differences between us and you. This is in addition to the differences you've likely already noticed, such as our hair, stature and feet. The third discusses why we've asked you here. Specifically why we need help and what we want to do. You are probably wondering why we are doing this." Several heads nodded. "We feel the history and background are essential so you know us. There are physical and physiological differences between you and the crew. We don't think the differences are a problem, but you need to be aware of them. Facts are always much better than hearsay, and knowing the differences should minimize misunderstandings.

"As to goals, our immediate goal is to bring the ship back to full operational status. We see it as critical to our survival. We haven't thought much beyond that goal. However, I think it is pretty obvious, that to ensure our long term survival we will need to do more than that. So we need to grow. This means more ships. To build them would seem to dictate a settlement on Mars. Our space ship was built for exploration so it has limited defensive capability. We know that there are other civilizations out there. From the records we have, we also know that some are not very friendly. After that what do we do or where do we go? This is something to think about but is almost too far out to start considering firm plans.

"Based on the interaction between the different civilizations or races on Earth, we don't believe our presence would be tolerated once it is known. For this reason, the places we refer to as Enclaves, are cloaked. All of our flight operations are cloaked, as some of you have noticed."

He then nodded to Sarah who said, "While based on the same scientific principles that we understand, the technology we have evolved in an entirely different way. Using Earth's knowledge base, one small example of the significant divergence would be to compare current analog and digital computers." Several laughed. "Some of you are thinking, what is the benefit of working with us?" Several nodded. "You gain experience in solving problems and implementing the solutions. So while the technology we have is not directly transferable, we believe the knowledge you gain would aid you in finding similar solutions within Earth's technological framework. But best of all, you get the opportunity to work safely in space. Joyce."

She said, "Some have asked why we picked you. This is because all of you are highly intelligent and have a strong technical background. You show an ability to find workable solutions. Based on your group interactions, you have good socialization skills. Most of you are more than 6 feet tall and those who aren't are close. Why is that important? Our ship was designed for tall people, and changing that is not a simple task. Also, we believe that all of you are either already telepathic, or have the ability to be telepathic."

Judy said, "Some of you looked doubtful when telepathic ability was mentioned. It is real. It is an important ability because our safety procedures depend on it. It is used for much of the communication on the ship. It is essential to our safety procedures because it doesn't require additional equipment and works in a vacuum.

"As a part of our offer to you for considering this opportunity, we offered you a physical. You will need to complete the physical before you can go to the ship. It doesn't take long. After the physical, you will be evaluated for telepathic capabilities. The telepathic evaluation takes longer than the physical because we need to show you some aspects of it. If it turns out you are not telepathically capable, you can still go to the ship. It just means you need an escort at all times. Why? Safety. Lacking telepathy will not keep you from accepting our offer, but it will likely limit your choices in duty assignment. Again, we are quite certain that all of you have sufficient telepathic ability to work with us."

Jill said, "Some of you have asked why we suddenly offered you the opportunity to come earlier. Simply put, it was to keep you from disappearing. I am not going into detail but more is available in our library. Briefly, we discovered that several groups of kidnappers or slavers had you in their sights. Fortunately, in all but a few cases we thwarted their plans. Why were they going to kidnap you? They had a new career planned for you as someone's possession. Your first stop would likely be working in a high class brothel but it could be as a someone's slave. It could also be as a baby maker. As I said if you want to know more, try the library or ask Donna for a reference as we have a few who have experienced it firsthand. Oh. I almost left out one other aspect, once you were in the hands of the kidnappers, your identity would vanish or it would appear that you had a tragic death which left no body. With no relatives, there would be no one to raise the alarm."

Janet said, "Our library is available to you. It is an electronic library and contains the full history of the crew, its culture and their activities since they have been in this solar system. This includes the recent events regarding our recruiting. All of this is available at the terminals in the recreation area or on the ship. To use it, just ask Donna, our site AI."

Siobhan and Maureen stood to get her attention, when she nodded they said, "We would like to add that you may want to watch the videos more than once. We've seen them several times along with new arrivals and each time we saw things we had missed."

"Okay. You're getting as good at doing duets as we are." Several chuckled. Others had confused looks on their faces.

"Let's show them the grand duet."

"This is what we mean by a duet," said Sarah's Clan in unison. The newest arrivals had an amazed look on their faces when they heard the clan's voices in harmony. Several looked around to be sure they were really seeing what they were hearing.

Jill said, "For the next couple of days the videos will be shown a half hour after breakfast and lunch. Alternatively, you can watch them in your room. Remember, if you have questions about any of the content ask Donna. If she can't answer it, she will find one of us to assist."

"You mean Donna doesn't have all the answers?" asked a male voice.

