JudgementsChapter 16 free porn video

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Shawna watched the party, knowing that Connor was around somewhere, but determined not to let it get to her. She had friends here, she knew, and drew her strength from them, smiling fondly whenever any of them came by, checking up on her.

And they were, she knew. Marcus would have arranged it, of course, but they did it for her as much as for him. The Gang was back together.

"You've had too much already!" She heard someone shouting from one of the other rooms, quieting the conversation in the room. Whatever the reply was, she missed it, but the words turned to anger quick enough, and the door was quickly slammed on someone without the sense to keep themselves under control.

She looked up, ironically enough, to see Connor across the room, dabbing blood from a split lip. Thinking about people that couldn't control themselves and seeing him at the same time brought tears to her eyes, and she rose to leave.

"You going to check on Marcus too?" Elspeth asked, rolling her shoulders to get her coat in place.

"Marcus?" she turned, eyebrows drawn. "Why, what's wrong with Marcus?"

"You heard them throw someone out, right?" she nodded. "Marcus."

"MARCUS?" That drew a couple of stares, and she quieted down a little. "Marcus doesn't drink."

"Well he does now, and word is he makes a lousy drunk."

"Shit!" she grabbed her own coat, buckling it on as she followed her room-mate out into the corridor. "Where do you think he is?"

"He's your secret lover, you tell me."

"Alright... he's only been drunk once before, that I know." Shawna thought back. "After his mum died, he downed about half a bottle of his dad's vodka, and then fell asleep on my couch."

"Our place, then?" Shawna shrugged. The other option was his place, and they had to go past hers to get there. They drew up slightly hurriedly, parked badly, and rushed up the stairs to the door, fiddling with the keys to get it open. It had taken her some time to convince Elspeth that he was trustworthy enough to have a key, but she'd done it eventually. Pairing Elspeth up with Briana had probably clinched that one.

"Briana, has Marcus been here?" Briana's shift had finished late, so she'd skipped the party and crashed on their couch, and she sat up bleary-eyed as they practically tumbled through the door.


"Marcus..." Shawna clarified. "Has he been here?"

"Yeah, he left a letter. Didn't you get my texts?"

"Texts? No... my phone was off." Elspeth explained, pulling it out of her bag and seeing the row of missed calls — YOU NEED TO BRING SHAWNA BACK NOW!!!

"A letter?" Briana pointed towards the telephone table in the corner, and the neatly sealed pale blue envelope with her name printed on the front of it.


"Couple hours ago..."

"Damn. Let's try his place." She turned to Elspeth, and they started to leave.

"Read the letter?"

"I'll get it later. If he's that drunk, I can read while he sleeps it off."

"You need to read it now." Briana sat up, and despite just having woken up there was a catch in her voice they both caught.


"Look, you guys see him just about every hour of every day, you don't see the changes because they're sort of gradual for you. It's been two weeks since I was here, he's in bad shape."

"Well, he's been a bit pale, but..."

"Pale? Fuck girl do you even look?... Of course you don't, that's the problem."

"Briana, please, what are you talking about."

"He's more than pale, Shawna, he's wasting away. He's lost at least a stone since I was here, probably more. He's looking scruffy — Marcus... scruffy? — and... he was here for ten minutes, asking how I was, checking how things were going, but it wasn't him, really. He didn't crack a joke, he didn't call me Dumpling... it's like he's dead on the inside."

"He's been ill."

"He's not FUCKING ILL, SHAWNA!" Briana growled, flinging off the comforter and reaching over to the table. "Read the fucking letter." Elspeth picked it up off the floor from where Briana threw it, passed it to Shawna and moved to sit by her, but Shawna ignored them as she cracked open the envelope.

My Darling Shawna,

I've held off this long because I know you better than you know yourself. When this is over, you'll blame yourself. I could tell you not to, but you will anyway. It's not your fault, none of us can control what's in our hearts — if we could, things wouldn't have come to this.

Just know that I love you Shawna, more than I could ever put into words, and that I do this not to hurt you but because I can't stand to look at you for another day and associate it with the pain of not being with you.

Goodbye, my love,


She felt the blood drain from her face, and saw Elspeth's look.

