Georgie GirlChapter 6 Tahoe Time
- 2 years ago
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The morning chime sounded in Sarah’s Clan’s suite indicating that breakfast would begin in an hour. This was their third day at J4. In two days they would depart for Celia system.
As Sarah’s Clan made their way to breakfast Judy said, “Kathleen, how are you feeling?”
“Very good. Thank you for asking. My milk volume was less both last night and again this morning.”
“See you in a few. How are the others doing?”
“All are responding very well. It will be at least a week before the J3 people who were drugged can be released from medical care.”
Just as Sarah’s Clan was preparing to sit down, they heard Lorelei say, “Can we join you?”
“Certainly,” replied Joyce. “We haven’t seen you in a week or so.”
“We’ve seen you several times. Each time it looked like you were very involved in something,” responded Melinda.
“Well the last few days have really been hectic.”
“Some of the, I believe, Tigsuma, don’t seem to be very happy about being here,” said Earl.
“Yes,” replied Sally. “We’ve recently learned that some of them were in command of the freighter when it left their planet with their recruits. In fact they were key employees of one company that recruited the J3 people and provided the transport off planet.”
“I hadn’t heard that.”
“We aren’t surprised. They spun the facts a little differently. While their story was partially true, in that they did become victims of the Durale, they were in fact running the off-world job recruiting on Tigsu. I can tell you the rest of it, but we will be going over the details at our meeting this morning. Unfortunately it will delay our discussion on settling A-Celia.”
He looked at Lorelei and Melinda before saying, “That would be fine, as it sounds like an interesting, but rather involved, story.”
“So what do you guys think of the models of the island and settlement?”
“It looks great once you get past those giant cliffs along the ocean,” replied Lorelei.
“We agree that it looks great, but it is also kind of scary as there are so many unknowns, even though we’ve had recon groups there for over a year.”
Jill said, “We think Amy’s Clan has pulled together a really good preliminary plan for getting us established on the planet.”
“From the bits we’ve heard, we think there are a lot of people who agree,” added Melinda. “We certainly do. Initially Nancy and Bob were a little put out that their home design wouldn’t be used until later. I thought their design looked really neat and it seemed pretty easy to build, but I’m not a builder.”
“They are easy to build,” replied Claudette of Sarah’s Clan. “A big disadvantage though is that to provide them for all of us would cover a pretty large area. That makes establishing a local transportation network a more significant factor.”
“We like his house design for standalone housing,” said Alena of Sarah’s Clan. “We had sketched out some possible floor plans for us, but after seeing the preliminary plan for the settlement, we’ve decided to use their design when we move to single clan dwellings, sometime in the future.”
“It’s time people,” said Sarah. “If you guys hang around after the meeting, we would like to spend some time with you.”
“We can do that,” they replied.
Sarah’s Clan put their breakfast dishes away before moving to the front of the room to begin the morning meeting. As they walked to the podium, Security Team members around the room took on a more alert posture. During breakfast they had positioned themselves so that they had the room well covered. A few of the crew noticed that each of them was armed, which was very unusual.
“Is everyone ready?” said Sarah’s Clan to the other Command Staffs.
“Good morning,” said Sarah’s Clan to their crew.
“Good morning,” replied their crew.
“We know all of you are anxious to hear the proposal for settling our island on A-Celia.” Almost everyone chuckled and few laughed. “We kind of thought that by the length of time many of you spent looking over the models of the island. Unfortunately, an issue has come up that demands our attention so we need to delay the presentation and discussion a bit.” There were a few groans as they continued with, “However, we will do that after we settle this issue.
“Today our meeting will include all ships. The links between our ships should be active in a few moments.” Just as Sarah’s Clan finished speaking the six wall size monitors lit up showing the crews in the meeting areas on the other ships. The crew members on duty were included through their terminals and their telepathic link.
After the images stabilized Sarah’s Clan said, “Good morning everyone. Our family meeting today will be a new experience for our guests. As we just mentioned to the crew on Dóchas, we need to review some recent events and decide a resolution for them before beginning the presentation and discussion of our plan to settle A-Celia.