"Not always, just like we don't have all the answers," responded Sarah's Clan.

Joyce said, "We have a few more things to cover so why don't we take a five minute break so we can stretch our legs?"

During the short break only a few left the room, but those who did quickly returned.

"Well, looks like we can start again," said Sarah. After a few moments she added, "Two nights ago we made a commitment to check out a lodge two groups of our guests were invited to. We did that yesterday morning and quickly came to the conclusion that it was fortunate that they didn't go there. When we arrived, the first thing we saw told us it was operated by slavers. Since they weren't aware of our arrival, we were fortunate in being able to rescue all the victims still there. Initially they received medical care on the space ship and will likely arrive here tomorrow. That is the good news.

"The less than good news is that we found a filing cabinet full of documents that included photographs, drivers' licenses, credit cards, etc. This implies that there were a quite a few victims and that this enterprise had been in operation for some time. Since we were there first, we removed everything we could find related to those we rescued. In addition, we were able to obtain a full copy of the data on the computers. Included in that was a list of customers, the videos purchased and who performed in each video, the money made by selling the videos and the victims. Based on what was in the lodge, the videos were of couples or groups engaging in sexual activity, bondage and BDSM. Since they were profiting from the sale of the victims, the BDSM probably wasn't very harsh. If it was too harsh it would have reduced the victims' value."

Rusty said, "We left the site just after the arrival of two deputy sheriffs. Once they gained control of the site and secured the staff, they were able to remove the computers and a lot of the videos, CDs and DVDs before the cave in." There was a gasp. "Yes, the place caved in several hours after the law enforcement officers arrived. Based on their reports, all the buildings were built over a large cavern. The cave in was triggered using explosives. This was most likely set off remotely. The cave in resulted in many people being trapped in the ruble. Rescue operations were underway when someone said they thought they smelled gas. This intensified the effort to get people out. Unfortunately the gas ignited not long after that. The resulting explosion and fire destroyed everything that was in the hole. There were quite a few injuries from the explosion as well as damage to equipment. The remains of four large LP gas tanks were found after the fire was out. Currently there is a lot of speculation around the explosion. Was it planned? Was it the result of the cave in? Where did the tanks come from?

"Currently news reports are claiming that 32 emergency workers and law enforcement officers are confirmed dead. Again, Donna can provide you with a news feed if you want to hear more about it. It has created quite an uproar in the rural community."

"We believe the people behind this were involved in the attempts on some of you," said Terry. "Many here feel we should try to put this organization out of business. We agree. From what little we know, they appear to be well organized with connections in many places to thwart discovery. There are at least 30 people that were on our list of candidates who have vanished. For those who vanished, we are unable to find any record of them ever existing. However, we only looked at records which are searchable electronically, such as, school records, drivers' licenses, birth certificates, and medical records. There are likely isolated records still in existence. With no relatives, there is no one to raise the alarm and who knows where to look, or for what. About the only thing remaining would be a few photos, but for us nerds there are usually not very many of those." Nearly everyone laughed. "We do have the information we collected, so perhaps that will help us figure out how the records are disappearing, which should lead to who is doing it."

Janet said, "While our focus in on bringing the ship to operational status, our AIs and computer whizzes will try to see if they can identify those behind the abductions. It will likely require some luck, or a mistake on their part, as so far they have been very good at not leaving any traces or trails to follow."

"Most of all, we hope you will join us in this adventure in space," added Jill, "and these side events will not diminish your interest in this opportunity. More detail on the incident at the lodge is available in the library. Our goal is to make available all the information you feel you need to make a decision. While some parts of this may have sounded like a sales pitch, it was definitely not one. Now I am sure there are many questions, so ask away."

Sarah, Amy, Rusty and Jim answered questions working from the front of the room to the back. When they reached Allister Rusty said, "Allister, sorry it's taken so long to get to you."

His expression showed his surprise at being addressed by name, but then he realized they had done that with everyone. "This has all been very interesting but what did you do before you came here?"

"Most recently, I worked on network security and as a programmer. Sarah, Sally, Terry and I worked for Nancy and Bob at N&R Security Services. Their business provides secure data storage, network security evaluations, network installations and similar services along with personal protection. Nearly all of my spouses have at least one college degree or certification in a needed area of expertise."

"With that background, why do you think your group can command the space ship?" asked Allister. His question drew several gasps.

"Simply because of the support we have on the ship and the way it evolved. We did not appoint ourselves to be in command of the ship. In fact that is impossible to do. It isn't something we sought out either. If you've seen the presentations, you know how we arrived in this society. We are pleased that we are here, as should be clear from our actions and by our comments. We were reluctant to accept the role, even as events pushed us to visit the ship's bridge.