"What?" she asked, and Briana sniffled through the tears into her shoulder. "Shawna, what is it?" She stumbled to the couch, half-passing and half-dropping the letter.

"Wh... He... w..."

"You knew how he felt." Briana told her, getting to her feet.

"Yes, but we talked about it... there's just nothing there." Shawna felt tears welling as she struggled for coherent thoughts as they tumbled through her head.

"I know you talked about, and then you put it out of your mind and got on with life. He didn't."

"I've tried to help him."

"You've tried to set him up with girls, a few times, and then every time you have a break up or a set-back or anything, you're there crying on his shoulder."

"We're just friends."

"You are just friends, he isn't. To him you're a walking, breathing, living dream given form, Shawna. Even if, and I doubt it, he could forget you long enough to go out with someone else, how long is that going to last when you get dumped and turn up on his doorstep at three in the morning needing to be consoled."

"I can't just choose to be in love with him." She wailed, and Briana swallowed her anger.

"I know, I know you can't. But you can't keep using him as a crutch."

"What am I gonna do?"

"WE," Elspeth cut in, "are going to go find him." Briana grabbed the keys out of Shawna's hand.

"You are not fit to drive, right now."

They piled down the stairs at a run, and Briana had the car moving before the last of the doors was shut.

"Buckle up, sweeties." She offered from the driver's seat, and the other two hurriedly complied, as she pulled out of the quiet side road they lived in. The trip was short — it wouldn't have taken them much longer to walk it — and they stumbled up the stairs to the flat in a clump, beating breathlessly on the door, fear robbing them of their breath as much as the run would have done.

"OPEN UP, TONY!" Shawna screamed, when they didn't get a response fast enough, and sure enough his green-eyed face appeared around the side of the door.

"Ladies, this really isn't a go..." he managed, before Briana's hand slammed the door into him, knocking him and his towel-wrapped torso out of the way.

"Sorry, Tony, we need to find Marcus."

"He ain't here. My night..." He offered, turning to stare back to his room. Shawna managed not to blush as she remembered the couple of night she's spent back there in the early part of the year. "What's wrong."

"Marcus is drunk, and he's going to do something stupid." She managed, struggling for the words and then pushing the letter at him by way of explanation. Striding past him, she flung open Marcus' door, and stopped, stunned.

"Oh... my... God." She stammered, and Briana and Elspeth, fearing the worst joined her. The room was obviously Marcus'. Everything was neatly in place, books on the shelves, clothes away, bed made...

... and every square inch of wall and ceiling was covered with sketches and drawings, paintings and even a sculpture on the bed-side table — each and every one of them of Shawna.

"I didn't know he could draw..." Elspeth muttered, staring around slowly. There were princesses and queens, everyday drawings, even just an eye or a mouth, here and there, doodles and oils, pastels and paints, but they were each and every single one of them undeniably her.

"Where's his guitar?" Shawna, asked, suddenly, realising what was out of place in the room.

"He came in about a half-hour ago and grabbed it." Tony muttered, from his own door, talking to someone inside. A thin, feminine arm appeared, handing him a pair of shorts that he slipped into, so that he could finally surrender the towel. "Yeah, babe, Marcus." They heard. "I don't know, I'll tell you when I know something."

"Hi, Lorraine." Elspeth called, as the door almost closed.

"A half-hour ago?" Briana turned to Tony. "You let him go out that drunk? Is she that good?"

"Hey." He got a little angry. "Don't take this out on Lorraine."


"And anyway, what do you mean drunk?"

"I know, Tony, Marcus doesn't drink... well tonight he did."

"Well, I know he doesn't drink, but he wasn't drunk. He crept in — I only caught him because I was getting cream out the fr... a coffee. He said sorry, knew it was my night, but just had to grab his guitar. Then he left, stone-cold sober."

"What?" Elspeth was even more confused.

"Where is that little bullfrog..." Shawna muttered, staring around the room.

"Why do you insist on calling him that?" Tony asked, leaning against the door-frame, obviously disturbed by the events and trying not to show it. "You know he hates it."