“These events are specific to the actions of a small group of Tigsuma. They were not very forthright in telling us how they came to be in the container we recovered at J3. We’ve since learnt that they were the principals in the organization behind the offer of off world job opportunities. Our investigation has identified twenty-six Tigsuma as being in this group. Since being released from hibernation they’ve been plotting to take over of this fleet and enslave us. They are all now confined to prisoner boxes in Dóchas’ brig and have been there since shortly before we emerged from FTL. Each one is charged with eleven counts of mutiny, which is one count of mutiny for each ship. In addition, each is charged with four counts of murder.” The family gasped as the charges were stated and this was followed by a murmuring. “They tortured and killed two Órarduine and two Sarque.”
Sarah’s Clan paused for the family to quiet down then continued, “These are the first capital crimes to occur in our family. Fortunately the clues to the mutiny came to light well before it began in earnest. The first clues were discovered the day before our arrival at J4. By acting on those clues we were able to record a meeting where the nine key leaders reviewed their plans. As you will see in a few minutes, they were quite explicit in what they planned to do. Actually, their comments were icing on the cake, as they just confirmed the evidence we had already gathered.
“For this next part, we ask that you hold your questions for a bit as we think they will be answered during the presentation of the evidence. The first clue was based on a medical anomaly experienced by several Órarduine. A review of the medical test results led to the suspicion that some Órarduine and some J3 people had been drugged. The suspected drug was similar to one the Durale had exposed a few of us to some time ago.
“This was confirmed the morning we arrived here. There were two parts to this. Those wearing health sensors were queried by the Medical AI. For all the others, we asked that they visit their medical center before going to their duty station. This served two purposes. One was to determine their A-Celia antigen sensitivity and the other was looking for the Durale drug. The antigen testing was already scheduled so we just moved up the timing. From the results, we were certain of the drug type and source. The results showed that 232 J3 people were under the drugs influence. Since they were already in the medical center, all were immediately admitted for further treatment. Based on changes in their health sensors, several Órarduine were also asked to come in for a medical evaluation.
“To expand a bit regarding the drug used, it is related to the one given to us by the Durale when we first visited the Iridien ship. They made a second attempt at our Mars habitat. For Órarduine females, this particular version of the drug has a metabolite that simply increases their lactation rate. All the drugged Órarduine were treated and then released. Their elevated lactation rate should be back to normal in a few days. Neither the drug nor its metabolite was in their milk.
“For the other breeds, if they are susceptible to this drug it places them in a euphorically receptive state of mind. While in this state, they are very receptive to suggestions, so it is very easy to shift their allegiance to the controller or the person administering the drug. Typically, a short time after it is consumed the person administering it has a quiet uninterrupted conversation with the victim. This is to gain control of the victim. Once that is accomplished, everything the victim knows is easily available to their controller. They are also very receptive to any future requests or instructions. To maintain control of the victim, the controller needs to provide repeated doses. While under the influence the victim has little free will with respect to following instructions. With time the victim becomes more and more receptive to following the directions received from their controller. Ultimately they feel that fulfilling any request of their controller is the most important thing they can do, including risking their life. Surprisingly the drug doesn’t significantly affect personality or performance of routine tasks.
“The twenty-six charged with mutiny are all watching these proceedings from the brig. Images of the twenty-six will shortly appear on the screens. The first nine images are of the leaders and they will be followed by the others.”
The screens on each ship began showing each participant. Each started with a full length view showing them in the rectangular prisoner box and then zoomed in to show a close up of their head and shoulders.
After the last of the images were shown Kara said, “Based on my interactions with the leaders, I suspect there are many in our family who will be very happy knowing that they won’t have to fend off their constant groping.” Her comment drew affirmative nods from many and some of applause.
Sarah’s Clan then said, “Now let’s watch the section of the surveillance video that shows them reviewing their plans. The full video recording begins just after breakfast on the day we arrived at J4 and continues until shortly before dinner time. The segment we are showing begins shortly after they are all in compartment D283. The full video is available in the library. We should note that compartment D283 is a fairly large compartment on FLDC-3 and isn’t being used. Other records show that this group began using it a short time after they were released from hibernation.