"This was a little less than two weeks after the ship's Master-AI told us of the need for a Command Staff and provided us with more details regarding the events that brought the ship here. Since then we know she met with us in order to get a better idea of our capabilities. After accepting the role, she and another have acted as coaches and mentors as we strive to fill it. Even before the critical event, it was clear to us that we needed more resources in order to survive. When the time came, what we learned from the Master-AI likely eased our acceptance of the role.

"A critical event was Amy's Clan being infected with an unknown virus. This removed what minimal command structure we had. Our response resulted in us going to the ship much sooner than anyone expected. It was also our first visit. While there, we simply followed our intuition as events unfolded, as we have done at other crucial times.

"As the visit progressed, several things occurred with little or no planned input from us. When we approached the bridge entrance the doors opened automatically, indicating acceptance of our identity and responsibility. How the ship knew about us? We don't know. We now know for certain it was not something Star, the Master-AI, could have done. On entering the bridge, we went straight to the command column, and automatically grasped the ring to form a circle around it. How did we know to do that? We don't have a clue. Within moments of that contact, all of us knew the information necessary to command the ship. After a challenge by the Command-AI and subsequent coded response by us, the ship's AIs all accepted our group as the Command Staff.

"Together, we immediately began evaluating the ship for additional destructive devices and traps. Once those were eliminated, and there were quite a few, we moved the ship from its dormant status to stand-by. It had been in hibernation since the sabotage which was some 200 years ago. It is a testament to the quality of our ship that all but two systems spun up. For those that didn't, we had choices in covering the short-fall.

"Our response to the sequence of events on the ship's bridge was intuitive, by us as a group. Our actions all felt natural, which is unusual for a first experience. Looking back at it from our point of view, the number of consecutive events leading to an unplanned and unanticipated objective is quite surprising."

"Why was the ship dormant? Didn't it have AIs to manage its systems?"

"Yes," said Rusty, "but the ship's operating procedures did not permit the ship's AIs to maintain the ship above a hibernation level without a functioning biological command staff. Violating those protocols would initiate a total shutdown. The people who built the ship wanted to limit AIs to a supporting role only. AI self-awareness was feared. We have not had time to look up the source of that fear."

Sarah continued with, "We have since learned that a number of the challenges we faced on the bridge that day were built into the system. The purpose was to test our ability to handle command situations. The seriousness of those tests, as we found out later, was greatly increased by whoever planned the original sabotage. Whoever it was apparently wanted to make sure this ship and its crew did not survive."

"Thank you for your patience with my questions."

"You are welcome. If at some time you would like to see what happened, ask Donna or Star for the location of the information. I know that sounds repetitive. Our library is open to all of you. The only restricted information is some operational information and command codes."

"What is the rest of the crew like?" asked Kirsty.

Conan of Siobhan's group stood, Rusty nodded to him. He said, "Kirsty, whether you realize it or not, you may have already met some of them. Erica, Jim, Amy, Connie and Betsy are part of the original crew. The treatments they received in response to the virus gave them some features of Sarah's Clan. Their physical similarity to the original crew members is still very strong, as you will see when you visit the ship. Once you see the crew on the ship, the attributes Sarah's Clan received from them will be more apparent." Several from Siobhan's group nodded their agreement. "Also, you should know that our groups, Siobhan's and Maureen's, joined the crew last night, as did several others that arrived the first day."

"Rusty, Terry, we have found Luanna's friends. They are okay. We are on our way back with them. It appears they were being set up for abduction. The plot was different. Oh, I don't know whether you have noticed it, but the drones are reporting that the teams of watchers have all disappeared since the lodge incidence"

"Okay. Thanks."

"You will be pleased to know that Luanna was able to locate her friends. They are all on their way back here," said Sarah. "Everyone is safe and well. Also, the people watching some of your homes have disappeared since the incident at the lodge." Everyone clapped.

"How do you know that?" asked Nessa, a recent arrival.

"Sally just told us telepathically," continued Sarah. "That is one of the benefits of the mind-link we share. We mentioned telepathy earlier. When family groups in this society form, they enter into a relationship with two unique characteristics. One is a physiological bond and the second is a mind-link. The mind-link is somewhat like a telepathic link, but much more open. All the spouses are an equal part of the bonding. The physiological bond is beyond anything I have ever read about. It brings all of you very close, so close that sometimes you feel like one person with different facets, where each facet is an individual. The mind-link aspect compliments the physiological aspect. It is a very interesting experience to go through. We think this is a reason that family groups work in this society."

"Let's let Joyce take questions for a while. By the way, she is Nancy's daughter."