"He does not. I've always called him 'bullfrog' — you've heard him sing. And he kinda looks like a frog... not... I don't know, just kind of... froggy."

"All gangly limbs, and the wart, and the spots." He nodded.


"You really don't fucking look at him, do you?" Briana told her, bluntly.

"What? Why the hell is everyone on my case about this. I'm trying to help, too."

"We've all been trying to help for six months, Shawna." Tony put in. "All of us but the one person that actually could.

You don't see Marcus when you look at him, you see your fourteen year old next-door neighbour — a little, gangly, fat-faced kid with a wart on his nose and acne from hell."

"He's not a scrawny little toad-faced kid anymore." Briana confirmed.

"Hell, if I was straight I'd do him." Elspeth confirmed.

"He's bulked up a lot. He's taller than you by about six inches now," Tony continued, staring at her. "You go for athletic types, big guys, fit, you've been through most of the line of the football team so far this year."

"You make me sound like a slut!" Shawna's tears were flowing full on, now.

"That's not what I'm getting at... you keep telling everyone that there's nothing between you and Marcus because he's not your type — but you don't see the Marcus we see."

"I do go for athletic, there's nothing wrong with that." Why the hell should she have to defend herself, she thought, feeling her anger rise.

"DAMNIT, SHAWNA, IT ISN'T ABOUT YOU!" Tony yelled, flinging himself away from the door, running his hands through his hair. "You know about his job, right?"

"Sure," she replied, confused, "he's waiting tables over at Montague's."

"He told you he's working table so you wouldn't worry. He worked the door at Montague's, until he got fired for not turning up last week. And he did it damned well, too."

"Marcus couldn't break up a fight if he tried..." Shawna blurted.

"Right, second Dan in JuJitsu can't break up a fight if he wants."


"Every Thursday evening and every Sunday morning."

"No, that's ice-dancing."

"No, Shawna, that's JuJitsu. I went to see him compete, there's the trophy." He pointed to the window-sill where, tucked behind a little wood-carving of her — topless, she realised, blushing — as a centaur was a narrow trophy with what looked like a karate fighter on the top.

"Why did he tell me he was ice-dancing?" Tony leant in, pointing above the door. 'Familiarity breeds contempt' was spelt out in decorative letters above the lintel, and she felt sick.

"Because he doesn't think straight when it comes to you. Because you'd mock him for it. Because he wants to be the kind of guy that you go for, but he doesn't want you to pity him for it. I don't fucking know, but how the hell can you be this good a friend to him and not think he could do this."

"I know he could... he always could do anything he wanted to."

"Well right now he's looking to do something he doesn't really want to do..." It was anger talking, and they both knew it, but it still hurt.

"I KNOW THAT." The tears started afresh, and she slumped on the bed, weeping uncontrollably.

"Oh hell!" Lorraine shouted, coming into the main room as she struggled into one of Tony's jumpers.


"Bleak Hill, he's going to Bleak Hill!"

"How do you know?" Briana asked.

"He establishes that he's drunk at the party, but he isn't really." She began counting on her fingers. "He can't throw himself in front of traffic and dump that on some poor unsuspecting passer-by. Then he heads up there, throws himself off, and over time you can all lie to yourselves and pretend that he wasn't going to go through with it, and he just stumbled or something. It gives you all a way out."

"It's the sort of thing he'd do..." Elspeth agreed, after a moment's thought.

Briana grabbed the keys again, and they headed for the door, but Tony called them to stop, throwing another bunch to them.

"Take the truck — you'll be able to get all the way to the top in that."

"You coming?"

"Only three seats — we'll follow." Shawna nodded, and they dashed out the door.

"Shawna!" She stopped, one foot in the flat-bed. "Do me a favour, when you get there in time. Look at him; don't remember him, don't assume he is who you know he is... Look at who he is now." Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded, and they took off with a squeal of tyres that would have had Tony wincing any other time.

They drove in silence, all of them willing the truck to go faster, willing it to get them there in time. The car would have been faster, they knew, and they were feeling the bite of that speed difference, but they knew the time they lost now would be easily made up by being able to get up the trail itself at the other end.