When the video clip ended Sarah’s Clan said, “That completes the presentation of the evidence we have regarding the mutiny, except for one item. While the group was gathering in the compartment, the leader of this group went to a member of each Communication department and asked them to send a message after exiting FTL.
“It was a coded message asking the recipient for immediate assistance with the capture of a group of ships and their crews. It claimed that the wealth represented by this capture would provide all of them with an extremely large monetary reward. The message supposedly included J4’s coordinates. We transmitted the message as requested.” There were several gasps. “We did this because the coordinates were not those of J4, or of our ultimate destination. Now, are there any questions or comments on what we’ve covered so far?”
After a few moments Sarah’s Clan said, “It looks like there aren’t any questions yet. So let’s move on to the murder charges. The prisoners did a pretty good job of covering up the disappearance of two Sarque. They made it appear as if they had relocated to another ship. In this case it was fairly easy as both had worked in several groups and on a multiple ships. Both were well thought of by their coworkers.
“The two Órarduine had not joined a clan but were loosely associated with several clans. So there was little the prisoners needed to do immediately to hide or obscure their absence. In the few days between their deaths and our arrival here none of their close friends had noticed their absence. A reconstruction of their movements indicates that they were killed within a day or two of each other. These deaths occurred just a few days prior to arriving at J4. The murders occurred just as each began the first day of their two day break. Their short absence, while noticed by a few, did not immediately raise any alarms. Although on the morning of FTL to J4 queries were initiated to contact the first victim. We aren’t sure how they intended to cover up the disappearance long term and perhaps they didn’t care.
“The last images of the four victims were recorded on FLDC-3. In each case they were heading toward compartment D283. They were accompanied by a member of this group. Going over the data for that area, all 26 suspects are seen going into, and coming out of, that area, both shortly before and after the last images of the victims.
“When Security searched D283, they found clamps, clips, restraints and whips. A team specializing in forensics was brought in to assist them. These devices appear to have been taken from our community sex play areas. All were modified so that they were only suitable for torture. An inventory of all the community sex play areas was completed yesterday and confirms the source. DNA analysis of the residues on the items found in D283 shows that all were used on the victims. This evidence reinforces the conclusion that the victims were tortured prior to their death. A subsequent search of the adjacent recycling intake compartment, D383, provided evidence that the victims were there. There is also forensic evidence that those in custody used the equipment in D383. The recycle logs for D383 indicate that several loads of material with a composition very similar to the victims were processed after their disappearance.
“The following is a segment of the recording of the group in D283. It takes place after the first clip that was shown.”
“Questions?” asked Sarah’s Clan after the video finished.
“Looks pretty solid so far,” said Leann.
“Who gathered the evidence?” asked a crew member.
“Several Security teams participated at various stages, along with forensics specialists. They were assisted by their primary AIs along with several other groups. Dóchas Intelligence group led the prisoners’ interrogation and in compiling the evidence.”
“What is the punishment for these crimes?” asked another crew member.
“In the operation of our fleet we have been following the Connemare Manuals. For mutiny, it is recycling or unprotected ejection into space. For murder, it is death, which can be administered with brutality equal to that inflicted on the victim as indicated by the evidence.”
Qtowe on Dóchas stood and said, “I am a Tigsuma. Prior to you finding us, I worked for one of the companies that recruited the people who arrived with me. The prisoners you have in custody worked for the same company I did. When I finish with what I have to say, all of you will think I am a dunce. Until I arrived here I did not realize that the recruits we picked up were going any place but to a job on another planet. We took the recruits to a transfer location, which is not an uncommon practice for interplanetary travel. The transfer point was unusual, but really they all had their quirks. In hindsight, yes there were clues about their ultimate destination, but I didn’t notice any of the subtle clues that are now obvious. After unloading the freighter at the transfer station, I know many of us partied hard while waiting for our return passage. From what we just saw, and from the comments they made, they likely behaved there in the same disgusting manner.
