Pauls Introduction
- 4 years ago
- 21
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Paul stared at his Civics test. He had a zero. How could he make a zero on a true/false test? It defied statistics. He put the test away and pretended to pay attention. He was calculating the odds; a 50% chance for each question, twenty-five questions, the chance of not getting any correct, vanishingly small. If you flip a coin 25 times and it comes up heads each time, someone is cheating.
Paul approached Miss Dillard after the bell rang. "Miss Dillard, are you sure I didn't get any questions correct?" His anger was held in check somewhat by his curiosity.
"You got a zero on the test because you cheated"
"You got a zero on the test because you cheated. Your score was too high for you to have gotten it yourself."
Paul turned and left the room. He was seething. He walk to the parking lot, climbed on his bike, and drove home. That's where his mother found him.
"Paul. What's the matter?"
"That idiot, that ridiculous excuse for a teacher gave me a zero on a test because she said I cheated."
"What did you say to her?"
"Nothing; I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my temper. I came home. Mom, with all the bad grades she has given me, a zero will give me and F for the course and I won't graduate."
"Ann called me. You weren't at school and she was worried about you. She called here but no one answered. No one answered when I called. I was worried Paul."
"I sorry, I didn't want to talk to anyone."
"Miss Dillard has continued to give you bad grades? Why didn't you tell me?"
"What could anyone do? Last year she picked John Deming. His family even hired a lawyer. No one can make a teacher change a grade. The school board can refuse to rehire the teacher, but she has been teaching so long, they won't do that."
"We'll see if we can do something about your grade tomorrow after school."
"What makes you think that my son was cheating?" Mrs. Sheppard sat at a conference table with Mr. Miles, Miss Dillard, and Paul. Paul tried not to look at Miss Dillard and to keep his face neutral.
"I have 27 years of teaching experience and I know when someone is cheating. His test score was much too high for someone with the report scores that he has."
"What score would he have received if you hadn't thought my son was cheating?"
"He was cheating."
"What was his score?" Mrs. Sheppard's voice was louder than she intended.
Well, well, thought Paul, I'm not the only one in the family who can't stand her. I wonder who Mom had for Civics.
"An 88," allowed Miss Dillard.
"An 88! His grades in his other classes are all above 95!"
"Perhaps he studies harder in those classes."
Paul lost it. "Perhaps the teachers grade fairly in the other classes."
"Don't use that tone of voice with me young man."
"Would you prefer a higher register or a lower register?" Paul demonstrated. "I'm afraid two octaves are about the best I can do. I don't have much of a voice."
"Paul." His mother warned but he was on a roll. Dr. Sheppard was in complete control of him.
"You're such an idiot you probably didn't understand what I said."
"Paul, apologize now!"
"I'm sorry, you're right. She's not an idiot. She's somewhere on that fine line between a moron and an imbecile. You should hear her in class. She longs for the day of Joseph McCarthy. She is convinced that Nathan Bedford Forrest is the root of all that is good in the south. Our society is perfect because of him. He started the Klan and that keeps us a gentile society. She is a direct descendant and uses him as an example of all that is good; the greatest general in the civil war.
Apparently she never heard of Jeb Stuart. Apparently she never heard of Jackie Robinson. Apparently she never heard of Brown vs. The Board of Education. She makes the John Birch Society look like flaming liberals. Lady your world is unraveling and you're too dumb to know it." Paul got himself under enough control to walk out of the room, and waited in the car for his mother.
When she arrived, she was as mad as he had ever seen her. Humor is supposed to give perspective he thought. "I suppose a B is out of the question?"
"I am mad at everyone in that meeting right now so unless you want more trouble, stay quiet."
This was really bad.
"What is the John Birch Society?"
Crap. They hadn't been formed until this year. He shouldn't know about them. "They are a new lunatic fringe group that separates the world into one of two camps; a communist conspiracy or them."
"You're grounded for two weeks."
"Yes ma'am."
"And you're taking Civics this summer." She saw Paul's question in his eyes. "No, Miss Dillard is not teaching it."
The incident had shaken Paul. A year's worth of trying to be better and then again back to his old behavior. He thought he was on cruise control and now a bad situation and he was back to his old behavior. His mother was so disappointed. He was grounded for two weeks. Two weeks he could have spent with Ann. He apologized to her his first day back to school.