The truck plowed up the trail effortlessly, and when they reached the car-park at the end Shawna was out and running before the wheels had stopped turning. She stumbled as she hit the gravel, but didn't fall, and vaulted the low fence at a run.

"MARCUS!!!" she screamed into the wind coming in off the sea, reaching up to keep tendrils of it out of her eyes. "MARCUS!" She ran along the bluff, keeping the safe side of the railing until something glinting caught her eye. Leaning over the metalwork she grabbed at it, dragging the guitar out of the undergrowth, recognising the brass plaque that had caught her eye without needing to read the inscription.

"Oh, Marcus..." she sobbed, looking down into the water. Elspeth and Briana caught up to her, recognising what she had, and moved to hold her tight, but she shrugged them off. "Don't... don't... I don't deserve it... I fucked up again... fucked up someone else's life." She stared out over the sea, feeling a hole in her gut all of a sudden.

"He couldn't handle it, Shawna..." Elspeth tried, but Shawna shook her head.

"I didn't let him handle it. I couldn't let him go to get on with his own life. I couldn't sort mine out enough that he could get on with his without coming back to look after me..."

Another car pulled into the car-park, but they ignored it until the figures approached.

"Hey, Lewis, where is the little runt. I'm gonna kick the shit out of 'im."

"Fuck off, Connor." Briana told him, venom in her voice.

"He's dead, Connor." She told, him plain and simple, and for the first time in weeks she could look at him and not remember. "He's dead, and it's my fault. It's my fault for not being strong enough to make no mean no."

"Look don't bring that up again."

"He... you..." Elspeth looked back and forth between the pair of them, understanding dawning. Behind Connor, his friends had also heard, and their mood had shifted too as they started to back away.

"I was drunk, alright."

"Like that's an excuse." Briana snapped, looking past him. "We don't need this, right, will one of you take him home." A few of them shuffled forward, reluctance to interfere with a comrade conflicting with their own sense that this wasn't the right time.

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Hie this is kabeer khan from bhopal hight 5/7 athletic body cock size 6/2 ye meri pheli story hai iss pe hope you all like it Choti si family hai hamari yaha me mobile ki shop chala ta hu ye to hui meri baat ab apko zyada bor na karta hue story pe ata hu agar ap logo ko meri story thodi se bhi achi lage to mail zarur karna. Meri mail I’d hai Ye kahani 1 month pehle ki hai me apni shop pe betha hua tha ki ek dum ek coustumer shop pe recharge kar wane ayi hamari shop main market ke andar hai to...

4 years ago
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First Lesbian Encounter With My Irish Neighbor on

Maureen and I had been lesbian lovers for going on three years now. As crazy as this seems we met at a PTA meeting and became friends. She had just moved here from Ireland and knew no one, but for some strange reason Maureen and I had a special attraction to each other almost instantly. We were both happily married to two great guys. We had money, nice houses, new cars and were “good girl” suburban house wives with five k**s between us. Who would guess that today we were madly in love with each...

2 years ago
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The Medieval Marine Part Eleven

The next morning, Marion woke up terrified and alone. It had been a long night for her because she had almost constant nightmares. Images of Gabriel on fire and Luke hanging from a tree, gutted; filled her head. Also, images of Pollyanna giving birth and her child split open on a pike while still attached by the umbilical cord; her own child being tossed into a pig pen and being eaten alive also flew around her head. All this while she was tied to a stake so unable to do anything about...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader Destiny

You sit at the back of the bus, looking at the book in your lap with bleary eyes. It's after midnight and you've been on the road for an hour, but instead of being tired everyone else on the bus is acting like they're at a party. You're the only guy. Being the only guy is the one perk of being the manager for the school's senior cheer team. The girls are shouting and passing around several bottles of Scotch, celebrating the basketball team's big win earlier. "Girls!" yells Ms. Samson from the...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Repos of my Fantasy

This is how the fantasy goes I arrive at the Hilton Garden Inn before nightfall. In advance, I had made reservations for a handicap room as these rooms have a nice big walk-in shower and me being handicapped as well. From inside one of the bags that I had packed, I pull out all of the interesting toys that I brought. I set up everything on the table, the night stand and the dresser before you have a chance to arrive. You arrive about an hour later than I do from a long drive to meet me for...