"Hi," she said. "Let me talk about bonding and the mental link a bit. I hope I do not add any confusion. There are many things we don't fully understand about our relationship yet. Since being here, our family group has developed a very strong bond along with a very deep mental link. From talking to Amy and Betsy, their family has something similar. It is difficult for us to tell whether ours is the same or somewhat different from theirs.

"We feel that telepathy is a key contributor to group bonding, which agrees with the ships medical literature. When we fully engage mentally, or mind-link, we find we are part of a single mind, but in separate containers. Again, this is stronger than any Betsy has seen before, so we don't know quite what the source is. We have found that when Siobhan, Maureen, Aoife and Briana join us as part of the command staff, they become a very close part of our mind-link when we are working, but only then. Next, question?"

"Very interesting. What if we aren't telepathic? Do we have to leave?" asked Morna.

"We would not send anyone away. A question that person would need to answer is how they would feel about not being a part of all conversations in their group. Those will be part verbal and part simply shared thoughts. It is also a group question as well. I was in nearly that situation for a while, as I was not totally immersed in the group of Sarah, Sally, Terry and Rusty. This was when we were living at my home well before we were kidnapped. When we woke up here, our mind-links were immediately apparent. Sarah, Rusty, Sally, and Terry awakened before I did, so that sequence may have helped us quickly establish the mind-link we now enjoy. When we were at my home, I could tell that both Rusty and Sarah made sure to verbalize when I was close by." The woman looked concerned. "I take it you are worried about not being able to stay." She nodded. "If you want to know whether you are telepathic right now, one of my spouses can try assessing your potential while I answer questions." She nodded yes.

"What?" said Renée. "You mean you can look at my thoughts."

"Yes, to an extent but there are constraints or limitations in reading another person's thoughts. First, we are bound by this society's rules which are: You don't peek unless you have permission. Second, if I look at your thoughts, you will most likely sense it. How much, varies from person to person. Thirdly, others may see me doing it. Lastly, it is rather difficult for me to determine which object in my mind is you unless you assist. Sounds a bit strange doesn't it?" The woman nodded. "It should be clearer once you work with the medical staff to enable your ability."

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Caitlyn was dressed in a business suit colored light blue as she stormed around the house. Alyssa sat quietly on a stool in front of the kitchen counter, watching every move Caitlyn made. Caitlyn stormed back into the kitchen angry, "That does is, I am through with this...this suit!" With that Caitlyn tore her suit off and kicked the skirt portion out the open window. Then there was a knock on the door, Caitlyn swung the door open, forgetting she was in her bra and panties. Fortunately, it was...

1 year ago
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New Country changed my Parents 8211 Part 2

Hello, Mitesh here with the next part of my story. We saw in the last detail how my parents fucked at Samantha and Sebastian’s house and then how mom changed her clothes in the walk-in closet, exposing her naked body to me. She changed into her new spaghetti gown with nothing beneath. The gown was shorter and ended below her ass, so it would show me her naked ass when she bent. It was getting hotter, and she saw me watching with my boner in the pants. She watched the tent in my shorts and...

4 years ago
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We met during Covid Part 2

So if you have not yet done so, you might want to read the first installment of this story. So after I wrote the first story, I have been contacted by a lot of people, and had some online fun with a few, but this one guy, Mike from way down south started texting me, and we really connected, keep in mind Sam from part one has flaked out at this point since our meeting. Mike much like Sam, and myself is straight, and married, well as I am learning about myself, I do not think I am straight...

3 years ago
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 20 A Change In Plans

As the sun set the Karenna was forced to slow even more, to accommodate the other ships. Once the convoy had settled into their nightly operations, those invited to dinner started ferrying across. As they landed, each group was met by one of the senior cadets (teen aged crewmembers), and given a quick tour of the ship. Jake had been given the first tour by Senior Cadet Mary Kennedy, Marie’s daughter. Catherine had assigned someone to be at each stop on the tour. The cadets explained what each...

2 years ago
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Replacing mom

A big thanks to Zoomie69 and Mark (I wasn't able to get your lit name) who both edited this. ***** Chapter 1 – The Talk. "Come on, Megan..." Greg watched his wife continue to lie in bed while she read her tablet. She appeared to have no interest in what he was talking about. "Megan..." There wasn't a response. "You can't just stop having sex with me." "I'm pretty sure I can," she told him while continuing to look down. Greg took a deep breath. "Did I do something?" "Nope," Megan coldly...

4 years ago
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sex with my cousin1

It was a Monday evening when I was in my room playing my Xbox, when I heard a creaking coming from my parents room; which I found weird as my parents had gone out for a romantic meal together and had left my brother in charge, as they thought that they might get a hotel for the night. So with this anoying creaking noise putting me off my game, I decided to go and find out what it was. I opened my door and poked my head out into the corridor and saw Mary on her knees and looking through the...