Teaching was hard; much harder than anyone who hasn't done it can believe. Paul had taught undergrads and graduate students on his way up the ladder. He hadn't been very good. He didn't care if they understood the material or not. He had learned it without help, why couldn't they. But he had seen good teachers. He saw how hard they had to work.
Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, teach teachers. Utter bullshit.
Bad luck comes in bunches or maybe we make our luck. The second day back Paul heard the George James was going to kick his ass. George wasn't really a bully. There was just something wrong with him. He liked to fight. He would fixate on someone and talk about them until they finally fought him. It didn't matter to George if they were larger than he was or even if he won. He seemed to enjoy fighting regardless of the outcome.
George was big; over six feet tall and wide through the shoulders. He always had a smile on his face; apparently looking forward to his next fight. If you gave George a choice of spending 30 minutes naked with the best looking girl in school or 30 minutes of a good fight, hands down he'd pick the fight. He dated girls and he liked them. He'd just rather fight than make love. He was the antithesis of the 60s.
Paul didn't want to be grounded again. Time with Ann was running short. He was already dreading her leaving in the fall and 2 weeks without holding her had seemed like an eternity.
"Step into the restroom. I want to talk to you." Paul turned his back and walked in when he finished speaking. George followed.
"Everyone out" The restroom quickly cleared. "George. If you want a fight, I'll give you one. But I've got two conditions."
George smiled, "what are the conditions?"
"I'm grounded so I can't do it now. You've got to wait. The other thing is that you and I are the only ones who know about it. No one else will be present and we won't talk about it, win or lose."
"You think you can win?"
"Odd things happen in a fight."
"Shake on it."
"The first night you're not grounded and you're not taking me out?" Talking to Ann was as least as dangerous as fighting George.
"Baby I can't."
"Why not?"
"I told you. I made a promise that I have to keep. That promise included secrecy."
"Don't bother asking me out tomorrow."
Friday night and Saturday night weren't going to be that much fun this week. What makes people like George James? Does he hate himself? Has he been abused? Does he just hate everyone or does he just need to dominate? Why did you need to dominate? You didn't have any excuses. It wasn't your upbringing. What made you a jerk, Paul Sheppard?
They met at an old baseball diamond Friday at 8:00. George had a list of rules; incredible, a list of rules.
Saturday night Paul stayed at home, icing his eye and hoping that the swelling would go down. His mother was the only one he told the truth to. He didn't think that was breaking the spirit of the agreement. She didn't ask how the fight went. He didn't volunteer.
Paul looked like a raccoon Monday morning. The emergency room doctor had straightened his nose. The swelling over his left eye had gone down. The same doctor had taped George's broken ribs before Paul drove George back to his car. Paul's story was he ran into a door. George's was that he fell down the stairs in his house. They both stuck to their stories. The physician knew they were lying but what could he do. No one at school believed them either.
Although he didn't have the words to express it, George looked at the whole thing as some sort of male bonding experience. Paul wanted nothing to do with George James. The kid was a sick-o. "Don't trust anyone with two first names."
He didn't know what to expect from Ann on Monday. He was at their usual place in front of the office when her dad dropped her off. They looked at each other for a moment before she walked up to hug him. God it felt good to hold her. Nothing more was said about the weekend.
"Tell me again, who is this guy," Paul spoke from the front seat. Ann's head was in his lap and her feet were stuck out the window. She liked to watch Paul drive. She also liked to have one hand on her breast, it was romantic, but with Rachel in back so she was behaving.
"His name is Kenny Green," replied Rachel from the back seat. "I met him at a party last year. He's really cute. He called me last week and asked me out. Since I don't know him very well, I thought we could double date."
"Do you know anything about him other than his name and the fact that he's cute?"
"What else do I need to know?"
Ann and Rachel thought it was hysterical.
Paul couldn't really judge if Kenny was cute or not. For a guy, cute is hard to define in another guy. Paul could tell if a guy was handsome. It's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not really, but cute is.