1 year ago
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How I Became A Sissy For BBC True Story

I started watching a lot of interracial porn when I got my own house. I also started taking a lot of Adderall which made me really horny all the time. I somehow stumbled onto sissy porn and got really into it. Before long, I wanted to dress up myself. I went out and bought some panties, stockings, and a garter from Adult World and began wearing it around my house. When I was particularly horny, I would take pictures and post them on Craigslist. I would always get a ton of replies, but I was...

3 years ago
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Like a deer in headlights river of cum

The following story is something I can post through voice texting. So forgive any errors made.My high school girlfriend and I have had an interesting sexual relationship for several years. It became super charged One night when I decided to pay her a unscheduled late night visit. It was common and encouraged that I feel free to visit her through her bedroom window late night when everyone is sleeping. This was something that happened regularly. Most of the time she would visit me through my...

3 years ago
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That Thing That Happened Chapter 3

That Thing That Happened That Time That's Really No Big DealChapter 3: FaithThe sound of large footsteps is all that is really heard from Faith's room as the ground shook a little while whatever's doing it moved around to wherever it's going. Then suddenly, the sunlight coming in through the window is almost completely blocked out and the sound of a rather large nail tapping on the window can be heard.Faith gets up, confused, and goes over to the window cautiously to see what's going on. When...

2 years ago
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RockmanChapter 30

It had been on Friday 6th of August that Cassie instituted divorce proceedings against Zak. Graham had sent the relevant form and letter to the court, outlining Zak's deception as evidence of the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, and he had sent a letter directly to Zak explaining how divorces work in England, and urging him to get a lawyer or go along with the process; to contest it was always very expensive since if he lost he would be liable for costs, and in any case there was no...

3 years ago
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Sex With High School Mate

Hiie all, this Virat from Goa. I am a good looking 28-year-old guy with a thick 8″ cock. I have had sex with 3 girls as of now. Any lady who wants to have secret sex can contact me on Gmail/hangout at I am ready to travel if you promise good sex. Let’s come to the story without wasting much time. This story is between my HSC classmate and me. Her name is Sneha. During our HSC time, she was a little plumpy but not fat. Her most important thing feature was her already grown up boobs whereas...

4 years ago
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Billys Medical Exam reedit

Billy's mother, Cheryl, was a rather thorough parent. His parents had divorced several years earlier and his dad, while providing adequate financial support, had moved on to another relationship. Leaving Cheryl in charge of Billy and his 18 year old sister, Allison's, well being. She took her role very seriously. She made an appointment for the following week. Upon arriving at the Dr.'s office and checking in, Billy and his mom were lead back to an examination room. The nurse, a young...

4 years ago
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The Prescription Fill Generically or Dispense as WrittenChapter 11

Dianna wanted to "re-honeymoon" the rest of the day and again on our last day before her daughter came home. I would certainly enjoy a couple days of sex, but we already knew we were compatible that way. Besides, she had a short commitment for the early evening, modeling fall fashions for a charity fundraiser. The step-off was for 7:20 so that usually meant she had to be there for 6:00 for make-up and fitting. It also meant she wouldn't be eating lunch and we would have a late dinner....

3 years ago
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Office Rendezvous

Within the week our emails moved to private emails and more graphic of what we each needed and were not getting at home, until finally I got the email, “Meet me in the back in 5 minutes.”The back of the building was no longer used by the company and my heart began racing with the possibility. I saw her walk by my office, smile and head to the back. I just stared at the email wondering what to do.I decided it was either a set up or something exciting was going to happen. But I wasn't too happy...

1 year ago
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Jessies Journal Ch 04

as told to BrettJ © 2008 November 27th 2007 Okay, so I got my dates mixed up yesterday. Yeeps — can anyone blame me? In just a few days, I’ve found out my Daddy fucks his sister, he’s having an affair with my best friend, my Mom is screwing Aunt Allie and Aunt Angel and … and even though I know it’s kinda sick and gross, it’s kinda a turn-on too. I’ve got a lot on my mind, but thanks to you Diary, at least I have somewhere I can put it all down. November 28th 2007 Aannnnd just when I...