3 years ago
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The Over Due Wait

We had known each other for years before now. But we decided to get together one day at the park. James had blue eyes to kill for and dark hair. I had such a lust for this man, I was dying. I wanted to have his hard slim body rubbing against my soft, small one. I was running late that day and I knew James was waiting for me. I was just hoping he wouldn't leave me! I pulled up to see him swinging. I jumped out and moved to him. "I was just getting worried you wouldn't show," He said as he got up...

Love Stories
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E15 Annika Blackwood 27 from Hull

We begin this week’s show inside an unidentified but impressively fresh and modern looking shopping mall ... Multiple levels of store-fronts with wide walk-ways outside. Down on the ground level, walking through the main entrance, we see our host – the blonde haired, white toothed, big jawed, fake-tittied, All-American dogwhore, Jenna McCartney ... And by her side, trotting along and looking super-happy to be here ... Her muscular, wide-chested, American bulldog, Cooper. This mall has a...

4 years ago
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SamChapter 15C

It took a few minutes for him to see what I was doing, but when he did, he jerked his head around so quick that I was sure the teacher would notice. I kept my eyes directly forward until he had himself under control and I was sure Miss Albert's attention was elsewhere, then I slid back again, pushing more of my skirt out from under me and turning a conservative skirt into a micro-mini. At last my bare cheeks were resting on the wooden seat, and the front hem of my skirt was just above my...

1 year ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 20 Roving Commander

I shifted the carrier with my infant son on my chest and glanced at Amanda as she pushed the stroller with our daughter. She smiled and ignored my look, “You are a commander and can carry your son.” I snorted, “Just because the empress has me roving for the next year does not mean you and...” She lifted an eyebrow, “We are not staying here and playing house.” I growled, “I knew I should have staked you out on the beach with Samantha, Domino and Simon.” She grinned, “Now I might have...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 4 Chaos to Catch a Thief

From a technical and tactics briefing aboard Atlantis, Alex and company decide to randomize their approach to apprehend Clemson. Making another trip back to Colonial Philadelphia, Alex allows Jack to send the time thief an 'explosive' message. Will Clemson find an ally with clues to the Empress' weaknesses and whereabouts? What will happen when two rats get into the hen house? Episode 3 ?Chaos to Catch a Thief? Atlantis Expeditionary Ship, Standard Year 257:06:28 ?Alex?...

1 year ago
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The AtonementChapter 2 The Entertainer

The ride to Cheryl's apartment seemed to take much longer than normal. The usual 45 minute trip had seemed, to Barbara, to take days. She and John had not really discussed the events of their last evening with Cheryl and Barbara still felt knots in her stomach when she wondered what thoughts he had about it. She couldn't blame him for losing respect for her. This strong woman he married was now reduced to crawling on the floor and licking another woman's feet -- and worse! During the ride...

3 years ago
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My Cruel Step Mom Nagamani 8211 Part V

Hi ISS readers, this is Santaram again in earlier episodes, I narrated how my stepmom Nagamani tortures me for various reasons and fuck with different young men in front of my dad and me. Now I would like to tell you one more real incident happened in my life when I was 18 years old. Me opinions ni naku ki post cheyyandi. Aa roju my step mom Nagamani birth day. Nenu 4 am ki lechi Nagamani paadalaku namaskarinchi legs masage chestunnanu.Nagamani pakkane ma servant maid Anjamma koduku Seenu...

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CHAPTER 12Sylvia was in a three truck convoy winding through the jungle just inside Venezuela. The trucks contained the a****ls she had acquired for the resort from the Guarani people. The trip had been long and was going to be still longer. She was in the middle truck of the three, a pickup that contained Thor, Wolf, and a goat. She was dozing as she sat in the passenger seat of the truck. The drive had been uncomfortable and she didn’t see that changing any time soon. The weather was hot and...

4 years ago
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How early is it to start letting the two little girls watch mom and the bull get it. Id like them to start watching what their mommy goes thru when she takes up that huge cock. I cant believe as a father I cant wait until they get completely gone thru by a huge black.plus i think they should be helping their mom... taking his huge shaft in and out of his pants. Putting it back in when it falls out... Learning.Imagine mom sitting in an open towel on the edge of the coutch, with wet hair. Then...

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PetiteHDPorn Jill Kassidy Gym Session

Jill Kassidy is a short but mighty spinner who works hard to maintain her athletic figure. Her workout routine is improved every time she takes the time to lift a shirt to play with her perky all naturals. When Logan Long joins her in the gym, Jill knows her workout is about to get a lot more pleasurable. Her suspicion is borne out when she beckons Logan close and he happily whips out his fuck stick for her to stroke and suck from her position on the workout bench. Turning onto her belly, Jill...