Kenny Green was average height and weight, with dark hair and dark eyes. His hand shake was firm. They met at the Daytona Dog and Suds. After dinner they went to the drive-in. Steve McQueen was starring in The Blob. McQueen wasn't quiet as cool as he would be later in his career and the movie was cheesy. Ann said McQueen was cute. The girls thought that too was hysterical. Paul was sure that "cute" wasn't what they were thinking. McQueen was cool but James Dean was the coolest person alive and Sammy Davis Jr. was the hippest person who ever lived. Paul vowed to go see Sammy Davis perform sometime. Maybe he could see the Rat Pack in Vegas.
Paul the Sissy Cuckold Part One Sue sat at her kitchen table chatting with her friend Debbie while at the sink her husband, Paul, worked to clean the dishes from dinner. Sue and Debbie laughed and talked about how nice it was to be relieved of the burden of housework now that Paul had lost his job and was free to take care of the household chores. The two women sipped coffee and discussed the freedom this allowed Sue to go out at night with friends and enjoy herself. Money had never...
*Black characters only read or dont, either way... dont fucking care'Mia had a thing for douchey dudes. Jerks always were appealing to her. I guess because she thought she could make them into a good guy that all men truly are. There was Paul, he was the arrogant jock who all the girls lusted after, including Mia. Paul was stocky and built like a lumberjack with a baritone voice without even trying. Paul had long hair that he kept braided, he was superstitious over it. His strength came from...
Paul and the Yellow Eyed Monster By Paul G. Jutras It was a day with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Missy had some paper, but nobody felt like cutting it. Kenny found some crayons, but nobody wanted to draw. If it were just Missy and Paul, Paul would have suggested playing Barbie Dolls or having a Tea Party, but with the guys there, there was nothing much around to play with, except a ball of clay. Paul rolled the clay in his hands. As he rolled it, the clay got softer and...
Paul and his friend Steve had been friends for about five years. They had a common interest in music and both started to enjoy going out to watch live bands all over Manchester.A band they had been following that hadn’t broken into the mainstream where playing at an old run down club in the middle of a housing estate, an old cinema, and Paul and Steve headed out on the bus to see them. There is a certain feeling of having something to yourself when you are a fan of a group you know are going to...
Paul The Slave Girl By Paul G Jutras Paul finished getting his posters together headed across the hall to Miss. Hardcase and nodded at the secretary that they shared. As he entered the president of the firm's office, Paul set the posters up on a tripod and turned to the sexy brunette in the power suit and the white hair client in a blue suit. "Morning, Miss. Hardcase. Sir." Paul said to both the president and the client. Paul knew if he continued to do as good a job as he does,...
Paul's Sexual Awakeningbyi****tuous Mom©My husband David and I together with my 19 year old son Paul from a previous marriage, live in one of the many closed and gated communities in the southern part of Houston off the I-35 southwest freeway. Its an exclusive neighborhood bounded by guarded security gates, an exclusive clubhouse for residents only which provides most of the amenities of gracious living. Houses are surrounded by well kept lawns and the entire community complex with its concrete...
I don't know exactly where to begin this story and so I'm just going to jump in. It was a Saturday. Paul and I had been in a softball tournament that had us playing three games. (We lost in the Championship game 4 – 2.) During the course of the games I got hammered pretty good; first in a play at the plate in which I collided with a brawny catcher. The collision was bad enough, but he found my face with his catcher's mitt and the ball and jarred some teeth loose with the tag. P.S. I was out...
Gail Holmes Paul was the elder of the family, having a brother and younger sister, although near reaching twenty-five he’d never lost his virginity. David, you couldn’t meet a hornier guy; he’d only to look at a girl and she’d become wet at the thought. But Kerrie now there was a girl who knew how to please. Paul’s trouble was that he was shy, okay he’d buy all the girlie magazines, and he’d even brought movies to play, trouble was he’d be on edge whenever he watched them in case any of...
I met Paul in school. We were both social misfits and outsiders. We loved to be in this status even if it meant occasionally being the target of some jock bully. I felt that I had met a kindred spirit. There was something vaguely feminine about Paul that stirred feelings in me. He had chestnut brown hair that fell down to his shoulders, a round face, and a pair big brown eyes. He was quite slight and pale, but possessed an exceptionally large penis, which I stole quick , nervous glimpses at...