1 year ago
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Town Of Sins

Town of Sins sounds like exactly my kind of place, which is why I was so excited to take a little trip to see for myself when I heard Hooligaps had developed a game with exactly that name. If you’re a regular consumer of their titles, you probably already know why I’m so eager to get inside, though I don’t think it’ll take long for the newbies to catch on either. With a couple of million players a month, it’s one of the most popular porn games in the world.TownOfSins.com has been live for a...

Best Porn Games
4 years ago
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The Landladys New Pet

I regained my consciousness as nimble fingers with spikey red nails tightened a leather collar about my neck, nearly choking me.  As I gasped, the buxom middle aged redhead who had drugged me laughed and sneered down at me as she jerked the leash attached to my new collar. The motion made me attempt to lift myself, only to realise that my hands were bound behind me.  Still dazed, I looked at the smiling shapely form before me, in disbelief; an obviously dominant woman in black corset, sheer...

3 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 35 Beautiful Hannah

My husband took Anne and me up to the house and into the lounge. He removed his clothes and sat down in front of a large TV screen. He had Anne kneel between his legs and suck his cock. I sat down beside him. He switched on the TV. The girls bedroom appeared on the screen. The room was empty. He pressed a button on the remote and the picture switched to their bathroom. Hannah was sitting in the shower, her back against the wall with the water raining down on her. Her legs were spread apart and...

3 years ago
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10 October 2008Chapter 16

Dan and Paul were lying on different beds when Susan, Rita and Andrew enter the room. “Look who we found,” Susan smiled, escorting Andrew to him. Dan looked at the handsome boy who would soon fuck his girl. He glanced at his crotch, the outline of his cock plain to see. “I must say I surprised when Susan and Rita showed up at Chandlers. I’ve had a few women offer to meet me after work but never showed.” Andrew said unable to avoid seeing Dan’s naked body and accepting his handshake. “Thank...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lisa Ann Interracial Threesome

Busty, sexy Lisa Ann’s cleavage spills from her tight dress. With her husband at work, the frisky MILF welcomes handymen Jason Brown and Nat Turnher, making dirty jokes about the size of their tools and what she needs them to work on. She’s aggressive and direct — everyone is naked in no time. Lisa gives their big black cocks worshipful blowjobs, sucking Nat while Jason eats her fur-topped pussy from behind, and fellating Jason as Nat nails her tight twat doggie-style. She...

3 years ago
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moms friend 2 dressup slut

so I had been visiting Linda for about 8 weeks. Every oportunity I got. My mom was none the wiser. I'd invented a girlfriend that I was seeing. Linda had backed up this story by telling mom that she had seen me with her.little did she know I was visiting her best friend to dress up as a whore every chance i got.Linda had had to lay down some ground rules. I had to dress in the outfit she had picked out for me as soon as I entered her house. She would watch me dress.Linda insisted I wear...

4 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 30 Fort Drum

April 2005 - May 2005 A few days later I had to leave. I was due back at Fort Drum on Thursday, so Tuesday Kelly and I loaded up the back of the Outback with all my stuff. This time we added all my personal stuff that I had shipped home when I first deployed to Iraq in 2003. Jack was none too amused when I took the television set with me, since he had set it up in the bedroom, but I wasn’t impressed. “You want to keep it? Fine with me. Just buy me a new one,” I told him. “I don’t have the...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Valentines Night Out

Was thinking how lovely it would have been if we were going out to central London town to this highly lovely wine bar at the basement. Very secluded and with romantic settings. Wooden floor with low wooden ceiling, dim lights with small wooden round tables with small petite chairs round the able. A fire place with real fire on one of the walls not far from the table we choose to sit down at. The place has a very chilled romantic atmosphere to it, relaxing and yet so cosy. We sit at the table...

4 years ago
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The Greenwich TalesChapter 1 When Larry Met Daphne

I first met Daphne shortly after I'd joined Freddie Clegg Enterprises. I was flying back from a trip to the Caribbean. She was on the same 'plane. My first impression of her wasn't great. She looked shabby; overweight, badly dressed, poor complexion and greasy hair. I guessed that she was about forty but it was hard to say. She could have been older. Perhaps I should introduce myself. I'm Larry. I look after marketing for Clegg. Well at least I did when all this kicked off. This was one...