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TRAVELS (GAY TALES)As a follow-up to my Lesbian Tales entitled TRAVELS, I will use the same approach with gay men telling stories about their sex life when they are travelling.ROBERT (30 years-old. Single. Top gay. American. Clean-cut and handsome salesman.)I was told Switzerland was pretty uptight when it came to sex. I don’t know if it depends which part of Switzerland you go to, but I found Geneva very open-minded. I travel to a different country in Western Europe every two years. I started...

2 years ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 29

Lovely Little Secret The house was quiet but no longer silent. Beyond the ticking of the clock here in the library where you sat at your desk — beyond the sound of your pencil’s graphite point gently scratching your notebook paper — there was the distant sound of movement in this old Victorian manse. It hadn’t been this way last year when you arrived. Then there was just me roaming about — and you occupying the room you had rented in the servant’s wing. Then we had fallen in love and you had...

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3 Short Sex Stories that make me Wet

1. There was a cardboard box to the left of the entrance, and my mother nodded at its existence. I pulled the top flap open and saw immediately that there were many pairs of schoolgirl's panties, all had writing on them, mostly their names with dates, Elisabeth, Victoria, Veronica, and so on, some showed signs of soiling on the gusset, like mine felt, as it was hard to hide your emotions, especially as your body could not hide the fact you were sexually aroused.He stood beside my mother and...

3 years ago
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Fucking my aunt

I have an aunt Sarala and her son is 15 year Vinu. I am with my parents and we all live in Alleppy. Once my dad had gone to South Africa and had brought a bottle of Spanish Fly S-400 special aphrodisiac. This was a special one that caused heavy sexual feelings once it is mixed in a juice and taken. I had tried this and found I had an erection for one full day that never went down not only that my cock has grown longer and thicker by 2 inches and caused heavy itching in the private parts. Not...

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Too Many SecretsChapter 19

The next morning Yvonne seemed more like herself, and they quickly decided that they would do some sightseeing around the city and area. Matti was going to rent a car, a legitimate business expense, since he needed a car when he met with the companies he intended to see while he was in Vancouver. Just after mid-morning, they set out on a slow drive around the city, with Yvonne pointing out landmarks and interesting features. They found a Chinese restaurant that seemed popular, and they...

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How my BBC fantasy for My Wife Went Wrong CH2

Much to my surprise, Melinda said she would be willing to try to seduce a black man for sex on our anniversary weekend out of town. She laid down some ground rules. 1) she alone got to pick the man. 2) she wasn't promising anything - she might just dance with him or kiss him or just touch or give him a bj or go all the way. It all depended on how she felt then. 3) he had to wear a condom if she did have sex with him. she knows just how fertile she is and didn't want an STD. 4) I had to...

4 years ago
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Dear Mimi 2

The year is 2028, in San Jose, Ca And you and I are married some how. See Mimi this is what I dont understand, but letd do it the way you want to do it where we all live together and you have ruined everybody's lives but your own. In your fantasy island you, Krystal, and Aimee aren't sisters, you aren't enemies, you are all, bi-sexual lovers that have completely tooken over my life and every aspect of my where I have absolutely no control of what I am going to do next but,,,,,, what ~ MIMI -...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 07

Jennifer got another call. ‘He brought ice cubes into my room.’ I couldn’t hide the annoyance in my voice. ‘Oh, you lucky girl.’ Was she making fun of me? She cooed it like she really meant it. What was I supposed to say? ‘Wasn’t it unbelievable?’ she asked. Unbelievable might be the right word. ‘To tell you the truth, I thought it was weird. All the stuff he does is weird. I didn’t even let him get to use them. He does this weird stuff and I’m supposed to think it’s sexy?’ ‘The lady...

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After the WarChapter 7 Collection

Priscilla Stanford was always a scheming little madam. As a child she always did exactly what she wished, and it was always her companions who were in trouble when things went wrong. Her pale blue eyes, fair complexion, golden red hair, and winning smile got her out of endless scrapes and usually shifted the blame to her unfortunate companions. When she left school she contrived to get herself appointed as under scullery maid at Belvedere Hall, which had been the stately home of the Earls of...

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The 60 Fuck Buddy

It was my last day working in the IT department of a large oil company here in Aberdeen. I was leaving to work in another IT department in another oil company. Oh the life of a computer nerd.One of the ladies who work at the reception invited me to her birthday party. “It’s just a bit of fun.” She told me. “We’re having a few drinks around mine, a bit of cake and then off down town to a club.” “I’m up for that.” “One thing, it’s in Fancy dress, so find a costume and get your drinking head...