“It was only after arriving here that I learned where the people we transported had ended up. I am heartbroken to know that I was a willing participant in the effort to enslave them. At the same time, I am angry with myself for not seeing what was being done. As I noted earlier, some of the procedures the company performed seemed odd, as did some coworkers comments but ... in context they weren’t all that odd.
“Shortly after we arrived here some of those charged with mutiny approached me asking me to work with them on a project. The incentive was that if it was successful all of us would be very wealthy. From what they told me, which wasn’t much, it never occurred to me that they were planning on capturing you and this fleet. If they had, at least two things would have happened. First I would have laughed in their face and told them there was not chance in hell of their being successful. Secondly, I would have had a chat with several friends in Security. However, I think I have an idea of why they thought they could succeed.
“It is because you are all open, friendly, trusting, loving, intelligent and great teachers. You treat everyone as equals. Even the androids who are not self-aware are treated better than many people were treated on my home planet. All of this makes it is easy for an outsider to overlook your unity. To me that makes you stronger than anyone I know of in the universe. It shows all the time in the way you care for each other, share affection and appreciation.
“I can see some of you are wondering where I am going with this. Well I am almost there. I am very thankful for my time here and the pleasure of working with all of you. You have shown me how an intelligent cultured people can live successfully in harmony with others. In spite of all this praise, I think I should return to my hibernation chamber. This is due to the things I’ve done, which creates a growing realization that I don’t belong here. At least in hibernation I won’t have to deal with the guilt of enslaving all those people.
“Thank you for your patience in listening to me.”
It was very quiet as he sat back down. Sorcha and Krystin of Cathan’s Clan moved to sit next to him, one on either side. On seeing them he began to shake, he knew that they were security team members. His emotions were in turmoil and his first thought was that he might not make it back into hibernation, not surprisingly his eyes began to water.
Both women put an arm around his shoulders as Sorcha whispered in his ear, “Relax. We thought you were pretty brave to speak up when you understood what happened.”
He looked questioningly at each of them, then Krystin said, “We will talk later, after this is over. We know you are not like the others, or a part of this. You have many friends here as everyone you’ve met thinks very highly of you.”
Just as Qtowe was sitting down, Aine materialized at the front of the room just behind Sarah’s Clan.
“Aine, we didn’t think you would be back today,” said Erin.
“Wouldn’t miss this.”
Serarck stood and said, “Sarah’s Clan, and those assembled here, if Qtowe is a candidate for returning to hibernation, then I should be as well. Several of those charged with mutiny started asking about our position in the universe soon after they were out of recovery. At first, I put them off by saying that the Órarduine navigation grid is different than that used by the Alliance of Worlds, which it is. Then they switched to asking where our destination was relative to specific constellations and Celia system. Now this is not an unusual question as we get similar ones all the time. If it hadn’t been for their attitude toward me, and their rude comments, they may have gotten the answers they were seeking. Several times their crudeness made me so angry that I was ready to clean their plow. Instead, I began trying to avoid any contact with them.
“Anyway, I eventually gave in. A week ago I gave them some relative coordinates to the constellations they were asking about. I don’t know what was in their message, but the coordinates I provided were bogus. If they used them correctly, those coordinates will put them within a few light hours of a planet on the other side of the universe. This planet has a reputation of being populated by a people who go all out in welcoming new arrivals. Well at least that is the story told by those who manage to escape, and there are only a few of them. According the stories, this planet holds a large celebration in honor of all new arrivals. It is usually held several days after arrival so that the residents can become acquainted with them. During the celebration, the visitors are enticed into participating in various rituals. In doing so the visitor literally places themselves on their dinner table. According to a few who avoided that fate, they claim that this is done with such finesse that the victim doesn’t even realize what is about to take place until the last moment.
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xmoviesforyouIntroduction: she owed 10 dollars for her paper delivery…she worked it off in trade It had been a month since I got home from college. I did not want to get a serious job just after graduating. I still wanted to party and enjoy the summer. My parents had other ideas. I went on a few interviews and filled out a ton of applications. But not many people were hiring. I had worked when I was younger as a paper boy. But I had grown out of the job. Not many 6ft 4 athletic college guys riding up and...