One morning, acting on an impulse, he stopped at the bus stop where she was waiting, wound down the passenger window, and asked if he could give her a lift to wherever she was going. She told him that she wouldn’t want him to go out of his way, but he assured her that it would be his pleasure. She accordingly got into the car, and as she did so, her skirt slid up her thighs to give Paul a glimpse of her white panties. Paul immediately got hard, and Jayne could clearly see the bulge in his...
Chapter 2: Magic This story is part 2 to the story. If you haven’t read the first part yet, I advise that you do so you’ll get more feeling, understanding, and enjoyment out of this story. + + + + + + + + ‘What? I’m sorry, I missed what you said Gina.’ Paul stuttered ‘Yeah… Yeah… I won’t forget, okay? Four o’clock. Okay, bye.’ He finished with a sigh as he hung up the phone on his desk. He had been staring out his window thinking about Cadence again and wondering when he’d see her again...
Paul was a regular feature for the rest of his upper sixth year. He told me he had a girlfriend but that the sex with her was disappointing - she just wasn't into it as much as he was, happy to do it once or twice a month. Lucky me - that meant that on other days he was in the mood, and our schedules aligned, he'd be in my bed with my husband watching us have very good sex.He also lived up to his promise to introduce me to new guys who needed starting out on their sex journey. Ever since that...
‘Are you fucking that little bitch?’ ‘Pardon me? Who? Of course not.’ ‘Are you sure?’ ‘I assume we’re talking about Sharon. Look, she’s your friend, you’re the one that suggested the two of us play tennis together on Saturday mornings since you don’t really enjoy the game. They live in our neighborhood and it’s a very small neighborhood. You’ve got to be kidding me.’ ‘I see the way you look at her.’ Said my wife of eight years. ‘Honey, she’s hard not to look at, particularly in those...
It had been a while for me, especially after following a period weekend with no party, and I was fixated on having some fun. Sometimes, you know, a girl needs action and she can’t wait for the next party. And husband sex certainly won’t cut it. I‘ve had good luck with a particular website and I always keep a watch on there for something or someone that might come in useful. For more than a year, I’ve watched a guy on cam from the city next to mine. In fact, it’s the city where I work. Although...
CheatingPaul becomes my submissive Cuck: Part 2 of My Rules my husband might regretWhen we closed the door that day it marked a change for both Paul and myself in our lives. He was very happy with me because Paul had talked me his wife into fucking another man and I knew he wanted it to go well beyond John. My husband was never an aggressive man or rugged type of guy he was a business professional and a suit for the day was the norm. He was gentle and kind in our love making and never gave me an...
Chapter 1- The Next Day Sonia was dressed in a yellow bikini & spiked heels . Bill she called out , Paul is coming over soon , he wants you out of the house , he's bringing a guest over he wants me to meet, " yes" dear Bill said I'm leaving now as he shut the front door, he was going to the pub to watch the game . Meanwhile a few minutes later Paul pulled up in the driveway & opened the car door and let his latest acquisition out . Last week he had played with his second sex...
I'd made all of the arrangements for the gardening work with Paul, so his mobile number was in my contacts. The day after he and his friends had been in our garden for the afternoon, he rang me in the morning. I was at work, still feeling a bit dazed that I'd had four young men inside me the previous afternoon, the last drops of their cum dripping out of me and making my panties damp. Wishing I'd let them all have me again (and again). And horny as hell. But I was at my desk, so couldn't take...
Chapter 1- Sonia meets Paul's newest wench Sonia was ballgagged , collared, leashed & tied to the bedposts when Paul brought his latest sex slave, Jackie lived down the street , the 52 year old cumslut & married slut was collared & leashed , she was wearing a lime green thong bikini & spiked heels . Her cuckold husband Jason drove her over . Master Paul had met Jackie at the door & french-kissed her , just as Jason pulled away in his old car. Jackie & Sonia had known each other for years...
Paul was bored. Bored with the way people had sex, he constantly felt that there must be something better, a more interesting way to do things. All his friends said that they were content with the way they were making love between themselves and their partners but had done nothing beyond what occurred in the bedroom. The thing is that his friends would often laugh at him, telling him that events more interesting than conventional sex were mostly fiction and only happened in the movies. Paul,...