3 years ago
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Her Apple PieChapter 6 The Great Clearwater Diner Massacre

Come November, Kylie felt comfortable enough to go on regular forays into Clearwater. Her mother was doing much better and had reclaimed the reins of the household during Kylie's stay in rehab. Also, Kylie's temptation to smooth out the edges was not strong anymore. Her mind was much clearer and the warm feeling of achievement over a number of songs she had written during her stay in Hillview helped lessen her perceived needs for anything mind-numbing. She was getting into a better...

2 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 9 Christmas Recess and New Year 1975

There's a feeling I get When I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen Rings of smoke through the trees, And the voices of those who stand looking. Woh oh oh oh oh oh... And she's buying a stairway to heaven! --Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin) Late Tuesday afternoon, Merry came up to my room and asked me what I wanted for dinner. It was New Year's Eve, and I already declined an invitation to a party at Wendy's with Patty and Camille,...

1 year ago
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Sex After Life Part 4

It was on that trip to LA, Roxy cheated for the first time.  As they drove up from San Diego to L.A., Bailey started feeling sick.  They pulled over and Bailey began vomiting. Turns out, Bailey had a stupid pregnancy pact with three of her slutty friends from high school and had been taking unprotected loads from random dudes for the last month and a half. Roxy drove to the nearest drugstore and bought her sister three different pregnancy tests. Bailey was indeed pregnant and was so sick she...

Group Sex
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Connor is fifteen also and on the football and wrestling team and one of the hottest boys in the school if not the entire town. Connor is built like a Greek god and unfortunate for Lorcan he is as straight as they come, for he was dating Jenny the hottest girl in school. Connor has short lite brown hair and a five inch flaccid cock, he always wondered just how big he got when hard but had yet found out. “Hey Lor,” Connor yelled as he ran to catch up to Lorcan as he walked past the football...

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Heirs to the AncientsChapter 3

As he stared at the ford, Taima wondered if he was following the right path. He had successfully followed the directions. From the heights of the mountain he had seen the river and the great bend in the distance. Perhaps he should have kept walking northward and ignored the old man. He said his name was Askuwheteau but he acted like one of the ancient spirits of the mountain. "Great-granddaughter?" Taima asked the caterpillar on the leaf where he was crouching. Scanning the area, he had...

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Gang Bang

Hi, this Ram. am a software engineer and working in bangalore. when ever I have time I visit my home town. I studied by staying in hostel because my mum died when I was boy. just I spend the holiday in my village and maintianed the pride. every body think I am the good person in the hole village. I never ever seen a in village with bad thinking. so everybody was verygood with me in the village. I have some close friends who studied together and now working in same company. we all discuss about...

Group Sex
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The Proper Grip

"Oh fuck, I'm late!" Speaking quickly into her cell phone, 41-year old Natalie Franklin grinds her white high heel harder down on the accelerator of the BMW. On the other end of the line, a very girlish laugh is heard. "What are you giggling at, Tracy?" "It's just funny," she vaguely announces in a very soft voice. "What?" demands Natalie, already frustrated. "Hearing you say the F word. You never used to say it before." In fact, Natalie looks like about the last person in the...

1 year ago
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Good Solutions Part 3

It had been three weeks since the night Laura witnessed Jamey losing her virginity to Dean. The vision of the young woman, lowering her young frame unto the thick cock sticking upright from the young man’s groin, plagued Laura to the point of screaming with frustration. Her frustration caused numerous self-induced, or otherwise, mechanical, releases from her selection of toys. The biggest being a life-sized suction cup fitted dildo she used to fuck herself with while attached to the shower...

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The prom dress fitting

"I'd love to go," Fran said excitedly into the phone, "sure, sure, uh huh, okay, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow at school then, and thanks for asking me, bye!!!" "Yipeeeee," Fran shouted at the top of her lungs, "guess who just asked yours truly to the Prom!?!" "Let me guess," her mother replied thoughtfully, "I'll bet it was Stuart?!?" "Oh, mother," Fran replied in exasperation, "you know who it was, it was Jack!!!" "Jack," her mother asked playfully, "do I know him!?!" Fran playfully poked her...

2 years ago
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Sex With a BBW

I had the weirdest thing happen to me last week. I work at grocery store. I have been working there for about a year. I take classes at college in the evening. I enjoy working with the public. In the morning, it's usually all the housewives doing their weekly shopping. It's kind of weird, but working here is kind of a chick magnet. Housewives are always bored and looking for sex. I have hooked up with many of my customers. While I was finishing up with a customer, this interesting black woman...