I am Steve and I have an interesting story to tell about how I watched my girlfriend one afternoon, masturbate and have sex with her best friend Elin. I had been dating Dylan for about 6 months. She was a very sexual young lady. We were both 22, seniors in college studying Computer Science. Dylan was tall about 5 feet 9 inches with a slim build. She was a natural blond with very short hair almost mannish in style. Her breasts were small definitely an A cup. Her waist was narrow and her hips...
Lesbian“I think I have my answer,” she laughed as she pointed to my erection. “Not very hard, but it says 'yes.'”“Yes ma'am,” I replied, a coy smile on my face.Once again I put the vibrator to my penis and worked with great effort to an orgasm. Between the flushing out and the jacking off, she wanted my butt and balls empty. And empty I was, as my orgasm resulted in minor pulsations, and only a drop or so of cum.“So what's it going to be?” Nancy asked after I'd finished. “You going to clean...
CuckoldThe tight, leather collar pulls around my neck hard as the end of the cold, steel chain it’s connected to becomes taut. At the other end, is a delicate, yet firm black, glove covered hand which belongs to a leather corset bound woman who leads me towards a dimly lit room. I have no choice but to follow behind on my hands and knees. While I can’t see her face yet, I can see her long, brown hair teasing down her back, the shape of her hips and full breasts accentuated by the corset. Her thighs...
Hi I am Rohit from Hyderabad. I usually read stories from Indian sex stories and now i intend to write down an original incident of my life which happened when i was a student. This is actually the story of my mom Rima. She is a traditional and orthodox religious woman with 5″2′ height and good assets. The incident started when we moved to a rented house in a different locality. Our family started to get intermixed in the new society and soon our life started become quite normal. It was the...
IncestJohn carried his and Anita’s luggage down the back stairs and out to the garage. The family’s luggage consisted of a three-piece set of matching soft-side Samsonite, as well as an ancient nylon hanging bag he had owned since college. Over the years, he and Anita had settled into a comfortable situation with the luggage. They would split the largest suitcase and the hanging bag, while the girls would share the other two bags. Whatever else they had packed was basically so much trash in the...
Her pretty face was calm, eyes closed. She was sprawled out, naked, basking in the sun on a lawn chair. Her silky, long, dark hair splayed out across the chair, her double D tits out in the open, her nipples erect and perky begging to be touched. Mmm, the fondling and licking and sucking I imagined doing to her breasts.I let my gaze travel down her body past her flat, lean stomach down and down further. She lay with her toned, lean legs spread, her shaved mound also taking in the bright rays of...
LesbianRecap from "Band Trip" gay high school Feb 18Still gasping to get his breath back, Rob withdrew his slightly deflatedcock from Tim's dripping hole. Tim braced himself on my shoulders andallowed his still half-hard wet cock to pull away from my mouth. I forcedmyself from the ground and sat on a nearby bench. I still had a hardthrobbing hardon. Tim, being the good host, and also still horny, wentbetween my legs and took my cock in one swift motion. It only took a fewmoments before I rewarded...
It was a Wednesday afternoon around four o'clock, I boarded the number crosstown limited to get home, this route only picks up till it reaches a certain area than departs and picks up passengers. I had on a t-shirt and pullover, a pair of shorts (and underwear of course), Tennis shoes and socks.The bus driver seemed to want to pick up at every stop, the bus was getting crowded, the driver would shout out at each stop "...move back, move back..." It wasn't long before I found myself sandwiched...
I was in the office finishing up some odds and ends, it had been a long day, and I was taking a leave of absence for the next two months. I had a lot happen all at the same time, a death in the family, my husband and I were temporarily separated, not to mention that I had been working 12 hour days for the last three weeks.I was the last one in the office, and it was quite, and most of the lights were already off. Everything was quite, and slightly eerie, I hate being by myself. So I put my iPod...