Fetish“This looks wonderful, Paul,” she said. “Aren’t you having anything?” “No, Jayne, I’m not hungry,” Paul replied. As she tucked into her breakfast, a thought occurred to her. “I can’t keep calling you Paul while you’re dressed like that, can I? What can I call you? Paula? No, too similar to your real name. Angela? Hmmmm, maybe.” She paused while she ate another mouthful of breakfast. “ Yes, I’m going to name you Angela.” When Jayne had finished her breakfast, she handed the plate to Paul and...
Paul was at a friend’s party when he bumped into his neighbours Barry and Steve and they got chatting. During the conversation Barry mentioned a friend of theirs, Ross, who Paul had also met.Since they all knew what Ross did there was an immediate unspoken understanding about some of the sexual interests they shared.Barry and Steve were openly gay and a very nice older married couple. Paul was probably 15 years their junior and the common friend indicated he was either gay as well, or at least...
The next morning Paul showered and shaved and thought about his upcoming lunch with Lana. He knew she had a nice little figure and that her 34B breasts were sensitive. The thing that intrigued Paul about her was that she was devoid of pubic hair. She was only one of two women that lived in the complex that he had bedded who did this extreme personal grooming. She had told him she did this because it made her feel sexy and maybe a little younger than she was. He told her that he thought she...
they had been dating for a while now. paul, a sturdy built guy fairly tall, worked in for an airline, sara was an extremely busty hair stylist and hated everything about her boobs, so much so that paul had only seen them in a bra, even during their active and playful sex life. she was forced to wear the playtex "grandma style bras" in an attempt to hide how large they were. to her, her boobs were ugly. slightly saggy and uneven with faint stretch marks and a slightly visible blue vein here and...
The weather the following week was terrible. Severe thunderstorms with high winds blanketed the area. Tornado warnings were issued and one was spotted in the adjoining suburb that did do some minor damage. The bad weather was the subject of many conversations. Paul’s phone rang and in answering it he heard, “Paul this is Pamela White. I was hoping you could do a favor for me.” “What is the favor?” “I just received a phone call from Arlene Davis. I don’t know if you know her but she became...
Paul to Paula Part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The usual disclaimers etc apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that is to found in tales in a web site such as this. This is the first chapter in a six part story about how a shy male...
It was the summer of 1948, a strange but exciting time in my life, in more ways than one. I lived with my mother and brother in the house I was born in, along the tree lined streets of Mayfield, Connecticut. Mayfield was a typical New England town, old and rich in history, but also left behind in many ways. The War had taken most of its men; some had returned, ... others not. One of those who would never come back was my father, killed in the Pacific, September 1st, 1945; one day before VJ...
Paul to Paula - Part 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The usual disclaimers etc apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that is to found in tales in a web site such as this. This is the second chapter in a six part story about how a shy male...
I love fucking Paul. I was eighteen the first time he pushed his monster cock deep in my cunt. I was laying naked on his bed with my legs spread wide. He had one hand rubbing my nipples on my double D tits as his other hand fingered my clit and my fuck hole. Then he said to me. "Are you ready for a nice big cock to fuck that tight cunt?" I nodded and he then said "ask me for it." I said "Please fuck me. " He then said "Tell me where you want my cock." I replied "Please fuck my wet throbbing...
Paul to Paula ? Part 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The usual disclaimers etc apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that is to found in tales in a web site such as this. This is the first chapter in a six part story about how a shy...
Paul Raymond is a famous dude. How many other human beings can you think of who have their own Wikipedia entry, a writeup on ThePornDude, and their own webpage sharing the same name? Jules Jordan and Rocco Siffredi come to mind, though Raymond’s arguably in a different class than those two. Jordan and Siffredi are widely known both for starring in and creating pornography, though our guy Raymond worked strictly on the publishing side. He’s also long dead, so you wouldn’t want to see him...