3 years ago
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Futa Family Takes Kingdom

There was a king by the name of George and he wanted a wife. At the same time he was looking for a perfect match for his sun Justin. Just would be the future king after King George died. King George wanted only the best for Justin, so he sent letters across the whole world looking for a queen for him and a princess for his son. The word travel far and a futa Queen by the name of Mary saw the message and realized there was a kingdom that her and her army could conquer and make theirs. Also Queen...

1 year ago
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YouTubers Gone Wild

Reddit YouTubers Gone Wild, aka r/YouTubersGoneWild! Everyone knows that Reddit NSFW communities are some of the best places to find the most obscure niches that nobody would ever think of when creating a regular porn site. Today we’re looking at one such community which goes by the name of /r/YouTubersGoneWild. As you can tell from the title, this place has to do with some really hot YouTube celebrities going wild. Of course, seeing as how YouTubers have a reputation to keep up, it’s not so...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Daughter and friend pt 2

I head off to the shower and put my cum soaked sweats in the washer. I jump into the shower and man, does it feel good. I grab the soap and start wahing. I reach my cock and begin to stroke it. My hands covered with soap, it feel so good. I think of those two young girls out there and I suddenly cum again. Damn, that was quick, I tought. I dried off and put on my robe. I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a stiff rum and coke. I sat there and all I could think of was them sweet...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Surprise

As we were on our way to a four day romantic getaway at one of our areas five star hotels I couldn’t help but smile at my loving husband. It was our twentieth wedding anniversary and we were going to the same hotel we honeymooned years earlier and in the same wedding night suite as well. What a husband! Twenty years of marriage, wow it seemed like yesterday that I was marrying my high school sweetheart. There was David grinning from ear to ear as he watched me coming down the isle in my...

4 years ago
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Betrothed Ch 02

Nick quickly put is hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. She looked at him with terrified eyes and started to thrash and claw at him. Nick heard footsteps outside her door, and wondered if someone had heard her scream. Nick didn’t know what to do. There was no time to explain who he was, because she would just ask questions about where he had been, and refuse to leave with him until she got the answers. And there just wasn’t any time. ‘Don’t scream or I’ll kill you,’ he whispered in her...

2 years ago
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Heart is a guard for my dick that you make hard 1

I feel in love with this gorgous girl tan as hell, body size perfect in every way, beautiful brunette , with the eyes that when I looked into them it was like they said take me and do with me what u want, that's honestly what won cock at first because all I could think about was fucking her no matter where we were or what time it was. We fucked every day for a easy year 2 or 3 times a day and we ended up falling in love which made the sex passonette all tied into one. Funny thing was I waited 7...

2 years ago
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Curious Cora

Cora, short for Corinne, 14 years old, was weeding the garden with her older brother Dave, 16. They were nude, enjoying the warm day. This was a common occurrence since they’d grown up in a nudist family. Following along behind him with both on their hands and knees picking weeds, she saw his soft penis and testicles hanging down and that prompted a question. “Hey Davey, what’s the big deal about sex? There are so many references to it everywhere.” He stopped and looked back at her, then...

1 year ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter12

Deepti smiled serenely as she replied, “It will be fine Miss Hailey and it will leave me close to the dogs making it easier for them to fuck me regularly.” On saying the last words her face lit up with the thought of training the 20 intact dogs that had been collected together with a view to training and shipping over to Perro Mundo as community dogs. ***** Craig had waited two days for the chance to be alone and examine the flash drive in more depth. From the evening he had found it after...

2 years ago
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Orgiastic CultChapter 4

Later that same afternoon, Ed Hill stood before Lorraine Holzman's apartment door. Almost immediately after she left, he had called a friend to take over for him at the garage. He had traced her by using the address on the charge card. She lived close to Beverly Hills, an area somewhat unfamiliar to him, and the posh extravagance of her apartment building made him feel out of place. He knocked at the door. After a moment, he saw the peephole cover swing back. "Who is it?" a voice...

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