Sunday evening, Alice, Pam, and Dave sat in a booth in the TGIFridays restaurant near their home. They’d gotten seats away from most of the others in the place. Football games showed on about twenty TV monitors around the large room and bar area, but the place wasn’t crowded. “So, who goes first?” Alice asked after they’d ordered. Dave gestured to her. Pam just gestured at Alice. Alice said, “OK, I’ll start and we’ll go back and forth. Next week, one of you start. My first question has to...
Carefully draping Lydia’s legs up the front of his chest, Matt leaned forward. He pushed her knees up close to her ears and jackhammered down into her tight little pussy. When he was close to coming, Matt used his thumb and massaged her clit, causing her to have an orgasm seconds before his. When he came, Matt pumped several blasts of cum inside her. When he finished coming, Matt rolled over and held her on top, ignoring the protests from his ribs. “Mmmmm, I liked that,” she purred. “Have...
It was a holiday, I was to move to my cousins house. I took bus from Tata to that place. It was an eve. The bus was going in speed. but slowly it has started dragging. Then finally stopped. There was some problem.I have started fearing. I was a young girl .Even though tall and in sari a, i was only 20 years old. I was offered a share taxi to go to my destination..There were 7 people in it . there were two ladies. All others was ready to walk since their places were near by. I have to reach 15...
--- I Dream of Demie 14 - Giving Her What She Needs (MF, interr, mc, oral) by Krosis of the Collective --- I woke up, remembering what I wanted to say to Demie: She should call Dianna. Oh, and did she murder my coworker Carrie? But I was alone in the bed, and I was late for work. "Shit!" I gulped down some cold coffee and rushed out the door, not even having time to shave. I was late for my shift but not for our start-of-day standup meeting, so I doubt my manager even noticed. What I...
Me & the wife recently went away for a few days in Dorset, we stayed in a lovely executive caravan. The owners of the caravan assured us that if we had any issues they would contact a neighbour who would be happy to help with any problems. On the 1st morning we discovered the TV in the main bedroom wasn't working properly, my wife emailed the owners regarding the problem. We heard nothing back until the following morning when shortly after getting out of bed a chap knocked on the caravan...
It is my final piano lesson before my recital on Sunday. This will will be the end of my piano lessons. I am not too sad about that. My piano teacher, Mrs. North, is at the hospital sitting by her sick aunt's bedside. She is terminally ill and has only a little while to live. Her husband, also an accomplished pianist and teacher, is subbing for her. He sits beside me on the bench. I run through my recital program. I can't help but notice as I glance down at the keys that he is wearing walking...
With my emotionally painful stroll down memory lane complete, I decided that I should get up and get breakfast going before I let the melancholy get me down again. Half an hour later, showered and ready to face another day--thanks in large part to two cups of coffee--I had the kitchen rocking. I fixed cinnamon rolls (the refrigerated kind that you bake out of a cardboard tube), bacon, breakfast sausage, hash browns, and assorted fruit. I kept the cooked food in the oven to keep it warm, and...
I love going to the doctor. Not many women do, mind you, but mine is special. Every time I go in for an examination, I come out from a treatment!It starts out like any other office visit, but then when we get into the examination room, its a whole other world. As he sits down at the table, he tells me to go behind the screen and undress. I put on the paper gown and come out from behind the screen and sit on the table. As he gets up to begin the exam, I notice an ever increasing bulge in his...
The incessant buzz of his alarm clock usually had Brody up right away, but this time it took him a good ten seconds of flailing before he found the button to shut it off. The team had played the night before, eking out an overtime win against Nashville, and he'd almost fallen asleep in his clothes when he'd gotten home. He lay in bed a while longer before opening his eyes. His day had so far consisted of going to sleep, waking up and trying to get oriented, then sleeping again. He dragged...
Love StoriesIt was around midnight on Friday and I was trying and failing to catch the bartender's eye when I felt a firm whack on the seat of my jeans. I turned to see Andrea's grinning face."What are you having?" she shouted above the band. Her face was flushed in the heat of the packed pub. I pointed to my preferred ale and she immediately ordered two, having no trouble getting the bartender's attention with her blonde hair and tight purple silk shirt, unbuttoned to reveal generous cleavage."Got my...