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This is a true story told to me by Paul, a swinger friend of ours. Paul is a good guy and I had the honor of fucking his granny recently. Granny Mary confirmed the truth of this story. Please enjoy! Granny Mary is a real pistol of a woman. She had had my mother when she was only fifteen, the result of an encounter with a couple of married stranger men in her neighborhood. Granny had had several husband who died and left her pretty well set up. Every summer I would go visit her and stay for a...
He watched her from the other side of the classroom. Corryn was one of the sexiest girls he’d ever seen, whenever he plucked up the courage to go and speak to her she would say “hi” and he would go shy and go back to his seat. Paul had a rare abnormality, he was forever hard, his cock was never satisfied, he never went soft, and the girls who knew about it were mad for him. Meanwhile Corryn had noticed he always had that lump in his trousers and had, by now, guessed what it was. Every time she...
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She was still slow-fucking me as she talked. I had both hands cupping her titties, thumbing her nipples as she slowly moved her body back and forth. My cock was as deep inside her pussy as we could get it, with her sitting on me. I wasn’t even close to getting my come, but I felt so good - holding her, listening to her talk about her and Belle. “Josey, I need to get my come already. I have never told anyone that story about Belle and me. Just remembering, and telling you about us - makes me...
Wednesday afternoon. Hump day was finally coming to a close. What a crappy day. What a crappy week. Only two more days until the weekend, but there was nothing to look forward to. Our separation had officially happened last Friday. Truth be told, it happened long before that, but Friday made it official. She’d taken our three year-old daughter, Abby, and moved in with her parents. I sighed as I checked my office planner one last time before leaving the office. Hmm…I’d forgotten to...
My girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, from a neighbor’s party in Cocoa Beach. We staggered upstairs, brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away. The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and...
Frank's marriage to Jane was tolerable in the beginning. He loved her very much although increasingly doubts began to creep in. Frank quickly realised that something was missing. The marriage lacked the closeness and warmth that he had expected as a newlywed and which he saw in other peoples marriages. The romance of the marriage had disappeared almost immediately after the ceremony. Jane's refusal to live with him during the working week was he supposed in part understandable especially,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a boring day during high school break and I was on an online chat site looking for someone to talk to. A guy came on who sounded interesting and after a while we decided we'd cyber. I sent him my email and we began chatting and he asked if we could pretend we were brother and sister. That idea turned me on so we started role playing. I was fingering myself pretty deep and he wanted to see so we both turned our cams on. I don't show my face on...
IncestHey everyone. Deepak here. Big thanks to ISS for posting my story and thanks to the readers who came up with good suggestions and comments. Special thanks to all the women who bombarded me with your answers. I never thought so many women . Woah, it seems to be a large number. Many people asked me a lot of questions about us, I will answer some of them at the end. Since I am so vetti, I came again with another part so soon. New readers please go and update yourself with all the . Without any...
IncestCliff had returned to Chicago on Saturday evening after an incredible week at the home office. He was now VP of Sales and had a huge challenge facing him. The West Region had not been performing up to expectations and Cliff would have to conduct a comprehensive review of everyone’s prospects and activities. As he sat on the plane from Philadelphia to Chicago he decided to head out to California on Sunday. When he got home that evening he called Dave the Western Region Manager. He could not...
***Author's Note*** I decided to try my hand at a "guy gets stuck in a room and is re- programmed" themed story. It was inspired by: Hoised by Callie Messenger: =1366466316100378368 This is generally in the same universe as one of my previous stories: The Sissy App: =1472686537556380445 Anyway, check out the story, comment, e-mail, etc....
a hot sommerday again and i also hot : today i`m realy horny again , several times can feel my fat cock between my soft hairy legs , terribly hungry to make love , passionated long and deep with a nice sexy and hairy natural woman , there gets wet and horny , like me . there like to do it several times - in the morning , outdoor , when take shower or where ever we like it to do . hungry to feel the mans hard dick and happy to feel his ...
A light sound of Mordin's fingers tapping against the console filled the quiet and dim laboratory on the Normandy. He was completely absorbed in his work for the past few days. His recent research discovered a horrible secret that could potentially endanger the whole crew of the ship. He moved on the Normandy a few days ago in order to research more. His focus was interrupted when the door to the lab slid open with a loud metallic hiss. A smooth, shiny, humanoid android stood in the...