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The ebony satisfier

"What a day," thought Paula, as she sped down Marine Blvd. on her way to the bank, "it's just one thing after another!" She knew that she was speeding, but what with the stop at the bank, grocery shopping, and a visit to the beauty parlor, she would be hard pressed to make her six o'clock appointment with her husband. Drinks, dinner, and the opera, if she could just get through the day, she might even get to enjoy the evening! She wheeled into the bank parking lot and practically ran through...

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The Skater

  (All characters are 18 or over)     It came up almost over night, and when the construction noises faded I thought I'd have peace.  No such luck.  The sounds of jackhammers and cement mixers were replaced with the endless endless clattering roll of skateboards.  The skate park was an atrocity that could not stand, and I was determined to see its eyesore slopes and rails and endless graffiti tags bulldozed to the ground and repaved over.  What I hated most of all, was this one little...

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DDFBusty Angel Wicky Cum Loving Titty Fucking Temptress

Angel Wicky is wickedly hot in this DDFBusty premium porn exclusive. The only thing this blonde bombshell needs to do is take her top off and you’re in titty heaven with her massive DDD’s. In this flawlessly produced 4K porn picture, the curvy Czech goddess is treating Luca Ferrero’s big dick to some tonguing and titty action that he’ll forever remember as one of the best encounters of his life. You get to be a part of this party of two in the livingroom where the...

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The SawHorse Cafe A Gay Group Fantasy

I had been playing with these two daddies. I loved being in the middle. They had told me now that I was 21 years old, I could go to this bar with them. They said that as much as I loved having my holes used I would be popular. Especially with my chubby ass and mouth. They said it was mostly daddies. They promised me as much cum as I could eat. I shaved as much of my body as I could. I had my haircut very short earlier. I was all ready to go..They pick me up at 6pm. It is just a short drive...

2 years ago
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Halloween Night Encounter

I would like to relate the story of one of the best Halloween nights I had ever experienced.It occurred the year that I had auditioned and won the role of Count Dracula for a local amateur theater. I met her after the opening night performance, she introduced herself as April.Now with the exception of her long honey blond hair she bore a remarkable resemblance to famed Hammer movie star Barbara Steel. She told me how much she loved the play and my performance during our first meeting and we...

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Still cant believe this happened

Something happened three weeks ago at a family get together. More specifically, my wife's family get together. They were celebrating one of my wife's nieces birthdays.Now it's not that I don't like my wife's family or anything, because most of them are actually pretty cool. The reason I wasn't looking forward to getting together with them was because this time we had to pick up and drop off my mother in law and her crabby asshole husband. My father in law had pasted away two years prior to...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Sheila Ortega Kesha Ortega The Hardcore Interrogation

Sheila, the Venezuelan vixen, has been a naughty girl again and it’s time that she gets punished and learns her lesson the DDF Network way. The curvy bombshell is dressed in full slutty attire, her ginormous 42C big tits spilling over the top of her bustier. It’s obvious she’s a horny nymphomaniac up to no good, and she is brought to Officer Ricky Mancini for questioning by fellow busty Venezuelan pornstar Kesha. It doesn’t take long before the interrogation turns into a...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Evening of Pleasure

This is my first story, so please be gentle. I just needed to get all my thoughts and ideas down as quickly as possible. Hopefully once this one is out of my system I can begin to concentrate on writing more controlled and better written stories but everyone has to start somewhere. After a few drinks in the bar they had gone back to his house, a lovely old building that seemed to go on for ever. He had led her into the living room, kissed her gently on the cheek and then suggested that they...

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RSOBChapter 21

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing in the living room. I extracted myself from between the sleeping girls and went in to answer it. "Hello." "Hello Ron, this is Carl with Family Services. I'd like to talk with the girls." I had enough sense to realize it was still fairly early. I looked at the clock and it was just 8:30. "Carl, they're over at the other house. I'll have to go get them. I haven't had time to run a phone line from here to there yet. We had a long day...

2 years ago
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after my k**s was born my wife stopped having sex, not in the mood or only every month or so, I used to wait never had a wank, I was so horny to unload, sometimes she go longer then six weeks for a orgasm, i have played with her when she was sleeping made her want to cum, my balls were that full my load would fly out like a fountain...then I met tina in the street she new I could repair tv's asked me around, I will never forget that tuesday in 92, me and my wife had been arguing about her not...

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Hidden Spring

A crisp breeze heavy with the scent of pine rolled in from the jagged peaks to their front. They looked to each other, then back to the gorgeous peaks to their front. In his backpack he had a little food to eat along with a bottle of fine champagne and a large thick blanket. The morning air was warm and alive as they set out up the trail to their front. They set out at a brisk pace towards a secluded place he had heard of some two hours hike ahead of them. She thought they went up for a...

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