SpankingIt was Tuesday morning and I had a rheumatology appointment in Maple Grove at 10:15 am. It was now about 7:30 and I thought I should start getting ready for my appointment and lunch date I had set up with Clair.When I talked with Clair on the phone last week, we decided an early lunch date would work for us. She told me to meet her at Biaggi's at 11:30 am and that she would be waiting.I jumped into the shower and shaved my body and legs. Making sure not to miss any hairs, I ran the razor over...
CrossdressingA man who's a famous wrestler, works for different promotions as he was living in a well known neighborhood as he also live next to the famous Instagram model as well! She was taking candid photos a to post on her page as she continue to do so, he was doing some gardening when she caught his attention. He soon stop what he was doing and his hard cock inside his shorts popped out, he started to wank off as her sexy body caught his attention, as if anyone can catch him in the act. She came...
By Dina Petro Being a middle aged woman, it was my day off from work, which is usually the day I do my house work of deep cleaning, arranging, housekeeping and so on. Waking up late on my day off as usual, I was in some comfortable house clothing, which consisted of light material short fluffy skirt, a light, short and low cut tank top, meaning my waist and mid parts of body were revealed with no bra or panties on just for my own comfort at home during my day off.I was doing my housework, when...
By the time Peter got home for dinner, a barbecue in their back yard, Emma had pulled herself together from the puddle in which she’d been left following her overwhelming sexual experience of the morning. Puddle was a literal term in this case: she’d nearly passed out from the intensity of her orgasm, floating for a good five minutes on a cloud of bliss, disoriented and not really caring. Flopping onto her side eventually in the cramped space, she realized the carpet beneath her was soaked. ...
I have been married to my wife for just over 4 years. She's perfect. I met her just out of high school and she was a suppressed, hot and horny church girl. I was the first boyfriend she ever had so needless to say she was a virgin. We got married after a couple years of dating. The sex was great. After a while, the sex was still great but my wife didn't seem to be into it anymore. She never said anything, but I had the feeling she was getting bored with me even though she was always willing to...
Captain Carlton was demonstrating the antics of a decapitated fowl. The news from the Academy was excellent; a full course of fifty candidates had passed selection and were ready for training. They would begin at beginning of next week. Initial kit issues were to be Navy. Initial training was to use atmospheric aerofoil fitted vehicles. More advanced training required introduction to the vessel type to be ultimately used and simulators were somewhat limited for pilot training as opposed to...
With my pants down around my , I held her head wrapping my hands around her long dark black hair as I began to fuck her mouth seriously with my very hard ! It had been about 1/2 hour since we had gotten back to my hotel room from the big bank party. She was knelling on the floor in front of me sucking my cock as I sat on the edge of the bed. My slacks were on the floor around my feet and she had taken off her blouse. Since she had not worn a bra tonight, her beautiful completely tanned tits...
EroticThe two girls sat side by side in the Principal’s office, the room filled with a deathly silence. Their faces were like thunder, the one marked with a bloody scar where the fingernails of the other had connected during their skirmish in the grounds outside. The man they were waiting on sat behind the opposing desk. He was well built, sharply dressed and certainly not the person that had been expected as they had shuffled into the room, their burly shepherds departing at the door with their duty...
WatersportsSince the day of the ill-fated campaign to bring down the warlord Mahrk that led to the death of the youngest prince of Harya, Zander lived in seclusion in the tiny fishing village of Fairno. No kingdom would accept him into their knighthood nor would any hire them for their "dirty" work. So Zander was content living in Fairno and keeping the life he now had. Most of his days we spent excercising keeping in shape and farming his land. And on days like today when he needed supplies Zander went...
FantasyI've just woken from the wettest dream in ages and I'm currently lying naked covered in cum writing this.I don't normally have such vivid sex dreams but this was amazing- helped i think by a message i got yesterday! I was with 6 men whilst two kept watch on the door, making sure we weren't interrupted.From the camouflage covered bodies I was dreaming about soldiers!! I was riding one of them, who was topless but had only freed his cock from his trousers. whilst he slowly circled my clit and...